The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 28, 1884, Image 3

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1 '
Baby carriages at Monger's. 52 tf
It pays to trade at Kramer's. 1
Any book published furnished by
A. & M. Turner.
Two of Mr. John lead's children
hare the measles.
Straw hats selling cheaper than
ever at Kramer's. 1
Best assortment of slippers and
6hoes at Kramer's. 1
Summer silks all the new 6tyles
at Friedhof & Co's.
Insure your crops against hail
with Early & Niblock. 3-3
Bobn. To Mrs. David Smith,
Tuesday, May 20th, a son.
The most and best goods for the
money at A. & M. Turner's.
"W. B. "Williams is erecting a
dwelling-house on his farm.
Exuiuhio Kramer's carpets and
fcco how cheap he sells them. 1
Fire, lightning and wind storm
insurance at Early & Niblock's.
Labrador herring, the best in the
world, at Condon & McKcnzic's. 5-2
An entirely new lino of carpets,
all the late styles at Fridhof & Co.
Be Bure to go to Gus. G. Becher
& Co. for abstract of title to lands.
200 pieces of embroidery from 2
cts. per yard up, at Friedhof & Co.
H. L. Small came down from
Norfolk last week after his family.
For nice fresh groceries Condon
& McKenzie's is the popular resort. 1
Queensware at cost at Condon &
Mackenzie's to close out the stock.
For prices of tickets for "Otto"
to-morrow evening see ad. in another
Go to llonahan's if you want
your boots and shoes made or re
paired. Cole's show was a good one, the
best that erer visited the town, we
The latest styles in ready-made
dresses for ladies, for $0.00, at Mrs.
Stump's. 2-tf
The best boots and shoes for tho
money at llonahan's. Call and be
convinced. 2
The trees in town, being older, of
course make a better appearance than
ever before.
Drawing paper and drawing
books at A. & M. Turner's book and
music store.
"If you haven't seen Otto yon
Otto." At the Opera House to-morrow
"Wanted. A good, steady boy to
milk and do chores at the Grand
Pacific Hotel. 5-lt
Early & Niblock represent the
best line of fire Insurance companies
in Columbus.
"Good goods at lowest prices," is
the motto at A. & M. Turner's book
and muBic store.
Clothing, clothing, new nobby
Buits for men and boys, a great variety
at Friedhof & Co.
Condon & McKenzie's stock of
dry goods will meet all requirements
and is entirely new. 1
Money to loan on real estate on
short or long time at a low rate of
interest, by Becher & Co.
Misses Jennie and Kate Condon
went to Omaha Sunday for a visit of
& few days with relatives.
Rev. "Wilson, late of the M. E.
church of this city, now of Arling
ton, was in town last week.
Mrs. Stnmp is receiving every
week, the lateBt styles in hats and
bonnets, in large quantities. 2-tf
A. II. Neidig, of the Norfolk
Journal, was in the city Monday and
called at the Journal, office.
The bicyclist of Cole's show, who
fell from the broken rope-walk was
not much injured, so we hear.
You can save money every time
by buying your clolhing, dry goods,
and boots and shoes of Kramer. 1
Household goods, euch as table
linen, napkins, towls and toweling, in
great variety at Friedhof & Co's.
Orders for coffins, caskets, and
all kinds of undertaking goods
promptly filled by J. E. Munger. tf
A number of Schuyleritea came
tip to visit tho metropolis of Platte
Valley and see the circus last week.
John Dishner was in town Mon
day purchasing lumber for hi6 new
dwelling house, which he is erecting.
Becher & Co. are in the insurance
business to stay and they represent all
the leading companies of the world.
John Hempleman has invested in
a delivery wagon, which you will
find ready for business at any time. 2
Fire, wind storm, insurance
against disease and theft, hail 6torm,
life insurance, at Early & Niblock's.
Ed. North is swinging a quill at
the Court House these days in getting
up a set of abstracts for Speice &
The Platte river is running out
of its banks in places and has set
back into Barnum's Creek, filling that
stream bank full.
Phil. Sprecher, of the Elkhorn
Valley ITews at Norfolk, was taking
Id the city la6t Monday, not forget
ting the Journal.
John Timothy, Esq., dealer in
school books, stationery, etc, at Platte
Center is the authorized agent of the
Journal, at that place. 5-tf
J. R. Smith attended the Annual
Council last week at Omaha, which
selected Dr. "Worthington of Detroit
as Bishop of Nebraska.
