E - J - i 1 lafnmbttsfhumiatt Wednesday y. ay 7, ism. ncw?wn Baby carriages at Munger'a. 52 tf Any book pnblished furnished by A. & M. Turner. Sec Early & "Niblock before in suring elsewhere. l-3t Summer silks all the new styles at Friedhof & Co'e. Early & Xiblock settle and pay all their losses promptly. l-3t Ernst, Schwarz & Co. are selling Riding Cultivators at cost. 52-3t ' The most and best goods for the money at A. & M. Turner's. Fire, lightning and wind storm insurance at Early & Niblock'a Rons-. Sunday, May 4tb, 84 to Mr?. Howard Nickel, a daughter. An entirely new line of carpets, all the late styles at Fridhof & Co. 200 pieces of embroidery from 2 cte. per yard up, at Friedhof &.Co. He sure to go to Gus. G. Becher & Co. for abstract of title to lands. J. C. Martin attends to all forms of busine" for Early & Niblock. l-3t "Wind storm insurance at Early & Xiblock'e, cheap and reliable. l-3t Go to llonahau's if you want your boots and shoes made or Re paired. Mr. .1. It. Meagher returned Thursday evening from her visit to Liu coin. Tho latest styles in ready-made dresses for ladies, tor 40.00, at Mrs. Stump's. 2-tf Insure your horses and cattle against diseases and theft, with Early & Niblock. l-3t The best boots and shoes for the money at IIonahanrs. Call and be convinced. 2 Drawing paper and drawing books at A. fc M. Turner's book and music store. Earlv & Niblock iepre9ent the best lino of fire iusurance companies in Columbus. "Good goods at lowest prices," is the motto at A. & M. Turner'a book and music store. Insure your farm property in the Glens Fails Insurance Co., Early & Niblock, agents. 3-49-3 Clothiug, clothing, new nobby suits for men and boys, a great variety at Friedhof & Co. "Wanted, a good girl to do general "house work, good wages paid. Ap ply to Gus. G. Becher. Money to loan on real estate on short or long time at a low rate of interest, by Becher & Co. Anvbody wishing 6orae good winter apple, call at Wm Becker's, as there arc very few left. 1 Mrs. Stump is receiving every week, the latest styles in hats and bonnets, iu large quantities. 2-tf The Mason & Hamlin organ is the best offered for sale here. Call at A. & M. Turner's book store. A. Anderson, of the First Na tional Bank, came back from tho east by Thursday evening's express. Geo. D. Meikeljohu, ofFullerton, returning trom the convention at Lincoln, was in the city Friday. Hoiinchold goods, such as table linen, napkins, towls and toweling, in groat variety at Friedhof & Co'e. Becher As Co. arc in the insurance business to stay and they represent all the leading companies of the world. The Mason & llamlin organs, as even body knows, cannot be excelled. For sale bv Anna & Martha Turner. Sadie Perkinson'e millinery store at Platte Center is tho place to save money in buying milliner' and no iious. - 1-pA The air of May Day was not altogether balmy, iu fact would have comported better with tho 1st of March. Fouuii, a hunch of keys, which the owner ran have by calling aud paying for this notice and proving property. Mrs. Stump returned from her branch store iu Ulysses last -week, and speaks of business as good, in that place. 2-1 Wanted, two girls at the Field .House, Platte Center, one for the dining-rooBi, the other for the kitcb sen. Fair wages. ,"l-2 Under the new law all taxes not paid before January 1, S5, five per cent, penalty and ten per cent, inter est will be added. ? Everybody likes to go to -Mre. Stump's to get their hats and bonnets, for she keeps the latest styles, and a large stock to select from. 2-ff The May Day sociable at the Congregational church Wednesday evening was well attended, and a very enjoyable time is reported. Accordeons, wallets, pocket com panions with diary, instruction books for .trgan, violin and guitar, at A. & 21. Tuner's book and music store. Mis3 Jennie E. Reynolds, former ly of Columbus, now of Fremont ar rived in tho city Friday evening on a visit to the'family of SC.Smith. Gqjtq ErnaT, S&wii Cfor first-clas3'iiiachinery, suck 'wjpikwe, cultivators, corn planters aotclieck rowers.- They are selling ''cheaper than the cheapest. "52-3F Judge H. Holcomb, of Schuyler, and old and highly respectable citi zen, died last week. His funeral took place Sunday last. Several citizens of this city attended. . " ' A. H. Neidig, editor of the Nor folk Journal, came back from the 'Convention at Lincoln by way of the JJ. P., and took the Norfolk train Fri day evening for home. " Persons having leaM or'contracts7 for school lands bad better look after their payments before July 1, 1884, as after that time they may hare trouble by haying their land cam-celled. The Wilcox & White organs, also Mason & Hamlin and Chicago Cot tage, for sale at A. & M. Turner's book and music store, or by G. W.i Kibbler, traveling salesman. A heavy rainjMondy night, and