The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 13, 1884, Image 1

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M. Iv. TURNER. & CO.,
Proprietors and Publishers.
ISTBusinesa. and professional cards
of five lines or less, per annum, five
"a? For time advertisements, apply
at this office.
"0"Legal advertisements at statute
laTTor transient advertising, see
rates on third page.
13A11 advertisements payable
IS OFFICE, Eleventh St., up stairs
in Journal Building.
Peryear "r zZ
Sixnionths km
Three months
Single copies
VOL. XIV.-NO. 42.
WHOLE NO. 718.
D.T. MARTYX, 31. D. T. 3. SCHUG. M. D.
U: S. Examining Surgeons,
Local 5urjreon. Union Pacific, .. X.
&, 15. H.and II. .V R'.
C'on,iltition) in German and English.
Teh-phones at oilice and residence?.
Dlseaps of women and clilMren :i spe
cialty. County physici in. Office former
1 occupied by lr. Wood. W
pHAS. SI.OA.rVK, (Ykk Lee)
E3TUnder "Star Clothing Store," Ne
braska Avenue, Cblumbu. 2S-3m
On Corner of Twelfth and North Streets.
ovtr'Ernst's hardwure store.
JSaroilicc hour.-, 3 to 12 a. in.; 1 to .i p. m.
OI.U AS'.IUAUGH, Dentist.
Up-xtair- in Cluck IJuildin-, 11th street,
Above the New bank.
TT J. 1IIIW540".
lilli Strert.i doors wrst or lUmmond Horn,
Columbus. Neb. 491-y
rpilVKN ro. A: POWKKS
2T Office in Mitchell Block, Colum
bus, Nebrahka. ""-"
j . ki:kdi:,
Oilice ou Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska.
p . A. IIULLIIOKST, A.M., M. D.,
S2TTwo Blocks south of Court House.
Telephone communication. 0-ly
Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Porters, Ales,
e'e , etc.
Olive Street, next to First National Bank.
Oilice upstairs in McAllister's build
ing. 11th .St. V. A. McAllister, Notary
Attrrstj iai Hrtirj- Prtr c. C:Ui:r.
Columbus, : : : Nebraska.
p EO. 3f. DEKKV.
JSJTCarriagc, house and sign painting,
glazing, paper hanging, kalsomiuing, etc.
done to order. Shop on 13th St., opposite
Engine House. Columbus, Neb. 10-y
llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sells Harncs:., Saddles, Collars, "Whips,
Blankets, Curry Combs, Bruihes, trunks,
valise, buggy top, cushions, carriage
trimmings?, Ac., at the lowest possible
priecs. Repairs pr mptly attended to.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Ilavenad an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kind of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tuuitvtoestlmateforyou. fSTShop on
13th St., one door west of Friedhof &
Co's. store, Columbus. Nebr. 483-y
o. c. SHAJsrisroisr,
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Hoofing and Gutter
ing a Specialty.
S5rShon on Eleventh Street, opposite
Heintz's brus: Store. 4G-y
His lands comprise some fine tracts
in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north
ern portion of Platte county. Taxes
paid for non-residents. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 20 y
oi.u.vtuus PACKCVG CO.,
Packers and Dealers iu all "kinds of Hog
product, cah puid for Live or Dead Hogs
or grease.
Directors. K. H Henry, Preat.; John
"Wiggius, Sec. and Treas-.; L. Gcrrard, S.
J. E. Moncrief, Co. Supt-,
TVill be in his office fit the Court Home
ou the third Saturday of each
month for the purpose of examining
applicants for teacher's certificates, ana
for the transaction of any other business
pertaining to schools. G67-y
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. 52 Cmo.
Livery and Feed Stable.
Is prepared to furnish the public w.'th
good teams, buggies and carriages for all
occasions, especially for funerals. , Also
coatacts a sale stable." "- '.
National Bank!
Authorized Capital,
Cash Capital,
. ANDEB?ON, Pres't.
SAM'L C. SMITH. Vice Pres't.
O. T. ROEN. Cashier.
.1. W. EARLY,
Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage
Tickets, Real EtHe. Loan ana Insurance.
Rock Spring Coal, S7.00 per lou
Carbon (Wyoming) Coal C.flO "
Eldon (Iowa) Coal L'l) "
Blacksmith Coal of best quality al
ways on hand at low
est prices
North Side Eleventh St.,
Improved and Unimproved Farms,
Hay and Grazing Lands and Cify
Property for Sale Cheap
Union Pacific Land Office,
On Long Time and low rate
of Interest.
SgTFinal proof made on Timber Claims,
Homesteads and Pre-emption.
t3r All wishing to buy lands of any de
scription will please call and examine
iny list of lands before looking else where
H3TA11 having lands to sell will ple.isc
call and give me a description, torm ,
prices, etc.
ISTI a'so am prepared to insure prop
erty, as I have the agency of several
first-class Fire insurance companies.
r W. OTT, Solicitor, speaki German.
30-tf Columbus, Nebraska.