Everybody likes to go to Mrs.
Stump's to get their hats and bonnets,
for she keeps the latest styles, and a
large stock to select from. 2-tf
Many of our farmers, another
year, will plow their ground for corn
in the fail.
Tho private residence of Theo.
Friedhoff was entered on circus day
aud some articles of jewelry taken by
sneak thieves.
The Columbus post-office will be
cloeed on Memorial Day, Friday, May
30th, between the hours of 1 and 4
p. m. H. J. Hudson, P. M.
Adolph Jaeggi in company with
Louie Stull of Lincoln were out
Tuesday last on a land viewing ex
cursion through the county.
The Knights have an engage
ment to play for Boyd's benefit at his
Opera House in Omaha the night
following their appearance here.
The tornado is liable to tarn
loose in the land any day. Insure
your property againBt loss with the
Old Reliable, Gue. G, Becher & Co.
Gus. G. Becher & Co., the Old
Reliable, will shell out the dollars
for property destroyed by lightning,
when you hold a policy with them.
The Keystone base ball club of
this city are now ready for business
and would be pleased to hear from
some of the numerous crack clubs
of the state.
Voters are beginning to discuss
tho question, "Who shall be our repre
sentatives in congress, in the senate,
in the house ; who shall receive our
taxes, etc., etc.
"W. G. Freiday of Kansas,
formerly of Butler county, this state,
was in town Thursday. He speaks
very highly of his new home, east
central Kansas.
Tho Platte river has been high
the past week. Western people say
there was more enow in the moun
tains this winter than there had been
for ten years past.
Tho genial smile of B. R. Cow
dery again greets his many friends in
the city. He completed his work at
the Omaha revenue office and return
ed home Tuesday last.
Julius Ernst received Friday af
ternoon a telegram from Europe sent
the same day in the morning, an
nouncing the death of his grand
mother, aged 87 years.
The Wilcox & White organs, also
Mason & Hamlin and Chicago Cot
tage, for sale at A. & M. Turner's
book and music store, or by G. W.
Kibbler, traveling salesman.
We have a little curiosity to know
whether the Bender family, now said
to be "in sight" of detectives in a
western territory are the same that
our friend Condon apprehended.
There will be a strawberry and
ice cream sociable this (Wednesday)
evening, May 28th, at the Congrega
tional church. Supper will be served
from G'to 10. An interesting program.
A tower is going up at Speice &
North's office, on which is to be
placed the new fire bell. The tele
phone man can thus sound the alarm
on short notice, any time of day or
The weather is at times remarka
bly cool for May. Thursday morn
ing a little fire was very agreeable.
There must be more snow and ice
than usual, in this portion of the
Jacob Guter gave us a pleasant
call yesterday. He seemed satisfied
that he had finished putting in his
corn, and believes we are to have a
favorable season for crops of all
John Hand brought a black wal
nut root up town Monday evening
that measured 40 feet and one inch in
length and was less than an inch in
diameter at the large end Seward
Air brakes have been tried re
cently on freight trains with gratify
ing success, the advantages gained
being saving of time in stopping and
less damage to goods and merchand
ize from jolting.
A vivid flash of lightning Wed
nesday night about twelve accom
panied by a tremendous roar of
thunder startled more than a few
people in Columbus, and wakened
many a sound sleeper.
If you wish to purchase the moBt
satisfactory sewing machine ever
offered, call on or address A. & M.
Turner, Columbus, Nebr., or G. W.
Kibbler, Creston, Nebr., who sell the
light-running Domestic.
We notify each subscriber, every
week, of just how his account standB
for subscription. If you wish the
paper sent you no later than the date
printed opposite your name, please
drop us a postal card 60 stating. tf
Dave McKelvey has returned
from Iowa, having given up his posi
tion in a jewelry store there. We
believe Dave contemplates going into
business for himself in Nebraska
when he finds a location to suit.
Judge Wm. T. Searles of Walker
township was in town Monday on
business. Citizens of Platte county
will find the Judge a genial gentle
man, and disposed to take a lively
interest in the welfare of the county.
James Hughes informs the
Schuyler Herald that there is a small
wire worm which is destroying large
quantities of seed corn after it is
planted; that they bore into the germ
of the kernel, destroying its pro
ductive qualities.
