The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 23, 1883, Image 3
k f J N I I. ' I Y THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY MAY 23, 1880. Court week. Races June Cth and 7th. It pays to trade at Kramer's. Follow the crowd to "Fitz'a." Masons fruit jars at cost at Will T. Rickly's. Brussel carpets C5 cents per yard at Kramer's. 'Dick"Nunnelly has finally taken to writing po6try. Coffins and all kinds of funeral goods at Hunger's. If you have a chattel mortgage to sell take it to J. E. Tasker. Mrs. Stump haB employed a first class trimmer from Omaha. "Hoodlum sap" is a new name for it, given hy the David City Press. A little fire is still a comfortable accompaniment of the "happy spring time." Don't forget the June races. They will be the most exciting ever sepn in the Btate. The Milford Democrat reports a waterspout nine miles west of that place, Slay 13th. Lime Harmon and Tom Turner of Fremont will drive 20,000 sheep from the west this season. One hundred and seventy-five dollars has been contributed as a Fourth of July fund. Plenty of old papers in bundles of ten each, for five cents a bundle, at the Joukn'ai. office. tf Judge T. L. Norval of Seward is to preside here while Judge Post opens court in Osceola. "Wm. Draper of Schuyler was in town Friday. He is still troubled with his old complaint. The two horse thieves of Butler count' were sentenced to five years each in the penitentiary. Travel over the A. & N. haB in creased about one-third since the pas senger train was put on. One of the finest and largest stocks of millinery and notions and at lowest prices, at Mrs. Stump's. More travelling men make their headquarters in Columbus over Sun day than any other town in tho state. Hammond Bros., of the Fremont Tribune, have started a daily, and no doubt success will perch upon their banners. George Fairchild has been won derfully afflicted with rheumatism, scarcely able to move a single joint of his body. Tho Hall County Agricultural Society have advertised their premi um list. The fair is to bo held Sep tember 2f-2S. Abundant inquiry for land in Nebraska this year. The sale of the Otoe reservation will only bo a drop in the bucket. Fremont has passed an ordinance establishing fire limits. Four whole blocks and five Imlves of blocks com prise the area. A. AV. Ladd, E6q., of tho Boone County iWir.v was in town Friday and Saturday, and made himself very agreeable at the Jouunal office. Peter Coopor's definition of relig ion is quoted as "a science by which the movements of the material and moral world could be regulated." There is a hired girl at Grand Island who chews and smokes tobacco like a little man, and why shouldn't she ? Is this not a very free country ? Commissioner Henry and Clerk Staufier met on Tuesday of last week, and adjourned, Commissioners Rivet and Moran being absent on account of sickness. The teachers' institute for Madi son county is to be held the last week in August and the first week in Sep tember. J. P. Sprecher will assist Supt. Hunt. J. "W. "Wigton, Esq., of the Hast ings Gazette-Journal, gave us a pleas ant call yesterday. He is one of the solid, business men of the fraternity ia Nebraska. Mr. Murphy of Humphrey called at Journal headquarters Thursday. He is lately from Michigan, and seems very favorably impressed with his adopted state. For Sale Ciieap. I wish to sell my house. It contains six good sized rooms with closets, pantry, cellar, &c. Apply at once to A. A. Smith, at Dowty, Weaver & Co. 4-2 Visitors go to the track every fine morning to see the jockies working their horses, and are very often re warded by seeing some very exciting dashes down the homestretch. The Columbus Driving Park have the finest track and grounds in the state, and their June races promise to be very exciting, judging from the number of horses that are coming. Sale bills, posters, dodgers, state ments, bill heads, note heads, envel opes, circulars, all kinds of legal blanks, briefs, etc., printed "with neat ness and dispatch," at tho Journal office. tf The Kansas patent winter flour at John Heitkemper's, cor. opp. Lin dell Hotel, is the best in the market. Every sack guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction or money re funded. 1 Eld. A. J. Cudney will hold a three -day's meeting at the Bean school house, four miles southwest of Columbus, commencing Friday even ing, May 25th. A large attendance is eolicited. Fred. Stenger has recently pur chased of Mr. Marshall 1C0 acres of land adjoining his farm on the bluffs. Fred, didn't particularly need it just now, but thought it a good investment, for the bye and bye. If you want a 6uit for a boy or a man, and you want a nice nobby arti cle, and you want it to give you satis faction, and the price to be very reas onable, you must go to Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Charley Bell & Co. will match any horse in the State a dash of a mile, for from $100 to $500 a side, with either "Kato McBride" or "Daisy Dean" over the Columbus track. The race to be run Saturday next. Ben. Rochon'a corn, planted the 28th of April, has appeared above ground. Corn planted May 2d ia re ported out of the ground, and one farmer