The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 30, 1884, Image 1

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Proprietors and Publishers -
xeb mw
33TBuaineas and prof ion it carta
of fire lines or leas, per ansaav .firs
"E7 For tiaae advertisements, applr
at this office.
53"T,esal advertisements at statute
HTTor transient advertising;,
rates on third page.
33A11 advertisements payable
QFFIC EL Eleventh St., up stairs
ta Journal Building.
Six nionths
Taree mouths
Single copies
VOL. HT.-NO. 40.
WHOLE NO. 716.
j r. wilso:. 51- D
TJi-eae of womtn and children a spe
cialty. Countv physician. Office former
ly occupied by Dr. Wood. -j
111AM. SI-OA3fI Yn Lkk;
S3"Under -star clothing Storej" Ne
braska Avenue. -duuibu.. vni
On Comer ot Ticrlftk and Xorth Street.
oxer 'Ermt' hardxsere store
30:5ce hour-, a to 12 a. m.; 1 to ." p. ni.
OtiA ASHBAUGH. Dentist.
t-tairs in Gluck Building, lltn street,
Above the New bank.
Itth Strwt.S Jor t r HwaJ Uouv,
jg-Oihce in Mitchell Block, (. oluni
bUs, NebraaU-a. n'n
Office on Oli t olumbu. Nebraska,
p G. A. HrLLHORST.A.M 31. D..
jSTTwo Blocks -outh of ourt Hou-e.
Telephone communication. i1.v
Wines, Liquors. Cigars, Porters. Ales,
e'e , etc.
Olive Street, next to Fir-t National Bank.
Office up-stairs m McAllister's build
in::. 11th it. W. A. McAllister. Notary
Columbus. Xebraska.
EO. .'. DEKKY.
2T' arriaie. hou-e and -isn painting,
clazins, pafer baiiirin::. kaUoinimni. etc.
done to order, shop on 13th it- oppo-ir
Encine Ilousr. t ,lunibus. b. l0-
T7 U.KlMCUlv,
llth St., opposite Lindel! Hotel.
Sell Harne-s. SadJles. Collar-. "Whips,
Blankets. Curry Combs. Bruhes, trunk-,
valises. bu:r:r tops, cu-hions. carriage
trimmings, tee at the lowest possible
prices. Repairs pr mptly attended to.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Have had an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction fn work.
All kind- of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is. Good work and
fair prices. Call and live us an oppor
tunity to estimate for you. jSTShop on
13th St one door west of Friedhof
Co's. store. Columbus. Nel-r. 4S3-V
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Eoofins and Glitter
ing a Specialty.
S3Shop on Kleenth -trcet. oppo-ite
Ileintz's Iru store. -"'"-J
His lands comprise some line tract
in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north
ern portion ol Pl'tte county. Taxe.
paid for non-resident.-. Satisfaction
Tuarantetd. ? y
Packers and Dealer in all kinds of Ho::
nroduct. cash paid for Live or Dead Ho?.
or grease.
Directors. R. H Ilenry. Pret.; John
Wiggins, sec. and Treas.; L. Gerrard. s.
"" J.EMoncxief. Co.Supt-,
Will be in his office at the Court Ilouse
on the third Saturday of each
month for the purpose of examining:
applicants for teacher's certificates, and
for the transaction of any other business
pertaininz to schools. KT-y
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick baildinzs. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on ISth Street, near
StPaul lumber Yard. Columbus. Ne
braska. - 52Gmo.
Liverv and Feed Stable.
Is prepared to furnish the public wth
good teamst"bu5?ie5 and carriages for all
occasions, especially for funerals. Alo
conducts a sale stable. 44
walvCS .2U.r. 1 S. piJ.-L ULl LI
A discount of 15 per cent will be
given on all suits or overcoats ordered
during January at Kramer's Merch
ant Tailoring establishment.
George Eerny is feeding forty
five head of steers for the spring
.market, which he thinks will be better.
.fkMM. tie present range of prices.
National Bank!
' athorized Capital, -rash
I A. ANDERSON. Pres't.
i SAJl'L C. SM r m. Vice Pres't.
O. T. HO EN, Cashier.
! J. r. EAKLY.
1. ANUfc-lISON.
J-'oreizn and Inland Exchange. Pa--are
T kets. Heal K-tate. I.o.tnana Insurance.
Bock Sprini Coal
Carbon fWyomins) Coal.
Eldon !owa Coal
.$7.00 per ton
. 5.00 "
. Ill) -
Blacksmith Coal of best quality al
ways on hand at low
est prices
North. Side Eleventh. St.,
Improved and "Unimproved Parms,
Hay and Grazing Lands and City
" Property for Sale Cheap
Union Pacific Land Office,
On Long Time and loic rate
of Inter es'..
JgTFinal proof made on Timber Claims,
Homestead- and Pre-em;iti m-.
23TA11 wihim:to buv land- of any df--eription
will plea- call and examine
mj list of land before looking el-e where
ggAll having land- to "ell will plea-e
call and ?ive me a de-criptiou, t:rm ,
priees. etc.
S3J-I a so am prepared to insure prop
erty, a- I have the agency of -everal
nr-t-clas- Fire insurance companies.
F. W. OTT, Solicitor, speakj German.
jiAnii:i. csniTH.
3utf ( olumbu-, Nebra-ia.
Genaral Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
E. B- Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on nve or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproYed. for sale at low price and
on reasonable term. Also business and
residence lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstractor title to all real es
tate in PUtte County.
Bladsil aiWagittr.
