The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 16, 1884, Image 3

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Clifford Friday night.
Mies Ashbaugh has a sister visit
ing her.
-rS. Woddcll's child is sick with
Great semi-annual remnant sale
at Kramer's.
You can exchange your three-cent
stamps now.
Fine feathers for beds and pillows
at Henry Gass's.
"Planter's Wife," Friday evening
at the Opera House.
Win. Heitzman moyes his family
to the farm this week.
We learn that Mrs. W. H. Hess is
afflicted with diphtheria.
"The Dude" at the Opera House
next Wednesday evening.
Itickly & Hoffman's is the place
to buy good healthy meats. 34-4
The most and best goods for the
money at A. & M. Turner's.
Miss Susie Wake starts to-morrow
to visit her sister in Colorado. "
The recent cold euap did much
good in drying out the soft corn.
Another merry dance at Small's
riuk Saturday eveuiug. Come early.
Wanted, at the Liudell House, a
laundress ; also a chambermaid. 38-tf
Lost, a gold ring; the finder will
be rewarded by leaving at this office.
A car load of Kentucky blue grass
seed received at Herman Oehlrich
& Bro's. 38-c4
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Barlow re
turned Saturday irom a three weeks
visit cast.
The dance at Small's rink Satur
day evening last was attended by
forty couple.
An infant daughter of Charles
McCune died at Schuyler on the 3d
of pneumonia.
Nebraska people grow more and
more in love with the country in
which they live.
Geo. V. Hiucs, Chas. O'Brien and
Cap. Tschudy were up from Omaha
Saturday night.
"Good goods at lowest prices," is
the motto at A. & M. Turner's book
and music store.
Dan. Condon came down from the
west last week and will remain with
us for a few weeks.
Mr. .T. Boggs on the 2d lost two
little daughters, .Teauuette and Ger
trude, by diphtheria.
Now avail yourself of the special
low prices and order a suit or an
overcoat at Kramer's.
S. E. Phillips of this city has
taken charge of A. Henry's lumber
yard at Platto Center.
Barney Callihau is the only mau
we know of that can drive a pair of
"curly" horaea to town.
For an evening of fun, go to the
Opera House and see "The Dude"
next Wednesday evening.
It was a favorite thought of Soc
rates that pain aud pleasure grow
from the same parent stem.
Wanted, a girl to do general
housework. Can get good wages.
Apply to Lcauder Gerrard. lp
Don't forget the date for the Sam
Lucas combination at the Opera
House, Wednesday, Jan. 23d.
The Mason & Hamlin organ is
the best offered for sale here. Call at
A. & M. Turner's book store.
Weather strips for windows and
doors at Henry Gass's. Keep out the
cold wiud, aud be comfortable.
Wo still have several hundred
hoods left at 30 cents, worth $1. Come
and keep warm. So says Kramer.
Edwin Ahrens, one of the oldest
settlers in Platte county, put up a
new barn ou his premises this fall.
The Mason & Hamlin organs, as
everybody knows, cannot be excelled.
For sale by Anna & Martha Turner.
More new suitings just received
at McKean's, bought at reduced pri
ces, and will sell lower than any one.
The only meat market in town
that offered a reward on killing dis
eased cattle was Rickly & Hoffman's.
The Woodbridge organ is not ex
celled anywhere, for the price. Call
at A. & M. Turner's book and music
At the recent session of the board
of supervisors Jndge J. G. Uiggins
was appointed county attorney for the
ensuing j-ear.
Nebraska laws do not recognize
the legal existence of bawdy houses,
however much Nebraska officials may
excuse them.
Rev. J. J. Fleharty, president of
the college at Fullertou, this state,
being in bad health left a few days
ago for Florida.
While standingat the intersection
of Olive aud 12th streets Saturday
last we counted twenty-three wagons
loaded with hogs.
A discount of 15 per cent will be
given on all suits or overcoats ordered
during January at Kramer's Merch
ant Tailoring establishment.
Central City has the measles, and
the school board have notified all
affected to keep away from school
during the "catching" season.
The O'Neill Frontier now grinds
out its edition by horse power, the
invention of a gun-smith of that city,
which gives good satisfaction.
