The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 21, 1884, Image 1

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M. K. TUliNER .fc CO.,
Proprietors and Publishers. .
' J3" OFFICE, Eleventh St.. up stair,
m Journal Building.
Per year $$
Sir months
Thre months SO
Single copies "
r.T. martyx, m. d. f. j. schug, xr. d.
D. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surgeon-. Union Pacific, O.. X.
.t B. 11. and It. A 31. U. It's.
. Consultation!- in Germ in and Ensrli.-h.
Telephone at office and residences.
itorc'iiKsirY. m. i.,
ISTOllii-e econd door of post-office.
1'u ysiciax f- sun geox.
Ureases of women and children a spe-
cialty. i;ouniv iniysucisu. umi.cjiuiii
ly occupied by Dr. Uonesteel. Telepboiit
On corner of Eleventh and North streets,
over Erii-t' hardware Store.
lip-stair'- in (Jluek I'.uilding. lltli street,
Al.nv.- the New hank.
j. ii r :.
notary run li a.
lilh Strert.2 .loors -t of lliiiiiiiioud House,
Cdutnhus, Xi'b.
rpuDHN TO. A: IMlWlilUi,
s una eon i ex tists.
fSTOllire in .Mitchell llloek, Colum
bus, Nebraska. l-'f
. Ki'i:ifti'it.
Ortice on Olive St.. oliimbus. Nebraska.
Foreign ami Domestic Liquors and
11th street, Columbus, Neb. f0-y
Al.l.ISI lit IlltOS.,
Olliee upstair in McAllister's build
iue:. 11th M. W. A. MeAili-ter, Notary
Attsrscy isl Vzxzj KtVz. Csllecicr.
Columbus, Nebraska.
i i iti .vi:is. .11. i.
(Sileeev.or to Dr. C. C. A .'llllllhorct)
Regular graduate of two medieal col
leger. Olliic Olive St., one-half block
north of llamuinnd House. --ly
Land, Loan and Insurance,
.Monev to loan on long or short time on
Heal Estate i" mmii to suit parties. .r0-y
j. j. .mauiia:v
Justice, County Surveyor, Notary,
Land and Collection Agent.
jgri'arties desiring surveying done ean
notifv me bv mail at 1'latte Centre, Neb.
llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sell Harness, Saddles, Collars, TVhips,
Klankets, Curry Combs, llrushes, trunks,
valises, buggv'tops, cu-hions, carriage
trimmings, &c at the lowest possible
prices. Jtejiairs pr mptly attended to.
a week at home. $5.00 outfit
free. Pay sb.ol.itely sure. o
risk. Capital not rcquircu.
Header, if vou want business
at which persons of either sex, young or
old, can make great pay all the time they
work, with absolute certainty, write for
particulars to II. II allot .t Co., Port
land, Maine.
Office, Thirteenth St.. between Olive
and Nebraska A enue. Residence on the
corner of Eighth and Olive.
All Work 3tiaiiintod.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Havenadan extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is. Good work and
fair prices. Call and give, us an oppor
tunitytoestimateforyou. ISTShop on
13th SU, one door west of Eriedhof &
Co's. store, Columbus. Nebr. 4S3-V
o. c. SHAJsrsror7
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Boofinj and Gutter
ing a Specialty.
tSTShop on Eleventh Street, opposite
Deintz's Iirug Store. 4B-y
His lands comprise some line tracts
in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north
ern portion of Pbtte county. Taxes
paid for non-residents. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 20 y
Packers and Dealers in all kinds of Hog
product, cash paid for Live or Dead Uoga
or grease.
Directors. R. H Henry, Treat.; John
Wiggiua, Sec. and Treas."; L. Gerrard, S.
J. B. M onciief. Co. Supt.,
Will be in his office at the Court House
on the third Saturday of each
month for the purpose of examining
applicants for teacher's certificates, and
for the transactton of any other business
pertaining to schools. 567-y
3t::;ct:n t j Oimra ft Sua uiZsaut ft lulit.
. uti i. ;
Lkanurh (ikbkard, Pres'l.
(Jeo. W. IIulht, Vice Pres't.
"".Tur.ius'AvRKED: "
" 5 f EDWARD ir.!GERnARD.
J. E. Tasker, Cashier.
w!m) vi(I
lluak ef Deposit ltceaat
ubiI EicliaBgc.
Collectloati Promptly Made ea
nil Poliilfc'--- ' -. '---
l'ny Uteresi oa Xlate IftepoM
lt. 274
CnMli. .
' . r;laMMt Cufcitt.
THE '. '"
tSTPrompt attention given to Col-,
JOTPay Interest on time deposits.
ISTIiiBurance, Jam8ae Tickets and
Real Estate Loans. 3-tf
Bran, Shorts,
U5TAH kinds of FRUITS in their sea
on. Orders promptly tilled.
lltli Streef, Columbns,- Nebr.