All kisds ef Repairiag dome en
Slwrt Xticc Bigies. Wag
6HS, etc, made to erder.
and all work Guar
anteed. Alio .aell tke vorld-famoas Walter A.
Wd m"ower, lwpers, Ctmnoi-
ed Xkckimv, Harrartezs,
axd Self-baders-tke
aS5hop opposite-the "TattenalL on
WWcfaerer war the wbsl doth blow
Some heart i3 glad to have It so;
TLen blow It east or blow it west.
Tli wind that blows, that wind ia beat,
My little craft saus not alone:
A thousand fleets from every sine
Are omrnpoa a thousand seas r
And what for me T?-ere favoriay breeze
Mt?ht dash another. Mth the shock
Of doom, upon some bidden rock.
And so I do not dare to pray
Tor winds to waft me on my way;
But leave it to aiHisher "Will
To stay or speed me trusting' still
Thar all is well, and sure that Be
Woo launched my bark will sail with me
Throusa storm and calm, and will not fail.
Whatever breezes may prevail.
To land me. every peril past.
Within His sheltering haven at last.
Then, whatsoever wind doth blow.
My heart is jriad to have it so:
Ad blow tt ea3t or blow it west.
The wind that blora. that wind is best.
Caroline J Jiaton, in Chrutian Vn'.on.
The .following extracts are taken from
a recent address before tie Western
Michigan Farmer's Club by United
State Senator Palmer:
I need not tell you that horse power
U cheaper than man power and nothing
should be done by a man on a farm
which can be as well done by a horse.
I believe that when a man gets around
to it. he should have all these machines
whereby he can ride instead of walk,
and where horse power can save his
arms. Human muscles and tissues are
too valuable to put in competition with,
brute force. A man's brain is of far
more value than his muscle on a large
farm where he has to direct the labor of
others, and it is impossible for a man to
run his brain and muscle both up to
their full capacity at the same time. To
be sure reference must be had to the
size of the farm and its character as to
what machinery he will use.
I have heard" men decry these labor
saving appliances, it was taking labor
from the'poor. A sufficient contradic
tion of this statement is the fact that a
dav's wages of the lowest class of labor
will purchase now more of comforts
and luxuries than ever before. The only
thins that prevents the race from living
comfortably on six hours' labor a day is
the extravagance, improvidence and
vices of the rich and poor. The time
will come when six hours' labor a day
will support any family in comfort: if
they want luxuries they may have to
work twelve. Strikes will not bring it
about. They are but symptoms that
something is" wTonjr in the body politic.
Invention in machinery and freedom
from vice in rich and poor will bring it.
Machinery and moral cleanliness are the
two agents which will hasten the time
sung by bards and which prophets have
If you have one in your neighborhood
cherish him. They sar that" much of
the progress of medicine is due to
quacks and empirics, and I believe that
farming is alike indebted to quacks or
fancy farmers. Don' t say to your fancy
one hundred loads of manure on an acre
and pavs high for labor, that he mav
raise one thousand bushels of carrots to
the acre, which will cost him fiftv cents
to the bushel and onlv be worth" thirty
cents, that he has more money than
brains although this may be true it
may be discouraging or when he is
about to import some Clydesdales or
Percherens, that he had better buy a
trotter, as typical of the fact that he is
going to the bad. Let him speculate
withthe soil and with Nature. Tell him
which are the good points, if you know,
and if you doi? t. watch him and find
out which are the bad ones. Remem
ber that his experiments even if fail
ures, may be used as a sign-board, warn
ing others, and if successes, that he ha
helped in the world just so much. His
heavy horses may not be profitable to
him,"but their effects upon the stock of
the country can not be otherwise than
All avocations, whether farming or
otherwise, are secondary to living. It
is well to be successful" as the world
calls it. but if success brings no happi
ness to you, and those dear to you. it is
better tb take our chances on failure
which certainly oftentimes does not
bring misery. To an outsider, the ma
jority of Americans would appear to de
sire not that they might live rich, and
I now mean rich in the sense that all
the faculties should be educated to that
point where they may contribute to the
greatest enjoyment, but rather that they
might die rich. rom the cradle to the
grave, tne oDjeci seems to oe to accum- j
ulate, ignoring the fact that when ac-
cumulation alone is the object, we gen
erally, u sueeessiui, nnd ourselves in
capacitated for enjoying what we
have amassed. Making money is a
laudable ambition, and a wise "provis
ion for the future is to be commended:
but money is merely a means and not
an end. When it is achieved at the ex-
pense of all other faculties of brain and
heart, it is not worth the sacrifice. A
man s enjoyment aepenus more upon
what he is than npon what he ha.
Live within your income is the only less German riddle sweet and easy-go-nest
wav to live, but a vnnr inmmp ' inr and "IrvVHncr ni "' inr? trnWh
nonest way to nve. Dut as your income
increaseslet out a tuck now and then.
Make your homes as attractive a your
purse will afford, and remember "that
money alone will not make them so.
Taste and a little money will do more
than millions without taste. ow this
matter of taste is innate in some men
and women. Whatever thev touch, if
beautiful, has a new charm to it: if uglv,
its repuisrvenes:
vanishes; but the fac- .
ulty can be educated, and possibly ere- '
ated where it does not exist. With the
thousands of magazines and papers
within reach of the poorest, suggestions
maybe had which will contribute to
this end. Let there be no room in vour i
house too good to use, let the parlor be
for the use of the famllv and not kept
uuc-tru, m ilscu fcv uc iuity crs ago.
save when the minister came to tea or '
'when, there was a funeral; and if voai
have no parlor, make one of the rooms
in constant use.
