The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 07, 1884, Image 2

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It is stated that New Jersey is
overran with Salvationists.
The official of Castle Garden are
obliged to speak six languages.
The patrol wagons of Brooklyn are
to carry stomach pumps for suicides.
The bill to stamp out the disease
of cattle has finally passed the senate.
The bank of England has opened
a reading and eating room for ite
Refobts from the interior of Egypt
state that the cotton worm has reap
peared. Wiggins predicted the London
earthquake, and says there will be
another about May 20.
"Chocolatiekes" church sociables
where chocolate is the refreshment
arc being held in Boston.
Another band of insurgents has
appeared in Caledonia and efforts are
being made to capture them.
Belmont Castle, near Dundee,
bnrned the other night. Many valu
able paintings were destroyed.
Edmund Yates, who will go to jail
pretty soon for libel, says there is no
real refinement in the United States
ontsido of Massachusetts.
Edward Clark, arrested the other
day in Hartford, for vagrancy, stated
to the court that he had been in
seventy-two jails in this country.
News from Portland, Me., says the
steamer "Falmouth," of the Interna
tional line burned the other day, and
three men were bnrned to death.
"Word comes from St Johns, N. F.f
that twelve men were killed and
drowned on the schooner "Paquebat"
the other day, caused by a collision.
A gas well with extraordinary
volumo has recently been struck at a
depth of 1,287 feet near Wellsburg,
"W. Va. It has been fired and the
light can be seen for thirty miles.
The fourteenth annual commence
ment of the "Woman's Medical Oollego
was held the other afternoon in Her
shey Music Hall, Chicago. An able
class of twenty-one young woman
received the degree of Doctor of
Exceedingly strange events will
occur in this life. Here is one of
them: Isaac McLain, of Hillsboro,
111., was divorced from a handsome
young wife a short time ago and mar
ried her mother, Mrs. Mary Isaacs,
aged sixty-six.
Secretary Chandler received the
other day a telegram from Commo
dore S. B. Luce, stating that the
'Portsmouth" arrived at Newport
'with yellow fever on board. The
disease is not serious, howevor. All
patients convalescing.
E. Dickinson, a rich Amherst,
Mass., man, left not long ago with
$4,000 in his pocket to buy cattle. The
other day he telegraphed from Den
ver that he has just recovered from a
season of insensibility, in that city ;
don't know how ho got there, and
hasn't a cent left.
Silvan Owen and Kate Radd were
married at Lebanon, Pa., last week,
he eighty, and she eighty-four.
Sixty years ago they were lovers and
quarreled. Forty years later, bis
wife and her husband having died,
they agreed to marry, but quarreled,
and waited twenty years more.
Fire broke out in Union Ha!J build
ing, Glens Falls, N. Y., on Ihe 28th
ult., and at noon was under control.
Little's Opera House, the Glens Falls
Opera House, the Presbyterian
Church, and fifteen business bouses
were totally destroyed. TK8 loss is
estimated at $150,000 to $2OO0OO.
John Cameron, living near Hag
crstown, Md.,has eloped with the wife
of John D. Ban. Cameron deserts
a wife and two children, while Mrs.
Ban leaves threo children behind.
Cameron borrowed thousands of dol
lars as preparation for his flight, and
is believed to have directed his course
for Chicago.
On the 29th ult. the whole city or
Havana was shaken by terrible con
cussions. The streets were filled
with frightened people who believed
the city was being visited by an
earthquake. It soon became known
that powder magazines at San Anto
nia, on the opposite side of the bay,
had exploded. The houses in Havana
suffered severely.
HiramJallerson, livirig near Au
dubon, Iowa, was taken from his bed
the other night by three men and after
being dragged about three hundred
feet was hung to the limb of a tree. It
is freely charged that his son-in-law
and son had somethiug to do with the
crime. If the men are caught it is
probable the citizens will peform an
other hanging without trial.
The fatal poisoning of Mrs. Gross'
child in Louisville by sweetcake has
developed the fact that glucose uuder
certain conditions is very poisonous.
Almost ail the fancy syrups and a
large percentage of cheap sugar is
made of it. It is made from corn
starch by dissolving it in warm water
and treatiug with sulphuric acid. If
the latter happens to be in excess it is
dangerous to health, and may produce
quick results.
This is about the way the city of
Chicago is kept clean: The In
spector, J. It. Gormon, reported that
two teams hired from one Nolan bad
put in a full day's work in the
Sixth Ward. A detective, who bad
shadowed the outfit, inspector and all,
reported that the whole day's work
consisted of the emptying ot two bar
rels of ashes in an alley. Health
Commissioner DeWolf forthwith dis
charged both teams aud Inspector
The Wtaattta 1st IVebrsul&m.