Furniture, Cliainr, "Bedsteads. Bu
reaus, TaVJles, Safest Lounges,
&c. Picture Frames and
JSTRepairiag of all kinds of Upholstery
for the 'working class
Send 10 cents for postage,
aod'we will mail youree
a royai, yaiuaoie oox oi
sample goods that will put you in the way
of making mote money in a few days than
you ever thought possible at any busi
cess. Capital not required, we will
start you. You can work all the time or
in spare time only. The work is univer
sally adapted to .both sexes, .young and
old. You.cankeasily earnjrom f0 cents to
$5 every "evening! That nil who want
work may test the businesj, we make
this unparalleled offer; to all who are not
well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for
the trouble of writing u. Full particu
lars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes
will be made by those who give their
whole time to the work. Great success
absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now.
Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Elaine.
FARMERS, stock raisers, and all other
interested parties will do well to
remember that the "Western Horse and
Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the
only company doing business in this state
that insures Horses, Mules and Cattle
against loss by theft, accidents, diseases,
or injury, (as also against loss by fire and
lightning). All representations by agents
of other Companies to the contrary not
withstanding. HENRY DARN, Special Ag't.
15-y Columbus, Neb.
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. 32Cmo.
Livery and Feed -Stable.
Is prepared to furnish the public w.'th
good teams, buggies and carriages for all
occasions, especially for funerals. Also
conducts a sale stable. 44
mili mllXtiT
ft m. M M. ZM
ath-Sla. Cas StlW
KauWM. Tin !
DniH ! SUA. ul
a7 Su4 Oattk. nMt,
mum iq(Mi laavncaaB
.- ---'
asE5 w-" Tjfc
Vassal Stat t
tilt ll 1 -f
nn k4l
j.- t.
National Bank !
Aitiorirei Capital, -Paid
Ii Gapitil,
Sirpfes Kki Profits, -
A. ANDERSON, Pres't.
SAM'L C. SMITH, Vice Pres't.
O. T. ROEN, Cashier.
.1. W. EARLY,
Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage
Tickets, ana Real Estate Loans.
J. E. NORTH & CO.,
Lime, . .,
loekSpiig Coal,
Carbon (Wyomiig) Ceal.
...$7.00 per Ion
.... 6.00 "
.... 3.50 -"
IHdou (Iowa) Coal
Blackimith. Coal of beat quality al
w " ways on' hand at low-
a. v"-' , eat prices.
j - '' 4 1
Nortlf Side Eleventh St.,
Improved and Unimproved Farms,
Hay and Grazing Lands and City
Property for Sale Cheap
Union Pacific Land Office,
On Long Time and low rate
'of Interest.
tSTFlnal proof made on Timber Claims,
Homesteads and Pre-emptions.
3A11 wishing to buy lands or any de
scription will please call and examine
my list of lands before looking else where
g5fAU having land's to sell will please
call and give me a description, term ,
prices, etc.
' -fSri a so am prepared to insure prop
erty, as I have the agency of several
first-class Fire insurance companies.
F. "W. OTT, Solicitor, speaks German.
30-tf Columbus, Nebraska.
IN .
General Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
R. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on fire or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also business and
residence lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstractor title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
All kiads of Repairing doie an
Skrt Notice. Biggies, Wag-
is, etc., Bade to order,
aid all work Giar-
Also atll the world-faaeuj Walter A.
Wood Xowafi; steajjers, Ciia-
ed Maemiaes, Marraitori,
and SeH-nimders the
beat Made.
'Shop opposite the "Tattersall," on
olive St., COLUMBUS. 36-m
:. .1
BlacKSfflilD ana Wason Maser
Do one thin? well.
And it will tell.
If you will only wait a spell.
Nor courage lose.
Nor e'er refuse
Your beat endeavors still to as.
Though st the st&rt
You may lose heart.
Aad tear your crude designs apart,
Still keep right on
Until you've done
Your task, and own a victory won.
The stubborn will
Toils on, until
It meets success, and proves its skill:
The fight maintain.
Nor ojr complains.
And is rewarded for its pains.
Tasks well begun,
If left half done.
Are not much good to any ono;
Who thus misspends
His Urns intends
His life to fill with odds and ends.
The master-hand.
Can fame command.
And make its impress on the land;
Who would excel
Must doubts dispel. -And
labor to do one thing well.
Joiephlne Pollard, in .V. Y. Ledger.
The peculiarity of Leap-Year is the
peculiar length of the mouth of Febru
ary, so the history of the origin of Leap
Year is closely connected with a history
of February, and this takes ns back al
most to the origin of the year itself.
As a year is the time of the earth's
revolution round the sun, it should con
tain 365 days aud a friction of a day.
