THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30, 1884. Fbajjce is determined to take Bac ffinh. The senate have rejected the Mex ican treaty. The orange crop of California has been cornered. It is stated that Jay Go old haa re cently lost $20,000,000. The French government has or dered six new gun boats. A Texas man has invented a ma chine for washing dishes. The opera house at Washington, Kas., bnrned the other night A small comet was visible the other night at Key West, Fia. " It costs $3,000,000 a year to support the churches in New York city. The damage at Coney Island by the recent storm will reach $150,000. A shock of earthquake, was felt at Wilmington, N. C, the other day. The man implicated in tho Maybee murder, has made a full confession. John Duffy of Pittsburg, Pa.f shot and probably fatally wounded his wife. Of the 113 members of the Iowa legislature, but four are natives of the state. A courLE of pilfering conductors at Philadelphia the other day pleaded guilty. The snowstorms for four weeks past coBt the Boston street fund $40,000. Foub thousand bushels of oysters arrived in Washington City one day last week. A Chinese doctor in San Francisco has a practice and drug trade worth $70,000 a year. A shabp earthquake shock was felt the other morning at Contoocook, New Hampshire. The late cold snap caused immense damage to the orange groves in Ala bama and Florida. The Essex county grand jury in New Jersey, recommend the whip ping post for wife beaters. Tidal waves, preceded by lowering clouds, caused consternation the other day among the citizens of Monte video. Four members of the Salvation Army were arrested the other Sunday at Patterson, N. J., for parading the streets. E. S. Peck, cashier of the wrecked Patchoque bank, L. I., shot himself the other afternoon just after leaving the bank. The Viceroy of Canton has recently issued a proclamation summoning the people to preparo to repel the French invaders. Gov. McLane, of Maryland, went to bed on the day of the inaugura tion, and has remained there sick ever since. T. A. Rogers, a prominent young citizen of Norfolk, Vs., was murder ed the other morning. Four arrests have been made. The Willowdale Mills, at Ipswick, Mass., with a largo stock of blankets and the machinery, were destroyed the other night by fire. The democrats of Cincinnati, Ohio, are taking active measures to secure the holding of the national democrat ic convention in that city. The rise in the Elk river, has caused a loss of $100,000 to West Virginia lumbermen. Berk, lumbar and staves were swept away in large quantities. C. F. Dewey, the Montreal swin dler and forger, who pleaded guilty at Boston, has made restitution of $60,000 of the $80,000 fraudulently obtained. A machine has recently been in vented at Pittsburg, Pa., for manu facturing hob-nails ; it has a capacity of one ton a day, and is operated by three men. It is reported that the English government have determined to bestow upon Ireland the same rights and privileges enjoyed by England and Scotland. The steamer City of Columbus went ashore on Devil's Bridge on the 18th. About one hundred lives were lost S. E. Wright the mate was saved by the cutter Dexter. The recent surprising sunsets which reached about around the world, created superstition? fear in India, and numbers of holy men went about preaching impending disaster. Mb. Blake, inventor of the tele phone transmitter so much used, lives in a palatial home in the suburbs of Boston, and amuses himself as an amateur blacksmith and machinist. Chas. P. Sticknet, of Fall River, Mass., was probably fatally burned the other night, while trying to ex tinguish a lire. His wife's clothes caught fire and she burned to death. This item of news comes from Chi cago. "Mrs. Coons, of Nebraska City, sues for a divorce on the ground that old Coons 'bought her stockings with holes in them, as he could get them at Articles of incorporation of a union stock yards company at Sioux City, were filed the other day. Capi tal stock, $100,000. The shipping of dressed beef is included in the plan of the company. Special officer J. M. Wilson, of the United States treasury department, seized a small package in the mail at New York from Amsterdam the oth er night It contained diamonds val ued at $20,000. Specimens of home-made sausage, from Fulton county, sent to reoria, 111., for analysis, were fouad to be infested with trichiaae. Three mem bers of the family