r I m THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY JAX. 23, 184. Gus. G. Becher & Co. 39.5 Cord-wood for Bale at Becher & Co's. 39-3 Great semi-annual remnant sale at Kramer's. A new mail car on the Albion branch. Edwin Clifford's entertainment was excellent. Fine feathers for beds and pillows at Henry Gass'e. Farm Insurance, cheap and re liable, at Becher & Go's. 39-2 Rickly S: Hoffman's is the place to buy good healthy meats. 34-4 The most and best goods for the money at A. & M. Turner's. The 6kating on the river is re ported as the best ever known. Mr. Murphy of the Bellwood Monitor, was in town Monday. Another merry dance at Small's rink Saturday evening. Come early. The lecture is at a discount, and the sparring exhibition at a premium. S00 bushels No. 1 seed corn for sale. Inquire at Pohl & Wer muth's. 39-3 A car load of Kentucky blue grass seed received at Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. SS-o-4 Gen. Howard is to deliver the first of a course of lectures at Albion, Feb. 1st. "Good goods at lowest prices," is the motto at A. & M. Turners book and music store. Now avail yourself of the special low prices and order a suit or an overcoat at Kramer's. A fire at Edward Hays's destroy ed some clothing. Matches in the hands of children. Thos. Keating has Bhipped sev eral car loads of Nebraska corn to Illinois for feeding to cattle. One of Otta Baker's teams got away from John Becher last Sunday, and broke the buggy some. The Norfolk Xeics says that Ma jor Mathewson died of pneumonia, Jan. 16th, after a brief illness. The Mason & Hamlin organ is the best offered for sale here. Call at A. & M. Turner's book store. Mrs. Drake has removed her millinery establishment to the room vacated by W- "Winterbotham. "Weather strips for windows and doors at Henry Gass's. Keep out the cold wind, and be comfortable. Robt. Uhlig was at Minden last week, where he purposes locating and engaging in the hardware business. James McAllister, jr. and wife started Wednesday for their home in Montana, after a pleasant viBit here. "We still have several hundred hoods left at 30 cents, worth $1. Come and keep warm. So says Kramer. The Mason & Hamlin organs, as everybody knows, cannot be excelled. For sale by Anna & Martha Turner. For an alleged assault upon Mrs. Rufus Leach, one Henry TVandel was fined $10 and costs by Justice Rickly. Rev. S. P. Vandoozer died at Fullerton "Wednesday last. He was presiding elder of the Albion district. $10,000 just received, and to loan on real estate on time, and in sum3 to suit applicant at Becher & Co's. 39-2 The only meat market in town that offered a reward on killing dis eased cattle was Rickly & Hoffman's. 3S-tf The "Woodbridge organ is not ex celled anywhere, for the price. Call at A. & M. Turner's book and music store. A large amount of ice has been harvested here this season by Brind ley, McCrea, Henggler, Vogle and others. The B. & M. have a new agent at David City. It begins to look as though they meant business all along the line. Mrs. Jno. Jaworski died Jan. 17th at 11 o'clock, at her residence in Bur rows precinct this county, of typhoid pneumonia. Sale of horses, cows, calves, hogs, household goods, farm implements, etc., at T. J. Crosby's farm Feb. Sth, TS4, by C. M. Swezey. Look out for the sale bills of A. Henrich, announcing his long-time sale of horses, cows, bulls and hogs, on the 20th of February. For rent, the store building formerly occupied by Mrs. Drake; also good sleeping room in same buildins, by Becher fc Co. 1 Marshall Smith came down from Denver Friday. He looks in his usual good health, and says that Mrs. Smith's health is excellent. The Blair Pilot gives account of a leap year party in which the girls managed to realize expenses and give a first-class entertainment A discount of 15 per cent will be given on all snits or overcoats ordered during January at Kramer's Merch ant Tailoring establishment. Phil. Cain arrived from the east Monday evening. He is looking in excellent health, and his many friends were glad to greet him back again. Cards are out for the wedding this evenin? of J. C. Echols to Miss Sadie Hudson. Hearty congratula tions of all their acquaintances will be In order. Because at the cattle shows, an cestry is counting for o much, some one suggests that hereafter the pedi grees be taken to the fairs and the cattle left at home. "We notify each subscriber, every week, of just how his account stands for subscription. If you wish the oaper Bent you no later