The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 06, 1884, Image 1

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    tes 9T AjvraHrnsrcc;.
iSTBuaineas and professional cards
of fire Ivaea or less, per annum, five
T3 For tine advertisements, applv
at this office. gal advertisements at statute
JOTFor transient advertising, see
rates on third page.
"EsT"All advertisements payable
'OFFICE Eleventh St., up stairs
iu Journal Building.
Per year .
mx months
Turee month
Single copies
VOL. X-IV.-NO. 41.
WHOLE NO. 717,
M. Iv. TTjRlSrER & CO.,
Proprietors and Publishers.
T F. WILSON. M.- ..
Di-eaes of wam:n and children spe
cialty. County physician. Office former
ly occupied ty Dr. Wood. -21
STl'Biler -Star Cl-tbin- "re' "e-
On Corner of Ticelfth and Xorth Streets,
over Ernst's hardxsare store.
jSTOrace hours, s to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m.
Olla AsHBjlcgii, Dentist.
ilUM:i.U'!i ic JUuL.IVA",
Pp-tair. in Gluck Building. 11th treet,
Above the New bank.
tj a. iii!o.
titli Mrett.2 Joor r: of lUmmoBd Uoas,
Colxmbus. Xeb. 4!H-v
Tilll'KSTOA A: lOY Kit..
j3-Odi.H iu Mitchell Block. Loluui-lu-.
Nebraska. I1"11"
;. ki:i:ikk,
Oflicr on olivi- su. Columbia. Nebraska.
pi G. A. Hl'LLHHi-.T, A. M-, M. D-,
SSTTwo Block? -outh of t'ourt House.
Telephone conimuniation. 5-lf
Wines, Lfiunr. Cigars, Porters. Ales,
e'r . etc
Olive -treet. next t- Fir-t National Bank.
Officr up-stairs in McAllister's build
ik, nth -t. W. A. McAlli-ter, Notary
Arurser isi lmr Pii? -.
Columbus. Xebrasla.
rqr arriaze. houe and -in painting,
jlazln-. paper banzMnz. Wal-nnuiiiuz, etc.
Cone to order. hop an 15th ;t.. pposite
Knsrine Hou-t-. ( olnmbus, Neb. 10-y
llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
?ell Hane-s. saddles. Collars. Whips.
Blankets.! urry Combs. Brushes. trunks,
valises, t.uzzv'tops. cushions. carriage
trimminzs. :. at the lowest possible
prices. Repair pr mptly attended to.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Have had an extended experience, and
will cuarantee satisfaction in work.
All kind of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is. Gcod work and
fiir prices. Call and cive u an oppor
tunitytoe-titaateforyou. jSTSbop on
13th St. on door west of Friedhof t
Co's. store. Columbus. Nel-r. -W3-V
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Roofing and Gutter
ing a Specialty
iSTShop on Eleventh Sin-el, opposite
Heintz- rii Store. -iS-v
Hi land comprise some nne tract,
in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north
ern portion ot Pl'tte county. Taxes
paid for non-resident, satisfaction
guaranteed. W y
Packers and Dealers in all kind of Hoz
product, cash paid for Live or Dead Hoz
or grease.
Directors. R. H Henry, Prest.; John
"Wizzins. see. and Treas.: L. Gerr-Ard, a.
" J. "E. Moncrief. Co. SupU
"Will be xn his office Jit the Court House
on the third Saturday of each
month for the purpose of examining
applicants for teacher's certificates, and
for the transaction of any other business
pertaininz to school. 567-y
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildinzs. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near
at. Paul Lumber Yard. Columbus, Ne
braska. 3- 6mo.
Liverr and Feed Stable.
Is prepared to furnish the public wth
rood teams, bugzies and carriage for all
occasions, especially for funerals. Alo
conducts a sale stable. 44
D.T. ilABTYX, 31. D. F. CHCG. M. D
(Deutscher Artz.
U. S. Examining Sirgeens,
Local Surreons. Union Pacific and
National Bank!
Authorized Capital, -
ash Capital,
- $250,000
. ANDERSON, Fres't.
SAM'L C. SMITH. Vice Fres't.
O. T. ROEN, Cashier.
Koreizn and Inland Excbanze, Pas-aze
rackets! Real Estate, Loan ana Insurance.
Co a,
Rock Spring Coal
Carbon (WyoffliHg) CoaL.
Eldon (Iowa; Coal
..7.00 ptr ton
...6.00 "
llackcnith Coal of bt -quality .al
ways on hand- at low-'
eat prices
North Side Eleventli St.,
Tmnmwd TtH TJniKuroTid F
Hay and Grazing Lands and' City
Property for Sale Cheap
at THE
Union Pacific Land Office,
On Long Time unddoic rate
of Interest.
QTFinal proefmadeon Timber Claims.
Home-leads and Pre-enipti tu-.
2S?"All wishicz to. bur land- of any d--crlption
will please" call and examine
m list of lands tc fore looking el-e vhere
J-All havinz lands to sell will pleae
call and zjve hie ii de?e.iptiou, t-rm .
prices, etc.