The fence enclosing the Court
House grounds has received a coat of
paint; and now the yard, with its
beautiful carpet of blue grass dotted
with ornamental shrubbery and trees,
presents an attractive appearance that
doss credit to the city.
Considering the number of people
in the city circus day, uncommonly
good order was maintained through
out the city. There were no breaches
of the peace and no offensive street
exhibitions of drunkenness, which is
all very gratifying to note.
Some drifting timbers lodged
against the Platte river bridge,which,
with the powerful current at the
present high stage of water, was. too
much for the structure, and as a con
sequence a portion of it, two 6pane,
was washed away.
Early & Niblock represent the
only Hail Storm Insurance Co. in the
state. The company is one that yon
can rely on to pay their losses. They
confine their business to a certain
amount in a section. Their capital is
1500,000, assets over $1,000,000. 3-3
W. B. Williams tells as that Mr.
Hoy is about to star a grocery at
Duncan, also a lamber yard, besides
which he will deal in stock. C. S.
Webster, who is doing a thriving
business, has moved into the corner
building formerly occupied by
The Ascension Day services of
the Knights Templar of Nebraska at
Omaha Thursday last were attended
by J. W. Early, B. B. Cowdery, John
Wermuth, and Julius Basmnssen of
this city, and W. P. Powell, of Platte
Center, members of Mount Tabor
The man Lamb, recently arreBled
in this connty by Deputy Sheriff
Huber, charged with the murder of a
man in Fulton county, Illinois, was
taken back to answer the charge on
Wednesday last by Sheriff Stewart
who had been notified that the pris
oner had been safely lodged in jail.
The Schuyler Herald contains a
mention of the celebration of the 25th
anniversary of the wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. McPherson of Rich
land on the 19th. The silver presents
of friends were numerous and valuable,-
and all the acquaintances of the
happy couple will wish them well.
The move of councilman Lockner
to procure stone for at least some of
the principal crossings of the city is
in the right direction. Stone cross
ings, properly laid, are of coarse very
much better than wood, and we be
lieve the relative cost is, all things
considered, decidedly in favor of the
John Routson started Sunday last
on a trip to the west We believe
his objective point is Stanley Basin,
which is in the Salmon River mining
district of Idaho, and that John goes
to look after the interests of a Colum
bus mining syndicate of which we
know bat little at present, bat will
try to know more in the fatare.
The PJattsmoath Journal says
that Hanley, when arrested, was dead
drunk and asleep ; his face was bat
tered and bruised in a terrible man
ner, great bine balls standing out
around his eyes and the sides of his
face. He was well dressed and wore
a stylish hat. It is thought he will
get about three years in the peniten
tiary. Gus. G. Becher & Co. have lately
negotiated the sale of the residence
property lately owned by Walter
Gatward in the northeastern part of
the city to James Austin, a nephew
of our townsman, Mr. Dan Condon ;
also, the residence property of G. H.
Krauee, in the southeastern part of
the city to James Austin, son-in-law
of J. W.Early.
The marshal at North Bend ar
rested a man for reckless driving
through the streets, who then turned
ronnd and had the marshal arrested
on a charge of horse stealing. The
Flail says that the r. d. should be
held for perjury and prosecuted, and
then "let the town clean ont the
balance of the nest of uaclean birds,
we have had enough of such vermin
about the town."
As a matter in which no doubt
many of our readers will be interest
ed, we mention the fact that on next
Tuesday, June 3d, (being the first
Tuesday in June and the time of the
regular meeting of the board of su
pervisors) they will commence their
session as a board of equalization.
All persons having grievances to pre
sent in the matter of assessments
should govern themselves accord
ingly. L. H. North and Geo. B. Grinnell,
editor of Forest and. Stream, of New
York City are on a trip to Wyoming
to visit the extensive sheep ranche of
the latter gentleman and doubtless
indulge in a little sport and sight
seeing before returning. Lute's
reputation as a plainsman and guide,
and as an agreeable companion at all
times, causes his services to be much
sought for by those who wish to "do"
the west in good style.
.Ed. Weingart, charged with ob
taining goods under false pretences,
was sentenced at Lincoln the other
day, to thirty days imprisonment
His father, having tired of helping
him out of similar scrapes, considered
it best for his son that he should
suffer the penalty of his wrong doing.
When he serves oat his time on this
charge, he will be again arraigned
under a similar charge, at the instance
of another merchant.
A gentleman, who had years ago
entered into a contract with the U.