Although the idea in sose parts of
the country seems to be growing into
disrepute, I believe it to be the duty of
every man to love- a woman, mirrv
her, and raise x finrily, God wiBjng,"
in other words, make" a home. Here,
after all. is where a man gets his rest
and his inspiration. See mat your wife
has some notev of her own tb spend;
makeherfeeltnatshe is a partner in
your Joys as well as vour sorrows. I
have seen-some cases tvhere they only
came in for the latter. Give up hlf
day in tie week to visiting, or .being
viatredTbyyoor neighbors, cultivate the
social part of yuur nature; the emotions
aTtIie jmagaa&biL .Always attend
vtrr.clnb aaeetrngs. Chershand '
over your exnones .and traditions, and
at the risk of being called &
dreamer, build some castles in
Spam aad compare them with
like i imiTum of your aeihbors.
We all hare oar castles in Spain,
only seme of us build low-roofed,
wiadowless structures, where neither
air nor sunshine can come in, and oth
ers build them with ornamented turrets
and airy towers. Although the latter
owners have the poorer houses here, as
a rule. I think they are better fed and
lodged than the first. We are always
traveling toward our castles, but never
arrive at the portals. It is well that is
is so ordered, for if we entered there
would be an end to the pursuit. It is
the wrestle and the pursuit that gives
life its value. When we contemplate
what an infinitesimal point the present
is. a point where the wheel impinges for
a second in the revolution from the past
to the future, we must see how impor
tant it is that we so live as to create
pleasant memories and light our way
with the beacon of cherished anil
reasonable hopes.
As the glowing sunrise imprints on
the mind the character of th day. al
though it may close in cloud and tem
pests, so does a happy childhood give
color to after life, and whatever may
befall them, there will always hang on
the walls of their memories pictures of
a pleasant morning, from which the
heart may design a pavilion where hope
may dwelL
Put them to bed early and don't pull
them out before they wish to get up.
Give them as good a chance as a colt
or a short-hom, give them as gentle
treatment nd as little restraint
in their harmless sports. Educate
them more by home surrr.r.ndin
than by books. Let them talk
at the table and have a good time gen
erally, and they will not be counting
the years when they will be beyond your
control. Make them feel that life is
more than a scramble, that an intelli
gent and over-ruling power has estab
lished laws which 'can not be violated
without retribution. Inculcate feelings
of reverence: cultivate them yourself.
Remember there are somethings beyond
the limit of logical induction and deduc
tion, and thaf faith, when not contra
vened by reason, is as much a part of a
man's life as fact. See that they are
not confined five hours a day in school
before they are twelve years old. In
stead of stimulating precocious ones
who are fond of their studies, hold them
as you would a spirited colt.
Some of your boys and girl will want
to go to the university. To the boys
of robust health I should say if million
were at my disposal: "Very well, I
will pay half of your expenses, if yo j
will earn money and pav the other half.
If a college course will do you any
good, it L worth working for." When
at home I would give him work and paj
him for it. If thereby it took him six
years instead of four to get through, he
would be all the better in mind and
body. A boy who is supported by
others through college gets artifieia
ideas of life "which require years to
cure, n cured at all. it nam ana ex
acting labor sit by him as a compaz
ion. it keeps him in communi n with
humanity, and he comes ont girded for
race. Ice bovs whom I have
f Q m r-ue P -uccessiui na
I d dusty traveling in college. As for
the 5""- ."vouId J?av t.hen" w?-r-
won.ld d? " """"? ?r anticipatory
' justice, ior j. nanny tnmK tney nave au
even chance with the bovs in our alter
TariMo and the Cremonas.
At the beginning of this century, hid
den away in old Italian convents and
wayside inn, lay the masterpieces ot
the Amati, Stradivarius, Guarnerius and
Bergonzi. alnio-t unknown and little
valued. But Tarisio's eye was getting
cultivated. He was learning to know a
riddle when he saw it. "Your violino,
Signior, requires mending?" sas the
itinerant peddler, a he "salute" ome
monk or padre known to be connected
with the sacristy or choir of Pisa. Flor
ence. Milan. "I can mend it." Out
comes the Stradivarius, with a loose bar
or a split rib. and sounding ab-.mina-bly.
"Dio inio!" saysTari-io. "and all
the blessed saints, but your violino is in
a bad way. My respected father is
prayed to try one that I have, in perfect
and beautiful accord and repair, and
permit ine to mend this worn-out ma
chine." And Tarisio. whipping a shin
ing, clean instrument out of his bag,
hands it to the monk, who eyes it
and is for trving ir. He tries it:
it goes oft
sweet, thono-h
i not loud and wheezin"-. like
the battered old Strad. Tariio'eIutche
his treasure. The next dav back come
, the peddler to the cloister, is shown
to tne paure. whom he hnd scraping
away on his loan fiddle. "But."' he
exclaims, "you have lent me a beauti
ful violino and in perfect order." "Ah!
if the father would accept from me a
small favor.'" say the cunning-Tarisio.
"And what L that?" "To "keep the
violino that snit him so well, and I will
i take in exchaDn? the old machine which
i worn out. but with mv skill I shall
; still make something of it!' A glass ol
' good wine or a lemonade or black cof-
' fee clinches
the bargain. Off goes Ta
risio, having parted "with a character-
W - w.... ...., WUU '. V.. ...