YTl a so am prepared to inure prop
erty, as I have the a?euc of several
nrvt-das Fire innrance companies.
V. TV. OTT, -Solicitor. peak German.
inri:L csmith, Columbus, Nebraka.
Genaral Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and ilidland Pacific
R. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acreforcash, or on fiTe or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. TVe have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. "Alaorb3sinestna
residence lots in the city. "Vfe. keep a
complete abstract of title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
All kinds f Hepalriig deie
Start tiee. Biggies, Wag-
s, etc, aie U trier.
aid all werk Giar-
AIm mU tke wtKld-famoai Walts A.
Wt mie. .
fiTSkop opposite the " Tatters'all," on
- s - Ottrtf StCOLUMSUd; .3-iB
Is Tery ancient times, there came
A Farmer to a Lawyers door.
Expressing-?rct concern efsxxod
For what had happened jast before.
A bull of mine your ox has rored.
Klad sir," the Farmer trembling-spake;
"And I should: be most glad to know
How I can reparation make."
Thou art an honest man." replied
The Judge. and will not sure declist
To make a speedy settlement
By glring- me an or of thine."
"It is no more than Justice, quoth
-The farmer, as I plainly see.
"But I mistake it is your bull.
Thafs cored a costly ox for me."
"Indeed! ahemT The Judge replied.
"That alters very much the cue;
I must look into the affair.
And ix," he said with puzzled face
"And ir." the Farmer sternly spake
"There would hare been no it, I find.
Had you been erer free to let
An equal justice rule your mind!"
JJaunrhuirttt PUncman.
Practical Ii
traeUa lm thm Car mm.
sat of -Gas Btraa Wkat
Tmtay an Worth as Hew Laaa
TlMy lav.
The nightingale of America the
mocking-bird is a native of the South
ern States, where thousands of them are
taken from the nest before they are
fledged, and reared by hand. They are
often sold for fabulous prices, although
the general price for youn- ones is 5
each and for older birds trom $12 to
During the breeding season, which
commences in March and ends in Sep
tember, the female lays five eggs of a
light-green color, with brown spots and
The mockins-bird is particular as to
its food, and should be fed and watered
every day at the same hour. The cage
should be large and kept very clean,
with plenty of gravel at the bottom. Its
food should consist of the prepared
mocking-bird food, and during the
moulting season berries, grasshoppers,
spiders and occasionally a meal worm
or two should be given." He should also
be kept out of draughts, and with these
Erecautions a bird will live the average
fe of ten years.
which is a native of Europe, has no
natural song, but is gifred with the
ability of imitating, with wonderful ac
curacy in a-sweet, fiute-like tone, almost
any air that is whistled or played to it
on' an instrument, and this makes it a
great'favorite among lovers of birds.
The male has a short, thick bill of a
black color, head large, neck short and
stout body, and is six inches in length.
The head, wings and tail are black, the
back dark gray, the breast blood-red,
the rump white, and the claws a brown
ish black. The female is smaller and
the plumage duller. She lays four or
five eggs of a bluish or purplish white,
speckled and streaked with purple and
reddish brown.
The manner in wnicn the are taught
to sing is to take them from the nest
when young and place them in a cage in
a darkened place, when the tunelt is
desired they should learn is whistled to
them several times a day; but principally
in the morning, and evening 2s o other
bird must be near them at the time.
Some birds can be taught a couple of
tunes in three month, while others will
take nine months: some again will only
learn part of a tune and others will not
learn at all. If they do not know their
lesson by the time they are nine months
old they will never learn.
The bullfinch should be fed on sum
mer rape seed, to which may be added
a little canary and hemp; sugar, sweet
cake or such like delicacies spoil their
tastes and should not be given. A little
green stuff or sweet apple in water is
good for them. The cage should not
Oe over a foot square, with a flat top.
They should be cleaned weekly and
given-plenty of gravel. Those that like
-to bathe should be given an extra dish
or cup filled with water for that pur
pose. Their claws should be cut twice a
year, but to do this they must be handled
very gently, as they" are easily fright
ened -and -fiarsh treatment often causes
their death.
The bird becomes very much attached
to his feeders and will, if alwavs
attended by one.person, come out of tne
cage-'and -perch on his finger and
whistle at his command. Their general
disorders are moulting, hoarseness and
epilepsy. Thevgenerally live from five
to six years, vfld bullfinches sell for
2.50 each, but tamed ones are worth
from (10 to $50.
This is cne of the handsomest of all
wild-birds and the most admired of all
the finch family. It is 5 inches in
length, the front of the head is a fine
crimson, cheeks white, top of the head
black, the back is- brown and the under
partofthebodvwhiteish. The wings are
black and -yellow spotted; tail black,
with white spots.
This funny little fellow has such a
way of turning his body rapidly irom
side to side as he utters his sprightly
notes as to be quite amusing and enter
taining, and, like the canary and bull
finch, can be taught to do all kinds of
The best food to gve them is canarv
and mawseed, to which should be occa
sionally added some green meat such as
chickweed or lettuce. The cage should
be the same as for the bullnnch and
should always be provided with plentv
of water for bathing.
When caught young or brought from
the nest the skylark make a most ex
cellent cage-bird, singing during the
whole winter, spring and summer.