P. Co. for some of their land, calls
our attention to the fact that the con
tract said nothing about erecting
lawful fences on such land, next to
the railroad's right of way, but such
a clause is contained in the warranty
deed now furnished him by the Com
pany, and-he does not purpose to be
made responsible for bnilding such a
fence, when the law requires the
Company to do so.
"Our Little Ones" and the Nur
sery" loses none of its vigor and
sprightliness with age. It has become,
in these long years, such a general
favorite that it is now used as a
reader for little children in a goodly
number of pnblic schools, notably
those of Boston, Fall River and Ply
month. For this purpose special
terms are given, bat any individual
can have the delightful little maga
zine for a year by sending $1.50 to
Bassell Publishing Co., Boston, Mass.
The citizens of Nebraska have
given a good deal of "blood" money
to non-resident capitalists for the
privilege of being owners of land in
Nebraska and a little pressed for
money to liquidate their taxes
promptly. We speak of it as "blood"
money because of tho outrageous per
cent, (twenty, formerly forty) that is
attached by way of penalty. Our
laws are now constructed, too, that
the certificates can be purchased very
quietly, no notice of the delinquency
being required, and the time slips
around almost before men are aware.
In passing, we may remark that this
system has only one virtue which is,
that it is so very expensive to the
land owner that he will, learn after
awhile the dates wnen nis taxes are
due. penalty-stricken and forfeited.
But what we started out to bpeak of
is that the legislature of 1879 provi
ded a way by which the county could
arrange to carry these delinquents,
and some counties of the state are
making arrangements to do so. Lan
caster county has moved in the matter.
Nebraska farmers are alive to the
fact that this is a stock state at present,
adapted to mixed farming. Indica
tions show that the chief crops here
this year will be corn and oats.
These are almost unfailing crops and
while the corn will fatten the cattle,
hogs and sheep, the oats will make a
rich supply for all the young stock.
What we don't know about farming
would, of course, fill a very large
book, (using a trite saying) but, after
the above named for main crops, we
don't remember anything we ever
raised on the farm that did better,
gave us more pounds of good feed to
the acre, at a less expense, than broad
cast corn. Probably the very worst
time of the year for stock is the
spring of the year, after a long term
of dry feed, and just then is the time
for the corn-fodder, the clear oats
straw or something of that naturo,
besides which it is good all through
the winter, for calves, milch cows and
such stock cattle as for any reason,
need a little nursing.
The conductor of a newspaper,
as of any other business, should not
expect to please everybody, and very
few of them do. One man will swear
profusely if a bill is presented him
for more than one year's subscription,
and an other will swear just as
profusely if you don't allow him to
run a bill for twenty yea's. 'Some of
our cotemporaries are obviating all
such difficulties by strict adherence
to the cash-in-advance rule no
money, no paper more money, more
paper. We know one such news
paper man who graduated from a
small country office into the banking
business. While the Journal does
not think that the principle can be
successfully applied everywhere,
there certainly are a few men in every
community on whom it would fit
most admirably.
O. Nelson, of Richland, the
potato king of Colfax, has just
finished planting a field of one hun
dred acres of potatoes. He used a
corn-planter, rigging it so as to drop
potatoes three feet apart, and planted
about eleven hundred bushels of seed.
Mr. Nelson haB great faith in the
potato, and thinks no kind of farming
equals it. With a fair crop he will
have 20,000 bushels of potatoes next
fall, which, at 25 cents per bushel,
would yield the snug sum of $5,000.
Tho cost of raising is but little
greater than the cost of raising corn,
and they yield from three to six
times as well. We think he reasons
well, and hope to see his hopes
realized. Schuyler Herald.
To-morrow night, at the Opera
House, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Knight
will appear in their specialty play
entitled "Otto ;" from the San Fran
cisco Morning Calls comment we
clip a few lines : "It is intended to
represent the fortunes of a young
German adventurer in the United
States; as the various scenes titled,
he is "adrift," in "storm," at "anchor,"
and at last "in safe harbor." In the
pic-nic scene at Hoboken, Otto makes
some good points, especially in the
Tyrolean duets, where Mrs. George
S. Knight, as Lizette, also does some
model singing not unworthy of a
native of the mountains."
A Good Templar lodge has been
organized in Columbus and chartered
as Columbus Lodge No. 148. The
following are the officers: J. S.
