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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1884)
A, THE JOURNAL. ivipat 15 v ISSUKI) EVRICY WEDSEhDAY, M. K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. 1ST OFFICE. Eleventh St., ; stairs tu Journal Building. terms: Per year ??? Fix month- . . 52 Throe months Single copies VOL. XIV.-NO. 52H " " IP?..- w O 1 COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28, 1884. WHOLE NO. 728. - V V i'. -x- n-r , y ;a" . '. u: : .,- L ,- . lt V n. "v s BUSINESS CABDS. D.T. Maktyn. M. D. F. J. Scnuc,, M. D. Drs. MAETYN & SCHTIG, U. S. Examining Surgeons, Local Surgeon-. Union Pacific (.. X. A: B. II. ami It. A- M. H. B's. Consultation in Herman anil F.ujjlish. T.h nbones ut otlice anil residences. COLUMBUS. - NEBRASKA. 4-J-v r i " .11. .. PUifilClAX & SURGEON. I-'.e-i .if worn n awl children a spe iah. tuniv plni.-i n. Ollice former ly oct nj.itd by Ir. P.r.lie-teel. Telephone eseli.iue. '" 'HAS. St.OA.M v Ykk Lek) CIIIXESE LA UNDRY. EaTl'mler "Star Clothing Store," Ne-hr.e-ku Avenue, Ciluiiihu-. -".m O I.I.A ASSlItAUGIl, ... DEX'IAL PAULO n. On coiner of Kb w nt hand North streets, over Krn-.IV hardware store. c KHSKIII'S SL'U.lVA'li, A TTOllNE YS-A T-LA W, Up-tair in Cluck Building, 11th street, Above the New bank. T .1- Ill'IUiO.", NOTARY run LIC. litli SI reel. -J doors Mist of Hammond Honse, Columbus. Xd. 4!l-v rpiia;i:s s'o a- foweus rj s una eon dentists, 2ST Ollice in Mitchell Block, Colum bia, Nebraska. H-tf J. A TTOllNE Y AT LA W, Ollice n !io St.. Columbus, Nebraska. 2-tf s c a. iiru.nousT. a.m., m.d., UOM EOF A Till C PHYSICIAN, jSTTwo Blocks south of Court House. Telephone eoiiimiiiiieatiuu. -ly V. A. MACEEN, DKAI.Klt IN' Foreign oii,l Domestic Liquors and Cigars. llth -trect, Columbia, Neb. ."iO-y M cAIJJSTCK KOS., A TTORNFYS A T LA W, Ollice up-tair in Mc.Vllister'H build injr. llth t. W. A. McAllister, Notary Public. .1. 31. MACIAItl.AND. H. It. COWI1EKY, Att:ney isi ?sl? :. CsllMier. LAW AXIi rOLLE'TlOX OFFICE OK MACFARhAND& COWDBR7, CUmnlus, : - Nebraska. GEORGE SPOONER, CONTRA ('TOE FOIi ALL KINDS OF MASON WO UK. orrin:. Thirieeiitli St., between Olive and Nebraska Avenue. Residence on the lorncr oi Kihth and Olive. All "Worlc C3naranteed. 48-tr n ii.ita snii:. llth St., opposite Linde'l Hotel. Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Blanket, Curry Combs, Brukhes, trunks, valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage trimmings Arc at the lowest possible prices. Repairs pn niptly attended to. JS. MURDOCK & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Havehad an extended" experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kind of repairing done on short notiee. Our motto is. Good work and fair prices. (. all and give us an oppor Utility toctimatofor you. SSFShop on 115th St., one door west of Friedhof & Co's. store. Columbus. Xebr. 4S3-V o. c. sHAJsrisroisr, MANl'FACTUUKK OK Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Roofing and Gutter ing a Specialty. jSTShop on Eleventh Street, opposite Heintz's hrim Store. -Ht-y a w. :i.akk. LAND AND INSURANCE A GENT, HUMPHREY, NEBE. Ilia lands comprise some tine tracts in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north ern portion ot Plsttc county. Taxes paid for non-residents. Satisfaction guaranteed. 20 y fOL.IJ'tlHUS PACKING CO., COLUMBUS, - NUB., Packers and Dealers in all kinds of Hog product, cash paid for Live or Dead Hogs or grease. Directors. 11. H Henry, Prcst.; John "Wiggins, Sec. and Treas.; L. Gerrard, S. Cory. -VTOTICI2 XO TEACHERS. J. E. Moncrief, Co. Supt., "Will be in his office at the Court House on the third Saturday of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the transactton of any other business pertaining to schools. 567-y TAMES SALItlO;', CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimates supplied for either frame or brick buildings. Good work guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near St. Paul Lumber Yard. Columbus, Ne braska. 52 Cmo. J. WAGNER, Livery and Feed Stable. Is prepared to furnish the public w"th good teams, buggies and carriages for all occasions, especially for funerals. Alo conducts a sale stable. 44 COLUMBUS STATE BAIMKJ S;::iujrita Ourari k St& ul Ttnir Itlit. COLUMBUS, VEB. CASH CAPITAL, - $60,000 DIKKCTORS: Lkavori: (iEKKAkd, Pres'i. (iEO. W. Hulst, Vict Pres't. Julius A. Reed. Howard A. Gekrard. J. E. Taskek, Cashier. rr" Til Huk ef Ieolt lIcai and ExrkBBKe. CellecttoaN Promptly Made ull PelatM. Pay latcreMt Xlame Iepa- DREBERT & BRIGGLE, BAKKEES! HUMPHREY, NEBRASKA. tdTPrompt atttntion given, to Col lections. tarinsttrance, Real Estate, Loan, etc. B LINDSAY &TREKELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOOR AND FBGD STOBE! OIL CAKE, CHOPPED FEED, Bran, Shorts, BOLTED I IHOLTEI COSI MEAL. GRAHAM FLOUR, AND FOUR KIXDS OF THE BEST WHEAT FLOUR ALWAYS " OX HAXD. H3TA11 kinds of FRUITS in sea son. Orders promptly tilled. lltli Street, Columbus, JVebr. 47-tim HENRY G-ASS, TJISTDEHT-AJSIEII ! COFFINS AND METALLIC OASES AND DKAI.KR IN Furniture, Chairs, Bedsteads. Bu reaus. Tables, Safes. Lounges. &c Picture Prames and Mouldings. t3Eepirinj of all kinds of Upholstery Goods. C-tf COLUMBUS, :neb. HENRY LITERS, DKALKR IN JC.BXTGK WIND MILLS, AND PUBIPS. ju j t- (- a Buckeye Mower, combined, Self Binder, wire or twine. 