There is no question bnt James G.
Blaine is the favorite candidate of
Nebraska republicans for the presi
dency, bnt somehow the manipula
tion of the conventions has not been
by the men who are heart and soul
for Blaine. There seems to us to be
a good deal of the Grant element
abont the delegation which will
represent the state at Chicago. It
was very easy for the politician this
year, in this state, to say that he was
for 'Blaine just as natural as to
breathe, bat we believe a considerable
number of these delegates will be
ready to leave Blaine and the Blaine
forces at the first opportunity that
presents a plausible excuse.
It Is an evident fact that there was
but little to interfere with the cut-and-dried
programme of the anti
Blaine men at Lincoln, except the
overwhelming sentiment of the state,
and the gloating of the anti-Blaine
organs over the defect of a resolution,
not even hinting instruction, but de
claring the sense of the convention to
be for Blaine, is one ot the indica
tions to the general public of the deep
satisfaction of the anti-Blaine ele
ment as to the choice of delegates.
The Lincoln Journal has this to say :
"The wire edge was off the Blaine
"boom in this state before the con
tention assembled ; it ran down at
"the heel with considerable rapidity
"as the talk went on iu the hotelB and
"street corners along through the
"forenoon, but it suffered a regular
"horizontal reduction that would
"have delighted the aesthetic eye of
"Bill Morrison himself, shortly after
"the introduction of the unfortunate
"resolution at the wind up, declaring
"the preference of the convention for
"the nomination of Mr. Blaine for
No doubt but in this particular
case, "the wish is father to the
thought." It is not "unfortunate"
that men should wish to express their
preference; it is not "unfortunate"
that republicans, who know the state
is enthusiastic for Blaine, should wish
to say that the sense of the state is for
Blaine, but it is unfortunate that the
Blaine forces were not thoroughly
organized, that they had no agreed
plan, no programme, and, in short,
that they have allowed themselves to
be (as we believe) out-generaled by
the Arthur-Grant forces.
There is no disputing the fact that
Nebraska is now stronger for Blaine
than ever before, because he has not
lost any of his old friends, and he has
gained a host of new ones, who see in
him now the progressive spirit of re
publicanism, which would give the
country an administration gratifying
alike to the pride of patriotism, and
the ambition of the party; a spirit
which wonld revivify our foreign
commerce, enliven onr business and
political relations with the other na
tions of the earth, nnify and solidify
the elements of our land, and mark
an epoch in our history that would be
memorable for all time.
If, however, the juggling of poli
ticians is to again defeat the nomina
tion of Blaine, and it must be once
again deferred, let our delegates con
sider long before selecting any other
than that other independent, fearless,
outspoken, representative American
citizen from a different field of re
nown, Geueral W. T. Sherman, who,
with Lincoln, would certainly make
a ticket satisfactory to the great body
of republicans who cannot have
Blaine and Lincoln.
Kenmsslicasa Slate CaTeatlea.
The delegates met iu the ball of the
house of representatives, at Lincoln,
on the evening of the 30th nit., and
were called to order by Geo. W. E.
Dorsey, chairman of the state central
Jndge Reavis nominated Congress
man Valentine, and Hon. G. M.
Lambertson nominated Hon. L. W.
Gilchrist of Saunders, as temporary
chairman. Valentine was elected, by
a cote of 201 to 1G3.
Ray Nye, of Dodge, was selected
sec'y, with J. W. Cox of Cass,
The central committee made a re
port upon credentials which was
adopted. The list is too lengthy for
publicatiou here the convention
being full. Platte county was rep
resented by M. -Whitmoyer, E. A.
Hoar, E. B. Hall, J. W. Early, W. A.
McAllister, G. W. Clark, G. F. Clark.
The delegation from Gage county,
headed by Mr. Townsend and sup
ported by Col. Colby, was admitted
as against the Holmes delegation.
As delegates to Chicago, Jno. M.
Thurston of Omaha was nominated
and elected by acclamation; also N.
S. Harwood of Lancaster. As a
third delegate, Jno. Jeuson of Fill
more was selected as against Peter
Jansen of Jefferson, Louis A. Kent of
Kearney, J. W. Small of Clay, and G.
A. Derby of Seward.
George A. Brooks of Knox county,
and T. 8. Clarkson of Colfax, were
the contestants for the fourth place.
Mr. Brooks was selected.
As alternates, Peter Jansen of Jef
ferson, L. W. Gilchrist, E. M. Sten
berb of Douglas, and A. G. Scott of
Buffalo, was selected.