The ancients having groat respect for
the nloon, wanted the year to be subdi
vided into parts corresponding with her
revolution-round the earth. The dilli
culty of thus adjusting the month's or
moon's revolutions, so as to be together
equal to the earth's revolutions round
the sun, gave rise to February itself,
and to many of the changes which the
month has undergone, belore standing
at its present number of days. Rom
ulus division of the year is the first
European one known, and the one upon
which our own division is based. He
had ten months, whose total length was
304 day's. How he patched up the -ear
with odd days, so as to make it any
thing like correct, we can not say. In
deed, unless we bear in mind the legend
of his being suckled by a wolf, it is uiQi
cult to understand how Romulus could
have gone so far off the mark as sixty
one days an error which would have
soon landed hint in hopeless confusion.
To remedy the mistake, Numa Pom
pilius. the second King of Rome, added
two months to the year, namely, Janu
ary and February. January, named
after the god Janus, who presided over
the beginning of everything, was made
the first month of the year. Februare
is, in Latin, to expiate. In this month
the expiatory sacrifices were performed;
and, as the sins of the year were, very
naturally, atoned for after they had been
committed, February was made the last
of the months. It was brought to its
present position of second month by
the Decemvris, 200 years later, and for
reasons best known to themselves.
But though Feb mar-, as well as Jan
uary, had been added, the year was not
long enough yet. His months Numa
made to correspond with the moon's
revolutions, thus making the days in
the year 354, or, in regard to the earth's
revolution, eleven days too short. The
canceling of this error led to the iirst
change in February. Though the
Roman's desire was to preserve, as
far as possible, the months of
the length of the moon's revo
lutions, it was found necessary to
alter one of them. Why Febrnary was
chosen in particular for this pur
pose is a question which is
wrapped in mystery. Perhaps, since
February was the deity of the dead, the
necessary laceration was inflicted on
February, because over it the Genius of
Death presided. February was, at all
events, changed, and the mode of alter
ation was rather a clumsy one. Its
clumsiness may be imagined when we
state that the alteration in the month
was made every alternate year by the
addition of a whole month, called an
intercalary month, and which was
placed not at the end of February, but
between the 24th and 25th days of Feb
ruary. 11ns addition was found to be
too great, as the year, instead of being
ten uays' short, was now one day too
long. This latter mistake was also
rectified, anil bj- a mode of correction
even more clumsy, if that were pos
sible, than the one just referred to.
After this, every error having been cor
rected, the j'ear was of almost as correct
a length as it is now, that is, as correct
as the average, for it was of different
lengths at different times, but always
came round to the correct length every
twenty-four years. And if every man
had dene his duty no doubt this arrange
ment of the year would have been pro
served till now, and there might be no
such Leap-Year as we have at all. But
the alternating, clumsy and irregular
system would not work, and from its
ruins arose the present one.
The management of the calendar was
in the hands of the Pontiffs of Rome.
They could alter the lengths of the in
tercalary months as they pleased, and
the possession of this power was found
to be exceedingly convenient. They
lengthened the extra month when they
wished themselves or their friends to
remain a little longer in any magiste
rial office, and shortened the months if
they wanted to hasten the annual elec
tions. They acted the more shamefully
in this, because they betrayed a trust
given them by the ignorant common
people, who had no knowledge of the
complicated calendar, and who could
not tell whether those in charge man
aged it rightly or not. To such an ex
tent did tnese Pontiffs carry their mis
conduct that the calendar became utter
ly confused, so that by Julius Caesar's
time the winter months were in the au
tumn and the autumn months in the
summer, and so on. Things had come
to a crisis, something must be done, and
this was how matters were put right:
Between November and December of
the current year Julius Caesar intro
duced two months in addition to the
intercalary month in the middle of Feb
ruary and made that year contain in
all four hundred and forty-five days.
The historical name of this extraordi
nary year is "The Year of Confusion."
or, more properly, "The Last Year of
Confusion" it was the year B. C. 46.
This year of Caesar's completely recti
fied all former errors.
The difficulty now arose how to make
all subsequent years of the proper
length, and it was Ctesai-'s attempt to
do this that brought about the intro
duction of Leap-Year. Previous to this,
as we have noticed, the months were
made to correspond as nearly as po-sible
with the length of the moon's revolu
tions. Caesar, however, being no luna
tic, abolished all reference to'tho lunar
revolution, which reference had pro
duced nearly all the confusion, and did
away with the intercalary months.
The mode of arrangement which he
MdV adopted, was a very simple one:
he made the months of the year to bo
of thirty-one and thirty days alternately,
except February, which, in ordinary
years, had twenty-nine days, and only
every fourth year tliirtv'days. The
only stupid thing was that the extra
day was not placed at the end of Feb
ruary, but betweenthe 24th and 25th or
the month, where the intercalary period
used to be. The fact of its being thus
inserted gave rise to the term Bissextile,
a common name for Leap-Year. The
25th of February was, according to the
Roman way of "(backward) reckoning,
the sixth before the Kalends) of March
sextus ad Kalendas Maritas. The ad
ditional day was put in by repeating
this sextum," and was thus called bissex
tum, hence Bissextile.
