THE JOURNAL. ISSUED EVCRY WEDNESDAY, M. K. TURNER &, CO., Froprietori and Publishers. TE Ol? AlftVEMTISlXC;. $hwkm taTBusiness and professional cards of five lines or less, per annum, five dollars. 131 For time advertisements, apply at this office. B2"Ttegal advertisements at statuts ratesV ' STor transient advertising, see rates on third page. t3f"All advertisements payable monthly. OFFICE Eleventh St., vp stairs in Journal Building. terms: Peryear ? Tr Six months JeZ Three moatbs Single copies 3- VOL. XIvANbV36. ; J COLfJMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2, 1884. WHOLE NO. 712. ioupai wm BTJSDISSB CABDS. nnAH. SI.OA.AE, (YKK LH) CHINESE LA UNDRY. t-Under "Star Clothing Store "Xe braska Avenue, Columbus. is--m - T. WOOD. M. .. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. THm opened the office f rmerly oc cupied by Dr. Bonestecl. 19.3m. DENTAL PABLOR. On Corner of Ttaelfth and North Streets, over'Ernst's hardware store. 13-Offlcc hour. 8 to 12 a. ra.; 1 to o p. ui. Oij-a ASHBAUOH. Dentist. 1lttE-t7 SULLIVAN ATTORN EYS-AI-L AW, Up-stainrinOluck Building, 11th street, Above the New bank. XT J. IllliWO. NOTARY PUBLIC. Ittfe Street. door, west or Haamon J lloase, Columbus, Neb. M-7 rpilVBMTOX POWEBS, SURGEON DENTISTS. I2T Office in Mitchell Block, Coluni bui, Nebraska. "- J G. REEDER, A TTORNEY A T LA W, Office on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska. 2-tf p G. A. UULLHOUST, A. M 51. D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, 3-Tvo Blocks south or Court House. Telephone communication. 5-1? V. A. MACEEN, DKALER IN Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Porters, Ales, etc., etc. Olive Street, next to First National Bank. VTcALLIHTER ". 1 A TTORNE YSAT LA W, Office up-stairs in McAllister's build Ing. 11th St. W. A. McAllister, Notary Public. J. M. MACFAULAKD. K. COWDKRY, Atursi; Mi KcUrj WJ e. Cdlsew. LAW ASD COLLECTION OFFICE OK If ACPARIjAND & COWDBBS, Columbus, : : : Nebraska. G EO. X. DEKKY, PAINTER. "Carriage, house and ign painting, glazing, paper hanging, kalsomiimig, etc. done to order. Shop on 13th St., opposite Engine House, Columbus, Neb. 10-y F. H. RUMCHE, llth St., opposite Ltndell Hotel. Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Blankets. Currv Combs, Bruthcs,trunks, valises, buggv tops, cushions, carnage trimniiugs, v"c., at the lowest possible prices. Repaid pr mptly attended to. o. o. siiANisroisr, MASUKACTORKR OF Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Hoofing and Gutter ing a Specialty. 3rShop on Eleventh Street, opposite Heintz's Drue Store. -? G W. CLARK, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT, HUMPHREY, NEBR. His lands comprise some fine tracts In the Shell Creek Valley, and the north ern portion ol Pbtte county. Taxes paid for non-residents. Satisfaction guaranteed. 20 y """""" plOMJM BUS PACKWG CO., COL UMB US, - NEB., Packers and Dealers in all kinds of Hog product, cash paid for Live or Dead Hog or grease. Direetors.-n. H nenry, Prest.; John Wiggins, Sec. and Treas.; L. Qerrard, b. Cory. TOTICE TOTEACDER8. J. B. Moncrief. Co. Supt-N Will be in his office at the Court House on the third Saturday of each Month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, ana forthetransactton of any other business pertaining to schools. W57-y TAMES SAL.910X, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimates supplied for either frame or brick buildings. Good work fuaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near t. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne braska. 526mo. J. WAGNER, Livery and Feed Stable. Ia prepared-to furnish the public w!tb rood teams, buggies and carriages for all occasions, especially for funerals. Also coBducts a sale stable. 44 D.T. JlAJtTYX, M. D. P. Schcg, M. D., Deutscher Artz.) Dr. XASTTV SCHTJG, U. S. Examining Surgeons, Local Surgeons. Union Pacific and O., N. 4B.H.R. B's. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 32-voJ-xiii-y $66 J week at hosse. $5.00 outfit free. Pay absolutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Header, if you want business at which persoas of either sex, young or 14, c ake great pay all tbe time they jrark, with absolute certainty, write for MrticBlars to H. Ballet k Co Fort Cu,Mai. COLUMBUS . STATE BAN K ! fzcttasnU Oimra Sill ui Tsrttf Baltt. COLUMBUS. NEB. ' ASH CAPITAL, - $50,000 DIRECTORS: xandkr CJerraud, Prest. Geo. W. Hul'stY Vice Pres't. Julius A. Reed. Edward, A.Gerkaki. v J. E.'Tahkeh, Cashier. Uaak of Deposit, DIscohbi ..nil ExebasiB-""- - ' ' Collect! Promptly Made o ll IolBtM. . ... Pay latere! oa Time. Depos it. ... -274 DREBERT & 6RIGGLE, BAKEES! HUMPHREY, NEBRASKA. GTFrompt attention given 'to Col lections. jgrinaurance, Real Estate, Loan, etc. 5 J. H. GALLEYS BRO., "Would reipei-tfu'ly ask their friends and patroni to call and examine their stock of Fall and" Winter Ooods Berore purchasing their supplies, as they have their store full from lloor to ceiling of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, For Men and Boys, at all Prices! -..OVERCOATS ! &. m m en, boots am shoes. WE ALSO CARRY A LINE OF LA DIES' FINE SHOES. Blankets Quilts and all kinds of Fan cy Notions. !3rKcmmlier that we keep no shoddy good, and strictly one thick is our motto, which our twenty-live years resi dence in Columbus will sustain. 