When caught old it seldom answers in a
cage, being too timid and verv difficult
to tame.
It should be fed with a nuxture of
mawseed, braised hemp-seed, powdered
biscuit and a little hard-boiled egg
chopped fine, to which may be added a
little raw beef, lean and scraped fine, or
a couple of meal worms. A little reen
"food occasionally, chopped np, agrees
with them. Some birds will also eat
canary and millet seed and groats of
oats, which may be given them in a
separate dish.
The cage should be from 12 to 18
inches long and height and depth in
.proportion, the top, insteadof wire, be
ing covered with doth or netting. No
perches are required. -The bottom
should be covered with dry sand or
gravel, and a sod of turf be placed in
the middle of the cage on a little table
about two inches high. The boxes for
feeding and for water most be outside
the cage.
The woodlark may be treated tha
same as the skylark aadthe cage may
be the same, -wirirtaeadditioM of peaches
instead of green sod. Both these
species of larkr axe aold at $3.50 or 94
Tke iesale-IaTB fine four to sx ess
of a pale bluish green, spotted with
pale amber, and sets from twelve to
thirteen days. Their food may ba of
two different kinds, viz.: a piece of stale
thread or roll, soaked in water for a few
minutes and pressed out and mixed with
the same quantity of coarse barley or
oatmeal, with sufficient milk added to
make a thin paste. This must be given
fresh every morning. The other mix
ture is made of Bruised hemp-seed,
carrots (grated), in equal quantities,
and well mixed. This latter is the pre
ferable of the two. as it does not turn
sour so quickly. A little hard-boiled
egg or fresh meat chopped fine mavalso
be added occasionally, and dried cur
rants, well washed, may be also con
stantly kept in their esges.
The" cage should be at least two and a
half feet long and high in proportion,
and the perches three-quarters of an
inch thick.
The thrush m t be treated the same as
the blackbird.
The nightingale is about five inches J,
in lengtn; tne top oi uie neaa ana oac&
is of agrayish brown, breast ash gray,
and throat white, with dark brown
wings and tail. When caged and well
treated they will sing for six or eight
t months during the year.
The cage should be at least fifteen
i inches long and a foot high and have
, three perches, two below and one above.
! The iod should be of green muslin or
something of that sort, and it should
hang down to the upper perch, on
which the bird generally sincrs. This
precaution keeps them shaded from
view, as they have a very timid nature.
The situation should be changed as lit
tle as possible, and punctual attendance
to their wants is more necessary to this
bird than anv other.
They should be cleaned at least twice
a week, and the bottom of the cage well
covered with dry crravel and a daily
bath be given. Their feet, which are
very tender: should be looked after, and
if dirty be cleansed in hike-warm water.
In winter they should be kept in a warm
room. Their food should be carrot,
hard-boiled egg. table roll or biscuit
and boiled sheep's or calf s heart, in
equal quantities grated together, to
which should be added halt as much
ants' egg as the whole of the other
mixture. This food must be made fresh
every morning. A few meal worms
given occasionally is also beneficial.
Moulting in a nightingale generally
amounts to a disease, and at this period
they must be well looked after. The
ants' egg, before being mixed with the
other food, are better soaked in hot wa
ter, and the number of meal worms
should be increased by two or three,
and a spider be given them now and
Prices for these birds vary from $15
to S25 each.
Japan robins cost .."; tropicals. $2 to
10; red binls. 82.50: scarlet tanaeers.
4: rose-breasted grosbeaks. $4: Balti
more orioles. 82.50: cut-throata. 82.50
per pair; silverbeaks. 82.50: blaekheals
nuns, 83; St. Helena finchea. 83: zebra
finches 84: Shanberry finches. 83: Na
poleon weavers. 85: Bishop weavers,
86; Paradise weavers, .i; white Java
sparrows. 87 to 810. and gray Java
sparrows. 83.
Trained starlings are sold for from
$10 to 850. and the ordinary starling
for $4 each. Robins bring 83 and lin
nets. $2. X. Y. World.
Another Pole Maniac.
Commander Cheyne i- still working
away upon hia proposed expedition by
balloons to the North Pole. " It is stated
that he has three committees working in
his interests in Canada, three in the
United States, and one in London, and
there is imminent danger that he may
be successful in raising the necessary
funds to equip his expedition.
Commander Cheyne'a proposition in
brief is to go by steamer to Smith's
Sound, on the west shore of Greenland,
which is about five hundred miles away
from the pole, and winter there. In
the spring- he will make the rest of the
distance in balloons, three of them, each
with a capacity of two and a half tons,
carrying his whole party, materials,
provisions, dogs and men. provided the
dogs, who have considerable sense, do
not refuse to go. Why he needs dogs
if he is going by balloon he has not
stated. He has perfect faith that he
will make these rive hundred miles in
twenty-four hours, and tie himself to
the pole by his trail ropes, his theory
being that the wind blows around the
pole in curves, and that as soon as the
balloons strike these curves they
will whirl round like tops, gradually
narrowing their circuits until at last
they settle upon the exact spot. Being
then in the very core of a lively wind
maelstrom, he does not show us" how he
will disembark or how he will secure
his balloons in such a raging cave of
Boreas. There is a grea"t deal of un
certainty about the capabilities of the
pole as a hitehing-post. If the winds
blow in curves of continually diminish
ing size, all concentrating " upon the
pole, how is he to take theback track?
