The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 14, 1884, Image 3

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s!am!iits 3aucnat,
w EL'SJAY MA"1. : . I--4.
New lawns at Kramer's. G 3-2
Baby carriages at Plungers. 52 tf
J. P. Beckers little boy has . the
Toe Eoiter was np from Oma
ha last week.
One price ind that the lowest is
Kramer's motto.
Any book published furnished by
A Si M. Turner.
See Early & Niblock before in
suring elewhre. l-t
Summer silks
: the new tyle
at ..Friedhof X Co's.
BInsure your crops against hail
with Early Jfc N blocks. 3-3
Early &; Nio.ock- settle and pay
at! their losses promptly. l-3t
Ernst, Schwaiz & Co. are selling
E.dln g Cultivators at coat. 52-Ct
great variety at Kramer's. ,
The mrt and bet oods for the
mr.npv nt A .v M Turner'?.
" , . .. -- ,
oorn. inuruav ia.-i, iv wc uc f
ot Herman X ateustadt. a on.
Fire, ! and wind storm
insurance at Early Niblock'-.
Anentirely new line of carpets.
!! the late styles at Fridhof & Co.
200 piece- ot embroidery from 2
cts. per yard np. at Friedhof Sz Co. j
Be dure to ro to Go-.. G. Berher
JC Co. for abstract ot title to lands.
Queensware at cost at Condon &
Mackenzie'- to coe cut the stock.
C Martin attend? to ali forms
of ousine-s tor Early & Niblock. l-3t
Wind storm insurance at Early
Xibiock -. cheap aad reliable. l-3t '
Plum trees ere
lading the a;r with
in foil bloom,
their delightful
Leave your measure for a spring
suit at Kramer's merchant tailoring
Go to Houahan's if you want
vour boots and shoes made or
re. '
The latest styles in ready-made
dresses for ladies, tor .?G.O0. at Mrs.
Stump's. 2-tf
Selz shoes are the best hand
made goods in the market. Kramer
sells them.
The best boots and shoes tor the
money at Honahan s. Call and be
convinced. 2
Insure your horses and cattle
against diseases and theft, with Early
Xibiock. l-3t
Drawing paper and drawing
books at A. M. Turner's book and
music storp.
Early & Xibiock represent the
best line of fire insurance companies
in Columbus.
"Good goods at lowest prices,' is
the motto at A. &: M. Turner's book
and music store.
Insure your tarm property in the
Glens Falls Insurance Co., Earlv k.
Xibiock, nsems. 3-49-3
Clothing, clothing, new nobby
suit? lor men and bovs, a great variety
at Friedhot X Co. '
For "ri-F.. 70 bushels or seed i
com guaranteed to grow. Wm. i
Ripp, Humphrey. 2-p '
Maple -eed ready this week, May .
12th. one dollar per pound by mail.
J. T. Allan. Omaha. 1
Wanted, a sood girl to do general
house work, good wases paid. Ap-
plv to Gus. G Becher
There wi.l be no meeting of the
board of pension examiner? to-day
doctors gone to Omaha.
I. J. Siattery. who wa- hurt Fri
day week by a falling from a -tep-Isdder,
i at work again.
Money to loan on real estate on
short or lon-r time at a low rate of
interest, by Berber & Co.
Reyno.d- Bro. ot Fremont are
making their way up the Elkhorn
valley with 15 "00 -heep.
Mrs. Stump is receiving every ,
week, the iatest styles in hats ana
bonnets, in large quantities. 2-tf
J. J. Hacey. the genial assessor
of Columbus township, gave these
headquarters a visit Saturday.
Household :oods, sUCh as table
linen, napkins, towls and towelinir, in
great variety at Friedhof . Co's.
Orders for coffins, caskets, nnd
all kind? of undertakins goods
promptly Si.ed by .7. E. Monger, t:
Becher & Co. are in the insurance
business to stay and they represent all
the leading companies of the world.
John Hempleman has invested in
a delivery wagon, which you will
find ready for business at any time. 2
Geo. S. Truman returned to this
city Tuesday from Council Bluffs,
where he accompanied his daughter.
D. Schupbacfa and daughter start
ed yesterday for Switzerland, expect
ing to be absent three or four months.
Fire, wind storm, insurance
against disease and theft, hail storm,
life insurance, at Early . Nibtock's.
Two of Judge A." M. Post's chil
dren are going through a course of
measles, one of them having conva
lesced. Doctors Martyn, Schug and Ev-
ans are attending the annual meeting ' copy of the Jforthtcesteni Live Stock
of the State Medical Association at , Journal published at Cheyenne. It
Omaha. I gives a very interesting summary- of
The attendance on Mr. Brugsers , the Wyoming Stock Growers' Aaso
department of the public schools is 1 ciation proceedings at their eleventh
considerahlv interfered with bv j pnag meeting, held April 7th, and
TtiaRsle. !
