The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 16, 1883, Image 3

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Measles at Schuyler.
It pays to trade at Kramer's.
Follow the crowd to "Fitz's."
Judge FoBt helped Judge Tiffany
last week.
BrusBel carpets 65 cents per yard
at Kramer's.
Mrs. Siggins of St. Edward is
visiting in the city.
Coffins and all kinds of funeral
goods at Monger's.
How is yonr dead dog? is the
inquiry at Platte Center.
J. B. Delsman's children were re
ported no better Monday.
George Fairchild is " laying off"
on account of rheumatism.
Mrs. Stump has employed a first
class trimmer from Omaha.
The Maonnerchorhad a social hop
at their hall Monday evening.
Miss Ida Meagher returned home
Friday from her visit to Canada.
Ole II. Oleson has been appoint
ed postmaster at Farral, this county.
J. K. P. McCallum of Madison
expects to move to Dakota this week.
If you have any real estate to sell
or rent call and see Ta8ker& Routson.
D. D. Hardy Bays that last year
he planted corn the last of June that
did well.
The Boone Co. News remarks
that the dude 1b not slim enough for
his pants.
Judge Higgins and S. S. McAllis
ter, Esq., attended court at Albion
last week.
Tasker & Routson will give
special attention to selling improved
real estate.
Mr. and Mrs, I. Gluck started
Monday for a visit of a few days at
"West Point.
The local excitement of the past
week has been the Cody Combination
and the fire.
Capt. John Curry of Colfax coun
ty, a resident since '69, died last week,
aged 83 years.
"Bill" Dougherty went to Platte
Center Sunday, and will work for
Wm. Bloedorn.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, parents of
Mrs. I. Gluck, are permanent resi
dents of the city.
There is a large amount of moist
ure afloat these days, and evidently
more on the way.
Judgo Nelson, formerly of Al
bion, has been on a visit to his old
stamping ground.
Tasker & Routson, real estate
agents, old post office building on
Nebraska Avenue. 2-2
The Creamery was to have start
ed Monday last ; it will get to work
Monday next, sure.
"Dick." Rossiter and family of
Platte Center, viBited with friends in
the city over Snnday.
Plenty of old pnpers iu buudles
of ten each, for Ave cents a bundle,
at the Journal office. tf
Mrs. Mary Locke, aged 73 years,
died May 2d, at her residence in Hack
berry precinct, Polk county.
One of the finest and largest
stocks of millinery and notions and at
lowest prices, at Mrs. Stump's.
A gentleman from the southern
part of the state sayB the farmers there
were cultivating corn last week.
Shell creek was reported Friday
as even with its banks, and booming.
The lower country can look out.
"Proper judges have decided that
there arc just three dudes in Schuy
ler that many and no more." Sun.
Born. To Mrs. Emma Williams,
May 14th, a son. Grandfather Huber
is about' aa well pleased as any of
J. S. Freeman, of Platte Center,
was in the city Wednesday. He says
this time last year he plowed with
gloves on.
J. H. Wurdeman of Sherman pre
cinct, we learn from Mr. Pieper, is
fencing about 200 acres of land for
Father Brindley is putting down
a much needed crossing on 11th street
between the U. P. Elevator and Oehl
rich Bro's.
Will. Rickly is out again, and is
mending nicely. He will be just as
good looking as before his pony
kicked him.
J. E. Tasker will loan money on
chattel security or buy chattel mort
gages. Old post office building on
Nebraska Avenue.
Horses are already arriving for
the Jane races, and Columbus will
have the best field of horses ever got
together in Nebraska.
Frank Purcell fell out of a wagon
Saturday, was stepped on by a horse,
and had a leg broke. He was coming
from the Fair Ground.
Yesterday morning the sun began
to shine out for business, and we
hope ws shall see him more now than
for the fe,w weeks last past.
C. A. Speice, Esq., attended the
recent term of District Court at Al
bion, also the Court Reporter for this
district, C. C. Valentine, Esq.
The ladies of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union will meet at
the Congregational church this (Wed
nesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
Twenty-one car loads of cattle
came down on the Norfolk branch the
other day and went west on the U. P.,
to be herded in the Platte valley.
H. P. Smith of Genoa waa In
town Thursday, as healthy looking aa
of old, and just a little better looking,
probably because of his whiskers.
Those counties whose assessment
is above the general average of the
State should make arrangements to go
before the state board of equalization.
A petition is being circulated
taking that in the make-up of the
medical faculty of the slate university,
Jbt homeopathic be given a fair shew.
N Mrrict at the Methodic
chnrch next Sunday, morning and
evening. Rev. Wilson' goec to Valley
Station, by raqmaat at the Presiding
Elder. -
G. S. Disaick DOCadiso is oue of
the applicant for a patent on a wash
ing asaeUaa. If he baa a better oaa
than all tfca ethers wa awke aa ob,
Jsction. i - ;
Mr. B. B. Aisjbscafc Seward,
Nab., apaat a wee In Ifca aft y visiting
hie ton, O. H: ArctatsW'JouaKAL
oUce. Ala a day aVro in Booaa
Dariag the lr Saturday a bnndla
of papers panted Mitt Prt Wea
ver Ca's aii-raaaa, wetmsttUeed on
lira, aappaaat te ba tfca work of some
J. R. Terser aad wife, of Colum
bus, spent last Sabbath in Madison.