says that a worm 1b destroying a considerable portion of hia growing corn. Jndge A. M. Post held court at David City last week, pushing through a large amount of business, among other things sending two horse thieves to the penitentiary for five years. In one day three jdry, criminal cases were tried. J. C. Morrissey, of Plattsmonth, accompanied by a skilled architect, was in town Wednesday last. Mr. M. has determined to add another story to his building on 11th street, and will doubtless push the work right forward to completion. The Norfolk Neios says it is ru mored that the U. P. will put on a through passenger train between Omaha and Norfolk, and says that this would catch for the Company a large portion of the land seekers who now come in on other routes. Two young men were arrested Thursday by officer Huber, on direc tion from TJ. P. headquarters. It seems there was something wrong with their transportation papers. They were handed over at Columbus to the sheriff of Douglas county. A prominent business man of Platte Center, to whose kindness we are iudebted for the verses elsewhere printed, assures us that the "event mentioned happened mere about two weeks ago, and caused considerable indignation in the neighborhood." At Monger's you will find a splendid variety of furniture of all descriptions plain, neat and tidy; also highly-finished, beautiful and costly, suitable to all tastes and purses. Call and see his stock, for you will be sure to see something you need. In another place will be found a call for an anti-monopoly convention for the Third congressional district, to be held at Columbus, June 20tb, for the purpose of selecting delegates to tho national convention. The coun ties are requested to select delegates, June 13th. The Phoenix have issued a very interesting map showing the cyclone record in the United States from Feb. 23d, 75, to Oct. 28th, '81. It is worthy any man's study, and of course, the Phoenix stands ready to insure against loss of property thereby. Call on G. G. Becher & Co. Tasker & Routson are pushing the land business, as we were sure they would. They sold a fine stock farm on the Lookingglass last Satur day to George F. JenkiuBon, less than a week after it was put into their hands for sale. Bring on your farms if you want them sold. F. M. Cookingham is our author ized agent at Humphrey for soliciting subscription, advertising and job work. Business entrusted to him will receive the 6ame attention as if done direct with us. Call on him, give him your home work and your home news, use him well, and he will grow apace. tf M. K. Turner & Co. A temperance editor has begun to despair, because a German chemist has said that a first-rate brandy can be made from saw dust. Says the editor, "We are friends of the tem perance movement, and want it to succeed, but what cbanco will it have when a man can take a rip saw and go out and get drunk on a fence rail?" M. R, Crouse, Esq., of W. Va., who recently stopped a few days to visit his friends Messrs. Cresap and Wells of this vicinity, has written a letter home which is published in the New Martinsville Democrat, and will give Virginians a very good idea of the land, productions and climate of the Platte Valley as compared with that of Virginia. The perambulating agent goeth about seeking victims. Buy your groceries, dry goods and other kinds of merchandiseof those you know at home, and those who expect to re main in business here. They are apt to sell you much better goods at low er prices, and then none of your written orders will turn up in some broker's hands as promissory notes. Elsewhere will be fonnd an ad vertisement interesting to property owners along the Sixth Principal meridian and between section 12, in Township 17, and section 25 in Township 18. We are to have a new road on the Gth P. M. line from Co lumbus to Shell Creek. The fencing up of the country is going to necessi tate the opening of more roads, as time rolls on. Our Shell Creek correspondent's letter comes too late for insertion in full. We quote the followiug para graph : "Mr. Robt. Lewis lost one of his children, the smallest one, but not the least in the parents' affections. County Commissioner Rivet also lost his grown up son Patrick, a young man of some education, refinement, and much promise. Thus two of our good neighbors have been sorely afflicted. Every one sympathizes with them." A Mrs. Brigbam, living on the Niobrara river, mnrdered her young est child, a girl two years old, on the night of the 15th, by cutting its throat with a butcher knife. She also cnt a frightful gash across the nose of the next child, about four years old. About two years ago her husband left the county with his wife's sister. So says & special to the Omaha Herald. The conjecture here iB whether the persons mentioned were former resi dents of this city. "Buffalo Bill" and his "Wild West" met with a grand and exciting reception at his opening exhibition at Omaha Saturday. Previous to the performance the great Indian warrior Sitting Ball, accompanied by Stand ing Buffalo and Big Elk, arrived and will travel with the "Wild West" during the season. All that is neces sary to know that the "Wild West" is a grand success, is the fact that 10,000 people attended the opening perform ance at Omaha, notwithstanding very unfavorable weather. In a conversation with Mr. Hud son, we notice that he has some of his old-time enthusiasm for fruit-raising. He says that all sorts of small fruits are so far doing well here this season, and the crop of cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants and gooseberries promises to be abundant ; tame apples will not be far behind. He leaves us a huge bundle of Mam moth Victoria pie plant that is mar vellous in its proportions, the stalks being two to three feet in length one of them making plenty of sauce for a family meal. Mr. Hudson says that the blue grass haq spread beyond his garden, onto the prairie that has never been plowed, making a fine sod ; his experience is that it will choke out the sand burrs, which are so great a pest in cultivated lands. State S. M. CeHTCHtlea Will meet at Columbus June 12th. We expect, that being so centrally located in the state, a large delegation will be present. The soliciting com mittee of hospitality are attending to that business this week. Our citi zens with their usual good feeling in such matters will doubtless do their level best to assist these committees to perfect the arrangements and give a cordial welcome to all these visitors. The meetings are usually of great interest and profit, so that not only will these people from all parts of the state who shall come to attend these meetings learn where our enterpris ing town is situated but carry away with them pleasant reminiscenses of their visit to Columbus. The IHaeaaerchor. The Columbus Maennerchor is an institution of which our citizens are very justly proud. In several musi cal contests they have carried the palm as against Kansas City, Omaha and other cities of far greater preten tions than Columbus. They are about to attend another of these interesting and very exciting contests, to take place at St. Joseph on the 14th of next month, and desire to have all their members go with them. This they can do if our citizens will turn out as liberally as heretofore, to the benefit concert to be given next Tues day evening, May 29th, when the pro gramme will be the completest ever offered, and when they will be assist ed by MisB Roso North and others. Let our citizens give the Maennerchor such a send-off as they will never forget. The Central City Courier of the 17th has this to say of the man Rash who was mentioned in laBt week's Journal : "RaBh has been attending a series of protracted meetings hold by Adventists in the neighborhood of Silver Creek, and became so wild there that, we are informed, he was spirited away to Columbus and left there, in the hopes that the county authorities would take care of him. He first attracted the attention of the Columbus people by mounting a hydrant and beginning to preach, ne was promptly taken before the Board of Insanity, who after due investiga tion found he belonged to this county, and the deputy sheriff was according ly dispatched with him. Rash imag ines himself to be the "Savior of Sin ners" upon his second advent, and spends a good deal of his time in singing and pounding an accompani ment with anything that is available for that purpose. Tuesday morning he got a little wicked and wanted to fight, so that sheriff Hopkins was obliged to confine him in the dark bole for awhile. Mr. Hopkins left with him for Lincoln yesterday morn ing." Mr. Joseph Gardner tells us that he thinks there will be several more cases of the same kind before the summer is over, if the excitement is not stopped. Sanil. B. Perry, a grandson of the immortal commodore, recently sen tenced to the Jackson penitentiary for five years for robbing a county treas ury, said in an interview with a re porter : "Gambling, wine and women of easy virtue will destroy any man. They have finished me. Look at me what I am and what I was no ser mon, however eloquent-tongued the orator, was ever preached from pulpit that teaches as forcible a moral lesson as the history of my life. No man can violate the laws of God and man and escape punishment." When asked how it all came about, he replied, "Oh, everything came in its torn easy enough. Love of excitement and of gaming. Then I took to drink and associated with disreputable women. All this coBt money. When I could not get it in one way I soon became hardened enough not to hesitate to procure it by other and unlawful means." From bis confession he was engaged in the bank robbery at Balti more of $1,000,000. The lessons of his wild career, with its close in the penitentiary, should be heeded by the young men who have been led into the gambling and other dens which beget vicious deeds. LaaA Hetl:e All parties holding contracts on Union Pacific land on which pay ments are delinquent, had better call on ub at once, as a large number of contracts have been recently cancelled by the Land Department, and the land will be re-sold to first applicant. Speicx & North. r Ea.aallsatla. The County Commissioners will hold a session as a board of equaliza tion commencing Tuesday, June 5th. DO HAUNT MS MIND STILL. One bright morning last