Mrs. Wm. H. Brcwnlow, daugh-l
ter of Geo. 5. Truman- of Monroe,
left last week to join her husband in
Washington Tv-
Wanted, a little girl between
eight and twelve years old to take
care of a small boy. Inquire soon at
the Joubsai, office. 3-2
Sadie Perkinaon's millinery store
at Platte Center is the place to save
money in buying miliinery and no
tious. 1-p
Clothing! Clothing!! c can
suit you in fit and in pnee,
with a
new uit, carrying the largest stock.
L. Kramer.
Every communication for the
Jouexai. ?hould be accompanied by
the name of the writer, as an evidence
of good faith.
Jack OrEeaganrs dwelling throe
and a half miles west of Platte Cen
ter, was struck by lightning one day
lst week and burned.
Everybody likes to go to Mrs.
Stump's to get their hata and bonnet,
for she keeps the latest styles, and a
..irge stock to select frox 2-tf
Early & Niblock. acre LWTfii
T'teir insurance office fron OliTt to
12th trcet, and are neatly fitted, aa in
tne old post-office building'.
-Dr. Schug informs tu that 5. C.
Smith. Esq , whose injury treral
days since was mentioned in the
i .7ocrs"ai is getting alog verymieely.
-Joseph Eelford, of Shell Creek,
lurius the storm last week, lost two
rbildren, aged S
and 10 years, who.
i v
were drowned on their way home
from school.
Plover shooting is
fun for sportsmen these days. H. C.
Xibiock has made the largest score
we have heard of, bagging thirteen
brae on Thursday.
The Genoa Enterprise says that
the ugly rumor in regard to Elder S.
P. Bollman. for ten years treasurer of
Boone county, that he had committed
suicide, has proven false.
--The Wilcox k, White organs, also
Mason k. Hamlin and Chicago Cot
tage, for sale at A. & M. Turaer'a
book and music store, or by G-. V.
Kibbler, traveling salesman.
Thanks to Senator Manderson
for a copy of Morrill's speech re
viewing the Democratic tariff plat
forms, and to Senator Van Wyck for
a copy of "Consular Reporta."
Robert Saley came down from
the northwest Wednesday with a
team, and had to croei the
Lost Creek valley, .where at two
crossings he waa compelled to swim
his horses.
Grand Island waits the next con
gressional convention held there.
Columbus is a more central place,
and we understand a number of tha
committee have already promised, to
vote for Columbus.
B. R. Cowdery, who looks after
Uncle Sam's revenue interests in this j
district is at Omaha aiding in turning
off the rush of work that accumulates
in the office yearly at the beginning
of the present month.
Will. Coolidge, a former Colum
bus boy, was visiting in the city sev-
erai aays last wee, me guesi oi uis
. -. . . -t . L- i
brother H. P. Alter a short sojourn
in Iowa 'he will" xeturn to Montana
where he now resides.
It yon wish to purchase the most
satisfactory sewing machine ever
offered, call on or address A. & M.
Turner. Columbus, Nebr., or G. W. ,
Kibbler, Creton, Xebr., who sell the
liirht-running Domestic.
S. H. Lang, formerly of this
nlace. now of Garden Grove. Ia.
thinks of changing his residence
shortly. Steve, is in his usual good
health. The spring has been cold and
rainy m lowa, aa weu aa uere.
j We notify each subscriber, every,
week, of just how his account stands
, for subscription. If you wish the
paper sent you no-Jlater tnaa. tne date
printed opposite your name, please
drop us a postal card so stating. tf i
Chas. Maynard of this county,
who lately returned from Valentine, ;
ava that work has commenced on the '
Sioux City & Pacific R. R. west of
that point and will be pushed rapidly
toward the White River country.
M. C. Eloedorn of Humphrey and
Wm. Bloedorn of Platte Center are
the only persons in Platte co., who
are authorized to sell the Adams
Wind Mill, and any others who offer
to seu tfae same are infringing upon
the rights of these men. 1-3
Early & Niblock represent the
only Hail Storm Insurance Co. in the
state. The company is one that yon
can rely on to pay their losses. They
confine their business to a certain
amount in a section. Their capital is
1500,000, assets over $1,000,000. 3-3
A very sorry 9ight! Four young
men, bound together in pairs, by Iron
chains, three of them brothers, going
to their punishment at the peniten
tiary at Lincoln. They passed here
Monday, in charge of an officer, and
we were informed, had been sentenc
ed for stealing horses.
I would say to my customers and
others that I am prepared to furnish
you the White Lilly flour, manufac
tured at Becker Welch's mill, which
is the best flour made from spring
wheat and sold in this market. I
wouid like the good bread bakers to
try it. Wm. Becker. 43-3m
Wm. Heiden, who Friday week
was thrown from a wagon behind a
runaway team, and had his wrist
badly injured, is improving; he has
suffered a great deal, and has had to
be under the influence of opiates to
jret sleep, but expects now to take
more rest, and in the natural way.