Mr. Turner to aaaaaiatad with J. D.
Gould in the reetaoraat business.
E. A. Garrard, Sae'y, intorms us
that the annual meeting of the Platte
Co. Bible Society will ba held, at the
Coagregatioaal church Sunday even
ing, May 20th.
Sale bins, p eaters, dodgers, state
ments, bill heads, aeee beads, envel
opes, circulars, all kinds of legal
blanks, briefs, etc., printed "with neat
ness and dispatch" at the Journal
office. ' "tf"
The Kanaas patent winter f oar
at John Heitkemper's, cor. opp. Lin
dell Hotel, is the best in the market.
Every sack guaranteed to give the
best of satisfaction or money re
funded. 1
The Columbus Association of
Congregational Churches was to meet
at Clarks yesterday evening. Open
ing sermon by Rev. Marsh of Neligh.
The session will probably close to
morrow. At the Council meeting Friday
evening R. Brandt was granted license
to sell liquor, and a health committee
waa appointed consisting of Mayor
McFarland, Councilman Becher and
Dr. Evans.
News was received here Monday
morning that another engineer of the
Sioux City road had met his death
about two miles out from Omaha,
where the freshets had washed the
track away.
Lists of new books can be seen at
Turner's, where yon can order, at
publisher's price, the latest in history,
travel, essays, poetry, fiction, medi
cine, religion and philosophy. Exam
ine the lists. 1
R. Fuller, the original proprietor
of the town site of Fullerton, Nance
county, came in Friday night from
Minnesota, where he spent the win
ter. He went to his son's at Fuller
ton Saturday.
If you want a suit for a boy or a
man, and you want a nice nobby arti
cle, and you want it to give you satis
faction, and the price to be very reas
onable, you must go to Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store.
T. M. Potts returned Wednesday
from Newman's Grove, and reports
the bridge over Shell creek at Dan.
Holleran's as out, also a bridge in
Madison county, near Newman's
Grove, and one over Dry creek near
Pat Ducey's.
J. B. Merwin of the American
Journal of Education, published at
St. Louis, has some flattering things
to say of Nebraska's edocational
works, and of his reception at the last
State Teachers' Association, also of
Prof. Cramer of this city.
C. O. Lobeck, with Lee, Fried &
Co., of Omaha, one of the liveliest
men on the road, came down from the
npper country last week. A very
close observer of men and current
events, he thinks Nebraska Is good
this year for a long stride forward.
At Monger's you will find a
splendid variety of furniture of all
descriptions plain, rieat and tidy;
also highly-finished, beautiful and
costly, suitable to all tastes and purses.
Call and see his stock, for yon will
be sure to see something you need.
H. Pieper of Sherman precinct
was in the city last Friday and called
at these headquarters. The Journal
will make its weekly visits to him
another year. He says many farmers
complain in his neighborhood that
the weather is too cold for planting
Wm. P. Miller, colporteur of the
American Bible Society, is here, and
purposes canvassing the county, and
supplying all who will accept, with a
bible. The society will pay all the
expenses of delivery, and purchasers
are asked just the original cost of the
Nebraska has one woman minis
ter, one woman lawyer, six women
county superintendents, and ten wo
men physicians. Many women are
engaged in editorial work. Last year
there were 212 convicts in the peni
tentiary, but one woman. N. C.
Those who wish to attend the
races at Lincoln, which began yester
day, and will continue to the 20tb,
can buy tickets at the A. & N. depot
for the round trip, at IX fare one
way, good to the 21st. This is a good
opportunity for any one wanting to
go to Lincoln.
A. & M. Turner, at their book,
stationery and music store on Nebras
ka Avenue, (I. J. Slattery's old stand),
have opened a circulating library.
Ten cents a week will be charged for
the use of a book, and the number of
books set apart will be added to as
the demand shall increase. 1
Wanted, half a dozen salesmen,
salesladies, commercial men, teachers,
canvassers and others who are compe
tent and energetic, for a business trip
to the Rocky Mountains. None but
persons of good address and good
business habits will be accepted. Ad
dress R. W. Saagar, Columbus, Neb.
F. M. Cookiaghani is oar author
ized agent at Humphrey for soliciting
subscription, advertising and job
work. Bnainaat entrusted to him will
receive the same attentien as if done
direct with us. Call on hint, give
hint your home work and yonr home
news, use him well, and ha will grow
apace. tf Jf.K.TyajfiaACo.
Aa the premium Hat af tbe Co
lumbae Driving Park and Fair Asso
ciation is about ready for pablication
it ial.dasirabia that taaee business
sue and athars wba wish to offer
spacialtpreaiaaia should at once com
municate with tha Secretary, that
their- offers may ba printed with the
list. '
'Fred. Blaeer baa bean laid ap
with rheumatism since last Febraary,
bnt gat noma better last weak aad
moved to bit arm three miles aorta
of the city aad thea started Thursday
for Mr. Height's, south of tha river te
pot ap a aaw school aaase. Tale is
brisk saving aboat for a rataawtk
Treasurer Early was at Llaeela
Taeeday of last weak makiag nettle
meat with tha state treasurer, taral eg
over to him $11,900 collected oa state
taxes since October last. Platte coun
ty, for the amount of her property,
Mr. Early says, paya mora state taxes
than any other in tbe state, as a com
parison of figures will show.