Gen oral Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
R. B. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on five or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at Jow price and
on reasonable terms. Also business and
residence lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstractor title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
All kimds of Repairing done on
Short Notice. Baggies, Wag
ons, etc:, made to order,
and all work Guar
anteed. Also tell the world-famous Walter A.
Wood Kowers, Seapexi, Combin
ed Machines, .Harvesters,
and Self-binders the
kSsTShop opposite the "'Tattersall," on
S3- --iS&f StCOLUMBUSA 2-Cm
Mai Wan M
ls evenln?, and the round red sun slnfcfl
slowly in the west,
The flowers fold their petals up, the birds fly
to the nest.
The crickets chirrup in the ffrass, the bats flit
to and fro.
And tlnkle-tankle up the lane the lowing- cat
tle ro:
And the rich man from his carriage looks on
them as they come
On them and on the Barefoot Boy that drives
the cattle home.
"I wish," the boy says to himself "I wish
that-I wero he.
And yet, upon maturer thought, I do not no
Not for all thn gold his coffera hold would I be
that duffer there.
With a liver-pad and a gouty toe, and scarce
a single hair;
To have a wife with a' Roman nose, and fear
lest a panic come
Far better be the Barefoot Boy that drives the
cattle home."
And the rich man murmurs to himself:
"Would T give all my pelf
To change my lot with yonder boy? Not If I
know myself.
Over the grass that's full of ants and chill
with dew to go.
With a stone bruise 'upon either heel and a
splinter in my toe!
Oh, I'd rather sell my yacht a year across the
ocean's foam
Than be one daytho Barefoot Boy that drives
the cattle home."
Harper's Magazine.
" My half day's work is done.
And this is all my part,
I give a patient God
My patient heart.
" And grasp His banner still,
Though all the blue be dim;
For strioos no less than stars
Lead arter Him."
Down among the rocks nnd sunken
reefs of the coast ot Cornwall stands a
light-house. Anil tho revolving light,
as it turns slowly, shows first the terri
ble waters that lightly cover the dan
gerous rocks anil mam' half-forgotten
graves, and then it shows a grand gray
castle, that stands securely on the crags,
and lifts a weather-beaten front to sun
and storm.
There is a story that connects those
two the light-house and the castle. A
story that is very sad, as the stories of
many lives would be if they were writ
ten. "
Twenty-live years ago the heir to
Melford Manor was a little, sturdy,
straight-limbed boy of five; a child who
was always restless, always in mischief.
One moment he would be chasing the
chickens in the farm-yard, and the
next trying experiments on his little
brothers under nurse's dignified eyes.
When the babies cried, Master Philip
was always ordered off in disgrace, to
take a prim walk with Jenny. That
was always tho end of it Jenny and
peace, Jenny and happiness.
But as it is Jenny's story I am going
to tell you, let me describe her to you
as she stood, one sunny afternoon in
March, hand in hand with Philip Wynne
down among the Melford rocks. Tb be
gin with, she was a nursery-maid, a lit
tle girl whom Lady Wynne had chosen
out of the village school for her good
behavior, and also perhaps for that
strange, sad, far away look in her eyes.
She was voting " just on fifteen," as
she said herself but she had a way
with children that a whole lifetime could
not have taught her. She had motherly
instincts that were deep-rooted in her
heart; and that gave a charm to her in
the eyes of children that older people
might have overlooked. All children
loved her. Up in that great airy nur
sery there was a paradise to her. A
paradise of little folks, who clustered
around her.
" The children want me," she would
say; and her whole sad face would
change and lighten as she rose to meet
So on that March afternoon a bright,
warm day after a week of cold, bluster
ing winds she took little Philip by the
hand and went down among the rocks.
"It is so hot!" said Philip, balancing
himself on the slippery seaweed. "I
can't jump any more. May we get out
into the boat, Jenny?"
"Surely," said Jenny. "You're well
wrapped up, and it's warm."
The boat was some fishermen's boat,
tied loosely to a stake, and was bobbing
safely about on the rising tide. They
went down together to the water's edge,
and Philip's shrill laugh rang out joy
fully as he tumbled into the boat and
seized an oar. Jenny came last, paus
iug for a moment to read the painted
name outside, "The Swallow John
"Now lie still, Master Philip," she
said, "and shut your eyes and listen."
The sun was very hot, and the little
boat rose and fell monotonously on the
sweeping waves. Philip shut his eyes,
so that the flickering light upon the
water might not dazzle them. Jenny
sang softly to herself long after he had
fallen asleep, with his chubby face hid
den on her knee and his hair limp with
the sea air. Then Jenny began to find
the sunlight made her eyes ache, too,
and the water made her giddy, and she
too shut her e3-es and laid her head up
on the gunwale. When she awoke
there was a high wind, and itwasgrow
ing cold and she was shivering. It was
quite light still, but a heavy sea-fog had
crept upon them unawares, and every
thing was gray and mirty about them.
A, little frightened at the" sudden still
ness, she crept across the sleeping child
and found the rope. The boat half
turned, and then rocked aimlessly from
side to side. She drew the rop'e inch
by inch, into the seat beside her, and
looked at it wth a kind of stupid
wonder, too frightened to real"ze that
they two were out alone on the wide
waters,- and the fog was dense about
Little Philip lay fast asleep in.the bot
tom of the boat, and though she shouted
till she was hoarse, he never stirred.
