The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 28, 1884, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1884.
Victoria has ruled one year longer
than Queen Elizabeth did.
Ten millions of three per cents are
embraced in the call issued.
1st the English northeastern ports
137 ocean steamships are idle.
Me. Randall thinks congress will
be ready to adjourn by July 15th. .
Japanese women have never seen
and do not know the UBe of pins.
Dennis Deaby, the dynamiter,died
in Chatham prison the other day.
There are seventy-five life prison
ers in the New York state prisons.
Secretary Folger will soon call
$10,000,000 of three per cent, bonds.
Fire at Liverpool the other day
destroyed property valued at $500,000.
Mrs. Wendell Phillips was re
ported seriously ill one day last week,
East Cleveland is to have an
electric motor for drawing street
cars. The village of Cairo, Mich., was
almost destroyed by fire the other
Taylor Miller danced all night at
a New York ball and then shot
Jenny Lind, is said to be training
the chorus for the Bach choir in
Over 40,000,000 cent pieces were
said to be coined in the United States
last year.
Five criminals were publicly
whipped the other day at Newcastle,
The United States has become the
fourth largest beer-drinking nation in
the world.
A Jacksonville, Fla., man has
made .$42.50 from a single rose bush
this season.
The wool clip of one ranchman in
Maverick Co., Texas, weighed over
twenty tons.
TnE.Italian government is prepar
ing a schome for the conversion of
the public debt.
Minnesota has no less than 7,000
lakes, which take up over 2,700,000
acres of territory.
One night last week iu portions of
Texas, severe hail storms seriously
damaged the crops.
The Blair bridgo was made in
working order one day last week and
trains were crossing.
The senate has confirmed John D.
Seamau as receiver of public moneys
at North Platte, Neb.
The President has approved the bill
granting a loan of $1,000,000 to the
New Orleans exposition.
It is reported that the findings in
the Swaini court of inquiry are ad
verse to General Swaim.
A terrific cyclone one day last
week appeared in Akyab, British
Burmah. The damage was immense.
A sparrow has built a nest in the
left hand of the bronze statute of
Daniel Webster in Central Park, New
TnE famous old horse ridden by
General Custer in his Indian cam
paigns, died at Chicago the other
A swarm of locusts nine miles
wide has recently settled in Texmal
ca, Mexico, and is destroying all the
It is claimed that a bill will be re
ported favorably granting a pension
of fifty dollars per month to Mrs.
The following is a copy of a notice
pasted up in the Council Bluffs police
station: "No loafers allowed here,
except police."
The President the other day nom
inated John D. Seaman as receiver of
public money at the North Platte,
Neb., land office.
A collision on the Pan Handle
railroad the other morning at Wheel
ing Junction killed one man and in
jured five others.
C. P. Peck, railway and express
agent at Kalkaska, Mich., is a defaul-
tcr, and has fled to the woods, fol
lowed by officers.
Mrs. Laura F. Lance, a brilliant
and scholarly woman, has been ap
pointed one of the editors of the
Cleveland Leader.
Capt. Frank Dunlap, an official
of the Baltimore and Ohio road, was
killed by the cars the other morning
at Wheeling, W. Va.
The house committee on civil
service reform unanimously directed
a favorable report on tho bill to repeal
the tenure of office acts.
Ernest Hcekler, of St. Louis,
disappeared at New York one day
last week. lie had a large amount of
money in his possession.
It is claimed now that the Mason
Co., West Virginia tin mine is the
richest in the world, and thousands
are flocking to the place.
The republicans of the fifth con
gressional district in Kansas, have
unanimously nominated John A.
Anderson for re-election.
The Malagassy government offers
France 1,000,000 indemnity on con
dition that France renounce all claims
to territory iu Madagascar.
On motion of Manderson the senate
passed the house bill authorizing the
construction of a bridge acrosB the
Missouri in Douglas Co., Neb.
Miss Susan B. Green, of Westerly,
R. I., has been elected teacher of
Mathematics and Sciences in Cal
lanan College, Des MoiUes, la.
For use in case of necessity, $8,000,
000 in legal tenders was shipped from
Washington the other day to Ihe as
sistant treasurer of New York.
A terrific wind and rain storm
visited Bloomington, Nebr., and
mVinifir TnAadftv of last week, blow-
jug down houses and wind-mills. j
Two men purloined from Hooker's
jewelry store, at Des Moines, the
other morning, a tray containing fif
teen gold watches valued at $1,000.