Remember the favorite, Edwin
Clifford Combination Friday night
one night only in the beautiful
society drama, the "Planter's Wife."
Mrs. Anna M. Leach who was
visiting friendB at Shenandoah, la.,
during the holidays, returned home
last week to greet her numerous Ne
braska friends.
Hake up a list of all the news
papers and magazines you want for
the next year, take it to At & M. Tur
ner's and they will give you hand
tome redaction in ratea.
Wo learn that Barney Beverstock,
formerly with L. Kramer of thi3 city,
was recently married at Shelby, Ohio.
His many friends here tender beir
L. H. Warner hag become the
owner and publisher of the Cedar
Ripids Era, having purchased the
property from the stock company
which founded it.
The commissioners of Boone
county have made the Cedar Rapids
'Era the official organ of that county,
ignoring the two papers published at
Albion, the county seat
Mr. C. Chinn, of St. Paul, Neb.,
1ms purchased Mr. Kelly's interest in
D.wty & Kelly's drug store, and here
after the business will he managed
under the firm name of Dowty &
Last Saturday was a beautiful
winter day and our streets took on
their wonted appearance of bustle and
business, after the short season of
quiet caused by the cold wave just
A member of the legal fraternity
here suggests the purchase of a large
l-i w library, by members of the bar
say an initiation lee ot zo, with a
payment of $10 yearly. Not a bad
Geo. N. Hall of David City was
recently assaulted while going home
irom bis place of business at midnight
ai:d robbed of $30. It is supposed
that murder was the prime object of
the assault.
Those who have occasion to travel
ou railroads will find it to their ad
vantage to call upon Mr. Clark, agent
for the B. & M. He has tickets to all
points, and asks you to come and
learn prices.
The Women's Christian Temper
auce Union of Fremont have a read
ing room and a circulating library
both good institutions that every
intelligent, self-respecting community
ought to have.
Monday evening Ed. North was
twenty-two years old, and the event
was duly celebrated by a number of
hiB young friends, who partook of a
bountiful supper at the residence of
Hon. J. E. North.
The Journal says that during the
last twenty months, the U. P. eating
house at Fremont received $25,000,
most of which was paid out in the
city. Its removal is quite a loss to
the business of Fremont.
Josie Wells was thrown from his
horse, Saturday morning, the horte
slipping aud falling npon the lad,
fracturing some of the bones of the
right foot. The young soldier bore
his sufferings very bravely.
We notify each subscriber, every
week, of ju6t how his account stands
for subscription. If you wish the
paper sent you uo later than the date
printed opposite -your name, please
drop us a postal card so stating. tf
A. L. Bixby, editor of the Nance
County Journal, was in the city
Thursday of last week. He made
this office a very pleasant call, and
left on the evening train for Denver,
where he will spend a week or two
with friends.
Ed. Smith, the manager of the
Star Clothing House, has some cheer
ing words in this paper, directed to
the good people who may want some
thing in the line of clothing. Prices
tell, and if you call on Edward you
will not regret it.
Henry Gass received last week a
car load of bureaus and bedsteads,
and is selling the same at low prices.
If you want anything in his line of
business, call and get prices, and note
the quality of bis goods. It will pay
you to buy of him. 37-2
The Nebraska Woman's Suffrage
Association will hold a mass conven
tion at York Jan. 18th, and on the
evening of the 17tb. Reduced rates
on the railroads may be obtained by
applying to Mrs. M. B. Bond, Lincoln,
so writes Mrs. C. B. Colby.
According to the Times, the busi
ness men of York have organized for
the purpose of buyiug corn, paying
the highest market price, not to make
money directly out of the corn, but to
give farmers a market and to hold the
trade tributary to the town.
D. L. Bruen and John Freeman,
delegates from Platte county, started
yesterday for the anti-monopoly con
vention at Kearney. Both of them
are capable of laying down the politi
cal gospel from their point of view,
and of commanding attention.
Echols & Turner have removed
their place of business to Olive street,
and can be found at the rooms lately
occupied by Lubker, Kracse & Co.,
as ware rooms. Their work as paint
ers and paper hangers is first-class in
every respect. Give them a call. 2
Mr. Geo. W. Slocking, a Saunders
county sheep raiser, was in the city
one day last week and called at the
Journal office. He was en route to
Fullerton, Nance county, with a view
to engaging in business in that town,
and possibly investing in a tract of
land in the vicinity.