week Tom Williams arose; Bitter tears did he weep After his night's repose. lie said to bib wife While his head it hung down, "This day I will plow Along side neighbor Brown." Said his wife, "Dearest Thomas, You look very bad, As if trouble aid haunt you Or some disappointment you had." "Pre had no disappointment My fortune to blight; But those direful visions That appeared in the night. He sharpened his plow; He reined up his steed, And away to the plow field He hastily did speed. To dispel fears from those visions He began tor to sing; Though doleful it sounded, The valley did ring. He plowed but an acre And a couple of rod When he plowed up i corpse From beneath the green sod. He fainted and swooned on' As he lay by the plow, Saying, "the visions of last night Are coming out now." When he recovered his senses He halloed for Brown To come look at the sight And report it in town. Sir Brown's best opinion Was it must be a foreigner, "I'll dispatch to Columbus And bring out the coroner." Tom said it was a girl Young, blooming and fair: He could tell by her cheek bone. And bright auburn hair. Or it might be some traveler That was robbed for his gold, By some arrant rascal And laid here in the cold. Brown went for Doc. Powell To come witness the scene, That Tom Williams bad plowed up From under the green. While the Doctor and Brown Went to the blood scattered field, lorn went to town To consult with 'Squire Field To ask his advice What steps to pursue, As to the perpetrator Did they find a clue. Tom related his story In a very sorrowlul way ; Every word he would speak He would stop for to pray. When the story was told 'Squire Field he sat down; Began William to scold With a terrible frown; He looked at Tom Williams With a dogmatical sigh, Saying, "you rooted and plowed up 31 y dear old dog Fry. "I had buried him there Over one year ago And covered him with care, Beneath the deep snow. "Where his bones they might rest From many a long race O'er the hard beaten prairie The wild .lack he did chase." Tom Williams sleeps yet In a terrible trance If he ever recovers It's only a chance. The thoughts of the corpse field Do make his blood chill And the ghosts of the cur dog Do haunt his mind still. Plattk Center, Mav 10, 1SS3. Saaday Sckool AaocIalIoa. State Secretary's Office, Kearnev, Nebraska, May 10th, 1883. The annual convention of tho Ne braska Sunday School Association will be held at Columbus, June 12, 13, and 14, commencing on Tuesday even ing, and closing Thursday evening. Columbus says "come," and it is mak ing every effort to insure success. Each school and county association is entitled to two delegates. The rail roads make the usual reduction of one and one-fourth fare for the round trip. The Sioux City and Pacific road will return persons who have paid full fare goiug, at one-fourth fare upon pre sentation at their office in Fremont of a certificate of attendance at tho con vention. The Union Pacific and the Burlington & Missouri River roads will sell excursion tickets good for the ronnd trip at one and one-fourth fare upon presentation at the station of starting ot a certificate obtained from the corresponding secretary of the association before leaving home, which certificate entitles the holder to such excursion ticket at the reduced rate. Be sure to obtain these certifi cates prior to starting from home by applying to the corresponding secre tary H. B. Gilbert, at Kearney, Neb., stating the route by which you reach Columbus. B. F. Jacobs of Chicago, chairman of the executive committee of the In ternational Sunday School Associa tion, is expected to be with us, and together with leading Sunday school workers of our own state will make the convention one of deep interest and profit to the Sunday school peo ple present. Bring Gospel Hymns combined, together with bibles, pen cils and note paper. H. B. Gilbert, Slate Sec'y. Mparkw from Crextea. Farmers are busy planting corn. S. J. Wheeler's children are recov ering from an attack of lung fever, and some of tbem have again made their appearance at school. Mr. Lewis Scudder has lately re turned from Oakdale, where he has been attending college since early last fall. He reports it to be a good school. There was quite an interesting time at the Alliance Saturday evening. The cause which led to tho discussion can be briefly stated thus : the Alli ance having received a circular from the State Alliance requesting them to reorganize and take out a new char ter, it was accordingly laid ou the table for discussion, Messrs. Wheeler, Olson and Dean favoriug the move ment and G. W. Kibler disapproving. The negative, however, submitted. N. Olson then, determined not to be behind the times, introduced a reso lution to celebrate the Fourth of July, which was unanimously adopted. Messrs. G. W. Kibler, N. Olson and S. Kasmnssen were appointed as a committee on arrangements, and, judging from the sentiment expressed at their meeting last night, we believe they will make it a grand success. May 25, '83. Yoijng Bepobteb. Programme for the Jnne Races TO BE HELD AT Columbus, Nebraska, Jnne 6th and 7th, '83, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF The Colwafeas Driviag