The Pratt & Ferris cattle com
pany aad the Converse cattle company
of Wyoming, we leans have purchas
ed twenty-five thousand acres of land
in Boone and Platte counties, from
John R. Clark, of Lincoln. These
lands formerly belonged to the Bur
lington k Missouri land great, and
will be used for cattle ranges.
Mr. Sheldon, who purchased 600
acres north of A. W. Clark's farm,
will probably have it enclosed this
week. He is going right along to
improve it otherwise, and expects his
family in three or fonr weeks. Mr. S.
is from Ford Co., 111., knows what
good stock is, and the value of
it. He has come to the right spot,
and is an acquisition to the commu
nity. Sheriff Kavanaugh returned Fri
day from tha Insane Asylum at Lin
coln, bringing with him Frank Cham
bers, Henry Relge, Nicolas Mattis,
Mrs. Farley and Mrs. Grip. The
discharge is made by Dr. Matthewson
on the ground that the patients are
incurable and harmless, and room
must be made for new applicants.
The removal of them costs Platte
county about $55.
Joseph Rash was brought down
from the west Saturday and taken be
fore the Commissioners of Insanity
who found that he had no legal resi
dence in Platte county. Rash after
wards tried to preach a sermon on the
street, and was put under arrest, and
confined in safe quarters till Monday
evening, when be was taken to Mer
rick county, his legal residence. The
burden of his talk is religion.
A St. Paul harness maker named
Stephen O'Grady, got fifteen months
in the state penitentiary last week, for
embezzling bis employer's funds to
the amount of $35 ; to raise which he
sold two or three times tbe worth of
the sum named in goods. Two accom
plices were indicted, but they have
not been tried yet, and will not be
until the next term of the District
court. Qrana Island Independent.
The live land men, Tasker &
Routson, are doing a good business.
They Bold a big stock farm In Polk
county to an Illinois man last week.
People prefer to buy from them be
cause they survey the land sold with
out charge, and a purchaser knows
what he is buying no guess work.
A house and lot in town put in their
hands on Saturday were sold on
Monday, and the cash down paid for
the same.
Sonthworth & Underwood's stable
of race horses arrived in the city from
tbe South Friday night, and are now
quartered at the track, where they will
receive their finishing touches for the
Jnne races. Among them are "Daisy
Dean," "Kate McBride," "Libby,"
"Big Kesene," and "Dan. Haney."
They are a fine lot, and Charley Bell,
the trainer, thinks it will take some
good ones to beat him "any jump in
tbe road."
The man or company who will
venture the investment of money in
the wholesale business of groceries
and dry goods in Columbus, will, we
predict, receive large returns from
such investment. There are a great
many towns, villages and country
stores within trading distance of Co
lumbus that would give their custom
and induce others to deal at this
point The right men to conduct a
wholesale business of the kinds men
tioned, would in a short time build up
a large and profitable trade, and one
that for many years to come could be
held, solid.
A business man asks us why he
should have his printing done at home,
when he can send it away and get it
done at lower prices. We answer the
question because occasionally there
comes along a runner from a house
away east somewhere carrying sever
al lines of goods, and also taking
orders for job printing. Often tbe
low-priced printing Is used as a bait
to sell high-priced wares ; or samples
are shown that are not duplicated
when the printed matter comes; or
(as we have known) the 1,000 cards
ordered turn out to be only half so
many ; or, the order is given in large
quantities and no cheaper than your
local printer would make the same
run for. We venture to say that nine
cases out of ten your local printer will
do the work more satisfactorily and at
cheaper rates haa the foreign fellow.
Aside from these facts, you send
money out of town that might be kept
ia tha community to yonr benefit. A
trading center is a cluster of business
enterprises, which may be made mu
tually beneficial by each one buying
of each other, such articles of mer
chandize as he himself does not keep
for sale. To illustrate : suppose your
local printers do tha entire work of
the community at fair, living rates
(don't aver pay them more) ; they will
then ba enabled to better their facili
ties for work they will grow with
the growth of yonr town; they will
employ more help, who will again
increase the business done. The true
business man recognizee the mutuality
of benefits, and furthers bis own in-
tereet by building ap his community. I
The Wit
Buffalo Bill, with his Indians, buffa
lo, elk, and Dr. Carver, tbe famous
marksman, have been the town talk
foi several days, Dr. Carver's won
derful feats with tbe rifle being the
special attraction here. On Saturday
a party of Omaha Indiana arrived
with their ledge pole, teats aad other
camp equipments. A party each of
Sieux aad Pawnees are expected to
complete tha display of Iadiaas,which
will undoubtedly be an immense at
traction for eastern people.
Wbaa the compaay. shall have got
wall eater way, we prediet for It aae
of the greatest aaecaseee aver made
by shews, any oaa af tha many
faatarae being worth tha price of ad
mtoalaa. They started, six full car
loads, yesterday morning for Omaha,
where their opening performance will
ba given Thursday.