F. Meyer and A. Alles, who have
been residents of Nebraska for three
or four years, started yesterday for
Alabama, which they expect to make
their future home. There is a colony
of Germans located in Northern Ala
bama, with which these gentlemen
expect to cast their lot.
The official who does not intend
to enforce laws that may be obnox
ious to his own feelings, can nearly
always plead the apathy of public
opinion, which, however, ought not
entirely soothe the conscience of him
who has taken a solemn oath to exe
cute the laws pertaining to his office.
Owners of hogs will do well to
look to their feed and care now.
Hog cholera is reported in various
points in the state. Nebraska had
her bitter experience of this disease
years ago, and if, as many suppose, it
was caused mainly by the monoto
nous feed of corn, it will befell to
1 vary the feed a little.
An old subscriber, remitting mon
ey for more than a year in advance,
writes : "We still like the Journal ;
wife grumbled a little when Judge
A. C. laid down the scissors and gave
up manipulating the outsides, still I
notice that out of fourteen papers that
find their way to onr boose, she sorts
out the Jouenal."
The infant child of Brother Hens
loy of the Democrat was very serious
ly ill last week. So critical was the
little fellow's condition on Wednes
day evening that the attending physi
cian could not give the anxious par
ents any encouragement to hope their
child would live. At this writing,
however, he is rapidly recovering.
A Fable. Once upon a time a
preacher, in a very lengthy sermon,
undertook to demonstrate the general
proposition that man is mortal. He
labored assiduously, and at the end of
the discourse there was not an intelli
gent man in the congregation who
would have disputed the truth of the
proposition, any more than he would
have done before.
A liquor dealer at O'Neill has
sought the protection of law against
several men who shot through his
windows, lamps, etc., by having them
arrested for drunkenness. Every
class of citizens needs the protection
the law gives against those who in
vade the legal rights of others, aud
hence all right-minded people should
be in favor of enforcing the laws of
the land.
Wm. J. Wynand, of Walker pre
cinct, was in the city Saturday, and
by a little incidental conversation he
disclosed to us the fact that he is
working into the tame grasses, having
succeeded in getting a fine stand of
10 acres of timothy, from which he
has taken two good crops, and he in
tends soon to put in another lot. He
cultivated his first lot on wheat stub
ble and had good success.
Last Saturday, as an east-bound
U. P. freight pulled out from the
depot, a gentleman who had a car
load of fat cattle billed for through
shipment without delay, side-tracked
aud waiting at this point, might have
been heard in no very measured
terms expressing his disapproval of
the conductor who for some reason
failed to take the cattle, departing
with his train only about half loaded.
At Judge Gaslin's last term of
court in Buffalo county, a man who
had forged a note for fifteen dollars
was given fifteen years' bard labor iu
the penitentiary. It was a pretty
heavy sentence, but, as tho judge ex
plained, be knew the man and gave
him fourteen years on general princi
ples. Hastings Journal.
The judge probably went upon the
theory that the man had acted up to
the full measure of bi& ability to
The Swedes who moved to Ne
braska from Illinois and settled in
communities together, have generally
(so far as we have observed) entered
largely into the raising of broom corn,
and they make it pay. The Wahoo
Tribune Bays: "LaBt week Mr. Frank
Peterson sold eight and a half tons of
broom corn at $90 per ton. This was
raised on thirty-five acres of ground,
making a return of nearly $22 per
acre from the ground cultivated."
Levi Jenkins of Madison county
arrived here Monday on his way
home from a visit to old friends in
Illinois and Iowa. Before this trip,
in all the years since he has lived in
Nebraska, he has not been further
away from homo than Lincoln. Like
the visits east of all Nebraskans that
we hear tell of, Mr. Jenkins enjoyed
himself first-rate and was treated
splendidly, but he is more than ever
assured that Nebraska is the place to
have a farm.
Our contemporary, the Sun, has
changed bands, Mr. McMurphy, late
of Plattsmoutb, this state, succeeding
Messrs. Cady & West. Since the
latter gentlemen assumed control of
the Sun they have made it a paper
second to none in the etate as a county
newspaper, and as we understand Mr.