Then, when the silence had grown ter
rible, she crouched down beside him
and laid her cheek to his. Her heart
was beating wildly, but the breathing
fell with soft regularity through his
baby lips, and it seemed, to quiet Tier to
feel this mute companionship. It had
grown almost dark when he woke at
last, querulous and cold.
"We are out in the boat," she told
him, cheerily; "and the fog makes it
dark. But I have some biscuits in my
pocket, and we will make believe we're
eating supper. We can have our real
tea wnen we get home."
So she laid the biscuits on the seat
and chattered on while he ate them
greedily, until she had made him laugh.
Then she drew him up on her knee and
sang him songs and "hymns, until he fell
again into a heavy sleepr It"was' now
quite dark.
"It is night," she said aloud. "And
the children will be wanting me.?'
Little Philip slept as calmly as in his
own little bed at home, but Jenny was
cold and restless. She sat up in the
darkness, after a while, and clasped her
hands about her knees to think.- She.
could not see that 'gray mist any longer,
but she felt its'chill. breath all about
her. It 'seemed like some thin veil "that
hun between her. and the familiar
places a veil benind which the sum had
aatasusual, and 'would -rise again to
morrow. She was very hungry, butshs
left the biscuits for little EhUip. She
was very tired, but too cold to sleep.
She could not even think at last, but .lay
down in the bottom of the boat, hall de
lirious, saying over to herself, softly,
"The children are calling me, but it
is too early yet too early and so very
She never knew when the day broke,
for the fog still enveloped them; but the
mysterious veil grew lighter, and little
Philip woke. Jenny dragged herself
into a sitting posture, and gave him the
two biscuits, turning her eyes away, so
that he might not see their hungry long
ing. He was as warm and happy as
possible after his long night's rest, but
Jenny was too cramped and wearied to
move much. Her very lips refused to
open when she first tried, and when
words came they fell feebly from her.
But bv and by, when the child grew
fretful, she had strength left to gather
him up into her weary arms, and whis
per softly to him until he grew content
"Sing, Jenny!" he cried, imperiously.
She turned her eyes vacantly upon
him and tried to speak, but she was
shivering in the bitter wind, and numb,
and no words came. Then she tried to
smile, but it seemed as if she had for
gotten how. Slowty, one by one, the
tears rolled down her cheeks, because,
for the first time, this child had wanted
her, and she was too weak to answer.
Philip thought she was asleep so fast
asleep that he could not awaken her.
And then, in a moment, the mist rolled
away, and the sunlight flickered upon
the waters just as it liad done the day
before. And they were quite close to
land so close that John Smith, who
was rowing along the shore.searching for
the Swallow, came out to them with a
few quick strokes ot his oars. Men had
been searching for the missing ones all
night, and John Smith's lusty shouts
brought them together very swiftly, but
they ceased shouting when they stood
with little Philip, looking at that still
form that the Swallow had brought
home. Sir Philip, pale and anxious,
came down to the shore, and it was ha
who took Jenny out and laid her on
the sand, covering her with his coat,
and forcing brandv between her lips.
"The lassie's deid," the neighbors
said solemnly to one another.
But Sir Philip knew better.
"She is not dead," he said. "I will
earn her to the house myself but she
is overcome by the cold."
He knew the whole story instinctively
when he looked from his little son's
flushed face to the still fair whiteness of
Jenny's sharpened features. For the
moment he was almost tempted to
think, with these rough fishermen, that
the unspoken question of Jenny's sad
eyes had been answered at last. But
she awoke at last delirious.
For seven days she hovered between
life and death; but even in delirium her
love for little children was strangely
visible. Hour after hour Lady Wynne
sat patiently beside the bed on which
the long straight form left so slight an
impression. Sometimes she held the
restless brown hands; sometimes she
sang nursery rhymes softly. But
Jenny never knew her. She would
push her hands away, and murmur
softly to herself about the waters, and
the boat, and the rocks, and the terri
ble biting wind. But at last the delirium
wore itself out, and the great sad eyes
looked quietly out from beneath the
short tangled locks. Jenny was hardly
sensible even now, but she was violent
no longer.
" The Swallow will get home soon,"
she said. "I am cold and tired tired."
Presently the baby cried in the inner
room, and the sound roused her. So
they hushed him to bleep and Lady
Wynne brought him in herself and laid
his little round head close lo Jenny's
shoulder. She wrapped her arms tenderly
about him and laid her cheek to his, and
then there was silence in the room for a
long time.
" She is sleeping," Lady Wynne said
to the Doctor. But the Doctor shook
his head.
" It is mere exhaustion, not sleep,"
he said. "It is possible we may never
rouse her again."
So Lady Wynne sat down beside the
bed once more and took the baby on
her own knee. And she watched, with
tears in her eyes, the little life that had
been sacrificea to Philip slowly flicker
ing out. By-and-by the children came
in from thefr walk and pattered by the
door on tiptoe on their way to the day
Jenny opened her eyes feebly and her
face flushed.