The Shell Creek Alliance No. 407
met ia attendance with Grand Prairie
Alliance, at Redenbaugh school
bouse, April 23d, '83, with a fair at
tendance. The meeting was called
to order by the president.
Music, .instrumental, by George
Streeter. Minntes of previous meet
ing read aad approved.
Remarks by Jacob Goodson, John
S. Freeman, H. S. Redenbaugh and
D. L. Bruen.
The following were among the ma
ny subjects talked on : "R. R, Tariff,"
"R. R. Free Passes," "R. R. Discrimi
nation," "Taxes," and many others.
The meeting lasted until near one
o'clock a.m.
Music, instrumental, by D. L. Bru
en ; songs by D. L. Bruen and John
S. Freeman.
Motion, to adjourn to meet at Red
enbaugh school-house May 21, 83.
Jacob Goodson, Pres't.
F. P. Hoffman, Sec'y.
On Saturday last about 2 o'clock tbe
alarm of fire was given from tbe En
gine House, and a heavy column of
smoke was seen to rise on Nebraska
Avenue. In a few minutes a goodly
number of the active citizens of the
town were present and at work assist
ing tbe firemen, who were promptly
on hand and at work. The building
ablaze was the property of Mr. Sutton
of Boone county, on tbe alley north of
Arnold's jewelry store and south of
Honaban's shoe store, and occupied
recently by James Kay and Mr. Phln
ney. The fire originated in the rear
apartment used by Mr. Kay as a work
room. Mr. K. had locked up the
store about ten minutes before tbe
flames were noticed and had started
for the fair ground. The fire engine
was placed at the well near Fried
hoff s, and a strong stream of water
kept constantly at play on and in tbe
burning building, while volunteer
firemen with buckets did what execu
tion they could. The firemen worked
hard, managed admirably and soon
the flames were under control, and
the buildin? partial I v saved. The
ship on Kay's front was not burned,
not a rope scorched. The building
was of cottonwood. Goods were re
moved from Arnold's store aud some
one stole about $25 worth before they
were returned to their place. Mr.
Kay claims a loss of twelve to thirteen
hundred dollars partially insured.
The heavy rains of Sunday last
filled the wells, streams and earth iu
general, the overflow being one of the
heaviest rains known for a long time
in this neighborhood.
Parties were in town last week
prospecting with intention of starting
a general store here. We understand
he has secured the refusal of a build
ing site for a short time. We hall
with delight business men to our
thriving town.
Mr. Jacob Steffes will again re
build ; his plan is to build a hotel and
saloon in separate buildings; he has
bought an addition of one-half lot
from Newell South, which will give
him more room. He began bis foun
dation on Monday.
We are pleased to state that- Mr.
Newell South has decided to rebuild
bis hardware store here as soon as he
can make his collections among tbe
farmers ; be sorely feels his loss, but
being built of the right stuff, endeav
ors to follow the example set by tbe
Industrious ant, "if at first you do not
succeed, to try, try again."
Yonr correspondent learned from
tbe secretary of the Farmers' Alli
ance that at their regular meeting
Friday evening, May 10th, at Creston,
fifty-two members voted to assist
Newell South by their sympathy and
trade to rebuild. Mr. South has been
here for a little over one year and has
a host of friends who truly sympa
thize with him in his loss. C.
Seal Estate TraaNfen.
Reported for the Journal for the
week ending last Saturday, by Gus.
G. Becher & Co :
Gustavus A. Dablman and wife to
Benj. Hansen, w. d. $1100; nw X 11,
19, 4w, 160 acres.
Benjamin Hansen to Mary M. Dabl
man, q. c. d. $1100; nw 11, 19, 4w,
160 acres.
Jacob Goodson and wife to Henry
Albers, w. d. $1900; nw X 2, 18, lw.
U. S. to Norris Stolze, patent; ne
X ne X 6, 17, le, $40.96.
U. S. to Joseph Krings, patent ; n V
se X 22, 19, 2w, 80 acres.
John W. Davis and wife to Ed. A.
Downs, w. d. $700; lots 16 and 17, blk
"B," Columbia Square.
Ed. A. Downs and wife to Emma
W. Geer, w. d. $700; lots 16 and 17,
blk "B," Columbia Square.
C. B. & Q. Ry Co. to Emma Kunz,
w.d. $590,89; ne X 1, 20, 3w, 146
80-100 acres.
C. B. & Q. Ry Co. to Nikolaus Pau
ly, w. d. $656.92; nw X 1, 20, 3w,
144 96-100 acres.
U. S. to Theodore Iten, patent ; e i
se X 24, 18, lw, 80 acres.
John Wiggins and wife to Gerhard
Schntte, w. d. $225 ; se X X 13, 17.
lw, 10 acres.
Michael Whitmoyer and wife to
Gerhard Schntte, w. d. $220; nc X
Kate O'Hern and husband to Fran
cis Keating, w. d. $2600; e X se X 5,
and lots 1 and 2, 8, 16, lw, 148 acres
Gerhard Schntte and wife to John
P-Becker, w. d. $800; ne X X ne X
Wm. Anyan, Rec'r, to G. A. Dabl
taa, f. r. r. M j iw X Ut &, w, 160.