McMurphy is an experienced news
paper man, we predict for the readers
of the Sun a first-class paper in the
future, ab it has been in the past.
Schttyler Herald.
The ColumbuB correspondent of
the Norfolk Journal, whoever he may
be, has, we are told, been saying some
"unprctty" things concerning our
board of supervisors. The board, so
far, seem to be getting In some very
good work, and this Jouenal rather
surmises that if they keep looking
after affairs right along as sharply as
they have started out (and they are
the kind of men to do so) the tax
payers of old Platte will have no
reason to grumble.
It is understood that the B. & M.
road will not get into Grand Island
without a contest with the U. P. There
will probably be a brief contest after
it gets in, and then business will be
come monotonous and uninteresting
again to the general public. Numer
ous roads don't always make compe
tition in prices, and unless a town is
so large aB not to take much account
of an additional railroad or two, it
would seem that for all ordinary pur
poses one road is sufficient.
Mayor Whitcomb of Seward en
forces the law in regard to liquor
dealers, aud Instrncts his subordinates
as to their duty in suppressing all in
famous practices. The Seward mayor
has, therefore, no bawdy-houses in his
jurisdiction. Recently a 6trumpet
visited the place, was arrested (with
her male companions) and the Blade,
after giving all names and particulars,
says : "We believe it is right to pub
lish the names of anybody who will
get down low enough to be caught in
such company nnder such circum
stances. Parents having young girls
ought to know who it is that is guilty
of such shameful conduct, so they can
guard against them."
Under date of Jan. 4th, Joseph
Gardner writes U9 from Walker, la.,
that he was snowed in at that place,
that the snow was a foot deep on the
level, and that from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m.
the train had made only 60 miles and
stuck in a snow bank for the night ;
the passenger train of the day before
was in a like condition 50 miles ahead.
At 9:40 a. m. of the 5tb, the ther
mometer marked 37 degrees below.
This incident in Mr. Gardener's trip
shows that the cold wave swept Iowa
An interesting law question late
ly came up at Hastings. Notes were
secured by chattel mortgage. Under
the "insecure" clause common in such
instruments, the mortgagee took pos
session and sold tho goods bofore the
notes became due, and now brings
suit for a balance yet due. The Jour
nal remarks that the present practice
of foreclosing chattel mortgages is
rather arbitrary, and suggests that
the proper method would be some
thing like the foreclosure of real es
tate mortgages.
A special meeting of the school
board was appointed for Monday
evening at Speice & North's office ; a
meeting of the Cemetery Association
superseded tbem. The latter held
tbeir annual meeting, electing their
officers for the next year same as
last. The treasurer reported a bal
ance on bands of $507.94. Tho fenc
ing of the cemetery grounds was left
to the executive committee, Messrs.
Ernst and North. There seems to be
a difference of opiniou as to whether
the fence should be of iron or wood.
We believe there is an exhibition
to be given in Columbus this evening,
the nature and character of which
does not commend it very strongly
to a respectable, intelligent commu
nity. Some sluggers from Omaha
will exhibit their skill in the "knock-
ing-on." science. Physical power,
when rightly directed, is a great
blessing, the value of which cannot be
overestimated, and causes deserved
admiration for its possessor, but when
prostituted to exhibitions that appeal
only to the brutal feelings, it Is con
temptible. The Central City Nonpareil, in a
little discourse upon the treatment of
newspapers by "hosts of little-souled,
narrow-contracted people," who ex
pect the local newspaper to be "a sort
of public convenience at its own ex
pense." The fraternity proper will
subscribe to the closing sentiment:
"A newspaper is not a beggar, and
should be willing to stand on a foot
ing with other business, but when it
comes to asking it to give about half
its resources, and then attempt to beat
it down on the other half, the strength
of liberality is a little on the extreme."
Uncle Morton, a grain man of
Chicago, tells a very short story con
cerning an Irish friend of his, a mem
ber of the Board of Trade, who had
bought largely of hog product, and
was pondering over the amount of his
losses on a falling market. "What is
the matter, John, you look very sober
about something ?" "I was thinking,"
said John. "Well, what were you
thinking of that makes you look so
sober? asked Morton. "I was just
thinking," said John, "that the hog is
a contrary animal while be is
alive, and uo less so after he is dead."