the north-easternfportiOn of theA city is flooded from em-plus water. Lost Creek"i-6ut of -ite -banks andMhe branch roads are delayed at this place. Rev. J. Q. A. Fleharty of this city received a dispatch Saturday an nouncing the death of his brother Prof. Fleharty, in Florida, where be mA VkAA. A A..... 4S.MA W.A..4 VlMMtMJV UU UCCU IUI BUUIO 11U1C (IB91 UUMUg' to improve' hie health If you wish to purchase the most satisfactory sewing machine ever offered,', call on orfaddmi A.;?M. Turner, Columbu Kikr., or r.HT. Kibbler, Creston, Nebr., who Mil the light-running Domestic' Dr..Runner, whose card will be found elsewhere in this number of the Joubkal, comes to Columbus well recommended as- a gentleman and a good physician. The Doctor will locate here permanently. We notify each subscriber, every week, of just how his account stands for subscription. If yon wish the paper sent you no later than the date printed opposite yonr name, please drop us a postalcard so stating. tf It is thought that the city of Be atrice, nicely situated on the beautiful Blue river in Gage county, will be the point for holding the annual camp meeting of the Seventh Day Adven tists this year. The meeting will be held in Juno. if. L. Simon, editor of that ex cellent art publication, The Aldine of New York City, stopped off here, one day last week on hie return from a western tonr in the interest of his journal, arid -gave these headquarters a pleasant call. ( Early & Niblodk have settled and paid the recent loss of Jacob Labenz, who held policy 8177f the Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Co.; of Omaha, the toss ocenring April 10th. The above firm adjust and pay all of their losses promptly. 2-lt , Jf. C. Bloedofn of Humphrey and Wit? Bloedbrk of Platte Center are the only persM:iaPlatte co., who are authorized. to sell the Adams Wind ilill,-and aay others who offer to sell the same are infringing upon the rights of these men. 1-3 J.r W.fLove,of Fremont, places the Graff lands just east of Columbus on the market at prices that are low. These are-fine lands and many of our citizens have waited a long time for a chance to buy them. See hi& adver tisements with numbers and prices elsewhere. x I would say to my customers and others that I am prepared to furnish you the White Lilly flour, manufac tured at Becker SJ Welch's mill, which is the best ilomr jnade from spring wheat aadjisold'ia'i'this market 1 would like the good bread bakers to try it. Wm.' Becker." ' - 43-3m What of our, militia company? We learn -from a reliable source that with a-little effort, tho annual state encampment could be located at Col umbus. Wrold-it jxot be well for some of the moving spirits among our boys in blue to call them Jogether and have a sort of revival meeting? From OliyetJlisher, who WM( in the city Saturday, we learn that the dwelling aomte 61 Walter Jewell, of Lost Creek, was burned -Saturday morning. Mr. R. thinks' that tho fur niture, hedding, otc. was 6aved. He didaot 'kwVpo8itiva,:origin:of the.srsbut thinfcritie.'ln defect five flneA & ' --. CoIrWhitmbyer, one of the dele gates to .the convention at Lincoln, Thursday," last, failed: ' to remember that all trains ont of "the cltv run oril standard time and was left by the B. & M. Fortunately it remained for him to 0 by way of the U. P. Unless a uniform time is adopted in the city much iucouvenlence must result. Gus. G. Becher & Co., the old reliable insurance company, are agaisTljacated. in Uieirdjiuarters in the banlf buUdingTheir room has beon'im the.aadsof.th'e decorator and paper baaff aad lays iiT the shade any oas im tne city, a .crisp, business... ajppeatfauce pervadiag the' premises that iswall iakaeplng' wills': tho stan dringttafinn.-, 'S-ly Mr.. 6. D..atf;:apioner. 'far mer of' fewat;couit7,'-wasin-the city the ot&KTren. route . for Holt county. SewardjcouBtv. haT become too crowded forthe old-timer, arid he has disposed oPhltfarm tHereaad will locate where ho, carihave more room. There6'stili.:oom""in';th"e North Plattecantfy, the great cattle raising district of Nebraska. The post-office was entered Mon day night, by a man with supposed burglarious intent, but who was dis covered by deputy Chas. Coan, who sleeps in the ofiico, and decamped without any spoils by way of a' back window, where he had entered. A suspicious individual who was noticed banging around the rear'of the building duripg the day 7 was ar reated,Tuesday morning. - In 'not calling the wind storm which, occurred last week near t the city, aridldemolishedone little build ing a cyclone there -was no-desire or intention to mislead as to the facts. We believe in calling things by their right names, but did not thinkrthe blow of sufficient dimensions to en title it to rank with the genuine eastern cyclone, though quite -near enough for