"Let me go!" she cried, stretching
out both her arms. "The children want
She threw the coverings aside and
tried to rise, but Lady Wynne held her
gently back. She struggled feebly for
a minute and then lay still so still that
her quick, uneven breathing seemed to
fill the room. Then onee again her eyes
opened sad no longer, but unutterably
"Don't let the children forget me,"
she said.
The desire was fulfilled at last. The
other life had opened out before her.
She had gone where the children
"wanted her."
They built a light-house out among
the rocks and wrote Jenny's name up
on the corner-stone not" because they
feared they would forget her, but be
cause her undying memory was as a
light to Philip Wynne, far above the
storms and tempests of this work-a-day
world. GeraldineBult, in Youth's C'-panion.
Varieties of Starch.
The starch .of every plant differs
from its neighbors both in size and
shape, and this has a considerable in
fluence on the character of the vegeta
ble organ in. which it is stored up; the
hardness of rice, for instance, being
due to the fact that rice-granules are
extremely minute, with angular cor
ners which fit closely and firmlv to
gether; whereas potato starch is large
and round, with considerable, inter
spacestfilled with water, and so forms a
comparatively soft mass. But, not
withstanding their outward points of
difference, in chemical composition the
starches are all identical, consisting of
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen exactly
the same materials as sugar is com
posed of, and better known as the
component e'ements of coal and
water. Popular Science Monthly.
The Boston S'ar says: "The bigger
a newspaper is, the more bustle there is
about it.1' What it means is, the big
ger a bustle is the more newspaper
there is about iL Rochester Posi-Ex
' A test case "brought in New York
ended in a decision that the baking of
bread upon the. Sabbath is unlawful.
N. X; -Tribune -
On a Mast tf War.
During peace activity on board a
naval vessel begins at 'dawn of day
The boatswain blows his whistle at day
light, and cries: "All hands up all ham
mocks." Within five minutes the sail
ors may be seen piling up on deck, each
with his hammock neatly rolled and
lashed, handing it to the stower in the
"netting," the long, box-like recepta
cle along the rail, where it remains un
til sundown, when it is taken down on
the berth-deck again and made ready
for occupation. Immediately after the
hammocks are stowed the sailors get a
pintjof coffee and then turn to to "holy
stone" and wash down decks or, if it is
Monday, the sailors are first piped to
"wash clothes," and lines may be seen
running fore and aft, filled with cleanly
washed white and blue clothes, or scrub
bed white hammocks. At "seven bells"
(7:30 o'clock) the sailors are piped to
breakfast, and those who are to go on
watch at "eight bells" (eight o'clock)
must be read- at that hour. At eight
bells the ensign is hoisted at the peak,
and'-The Star-Spanglod Banner" is
played by the band, if on a flag-ship, or
drum and fife on others than flag-ships.
At the same time the boatswain's whis
tle is heard, followed by the bellowing:
"All the watch; hold the reel; pump
ship, and relieve the wheel." After
breakfast the watch is employed in
cleaning the brass-work and the guns,
coiling ropes, and generally making the
ship clean.
The officers not on watch do not gen
erally rise until eight o'clock, and then,
after making their toilet, sit down to a
cup of coffee and toast or fruit. At
"two bells" (nine o'clock) the "assem
bly" is beat, and for the next two hours
the crew are drilled at great guns or in
the small arm, or sword manual. At
"six bells" (eleven o'clock), the officers
have breakfast, a substantial meal.
From this time until "four bells" in the
evening (six o'clock), the oflicers not
on watch may occupy their leisure as
they see fit. They may generally be
found poring over their books or work
ing out some problem, when at sea, to
avoid being rusty for their next exam
ination. H in port they may stroll on
on shore. At "two bells" (sLx o'clock),
is the oflicers' dinner hour, and an hour
afterward they drill the sailors in sea
manship, making, reefing, furling,
bending, or unbending sails, in boat ex
ercise, or target practice.
Bank and rank etiquette are strictly
enforced on board ship. None but the
line and staff officers are permitted to
walk on the quarter-deck the officer of
the deck having the starboard side and
the others the port side, when in har
bor, and when at sea the officer of the
deck taking the windward, and the
others the leeward side. The Captain
exjoys the exclusive use of the starboard
side of the poop deck, and the other
commissioned officers the port side.
Forward of the mainmast all the officers
have the exclusive right of way on the
starboard or the windward side of the
deck, while the sailors must keep on the
opposite side. In leaving or coming on
board ship the same regulation is ob
servedthe line and staff use the star
board companionway, while the war
rant oflicers and crew use the port lad
der. Commissioned officers are received
on board with the boatswain's pipe as a
The Captain messes alone in the
cabin, having his own steward, cook
and waiter, and unless he invites some
of the officers to dine with him at times
(as often happens) he lives in this mo
notonous way. The line and staff offi
cers, above the grade of ensign, consti
tute the "wardroom mess," and live in
the main saloon of the vessel. The
midshipmen and ensigns and other
oflicers of assimilated rank form the
"steerage mess," and the warrant
officers mess by themselves. The mess
expenses of the wardroom will range
from thirty to forty-five dollars a month,
according to the station; those of the
other messes about twenty-five to thirty
dollars a month.