The committee on resolutions, viz
G. W. Post of York, J. B. Barnes of
Dixon, Ishatn Revis of Richardson,
J. A. McMurphy of Colfax, and A.
L. Wright of Adams, reported the
The republican party or Nebraska, in
convention represented, reviews Its alle
giance to the principles and policy that
Have commended republicaaism to the
popular intelligence of the country, and
kecuredits success in six successive na
tional elections, aad declares its confi
dence that they will command at the polls
under the standard bearers to be named
at the Chicago convention a victory as
signal as any that have been gained in
the past.
It declares'for the collection of the na
tional revenues by the taxation of pro
ducts at home that are but luxuries, the
enjoyment or consumption of which are
not essential to the welfare of the masses,
and by the levy' of a tariff so adjusted to
encourage and protect home industry,
without being burdensome to the people,
and denounces the attempt of the dem
ocratic majority in the house of repre
sentatives to make an indiscriminate j.
dufition of duties to the injury of skilled
labor and invested capital at home for ihe
bfaslt of labor and capital that pay
tribute to foreign powers. It favors the
encouragement of immigration, the re
duction of the public debt and interest
charges and appropriation of a portion of
surplus revenues to judicious internal
improvements, the improvement of the
service of the government In, all depart
ments by regulating the method of ap
E ointments so as to bring it to the
ighest possible state of integrity and
.efficiency, the maintenance of equal rights
to all citizens, irrespective of race or
color under the guarantees of the con
stitution, a liberal provision for disabled
and invalid veterans of the war for the
union and the establishment of our navy
upon a footing commensurate with the
necessities of the times and the dignity
of a nation ready to defend its rights and
protect its citizens at home and abroad,
that we urge upon our senators and rep
resentatives in congress the necessity of
securing Buch national legislation as will
insure to the producer the largest pos
sible fruit of his labor, equitably har
monizing all conflicting interests and to
settle the various questions relative to
common carriers.
Hesolved, That this convention re
quests the coming republican national
convention to provide that in all future
national conventions, representation
shall be proportionate to the republican
votes cast for President in the last pre
ceding presidential election.
We heartily endorse the administra
tion of President Chester A. Arthur, be
gun under circumstances of peculiar em
barrassment aud difficulty, but which has
by its prudence, sagacity and statesman
ship commended itself to the respect and
esteem of the country.
The resolution of Parrish, of Burt,
expressive of a preference for Blaine,
was tabled by a vote of 220 to 207 .
CeBTeatloa Third District.
We condense from the Norfolk
Jiews, the following report :
Norfolk, Neb., April 29.
Convention of republican delegates
to the Third congressional district
convention was called to order by
Col. S. W. Hayes, acting for P. B.
Tiffany, chairman of the congression
al committee.
Call read also the list of delegates
as appeared by credentials filed.
Upon motion M. R. Hopewell, 'of
Burt, was elected temporary chair
man, by acclamation. W.D. Mathews.
of Holt, and L. S. Irvin, of Buffalo,
were made secretaries.
Motion made and carried that the
roll of delegates as read be adopted,
without committee on credentials be
ing appointed, there being no contests.
Antelope John Storey, Jeptha
Hopkins, Forrest Putney, D. B. Dib
ble, Jerry Lovering, M. A. Decamp.
Booue G. W. Brown, H. F. Sny
der, D. A. Lewis, G. H. Cox, Samuel
Brown Leroy Hall, E. M. Love, J.
F. Burns, W. L. Whittemore.
Buffalo J. P. Hartmau, L. S. Irvin,
A. G. Scott, C. E. Paist, S. C. Ayer,
A. H. C'onuer, D. C. Howard, J. D.
Burt M. R. Hopewell, C. J. Hale,
W. Parrish, A. A. Thomas, J. R.
Sutherland, G. W. Brewster.
Cedar E. P. Drake, Lewis Dcuuis.
Chcyenno G. W. Heist.
Cherry Dr. Lewis.
Colfax T. S. Clarksou, M. L. Wea
ver, C. C. Cannon, S. P. Groat, J. A.
McMurphy, G. S. Woods, D. Van
Cuming A. D. Becmer, N. Fo
drea, A. R. Graham, C. C. McNisb,
C. Rupp, M. S. Bartlett.
Custer F. H. Young, J. L. Knight,
F. Zimmerer.
Dakota G. W. Wilkinson, George
Herb, A. D. Cole, John Conaghy.
Dawson A. S. Baldwin, E. V. Fi
ler, H. M. Sinclair.
Dixon A. E. Barnes, J. T. Mar
riott, Will N. Huse 5 votes.
Dodge E. H. Barnard, L. D. Rich
ards, J. Y. Smith, D. A. Hopkins, T.
W. Lyman, E. C. Burns, Thcron Nye,
II. Fuhrman, It. B. Schneider, H. B.
Hall C Wasmer, W. R. McAlis
ter, O. N. Westcott, J. O. West, C. U.