23-3m LOUIS SCHREIBER, llacMiflWaiooMaM1. All kindis of Repairing dune on Short Notice. Buggies, Wag ons, etc., made to order, and all work Guar- . anteedi Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. Shop opposite the " Tattersall." Ol ive St.. CUL.UMOU a. z-om-c GOLD for" the working class Isend 10 cents for postage. and we will mail you free a roval, valuable box of sample goods that will put you in the way of making male money in a few days than you ever thought possible at anv busi ness. Capital not required. "W"e will start you. You can work all the time or in spare time only. The work is uuiver Sallv adapted to-both sexes, -young and old." You can easily earn from 50 cents to $3 everv evening. That all who want work m'av test the business, we make this unparalleled offer; to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay Tor the trouble of writing u-. Full particu lars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address Stixsox tt Co., Portland, Maine. UDDER'S IIOTEIi. JOHNHDBER, thejolly auctioneer, has opened a hotel on" 13ih St , near Tiffa ny & BoutsonV, where clean beds and square meals will always be found by the patrons of the house. I will iu .the fu ture, as in the past, give my be:t atten tion to all sales of goods or farm stock, as an" auctioneer.' Satisfaction guaranteed; call and see me and you will be made welcome. JOHN nOBKK, Proprietorand Auctioneer. Columbus, Neb., June 19, '83. 9-tf COLUMBUS Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor. y Wholesale nd Retail Dealer in For eign "Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Dub lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales. T Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS in their season, by the case can or dish. lltk Strawkt. Saratk of TO. JS. MURDOGK & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Harehad an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kiads of 'repairing done.. on short otlce. Our aotto is, Good work and fairprlees. Call aad give ns .an oppor SSTSbop on 13th St-one-door west of Friedhef &, J Co's. start, Coluabus;Nebr 483-r National Bank! COLU Authorized Capital, Cash Capital, - $250,000 50,000 OFFICERS xi director-. A. ANDERSON. Pres't. ,. SAM'I. C SMI rH. Vice Preset. O. T. ItOKN, Cashier. .1. V. EARLY, ltORKKTUHLIG. HERMAN OEIILRICH. A- MCALLISTER. G. ANDERSON. P. ANDhRSON. Foreign and Inland Eschanite. Passige Tickets, Real Estate, Loan and Insurance. COAL LIME! J.E. NORTH & CO., -DEALERS IN Coal, Lime, Cement. Rock Spring Coal, 7.00 per ton Carbon (Wyoming) Coal COO " Eldon (Iowa) Coal UO ' o- Blacksmith Coal of best quality al ways on hand at low est prices North Side Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB. 14.3m UNION PACIFIC LAND OFFICE. Improved and Unimproved Farms, Hay and Grazing Lands and City Property for Sale Cheap at the Union Pacific Land Office, On Lony Time and low ntfe 'of Interest. - iSTFinal proof made on Timber Claims, nomciteads ami Pre-empti r.n. -B3TA11 wishing to buy lands of any de scription will please call and ex unine my list of lauds before lookiu ele where S3TA11 having lamN to .ell w:ll pleise call and give mo a description, t-rm , prices, etc. j3TI a so am prepared to insure prop erty, as I have the agency of several first-class Fire insurance companies. F. "W. OTT, Solicitor, speaks Germ in. MA91III2I C. SMITH, 3t-tf Columbus, Nebraska. BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLE SALE DEALER IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COL UMB US, NEB. SPEICE & NORTH, General Agents for tbe Sale of REAL ESTATE. Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific R. R. Lands for sale .it from S3.00 to S10.00 per acre for cash, or on five or ten year time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete abstractor title to all real es tate in Platte County. C21 COLUMBUS, rE. HENRY G-ASS, COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES AXD SKALKK IX Furnitor, Chairs, Bedsteads; Ba nana, Tables, Safes. Louim, Ac. Fiotnra Framsa and Mouldings. tiTBefrntrtngof all kind of Upholstery Ooods. fctf COLUMBUS. NIB. -J "' BSBSSMSMSST Dyspepsia aad Hott Much It Means. It is an encouraging fact that, in the tut few years, men ranking very high rnn authorities have furnished us with manuals of health. Once such books were written by those who thereby ex pressed the narrowness of their knowl edge. Now that we have hand books of Physiology by such men as Michael Fos ter and Huxley, "Slight Ailments," by Beale, '-Health," by Prof. Corfield, "Food and Feeding." by Sir Henry Thompson, "Personal Care of Health," by Parkcs, and scores of similar con densations by men of repute, wc are not at a I033 or apt to bs misled in following their suggestions. To these we add two recent works by Dr. Fothergill the one on "Indigestion, Biliousness and Gout," and the other on "The Mainte nance of Health." Probably there are more chronic in valids from dyspepsia in some one of its protean forms than from any other one disorder. This arises both from the complicated system concerned in di gestion and from the various outrages which our appetites and indiscretions too readily commit. While we no longer talk so glibly of liver complaint, and do not attribute everything to bilious ness, the liver is still an organ that gives