The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 14, 1884, Image 2

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Fig brandy is n now California
The senate Las ratified the Mexican
Dixie, Ga., has 300 acres of melons
in bloom.
Corn is two feet high at San An
tonio, Texas.
Sacramento had the first cherries
of the season last week.
James A. Connolly declines to be
solicitor of the treasury.
The Sultan of Turkey takes the
American "police" papers.
It is against the law to blow a
steam whistle in San Antonia.
The estimated decrease of the pub
lic debt for April is $5,250,000.
Carolina county, Md., wheat was
twenty-two inches high last week.
A Hartfohd, Conn., man is coffee
farming in India, using elephants to
plow with.
It is claimed that over eight million
forest trees were handled in this state
this spring.
New Yorkers are demanding a
scientific investigation of the so-called
faith cures.
The early Irish potatoe crop in
Florida is being harvested ; the yield
is very good.
Most of the "undelivered" letters
which reach Germany, come from the
United States.
Friendly relations between France
and Morocco are said to have been
recentlj' broken off.
Anna McCaffrey, at Odcll, Neb.,
was accidentally drowned the other
night in Indian creek.
Senator Edmunds bag introduced
a bill to place U. S. Grant upon the
retired list of the army.
TnE Ceylon Company, of London,
failed the other day. It owed the
Oriental Bank $2,000,000.
Fruit growers of Sarpy county
think the frost of last week will ruin
the crop in that vicinity.
Another call for ten million three
per cent, bonds has been made by the
secretary of the treasury.
A lace factor', with .$150,000 cap
itol, the first in the country, is to be
estalished at AVilkesbarre.
The senate amendment to the house
bill repealing the iron-clad oath was
concurred in by the house.
The old Cincinnati Gazette speaks
of one of its contemporaries as "a
newspaper with a dirty nose."
Thos. A. Edison says that in "fifty
years, or possibly sooner, we shall
reach the electrical millennium."
The 6ale of season tickets for the
May musical festival opened the other
day at Chicago and realized $8,000.
The house has concurred in the
senate amendments to the Fitz John
Fortcr bill, and thus it becomes a law.
A business dispatch from Phila
delphia, went to London and brought
back an answer in fifty-five minutes.
Miss Florence Finch, of the Bos
ton Globe, delivers the "Master's
Oration" at the Kansas University, at
Seventh Day Adventists are
erecting a new church at Blair, the
best one the society owns anywhere
in Nebraska.
The Schuyler Herald thinks that
Grovcr Cleveland of New York
would make a good democratic can
didate for president.
The democratic state convention to
select delegates to the national con
vention at Chicago will be held at
Lincoln, May 22d, 7 p. m.
Miss May Yarhon, who was so
badly burned the other day at North
Bend by her clothes taking fire, died
on the afternoon of the :id.
As Jay Gould's income is estima
ted to be $0 a minute, a statistician
says that he lost $1.'5 by the change
from solar to standard time.
A gun thirty feet long, weighing
212,000 pounds and costing $28,000,
was cast the other day by the Boston
iron works for the government.
The house committee on post
offices and post roads have agreed
upon a favorable report ou the bill to
secure a cheaper telegraph corres
pondence. Fish Commissioner Kennedy is
distributing in the streams along the
Elkhorn valley 100,000 young trout,
from the state hatcheries located at
South Bend.
Allen Ingalls, one of the villains
charged with murdering the Taylor
family at Avoudale, hanged himself
the other morning in the county jail
at Cincinnati.
Harry W. Cannon, of Minnesota,
has been nominated by the President
for comptroller of the currency, and
J. A. Connolly, of Illinois, for solici
tor of the treasury.
Charles, brother of Bob Ford, the
slayer of Jesse James, shot himself
the other morning through the heart
at Richmond, Mo., dying instantly.
No cause assigned.
A school girl named Wilhclm, at
Lima, Ohio, not long ago in a rope
skipping contest, jumped 256 times,
fell iu a comatose state, lay inseusible
twenty days and died.
Mr. Laird has introduced a bill
for the issue of patent to lauds to
any Pacific railroad which will com
plete its road within thirty days from
the passage of this act.