4 Primps Repaired 01 short aotiee S3T0ne door west of Heintz's Drug Store, llth Street, Columbus, Neh. 8 GOLD for the working class Send 10 cents for postage, and we will mail youre a royai, vaiuaoie oox ot sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any busi ness. Capital not required. Te will start you. You caa work all the time or in spare time only. The work .is univer sally adapted to both sexes, young and old.' You can easily cam from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That all "who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer; to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing u. Full particu lars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address Stisson & Co., Portland, Maine. JL WOID OF WAKN lite. FARMERS, stock raisers, and all other interested parties will do well-to rememberthattne'l,5Ylestern Horse and. Cattle Insuraace-Co."i of Omaha is the only company doing'Uusiness in'thls state that insures Horses, Mules and Cattle against loss by theft, accidents, diseases,, or injury, (as also against loss by fire and ; lightning). All representations by agents of ether Companies to the contrary not withstanding. HENRY QARX, Special Agt, 15-y Columbus, Neb. 0dtfSSjr tL Heart TTi T""r" 1 A National Bank'! COLUMBUS, NEB. i it a it Authorized Capital, Paid li Capital, Sirplns and Profits, $250,000 50,000 . 6,000 OFFICERS AND DIRKCTORd. A . A X DE RSON, Pres'tl . , ' SA3PL C. SMITH, Vice Pres'i: O.T.HOEX, CasAier. J. W..KARLY. HERMAN OEHLRICH. Wl A. MCALLISTER, .G ANDERSON, P. ANDERSON. 1V Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage Tickets, anil Keal Estate Loans. 29-voI-l.T-ly I COAL & LIME! J. E. WORTH & CO., DEALERS IX Coal, Lime, Hair, - Cement. lock Spins Coal, Ctrboi (Wyoming) Coal. Eldoa (Iowa) Coal .$7.00 prr ton .. 6.00 " .. S.0 " Blacktmith Coal of best quality al ways on hand at low est prices. North Side Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB. 14-3m UNION PACIFIC LANDFFICE. Improved and TJnimproTed Farms, Hay and Grazing' Lands and City Property for Sale Cheap AT THE Union Pacific Land Office, On,LonyJTime,undJow rale of Interest. J3TFinal proof made on Timber Claimt, Homestead and Pre-emption-. J3TA11 wishing to buy lands of any de scription will please call and examine my list of lands before looking else where UTAH having lands to sell will please call and give me a description, Urm , prices, etc. j3TI a'so am prepared to insure prop erty, as I have the agency of several first-class Fire insurance companies. F. W. OTT, Solicitor, speaks German. MAItHl:"L C. SMITH. ao-tf Columbus, Nebraska. BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF SHELL CftEEE MILLS. MAXUFACTURERS AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IX FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COLUMB US, NEB. L I-. : .l frt y. u'i. . a . . SPEICE & north; GariarmY Agent's for the Sale of '' REAL ESTATE. Union Pacific and Midland Pacific R.R. Lands for sale at from 3.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or on fire- or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. We hare alse' a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for 'sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and rpiHflneA""rotKiri the nltv. W k "keCWa" complete abstract ofa title to allTeal es tate in Platte County. 621 roLlJMBljg,.I-f Ell-, LOUIS SGHREIBBR, BMsmiUiaiflWainMte. AH kinds' af Reaairiis: done on Sftrt-XaticeU-Big-Wag - ens, ete.sssae! tt .erder, and all. work Gnar- aateed. Also sell tfe-watU'frmmuWftltar A' Wood Mowers. KeaJpert, Coaibin- arideif-oindewe iiiS c .best Maie. kv . Shop opposite the Tattersall," on Olive St COLUMBUS. 36-m THE MILKMAID. SEW SONO TO AN OLD TUNS. Across the gross I see her pass: She comes with trlppimr pace A maid I know anil March winds blow Her hair across her face; With a hey, Dolly! ho, Dolly! Dolly shall be mine. Before the spray 4s white with May, Or blooms the eglantine. The March winds blow. I watch her go: Her eye is brown, and clear; Her cheek is brown, and soft as down (To tnose who see it near!) With a hey. etc. "What has she not that they have got The dumes that walk in nilk! If she undo her 'kerchief blue. Her neck is white as milk. With a hey, etc Let those who will be proud and chilli For me, f rom June to June, My Dolly's words are sweet as curds Her laugh is like a tun, With a hey, etc. Break, break to hear. O croous-speai I O tall Leut-lllies, ilame! There'll be a bride at Eater-tide, And Dolly Is her name. With a hoy, Dolly! ho, Dolly! Dolly shall be mine Before the spray U white with May, Or blooms the eglantine. Austin Doluon, in Warper's Magazine. THE AUCTION OF MAIDENS. Aithea! Altheu! Where art thou!" It was Buleses who called, in a stern anil angry voice; and his daughter vain ly strove to cheek her sobs in order that she might answer him; for the tears of maidens fell as easily then as now, and 3'oung hearts were as soft and old heads as full of plans for worldly gain and as forgetful of the power of love as in this year of our Lord, 188:5; though the scene was Babylon, and the time five hundred