PrtgrtMe far the Jine Races
Columbus, Nebraska,
1 Jmno 6th and 7th, '83,
Calambms DrWimc JPark
Fair twriitkl.
First Day.
running race at 2 o'clock, p. .
Its r all ponies not over 14 hands
alfn. Half mile, best three ia tire five
! ad three to start. Purse $50.
fttto trst. 15 to second, $10 to third,
v 5rf "Jnaiite Class, Trotting. Mile
aeat8,best three in five-five to enter and
tare to start. Open to all horses that
hate net beaten three minntes. Purse,
$. MO to first. $35 to second, 117.50 to
third, $12 50 to fourth.
Secaasl Day.
S:M Class, Trottxng, 2 o'clock, p. m.
Onea-to all horses that have no record
Bettor than 2:60. Mile heats, best three
in Ire five to enter aad three to start.
Parse, $125. $80 to first, $35 to second,
$17.0frto third. $13.50 to fourth.
free For All. Hunning. Mile heats best
three in five five to enter and three to
start. Purse. $100. $50 to first. $r. tn
second. $15 to third. $10 to fourth.
JVes For All, Trotting. Mile heats, best
three in five five to enter and three to
start. Purse. $200. $100 to first. $50 to
seeoad, $30 to third, $20 to fourth.
Tea per cent, of purse required for en
trance monev. Entries to close on .funn
5th, 1883. Applications for entries should
be made to Gus. O. Becher, Secretary,
Columbus, Neb. Columbus Driving Park
rules to govern.
J. E. North, President.
CDS. a. Bzchur, Secretary.
letter Ia1u
The following Is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-office, in
Columbus, Neb., for the week ending
May 12. 1883:
C Mr. L. G. Clark, Mr. L. E. Cowdery.
a B. A. Gates, Mary A. Grimes, Ja
cob Gluer.
H Mrs. Frank Hartman.
I Mr.M. Irwin.
JL Lena Loseke 2.
M Mr. Albert Mart, Mr. L. Moberly.
M Mirna Bemleng. '
M Mrs. C. Starke.
W Dr.Wellson.Miss Laura "Williams,
Miss Lcttie Wheeler, Mr. J. Workman.
If not called for in 30 days will be s ent
to the dead letter office, Washington, D.
C. When called -for please say ''adver
tised," as these letters are kept separate.
H. J. Hudson, P. M.,
Columbus, Nebr.
Csuscelea U. I. Iaadsu
All persons holding contracts for
U. P. lands, on which the payments
are delinquent, will please call at ray
office at once if they wish to hold the
same, as a large list of canceled lauds
have been received and will be sold
very soon.
Saml. C. Smith, Agent.
Columbus, Neb., May 1, '83.
d Hoti:e.
All parties holding contracts on
Union Pacific land on which pay
ments are delinquent, bad better call
on us at once, as a large number of
contracts have been recently cancelled
by the Land Department, and tbe
land will be re-sold to first applicant.
Speice & North.
A Card.
We take this method of expressing
our heartfelt thanks to kind friends
and acquaintances for valuable servi
ces rendered duriug the sickness and
after tbe death of our daughter and
sister, Eva Benson.
Mrs. Benso.v,
G. &D. Bensok.
Cheap Coal !
We are now selling Kansas
Wbitebreast coal at $3.50 a ton.
Taylor, Schutte & Co.
Advertisements under this head
cents a line each insertion.
Faa fer the Beyx.
G. Heitkemper & Bro. have on hand
a line of boys' velocipedes, the be9t
there is made, at a reasonable price.
Call and see them. 44-tf
School books at Turner's.
Pure sweet cider at Hudson's.
Fish hooks and lines at Turner's.
30 yards of calico for $1 atKramer's.
fiats and bonnets at cost at Mrs.
Fine bird cages at 6.
& Bro's.
Ladies' and children's lisle thread
hose at Kramer's.
Pen 8, inks, papers, slate pencils, at
Bran and shorts at John Heit
kemper's. June Brocha shawls at a bargain.
Mrs. Stump.
Cream, soda water, with pure fla
vorings. P. O. building.
Tbe old reliable Bain wagon at tbe
An elegant line of lady's lace mitts
at Galley Bros.
Tbe largest stock and tbe lowest
prices at Kramer's.
Oranges, bananas, lemons and ap
ples for sale in P. O. buildiug.
Call and get prices of school books
at Turner's before purchasing.
Frank A. Smith pays cash for all
old rags, for W. S. Campbell. 3
Don't forget the good, reliable fath
erland and dish-rag soaps at Wm.
Becker's. These took the county
hats for 25 cents at Mrs.
Dickens's works, splendid edition,
$1 a volume at Turner's.
"Postoffice Pride." the best 5-cent
cigar in the city at Hudson's. 5-51tf
Rock ford watches at G. Heitkem
per & Bro's. 44-tf
Moline and Weir Companies goods
for sale at tbe Foundry.
You can save money by buying
your hats and sundowns at Kramer's.