Park and Fair Asaociatioa. First Day. Pony running race at 2 o'clock, p.m. Free for all ponies not over 14) hands high. Half mile, best three in live live to enter and three to start. Purse $50. $25 to first, $15 to second, $10 to third. Three Minute Class, Trotting. Mile heath, best three in five five to enter and three to start. Open to all horses that have not beaten three minutes. Purse, $125. $00 to first. $35 to second, $17.50 to third, $12 50 to fourth. SHecead Day. 2:50 Class, Trotting, 2 o'clock, p. m. Open to all horses that have no record oetter than 2:50. Mite heats, best three In five five to enter and three to start. Purse, $125. $60 to first, $35 to second, $17.50 to third, $12.50 to fourth. Dree For All. Running. Mile heats, best three in five five to enter and three to start. Purse, $100. $50 to first, $25 to second. $15 to third. $10 to fourth. Free For All, Trotting. Jlile heats, best tnree in five live to enter and three to start. Purse, $200. $100 to first. $30 to second, $30 to third, $20 to fourth. Ten per cent, of purse required for en trance money. Entries to close on June 5th, 1883. Applications for cntriei should be made to Gus. O. Beeher, Secretary, Columbus, Neb. Columbus Driving Park rules to govern. J. E. NORTn, President. Gus. G. Bkchkr, Secretary. Decoratlea Day. The programme has not yet beeu completed, but the day will be fitly observed by Baker Post No. 9, G. A.R. and th.e citizens generally, who are yery cordially invited to take part in tho exercises. The Cornet Band have kindly ten tered their services for the occasion, and it ia understood that tho busiuess houses generally will be closed for the afternoon, at 1 p. m., the hour arranged for tho exercises to com mence. Hon. II. J. Hudson has conseuted to delivor one of the addresses of the occasion. The following is a list of the dead soldiers of the republic whoso mortal remains lie buried in the Columbus cemeteries : Edward Arnold, R. B. Mclntyre, Solomon Edwards, E. D. Sheehan, B. Hunt, John Lawsou. So long as disinterested patriotism shall be admirable, so long will tho sentiment embodied in Decoration day be kept alive in the hearts of the children of the great republic. School Notes. The last teachers' meeting wan unusually interesting. The subject of language teaching, in distinction from technical grammar, was the principal topic. The reform of methods in this direction is coming to a successful issue, and will prove of great benefit to the Bchools, and their general work. The written work, which was intro duced as an aid in this reform, is still continued in the schools, and as teach ers and pupils become more familiar with its application, its results are more marked. The young people of tho high school have, at their own expense, neatly papered the room, and decorated tho windows with floweiiug plants. Double entry book-keeping will take up part of the time the remainder of the term. abetter L.Im(. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the post-oiiice. in Columbus, Neb., for the week endiug May 19, 1833: B Miss Rosa Ann Ball. C Mr. Lue Cowdry 2, Miss Tracy Cemmcrmann, B. C. Corpentr. H .lohu N. llobbs. E, B. Long, Miss Sarah Lebs.Mr. Gust Lehmonn. SI Mr. Elue Morris, Mr. O. M. Moyer, Miss Marti. Hi Miss Mai me Nappan, Miss Gertie Nells, Miss Julia Norton. K Elinor Russell, Mr. Ed. J. Roe. N Bronche Sellers, M. E. Saunders, Mr. AVrctherel Starmer. T Nick Toarny, Anton Tobin. IV Franz assenburger, 31r. W. Y. Whitter. John Woffel, Mr. Weeshaus, Lewis "Warren. If not called for in 30 days will be scut to the dead letter office, Washington, D. C. When called for please say '-advertised," as these letters are kept separate. II. J. IIuuson, P. 31., Columbus, Nebr. Important! Although beef is higher than when the cow jumped over the moon the Grand Pacific will take a few more day boarders at the reduced rate of $4 50 per week ; transient rates strictly $2.00 per day. Meal tickets, $5.00 twenty-oue meals. Gko. Lehman, Prop'r. Cheap Coal ! We are now selling Kansas and Whitebreaat coal at $3.50 a ton. Taylor, Schutte & Co. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line each insertion. Faa for the Boyn. G. Heitkemper & Bro. have on hand a line of boys' velocipedes, tho best there is made, at a reasonable price. Call and see them. 44-tf School books at Turner's. Pure sweet cider at Hudson's. Fish hooks aud lines at Turner'6. 30 yards of calico for $1 at Kramer's. Hats and bounets at cost at Mrs. Drake's. 39-tf Fine bird cages at G. Heitkemper & Bro's. 44-tf Ladies' and children's lisle thread hose at Kramer's. Pen 8, inks, papers, slate pencils, at Turner's. Bran and Bhorts at John Heit kemper's. June Brocba shawls at a bargain. Mrs. Stomp. Cream, soda water, with puro fla vorings. P. O. buildiug. The old reliable Bain wagon at "the Foundry. An elegant line of lady's lace mitts at Galley Bros. The largest stock and the lowest prices at Kramer's. Oranges, bananas, lemons and ap ples for sale in P. O. building. Call and get prices of school books at Turner's before purchasing. Frank A. Smith pays cash for all old raga, for W. S. Campbell. 