The crew live between decks. They
are divided into messes of about twelve
men each, and. by contributing a small
sum out of their monthly pay, are ena
bled to purchase a few delicacies to add
to their Government rations of salt beef
or pork, with fresh beef twice a week;
potatoes, Hour, pilot-bread, salt, pepper,
molasses, vinegar, butter, coffee and
tea. On Sunday morning the crew are
called to "quarters" for general inspec
tion of person and cloth'ng, and those
who wish ma' attend the church ser
vices afterward. Saturdays, after the
general work is done, are semi-holidays,
when the men lounge about, mend their
clothing, read, and otherwise pass away
the time. The pay of the crew ranges
from nine dollars and fifty cents for ap
prentice boys to twenty-six dollars per
month for" an "able-bodied seaman.
The petty officers receive higher rates
of pay. The sailors are permitted to
draw monthly money, but a larger pro
portion of their pay is retained until tho
expiration of the term of enlistment.
V. J". Evening Post.
m .
Horace Ureelej's Farm.
Alter the dealh of Horace Greeley It
was intended that his farm at Chappa
(jua should be sold and the proceeds
divide 1 between his daughter, Gabrielle
and Ida, the latter of whom was the
wife of Colonel Nicholas Smith. For
some reason this was not done, and
when Mrs. Smith died, more than a
year ago, the farm was still unsold.
ColonelSmith, who had lived on the
farm after Mr. Greeley's death, re
moved to Shelbyville, Kentucky, with
his three children, and the farm was
rented in part.
Miss Gabnelle M. Greeley recently
brought a friendly suit for the sale of
the farm, and it was ordered to be sold.
The time o sale was fixed for yesterday
noon in front of the post-office on Main
street, Chappaqua. The post-office
consists of a little shed jutting out on
the end of a piazza which runs along
the front of a country feed store. It is
set with small glass panes bearing the
numbers of the letter-boxes, so that a
(erson driving past can see if he has
etters without alighting.
At noon about twenty of the villagers,
farmers and storekeepers who chanced
to be in the neighborhood gathered on
;he stoop and retailed old stories about
Mr. Greeley. A few hundred yards
down the road could be seen the gate
of the Greeley farm, and immediately
in front of the post-office was the swamp
on which Mr. Greeley expended so
much money in his effort to convert it
into good ground. Presently the auc
tioneer, John A. Haight, appeared. He
owns a pickle factor)' in the town, and is
an old resident. He is a small man, with
a florid complexion and stiff gray mous
tache and hair. No one came up on
the trains from the city except report
ers. Soon after twelve o'clock Miss
Greeley drove up alone in a top baggy,
with a spirited bay horse. Miss Gree
ley was dressed in" deep mourning for
her sister. Her brown hair was brushed
town plainly over her forehead, maA
the healthful color in her cheeks showed
how well her stay for several weeks
past had agreed with her. At her feet
was a large bunch of brightly colored
leaves. She reined up the horse oppo
site to the auctioneer, and spoke to her
.lawyer, Mr. Porter.
Auctioneer Haight stood on the high
est of the threo steps of the stoop and
said the sale would begin. A dozen
urchins deserted their play and stood
near his feet. Mr. Haight read the
long legal description of the property,
which said that the farm consisted of
about seventy-seven acres, orchard,
meadow and woodland.
"What am I offered for the prop
erty? Miss Greeley leaned out of the side of
the buggy toward the auctioneer, and
said in a clear, musical voice: "Ten
thousand dollars."
"Thank vou," said Mr. Haight.
"That settles it." said halfa dozsn
voices: "no one will bid against her."
No one did bid. The auctioneer
pleaded for $500 advance, $200, 9100.
$50 and $25, but no one made a sign.
He dilated on the value of the farm,
said it was going dirt cheap, and called
on the bystanders by name to bid
higher, but there was no response.
Then he took a short recess, and again
offered the property.
"I will take $10 advanoe," he said,
who will bid $10,100. Wont you,
Dr. ?"
The Doctor addressed examined his
pockets in a spirit of humor and de
clined to bid.
"Ten thousand dollars once; fair
warning. Ten thousand dollars twice.
Ten thousand dollars third and last
time. Gone. Sold to Gabrielle M.
Greeley for $10,000."
Miss Greeley smiled pleasantly, and
said she was glad, as she did not want
the old farm to go out of the family.
She had no plans regarding it just at
present, but would put it in repair and
probably move there next year.
There are two houses on the farm,
one near the gate and the other on the
hill. The latter is unoccupied. -A" Y.
The Prodigal.
Yesterday forenoon a way-worn look
ing man, having a shirt or two tied up
in a ragged handkerchief, made his
way up rort street east. Some folks
could have seen -from his general air
that while he knew exactly where he
was going, he couldn't tell within forty
rods of what his reception would be.