Too will get tbe finest, best quality
winter apples at Wm. Becker's.
Birthday presents at Turners.
The new iron beam Weir Lister and
corn drill combined, at the Foundry.
Call and look at those cheap lot of
millings and tuckings at Galley's.
California dried plums and apricots
at G. C. Lauck's. 39-tf
Fresh caramels, cream candies,
dates and figs at Hudson's in P. O.
Photograph, autograph and birthday
albums at Turner's.
If you want any extracts, lemon
vanilla, ftc, go to John Heitkemper,
corner opposite Lindell Hotel, where
you can find a large and good assort-nant.
Have you tried the Kansas winter
wheat flour John Heitkemper has?
It gives splendid satisfaction.
Blank marriage certificates, hand
some, suitable for a handsome couple,
at Turner's stationery store.
Mrs. Mitchell has fitted up pleasant
apartments at Mrs. Stump's, and ladies
wishing dressmaking done will do
well to give her a call. 51-tf
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-and-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
Mrs. Stump is selling millinery
goods and notions as cheap as you
can get them iu Chicago. Come and
see for yourselves.
Fruits, canned aud dried, such as
pears, apricots, plums, apples, rasp
berries, &c, at John Heitkemper's,
corner opposite Lindell Hotel.
Remember when you want good
cider, you will at all times be sure of
a good article at Wm. Becker's.
Hay for sale and delivered to any
part of the city by Jenkiuson Bros.
Tiy the double-strength cider vine
gar and you will use no other. Sold
by G. C. Lauck. 39-tf
You can always find a good stock
to select from at Mrs. Drake's millin
ery store. 39-tf
Challenge and Farmer friend plant
ers, Barnes and Tait check rowers for
sale at the Columbus Foundry.
Ladies, before buying your spring
gloves call aud look at Galley Bros,
in silk, Lisle thread, and Berlin cords,
and at low prices. 50-tf
Wm. Schillz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the
very best stock that can be procured
in the market. 52tf
If you wish to purchase a number
of books, or a considerable amount of
stationery, send your orders to A. aud
M. Turner, aud they will be promptly
and satisfactorily filled.
Those wantiug good Flax Seed for
sowiug can get it in any quantity by
enquiring at the land office of S. C.
Smith. 47-tf
Mr. Wm. Warren is now pre
pared to do all mason work iu a
workmanlike manner. Contracts can
be made with F. M. Cookingham for
Humphrey and vicinity. 52-tf
Fanners who have to feed their
teams while at Humphrey will find
it to their interest to stop at tbe livery
and feed stables connected with the
Granville House, next door above N.
Sooth's hardware and farm implement
store, where meals are furnished at
all hours of the day, for man and
beast, at low rates. 50-tf
Many of our subscribers are
taking the American Agriculturist
with the Journal, both for $3.00 a
year payable in advance. The Ag
riculturist is published iu English
and German, is finely illustrated, and
is conducted on old-fashioned prin
ciples of honesty and common
sense. tf.
For Sale.
Two good young bulls.
3-tt M. K.Turner.
For Sale or Trade for Hay.
Three good work horses, set of har
ness, mojver and hay rako.
3-3p F. E. Gillett.
Fer .Sale.
A Dewey harvester that worked
very well last season. Cheap and on
time. A Hexricu.
For Sale or Trade Tor Cow.
A irood horse for farming or driv
ing. Close to John Haney's.
52-4 'J. J. Haney.
For Sale or Eschaage.
A Smith American Orgau, for cash,
or will trade for a good fresh cow.
Enquire at Journal office. 3-1 f
Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur
nish brick, either at his kiin north
west of the city ; delivere d anywhere
in the city, or built in the wall, at
reasonable rates.
GoiBjp! Oolae!!
Any one wishing the services of
John Huber, as auctioneer, can make
tbe proper arrangements by calling at
the Journal office. 32-tf
Roonu to Beat.
Two front and two middle rooms,
suitable for offices, in the Ernst brick
building, corner of 11th and North
streets. Inquire at the premises.
Ileary Galles, Aactioaeer.
Three miles east of St. Edwards, in
Platte county. All business iu this
line, either in town or country, will
receive prompt attention. Charges
moderate. 50-3m
For Sale.
One large pony ; one spring wagon
and double harness; one full-blood
Jersey buil 2 years old ; 2 grade bulls
one year old, and several young cows.
3-2 D. Anderson.
For Sale.
One-balf section of best land in
Platte county, near St. Bernard, 90
acres under cultivation, good houwe,
barn, wind-mill, etc., etc., at $10.00
per acre.
Macfarland & Cowdery,
46-tf Columbus, Nebraska.
My facilities are such, through ray
eastern connections that tbe demand
on me for lands and farms is greater
than tb supply. All those wishing
to sell will do well to leave their
lands and farms with uie to sell. Call
and see me at my office.
Saml. C. Smith,
1-4 Columbus, Neb.
Farms for Sale.
X section, 5 miles northeast of Co
lumbus, 40 acres broke, house, stable,
well, etc., besides 20,000 trees, princi
pally ash and boxelder. Price $2,500.