It is claimed that when the cyclone
demolished the Baptist church at
Mount Carmel, S. C, the pulpit was
left standing, the Bible and hymn
book remaining -undisturbed.
The Spiritualists of the South have
bought fourteen acres of laud on
Lookout Mountain, where they will
establish an assembly-ground, and
erect an extensive tabernacle.
Charlie Woodward, of New
Egypt, N. J., fifteen years old, picked
a cartridge with a pin. He now has
one thumb and two fingers less than
when he began the experiment:
After two days' work before
Judge Anthony, at Chicago, in the
case of Neil McKeague for the mr
der of Mr. and Mrs. James S.'Wilson,
only seven jurors were secured.
There was a heavy thunder storm
the other afternoon in London, during
which a ball of fire fell on the street
and burst with a loud report, terrify
ing the residents for miles around.
Recent news from Ukiafi, Cal., says
two masked highwaymen stopped the
Cloverdalo stage the other day and
took the mail and "Wells-Fargo treas
ure box. The contents are unknown.
Dr. J. W. Strickland's remains
were found the other day by Mr.
Geo. Morgan, in the creek near Lin
coln, half a mile below the dam,
where it is supposed he lost hia foot
ing and fell in.
Wilson Sloat, of Kearney, Neb.,
while engaged the other day in mov
ing a building was struck with a
piece of iron, breaking and crushing
his arm and leg. His condition is
reported perilous.
The United States district and cir
cuit court were in session last week.
Judges Brewer and Dundy were both
on the bench. There was a large at
tendance of leading lawyers from all
parts of the state.
Judge Thayer, in Common Pleas
Court No. 4, Philadelphia the other
day, admitted Mrs. Carrie B. Kilgore
to practice law, notwithstanding that
the other Common Plcap Courts had
refused to admit her.
Mr. Allison has presented a peti
tion in the senate from nearly one
hundred posts of the Grand Army of
the Republic in Iowa, asking that the
government grant 1G0 acres of land to
all ex-Union soldiers.
Wm. Hyatt and Jno. Bush, of
Marion, Ohio, were eating supper
alone when a thunderbolt struck
their house. They still sat erect,
though both were dead. Not a scar
was found upon them.
The Sunday school children of the
United States have contributed $25,
000 towards the cost of a steam mis
sionary vessel of 425 tons. She will
be built at Bath, Me., and is expected
to sail for Honolulu in November.
Five hundred dollars reward has
been offered for the arrest and con
viction of the murderer of Leonard
at Nebraska City the other morning
three hundred by the commissioners
and two hundred by the governor.
TnE marble bust of General Sheri
dan was unvailed the other night at
Central Music Hall, Chicago. Ad
dresses were made by Bishop Fellows
and Prof. Swing. It is intended for.
the hall of the Veteran Union club.
A gale at Burlington, Vt., the
other day created mountainous waves
which swept away 700 feet of the
breakwater, wrecked all the piers at
the north end of the harbor, and
created damage amounting to $100,000.
Joseph H. Lee was drowned in the
Elkhorn the other day at Nickerson.
Ho was engaged in repairing a bridge
and by the tipping of a plank was
precipitated into the river. He leaves
a wife and child residing near Fre
mont. The Bee claims that eight of Ne
braska's ten delegates are for Arthur
and two for Blaine, and also that the
election of McCall was a lively pro
test against the nomination of Church
and Seaman for the North Platte Land
Henry Thompson, an Englishman,
jumped from a moving train the
other night near Chapman, Neb., and
was rendered unconscious by the fall.
He was subsequently found, and
taken to Grand Island, where he died,
having remained unconscious from
the first.
After a delay of five days a jury
was finally secured on the morning of
the 10th to try McKeague, charged
with the murder of the aged Wilson
couple at Chicago. A panel of three
hundred well known and prominent
citizens was exhausted in securing
twelve men.
The West Point Republican thinks
the congressional nominating cam
paign in this district will bo a still
hunt; that probably no man will go
into that convention with fifty votes,
and that half that number will likely
come Rearer the actual strength of
any one of them.
Additional news from Char leston,
W. V., says that 500 masked men cap
tured, from the guard at the hotel,
the nil I boys, who murdered Alvin
Wood, and fatally shot his father in
an attempt at robbery, and hanged
them to an elm tree on a hill one mile
west of St. Albans.