Horth, Joseph Fox.
Holt H. Mathews, W.D. Mathews,
B. S. Gillespie, Neil Brennan, W. H.
Ketcham, G. J. Cries, L. M. Cleve
land. Howard J. L. JohnBon, C. C. Rob
inson. Keith J. H. MoCounell.
Knox O. W. Rice, Sol Draper, O.
Jacksou, W. Sanders, R. Kadish, J.
B. Lucas.
Lincoln J. II. McConnell, J. H.
Park, T. C. Patterson.
Madison N. A. Rainbolt, T. M.
Blakely, II. C. Brome, F. W. Richard
son, C. . Jenkins, W. S. Askwith.
Merrick J. C. Knapp, J. R. Rat
cliff, L. J. Smith, Geo. A. Clark, A.
L. Havens.
Nance S. R. McClure, J. M. Ken
nedy, Sam Ewing, G. D. Meikeljohn.
Pierce J. B. Sharot, W. H. Mor
ton, B. H. Mills.
Platte L. Gerrard, W. H. Selsor,
J. J. Truman, M. K. Turner, B. R.
Cowdery, J. E. Moncrief, H. Ragatz.
Sherman O. B. Willard.
Stauton C. L. Lamb, A. A. Kear
ney. Valley H. Grimes, N. A. Babcock,
A. M. Bobbins.
Washington L. F. Hilton, J. W.
Boggs, Theodore Warwick, B. F.
Sprecher, A. C. Jones, P. J. Gossard.
Wayne J. T. Bressler, A. T. Cua
pin, James Britton.
By motion tho temporary organiza
tion was made permanent.
Harry Brome, of Madison, moved
that we now proceed to the nomina
tion of candidates for delegatus to the
national convention carried. H. M.
Sinclair nominated J. M. McCall, of
Dawson. N. A. Rainbolt nominated
C. P. MathewBon, of Madison. Lean
der Gerrard, of Platte, nominated A.
H. Conner, of Kearney. Hartmau,
of Buffalo, seconded the nomination
of Conner. Geo. W. Hci6t, of Chey
enne, seconded the nomination of
McCall. Jos. Fox nominated John
L. Means, of Hall. L. F. Hilton nom
inated J. W. Boggs, of Washington.
H. B. Nicodemus nominated L. D.
Richards, of Dodge. W. Parrish, of
Burt, seconded the nomination of C.
P. Mathewson. W. W. Wilkinson, of
Antelope, was also nominated.
By motion of W Parrish, seconded
and carried, chairman appointed a
committee of five on resolutious, as
follows: W Parrish, of Burt; B S
Gillospie, of Holt; J McMurphy of
Colfax; O B Willard, ot Sherman; T
C Patterson, of Lincoln.
H C Brome, of Madison, moved
that we now proceed to informal
ballot, by call of counties-, for the elec
tion of delegates, one at a time. Sec
onded withdrawn.
Leander Gerrard offered the fol
lowing: Jiesolted, That we now proceed to elect
one delegate to the Chicago conveutiou
by a call of counties, and that as each
county is called the chairman of the dele-
Sation shall announce the names of caudi
atea voted for, and that it shall require
a majority of all votes to elect. Provided,
that the first vote shall be informal.
By motion C C Robinson and D C
Howard were appointed tellers.
Informal ballot taken with the fol
lowing result :
C.P. 34athewson:58 I L. D. Richards... 10
A. H. Conner ....31 1 John-TV. Boggs. ..17
J. H- McCall . . . --.IS I J. L. Means 7
VT.W. Wilkinson. 0
First formal ballot resulted as fol
lows; Mathewson 102 I Richards 17
McCall.. 23 LBoggs 2
Conner-, 221
By motion, C p MathewBon was
declared ouanimously elected.
Informal ballot taken for second
delegate with following result :
Conpcr 57 I Boggs 18
McCall . .". .'. . . . .'..? I Richard 18
First formal ballot taken with the
following result:
McCall 81 Conner 715
Mr. McCall baviug received a ma
jority of the votes cast, was declared
Gen. Conner iu respouse to the call,
favored the couvcution with a stirring
speech for republican unity aud as
serted that his first choice for presi
dent was "The Plumed Knight,"
James G. Blaine; which received
great applause.
Mr. Parrish, of Burt, moved that it
is the sense of this convention that
James G. Blaine is our first choice for
president of the United States. Car
ried. On motion, J W Boggs aud L D
Richards were elected as alternates
for C P Mathewson and J H McCall.