A. Anderson has left with ua a
-"" -" i iinaebu
W. Love and G. W. Z. Dorsey,
two of the most extensive and ener
getic real estate men of Fremont,
have formed a joint partnership for
carrying on a general real estate and
loan business, so says the Herald.
They are well known in Nebraska,
and will make a full team in their
Chas. Eeinke says that $1500 will
not cover his losses by the flood last
week. Both his bridges across Shell
creek were swept out, and some of
bis cattle sheds ; he had 35 shoats
drowned. It was not true, as re-
1 ported, that the water came np into
his dwelling, but horse stood up to
their middle in water, in his stable.
The rain storm of the 5th was
perhaps the severest that ever visited
Lost Creek vallev. this countv. Tne
Lvalley. was flooded over the railroad
T -
track to Albion and Norfolk, and
trains could not pull through, bat
were compelled to return to this city.
Bridges .and tracks have been re
paired, and trains were rnuning again
on time, by Thursday.
The death of Joseph S. Thomas
was amdammmi in the Backs eaaaty
CFl,) Gazette, .April 30th, '84. Thm
m personally acqpaiated
Mr. Thomas, and knew kis
amy exciflaat traits of character.
Hkdaath was tranqmil and uerao,
"without fear amd without pais,? sad
as peaceful ar thovgh sleep had
covered the scene with silence.
Peace to his memory.
They have been troubled some
lately by mad dogs in CouaciL Bluffs,
aad now Colfax county is havinp her
share. The Herald says that Com
missioner Halstead was attacked by
his do? that foamed-at th sfiowtk aad
exhibited other signs of nMuesa.,
We have great admiration for a good,
useful dog, but when madness over
takes them it is a mercy to them to
put an end to their existence.
The village board of Schuyler
have fixed the lowest fine for drunk
enness at f40. If everybody who got
drunk was brought up before a mag
istrate and made to pay $40 as a pen
alty for abusing himself, drinkers
generally would quit the practice of
getting drunk. We once knew a man
who never would te treated by a
man who was a drunkard, although
he himself drank a great deal more
liquor than the man with whom he
refused to drink.
We see that our old friend and
acquaintance W. S. Paaison Is en
gaged with X. S. Beardsley in con
ducting the Western Iowa Normal,
Scientific and Commercial College,
located at Council Bluffs, to be
opened Monday, Jane 23d. We have
known Mr. Paulson for years as a
gentleman in every respect, a ripe
scholar, a faithful and conscientious
teacher. Those who attend his col-
lege may expect a fall and rich, re-
tarn for their time aad labor. 1 I
The West Point Eepuhlican
writes up two strangers who have !
been goinar through the state organ- i
. . - -
izmg a collection agency as a brancn
of an alleged New York house, as a
brace of snides. At West Point thev '
secured 17 members, 2 of whom paid
110 each. Some of the signers wrote
Dua & Cq q y
Y., who replied
that they were unable to find the con
cern alleged to be represented.
Query: If these are the same men
that were here a few weeks since.
This has been an unusually favor-
able sunn? for the sowiue of tame
---. .nA ., nrPrp, hM fpnm
show a good stand, and bid fair to
stand the test of a severe winter.
There is no valid reason rendered to
the public why Nebraska should not
become one of the very best states in
the Union for rsising tame grasses.
Necessity will compel her citizens
within the next few years to test her
qualities as a tame grass-growing
region, and we cannot begin too soon.
Allie Rickly came down from the
north-west Monday night. He re
porta that Chas. Rickly, Harry New-
man, Saml. Coble and himself have
taken pre-emptions and timber-claims
on Rush. Creek, about 15 miles from.
Gordon, the location of the Indiana
colony in Antelope Creek valley, and
umnuey " " pieaseu w"a
Uie country ana tne prospect. Tbey
are auoui iu miiea soum 01 me nne 1
River Agency. In cominir in to
Valentine, Allie passed seventy-five
teams with loads of goods going out l
to locate; the country is dotted with ,
I tents, in which the squatters are liv-
ing, until they can provide themselves ;
with houses. Cedar and pine timber
abound in the canyons, and there is (
plenty of deer and antelope. On his
retnrs, Allie expects to start a store,
stocked with groceries, dry goods,
hardware, 4c The boys had some
exciting experience, on their journey
np, two attempts to steal thIr horsps
.having been made. Allie start? bsck
One who saw the beginning of
the storm of Monday week, described j
lt as too immense dark clouds com-
ing together, and a laka of watPr '
poured down, as the result of the
shaking of the clouds. The bulk of
the rain fall (which was never before j cn hav? the-e candies at home at less secure names to whom to send sam
equalled in the history of this section j than one third the usual cost. Sent i pie copies, as we know every lady
did not extend south of the Platte. ' postpaid to anyone sending at once I who owe seps The Hoiisevcife. trill
and seems tn hav bn nnntinA m t
Platte county. The main damage I
done waa on Shell creek, at and near
the mills of Becker & Welch. These
gentlemen have probably lost four to
five thousand, dollars worth of cattle,
hogs, damage to mill property and
stock on hands. Mr. Gertsch of the
same neighborhood lost 35 head of
cattle and some hogs. Charles
Eeinke'i loss will probably amount
to $1500, both his bridges across Shell
creek having been swept away,
besides some cattle sheds. 4c. For
tunately for him he had started with
his large herd of cattle for fiis range
in Stanton county; he thinks that if
they had been at home, it would have
been Impossible for him to save them.