F. McMillan, an attorney of Hub
bell, Neb., was drowned in a creek
near that place the other evening,
while attempting to cross in a wagon.
The team of horses were also drown
ed. Mr. Knight who was with him
saved himself. McMillan leaves a
wife and two children.
The President has appoiuted C.
Hoyt of New York,E. L. Joy of New
Jersey, H. L. Merriman of Iowa, &
Colpetzer of Nebraska, and D. R.
Anthony of Kausas, government di
rectors of the Union Pacific railroad
company to serve until the regular
election of the company.
Senator Van Wyck has done the
country another good tarn iu bringr
ing the foreigu syndicates and cor
porations operating in United Slates
lands to the attention of the govern
ment. We have enough trouble with
local corporations without the foreign
fellows. Hastings Journal.
The general conference of the
Methodists in eassion at Philadelphia
last week was largely attended.
Bishop Simpson and Drs. Vernon, of
Italy; Taylor, of Lexiugton, Ky.;
Trumbull, of Ohio, and Monroe par
ticipated iu the openiug exercises.
Bishop Bowman is chairman.
Last week tho Marine National
Bank at New York closed. J. D.
Fish is president of the bank. The
clearing house is considering the sus
pension. It is thought tho failure is
a bad one. Grant and Ward arc an
nounced as closing on accountof tho
failure of the bank. The directors
'were in session all afternoon of the
6th. They claim the' bank is solvent
and will resume in a few daye. Vice
president Elwcll said the trouble was
all brought about by the dealing of
the bank with the firm of Grant &
Ward, involving an indebtedness of
$750,000. it being understood the firm
would deposit sufficient security the
next day to cover the indebtedness,
but they failed to make the deposit.
Three persons the other night near
Charleston, W. V., entered the resi
dence of Jack Woods, a farmer living
iu that vicinity, for the purpose of
robbery. Mr. Woods made an effort
to drive the robbers away, but was
shot and seriously wounded. His
son Albert heard the report and ran
into the room and was shot down
dead by the robbers. Miss Mary
Woods, a daughter, run in with a
pistol and shot at the robbers, who
ran off. It is supposed that she shot
one of the robbers, as blood was seen
in the yard afterwards. It is believed
that the robbers are the same who
robbed ex-Sheriff Atkins, of Boone
county, two nights before.
Senator Van Wyck's land bill,
introuced May 5th is as follows. Like
the senator's document? generally it
speaks for itself:
"Be it enacted, that it shall be un
lawful for any person or association
of persons not citizens of the United
States, or for any corporation or com
pany organized under authority of
any foreign state, prince or potentate,
to acquire from the United States a
greater quantity of public land than
the individual citizens of the United
States arc authorized to enter uuder
the settlement and improvements
laws thereof, or to acquire, receive or
hold by deed, grant, demise or trust
hereafter executed a greater quantity
of land in the territories of the Uni
ted States than 640 acres."
A small cyclone visited Rock Is
laud, 111., the other day, demolishing
a few dwelling houses, unroofing
many others and barns and scattering
them to the winds. The fair grounds
were in the track of the storm, and
all its buildings, fences and trees were
torn town. Several persons were
killed by a shed falling on them at
the old fair grounds. Davenport, la.,
was visited by a cyclone the same af
ternoon, blowing down a number of
buildings. One person was killed
and a number of others badly injured.
J. D. Williams, a special police
man for circus day at Beatrice, Neb.,
becoming intoxicated, was removed
from duty by Mayor McConnell.
Williams went to tho Mayor's office,
and drawing a revolver, made threats
to shoot him. The Mayor came in
while he was talking, and Williams
pointed his revolver at him. Ed.
Sherman struck the weapon down.
It was discharged, and the ball slight
ly wounded Williams in the leg, and
he was arrested for shooting with
intent to kill, and held in $2,000 bail.
