The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 26, 1883, Image 4
THE JOURNAL. VTEDXESDAY, SErT. 26, 1888. t:U:ei tt tie P:stee, C:fctzj, Set., u mai eUu sitter. LITTLE TEE-EEE. It was over the sea, In the land of tea. By the" beautiful river they call Yang: Tse, To 'which an additional name they hang; Making the river Yansr Tse Kianjr. A baby was born in a Chinese town; But a look of scorn and a terriblcrown (er the lace of the father was seen to curl, vhcn. ho learned that hia baby was only a girl. Now the father, -whoso namo was Hans U. Hhzh, Was the last of the race of tho great L Ugh, The father of Chinese history. He ras very proud of his pedljrree. And even declared that his lineage ran In a line direct to the very first man. His greatest ambition, was now to see Another limb on his family treo, Aboy who could finally step in his place, Sown the race-course of time to continue hit race; But alas for his hopes! 'Chug urn whirl! cnugum wnirii" He muttered, which means "It's a girl! It's a girl I" And he angrily hissed: "Clack whang bog loundl" Which means in their language "It must bo drowned!" Though the mother, in words that sound Im prudent, Insipidly pleaded: "Oh. Hang U., wouldn't!!" He sternly unsuered: "Clack whang bo quid:" Which means in their language "It must be did!" So he called hi servant and said: "Ar Chang, fjo drown that thing in the river Kiang;" Then turned away with an angry glare, Fo smoke his pipe in the open uir. But the good Ar Chang had a tender heart. He saw it was hard lor the mother to part From her little girl, yet, strange to tell. The sorrow that on his heart-strings fell Affected the strings of his purse as welL Still he couldn't think what in tho world to da. And he stood in agony clutching- his queue And pullingit downward until he drew His eyes clear up to the top of his head. Till they looked like long diagonal gashes Stretched over his forehead and fringed with lashes. Then, letting them down "I have itl" be ild. But the rest that he paid I will tell tolthoe In the very words it was told to me Br that honest, clllcient and noble Chinee Vrhd charged m'etwo prices formy "washee:" no said: " 1 got girl-ee same old like this. Got too much-ee girl-ee; my wife-ee no miss One girlreo. Ar Chang save-eo yo' girl-ee life, 1 take-ee yo' girl-ee light home to my wife, I dlown-eeniff girl-ce in liver-KIangi You givce much money to poo Ar Changl" Then gratitude stole down tho beautiful slants Of the mother's long'cyes, and she.gavo such ' agluncu Of approval, ho cried: "I would rather be .Chang, And Pcrve such a generous mistress, than Hang!" He carried Tee-Hco to Ills own little hut, Where the lloors were of dirt and the frescoes of soot, And.hD-said to his wife: "I have swapped for Tcc-Hec: We mustdlown-ee our girl-ee In liver Yang iv Tse And our mistless she give-eo much money to wel." "I will go," answered she, " and wrap Minnee Ting Loo In Tee-Hee's little mantle and bring her to vou." And then, witli a smile of approval, withdrew. Now it chanced Mrs. Chang had the masculine . art Of "playing it low" and concealing her heart. In short, of enacting a duplicate part. For expecting the time when her husband would say: "We 'are poor: we'll put MInneo Ting out of the way," 6hc had built a rag baby with marvelous skill, "Placed a spring here and there for tho sake of tho wriggle. Supplied its small chest with a bladder and quill, 'So that touch it who would the rag baby would giggle: Just tho size ot Ting Loo sho had measured and weighed it And now, with the skill she had learned when sho made it. She pinned on the cloak past all hope of un doing. And, learing it to start it to cooing. Bight into the arms of her husband she ldidit. Thus Chang boro it down toward tho river Kiang, But happened, in passing the vigilant Hang, To stumble, which caused it to kick and to coo. Till Hang crjed: "Away! I'll accompany you. I never can rest till it's safe in the water. Lest the mother has bribed you to rescue my daughter." Then quick in the pitiless river they threw What to Hang was Tcc-Hec and to Chang was Ting Loo. Each day. while the notable nang U. High Was reading tho books of the great I. Ligb, His wife stole away to the hut of Ar Chang, While Chang acted spy o'er the motions of Hang. But Chang never dreamed as he watched by the wall To give warning if Hang at his. hovel should call. That his dear little wife from its hiding-place drew The only original Minnee Ting Loo, Nor supposed, as ho stretched to its limit eaoh limb To peep at his master, that outof the dim Of nis hovel two mothers kept watch upon liim. And it never occurred to Hang U. High, As he studied the books of the great I. Ligh, That instead or retrenching on little Tee-Hoe By drowning the child In the river Yang Tse, His lucre provided provisions for three. H". II'. Fink, in Century. RUNNING A BLOCKADE. now a Yankee Schooner Did It Seventy Years Ago. Duriug Uieisummer of 1814 the Brit ish took possession of all that part of the State of Maine lyiii east of the Penob scot, ami claimed it as a part of their lawful territory. They established a sort of naval headquartes atCastine, and from thence sent out their cruisers. Upon the Kennebec Kivcr at that time were many thriving towns, and quite a number of Yankee privateers were fit ted oufr there. Several sailed from Bath, and even as high tin. as Hallowell were fitted and manned some of these trouble- f some little craft. In consequence of all tHis the British turned their attention to this latter river, and established a blockade at its mouth. They knew that Some privateers were being fitted out aomewhere up the stream, and they were determined to take them if they came out. And there was another thing which tho enemy had in view in this blockade. There was a fort up the river a short distance, and also several military store houses: and they (the British) had learned that provisions and ammunition were xpected from Boston or Salem for these places. So they meant to kill two birds with one stone: They would pre vent the privateers from coming out, and also prevent the stores, from going in. many smi living, who resided upon l ine ivenneoec (luring that war, Temem berwell the season of that blockade. They depended for much of their pro visions upon the coasters which came from Massachusetts; and now that the email vessels were prevented from com ingin they suffered much. In Hallow