T. A. Palmer, the only surviving
soldier of the immediate guard of
Napoleon at St. Helena, died at Bat
tle Creek, Mich., May 21st, aged 84.
A colored preacher in Buffalo
gave notice to his congregation the
other Sunday that he wanted less
shouting and more money in the
The Bee says that Jno. D. Howe of
Omaha leaves that city to become the
general solicitor of the Chicago, Min
neapolis, St Paul Ss Omaha railway
Sheriff Johnson, of Custer connty
Minn., was the other day on the trail
of six horse thieves with a band of
stolen stock, near Terry, and a fight
was expected.
News was received the other day
from Elizabethtown, HI., that tho
Hardin county court house, with all
the records, had been consumed by
an incendiary fire.
The bill introduced by Mr. Ingalls
from thejudiciary committee to di
vide the eighth circuit will include in
the new eighth Nebraska, Kansas,
Arkansas and Colorado.
The M. E. conference in session at
Philadelphia have elected Rev. Wm.
Taylor, bishop to Africa. Father
Taylor is the most conspicuous mem
ber of American Methodism.
A student named N. E. Condell,
of Bates, 111., was taken with cramps
while bathing iu Morgan lake the
other day and was drowned, despite
the efforts of his companions.
The acreage sown to wheat in
Nebraska is fully 20 per cent, less
than last year. The acreage to oats
has increased 30 per cent. ; barley 20
per cent., and corn 30 per cent
Benjamin F. Butler, concurring
in each measure of public policy set
forth in the resolutions, of the anti
monopoly party, accepts the nom
ination tendered him for president.
In the Methodist General Confer
ence the other day the report of the
committee on itinerency that it is in
expedient to take action as to licens
ing women to preach, was adopted.
A laroe delegation from the
African Methodist Episcopal con
ference, recently in session at Balti
more, visited Washington City and
paid their respects to the president.
It is claimed that marriages in Ger
many are rapidly diminishing in
number. Increasing luxury in ways
of living and increasing ill health of
women are said to be the chief reasons.
Gus. Hoeglin, of Wayne, Neb., a
Swedish shoemaker, committed sui
cide the other morning by hanging
himself in bis stable. He had been
on a protracted spree for upwards of
a week.
David City has passed an ordinance
prohibiting the sale of intoxicating
liquor within the corporate limits.
The -penalty for violating the or
dinance is not less than $75 for each
Near Bowling Green, Ohio, the
other day George Anderson, a far
mer aged 75, was beaten to death with
a hickory cane by his wife, aged 65.
She was insane at the time the deed
was done.
At the African Methodist Episcopal
general conference, Rev. B. W. Der
rick offered a resolution that women
be made eligible to any office in the
church. Referred to the committee
on revision.
It is stated that Cassius M. Clay
lives quietly on his Kentucky farm.
"I'm not alone," he says ; "I have my
sheep, cattle, dogs, birds and flowers ;
besides, I am writing a book my
Mrs. Johnston, the accomplished
and effective principal of the literary
course at Oberlin college, has opened
her parlors on Saturdays for social
intercourse with the students. A wise
and good plan.
A woman makes the surgical in
struments used by the most skillful
operators on hnman flesh in New
York City. She has been in the
business nine years, and both makes
and sells her wares.
At Tangier Island, Virginia, the
other day, Dr. Pitt called Dr. Walter,
a rival physician, into his office and
shot him dead. The people attempt
ed to lynch Pitt but were prevented.
He was placed in jail.
A tramp was run over the other
morning by a train at Wood River,
Neb., mutilating the body in a most
horrible manner. The tramp was
probably attempting to climb on the
irucs: ana ien unaer tne wneeis.
It is said the great painting of
"John Brown," which has occupied
Thomas Hovenden for the greater
part of the last two or three years, is
completed and will be placed on ex
hibition in New York this week.
It is claimed by the statistics of
California that she has more suicides
than any other state in the Union.
Dissipation, financial embrrassment
and domestic troubles are the chief
reasons why Californians leave this
Geo. H. Lewis, a broker of Wash
ington City, had been missing for
several days last week. He has been
doing a large business and it is esti
mated that he had in his hands $100,-
000 to $200,000 belonging to 500 cus
tomers. Horse thieves are raiding Kear
ney Co., Neb. One of the most skill
ful compelled one of the men to
unhitch his horse and he coolly
mounted one and rode away. Several
other horses have been stolen in that
There have been set out in the
beds in the Boston public garden this
spring 50,000 paries, 15,500 daisies,
500 forget-me-nots and 1,500 Canter
bury bells. These,. with 4,000 tnlips
planted last fall, make a nott bril
liant skew.