The Chicago Herald thinks that at
the very outset of the republican na
tional convention there will be a keen
struggle over the admission of dele
gates from Virginia ; that the question
will not be settled on principle at all,
but on preferences, aud that the tug
of war will come between Blaine and
Arthur long before a ballot will be
taken; that twenty-four delegates is
an object to fight for, and that Ma
houe is now fighting the same repub
lican organization in Virginia that he
did four years ago.
A serious collision occurred the
other day on tho B. & M. just cast of
Cedar Creek, Ca6s county, Neb.,
through a mistaken order. The trains
met while rounding a curve. The
engineers, firemen and crew saved
their lives by jumping. The damage
can't now be estimated, but it is very
great, several cars being in the river.
The viciuity of Cedar Creek has been
the scene of more accidents than any
single point between Chicago aud
The Buffalo Co. Beacon deprecates
the divisions in the republican ranks
in that county, aud says that this
division appeared in the recent con
ventions at Norfolk aud Lincoln. The
Beacon concludes with saying, "We
"have never received at the hands of
"the state conventions any thing but
"the trimmings, and with the condi
"tion in which the party is in, in the
"county, trimmings is about all wo
McIIucn, who was recently hanged
at Cincinnati for the murder of his
wife, made a little address to the
prisoners in the jail, where he was
confined for three years, iu wn ich he
stated that three years ago he was
light-hearted, without a care, only to
have enough to eat and a good time ;
that he was cursed with a desire to
drink and to that he owed bis present
It is claimed that a farmer near
Pittsburg has made the extraordinary
discovery of a method for solidifyiug
whiskey, which, when put up in this
form, can be carried around in the
pocket like a plug of tobacco, and
when you want a drink all you have
to do is to cut off a small piece and
dissolve it in water. It is too con
venient "of access already for most
Hon. E. K. Valentine has iutro
duced a bill into the house dividing
Nebraska into two judicial districts,
that part north of the Platte river to
be known as the northern district of
Nebraska, the other the southern dis
trict of Nebraska, the present judge
to be judge of the southern district,
and the president authorized to ap?
polnt a judge for the northern district
John M. Thurston is reported a
saying in his speech at Lincoln, "1
expect, after the nomination at Chi
cago, to cause Nebraska to roll up a
majority of 35,000 or 40,000 for the
nominee of the convention." We
think there must be some mistake in
the report of that speech of Jobn'f,
because he is too much of an orator
to seem so egotistical.
Jesse McCarty was arraigned in
the district court at Papillicn the
other morning for the murder of
Bradford last winter. A jury was
finally empaneled in the afternoun,
after nearly one hundred names had
been rejected. Great interest is man
fested in the case. McCarty claims
the killing was in self defence.
A tomato canner says the cause
of poisoning from eating canned
tomatoes is this: When the can is
opened and only a portiou of the
contents removed, the air acts upon
the tin and developed the poison. The
can should be emptied all at once
when opened, and the unused portion
put into an earthen vessel.
J. W. Strickland, proprietor of
the Orlando mills, at Riymond, Lan
caster county Neb., mysteriously dis
appeared the other night. He went
out aud concluded to stny up all night
during the high-water aud watch his
dam ; as his hat and cane were found
ou the bank, it is supposed he fell into
the creek aud was drowned.
The house one day last week went
into committee of the whole on Mor
rison's tariff bill, which was discussed
by Brown, Townsend, Randall, Black
burn, Kassou, and Morrison. At the
close of the discussion Converse
moved lo strike out the enacting
clause, the vote resulting, ayes 150,
nays 155.
Scott Hill, Brownlow Hill and
Charles Spulock, the robbers who
shot aud killed Albert Woods and
fatally wounded W. J. Woods, at St.
Albans, W. Va., a few nights ago,
have been caught in the mountains
and brought back to St. Albaus. Two
hundred men were in pursuit.
ibtoiiomtl IojchI.
At the meeting of the "Band of
Mercy," held at the Episcopal church
on Friday evening of last week, the
following programme was carried
out by the little folks :
Singing, "The morning light is
breaking, the Band of Mercy coming,
will bless all future years."