240 acres in Polk Co., on Clear Creek,
living water which never fieezes, 120
acres in cultivation, dwelling, stable,
etc. A splendid stock farm. Price
$3,GO0. Address
Guy C. Barnum.
51-12 Columbus, Neb.
Erfiad Tor Sale.
Iu Colfax Co., near Platte Co. line,
80 acres, 70 of which are under tbe
plow ; frame dwelling, horse and cow
stables, cow sheds and corrals, corn
cribs, windmill and 2 pumps (water
40 ft. from surface), some fruit and
forest trees.
Also 160 acres, 120 under cultiva
tion, 7 acres of forest trees. Both
tracts have first rate stock range, aud
road facilities'. 12,500 for each tract,
on easy terms. ; ''
15-x B. Mackkjzis.
Selllasr Oat at Coat.
I will sell for the next ten days my
entire stock of crockery, glass and
queensware, cutlery and lamp goods
at cost. No humbug any one need
ing such goods will save from 35 to
50 per cent, by calling at once and
buying of Will T. Rickly.
March 5, '83. 45-tf
Chlckea aad E Tor Sale.
I will sell one dozen of thorough
bred Partridge Cochin chickens and
a half-bred mother, for two dollars;
or thirteen thoroughbred eggs for one
dollar. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Inquire of D. L.
Bruen, of Stearns Precinct, or address
Columbus, Neb.
m ' a'aaaa
Atteatloa, Soldiers, Sailors!
Their widows or minor children
who have homesteaded a 20, 30, 40,
50, 120. etc., any number of acros less
than 1C0, come and see the undersign
ed, and he will let you know if your
additional homestead is good and pay
you the highest cash price and pay
you 20 cent) per acre over and above
all other bidders, on your claim.
D. J. Drebert, Agent,
51-tf Humphrey, Neb.
We have made arrangements to fur
nish to the subscribers of this paper,
that excellent agricultural and stock
journal, The Nebraska Farmer, for the
small sum of $1.00 per year. The
Farmer is published at Lincoln, Neb.,
O. M. Druse, Editor, and is devoted to
agriculture aud stock growing in tbe
west. Every farmer should take It
Send $1.00 to this office and we will
have the Farmer sent to you.
Aa Extraordiaary Book.
Some mouths ago the editor of this
paper saw lying on a table at a hotel
in Fullerton a book entitled the En
cyclopedia of Health aud Home. Cas
ually opening and examining some of
its pageB, be became immediately in
terested, devoting perhaps an hour to
its examination. Ho has recently had
an opportunity to procure a copy, aud
takes this opportunity to call public
attention to it. The Encyclopedia is
a book of eighteen hundred pages, in
two volumes, (or the two combined in
one at a less prhe), and treats upon
all diseases, accidents and ailments of
men, women and children, giving
simple home remedies. It gives
causes, symptoms, remedies and pre
ventatives. The medical portions of
the work are by Prof. Wood of Phila
delphia, Dr. Ruddock ofEnglaud and
Dr. Frost of New York. It contains
eight or nine divisions or departments
not strictly medical, all of them, and
they aro of extraordinary value to
every family and every individual. A
department entitled the "Ladies Man
ual" has one hundred and eighty
pages, which every woman, sick or
well, should be familiar with. Its
information is designed not only to
cure the sick, but to enable those who
are well to keep well. One hundred
pages are devoted to domestic ani
mals, giving causes, symptoms and
cures for all ailments of horses, cattle,
hogs, sheep and poultry. Tbe book
is an exceedingly practical, common
sonse work that every family should
have. An important fact in regard to
it is that it contains all tbe new and
important remedies which modern
science and skill have developed. It
is new, reliable and comprehensive.
One of its strongest claims to consid
eration is the nigh estimation in which
it is held by the very best people, all
over the country, and the immense
sale it is having everywhere. The
publishers employ about two hundred
flrst-clas3 men as general agents, each
having his allotted territory, and these
two hundred have about one thousand
sub agents and canvassers who carry
the book to the very door of every
family throughout the Union. It is
expected that five years will be re
quired to thoroughly canvas the
United States. Thus far, about two
hundred thousand copies have been
published, and the canvas is ouly just
heguu. Any of our subscribers who
fail to see the canvasser and would
I liko a copy, may leave word at this
uuiuu aim we win iiimisn me agents
address. Tbe book cannot be procur
ed except by subscription.
Our quotations of the markets are ob
tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct
and reliable at thp time.
Oats new,
C 1UUI a
ulQ69j .... .
Fat Hogs
Fat Cattle
Rock Springs nut
Rock Springs lump
wrai 00
3 00(4 SO
12 15
8 30
r. 60
$8 60
? 13 50 15 10
$7 00
$7 00
To all whom it may concern:
The County Commissioners of Platte
county have declared the road on section
commencing at the S. E. corner of the
S. W. K of Section 4, Township 18 north,
of Range 1 west, running thence due west
on the section line, and terminating at
the southwest corner of Section 6, Town,
ship 18 north, of Range 1 west, open.
All claims for damages caused by the
opening of said road must be tiled In the
County Clerk's office on or before noon
of the 1st day ot June, 1883.
S2.S County Clerk.