years before the da on which the infant Jesus opened his eyes in the manger at Bethlehem. "Althoal Aithea!" called Beleses again:- and Aithea drew the veil of sil ver tissue across her face, and entered the presence of her father. She stood before him, her willowy fig ure clad in rich stun", her face faintly outlined beneath her veil, the dusky plaits of her long hair falling .to her knees, and with bent head made him the reverence a girl always offered to her father. But she could not speak; sobs still choked her voice. Beleses looked at her with mingled emotions. She was lovely as a dream, graceful as a willow branch; but she had resisted his command, opposed her self to his will. He stretched out his hand in a paternal caress, but ere lie touched her anger overcame affection, and he struck her, though lightly, upon the shoulder. "Again a drooping head?" ' lie cried. "Again a weeping eye? Again an air as though I had given command that thou shotildst be put to death, instead of ordering all things well for thee? Wb.v, girl, thou art seventeen, and un wed! In a year or two thy beauty will fade. Thoii wilt be a maiden in the house of thy father, and a reproach to thv parents And Arbaces is a man of might and rich beyond compare. Thou wilt have slaves, and jewels, and honor. Go to thy mother, girl, and tell her thou hast listened to my words, and bid her see that thy robes are of the finest and richest stuff. 1 grudge nothing when I give,nij' daughter to Arbacea," for he will be a son to be proud of a fitting spouse for thee, and - thou must wed him.'" But Aithea at this uttered a little scream. " Father," she cried, "1 will never marry Arimcfs. Rather 1 will take my own life. Arbace is rich and power ful, and not. ill to loak upon, but to me he is nothing. Father, 1 love Balinca, and shame would be my portion should I wed one man while 1 loved another. And my Baliuea would die. He has told me so. Father, have pity on me!"' But the old man only laughed sarcas tically. "Thy Balinea would die?" he an swered. "The prato of a fortune-hunter, who has made a silly girl believe that he loves her. For the sake of this Balinca, who has neither money nor the esteem of men, nothing but a face like a woman's and the gift of song, which he shares with the wild bints, thou hast refused to wed more good men than I can now recall by name. This time I will be obeyed. I will consult an oracle as to the day of thy wedding, and on that day thou shalt become the wife of Arbaces." "Not while there is poison in Baby lon, or a river about its walls." said Al thea "I will live unwed, rather thau disobey my father, but I will be the wife of no one but Balinea." She spoke a5? only those speak who have formed unalterable resolutions, and her father listened with an angry comprehension of the fact. "Thou canst be resolute, Aithea," he said, "but so can I. Mark me, for what 1 say shall be so. If by to-morrow's dawn thou dost still repeat that which thou hat but just uttered, I will send thee this year to the auction of maidens, and there thou wilt be sold. Thou, the loveliest maiden to-day in Babylou, to whom bids for thee. Thou wilt bring a fine price a portion for some ugly or deformed woman who has had no wooers; for at this auction of maidens, wiseh instituted that the women of Babylon should all have hus bands, while for the beauties rich men pay great sums, poor ones receive mon ey to take to wife uncomely creatures, and so become rich. Thy Balinca may So. thither if. lie pleases, and bid for the unchbacked (!isa. He would gain a fortune so; but he will not be able to bid for thee; his purse is-too small." "Father! Father!" screamed Aithea. Bnt old Beleses flung her from him as he clung' to him, and left her lying: prostrate on the floor. Sobbing ana weeping, she crouched there until day faded and twilight fell. Then a female slave, bearing a silver lamp, entered the room, ushering in Althea's mother, Nasara, who much alrmed, had been searching everywhere for her child. She bent over the weeping girl, lifted her in her arm-, and bore her away to her own chamber. There, amongst the silken pillows, she soothed her to rest, and to dreams of love and Balinea. But Nasara had no power fo induce her hus band to forgive this beautiful daughter, or to give her, with a fitting dowry, to the man she loyed. Timepasserlon, and brought the day of the year on which the auction of maidens was held in Babylon in those days. There were fifteen "women to be sold to the highest bidder that day. and a great concourse had gathered in the open space devoted to that purpose, not only those who desired to tmv for lovely wives, orj receive much needed money I wnn unprepossessing ones were tncre, but many who came from curiosity; and through . the crowd went the whisper that, in his anger, Beleses, one of the best-known citizens of Babylon, had sent his only daughter, the marvelous beauty, vAlthea, to be sold to whoso de sired her for a wife. Girls who were pretty and girls who were not sat together on a long stone bench, closely yelled and utterly silent. 