' loosing nice,
now about .5 in perfect order, no
doubt and having secured one of those
gem of Cremona which now run into
the 200. Violin-collecting became the
passion of Torisio's lifer The storv
ha been told bv Mr. Charles Reade,
and all the
fiddle world
how Tarisio
a batch of
came to Paris
old in-truments.
wa taken ud bvChanot and Vullaume.
through whose hands passed nearly
everv one of those chefs tfantcre recov-
ered by Tarisio in his wanderings, which
are now so eagerly con tended for by En- '
glish and American millionaires, when- '
ever they happen to get into the mar- j
ket. I have heard of a mania for snuff-
boxes it was old Lablache's hobbv. i
.mere are your enma maniacs, andvoui i
picture maniacs, and your old-print
connoisseurs who onlv look at the mar-1
gin, and your old book hunters who only
glance at the title-page and edition, and
your eoin-collectors, and your gem-collectors,
who are alwavs beinsr taken in:
I but for downright fanadcismand "tone-
cooniness," if i may invent the word,
commend me to your violin maniac He
who once comes under that spell coes
down to the grave with a disordered
mind. I have sometimes attributed the
j. confusion of mv own ideas to this.
Mztceis. in Lhe Gentleman's Jfagazine.
Pat had been engaged to kill a tur
tle for a neighbor, anuT proceeded im
mediately toeut off its head. Pat's at
tention was called to the fact that the
turtle still crawled about, thourh it had
been decapitated, and he explained:
"Shure the baste is entirely dead, onlv
he is not vet conscious of "it." Detroit
Harper cr Brothers have decided oa
destroying the plates of their Magazine
BdWwklyup to 1880. X. T. Times.
Cork is yielded by the cork eak.
Quercus liber, which chiefiv flourishes
on the shores of the Mediterranean.
There are, in Spain and Algeria, large
forests of this tree, which is also culti
vated in the departments of Lot-et-Garonne
and Tar. in the south of
France and in Corsia.
The cork oak arrives at its full growth
in about one hundred years, when, in
hot climates, it attains a height of sixty
or seventy feet, with a diameter of six
to eight feeL The bark consists of two
distinct portions, the inner formed of a
fibrous tissue, and the outer tuberous.
trii fT a nnrv!i; anri Alacris ivnct;Tannr
- t . .
" . r yv T --- ' -"- -
wana comainib me raa proper. .
urst cone naturaiiv oroaueea ov tne
tree is called the male, and has scarcely
any value: but if this be removed, a
sewuu iaer is iorcneu. uner, more
elastic and less irregular, wmen is
... ",. . , ....I
known as the female cork; and this
; i i generally
lb .L7
used. The strippin
of the cork takes place in summer,
n-hiTi the nirpulatmn nf the sari fnnili-
. . r
tatesthe separation of the outer irom
the inner layer of bark. The removal
of the first growth is effected when the
tree is twenty to twenty-five years old
Several annular incisions, andone verti
cal incision are made with a hatchet.
care being taken to cut the cork only,
without touching the inner bark; the
layer of cork is then easily detached.
A "young oak yields about ten pounds of
cork atthe first stripping, while it is
capable, ultimately, ot yielding over i
three hundred pounds, lhe nrst corfc
has a thick and hard exterior, which
diminishes with each successive growth.
Formerly, after the first stripping the
tree wa left to itself, without any pro
tection. Beins: very tender, it was" liable
to be killed Ty exposure to variations
of temperature, while numerous inects.
attacking the tender surface of the
tree, reduced the value of the future
eork. Besides, a thick and irregular
crust formed, which it was necessary to
remove, thus causing a loss of thirty
per cent of cork.
A better plan is to employ the method
or ai. uapgraua-jiotnes, wnicn consists
.-.. y, l-,r-i t , -
in covenug tne tree, aunng several i
months affer stripping, with the cork J
which has been removed. A few '
vertical incisions are made in the inner
bark, to prevent irregular furrows be
ing formed. The pieces of bark are re
stored, being fastened by iron wire: and ,
the joinrs are made good underneath
with strip of cellulose cardboard. !
After three months, in the autumn, the '
piece- ot bars have become quite dry.
and are taken ott. lne etrect
of this
practice is to induce the formation of a '
protecting layer, tuberous, honiogene- j
ou. and elastic, under which the growth i
of the cork goes on without danger of
The detached pieces of cork, flattened ;
by being piled up with the outside up- ,
permost, are freed from their external
surface by boiling and paring The i
boiling of the cork, which lasts about !
half an hour, is effected in large cubical '
boilers fired with refuse cork, and closed
bv a cover which presses upon the pieces. '
ihis paring is done bv hand
nr hr
meani of horizontal rollers provided
u ;, Kio.w. v,. n.;- i a
' -" r- - - -., w w.
operation may be dispensed with when
the practice of covering the tree with
the detached pieces of bark is adopted.
The principal use of the outer bark is
to make bottle corks. Ther are more
frequently cut by hand, though sometime-
by a machine, a horizontal knife
giving a rotary motion to tne piece ot
cork, and thus cutting it into cylindrical
form. Cork is also used for making life
buov-. swimmin" belt. Hoar, nonon-
buov-. swinmnng belts, uoat. non-con
ducting lining, etc. It is moreover j
uef advantageously in the form of i
powder for packing fragile objects, a a ;
suostnute tor lycopodium powder, and
for the manufacture of linoleum and
cork-leather. Cork is. however, on ac
count of its elasticity, reduced to pow
der with great difficulty. To effect this,
mill with grinder in the shape of rasps,
mill-stones revolving in a pan. and arti
ficial stones revolving at great speed are
Linoleum consist of cork powder
consolidated with dried linseed oil. The
mixture, in the proportion of about
three part of oil to one of cork pow
der. i passed under heavy rollers, and
then stuck on to cloth by means of dry
ing oil. It is allowed to dry for about
three months, when the product is
ready to receive various designs, and
may be readily washed. Linoleum is
adulterated bv adding sawdust to the
cork powder. Cork leather, which is
waterproof and verv elastic i-
cork '
powder eonoi:dateJ with India-rubber.