all practical purposes. Our'ffIehd,:Guy. C. Barrium, SK met with an accident Friday last, which has confined him to his bed under the care.of, the physician.. A horse (usually docile) which ho-had mounted, suddenly developed vbuck- f'VPfvf wfefsitiee. ud showed con 'ridiraDtekHI Mn the broncho ac complishment, throwing his rider repeatedly from the pommel to the cantle of the Baddle, badly bruising and battering, but not dangerously injuring him, 1 MAY DAY BALL. Im lleHor of ike EAdlcs ef Co- lambHK. The May Day Ball at the Opera House Thursday evening may be classed among the brilliant social events of the season and was a grand' success. The ball was gotten up by the gentlemen of Columbus in honor of the ladies as a fitting tribute to the happy manner in which the leap year customs have been handled by them uunug iuc uiuBiug aiuuseiueui aettuu. By common consent Messrs. Carl Kramer and W. Damron were elected a' committee to take in hand the ar rangement on behalf of the gentle men. Nothing was omitted that would tend to the pleasure of the occasion. The products of the green house were brought into requisition, the brilliantly lighted hall being dec orated witlraatural flowers, and beau tiful button-hole boquets of the same for all graced an attractively arranged refreshment stand in a box seat ina corner of the hall. After the carriages had gathered up and deposited their loads of happy humanity from all over the city, about sixty-five couples were present. The ball was opened with a grand polonaise at 9 o'clock, and to delight ful music, gallant gentlemen and beautiful ladies joined in the mazes of the dance, and tripped the light fantastic toe till 12 o'cloci. After a sumptuous supper by mine host of the Grand Pacific, the ball again went merrily on till the wee small hours of morn. Music by Gcreke's Strlug Band of Seward. Police Judge Hensley was called upon last Thursday to decide a point in dispute between Cole's circus bill posters and G. Heitkemper, the jeweler. The right to the lumber shed on 11th street, as bill boards is owned by Geo. Derry. Upon this shed several business signs appear. The persons whose business these signs represent, did hot see a return in the amount demanded for a year's privilege of the space occupied by their signs, with the exception of Mr. Heitkemper, who paid his money. Upon seeing that his sign was being coverod up, he remonstrated with the boss of the job, but to no avail, and soon the circus bill shone forth in brilliant if not aesthetic splendor where the modest business sign had attracted passing attention. After the case had been elucidated to his honor, and Mr. H's. contract shown up in court, there appears to have been .a general enlightening as to tho true status of affairs, and a truce was called and a compromise effected, which resulted in the bills being torn from the sign and Mr. Derry footing the expense bill. A PleaNaat Sarpriite. Ed. Journal: We have heard rather strange things about the citi zens of Humphrey, but have been disposed to disbelieve them all, until on the evening of the 12th inst., while sitting quietly by our fireside, contemplating retiring for the night, our 'attention was attracted by a noise in thostreet near our dwelling, and before we could look out to see what was the matter, thedoor opened and in rushed the "mob" headed by the "Squire," as in the days of the Wesley's and Whitefield's. Uoth hands were full, and being taken by surprise, we surrendered without a struggle. They said they came to give us a "pounding," and they did it. They seemed to enjoy it, arid I think it did us lots of good, for they left many marks of their kindness, which aro plain to be seen yet. Many thanks, kind friends ; next time come earlier, so as to stay longer. Mb. and Mrs. S. H. Tucker. f ; -A- Card f Appreciation. The ladies of our little city feel so highly honored and gratified at tho royal manner iu which our gentlemen have complimented us by tendering U6 n May party on last Thursday evening, that we desire to express our sincere thanks aud appreciation of the, same. through the columus of the JouRttj..; Certainly our gentlemen de8erMakch credit for tho time aud laber-sjHnded. to make this enter tainjsenttao enjoyable. The hall was beeattfaUy. and tastefully decorated ; the" supperMras splendid and the so cial "part was without a doubt the greatest 'success Columbus has ever achieved" In short, gentlemen; it was an enjoyment that will-remain loug in the" memories of all your lady friends who participated. - - " - w vg, b. . How to Mask Candy. This book gives frill 'directions for making all kinds of plain and fancy candy. The recipes for making caramels, choco late dropaFrench mixed and all oth er kinds 0 candies contained in this book are tbe same as UBed by the leading city confectioners. Any