The water? were high at Platte Cen
ter and at Lost Creek station, but not
much damage waa done that we have
learned of. Of course these losses
are not to be compared with that of
Mr. Belford, whsae two little chil-
dren, undertaking to get home from r
scnooi, were overwneimea oy a tor
rent of water pouring down a ravine
aad drowning them. This waa on
Sckadd creek near Bum's achool-komse.
City CaucU.
An adjourned meeting of the city
council was held at city hall Tuesday
evening, May 6th with full board
A resolution was offered by coun
cilman Rickly to the effect that coun
cilman North be chosen president or"
the council for the ensuing year,
which was lost by a vote of four to
I one councilman Hays absent and
! not voting.
Committee for the ensuing year
were appointed by the mayor as fol -
Jcdictaey. Whitmoyer, Rickly
and Xorth.
Fixasce. Xorth, Rickly and Lock
ner. Fibe. Hays, Xorth and Lockner.
Pcblic Pbopektxv RicklyNorth
and wk$txioyer. ,
Polick. Ragatz Hays and. Stekly.
Cr.anfs. Rickly, Korth and Whit-moyer-
Snwxfes avd -Bridges. Rickly,
Lockner and Hays.
Phistdtg. Whitmoyer, Rickly and
Fxection pErvniEGES. Xorth. Ra
gatz and Lockner.
Steeets and Grades. Lockner,
Ragatz'and Xorth.
On motion of councilman Xorth, it
was decided to dispense with the
services of city attorney for the
A resolution ordering that side
walks on the west side of X. street,
between 11th and 13th. be put in pass
able order by the owners next ad
joining said streets, in accordance
with city ordinances, within ten daya,
wa3 introduced by councilman Rickly
and adopted.
On motion of councilman Whit
moyer the committee on police were
appointed to provide a Jcck-np for
prisoners who violate city law. .
On motion of councilman Whit- j
mover it was decided to pav for street i
laoor $1.50 per day to men. and 13.00 j
per day for maand team. ,
On motion of councilman Hys. i
the committee on streets and grades I
was assigned the duty of purchasing i
lumber and other material for streets. I
On motion of councilman Whit
moyer a committee consisting of J. j
E. Xorth and city engineer, were ap
pointed to investigate and report the
most practicable mean? of a general
system of drainage of the city.
Commissioner Rickly was author- j
ized to procure books suitable for !
keeping account of all labor done
and ail expense for material tor street ,
improvement, at city's expense, and .
the cIerk waa instructed to procure
desk to keeP PaPer? and book3 of
Clt. b aPPr7al f committee on
pnbhc property.
Council adjourned to meet May (
13th. " t
,. T TT . .
iuuiu tuu w:u to iiei pusieu on
the minutiie of the statiue of Ne
braska can do o by having transac
tions with the courts at Omaha.
where every particular is scrutinized
In some cases of foreclcure the
other day, in which the writer was
interested as plaintiff, we were,
(agreeably in this case,, surprised to
find that the notice ot sale published
by the sheriff, cost only ?3.25, having
been inserted in one issue of a news
paper thirty day? before the sale, and
we were assured that tney had no
question about the law. The general
impression has been that our statutes
required thirty days notice, or five
publications, at least, in a weekly
newspaper. If one wiil do, it will
certainly be considered extortionate
for the sheriffs to pile up more fees
j in any case of aale, under the present
statute. It is alo a matter in which
the press of the state are interested.
The U. S. district court which
convened at Omaha on the 5th inst..
and. for which J. E. North and Geo.
Lehman were juror', adjourned on
last Friday to the luh ot June. Mr.
North came home Friday night on the
Denver and Vr T oh
iman returned
5ntnrf Aon:n, rt annana .u.
the appropriation for the payment of
iurors was short and should thev
have beeQ hpJd wouJd have
obliged to wait for their ev. trhih
durimr a Wv season of thvr th
jadge did not :faink .oaId be . tQ
them and theV were ther8fore dia. '
charged, alter being admonished bv
the ;adsre lhat ther wonlll hp . .
required to appear on the 17th of
June, should some arrangement be ,
made by which they would receive
their pay.
How to Make Cavdt. This book
gives full directions for making all
kiudi of plain and fancy candy. The
recipes for making caramels, choco-
l3te drops, French mixed and all oth- 1
er kinds of candies contained in this !
deot are tne same as used by the ,
leading city confectioners. Any one
the names or rittpen m?irrirt iiiiim 1
anJ 30 cents in po-tal note, or IS two
cent stamps. Address
32, 33 i 33 1-2. Osburn Block.