The North Platte Telegraph con
tains this reference to a portion of
the proceedings of the state teachers'
association concerning a subject that
demands the attention of the next
legislature :
"The most interesting portion of
Hon. C. H. Gere's welcoming address
wbb his reference to the question of
the sale of our landed endowment,
and the investment of the school
funds. He spoke of the low price at
which our university lands can be
sold, of their rapid sale, and of the
difficulty, indeed, the impossibility, of
finding a safe investment for the pro
ceeds of these sales, which, to the
amount of nearly $200,000, are now
lying idle in the treasury. He char
acterized the action of the last legis
lature in refusing to stop the sale of
these lands as incomprehensible ob
stinacy, and appealed from that body
to the superintendents and teachers,
asking them to stir up the people in
every township and school district to
a public sentiment that would force
the next legislature to remedy this
waste of the inheritance of the chil
dren of Nebraska. The remedy ad
vocated by the speaker was that of
ceasing altogether to sell the common
school and university lands, and the
adoption of a system of leasing or a
rental which would be a moderate
interest on appraisements made at
stated intervals."
The fact of the matter is, not only
the friends of this man of Maine but
his enemies, look upon him as the
most popular and powerful man in
the United States of America to-day.
It may be written. as an axiom that in
scratching the skin of any men who
abuBe this Maine statesman you will
start blood that is colored or curdled
by fear of him either for themselves
or their friends. Mr. Blaine may not
be nominated, but if the voice of the
great majority of the republican vo
ters of the country i6 heard he will
be nominated by acclamation and
elected by the greatest popnlar ma
jority that has ever been given to any
man since Lincoln. If h e is not nom
inated his nomination will be defeat
ed by southern officeholders from
states that have never furnished a
republican electoral vote in their his
tory. If Mississippi and Georgia and
Tennessee and Missouri are to dictate
republican nominations for the presi
dency as against the expressed pref
erence of Pennsylvania and Ohio and
Iowa and Nebraska it is time that our
whole system of nominations be
changed.--North Bend Flail.
Nebraska democrats in their state
convention last week at Lincoln
adopted a platform of principles, and
endorsed Saml. J. Tilden for the pres
idency. Messrs. Boyd, Morton, Cas
tor and Munger were elected dele
gates at large to the national conven
tion. Martin and Creighton were
elected from the First district, R. A.
Batty, of Adams, and A. J. Ritten
house, of Hamilton, from the Second,
and Faby and Higf ins for the Third
district. Platte county was doubly
honored by placing J. E. North as
alternate at large. The delegates are
all understood to be for Tilden and
Judge Post and District Attorney
Marshall knocked Hanley clear out
of time the first round. Now if they
will do a like turn by Fell, the prize
fighting fraternity will fight shy of
the "rural districts" of Nebraska.
Gaslin said he wished to make mur
der unpopular in his district; Post
seems to hold the same theory with
reference to slugging. Enforce the
laws, is a good enough motto tor
courts and people.
The Cooper Union building was
packed with Arthur's friends on the
night of the 20th inst., in New York,
and a number of people were unable
to gain admittance. Citizens and
business men attended the great mass
meeting to express approval of the
administration of President Arthur
and urge his nomination. Henry
Ward Beecher and other prominent
literary and business men addressed
the assemblage.
Recent word from Commander
Schley, of the Greely search expedi
tion, says they were uearing Cape
Race; a number of small icebergs
and considerable floating ice had been
passed. The engineer force was
somewhat crippled by a painful acci
dent to machinist Walter Booth, who
had bis finger crushed in the machin
ery the third day out from New York.
The Norfolk Journal tries to make
out that the state convention was
anti-BIaine. Bro. Neidig misrepre
sents, and we believe he knows it.
To the writer's certain knowledge
there were twenty-five Blaine del
egates in one corner of the assembly
chamber who voted against the Blaine
instructions, believing it was not
policy to express any choice by reso
lution. O'Neill Frontier.
In the Hanley trial at Wahoo for
prize-fighting, the jury after two
hours deliberation returned with a
verdict of guilty. Judge Post sen
tenced the prisoner to the penitentiary
for three years at hard labor. The
man convicted of shooting with in
tent to kill was sentenced to the same
term. Both cases were appealed to
the Supreme Court.