a great amount of trouble. But now we recognize that indigestion means more than a stomach ailment, and has to do with the entire intestinal tract and its appendages. The stomach deals with one variety of foods, the up per intestines with others. The pan creas and the liver have functions to perform in relation to the incoming tide of chyle or peptonized and liquefied food, which determines much either as to the quality of blood or the energy that has to be put forth to separate the dross. Organs themselves often come to have an acute or more or less chronic state of congestion, which unfits them to do their work properly. Too often they have to attempt repair while forced into use by the eater, and so work at a disadvantage. The book referred to necessarily repeats much that is the common stock of knowledge and of in troduction to such a subject. We de sire to make use of the newer and moiv suggestive chapters. One of these has reference to cases in which, for a time, natural digestion has failed. When, for instance, the stomach work of digestion is feeble, so that meat or egg digestion is imperfectly performed, wc now learn .that the artificial addition of pepsin and hydrochloric acid will often be of great service. When, however, it is the digestion of milk we arc seeking to aid, we need the pepsin or pancreatic secretion La an alkaline vehicle. So as to fat; the mere condition of warmth has much to do with its digestion. Fats, like those of beef or mutton, which easily congeal can not be con verted into heat and force by many. Cod liver oil is so nutritious "in part, because it is a fat so easily digested. It is because our knowledge has become more specific that we no longer deal with dyspepsia as a general disease, but find out what foods and what part of the digestion fails, and either seek di rectly to restore it or do the digestion for it artificially. Thus we use pepsin as an artificial digestive aent when we want to assist the digestion of albu minoids; but to use it to aid digestion of any form of fat would be simply a waste. On the other hand, to aid the digestion of fats, "the use of au arti ficial pancreatic secretion" (alkaline iu its character) aids the further diges:ion of starch and acts upon the fat. Tin is but an illustration of how futile are all the varied forms of bitters and pills and other dyspeptic remedies unless there is an adjustment of the remedy to the known character of the indigestion. Tlure are forms of indigestion for which the alimentary system is not in the least accountable. " This is sometimes called secondary indigestion. If the mind is overtaxed or in trouble, or there is a worry of any kind, it is marvelous how soon there will be interference with the usual processes. The name hypochon driac comes from the connection be tween low spirits and disturbances of the digestive functions. We need to remember that all the so-called systems are parts of one great system, and that anything that affects the whole man may also affect some special locality. Multitudes of cases are on record where some violent emotion has wholly de ranged the digestive organs and made recovery slow. Pernicious anreraia or sudden and continuous loss of tlesh has resulted from a nervous impression. Good food, good sleep, good content, must enter into our calculation if we would have good digestion. Then, again, if the skin is neglected there will often be a congestion of internal organs which seriously interferes with the functions of the organic yiseera. Often the cure of dyspepsia consists in a thorough rub bing of the skin, a frequency of bath ing, a care as to clothing, and such other items as tend to keep the fine net work of nerve and blood-vessels and glands which the skin represents, in working order. We may be clogged by putting off on ouu class "of organs what belongs to another, just as effectually as by improper food. Let it be remem bered that no part of the system so much as the digestive apparatus indi cates interferences with the general wel fare of the whole body; anil that when this is interfered with we are not at once to suppose that all of the trouble is of local origin or caused bv some error of diet or regimen. A". Y. Inde pendent. Fooling with a Bear. Some weeks since a butcher on Mich igan avenue bought a bear about a year old. Just what he wanted of a bar around a butcher shop has not been ex- Elained, but he got him and chained im up in the backyard, and showed him off to all callers! Pretty soon the boys got after Bruin. They" yelled at him from the fence, called him names through the stray knot-holes, and tossed him a brick-bat whenever occa sion offered. There was one boy a chap about fifteen years old who had an aching void. He ached and itched and hungered to fool with the bear. On several occasions ho climbed tbe fence, and was discovered punching up the animal with a stick, or trying to lasso him with a piece of clothes-line. The butcher caught him and booted him around and cuffed his head and called him a double-barreled idiot, but next day the boy returned to his mut ton. Sunday afternoon the butcher and his family went out for a ride, leaving the bear to run the menagerie. The lunk head of a boy, who had been aching for such an opportunity, was on hand soon after the butcher disappeared. The bear was