than the date printed opposite yonr name, please rop i postal card to stating. tf The long expected comet is now visible to the Baked eye; it maybe seen any clear eveaiag in the soath west in a poettiee above and to the left of the planet Venus. The Schiyec Herald reaaarks that the youth of this land have tempta tions enough to contend with, without saloon keepers being allowed to sell them liquor. This with reference to boys of 15 to 18. Martin Hollerin's sale of slock took place on the 15th, and Jno. Huber the auctioneer, informs us that cows brought, on an average, $3S ; Bboats weighing about 90 lbs., 7.40 7.50; machinery sold very well. A correspondent of the David City Press says "Madison is thirty five miles from Columbus, with some nf the most hilly land between I ever saw." He must alwayB have lived in a dead level country, or else been blind. John Dineen, at his residence 1 miles west of Bucher's mill, Feb. 11th, will sell 5 horses, 68 head cattle and 25 shoats. Under $20, cash; other mm, one year's time, bankable paper, 10 per cent, interest, 5 off for cash. Jonn Huber, auctioneer. 2p The United Presbyterians will have preaching in the church of the Litter Day Saints next Sabbath, Jan. 27:b, at 11 o'clock a. m. Also at Bean's school-house at 3 :30 o'clock of same day. All are invited to attend. Rev. John Lackey will officiate. A school boy at Sidney, acci dentally shot himself the other day while fooling with a pistol. A few minutes before he had pointed the pistol at one of the school girls. Against the boy's hand gets well, he will have learned a lesson that he will probably not soon forget. "Tom" Wilson of Fremont, well known to a number of our readers, died recently at Columbus, Ga.,where he was filling an engagement with the "Wild West" combination. The Blair Pilot says bis one fault proved his ruin and death in the prime of man hood. We notice quite a number of far mers from Iowa and Illinois looking for land in Nebraska. Columbus is a good place to radiate from for this purpose, centrally located, and rail road communication in every direc tion, besides a good place to gather information. The report of the condition of the First National Bank of Columbus, at the close of business Dec 31st, '83, appears elsewhere in to-day's Jour nal. Loans and discounts to the amount of $106,514, and deposits footing np to $73,991, shows a healthy state of business. P. W. Henrich, insurance agent, Platte Center, is off on a business trip for the German Ins. Co. in the south ern part of the state. He will return shortly, however, to continue writing fire, lightning and tornado insurance, also horse and cattle insurance. It will pay you to see him before plac ing your insurance. 1 M. Schoonmaker, a business man of Illinois, came last week to see his father-in-law J. R. Smith, and also to hunt up a place in Nebraska to buy and store corn till the planting season. Illinois farmers have not so much corn over as will do them for seed till spring. Mr. S. wants to buy twenty to thirty thonsand bushels. Dr. McAllister, dentist, will be in Columbus the last two days of this month, next week Wednesday and Thursday, to do first-class dental work. Inquire at the photo rooms of O. A. Stearns. The Dr. expects to come to Columbus as soon as the weather will permit to fit up a first class office and photograph rooms. 2 We learn that Ex-Senator T. W. Tipton is to deliver his Washington City lectures at Fremont, about the 12th of February, and we suggest that it would be a fitting thing for some of our churches, the Opera House Co., or a club of citizens to secure the same here. Mr. Tipton is one of the most eloquent speakers in the west always entertaining. The sparring exhibition last Wednesday evening, we understand, was a well conducted affair, there being no slugging allowed. The ex hibition between Prof. Miller and Tom Cain, which was the main fea ture of the show, was a surprise party to some, as Miller was no match at all for Cain. Ben. Rochon won the cup for local 6parrer. Several other Co lumbus men took a part. Platte county's delegation to the anti-monopoly convention, Messrs. John Freeman, D. L. Bruen, S. J. Wheeler, M. H. White and Fred. Anson, returned home Friday last, and report a very interesting session. The principal speakers were Judge Barnd, McKegon, E. Bosewatcr, J. Burrows, Capt Stickel, Green and Manchester. The Opera Honse in which the convention was held was crowded. The Kearney New Era speaks a good word for the Building k Loan