Eugene Durr, defendant, will take no
tlce that on the 10th day of April, 1883,
Isadore Durr, plaintiff, filed her petition
iu the District Court for I'latte county,
Nebraska, against said Eugene Durr,
defendant, the object and prayer of which
is to obtain a divorce from said defendant
on tbe ground that defendant has wilfullv
abandoned said plaintiff for more than
three years last past. Defendant is re
quired to answer said petition on or
before May 28th, 1833.
Dated April 10th, 1883.
By John G. Higgins,
her Attorney. 50-tf
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of application of Eschelbacher A
Co. for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Wendel
Eschelbacher and Jacob Ripp, comprising
the firm of Eschelbacher fc Co., did upon
the 1st day of May, A. D. 18S3, file their
application to the Board of County Com
missioners of Platte county, Nebraska,
for license to sell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors, at Humphrey, iu Humph
rey precinct, Platte county, Nebiaska,
from the 21th day of May, 1833, to the 24th
dav of May, 1884.
If there be no objection, remonstrance
or protest tiled within two weeks from
May 2d, A. D. 1883, the said license will
be granted.
(Comprising the firm of Eschel
bacher St Co.,)
2-3 Applicants.
tEPomvr of tbe coniTierv
OF cor.
At Columbus, in the State 0 Nebraska, at
the close of business,
MAY j 1st, 1883.
Loans and discounts X
U. S. bonds to secure circula-
Due from approved re
serve agents I 9,908 BS
Due from other Nation
al Banks 17,367 67
Real estate, furniture,
and fixtures
Current expenses and
taxes paid
Premiums paid
Checks and other cask
items WW
Bills of other Banks ... 1JV3 00
Specie J!2?!
Legal tender notes ... 5,ou
Redemption fund with
of circulation)
77,171 as
U84 90
8,007 62
075 00
Total 14.B4S
Capital stock paid in I W.0O0 0O
Undivided profits 4,330 W
National Bank notes outstaad-
inp s lsysoooa
Individual deposits
subject to check ... $43,031 37
Demand certificates of
deposit 10,82325
Time certificates of de
posit 22,80166 78,41107
Total $1444
I, O. T. Roea, Cashier
of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statemeat i true to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
O. T. ROES, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before aae this
8th day of May, 1883.
,0, ,, Wilms 9. Qaant,
(Signed) Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
A. ANDKKSON . Y Directors.
In th matter ot the estate of Anna K.
assignee of said estate will, oa the
Eid day of May, 1833, at ten o'clock a. m.,
or as soon thereatter as he can be heard,
Hppear In open court in the district court
of Platte connty, Nebraska, for the pur
pose of making a final settlement ot his
accounts as assignee of said estate, and
making application for a full and com
plete discharge from said trust.
PHILIP CAIN, Assignee.
Columbus, Neb., April 23, '83. 62-3
Lind Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
May 8th, 1883. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol-lowing-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof la
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Clerk of DUt. Court
of Platte Co., at Columbus, Nebraska, oa
Thursday, June 2iat, 1883, viz:
Henry Gebeke. Homestead No. 7740, for
the N. X of S. VT. X Section 8, Township
19 north, of Range I west. He names the
following witnesses to prove bis continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: Joseph Kruse, George
Urockbaus, Bcrnhard Wilde aud William
Scheldemantel, of Humphrey, Platte Co.,
3-tt C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Union Pacfic Land Office,
On Long Time and low rate
of Interest.
AH wishing to buy Kail Road Lauds
or Improved Farms will find it to their
advantage to call at the U. P. Land
Otlice before lookiu elsewhere at I
make a specialty of buying and selling
lands on commission; all persons wish
ing to sell farms or unimproved land
will find It to their advantage to leave
their lands with me Tor sale, as my fa
cilities for attectlug sales are unsur
passed. I am prepared to make final
proof for all parties wishing to get a
patent for their homesteads.
U2THenry Cordes, Clerk, writes and
speaks German.
SAMUEL C. SMITH, U.P. Land Department,
All kiids of Repair iigl ftae
Short Notice. Bi&gies, Wag-
018, etc., siade t order,
lid all work Gur-
Also sell the world-famous Walter A.
Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders the
best made.
Shop oppoiite the " Tattersall," Ol
ive St., COLUMBUS. 2-8m-c
Salt at J. B. Dels
man's for $1.90 a bar
rel, and everything
at accordingly low
Great Redaction ia Goods of all Kinds at
rpi? A at almost any price, from 20
JL VtHL cents upwards; a fine Basket
fired Jap, very cheap; come and try it.
Prn?l?l?'l7Q If yu baven't had
lAr r JEjJDjO. any of my Coffees yet,
come at once and get prices; they are
bargains. Try them.
ffATF is cheap, but facts will tell.
JL t I ilY Just convince yourself, and
see that you can buy more goods of me
for one dollar, than at any other store in
the west.
A7T?TT7 big drives in shoes, fine
JD JCj TV syrups, choice coffees, tbr
best of teas always on hand.
"I7"DTTTrP A" larKe assortment of
JDXiUll. California and Eastern
canned Fruit cheap.
fFroduce taken in exchange, at cash
prices. Goods delivered in the
citv, free of charge. JPj 29-J