fast to a ring and a ten-foot chain, and just why the boy wanted to get within nine feet of him was anoth er mystery. He got there, however, -and-the bear got him. When his screams and yells had drawn a dozen to tLr- 401 oi the fence there was a free drco3 going on. The bear was having more fun than would sd4 a canal boat. The boy's hat was latfcinto strings, his coat was in rags, and ho was working for low wages and board in himself. The yells and howls sent forth by the jnnior "partner in the circus business seemed to tickle Bruin. He stood up for a back-hold wrestle and won the medal every time. Then he would roll over and over on the ground, carrying the boy with him and throwing his claws around in the most reckless man ner. Whenever the victim made a break to get away he received a bite in a new spot, and the bear wasn't a bit tired or discouraged when a crowd of fifty men and boys piled over the fence and interrupted the proceedings. They managed to get the boy away, and with him a bundle of rags which onco represented a salt and pepper suit, one shoe, a pair of pants minus most every thing but the buttons, and a dime novel treating of hunters and the wild West. One curious individual wanted the boy detained until his bites and scratches could be counted and duly labeled, but the rest hadn't time. They put him in a hand cart and drew him to his home on Sullivan avenue, and when his mother appeared at the door the leader of the procession removed his hat and kindly observed: "Madam, here are the remains of a boy who fooled with a bear. Tiie bear, lam happy to observe, hasn't felt so well before for three months!" Detroit Free Press. Rest for the Weary. There is an unusual amount of ill ness this autumn of the type known as "nervous prostration." It is prevalent among hard-worked people, who havo been deprived of the needed summer rest and relaxation, men who carry their business home with them every night, and women who are worn out by domestic cares and worries. It is very strange how much we are told about food, clothing, ventilation, drainage, exercise and other things which havo an influence on our health, and how very seldom we think of rest. And yet, as a remedial and restorative measure, it is of the first importance in many cases. Most physicians know what to do and when to" do it, but a good deal of common sense is required to discover how not to do something, and when to let the patient alone. A combination of drugging and fretting kills more than half the sick people in the world. A man's enemies can not do him near so much damage as his friends. The world is possessed with the notion that when a man is taken ill a terrible ado must be kept up, an al ternation of nursing and fussing, while preternaturally wise and whispering doctors, sympathizing friends, tearful relatives and chattering nurses add their contributions to the wrong side, and all because somebody is ill and needs chieily rest. W'e have not yet, most of us, gotten rid of the old no tion of the ancients that disease is a per sonality, a something that is in the air, that travels about, enters our dwellings, and finally seizes hold of us; something akin, in tho minds of the ignorant, to a goblin, ghost, fiend, demon or witch, which only pills or potations can exor cise, kill or cure. We are confident that many a sensible physician will say, if the patient will let him, that two-thirds of all t he maladies of all the people in the world would got well in a few hours or days, if left to themselves, with no other appliances than instinct would suggest and common sense employ. But the patieuts often estimate the doctor's skill by the wonderfully wise look which lie assumes, and the extent or variety of his prescriptions; and a sick man's friends hate to seem unsyrapa thizing, and so arc apt to be officious. It is to be understood, of course, that we arc not speaking of extreme cases, but of the treatment of most of the ills which flesh is heir to the troubles which come upon overworked men and women, so many of whom wc find all around us in this pushing competitive age. Their best remedy, if they can take it, is rest. If that 'be impossible, we can only pity them. Providence (R. I.) Journal. m Indecent Publications. Georgia ha a severe law against the circulation of indecent literature, and a man named Montrose has been con victed under it and sentenced to a fine of $1,000 for circulating a certain New York paper devoted to the publication of scandalous and criminal news. The publisher of the paper has made Mon trose's case his own and will seek to bring the law before a United States Court for the purpose of having its constitutionality definitely passed upon. Every friend ot decency and good morals will join in the wish that the Georgia law may be upheld in its letter and spirit. It is a good law. It is the expression of an effort on the part of a virtuous and honorable people to keep pure the fountains of instruction and protect themselves from the foul im purities which, in the name of litera ture and news, are spewed out from Northern cities. These immoral and demoralizing sheets, dealing in crime and scandal alone, and invariably em bellished with pictorial illustrations., are published and circulated under the protection of the liberty of the press, but if" the liberty of