Murdock, W. C. T., Maria Wright,
W. V. T. ; J. Q. A. Fleharty, W.
Chaplain; J.J. U. Reedy, W. Sec:
Mrs. J. J. H. Reedy, W. A. S.;
Manard Hurd, W. F. S. ; O. V. Rice,
W. Treas. ; Hudson Murdock, W.
M. ; Mrs. J. S. Murdock, W. D. M. ;
Nellie Curtis, W. I. G. ; C. T. Curtis,
W. O. G. ; Mrs. E. L. Morse, W. R.
H. S. ; Mrs. Margaret Hurd, W. L.
H. S. ; John Hammond, P. W. C. T. ;
Lodge Deputy, E. A. Gerrard.
Regular meetings every Friday
evening at Knights of Pythias hall.
The following, from the Fremont
Herald will be interesting to the
numerous acquaintances of the lady
mentioned: Mrs. Annie Ipsen,
formerly Miss Annie Plunkett, made
a flying visit to Grand Island last
Saturday to arrange some business
matters and see her little boy, now in
charge of Mrs. Koenig. The Times
says the mother's appeal for her
child was earnest but futile, and she
left after a day or so for Alma where
her troupe had an engagement. After
two years or so of wedded bliss, fol
lowing a romantic marriage, the
couple have separated, and the lady
returns again to the stage.
"The Old Reliable Insurance Co.
of Gub. G. Becher & Co. is the place
to get property insured against loss
by lightning or tornado. 5-2t
Url Waate.
One who can give satisfactory ref
erences can find steady employment,
by inquiring at the Joubnal office.
A Yoaag; Waaaaa Attempts to
Drawa Herself ia the
Lyda Goldsby is a young woman
who has been engaged as a domestic
in different households of the city
having resided here for several
months past. Last Saturday she' had
some kind of trouble with the lady of
the household in which she was em
ployed and in the evening went to
the house of Mr. Nelson, who lives on
the bottom, and in whose employ she
had formerly worked. Mrs. Nelson
was not at home at the time. The
girl seemed very much cast down and
despondent and to the inquiry of Mr.
N. as to the cause, stated that she had
been abused and made to suffer from
evil reports, which were false aud
groundless. Mr. N. said a few con
soling words to her and after inviting
her to wait until bis wife came home,
went into the garden to work, not
thinking of anything serious result
ing from the mood of the girl.
Shortly after, his little boy came run
ning to him saying that Lyda had
gone to the river and he was afraid
she was going to drown herself, at
which he left his work, went to the
house and noticed that the young
woman was going along the road in
the direction of the river. C. D.
Clother happening along about that
time and having met the girl and
noticed that she was much distressed,
offered to accompany Mr. Nelson in
following her. The two, accompanied
by Mr. N's. little boy and another
boy, then walked on after the girl.
She went directly to the bank of the
river, where seating herself and bow
ing her head upon her hands, she
remained apparently weeping or in
deep meditation. Thinking she meant
no harm to herself, the two men came
back, the two boys remaining. After
keeping her position on the bank for
some time, possibly hoping that the
boys would go away, she deliberately
plunged into the river sank and rose
to the surface, uttering a piercing
scream as she did so, death, although
invited, appearing to terrify the poor
girl by its near approach, aud the
natural instinct which prompts every
living creature to cling to life assert
ing itself, she called piteously to the
little boys to help her out ; alternately
sinking and drifting, the sport of the
terrible, pitiless current of the Loupe,
the helpless victim was whirled along
until after drifting some distance she
waB borne close to shore in the course
of the current where it takea an
oblique course to about the center of
tho river, and which, had she once
passed, no human aid would have
availed to save her. Here Mr. N's.
little boy had thoughtfully placed
himself to aid the drowning girl, and
with a fish pole which he picked up
on the bank, was able to reach her,
grasping which she was pulled to the
shore more dead than alive, the brave
little fellow sticking to her and keep
ing her head above water and pre
venting the current from washing her
further until the shouts and actions
of the boys brought Mr. Nelson upon
the scene. The young woman was
taken to Mr. N's. house and a
physician called who soon brought
her arouud from the effects of
asphyxy from which she was suffer
ing. Both Mr. and Mrs. Nelson say that
the girl was well behaved and faith
ful to her duty while in their employ
and they attribute the rash act to
mortification over the evil reports
which she had mentioned. She has
relatives in Johnson county, this
state, her father being a well-to-do
farmer, and said to be highly respect
able. Memorial Iay.