Baud of Mercy ITcws, by the chair
mau : There are now in this country
over 2,000 Bands, with over 150,000
members, hundreds being added
daily. The number of boys and girls
of the public schools of Cincinnati
belonging to these "bright and happy
bands" is over 30,000, of Chicago, or
ganized by their superintendent and
teachers within the last few weeks,
over 40,000. In England the move
ment is rapidly spreading under the
auspices of the Queen, the Earl of
Shaftesbury and others. In Germany
and Switzerland these "Jugendlichen
Thierschutzvereine" arc hailed with
delight as mighty ciyilizing.ievers.
A letter from Benj. P. Ware, ouc
of tho Directors of the National Hu
mane Association, full of beautiful
aud touching statements was then
read by Chattie Rice.
After a short intcrmissiou, Mr.
Hammond spoke to the boyB and
girls in bis own happy style. His
warm-hearted address, teeming with
apt illustrations, happy anecdotes
and earnest exhortations, wa3 listened
to by the little folks with breathless
attention. Would that we had more
such "gray-haired captains" among
us, men who deem it not below their
dignity to speak to the children, and
who dare to stand up lor truth aud
right. We assure you, friend Ham
mond, that your fervent "God bless
you, children," will reverberate
throughout all eternity aud bring
fruit "a thousand fold."
Selections were also read by Bert
Galley, Eddie Ballon and others. Our
juvenile Band is anxious to see an
organization of grown people,(branch
of the National, or State Humane
Association,) in order to have some
headquarters at which case3 of cruelty
which may be witnessed almost daily
on our streets, can he reported.
Adjourned to moot Friday even
ing the 16th inst. Teacher.
Keal Kslatc XrausFcrx.
Reported for tho Journal for the
week ending last Saturday, by Gus.
G. Becher & Co :
Thomas D. Kobion and wife to F. G.
Kaul and P. II. Fcdder.-on, w. il. $i"itt; ."i
acre. in ne corner s y ne x4 -'. 20, -w.
.lobn Drake and wife to Philip Bender,
w. d. $!H;o; y m i4 ',, i.i, lv, N) acres.
Gottlielt Kuk and wife to Willis aud
Katie Decker, w. d. $1000; n y. sv y ."0,
20, le, "i.f7 :icrei.
Peter Kollinau and wife to E. With
am, q. f. d. .f.'.OO; ne H 4. 20, lv, 15S.44
Jleir.s of .Mette M. Ivcrson to Andrew
I verson. w. w. ?"1C; s y sw y Hi, 20, lc.
O. N. B. II. Rv Co. to Nels P. Larson,
w. d.?12."; lot M 10, Platte Center.
George P. .Shatswell and win; to John
P. lleiX, w. d. 1000; w y nw y 22, 17, :Sw,
0 acres.
Cha. A. Speiee and wife to J. (J. Burli
er et al i. v. d. ?l; parts lots 5 and , ::;,
IT. le, l." acres.
John C. Williams and wife to Ola A.
Tborsen, w. d. $1"0; nw y G, 20, Sw,
13.i.20 acre.
John Lackev, adm'r to Catherine Laek
ev, adm'rs deed, $100; n y sw y&2. 18, lw.
"llarvev II. Barton to Jlartha J. Long,
w. d $100; w y sw y bw y G, 18, 4w.
Frank A. Smith aud wife to .Mary E.
Spoouer, w. d. $S50; lot 1) and c y. lot S bl
2, Turner & Hulst's addition.
Dan'l C. Kavanaugh, sheriff, to .John
lluber, sheriff's deed, $IGU0; lot 8 bl 30.
D. C. Kavanaugh, sheriff, to John M.
Macfarlaud, sheritPs deed, $151; lot 7
bl 50.
C. B. & Q. Itv Co. to Olof Larson, w. d.
$i41.S"; e y w"j 11, IU, 4w, JsO acres.
Win. II. Burns and wite et al to Mar
garet W. Dunlap, w. d. $1280; ne i 19, 10,
2w, 100 acres.
"Walter S.Wells and wife to Win. A.
Scbroeder, q. c. d. $350; n 20 ft of s 42 ft,
lot 4 bl 84.
David Anderson and wife to L. & N. W.
By Co., q. c. d. $10; lots 1 aud 2 bl SO.
Wm. H. Winter botham and wife to
Siduey C. Gray, w. d. $1S00; lots 3 and 4
bl 3, Stevens addition.