Suppose, again, that the force of grav
ity shouldnot work well in the apex,
what is to hinder the whole crowd from
being whirled off the world altogether
into the illimitable limbo of spaoe,
where no searching party can go after
them? Innumeraole contingencies pre
sent themselves which suggest that
Commander Cheyne, even it he should
get there, will never come back again.
As it has been over and over again
demonstrated that no one can get ttTthe
pole, as it would be of no practical con
sequence to a human soul if any one
should get there, and as the relief expe
ditions which are continually hunting up
these pole maniacs are much more ex
pensive than the expeditions they are
hunting for, Commander Cheyne
should be required to sign a paper tothe
effect that if he does not retnrn no one
shall go in search of him. If he does
return, all right. Xo one will beTud2tJ
him his fame. No one will question his
word if he says he has discovered the
pole and climbed" it. or hitched his flag
to it. as no one cares a button for it one
way or the other. He may claim it as
his own property and no one will dis
pute the title to "it- But if he does not
return he should be required to release
all mankind from the necessity of hunt
ing him up. Chicago Tribune'
The young lady who two summers
ago would jump over a ten-rail fence in
her zeal to avoid a little garter snake
now encircles her wrists and even her
dainty neck with realistic representa
tions of the most venomous reptiles. The
gentle maiden whose voice when she
discovered a spider resounded like the
shriek of a tug whistle, differing only in
being keyed about two oclaves higher,
.bow wears a monster specimen of the
same tribe at her throat without flinch
ing. In her hair artificial butterflies,
caterpHlsrsv beetles, etc.. are allowed to
establish their headquarters. Ckicag
Settled 17 Wire. .
A lady entered the office of a xaw
firm on Montague street and consulted
Mr. P., the junior partner, as to how
she should act in a difficulty. She had
rented part of her house to Mr. W..who
had cleared out, owing her $200 for
rent. He had removed with th- inten
tion of going to Bridgeport, and his
furniture was on the way to the boat,
which was to leave shortly for the Con
necticut town. Mr. P." immediately
prepared the necessary papers and got
an attachment- A clerk was dis
patched to New York with directions to
nut the attachment in the hands of the
sheriff at once and to search the river
front for the furniture. The ladv de
parted, and Mr. P. awaited develop
ments. An hour later Mr. W. entered
the lawyer's office. He wore a non
chalant air. He carried his hands in
his pockets and a cigar in his mouth.
"I understand,'' said he to Mr. P.,
"that you are trying to seize mv prop
erty. "
- -"-You are the man, I suppose,' Mr.
P. answered, ''who hired Mrs. Blank's
house and quitted without payins the
rent, and are removing your furniture
to Connecticut?"
"That's about the size of it," Mr. W.
said. and I thought I would just step
in and a-k whether yon had got my
property yet?" Then he laughed gaily,
as one who had made a pleasant joke.
At that moment there came a ring at
the telephone. Mr. P. jumped up and
responded with the usual "HelIo."
" Who's that?" came back. "I P ."
was the answer, Mr. P. recognizing the
voice of his clerk who had gone over the
river witu the attachment.
We've hunted everywhere." came
through the telephone, "and can't find
the furniture."
Mr. P. turned to Mr. W. and said:
" What are you going to do about it?"
" In the first place." Mr. W. replied,
"I want to know whether you've sot
mv furniture ha. ha!"
"Tell the Sheriff. " said Mr. P., with
his lips to the telephone, "to take the
furniture off the boat and put it in a
"Hold, there," Mr. W. exclaimed,
his tone of jubilant banter changed to
one of genuine alarm: "I don't want
the furniture taken off the boat."
"Well, what shall we do?" Mr. P.
said; "you hear my orders?"
The telephone bell rang violently.
Mr. P. put his ear to the funnel and
heard these words delivered with great
distinctness and emphasis: "I-tell-you-we
- haven't-got-the-furniture-we-can't-find-it."
"I don't care if the sheriffs fees are
850." Mr. P. shouted in return through
the instrument: "the defendant has to
foot the bill. Store tne furniture at
"Look here, Mr. P.." the defendant
said in a tone of supplication, what's
the best I i an do?"
The bell rang again furiously. Mr.
P. put his ear to the tube and the
speaker said intones which Mr. P. recog
nized as those of a clerk in the sheriffs
office: "Blank, blank you, what do
you mean? Are you crazv? Don't you
hear? We haven't got the bank, blank
furniture, and we don't know where it
"Just -o.' replied Mr. P. "Do the
best you can. and damage it as little as
possible. The defendant will have tc
stand the expenses."
"Now don't be severe." Mr. W. said,
almost in despair: "tell me what you
"Pay the full amount due." replied
Mr. P., "and we'll throw off the costs
and expenses."