one can have these candies at home at less than qne third the usual cost. Sent postpaid to anyone sending at once tbe names of fifteen married ladies and 30 cents iu postal note, or 18 two cent stamps. Address KOCHKSTER PUBLISHING CO... 32, 33 & 33-1-2, Osburn Block, Rochester, N. Y. Treasurer Newman went to Lin coln last Saturday to make thcauoual settlement with tbe stale and turned into the state treasury for money col lected from January 3, '84, to May 1, '84, $9128.71. Among counties of proportionate importance that had made settlement Mr. Newman noted that Platte county was in the lead by a majority that speaks well Tor her thrift. Colfax county paid $2028.10 ; Hamilton G6S5.Q0 ; Cuming, 15227.00 ; Burt, $8205.00; tauoaater, including the city of Lincoln, $8630.96. ,JN-J0Cfcse3eiuJ " Five 'hundred buBhels Nebraska seed corn, hand-picked, every bushel guaranteed. Price $1.50 a bushel. John A. Kehoe, 1-2 Platte Center. A Wail Elephaat Holiday. Big elephants and small elephants, short elephants and long elephants have all had a great part to play in the Circus World but V. W. Cole una come to the front with a Sacred Vlite Elephant or more properly speaking a white-faced elephant, for such is the description of the Sacred Burmese beast that Cole im parted to this country at an expense of $100,000, all told. But a single elephant be it white, blue or black, cuts a very smair figure in Cole's colossal shows which contains almost everything that hai an existence or that curious humani ty cares to see. The circus is so large that it takes three rings and an elevated stage to give all the performers a chance to display their various acts and personal accomplishments. The only fault to be found with this truly enormous show is that it is too big. Forty-five acts are given at each performance. It combines a Circus, Menagerie," Theatre, .Boiler Skating Rink, Gallery of Wax Statuary and a dozen other complete exhibitions all in one. Performances are given in the m enagerie tents of which there are two as well as in the circus rings. A troupe of Beduin Arabs is a principal feature of the great combination; a Human Fly, a lady ceiling walker, icrial bicyclists, roller 'skaters, Roman gladiators, rival riders, wrestlers, gymnasti, leapers and a hundred other specialists will vie for supremacy. A white hippopotamus, a two horned rhinoceros and Samson, the largest elephant ever in captivity, are among the rare animal curiosities. Seven sisters, with hair fully seven feet long, are attractions to excite feminine jeal ousy and fire the hearts of our male pop ulation. All kinds of trained animals are introduced and performed. One of the most laughable features of the great show is a learned racing pig, ridden by a monkey jockey, who "makes nice of no vile hold" to catch the pig by the tail when there is a possibility of the Dar winian Dude's losing his balance or being "unhorsed." With such an array of nov elties it is impossible to class Cole's Mammoth Shows under any heading ex cept a "White Elephant Holiday," and the day of exhibition i n Columbus is set for Tuesday, May 20th, at which time the features above named will all be present ed together with enough other material to outrank any three shows that have heretofore existed. Died. The following obituary, which we copy from the North Platte Telegraph, relates to tbe death of one well known and who had many friends in this city: STUART. On Wednesday, April 9th, 1831, of paralysis and rheumatism, Mary Brown, wife of Wm. J. Stuart, aged 27 years, 6 months and 2!) days. 3Irs. Stuart, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown, came to this city in its early days. As a ;irl, as a young lady, as a wife, she ever held tbe esteem of those about her. Her disposition was sweet, kind, loving and generous. She was a consistent working Christian, a member of tbe Episcopal couiin;mk.u. Her death is peculiarly tad. From or dinary good health, she became, some ten dajs ago, instantly helpless, every moment ready to tapplc over eternity's brink, and unable to talk, denied the poor privilege of bidding her loved ones a last fond, loving farewell. She leaves three sons, all less than four years old, a lov ing husband, parents brothers and sister. "The 1 onai'M Puysiciaa." A common sense medical work for ladies only. Fully answers all ques tions which modesty prevents asking a male physician. Gives causes aud symptoms of all diseases of the sex, with iwsitive cure for each in plain language, writteu by ladies who have made these diseases a life study. A plain talk in delicate' language which every woman, young and old, should read. It is recommended by many eminent lady physicians as a safe guide for the sex. Handsomely bound and illustrated. Sent pospaid for $1.00. Address tbe Rochester Publishing Co., 32, 33 & 33 1-2 Osburn Block, Eochester, N. Y. Oae Chance la a JLIfetlme. Owing to ray increased grocery trade, and urgent need for more room I shall offer for the next thirty days my entire stock of Crockery, Lamps, Table Cut lery, Silverware and Glassware at net cOBt. This stock will invoice $1,500 is all new and complete, and in finer lines, embraces all the latest designs of Decorated Ware. Shall positively close out the entire stock, so call early and make your selections. 