The following from the Lincoln
Journal will be of interest to Ohio
soldiers living iu this part of the state :
"At the last re-union of the G. A. R.,
held at Hastings, the Ohio soldiers
met and perfected an organization,
and instructed Col. E. P. Roggen,
their secretary, to take immediate
steps towards preparing a list of Ohio
soldiers. The colonel has labored
faithfully ou what has seemed to be
an endless task, and tho work is now
nearing completion, and when finish
ed will comprise 1,400 names, repre
senting all but two or three Ohio
regiments. Wc understand rosters
will be mailed to each comrade whose
name appears thereon."
At this time wheu snide shows are
fairly flooding the state, aud have
nearly exhausted the patience of a
much suffering public, it is refreshing
to be able to announce the coming of
an entertainment with an establish
ed reputation one that travels on its
merits and does not ask to be taken
"on trial." Such is the popular Sam
Lucas Colored Comic Opera Com
pany, billed for next Wednesday
evening at the Opera House. They
will appear in the new operetta, en
titled "The Dude," in three acts writ
ten expressly for this organization, in
which they have appeared with uni
versal satisfaction in their tour of the
principal towns of the state.
There is no use in mincing mat
ters or piling up words to no good
end. If a law is good, enforce it ; if a
law is bad, enforce it still, so that it
will the sooner be repealed and out of
the way. The executive or judicial
officer, sworn to enforce or interpret
the laws, who fails to do so, to the
best of his knowledge and ability, in
other words, the men who do not in
tend to do their duty, should receive
all the blame that comes from the
violation of law, because a little lax
ity in the official begetB considerable
license in the criminal. When the
law can be violated with impunity, it
simply means that the criminal class
or tbeir sympathisers are in power.
We are indebted to Mr. Wm. H.
Weeks, one of Grand Island's typo
graphical orotnernoou, for a very
pleasant call Monday morning. He
tells us that he has graduated from
publishing a daily paper, a thing we
were not at all surprised to hear. It
seems to us that it would take a pretty
good sized national bank to ruu a
daily any where in Nebraska outside
of Omaha and Lincoln, and even there,
only the enterprise and vim of the
business men makes it possible. We
may say, however, that we have been
surprised that Hastings so handsome
ly supports her daily paper, which is
by all odds the best representative
she has to make her known to the
ontside world.
The committee appointed to so
licit subscriptions for the purpose of
defraying the expenses of the re
union have, so far, met with com
mendable success, and feel encour
aged over the prospect. Our citizens
need not be backward in imisting
upon the meritorious claims of Co
lumbus as against any other place in
the state. To be brief, it is centrally
located with complete railroad facili
ties in every direction; a splendid
place for encampment, with shade,
shelter and most excellent water; a
commodious and nice opera house,
where the visiting comrades can be
entertained with music and drama;
nearly a score of churches where the
church militant can meet ; fine roads
for drives into tho country in every
direction, besides which we have a
people who in all things will deal
fairly and justly with the hosts that
will gather at the re-union.
Tke PlaMter's Wife
Will be presented Friday evening,
Jan. 18th, at the Opera House by the
Edwin Clifford Dramatic Compauy.
The troupe is a favorite one, and they
will doubtless have a good house.
The Sioux City Journal remarks con
cerning a recent rendering of the play
at that place :
Miss Stanley's support was good
throughout, and especially on the
part of Mr. Clifford, who at times
pleased the audience with some vory
effective acting. Haven in his char
acter of Simeon Cincoe, fairly set the
bouse wild, and has established his
reputation as a first-class comedian.
He is immensely funny, and to miss
seeing and hearing him is to miss
a good thing. Lanagan and Miss
Haven are also deserving of especial
mention for the very pleasant way in
which they carried through their
parts, and if Burton could only un
bend a trifle, and be a villian with a
little more sang froid in his composi
tion, he would be a little more ac
ceptable." Alllaace Itfeetlag.
January 12, 1884.
The Grand Prairie and Shell Creek
alliances met at the Redenbaugh
school-house, the president D. L.
Bruen, in the chair. Minutes of the
last meeting read and approved.