3 "FOE BAEGAIISTS IN STOVES, HARDWARE & TINWARE, GO TO C. D. BARLOWS, "Wanted. A furnished room by a single gentleman. Address F., Jour nal office. 1 Don't forget the good, reliable fath erland and dish-rag soaps at Wm. Becker's. These took the county premium. School hats for 25 cents at Mrs. Stump's. Dickens's works, splendid edition, $1 a volume at Turner's. "Postoffice Pride," the best 5-cent cigar in the city at Hudson's. 5-51tf Rockford watches at G. Heitkem per & Bro's. 44-tf Moline aud Weir Companies goods for sale at the Foundry. You can save money by buying your hats and sundowns at Kramer's. You will get the finest, best quality winter apples at "Wm. Becker's. Birthday presents at Turners. The new iron beam Weir Lister and corn drill combined, at the Foundry. Call and look at those cheap lot of rufflings and tuckiugs at Galley's. California dried plums and apricots at G. C Lauck's. 39-tf Fresh caramels, croam candies, dates and figs at Hudson's in P. O. building. Photograph, autograph and birthday albums at Turner's. If you want any extracts, lemon vanilla, &c, go to John Heitkemper, corner opposite Liudell Hotel, where you can find a large and good assort ment. Have you tried the Kansas winter wheat flour John Heitkemper has? It gives splendid satisfaction. Blank marriago certificates, hand some, suitable for a handsome couple, at Turner's stationery store. Mrs. Mitchell has fitted up pleasant apartments at Mrs. Stump's, and ladies wishing dress-making done will do well to give her a call. 51-tf Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for sale at the Journal office. Mrs. Stump is selling millinery goods and notions as cheap as you cau get them in Chicago. Come and sec for yourselves. Fruits, canned and dried, such as pears, apricots, plums, apples, rasp berries, &c, at John Heitkemper's, corner opposite Lindell Hotel. Remember when you want good cider, you will at all times be sure of a good article at Wm. Becker'B. Hay for sale and dolivcred to any part of the city bv Jenkiuson Bros. 38-tf Tiy the double-strength cider vine gar and you will U9e no other. Sold by G. C. Lauck. 39-tf You can always find a good stock to select from at Mrs. Drake's millin ery store. 39-tf Challenge and Farmer friend plant ers, Barnes and Tait check rowers for sale at the Columbus Foundry. Ladies, before buying your spriug gloves call and look at Galley Bros, in silk, Lisle thread, and Berlin cords, aud at low prices. 50-tf Wm. Schiltz makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that cau be procured iu the market. 52tf If you wish to purchase a number of books, or a considerable amount of stationery, send your orders to A. and M. Turner, and they will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. Those wanting good Flax Seed for sowing can get it in any quantity by enquiring at the land office of S. C Smith. 47-tf Mr. "Wm. "Warren is now pre pared to do nil mason work in a workmanlike manner. Contracts cau be made with F. M. Cookingham for Humphrey and vicinity. 52-tf Farmers who have to feed their teams while at Humphrey will find it to their interest to stop at the livery and feed stables connected with the Granville House, next door above N. South's hardware and farm implement store, whero meals are furnished at all hours of the day, for man and beast, at low rates, 50-tf Many of our subscribers are taking the American Ayricxdturist with the Journal, both for $3.00 a year payable in advance. The Ay riculliwist is published in English aud German, is finely illustrated, and is conducted on old-fashioned prin ciples of honesty and common sense. tf. Call at A. & M. Turner's bookstore and get a copy of the Encyclopedia of Health and Home if you want relia ble preventives to scarlet fever, diph thci ia, small-pox and the hundred and one other ailments that are liable to attack us. It is a magnificent work that every family should procure. The general agent has left some blank orders and copies of the book at our store authorizing us to secure sub scriptions and fill the orders. 4-tf For Nate. Two good young bulls. 3-tt M. K. Turner. For Sale or Trade Tor lluy. Three good work horses, 6et ot bar ney, mower aud hay rake. 3-3p F. E. Gillett. For Sale. , A Dowey harvester that worked very well last season. Cheap and on time. A Henrich. For Sale or Trade for Cown. A good horse for farming or driv ing. Close to John Haney's. 52-4 J. J. Hanev. For Male or Exchange. A Smith American Organ, for cash, or will trade for a good fresh cow. Enquire at Journal office. 3-tf Brick! Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur nish brick, either at his kiln north west of the city ; delivere d anywhere in the city, or built in the wall, at reasonable rates. Going:! Goine!! Any one wishing the services of John Huber, ad auctioneer, can make the propur arrangements by calling at the Journal office. 