1-C-eow. Julius Kasmussrx. The Housewife. A popular domestic journal for American home?, will be sentor owe year free to every lady who will send o7cc the. names and address of 10 married ladies, and 30 cts. in 1 ct. stamps for postage. Best paper for either young or old housekeepers iu existence. This offer is made only to secure names to whom to send sam ple copies, as we know every lady who once sects The Housewife xcill subscribe for it. Regular price $1.00 per year. Address . The HOU&ewife, Rochester N.Y. LrfMt Creek. Town meeting postponed until Sat day, lOtb, at 7 p. m. Mr. Douns has 34 head fat cattle that will grade well. Corn planting has begun. J. R. Smith has ICO acres planted. Mr. Alurdock has bought two acres from W. Chapin, adjoining town, compensation $60 per acre. Lots at this place are worth from $20 to $25, aud lots of them. Tho work on the. church is pro gressing; concrete process js rather slow but it makes a jjood substantial wall. It will -be ' completed about August W. Under-the .new law all;, taxes not paid before, January 1, 1885,'five per cent, penalty aud ten per ceut. inter est will bef added.. All tax payers will please take notice and act accord ingly. C. A. Newman, 2-tf County Treasurer. Fr Male. Mr. J; Uonska offers his meat mar ket for sale, on account of going into the etock business. He has a thriving business and good trade, call on or addresB, J. Houska, Schuyler, Colfax county, Neb. , t 2-t Iadie, Atteatlea! The finest line of summer dolmans, jackets, raglans, ready-made dresses for ladies and children, can be found at Friedhof & Co '. 3forth IVehraska Press Anocia tlea. Norfolk News.) The North Nebraska Press Associa tion met at Masonic hall in Norfolk, on Tuesday, April 29, 1884, pursuant to call. The association was called to order by M. S. Bartlett, of the West Point Republican. On motion P. P. Sprecher, of the Norfolk Neics was made temporary eecretary. After some discussion, a motion was madefand carried, that a com mittee of three be appointed by the chair on re-organization. The chair appointed as such committee, Messrs. Turner, Neidig and'Hammond. The committee on re-organization reported as follows : Tour committee; recommend that those now 'present mutually agree with each other to enter into an or ganization to be known as the North Nebraska Press Association, the ob ject being mutual businessbeneGt, and that all newspaper editors and publishers north of tbe Platte river in Nebraska be eligible to member ship on the payment of $1 into the treasury, and wc would also recom mend the following organization to continue until the next meeting, President, Vice President,-. Secretary, and a committee of three on the con stitution andj(by-laws, the'.latter.ito act as an executive committee. On motion the report of the com mittee was adopted, and the com mittee discharged. It was moved and seconded that M. K. Turner act as chairman; until the next regular meetiug. Tbe motion was amended by the substitution of the name of M. S. Bartlett, whereupon the original motion was withdrawn and amend ment was adopted. Moved and seconded that M. K. Turner act as treasurer. Judson Graves was elected Vice President, and W. D. Matthews was elected Secretary. On motion A. H. Neidig, W. H. Ketchum and Frank Hammond were appointed a committee of threo on constitution. After an address by M. K. Turner, a committee of three, consisting ot Messrs. Turner, Mathews and Santee, was appointed to invite Hon. E. K. Valentine to address the association. Mr. Valeutiue responded to tbe in vitation, and delivered a neat and able address, which was received with hearty' applause. The following named gentlemen enrolled their names as members of tbe association : M S Bartlett, West Point Jlepubli can; C Selah, Ewing Item; A H Neidig, Norfolk Journal; J B Sharot, Pierce Call; J S Delinger, Scribner 2Tews; W L Whittemore, Long Pine Journal; W N Haee, Ponca Journal; W P Suttle, Stanton Democrat; .Tud pon Graves, Neligh Advocate; Frank Hammond, Fremont Tribune; H W Mathews, Atkinson Graphic; George Herb, Dakota City JEanle; WD Mathews, O'Neill Frontier; E M Love. Aiusworth News; M Water man, Norfolk Journal; Geo H Brews ter, Oakland Independanl; C E Verily, Nance County Journal; B E Hill, Valeutiue Reporter; W H Ketchum, Stuart Ledger; M K Tur uer, iJolumbus Journal; J