Cork refue is used for making par
titions that do not conduct heat or
sound: it alo yields a light and porous
charcoal. M. Combe d'Alma has pro
posed to distill them, so a. to obtain a
verv rich ga-. free from sulphureted
hydrogen. Oltl bottle cork are some
time collected, boiled and washed in
acidulated water for again erving
cork bottles. Scientific American.
Savins Old Paintinz.
There are two distinct branches
the art of renovating paintings.
renovator saiu. "une i tne easy pro
cess of filling the cracks with a compo
sition rubbed in from the back, and
then backing it with canvas,
difficult branch of the art
The more i
1 that of
transferring a painting from one canvas
to another: or. what i most difficult of
all to accomplish, that of transferring
to new canvas a painting on wood."
The name of the renovator was en
graved with graceful flourishes on the
silver door plate of his four-story brick
residence: in the nrst story was a par- once suspected something wrong, and
lor. but in the second was a carpenters , promptlv charged the vounger of the
shop to all appearances. A long, wide j hands with being a woman. He(?) said
bench was in the middle of the room. I at once that if dismissal did not follow
andat one end of It were planes, chisels j he or she would tell all about it- The
and other edged tools. On the walls i mistress promised immunity, and the
were faded pictures in frames. On the voung farm hand then acknowledzed
floor and leaning against each other J that she was a member of the oniler
were a hundred pictures standing on I sex; that she had adopted man's attire
edge. The workman, with a short j as being more comfortable and conveni
plane. took off bits of wood from a slat j ent when traveling, and a makin- it
a; each stroke as lie continued talking, i easier for her to obtain employment.
"To transfer a painting from one Her comuanion was. she said, her" uncle.
canvas to another is not difficult.' he and as ne was oDin- on a tour ahe de
said. -I first paste several thicknesses cided to accompany Vtni, and chance it
of tissue paper on the face of the paint- working as a man'hand. The pair are
-xt after taking it from the frame. ! said to hail from Pennsylvania. The
When it is dry the canvas is wet thor-lgirf Qf plump figure, good looking,
oughly. and 1 peel it from the back of I with fair comDlexiou. dark waw hair.
tne picture, leaving the painting fast to
tne tissue paper. After it dries again I
glue a new canvas to the back of the
picture, and when it has dried for the
fourth time I wet the tissue paper and
peel it off! The picture is tnen ready
lor the usual cleansing and renovating
"Are there many important paintings
on wood in existence?"
"Very many, or there were- before
they were transferced to canvas. Paint
ers have always been fond of painting
on wood because it is so smooth and
firm under the brush. Many artists in
Spain and Italy use it now. On the
Ubla there if a" 'Last Supper' painted
on wood. It is owned by Mr. S. L. M.
Barlow, and he prizes it highly. It is
by an old master, and the wood" has be
gun to decay. When the wood under
the paintings begins to warp or show
signs oi uecav.
cay, then the owners have
'cradled,' as it is called
the boards
that is, a network of wood is fastened
to the back of the picture to keep it from
warpinsr. When the wood is so old that
the paint begins to flake off from old
age. then the only chance to save it
from ruin is to transfer it to canvas.
"I paste the tissue paper on the face
of the painting, and then turn it over
and plane off the wood with a plane
( uvr, AAW
whose iron has a convex etLze. "A hen
, . ... v.
t the wood is worked down thm i use a
chisel with rounded edjre, and when
ede, and when
tKo tvhtftfc r,T,f n.'KTl, ic tism11t- tK
, gronnd work of a picmre, begins to ap-
; Itafce ofrthe ef the wood with
nm;M :mn nJ H.,, r TV.
I f w fcfc iaM4W -; w i ub
I jr,,. ,u ,..-.! mir .i
Mt. ..ww .sfcw. w .111,1 1 I - 1 -... -
J this depends the difficult' of my work.
I 'I'htk TTrkHiTiil nf? CZTrnin ni?fifor at
J waV5 llSed oafc for pamting3. t
-l ? t- - P .,
( ine houtn o r.urope a species oi popiar
i o ., .k01k. xL,,,, ; if
common. Sometimes there are knots
on that side of the Danel on which the
artist painted, and when the wood is
cut down thin the knot crumbles away
and brings with it part of the painting.
Then, of course, the paint has to be re
stored after the work of art is trans
ferred to canvas, which is done by past
ing canvas on the back and then" press
ing it with hot irons on a smooth marble
"There is a painting in the Metro
politan Museum of Art. the largest in
the gallerv, I mean Ruben's 'Flight into
Egypt,' which I transferred to canvas
from a thick oak panel. I planned
t and thought over it for a year before I
undertook the work, and then I was
i three years in accomplishing it. No,
, it is not true, as is said at the Museum.
that as a last process I picked off the
bit of wood with a needle. I know.
however, that intense application to
that picture so injured my eyes that
frequently I cannot use them without
pain, l employed tne same process as
, ith smauer oictures.
