The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 23, 1884, Image 2

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Bepublican State Convention.
The Republican State Central Commit
tee have called a State Convention to be
held at Lincoln, Thursday. Hay 1st, '84,
at 7:30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
electing four delegates at large to the
National Republican Convention, which
meets at Chicago June Sd, '84, to nomi
nate a candidate for President and Vice
President. Platte county, according to
the apportionment is entitled to seven
delegates in the State convention. The
cemmittee recommend that no proxies be
admitted to the convention, except such
as are held by persons residing in the
counties from which proxies are given.
G. "W. E. Dorsky, Ch'n.
S. B. Colsok, Sec'y.
Call for District Convention.
TION. The republican electors of the Third
Congressional District arc invited to
send delegates from the several counties
composing said district, to meet in con
vention at Norfolk, Tuesday, April 29,
1884, at 8 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of
electing two (2) delegates to the National
Republican convention, called to meet at
Chicago, 111., June 3, 1834, for the purpose
of placing in nomination candidates for
President and Vice President of the Uni
ted States.
The several counties are entitled to
representation as follows, being based
upon the vote cast for J. M. Hiatt, regent
or the State University, giving one dele
gate at large and one for every one hun
dred and iifty votes and the major
fraction thereof:
Antelope C
Boone G
Brown 5
Buffalo 9
Burt 2
Cedar 2
Cheyenne 2
Cherrv 1
Colfax 7
Cumming 0
Custer 4
Dakota 4
Dawson 4
Dixon 5
Dodge 10
Greeley 3
Holt 7
Howard 5
Keith 1
Knox C
Lincoln 3
Loup 1
Madison 6
Merrick 5
Nance 4
Pierce 3
Platte 7
Sherman 3
Stanton 3
Valley C
Washington 10
Wayne a
Wheeler 3
Columbus. Neb.. March 13, 1884.
Secretary. Chairman.
London bad the other night a five
million dollar fire.
Six colored families of Lincoln,
Neb., have left for Liberia.
Nine hundred and eighty-four men
enlisted in the navy last year.
Two thousand people have been
killed in the Ilaytien revolution.
A bad boy in Omaha has been sent
to jail for stealing newspapers from
people's doors.
Forty thousand workmen are en
gaged in the watch-making industry
in Switzerland.
Miss Spabr, of Muncie, Ind., has
arrived homo from a journey alone
around the world.
Florence Roth, of St. Louis, aged
eight years, died the other day while
skipping the rope.
Mrs. Minnie Ruhlmann and Mrs.
Laura M. Foster have been appointed
postmasters in Nebraska.
A woman of seventy-seven in Bel
fast, Me., is suing a man of seventy
nine for breach of promise.
Grand Island has three banks
with a combined capital of $150,000,
and deposits amounting to $300,000.
It is claimed that Lincoln is to have
a new hotel five stories high, with
rotnuda parlors, aud all that kind of
Nebraska ahead as usual. Three
beautiful girl babies were born to Mr.
and Mrs. Severson, of "Wisncr, a short
time ago.
T. G. Baylor, of Atlanta, Ga., is
said to be in possession of John
Brown's sword, taken from him when
The president has nominated C .
Coon, of New York, assistant secre
tary of the treasury, to succeed J. C.
New, resigned.
The substantial business men ol
Lincoln, are about incorporating an
Electric Light Co. with a capital
stock of $100,000.
A band of forty-two Cuban insur
gents were recently attacked by
Spanish troops and thirty-eight of
the former killed.
It is asserted that Charleston, S. C,
has a COO-pouud turtle. We should
really like to believe the story with
out any misgivings.
A sign board marked "six miies
to Montgomery, Ala , waB found in
the mountains alter the tornado, 250
miles from Montgomery.
Some one has recently discovered
that there is no appropriation for the
payment of the expenses of the deaf
mute institute for the coming year.
It is claimed that over a million
head of cattle wintered in Wyoming
Ty. the past winter; the general
"round up" will begiu about May 15.
Pawnee county has a mad dog
scare on its hands. Hogs and cattle
are being bitten by the brutes, and
dying with all the symptoms of hydro
phobia. J. S. Pierce, city marshal, of
Mitchell, Dak., was murdered the
other morning while endeavoring to
arrest Hank Lewis, a keeper of a
Miss Grace Rabb of Eastport, Me.,
has graduated at the College of Phar
macy in Philadelphia. She is the
first woman graduate of that insti
tution. A Connecticut man is reported to
have taken out patents for processes
by which beautiful and substantial
carpets can be made of paper at very
low prices.
The senate bill authorizing the sec
retary of the navy to offer a reward
of $25,000 for rescuing or ascertaining
the fate of the Greely expedition has
been passed in the house.
Emma Seligman, of Irvington. N.
Y., has obtained a patent for a me
chanical telephone, and Ellen S. Get
chell, of Boston, has obtained a patent
for an improved book-cover.
It is stated that in Russia a child is
born every eight seconds, aud a human
being dies every eleven seconds.
Sixty per cent of the children die
before they are five years old.