H. J. Hughs, not D. L. Hughs, as
reported, is the name of the Doane
college student who was drowned
the other day. He was a promising
student and fitting himself for the
ministry. ThiB case should be a
warning against reckless venturing
by those who are not good swimmers.
Some of the streams in Nebraska are
very treacherous.
There is an invention spoken of
which it is thought may abolish the
torturing horse-bit It consists of a
steel band placed over the front bone
of the horse's nose, and to this appli
ance the reins are attached. It giveB
complete control to the driver over
the horse without iniicting the least
torture on the animal. It is claimed
that it has been tried with satisfactory
The Ciuciuuati and Indianapolis
base ball clubs played the other Sun
day at Indianapolis. The members
of the Cincinnati club have been ar
rested, charged with violating the
State Sunday law. The players were
released on their personal recog
nizance. They will bo soon tried.
The Indianapolis club will also be arrested.
Bills have passed the senate for
the erection of the following public
buildings. At Vicksburg, $100,000;
at Chattanooga, $100,000; at Opeiou
sa, La., $50,000; at Portland, Ore.,
$250,000; at Sacramento, $100,000; at
Dayton, O, $150,000; at Springfield,
O., $100,000. The Bums appropriated
include the cost of sites and buildings.
Bro. Druse of the Nebraska Farm,'
cr gives the political wheel a turn.
He says the only possible recommen
dation Gov. Dawes has for a second
term is the precedence which seems
partially established of giving the
office twice to each incumbent, aud
then he nominates Hon. J. B. Dins
more of Sutton for the governorship.
The students of Washington and
Jefferson college nominated Senator
Edmunds as a candidate for presi
dent. He sent them a letter saying :
"I sincerely thank the young gentle
men for the compliment: I much
prefer it to the actual office, tho em
barrassments and burdens of which I
do not desire to assume."
A. Anwerds, traveling salesman
for the firm of C. Tegeler & Co.,
wholesale liquor dealers of Rock
Island, 111., died at the 'Union depot
at Blair, Neb., the other morning just
as the trains were leaving for Misr
souri Valley and Omaha. The doc
tors who were present pronounced it
a case of apoplexy.
George Rose, a switchman, in the
upper yards of the Union Pacific road
at Omaha the other day while coup
ling cars slipped and was thrown
upon the track and the wheels of an
empty freight car passed over his
limbs, fracturing two toes of his right
foot ; his right arm sustained a com
pound fracture.
Eliza Bateson, of Detroit, Mich.,
has patented an ash-sifter; Marion
W. McCann, of Posey, Ind., has pat
ented a cultivator; Jane Nixon, of
New York, has patented a thread
moistening attachment for sewing
machines; and Sallie M. Seibel, of
Philadelphia, Pa., has a patent for
The school directors of tho Bristol
borough school district, Pa., selected
MisB Tillie S. Booz superintendent of
the public schools of that city. She
is spoken of in the highest terms a3
to her qualifications for the position,
and was elected by almost a unani
mous vote.
Tns ccremouies incidental to tho
dedication of tho Luther statue took
place at Washington ou the 21st inst.
in front of the Memorial Lutheran
church, when the statue was formally
unveiled in the presence of about
1,200 people, Justice Miller presiding.
The suspension bridge across the
Scioto river at Portsmouth, Ohio, fell
the other morning while some cattle
were crossing. Mrs. Fulwiler, with
four children, was on the bridge at
the time. Three of the children were
drowned. The bridge cost $40,000.
Miss Amelia Chapman, of Penn
sylvania, who had been teaching in
Kansas, was on her way home, an
invalid, when, at Alliance, Ohio, she
sent a porter after a cup of tea for
her. She waB dead when he came
with it, two minutes afterward.
Several carloads of United States
troops landed at Pueblo, Col., the
other day en route lor Fort Lewis.
It is reported that the Indians have
corralled the Mitchel family and a
number of cow-boys, and a general
ontbreak is expected.
The Pennsylvania Bank located at
Pittsburg, Pa., closed its doors the
other day and assign as the reason a
continuous run for several days, and
that it is a wise course for depositors
and all concerned to suspend pay
ment for the present.
The season in Ohio is reported
backward, with considerable damage
to winter wheat by frost and wet
weather. Some correspondent in
Ohio says that unless "we soon get
6ome dry, growing weather the crop
will be a poor one."