C Santee, Niobmra News: E M Norton, P F Sprecher, Norfolk Neics. On motion the association ad journed until the time of holding tho Republican District Congressional Conventiou, unless sooner called, by order of the committee on constitu tion. M. S. Baktlett, P. F. Sprecher, Chairman. Temporary Sec'y. Real Exlate Transfers. Reported for the Journal for the week ending last Saturday, by Gus. G. Becher & Co : JIary S. Williams and husband to Geo. AV. Clark, w. (I. $i"00; nw 26, 20, 2w, 1C0 acres. Martha J. Huston and husband to Mar garet Hemphill, w. d. $750; und. J4 w )4 sw H Si, 17, lw, 80 acre. 1. II. O'Rourk to C. D. Murphy, q. c. d. $40; lot 4 bl 4 First add. to Humphrey. U. S. to Prosle' Saunders, patent; nw i 10, 17, le, 1G0 acres. Presley Saunders and wife to Nederick Steiiger, w. d. $2.0: nw 10, 17, le, 100 acres. Luther V. Chapin and wife to Chas. E. Chapin, w. d. 1300; ne ne and w yx se xe K K'i IT, 2w, CO acres. Robert McCray and wife to Leopold Lazorkt, w.d. ftAO; part out lot ( to Co lunibui. .John V. liecker and wife to Welcome . Curtis, w. d. $1.V23; nw 32, 18, :iv. Board of Education ot Columbus to Carl Kramer, . c. d. 10; let 1 bl 240. Tho.. Masilonka and wile to John Placek, w. d. ?i"; n y. s sc )i IS, 10, 2w, 40 acres. Thos. Matilonka and wife to Martin Placek, w. d. i"0; s y. s y. se yv 18, 19, 2w, 40 acres. James W. Hawthorn to A. Henry, w. d. $30: w y, lot 0 bl 11 Platte Center. Marv Brady to Wencel Hoiulek, w. d. $5; s y2 nw K 10, 19, 3w. Hugh Hughes to Sam'l C.Smith, w. d. ?3.-0; 8 4 n y w 4 lot 5 bl 81. Mary M. Hullhorst and husband to A. T. Simmons, w. d. ?27"; part 20, 17, Je, 4 acres. TJ. 8. to Johanna M. Honahan, patent: w yt se y, 30, IS. lw. HO acres. U. S. to Edward Schaad, patent; w y se a 0, 18, le, 80 icres. U. S. to Louis Petterson, patent; nw y. 28, 20. 4w, 1G0 acres. U. P. Ry Co. to Russell H. Co-'irs, w. d. $800; w yL ne y 33, 17, lw, 80 acres. U. P. Ry Co. to Lewis Heartland, w. d. $600; e y. sw y and nw y se y 7, 18, 3w, 120 acres. L". P. Ry Co. to John Hanson, w. d. $400; s y uvry 29, 19, le, 80 acres. U. P. Ry Co. to Nelson A. Rich, w. d. $100; nw y nw y 11, 18, 4w, 40 acres. U. P. Ry Co. to Herman Loseke, w. d. $400; s y sw y 1, 18, le, 80 acres. U. P. ity Co. to Patrick Murray, w.d. ?w, sw yi sw 4 y.i,, iw, w acres. U.S. to Jacob Laucnz, patent; s J. MseJi m, nv-w, ou acres. Platte Ceater. Every man in town that can drive a nail is in demand. J. L. Niemoller, oar postmaster, has lately Invested iu town property and ipteuds to build fu the near fu ture. Our meat shop will be complete and running tbe first of the week. James Hawthorn is happy in conse quence. The ladies who engineer our new millinery store deserve credit, for the energy, enterprise and taste displayed by them in their business. C. F. Goodman's business man was here from Omaha Tuesday and rented the building, formerly used for a fur niture store, to W. Niles Powell,M.D. La3t week a young cyclone came through town, apparently "out on a tear." It passed over the bridge, going west to grow np with the country. Parties wero in town and swore out a "complaint to keep the peace" against one of their neighbors before Justice G. W. Shaffer. Wiser coun sel prevailed, however, and the charge was withdrawn, Arthur Powell, who has been study ing telegraphy here for some time paBt has crona to PanUHnn. nn tho 1 main line, in the employ of the U. P. -Hj 2aCaW7 HaaaaaaaaW .aaaaaaaaaaaTR V -KF H aaaVaflBUaaaaS aaaaaaaaaaaaV aVMl aaW'aVVHa( aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai You will also find a jrood line of Brushes, Paints, Oils, Virnishes, Curtain Loops Pulls, Cord. Tassels and Curtain Fixtures at bottom prices. All orders for house, sign and earringe painting, kalsomining, glazing and paper hanging promptly filled, rECORA.Tiisra a. spectatty. Call and see good and prices before buying elsewhere. Shop always open Irom 7 a. m. to 6 p. ra. g37Don't lorget the place, 13th Street, opposite Firemen's Hall, Columbus, Neb. Ry Co. Wo are sorry to lose him. but glad of bis success. Mr. George Sheidle, one of our old settlers, shot a white crane of a very rare kind on his place southwest of town. He presented it to I. Niemol ler. It measured, from tip to tip ot wing?, 7 feet, G inches ; from beak to tip' of claw, 5 feet.,9 inches ; weight 1C pounds. T. Haatpkrey. Rush for seed corn. Farmers in this vicinity find it pays to fence. Mr. D. J. Drebert has moved in part of F. M. Cookingham's house. Drebert Sc Briggle will move in the new building Wednesday, where they will carry on the banking business. The new brick-yard is now in ope ration and will soon be ready to fur nish brick enough for all who need. Dr. W. A. Hampton started on a trip to Illinois on business. We hope be will find pleasant times on his journey. After all tbe cry of hard