Juan B. Patrone was assassinated
the other night at Las Vegat, Col., by
Mitch Mancy, a cow boy. Patrone
was ex-speaker of the territorial leg
islature, and highly respected.
It is still claimed that the Omaha
reservation lands will be oponed
abont the 1st of May. The lands' are
said to be very valuable, and there
will be a great rush to secure them.
The immense business done by the
elevated roads in New York city may
be gathered from the fact that on
March 29th they carried 306,209 pas
sengers and received $21,001 in fares.
Judge Morrow, of Belvidcre, N.J.,
has been sued by a New York brewer
for libel. The judge said there was.
dead rats in the brewer's vats, and,
that bie me washed their feet m the
There are nearly one thousand
Japanese now residing in the United
States, and of this number it is said
that not one has ever been convicted
of any 'criminal offense in an Ameri
can court.
A vebt destructive fire broke out
the other morning at Tacoma, Wash
ington, Ty., destroying nine build
ings, forming the principal business
blocks of the city. The loss will
reach $175,000.
Ax informal conference of the dem
ocratic members of the Pennsylvania
delegation in the house the other
morning, showed that it wasunanl
mously opposed to any tariff legisla
tion whatever.
There is a good deal of the senti
ment and spirit abroad iu the laud
recently expressed by a Washington
department clerk, "Let me but draw
the nation's salary and I care not who
does its work."
W. H. Russell, an old resident of
Cuming county, who served as county
commissioner for four years, com
mitted suicide the other day by shoot
ing himself, while on his way home
with a load of lumber.
Daniel Steinman, the steamer
from Antwerp, with a crew of thirty
four men and ninety passengers, was
wrecked the other night. The cap
tain and five of the crew are the only
survivors 118 perished.
J. S. Herriman started from Du
luth, Minn., April 16tb, to walk to
San Francisco on an attempt to beat
Weston's 5,000 mile walk in England.
Four hours after starting he had
made twenty-three miles.
The speaker laid before the house
the other day a message from the
president relative to an annual ap
propriation to provide a necessary
armament of sea coast fortifications.
The message was referred.
The first patent ever issued in the
United States was dated at New
York, July 31, 1790, and is signed by
George Washington, President; Ed
mund Randolph, Attorney General,
and Thomas Jefferson, Sec'y.
A bill to divide a portion of the
great reservation of the Sioux nation
of Indians in Dakota into several
reservations and secure the relin
quishment of the Indian title to re
mainder, has passed the senate.
The house at Washington instruct
ed Mr. Maybury of the judiciary
committee to prepare au adverse re
port on the joint resolution proposing
a constitutional amendment to confer
the right of suffrage on women.
Parties who have recently been up
in the country beyond Valentine re
port the grass starting nicely and the
cattle in good condition. The losses
of cattle during the winter will not
be found to exceed the average.
The internal revenue collections for
the district of Nebraska, including
Nebraska and Dakota for the month
of March, were $124,354.63. Of this
amount $115,000 was paid by the Wil
low Springs distillery at Omaha.
The reported attempt to assassinate
President Barrios turns out to be true,
aud is confirmed by a recent dispatch
from the ministry of foreign affairs
for Gantemala and Salvador saying
the attempt was made but no harm
done him aud he is perfectly well.
Henry Nelson, a farmer living
near Seward, Neb., while handling
his rifle the other day was accidentally
shot. He died within two hours after
the accident. He was well respected
by all who knew him. He leaves a
wife and large family to mourn his
The American minister has de
manded from the Haytian govern
ment the payment of $400,000 in
demnity for American losses on
account of the riots in September
last, aud surrender of St. Nicholas as
a guarantee that the money will be
The republican state convention of
Illinois in session the other day, nom
inated the Hon. Richard J. Oglesby
for governor, and General J. C. Smith
for Lieutenant Governor, and before
adjourning, endorsed Logan, with a
good word for Arthur, aud yells for
Neil McKeague, the young butcher
charged with the murder of Mr. and
Mrs. James L. Willson at Winnetka,
was arraigned the other day before
Judge Anthony. The trial has been
set for May 5th. The public will
watch the progress of this case with
deep interest.
One of the severest wind and rain
storms ever known occurred the
other day near Grenada, Mississippi.
Houses were demolished, trees torn
up, fences blown away and some
stock killed. The storm must have
done great damage at other places. A
few persons were injured.
Jos. E. McDonald was formally
announced as a candidate for the
presidency the other night at Wash
ington City, by the Indiana demo
cratic association. Senator Yoorbaas
made a speech supporting tho resolu
tions favoring his candidacy, which
were unanimously adopted.
Several counties in Southern
North Carolina have been recently
visited by severe forest fires, destroy
ing turpentine orchards, vast forests
of pine, turpentine distilleries and
residences. The fires swept a section
of country about 150 square miles,
leaving it black and desolate.
J. S. Lee, of Crete, Neb., was in
dicted for murder in the first degree
by the grand jury the other day. The
charge is for poisoning his wife, who
died very suddenly a short time ago.
An analysis of the stomach showed
that she died from strychnine, as it
was found there in large quantities.
