fi THE JOURNAL. IbSUKD EVKKY WEDNESDAY, M. K. TDliNER fc CO., Proprietori and Publishers. Z3T OFFICE, Eleventh St., up ttairs in Journal Building. terms: Peryear " 22 Six month? 22 Three months Single copies BU8INESS CARDS. D.T. Maxty.v. M. D. F. .1. SCHDG, M. D. Dra. MAETYN & SCHUG, D. S. Examining Surgeons, LopiI Snreeon-'. Union Pari tic, O., X. Jt B. U.. .iu-.l K. & 31. U. R'. CoiiKultitionF in German and Kn:lMi. Telephones) at ortice and residence. COLUMBUS. - NEBRASKA. 4-2-y -p ioi;iikkty, i. ., PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. JSTOUii-e second door eas.t of post-office. ,-I-v PHYSICIAN & SUliU EOS. Dieaei of women and children a spe cialty. County physician. Office former ly occupied by Dr. I5oueteel. Telephone exchange. a o l.l.A A.SI1IIAIJGII, .. DENIAL PARLOR, On corner of EIi-i-uth and North streets, over Ernsts hardware store. ioie:vi:iiG' nijijjvas, A TTOltNE YS-A '1 -LA W, Up-s,tair in Oluck ltuilding, 1Hi street, Above the New bauk. TT J. 1BIII50., NOT A BY PUBLIC. 12th Slrei't.i iloors n-t.t or Hammond Hoase, Columbus. Nfb. "''l-y rpilIJKNTOiir A POWKBNi S lna EON DEN TISTS. KJTOllhe in .Mitchell Block, Colutn 1U, Nebraska. H- x 6i. Ki:i:ii:it. A T I'OllX E Y A T LA W, Office on olie St., Columbia, Nebraska. 2-tf V. A. MACKEN, DKALKK IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors and Cigars. 11th t-troct, Columbus, Neb. 50-y fcALMMTER 1IKO., A TTOIiNE YS A T LA W, Office up-stalrs in McAllister's build ing 11th hi. W. A. .McAllister, Notary Public. J. M. MACKAKI.AN1I, " K. COWDKRY, Attcnoy si Hc'.iry ?aW c. CcUectcr. LAW AND COLLEltflON OFFWE - OK MACFAR1.AND& COWDBRST, Columbus, : : : Nebraska. F. 1 ltI-.KSt. .11. IK, (Sueeor to Dr. A. llullhorst) HOMEOPATHIC l'H SI CI AN AND Sl'RGXOX. Regular grailuate of two medical col leges. Offi.-f Olive St., one-half block north of llainmond House. 2-ly C. M. SWEEZEY, Land, Loan and Insurance, HUMPHREY, NKIl. Money to loan on long or short time on Ileal Estate in sum to mi it parties. ."0-y J. J. .llAUCJIlA, Justice, County Surveyor, Notary, Land and Collection Agent. jQTl'iirtic!. desiring surveying done can notifv me by mail at IMatte Centre, Neb. fil-tim F. II. KIJSCIli:, llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel. Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, "Whips, Blankets, Currv Combs, Brushes, trunks, valises, buggv" tops, 'cushions, carriage trimmings, Ac, at the lowest possible prices. Repairs, pn mptly attended to. $66 it which i a week at home. $".00 outfit free. l.iv absolutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Reader, if you want business at which person oi eituer sex, young or old, can make great pay all the time they work, with absolute certaiuty, write for particulars to 11. Hallet .t Co., Port- land, Maine. GE0E6E SPOONEE, CONTRA CTOJi FOR ALL KINDS OF MASON WORK. Office, Thirteenth St., between Olive and Nebraska Avenue. Residence on the corner of Eighth and Olive. All Work Guaranteed. 43-tf JS. MURDOCK & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Havehad an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give us an oppor tunitvtoestimatcforyou. 5TShop on 13th SU, one door west of Kriedhof & Co's. store, Columbus. Nebr. 483-v o. c. shannonT MANUFACTURER OF Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Roofing and Gutter ing' a Specialty. fSTShop on Eleventh Street, opposite Heintz's Drus: Store. 46-y a W. CLARK, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT, HUMPHREY, NEIiR. His lands comprise some fine tracts ia the Shell Creek Valley, and the north ern portion of Platte county. Taxes paid for non-residents. Satisfaction guaranteed. 20 y fOLlHIBITS PAK6 CO., COLUMBUS, - 2TEB., Packers and Dealers in all kinds of flog product, cash paid for Live or Dead Hogs or grease. Directors. R. H Henry, Prest.; John Wiggins, Sec. and Treas.; L. Gerrard, S. Cory. -KTOTICE TO TACHEB. o , J. B. Moncrlef, Co. Supt., Will be in his office at the Court Home oa the third Saturday of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the trans actton of any other business pertaining to schools. 667-y fin VOL. XV.-NO. 5. COLUMBUS STATE BANK! 3a:::a:rtt3 Ourui a la is! Tussr A Iilst. COLUMBUS, MEB. '.AMI CAPJTAL, . $50,000 DIRECTORS: fjEAKDEK (JKBBAUP, Pres'i. Gko. W., Vice Pres't. Julius A. Reed. Howard A. Gerrakd. J. E. Taskeu, Cashier. Ilaak of Iepelt, 1Imcsibi and Exckassce. 4;olIectIean Prsaptly Made a ull PolatM. Pay latereMf ei Time DeBtts It. 274 D. J. ORKBKKT. CuMir. IRA B. BRIGGLX. Anlstut Cu&ler. -THE- CITIZENS' BAM! HUMPHREY, NEB. CdTPrompt attention given to Col lections JSTPay Interest on time deposits. t3TInEurance, Passage Tickets and Real Estate Loans. 3-tf LINDSAYS TREKELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOOR AND FEED STORE! OIL CAKE, CHOPPED FEED, Bran, Shorts, BOLTED i DIBOLTED COM HEAL. GRAHAM FLOUR, AND FOUR KINDS OF THE BEST WHEAT FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. B33-A11 kinds of FRUITS in hefr sea on. Order, promptly tilled. lltli Street, Columbus, Nebrv 47-tim HENRY GASS, COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES AMD DBALKR IK Furniture, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bu reau. Tables, Safes, lounges, &c, Picture Frames and Mouldings. tSTJiepairing of all kinds of Upholstery Goods. 