The bell rang again with louder tones
than before. Mr. P. listened. The
voice that last answered said: I'll be
blank blanked if I ever came across
such stupidity. Hold on and I'll spell
it out to you "
And then carefully, letter by letter,
the voice spelled out: "We haven't
been able to find the furniture."
The defendant by this time had got
out his pocket book" and was counting
out the bills. When he had paid the
8200 Mr. P. went to the telephone and
called up the sheriff's office once more.
"Now then, stupid, what's the mar
ter?" was the reply. "Give the sherifl
directions to let the furniture go." Mr.
P. said.
Then he sat down and wrote a re
ceipt The bell went off again like
mad. Mr. P. cooly placed his mouth
to the telephone and said: "Say, tell
the sheriff to let the furniture go and
send on his bill for his fees."
Then Mr. P.. with a smile on his face,
listened for a reply. "Blank blank
you. you thick-headed ass," came over
the wires into Mr. P.'s ear, "we haven't
got the property."
Then Mr W. quitted the office- Mr.
P. rang up the sheriffs, and received
a complimentary replv. Then it was
Mr. P.'s turn. "While you were bel
lowing over the ".vires." "he said, "the
defendant was by my side, and I had to
make the proper answers to bring him
to terms. Anything stupid or like an
as in that? Send over your bill, the
suit's ettled." Brooklyn Eagle.
Prepared for an Emergency.
Of late it has become a very common
thing for newly married couples to ap
ply for divorce before they have bten
married six months. The papers are
full of sueh cases. In fa -t the early
divorce threatens to become the proper
Some time ago a young- gentleman
was about to be married' to a widow
who had had several husbands at one
time or another. They were talking
about their approaching wedding when
it occurred to him to remark that he
proposed renting a pew in a fashiona
ble church for their mutual accommo
dation. " I think it would be a good idea to
rent two pews, my dear."
" Why. darling", why should we rent
two pews? We"certainly will not need
more than one-"
"That depends on circumstances.
After we are married we will go off on
a bridal trip of five or six weeks, won't
"Yes. my love."
" Well, then, dont you see before we
come back something "may cause one of
us to fi'e suit for a divorce, and then if
we had to sit in the same pew people
might think we were strange and ec
centric, and accuse us of trifling with
sacred things and each other's affections-'
Texas Sijlingt
When Judge Van Alstyne, ol
Albany, sentenced a noted thief, Joha
Kerwin, to four years imprisonment for
stealing recentlv, the sneak undertook
to get at the Judge, swearing- in his
rage and calling his honor alIsort3 ol
names. He "knocked down two officers
of the court when headed for the Judge
before he could be secured, and then
be had another year added So his
Mbanif (-V.F.) Journal
Mr. Merrick's Star-route argument
made 200,000 words.
A dude has appeared in San Fran
cisco bedecked with bracelets.
Selma. Ala., has sixty artesian
wells, and the water from" no two of
them is exactly alike.
The consumption of tobacco in the
United States is said to be about ten
times what it is in Great Britain.
There is talk of building a railroad
between Plotzle and the " fortress of
Novoglorgieosk. Just think what an
AmencaiTbrakeman would dowith that
The first apple tree raised on the
Pacific coast, from seed sent out on a
Hudson Bay Company's ship to Van
couver in 1S2,6. is said to be still stand
ing on the (Jovernment reserve near
Vancouver. Chicago Times.
A popular French cook at Phila
delphia asseru that English sparrows
are an admirable substitute for reed
birds. If this is the case the problem
of their destruction will soon be solved
by enterprising pbt-hunters-
In the contest in the Federal Court
at Kansas City to test the validity of an
act of the State Legislature which pro
hibits the sale and manufacture of oleo
margarine, the decision has been ren
dered and sustains the State law.
1 Kansas City Times.
If a burglar should enter your
house, throw a toy pistol at him. In
his rage, he will pick it up and attempt
to discharge its contents into your head.
Then all you have to do is to call the
police and have the fellow's body re
moved. X. Y. Graphic.
Florida is said to contain a myste
rious and unknown region never yet
visited by white men. and inhabitedby
a remnant of the Seminoles. as yet un
tainted by civilization. A party1 of
New Orleans journalists propose to ex
plore this ferro incognita.
Should the scheme of flowing a
portion of Palestine with the Mediterra
nean be carried out. the Red and the Med
iterranean seas will unite to form a
body of water about two hundred miles
long, from three to ten miles wide, and
deep enough to float the largest ships.
They had a Chinese picnic up the
Hudson." the other day, and the music
furnished by real Mongolian minstrels
was -aid to be a realistic suggestion of
Pandemonium, hearing which Berlioz
would have expired with envy and
Wagner have collap-ed with despair.
.V. Y. Graphic.
An interesting discovery has been
made on the southbank of the Yellow
stone River, near Miles City, on a great
sand stone rock, where appears carved
in large characters the nanir -William
Clarke. July 25. 1806." Clarke was asso
ciated withMeriwether Lewis in 1805-6
in exploring the northern half of the
President Barnard has addressed a
letter to the New York Tribune humor
ouslv defending our English spelling.