association of that place, as bringing together men of capital, and men of muscle, working for a common end the improvement of the town, and the bettering of their own condition. Similar associations in scores of eastern towns and cities have accom plished wonders for workmen of limited means, and enabled tnem to become property owners.. - Sunday week WllL "Winter botham came nearly being killed by a flying engine on the Albion branch. The engine struck, one of the hind wheels of the buggy, throwing WilL ont and braising him considerably. He describee it very graphically, say ing the engine seemed to be sat tap of him. It was a very uusoal tunej for an engine te pes? and " there . was ne warning given of its appraenn at the creasing. Fousd. In Creeton precinct, anont one mile sonth of Mr. Meraa's farm, on Saturday last, an accordeen. The owner can have the same by calling at this office, proving property and paying charges. Nicholas Welling, St Bernard. At the meeting of Pioneer Hook k Ladder Co. No. 1 Monday evening, Jan. 21st, the following omcers were elected: President, Jas. Pearsall; foreman, Geo. Fairchild ; 1st assistant, Dick Jenkinson; 2d assistant, Geo. Smith ; secretary, D. N. Miner; treas urer, Will McAllister. Board of trustees to consist of the president, foreman and treasurer. In all reports in reference te dis eases of hogs, it is found that when ever soft corn is fed cholera is a pre vailing disease. The disease is not in an epidemic form, bat it seems to be due to the corn that is fed. Farmers or those who have hogs to feed should be careful in their feeding. A hog is like any other animal, if it does not get suitable foot its digestive organs will become affected and re sult in some disease. Jfarqyette In dependent. The Sidney Plaindealer, re marking npon Judge Gaslin's sending a man to the penitentiary ior fifteen years for forging a small note, says : One year for forging the note, and fourteen years was for general cussed ness. Think of it, fourteen years for general cussedness. The next time that Judge Gaslin comes up to Sidney to hold court there will be a sign hanging on the window of this omce, which will read as follows: The editor and staff have gone to the Black Hills, will not retarn until after oeurt adjourns." The Seward Blade is after the men of loose morals and easy virtue that make themselves a blazing nuisance in that town. The fellows that are thus given publicity don't seem to like the situation. In com menting on this state of affairs the Blade's editor makes some very sen sible remarks, among which are that "men and boys who get into bad scrapes are generally those who squander their money anyhow, and they care nothing for a fine of a few dollars," and another to the effect that the disgrace of being: . i'ed up in police court and the fi c posed is considered as nothing these fellows compared to a repo or it in the papers. The disgrace r.ith them is not in the commission of the evil, but in being caught and haying it made public Kerievr f the Weather At Genoa for the year ending December 31st, 1SS3: Mean temperature of year deg's. 44.42 47.16 ilen do of last o rears aeg's ... . Highest temperature daring the year July 1st Leg's Lowest do Feb. 4 deg'a below zero. Ordinarily clear days Very cloudy days High winds days Calm days Hazy days No. days on which rain or snow fell .94 .28 1S5 113 63 136 15 IS 101 Depth of snow inches 33.70 Average depth the past 8 years 35.48 Bain and melted snow inches 27.56 Average yearly depth for the past 8 years . 29.57 Greaiest amount of rainfall in any month May inches 5.40 Least do in any month Nov none Temperature of well water July 1st 57 deg's.; December 31st 52 dee's.; last frost in the spring May 5th ; first frost in the fall, September 17th; first first ice, October 12th ; ground frozen October 26th; parhelia occurred 10 times; Bolar balos 1; lunar halos 6; lunar coronas 9; hail 12; mirage 6; auroras 3; first appearance going north larks, March 19th; martins and kildeers, April 3d; swallows, April 27th ; cranes, March 22d ; geese, February 26th ; ducks, February 27th ; going south martins leave AugustJ 27th; swallows, September 16th; geese, October 9th. Owing to the prevalence of easterly winds no migratory grasshoppers have put in an appearance this year, either going north or south. The year has also been noted for the remarkable red glow of the sky before sunrise and after sunset, dur ing the latter part of November and beginning of December, a phenome non