6-tf COLUMBUS. NEB.. GOLD for the working class Send 10 cents for postage, and we will mail you free a royal, valuable box of sample goods that wilt put you in the way of making more money in a few days than vou ever thought possible at any busi ness. Capital not required. We will start you. You can work all the time or in spare time only. The work is univer sally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from 50 cents to i every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer; to all who are not well satisfied we will send 1 to pay for the trouble of writing -U. Full particu lars, directions, etc.,.sent free. Fortuues will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely, sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address Stinsox & Co., Portland, Maine. A WOKD OF WAJRXiarCl. FARMERS, stock raisers, and all other interested parties will do well to remember that the "Western Horse aud Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the only company doing business in this state that insures Horses, Mules and Cattle aainit loss by theft, accidents, diseases, or injury, (as also against loss by fire and lightning). All representations by agents of ether Companies to the contrary not. withstanding. HENRY OARN, Special Ag't, 15-y Columbus, Neb. TAJIES SALMON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimates supplied for either frame or brick buildings. Good work guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street", near ist. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne- St. braska 52 6mo. J. WAGNER, Livery and Feed Stable. Is prepared to furnish the public w.'th good teams, buggies and carriages for all occasions, especially for funerals. Also conducts a sale stable. 44 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK jALYQNAHEALYI IsaVSkBMBfc . XHM CM4jMf b pxztatT National Bank! COX.X7JBY8I7B. NEB. AitborUei Capital, Paid Ii Capital, Sirplis aid Profits, - $250,000 50,000 - 6,000 OFFICKKS AND DIRECTORS. A. ANDERSON, Pres't. n , SAM'L C. SMITH. Vice Pres't. O. T. ROEN, Cashier. .1. W. EARLY, HERMAN OEHLRICH. . W. A. MCALLISTER. G. ANDERSON, P. ANDERSON. Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage Tickets, ana Real Estate Loans. COAL LIME! J. E. NORTH & CO., DEALERS IN Coal, Lime, Hair, Cement. Sock SpiBg Coal, I'arboi (Wyouiig) Coal. Eldoa (Iowa) Coal .$7.00 per ton .. 6.00 " .. 3.50 " Blacksmith Coal of best quality al ways on hand at low est prices. North Side Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB. U-'Ma UNION PACIFIC LAND OFFICE. Improved and Unimproved Farms, Hay and Grazing Lands and City Property for Sale Cheap AT THE Union Facific Land Office, On Long Time and low rate of Interest. ISTFinal proof made on Timber Claims, Homesteads and Pre-emptions. t3ar All wishing to buy lands of any de scription will please call and examine my list of lands before looking else wbere i3JAU baviug lands to sell will please call and give tne.a description, term , price, etc. JpFl a so am prepared to insure prop erty, as I have tbe agency of several lirst-class Fire insurance companies. F. W. OTT, Solicitor, speaks German. SAMUEL. & SMITH, 30-tf Columbus, Nebraska. BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE. COLUMBUS, NEB. SPEICE & NORTH. General Agents for the Sale of REAL ESTATE. Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific B. B. Lands for sale at from S3.00 to S10.00 per acre for casa, or on Ire or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. We have also a large and choice lot "of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lot6 in the city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte County. 621 COLDIIiailM, REB. LOUIS SCHBEIBER, BttiMWaeonMfc AH kiads of Repairiis doie Shart Netiee. Biggies, Wag- eis, etc., sade t order,. - aid all work Gaar- aiteed. Also sell tat worH-frawes Walter A. Wood Xtvara, Isaptrs, Cambin ed Xaakiaaa, Hamsters, and Mf-aiBdata-tha i "Shop opposiU the " Tattersall," on Olive St., COLUMSUB. 26-m (fulumtitt'i COLUMBUS. NEB., WEDNESDAY. MAY 28, 1884. the Faithful housewife. I see her In ber faonte content. The faithful housewife, day by day; Her duties seem like pleasures sent. And Joy attends her on her way. She cares not for tbo loud acclaim That roes with rank and social strife, Her wayside home Is more than fame; She Is its queen the faithful wife. When summer day are soft and fair. And blrd-sonsrs nil the cottage trees She reaps a benison as rare As her own gentle ministries. Peace shrines itself upon her face. And happiness In every look: Her voice Is full of charm and grace. Like music of the summer brook. In winter when the days are cold. Arid all the landscape dead and bare, -How well she keeps her little fold. How shines the fire beside her chairl The children go with pride to school. The father's toil half turns to play. Bo faithful is her frugal rule. So tenderly she molds the day. Let higher stations vaunt their claim. Let others sing of rank and birth. The faithful housewife's honest fame Is linked to tbe best joy on earth. A'. Y. Ledger. m PAIN IN THE HEAD. Why People Hare Ileatfkciie Some Facts Concerning a Very Cominou and Vexa tious Complaint. Of the numerous trilling ailments in cident to this