the press which originally meant and ought still to mean, the unrestricted right to speak of and discuss public aflairs, has be come a bulwark of protection for as saults upon the moral foundations of social order, it is time it were recon sidered and subjected to a more severe definition. Liberty is one thing, li censee is quite auotlier. Tbe one means the right to seek good ends in the indi vidual and the piiblic welfare; the other means the right to do wrong and to inflict wrong on the public by corrupt ing its morals and sneering at its vir tue. No harm would be done the pco f)le of Georgia by forbidding the circu ation of the paper in question within that State. On the contrarv, a great good would be accomplished. Indeed, a great good would be accomplished by forbidding its circulation in every State, for its whole tendency is immoral and corrupting. The Georgia statute Is as good a law as the inhibited publication is a bad paper, and it would be a public misfortune, a triumph of vice over vir tue, if the statute should be set aside as an infringement on the freedom of the press. St. Louis Republican. Keeping up the conversation: At a party the other evening there was a lull in the conversation, which made the host, who was inexperienced, somewhat nervous. With a view to relief he asked a mournful-looking man if he was mar ried. "No, I am a bachelor," stiffly replied the somber man. "Ah!" ob served the host, wanning up with the subject, "how long have you been a bachelor?" There was another iull ia the conve "" Chicago Tribune The Eleateats ef Palmistry. To begin with the fingers. The varia tions of these are not numerous, and any hand may be referred to one of some three or four types. There are the pointed fingers, where the finger tips are small and conical and the fingers themselves sleek and soft. They are no uncommon possession and admit of no doubt when they are found. It is said that they indicate a dreamy dispo sition, a tendency to poetize and to spec ulate. Men with such bands are enthu siasts and orators, have the gift of im agination very prodigally bestowed upon them, but at" the expense of common sense and knowledge of the world. Such hands are claimed for Shakespeare, Schiller and Goethe, and certainly pos sessed by Victor Hugo and George Sand. With the soft fingers and con ical tips there is no necessary alliance. The lingers may be sleek and the tips may be square. And this combination gives us another class of character. Here we have the tendency to art and poetry, but better under control. They are instructive rather than imaginative. The fine frenzy gives place to an eye for symmetry and an ear for rhythiu, and the types are to be found in Moliere, Pous'sin. "Taliban and Turenne. It is a pity that we have no living examples. Portrait painters a century ago had a fashion of taking the face from the sitter and the hands trom a favorite model. Vandvck's warriors, diplomatists and courtiers had all precisely the same kind of lingers. Ihe lingers may be even more than square, i'hey may be spatulous, widened and rounded at the end like a chemist's blender or an ar tist's paletee knife. This is a very practical hand indeed, widely removed from the dreamer and the visionary the hand of a man fond of movement and of action, the hand of a man fond of horses and dogs and hunting and warfare, or, if he is more peaceanle, of commerce and mechanism; a man of order and of contrivance, a merchant, a financier, or, it may be, only a church warden. The spatulous hand is generally found supplied with large finger knots, but where the fingers have no predomi nant joints the artistic character pre vails. Men act from impulse rather than from knowledge or reason. It is not laid down, however, that the ten dency of rheumatism is to convert poets into politicians, though it painfully de velops the knots of the fingers. Lastly, there is a general rule that large hands deal best with detail and short ones with genearl effect. It would be interesting to test this by examining the hands of the Royal Academicians. But the art descends into minuter de tail. Each of the fingers has its special characteristic, and a system of mytho logical nomenclature has been adopted based on the attributed distinctions. The fingers known to us as first, second, third and little are called respectively Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo and Mercury, and if it is thought that we are getting into the region of the fantastic, it is only fair to the Professor that his statement be heard and be tested. There is ranged across the palm of the hand a series of little cushions or hills; one at the base of each finger but a little way from the thumb. Character lias in these, and the character may be told by their ex amination. The first finger indicates ambition. If the mound is large, its owner will have a love of power coupled with a desire to shine, great gavety, some pride, tendency to Miperstition, and a fondness for nature. If the mound be wanting, the life is one without dig nity, the tastes are common, and the man is narrow, selfish and interested. The second finger is said to control his life, as it shows the extent of his pru dence and the probability of his success. But if the mound be preternatural we are to look for silence and solitariness a Hamlet-kind