The exercises of the annual tribute
to the deceased soldiers and sailors,
which occurs on Friday, May 30th,
and has become a national custom,
will be under the direction of Baker
Post No. 9, G. A. It. of this city.
About the usual program will be car
ried out, commencing at the Opera
House at 2 o'clock, sharp. Short
addresses will be delivered by good
home talent. The Cornet Band will
head the procession to cemetery.
The school children will assist In the
decoration service at tho graves.
In our last week's report of the
city council proceedings an error
occurred. The paragraph relating to
sidewalks on O street should read as
follows: A resolution was intro
duced by councilman Rickly order
ing sidewalk built on the west side of
O street between 7th and 10th, em
bracing the east side of lots 1 and 8 in
block 126, lots 1 and 8 in block 153,
and lots 1 and 8 in block 160, said
sidewalk to be built within 20 days
from the publication of the order.
Resolution adopted unanimously.
Lost Creek Itei
A surprise party and dance at Mr.
Fink's last Friday night.
Small grain and corn in this locali
ty is looking well, but still we hear
complaints of bad seed corn.
At our township meeting we unan
imously agreed to purchase a grader.
It can be kept running pretty steady
this season, grading and ditching.
Under the new law all taxes not
paid before January 1, 1885, five per
cent, penalty and ten per cent, inter
est will be added. All tax payers
will please take notice and act accord
ingly, c. A. Newman,
2-tf County Treasurer.
Indies, Atteatlea!
The finest line of summer dolmans,
jackets, raglans, ready-made dresses
for ladies and children, can be found
at Friedhof 4; Co's.
Carpet ! Carpet !
Ingrains, hemp, Brussels, body
Brnssels, crumb cloths, &c, at Fried
hof ft Co's. .
Tou will also find a good line of Brushes, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Curtain Loops,
Fulls, Cord. Tassels and Curtain Fixtures at bottom prices. All orders for house
sign and carriage painting, kalsomlning, glazing and paper banging promptly filled
Call and see goods and prices before buying elsewhere. Shop always open from
7 a. m. to 6 p. m. EkTDon't lorget the place,
13th Street, opposite Firemen's Hall, Columbus, Neb.
From Upper Shell Creek.
Mb. Editor : We understand that
Mr. Ed. Rogan has also sold out to
a Welsh gentlemen.
Small grain looks pretty good and
corn is beginning to come up, but
grass is rather a little backward this
Old Shell Creek has thus far up
here behaved pretty well, not coming
up quite to its banks, yet' it was
several times so high that it was
called a "river" by a stranger. Well,
that stranger was only a "tree ped
dler" and did not know any better.
Golden or German Millet is quite
on a boom. Since its introduction by
Mr. A. Henrich a few years ago, it
has been sowed more extensively
from year to year. He has now sold
nearly all his seed and. Messrs.
Oehlrich of your city who advertise
in tho Journal have sold over 500
bushels of seed, and have to get
another supply. Mr. H. has now
sowed field with Alslce clover,
which shows a very fine stand. The
seed was procured through Messrs.
Your town is getting quite
aristocratic, hedging itself in on
all sides. As often as your corres
pondent is trying to honor your
godly city by a visit, he finds bristly
wires stretched or at least long rows
of posts set across the highway at
some unexpected new spot, on tho
road, hence his visits are getting to
be few and far between. Why don't
you build a Chinese wall around your
burg and shut out entirely us pro
fane outsiders. To make the road to
Columbus longer from year to year is
a sure way of cutting off the farmers,
and of inducing them to trade at
nearer points.
Our Welsh neighbors are having
ministers of their own people here on
a visit, enjoy religious exercises
frequently. On the evening of the
21st inst., Postville school-house was
crowded to its utmost capacity, and
the rain storm coming on, the people
could not get away till about mid
night, and even then It was raining
and as dark as in a mine, but many of
them being sturdy miners they
faced the storm and penetrated the
darkness bravely. They are quite
numerous here and being mostly of
one and the same religious faith they
are able to build a good church and
sustain a minister, and they will do
so at an early date. X. Y. Z.
rush for corn
planters is
Mr. W. M. Mason is about to erect
a twelve foot wind-mill on his farm.
The mouth organ boy was in town
one day last week, but his wheel of
fortune did not run in Humphrey-.