Thus Cajsay introduced Leap
Year. But, as in his Leap-Ycar Febru
ary had thirty days, it did not corre
spond exactly with our present year.
The difference consists not in the length
of tho year itself, but in the individual
lengths of the months. This necessitat
ed a further change, by which Febru
ary came to have twenty-nine days in
Leap-Year, and twenty-eight in other
That the name of Julius Caesar might
forever be associated with the calendar,
a month was called after him, and that
in which his birthday occurred was
choscu. It had before been called
Quintillis. But men are very jealous of
.any favor shown to their neighbors at
least most men are, unfortunately. So
Augustus C:esar, the successor of
Julius, on his army achieving some
victories, not of much more impor
tance than France boasts of at present
in China, succeeded in getting the
month in which these were won called
after him. This was the one after
Julius', aud it was named Augustus. It
so happened, however, that this latter
month had thirty days, whereas July
had thirty-one days. Augustus could
not brook' that Julius month should be
longer than his own. so he made Au
gust of thirty-one days, also. This
stupid vanity of Augustus brought much
confusion into tho calendar. Tho length
of the last four months of the year had
to be changed to preserve the alternate
length system of the months. And
further the change which bears on the
subject by addiug a day to h3 own
month, August had, of course, added a
day to the year. To correct this ha
made February a day shorter. Febru
ary, therefore, "became of twenty-eight
days in ordinary years, and twenty
nine in Leap-Year, and the other
months as they are now.
So that Julius' simple mode of hav
ing the mouths of thirty-one and thirty
days alternately was completely de
stroyed. Let us bear in mind, too, that
Augustus made no alteration in the
length of the year, though he intro
duced such an irregularity into the
lengths of the months. All his changes
were made merely to suit his personal
ends. To remember Julius' way of the
months required no effort, but now.
what with February and its out of the
way length, and what with other alter
ations, it became necessary, in order to
remind us of the length of" the months,
to construct tho well-known ridiculous
rhyme of our school-days:
Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have thirty-one.
Excepting February alone.
Which bath but twcnly-eurht davs clear,
And tweuty-nine in each Leap-Year.
Brooklyn Eagle
Lunacy Facts.
Our authorities employ two examin
ers through whose inspection every
lunatic must pass. During the briof
period of six months the number com
mitted to the various asylums was 587,
of which more than one-half were wom
en. This shows that New York pro
duces a crop of nearly 1,200 pauper
lunatics besides those sent to Blooming
dale. No wonder the asylums both
public and private are overflowing.
Among the men the predisposing cause
to a large degree is intoxication, while
among the women it is ill-treatment
and disappointment together with that
general misery which the sex is subject
ed to in all great cities. Among the
above-mentioned cases are some which
show the vagaries peculiar to employ
ment. Here is a printer for instance
who believes himself to be a star actor
earning an enornious'salary. Another
printer is the Chief-of-Police and is in
pursuit of murderers. Then there is a
sailor who knows where buried treasure
of immenso amount ma' be found. A
machinist, on the other hand, believes
that his enemies are torturing him with
electricity. Here, too, is an English
man who is about to niarrj- Queen Vic
toria. A demented policeman believes
that there is a conspiracy to murder
him in the station-house. In the-o
cases one may see a peculiar connec
tion between habits of life aud mental
disease. A merchant of my acquaint
ance who lost his reason while in a busi
ness that made him rich spends his
whole time in. calculations with ink aud
paper, and every day he tells the keeper
how much money he has made. Poor
fellow, I knew him when an ambitious
young beginner. He paid dearly for
his success, .since his miud was ruined
by the effort in pursuit of wealth. N.
Y. Cor. Ctica Herald.
Mr. Miffln's Terrible Gun.
On the floor in one of the rooms oi
the Norwalk Iron-Works Company is a
long, heavy cylinder. Its length
is about twenty-eight feet and
the diameter of the bore is about lour
inches. In another department
men are at work constructing an air
compressor. When the latter is com
pleted it will be connected with the
tube mentioned above, and what the
inventor confidently believes will be a
most tremendous engine of war will be
completed aud ready for trial. Several
years ao, while in Washington, a gen
tleman from Ohio heard a naval ollicer
say that if a gun could be constructed
that would throw dynamite it would
thoroughly revolutionize modern war
fare. Air. Miflin that was the gentle
man's name -proceeded at once to in
vent such a gun, and he has reason to be
lieve that it will be a perfect success. It
would not do to use powder as a pro
pelling power, for its sudden action
would explode the dynamite cartridge
at the start aud blow" the gun to atoms.