Sochester, N. Y.
J. E. Munger is doing a slashing
business these days. He has a fine
stock of everything in the furniture
line, and is placing his goods riaht
and left where they are needed. It
you want a. fine parlor or chamber
suite, give him a call. He gives
special inducements to parties wish
ing complete furniture for dwelling
or hotel ; he has the best ock of
matresses in town, comprising hair
matresses, wool, cotton top, and ex
celsior. If you want anything in the
furniture line, from a baby's chair to
a book case, :ive him a call. 1
A Bis Shaw.
The enormous Circus and Menage
rie which W. W. Cole has brought
together thia season, bids fair tn at-rai
all things, past, present or vet to
come, m the Circus line. The tour of
this great Show for 1SS4 will embrace
all of the States and Territories west
of the Mississippi, including Oregon
and California.
High School, Fred. Gottschalk,
Addle Ransdcll, Kate Early, James
Lamb, Chattie Rice.
Miss Megath's Room, Charley
Raymond, Charley Stillman, Susie
Smith. Effie White, May Little.
Emma BauerV Room, Ed. Watts,
Mary Henry, Phoebe Gerrard, Alice
Elston, Jennie Fitzpatrick, Mary
Mr. Bruggers Eoom. Minnie I
Meagher, OrieJSimons, Abbie Draae,
1 Mary Bremer, Joanna Slade. Ella
Thomas, Loaiaa Wellman, Emma
Schram, Willie Ragatz, Willie Cool
idge, Bert Galley.
Mr. Reedy9 Room, Mazie Al-
Miss Martin's Room, Davie Boyd,
Bertie Coolidge, Samuel Gass, Chad.
Arnold, Irwin Speice, Johnnie Stauf
fer, Luther Jones, Eddie Hoppen,
Gertie Well?, Abbie Hurd. Ella Slade.
Mr. Ballou's Room, Annie Stauf
fer, Emma Linn, Hattie Louis, Ethel
Galley, Pearl Davis. Carl Mcschen
ross, Karl Krause, Louis Schreiber,
Adolph Luers, Eddie Albaugh, Ja
cob Louis.
H. School .
Megath ..
Bauer . .
Carleton . .
Brugger . . .
Reedy .
Martin . . .
25 19 76
37 31 S4
55 51 91
68 55 SI
24 23 95
43 31 72
46 33 72
53 46 S6
3S2 316 S3
Editor Jo cexai. : Since my last,
our little city has grown to the extent
of four good houses and quite a num
ber of small ones; several citizens are
fencing m their lots and adding many
other needed improvements. Some
property has also changed hands, at
fair, to in ome cases, hih prices.
SnpiniT T3r?rh nc is lifn and Tt-jl.i
wk.... ' .... h..; .k. ... ...... . ...
geese qoite plenty.
The lirst wild
plum blossom opened on the 7th, the
firt pear blo0?om on the Sth, the first
crab on the 9th. and also the first
cherry ; no apple blooms opened at
this writing.
Several farmers commenced plant-
ing corn yesterday ; the severe rain
of last Monday again put farm work
j Dact 5 much so with some, at least,
that tne corn will be planted with the
Col. A. Eoberts, our accommodating
grain buyer, informed me a few days
back that he had loaned the farmers
in this city over two thousand bushels
of dax seed, for seed this spring.
Quite a 'arge number of acres of
potatoes have been planted this
spring, one of the Mr. Risings havins
gone into the business to the extent
of forty acre:?.
We are at this writing still feeding
all itock on hay, but hope to quit in
a few dav. " Why Not?
May 10th. 1SS4.
Sckeel Board.
At the last regular meeting of the
! board ifc was unanimously agreed that
the board make application for a tax
levy of 10 niiils as a contingent fund
for janitors' salaries, fuel, repairs,
supplie-, insurance, etc.
The county treasurer was instruct
ed to transfer ail accounts belonsino-
to districts 13 and 1 to school district
ofColnmbna. I
The schocl treasurer was instruct-
ed to apply ail moneys received from
tfae sale of real estate belonging to
the district on the outstanding bonds. ,
Alvin Coan was appointed janitor i
at the Yellow school house.
The following bills were allowed :j
Herbert Lawrence $ 2 ofl
Taylor. Sonaire & Co ir . ,
E. D. Fitzpatrick l.'i 0
J. E. Nortn & Co 4 00
Himrins A HenIev 13 0
E. P. Ballou 1 50
C. B. -tiLman 1 i", 1
"The oaaa'i Phyiciaa.