C. Forman is here to start a lodge
of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen, and is meeting with good
W. H. Allison reports quite a
curiosity in the shape of a double
pig, having four ears, eight legs, and
two bodies complete from the breast,
back. It was too much for this
world ; if it could have been raised it
would be a good breed to raise hams
Saturday last was the day for
another street rabble; the parties
were arrested, found guilty of viola
ting an ordinance, and one party, the
principal warrior, was fined $10.00
and costs, the other $3.00 and costs,
which was paid. The ordinance
closes saloons at ten o'clock since
Saturday last. C.
letter JLlat.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-office, in
Columbus, Neb., for the week ending
3Iay 24th, 1884:
A Mrs. Tressah Al'en, Monroe Ad
ams. C Mr. George Cooper, Mr. John Cas-ni-in.
O Mrs. Rirbara E. Dunn.
J Mrs. Nettie Jensen, Andrew John
son. K John Kelley, Mr. Alois Kosch, Mr.
H. Kunneman.
. Adof Lund, Mr. II. Lugens.
HI Emma Moore, 3.
Jf John Nauman, Wm. Newton.
P Miss Ora Prewett.
R JameB Roe.
8 J. O. Shelton, 3
V Jan Verhaege.
W John Wasnuff, Mrs. Edith V. Will
son. If not called for in 30 days will be sent
to the dead letter office, Washington, D.
C. When called for please say "adver
tised," ai these letters are kept separate.
H. J. Hudson, P. 31.,
Columbus. Nebr.
31 K AD Monday
morning, May 26tb,
John Mead, aged 27
Adelia ., wife of
Advertisements under this head
cents a line each insertion.
Call and examine the new stock of
men's and boy's clothing, just receiv
ed at Galley Bro's. 4-47-x
You can always find a good stock
to select from at Mrs. Drake's millin
ery store. 39-tf
Choice quality of Nebraska winter
apples at Wm. Becker's. 41-if
Piano 'to rent.
Inquire of Wells &
Pens, inks, papers, slate pencils, at
Wm. Scbiltz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the
very best stock that can be procured
in the market. 52 1
ForgMd.;oBf breeding stack of
all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stock
farm. A. Henrich. 30-tf
We also carry a good line of white
sums, uotn lanndrled and nnlaun
dried, at low price. Galley Bro's.
The Largest and Finest
Assortment of
fill papq, cams 9EC0UTO
Mm fer Stere Froit Curtails Filled.
1884 SPRING 1884
Having spent the last three weeks
in the best markets of the east, we are
now prepared to show you
4 4 14
Dry Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
Carpets, Etc.,
4 k i I i
In connection with the old store, we
have secured the store formerly oc
occupied by Dowty fc Chinn, where
Increased Facilities
We can accommodate all who may
favor us with a call.
The finest line of fancy shirts are
just being opened at Galley Bro's.
For McCormick, everybody's ma
chine, and the boss Osborne Binder
No. 11, call on Newell South, Hum
phrey. 3-tf
While at Humphrey stop at C. M.
Sweezey's restaurant and bakery.
Good square meals for 25 cents. Hot
meals at all hours. 50-tf
Don't forget to look over our line
of cambric, percale and cheviot shirts
before buying, if you wish to save
money, at Galley Bro's.
For books, stationery, 6late and
pencils, also the renowned American
sewing machines, call on F. M. Conk-
ingbam, the authorized agent for the
Columbus Journal and job work,
Humphrey, Neb. 46-tf
A commodious building, tor sale or
rent in the village of Humphrey.
Can be used for dwelling or business.
Apply to F. M. Cookingham, Hum
phrey. 5-tf
Clover, Timothy, Millet,
Haagarlaa Mee4,
At Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. 2-12t
Fer Sale.
First-class mill site and mill
Platte county, by Becher & Co.
For Sale.
fciguty head of stock sheep.
on Scudder Bros., Creston post-office,
Platte county, Nebr. 4-3t-p
IWilca CewM.
A nice lot of milch cows for sale,
also calves belonging to S. U. Tucker
andG. W. Kibbler, Creston, Nebr.
Farmers in that neighborhood, can
get some of U. M. Winslow's seed
corn for fl a bushel, of John H. Mey
er, 15 miles north of Columbus. 44-tf
Thos. Flynn has on hand a large
number of brick for sale. Those who
know now that they will need brick
in the earlv anrlnor haA hatta .
'them early.
It. per Acre.