The Niagara Oil Company has
struck at the Rush well, near Middle
town, the largest flow of gas in the
world, beating that of the McGugan
well, in the same vicinity. The tools
were sent from
the bottom of the
.well, 1,100 feet deep, high into the air
'With such force as to break tha der-
Jjick all to pieces.
Vm Remecte
f Mr.
In a short article in the Journal of
April 9 we had a few words to say
concerning some whereases and reso
lution introduced by J. E. North of
the Connty Board of Supervisors, and
said to be unanimously adopted by
that body, thus endorsing the where
ases as correct and truthful. Our re
marks were directed to the meaning
of the word "understanding" as used
in on9 of the whereases. Our readers
will remember that one of the where
ases set forth that Higgins & Hensley
bad been successful bidders on doing
the newspaper publishing of notices
and supervisors' proceedings, the
other that it was the understanding
of said 'Higgins & Hensley that they
were to be given the job work to do,
and lastly the resolution to give it to
them. We said that the Journal
representative insisted upon including
job work with the newspaper work,
but Mr. Hensley, who was present,
objected to this, and the supervisors
refused to include it ; now, how there
could be any "understanding" about
a matter that the supervisors utterly
refused to consider at all is a little
strange to us, except upon the theory
that Mr. North sets forth, viz: that a
majority of the board of supervisors
arc democrats. We are to infer, then,
that this is the main, indeed tho only
reason, for any such "understanding,"
as is alleged. It must, then, have
been a private understanding between
tho publishers of the democratic or
gan and certain democratic members
of the board. If not, why should the
board or the public be hoodwinked
with this verbiage? If Higgius &
Hensley had no intimations whatever,
from their partisan friends on the
board, that they would give them
this work of the county, without com
petition or the opportunity for com
petion, on what did they ground their
understanding ? AU the Board pres
ent very well know that there was no
public understanding that Higgins &
Hensley were to have the job work at
"reasonable" rates or at any other
It may be pertinent to ask right
here, how it comes that the original
record of these resolutions showed
that they were offered by North, when
they now show that the paternity of
them is to be ascribed to Noonan ?
Mr. North, in hi3 article, has not
undertaken to throw any light upon
the nature of the "understand"
alleged in his whereas, but did un
dertake to ask a few questions on the
publishing business, in general, the
drift of which goes to show that our
friend James E. believes that when
ever partizan office holders can strain
a point in favor of newspapers of
their own way of thinking, they ought
to do so, or at least that if republicans
in office so do, why should not dem
ocrats ? As to the publication of fiual
proof notices, it came to us without
solicitation on our part and just as-we
get a great deal of advertising matter.
Because the Journal has now aud
always has had since its first issue of
May 11, 1870, the largest circulation
of any paper published in the county,
is the very reason, above all others,
why, not republican officials only, but
all officials, should place their public
advertisements in its columns, espe
cially wheu the rate was fixed by us
at $3 instead of $5, the common charge.
We cannot be responsible for the say
ings of any republican official, who
may choose to avow a wrong motive
for his doiug a meritorious deed.
Publishing is our business, aud our
advertising rates arc just the same to
republican or to democratic officials.
So far as we are concerned, we have
always held that officials should do
their duty, always and in everything,
according to their oath, and not to
favor their partizau newspapers, their
partizan contractors, their partizan
office-holders, or their partizan friends
of any stripe, against the interests of
the public. If it is to the interest of
the people to have competition on
newspaper work, let bids be asked
for. If it is to the interest of tax
payers that there be competition on
job work, let bids be asked for, and a
fair opportunity given to all who
might compete. If it is to the interest
of those who toil to pay their taxes
that such work as building bridges
and grading roads be let to low bid
ders, let that be done, but let us have
bo inoro attempts at endeavors to
make a fair seeming of a matter that
will not bear the light, and to which
men are ashamed to refer, after it
is done.
As to the question of Mr. North,
why notices for application for liquor
license had to be pnblished in the
Democrat after having been publish
ed in the Journal, the answer is easy.
Mr. North is a member of the city
conncil and might have stated why.
The end of this matter, as of the oth
er, may not be yet fully visible, but
somewhat apprehended by those con
cerned. Page 115, sec. 9 of the Com
piled Statutes has this clause : "Pro
vided further, That in granting
"licenses such corporate authorities
"cities of the second class and vil
lages shall comply with whatever
"general law of the state may be in
"force relative to the granting of
"licenses." And pago 333, sec. 2 of
the general law says: "No action
"shall be taken upon said application
"for license to sell liquor until at
"least two weeks notice of the filing,
"of the same has been given by pub
lication in a newspaper published in
"said county, having the largest cir
culation therein," etc. ; the italics in
this last narairraDh are our own. Ac
cording to the best of our informa
tion, Mr. North and his fellow demo
crats gave this printing to their par
tizan paper without even inquiring
which had the largest circulation in
the county. This provision is just as
binding upon the council as that other
provision in regard to issuing the
license, and we claim that the council .
bare no more right to take action
upoa the application, without this
Xfcc Jeanial
prerequisite than they have to issue a
license without the bond of $5,000.