life, uono is mora demor alizing than headache. The persons who are never troubled so are very rare. They are equally fortunate. Common as is the occurrence of this complaint, it never appears in the mor tuary lists as a cause of death. Indeed, headache, of itself, is no disease at all. It does, however, occur frequently in the course of many very diverse mal conditions. While thinking of head ache, the reader should remember that in the head are located a number of im portant organs in addition to the brain, and that the brain, by means of the nerves, is in very intimate relation with the abdominal cavity and contained or gans, derangement of any of which is quite capable of originating grievous headache. As has just been intimated, pain may recur at regular intervals in a definito part of the head and be due to a cause entirely foreign to the brain. Such pain in the headls fitly termed a . periodic headache. A good way to get a comprehensive idea of headaches is to consider them in groups according to their cause, thus: Headaches due to systemic con ditions, as rheumatism; headaches de pendent upon alleetions of organs dis tant from the head, as, for instance, the digestive apparatus, and, lastly, head aches due to change of structure or de rangement of function of organs within the head itself. Pain in the head from the last-named causes is well illustrated by the headache which so frequently follows the infliction of violence directly upon the head. The nain in such a case is usually due to a change in the membrane covering the brain, a condi tion technically called meningitis. Tu mors pressing "upon the brain investure will often cause pain in the head very like that of meningitis. The headache generally experienced by persons who nave survived sun-stroke is of a similar character. Disease of the bones of the skull will also cause persistent and se vere pain in the head. Affections of the teeth and of the membrane lining the upper part of the nose, also diseased conditions of the eye and ear, are believed to, and doubtless frequently do, cause pain in the head. Pain from affections of the ear is mostly felt in the Tegion of the head conesponding to the position of this organ. Frontal headache is very generally felt by the individuals who suffer from chronic nasal troubles. Pain in the head from defective sight is provoked and aggra vated by the use of the defective eye for near work. Derangements of the heart and di gestive apparatus aro quite common causes of pain in the head. Headache is also provoked by changes in other organs quite distant from the head. A characteristic headache is that in .vhich the pain is felt most severely upon the top of the head. Reflex headache is a very good name for this pain. The way in which heart troubles cause headache is purely mechanical. An enlarged heart or one temporarily over-excited from some cause pumps an undue quan-' tityof blood into the cranial cavity, which is an unyielding space. The un usual amount of blood now present in this space pressing upon the sensitive Earts of brain produces a pain in the ead which is called a congestive head ache. This pain is niado worse by any excitement or by stooping, a fact that helps to indicate the nature of the case. The pain felt in tiie head after unusual libations and also after some undue mental effort is probably of this nature. . Headache from derangement of the digestive apparatus is probably the most frequent of all. Atrocious headaches these are. They generally happen something like this: the victim rises from bed in the morning feeling a trifle off, with perhaps a sense of uneasiness in the stomach and a slight pain in one temple. As the day advances the pain in the head and 'general dNtress in crease, and by afternoon the individual reckons that his head is fit to burst, and doesn't care very much if it would do so; presently an attack of vomiting and perhaps a slight diarrhea occurs, and then the pain gradually disappears, to return again, however, when the neces sary conditions arc present for its ex istence. These are the typical sick head aches, some of the victims of which de clare they have inherited the trouble. There is considerable likeness between the condition just described and sea sickness. ' The pain in the head very usually co incident with the onset of some febrile complaints is a very good example of neaaacne irom general systemic con ditions. In this case the circulation of vitiated blood probably provokes pain, neuralgic in character! Individuals who have inherited strongly-marked nervous tendencies, and who from any oause may be inpoor general health, are very liable to nave pain shooting up through the temples and back ot the head. These pains are often followed by soreness of the scalp. They also are neuralgic in character, and are especially obstinate in the aged. Coincidcntplumbic (lead) or malarial poisoning increases the sus ceptibility of individuals to these pains. Rheumatic persons often have pain in the head, also accompanied by sore ness. Such headaches are, as a rule, promptly relieved by rheumatic treat ment. This also gives a hint as to the nature of these pains. There is an af fection called by the medical men a tuberculosis, which is really a sort of a low grade of inflammation. ' This