Lxcessive care
had to be taken to prevent bits of paint
from flaking off. The slightest neglect
might haveruined the picture. X. Y.
Jenny Lind's Tribute to Payne.
One who was present relates, in the
Washington Star, the following incident
in the career of John HowardPayner
"Perhaps the most thrilling quarter
! ot an hour of Payne's life was that when
Jenny Lind sang 'Home, Sweet Home
to him. The occasion was the Jenny ,
Lind concert in Washington the night
of December 17, 1S50. The assemblage j
was perhaps the most distinguished evtr '
seen in a concert room in the country. '
The immense 'National Hall,' hastily !
constructed for the occasion on the '
ruins of the burned National Theatre. !
was filled to overflowing, notwithstand- '
ing the big price for admission, and the
fact that the weather was cold and rain
Among the notables present and occu
pying "front seats were President Fill
more, Daniel Webster, Henrv Clav,
ore' ?Z t L 'xi J r, ' '
! General Scott, and John Howard Payne.
Jenny Lind opened with 'Casta Diva,
and followed with the 'Flute Song (in
which her voice contested rivaly for
purity and sweetness with a
time in a duet), then the famous
'Bird Song.' and next on her programme
the 'Greeting to America. All the
pieces were applauded apparently to the
lull capacity of an enthusiastic audience.
! ttnu.r- " eV- i T - i
Zm1. after-dinner mood, emphasized
and Mr. ebster, who was in his most
the volume of plaudit bv rising; from his
seat and making Jenny a profound bow,
as if responding for the country to her
i 'Greeting, out when the 'Swedish
1 Nightingale answered the encore by
turning m the direction of John Howard
: Payne and giving 'Home. Sweet Home'
with all the wonderful tenderness, purity
and simplicity fitting both the words and
air of th"e immortal song, the difference
' was at once seen between the mechani-
j cal applause called out by a display of
' fine vocalization and that elicted by the
touch of nature that makes the whole
world kin. Before the first line of the
song wa completed the audience was
fairly 'offits feet. and could scarcely
1 wait for a pause to give expression to its
enthusiam. People ordinarily of the
i undemonstrative ort clapped, stamped.
and shouted as if they were mad. and it
seemed as if there would be no end to the
j uproar. Meantime all eye were turned
I upon Pavne. a small-sized, eiegantlv
moalded. gray-haired gentleman, who
uiusueu viuienu s.i uauin nimseu me
i centre of o manv glances.
A Farm Romance.
About six weeks ago two men one
young and rather good-looking, and the
other apparently middle-aged came
to a farm house near Rawlings Station,
in this county, and asked for employ
ment. They were honest looking, and
apparently not afraid of work, and as
help was needed they were employed,
one having been put to work tending
stock and doing chores abut the house.
young man called himself Joseph Score
and the elder Henry Scott. Both proved
good hands about the place, and the
vounorer man. in addition to bein? auick
and active about his duties, was very
iovial after workinor hours. wa s. merrv
j .
singer and whistler and always readv
for a fishing excursion. All went well
until last Sunday, when the mistress of
the house was much astonished to dis
cover that one of the three valises
which the hands had brought with them
contained woman's clothing. She at
which is at present eropped close. Her
name is Joseohine. and when she undeF-
name is Josephine, and when she under
went the male transformation she took
that of "Joe.' She has been retained
at the farm, and now does woman'
work, such as milking cows, etc- A
gentleman of this city "who saw her
says she makes an excellent man, and
her sex was never suspected until acci
dentally discovered, as above. Cum
berland (Ud.) Xezcs.
A vain coxcomb of a writer once
said in the presence of Charles Lamb, "I
could write as good as Shakespeare if I
had a mind to." "Yes," said Lama,
"no doubt of Is, if you had amiadto."
iVediB? Herscj.
.As a whole, we who feed stock can not
be accredited with having reduced fei.-d-tajr
to a science with respect to any of our
domestic animals. But it is probably true
fthat men generallv feed horses "more
recklessly than they do other kinds of
stock. In feeding cattle, swine and
t sheep we have a verv distinct object in
view, however far we mav come from
accomplish ng it. We are suppesed to
aim at turning food into animal pro
ducts, and to produce the most of such
products from the least possible amount
of food. That is the theory of feeding.