who ate the sausage mwwdufKOMlriU. Gov. Furnas says Otoe county has sold and is holding in store 200,000 bushels of apples. He thinks no state in the union offers such great oppor tunities for sure-paying, large, com mercial orchards as Nebraska. The sale of second-hand food is an industry conducted profitably by a citizen of New York. He gathers up that which is left over from meals at large hotels and sells it to the poorer classes at a nice thongh modest profit. D. P. Hill, a merchant of High Bridge, N. J., was called to his store at 3 o'clock one morning recently, and shot by three masked men. Two balls lodged in his head and he is not expected to live.' No property was disturbed. A North Carolinian sent a $50 confederate note to the Treasury De partment the other day, saying that he had been told that the United States is paying 10 per cent for con federate bills to use in the manufac ture of bank note paper. A 8PIDXB on the Isle of Wight was observed dragging two or three leaves to the water. It fastened them together with a web, then launched the raft and sailed away. It darted after insects upon the water and re turned to the raft to devour them. The steamer J. S. Johnson burned early the other morning, lying in harbor, on the Monongahela river, at Woods Bun, Pa. Two men made a narrow escape, as they were obliged to leave the boat without clothing. The value of tho boat was $16,000. Edward Howells, confined in the county jail, at Canton, Ohio, shrieks and cries with terror in his cell de claring the ghost of McMillan, who murdered his wife, and was hanged there, appears to him and swears in nocence of crime. The prisoner has been removed to another cell. John Lumbbum, a teamster at Grand Island, while crossing the Union Pa cific track at that place the other evening was run over by a freight train and mutilated almost beyond recognition. It is believed that the Union Pacific company is responsible, for not having sufficient safeguards. Db. Henby Bennett, for twenty three years a physician at Mentone, Italy, where there is no other sewer age than cesspools ventilated at the roof, says that in all that time' there has been no epidemic in the place, no typhoid that has not been Im ported, and but three cases of diph theria. Prof. Peteb Valtz, a prominent citizen of Allegheny, Pa., was found murdered the other morning on Tenth street railroad bridge with a bullet hole in the right temple. He leaves a wife and several children, grown up. .No trace of the murderer. The bridge is dark and a favorite resort of thieves. The Denver and New Orleans rail way company filed a complaint the other day in the U. S. court against the U. P. railway company for $1,000, 000 damages, claiming the latter road refuses to exchange passengers, and have entered into a compact with the Denver and Rio Grande company to break it down. Julia M. Cameron, who died re cently at her beautiful home in the Isle of Wight, became famouB in pho tography. Her heads of Tennyson, Browning, Carlyle, Darwin, Herschel and others, are the best probably ever taken of these men. Her secret was to place her sitter far out of focus and subject the plate to an unusually long exposure. While the jailer of the county jail at St Clairsville, Ohio, was making his evening rounds, he was seized and beaten till insensible, by ten prison ers, who then climbed upon the roofs. A servant gave the alarm and citizens surrounded the jail and fired. The prisoners returned to their cells and were locked up. The jailer was se riously injured. The ivory market of the world is London. The product is brought from the east and the western coast of Africa, Cape Colony, Ceylon, India and the countries east of the straits of Malacca. But by far the largest amount is imported from Africa, and the total weight given by the British Board of Trade returns for two or three years ago was 9,414 hundred weight Land Commissioner Bubnuam is preparing some specimens of what Nebraska farmers and stock growers can do, which will be taken to the Boston exposition. One is a big ox skin stuffed. Also a Cotswold sheep, the skin of which has been prepared in the same way. Also a porker, which weighed when alive 1,100 lbs. Boston will open her eyes at the sight of these samples. Hattie School, daughter of a prominent citizen of Lancaster, Pa., died the other morning from the ef fects of an abortion claimed to have been committed by Dr. Brnce, of Philadelphia. Joseph