affec tion occasionally attacks the mem brane covering the brain, and then causes the characteristic pain of menin- fitis before referred to. Tapping the ead lightly with the ends of the fingers aggravates pain of this kind. Head ache, worse at night, is also be lieved to be characteristic of another Jonn of meningeal innammatios. Owing to certain derangements of the kidneys they become unable to per form their usual duty, as a result of which certain substances remain in the blood that in health are cast off from the system. This condition is really a blood-poisoning and produces an ex ceedingly grave form of headache. Sometimes quite unaccountable head aches are due to the excessive use of tea and coffee. The most general causes of headache have now been mentioned. It is quite possible for more than one of these malconditions to affect an individ ual at the same time, a circumstance which, it is fair to infer, might give rise to unusually frequent and severe head aches. To make briefly any intelligent suggestion for the relief of all these de rangements is manifestly impossible. One thing must be plain, viz: that any remedy that is guaranteed to cure every case of headache must fail sometimes, and it is probable that all such remedies do fail oftener than they succeed. In deed, it is also probable that the tradi tional brown paper steeped in vinegar and applied to the aching head is just as useful as many of the reputed "sure cures " for headache. A physician who was something of a joker, and who may appear a trine malicious, was in the habit of ordering for a sick headacho three glasses of lukewarm water, to be swallowed in rapid succession, and to be followed immediately by a glass of hot mustard water. The effect of this treatment on such headaches is at times very beneficial. It is also quite astonish ing to the uninitiated. Fhiludelvhia Times. He Wanted to Know. A well-known fellow-citizen now prowling not to say growling through Europe writes us the following touching experience: 44 1 had been for about half an hour, he says, "sitting on the deck of one of the miserable little ' packets' that ply between Dover and Calais, and exasper ating my fellow-passengers by refusing to join iu the carnival of sea-sickness going on arouud me, when a ruddy faceu, white-wlnskered, bluff-looking individual who had been eyeing me for some time stepped up and .-aid: "Be pardon, I'm sure; but you are really the American?' " 'The American!' I replied; 'there are several, I believe.' " 'Oh, of course, to be sure. I mean the one on board. I saw " George B. Blank, San Francisco, California, U. S.," painted on some of the baggage, and I picked you out right away as the owner,' and" the stranger inspected me from head to foot with as vivid a curi osity as if I'd been a wild man of the woods. "'Well,' I finally exclaimed, 'lam an American. What can I do for you?' " ' Why-er nothing that is no of fense, I hope, and you are a Califor nian, too?' he said, "rubbing his hands as thoiigh he had indeed met a rara avis. 'Ever scalped by the Indians, eh?' " 'I think not,' I replied. "'You've scalped some of them, though, haven't you?' persisted ray in quisitor. "Concluding that inasmuch as I was in for being made a side-show of I might as well imuilge in some of the circus poster sort of thing, I looked my ques tioner calmly in the eyes and replied: 'Some twenty-six or seven, I forget which; I have the tally nicked in the handle of my other "scalping-kuife; I carry only one bowie in this country. So seldom one runs across any fun here, you know?' ' 'Killed many white men?' asked the stranger, who appeared to be act ually quivering with excitement and curiosity. " 'Only eight or ten,' I replied, care lessly. 'You see, in California there is a sort of eV3e season now for shooting white men. 'Tain't like the good old-man-for-breakfast times. A fellow is only allowed to gun around promiscu ous like four months in the year. So it's hard work to keep one's hand in, don't you sec?' " 'Well, I declare!' said the apparent ly stupciied man with the chop whisk ers; 'how about Chinamen?' " 'Oh! we kill Chinamen all the year round, when they're fat,' I explained. 'But, then, there" is lately some sort of an ordinance making it a misdemeanor to shoot a pigtail unless he is on the shad7 side of the street, or gets in your way. Folks are getting too particular over there, for a fact.' " 'Is it really true that all Americans wear chest protectors and eat notiiiug but pie?' "Well., you see, the fact is that Americans are, as you know, such a frightfully busy people that they haven't time to" sit down and cat a square meal, like you English. They must have something portable some thing they can carry about with them and nibble on the si. 1 teli you. sir, it looks liko business when you see forty or fifty men all hanging on to the straps of a street car with one hand and eating with the other.' " I should rather think so,' mur mured the stranger. " As for the chest protectors,' I con tinued, ' they are really noihing more than pockets suspended arouud the neck, and large enough to carry a whole pie, which it keeps warm at the same time. A good hot mince pie stowed away in this manner not only imparts a gentle and grateful warmth to the entire system, but keeps a whole day's rations always within reach of the wearer. Grand idea, isn't it?' "Well, I'm blessed!' said my fairly paralyzed interrogator, gazing at my child-like and ingenuous face with pro found awe. 