Compressed air at a pressure of about
three hundred pounds to the square
inch will take the place of powder, and
the gun now in South Norwalk is ex
pected to throw a three-pound cartridge
a distance of two miles. Imagine the
effect of a cartridge of even so small a
weight striking the side or deck of a
vessel or the ramparts of a fort. The
explosion would be terrible in its re
sults. If the gun is a success, others oi
size sutlicient to throw one hundred
pounds of dynamite ten miles will be
constructed. The gun, loaded with sand
instead of dv nam:te. will be tested i
South Norwalk at an early day in the
presence of naval officers, scientihemaa
and others. Norwalk Conn.) Hour.
R. F. Beckwitb, of. New London,
Conn., lias occupied the same store fifty
The wealth of Massachusetts, as
assessed for tax purposes, is fl7Sl,
297,0ol, an increase of $47,000,000 on
the valuation of 1882. Boston Post.
The total assessed valuation of the
Territory of Dakota is 69,154,605.
against .$47,000,000 in 1882. This gives
an increase of over $22,000,000 in ono
- The water-supply of Brooklyn is
increased 10,000.000 "gallons a day by
systems of driven wells in the suburbs,
sunk to a depth of forty-seven to ninety-six
feet. Brooklyn Eagle.
The four buildings for the World's
Industrial and Cotton Exposition in
New Orleans are to have 1,000,000
square feet of exhibition space, and are
to' cost in the aggregate only $255,000.
X. O. Picayune.
A syndicate of New York capital
ists has purchased the franchises and
completed portion of the Kansas City
& Southern Railroad. This road starts
from a point near Blue River on tha
Chicago & Alton, about four miles
from Kansas City, and runs directly
south through the Missouri coal-fields
to the Arkansas River. Chicago Jour
n&t. A recently published statement of
the yield of precious metal shows that
in 1882 the output of gold in the entire
world was valued at 4118,000,000, and
of silver at $94,000,000. It is a fact
not generally understood that Russia is
the third greatest producer of gold, the
vield of that country being $30,000,000;
onlv $21,400,000 less than the United
States, aud $2,000,000 less than Austra
lia. Ar. 1'. Herald.
Few people reflect upon the fact
that the Indians are the richest land
holders in the United States. We have
237,066 of them, exclusive of the Alaska
Indians, holding 151,397,768 acres of
land. Some of the tribes own 3,000
acres per Indian. The average's about
one square mile to each Indian, while a
white man is not allowed to pre-empt
more than 160 acres of the public land.
Chicago Times.
The sale of animals of a menagerie
at Amenia, N. Y., recently drew a
large number of curiosity-hunters, and
the bidding was spirited. A white deer
brought $48, and a black one only $25.
A cinnamon bear was sold for $10, and
an Abyssinian ipex brought $36.50. A
pair of striped hyenas were sold for
$70, and a prairie wolf for $5. A sacred
cow was struck off for $25, and a zebra
brought $105. Three monkeys were
sold for $20, a Rocky Mountain badger,
$10; two Minnesota coons, $5; a white
crane from Iowa, $14; two white cock
atoos, $10; a Rose cockatoo, $5; a
green parrot, $2; an African leopard.
3100; four large badgers. $28; two
prairie dogs, $3,forty Guinea pigs, $300;
und an African boa snake, $76. Troy
If we had no defects we should not
lake so much pleasure in discovering
those of others. La RoclteJ'oiicauld.
A medical writer says that girls are
to constructed that they can not jump.
Just make one of them an offer of mar
riage and sec.
A Toronto man waited until he was
sighty-lhrce years old before he got
married. That's like running three
miles to get a good start for a fourteen
Inch jump.
At the banquet: "Fellow-Irishmen,
I am glad to be with you here. I hope
we shall meet often. Gentlemen, you
may have supposed it, but I am myself
something of an Irishman. I have a cork
leg." Chicuyo Times.
Why is the tramp like a servant
girl? Because he lives out by the month.
Any minstrel show or circus desiring
jokes like the above should send in their
orders immediately, as we are just clear
ing out our fall stock at a great sacri
fice. Detroit Post.
"No, Joseph, the Steam Hcatinf
Company was not formed for the pur
pose of heating steam. Steam is heated
before it is made that is to say, when
you heat the steam no, when you make
the steam nc well, confound you,
don't you know steam is hot any way,
and doesn't have to be heated by a com
pany?" Scientific American.
A short time ago at a school in the
North of England during a lesson on
the animal kingdom the teacher put the
following question: "Can any boy name
tn me an animal of the order indentata;
that is, a front-tooth, toothless ani
mal?" A boy, whose face beamed with
pleasure at the prospect of a good mark,
replied: "I can!" " Well, what is the
animal?" " My grandmother!" replied
the boy in great glee.
"Yes,'' said Sylvia, "Hat's the
meatiest girl I ever did see! She knows
I think young: Mr. Tawmus is just too
lovely for anything, and I think she's of
the same opinion. Well, I was leaning
out of the window the other day, and
Mr. Tawmus passed, and I smiled.