'IHe auctioneer walked about, with an atr lof 'importance. Anxious .parents .watered to the ohildre'n. An old man. with a long white beard, chuckled tc himself over a bag of gold. A poor man, whose necessities were known to all Babylon, though he was virtuous and of good character, solemnly stared at the Tittle crooked figure of Gissa, who had come to be sold of her own accord, and who, doubtless, would bring the greatest sum with her. The green and white robe, belted with embossed silver about the taper "waist of Aithea: the white hands, the gorgeous armlets, the long earrings of rich gold, distinguished Aithea from her compan ions, though he was closely veiled. Those who were buyers were permit ted to speak to the maidens. Arbaces approached Aithea first. If all my fori line must be paid for thee 1 will win thee, beautiful Aithea," he whispered. She answered by a bitter laugh. Then, trembling and pale, Balinea came for ward. "Aithea, best beloved," he whis pered, "1 have sold all I have, but the sum is a mere tritle. 1 shall lose thee, for thou art fairer thau all the women of Babylon. Arbaces will have thee. Fare well". When thou art his I will kill myself;" but Aithea caught him by the wrist. " Listen, Balinea," she said. "When the time comes Arbaces will have none of me. Then thou tdso mayAit refti30 to take me. It is possible. Boniain, but swear that thou wilt keep silence until I place my hand thus upon the other. Then, if still thou wouldst have me, cry out: "Give me Aithea." If not, go thy" way, and I will live a maiden in my father's home forever." ""What dost thou mean. Aithea?" cried Balinea- but she made no answer. And now the crowd was bidden to silence, and driven back to a certain distance and a crier spoke thus: "The rulers of Babylon, believing that women should be wed, for that they are feeble, helpless creatures, unfit to labor for themselves, unlearned and weak of will, so that they need protec tors and directors, have instituted this auction of maidens, that no woman in Babylon need lack a husband. For tho beautiful must a groat price be paid, but with the ill-favored we give the sum paid for the others, that each man may have some advantage. To-day, our highest price is asked for Aithea, daughter of our good citizen Beleses and iiis wife Masara. Aithea, unveil thyself." Aithea, at this bidding, arose and ad vanced. She lifted her white hand and tore the veil from her head. A shriek arose as she did so, and the lookers-on stood petrified. Instead of the beauti ful face they expected to see, they saw a torn and bleeding countenance; and a head destitute of every hair. Two great braids, which she cast on the stones at her feet, alone remained of her plente ous tresses. " People of Babylon!" she cried, "this have I done that I may not wed a man I hate! How now, Arbaces? Wilt thou bid for me?" A roar arose from the crowd and Ar baces fell forward in a swoon, and was borne away by his friends. Baliuea started forward, but was checked by the soldiers". Again the rier spoke: " She who was loveliest is now be come the mo-t hideous! Veil thyself, Aithea." Then another name was called. The sale proceeded. Vast sums were paid for two beauties; moderate prices for others. Even Gissa. with her little pointed face and pretty hair and eyes, was not too ugh' in the eyes of the man who received a fortune at her hands. Only Aithea remained unsought too hideous for anv to desire. And now she lifted her ham), and :tl the signal llali nea strode forward. "Give me Aithea." he said "Aithea who has done thisfor me Aithea, beau tiful forever to 1113 heart. Give her to me, and keep your base gold. I'll nouo of it." But Aithea. giving him her hand, and still remaining veiled, spoke quickly : "I claim 1113' portion," she said. "Such is the law of the Babylonian sale of maidens." And she gathered the gold into her veil as her lover led her awa And so savcth tradition, the gods smiled upon the lovers; and all Althea's beaut3 returned the lovely hair grew long again, the wounds healed without a scar, and the constant Balinea had a lpveh wife as well as a fortune. And though old Beleses might vex himself, he could alter nothing, for the woman who was sold at the 3'earh auction of maidens could not be taken from her husband. And they lived and loved for man' happ3 years in the old CU3- 01 BabIon. Man Kyle Dallas, in N. Y. Ledger. An Heroic Editor. After each failure of an Arctic expe dition there arises a cheap, pusillani mous cry loputastoptotheexpenditure of life and money for an object which is "of no possible practical use." That is it. This "practical" ago can see noth ing but a "practical" use; and the "practical"' use is the lowest of all. Whale oil, with a profit of ten cents a gallon, is "practical." For that it is worth whilo to wreck shins or sacrifice life. Nobody questions that. We send' our fleets eveiy year for that ten cents: and ice-nips and" wreckages on glacier coasts are well paid for with that ten cents. Hut when it comes to something so much less substantial as knowledge, mere knowledge with no dime in its hand, then arises the wail of the mock philanthropists that life is being sacri ficed for nothing. As if knowledge were nothing. Win', knowledge is al most the only something there is. Be side it silver "is silly vanny. Balance the two, whale oil " versus knowledge! Thank God it has not 3-et come to this