He walked line a man who doubted,
and he looked around him like one who
felt anxious. He finally turned in and
mounted the steps of a modest house,
and his knock at the door was finally
answered. The door was pulled open
about an inch, and a shrill naica ex
claimed: "Go away from here."
"I'll never do it!" answered the man.
The door was closed with a bang, but
he stood right there and kept his eyes
on the knob. After three or four min
utes it was opened again and a voice
cried out:
"Go away or I'll call the police!"
"I'll never go away from my
"Who's your darling?
"You are!"
The door banged again. The man
was prepared for it, and he maintained
his place for full five minutes without
becoming discouraged. At last it
opened and a voice piped out:
"You have been gone two months!"
"Exactly, mv darling."
"And you didn't send me a single
"How could I when I never struck a
job? Darling, I've returned to thee."
"Go away I've got a divorce!"
"Oh, but I know better! Darling, bid
your long-absent husband welcome
"Never!" and bang went the door.
This time he coolly sat down and be
gan to whistle. She went to an upper
window and looked down upon nlm,
and finally returned to the door and
carefully opened it and said:
"You deserted me for two whole
months, and I had to take in boarders!
Go away! I've no further use for ycu!"
"Katie, do you mean it?"
"Then it only remains for me to die.
I'll hang myself with that piece of rope
to this tree. Katie, darling, good-bye!'
She banged the door and he proceeded
to affix a piece of clothes line to a limb
and make ready the fatal noose. He
had everything nicely arranged when
she suddenly rushed out with:
"And it's more trouble you'd make
for your poor, weak wife, is it?" and
she fell upon him and flung him over a
bush and jammed him into a flower bed
and shoved him into the house with the
"The prodigal has returned,, hot all
the fatted calf he gets will be laid pn
with a club." Detroit Free Prtss.
Bag Weed.
Rag-weed is one of tho most abund
ant weeds. It springs up in every
stubble field and fallow and covers
acres of meadows and roadsides. It is
a very bad weed. When it gets into;
the hay or is eaten by the cattle it
makes the milk bitter and spoils the
butter. Moreover, it is now said to
cause hay fever by its dusty acrid
pollen. This, however, does not so
much concern farmers because they,
have not time to have hay fever, at
least of this kind, and cannot stop even,
to sneeze in this busy season. But this
weed is no doubt pernicious to cattle
and causes disease and death more
frequently than is supposed. It is
strongly aromatic and very indigestible
and astringent. When eaten largely it
has the effect of packing the stomach
with dry, undigested matter, and of
poisoning the blood. The disease thus
produced is commonly called dry mur
rain and is a fatal disorder. It is quite
prevalent just now, and always in those
places where good herbage is scarce
and this and other coarse weeds are
abundant, and at the same time water
is bad or fails altogether, and cattle
suffer from thirst, which is made
intense by this dry, woody acrid weed.
The remedy is simple to speak of, but
unfortunately difficult to put in prac
tice. It is to have no rag-weed; or,
indeed, any others in the fields. But
while this is impossible to carry into
effect at once, it is by no means
impossible to begin to do it. And no
farmer snould need to be instructed how
this should be done. It is an annual
weed, and if mowed down or plowed
under before it seeds there is an end of
it so far. If this course is pursued in
time there will be an end of it alto
gether. It is curious that so disagree
able a weed should be called ambrosia,
which means "food for the gods," or it
may reflect somewhat upon the "gods,"
whose sometimes disagreeable char
acters might be accounted for if they
had nothing better than rag-weed t
Seed upon. & Y. Tribune.
A workingman's Sunday Rest Asso
ciation is one of the religious institutions
of St. Louis.
Rev. Dr. J. H. M. Knox, of Bristol,
has been elected President of Lafayette
College, at Enstou, Pa.
All the schools of Louisiana have
been closed till next April. The cause
is said to be want of money. N. O.
Rev. Dr. Parker Morgan, of the
Church of the Heavenly Rest, in New
York, with $6,000 sa"rary, declines a
$10,000 call to Chicago. N. Y. Times.
The American Bible Society is mak
ing arrangements for issuing 2,000.000
copies next year, and with even such an
enormous distribution the supply will fall
far short of the demand. N. Y. Ex
aminer. Dartmouth College is to receive
$10,000 from the estate of the late
Judge Jason Downer, of Milwaukee,
Wis., under the provisions of his will.
Judge Downer was graduated from that
institution in the class of '83. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
D. L. Moody and his trustees, with
some invited guests, dedicated the fine
brick and s'one buildings connected
with his Mount Herman Boys' School,
in the town of Gill, Mass., before he
departed for Europe. The buildings
cost $29,000, and they command one of
the finest views in the Connecticut Riv
er Valley. Boston Journal.
The brutality of the Canuck stu
dents toward some ladies who under
took to study at Kingston Medical Col
lege last yea'r has resulted in the estab
lishment of two female medical colleges
in Canada, one in Kingston and ono in
Toronto, botli in active operation, the
latter having opened with a large num
ber of students, with Dr. Barrett, of the
Toronto school of medicine, for Presi
dent. Toronto Mail.