of disposition, verging on asceticism. The third finger, however, supplies us with more cheerful reflection. It is the finger of the arts. It shows the presence of genius and probability of fame. The man with a large mound near his third finger will be amiable and hopeful a delightful companion and an excellent friend. But if the mound be excessive the results are disastrous. A love of notoriety converts the life into vainglorious existence, with a tendency to avarice and certain direction towanl envy. Lastly wc come to the little finger. It is the finger of invention, of industry, of quickness, of ingenuity the linger, probably that makes us a nation of shopkeepers. It is the finance linger, and an excesMve mound might even be found among the less attractive types of the British bankrupt, as it indi cates sharp practice, disastrous acuteness dishonorable trickery and a love of en vasion. Pall Mull Gazette. . How Stanley Would Dispose of Africa. At a recent meeting of the British Association, Mr. Johnston read portions of a letter which he had received from Mr. H. M. Stan lev, dated Leopold ville, Stanley Pool, July 23, 1883. After mentioning the deaths of two explorers, a Belgian and a French missionary, he wrote: "You have amused me with your remarks upon the Portuguese. I nope you will not be tempted by the self-interested hospitality of the Portu guese to give your vote that the Congo shall be given to them. If England but waits a little she will see sufficient cause to judge that she lias as much right as any other nation which only .seeks to ex clude British trade from this outlet to Central African trade. Despite every prognostication to the contrary, this river will yet redeem the lost continent. By itself it forms a sufficient prospect; but when you consider its magnificent tributaries, which flow on either side, giving access to civilization to what appeared hopelessly impenetrable a few years ago, the reality of the general utility and benefit to these darlc tribes and nations fills the sense with admira tion. Every step I make increases my enthusiasm for my work and confirms my first impressions. Give 1,000 miles to the main channel, 300 to the Kwango, 120 to Lake Mantenba, 300 to the Mobimbru, probably 800 to the Kaissai, 300 to the Sankuru, 500 to the Aru wimi, and 1,000 more to undiscovered degrees, for there is abundant space to concede so much, and you have 4,520 mile3 of navigable water. Such an ample basin, with such mileage and navigation, with its unmeasured re sources, would you bestow as a dower upon such people as the Portuguese, who would but seal it to the silence of the coming centuries? Would you rob tbe natural birthright of the millions of Englishmen yet to issue seeking homes similar to those which their forefathers built in the Americas and the Indies? For what? Is the robust Empire called the British in its wane that you will put a limit to its growth? Such an idea is simply self-murder and a present confes sion of impotence. "Follow th; dictates of nature. As in man, so with nations, nature is the best guide. Statistics tell us that Eng lishmen are increasinf fast, that ships are building more and more evcryyear that trade is extending, that the reventi is augmenting, that colonies are form ing, that wealth incessantly flows from alt lands to England, that edncation creates thousands daily of men fit to cope with life's best work, namely, to thrive and multiply and we are well aware that the present Government is not less able than its predecessors to direct and maintain the force of the na tion. Then why lock the gates of a promising field against yourself ? Keep the gates open; let him who seeks to enter do so without let or hindrance, and leave it to time. Time will teach the British Government where its inter eat lies. Meantime observe your treaties with the native chiefs of Lower Congo; protect them as you promised to tho chiefs so far back as 1845 through your naval officers. If you deliver these peo ple into the hands of the Portuguese, the past as well as well as tho present teaches us what to expect. You deliver them soul and body to hell and slavery. So avoid the imputation of be ing false and faithless, proclaim a pro tectorate over the Congo, and preserve these your people from their present im pending fate. The very fact that you are fresh from work will give what you say an importance. Lend one hand to the present movement, so that neither French nor Portuguese nor any other particular nation shall defraud England of her rights and privileges in Africa in broad daylight. It was Livingstone, an Englishman, who discovered this river; it was Anglo-American money which explored it and made it kuown; it was international money, part of which was English, which began the task of mak ing it useful to the world. It was Eng lish goods, products and manufactures which enabled us to move on and win the love of the Congo Nation. Will you still vote that we shall sacrifice all this in honor of Diego Cam, whoso counUy men allowed the pearl of African rivers to lie idle for nearly four centuries?" Cheers. London Times. A G,000-Year-0Id Snake. "We want to see the big snake." Such was the request of Mr. D. M. Lienhardt in explanation of a ring at the door-bell of his residence. No, 1,025 Pop lar street, yesterday