about which scientists have not been able to arrive at any positive conclusion. In thus reviewing the meteorolog ical aspect of our horizon for the past year, there is abundant cause for thankfulness that while our brethren Lin various parts of the country have been suffering from the various casu alties of storm, flood and frost, we have been permitted to enjoy the abundant fruits of our labor, with little fear irom these powerful though often unavoidable results of nature's laws. for Caaaty Tessclwrs' To be held at the yellow school house, Columbus, Neb., on Friday evening, Feb. 8th, T34, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. W. H. Tedrow, subject, "Elocution in Public Schools." Miss Eva Cof fey, subject, "How to teach Spelling." Ed. Newman, subject, "How to teach History." Augustus Davis, subject, "What to teach in Common Schools." Subject for general discussion, "How to promote the Salaries of Teachers." A lecture, by Judge Higgins. Let every teacher in the county be present, and be prepared to discuss the question so important with us all. The public is cordially invited to at tend these meetings. C J. Gaulovt, M. Bbugceb, EDKA SCbEACK, E.v. Com. . Delay. When making loan with Becher k Co., yon can complete papers, and get your money same day application is taken. 39-2 JtaUcc. The County Alliance will be held at the Humphrey Hoase in Humphrey, February 2nd, eleven o'clock a. m. AH aati-monepelists aad farmers are cordially invited. J.8.F -2 Jajtoaky, 2nd. At roll call all supervisors present except Hoefelman and Webster. The committee on rules consisting of Swartsley, Ernst and Rivet made their report, recommending the usual rules for deliberative bodies? also the appointment of standing committees on finance, ways and means ; on roads and bridges; accounts and expen ditures; claims; adopting Cos bang's Manual when practicable, and last, but not least, abolishing smoking in the room during the time the board is in session. Beport adopted. The bonds of the various county oficers elect were approved, also the bonds of assessors elect Bead, Wilkes, Gleason, Apgar, Pieper, Jaeggi, Cole man, Dickinson, Bipp, Anderson, Zumbrum; likewise road overseers elect Huber, Lucid, Daley, Weadt, Clark, Connelly, Lueachen, Schaf frotb, Barjenbruck, Anderson, Chris tenson, Gilsdorf, McPhillips, Humpf, Wurdeman, Sodergren, Hessaker, Rickly, Panly, Lohans. also bond of Delsman, town treasurer of Colum bus township. January, 3d. At roll call all present except Burke and Lehnerz. On motion, the chair appointed Rivet, Ernst and Blomquist com mittee to examine bridge work done by Baker and Mead. On motion of Swartsley, the board proceeded in a body- to make final 7 ...- - -v u .n seiucneui wim iue ircuurer. Action was doferred in the cases of McDonald and Flemming, with re ference to taxes. County Judge's office ordered re moved to office now occupied by Cor nelius k Sullivan, and rent for same fixed at 16.00 a month. The bonds of town treasurers elect Diederich, Ottis, Ahrens, Braun, Mat son, Brockhaus and Hess were ap proved; that of Imhoffwaa referred back for additional security, for the reason that Blaser, one of the bonds men, will be appointed supervisor, aad therefore is ineligible. The bonds of town clerks elect Weiand, Lindgren, Edwards, Rickert, Bipp, Spoerry, Conard, Terwillegar, Leoschen and Hummer were ap proved. The bonds of justices elect May nard, Gilsdorf, Rickly, Johnson, Free man, Hill, Russell, Coekiogham, Shaffer, Thompson, Henrich, Irwin' Davis, '.Fleming and Milslagle were approved. Bonds of constables elect were also approved. January 8. James E. North elected chairman of board by a vote of 15 to 2 scattering, election made unanimous. N. Blaser appointed supervisor of Loupe township, to fill vacancy. Clerk instructed to procure seals for town clerks and treasurers, also necessary books for official use. J. G. Biggins elected as county at torney by a vote of 9, as against a vote 8 for M. Whitmoyer. On Olson's report informing the board that all warrants, school and road orders bad been cancelled, the said vouchers were ordered placed under seal, which was accordingly done. On motion of Swartsley each su pervisor was empowered to provide for the poor of his township, in case of emergency. Humphrey. The sudden changes in weather are the cause of much sickness in the neighborhood. Neils Pederson intends to give ev erybody a nice time Friday evening, Feb. 8th, at his house west of town. Joseph Linabery was appointed constable