In alluding to an interchange of sound
representatives he say- that if this were
prevalent "aigh paighg oph Ingleish
wood preazent ai varied anned pikte
wrhesk appieranee, troughleigh nliezing
tou ey kaurrekth thaispth." indian(ip
lis Journal.
A correspondent who is apparently
an anti-tobaeconist writes a? follows:
"The native Canadians are not a hand
some race, and the traces of Indian
blood are often discovered in their
physiognomy. . But the dwarfing effect
of the constant use of tobacco for man,
generations, early and late, is clearly to
be seen. No excessively smoking and
drinking race can get or keep ascendan
cy. "Chicago Journal.
Anions: the visitors of Charity Com
missioner Kissam. of New York, recently
was James, Clarkson. a stock raiser of
California. "I have come on." he said,
handing the Commissioner a cigar, "to
find out something about myself. I was
picked up in the streets of Brooklvn, and
until I was twelve years old 1 was a
county charge. Then I was sent to a
farmer in Iowa, and then made my own
way. I mean to take some poor boy
back with me." X. Y. Sun.
Prince Charles, when he cut through
the Austrain army, in retiring from
Jagendori. gave this order to hiinfant
ryr "Silent, till you see the whites of
their eyes." This was on May 22, 1745;
and this order, so successful on that day.
was remembered twelve years after at
the battle of Prague, when the general
Prussian onler was. "By push of bayo
nets; no firing till you see the whites of
their eyes." Prescott also recollected
it at the battle of Bunker HilL Boston
Among the incidents of the Steven
son hanging- at Lawrenceville. Ga., the
Gwinnett Bcrald says that when Dr.
Moore removed the rope from Steven
son's neck a woman who had pressed
her way to the rope a?ked permission to
enter. he hurried to the sheriff and,
seizing the noose that had just been re
moved and was still warm, rubbed it
rapidly across a goiter on her neck.
There is a superstitious idea in the coun
try that rubbing the unpleasant protuber
ance with a rope with which a felon has
been hanged will remove it.
The Vienna Xew Free Press ha.- col
lected from an official source statistics
on the confiscation of newspapers in
Vienna during the year 18i2. These
confiscations amounted in all to 219. of
which 184 were morning papers. Most
seizures occurred in November, and the
fewest in April. The reason for this is
said to be a fact that the public attorney
happened to be very well in spring, and
in somewhat bad health during autumn.
But. practically, the public attorney
can do as he pleases, and it has pleased
him to seize a million copies of liberal
newspapers published in one city during
one vear.
Robbing a Carner-Stew.
The good people of the town of Bayou
Goula. Iberville Parish, were startled
last Thursday morning on hearing of
the commission of an act which is truly
barbaric by some as yetnnknown fiend.
The act we refer to was the uplifting of
the corner-stone of the St. Paul Catholic
Church in that town last Wednesday
night, and the stealing of all the valua
bles that had been placed therein when
the stone was laid in the year 1871. We
learn, very reliably, that a great many
valuables "had been deposited there on
the occasion, and a comparatively large
amount of money is supposed to have
been in, among other things. On Thurs
day morning it was discovered that ie
brickwork aronnd the stone was brok a.
the stone rolled out. and everything that
was there gone. This is an act, verily,
of a vandaL Ascension (La. J Democrat.
A bear owned by a band of gypsies
partly devoured one of the gipsv cnlldren
at Lancaster, X. C. recently." Instead
of killing the bear the gypsies beat all
the other caildxen as a warning- for them
fee keep ju a salt distance from th be;
Happy fjidln? of a Stage Reauam
Readers of the Democrat and Chroni
cle will readily recall the appearance in
this city during the season of 1SS0 of a
beautiful young actress named Xard
Almayne. She was the daughter of Ioa
Perdicaris, a very wealthy Greekpainter,
who lived in New York during the sum
mer and upon his extensive African
estates during the winter. Miss rerdi
caris, who was reared in luxury, b
came, like a great manv other foolish
young ladles, infatuated" with the stage.
Her "father, always devoted to her
w.shes, reluctantly'yielded to her infat
uation for the footlights, and placed her
on the road at the head of a combina
tion of her own. She had a play written
for her, and a competent manager took
charge of the company, he being insured
against all losses by Miss Perdicaris'
father. The company was out but a
short time when it reached Rochester,
opening a three-nights' engagement at
the Corinthian Academy. Among- the
company engaged to support Miss Per
dicaris. "or rather Miss Almayne, her
stage name, was a handsome young
actor, named Nelson Decker. It appears
that soon after the company started
upon its tour. Miss Almayne and Mr.
Decker formed an attachment for each
other, but so circumspect were they in
their courtship that not even the mem
bers of the company knew anything of
the work in which Cupid was engaged.
When the company reached Rochester,
the two one evening quietly and secretly
took a carriage and. driving to the resi
dence of a Methodist parson, were mar
ried. The subsequent announcement
of the marriage was the first the mana
ger of the company knew of the affection
of the two for each other, and the wedding-
created a genuine sensation in
theatrical and social circles. The man
ager telegraphed Mr. Penlicaris in New
ork. and the indignation and rage of
this gentleman is said to have 'been
something wonderful in its intensity.