All the houses in Tarlton village,
Ohio, were unroofed by a hurricane
the other afternoon. Near Lancaster
the race and fair ground structures
were demolished, and many horses
killed by falling barns. Fences and
trees were leveled.
Mrs. Alexander Edmunds, of St.
Louis, while laboring under a tem
porary fit of insanity, cut the throats
of her three little children, with a
razor the other day, and then delib
erately drew the weapon across her
own throat.
To ArkaHitaH.
Beebe, White County, Ark-.,)
May 19th, 1884. ,
Editor Journal: After a thir
teen years continuous residence in
Nebraska, your bumble correspond
ent thought ho had earned the privi
lege of a thirty or forty days rambling
visit among the fruits and flowers of
this portion of the "sunny south," a
visit that we have for some time an
ticipated making. In pursuance of
that object, on the 4th of the present
month we bade good-bye to wife and
family and with grip-sack in hand
started for Rising City, shook a few
of our dear o)d friends by the hand,
and with eyes open although dimmed
somewhat by age, took our seat on
the train for a ride of somewhat over
nine hundred miles to this place,
where we are at the present staying.
As the train slowly moved from the
depot wc looked off over the beauti
ful undulating sheen of prairie ou
which wo with mauy other dear old
neighbors commenced in 1871 turuiug
over the black rich earth, which but a
few years before was supposed to bo
an arid desert. Aud, dear Journal
readers, while thus looking, notwith
standing our haps and many mis-haps,
where there was nothing as far as the
eye could reach but an ocean of grass
which to all appearance reached as
far as space extended, now were fine
farms, with budding groves, and
mostly god And neat farm houses;
the deer aud the antelope had given
place to many of the horned kine,
and pens of fat porkers were grind
ing the thousands of acres of corn,
pressing it into smaller bulk, that our
railroad might have sufficient capaci
ty to carry the various products of
the numerous farms to market. Our
pretty village, too, with its graded
school, its fine churches, neat build
ings, large stores woll filled in the
many and varied kinds of business,
presided over by gentlemen that had
prospered and grown up with us
duriHg the years we had been to
gether, made rather a pleasant picture
in which we had acted a small and
humble part. As a description of
our journey to Omaha would not be
interesting, suffice it to say that David
City, Valparaiso and Wahoo are the
best centers west of the Platte river,
and soon reaching Omaha we could
but wonder at its growth in costly
buildings, business, and energy, and
with barely time to cast a glance
across the muddy Missouri,we merely
looked over to Council Bluffs, and at
8 p. m. started south. It being dark,
and we sleepy, we have nothing far
ther to say in this letter than that
from Leavenworth, Kansas, where
morning found us, we shall bo as ex
plicit and truthful as possible of
scenery, country aud products, which
without doubt will bo new to most of
your readers.
John Boans.
Beere, Whito County, Ark.,)
May 24th, 1884. ,
Editor Journal : It was with
some disappointment that we awoke
at Leavenworth, Ks., to find spring
nearly a9 backward as with us of
central Nebraska.
Our route to St. Louis was via the
M. P. R. R. and while gliding smooth
ly along towards the borders of Mis
souri our thoughts would drift back
to the earlier days of her infancy with
all their attendant misery, as her
young pulse throbbed and her weak
bauds battled in the cause of right
aud justice, aud John Brown, Jim
Lane, Geary, Sumner, aud tho erring
brothers across the border, with their
works right and wrong, floated be
fore our mental vision as a myth, as
we looked at the present prosperity
aud solidity of her cities and thought
of her railroads, her railroad centers
and the fulness to repletion of her
From Kansas City with its 100,000
inhabitants and large manufacturing
interests our route to St. Louis was
through a farming country replete in
beauty and scenery, which in places
on the river was grand and superb,
and for farming purposes generally it
must excel. Fall wheat appears to be
the largest money crop of all farmers
along our route as indicated by the
almost continuous billowy ocean of
waving green that continued to greet
the eye, about one-third of which was
poor, the balance indicating a good
and profitable harvest. Large apple
orchards clothed in bloom, healthy
and fine, assured U3 that its many
varieties are largely at home here,
while the peach trees as seen by ub
were nearly all in a damaged condi
tion. Scarcely any of the corn ground
all along to St. Louis was plowed and
only here and there a few fields
planted, with but two small fields
with spikelets showing above the
ground. The green sterna of the first
small patch of potatoes were seen in
the' suburbs of the beautiful city of
WarrenBburg, while Sedalia and Jef
ferson City gladdened the eye with
the first roses in bloom. The pros
perity of all this portion of our
glorious country needs no comment
from me, as its buildings and sur
roundings in city, village and country
abundantly prove that fact.