The Journal favors the execution
of the laws. If any of these bay that
County Supervisors 6ball let some of
the public work to the lowest bidder,
'and that other of the same kind of
public work shall be let to partizan
favorites without even an opportu
nity given to bid upon it, why then,
we say execute the law until it can be
repealed. The Journal 'submits,
however, that the people of Nebraska
elect a legislature occasionally whose
duty it is to make laws and our. pub
lic officials of high and low degree,
are presumed to submit to tbeBe' as
the will of the people.
Towards our friend, the Hon. James
E. North, we have now and always
have had aud probably always shall
have, the kindest of personal feelings,
but in this matter of Higgins &
Henslcy's "understanding" we have
seen and can sec neither law, reason
nor justice, and we are iuclined to
thiuk our friend James is already
very heartily ashamed of his part of
the trausaction.
Au Aged Mother Takes a Long Journey-
to Visit her Son, who Turns
her Out into the Cold.
Ponca Journal.
About five weeks ago an old Ger
man lady, ninety-four years of age,
came from Chicago to visit her son,
who lives a few miles from Wake
field. The old lady, notwithstanding
her extreme age, was active and in
telligent, and cudured her long jour
ney to Wakefield by railroad much
better than could have been expected.
Arrived at Wakefield, she hired a
mau to carry her out to her son's
place, a few miles distant. It was a
cold, disagreeable time, with snow in
abundance and a severe aud constant
wind from the north. The old lady
got to her son's bouse at abont 8
o'clock in the evening. There, one
would naturally think, she might ex
pect in the warmth of a fire and of a
hospitable and affectionate welcome,
to forget the long and tedious journey
she had passed through. But a con
trary reception awaited her. Her son
aud his wife whose pinebback souls
regarded a saleable sow of much more
account than they did their own
mother, received the old lady with
curses and threats and turned her out.
into the night. A Swede, who was
present and who lived near by, took
her to his dug-out, where she stayed
several days, and until she could
write to and hear from another son
living in Chicago. He immediately
sent her $5 to pay her way home
again. Then the Swede brought the
old woman down to the Wakefield
depot and she took the train for the
east. The names of these parties we
are unable to give, as our informant,
a passenger on the train, had forgot
ten them. We especially greatly re
gret that we cannot get hold of the
name of that interesting son and his
estimable wife, and hope to do so in
tho near future. And when we do
we shall take pleasure in pointing
out their soulless, worm-eaten car
casses to the gaze of the people of this
county. Dixou county dou't want
any such kind of cattle in it. They
are a disgrace to it, and the sooner
they are driven out the better.
Another brutal and unprovoked
double murder occurred the other
night near Ravidan, III., of an aged
couple named Fleedwood. They
slept on the first floor, aud a married
daughter and the hired man up stairs.
The daughter smelling smoke called
to the man that he house was on fire'.
He told her to jump out of tho win
dow. She ran down stairs and found
the bed in which her father and
mother lay to be on fire. While the
mau went to rouse tho neighbors, she
extinguished the flames, and found
the aged couple with their throats cut
and heads beaten in. Winklebacb,
the hired mau, was suspected, and
from strong circumstautial evidence
tho coroner's Jury held him for mur
der. The old couple had no money
in the house and the reasons for tha
crime are unknown. He has beon
safely lodged in jail at Charleston
The city well at Lincolu, Nob., is
likely to prove a grand success after
all the expeuse aud trouble through
which the contractor Mr. Lanbam has
passed. His first contract was to
execute the work for $6,200, bnt the
test failed, but as he claimed, not
from any fault of his. His second
agreement was to sink another well
within the old one, and to furnish a
continuous flow of water at the rate
of 50,000 gallons an hour for seventy
two hours. If be failed he was to re
ceive no pay ; if he succeeded he was
to receive $7,500. The well is com
pleted at a depth of fifty-three feet.
A test was made the other day and an
average of 69,000 gallons an hour
pumped out, and the water in the
well remained at an average height
of ten feet.
The senate held a brief executive
sessiou the other day to consider the
recommendation of the President that
Collector Wicker, of Key West, be
removed on account of active sympa
thy with the Cuban insurgents. The
matter was referred to the senate com
mittee on commerce and was reported
back favorably. This recommenda
tion ou the part of the President ap
pears a little strauge aud it is certain
ly very unusual.
A bloody riot occurred the other
day at Braddocc, Pa., between thirty
or forty Hnngarians and Poles, em
ployed at the Edger Thompson steel
works at that placo. Pistols, knives,
clubs and every conceivable weapon
was brought into service and freely
used. The fight lasted about two
hours, and resulted in the serious in
jury of three men, and a number of
others were slightly injured.
Miss Maria. Pabsons, Professor of
Belles Letters in Buchtel College,
Akrou, O., has resigned. She has
been connected with Akron's educa-
iiAnal ofl.i.a ftf Ttaarlvr AV1 Ai.a A...1'
deDartmcnt ba. been elevated to
a verv high place by her nntiring
efforts in its behalf.