He at once renounced his daughter for
ever, and in the language of the Medes
and Persians, "cut her off with nary a
shillin'." The company disbanded here,
and Mr. Decker formed engagements
elsewhere. Friends of Mrs. Decker at
tempted to bring about a reconciliation
between the father and daughter, but
the Greek's heart was hard and would
not soften.
Time brings many changes, many
sorrows, many joys and many blessings.
It brought into the Decker "houshold a
blessing. A son and heir came, and Ion
Perdicaris was a grandfather The child
grew. A few months ago circumstances
threw the mother and her bov in the
Eresence of the father who had disowned
is daughter. The presence of the child
did what the pleadings and arguments
of others had failed to accomplish. It
softened the heart of the Greek artist,
and he took his daughter and her boy to
his bosom and into his affections Ev
erything is now serene in the Perdicaris
and Decker families. The wife is so
journing in Europe, and the husband is
pursuing his profession in this country,
being at the present time leading man
of the company that is playing in this
city at the same theater where nis court
ship terminated. There is no place
where there are so manv romantic epi
sodes as in the theatrical profession, and
this is one of the episodes that have had
a sequel, and a happy sequel at that.
Rochester (.V. Y ) Deniocrat.
A Straifffat Cae.
In a case of assault and battery be
fore one of the justices the other day it
was shown that the aasault took place
on the wharf soon after the landing of
the boat on which the pair had wme
down from the flats.
"Did you have any fish." a-ked the
"Yes. sir."
How manv?"
Ten bass."
"You were out in a boat with the de
fendant?" "I was."
"Both fishing for bass?"
"Yes. sir."
"Who caught the most?"
"Neither of us."
"Ah. how is that? Did each catch
five fish?"
"No. sir. Each of us bought five.
Neither of u- had a bitr.''
"And it was over the division of the
string- that you quarreled, eh?
"No. sir. I wanted him to lie and
claim that it wa our i-atch."
"And he ivfusc-d?""
"Yes. sir."
"And you ?"
"I punched his head. Mr."
"Punched his head because lit
wouldn't lie. did you''
"I did. sir. and" under the same cir
cumstances I would do it again. A man
who will give a fish trade like that
away deserves the ontemj t of every
honest man. and he will certainly lose
all standins in society. '
"You bet!" called a dozen voice- in
the audience, and his Honor rapped an
his desk and called out:
"Order, back there you II scare the
fish awav!" Detroit Free Press.
Sheep Derourer.
The sheep-farmer.- of New Zealand
are in a painful state of mind in regard
to the kea. through the v, ickednes of
which sheep-farming is in process of
destruction. The kea is a native par
rot, sometimes as profane and vicious
as an c.vilized parrot. He has ac
quired a taste for mutton, and refuses
to eat anything else. Whenever a flock
of keas discover a flock of sheep they
fall upon the latter. loudly shrieking,
"Polly want some mutton." and,
perching on the backs of the unhappy
sheep, tear them to pieees.
The aggrieved sheen-farmers are now
in search of some animal that will ex
tirpate the keas. No animal at present
residing in N-w Zealand L willing to
undertake the task the local i-ats es
pecially being of the opinion that the
kea is too iargv to be considered a
game bird. Whether larger and bolder
cat can be found s verj doubtful. In
ad probab lity no an.'mal will enter into
anv contract to extiqiate the 5ea, who
will prey upon the hVept.- their heart i
What th- sheep-farmers need to do is
o teach the sheep to protect themselves.
This could be accomplishei in various
ways. The sheep could rid themselves
of the keas by rolling on the ground: or
they could ai-complish the same result
by plastering themselves thickly with
matt. A few intelligent pigs should t:e
placed in every floeJc if sheep, so that
the latter, observing 'lit- way in which
pigs planter themselves with mud could
follow their example, an-i thereby se
cure immunity from the keas. Or th
shepherds themselves might teah the
sheep by precept and example to roll
on the gnu whenever molested bv
kea-. Surely, if a graminivorous par
rot can teach iisvM to kill and eat But
ton, sheep can be taught the sixaplis
measures accessary to their afttT. JT.
F. Tim
"Camphor trees are being introduced
with success in Florida.
The flesh of the whale is said to be
very wholesome when pickled, and a
new industry in this line is growing up
alongthe Atlantic coast. Chicago Inter
Ocean. "Common wood soaked in petro
leum." says a writer in the Country
Genllemun, "will make it as durable as
cedar." Wood used in verandas and
trellis work, where exposed to the ele
ments, can thus by little expense and
labor be made lasting.
The projectors of the New York fc
Boston Inland Railroad scheme claim
that Linn $: McCarry have contracted to
build a line between Boston and New
York and complete it within three years.
The amount of caoitai required bv Linn
&McCartyis about 83O.000.00Ol The
road is almost straight. Boston Post.