morning. On the steps were gathered a half-dozen children belonging in that neighborhood, ranging in ae from five to twelve years, who cautiously inquired if the serpent was likely to" harm them. They were told that "no harm would befall them, and so the little ones entered. No sooner had the door closed when another tug at the bell informed Mr. Lienhardt that more callers were awaiting to be admitted to satisfy their curiosity. This time tho visitors proved to be adults, and so a steady stream of men, women and children kept up all day, much to the discomfort of the obliging owner of the thing which many had come for squares around to see. Entering the hall the spectators beheld a petrified snake twelve feet long and twenty inches in circumference, weighing over 375 pounib. It was found a month ago imbedded in a coal vein in one of the mines of tho Leonard Coal Company in Center Coun ty, Pennsylvania. The miner who ran across the remarkable specimen of petrifaction many hundred feet beneath the earth's surface was thunderstruck at the discover', and experienced some thing like a cold chill down his back for tho first few moments after his pick had brought to light the serpent's head. He called his comrades, and they aided him in digging it out. It had to be cut into sixteen sections before it could be gotten out of the vein. The snake was exhib ited for several days in a hut near the mine, and people for miles around flocked to the place to see the strange thing, the like of which, it was said, had never before been seen in those parts. An officer of the Leonard Coal Com pany obtained possession of it, and had it on private exhibition for several days at his office. No. 207 Walnut place. He soon became tired of the rush, which included brokers and business men, to his office to get a glimpse of the petrified snake, so he presented it to its present owner. The latter has also been run down by visitors, but his love for curios ities is so great that he would sooner put up with annoyance than part with his present. The snake is of a dark lead color. Its head, body and tail are wonderfully well preserved, the outlines being quite distinct. It is somewhat flattened on top, and through the center of the body is a ridge an inch in depth. A well-informed naturalist, connected with the Academy of Natural Sciences, examined the thing for two hours on Saturday last. He said it was the best petrified" specimen he eer saw, and he claims to be well up in that line. The ridge he explained as being due to the wasting away of a portion of the entrails and undigested food previous to the time when petrifaction set in. He claims that the snake was fully six thousand years old, and belonged to a species now found in certain portions of Africa. Philadelphia Record. . Phosphorescent Linestone. A curious natural product has recent ly been found in Utah, near Salt Lake City. It is a loose-grained, white, crys talline limestone, the grains of which are but slightly coherent, giving the rock the appearance of a soft sand stone. Portions of the rock are colored slightly yellow by oxide of iron. Its phosphorescent properties are very re markable, entitling it to rank as a new variety of limestone. It was long ago noticetl by Becquerel that some lime stones were slightly phosphorescent, but, so far as known," no other limestone possesses this property in a degree at all approaching that now described, the phosphorescence of which is strong as that of fluor spar. Phosphor escence is developed when the rock is cither struck, scratched or heated. Upon using metal, glass or any other hard substance to strike or to scratch it, red light is emitted, which continues sometimes for several seconds after the blow. Rubbing with other fragments or grinding in a mortar developed a white light. The most remarkable phosphorescence is developed by heat ing a fragment of tbe limestone in a glas3 tube over a flame. It then glows with a deep red light, which lasts for a minute or more after withdrawing the flame. The color of the light emitted resembles that of a red-hot body. Seve ral seconds before dying out the light becomes white or bluish-white. Upon cooling and subsequent heating, phos phorescence is again developed in the same fragment, but more feebly and for a shorter period, and after two or three such heatings its phosphorescence is de stroyed. N.Y. Observer. m A Penobscot (Me.,) lumberman says he and another man picked 2,700 pounds of spruce gum in three days last winter, only taking what they could reach from the ground, KELIGIOUS ASP EDUCATI05 AL. A large college is to be erected at Rugby, Tenn., Thomas Hughes having conceived the idea while on a recent vis it to that place. The Episcopal General Convention at its last session elected as Bishop of Shanghai Rev. Dr. George Worthington, of St. John's Church, Detroit. The latest text used by Rev. Dr. E. E. Hale is: "For if a man thinketh himself to bo something when he is nothing, he dece'.veth himself." CAi'co q Journal. Citizens of Boston have subscribed $250,000 as a permanent fund for the Massachusetts Institute of Technolo gy the incomo only to be used. Boston Transcript. A young Danish Count, traveling through India, has become so much impressed with the need of religious work there that ho has become a mis sionary himself. The oldest