that mone3' is regarded" with U3 as the onh- profit under the sun. There are thousands of heroic souls among us who have not time to make money, because they have greater f Kings to tlo; thous ands who might' think it a waste of value to sacrifice life for money, but who would pour out blood like "water for an idea, a sentiment, an aspiration, for knowledge, for God. We still rev erence the heroic, and who thinks of making a hero of our millionaires? It is not the3' whose character enriches our country, but the thinkers, the searchers, the workers for the true and good. These are platitudes; but wc naye to say them again when we see respectable journals crying out against the "folly" of Arctic explorations. The North Pole has got to beconnuered. We shall never be satisfied until we know its secrets. The nations are toying siege to it in steady advance. Aenca has its part to do, and must do It. Human life is cheap, is not worth talking about, when there is this knowledge to "be sought and gained. Who will volunteer next? N Y. Independent. m No matter how long a man may have been called Bill, he rises to the dignity of William when he comes in for 8100,000. There is a good deal of lift to money. Chicago Inter-Quan. Ears and Ear Kings. A prett ear is a great beauty and fiuds many enthusiastic admirer We could name many- a noted man first at tracted to the girl he loved and married b' her prettr ear; and we have even heard some men sa3: "The first thing I see when I am in company- of ladies is the ear." We need not tell 3'ou that such men, and all iudeed who adiniro prett3' ears, abhor ear-rings. Jewelers need not frown; for if fewer ear-rings were sold, more finger-rings, lockeLs. brooches, etc., would be sold, and they- yvould not be the lasers if ear rings disappeared from fashion to-morrow. Beside, our aim is to preserve beauty when possible, and ear-ringa de-stro- it by lengthening the ear and de stroying "the symmetrical outline. We say nothing of the barbarit3' of the ous tom of yvearing ear-rings. You might as yvell wear rings in your nose as in 3'our ears. We mereh' sa3' that, setting custom aside, ear-rings lengthen the ear and spoil its shape ana S3'nimetry Therefore, if you would preserve your ear small and pret(3 as nature makes it, never yvear an ear-ring. On the other hand, if 3'our ears are large and ugly, do not wear ear-rings, for you yvould then onh' attract extra 'attention to their ugliness. Hide them as much as 3-011 can by light waves or curls of hair alloyveu to fall over the ears as if ly accident, but do not invite attention to them. Our models of beaut3', the ancient Greeks, did uot wear ear-rings, or rarey did so. Egyp tians and Asiatics yvefe and still are fond of all kinds of jewelry, and they' yvore huge ear-rings ven often yvhicli yveighed down the ears to tremendous length. Roman women also yvere partial to ear-rings, as they- yvere. to all other jeyv elr3. As Ovid tells us: "Their dresses were heavy- brocade, their fingers yvere covered yvlth precious stones, and Orien tal pearls hung on their necks and ears." Tiny also wore bracelet, amu lets, and, according to Martial, rings on their toes, yvhich yvere visible yvhen tluy yvore sandals. This fashion, in deed, yvas imitated b3' tho Countess Castellani at a fancy ball at tho Tuiller ies during the last Empire. The Coun tess Castellani yvas considered the most beautiful yvoinan at that Court of Beau ties. She yvas an Italian, with an Italian skin and golden hair, something like-athe new American beaut', Miss Chamberlain, yvho is spoken of as 'a gJ'Psy w'hh golden hair. To return to the subject of ear-rings, the Roman yvomen yvore as maty as three, and sometimes four large pearls on each ear. This style of ear-ring yvas called Crotalia; and the pearls clanked together like so many bells, yvhich yvas very- flattering to their vanity. The funniest thiug of all yvas that tmy even put ear-rings on the fish in their aquari ums, just to see their effect in the water. Francis the First of France imitated this absurdity', and had ear-rings put to the famous carp of Fonlainebleau. Who has not heard of Cleopatra's famous pearl ear-rings, yvhich cost two millions of francs each, and one of which sho melted in her cup and drank it to Anthon3-'s health? She yvould have done the same thing yviih the second ear-ring had she not been prevented. This ear-ring afterward parsed into Agrippa's hands, and he had it cut in tyvo, to form two ear-rings, with yviiieh to adorn the ears of the statue of Venus in the Pantheon of Rome. Ctesar also once paid a million of francs for a pearl, which he gave to the mother of Brutus, and he had so great a veneration for pearls that in his layvs against celibac3' lie forbade them to be yvorn by yvomen yvho had not a husband, or children, or any one yvho yvas under fort3'-live 3'ears of age. Noyv, hoyvever, pearls are the favorite ornaments for voung girls, and looked upon as em blems of innocence and purity-. But a string of pearls round the neck alone should be yvorn by 3'oung girls, and not pearls in the ears". Italians and other southern people full of old fashioned superstitions have their children's ears bored almost as soon as they are born, under the idea that this