times and no money thero has been a very lively trade in town this spring, and most business men say there is more cash trade than they bad during the cor responding mouths last year. Mr. Newell South, having conferred with the Masons and Odd Fellows aud talked with some of the promi nent men of the G. A. R. Post, calls a meetiug for the purpose, wo under stand, of 1 seeking a location and building funds to erect a large and spacious hall in our village. Mr. South is wide awake and it is to be hoped that the people will turn out and put shoulder to the wheel and that the enterprise will be carried on to success. If people in this town become interested in a project of this kind they usually carry it success fully through ; let this not be an ex ception. C. Meetiae of Citizeas. The Masons, Odd Fellows and the G. A. R. post, together with the busi ue?s men of Humphrey and vicinity, are requested to meet at tbe office of F. M. Cookinghara, on Saturday, May 10th, to see what can be done towards building a Town Hall, for general purposes. 2-lt Neweli. South. Carpetw! Carpets! Ingraine, hemp, Brussels, body Brussels, crumb cloths, &c, at Fried hof & Co's. Trees I Tree! Tree!! A large supply of fruit, small fruit, forest and ornamontal trees for sale by W. E. Walton, Genoa, Nebr. 1 Letter JLiMt. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the post-otilce, in Columbus, Neb., for tbe week ending May Cth, 1884: A Mrs. Anns Austin. B M. Lois Bogge, Henry Iiellanrdts. C L Cockburn. (2) G John Uaiser. FrietrieJi Ilobbin, .Tame A. ilen dricho, Mrs. Alice Henry, Thimou .1. Hodger. K Cornelus Koch. M Johan Marchwarott, Harry C. Mattbews, Harvey Mattbews. 31iss Mary Stoddai, Edward Stcphau. W Deloss Williams, .lames West. If not called for in "0 days wijl be sent to the dead letter oflioe, Washington, D. C. When called for please say "advor- tised," a these letters are kept separate. 11. .1. Hudson, P. M., Columbus, Nebr. DIED. MILLEIt On Wednesday, April SMtb, 'SI, of intlamatcrr rheumatism, Mr. Ida Miller, wife of Chas. Miller of this city. The funeral sermon was delivered by Itev. ltice, at the Congregational church, on Sunday, at 11 o'clock a. in., and the remains followed to the cemetery by a large number of relatives and friemh. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head live cents a line eajch insertion. The finest line of fancy shirts are just being opened ut Galley Bro's. Call and examine the new stock of men's aud bov's clothing, jut receiv ed at Gallev Bio's. 4-47-x You can always find a good stock to select from at Mrs. Drake's millin ery store 39-tf Choice quality of Nebraska winter apples at Win. Becker's. 41-tf Piaao to rent. Iuqnire of Well & Walker. Pens, inks, papers, slate pencils, at Turner's. Clover, Timothy, Millet, aid llBBgariua Seed, At Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. 2-12t Wm. Schiltz makes boots and shoes in the best etylee, and uses only the very beet stock that can be procured in tbe market. 52 1 For good young breeding stock of all kinde, call at Bloomiugdalo stock farm. A. Henricb. 30-tf We also carry a good line of white shirts, both lanndried aud unlaun dried, at low prices. Galley Bro's. For McCormick, everybody's ma chine, aud the boss Osborne Binder No. 11, call on Newell South, Hum phrey. 3-tf While at Humphrey stop at C. M. Sweezey's restaurant and bakery. Good square meajs for 25 cents. Hot meals at all hours. 50-tf Don't forget to look over our line of cambric, percale and cheviot shirts before buying, if you wish to save money, at Qajley Bro's. Qnr enterprising druggists, Dowty & Kelley, are giving sample bottles of Beggs' Cherry Congh Syrup,rce. We advise all sufferers to call and get a bottle which costs nothing. ' 31-6m Tlie Largest and Finest Assortment, of nil mm, cburi; mmm AND WINDOW SHADES ix the crrv at GEO. N. DERRY'S fAIT SHOP. Orders (or Store Front t'arlaiis Filled. 1884 SPRING 1884 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTMOiMRY SPRING OPENING I Having spent the last three weeks in the best markets of the east, we are now prepared to show you 1 THE LARGEST LINE OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Etc., EVER IN COLUMBUS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES ! Sfcj In connection with the old store, we r have secured the store formerly oc occtipied by Dowty & Chinn, where with Increased Facilities We can accommodate all who may favor us with a call. FRIEDHOF & CO. For books, stationery, blates and pencil?, also the renowned American sewing machine?, call on F. M. Cook ingbam, the authorized agent for the Columbus Journal and job work, Humphrey, Neb. 4G-tf For Nale or Kent. The J. C. Morri$ey residence prop erty, by Becher & Co. tf For Hale. First-class mill site and mill in Platte count-, by Becher & Co. Meed Cora. Farmers in that neighborhood, can get some of U. M. Winslow's seed corn for $1 a bushel, of John H. Mey er, 15 miles north of Columbus. 