'Would er would you oblige me with one of your cards,' he saidT I want to show it to my family, or they'll never believe a word of this never. Thanks here's mine,' and, as we had landed, he walked up the gang-plank and was swallowed up by the mob of insane French cabmen. " As I stepped chuckling into my own compartment I glanced at the card of the stranger. It read: Julius K. Jud kins, San Francisco, Cral.' "I have spent about eight hours a day looking for that man ever since. There will be bloodshed ont of this yet mark my words." San Francisco Post. The Emperor of China, who is six teen years old, eats with gold-tipped chop-sticks of ivory, and sleeps on a bedstead carved and ornamented with gold and ivory, which has been used for two centuries. He studies Chinese and marches three hours a day, and spends two hours in archery and riding. Every one, even his father and mother, kneels to him on entering his sacred presence. He is attended by eight eunuchs, who will not let him overeat In a base-ball match at Philadel phia five men were disabled. In a de bating society in Arkansas four men were killed and five wounded. What this country needs is rational ai meat. Philadelphia Prtt 0itpt The Paalshaeat ef a Yens-eat Mur derer. Apropos of the current discussion of the abolition of capital punishment, Vermont had in the last generation a case which may have some bearings on this matter, and which was in all re spects a most remarkable one being, indeed, almost without a parallel in the annals of crime. Eugene Clifford, more than forty years ago, murdered his wife and child by drowning them in Fairfield pond. He was a deserter from the British army, and had gone to Fair field, a little village of Franklin County, where he married Mrs. Elizabeth Gil more, a widow, who owned a small farm. After a few years of married life, he became infatuated with another woman, whom he thought he could mart' wcro his wife out of the way. He also thought that he would inherit tho farm and the other property if ho survived his wife and child. So, led on by the tremendous forces of avarice and lust, he laid his plans to murder them. He invited his wife one Sunday morn ing to cross Fairfield pond with him in a log canoe, and she accepted the invita tion, taking the child in her arms. In an hour or two Clifford returned alone, and notified the neighbors that his wife, while adjusting a shawl around the child, had fallen from the boat, and both had been drowned. The noxt day the bodies were recovered, but the shawls, which it was known they had worn, and which were of considerable value, could not be found. This strengthened the suspicion that Clifford had murdered his wife and child, and an intense excitement pervaded the neighborhood. On a given day the people came together from miles around, and a thorough search was made of every foot of the shore of tho pond, but no trace of the missing shawls could I e found. And now comes one of the extraordinary facts of the enw On tin ninrlit nf tlmt. ilntr a noinrli. bor, one Mrs. Marvin, dreamed that she started out to look for the shawls. She dreamed that she crossed a field in front of her house, climbed a fence across which a large hemlock tree had fallen, walked a few yards on the trunk of the tree, and thence to a dense growth of underbrush, near the shore of the pond, and there, in a shallow hole in the sand, and partially covered, she found the shawls. Mrs. Marvin told her dream to her husband, but he thought little of it. She, however, persuaded a neighbor to accompany her, and, though she had never before been over the ground, she found everything pre cisely as in her dream, and discovered the shawls in the exact place she had seen in her vision. With the evidence thus furnished, and much other of a damaging kind, Clif ford, on trial, was convicted, and he was sentenced to be hanged on the ex piration of one year from his .sentence, April 21, 1843. in the meantime to be kept in solitary confinement in the State Prison at Windsor. As the law then stood, the Governor's warrant was a Srercquisite for the execution of a con emned prisoner, and tbe then Govern or, from a conscientious motive which appears somewhat strained, refused to issue his warrant for Clifford's execu tion; and the next Governor followed his predecessor's example. In the meantime, in his solitary cell, Clifford 'decayed in body and mind, and suffered both'an intellectual and physical death. ,For a few months, while admitting his guilt, he claimed that his act was justi .hable, and he endeavored to get aome influence from abroad used in his behalf. At the end of the time originally set for his execution, he began to have spasms of insane raving, when he was so noisy, abusive and violent that it was found necessary to chain him. Then he was seized with the no tion that he was unlawfully and unjust ly detained, and this idea would lead Him into fits of violence and insane rage. Next succeeded a wish to be hung; and the unhappy man confided to the prison physician a letter to the Governor, in which