The School Journal advocates tho
general establishment of reference libra
ries in the schools. "The State Super
intendent should select a list of books,
and let each district buy from this list
with the money appropriated bv the
State. In New York State the $55.000
annually wasted on the district libraries
should be spent on reference libraries.
The books should be kept at the school
house and be under the care of the
teacher; they should be used at
the school, and not loaned out."
Between September 1, 1882, and
September 1, 1883, two agents of the
New York Bible Society have distributed,
among the immigrants arriving at Cas
tle Garden, 53,877 Bibles and Testa
ments, printed in German, Hungarian
or Scandinavian. No Bible or Testa
ment is given to an immigrant unless
he or she is able to read the book in the
language in which a copy is desired.
During the same period marine agents
have visited 3,484 vessels and distributed
39,775 volumes of the Scriptures. N.
Y. Tribune.
Imported Cloth Salts.
Imported cloth dresses are far more
richly trimmed, than those made heru
and are less severe in style. The French
tailor directs his efforts toward getting
rid of the voluminous looped drapery
which is both ineffective and weighty
in cloth, yet at the same time he pro
duces a bouffant tournure. He also
employs velvet for combinations, and
uses embossed plush, passementerie
braiding, fouragercs, and fur borders
for trimming, where the New York tail
or depends'entirely upon stitching and
cord or braided edges for a simple and
neat finish. Moss green cloths with ot
ter fur borders, blue-gray cloth with
velvet revers and applique flowers, and
blue cloths braided with blue sontache
that has some red or some gilt braid
mingled with it, are among the newest
importations. When a pelisse is used
as the over-dress for a cloth suit, it is
long enough to nearly conceal the low
er skirt, which is made lighter by being
of foundation silk, with only a plaiting
of cloth set on in a narrow row all
around the foot, with deeper plaiting
for showing at any place on the side or
back where the pelisse is shortened or
left open. The favorite style for these
pelisses has the waist opening in a curve
from the throat to the left side on the
hips, leaving a point or a smooth space
in the middle of the corsage front, and
forming below this a draped apron
which may be pointed, rounded or
square-cornered. A surplice revers of
velvet, or a row of braiding, or a
border of fur, is the suitable trimming
lor such a garment.
When fur Dorders are used on cloth
pelisses, they are placed upon one or
both sides of the middle of the back,
which is left open, but are not. across
the foot in the back; if there is an apron
front, the fur is across the foot, but if
the garment is open and straight be
low the waist, the fur extends from tho
waist down to the foot, but does not
border on the lower edge. There are
large diamond-shaped passementerie
ornaments that are placed beside a
'border of fur or of braiding, and these
promise to take the place of the plaques
or disks of cord that were used last
j'ear. Another fancy is that of cutting
out the large flowers, leaves or fruits
that form the designs of embossed
Jlusb, and placing one of these near the
oot of each plait on the cloth skirt, or
in a row down each sidq. also on tho
sleeves, and along the middle of the
front of a vest or of a plaited corsage.
One of the handsomest Parisian suits of
blue-gray cloth has a large plush rose
and leaves in shades of gray applied on
each plait of the skirt and over-skirt.
This unique dress has a plaited skirt
formed of four broad plaits
meeting in front, and wider box
plaits oehind ; the upper skirt is
formed entirely of straight side
plaits, and is rather short behind, but
falls open in front in two points, din
cloding the plaits of the skirt beneath,
and there are velvet revers down the
open fronts. The postilion basque has
the front double-breasted, with pointed
velvet revers tapering to the waist, and
a row of the plush roses between the
revers. Smalt flat blue steel buttons
are set along the revers, but the corsage
is fastened under the double-breasted
part by hooks and eyes. As we have
said before, buttons are not conspicuous
on the new dresses, and most of them
return to the old-fashioned hooks and
eye, or ehe they have lacing, or loops
of velvet, or straps, or other capricious
mode of fastening. Still another new
fancy for cloth dresses is that of making
the front of the garment in princesse
shape, with the upper part outlining a
vest, and this vest is usually of a con
trasting color, either red, white, or
golden brown, while there are also
what are called Watteau vests, made of
the cloth of the front breadth extended
upward from the skirt to the neck, and
drooping softly below the waist, or else
fastened at the throat and waist-line by
clasps of silver, steel, or pearl, or else
.by velvet straps and buckles. Harper's
A match factory at Utica turns out
7,000.000 matches a day. Utica (M
T".) llemld.
Rochester, N. Y., has an aggregate
capital of $2,500,000 invested in the
clothing trade.
About a hundred thousand Cana
dians are engaged in the lumber busi
ness. The total product of lumber in
Canada in 1881 was $33,541,752.
More than $5,000,000 in hard cash
has been expended in various attempts
to find gold in paying quantities ia
Georgia. The entire mine property of
the State is assessed at S127.000. Chi
cago Herald.
One of the new private residences
on Fifth avenue. New York, has a
music hall and billiard-room, a tennis-'
court on the top floor, an elevator,
steam laundry and gymnasium. The
frescoing was done by foreign artists,
and the furniture was made iu Paris at
a cost of $110.000. -V. Y. Sun.