well, Watervillc, Gardiner and other places, provisions were so scarce that a A W flW I Wit SV W X nHrtjl rtAll Lj uuj -.juio niiunuewuisiuuicu " uu off in ordinary times lived upon the swill-gatherinjrs of the more wealthy; and a silver dollar's worth of meal could be carried away in a common pocket handkerchief. The suffering was great. The people knew that there were sev eral vessels anxious to get in, but the British war-brig at the river's mouth prevented them. Among the vessels which were ex pected atHallo well was a heavy schooner named the Polly Ann. She was owned and commanded by a man named Eben Wait. Also another schooner called the Eliza, which belonged to Abncr Jen kins. The Polly Ann and the Eliza both cleared at "Salem, Mass., the former loaded with one of the most valuable cargoes ever sent to the eastward, for, beside a large lot of excellent provisions, such'" as flour, corn, rye and pork and Beef, she had a large" quantity of arms and ammunition for two privateers that were 4ying at Bath. The loss of the Ipuy Ann would have been a severe mow in two ways: It would have sadly rfOded to the want of the poor people of Stie Kennebec, and have prevented the utfitrof two stanch privateers, and it would have also added much to the power of.the enemy by furnishing them With things which the3T much needed. ejPolIy Ann was a newanavaiua- kMi' -frnf. -nut sn trtfc-ElfMLr-The latr Sfflurery'old and very rotten, and '-aBBM it.was now. uwaner last trio. Her owner.had-esolved to tfy the ran to xiauoweu,'iaiia'then pull his old schoon er ctonecesiorlirowood, as. that was iDowairshe was good for. On the uresent. occasion she was loaded with provisions, butfthe load was necessarily a light one, as Jenkins dare not venture to sink her too deeply. The two schooners sailed from Salem together. In fact Jenkins would not have dared to sail alone, for he was not sure his rickety old craft would carry him through. The Polly Ann was manned by Captain Wait; his son Na than, a youth of nineteen; a man of thirty, named Jim Tufts, and Samuel Locke, a young man of twenty-five. The Eliza had beside her Captain, Da vid brother of the commander; Walter Davis and Charles Allen, both young men and able. When tho two schooners reaohed Wood Island, which lies at the mouth of the Saco River, they were boarded by some Yankee fishermen who resided there, and who informed them that it would be of no use for them to go any farther. "Ye can't git into the river," said one of them, "for a cussed brig-o'-war's alyin' efFan' on there all the time. An' I ken tell ve one more thing, too: Theci Britishers "are on the lookout for you. They've heered a how't yeou were a comin' in with provisions an' arms for privateers. They've been informed somehow." This was a damper upon Captain Eben Wait. He had known that there were untisii war vessels upon me coast; but he had hoped that there might be none in his way. Ho could not turn back. He knew that those whom he loved were suffering for tho want of the food he had with Trim; and that the privateers could not sail until they had tho stores he had in charge for them. And, further, much of the provisions he had in cargo might spoil by being kept too long in the hold of his vessel. What shonld he do? The loss to him, if he failed to make his trip, would bo great; but he thought not so much of that as he did of the loss to those who were depending upon him for the very means of 'sustaining life. He questioned the fishermen very closely, and was convinced that they spoke truly. Three of them had come from Mauhegan only two days before, and had been robbed of their fish by this same brig. "And," ocnlinued the informant, "one of the officers asked us if we knowed the Yankee schooner Polly Ann. We urotended ""at we didn't know anything about It. He said he'd have ye ef ye come that way." Captain Wait pondered a long while on the information he had received. "It's a ha-d case," he said to his friend, Captain Jenkins. " I know how these fellows watch. There's no getting by them." 'Tic nrmfrmnrlnfl Imil " TPtlirnml Jenkins. "Now if 'twasn't for the cargo I've got aboard they might have my old hulk in welcome. I don't kno .v but I'd be willin' to pay 'em somethin' to carry her off; for the firewood she'll make won't hardly be worth the trouble of cuttin' her up. She's half rotten, and t'other half is as full of nails and spikes as her sails are full of holes. But with vour vessel it's different. She's new and valuable. By thunder, Eben, I'm af eared we'll have'to go back. But it's cussed hard, isn't it?" But a new light had gleamed upon the bronzed face of Captain Wait. "Look ye, Abner," he said, eagerly, " if I could carry your cargo all safely up the river would you give up your old vessel?" "Would I?" cried Jenkins. "Pll bet I would. Yes, sir; I'd let her go to grass in a minute." " Then I think Ave can do it. At all events, we'll try. My schooner can easily carry all the load you've got, from here to Bath. We'll drop in shore and shift cargoes as quickly as possible." Jenkins heard his friend's plan ex plained, and his own face grew bright. The two schooners were anchored, and then lashed side to side; and then all hands turned to with a will. Before night the Eliza was " flying" light, with nothing aboard that couldfbe possi bly taken away. They left her hull, her masts, her three sails, and such rig- fing as was absolutely necessary to eep her on the wind. The distance from Wood Island to the mouth of the Kennebec is about thirty miles; so the run was not a long one. Wait did not wish to start until after midnight, as his plan was to bring the war-brig in sight just about daybreak. The wind was from the south'rd and east'rd, and blew a fafr breeze, and it was likely to remain so, at least until the sun roso again. At one o'clock in the morning the two schooners again made sail, and at three the light upon Cape Elizabeth was upon the larboard quarter. At 3:30 Seguin light was in sight ahead. Seguin is an island at the mouth of the Kennebec. At four o'clock the first gleams of the coming day appeared upon the horizon, and in a very few minutes afterward the tall spars of a British brig-of-war could be distinctly made tmt ahead, just outside of Seguin, and to the south'rd of it. "Now's our time," shouted Captain Wait, hailing his companion who was close under his lee. Abner Jenkins ran his vessel to the windward of tho Polly Ann, and as he came abreast he cried out: "Would ye sot her a going now?" "Yes. Are you going to? ' "Yes. I can fix that there." "Then do it a soon as ye can. The Englishman hasn't seen us yet. Set her head a little to the north'rd of east!" "Aye, aye," responded Jenkins; and thereupon he set at work. In the meantime Wait had his sail all taken in so that the Englishman should not see him; and as the as the water was shoal he let go a light anchor. Jenkins' first movement was to lower his boat and secure her by a painter to one of the stern davits. Next he put on all sail, and had the sheets belayed very carefully for running with "the wind a little forward of the beam. The tiller was next set, and as soon as he was satisfied that the schooner would run in a direct line with the tiller thus, he lashed it fast. He knew the Eliza well enough to know that she would be true to the course he had given her; and rusvinr seen tnat tne sheets were se . . 