Hon. E. K. Valentine, Geo. W. Dor
se? and Gen. Thayer beiug called for,
responded in stirring republican
speeches. Mr. Valentine closed his
remarks by thanking .the republicans
of Nebraska and the Third district
for their generous support in the past,
and in a few plain words announced
his intention of not being a caudidate
for renomination, believing that some
of the other boys should have a
Committee on resolutions reported
the followiug, which was adopted
unanimously without debate :
The republicaus of the Third con
gressional district of Nebraska iu
convention assembled, do hereby re
solve :
1st. That we believe in an honest
and economical administration of the
2nd. That we are in favor of a legit
imate and common sense method of
civil service reiorm.
3d. That we believe that repre
sentation to the national convention
should hereafter be based on the re
publican votes of the state repre
sented. 4th. That the administration of
President Arthur has been a wise,
safe and truly republican one, doing
justice to all within the party, and
teuding to heal differences and fac
tional quarrels, and that we heartily
approve and endorse tho same.
5th. That the success ot the repub
lican party is nece39ary to the weltare
and progress of the country, aud it
should receive the vote of all those
who have ever supported republicau
principles in the past. It m the-party
of live principles and practical acts
for the benefit ot the masses, aud its
deeds form its best platform.
Motion was made aud seconded
that we eelcct a ucw congressional
central committee.
Moved and seconded that motion
be laid on the table. Carried.
In this department the people talk, and
not the editor. Each writer must hold
himself ready to defend his principles
and his statements of facts, "iu the mul
titude of counsel there is wisdom." Ed.
A Farmer's lotting;.
I am trying a new way of plowing.
At least new to me. The ordinary
narrow lands make too many middle
furrows, aud too much waste time
turning at the ends. Have tried
plowing around the field, but the
hard tramping of a strip at each
corner is quite objectionable. This
spring we commenced in tho center
of the fields, working out, and are
much pleased with the experiment.
We have all the advantages of plow
ing around a field, aud none of the
disadvautages. A farmer accustomed
to measure by tho step can find the
middle of the field from the sides,
aud the proper distance from the
cuds, for the ends of the first furrow,
without trouble. Should the finish
ing not come out exact, it would only
necessitate going around or back fur
rowing a narrow laud on one or more
sides. The advantage of this plan
over plowing in lands, I consider
very great. If we plow in narrow
lands, so many middio furrows are
objectionable. If in wide lands we
must either waste much time iu going
around at the euds, or plow across
the ends, tho team turniug on tho
plowed grouud. The difference
between the amount a man and team
cau do, by going around solid work,
and by plowing in lands, is much
greater than oue would think; who
has not given the matter much at
tention. By the way, what a splendid coun
try this is to plow in. Such mag
nificent fields, and no obstructions,
aud I never tire of watching tho
dark, rich, mellow soil, as it rolls
from the plow share. I am sure there
can be uo more enjoyable work thau
following the plow on these Nebraska
farms. How 1 pity the man who has
to spend these spring days behind the
counter, or over his desk, or in his
office, waiting for somebody to get
into trouble, that ho may help him
I wonder if many farmers have
had their patience tried by tree agents
as I have. It seems to me, for tho
most part, they are a terrible
-nuisance. I was persuaded again,
agaiust my judgment, last year to
give an order, and I am satisfied the
entire stock received is not worth as
many cents as the bill amouuted to in
dollars. I do not want to do any ad
vertising for our townsman, John
Tannahill, but I find I can get both
seeds and nursery stock, at less prices,
from him than from theso foreigners,
and know I am getting what I order
every time. Besides that, he is safe,
he will not talk a man to death. I
believo the discouragement in regard
to raising fruit, felt by many farjners,
is as much owing to unreliable tree
peddlers, as anything else. The day
of plenty of home fruit is surely
coming to us, but we must have good
stock to commence with, and then
handle it with more knowledge and
care. J. H. R.
The Unworthy Poor. Flash Pa
pers aad Paupers.
Mr. Editou: An article, "Flash
papers and Dime Novels," iu No. 72G
of the Jouhn'AL, and the proceedings
of our honorable board of supervi
sors, have caused me to stop and
think. The piece named first, shows
conclusively how destructive such
trashy 6tufi" is to our rising genera
tion, and it should ouly have goue a
step further to show eveu how much
worse it is in its destructive tenden
cies upon the minds and whole beiug
of our wives and mothers.