John McCann, a merchant of
O'Neill, who was recently drowned
in the Elkhorn river, left home in the
night to go to his farm lour miles
south ot O'Neill and evidently lost
his way in the denso darkness and
drove into the river. In going over
the embankment he grabbed hold of
a clump of bushes and to this his body
was found clinging, death failing to
loosen his grip.
The republican convention held at
Nebraska City, in the First congres
sional district, elected E. L. Reed, of
Cass county, and Church Howe, of
Nemaha couuty, delegates to the na
tion! convention, aud N. B. Larsb,
of Otoe, and W. J. Broach, of Doug
las, alternates. The delegates are un
derstood to favor Blaine's nomination,
but they go uuinstructed.
F. A. Kreagher was fished out of
the North river the other morning by
a custom house boat and sent to the
hospital. Wheu he was sufficiently
rec ivered he stated that when on the
Hoboken forry boat a stranger sud
denly approached him and snatched
his watch ; resisting, the thief drew a
pistol, beat him over the bead and
then threw him overboard.
It is stated that a consignment of
50,000 young trout have been shipped
to the streams of northwestern Ne
braska, and will be parcelled to Ba
zile creek, Cedar creek, Long Pine
creek, Bone creek, Plum creek, and
the Minnechaduza. There will be
another shipment in a few days for
the Yerdigns and other streams in
that section.
A tramp attempted to wreck a
freight train the other day by bolting
two fish plates on one of the rails near
Frieudville. C. Oldman, who bad
been ejected from a passenger train,
was immediately followed and arrest
ed, charged with placing the obstruc
tion on the rail. He was sent to jail
in default of giving $1,000 bail. '
News comes from Charleston, W.
Vs., that the squatters in Lincoln Co.
who recently fired on surveyor Lin
net (sent out to survey land now in
litigation) fired again on W. Oxley,
assessor. His horse was killed but
Oxley escaped. Judge Jackson will
send a force to execute the order of
the court, and trouble is feared.
A later dispatch from Gen. Millet
says, "Hunghoa is ours. The first
brigade turned the euemy's position
while the second commanded from
the front. Our artillery terrified the
euemy. The fall of the water pre
vented most of the flotilla from giv
ing assistance. Both soldiers and
sailors behaved gallantly."
Mr. S. Chandler and wife, of
Shelton, Buffalo county, Neb., have
made a fine donation to the ladies of
the Auxiliary society for the home
less and friendless children in the
state, to be known as the Chandler
Home, and to be located at or west of
Grand Island and north of the Platte
In tbis department the people talk, and
not the editor. Each writer must hold
himself ready to defend his principles
and his statements of facts. "In the mul
titude of counsel there is wisdom." Ed.
Farewell Colctnsbau.
Farewell, Columbus ; the hour has
come, we must now part. Seven and
a half years thou hast sheltered me;
sheltered me and my dear ones, and
fed them. Thou hast been my friend,
and a friend most not be forgotten.
Nay, Columbus, I will remember
thee kindly. Though thou hast had
sorrow for me; though there have
been bitter experiences ; though thou
hast made me weep salt tears ; though
thy touch has oftentimes been rude:
yet thou hast given me much joy.
Here are my dear ones all, my jewels;
uot one of them bast thou demanded,
to build up the city of the dead.
Terrible threats there were, bat they
proved only threats. Two jewels
thou bast added : I'm twice as
wealthy as 1 was in living jewels
the only wealth I crave. Yes, Colum
bus, if for nothing else, I would re
member thee as the Bethlehem of my
sweet Maud and Charlotte.
Farewell, Columbus. Often have
I stood up in thee stood up to speak
the Word a dying man speaking to
dying men--of Him who conquered
death. This is my joy, that 1 have
tried to lift Him up; this ray sorrow,
that it was done so coldly. Colum
bus, Oh Columbus, Thou art guilty of
one tremendous crime: The Son of
God thou treadest under foot !
Farewell, Columbus. But thou
farest not well, thou farcst very ill.
There is a blight on thee, the blight
of Vice and Unbelief. Ob, when
shall the dark cloud be lifted? When
shall cold uubelief be thawed? When
shall the icy winter yield to the bright
spring of gospel truth? When will
thine old men bow to Christ? When
will thy youths learn real wisdom ?
When will the children on thy streets
remember their Creator? Watch
man, what of the night !
Farewell, Columbus. The hour
has come, we must part now. I chide
thee, because I love thee ; I hate not
thee, I bate thy ruin. I wish thee
well, I never wished thee ill. May
thy wealth increase and thy streets
grow long; may thy shops be
crowded; may joy and peace and
health be thine; and mayest thou
yet become a city a fine, compact,
delightful city the happy home of
many happy people. C. G. A. H.
En. Journal: My attention has
juet been drawn to the following
statement of a noted temperance ora
tor. It appears to me to be so plain
and manly that I think vou would
please your many readers by giving it
a place in your columns.