1 .. curely belayed, and that nothing of any vaiue was lelt on ooaru, he had nis crew fet into the boat and pulled for the oily Ann. Away went the schooner in fine style, dashing the foam from before her, and leaping over the light waves as defiantly as could be. Captain Wait took his glass and went aloft. He could now see the brig plainly. She was under easy sail, and appeared to be lying-to. By the course upon which the old schooner was sailing, she would pass only about three miles from the brig, and that, too, before many minutes. "Hi-yi!" cried Wait "There she goes!" As he spoke a wreath of smoke curled up from the Englishman's deck, and in a moment more the report of a heavy gun came booming over tho water. "He's taken the bait," shouted Jenk ins. Another and another gun boomed away from the deck of the brig, but the schooner did not stop. She dashed away over the water with her flag fly ing and showed no disposition to obey the Briton's summons. "Hi! Look!" cried Wait, as a round shot plowed up the water under the stern of the flying schooner. But this was not to last much longer. The brig soon put up her helm and bore away, and cracked on all sail. Away went the schooner and away went the brig. Bang! Bang! Banff went the Englishman's guns; and tee Yankee coaster eemed to fly the faster. But the brig Was gaining rapidly. Near er and nearer it came, and shot after shot riddled the poor devoted schooner. Presently her mainmast went by the board then her bowsprit dropped and finally she lay a helpless, sinking, rotten, useless mass upon the water, which must soon open its bosom to give her rest. Meanwhile the Polly Ann had run up her anchor and made sail; and as the brig overtook her prize, the successful Yankee was passing behind Seguin. In a short time the island was left upon her starboard quarter, and once more she was iu full view of the Englishman. " Let's heave-to here a little while, just to see the fun." said Wait. This was readily agreed to: for the Polly Ann was just in the mouth of the rivu- with the wind fair for running her up at any moment. So the schooner was hove to, and all hands gathered aft to watch the opera tions o? the evening. Beside the heavy guns which Wait had stowed away un der the main-hatch for the privateers, lie had a lot of muskets. He had eight of these brought up and loaded, and the Yankee flag got read' for running up to the main peak. The brig was seen to overhaul the poor, riddled, dismantled hulk, and our Yankee fancied they could almost he'ar the British curse and swear. But won't they cuss a lectle more when they see us?" said Jenkins. "Beckon they will," responded Cap tain Wait In a few minutes from that time the brig was seen to put up her helm, and very soon afterwards the old hulk gave a lurch and went down. " They see us!" cried Wait, as the brig put her head about. And so it would seem; for the man-of-war not only put about, but her nen crowded upon, her forecastle and gazed off to where the Yankee schooner lay. Up went her studding-sails, below and aloft, and she came plowing through the water at a swift rate. At length she fired one of her bow guns, antfthe ball fell direct beneath the end of the Yankee's flying jib-boom. "Up with the helm!" cried Captain Wait. "Haul over the main sheets! Get out the muskets!" muskets were taken by the men,, even tho man at the wheel jroinj in for one, and as soon as the vessel was near ly headed up the river, they gathered along by the taffrail. The Stars and Stripes were run up to the peak, and as the glorious ensign opened its magic folds to the breeze, the Cap tain gave the order to fire. The reports of the eight muskets rang ouf upon the air; three hearty cheers vere given by the homeward-bound men; and then the Polly Ann danced away up her native river. Surely the officers and crew of the blockading brig must have felt particu larly foolish about that time. And that they did feel so is evident from a re mark her commander made to" a poor fisherman whom he overhauled for fish on the evening of that very day. It was a fisherman who had ventured down ofi Cape Small Point after haddock. He asked the fisherman if the Polly Ann had entered the river. "Ye-e-es, sir," answered the poor fel low. " Did she carry much of a load?" "Gerewsalem! yew'd a thought so, I reckon,"' answered the fisherman, who seemed desirous of giving an emphatic reply. "She was loadedaaown to the gunMls, sir. It's a niarcv 'at sho didn't siuk!" The Englishman replied in a ver$- ex tended aiid very elaborately wrought sentence of oaths, ami added: " I wish she had sunk! I never was so fooled before; and never will be again!" But tho man spoke without counting his cost. The Polly Ann stopped at Bath and unloaded her large vtms and ammunition; and three days afterward two sprightly privateers sailed down the river, and captured the brig-of-war, and carried her into port. Meanwhile the successful schooner kept on up the river, carrying gladness to all patriotic hearts; furnishing food for hundreds of famishing bodies, and inspiring many desponding souls witS new hopes andaspirations. Some Entertaining Maine Bear Stories. Bears are getting so uncomfortably numerous around Moosehead Lake as to alarm even the old Indians and other settlers by their frequent boldness and surprising cunning. The other night members of the family of George C. Luce, living about two miles northwest from the head of the lake and near the branch of the