On motion, the alliances were con
solidated. This alliance hereafter
will be known by the name of Banner
alliance. The following officers were
duly elected for the next six months :
J. W. Mullen, president, David
Streeter, vice president, D. L. Brueu,
secretary, H. S. Redenbaugh, treas
urer. The following delegates were duly
elected to attend the state alliance,
which will be held at Kearney, Neb.,
Jan. lGth, 17th: D. L. Bruen, J. S.
Freeman, J. W. Mullen, H. S. Reden
baugh. We were glad to see Mr.
Potts of Columbus present. Several
speeches were made on miscellaneous
It appears that the alliance in Ne
braska is gaining strength rapidly.
Stick to it, brother farmers, right will
come. Meeting adjourned to meet
February 9th, 1884, at 7 o'clock p. m.
Everybody iuvited to be present.
D. L. Bruen, Sec'y.
Dr. Hampton has his office nearly
Busiuess is quiet for the beginning
of the new year.
T. Woods moved to town last week
from Leigh, Nebraska.
B. R. Cowdery was in town Thurs
day night last on business.
How many, from force of habit,
have been writing January, 1883,
during the mouth?
Is your cellar proof against Frost?
Jack bos been prying around town to
get iuto cellars. I suppose to get out
of the cold.
G. W. Clark received a nice lot of
job printing from the Journal office
last week, with which be expresses
himself well pleased.
F. M. Cookingham is puttiug up a
building 16x20 to use as an office, also
book and notion store; Wm. Abbott
is doing the carpenter work.
An effort is bring made to have a
singing school here. Prof. Geer iB to
instruct the class ; meets every Wed
nesday eve. We hope that this will
be a success. C.
The Supervisor.
Editor Journal : I wish to say a
few words through your columns in
reply to an article published in the
Norfolk Journal, on Township Or
ganization, but the writer failed to say
much on that subject. The drift of
his conversation was directed to the
actions of the board of supervisors ;
he would have the dear people of
Platte county to know they had sent
a set of numbskulls to represent their
interests, and further an outsider
must infer from the tenor of talk, they
act green, look green, and work green.
This would be the natural conclusion,
and the only task they would be com
petent for would be feeding cattle.
I will bet the writer a gourd seed he
cannot tell by the looks of a toad how
far be can jump. Then remember
this that no man's tiny fingers were
made to scratch out people's eyes.
No ; not even with pen and ink. Some
men are wise in tbeir own conceit, so
wise they imagine all others fools.
This imaginary wisdom of theirs
leads tbem to believe tbey are proph
ets, capable of prophesying and fore
telling future events. I would sug
gest to the anti-man, as long as he
lives in a gloss house not to throw
stones, aud to remember wc have
read about prophets, ghosts, bugbears,
&c, aud still got the first one to see.
A Member.
Are Yea tiela; East?
A new and additional supply of
coupon tickets to all points north, east
and south are now on sale at the B.
& M. ticket office. Parties going east
will find it to their interest to call and
get rates.
38-4 L. A. Clark, Agent.
P g
g S
Preparatoi-y to making a
the entire stock
for yourself and boys, as this stock must be sold within
a limited time and can be bought for half its value.
Boy's half-wool knee pant suit
" wool cassiniere knee pant suit
" heavy school suit
Youth's wool cassiniere suit
Men's Union cassiniere pants
" wool-filled jean "
" heavv " "
" figured cassiniere "
" all-wool " "
" heavy worsted suits
" " cassimere "
" Scotch "
" " overcoats
Now is the time to buy, as these goads at the prices we are
selling will not last.
ED. SMITH, Manager.
Iet Creek.
"Pats" wedding reception last week
was a treat to be sure.
Mr. Geo. Mayuard aud wife of this
vicinity are entertaining friends from
their old home in Illinois.
The Jewell Bros, are still at it. L.
II. drove iu another herd of young
cattle last week, purchased from Iowa
shippers at tho Columbus 6tock yards.
The select party given by Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell, at the place known as
Johu Early's.was a very pleasant atl'iir,
everybody seeming to enjoy them
selves hugely.
Oae of Our Meurce of Kereaae.