We steamed into St. Louis shortly
before sundown and were almost lost
in amazement at the immense number
of people, "in seeming chaos out of
which order came," steaming in and
out of this central city of our great
republic and to every imaginable
point of the compass.
We visited the gentlemantly gen
eral ticket agent of the St. L. I. M. &
S. R. R., showed our coupon ticket,
and also letters of introduction, ex
pressed our wishes, which with cour
tesy were kindly granted, and left the
office with a special lay-over permit
added, to visit all places as per our
request, and with a kind invitation to
call on him on our return.
At 8 :30 p. m. we left this city of
cities, as regards location, and in
darkness rolled smoothly towards
that portion of Arkansas for which
our journey was undertaken.
Sunrise found us over the borders
of Missouri, and until we reached
Newport but little of the land was
cultivated, the railroad passing thro'
a new country grand in its timber
resources and sufficiently rolling to
be perfectly healthful, while baci
from this great artery of travel on
either side is ah old settled country
with its farms and villages. We
crossed White river whose limpid
waters by the old settler are said to
be so pure, that he who once drinks
loses all relish for any other. As we
steam along, the country becomes
more rolling but somewhat poorer,
the strawberry gardens are crimson
with fruit, peaches are two-thirds
grown, honeysuckles, roses, lilies, etc.
perfume the air with a delicious fra
grance, all trees, fruit and forest, have
made nearly half their season's
growth, and at 10:30 Beebe, the
beauty, almost buried in its forest of
fruits and flowers, loomed in view,
and as we stepped on to the platform
and were wearily gazing at a magnifi
cent magnolia, whose creamy buds
were swelling for an early bloom, the
venerable and urbane Dr. J. M. Gist,
an old resident, kindly took us by the
hand, and for us, dear Journal, for a L
day or two at least, it will be rest.
Joes Boanb. j
vb. Cornu
The following is taken from a re
ceut number of the Prairie Farmer.
H. M. Winalow of this city is well
acquainted with the gentlemen re
ferred to, their farm and manner of
doing business, and says that the
statemeutB made are true. He adds
that the Browns recently sold fat
yearling steers in Chicago, realizing
$40 a head. There is no doubt but
thoroughbred stock will mature
about a year earlier than scrubs, aud
that all pay best by being kept fat
from the time they come until they
are ready for the block. But here is
what the Browns are doing with
"The method of handling cattle on
the celebrated blue-grass larm of J.
N. Brown's sons in Sangamon county,
III., is something out ot the common
order of doiug thiugs iu the West.
These gentlemen own about 3,000
acres of a&.fiue land as there is iu this
fertile State. It lies iu the heart of
the great corn belt yet they do not
plant an acre of corn to feed to their
1,000 head of cattle. Indeed they do
not feed the article except in case of a
protracted severe storm. They al
ways purchase a small amount for
such a contingency. Their cattle
live, thrive, aud grow fat upon blue
grass alone. Their pastures are old
and each year adds to the quantity
and value of the grass crop. They
mow but little bay, less than fifty
acres per year. They say that one
hundred acres of grass will furnish as
much fattening food as sixty-six acres
of corn. The cost of growing the
corn makes its feeding unprofitable
as compared with pasturage. They,
buy young animals and fatten them
upon the blue-grass, putting on some
300 pounds of fine beef between April
and July, and they sell them when
weighing from 1,400 to 1,500 pounds,
realizing the very highest market
prices. Of course they purchase good
grade Short-horn stock, as these alone
will ripen at as early an age as they
wish to have them."
Kesri Encase Xraaaferw.
Reported for the Journal for the
week ending last Saturday, by Gus.
G. Becher & Co :
U. S. to Christian Wallta, patent; nw
H 4, 20, 3vv, $41.18 acres.
Wm. Anyan, Recr, to H. P. Benthack,
f. r. r. $4; s X se X 2, 18, lw, 80 acres.
Wm. Anyan, Rec'r, to Niels Jensen,
f. r.r.$l;e8(K 18, 19, 3w, 80 acres.
Wm. Anyan, Rec'r, to J. P. Hagemann,
f. r. r. $4; w X ue X anil nw X se X 2, 18,
lw, 121.18 seres.