Strieker, her alleged betrayer, is under arrest. The girl in her dying statement said that four other girls were under treatment at a house in Philadelphia where she was operated upon. Candidates for the next legislature may as well commit themselves now to the study of railway legislation. This will he the issue in the next state and congressional campaigns, and no candidate of any party can hope to be elected who is not in favor of some measure looking to a just and equita ble settlement of this great question between the railroads and the people. Patenee Republican. Sehatob Wilson, of Iowa, has in troduced a bill to establish a board of later-state commerce. This bill in jadgwast covers most of the 1 ground in controversy, if it can be done by providing a board of com missioners with jurisdiction over all qnestions relating to commerce be tween states, or between the United States and foreign countries, espe cially the matter of transportation, &c. Senaton Van Wyck has introduced a bill to secure reasonable rates of transportation over the railroads aid ed by the government. Mr. Van Wyck said he introduced it a9 a sub stitute for a similar one, which only covered the Union and Central Pa cific. The government has aided these roads, which were, as they are termed, "partitioning" among them the great empire stretching across the continent. It is stated that tho mountains of Gellivara, in the northern part of Sweden, consist of pure magnetic iron in immense layers of several hundred feet. One of these peaks alone is supposed to contain 280,000,000 tons. Largo forests are contiguous, and they are less than 100 miles from the Atlantic. A railroad is to be built, and it is estimated that the iron can be delivered on the seacoast at a cost of 50 cents per ton. An express train on the Cincinnati division of tho Toledo, Cincinnati and St. Louis railroad, consisting of seven coaches and a baggage car and engine, dashed off a long trestle twenty feet high, near Beavertown, Ohio, the other evening, causing a complete wreck. The accident was caused by the breaking of a truck wheel of the engine. There were twenty passen gers on board, five of whom were injured, some of them badly. Senator Van Wyck is unquestion ably the most effective worker Ne braska has ever had in congress. Hi foresight and shrewdness in matters pertaining to the needs of the country have never been equaled by any rep resentative from this state. His rep utation is as wide as the nation itself, and even though a decree has gone forth from the political bosses that he shall not succeed himself be will re ceive the gratitude of his constituen cy. Fremont Herald. A man by the name of Weatherby, of Dubuque, Iowa, the other night shot a peddler known as "Mosc the Jew," five times, inflicting probably fatal injuries. He had sold Sirs. Weatherby some goods and had called the next day by request, to get his pay, and she refused to pay him, and when ho demanded the goods back Weatherby appeared from behind a curtain and began to shoot. The peddlar has always borne a good rep utation, and some believe it was a "put up job." At Washington on the 17th the sub-committee of the house commit tee to which was referred the question of retaliation on countries discrimi nating against American .hog pro ducts, has decided to report in favor of Townshcnd's resolution, authoriz ing the president, during the session or recess of congress, to prohibit the importation of articles deleterious to public health from countries which, on the same grounds, prohibit the importation of any American goods. An attempt will be made to have it considered under suspension of the rules ou Monday. At Columbus.O., Jan. 17th Senator Elect Henry B. Payne gave a banquet to the members of the legislature. A number of speeches were made. Payne, In the course of his remarks, referred to civil service. He said it was like trying to clean Augean sta bles with a tooth brush. The only remedy was to elect a democratic presideut. He favored a tariff for revenue, limited to the necessities of the government, economically admin istered, and so adjusted as to encour age productive industry at home and afford a just compensation to labor without fostering monopolies. Senatob Van Wyck slaps a greedy mouth wherever be sees it open In the discussion of tho biil to create a territorial government tor Alaska, our senior senator objected to the U. S. marshal being paid pattly by