32-tf Room to Rent. Two front and two middle rooms, suitable for offices, in the Ernst brick building, corner of 11th and North streets. Inquire at the premises. - -- - - 44-tf flay for Sale. Seventy-five tons of good clear hay for sale, in stack or delivered. In quire at Stenger's. 4-2 1'otlce of Dlnsolatioa. The partnership heretofore existing between tho undersigned wa dissolv ed by mutual consent May 11th, 1883. Geo. Jenkinson, 4-2 R. Jznklvson. For Sale. One -half section of best land in Platte county, near St. Bernard, 90 acres under cultivation, good house, baru, wind-mill, etc., etc., at $10.00 per acre. MACFARLANI) & COWDERV, 10-tf Columbus, Nebraska. Hear 5- Guiles, Auctioneer. Three miles east of St. Edwards, iu Platte county. All business in this line, either in town or country, will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. 50-3m For Sale. Ono large pony ; one spring wagon and double, harness; ono full-blood Jersey bull 2 years old ; 2 grade bulls one year old, and several young cows. 3-2 D. Anderson. Notice. My facilities are such, through my eastern connections that the demand on mo for lands and farms is greater than the supply. All those wishing to sell will do well to leave their lands and farms with me to sell. Call aud see me at my office. Saml. C. Smith, 1-4 Columbus, Neb. ChlckeaM and Egg Sale. I will soil one dozen of thorough bred Partridge Cochin chickens and a half-bred mother, for two dollars; or thirteen thoroughbred eggs for one dollar. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Inquire of D. L. Brucn, of Stearns Precinct, or address Columbus, Neb. Attention, Soldier, Sailor! Their widows or minor children who have homesteaded a 20, 30, 40, 50, 120. etc., any number of acres les than 1(50, come and see the undersign ed, and he will let you know if your additional homestead is good and pay you the highest cash price and. pay you 20 cents per acre over and above all other bidders, on your claim. D. J. Drebert, Agenf, 51-tf Humphrey, Neb. Farms for Sale. l4 section, 5 miles northeast of Co lumbus, 40 acres broke, house, stable, well, etc., besides 20,000 trees, princi pally ash and boxclder. Price $2,500. 240acrea in Polk Co., ou C'ear Creek, living water which never fieezes, 120 acres in cultivation, dwelling, stable, etc. A splendid stock farm. Price $3,600. Address Guy C. Barnum. 51-12 Columbus, Neb. Land for Sale. In Colfax Co., near Platte Co. lino, 80 acres, 70 of which are under the plow; frame dwelling, horse and cow stables, cow shells and corralw, corn cribs windmill and 2 pumps (water 40 ft. from surface), some fruit and forest tree. Also 100 acres, 120 under cultiva tion, 7 acres of forest trcoa. Both tracts have first rale stock rane, ami road facilities. $2,500 for each tract, on easy terms. 15-x R. Mackenzie. SMAIL.OX IN OMAHA. ItwTerrihle Ravage in St. I.oal and other llace. There is a clearly developed case of small-pox iu Omaha, and in St. Louia, Indianapolis and other western towus there are scores of cases. Person having the Encyclopedia of Health and Home., the new medical work which has created Buch an interest here and elsewhere should look up the preventives and be prepared to keep the scourge from entering their doors. To be forewarned is to be forearmed Silk lVorntM hy .Hall. Having demonstrated by actual ex perience, successful and practical oilk culture in the Wept, I have imported direct, seeds of the several useful va rieties of worms. They are now hatched and ready to send out. One hundred healthy, feeding worms, with a book giving detailed instructions for handling and feeding, sent by mail for two dollars. I have the Russian, French, Japan, Chinese, Turkish, Thi bet and Lombardian varieties or strains of worms. The Russian, straw color, han been thoroughly tested and found hardy and reliable in all res pects. The other varieties arc in lim ited supply, and on trial with me as yet. Silk can be successfully and sat isfactorily grown from worms fed on common osage orange leave?. Many think the osage equal to-mulberry leaves. "Where mulberry can be obtained, I consider it preferable however. Mrs. R. W. Furnas, Brownville, Nebraska. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of the markets are ob tainedTuesdayafternoon,and are correct and reliable at the time. GRAIN, AC. " Wheat TS Corn, 32 Oats new, ;y Flax, ."100 Rye 35I.-i Flour 300450 PKODUCK. Butter, 1215 Eggs, 1012 Potatoes, 2025 MKATU. Hams, Id Shoulder, 10 Sides, 14 LIVK STOCK. Fatllogs 30 Fat Cattle 5 30 Sheep ' : 00 Coal. Iowa $G 30 Hard $i:t5015CO Kock springs nut .. $. 00 Rock Springs lump $s 00 Kansas $7 00 Application for Liquor License. Matter or application of Eschelbacher & Co. for liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Weudel Kschelbacber and Jacob Ripp. comprising the lirni of Eschelbacher .fc 'o., did upon the 1st day of May, A. I). 1CI, file tLcir application to the lioard of County Com missioners of Platte county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, at Humphrey, in Humph rey precinct, Platte county, Xebiaska, from the 24th day of May, 1S3, to the 24th day of May, 1834. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest tiled within two weeks from May 2d, A. D. 1SS3, the said license will be granted. "Vendel Escuklbacuek & Jacob Ripp. (Comprising the firm of Eschel- bacher& Co.,) 2-3 . Applicants. . NOTICE. To all ichom it may concern: The County Commissioners of Platte county have declared the road on Suction line, commencing at the S. E. corner of Section 12, Township 17 north, of Range 1 west and runnmg thence due north on Section line and terminating at X. E. corner of Section 25, Township 18 north, of Range 1 west, open. All claims for damages caused by the opening of said road must be filed Id the County Clerk's office on or before the 2d dav of July, 1883. JOHN STAUPFER, & County Clerk. NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The County Commissioners of Platte county have declared the road on section commencing at tho S. E. corner of the S. W. 4 of Section 4, Township 13 north, of Range 1 west", running thence due west on the section line, and terminating at the southwest corner of Section 6, Town ship 18 north, of Range 1 west, open. AH claims for damages caused by the opening of said road must be tiled in the Countv Clerk's office on or before noon of the 1st day ot June. 1883. JOnX STAUFFER, 0if County Clerk. F1ZVAE. PROOF. Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.J .Mav 19, 18S3. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice ot his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. A. Newman, Clerk of the District Court, at Columbus, Neb., on the 7th day of July, 1883. viz: Daniel Macken, additional Homestead Entry No. 11091, for the ". N. E. Sec. 2, T'p lx north, Range 2 west, addi tional to my entry for N. )i S. E. or same section. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: R. li. Rossitcr, John Henuessey, Ed. Perkinson, David Carrig, jr., all of Platte Centre, Platte Co., Neb. 4-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register. FINAL PROOF. V. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.) May 19th, 1S83. NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has tiled notico of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said p roof will be made before Clerk of District Court for Platte county at Columbus, Neb., on Thursday, July 12th, 1SSJ, viz: Pius Potlet, Homestead No. 7835, for the W. J of S. W. , Section 4, Town ship IT, Kange 1, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon, and cultivation of, Miid land, viz: Joseph Liebig, llarrel Denny, of Columbus P.O., Platte Co., Neb., Charles Mehrberger, John Santer, of Lost Creek P. O., Platte Co.. Neb. 4-K C. HOSTETTER, Register. FIKAI. PROOF. U.S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.,1 May 2lst, 1883. f NOTICE is hereby given that the fol low ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will htmado before the Clerk of the Dis trict Court of Platte Co.. at Columbus, Nebraska, on Thursday, July 12th, 1883, viz: Josef Rothlnntner, Additional Home stead No. 11397, for the N. i N. XT. J Section 12, Towuship 19 north, Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Oliver Fvnuer of Columbu, Platte Co., Nebr., aud Jacob Maurer. Hernhard Konest and John lr. Rickly of Humphrey, Platte Co., 4-0 " C. HOSTETTER, Register. FINAL PROOF. Ltud Office at Gr.uul lland, Neb.,1 Mav 8th, 1&3. J NOTICE is hereby given that tho following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of Dist. Court of Platte Co., at Columbus, Nebraska, on Thursday, June 2Nt, td83, viz: Henry Gebeke. Homestead No..7740, for the N. y. of S. V. K section 0, Township 19 north, of Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Kruse, George Brockhaus, Bernliard Wilde and William Scheideniantel, of Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb. 3-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register. FINAL PROOF. U. S. L-ind Office, Grand Isluid, Neb.) April 20th, 1883. f NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof iu support of his cl.tim. ami that said proof will be made before the Clerk ot the Dis trict Court of Platte county at Columbus, Nebraska, on Thursday, June 14th, 1883, viz: Jacob Labenz, additional Homestead No.ll.V2l, for the S. J S.E. . Section 20, Township 19. north ol Range 2 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, said land, viz: Peier Ripp, Franz Fugar, Gerhard Gronenthal, Jo seph Krings, of Platte Center, Platte Co Nebr. 1-5 C HOSTETTER, Register. LOUIS SCHREIBER, I All kinds of Repairing! done on Short Notice. Buggies, Wag ons, etc., made to order, and all work Guar anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Xowers. Reapers, Combin ed Machiaes, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. 23TShop opposite the " Tattersall," Ol ive St., COLUMBUS. 2-Cra-c Salt at J. B. Dels man's for $1.90 a bar rel, and everything at accordingly low prices. 49-tl Great Reduction in Goods of all Kinds at J. B. DELSMAN'S. T1!? A at alm09t anT P"ce troxa. 20 iJliil. cents upwards; a tine Basket tired Jap, very cheap; come and try it. PrT?L?l?T?Q If vou haven't had LUJD J; JliILO. any of my Coffees yet, come at once and get prices; they are bargains. Try them. rp T JT is cheap, but facts will tell. JiV.ijJ. Just convince yourself, and see that you can buy more goods of me for one dollar, than at any other store in the west. AriPTiT i,ig drives in shoes, Un I1 Hi VV syrups, choice coffees, thf best of teas always on baud. rRUll. California canned Fruit cheap. assortment of and Eastern XSTFroduce taken in exchange, at cash prices. Goods delivered in the city, free of charge. JgB 39-y BttiiiiWaiiHn $1.90