Chat. B. Stillman, adm' J.E.Nortb,
adtn'r deed, $900; wiwU and nw
X se i nw X 24, 17, lw.
John E. Hoffmat to John Rickly, w. d.
$27.50; part out lot 31.
J. M. Macfarland, mayor, to Will T.
Rickly, mayor's deed, $29.60; part lota &
bl BG and 7 bl 93.
J. W. Early and wife to Mrs. Jessie
Martin, trustee, w. d. $1400; lot 4 bl 4
Stevens addition.
Sarah S. McConihe to Mary Reagan,
w. d. $100; lots 1 and 2, bl 136.
Barbara Legler to Henry Jenni, w. d.
$2000; ne X 24, 19, le, 160 acres.
Herman Erhardt to Barbara Hohl, w.d.
$20; s X lot 4 bl 1 Ottis addition to Hum
phrey. Will B. Dale and wife to William Bal
bro, w. d. $40; lots 2, 7 and 8 bl 238.
D. J. Drebert and wife to F. 31. Cook
ingham, w. d. $35; e X lot 2 bl 6 Ottis add.
to Humphrey.
Ole Johansen and wife to Emily A.
Primmer, w. d. $2800: a X 3, 20. 4w, 330
C. B. & Q. Ry Co. to Benj. R. Cowdery,
w. d. $663.28; se X 5, 20, 3w, 160 acres.
Hoses Welch and wife to John D.
Brewer, w. d. $90; lot 8 bl 142.
Ephraim Pilling, single, to Frederick
Marolf, w. d. $1000; s X sw 24, 19, le, 80
F. G. Kaul and wife to Peter H. Fed
derson, w. d. $150; und. X part ineK
24, 20, 2w, 5 acres.
Chas. L. Seaver and wife to Augustus
Frank, deed, $8820; und. X of 9400 acres
in tp. 16, 2 and 17, 2 and 3w.
Joseph M.Brown and wife to Augnstus
Frank, deed, $4000; und. X of 9400 acres
in tp. 16, 2w, ind tp. 17, 2 and 3w.
We have made arrangements to fur
nish to the subscribers of this paper,
that excellent agricultural and stook
journal, The Nebraska Farmer, for the
small sum of $1.00 per year. The
Farmer is published at Lincoln, Neb.,
O. M. Druse, Editor, and is devoted to
agriculture and stock growing iu the
west. Every farmer should take it
Send $1.00 to this office and we will
have the Farmer sent to you.
Special engagement of America's Great
est Character Artists,
SIR. and MRS.
Under the Management of
Presenting Marsden's laughing suc
cess, the New
"If you haven't seen Otto you Otle.'
During the action of the play,
Mr, and Urs. Eaiglt'i faooii !pcia&iii
Fun for a Half Million. !
Reserved Seats i 00
General Admission, 75
Gallery, . . : ftO
Es7Seats now on sale at Dowty &
China's Drug Store. 6-lt
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
May 28d, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his Intention to make inal
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the Judge
of the District Court at Columbus, Ne
braska, on the 12th day of July, 1884, viz:
John Flakus, Homestead No. 8098, for
the N. E. Ji, of N. E. X, Section 20,
Township 17, north, of Range 1 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of. said land, viz: George
Borowiak, Y. Losek, John Treba, So bast
tyan Formanski, all of Duncan P.O.,
rune co., rteo.
0.6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
Gm Dellrered Free U
part ftkeCItj-.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A. fc N. Depot.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Hat on hand a
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,.
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At pis that were never M of More, is Golnte
I buy my goods strictly for cash and will give my customers the
benefit, of it.
Give He a call and covince yourself of the facts.
Laid Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
May 9, 1881. f
NOTICE is hereby given that tho following-named
settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make tiual proof in
support of bis claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judge of the District
Court at Columbus. Neb., on the 23th
day of June, 1894, viz:
John A. Griffey, Homestead Entry No.
8166, f rthe S. E. J, S. 12, in Township
19, north Range 3 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz': John Deean, Henry
McCabe, Thomas McPhillips, Hans.
Elliott, all of Postville, Platte County
M C. HOSTETTER, Register.
U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.)
March 3d. 1834. )
NOTICE Is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in sup-
Eort of his claim, and that said proof will
e made before Clerk of District Court
for Platte county, at Columbus, Neb., on
June 13th, 1884, viz:
Hugh McCarvel, Homestead No. 8G24,
for the E. X of S. TV. X and W. X f S. E.