Lorenzo D. Clark aud wife to Sidney C.
Gray, w. d.$120J; c y se y 4, 18, lw, SO
Georgic Bell and Prankie Osborn to
Carroll D. Evans, q. c. d.$300; n y y
lot 5 bl 118.
Daniel Lawreuce and wife to S. K.
Liun, w. d. $750; e y ne y 14, 18, 3w.
Patrick Ford and wife to Thos. Swift,
w. d. $1300; e y "" Y and" sw i ne y 3,
IU, 3w, 120.50 acres.
Augustus Lockner and wife to 3Iary L.
Small, w. d. $450; part bl "A" Becker's
addition to Columbus. "
Mary L. Small and husband to Geo. E.
Willard. w. d. $1500; part bl "A" Beck
er's addition to Columbus.
Anton Heitkemper and wife to John G.
Jleitkemper; w. d.fSOO; lots and 2 bl 42. !
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Weather Kcport.
Review of the weather at Genoa
for the month of April, 18S4:
Mean temperature of mo., (leg's. . . 44.02
Mean do of same mo. last year -18.518
Highest do on the 17th deg's 77
Lowest do on the 7th deg's 22
Ordinarily clear days 10
Verv cloudv davs . .". 13
High winds days 10
Calm davs '. 6
Rain or snow fell durine nortions of
davs 10
Inches of rain or melted snow 3.05
Do same month last year 1.30
Inches of snow for the month 0.04
Do. same month last year 02
Thunder storms ou the 13lh, 2Gth,
Frost and Blight ice during moat of
the mouth.
Ground frozen 2d, 3d, 7th, 8th, 9th,
10th and 11th.
Fog3 12th aud 13th.
First appearance of swallowB 27th.
The storm of the 26th appeared to
divide to the north of this station, one
portion moving to the southwest
across the Loup, the other to the
northeast and when near Columbus
assumed a cvclonic character to a lim
ited exteut.
The mean temperature of the past
month has been nearly 5 degrees be
low that of last year, aud with the
exception of the corresponding
mouths in 1S78 and '81, the coldest
April in nine years.
The month has also been remarka
ble for the excess of cloudy days and
for the prevalence of cast winds
throughout the month.
Ijot Creek Items.
A heavy rain storm struck this
place Monday the 5th, flooding the
village, the water coming into some
of the houses eight inches in depth.
The wall of the new church waB
swept away. And wo hear that L.
II. Jewell lost 3 head of cattle, G. W.
Shatter 3, and F. II. Gerrard 1. The
R. II. track was removed in places,
but speedily replaced with little or
no delay to trains. "Wo hopo such
showers will be few and far between.
NOTICE Is hereby given that in ac
eordance with a petition legally
signed by twelve (12) freeholders and ou
tile in niy oilier, there will be a special
meeting held at the Reed school-house,
iu Columbus township, ou
Saturday, May '-Mtli, iuNt.
commencing at 0 o'clock a. in., for the
consideration of the following questions,
to-wit: 1st, re-considering the levies
made at the annual meeting, the levies
then made having been based upon a
wrong valuation. 2d, the amount of the
road and bridge fund to be expended
upon the river bridges. 3d, to make such
by-laws, rules and regulations as may be
deemed necessary. 4 th, to take some ac
tion in regard to bridging and grading the
principal highways that lead to the city
of Columbus that have recently been
washed away by high water.
Given under my hand the 0th day of
31a V, A. L., 1S34.
t'kTi A. "W. CLARK.
bEAL.j 2t Town Clerk.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J
April SJd, 1884.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of bis intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Judge of the
District Court, at Columbus Nebraska, on
the 14th day of June, 1884, viz:
Carsten "Petersen, Homestead Entry
No. 11074, being additional to Homestead
No. 471, for the S. y, S. E. i, Section 8,
Township 18, North Range -iwebt. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: C.Vanallen,
P. P.Ketelaon.F. Tessendorf.of Metz P. O.
Platte County Nebraska, aud J. H. Jo
hannes, of Platte Center P. O., Platte
County Nebraska.
1-G C. HOSTETTER, Register.