Penobscot River, were aroused by John Abbo, who had heard an unusual noise in the pantry, and coming down stairs they saw by a light shining from Mr. Luce's bed-room a large Dear helping himself to family provisions. Abbo's gun was standing near the pantry door and within a foot of the bear, which unconcernedly watched the approach of Abbo, while he tested the various articles within reach. All this was going on while Mr. and Mrs. Luce slept, oblivious to the intru sion, within a few feet of the scene. Abbo finally succeeded in reaching his gun, when the bear retreated through the pantry window, which he had. smashed on getting into the house. Mitchell Francis, an Indian sleeping in an adjoining bed, was aroused by the breaking glass, and he, together with Abbo, drove the bear into the wood shed, but were unable to shoot with any certainty on account of the darkness. Finding himself cornered. Bruin made a plunge and went completely through the rear of the shed, which was strongly boarded and escaped in the darkness. In about an hour, however, Abbo found the brute in the pantry again, as did Luce. This time Abbo went to the window just in time to save the retreat, and with out stopping to raise the window took aim, fired and the bear fell, though he was not finally despatched until he had made a "desperate fight in the door-yard. His weight was be tween three and four hundred Sounds. Thursday night, just after tho rattleborough fishermen had come off the lake, Mitchell Francis discovered a bear in tho road near Savage's Hotel, where the party were stopping. Three shots killed him. Ho weighed over three hundred, and his nead and paws were divided among the party. The following day another was seen by one of the guides who was unarmed. A bear broiccfinto one of the store-houses on the Penobscot the other night and carried off hams, fish and a quantity of other articles. Sunday three sizable bears were brought into"Kineo" by the guides. Deer, moose and caribou are very plenty in the region, but the law ana the flies prevent the hunting of them. Boston Transcript. Among the ..concessions recently granted by the Mexican Government is one which allows Louis Logorreta and Arthur Mayer to gather for ten years the cactus or maguay plant on Govern ment lands. These persons must es tablish in the country within two years a paper and textile mill, in which the cactus leaf is to be used, and for each such mill, erected at a cost of not less than 9150,060, the Government will give a premium of $30,000. The plant is said to be so abundant that the in dustry can be extended almost without limit Judge J. B. Foraker, the nominee of the Ohio Republicans for Governor, is a graduate of Cornell University, New Yor Si:::'l" Jilt' s.i. Tiioro has ,q i -mMeiiiv ie"i,l,il,ii faiify for simii tires and a singh odor, variety to the ward es of pi.ihi fan. OS !v w:i o rooe, and -1V!U p.:n.- nent -mornr t hc- e.nlumes is ! o u-o of plain grenadine willi gros grain, op posed to the rich velvet liglired givrni dine with satin. When th drts is colored dark red, copper, hpis blue, or golden brown it is made of the smoothest silk gauze of a single shade, or else changeable with black, draped over plain gros grain or tafieta silk. If the dress is black, tire material is the armure-figured or square-meshed grena dine, and the silk is plain gros grain or ottoman repped. Lace is tho trimming ior aii sucn uresses, diu mis may oe 11 1 ...! .! m.. connnea to tne oasque, in wnicn i. i i .ii . t w ease only three or four yards are required tor tne full mil on tnesjeeves. neck and down the front. The ecru embroid eries that are done on a net founda tion and resemble lace, are used for the colored grenadines, while for black dresses the Frenoh, Spanish and gui pure laces are chosen. At the best furnishing houses there are black grenadines of nice quality made with the deep-plaited kilt skirt full apron draper', and short basque that constitute the popular design this sea son for the simplest wool dresses. The grenadine kilting is wide plaits, and may be edged with lace which falls at the foot upon one or two knife-plait-ings that are needed to relieve the long straight effect of the lengthwise plaits. The upper drapery is not cut out by any pattern, but is arranged in inexpli cable folds on the top of. the skirt in any way most becoming to the wearer. The lower edges of the grenadine are most often turned under above a kilt plaiting, but if it is meant that the front should be decidedly in apron shape, it is edged with lace four or five inches wide; as this lace must not bo used on the back drapery, only two yards are needed, and this is put on in a gathered frill without heading, the edge of the lace being passed under the wide hem of the grenadine; one third extra fullness is all that is added for lace. Plaited lace is not now used. The trimming width of laces for basques is about three inches, while that for aprons and for flounces on skirts varies from three to eight inches in widths when two different widths are used they should have the same design, and indeed the same pattern may be had in three different widths, the third width being used for frills around the hips, which are either laid upon the vertuga din puff, where they will appear just below the short basque, or else they are attached to the basque itself under he slender scallops that are cut along ts edge. The French laces that imi tate Cnantilly designs are used for such dresses in pretty patterns of shaded roses, rose-buds, palms, and feathers; the prices of these begin as low as twenty-five cents a yard in the three inch widths, and increase up to 9I.0O; excellent designs are sold for thirty five or fifty cents a -yard. As we have said, three yards will trim a basque, but modistes can also use six yards for fully trimmed basques, and six yards are used on very simply trim med lower skirts. When grenadine is used for flounces a pretty plan is to havo each flounce four inches deep when finished, and add lace two inches wide; these widths will answer alike for gathered and plaited flounces; a hem as wide as the lace gives a pretty effect to the flounce, while other flounces have an inch-wide hem, with two or three tucks, each a third of an inch wide, above it The Spanish gui pure laces, with square guipure meshes and thick Spanish dots and scallops, are in keeping with the plain iron grena dines, and there