he implored him to order his ex ecution. He then attempted to starve himself to death, but the attempt was frevented by the prison officials. Final y his mind gave way completely, and for many months he could not be per suaded to utter a word, and at length, after a confinement of almost precisely four years, death came to his relief. And an examination of his body showed the same pathological condition as in wild animals that die in their cages aft er a long confinement. Such is the theory of this most re markable caso- a story which does not rest upon mere tradition, but upon au thentic documents in every detail. Burlington ( Vt.) Cor. Boston Advertis er. m An Honest Adrertisement. "How de do? Glad to see you. Look In' ior me, weren't you? I'm Deacon Doright, the man you're after, I guess. You, I s'pose, are the real-estate agent I wrote to for to come an' see the rural villar I want to rent!" "Yes. I received your letter; ran down from the city, inquired my way to your house, circled all " around it trying to find the front door and struck the kitchen after all; was told you were in the cellar sorting po tatoes; nearly.broke my neck getting down there; did not find you; came up; wandered around until I got to this room, and here I am all out of breath, but with a good idea of the numerous and unsur passed advantages of this villa as a place of summer residence, xou want me to write you out a first-class adver tisement, sure to catch the eye, do you not?" "That's it; that's it; but see here, no deception, no trickery; none of your city ways for me. I'm a plain, honest man; have been a deacon tor nigh onto fifteen year, and, although you may be like the rest on 'em and think 'religion is religion, but business is business,' E lease remember that in advertising my oiue you must tell everything just as it is. No fine language for what ain't here; no tricks, no lying." "But, my dcarsir- " "Don't arg'e with me, I've been a fair square man all my life, and I mean to stay so. Write down everything just as it is. Put me up a truthful ad vertisement and see if you don't sleep the better for it." "All right; but you are the first man who ever made such a request. I'll do my best to please you. Wait one mo ment." "Through a'ready?" "Yes; I have obeyed your instruc tions. This ought to be about the thing: TU KENT FOB THE SUMMER, A SO called Villa. Originally a log cabin, but ad ditions of stone, brick and wood have beea soade from time to time until now It looks like a village after an earthquake. Kltohen wkere the parlor ought to be; pantry in tbe drawing-room; cellarway near the front door; cellar alls with water after every rain: all we chimneys smoke: well aaa not been cleaned for a century, aad it takes two mea to draw up the bucket: scenery, a dead level cf meadow and malaria: one store two adjs way and five priees charged for everjrusaf, WHOLE NO. 733. r- still it would be cheaper to trade there tnan to pay one dollar for railroad fare to the city every time a paper of pins Is wanted; furni ture old and inhabited; fruit and shade con sist of two crab-apple trees which have stopped bearing. Oh! my stars, Mr. Agent, vou don't s' pose any one would apply for such a house as that, do you? Not that it ain't pretty nigh correct, but don't you see that is fmeau why. it is too long; it will cost too much "to print, don't you see? We must shorten it. Strike out all superfluous words. Here now, this is much shorter and equally true, for it says nothing what ain't here: TO KENTFOR THE SUMMER. A VILLA: additions of stone, brick and wood; well: scenory lovel: storu cheap to trade In; 31.25 railroad faro to thu city; furniture old: fruit and shade. "There, Mr. Agent, that L much shorter, and won't cost half so much as the other way; but wo must tell how near it is to the city and station, musn't wo?" "Certainly, if you desire. Let me see. It took me two hours to get here." "Y-a-s, may be it did; but you came on rather a slow train, I guess. I s'pose they will be puttin' on an ex press before long to stop only ten times 'twixt here and tho city; it's about timo they did, anyhow. Now, about how fast can an A 1 express run?" "Sonio of them go a mile a minuto." Exactly. Now this station is forty fivo miles from the city; that" takes forty-live minutes; put that down. Now, as to distance from the station." "It took me half au hour to walk it." "Very likely; but then you're not used to walking and the roads are pret ty bad now. About how fast can a good walker go, say Rowell, for instance?" "I really do not know seven or eight miles in one hour, perhaps, in a good go-as-you-please race of that dura tion." "Well, if he can make eight miles in a race, he can make ten if in a hurry to catch a train. Ten miles an hour is a mile iu six minutes; but, although it's a good mile from here to the station them are no fences to climb and the wind gonerally blows in that direction, so put down 'live minutes to station,' that's it. Now, as your train will bo along in half an hour you better be starting. Try to get $100 a month for the summer, Imt don't lose a chance to rent if you have to take $10. Good bye, and remember, mv friend, that at all times and under all circumstances 'honesty is the best policy.' " Phila delphia Evening Call. Why