school-teacher in New Haven. Conn., is Sarah Wilson, a ne gress seventy-seven years old, who has been teaching for "sixty years. Her father was bom a slave in New Haven, but bought his freedom. Mrs. Wilson has a good education. Hartford Post. The Chicago Evenvvj Journal counts the Kindergarten ami the Manual Training School tho most important ad ditions made to our educational institu tions during this century. The tinio will come, it predicts, when a training in both will be deemed an essential part of every child's education. Wc are in clined to accept the prediction. N. Y. Examiner. "Don't you have any schools here?" " Had a kind of a school here last sea son, but the teacher was too willing." "How so?" "Oh, some of the trustees asked him if he taught that the world was round or square, and he said, secin he was out of a job, he'd teach her round or square just as the School Board wanted it teached. Said it wat immaterial." Boston Post. Chicago has been chosen as the next place of meeting of the General Convention of Episcopalians of tho United States. At the meeting yester day it was reported that in the last fifty years the Episcopal Church in this country had more than doubled the number of its diocese and iucreased the number of clergy fivefold and of communicants tenfold. Chicago Trib une. Sixty-one thousand five hundred and fifty-seven dollars! That is the cou tributio'n to benevolent objects mudu in one year by Plymouth Church, Minne-apoli-, in addition to carrying on its own great work. Not in Boston, or New 1 ork, or in any of our great cit'es has any church equaled it so far as re ported. A few years since this Plymouth Church was a Home Mission station. Baptist IWekly. A writer who describes the Indian schools in Albuquerque, and who sa3 that additional buildings are to he erected, aJds: "The experiments in Carlisle, Pa., and in Hampton, la., have demonstrated the wiloni of establish ing schools for Indian youth. It is found that, aside from philanthropic consideration?, schools in wh'ch the head and the hand are trained are nioro economical and more thorough than any method hitherto devised for civilizing the Indian." filass Eyes. Passing a sign in the narrow door way reading "Glass Eyes inserted," and going up a steep Uight of stairs, the reporter and his companion found themselves in the parlor of the im porter. "Yes, I import all my human eyes," said he, "and s -11 them at a uniform firice of ten dollars each. There is a arger sale for them than you m'ght think. The' are merely sheils made to fit over the face of the eye-ball, as you see." He took a brown-irNed eye out of iLs padded case and handed it over for in spection. It was simply a shell of glass, with perfectly smooth edges, shaped to cover the eye-ball from muscle to mus cle. The "iris, pupil and vein3 that traverse the white of the eye were deli cately painted in exact imitation of a natural orb. "The shell, at first," remarked tho importer, "is a concave bit of pure crvstal. It is then passed to the painter, wfio colors it on the inside, and thenco it goes to be fired. A small particle of glaze is placed in the hollow, upon the painting, and when the firing is com plete the colors are fixed between two plates of class, as it were. Unless broken, through carelessness, the glass eye will keep its color and usefulness or ten years or more." "Is there any difficulty in inserting them?" "None at all. minute." Stand right still for a Slightly turning back the reporter's upper eyelid, the artist inserted tho upper edge of one of the shells; ho moved it sidewise and upward with a dexterous motion of his lingers and then, with a little click, it .settled into place, completely covering the eye-ball and of course blinding the eye for tho time being. Beyond a slight feeling of fullness, which it was declared would soon wear away, there was no pain or discomfort noticeable. "We have quite as many gentlemen as lady customers' came "the response to a question. "When it is possible to cover so prominent a disfigurement as au injured eye, there is no question that duty to the public demands the wearing of these shells. They are not painful or injurious. There in no danger of their falling out, as the muscles of tho eye keep them in place, and when their durability is considered it will be seen that they are very cheap. " Yes: sometimes it is difficult to get a perfect match for a good eye. The size of the iris, the size of the pupil, tho veins and color of the white, as well as the size of the shell and color of the iris, must be matched exactly." "Thoy are to be taken out at night, like a set of false teeth. I suppose? "Of course, of course; otherwise an awkward accident might happen Now. here is an eye that does not need to be taken out from one year's end to the other." He handed over a solid crystal, with a six-inch wire inserted in the undef side. The coloring was not so delicate as in the shells, and the entire work manship was inferior. "That is a home-made eye. It wa' manufactured to order for an amateur taxidermist, who means to insert it in the head of a ca which he is stuffing for an old lady on Seventh street. This is a very fertile branch of our business, as we sell a great many more of thcy--than of the human crystals. Thaf is, ot course, much lower- with the number Cincinnati