No one can be more willing, that
the deserving poor in our midst
should be taken care of than your
present writer. He would even go a
little farther and say that they ought
to bo sought out, and inquiries made
as to their necessities. The most
deserving and needy ones are often
too modest to make their wants
known. But, when an able bodied
man, drawing a pension, living with
an able bodied wife, and a nnmber of
children, able to earn bread aud
cIothe3, throw themselves upon the
connty or township for food, clothing
or house rent, then something most
be rotten so'mewhere, and when the
writer happens-to know that some
paupers have money and time to read
Ahir trash Hire the Nnw York
Ledger, the Freside Companion, and 1
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perhaps dime novels in addition, and
that there is the leakage in their
family affairs. Onr kind-hearted su
pervisors ought to inquire into such
causes of poverty. Let a woman--a
wife and mother, spend her time
reading trash, filling her head with
foolish notions of love affairs, instead
of washing and mending the clothes
of her family, darn their stockings,
or knit them, and cook their food,
aud no one need to wonder if poverty
and want enters her house, aud hard
working tax-payers have to fork
The writer has had some littlo ex
perience iu the management of a
pocr-houso in the East. No pauper
family was admitted iuto that insti
tution, as n whole. They were sep
arated at once. The mau was put
into the male department, the woman
iuto that of tho females, and the chil
dren into the children's room.
Moual : A man who is not wil
ling and able to support a wife, is not
worthy of one, nor of the blessing of
children, and the negligent, novel
reading woman who will uot or can
not take care of a family, ought to be
separated from them. All paupers
able to work ought to be made to do
so. That would give our board a
chance to use the poor funds for the
worthy poor. Benedictus.
Iflalciae Crime Odioaf.
Cincinnati's criminal court is deal
ing out a very fair article of justice
just now. Highway robbers get from
ten to twenty years in tho peniten
tiary ; common burglars from seven
to ten years ; sneak thieves about five
years and horse thieves fifteen years.
The reason is plain. Decent men,
aroused by the recent riot to the im
portanco of performing their public
duties, are now seen in the jury box
occasionally, aud when the evidence
against a prisoner is found to bo con
clusive he is 6et down as guilty with
out qualification. It is to be tearcd
that this spasm will not be long lived,
but so long as -it lasts Cincinnati is
bound to be an unhealthy locality for
criminals. The offenders now in jail
charged with capital and otbor crimes
are certain to discovor that the law is
still in existence, though they may
havo had doubts on that point when
their offenses were committed. If
the administration of justice falls
again into the corrupt courses which
characterized it previous to the recent
uprising it will bo the fault of the cit
izens themselves. Chicago Herald.
Tax Sale Notice.
To S. U. DuBlevy, C. Hickok, Aug.
You are hereby notified that the prop
erty described a follows, to-wit: The
N. "E. i of the S. VT. M of Section iTowu-
sbip 17, Range 1 east, and the S. . i of
the S. w. i of Section 'J, Township IT,
Kanpe 1 east, situated in Platte county,
aHd State of Nebraska, was purchased on
tho lGth day of August, 1882, at tax sale,
by W. L. Sclby. and was taxed and de
linquent for the year 1830, that the same
was taxed in the" name of S. B. Dunlevy,
aud that the time of redemption will ex
pire on the lGth day of August, 18S4.
2-St "V. L. Selby.
Tax Sale Notice.
To Nelson Millet, Pat Murray, J. A.
Steele, M. E. Clother and VT.C. Sutton.
You are hereby notified that the prop
erty described as follows, to-wit: Lot
number four (4), in block number city
fiye (85), in Columbus, situated in Platte
county, and State of Nebraska was pur
chased on the 11th day of September,
1882, at tax sale, by VT. L. Selby, and was
taxed and delinquent for the year 1873,
that the same was taxed ia the name of
Nelson ilillett, and that the time of re
demption will expire on the 11th day of
September, 168L
2-3 1 W. L. Selby.
Tax Sale Notice.
To whom it may concern or the un.
known owners:
You are hereby notified that the prop
erty described as follows, to-wit: The
N. E. i of the N. E. of Section 1L
Township 17, Kange 1 east, situated in
Platte county, and State of Nebraska,
was purchased on the 16th day of August,
1882, at tax sale, by W.L. Selby, and was
taxed and delinquent for the jear 1850
that the same was not taxed in the name
of any person and that there is no name
on records for 1880 or subsequent years,
and that the time of redemption will ex
pire on the 16th day of August, 1884.
2-3t W. L. sunr.
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In the District Court of Platte County,
M. J. McKelligan, Plaintiff,
John C. McMahon and John
C. Wolfel, Defendants.
Notice to said defendant, John C. Wolfel.
You are hereby notified that on the 30th
day of April, 1SS1, said plaintiff filed in
said court his duty verified petition
against you and said John C. JJlcMahon,
the object and prayer of which said peti
tion is to oi.tain a judgment against you
and laid John C. McMuhou for the sum
of one bundled and two dollars and
thirty-four cents ($102.31) and interest
tb reou from .Marcn 2d, 1S77, at the rate
of : ii per cent, per auoum, and ' ;o an
it Tiit-y tee equal to ten per rent, of the
hoP- imount due, said amount being the
! liinc- (ue on a certain promissory note
iven l you and said John C. iMcMahon
ro said plaintiff, dated November 15th,
n order of attachment was issued in
this cause on the 2ith day of March, 1881,
and duly levied on the following de
scribed lands and tenements, situated in
Platte County, Nebraska, as your prop
erty, to wit: Lot C in block 96; lots I and
2 in block 152; lot 2 in block 1U2; lot 2 in
block 1!)1: lot S in block 207; all in the
city of Columbus, in said county.