Received on subscription since our
last issue :
Wm. Duulap $1 00
Geo. Scheidel 4 00
Alfred Peterson 2 00
Thomas M. Wilson 50
Geo. Thomazin 2 00
James Bell 4 00
W.H.Hesa 200
B.Ellis 4 00
C. W. Talbilzer 1 00
Andrew Iverson 2 00
M. H. O'Brien 2 00
D. Brunken 2 00
J. P. Abts 1 00
G. W. Galley 2 00
E. A. Sage 70
M.Whitmoyer 2 00
Juo. Watkins 100
A.D.Davis 65
Edwin Ahrens 2 00
.tetter Etlnf.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-office, in
Columbus, Neb., for the week ending
Jan. 5. 1884:
C Mr. W. G. Collor, Mr. Sam Con
nelly. F. DeLaimater.
E Mr. C. E. Eaton.
F H. Fulton, Mr. Samuel Fisbba-.k,
Mrs. Julia Fredercks.
O John Hulen, Jun Ilamlinton, Mr.
Ed. Ball.
Jt 3Iiss Agnes Jones.
It Mr. E. It. Kline, A. Knepping, 2.
Ei :r. Wade II. Lowers.
HI Wm. J. Nelaon.
H Mr. Dinne Selke, Mr. Wm. Slatters.
T-Mr. H. Tagge.
W Mr. 3Iat Weepl, 3Ir. T. C. Wood
burn. If not called for in SO days will be sent
to ttoe dead letter office, " ashington, D.
C. When called for please say '-adver-
tised," as these letters are kept separate.
II. J. Hudson, P. M..
Columbus. Nebr.
Advertisements under this head
cents a line each insertion.
Our enterprising druggists, Dowty
& Kelley, are giving sample bottles
of Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup,ree.
We advise all sufferers to call and get
a bottla which costs nothing. 31-6m
8 o
change we will CLOSE OUT
of Men's and Boys'
Reduced Price. Regular Price.
$ 1.00 8 2.50
5.00 7.50
3.00 4.50
8.00 12.00
9.00 13.50
65 1.50
1.35 2.00
1 00 1 7
1.40 2.50
3.00 5.00
6.00 8.50
7.00 10.00
9.00 13.50
3.25 5.00
5.50 8.00
6.50 10.00
All kinds of hard flowering shrubs
for sale by John Tannahill. 2
Pens, inks, papers, slate pencils, at
J. B. Delsman is still selling salt at
$1.90 to farmers and stockmen. 10-tf
The old reliable Bain wagon at the
Order some Catalpha sued, and
seedlings one and two years old, of
John Tannahill. 2
AH kinds of feed tor sale at Wm.
Becker's. Prices iu proportion to
qnaulity. 37-4
Now maple syrup for sale at Her
man Oehlrich & Bio's.
Piano to rent.
Inquire of Wells &
All those who are lovers of good
flour should go to J. B. Delsman's.
A choice lot of Alfalfa clover seed
just received from Utah by John
rannahill. 2
Moline and Weir Companies goods
for sale at the Foundry.
You can always find a good stock
to select from at Mrs. Drake's millin
ery store. 39-tf
A large quantity of blue grass seed
received direct from the grower in
Kentucky by John Tannahill. 2
The finest assortment of hanging
lamps and China tea sets at II. Oehl
rich & Bro's.
For good young breeding stock of
all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stock
farm. A. Henrich. 30-tf
Challenge and Farmer friend plant
ers, Barnes and Tait check rowers for
sale at the Columbus Foundry.
Cut flowers at Tannahill's green
bouses for funerals and weddings a
specialty. 2
You can find the finest Hue of red
twilled flannel in town at Galley
Bros. 22-tf
Wm. Scbiliz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the
very best stock that cau be procured
in the market. 52tf
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-aud-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
A nice collection of primroses and
hyacintbes, all colors, single aud
double, just coming in bloom, at
John Tannahill's. 2
Ladies if you are iu need of a win
ter bat call at Galley Bros., as we are
closing them out regardless of co9t.
Blae CSraaa, Clever, millet aa
Ilaagarlaa Meed
At Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. 38cl2
Inquire of Frank Owens, if you
want a first-class roof at a moderate
price. 10-tf
Clesiacr Oat.