"There is no doubt abont the aims
of temperance men: they intend to
destroy the drunkard-making system
of America, root and branch, there is
no such thing as compromise. In the
end the liquor traffic of this country
will abolish temperance, or temper
ance will abolish the liquor traffic
The issue is fairly made
and is simply s qoestioirof fact If
tho dram shop is a blessing, if it
makes honest voters, honest citizens,
kind husbands, loving fathers, if it
leads to an observance of the christian
Sabbath, if it leads to morality, man
hood, intelligence, if it discourages
crime, vice, pauperism, illegal voting,
false swearing, then there are no two
positions for you' to take. If the li
quor traffic is a blessing, every patri-1
otic American owes it to his citizen
ship, to his honor, to stand by the
traffic, talk for it, work for it, vote for
it, and if he is a preacher, preach for
it. If the reverse is true, theu
will you give me a single reason
under heaven why you, as au honest
man, can vote for and sustain it, with
such a record? You should weigh
honestly every argument that liquor
men may bring up and you should
weigh just as honestly every rgu
ment of the temperance men, then
make up your verdict."
I need only add that it is about
time the people of Columbus show
their colors, If you do your own
thinking. Figure it out otherwise,
tk your 'boys, and-stand up tothe
rack, "fodder or uo fodder;" no man
looks well trying to straddle so large
a question, and it can't be done suc
cessfully, if it does improve the ap
pearance. Respectfully, '
E. A. Gkrrard.
Cold, cold tor spriug.
Farmers are backward with spriog
C. A. South will take charge of the
St. Bernard school.
D. J. Drebert and wife are board
ing at the Granville House.
Miss Allie Mead is visiting Mrs. F.
M. Cookingham at Humphrey.
Thos. Ottis was the first to com
meuce building sidewalks iu town.
The new bank will be styled the
Citizens' Bank and will soon be in
full operation.
Mr. Edgar Mead startod ou a trip to
Orcgou to take up a homestead on
Monday, thc14th.
M. C. Bloedorn was appointed vil
lage treasurer iu place of Dr. A. W.
Trout, who is about to move to Iowa.
John Whaliug has the Humphrey
school under his charge during the
summer term. School commenced on
the 14th.
An old settler wad heard to say the
other day that there had more rain
fell during March aud the half of
April than had fell here for ten years
Edward Edwards, the gentleman
from Iowa who bought out L. A.
Hubard, has takeu possession and says
he is glad that the present backward
spring is not a usual occurrence.
Our minister, Rev. Tucker, received
a grateful pounding on Saturday
evening last; many were the pouuds
he received without a murmur. It
seems to be kindness to occasionally
pound a preacher.
At tho caucus held the 19th, accord
ing to call, Mr. G. W. Clark and W.
U. Selsor were chosen by ballot to
represent the town of Granville as
delegates to the county convention.
They were sent uuinstructed.
The patent soap man was in town
last week, but I guess be did not go
away with much Humphrey money.
It was a bad day and people did not
care for soap well enough to pay $2.50
for a small tin box full even with the
chance to win $15.00.
We loso from our town tbis week
Dr. A. W. Trout, who having sold his
drug business to the Hmmau Bros.,
will locate at Perry, la. Both so
cially and professionally we shall miss
the doctor ; he was active in all that
pertained to the advancement of the
village or Humphrey. At the time of
selling he held the office of village
treasurer. He was well thought of
by all who knew him and the evening
before he left town a goodly number
of his friends met at the dwelling of
Charles Lambert where refreshments
were served and speeches were made
by the doctor, F. M. Cookingham
Eeq., and others, and many old time
songs were sung in honor of the oc
casion. Mr. Wm. Ripp was voted
the chrome iu songs and many wishes
were exte:. led to the doctor for his
future welfare. C.
In the District Court of Platte County,
M. J. McKelligan, Plaintiff,
John C. McMahon and John
C. Wolfel, Defendants.
Notice to said defendant, John C. Wolfel.
You are hereby notified that on the 30th
day of April. 1881, said plaintiff tiled ia
said court his duly verified petition
against you and said John C. McMahon,
the object and prayer of which said peti
tion is to obtain a judgment against you
and said John C. McMahon for the sum
of one hundred and two dollars and
thirty-four cents ($103.34) and interest
thereon from March 2d, 1877, at the rate
of ten per cent, per annum, and a 30 an
attorney fee equal to ten per cent, or the
whole amount due. said amount being the
balance due on a certain promissory note
given by you and said John C. McMahon
to said plaintiff, dated November IStb,
An order of attachment .was issued in
this cause on the 24th day of March, 1834,
and duly levied on the following de
scribed lands and tenements, situated iu
Platte County, Nebraska, as your prop
erty, to wit: Lot 6 in block 96; lots 1 and
2 in block 152; lot 2 in block 102; lot 2 in
block 191; lot 3 in block 207; all in the
city of Columbus, in said county.
You are required to appear and answer
said petition on or before the 26th day of
May, 1884, or said petition will be taken
as true and judgment rendered accord
ingly, and said property sold to satisfy
the amount of such judgment aud costs.
By McAllister Bros.,
his Attorneys. fil-4
NOTICE It hereby given that in ac
cordance with a request legally
signed and on file in my office, there will'
be a special town meeting held on
tatmry. Hay M, A. . 1884,
at the school-house in District No. 11,
Loat Creek Township, commencing at !
o'clock a. m., for the consideration of the
following questions, to-wit:
To adopt rales and laws for the govern
ment of the Township.