X Section 27, Township 20, Range 3 west.
He names the following witnsesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry Mc
Cabe, Thomas McPhillips, Martin Maher
and Michael Clark, all of Postville, Neb.
2-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 15th, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof in
Support of his claim, and that said proof
will be Bade before the Judge of the Dis
trict Court at Columbus, Neb., on the
7th day of June, 1884, viz:
Cobak Fomaaski, Homestead No. 8424,
for the S.H N. E.-X, Section 20, Town
ship 17 north, of Range 1 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Valentine Losek,
George Borowiak, John Treba and John
Flakus, all of Duncan P. O., Platte Co.,
S2-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 23d, 1884. )
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Judge of the
District Court, at Columbus Nebraska, on
the 14th day of June, 1884, viz:
Carsten Petersen, Homestead Entry
No. 11074, being additional to Homestead
No. 471, for the S. X- S. E. X, Section 8,
Township 18, North Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: C.Vanallen,
P. F.Ketelson.F. Tessendorf,of Jletz P. O.
Platte County Nebraska, and J. H. Jo
hannes, ef Platte Center P. O., Platte
County Nebraska.
1-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
May 12th, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his Intention to make final proof
in auoDort of his claim, ana tnat said
proof will be made before the Judge of
IOt 1lSinCE uuuri, (. vdiuiuuui, -icuih-
ka, on the 28th day of June, 1884, viz:
John Hosner Homestead No. 10423, for
theS.KiN.E. Ji, Section 30, Township
17, north, of Range 1 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Peter Zibach, John
Bredehoff, John Gerber, John Bern, all
of Duncan P. O- Platte Co., Neb.
4-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb. J
May 12th, 1884.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim,and that said
proof will be made before Clerk of the
District Court at Columbus, Neb., on
Friday June 27th, 1884, viz:
John Newman, Homestead No. 8939,
for the W. . 8.E. X, S.,W.Ji, N. E. X,
and S. E. X, N. W. Ji, Section 30, Town
ship 20, north of Range 4 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: John Blom
qulst, Andrew M. Anderson, Hans C.
Knudson, Oskar Eng, all of Lookinglass
P.O., Platte Co., Neb.
4-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
AXTTr7"ri Send six cents for
r 111 I A Pj POge Bd receive
J. VU JJ. free I c08tJy box of
goods which will help you to more money
right away than anything else in this
world. All, of either sex, succeed from
Irst" hour. The broad road to fortune
opens before the workers, absolutely
sure. At once address, Thus Jk Co.,
Augusts, Maine.
Wfaitebreast Lump Coal 5.00
" Nut " 4.50
Canon City " 7.00
Colorado Hard " 10.00
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps,
FMisrac good: aud nok
splendid stook of
Cor. Olive and 13th Sts.,
Have always on hand a new aud full
line of
Well Selected.
Dried and Canned Fruits of all kinds
guaranteed to be best quality.
A well selected new stock which will he
sold as cheap as the cheapest.
flour at Trices to suit all Packets !
and all kinds of country produce taken
in trade or boutrht for cash at the hitrheit.
market prices. 1-y
"Will Open
THE 23d of JUNE, 1884.
A complete course for teachers and
those desiring a higher English educa
tion, a full business course, with training
in actual business practice and general
correspondence, short hand, ornamental
penmanship, elocution, German and mu
sic. Splendid rooms, large, light and
well furnished, charges very moderate,
cost of living reasonable, society good,
experienced teachers. For further par
ticulars, inquire of
3-3mo Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pasps Repaired on short notice
jyOne door west of Helntz's Drii
Store, 11th Street, Columbus, Neb. 8
la warranted to wer lonnr, fit
th form neater, and fflro oettr
atlf action tixan any outer Conns
In the market, or price paid will
b refunded. The indorsement ot
Chleairo'j bent CQTslcian accom
pany each Conet. Price. SLM and upward. Aik juur
BierclLant for inem.
Manufacturers. X40& tit Kaodolpn Bt,cWcgo.
wanted for The Lives
all tbe Presidents
of the U. S. The lat
est, handsomest best book ever sold for
less than twice our price. Tbe fastest
selling book in America. Immense prof
its to agents. All Intelligent people want
it. Any one can become a successful
agent. Terms free. Hallkt Book Co.,
Portland, Maine.
? J