are more costly Spanish laces with hand-run figures and cords of silk. Independent young women select some simple stylo that is becoming to them, and have all their dresses of both rich and plain fabrics made by one pat tern. Thus a young lady with slender, graceful figure has a preference for the round basque with deep apron over skirt and narrow short skirt with flounces, and this, with slight variations in the trimming of the lower skirt and the upper drapery, is the design used for all the dresses of her summer ward robe. One of these pretty dresses is en tirely of India foulard of dark blue ground, with India red circles in it; this has two or three gathered flounces on the lower skirt, a hem on the round apron over-skirt, and the basque has a shirred front; with this is "a parasol of the same foulard, and for morning walks her hat is an English rough straw walking hat trimmed with blue velvet and two white pigeons. A second dress is of ecru pongee with the deep apron over-skirt covered with Persian em broidery of red, blue, and olive, in very small designs. And a third dress has a skirt of gay figured foulard with scal loped flounces, while the shirred basque and overskirt are of plain lemon-colored foulard with frills of white Orien tal lace. Another young lady finds the Jersey waist becoming te her, and seven of these waists complete the dresses of her summer outfit. There is a ietted silk Jersey to wear with black skirts; one of pale blue wool for a striped wool dress that shows blue, olive, rose and cream-color in the stripes; a beaded scarlet Jersey for white, red, and black dresses; a brown wool Jersey that forms the waist to her traveling dress that has checked wool skirts; an ecru Jersey for pongee skirts; another of white wool to wear with blue and white flannel skirts in the country; and still another of white silk with crystal beading to wear with evening dresses. Since the Jersey has been deprived of its scant look and improved in shape by American mo distes, who have added a collar, cuffs, plaitings at the back, and sometimes a narrow vest, it has become both a popu lar and a fashionable garment Those Jerseys made with sewed seams, form ing a French back with some plaits in the middle seam, are preferred for slender figures, while those wove in the plain Jersey shape are liked for larger women. They are made without darts, and the single-breasted fronts have an English collar notched like the collar of a gentleman's morning coat, and above this is a high standing collar. Small cuffs are turned back on the sleeves and hemmed, and there are curved slits for pockets on each side. Modistes make a waist like this as a part of a suit and attach it permanently to the lower skirt, or else there is a sash like that of the lower skirt sewed on the edge of the Jersey; this style is liked for young ladies and school-girls. Older ladies have the Jersey represent an out side basque simply hemmed on the edges, and finished in the back with a ribbon bow and loops over the plaiting, or to make the back bouffant when there is no plaiting. When the webbing is not thick it will show the white cor set cover if tightly drawn over it hence a cover of aDesia or of thin silk the color of tho Jersey cloth should be worn beneath it Harper's Bazar. A delicious salad is made by boiling new beats without scraping them. When they are -tender, drop them in cold water, remove the skin, slice them, and put in a salid dish in layers, with slices. of hard boiled eggs; season with pepper and salt, a little butter and vinegar. X. Y. Bast. It is expected that the journey from Paris to Constantinople will soon be made in seventy-five hours. A through train with forty-two beds now runs twice a week. Iv share of the 1 aquas rf Mia fcJmrafrP A eoodi the MR Work for Rainy Days. Rain- days give the farmers time to read, or time to do things that they never would have time to do if it did not rain. If you have a carriage or any farming implement that needs painting or overhauling; then is a good time to do it. Every year farmers should see that all farming tools are in propertrim for use. Do not wait until the time comes to use the implement, but see that it is in perfect order before needed. See that all the nuts are tight on your implements. If tools need it, paint them; if they need sharpening, do that. If you intend to make a fence, or build injr, a rainv day is a good time to get out the material. If you need anv farm implement, such as a garden roller or any little implement, it is a - . . ". good time i. . .. - - to make it farmers with a little prac tice and a great deal of patience can make a great man1 useful things for the farm. A good way to make a garden roller is to cut two round pieces out of a two ineh plank, of the size you want your roller. Then get a round iron rod, run it through the center of these round piece. Next, nail strips two or three inches wide on the round pieces. Leave one strip off, get some cement and mix; fill tho roller with small stones and put in the cement Then nail on the last strip. Have the iron rod long enough to project out on each end of the roller, and attach the frame to the rod. The cement will harden, and you will have an everlasting roller. A large roller cotild be matte in the same way, only the frame would have to be made dif ferent If the carriage needs painting, wash it" clean. Buy plenty of sand miner and smooth off the wheels. (Jet off all the old paint you can, using coarse sand paper first; then line, and finish with emery cloth. See that each wheel is smooth; then do ths body in the same way, first rubbing it down with pumice stone. Carriage painters burn the paint off, but you had better not attempt it, for vou might spoil it Do not take all the paint oil, but leave the-! hrst coat. Buy a can of extra ivory drop black, one pint of turpentine, one of boiled linseed soil and one quart of varnish coach varnish is best Take any empty can and put in some of the drop black and enough turpentione to thin it to the right consistency. Paint the wheels first, then tho bod and rest of it. Let it dry, and when dry rub down with fine pumice stone. Then put on another coat of paint; after it is dry rub down once more with powdered pumice stone, then put on two coats of varnish. Use fine brushes, and when painting keep the brush straight, and do not bear on too hard, or your work will be streaked. For the