A common sense medical work for
ladies only. Fully answers all ques- '
tions which modesty prevents asking
a male physician. Gives causes and
symptoms of all diseases of the sex, I
with positive aire for ech in plain :
language, written by ladies who have '
made these diseases a life study A I
plain talk in delicate language which
every womsn. young and old, should I
read. It i- recommended by many
eminent iady physicians as a safe '
guide for f he sex. Handsomely bound !
and Illustrated. Sent pospaid fcr j
11.00. Address, the '
Rochester Publishing Co.,
32, 33 33 1-2 Osburn Block,
Rochester, N. Y
ir Dwie.
A popular dome-tic iournal for
w, n ... 1
American homes, will be sent jor one
year fret to every ladv who will send
J , "
at once the names and address of 10
married ladies, and
30 cts. in 1 ct. !
Best paper for '
stamps for Dostaee.
either young or old housekeepers in
existence. This offer is made onlv to
,hr.T,"h i-v.-- tamio. :.. t rj
cer venr. Address i
Thk HocaEwrrs. Eocneater. N.T.
Perforaaiac Bedoaia Arabs.
Few people, if any in this commu
nity, have ever seen the peculiar and
hazardous performances of a band of
real Arabs, and the fact that W. W.
Cole is the only showman with fore
sight enough to import a troupe of
thee desert wonders is quite suffi
cient to maKe nis great snows a
chosen resort for everybody. These
Arabs, has been said, have no
equals as athletes, and they particu
larly excel in acta where muscular
development is required.
This ia to certify that I have this i
day received from the Western Horse t
and Cattle Insurance Co.. of Omaha.
Neb., through Messrs. Earlv & Nib- i
lock, Agts., the sum of one hundred l
dollars in full pavment of !o3 sns-
Mined hv ma a '-,-! m tc
tamed by me April 10, laS4, under
policy No. Sli , to-wit; One chestnut
mare; cause of death, sickness
Columbna MV- i
commons, Ma,, o, J-,.
y Jacob Labez.
flrden for Store Front Curtains Filled.
Yon will also and a jrood line oC Brushes. Paints. Qila. Varnishes, Curtain Loop s
Pull?, Cord. Tassels and Curtain Fixtures at bottom price?. All orders for house
sign and carriace painting, kalsominine, glazing and paper hanging promptly ailed'
Call and see goods and prices before buyiasc elsewhere. Shop always cpen trom to G p.m." jy Don't lorget the place,
13th Street opposite Firemen's Hail, Columbus, Neb.
Humphrey still booming.
We are sorry to hear that W. M.
Mason's wife is quite seriously ill.
School is progressing nicely under
the supervision of Mr. Davis, teacher.
Mr. P. Kearney near Platte Center
has the worst Sabbath breaker we
know of, in the shape of a goose, as
It does nothing all of the week and
on Sunday it lays its eggs.
The democrats of Granville town
ship, held its caucus at the orSce of
F. M. Cookingham on Saturday last,
and ejected J. A. Maag and D. T.
Dickerson as delegates to county
If the party who cut off the rings
from the harness of F. W. Tate on
Saturday evening of the 3d insc, does
not return them to their owner their
names will be published, as they are
known. Such dastardly tricks should
be punished according to law.
In accordance with call of N.
South, the citizens held a meeting
Saturday evening; after a temporary
organization with G. W. Clark in the
-, , T D Rob:nQI1 5ecretarv.
it was decided to make an effort to '
' build a town hall, and a committee of
twelve men appointed counting of N.
'JL ' -U-UH"J '".utinuuu,
i. u itotHcson. -iiarrm rattle, w.i
t ih;pv Ah TrT?n;crar n x '
Dickerson, G W. Clark, Jacob Stenls,
- - j r " .- . ft., .. -
M. C. Bloedorn. W. Oschei backer
was appointed to find a suitable loca-
tion, and otherwise to see what can be
done in sellins: shares as a stock
company, and report to an adjourned
' meeting at F. M. Cookingham7
omce ca'.aruay jojxj j.itn. c.
Under the new law all taxes not
paid before January 1, 15S5, five per
cent, penalty and ten per cent. inter-
, est will he added. All tax payers
will please take notice and act accord
ingly. C. A. NrwirA-,
2-tf County Treasurer.
Advertisiac wicfc a Teacesace.
W. W. Cole, the great showman,
estimates that his advertising for the
season of ISS4 will amount to 1150.
000. Last season he expended 190,000
in advertising, and cleared a trifle
over 1300,000 by the result.
T.j .-..w. .
ine anti-mouopoiy central com
mittee of Platte county, will meet at
. . i
the Humphrey House, in Humphrey, j
Saturday May 24th, a: 10 o'clock a. (
m. N. Olsos-,
Chairman Cen. Com.
Ladieo. Atteatlea I
The finest line of summer dolmans,
jackets, raglans, ready-made dresses
for ladies and children, can be found
! at Friedhof i Co's.
Caraeb! arau:
Ingrains, hemp, Brussels, bodv1
Brussels, crumb cloths, c, at Fried -
: hnf . r ',a
Lner LLt.