for Granville township in place of Kimhart Weilm who failed to qualify. Our singing school is to be a suc cess and therefore those who can sing and those who want to learn are in vited to attend every Tuesday and Wednesday evening. There was quite a lively tussel at the lower saloon Friday evening ; a few scarred faces and torn clothes is the result, so far as learned. We with hold names, but will not promise to again. Some of the readers of the Journal also take and read the Madison Chron icle. There is an article in I think its last issue, assailing Humphrey, claim ing to be written by an Humphrey correspondent. The writer has been looked for, but as yet he can not be found ; it has been attributed to one man east of here, but he denies writ ing the matter so I will briefly say that onr preachers are a class of men who are not grumblers, and the peo ple in town do not wish to have a less number; as for the saloons they are doing a prosperous business, and all branches of business have prospered in our town ; there is one point in said letter 1 wish to dwell a little upon, which says "I took a load of hogs to Madison and made six dol lars by so doing ;" that is a very small matter to harp upon we have almost daily parties that are honest enough to tell that they do that and better by bringing their produce and trade here, and our town receives a large support from Madison county, men whe are intelligent, careful men. The writer asserts that he made six dol lars; $L50 to Chronicle and the re mainder, to use his own words, the woman, and thinks that better than to give to preachers and saloons. Per haps it is. But as far as our people are concerned, we have not heard one of 'these preachers swear nor the two saloon keepers pray, but keep right on as if nothing had happened. C. Are Tarn 1bu A new sad additional supply of eofjpaa tickets to all polmti aortb, east aad tooth are aow on tale at the B. k II. ticket ollce. Partiea goiag eaat will fiad it to their interest to call aad sret rates. I A. Glass, Aftat F. W. Parker defines reading as u getting thoughts by means of written or printed words arranged in senten ces." Experience has shown that the ability to read may be acquired inci dentally, if the attention is primarily directed to the subject of the thought. But under the old humdrum system the mechanical pronunciation of the words of a sentence in their proper order is called reading. The means are mistaken for the end, and the true end is not reached. In consequence of this we hare dull, distasteful, un profitable, monotonous and unpleas ant reading exercises. The object of all school exercises is to promote mental growth. Words have only a representative value. Thought con trols the expression ; passages which are not understood cannot be read clearly and forcibly. All elocution ary drill which is not preceded by an intelligent mastery of the passage is not only out of place, but exceedingly hurtful. It is quite evident that be fore a class has mastered a selection, it will have to be engaged upon it by discussions, written efforts, etc There will be little if any time for elocu tionary drill, distinctively as such; nor is any needed. The true and only drill needed is the simple effort to express the idea of a passage while studying it. Says one of our most independent teachers : "Good reading never comes from rules, it comes from attempts to express, earnestly and clearly, an adequately comprehended thought. I have taught elocution a good deal myself, but I teach less and less of it ; as I find my classes read more and more, and are really hungry for the appetizing relish, which comes from stopping with a meaty passage, and staying long enough to extract its sweetness." By such- a system, however, our progress "through the book" will be slow ; our patrons, etc. will become impatient. But, fellow teachers, it matters not ; we stand on a higher plane; we know the real purpose of the reading class. We are not ignorant of the fact that every American citizen considers it his con stitutional right to bully "that teach er." The now famous Mr. Alcott was starved out of Boston fifty years ago for maintaining that the best way to teach children is to begin by ob serving how they teach themselves. Our reading class is the true language and literary class, including spelling, reading and composition (oral and written). There our boys and girls learn by practice to express their ideas orally and by writing, with ease and force. There they