1 east $12 00
S. T.
.13 17
.13 17
.1 17
..15 17
.15 17
21 17
.22 17
.22 17
.22 17
.23 17
.23 17
.24 17
.31 17
3,W.Kof S.E. K--13
s. oi a. w. K-.-S.of
0 X y
S V ?
E.Kof X. E. H ...
1. i. y .... ...
o. i. 4 ... ... ...
f. . j .... .
X. W ........ ..
N.JSorX. E. K
S.E. i
E.JSorN. W..-.
12 50
12 50
15 00
15 00
15 00
15 00
15 00
15 00
12 CO
12 60
12 50
10 00
TenMt-yne-tmra casn, Daiance oa
time to suit purchaser at 8 to 10 percent.
Interest. Apply to
T. W. W)VE.
Fremont, ieb.
Our quotations of the markets aro ob-
taInedTuesdayafternoon,aml are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat 63
Corn, new 23
Oats new, 22
Rye 30
Flour 2fi0360
Butter, 9(312
Eggs, 1012
Potatoes 209'J0
Hams, 10Q15
Shoulders 810
Sides, 10M
FatHogs 4 00(24 25
FatCattle 3 604 00
Sheep 300
Iowa 6 00
Hard WOO
Rock Springs nut 8 60
Rock Springs lump 100
Carbon 00
Colorado 6 00
Paatare far Colt.
I will take a limited number of
colts into my (partly blue grass) pas
ture where they will bayo good grass,
shade and plenty of good spring wa
ter. 51-x A. Henrich.
From my premise?, Tuesday, April
29tb, one gray mare, three years old,
black mane and tail, weight about
1,000 lbs. Any information as to her
whereabouts, will be liberally re
warded. Jno. Lucid,
2-tf Platte Center.
C'aMh or 'rime.
One thoroughbred Jersey cow, 1
Jersey bull, 1 span of nice 3 year old
horse colts, 1 span ot young work
horses, 1 span of driving mares, with
foal, 30 stock hogs, 10 brood sows, 1
spring wagon, 1 light lumber wagon,
30 yearling heifers.
1-tf D. Andkrso.v.
Thane wis Finis
Are warned not to go to the ponds
of Hoist & Arnold at Murray's, Bra
dy's and Stevens's, for that purpone.
The spawning season is at baud, and
it is an outrage to interfere with the
Take WaraiBir!
Everybody including the pot-hunters
and amateur fishers are hereby
warned to keep off my premises, or
the laws will be enforced to the letter.
The nuisance has become unbearable.
p-1 C. C. Miller.
For Male.
The property known as the Strasser
hotel and saloon at Duncan, Neb.,
comprising nino lot9 with building
suitable tor hotel aud saloon or mer
cantile business also good stable, shed
and ice house, &c, in connection. The
above property will be sold at a bar
gain. Apply to Gus. G. Becher & Co.
Columbus, Neb.
Walleat Haaphrer, Step at the
Oram rille lloaitc.
Mr. Jacob Steffis has completed Mb
large and commodious hotel and will
be pleased to see all of his former
patrons as well as new ones. First
class rooms and beds as well as first
clasB table. Farmers and traveling
men call on him. He has every facil
ity for making yon at home. A good
livery attached to hotel. 21-tf
Laad Tor Male.
In Colfax Co., near Platte Co. line,
80 acres, 70 of which are under the
plow ; frame dwelling, horse and cow
stables, cow shedB and corrals, corn
cribs, windmill and 2 pumps (water
40 ft. from surface), some fruit and
forest trees.
Also 1C0 acres, 120 under cultiva
tion, 7 acres of forest trees. Both
tracts have first rate stock range, and
road facilities. $2,500 for each tract,
on easy terms.
15x K. Mackenzie.
Paatp. Wlad MUlmFarm Wa-
, Jack Mcrewm Farm
Hella, Etc.
Chad. Schroeder has just received
one car load of a variety of fine
wooden and iron pumps ; one car load
of steam and water pipe aud fittings
for same; one car load of the celebra
ted Monitor vanelesB wind mills; one
car load of the reliable -Olds" farm
wagons, also a lot of jack screws,
farm belle, cast-iron sinks, rubber
hose, beltinjr, etc., etc. These roods
must be sold as fast as possible, cither
wholesale or retail uuder the motto,
" Quick sales and small margius."
Please call and get prices before buy
iug anywhere else. He caunot be
undersold. 5-2
And all hinds of country produce ta
ken in trade, and all goods deliv
ered free of charge to any
part of the city.
r I