The followins is 1 li.t of unclaimed
letters remaining m tae post-office, in
Columbus, Neb . for tne week ending
3Iay 10th. 15-4:
A y. ?. Anderson.
C Mrs. Mollle Clark. Char! Ciesele.
F B. S. Foster.
tl--m. h. Harris. I
t. V. C. Keacy. Veuzl Kueera, 2.
JI Marshal 'Co. 1
P Mrs. Gilbert Parker. Wm. Pcacb,
Axder Per-,son
K Thomas L.
Annn L. Parker.
Z 31 iri Z ifal. 1
If not eall-d for :n .10 dav will be sent I
to the dead letter office, TTasaimrton. D.
C. When called for please -say -adver- !
tised," a.- the letter are kept separate. '
E. J. HcDsOf. P. M..
Columbus. Nebr. 1
HULST 3Iay 12th. to Mr-. G. W.Hulst. I
a -ton.
Weaver, a on.
1'Jtb. to 3lrn. Louli
JEXNIG- May 0th. to Mrs. A. 31
Jenmni:?. -t. E-iwards, a daughter.
J Advertisements under this head live
I cents a line each insertion.
j The flae-t liQe Qf fancy .hirta
just beine opened at Galley Bro's
! Ca.Ji ad Ke"mioe.e ceW tock-0
: men s and boy's clothing, just receiv
I ed at G.illtv Bra's -1-47-t
You can always find a good stock
to aelect from at Mr. Drake's millin
ery store. 39-tf
Choice quality of Nebraska winter
apples at Wm. Becker's. 41-tf
Piano to rent. Inquire of Wells &
Pens, inks, papers, slate pencils, at j
New carpenter shop next door
south of Cookingham's office, Hum
phrey, Neb. " 1
Perfection washer mannnrtnrml Kr
and for a!e at Marak Jones's,
Humphrey, Neb. - 1 i
I Wm. Schiltz makes boots and shoes
1 in the best styles, and uses onlv the '
very best stock that can be procured
n the market.
For good young breeding stock of
all kinds, call at Bloominzdale stock
farm. A. Henrich. 30-tf
We also carry a good line of white '
shirts, both Iaundried and unlaan
dried, at low prices. Galley Bro's.
For McCormick, everybody's ma
c"aei and the boss Osborne Binder
No. 11, call on Newell South, Hum
phrey. 3-tf
"Wlnle at Humphrey stop at C. M.
Sweezey restaurant and bakery.
Good square meals for 2a cenLs. Hot
meals t all hour-. 50-tf
Paat for2et t0 Iook Q?er oar line
of camhnc, percale and cheviot shins
before bnyiag; if yoa wUh ZQ
money, at Galley Bro's.
TJie Largest and Finest
Assortment of
188d SPBING 1884
Havinir spent the last three weeks
' jn e Dest market? of the
east, we are
now prepared to show you
f f
Dry Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
Carpets, Etc.,
1 T OWTTQrp Tjurnpo ,
i I
In connection with the old store, we
have secured the store fonnerlv oc-
occupied by Dowtv & Chinn. where
Increased Facilities
We can accommodate all who muv
fiivor us with a call.
, Our enterprising drugir'sLs, Dowty j
' i Kelley, are sivinz sanmie bottles
-- v-ut;. 'vuuu wUUjj, icc.
Wi sdn'sp H anfToppro tn .q'.' inH crat
4 bottle which costn nothing. 31-6m
. . . . -. .- ..... ... v.
For books, station -rv, lates and
pencils, also the renowned American
sewing machines, -call on F M. Cook-
ingham. the authorized aaent for the
' Colitmbcs Jocr-val and job work,
Humphrey, Neb. ifi-tf
For Sale or Beat.
The J. C. Morrisey residence prop-
ery. bv Bcher & Co.
For Jftalf .
Eighty head of stock heep. Call
' on Scudder Bros., Creston post-office,
i Platte county, Nebr. 4-3t-p
, Clover. Tiaaothr. .TIilIt. aad
At Herman Oehirich x Bros.. 2-12t
For Sale.
First-class mill site and mill
Platte county, by Becher x Co.
Thos. Flynn has on hand a Iarse
nnmoer ot brick for -ale. Those who
a-no aow that ey will need brick
m the eariv 9P"n? cad better secure
them earlv.
latare Tor Colt.
I will take a limited number of
colts into my partly blue grass;, pas
ture where they will haye iood ras,
shade and plenty of good spring wa
ter. 5l-x A. Hesmcij.
From my premises. Tuesdav. A aril
29th, one gray mare, three years old.
black mane and tail, weight about
LOGO lbs. Any information as to her
whereabouts, will be liberally re
warded. Jsn. Lccn,
2-tt Platte Center.
Cash or Tiaae.