learn to ap preciate beauty and force of expres sion. There they learn to recognize authors by their styles. There they learn good syntax and good usage of English idiom. Children are not ex pected to be elocutionists. Quiet, simple, intelligent reading is our aim ; no more "rant and strut." A genuine apprehension of the thought and feel ing of the selection will lead to a much better delivery than those senseless drills in pitch, tone, inflec tions, etc., etc. If the teacher has no time to train the pupils "to a good understanding of the passage read, then be has no time to train them to the elocutionary delivery of that passage. The first is the foundation on which the second rests ; it is the material out of which it is formed." I think it was Gen. Sheridan who reported to his superior before Rich mond that he was ready to "push" things. Fellow teachers, are we ready to "push" a reading reform? We ought to be. Teacher. Lbt f Pei tslcmera, Platte Cwi ty Neh. The following, from headquarters, shows the names of pensioners orig inating from Platte county, character of disability and amount of monthly pension received from the govern ment: Mielenz. Frak, g. s. w. foot f 400 Selsor, Wm.g. s. w. shonl 24 00 Smith, Jno. amp. r. arm . . . Brady, Wm. s. . w. r. h'nd . ... Owen, Daniel C. inj. 1. leg Kaminski, Charles, g. s. w. knee .. Keeler. Jno. ?. s w. leg Judd, Jehiel J. g. s. w. face . . .. Hanchett. Tm. F. chr. bronchi Fahey, Patrick, w. I. hip Sacrider. Jno. H. yar. v'n Sutton, Robt. B. g. s. w. h'nd, back Bodgers, Michael, inj. hip. back. .. Bossiter, Bichard. g. s. w. hip Price, Bobt. chr. bronchi Patterson. Wm. A. inj. to abdoaen Plant, Peter, w. 1. thigh Cady, Anthony, w. I. sh'n Ap- ar, Jos. r. s. w. thigh Griffin. Mary A. widow Tannabill. J-inett. widow Smith, Charity, widow Kane, Daniel, lung dis Willis, Geo. g. s. w. hip . . Harriger, Wm. G. g. s. w. hip. . . . Thomas, Bebecca. mother IS 00 300 16 00 COO 400 600 4 00 6 CO GOO 18 00 400 400 400 4 00 400 800 18 00 S00 S00 8 00 12 00 GOO 4 00 800 800 18 00 2 00 200 12 00 800 24 00 Bnnet, Daniel a. g. a. w. r. shoal. Mitchell, Eugene, g. s. w. r. shoal. Elston. Geo. W. di. Iang9 Ellis, Thos. J. inj fingers Cain, James, loss 1- inj tor eye ... Clark, d ward. g. s. w. thigh Barrett, Salatuiel. loss I. thigh Dineen, Jno. jr. s. w. leg Fitzpatrick, dw. s. s. w. thigh. . Norton, Zina. w. r. leg Saunders, Thomas H. g. s. w. arm thigh Slattery, Irwin J. g. s. w. neck. . . . Ketcbam, Amanda 31. widow Campbell, Jas. M. neuralgia Wilson, Thos. chr. rheum Mowry, Sarah J. widow Daris, Jno. chr. rheum Thnrstos, Wm. J. parti paryl. arm, 8 00 7 90 600 24 00 400 S 00 400 14 00 800 8 00 10 00 18 00 18 00 800 24 00 400 600 300 600 30 00 400 leg pieln Spielman, Benjamin, amp. 1 leg Kice, lison w . g. s. w. arm Bedeabangh, Henry S. Inj. spine . . Potts, Tho. . A. g. s. w. 1 thigh . . . Wads worth, DaTid D. g. s. w. head Wurdeman, John H. g. s. w. face. .. Mailer, Fred'k. g. s. w. foot Kibler, Geo. W. injury to abdomen . Steems, John. w. r. thigh Moran. Robert, asthma Sag, Emora A. chr. diar Sibley, Wm. T. vax. vns., ulcers Brooks, Daniel, z. s. w. foot, loss toe IS 00 COO Spoerry, Barbara, widow 20 00 Van Owen, Ore. injury to abdomen. 6 00 Luchsiager, Fre dolin. g. s. w. fingers 3 00 Wasner, Margaret, mother b 00 Baker, Francis H. frac. r. am i 00 Owe Oar Ssmrcss mt Keveaae. Received on subscription since oar last issue : J.N.Baker f2 50 James Wetherbee 2 00 Heary Luscbe 2 00 Ber. Father Ryan 1 00 B. A. Byrne 2 00 D. D. Wads worth 2 00 J. K. McFariaad 1 00 J.A.Wood 2 00 Joha Saaaahan 2 50 PaalHacal... 4 00 u A Qaf SJ ...... & tsj I FOE BA.EGA.I2STS IN" STOVES, HARDWARE & TINWARE, GO TO C. P. BABLOVS, CLOSING OUT! a cc s ft 0 Preparatory to making a me entire stock of Mens and Boys SUITS 5 OYEEOO ATS AT THE CLOTHIM HOUSE ! REGARDLESS OF PRICE. YOU WILL FIJVD THIS A MONEY MAKIjYG CHANCE TO INVEST IN CLOTHING 1 for yourself and boys, as this a limited time and can be LOOK AT THE BARGAINS. Boy's half-wool knee pant suit " wool cassimere knee pant suit " heavy school suit Youth's wool cassimere suit " " " " Men's Union cassimere pants wool-filled jean heavy " figured cassimere " all-wool heavy worsted suits. " cassimere " . " Scotch " . " overcoats Now is the time to buy, as these goods at the prices we are selling will not last. THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, ED. SMITH, Manager. Letter E.Iat. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the poat-otEce. in Columbus, Neb., for the week ending Jan. 12, 1984: A C H Alden. B Mrs Mary Belisle, Mr T Bennett. C W H Catrine, Mr M Callaghun, Mr C M Call. Mrs E H Goodson, Mr George Gu der, Mr W H Grove, Mr Joieph W Goodwin, G S Greene. H Mr Edwin Hall. Mr Frank Heine. Joseph Hundburg, A W Hill, Mrs Marv Hill, Mr H Hall, Carl Hoth. Jf Sarah J Jennings. la James Karmese. Gotlieb Kmuse, Mr John Kueffer, Mr Wm McKinHey. .H Mr T B Mooring. t B S Bice. M John stanozyk. V Dedrich Vose. W Mrs Hannah Willcox. If not called for in 30 days will be sent ' to the dead letter office, Washington. D. j C. When called for please say adver- ! tised,' as these letters are kept separate. H. J. Hcdsox, P. M Columbus. "ebr. MAHHTTnJ. BURGESSROBERTS. At Chicopee, Mass., Jan. 9th, '84, C. 4.. Burgess of Na tional City. Cala., and Miss M. A. Roberta of Waterbury, Conn. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head live cents a line each insertion. Pens, inks, papers, slate pencils, at Turn er's J. B. Delsman is still selling salt at $1.90 to farmers and stockmen. 10-tf The old reliable Bain wagon at the Foundry. All kinds of feed for sale at Wm. Becker's. Prices in proportion to quantity. 37-4 New maple syrup for sale at man Oehlrich & Bio's. Her- Piano to rent Walker. Inquire of Wells & All those who are lovers of good floor should go to J. B. Delsman's. Moline and Weir Companies goods for sale at the Foundry. You can always find a good stock to select from at Mrs. Drake's millin ery store. 39-tf The finest assortment of hanging lamps and China tea sets at H. Oehl rich & Bro's. For good young breeding stock of all kinds, call at Bloommgdale stock farm. A. Hennch. 40-tf Challenge and Farmer friend plant ers, Barnes and Tait check rowers for sale at tbe Columbus Foundry. You can find tbe finest line of red twilled flannel in town at Galley Bros. 22-tf Wm. Schiltz makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and nses only tbe very beat stock that can be procured ia tke Market. 52tf O CO 52! change we will CLOSE OUT STAR stock must be sold within bought for half its value. Reduced Price. Eegular Price. S 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 So S 2.50 7.50 4.50 12.00 13.50 1.50 2.00 1.75 2.50 5.00 8.50 10.00 13.50 5.00 S.00 10.00 1.35 1.00 1.40 3.00 6.00 7.00 9.00 3.25 5.50 6.50 3S-2 Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for sale at tbe Journal office. Ladies if yon are in need of a win ter bat call at Galley Bros., as we are closing them out regardless of cost. Our enterprising druggists, Dowty & Kelley, are giving sample bottles of Beggs' Cherry Cough 5rrup,ree. We advise all sufferers to call and get a bottle which costs nothing. 31-Cm Blsse Graws Clorer. .lllllet aid flaussrariaa Seed At Herman Oehlrich & Brc's. 3Scl2 Roof: Inquire of Frank Owens, if you want a first-class roof at a moderate i price. 10-tf CIoclagT Oat. A lot of ladies serge shoes. 75 cents a pair at J. B. Delsman's. 10-tf Seed Cora. Early white seed corn, fully matur ed and well selected, for sale at Saml. Gass's II a bushel. 38-3 CitizeBM efCslaabsui. My Jersey bull, Captain Jack, will stand for service at my stock yards. 22-6mo D. Anderson. Notice. Any one wishing choice mutton during tbe threshing season call on D. L. Bruen, Stearns Prairie. 16-tf Brick! Thomas Flynn has just burned his first large kiln of brick and ba them for sale, either at the kiln, delivered in the city, or put up in the wall. 9.tf A Ulce Home Tor Wale. I will sell my residence property at a fair price, and on liberal terms. A comfortable houe, large barn, good garden and shrubbery; 2 acres in all. 34-tf D. Anderson. Kesidessce for Sale. I offer my dwelling house for ?ale. A great bargain to any one wishing to purchase. 39-2 Robeht Uhlig. sLost : dated Oct. One note 1st, 1S83, for 175 00, payable at the Columbus State Bank to Emersen. Talcott & Co.. Rockford, III-, by H. S. Lathrop. 29-1 Festad. J. F. Maynard found a pair of pump tongs near tbe Monastery, this coun ty. The owner will prove property, pay charges, and get the tongs. 39-2 3 m 0 3 O f m CO CO E.wt Bear. Strayed from my premises abont Christmas, one black boar, about ten months old. Suitable reward will be given for the return of same, or for information. " 3Jike Cooxcr, 39-tf Platte Center. Strayed. From me on or about Dec 27, 1883? one Gray Horse, blind in oae eye. Any information as to his wherea bouts will be amply rewarded. Hekmax Duxsxax. Humphrey Platte Co. ti rfotlce. The co-partnership heretofore ex isting between David Dowty aad Geo. J. Kelly, is this day dissolved by mutual consent All accounts due the firm of Dowty & Kelly will be cel lected by their successors, Dowty & Cbinn, and all outstanding indebted ness will be settled by them. David Dowtt. 