England has 7,917.000 square miles.
of colonios and possessions beyond tho
seas, in extent twice as large as all
Europe, with 210,000.000 inhabitants,
of which 200,000,000 are in. India,
5,000,000 in Canada, 8.000,000 in Aus
tralia and 1,000,000 at the Cape.
The Chicago Tribune, it is said, re
ceives for a column of advertisements
$26,000 a year. The New York Herald
receives for its lowest priced column
$39,723 and for its highest $348,100.
The New York Tribune, for the lowest,
$29,754, anil for its highest, $85,618;
and these papers, it is stated, are never
at a loss for advertisements to fill their
Charles Goodnight has the largoH
cattle ranch in the world at the headof
the Red River, Texas. He began buy
ing land four years ago, getttusr 270,000
acres at 35 cents au acre. The price
has risen to $2 an acre. He is still buy
ing. He controls 700,000 acres. To in
close his land 250 miles of fence are re
quired. He has 40,000 cattle. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
Ou Manhattan Island 100.000
children are earning a 1 ving. Out of
the 100,000 at least 50,000 have reason
to expect to get ou in life, and in due
season to become respected and respon
sible members of society. The young
est child employed as a bread winner is
four years old, and her services are
valued at $1 a week, which, it is to be
feared, does her verv little actual good.
A large portion of tne children included
in this estimate are cash and errand
boys and girls, nurse girls, and, of
course, factory hands. Oddly enough,
there are hardly any crossing sweepers
in New York while in London their
name is legion. .V. Y. Times.
An importer and exporter of furs
gives this information: "The house cat
is one of the most valuable of fur-bearing
animals, and when they mysterious
ly disappear from the back fence thev
often find their way to the furrier, ft
is an actual fact that in 1882 over
1,200,000 house cats were used by the
fur trade. Black, white, maltese and
tortoise-shell skins are most in demand,
and are made into linings. As for
skunks. 350,000 were used in this coun
try last season, valued from fifty cents
to $1.20. They come from Ohio and
New York principally, and, as in pur
suit of the tiger and lion, the bravest
men are required." Detroit Post.
The way to gain a good reputation
is to endeavor to be what you try to ap
pear. Indianapolis Journal.
"Is shaving a necessity?" is the
question that was argued by a Western
debating society. It is, to barbers, or
they would starve. Philadelphia IJulle
tin. There'are two things whi eh ought
never to excite a manj anger First,
those which he can help, and second,
those which he eannot help. N. Y.
"Come away from that straw-stack,
chile," called a negro womau to her
son. "Fust thing yer k;iow yer'll hab
do hay fever. Doa'n yer put none ob
dat straw in yer raouf." Atlanta Con
stitution. Little Aggie's sister had invited her
best j'oung man to tea. There was a
lull in the conversation, which was
broken by the inquisitive Aggie: "Papa,
is dose tedders ober Mr. wbbinson's
motif?" Chicarjo Times.
It was the intelligent foreman of an
esteemed exchange who placed under
the heading "Railway Notes'' the fash
ion item: "The court train will this sea
son replace the princesse and round
trains." Lowell Citizen.
A Clark County liar has been
awarded the surcingle. He tells of a
winter so severe that the springs in
men's watches were all fio.en. We
know a man who has such a cold-looking
eye that it once froze a cataract that
appeared on his eyeball. Whitehall (xV.
Y.) Times.
It is stated that a Texas hen sat for
three days on a nest full of haiLtouos
before she discovered that they were
eT23. lhe funniest part
of the
story is that she didn't hatch out au ice
house or two. But perhaps the Texas
liar was not in
town Herald.
health. Norris-
n '
A young lady
resented herself to
ibrarian of our
the other day
the gentlemauly
public library
and inquired if "An Idle Clergyman"'
was in. Somehow things had got mixed.
It was finally evolved that the book she
desired was "A Reverend Idol." Veri
ly, what's in a name. Lowell Citizen.
"Ah, Victorine, my poor girl, how
you have changed.'" "It is becauso I
have just come from the dentist's,
madame; he pulled out two of my
teeth." "Two?" "Yes, madame; a
good one and then a bad one: he made a
mistake the first time." "How horri
ble!" "But it doesn't matter. He was
very reasonable; he only made me pay
for one." Paris Paper.
"Secretary Folger has called for
$15,000,000."" Secretary Folger, we
believe, spent a few weeks at one of the
watering-places this summer, and find
ing he hadn't enough money to pay
his hotel bill, promised to send his
check for the amount as soon as he
reached home. He must have been
accompanied by his wife and servant,
and occupied two rooms at the hotel.
Norristown Herald.
He was a masher holding up the
corner, and as a very pretty girl came
along he spotted her", and made a break
to mash her. "Ah," he said, with a
greasy smile, tipping his hat, "I beg
your pardon, but are you not Miss
? ' But before he "could continue
she interrupted with: "Not mis-taken
in thinking you are a fool? No, I
I don't think" I am," and she sailed
past, while he fell up against a lamp
post and gasped as the crowd stand
ing around gave him the laugh till it
made him sick in fourteen languages.
Chicago Tribune.