sal ary and partly by fees, ou the ground that "marshals depending ou fees were liable to arrest people upon the flimsiest pretexts in order to create fees." His suggestion was adopted, and if the same policy were pursued down to the lowest office in the land, there would be less cause lor people to say that officials are taking more than honestly belongs to them. The fee business is a little too great a temptation to the average office holder. It is high time that the fee sys tem should be done away with among county officials in the various states. Every county office should be made a salaried office, aud the officials should not be allowed to have the benefit of one cent of the fees. Under our pres ent system several of the most im portant county officials in Nebraska receive salaries and at the 6ame time have the privilege of disbursing the fees of tbeir office. Every fee should be turned into the treasury, and a strict fee account kept by the different officials. There is no telling how much certain connty officials pocket over and above their fixed salaries. Omaha Bee. Gov. Dawes last week commuted the death penalty sentences of John Polin to be hanged at Plattsmouth on last Friday, and George Hart, whose execution was also set for Friday, at Grand Island, to that of life impris onment at hard labor in the peniten tiary. Judge Cobb, of the supremo court, in writing to Gov. Dawes in the Polin case, makes use of the fol lowing very strong language: "While it cannot be announced as law from the bench, yet it ia law which is ac knowledged by almost all people, whether savage or civilized, that he who take the life of a man whom be i believes guilty of violating the chas tity of his wife or daughter, ha an excuse which should shield him from tho extreme penalty of the law." The Lincoln Democrat thinks it knows a thing or two about republi can politicians. It says: "Senator Manderson is going to take Judge McCrary'a place; Joe Millard will take that of Mauderson by appoint ment, and judge Dundy is liable to stay where he is. Thus upon the legislature to be elected in November next, will devolve the task of electing a senator to fill Manderson's unex pired term, and that legislature is not going to elect Millard. General Man derson is better adapted to the beuch than to the senate; moreover, he knows a good thing when he sees it, and he has seen that vacancy. This, moreover, suits the U. P. and B. & M. railroads, it squelches the previous Fremonter, whose name is Dorsey." Besides the usual 'declaration of anti-monopoly principles at the re cent convention in Kearney, there was an outside organization suggest ed, and which is now being perfected to be called Nebraska Farmers, Merchants and Mechanics Protective Association, a joint-stock company designed to be a means of defense for stockholders against "fraudulent claims by patent right dealers; to en force the collection of just taxes and prevent the imposition of taxes for debt fraudulently created; for prose cution of claims for damages sustain ed by citizens of this state by excess ive transportation charges, injury to persons or property by railways in conveying passeugers and freight." Of course this sort of business com bination against monopoly rule will be sneered at by the railroad news paper cappers, as has already been seen, but if it means solid busiuess, it is a move in the right direction. The State Bee-keepers Association closed its fourth aunual session on the 17th at Lincoln. It was more largely attended than any previous meeting, over sixty delegates from other parts of the state were present, and several from Iowa. A large col lection of apiarian goods sent by manufacturers for exhibition. There were four different styles of honey extractors, as many more bellows smokers; comb fouudation, and sev eral different styles of hives and honey boxes; also honey and wax. Filtccn old members answered to their names, and forty-three signed the constitution. The treasury show ed a surplus of $30. A large amount of busiuees was disposed of and many questions discussed, together with the clccliou of tho following officers: T. S. Vondorn, Omaha, president; M. S. Trestcr, Lincoln, sccretarj' ; R. V. Muir, Browuyillc, treasurer; S. S. Thomas, Plattsmouth, vice-president. The awarding committee to judge the fruits at the recent state horticul tural exhibition consisted of J. B. McDowell, of Fairbury ; Prof. Thomp son, of