Would you believe it? Hat had a set of
her aunt's false teeth in her pocket, and
just as I 'smiled, she dropped them out
of the window. Mr. Tawmus didn't sec
her. as she was behind me, and what
could he have thought?" Boston Post.
A rare relic: "What's this?" in
quired an Austin snorting man who was
rumaging among the pistols and amuni
tion in Petmecky's gun-store. "That,"
said Petmecky, " is a real rarity. It is
a pistol that once belong to the Em
peror Charlemagne." " You don't say
so!" ejaculated the sporting man.
"Why, man, in the time of Charle
magne there were no pistols." " Well,
of course," replied Petmecky, "that's
just the reason it is such a rarity. If
Charlie had keptja gun-shop full of Der
ringers everybody would have had ono.
Texas Sij'tiny.
Another St. Louis Girl.
A rich Chicago girl was visiting a
poor friend who was teaching school in
St. Louis, and tho two girls were talk
ing over their respective situations in
"You have to work very hard, don't
you?" asked the Chicago girl.
Yes," was the answer, but I find a
great deal to interest and entertain
'I don't do anything, but have a
good time, and I enjoy it thoroughly."
"I should think you would."
'Let's change for awhile. How
would vou like to be in mv shoes?"
"Well." said the St." Louis giri,
looking at the foot of the other one,
there s onlv one thing against it."
"What's that, pray?"
"Why, dear, if I got into your shoes
to-day, the papers all over the conaaty
would come out to-morrow morsdag
with flaring head-lines: Mysterious
Disappearance of Another St. U
Girl,' and I don't w
ant any
notcjr " JfcrdtssW
WHOLE NO. 732.
Beethoven became deaf in 1801,
blind in 1823. and died in 1827. after
composing one hundred and thirty-seven
diftereut works.
Miss Martha Jellison, who had
taught school for sixty years, died in
Ellsworth. Mb., the other day at the
age of ninety-three. Boston Fast.
General Butler found the State
House of Massachusetts destitute of a
Bible. Ho should bo given credit for
leaving a handsome qopy for the .study
of his successor. Ben is one of the best
Bible scholars in the United States.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Dean Lo Breton, tho father of Mrs.
Langtry, now lives in retirement at St.
Brelado's, ten miles from St. Heller's.
He is said to be tho handsomest man in
the Island of Jersey, tall anil upright in
bearing, with a dignified mien and feat
ures. He long ago was separated from
his wife. who is chaperoning Mrs. Lang
try. The New York Historical Society,
with 1,81)8 members, no debts, and
$69,000 on hand, is taking steps to se
cure a new building. Thepresent quar
ters on Second avenue are much too
small to accommodate it library of sev
enty thousand volumes and its great
mass of maps, pamphlets, pictures and
other objects. X. Y. Times.
Major William Arthur, of the army,
bears a strong peroual resemblance to
his brother, the Presideut, though of
lighter build and a more distinctive mil
itary bearing. He has seen a great deal
of active service on the plains, and was
a Irave aud efficient ollicer during tho
iin.illiiiH Ha i-. til !..... 4l.i .inuMii v-t-
1DUCII1UU. ilC Otlll UCU13 uic Wats Ul
suvere wounds received in battle. For
politics he cares little, his
tastes beiu
purely military. Washington Star.
- Charles Nordhoff, who edits tho
Washington news department of tho
New York Herald, is paid a salary of
$10.0X1 per annum, and has in addition
a house which is provided for him by
the proprietor of tho Herald. His wife
is a daughter of Bishop Ames, and in
teres s herself especially in the welfare
of young women from ludiaua who go
to the capital either to find employment
in one of the Departments or to enjoy
the pleasure of Washington society.
The library of Harvard College
contains the two dra'ts of I.ongfel
lows "Excchior." The lirst is written
on the back of a note addivssed to
Longfellow bv Charles Sunnier, and is
indorsed "September 2S, l4l, 3:30
o'clock, morning. Now in bed." The
second shows variations aud erasures.
For instance, the lin..' "A youth who
born 'mid snow and ice" was written
four times belore decided upon: "A
youth who bore in snow and ice," "A
you h who bore a pearl of price,' and
"A youth who bore above all price."
Tho inception of the line "A tear stood
in his bright blue eye was, "A tear
s ood in his pale blue eve."- Hartford
"My Lord," said Tawmus, "you've
no idea what a horror it rivc a man to
steal up behind a irirl who i
look over her shoulder
aud find that
she's idlv writing vour name.
Mrs.' prefixed. " Boston Pod.
A "Bumper:" "What's phrenol
ogy, ma?' Bumps on the head, my
dear." "Was pa phrenological when
he came home the other morning and
you were putting vinegar and brown
paper on his head, ma?" Fan.