top take drop black and equal parts of turpentine, boiled oil and var nish; apply with a brush. It will make the top look new, and it will last much longer. This coating will also improve old harness. For the cushions, if leath er, get a pint can of ready mixed paint of such color as desired, and after you have painted them, and they are dry, give them a coat of varnish." If they are cloth, sponge them off with warm water and soap. If you wish to have a gold band around the hubs, get a bottle of prepared gold bronze, and after ap plying it varnish the whole baud. Car riages and spring wagons should be washed often: it makes them wear longer and look more attractive. AH nuts should be tightened every six months, and when you wash a vehicle, throw plenty of water on it, and give the dirt a good soaking before com mencing to use tho sponge. After you have done this, use the sponge, being sure that you have a good one. Wipe dry with a chamois. On rainy days you can also post up your books, if you keep any. Every farmer should keep books, and know just how much he is making on the farm, or whether he is losing money. Very few farmers can tell how much they are making. A simple contrivance for shutting gates is made by arrang ing a couple of pulleys, with a small rope attached to the gate, running over the pulleys; then a weight will shut the gate. Oil the spindle to make the pul ley turn easily. On rainy days help your children make windmills, bows and arrows, or kites. Give your chil dren all such things, and when older they will not care for them, butformore useful things, and will love you more for the little kindness you show them when young. Cor. Country Gentleman. The Secret of Raisins; Turkeys. A recent number of the Lancaster Farmer says: One of our most success ful breeders remarks upon this point: One great secret of raising turkeys is to take care, and take care all summer; and even then you can not raiso them, for sometimes they will not lay, or thev will not hatch, or something will befall them. Sometimes we raise turkeys without much care, when the season is especially favorable, but generally the measure of care is tho measure of suc cess. A boy ten or twelve years old, with a little direction from his father, can easily take care of 200 turkeys, and he can not earn so much money on the farm in any other way. It is an old maxim that if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well. Some may think this constant care is too much trouble to raise turkeys. This is a free coun try, and you can omit any part (or the whole) of these suggestions. If you know a better course, by all means pursue it. This painstaking has made turkey-raising about as sure as any oth er branch of farm industry. I have usually kept from eight to ten tnrkeys for breeders, and haye raised from ninety-nine to one hundred Jn a sum mer. In 1860 I sold my turlceys for 27 cents a pound; they amounted to $280.40. In 1869 I sold for 25 to 27 cents per pound; gross amount of sales, $386.14. That year I kept an account of expenses and calculated the net profit at $213.58. In 1870 I sold for 25 cents a pound; amount of sales, $311.32. In 1871 1 sold for 18 cents a pound; gross amount of sales, $286.13. I would rather raise turkeys and sell at 15 cents a pound than to raise pork and sell at 10 cents a pound. Perhaps in fat tening pork you can save the manure better, but the turkey droppings, if fathered and saved every week and ept dry, are worth half as much as guano, and are certainly worth a cent a pound. The turkey crop is steadily increasing in value, not more by the increased number of farmers who make this a specialty in their poultry-raising than by the increased attention and skill of those who have long been in the busi ness. Care in selecting stock for breed ing brings ample rewards. The pros pect was never better than now for the extension of the business among the farmers who have a good range and good markets. . The average size of turkeys in the districts where the busi ness is made a specialty is steadily in creasing, and we look" for still further improvements. At Austin, Tex., in excavating in tao Colora'do River for the water-works, the workmen brought up a spur of curi ous workmanship and of evident Span ish origin. From 'the description of a fine spur said to have been lost by Gen. Bustamente in tke river when he was retreating before Santa Anna, many be lieve this to be the same spur. And, near the same spot was unearthed the frame work of a clock. It is of metal, and, though oxidation has marred its luster, of coarse, traces of a high polish can sfill be seen on it, and practicles of rich and valuable pearls, with which it was awarlaid, are still visible. Chicago Times. HOME AND FARM. If a person has been bitten by a mad dog, tie a cord tightly about the wound, apply warm water to encour age bleeding, suck the wound and ap ply caustics" X. Y. Times. In the Ohio Farmer a correspond ent recommends growing potatoes under a covering of straw, put on about the time the tops are coming through. The covering keeps the ground moist in a dry time. The straw was put on in some insta aces to a depth of ten to twelve inches. Corn Bread: Two two cups of In dian meal allow one cup of white flour, two tablespoonfuls of white sugar, two and a half cups of buttermilk, one tea spoonful of soda, one of salt, one table spoonful and a half of melted butter; steam for two hours in a well buttered tin, and dry off in the oven. Exchange. The Rural Xew Yorker says toma toes raised in poorish light soil will ripen ten days earlier than those raised in rich soil" We know this from the actual test during the past season. If large, showy tomatoes are wanted, re gardless of flavor or time of ripening, then the rich soil and the rank growth are needed. Cutting off all but one or two fruits of the clusters while they are small and green will also cause those remaining to grow to a larger size. Says a ladv writing to the Country Gentleman: Few housekeepers prop erly estimate the value of providing covers for pillows in common use, thinking if the case are changed oach week the pillows are properly pro tected This is a real mistake, is any one can seo by putting a white cover underneath the case and noticing how soon it becomes soiled. Old pillow cases can be -used, by tearing off the buttons and putting buttonholes in tho hems. Poached Eggs and Toast: some