Lincoln, and R. W. Day, of Tekama, who awarded premiums as follows: To Mr. Wiles, five varieties of apples; E. Shugart, collection of ten varieties of apples ; Hiram Craig, display of twenty varieties ; E. Bea ver, a collection of twenty varieties and to W. R. Harris a display of ten varieties. Ex - Gov. Furnas, J. H. Masters, Mr. Beaver, Mr. Shugart, Mr. Craig, Mr. Day, Barnard and Mr. Tattle, in response to a resolution offered by Mr. Wheeler, of Cass, pro ceeded to di?cuss the samples of fruit before them. The general experience of the speakers and tone of the dis cussion seemed to favor the Ben Davis, Jonathan, Wine Sap, White Winter Pearmain and Bellflower as the best varieties for Nebraska. The discussion was very interesting and to fruit men certainly very profitable. Van Wyck's peculiar way of pre senting a subject is fully shown in the following extract from oue of his speeches recently made in the senate, in a debate relative to the forfeiture of the land grant of the New Or leans & Paciiic railroad: "I knew that next to the constitution the highest law in this laud was the de mand of a railroad company, par ticularly a laud grant railroad com pany. I know that heretofore their demands in the Departments of this Government have amounted to law; and I have known, too, a3 I have read their brief aud the decisions in the Supreme Court of the United States, that the-Supreme Court in a measure have recognized that the demand of a railroad company was next to the Constitution of the land as the highest law of the nation. It became necessary that this matter should be understood, and there should bo no certifications issued, and no patents granted to this railroad company, whose only foundation for their claim is an opinion of the Attorney General of the United States." Annual Meetingof thc3icbraUa Stock: Ilreederti Asjk elation. The State Stock Breeders' Associa tion will meet in the Senate Chamber, at Lincoln, February 13th and 14th. This meeting i uot in the interest of any one breed, but is intended to help all persons cugaged in breeding, feediug, or marketing cattle, horses and swine. Charles II. Walker, Prcs't, Kising, Neb. To the Sheep men of Nebraska: The State Wool Growers' Association will hold its annual meeting on Fri day, February 15th, at the Senate Chamber, in Lincoln. Every Sheep man in the State snouia oe preseni, as matters of great importance to this large industry will come under dis cussion, and especially the present unsatisfactory state of the tariff. P. Jansejt, President, Fairbnry, Neb. These meetings will occupy the time of the last three daya of the Ag ricultural C illvg-i Lecturo course, for farmer?, imtfiotoru announced. For full programme, or for certifi cates giving reduced fare on rail roads, address, S. R.Thompson, Acting Scc'y. Lincoln, Neb. T. S. Clarkson returned Saturday from St. Louis, where he went to at tend a meetinz of the National Sugir Association. All the prominent suar growers of the country were present, fifteen different states beiug repre sented. There were present five of the promineut sugar growers of tho state of Louiaiaua. Mr. Clarkson says that it is a settled fact that as good sugar can be made from north ern cane as from southern. This year four of the principal sugar factories of the north manufactured 800,000 pounds of number one sugar from sorghum cane. Kansas hd9 enjoyed the reputation of being the best northern cane growing state, but this year Nebraska comes to the front as the best. Kansas and Illinois had early frosts this year that destroyed & large part of their cane crop, while Nebraska had a late frost. Although this has been a poor year for the cane growers, much has been accom plished, and next year there will bo more cane raised in the northern states than ever before. The syrup made from northern c-tne is iti great demand and is selling more readily in St. Louis than that mtdo from southern cane. Makiug sugar from sorghum cane is a new industry and promises to be one of the largest and best paying industries of our coun try. Sorghum cane can be raided in nearly all the northern states, and can be made to pay more than any other crop. Schuyler Herald. SaperviNorM Proceedings. Continued. Januaby 8, '84. A resolution offered by North was adopted, directing the county attor ney to inquire into the financial situ ation of Frank Fohrman, and cause such action to be taken as will compel him to support and care for