As two ladies were gazing at tho
large black bear brought into town
yesterday, one remarked: "Oh, what
a nice buflalo-robe his skin would
make!" The other replied: "Or such
a splendid sealskin sacuue." Oil City
A Terrible Infant:
I recollect a uuic called Ann,
Who carrio I me about the grass.
And ono tine duy a flue young man
Cume up and ki.-ed tho pretty hiss.
She did not make the least objection 1
Thinks I: "Aha!
When 1 can talk I'll tell mamma;"
And that's my earliest recollection.
Irish gentleman (paying debt of
honor): "There's the sovereign ye
kindly lint me. Brown. I'm sorry" I
haven't been able" Saxon (pocketing
the coin): "Never thought of it from
that day to this. Forgot all about it."
Irish gentleman: " Bedad! I wish ye'd
tould me that before!"
A confirmed old bachelor was out
at a social gathering the other evening,
where he was so unfortunate as to be
come seated behind a party of vivacious
young ladies. Conversation turned
upon athletic subjects, when one pert
young miss inquired: "Mr. Brown, what
is j'our favorite exercise?" "Oh, I
have no preference; but just at present
I should prefer dumb belles," was hL
rather curt reply. Chicago Times.
"This introduction gives me great
pleasure, believe me," frankly ex
claimed Brown, when introduced to a
popular societv actress. Really, vou
flatter me, MrBrown." "Not at'al. I
have worshiped you from a distance
for over twenty years and " Brown
is still engaged racking his brain trying
to find out why the actress cut "him
short, and has since declined to recog
nize him when they accidentally met.
Boston Globe.
A colored individual who went
down on the slippery Hags at the corner
of Woodward avenue and Congress
street scrambled up and backed out
into the street and took a long look
toward the roof of the nearest build
ing. "You fell from the third-story
window," remarked a pedestrian who
had witnessed the tumble. "Boss. I
believes yer," was the prompt reply;
"but what puzzles me am do qucshun
of how I got up dar" an' why I was
leanin' outer dc winder." Detroit Freit
"According to the testimony of thv
witnesses you were caught just as you
were getting out of the window, with
the contents of the till in your pockets.
Now. what excuse have you got?" and
the magistrate leaned back in his chair
very complacently. "I know it, your
honor, and I shall always be grateful to
the man who caught me. When I have
these somnambulistic fits I am in dan
ger of falling out of windows and hurt
ing myself." "That idea never occurred
to me," remarked the magistrate, pen
sively. "It has often occurred to me,"
remarked the prisoner, with uncon
scious humor. 4That being the case, I
will direct the Governor " "To turn
me loose?" "No, but to have an extra
bar across yonr cell window, for fear
you may fall out" Chicago Herald.
The gentlemen at a recent leap
year party wore toilets of surpassing
richness and elegance, shone in all their
lovely and radiant beauty, and made
themselves utterly and entirelv irre
sistible. The young ladies aft wore
handsome hand-mo-downs, purchased
at a fire sale of damaged goods at Osage
City, and were .simply enchanting in
their loeliiie3.--.Ayfers City (Jfc.)
Bee hives' should be raised occr.
lioaally in the winter, and tho dead
bees aad dirt swept out. Exchange.
If potatoes are to be cooked in.
their jackets, a coarso cloth put into'
the water to rub them with, not only
makes them cleaner, but saves time
and the hands. Troy Times.
The want of pure and fresh water
accounts in many instances for the lack
of eggs during the winter season.
Fowls require a constant supply of,
water, and without it will not lay. ',
Prairie Farmer.
Feeding a baby: Young mothers;
may not be aware that if the point of
the spoon bo hold against the roof of
the mouth it is almost impossible for
the child cither to choke or eject the
fluid. Tha Household.
An exchange recommends tho fol
lowing as an unfailing reined- for
"splint" in horses: Take oil of amber,
oil of spike, spirits of turpentine, equal
quantity of each. Apply twice a day
and grease with a littlelard.
Sauce for Game or Poultry: Put
into a stewpan and set ou a slow tire a
quarter of a pint of vinegar, three table
spoonfuls of olive oil. a bunch of sweet
herbs, anil spice to taste. Add to the
whole some good gravy, ami servo hot.
Boston Globe.
The fact has long been well known
that wood ashes placed in kegs or
wooden boxes aud set in wooden out
houses, have set the buildings on fire,
even many hours afterward. Heuee tho
importance of putting such ashes in
iron vessels, and of storing in buildings
of masonry.
It is, the American Cultivator says,
a fact that tho wheat crop in some of
the older States is now twice aud often
three times as large per acre as it was
fifteen years ago. It ascribes this im
provement largely to the buying of
superphosphates and other commercial
Broken Goblets: Many goblets get
broken off at the foot, and there is
nothing nicer to keep jelly in, if ouly they
would staud up. This they can be'mado
to do by boring holes in a board with a
bit the size of tlu shaft of the goblets,
and far enough apart so that the rims
of the gksse will just touch each other.