A lot of ladies serge shoes. 75 cents
a pair at J. B. Delsman's. 10-tf
Seed Cera.
Early white seed corn, fully matur
ed and well selected, for sale at Sauil.
Gass's $1 a bushel. 38-3
Citizeai of Celaaatma.
My Jersey bull, Captain Jack, will
stand for service at my stock yards.
22-6mo D. Anderson.
Auy one wishing choice mutton
during the threshing season call on
D. L. Bruen, Stearns Prairie. 16-tf
From me on or about Dec. 27, 1883,
one Gray Horse, blind in one eye.
Any information as to his wheroa
bouts will be amply rewarded.
Herman Duesmav.
Humphrey Platte Co.
Thomas Flynn has just burned his
first large kiln of brick and has them
for sale, either at the kiln, delivered
in tho city, or put up in the wall.
A Nice Heme for Male
I will sell my residence property at
a fair price, and on liberal terms. A
comfortable house, large barn, good
garden and shrubbery ; 2 acres in all.
34-tf D. Anderson.
DlMttelwtlea Netice.
The co-partnership heretofore ex
isting between David Dowty and
Geo. J. Kelly, is tbis day dissolved by
mutual consent. All accounts due the
firm of Dowty & Kelly will be col
lected by their successors, Dowty A
Cbinn, and all outstanding indebted
ness will be settled by them.
David Dowty.
38-3 Geo. J. Kelly.
Wk have made arrangements to fur
nish to (he subscribers of this paper,
that excellent agricultural and stock
journal, The Xrbraxka Fanner, for the
small sum of $1.00 per year. The
Farmer is published at Lincoln, Neb.,
O. M. Druse, Editor, and is devoted to
agriculture and stock growing in the
west. Every farmer should take it
Send $1.00 to this ottice and we will
have the Fanner sent to you.
FreNh OyNf er at 31. Yogal.
Can be had by the case, can or dish.
Extra selects, per can 50c
Selects, per can 45c
Standards, per can 40c
nv Tnz dish.
Raw, 25c
Stew, 25c
Fried, 40c
Give them a trial. 23-tf
While nt Humphrey, Nlop at the
Oraavllle Ilea.
Mr. Jacob Steffis has completed bis
large and commodious hotel and will
be pleased to see all of bis former
patrons as well as new ones. First
class rooms and beds as well as first
class table. Farmers and traveliug
men call on him. He has every facil
ity for making you at home. A good
livery attached to hotel. 21-tf
Laad for Sale.
In Colfax Co., near Platte Co. Hue,
80 acres, 70 of which arc under the
plow ; frame dwelling, horse and cow
Btables, cow sheds and corrals, corn
cribs, windmill and 2 pumps (water
40 ft. from surface), some fruit and
forest trees.
Also 1G0 acres, 120 under cultiva
tion, 7 acres of forest trees. Both
tracts havo first rato stock range, aud
road facilities. ?2,500 for each tract,
on easy terms.
15-x K. Mackenzie.
Farm for Mule.
GO acres iu the northeast corner of
Section 10, Town 17, K. 2, west, Lost
Creek precinct. Plattu county. Neb.,
all excellent soil ; 20 acres or hay laud,
20 acres under cultivation and some
other valuable improvements, beside
a good frame dwelling house 1','
stories 14x22 feet, with kitchen 12x14.
The place is within sixty rods of the
depot at Lost Creek. Any one desir
ing it should apply immediately.
Price .$1500. For further particulars,
address Luther V.Cliapiu, Lost Crock,
Nebraska. 35c-12
Our quotations of the markets are ob-
tainedTuesday afternoon, and are correct
sail reliable at the time.
grain, c.
Wheat 75
Corn, old :55
Oats new, 'J02i
Rye 35
Flour :!002450
butter, 18(815
Eggs, iWS'Ar'
Potatoes, 2085
Hams, 18
SboulderB, 105812
Sided, M
FatHog 5 00
Fat Cattle 3 SO04 00
Sheep 300
Iowa $5 to
Hard WOO
Rock Springs nut &0
Rock Springs lump 00
Carbon 0O
Colorado 00
And all kinds of country produce ta
ken in trade, and all goods deliv
ered free of charge to any
part of the city.