Nellie Kapatski, now prognant aud who claims he is the father of her child, and that she is without any means of support. Druggists' permit to sell liquor granted to Dr. Powell of Platte Cen ter for year ending 25th .Tau., '85. Ou motion of Irwin, the claims of Lilla McDonald and A. S. Fleming for alleged illegal assessment ot taxes was referred to committee on claims. January 9. Chairman announced standing com mittees as follows : On finance, ways and meaus Swartsley, Newman, Lehnerz, Blaser, Irwin. Roads and bridges Ernst, Web ster, Blomquist, Burke, Olson. Accounts and expenditures Rivet, Gerrard, Hoefelraan, Wiley, Braun. Claims Maag, Noonau, Olson, Webster. The bonds of town treasurers elect were approved as follows : Wheeler, Staab, Dack,Thoraae,Burrows, ImhofT. The bonds of town clerks elect wero approved as follows: Dineen, Mahood, Dowty, Timothy, Truman. Bonds of road overseers elect were approved as follows : Kibler, Ohlson, Ripp, Kummer, Rossiter, Browner, Edwards, Gerber, Taylor, Eggleston, Alexander. Also of township assessors as fol lows: Nichols, Deegan, Perkinson, Blocher, Ripp. Also of justices, Heitsman, Brandt, Caldwell, Tschudin,Alexander,Thom azin. And constables, Schnider, Wolf, Kruger. Bill of A. Stengel claiming a bal ance due ol $11.75 as road overseer of district No. 14, rejected. January 10. The committee on finance reported the following estimate of expenses for the county for the ensuing year: Ordinary county revenue, includ ing support of poor $20,000 County "iridge fund 5,000 Funding bond fnnd 12,000 General bridge bond fund 8,000 Int. on $100,000 L. & X. VT. bonds . 10,000 County bond sinking fund G,000 Payment of interest and 5 per cent, of principal on J 15,000 Butler pre cinct bridge bonds 3,000 Payment of interest on $25,000 Co lumbus precinct K. R. bonds 2,000 $66,000 Gerrard moved that county printing be giveu to both newspapers, Demo crat and Journal, at a price not to exceed one-half legal rates. Ou motion of Olson, Gerrard's mo tion was laid on the table. Ou motion of Rivet, the clerk was directed to notify the proprietors of the newspapers that bids for county printing would be received at 1 p. m. Jan. 11. The applications of treasurer New man for one deputy and one assistant in his office, and of Stauffer, clerk, for two assistants, were referred to com mittee on finance, ways and means. Bond of town treasurer Hoare of Lost Creek approved. Wiley was instructed to ascertain if Dr. Wilson wonld accept the con ditions contained in a resolution offered with reference to employment as county physician. On motion of Swartsley, committee on claims were directed to visit St. Mary's hospital, examine into the con dition of county paupers, and make arrangements with the principal in charge to come before the board to agree upon a rate to be paid for the boarding and nursing of said paupers. January 11. Bond of G. B. Speice, deputy clerk of district court, approved. Committee on bridges recommend ed payment of accounts as presented by Baker & Mead. Committoe reported a visit to hos pital and that they find the paupers well provided for, and recommended the continued care of said paupers at said hospital. Dr. Wilson agreed to terms of rea olntloa paiiid, in iibitasct, total KRAUSE,LUBKER&C0. NEW GOODS! BEST GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! AT KRAUSE, LUBKER & G0.'S, )DKALKBS in( HARDWARE! STOVES, TINWARE, CUTLERY, AND A FULL LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. Pataa aad Wtaa Mill. 34-tr yearly salary for services as physician and euijrc.-j" including medicine, not to exceed $200. The Sisters in charge of St. Mary's hospital personally appeared before the boird, and agreed to keep the pauper at same rate a heretofore received. Warrants ordered drawn for bridge work, to Baker & Mead, $620. January" 12. Clerk instructed to make requisi tion for necessary revenue books, blanks, etc., needed by the county, from the state, upon the state auditor. Clerk authorized to return to Mr. Way, $25 deposited on road applied for. County attorney instructed to pre pare written contract with connty physician, in accordance with resolu tion passed. County treasurer and clerk were allowed assistants a aaked for. January 15. Bills from general file were taken up aud allowed ou road fund as fol lows, the county treasurer reporting $2,090 52 ou hand : Richard Olmer, road work $ 9 00 Antou Pfeifer, 9 00 John Ernst, road overseer 20 75 .lames Kiernan. 