boiling water into a fryin Pour pan; then break tne egg into a saucer very carefully, and slide it off into the hot water. Tho water must not be boiling hard, or the eggs would fly in piecas. The water must be boiling hot to begin with, but afterwards merely simmer until the white is cooked so that no limpid part remains; then the yolk will be Mitliciently doue. Toast and butter some evenly-cut slices of bread, and lay them on a plate; then with a skim mer carefully lift out the eggs, and place one on each piece of toast Boston Post. ' E. P. Howell, for many years known as an extensive and successful fruit-grower, says that the experience of every grower of fruit for market is that the most important matter in begin ning as a pomologist is to plant a very few varieties. Not less than four-fifths of our good fruits are unprofitable. They will serve the purpose of the ama- teur, whose main object is to supply hi? table with a succession of good fruit; but thev will not pay the gardener. An orchard with a large number of varie ties demands incessant work and con stant anxiety. Chicago Tribune. Dyspeptics and the Drug-Store. But nine out of ten dyspeptics resor to the drug-store. They get a bottle o) "tonic bitters." They "try Dr. Quack'. "Dyspepsia Elixir." They try a "blue pill" in the hope of rousing Nature, a it were, to a sense of her broper dutv. Now, what such "tonics" can really do for them is this; they goad the sys tem into the transient and: abnormal ac tivity incident to the necessity of ex pelling a virulent poison. With the ac complishment of that purpose the ex ertion ceases, and the ensuing exhaus tion is worse than the first by just as much as the poison-fever has robbed thf system of a larger or smaller share o. its little remaining strength. The stim ulant has wasted the organic energy which it seemed to revive. "But,' says the invalid, "if a repetition of thf dose can relieve the second reaction, would the result not be preferable tc the languor of the unstimulated system: Wouldn't it be the be.-t plan to "let nif support niy strength by sticking to my patent tonic?" Yes, it would be very convenient, es pecially in times of scarcity, if a starv ing horse could be supported by the daily application of a patent spur. Il would save both oats and oaths. Even a fastidious nag could not Itelp acknowl edging tho pungency of the goad. Bu it so happens that spur-fed horses are somewhat short-lived, though at first the diet certainly seems to act like r charm. For a day or two the dru .. ,. ., ...-. ... .. . stimulates tne activity 01 tne digestive organs as well as of" the mentalfacul ties, but the subsequent prostration is so intolerable that the patient soon chooses the alternative of another poison-fever. Before long the pleasant phase of the febrile process becomes shorter and the reaction more severe; the jaded system is less able to respond to the goad, and, in order to make up for the difference, the dose of the stimu lant has to be steadily increased. Ths invalid becomes a bondsman to the drug store, and hugs the chain -that drags him down to the slavery of a confirmed poison-habit. Circumstances may differ. A dyspep tic who intends to make his own quietus within a month or two, and in the meanwhile has a certain amount of work to finish, would be justified in stimulating his working capacities br all means, in order to improve to the utmost whatever chances of mundane activity may remain to him. But he who intends to sta has to make up his mind that recovery can not be hoped for till he has not only discontinued his drug, but expiated the burden of sin which the stimulant outrage has added to the cause of the disease. Nature has to overcome the effects both of malnu trition and of malpractice. Tho drug has complicated the disease. Dr. Felix L. Oswald, in Popular Science Montlily. A Dull Pawnbroker. The other day a Detroit pawnbroker received a call from a young man with the tan and freckles of the country on his face and nose, and an old-fashioned bulls-eye watch in his hand which he desired to pawn. "Vhere you lif?" asked the broker. "Oh, out here a few miles!" "Vhere you got dot vhatch?" "It used to be dad's, but he gave it to me." Tliebroker looked him all over with suspicious glance, and asked and re ceived his name, and then added: "Vhy you vhants to pawn dot vhatch", eh?" "Well, I needed a little money." "Dot looks suspicious to me, und I guess I call der bolcece. "Suspicious! Police!" repeated the young man. "Say, mister, if you don't know the difference between a thief selling his plunder and a young man in town with his gal, and that eal wanting peanuts and candy and sody water and street car rides until she's cleaned him out of his last cent, you'd better go and start a sheep ranch." "Oli, dot vhas it eh? Vhell, I gif vou tree dollar. Dot makes It all ash hlain as der face on my nose, und I hope you baf some goot times. Here two und one makes tree." Detroit Free Press. They have found a breech-loading cannon under the citadel at Aleppo, where it must have been buried two hundred and fifty years. Its mechan ism is almost precisely like those in vented in these late yeara. Perhaps somebody will sometimes find a tele- Ebone loaded with helloas buried deeply elow the surface somewhere; for every day some evidence is brought to prort ihit there is nothing new under the tuu i&TPt? Post. pgaaapjfaajaMssaMSjs -" - EASTWARD. Dally Express Traiua (or Omaha. Cnl cago. Kail vat City, St. Louis, aiul all points Kant. Through cars via l'eoriu to Indian apolis. Klcgant Pullman 1'uluci- Cars ami Day coaches cm all throuch trains, und Diiilnc "hi. cast of Missouri Rivor Through Tickets r.t tho T nirest Hatea aro on sale at ail tho important stations, and biyguge -Ri'.i lnjctu'cktki t xieotinaUon. Any information aa to rate, loutoa or tinio tabloa will ho chtK-Tfully furnished u;ou application to any Rgcut. or to V. S. ICUSTIS. General Ticket Agent. Omaha. Neb. NOTICE Chicago Weekly News. -AND S0L7UBTS, irSS, JOHRHAL FOR $2.50 a Year Postage Included. The OHIOAGO WEEKLY NEWS is recognized as a paper unsurpassed in all the requirements of American Journalism. It stands conspicuous among the metropolitan journals of the country as a complete News-paper. In the matter of telegraphic service, having the advantage of connection with the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS, it has at its com mand all the dispatches of the Western Associated Press, besides a very extensive service of Special Telegrams from all important points. As a News-paper it has no supe rior. It is INDEPENDENT in Politics, presenting all political news, free from partisan bias or coloring, and absolutely without fear or favor as to parties. It is, in the fullest sense, a FAMILY PAPER. Each issue contains several COM PLETED STORIES, a SERIAL STORY of absorbing interest, and a rich variety of condensed notes on Fashions, Art, Indus tries, Literature, Science, etc., etc. Its Market Quotations are complete, and to be relied upon. It is unsurpassed as an enterprising, pure, and trustworthy GENERAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Our special Clubbing Terms bring it within the reach of all. Specimen copies may be seen at this office Send subscriptions to this office. 