You are required to appear anil answer
said petition on or before the 20th day of
May, 18S4, or said petition will be taken
as true and judgment rendered accord
ingly, aud said property sold to satisfy
the amount of such judgment and costs.
By McAllister Bros.,
his Attorneys. 51-4
IT. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.)
March 3d, 1881. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has hied notice
of his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Clerk of District Court
for Platte couutv, at Columbus, Neb., on
June 12th, 1884, viz :
Hugh ncCarvcl, Homestead No. 8624,
for the E. of S. TV. M and TV. M of S. E.
M Section 27, Township 20, ltange-3 west,
lie names the following witnsesscs to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry Mc
Cabe, Thomas McPhillips, Martin Maher
and Michael Clark, all of Postville, Neb.
2-6 C. HOSTETTEK, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
April.12, 1884.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support oi ins claim, ana mat saiu
proof will be made before Judge of the
District Court at Columbus, Neb., on
May 17th, 1884, viz:
Thomas Reagan, Homestead No. 11951
for the S. TV. i, Section 30, Township 20,
Range 3 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon, aud cultivation of, said land,
viz: Jas. Fay, or Parrel, Neb., Pete Bar
ney. orTostville, Neb., Jas. Ducey.of St.
Bernard, Neb., Patrick Noonan, of Co
lumbus, Neb.
-"!- C. HOSTETTER. Register.
Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 10th, 1884. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has, tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judge of the District
Court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
Columbus, Nebraska, on 3Iay 22d,
188-1 viz
Cliristfan .Maier, Homestead No. 9750.
for the N. E. , Section 4, Township 20
north, Kange 'A west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: August Schmitz. Gustav Som
mert'eldt, Christoph Uolin, Otto Born, of
St. Bernard, Neb.
51-G C. HOSTETTEK, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
April 1, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Judge of District Court,
at Columbus, Ncbr.,onM:iy 15th, 1884, viz:
Andrew Dabnev, Homestead No. 10453,
for the N. J N. W. K Section 14, Town
ship 19 north, of Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Vm. Herman,
Andrew Paproski, Thomas Herman, and
John TawosKi, of Platte Centre, Neb.
50-G C. HOSTETTEK, Register.
Land Office at Graud Islaxd Neb.,)
April 1st, 1884. f
is hereby jriveu that the fol-
lowinx-uamed settler has tiled notice
of Ilia iutention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that eaid proof
will be made before Clerk of District
Court of Platte county at Columbus,
Neb., on Friday, May lGth, 1884, viz:
Daniel AVeiser. Homestead No. 7314, for
the N. l S. Y. H, Section 8, Township
19 north, Range 1 east. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Herman Luedtxe, Herman G.
Lueschen, John 8teiner and Joseph Kop
etzki, all of Bobcet, Platte Co., NVr.
50- C. HOSTETTEK, Register.
The Lives
The larg
est, handsomest best book ever sold for
less than twice our price. The fastest
selling book in America. Immense prof
its to agents. All Intelligent people want
it. Any one can become a successful
agent. Terms free. Haixrr Book Co.,
Portland, Maine.
-t jy
& ArS' ,.y
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dritd and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
DeliTered Free
jMart f the City.
to amy
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A. JbN. Depot.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Hat on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At prices that were never M of More in Cotata,
I bay
ly godi strictly for cash and will give my customers the
benefit, of it.
, .-
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb..)
April 23d, 1884. f
NOTICE ia hereby given that the following-named,
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Judge of the
District Court, at Columbus Nebraska, on
tne Mtn day or June, 1884, viz:
Carsten Petersen, Homestead Entry
No. 11074, being additional to Homestead
No. 471, for the S. J, S. E. J, Section 8.
Township 18, North Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence-upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: C. Vanallen,
P. P.Ketelson.P. Tessendorf.of 3Ictz P. O.
Platte County Nebraska, and J. U. Jo
hannes, of Platte Center P. On Platte
County Nebraska.
1-G C. HOSTETTEK, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 15th. 1884. f
OsTICE is hsreby given that the fol
lowing-named settler nss nied notice
or his intention tomue nnai proot in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Judge of tne Dis
trict Court at Columbus, Neb., on the
7th day of June, 1884, viz:
Cobak Form'anski, Homestead No. 8424,
for the S.H N. E. Ji, Section 20, Town
ship 17 north, of Range 1 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Valentine Losek,
George Borowiak, John Treba and John
Flakus, all of Duncan P. O., Platte Co.,
52-tf C. HOSTETTER, Begister. ,
Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
jxarca -joia, 1004.
OTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his Intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the Clerk
of the District Court at Columbus,-Nebraska,
ou the 15th day of May, 1884, viz:
John Szawica, Homestead Entry No.
10492, for tho W. JpS. H. KSction 10,
Township 19 north, of Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: Andrew Pap
rocki, Fredrick Hedrick, Thomas Masi
lonka, Andrew Debney, all of Platte
Centre P. O., Platte Co., Neb.
49-6 C. HOSTETTER. Register.
Land Oflce at Grand Island, Neb.,)
- March 26t,-1884. (
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will bs made before the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court, at Columbus, Nebraska, on
the 15th day of May, 1884, viz:
John J. Maughan, Homestead Entry No.
11170, for the S. E. J, Section 34, Town
snip 20 north, of Range 3 west. , He names
tbe fbliewins witaesesdpratethlBcon
tiauous residence upon, and cultivation
of. said land, viz: Michael J.'Clarkr, ot
PMtTille P. 6., Platte Co, Neb Thomas
Ocean, of Farrell P. O., Platte Cov,JJeb.,
Michael Lehnarz, St. Bernard. P. O.,
Platte Co., Neb., Thomas Noon, of Lind
say P. O., Platte Co., Neb.
494 C. HOSTETTER, Register,
Give Mf i cill 4vince yotirsclf of the facts.
s .4
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Land Other at Grand Inland. Xrl..
3Iarch 2Bih, l!54. f
NOTICE i hereby given tint the fl
lowing.named settler h.i tiled ntiv
of hi intention to niitke tin:tt proof in
support of his c!:iiru, and that x.-ml prooi
will be made before the Clerk of the Pi--trlct
Court,-at Columbia, Nebraska, on
the 17th dav of 3!av, 18SI, viz:
Thomas "P. Mvlet. Homestead Kntr,
No. K22-2 and 100S2 additional, for the S. .
S. W. Z and S.W. K or X. W V :'! N. W
H of S. W. , Section 22, Township l
north, Kan;re 2 west, lie names the to I -lowing
witnesses to proe hi- eontiuu
ou residence upon, and eultivatlon of,
said land, viz: Kttnntnil IIi;;ins. John
Maher, Robert Pinson, Krnt Hoar, ait of
Platte Center P. O.. Platte Co.. N'eb.
IJMi C. 1HTKTTK1. KeNter.
Whitebreast Lump Coal-........ 5.00
Xnt " 4.50
Canon tlitv " 7.00
Colorado Hard " 10.00
Knots & Shoes, Hats & Caps.
Laud Office atGrand Island, NVI..
March 25th, 1VS. j
"TOTICE is hereby given that tho
iN following-named M-ltlrr has filed
notice of his intention to make linul
proof in .support of his elaim.und that said
proof wWl be made before Clerk of the
District Court at Columbus Nut., on the
17th day of May, 1884. viz:
John P. llagcniaun. Homestead Xn.
82.' and No. 11315 additional for the V t
N. E. K and the N. W. of S. E. '.7t
Section 2, .township is north, of Utnue I
west. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said land, viz: Hans
P. Benthack. John Brunkeu, Pred.Behleii,
D. Behlen, all of Columbus P.O., Platte
Co., Neb.
W C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office atGrand Iilniul Neb.,)
April 12th, I8sj. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has liloil nni ;.
ol his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
nui uc uiuue ueiore me tilers ot the Dis
trict Court at Columbus, Nebraska, oh
May 21st, 18S4, viz:
Richard H. Johnson, Homestead No.
10084, for the N. Y. X Section 4, Town
ship ltf, Range 4 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: John Hoffman, Cornelius Koch,
John Nelson and James Kiernau, all ot
Woodville, Neb.
51-6 C. HOSTETTEK, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.j
3Iarch2Gth, 1884. f
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
JL1 followintr-named snttler iiic tn,i
notice or his intention to make final proot
in support of his claim, and that said
prooi win uc maae before the Clerk of
the District Court, at Columbus, Nebras
ka, on the 16th dav of May, 1881, viz:
John Flakus, Homestead Entry No.
8098, for the N. E. K of N. E . X Section 20,
Township 17 north, of Range 1 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: Valentine
Losek, Sobastyan Formanski, George
Boroviak, John Treba, all of Duncan
P. O., Platte Co.. Neb.
"9-6 C.HOSTETTER, Register.
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine,
PaKps Repaired on short notice
Store, 11th Street, Columbus, Neb. s