To encourage the planting of trees
alonsr the hlchwavs.
To guard against prairie fires.
To provide against nuisances.
To proTlde for impounding cattle, hogs,
horses, mules, sheep, etc
To fix a list of fines and penalties, etc.
Given under my hand the
8KAL.1 18th day of April, A. D. 1881.
52-2 Town Clerk.
Certificate of Publication.
Ojtick Auditor of Public Accounts,)
Stats of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Feb'y 1, 1884.)
Union Central Life Insurance Co. of
Cincinnati, ia the State ol Ohio, has com
plied with, the Insurance Law of this
State, and is authorized to transact the
business of Life Insurance in this State
for the current year.
Witness my hand and the
seal of the Auditor of Public
sbal. Accounts the day and year
year above written.
John Waixicus,
50-p Auditor P. A.
Justice, County Surveyor, Ifolary,
Land and Collection Agent.
pr Par ties desiriagsurveylng done can
notify me by mall at Platte Centre, Neb.
p BOfJGHEnlTT, 91. D.,
ISFOtUct second door east of post.ojflce.
Teas, v Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
Ooed Delivered Free
part el the City.
to aay
Cor. Thirteenth and JC Streets, near
A . tfc iV. Depot.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,.
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At pta Ad were never toil of tin in Colite
I iuy my goods strictly for cash and will give my customers the
benefit, of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
Land Office at Unnd Island. Nel.,J
April 15th, 1884. f
VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol-
XI lowing-namcd settler Iissliled notice
of bis intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
Will be made before the Judge ot tne Dis
trict Court at Columbus, Neb., on the
7th day of June, 1831, viz:
Cobak Formanski, Homestead No. 82I,
for the S. N. E. , Section 20, Town
ship 17 north, of Range 1 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Valentine Losek,
George Borowiak, John Treba and John
Flakus, all of Duncau P. O., Platte Co.,
52-G C. IIOSTETTER, Register.
U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.)
March 18th, 181. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proot
will be mado before Judge of District
Court, at Columbus, Neb., on .May 1st.
1884, viz:
Henry Hurley, Homestead No. II40S,
for the S. E. ", Section ), Township 19,
Range 3 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon, and cultivation of, said land,
viz: James Feree, George Glass, Samuel
Mahood, of Postville, Neb., and James
Dickenson, of West Hill. Neb.
48-0 C. IIOSTETTEK, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
March 19, 1SJ. f
"YTOTJC-E is hereby given that the fol-
JLl Iowmg-nameu settler has nleu notice
of his intention to make tinal proof iu
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judge of the District
Court at Columbus, Neb., on May Sd,
1884, viz:
Nils Jensen, .Homestead No. 10505, for
the E. i S. E. , Section 18, Township
19 north, Range 3 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his contiu -uous
residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: Hans N. Christeusen,
Hans J. Johnson, Lars Anderson, Hans
J. Petersen, all of Postville, Platte Co.,
4S-C C. HOSTETTER, Register.
FI.VAIj proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Nel
31 arch 2t5th, 1S84
OTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the Clerk
of the District Court at Columbus, Ne
braska, on the 15th day of May. 1884, viz:
John Szawica, Homestead Entry No.
104f)2, for the W. S. E. i Section 10,
Township 19 north, of Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: Andrew Pap
rocki, Fredrick Hedrick, Thomas Mast
lonka, Andrew Debnev, all of Platte
Centre P. O., Platte Co., Neb.
49-G C. HOSTETTER. Register
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 10th, 1$U. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the nI-lowing-named
settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judgeof the District
Court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
Columbus, Nebraska, on 31 ay 22d,
1884, viz:
Christian 3Iaier, Homestead No. f)75(,
for the N. E. i, Section 4, Township 20
north, Range 3 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: August Schmitz. Gustav Sotn
merreldt, Christoph Rolin, Otto Born, of
St. Bernard, Neb.
51-8 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island Neb.,1
April 12th, 1881. )
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
ot his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court at Columbus, Nebraska, on
May 21st, 1884, viz:
Richard H. Johnson. Homestead No.
10081, for the N. W. J Section 4, Town
ship 18, Range 1 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz:' John Hoffman, Cornelius Koch,
John Nelson and James Kieruan, all ot
"Woodvillc, Neb.
MS C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., )
April 12, 1884. f
TVTOTICE is hereby given that the
1M following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before Judge of the
District Court at Columbus, Neb., on
May 17th, 1884, viz:
Thomas Reagan, Homestead No. 11951
for the S. W. , Section SO, Township 20,
Kange 3 west, lie
witnesses to prove
names the following
his continuous res!;
dence upon, and cultivation of, said land'
viz: Jas. Fay, of Farrel, Neb., Pete Bar
ney, of Postville, Neb Jas. Ducey. of St.
Bernard, Neb., Patrick Noonan, of Co
lumbus, Neb.
514 C. HOSTETTER, Register..
Whitebreast Lump Coal
Canon City Ji
Colorado Hard "
. 5.00
. 4.50
. 7.00
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps.