There is now a boat on the Thames
which is successfully propelled by elec
tricity. The expense is about the same
as that of steam, but the convenience is
much greater, and there is no heat or
smoke or cinders. That electricity is to
be the motor of the future on the water
as well as on the land there is very little
F. M. Shields, of Mississippi, has
invented a murderous gun which he
calls the "Sweepstakes." "It shoots."
he says. 'M.tKJO balls at the explosion of
one cap. It will kill and wound 300
men out of a regiment of 1,000 men at a
distance of 0u yards. It has forty-nine
barrels all combined in one. and" each
barrel shooting one degree and twelve
minutes on a horizontal plans from the
others. Shooting a distance of lOu
yards, it will cover a space of 100 yard,
filling a want long felt." Chicago Her
ald. The experiment of making glass
with natural gas has been tried with
success at the Pan-Handle Glass-works,
at Wellsburg. W. Va. Reports from the
superintendent of the works show that
where the latter formerly used S.'-O bush
els of coal they now only use thirty, and
the cast of fuel in the flattening- depart
ment has been reduced from thirty-nine
dollars a da to about seven dollars per
day. It i claimed that, owing to the
absence of dint, dirt.or'ulphur. a much
better and cleaner quaiit of glass can
be made with the gas than when other
fuel is employed. Phila le'iAia Frsss.
The Chesapeake Pottery Company,
of Baltimore. ?-Id . have developed "a
Parian body from native materials that
promises to be a unique production in
the line of ceramic-. The have just
produced two relief-" in this material
that show decided warmth of tone and
delicat expression. These reliefs are
entitled " inter' and ".-nunnier. the
one modeled by a clever English artist,
the other the work of Mr. Priestmau. of
Boston The fine heads presented iu
these relief- have considerable artlst.c
merit, and embody the luialitications
called for by the reasons they represent.
Baltimore Sun.
The late Mr. Yale, of New Haven,
left a fortune of 88.0 O.0G0. Like Sam
son, his strength was in his locks.
fiochest r Post-Esnress.
Greenburg iPa.) men shot a tramp
for stealing- potatoes from their field.
Such conduct is tuber-rootal for any
thing. Ptftst'ttrgh lel-grnjh.
i. months after marriage: "Weel.
weel. sandy, how dje like the little
leddy?" "Ah. weel. Alec. I'll nae ilenv
that she ha- fine conversational pow
ers." Chicago Tribune.
A Pennsylvania lady ninety-three
years of age milks, wa-hes and" bake
for a family of thtvj person-.. A great
deal can be got out of old people if they
are properly managed. Young- people
do not get enough rest. LouisciUe
CourKr7o irnai.
"Gentlemen." said the Texas man
in the restaurant when the waiter
dumped a plate of hot soup down his
back, "gentlemen, don't laugh." As
he had risen to his feet and drawn two
revolvers, his wishes w.-re respected.
The New York Murnimj Journal
says that "a man in Harlem is so fat
that the shadow he casts is as round a
a ball." He'- pretty corpulent, no
doubt; but there is amaninNorristown
so fat that his shadow Iertves a grease
spot wherever it touches. Xorrtstotcn
Knowietlirc who hath it nay not thou.
Fle -tuilenl. pooderlntiiy fuutf lore:
A little space it -hall b thine a.-, bow
Twa his whje funeral pa.-e at thy door
Last nbrht a clown that scureeiy knew tosprrll;
Now- he knows alL O won'iroin miracle'
"Id vas Hitter." aid the German
tourist at Watkin Glen, vrho fell overa
precipice into a gurgling brook, "id
was petterdat Vatkms pud up some of
does warning danger-; pill poanls so
dem prides und grooms apoud here
doan attend dere funerals." X. Y.
When Lord Coleridge return- tohi-
native eath and writes? a hook about
America, wc trust he will not say that
Chicago is a larger State than Hoboken.
that Louisville is an lsthmtL- that connect-
California and Hartford: that the
Hudson River L- a l.eautiful city: that
the Alleghanie are a lovely archipel
ago; and that Idaho is the capital of
Brooklvn. Pud.
V orking up to it: "I can -wim the
whirlpool at Niagara," -aid a -tranger
in a confidential whisper to a hardwan
man on Woodward avenue yesterdai
"Can you?" "I feel that I ean. I should
ike some adv:o- from you. Would you
ry it if yon were me?" "No. ir no.
sir, I wouldn't th'nk of such a things A
man who hasn't ben in a bath-tub for
a year, nor had on a clean -hirt for a
month, wouldn't -tand the gho-t of a
show with a whirlpool You'd better
go and tackle a drink of water ami
gradually work up to it." Detreit Frte
A Libel on American Ladies.
So it would -eeni that forty per cent
of the cigarettes -old in the United
fetates are -moked by ladies. In Russia.
I should imagine that the percentage is
even greater: while in France. Ger
many and Italy the percentage con
sumed by the fair -ex must be consider
able. And why not? If men find
pleasure in tobacco why should women
he arbitrarily excluded from the enjoy
ment of the same pleasure" When.
many years ago. I was living in the
United States, the young ladie at Wash
ington were given to what they termed
"dipping"." a practice far more objec
tionable" than smoking. A dipping
party consisted of a number of giris
squatting on the ground round a bowl
in which there was a thick mixture of
snuft and water. This they used to put
into their months with sticks and rub it
on their teeth, the theory being that it
whitened them: but this, of course, was
a mere excuse for what was equivalent
tochswiaf. London 2 ruth.