3S-3 Geo. J. Kellt. We have made arrangements to fur nish to tbe subscribers of this paper, that excellent agricultural and stock journal, The Xebratka Farmer, for the small sum of $1.00 per year. The Farmer is published at iincoln, Neb., O. M. Druse, Editor, and Is devoted to agriculture and stock growing in the west. Everv fanner should take it Send $1.00 to this office and we will have the Farmer sent to you. Fresh Oyster at SI. Tcalaw Can be had by the case, can or dish. Extra selects, per can 50c Selects, per can 45c Standards, per can 40c BV THE DISH. olCW .swC Fried, 40c Give thesa a trial. 23-tf While at Hasaahre .J; Sta at the GrasTiUe Mr. Jacob Steffi's has completed his large and commodious ho'tel and will be pleased to see all of his former patrons as well as new ones. First class rooms and beds as well as irtt class table. Farmers and traveling men call on him. He has every facil ity for making you at home. A good livery attached to hotel. 21-tf Laid ir Sale. In Colfax Co., near Platte Co. line, SO acres, 70 of which are under the plow ; frame dwelling, horse and cow stables, cow sheds and corrals, corn cribs, windmill and 2 pumps (water 40 ft. from surface), some fruit aad forest trees. Also 160 acres, 120 under cultiva tion, 7 acres of forest trees. Both tracts have first rate stock range, and road facilities. $2,500 for each tract, on easy terms. 15-x R. Mackenzie. Farm Tor Sale. 60 acres in the northeast corner of Section 10, Town 17, R. 2, west. Lost Creek precinct, Platte county. Neb., all excellent soil ; 20 acres of bay laad, 20 acres under cultivation and some other valuable improvements, besides a good frame dwelling house If stories 14x22 feet, with kitchen 12x14. The place is within sixty rods of the depot at Lent Creek. Any one desir ing it should apply immediately. Price $1500. For further particulars, address Luther Y.Chapin, Lost Creek. Nebraska. 35c-12 Application for Liquor License. Matter of application of Jacob Steffes for liquor license. "VfOTICE is hereby given that Jacob XI atetfes did upon the 2J day of Janu ary, A. D.. 1SS4, file his application to the Board of Trustees of tne village of Hum phrey. Platte county7 Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinout liquor , at Humphrey village, Platte county, Nebraska, from the 23th day of Januarv, 1SS4. to the iith day of January, ISfco. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from January 2d, A. D., 1SS4, the said Iicccse will begranted. 37-3 Jacob Steffes, Applicant. A WORD OF WALIMG. FARMERS, stock raisers, and all othor interested parties will do well to remember that the "Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the onlv company doinic business in this state that insures" Horses, Mules and Cattle atainst loss by theft, accidents diseases, or injury, (a3 aIo against loss by fire and lightning i. All representations by agents of other Companie to the contrary not withstanding. HENRY GARN, Special Ag't, t.-v Columbus. eb. COLUMBUS Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAX, Proprieter. jSTVThoIesale ind Retail Dealer in For eisn "Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Dub lin ?tout, acotch and English Ales. TST 'Kentucky KTiisties a Specialty. OYSTERS In their sexson, by the case can or dish. 11th Strt. Soatk of D COLTIMBUS MARKETS . Our quotations of tbe market- are oh- tainedTuesdayafternoon,and are correct nd reliable at the time. GRAIN, C. Wheat 75 Corn, old 35 Oats new, 20g22 Rve 35 Fiour 3O0Q43O PKODOCK. 3utter, 13315 Egg3, 20323 Potatoes, 2025 MXATd. Ham?,-... I Shoulders, 10S12 Sides, 1 LIVE STOCK. Fat Hogs 5 00 FatCittle 3 504 00 Sheep 3 00 Coal. Iowa 5 W Hard UW Rock spnnirs nut 5.50 Rock Springs lump w Carbon. . ? Colorado GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND NEW LINE OF GROC ERIES WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, of all KINDs, GUARANTEED TO BE OF. BEST QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD A WELL SELECTED STOCK, ALWAYS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! THAT DEFY COMPETITION. BUTTER AND EGOS And all kinds of country produce ta ken in trade, and all goods deliv ered free of charge to any part of the city. FLOTJE! KEEP ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR. 10-tf 31.