Fonume good; and mm.
splendid stock of
rirvAS, iiior.
Land Oilitv at Grand Island, Xeh..
-March 2i!th. 1S1 f
VTOTICE U hereby civcn that the Col
li lowing-namcd settler b i tiled notice
of bis intention Vt nuUa liiwl proof hi
.support of his claim, and that said pr.iot
i ill be made b.fnr- rlie VU rk f tn. Dis
trict Court, at, Nelir.K t, .m
the 15th day of May. lb4. viz:
John J.Maughan Kntrv Xo.
11170, for the . E. .,, Section l, Town
ship 20 north, of Range.': wet. He name.
the following witnesses to prove hi con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land. iz: Michael .I.Clark, ot
Postville P. ()., Platte C o.. Neb., Thoma
Gogan, of Farrcll P. c, Platte Co., Xeb.,
Michael Lehnar, St. ISernard P. ()..
Platte Co., Neb., Thomas Noon, of I.ind
ay P. ., Platte Co.. Xeb.
. 4'M C. IIOSTETTEK, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.j
April I, l.vJ-l. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has tiled notice ot
his intention to make tinal proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Judge of District Court,
at Columbus, Nebr.,011 May l.'ith, lSS,viz:
Andrew Dabuey. Homestead No. 104.:
for the N. H S. Ar. 4 Section II, Town
ship 1!) north, of Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and eulti
vatioa of, said land, viz: Win. Herman,
Andrew Paproskl. Thomas Herman, and
John TawosKi, of Platte Centre, Neb.
oO-G C. IIOSTETTEK, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island Neb.,)
April 1st, 1S81. 'f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
!tllttt .ll.l.fwt m.kl.. 1... . ...
, , - . " -'""c" acmi -i uai tiled notice
of his intention to make hnal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proor
will be made before Cb-rk of District
Court of Platte county at Columbus,
b., on Friday, May IUtb, 181, viz:
Daniel Weiser. Homestead No. 7:111. for
;C N:,S- W H Section 8, Township
19 north, Range 1 east. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Herman Luedtke, Herman (J.
Lueschen, John Steiner and Joseph Ko.
etzki, all of Roheet, Platte Co., Ne'.r
'; HOSTET PER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
March 20th, ISSI. f
TT OTICE is hereby given that the
jLI following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Clerk of
the District Court, at Columbia. vi,Mt.
ka, on the lth day of May, 1n1, viz-
John Flakus, Homestead Entr No
8098, for the N. E. X of N. E.Js Section".:)
Township 17 north, or Range 1 west, lit
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: Valentine
Losek, Sobastyan Formanski, Geor-'f
Boroviak, John Treba, all of Duncan
P. O., Platte Co., Neb.
4!-i; C.HOSTETTER, Register.
C S. Land Ollice, Grand Island, Schj
3Iarch 11th, l&SI f
Vf OTICE is hereby -hen that the'fol
11 lowing named settler has tiled uotn-e
of his intention to make final proor hi sup
port or his claim, and that said proor will
be made before rierk of Duti-i.. ..-.
following witnesses to prove his contiu
uous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, viz: Joseph Krings. Emil
brings, Henry Greisen and John Greisen
all or Platte Center. Platte Co., Neb
" C. IIOpTETTEK. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb )
March 2ttb, 1.SS4. 'f
VTOIICE is hereby given that the fol
xi lowing-named settler h:is m., :....
of his intention to make Hnal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proot
will be made before the I Ierk of the Dis
trict Court, at Columbia, Nebraska, on
tbe l.tu day or May, lstf-J, yi2: '
Thomas P. Mylet, Homestead Entry
No. 8222 and 10932 additional, Tor the S t?
S. W.K and S.W. y or X.W 'v and V f
H or s Y. x, Section 22, Township is
north, Range 2 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to nrove bu nt?
ous residence upon,"and cultivation
said land, viz: Edmund Hi.;.,u 1
t or,
Maher, Robert Pinou, Ernst Hoar, all o
Platte Center P. O., Platte Co.. Neb
C. HOSTETTER. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb J
March 2.1th, 181. "V
rVI , - ,s aereDi S"'en that the
JJ following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim,and that said
proof will be made before Clerk of the
District Court at Columbus, Neb., on the
17th day of May, 1684. viz: " a
,.?," iIaeniann, Homestead
ooj uim .o.
i and No. 11313 additional for the W t
. E. V. anil th X w ix c? I:,
Section 2, Township 18 north, ofhu-cT
west. He names the following witnesses
iut i uuu uimniy at uoiumfcu, Xeb., on
Thursday, JMay 1st, 1834, viz:
Peter Jaixen, Homestead No. 7127 for
the N. K N. TV. 14, Section 22, Township
19 north, iCansre 2 West. Il nmoc ,.
10 prove nis continuous residence upon,
p,RpCnUtet,Tnfcorsai,J lamI' vi': "
n k MCk'n hr"r.unken PrcU.BeliIcii,
Co Neb Columbus P. O., Piatt J
49-0 ' C. HOSTETTER, Register.