We are supposed to aim at the savins: of
1 food. But in horse-f eedins: the savins: of
food does not senerall venter into our cal-
. llat?rnc t- oil tC f?r,Mfc jn itiff rtf
, whatever comes the most handv into
I the manger and feed-box, and "never
, m mnnt--,. .w W'at?,mVm,nr
h. u tw w u iw vw w fc mi i j.ia v
i f twfcr bw vwuu . i w bVJi,
i -;it -ia iw ,n ,, ,.,.. i-u
any hesitancy; and we presume that
I or"-tT nna nf tic has tnmam ,n.r TrtT,
dredVof dollars through the manger. It
r -.. - r ZP i J?. ,
is said to be a fact that there are onlv
two experiments on record as to the
feed required to make a pound of
growth in colts, and certainly we have
I never seen any except these. Yet the
j feeding of horses in the best and at the
same time most economical way, is one
of the means of making money on the
rann. N here large numbers ot horses
are emploved in city industries the safe
ty of the business of which they are a
part necessitates a close study of the
subject. If the great European omni
bus companies and the horsHj-rallroads
of this country fed as recklessly as some
of us farmers "do they would have their
large dividends cut "down very percep
tibly. But they have experimented
until thev believe they know how a hone
can be kept in good working condi
tion at "the lowest figure. Tha
horses upon our street-railways
are fed about the same ration
everywhere. In summer t me the ra
tion of a horse is sixteen pounds of rorn
and oats, ground together in equal
quantities, with twelve pounds of cut
hay. With this class of horses and with
the horses employed on the omnibuses
of London, experiment has established
the fact that ground grain and cut hay
are better than whole grain and uncut
hay, for reasons which we think will be
obvious enough, without taking the time
here to explain them. The winter ra
tions of the horses referred to are six
teen pounds of corn meal and tw-lve
pounds of cut hay, or an equal quantity
of corn and oats as for the summer ra
tion. Of course location and the conse
quent relative price will hare something
to do in leading to the decision as to
whether corn meal shall be exclusivelv
used in winter. All things being equal,
or nearly equal, a ration made partly
of oats is greatly better If clover can
be fed it will make the corn meal more
acceptable as a ration. Corn meal and
clover hav constitute a verv evenlv bal
anced food, for the clover will supply
I meal j. deficient. From' what we
have said in recent articles upon this
vitally important subject of feeding, no
one will have dimculty in seeing'that
we do not advise feeding on meal and
hay alone. Corn is a fat producing
food. It furnishes heat, and is neces
sary, or rather desirable, for that pur
pose, and to produce the mtxlerate
quantity of fat which a horse neds.
Fernl two horses, one upon corn meal
exclusively, and the other upon oat ex
clusively, and time will demonstrate
that the latter will last the longest.
Keep the horse's system at the high
temperature that a" constan' ration of
com will produce, anil we are bur lini:
up the horse. We are keeping it in a
condition in which it is a ready prey of
disease. We do not know that we over
state the case when we say that, in one
half of the cases that come t the notice
of i'ur veterinary department, di-ease
ha resulted from feeding t o muc;: corn.
Taen again sich a food as c-ti or
corn-meal if fed alone, as is soiuetini -
done, is too con"ent rated. Tiie hors
need bulk, and this is one of the valua
ble features of oat They contain a
large amount of fiber and" thev enter
the stomach in a loose condition, en
abling the forces of digestion to come in
ccntac w th :t all through it. At least
lalf of tie animal's food should be of
t bulky charai ter, and this ought to be
mixed with the concentrated r'oo-i, a
the concentrat d part of oat is mixed
with the fibrous hu-k. If cither corn
or com-meal is to b fed aio :e. it is
better to fe d the whole corn. or .t will
go into the stomach in a more porou-.
looser condition. The tnitn ought t
be learned that corn-meal should b- fed
with hay. straw or otlier oa-e fodder,
and thai: these should i e cut ant! wk
.iown. Ifwewillc;;t all our f..dders.
mix our m a! with them, wet down the
mixture, place it in a b n. rover it with
a blanket, and Irt it reiraln from twelve
to twenty-four hours, w. w 1! find that
we are consulting the interL of our
Docket-books, and conducing to the
health of our horse. Tnou-anil of
horses are ruined by eating dry. d.isty
hay. and it is time we ha-l reformed our
methods to prevent thi. The first
thing to accomDlih in fe-d ng horses,
or other animals, is to in-ure their per
fect health, and the next thing, with the
horse, is to develop muscle. While it
is d-ira'-.-Ie to have a hore look wrll.
l-k- are a secondary object. When
ever w feed for iook. w a-cvery like
ly to be neglecting the feed for "utility
and healih. But if we will adopt th-
plan of feeding Ies rorn. and rutting
and wetting down our day, with which
the meal we fee- i is mixed, we shall not
only conduce to health and u-efulne-,
butadu to appearance. tt'tsUrn Rural.
A Fizht witi a Panther.
Henry Sncok. of Rcedsv'lle. Pa., had
a desperate encounter with a panther
in the Seven Mu'inti'ns on Dmr-day
evening. It seems fiat he La I ber-n in
fo nuctf that -uch an animal ra-I
seen the day pn-vious on the back
mountiin. and he. a'-.ximpanid t y hb
brother and Robeit Dimac. iS-o of
R'eLwille. equipped themselves and
started iVr points in the Sevja Mount
ains where panther have been known
to frequent. When tLe men r-ajhed
the virnity of the pLtce they concealed
themselves some d stance apart. Just
as tsie sun sank beh:nd the hills and
shadows wen shutting mv tae light
necessary to aid the t-uater in making
a sure shot. Henry Snr,k"- eye fell
upon a large panther cautiously moving
toward him. Mr. Snook lin-d a load o:
buckshot at the animal, breaking- one
of its hind leg. The enraged and
crippled creature advanced upon Mr.
Snook, who ret. eatd a hort distance,
when -he animal halted. The hunter
then returned, when another conflict
ensued, and Snook ran the muzzle of his
gut. into the animal's mouth and fired,
breaking its under jaw. It then struck
everal terrific blows at him with its
piw. and owing to the darkness drew
out of the fight. Two men returned to
die place the next morning but did not
tiw jM-tfl-gr fhQudilfiBa lintt.
The brilliant Miss Wrotesley, the
daughter of Sir John Burgoyne. who
has recently died in England! was for
ten vears an inveterate smoker. Detroit
Mrs. Garfield and her children. 3Ess
Moilie and Irwin and Abraham, have
gone to the farm at Mentor, where they
will spend the summer. Cleveland
Dr. Gallandet. of the Deaf Mute
College at Washington, lives in aa ele
gant house, built in every detail after
plans he designed when he was a boy
of fourteen.