Old Jasper Was Not Sent to the Penitentiary. "Charged wid habin' two wives, is I?" asked an old negro of the Magis trate before whom ne had been ar raigned. "Yes," replied the Judge. "Are you guilty or not guilty?" "VVall, we'll sorter hafter study 'bout dem facks an' 'vestigate 'em a leetle. It's owin' ter what sorterman yer Ieabs it ter whuder ur not I'se 'sidered guilty." "Have you two living wives?" "What "does yer 'spose I wants wid a dead wife, Jedge. Doan draw me in dis cou't-house 'spectin' ter find mo a fool. Dpan 'sinuate dat de time what I had spent at a night-school had been flung away." Well, old man, if you have two living wives you have violated the law, and merit a term in the penitentiary." "Doan git fracshus an' deinu a man 'fore yer knows all de facks. Some time ago I married Tildy .cmith, a mighty likely 'oniau. She was a good oman, as I tells yer, but one mawnin' she cu.sed me. I can stan' anything but bein' cussed. Ef yersef was ter set up dar an' cuss me, I" doan keer who yer is, I'd hit ver sho'. Wall, when de 'oman cussed me, I sorter slapped her down. Arter dis, she didn't seem ter lub me Uitc so well, 'case when I felt bad and wanted ter chunk her 'roun' fur 'musement, she got outen my way. Dat wan't no way ter do, but she was still a good '(.man. One day shc tuck sick an' sent fur her ?i.ster 'Liza. She kep' er gittin' wits and wus, an' guntcr tnlk'bout dyiu'. One ebenm' she called me an' sez, sez she: 'Jasper, I'se mighty nigh gone, an' can't lib till mawnin'. I knows dat yer can't git along widout a good wife, an' jis as I'se dyin', when I'se jis alive, I wants ter see yer married. I knows dat yer's .always lubed sister 'Liza, an' now I axes yer ter inary her.'. I greed ter dis, merely to gratify de dyin 'oman. an' 'size dat 'Liza" was a" mighty likely gal. Wife she kep er gittin' wus, an' arter a while I sent fur de preacher an' de license. Da got dar jis as Tildy seemed ter be drawiu' her la' brcf. Me an' Liza stood by de bed, an when Tildy gaped fur de las time de preach er married me an' 'Liza. Jis as de ceremony was 'formed, Tildy she hopped outen de bed an' says: ' Oh, yes, I'se got yer now. Hit me de udder day, did yer? Now I'se got yer, an' is a gwinc ter sen' yer ter de penitentiary fur habin' two wives.' Dat s de way it wus, Jedge. an' I'd like ter know" at dis present writin' whut delaw isgwina ter do about it?" " You have violated the law, old man, and must suffer the conse quences." "Dat looks mighty hard. It do seem dat de law ain' t got no re-jpeck fur a mau's private afl'airs. Stan's aside an' lets two wini n g"t away wid a man, an' den, 'stead oil howin' sym- Siafy, jumps on ter de man. Now, Fedge, doan yersef believe dat any two winiin can git away wid one po' man?" " That's a fact,'" the Judge repliod "One woman is bad enough, but tw$ ah. Lord! You can go, old man." Arkanswjo Traveller. A Boy of the PcrioJ. A young Austin man recently mar ried a rich widow, who died shortly after the ceremony, aud left a bereaved widower and a large amo int of prop erty. One day he w:is visit ng at the house of a friend who had a family of four little boys, and the widower began quizzing them. "Well, George, what are you going to be when you grow up?" he in quired. "I guess I'll be a poet," anweredtho little fellow. "And what are you going to trv and do, Willie?" "I'm going to be an artist." 'An artist, eh! and do vou think you will adopt as a profession, Eddie?" "Pa says he's going to make a min ister out of me' F "That's good, very good. Now, Frankie, let me hear what you intend to be?" "I'm going in for money." "Going into a money-making busi ness. Well, what is it?f' "I'm going to be a rich widower, I mm." Texas Sitings. A lucky Miliord (Conn.) man re cently found fifty dollars in gold which he lost in his well twenty-two years ago. PERSONAL AM) IMPERSONAL. Oscar Wilde has discarded knee breeches and taken to the prosaic trousers. Jesse Grant, the youngest of tho Grant family, is engaged in tho banking business in'New York. Although only twentv-five years old, he is said to be worth" $400,000. N. Y. Sun. Miss Gabrielle Greeley will occupy the old Greeley homestead at Chappaqua during the coming season. She is still a lovely girl, exceedingly retired, and has, it is said, refused many ambitious suitors for her hand. N. Y. Times. John Jay Cisco, who died in New York recently, began life a poor boy," became a tailor, entered the dry goods business, and subsequently made large sums of money as a banker. He was one among the many millionaires of Manhattan Island. N. Y. News. George Pen Johnson, the editor who died in San Francisco a few days ago, directed in his will that his body be burned to ashes in a furnace. Mr. Johnston was a man of mark in tho Blitics of California in tho days of roderick. Chicago Inter Ocean. One of tbe curiosities in the United States Supreme. Court room is the mam moth bundle of papers referring to the case of Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines. A five dollar bill may be had by any one who can lift this package and" put it on bus back. Many have mado the at tempt, but failure has been universal. If ashmaton Post. Nine years ago James Lobdell was supposed to have been burned to death in his baru at Oxford. N. Y. Boues re sembling