hole in the ear preserves the C3es in good sight aud strength. We may here add that we know young yvoinen of tyvent3' with failing sight, al though tluy yvear ear-rings, and others of "past" thirty yvho never have yvorn an ear-ring and have their sight as sound and clear as a child's. Ear-rings,there-fore, do uot invariably protect the eyes from yvcakness or disease, though the3' sometimes have a beneficial effect. We hope that none of our reader will yvear them if 11103- have pretty ears, for a pret ty ear is doubly pretty without holes in it, and an ugly ear can not be too timid and retiring. But putting the ouestion of beauty ou one side, there realh are some yvomen with veiy thin, hollow cheeks, to whom rather long ear-rings are becoming. They seem to till up a vacuum, and if enr-rings are ever suitable it is in such cases. Ahtcriciin Queen. 3Ir. Jones Has an Eyeuinsr at Home. "Maria," said Mr. Jones as he sat and enjoy-ed an evening at home be cause he had no place else to go "it seems to me that on a suspicious occa sion like this" and he looked fondh at her ":is if Heaven and home yvere "au nonymous terni3.M "jb'm-ouomous," corrected Mrs.Joues, taking several pins and a ball of tyvine out of her mouth and placing a patch on that part of Willie's pants yvhen; It yvould do the most good. "Jeptha, yvly don't -ou read aloud evenings, in stead of keeping all the good things to 3'ourgelf?'" "Is reading alloyved?" asked Jones, innocently. "I thought y-ou preie- red to talk?" "Well, I do," snapped Mrs. J., "when I have somebody to talk to, yvhich isn't ver3 ofteu." "I'll read." exclaimed Jonw, hurri edly reversing the book he held iu his hand 'And itcameto p-is" ' "Save that for Sunday," interrupted Mrs. Jones. "Read some sweet thing about home, or the friends; omc poe try. I love to hear poetry, Jephtha.' with a sh yvink at nobody Thus encouraged, Jones, who i.s an amateur elocutionist and has fired the neighborhood yvith his dramatic read ings in times past, till the neighbors threatened to fire fthn, seized a volume of poetry and, in the voice that made "Freedom shriek yvhen Kosciu-co fell," read aloud that touching poem begin ning: "Which shall it be, which shall it In, Hooked at John John looked at me." There yvas -Hence yyhich could have, been felt yvith a rolling-pin yvhen Jones ceased to read, and wiped the foam necks from his pallid lips, and Maria was in tears. "I know you've wakened the boys." she -.aid, in a voice that sounded small and still after his, "and thev-'ll want a drink." "The children!" murmured Jones, 'fced ays, "the dear. weet ciil- dren! M-M-Maria, do yve 'prcciato these dear ones as yve ought to? "I do," said Mrs. Jones, shortly. "I hear them talking noyv yvhere",3 my slipper?" ' "ro, Alana,' returned Jones, yvnose I soul was melted within him b3 his ef forts in the line of elocution, "yvill go and see if the innocent darlings need ' anything." And he yvent up stairs soft I lv.' repeating yvith aSalvini-llossi-Booth I effect: " Which shall it be. which shall it be? I looked at John John looked at me." The "innocent darlings" heard him, coming, and, desisting' from a pilloyv tight iu yvhich they were engaged, they' buried their head iu tho sheets aud were instantly- sound asleep, looking like dimpled "cherubs, yvith an occa sional snore to assert their relation to the human. Jones wiped the salt tears! of love and elocution from his eyes, and,' bent fondh over them; then he crept out and wa'ited a moment in the hall to listen to their gentle breathing; sudden ly it ceased. " Then a dreadful suspicion haunted Jones they had been playing 'possum, the little yvretehes; lie yvaftcd. "Is the old man gone?' yvere tho words of Cherub No. 1, as soon as he got the sheet out of his mouth. "Yep,"' ansyvered Cherub No. 2. lie yvas a-crviug, Willie. Ain't he a duffer, though?" "I'll striKu him for five cents to- morrow; see if I don't!" " Oh, he'll be himself again to-mor-royv, Willie; he'll stamp around and sa: 'Get out of ny way, little imps,' just as he alius does. I don't take no tock in him, I don't." " Let's plav yve was pa," suggested Willie. "Where's them boys? ivf teach them to touch 1113 paper! ' tan their hides for 'em! Fll show 'cm who's master in this house!" When Jones yot back to the sitting room his face yvas red very red and his eyes yvore a vengeful glare. Mrs. Junes looked up nt him as he stalked in, and asked, innocently: " "Syyitch shall it be, s'yvilch shall it be?" "Both!" shouted the enraged parent. "Of all the unruly brats I ever saw, 1 do think, Maria, ours are the yvoist. I'll lather them both to-morrow." Delroii Free Press. - Memorable Prices for Hops. One of the largost hop dealers in this cit3' said 3'csterdHy: "The hop season of 188'2 aud 1883 is one yvhich will long be rememborcd. especially on acconut of the extraordimuy fluctuations from the middle of May, 1882, down to the 1st of September, 18.S:5. A greater calamity could uot possiby have happened to the Americau hop groyvcrs, for yyhile a fuyy profited ly the tiuctuations a ver3 large majority' of growers lost in the end. Thousands of farmers have increased their hop acreage, and thousands yvho never before grew hops have gone into hop raising. The American growers