1 "ODTVl? Scnd six cents for
A I 111 I i Pj Postage, and receive
11' -1- J-IU.JJ-i. free a C09ty box of
goods which will help you to more money
right away than anything else in this
world. All, of either sex, succeed from
first hour. The broad road to fortune
opens before the workers, absolutely
sure. At once address, True & Co.,
Augusta, Elaine.
&&'. V J?A' k5
fW JSr A. V TKT VfeV JC& . X sW
1 YA.J a& .ST TC .sP-
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V.4V lV s Asmy M v S. & A r?.
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Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J
3Iay 9, 1881. j
"VTOTICE-Ia hereby given that the fol
ii lowing named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make tinal proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judc of the District
Court at Columbus, Neb . on the 28th
dav of June, 18S4, viz:
John A. GritVev, Homestead Entrv No.
81GG. f r the S. E". M, S. 12. in Township
1!, north Uaiiire 3 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: John Dee an, Henrv
McCabe, Thomas McPhillips, Hans".
Elliott, all of Postville, Platte County
3-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
l S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.)
March 3d, 1884.
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Clerk of District Court
for Platte county, at Columbus, Neb., on
June 12th, 1881, viz:
Hugh McCarvel, Homestead No. S624,
for the E. K of S. YV. K and W. y of S. E.
14 Section 27. Township 20, Range 3 west,
lie names the following witnsesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry Mc
Cabe, Thomas MePhillips, Martin Matter
and Michael Clark, all of Postville, Neb.
2-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
April 1, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice ot
his intention to make final proof in sup.
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Judge of District Court,
at Columbus, Nebr.,on May 15th, 1884, viz:
Andrew Dabney, Homestead No. 10453,
for the N. y. N. W. M Section 14, Town
ship 19 north, of Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Wm. Herman,
Andrew Paproski, Thomas Herman, and
John TawosKi, of Platte Centre, Neb.
50-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Islaxd Neb.,)
April 1st, 1884. f
NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Clerk of District
Court of Platte county at Columbus,
Neb., on Friday, May 10th, 18S4, viz:
Daniel Weiser, Homestead No. 7314, for
the N. K S. W. Kt Section 8. Township
19 north, Range 1 east. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Herman Luedtke, Herman G.
Lueschen, John Steiner and Joseph Kop
etzki, all of Boheet, Platte Co., Ne'r.
50-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 15th, 1884. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make tinal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Judge ot the Dis
trict Court at Columbus, Neb., on the
7th day of June, 1SS4, viz:
Cohak Pormanski, Homestead No. 8424,
for the S. y. N. E. U, Section 20, Town
ship 17 north, of Range I west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Valentine Losek,
George Borowiak, John Treba and John
Plakiis, all of Duncan P. O., Platte Co.,
C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., 1
April 12, 18S4. (
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make tinal proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before Judge of the
District Court at Columbus, Neb., on
3Iay 17th, 18S4, viz:
Thomas Reagan, Homestead No. llfttl
for the s. W. , Section 30, Township 20,
Range 3 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove bis continuous resi
dence upon, and cultivation of, said land,
viz: Jas. Fay, of Parrel, Neb , Pete Bar
ney, of Postville, Neb., Jas. Duccy. of St.
Bernard, Neb., Patrick Noouan, of Co
lumbus, Neb.
31-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Iiland Neb.,)
April 12th, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed uotice
ot his intention to make tinal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court at Columbu, Nebraska, on
May 21st, 1884, viz:
Richard II. Johnson, Homestead No.
10981, for the N. W. Section 4, Town
ship 18, Range 4 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
laud, viz: John Hoffman, Cornelius Koch,
John Nelson and James Kiernan, all ot
Woodville, Neb.
51-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Tax Sale Hotice.
To NeUou Millet, Pat 31urray, J. A.
Steele, M. E. Clother and XV. C. Sutton.
You are hereby notified that the prop
crty described as follows, to-wit: Lot
number four (4), In block number eigty
tiye (85), in Columbus, situated in Platte
county, and State of Nebraska, was pur
chased on the 11th day of September,
1882, at tax sale, by W. L. Selby, and was
taxed and delinquent for the year 1873,
that the same was taxed in the name of
Nelson 31illett, and that the time of re
demption will expire on the 11th day of
September, 1884.