-Soda water: For the syrup take
two pounds sugar, two ounces tartar-
- - , .. . i . .. . i
? " 1 vcrlltJ,s l,ol,r ,thT, p,nt?. ,JO'1:
' " "- " " o "" wnues oi
three eggs beaten stiff, one-half cup of
flour stirred very smoothly in eggs,
one-half ounce wintergiven or other
flavoring. Put two tablespoonfuls of
this syrup in a glass, fill nearly full of
water, then add one-half tea'poon of
soda. Detroit Post.
Lovers of that sturdy old New
England dish, baked beans, mav be
glad to know of a new wrinkle in
preparing it, suggested by Mr. IMiil
brick in the Xew England Fanner. "I
believe," he says, "if people generally
knew what a delicious dish celery
makes with common baked beans, there
would be a larger sale for it. Chop up
the celery fine and mix it with the baked
beans; season with vinegar ami mustard
lo taste; you will call foV a second plato
af it every time.".
Fertilizing Fruit Trees.
It appears at
practice to root
lirst sight a straugo
prune with a view to
check luxuriant growth and then to
manure the soil to encourage the tree
to recover its strength by the applica
tion of a fertilizing agent. But this is
the practice that many excellent culti
vators have found it expedient to adopt
where root-pruning has been carried
out. The explanation is that root-pruning
properly performed only severs the
largest roots and it is acknowledged
that these large roots are only useful
in promoting an undue luxuriance in
the branches, which, in the case of trees
with a limited fruit-bearing surface, is
not desired and therefore their removal
is a necessity. But anything that will
promote the formation of fibrous roots
within a reasonable distance of the sur
face is essential to promote fruitf ulness.
For this purpose many have fouud. in
dealing with a soil that is not naturally
rich, that it is necessary to apply a
dressing of farm-yard manure over the
roots to encourage them to increase in
number ami extend in 'usefulness.
Very much depends upon the char
acter of the soil and the way in which it
is treated. When the soil is good and
deep, and manure is freely applied to it
for the use of vegetable crops grown
near the trees, no surface manuring
will be required. But in the case of
gardens where a space is set apart for
fruit trees of this form, aud where no
manure is applied for the use of other
crops, it is often necessary to give the
trees the benefit of a layer of mantiro
on the roots immediately after the root
pruning is completed. The proper way
to apply the dressing is to remove four
or five inches of the soil over tho roots
and then lay the manure on them,
placing the soil back again on the top
of it. Unless the soil is very poor and
the growth weak, once in three years
will be often enough to apply the dress
ing. But in an extreme ea-e it may bo
applied annually. In our own ease, in
one part of the garden where the oil is
not very good, we find it necessary to
lake notice of the growth of trees, and
If we find any of them not quite so vig
arous as they should be. we apply tho
manure oftener than on the beltei
ground where the growth is of average
vigor. English Gardt tier.
The Kind of Potatoes for Seed.
The time is arriving when the peri
odical questions which are not and
aever will be settled come up for an nu
ll discussion. One of these is im
portant just now that is, what is the
best kind of potatoes for seed. Some
Ihink large ones are the best, some
believe small ones are as good as any,
and others fancy the medium size are
to be preferred. No doubt all are
fight, for as a small cion grows to be a
iarge aud vigorous tree as quickly :e a
large one. and a small bud makes as
good a branch as a large one, so a
small potato, which is really a .mall
branch or a small bud. is :is likely to
grow as vigorously and produce as
well as a large one. A skillful garden
er once grew more than a thousand
pounds of potatoes from one tuber.
He sprouted it in a hot-bed in the win
ter, pulled oil the sprouts and potted
them as fast as they grew ami were re
newed from the eyes, and as the young
plants became large enough, they were
made into cuttings and these potted,
and so on until the season for planting
potatoes was over. Several hundred
plants were set out in all, and the prod
uct was the largest ever grown from
one potato. If potatoes can thus be
grown, and as a matter of fac. they can,
why cannot a very small cutting, or
even the eye itself be planted and pro
duce a crop? If this, then, can be
done, it certainly seems a waste of time
to dispute about the kind of seed that
is best to be used for planting. But it
is best to be safe, and it is entirely
safe to choose the very' best and sound
est of the medium-sized tubers for
seed; keep them cool and dry, so that
they will not be weakened by sprout
ing; and then, when the time comes,
plant them in good soil, give them the
cleanest cultivation, and protect them
from the Colorado beetle. X. Y. Times.
William Brettell, aged twenty, son
wt an ironfounder at West Bromwich,
Kkgland, committed suicide recently by
jumping down a cupola in which iron
was being melted. The iron was at
white heat at the time, and death must
have been inetont-neous.