who thin.c that, the farmers in England and on the Continent of Europe have been oblivious to the situation will ayvakeu from their delusion some d:y. For instance, the uniform price for choice hops in Neyv York for several weeks prior to March 1!), 1882, yvas tyventj'-live cents a pound. Then the market advanced slowh until August 11, yvhen the price quoted was i:ftv cenls a pound, After that the price ad vanced about five cents a pound every week until November 10, yvhen it yvas $1.10 a pound. They rema' tied at this figure until November 2 1, when values bcyaii to decline about live cent a pound a yveek until Januan 5, 18I, when there was another rally, and the price yvent up to .! a pound. Here it remained for several yveek s, yvhen an other decline set in aud continued to August '5, at which time twent3-eiglu cents a pound yvas reached. "Then the price ad va need to thiitv three cents a pound, and so remained for a yveek or tyvo, yvhen it began to de cline again, and hops are noyv quoted at from eighteen to tyventy-livo cents a pound, according to quality. "The true cause of the very high prices yva3 not the failure of the Eng lish crop, as yvas generally supposed, but it can be laid at the door of the spec ulators. There was no better reason for hops going up to a dollar a pound than there was for potatoes to go up to fifty dollars a barrel. " We may not have groyvn as large a crop this year as yvas expected, oyving to the three month's drought on the Pa cific slope and to the setting out of new fields last spring, yvhich yvill not come into full bearing until next season, but if yve have a favorable crop for 1X84 and 1885 farmers may stand from under." N. Y. Sun. A Prfze Baby. On an Atlantic stvmier bound for New York, a year or so ago, the usual entertainment for the benefit of a Liv erpool charity yvas projected. Thcro happened to be on board a good masy "professionals." actors and singers, yvho all promised to take part, except one, yvho kept aloof, and stubbornly de clined to assist. As he yvas the star most desired, every etlbrt yvas made to . change his mind, and the committee of 1 arrangements at last applied to Mr. I. T. Barnum (yvho yvas, as usual, an in i conspicuous passenger), and begged him to laoor yvitli the reluctant singer. Mr. Barn urn undertook the mi-sion, ami after stating the case and making his appeal, somewhat to his surprise the man at once assented. "1 refused all these people," he said, "and I dislike exceedingly to take part in this sort of entertainment, but if 30U ask me, Mr. Barnum, i can not decline. I am glad to do luything that yvill pltte y'ou." Mr. Barnum felt much complimented, but protested a little, yvhen the man continued "You did me a great favor once, Mr. Barnum. and I never have forgotten it. You may not recall it, but I am under obligations to 30U." U ly." hesitated the great shoyv uiu'i, -I must confess that 1 dont recall I don't remember anv circumstance, aud yet your face is familiar. I haven't forot that. Where was it we met?" "h: it yvas thirty 3cars ago, Mr. Barnum took the first prize in iour firt baby show. I've ahva3s felt grate ful to you. Harper's Magazine. About tyvo o'clock one afternoon re centlj", a perfect mirage yvas visible from Neyv London, Conn., iu the south earn and southwestern horizon for a feyv minutes. Race Rock Light-house yvas duplicated in the atmosphere above it. every line and angle clearly depicted but in a-u inverted position. Tyvo schooners yvere seen reflected over Fisher's Island Sound long before the originals came in view. These yvere also inverted, but every spar and rope was ns well defined as if thrown out from a mirror. Hartford Post. m There arc twenty-eight farmers and forty lawyers in the Ohio Leodslatnra. 1 Cleveland Ltadtr RATES OF A13TF.KT1SI.-1IC;. ISTBuainess and professional cards of five lines or less, per annum, five dollars. 327 For time advertisements, applv at this office. JSTLegal advertisements at statute rates. 3"""For transient advertising, see rates on third page. 23TA11 advertisements payable monthly. SCIENCE AXD INDUSTRY. Manufacturing establishments of Allentown. Pa., give employment to 2,200 girls. Jesse George is the pioueer peanut raiser of Tennessee. He made nis first, crop iu 18.i0, and noyv has immense fields under cultivation. Dr. Werner Siemens has demon strated ly experiment that intensely hot gases do" not omit light, so that light givcu by heated gas must come from solid impurities. Ciiinajo Times. Some friend of mankind has in vented a bed-room alarm by yvhich the clerk in the office can yvake a guest at any hour without sending a stahvart porter to alarm the entire hall. Chicago Herald. Date palm trees have been success fully groyvn in California. They are of sloyy groyvth, and do not come up until the fourteenth 3-ear. A man in Salano County has tyvo of the trees in bearing condition, with handsome crops of fruit ou them. San Francitro Chronicle. - In bean-groyving districts the crop is now mainly harvested ly a machine dniyvn b3 a single horse, yvhich ctiLs the stems of the beans just below the sur face, leaving the crop standing. It greatly decreases the labor of harvest ing aud saves the beau stems r.ud leaves, from being mixed yvith