38 75 40 50 Peter Sh.tffroth, Joseph Gardner, Sam. Anderson. u it I. 13 00 G. G. Luescben. I 17 25 19 m 40 50 57 00 22 50 500 II. Wassenberger " C He.isaker, ' " John Lucid, " Melcher Jenni " II. II. Eyinan, road work. John W. Sissle. " 19 50 Wm. Bloedorn. blacksraithiue 4 00 G. K.Bullock, road overseer 45 00 John Daley, 43 06 Chair appointed Irwin and Rivet to wait upon Abner Turner and ascertain if he will add up delinquent tax-list. The amount of levy for year '82 on general fund of county being $17,600, and the amount heretofore drawn $13,339.11, and the county treasurer having reported collected ou said levy, $15,221.17, leaving a surplus now on hand subject to be drawn from of $l,882.0C,therefore the following were allowed on the general fund of levy of '82: M. K.Turner 4 Co.,advcrtiing and job work for lyear 304 79 Chas. Schroeder. bridge and jail work 34 85 4167 25 00 30 00 400 24 00 125 2 60 350 66 66 C. D. Evans county physician J. Pearsall moving safe J. Rickly house rent O. L. Baiter, livery Omaha Republican 8. Uass repairing ballot box.. J. Qulnn witness C. Brindley sexton for pauper. ,i. ti. JuoncneiiNov. salary J. E. Moncrief postage and Dec. G. A. Brown statutes of '81 72 00 P. W. Ottfireklndlers l 20 Friodhoff & Co. mdse. for paupers . . 16 4 0 State Journal Co., stationery for sheriff 455 Jno. Stauffer, quarter salary as co. clerk 10000 Ed. Fltzpatriclc, stationery 3 75 Mills & Co. blank books 3600 J.W.Early treas.,for cash advanced 1800 J. Stauffer clerk for cash advanced 17 20 E. Fitzpatrick, stationery 7 25 J. E. North & Co. coal for county judge's office I) 13 J. W. Early, cash advanced sheriff for removingHrs. Goris to insane asylum 45 45 St. Mary's Hospital boarding pau pers 18885 G. A. Scott livety 260 G. C. Lauck, mdse 450 D. C. Kavanaugh, sheriff, jailor's fees, boarding prisoners, &c 174 00 Wm Herman, boarding paupar 12 00 St. Mary's hospital boarding pau pers 16805 G. W. Galley, rent or bouse for sheriff 44 00 J. V. Early treasurer making de linquent tax list 100 00 Jno. Stauffer tax list 100 00 D. C. Kavanaugh sheriff, court fees, &c, 24 70 The amount heretofore drawn on levy of '81 is $14,559.05. The treas urer reports total collections of $16,- 0U7.U2 of general fnnd for '81, leav ing surplus of $1,538.87; following bills allowed on said levy : D. C. Kavanaugh, janitor of court house one year, $300 00 L.Kramer, mdse 335 January 16. North's resolution passed defining the boundary of the town of Colum bus in substance, all of Colombns "precinct" outside of the city of Col umbus. Board selected 60 names, as follows from which to draw grand and petit jurors: GOLD for the working dais Send 10 cents for pottage, and we will mail you free royal, vaiuaoie dox or sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any busi ness. Capital not required. We will start you. You can work all the time or in spare time only. The work is univer sally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from fiO cants to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer; to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particu lars, directions etc., sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give tbeir whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address StinsonA Co., Portland, Maine. SSTXAY10TICX. Taken up by the subscriber on bis lands in Granville precinct, Platte county, Nebraska, Jan. 4th, 1881, ONE BLACK HOBSE COLT, supposed to be a yearling; said colt kas one thick leg. 83-5 ADOLNl SCXMtX. WM. BECKER. IMKAUMt IN ALL KINDS OF STAPLE ASD FA 31 1 1. V GROCERIES ! I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WKLL SELECTED S r0UK. Teat, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. Delivered Free part r ike Ciiy. any Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near A. AN". Depot. ARETI TOWII'S turn bias sLicmg ibc tub mr BUT WATTS FBMf MATS. KM BEAXB 8LICKRS WILLNSTSTICKorPEEL TOWEH'S rUB SBaXB SUCCESS ACS SOW CMS T KTKIcr HORSEMAN a FARMER WHO STB OiTB TBXX A TBUL. NM ceaolM wtttcat Ola trl auk. A. J. TO WES, Sole Mfr. , Mbm. Mfrr "- aT' "V sxxx l J -.BfBvll - -X m m tr- . w w m m a a i 7$. x -- u V lir.l T .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBm WO .t B, S,Wl A rnrvrnr vraNT'X OLiiivcna rwr. Vfo J X n f. O Wjv.fJ.iYKL S? r r- x is9Vsk?,-' v --. y sjyJ THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Ha on hand a Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., At prices tkt im dew tofl of More in Colite I huy My foods itrictly for cash and will give my customers the benefit, of it. Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts. I. GLUCK. COLUMBUS STATE BANK! StecMMtits Btnul A Sill tal Tbtsk Balit. COLUMBUS, NEB. CASH CAPITAL, - $50,000 DIRECTORS: Leander Gerrard, Pres'i. Geo. W. Hulst, Vice Pres't. Julius A. Reed. Edward A. Gerrard. J. E. Tasker, Cashier. atomic r id Excftmi DIscaat ClletlMs Prti til Plt. iptly Made oa ly Iaterent Tlaae Ita. 274 J. H. GALLEY & BRO., Would respectfully ask tbeir friends and patrons to call and examine their stock of Fall and Winter Soods Before purchasing their supplies, as they nave ineir store tun irom noor to ceiling of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, For Men and Boys, at all Prices! -AIA- Prlcea 0VEBC0ATS! -AIX- Prlces UTS US UK, BOOTS 119 SHOES. WE ALSO CARRY A LINE OF LADIES' FINE SHOES. Ikiktti, Quilts and all kinds of Fan cy lotions. tTBemember that we keep no shoddy goods, and strictly oxk rues is our motto, which our twenty-five years resi dence in Columbus will sustain. 23-3m DREBEST & BRIGGLE, BANKEES HUMPHREY, NEIRASKA. fiaTPfOtapt attantloa given to ctteaa. BTT nmc; Kal Batata, to. 4 oomin 1 I CHEAP FUEL! Whitebreast Coal. Rich Hill Canon Ciiv " . TAYLOR, SCHUTTE& CO. JACOB SCHKAM, )DEALKU IX. DRY GOODS ! Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, FSMW GOODS AND NflTIOHS. low pricks foi: casu. M-ti mm? TOWER'S Fish Brand Slickers W TIIK niCPCsT STORMS WILL KEEP TOU DBY. TOWER'S FISnBKA.XDSLICKEBS are the only Coin ade with 1Vlrc-F;t- ened MVttUUc Buttons. EVERY COAT WARRANTED. For sale everywhere. At Wholesale by all flmt r!ai Jobbers. 2 Um splendid stock of GO TO A. & I. TURNER'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE -FOR THE- BEST 2E GOODS AT The Lowest Prices! CONSULT THE FOLLOWING ALPHA BETICAL LIST. ALBUMS, Arithmetics, Arnold'- Ink (genuine). Algebras, Autograph Al bums, Alphabet BIocks.Autuor's Cards, Arka, Accordeons, Abstract Legal Cap. BRUSHES, Baskets.Baby Toys,Books, Bibles, Hells for toys, Blank Book, Birthday Cards, Basket Buggies, boy's Tool-chests, Balls, Banker's Cases, boy's "Wagons, Sleds and Wheelbar rows, Butcher Books, Brass-edijed Kil lers, Bill -books, Book Straps, Base Balls and Bats. CAXD1ES, Cards. Calling Cards, Card Cases Combs. Comb Cases, Cigar Ca ses, Checker Boards, Children's Chairs, Cups and Saucers (fancy) Circulating L.urary, collar and Cim Boxes, Copy Books, Christmas Cards, Chinese Toys, Crayons, Checkers. Chess-men, Croquet sets. DOMESTIC Sewing Machines. Draw ing Taper, Dresing Cases, Drums, Diaries, Drafts in books, Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Dominoes, Drawing books. ENVELOPES, Elementary school books, Erasers (blackboard), Erasers (rubber). Fieri Books, Floral Album, Fur niture polish. GKAIISIARS, Geographies, Geome tries,Glove boxes, toy Guns.G vroscones (to illustrate the laws of motion). UAKPER'S Readers, handsome Holi day gifts, Hand-glasses, Hobbv-horses, Hand-satchels, Histories. I3iKS, (all good kinds and colors). Ink stands (common and fancy ). JEWEL Cases, Jews harps. KEGS of ink, Kitchen sets. LEDGEKN, Ledger paper, Legal cap, Lunch baskets, Lookingglasseb. JlASOr & Hamlin Organs, 3lagnets, 3Iusic boxes, ilagazines, Mustache cups. Mouth organs, 3Ieraoranduins, Music books, Music holders, Machine oil, Mats, Moderator's records. Muci lage, 3Iicroscopcs. XEEIl.ES for scwiuj paper. midlines. Note ORGANS, Oil for sewing machines, Organ stools, Organ seats. PERIODICALS, Pictures, Puzzle blocks, Presents, Picture books, Pianos, Pens, Papetries, Pencils, Purses. Pol- Perlumery and Perfumery cases. Paper racks, Pencil holders. REWARD cards, Rubber balls, Rub ber dolls. SCHOOL books, Sewing stands, School Satchels, Slates, Stereoscopes and pic tures, Scrap books. Scr.ip pictures, Sewmgmachine needles. Scholar's com panions, Specie purses, Singing tov canaries, Sleds Tor boys, Shawl strap;, Shell goods. TELESCOPES, Tovs oiub witn The Columbus Journal For $3.!W a year in advance. A PRIZE. Send six postage, an tree. 11 i-nstl goods which will help you to uiol ngni away than anvthltiL' Jworld. All. of either sex. suci nrii nour. Tne broad road opens before the workers. I - a wm,u iUU9? -ink ftlirtf A t nnno r1rliknu 1ri rhlFD, v R i 2jr iou lorxumiiure.i'ampuiet cases, Paper cutters, Paper fasteners. Picture puz zles. Picture frames. PnoW-t- i.nto v I; I Augusta, Mains.