One thoroughbred Jersey cow, 1
Jersey bnll, 1 span ci nice 3 year old
horse colts, 1 span of youne work
horses, 1 3pan of driving mares, with,
foal, 30 stock hogs, 10 brood 3ows, 1
sorinz waaron. 1 llsrht lnmhi- suTnn
I41 .u.i; L.rv. ' - '
J litg UCUC12.
ap.?: sow
R. per Acre.
5. VC. & ot a. E. tj
5. Ji ot 5. VT. v. ' .
S. K of 5. E. H
5. "VT. K
E.Hofy.E. .
y. .?-
5. E. i .
S". ofi.E.hi
5. . K
e. iz of y. vr. ..
ta.-t $fc50
12 30
12 50
15 00
13 00
15 00
15 03
13 CO
15 CO
12 50
12 jy
12 X
10 00
Terta: One-third cash, balance on
time to suit pnrchaser at 3 to 10 percent.
Interest. Apply to
J. "W. LOVE,
30-tf Fremont, eb.
Our quotations of the markftn are ob
tained Tuesday aftemoon-:nd are correct
-nd reliable at the time.
GR-UX. kC.
Wheat . G3
Corn, new 2?
Oat new, 22
Rve . 23
Flour 2.'oa350
Butter, . .... 10(Sir
Ecss. 10O12K
Pocatoes, 20(33()
H.iniM lOQlfi
Shoulders, S(?1U
Sides, .. 10(5:14
FatHo-r 4 0Cg4 CO
Fst Cattle ... - - - - 3 '"Itg-i 50
heep 3 00
Ioca $ 5 00
Eord 14 00
Rock Springs nnt 6 50
Rock spring lump T W
Carbon. & J
Colorado. C H)
Mtl Cora.
Fnrmera in that neighborhood, can
get som of H. M Win-io"- seed
corn for $1 a bushel, ot Jhn B. Mey
er, 15 miles north ot Columbus. 44-tf
For Sale.
The property known as the Strasser
hotel and saloon at Duncan, Neb.,
comprising ninp lot3 with building
suitable for hotel and saloon or mer
cantile business also good stable, shed
and ice house, c, in connection. The
above property will be oId at a bar
gain. Apply to Gua. G. Becher & Co.
Columbus. Neb.
While at Haaaaarvy, Atop as the
GraaTiUe Have.
Mr. Jacob Steflis has completed his
-large and commodious hotel and will
be pleased to 3ee all of his farmer
patrons a3 well as new ones. First
class rooms and bed as well as first
class table. Farmers and traveling
men call on him. He ha f-verv facil
ity tor making ronat h-.m'. A socd
livery attached to hotel. 2l-tf
oti- of Diwolatioa.
The co-partnership heretofore ex
isting between F. E. Gerrard -uid W.
D. Wilson, was on the Sth day of
May 1SS4. dissolved bv mutual con
sent and agreement. A. accounts
due, and owinjr said firm, will be
collected by F. H. Gerrard, and ail
indebtedness of aid firm will be
settled and paid by said F. H. Ger
rard. F. H. Gekkard.
W. D. WlLsON.
Lost Creek, May yth. 1SS4. 3-1
Notice or DLwolatioa.
The co-partnership hretoiore ex-
, istinir between F. G Ktui and Peter
j H Federson under the -tyl and firm
. 3'imi1 of Kaui it Feder-ou. ha thL
I day been dissolved bv nin'iuu con
sent and agreement. F. (i Kiel re
tiring from the bu;- ns-.. Fbe busi
ness will hereatier be continued hy
Peter H. Federson and all indebted
ness of said firm will be -etiied and
paid bv said Federson.
F G. Kacl.
Petes H. Federov.
Humphrey. Neb.. May , 'S-l. 3-2
Ijiad for ale.
In Colfax Co., near Platte Co. line,
SO acres, 70 of" whirb. are under the
plow; mine dweliin-r. horse and cow
t stables, cow -beds and corral-, corn
cno1". winuniiu aua z. pump- wer
40 ft. from -urt:tci, -oni iruit and
forest trnes.
Also 100 acres. -l) under cuitivt
tion, 7 acrs Uf torcst rre-. Both
tracts have fir-t rite stock ranije, and
road facilities. 2J)J for ejicn tract,
on e.'iiiy terms.
lo-x R- Mackenzie.
Knair'i X.
T. Chen? Cah Stars.
Yard wide heavy ahelin
per ya
5 Cnfc
5 "
4 "
j -
25 -
Spring Clico-s per yd
Dress Lawns "
White Plqne
Two pair- of sock?
Straw Hats
Black Silk Mit for laUte-
and children, omy
Ladies' ind children's sqci-
mer Hats closing 'lit a:
Chilren's muslm cht-ini-e
All Para.ol.s market down.
SS'-Summer Si l'. reduced in price.
Every few dav- tr receive new Car
pets, new parterns tad lower prce.s.
We keep the larze-t -took or Ci'thin.
Our pnres irt Th- .wesr tid 'hi
same r everybody
O i
Ami all kimis of ountru produce ta
ken in traile. and all gootls deliv
ered free of charge to any
part of the city.
. EUiJIA3l.