44-tf PaNtare Tor Colt. I will take a limited number of colts into my (partly blue gras) pas ture where they will haye good grass, suaue anu pieuty or good spring wa ter. 51-x A. IIe.vrich. Itrick! Thos. Flyun has on hand a large number of brick for sale. Those who know now that they will need brick in tbe early spring, had better secure tbem early. Strayed. From my premises, Tuesdav, April 29tb, one gray mare, three years old, black mane and tail, weight about 1,000 lbs. Any information as to her whereabouts, will be liberally re warded. Js-o. Lucid, 2-tf , Platte Center. . Waated Cattle to Herd. A limited, number of oattle will be takenjo pasturo for the season at cus tomary rates. Rango three miles from Columbus, ruuning water on range. Also a few cows will be taken on shares. For further information inquire of M. H. White. 52-3-p Caa or Time. One thoronghbred Jeney cow, 1 Jersey bull, 1 span of nice 3 rear old horse colts, 1 span of young work horses, span of driving mares, with foal, 30 stock hogs, 10 brood sows, 1 spring wagon, 1 light lumber wagon, 30 yearling heifers. l-f D. Andebson-. PIl&TTE COUNTY LANDS! THE TIFFT s GRAFF LANDS ARE NOW FOR SALE AS FOLLOWS. Trice Description. S. T. J?, pcrlcre. S.AV.Ko: S.E. y..W IT least ?12 r.O S. K ot S. "VT. y .. 13 17 I " 12 ( S.JSof S.E. y ... 14 17 1 " 12 50 s. t:.y i." 17 i " i.rioo S.YT.y 15 17 I ' 15 00 E.KofX. K.y ...21 17 I " -15 00 X. E. y 2 17 I " 15 00 S.E. y 22 17 1 " 15 (X) S. VT.y 22 17 1 " 15 00 X.W.& S! IT 1 " 12 50 x. xorx. e. y. 2:: u l " 1250 S. E. .. .. 21 17 1 " 12 50 E. y of x. w.ji....:u it 1 " 1000 TeratM: Oue-thinl eah, balauce on time to Miit purchaser at 8 to 10 percent, interest. Apply to .T. TV. X.OATE, Fremont, Neb. 50-tr CONDON & McKENZIE, Cor. Olive and 13th Sts., Have always on hand a new anil full line of IGROCEBIES,! TVell Soleotert. Dried and Canned Fruits of all kinds guaranteed to be best quality. DRY GOODS! A well selected new stock whichWiII le sold a cheap as the cheapest. BOOTS AND SHOES, A NEW AXD WELL SELECTED STOCK TO CHOOSE FKQM. Flour at Prices to suit all Pocksta ! JQTBUTTEK, EGGS and POl'LTItY, aud all kind3 of country produce taken in trade or bought for cash at the hihect market prices. 1-y C0LUMBUS MAEKETS. Our quotations ofthe market", are ob- tainedTuesdaynfternoon,and are correct nd reliable at the time. GKAIN AC. Wheat c: Corn, new 2 Oats new, 22 Rve s Flour 2 5033 fill PKOUUCK. Butter, 10015 Eggs, 1O012J4 Potatoes, -. 20030 MKA1S. Hams, 10015 Shoulders, b'010 Sides, 1O0U 1.1 VK hTOCK. FatHogs 4 0-J(gj.j fit) Fat Cattle 3 50 (44 50 Sheep 3 00 Coal. Iowa $ fi 00 Hani 14 00 Rock Spriiiit nut : 50 Kock Springs lump 7 00 Carbon : 0 Colorado 00 Ntr:iyeI. From my farm, five mile-, vet of Madison, Neb., on Thursday, May 1st, 188-1, a four-year-old white pony, lett eye known as glass eye ; marked "O" on left rump : 11 long rope coiled round his neck. Information load ing to his recovery will be Miituhly rewarded. Address, .1. I. IirXKAKSON, 2-1 Miuli-ion Neb. For :ilo. The property known a the Stiisser hotel and saloon :l Dnncno, Neb., comprising nin lot with building suitablo lor hotel :md -aloon or mer cantile busiiu'-s c.l-o good htsblo, shed and ice house, &:., in connection. The above property will he ohl at a bar gain. Apply to Gus. (J. Itcchcr&Co. Columbua, Ni-b. While nt llaiuplirey, Sto(:it tlie Graavllle Hou. Mr. Jacob Steffls has completed his large and commodious hotel and will be pleased to sen all of hi-i former patrons aa well as new ones. Firnt class rooms and beds a well as llrnt clas9 table. Farmers and traveling men call on him. He has every facil ity for making you at home. A good livery attached to hotel. 2l-t( Laud tor Nui. In Colfax Co., near Platte Co. line, SO acres, 70 of wbi''ii are under tho plow; frame dwelling, hore and cow stables, cow shedg and corrals, corn cribs, windmill and li pump3 (water 40 ft. from surff.ee), some fruit and forest trees. Also 1G0 acres, 1:10 under cultiva tion, 7 acres ot lorest :rft-j. Both tracts have lirst rate stock rung', aud road facilities. $2,300 lor each tract, on easy terma. 15-x It. Mackenzie. GROCERIES ! ALWAYS OX HAND A FULL ANl NEW LINE OF GKOC ERIES WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, of all KINDS, GUARANTEED TO BE OF BEST QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD A WELL SELECTED STOCK, ALWAYS AS CII EAF AS THE CHEAPEST, ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! 2STTIIAT DEFY 'OMPETniON. BUTTER AND EGGS And all kinds of count rit jtroduce la - ken in trade, and all goods cn- eredfree of charge to any part of the city. FLOUR! KEEP ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR. 10-tf .1. B. DELSMAiV