thoso of a human body were found aud a funeral ceremony was held. lie recently returned to Oxford, saying he had wandered all over the union, and had never once communicated with his friends. Iroy Times. Kov. George W. James, of Reno, Nov., can recito tho whole of Southey's "Cataract of Lodore," forward and backward, give tho number of any lino quoted, or recite it by ivlternate lines. It is regarded as tho most difficult poem iu tho English language to commit to memory or recite, but he claims to have mastered it in less than two hours. Chicago Herald. Miss Mary Ewing, of Dayton.. O., met Mr. Samuel Messieh, a rich farmer of Fisherville, near Louisville, last win ter, while visiting friends in the little hamlet. Recently she met Mr. Messieh on the streets of Louisville, and when Mr. Messieh proposed immediate mar riage she assented. In eighteen minutes from the time they met upou tho street they left the Mayor's ollice bone of one bone and flesh of one lies!. Detroit Post. Asenasse, an old chief of the Iro quois, at a pow-wow ot his trioe the other day in Cauada, denounced educa tion as the greatest curse that had fallen upou the tribe. One charge that he made against education was that it inad rogues of its victims; and he has been kuown to remonstrate with a fel low chief for sending his son to a Mon treal college, because tho lad would no longer be an Indian. Chicago Tribune. "A LITTLE NONSENSE." It is all folly to say that love is blind. A fellow in love is very quick to detect if his girl smiles at another chap. Philadelphia Chronicle-Herald. "It Is strange how sensitive some people are concerning the size of their feet. We understand that there is a duel now pending between two Arkansas editors simply because one of them al luded to the other as a "big-soled man." A'. Y. Graphic. "Why do you mutter in that way when you read ?" asked a man of an old negro who Hat mumbling over a newspaper. "How ought I to read, sah?" "Why, read without moving your lips." " "What good would dat sorter readin' do me, for I couldn't heah it ? When I reads I wanster read so I can heah what I'se readin' 'bout." Arkansaw Traveller. Dr. Woodbridge says that in the case of a bite of a venomous serpent or insect, one of the first things to bo re sorted to is to suck the wound with tho lips. This is certainly a very simple remedy, and when a man is bitten in the back of the neck by a poisonous in sect he should apply it immediately. He may twist his head entirely off in the effort to follow the prescription, but this is a minor consideration. Nor rislowri Herald. "I am on ray wedding tower," said a countryman entering a Chestnut dry goods store, "and my wife is waitin' for me outside. I want to buy some socks for myself, and slice is too bashful to come "in." "All right sir," responded the clerk, "I will be glad to show you our half hose." "Well, you see," went on the countryman, "a weddin' tower doesn't occur only about once in a man's lifetime, you know, and I dou't believe in scrimpin' on such an occasion. So you needn't show me any half hose. Let mc look at your whole hose. Phila delphia Call. A little girl went away with her mother for a week's visit in the country. When they returned she looked up and down the streets and at all the houses, said: "Why the town ain't red, is it?" 'Of course not, Fannie, why do you ask ' that question?" "Because, Mamma, just before we started away I heard Papa tell Mr. Tompkins that he was going to paint the town red while you were iu the country. I guess he must have been busy and didn't have time to do it. Don't you suppose so, Mamma." "Yes, dear, I do." Then there was a long silence. Merchant Traveller. A Yankee ridiug in a railway car riage was disposed to astonish the other passengers with tough stories. At last he mentioned that one of his neighbors owned au immense dairy, anil made a million pounds of butter and million pounds of cheese yearly. The Yankee seeing that his veracity was in danger of being questioned, appealed to a friend, "True, isn't it. Mister? I speak of Deacon Browne." "Ye-e-s," replied the friend, "that is I know Deacon Browne, though I don't know as I ever heard precisely how many pound of cheese and butter he makes a year; but I know he has twelve saw-mills that all go by buttermilk." New York Ledger. Making it Up. Western Railroad President "I tell you, sir, it is ruinous. I can't reduce fares between those points from four teen dollars and fifty cents to five dol lars. You must be "crazy." Superintendent "It must be done, sir, or the new B. X. W. & Z. line will get part of our traflic." "But it costs more than that to carry them." "Oh ! I have all that fixed ; we will make it all up ever' trip." "In what way ?" "My idea is to run nothing but palace cars." "Well." "And then, before reaching the end of the road, you and I, disguised as two of the James gang, will board the train." "Capital idea : but that would only work for awhile. The passengers would complain and the authorities would get after us." "OhT but we won't toueh the pas- -sengers." Not ?" "No ; we will just rob the porter. California Call. m New Haven, Conn., reports the dis covery of a new value in printer's ink. It is an excellent vermifuge, and will protect shads trees from the ravage of worms.