1870. 1883. THE oliwfbus journal Is conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inti-r. ests of its reader and it publish. era. Published at Columbus, Platte county, tke centre of the agricul tural portion is read by hundreds of people east who art looking towards Nebraska as their , future home. Its subscribers iu Nebraska are the staunch, solid portion of tho community, a is evidenced by the fact that the Journal has never contained a "dun" against them, and by the other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward. Business is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Nebraska will 11 nd the columns of the Jouknal. a splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and q.uiekly done, at fair prices. This species of printing it nearly always want" ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have so provided for it that we can furnish envelopes let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, pogters, etc notice, and we promise. , etc., on very short promptly on time as SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum $200 " Six monthit .. .-.. .. . 1 00 " Three months, 50 Single copy sent to any address In the United States for .1 cts. K. X. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. EVERYBODY Can now afford A CHICAGO DAILY. TIIE CHICAGO HEBALD, All the News every day on four large pages of seven columns each. The Hon. Frank W. Palmer (Postmaster of Chi cago), Editor-in-Chief. A Republican Daily for $5 per Tear, Three mouths, $Lf0. One trial 50 cents. mouth on CHICAGO "WEEKLY HERALD" Ackuowledired by everybody who has read ifto be the best eight-page paper ever published, at the low price of tl PER TEAR, Postage Free. Contains correct market reports, all the news, and general reading interest ing to the farmer and his family. Special terras to agents and clubs. Sample Copies free. Address, CHICAGO HERALD COMP'Y 120andl22Fifth-av., 40-tf CHICAGO. ILL LYON&HEALY A Monro Sts., Chicago. . WDl tnimtmli Itu; tiittm tt far llS. ft. K"5I lMtnanu, Sslu, Cap Btlt 'prat xpuMU. up-uap Sanirr Bud Oatfia. Rmlrte imui wv aiBOk AUMViUlkU ajao ucioow ibktvcwbs ias ax- fCtofcaauiMafc. . L", .sKssBBi State 4 a SBsBSl 1 m.8Udi 4MfEsafar' WESTWARD. Daily Exnress Trains tor Denver, con necting in Union Ijot Tor all points in Colorado, Utah. CalUurnla. ami tli outirc "V-t. The advent of this liuo givos tho trav eler ffSvvr Koute to the Weit. with scenery and advantages unequalled eisawnore. THE- Special Announcement! 1 SEDUCTION IN PRICE. -o- We ntlVr tl louitXAl. in combiiritiou with tin- American Agriculturist, the best farmers' in:iraiue iu the world, for 93 a year, which includes postage on both. IN ADDITION, we will semlree to ev ery person who takes both papers, a .Magniiieent IM.ite Kngra ins: of Dl'lMJE' last (Jn-at l'.ihitin- I. Till: ITIKA DOW," iiiwonehibitioninNeu York, and ollered Tor sale at g.l.OOO. Tne eminent Artist, K. S. CHl'Ut'H, writinir to a friend iu the country last October, thus alludes t this Picture: ' 1 was delighted this morning to see ollered as a Premium a reproduction of a very beautiful Picture. 1M Till-: JlEAIMW"by Dupre. Thii Picture is an Educator ' This superb engraving 17 by VI inches, exclusive of toide border, is worth more than the cot of both Journals. It is mounted on heavy Plate Paper, and sent securely packed in Tubes made epressly for the purpose. When to be mailed, 10 cents c.vtr.t is required for Packing, Post age, etc. E5r"Suberiptions may begin at any time, and the Agriculturist furnished in German or Kii'-lisb. 0 YOU WANT THE BEST Illustrated "Weekly Papr published? If so, sub scribe for Tko WklT Graphic It contains four pages of illustrations and eight pagw of reading matter. It is terse. It is vigorous. It is clean and healthy. It gives all the news. Its home department is full of choice literature. Farming interests receive spe cial and regular attention. It treats inde pendently of politics and affairs. During the year it gives over 200 pages of illustra tions, embracing every variety of subject, from the choicest art production to the customs, manner and noteworthy incident and everyday scenes of every people ; and Cartoons upon events, men and measures. Try it a year, subscription price $2.50 a year. Sample copies and terms to agents, 5 cent. Address THE WEEKLY GRAPHIC, 182 & 184 Dearborn Street, Chicago. We offer Tho "Weekly Graphic In Olub with The Columbus Journal For $.1.1)0 a year in advance. LUERS & HOEFELMANN, DKALKKS IN WIND MILLS, AND PUMPS. Buckeye Mower, combined, Self Binder, wire or twine. Pumps Repaired on short uotice ESTOiie door wet of Ilciutz'n Druv Store, 11th Street, Columbu-, Neb. & " REST not, life is sweeping by, go ami dare belore you die, something mighty and kuhlime leave behind coimupr time. $ a week in your own wn. $.1 outfit free. So risk. Every thing new. Capital not required. Vve will furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Header, if you want business at wh'ich you can make great pay all the time, write for particulars to H. Hai.lstt & Co., Portland, Maine. ;51-y week made at homp bv the I 4l now t not ustrious. Ilest business now belore the public. Canitnl needed. We will start you. 3Ien, women, boys and girls want ed everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time, or give your whole time to the business. No other business will pav you nearlv as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay, by engaging at once. Costly outtit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine. 3i.y D "M ' .