2-3t W. h. Smlvx.
r -
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
G4m Dellrered Free to any
part f Ike City.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A. & iT. Depot.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry (roods, Carpets,,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At prices U were never beard of lire in Coloins.
I bay my goods strictly for cash and will give my customers the
benefit, of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
Tax Sale Hotice.
To S. JJ. Dunlevy, C. Hickok, Aug.
You are hereby notified that the prop
erty described aft follows, to-wit: Tho
N. E. 1 of the S. W. M of Section 2.Town-
ship 17, Range 1 east, and the S. E. i of
the S. V. i or Section i Township IT,
Range 1 east, situated in Platte county,
and State of Nebraska, was purchased on
the 10th day of August, 1882, at tax sale,
by AV. L. Selby, and was taxed and de
linquent for the year 1880, that the game
was taxed in the name of S. R. Dunlevy,
and that the time of redemption will ex
pire on the 16lh day of August, 18S4.
2-at W. L. Sklby.
Tax Sale Jotice.
To whom it may concern or the un
known owners:
You are hereby notified that the prop
erty described as follows, to-wit: The
N. E. i of the N. E. K of Section 14,
Township 17, Range 1 east, situated in
Platte county, and State of Nebraska,
was purchased on the 16th day of August,
1882, at tax sale, by W. L. Selby, and was
taxed and delinquent for the jear 1880
that the same was not taxed in the name
of any person and that there is no name
on records for 1880 or subsequent year.-,
and that the time of redemption will ex
pire on the 16th day of August, 1834.
2-3t W. L. Sklbv.
Will Open
THE 23d of JUNE, 1884.
A complete course for teachers and
those desiring a higher English educa
tion, a full business course, with training
' in actual business practice and general j
correspondence, short band, ornamental i
penmanship, elocution, German and mu-j
sic. Splendid rooms, large, light and I
well furnished, charges very moderate.
cost of living reasonable, society good,
experienced teachers. For further par
ticulars, inquire of
3-3mo Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pups Repaired oi short lotice
yyOne door west of Heintz's Drug
Store, 11th Street, Columbus, Neb. 3
tW 4.- .SvV"
. $. &&
Cf J&T im
sT A?s? V9
7v.w jy -
Oy -Nt
4b I -
. H
w. -"
" i
. hi"
a 5jr
t -y
.- a
Land Office at Grand Island, Xel..
Anril 10th, 18S4. f
JE Is hcrebv given that the fol-
X Iowtnir-nauied settler lias hied notice
of his intention to imiKe tinsl proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judge of the District
Court of Platte county, Nebraska. :it
Columbus, Xebriska, " on M.iv 22(1,
1881, viz:
Christian Maier. Hoiiute:itl No. !7."h.
for the N. E. 4, Section 4, Township 20
north, Itaiige :: west. He name- the fol
lowing witnesses to prove hi- continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, -aid
land, viz: August Schmitz. Gutav Soin
iiierl'eldt. ChrNtoph P.olin, Otto Born, of
St. Bernard. Neb.
ft.t C. IIOSTETTEB, KegiMer.
Whitelireast LuniiConJ 5.00
A II I .......... 't.OU
Vauoii rity " 7.00
Colorado Hart! " 10.00
3A GOOD srppi.Y.
45. tf
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps,
Cor. Olive and 13th Sts.,
Have ahvayt on hand a new and full
line of
"Well Selected.
Dried and Canned Fruits of all kinds
ynamnleed to be best quality.
A well selected new stock which will be
sold as cheap ai the cheapest.
Flour at Prices to suit all focksts !
and all kinds of country produce taken
in nauu i uuugm ior casn at tue inchest
market prices. i.y
Au&ui ZiititT.
JT Prompt attention given to Col
lections. EtTPay Interest on time deposits.
ETlnsurance, Passage Tickets and
Real Estate Loans. 3-tf
The Lives
est. handsomest best hnotc ivr aniii r.
lest than twice our price. The fastest
selling book in America. Immense prof
its to agents. All Intelligent people want
it. Any one can become a successful
agent. Terms free. Hallet Book Co.,
Portland, .Maine. '
r r-