A woman's guild was recently or
ganized in New York City for the'pur
pose of promoting the social and busi
ness interests of working-womea.
Madame Demorest was elected Presi
dent. X. Y. Times.
Mme. Sembrich has signed a con
tract with Henrv Abbev for America
at 1,250 a night. Coloael Maples
gives Mme. Gerster for her American
season $1,000 a night. Mme. Nilsson
is to receive $1,500 a night. X. J".
Captain Costentenus, the tattooed
Greek, is already blind in one eye, and
will eventually "lose the sight" of the
other, as the pigments used in tattooing
his forehead have slowlv worked their
way into the vessels of the eyes. In
dicnapolis Journal.
Professor Horatio N. White. Cornell
University, was married recently to
Miss Fanny Gott, of Syracuse. " All
brides do not turn pale during the cere
monies but anxious friends must have
noticed that this one Gott White. In
dianapolis Journal.
Mrs. Mackey. wife of the Nevada
millionaire, serves notice that her daugh
ter is not engaged to Prince Philippe de
Bourbon, and says: "I mean to give my
daughter to an honest man, not to any
one of the titled fellows who are gener
ally ruined and think it a condescension
to marry into an untitled familv."
Moreover, "in accordance with Ameri
can custom, her daughter will receive
not a penny of dowry on hermarriage."
X. Y. Sun.
The new United States Minister to
Sweden and Norway, W. W. Thomas,
Jr., of Portland. Me., enjoys the ad
vantage of a knowledge of the language
of the country to which he is going,
having- previously served there as Con
sul. He is known as tim father of the
Swedish Colony in Northern Maine. A
picture of him hangs on one side of the
pulpit in the church at New Sweden
with the Ten Commandments on the
other side. Boston Herald.
When Miss W'xom '-Emma Ne
vada" made her debut in Paris in
"The Pearl of Brazil." that other bril
liant American prima donna. Marie
Van Zandt. occupied a prominent box.
At the close of one of Miss Wixom's
most brilliant pa-sages, when the audi
ence was hushed with admiration, a
single "hurrah." in a clear soprana
voice, but with an unmistakable Yankee
accent, rang through The house. Every
eve was instantly turned to where Miss
an Zandt sat. her face glowing with
mingled embarrassment and enthusi
asm, and then for five minutes the
house rang with a storm of "Brava!
Van Zandt? Brava! Nevada!"
Women wear veils to prevent the
sun from freckling their faces, and
some on of a gun from staring them
out of countenance. Carl PretzeVs
At an Irish League meeting in New
York, -ome one in the audience got up
and moved that "no one should vote
who was no: present." Burlington
Free Press.
"Torn Asunder." is the title of a
new play. We should suggest "Muci
lage: or. Stuck Together," as a good
name for the author's next effort.
Boston Commercial Bulletin.
I'm sorrv to keep you waiting for
vour money," said the bank-teller to
Smithers, "but here's the money all in
yellow boys." "Never mind.""aald S.
"I see 'tis worth the wait in gold." X.
Y. Xetcs.
A solution. Visitor (frequent,
scientific young man. he was now try
ing to explain tne philosophy of positiv
ism) "I admit the question is abstruse
and complie " She "Why not pop
it?" London Punch.
A New York editor who wrote and
printed an exhautive article on "How
to Keep Cool," was prostrated by the
heat two hours later, while on his way
home. Perhaps he neglected to read
the article. Xorristoum Herald.
Papa "What' Jimmy, you smoke?
and what do you smoke, "pray?" Jim
my "I smoke cubeb-. Papa "And
why do you smoke them?" Jimmy
"Oh! they are good for a bad cold."
Papa, How often do you have a bad
old?" Jimmy "O, whenever you
give me ten cents." Life.
A Boston man who had been talk
ing speculation with a broker, and keep
ing an eye out for good paper, went to
him one day and said: "1 think I have
a chance to make a big spec- 1 can bay
a note for .8jj. due in four months for
S(00." "That's a big discount, my
friend. Who was the note drawn by?"
"Bv a man named Smith." "John
Smith?" "That's the man." "Then
don't you touch the note! He's my
brother, and he'd write S800 all day
long, and be glad to sell 'em for -SiJ
aoiece- Luckv you spoke of it, sir.
l ou want to fook out for all mv rela
tions." Wall Street Xetcs.
JL Cat and Rat Story.
A rather strange incident occurred in
Goetz Bachert'sback yard, on Pearl
street, a few days ago. The yard at
times appears to be the meeting place
for rodents, and on the day in question a
steel trap baited with stale cheese was
set for their reception. Several per
sons were watching the trap, when a
large rat put in an aopearance and
walked toward the trap. He was within
a few feet of it when Mr. Bachert's
favorite cat clambered over the fence
into the yard. The rat stopped. So did
the cat. " They seemed to recognize each
other. After looking at one another a
moment, the distance between them
lessened. Finally they were nose to
nose, and actually kissed each other.
They remained together a few minntfc.
when the rat took a knowing glance at
the trap, and ran away in the opposite
direction. The cat and rat were evi
dently old friends, and the house pel
trobably notified the house pest of the
angero'us trap. Xonciek (Conn. J
An ex-State Senator of Tennessee,
while paying a bootblack in Wall street.
New York, the other day. dropped a
roll of bills containing $750. The boot
black picked up the m&cey and banded
it to it owner. reeeivLig t'ij for his re
ward. X. Y. T.bcs.