dirt, as in tho old method of hand-pulling. Exchange. A neyv industry has recently sprung up in Kastport, Me., yvhich consists iu boxing herring. Sevent3 persons, most ly yvomen, are employed in this yvork, anil 12,000 fish are prepared every yveek. They aro can-fully freed from all cartilaginous matter, thoroughly cleansed, divided and packed in bunch es in boxes lined yvith tinfoil. Portland Argtis. - -Judge Swan, who has passed some months ou the Queen C harlottc Islands in the interest of the United States Fish Commission, reports the discovery- of a new food fish, yvhich he calls the black c(.d. He says it is one of the finest fish he has ever seen, and is caught in great numbers by dredging in deep yvater. and, yvhen salted, is more tender and palatable thau codfish. X. Y. Tribune. The Scientific Annrican mentions the decline in the pre of copper as likoh' to lead to an inciva-ed demand for that material in building. At present the material for a copper roof costs only about half as much more as tin, and as the latter must be replaced anil repainted .about once m three y'eais, and in fifteen or tyveutv" y'cnrs needs replacing alto gether, the copper, yvhich never needs painting, and yvhich is practically inde structible, is much the cheaper material iu the end. A compauy has been organized by persons living in Philadelphia and Cape M:y to catch porpoises, b3 means of a net invented for that special purpose, and convert them into oil. leather and fertilizers. Those products of the sportive porpoise are said to be partic ularly valuable, but hitherto the dilli CI1U3 has been to catch the purpoise. The neyv net yvith yvhich the compuny is to make war's capable of accommodat ing 150 of them at a time. Phdadet delphia 1'rex. Useful applications of electricity continue to multiply. One of the latest is to use it tor riiiuiiiii;- a pump for rais ing yvater. A machine invented in Vermont has been tested at Middlubur3 during tin pa-t "iimmer, with ver3' sat isfactor3 results. It forced water froic a creek through 70rt feet of pipe up au elevation of eighty feet, delivering sixty gallons per hour. The comparative cost of this power over th- wiud-mil has not 3 el been determined, we believe but it has the advantage ot being con stant, and doubtless will become, if it i? not now, a cheap as well as an effective source of power. X. Y. Examiner. PITH AxFm'OINT. The best recipe in the world foi making buckwheat cakes is the ont which tells the poor man how to get tin buckwheat. .V. . Herald. One of the lirt things a new rail road acquires is a deficit. Wo dou'i know what it is iisi-d for. but it's par of the equipment the first 3-ear. liitr Ungtou Jlawk , . . Tin; New Orleans Tiaiunc think; "Good common s.-nse is better than : college ediie.-ition.'' Of course it is and a good deal rarer and much hardei to get. Ho 'tu, 1 Triim-criftl. Our national paper currency isan to be poisonous from being colored will arsenic. That's when the poor editor' revenge comes in. He doesn't have tt handle the stuff. - Burlington Fret Press. - "My son," said old Precept, "don' take to writing poerry. hen I wa 3oung, like 3-011. I was -mitten with : beautiful creature, and wrote her : poem. I never saw her again.- l!oti Times.. A man will burn ids finger light ing :t cigar with :: j:ei- of paper am make no fuss about it. but w hen his wii'i asks him to set the lea kettle over, ant he takes hold of the warm handle, he h mad enough to the kitchen. Detroit 1'ot. The owner of :t pair of bright evi says that the pretties' compliment sin ever received cam from a child of ton 3'cars. The little t. How, after looking intently at her e a moment, inqu r:i uaivch": "Arc your evvs new uips '" A Kansas mil.-r drowned him-cl in his mill-pond ! cause a tam he ha just built failed to collect waler uongl to turn the wheel. Mo exhibited goot sense. Soiye men would have gou home and jawed their wives and kickct the dog clear across th room. Xorri town Jl raid. "Befo' you am broke up ole: a gal who pla3s the planner, talks French, paints latfocapes, an' reads j.octrv, jl-t sit down an' hgger w ho am to cook yei meat an' taters. patch ver c!oc, darn' help v'cr ui:ikc'1' buy lo worth of thiugs.'' - Brother 'JcM ner, in Detroit Fre Pre . A lawyer upon a circuit iu Ireland, who was pleading the cause of an infant plaintiff, took the child up in his ann um! presented it to the jury suffused with tears. This had a great eiUvt, un til the opposite lawyer asked the child, "What makes von ay?" "He pinched me," answered the little innocent. The whole court was convulsed with laugh ter. "No, I am not honest," says Scrib bins; "but I am dishonest from the best of motives. Suppose a man pays me fort3 dollars instead of thirt3. and it's a mistake he might never discover. If I give him back the ten dollars, he will say to himself, 'There is an honest per boii. The world is not so bad, alter all.' This will give him confidence in man kind, and the next man he deals with may cheat him out of his e3es. No, sir, I don't want to give any man confi dence; it might wreck his whole fortune. I don't want my fellow-beings cheated, and I must continue to do nothing that trill put them off their guard." Louis piT'a Courier-Journal. I'l l'!