The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 02, 1883, Image 2

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iah J
It is claimed that Omaha has a pop
ulation of 50,000.
It is claimed that the Hindoos wor
ship 330,000,000 godB.
The Hon. Milton Courtright died
at Norfolk, Va.j on the 25th ult.
J. W. Love, of Dodge county, Neb.,
has set out 50,000 trees so far this
It is stated that Nazareth has a tel
egraph office, the first opened in the
Holy Land.
Two hundred buildings in the
Cuban town of Las Manas burned the
other night. .
Five inches of snow on the level
fell in the vicinity of-Poteekey, Mich.,
on the 26th ult.
Hekbt D. McDaniel was elected
Governor of Georgia last week with
out opposition.
"Within- the past mouth in Nebras
ka 57,120 acres of state school lands
have been leased.
Two men were struck by lightning
the other day at Syracuse, Neb., and
one of them killed.
War. Pack, a wife beater, was given
twenty lashes the other day in the
Jail at Annapolis, Md.
There are 437 vessels fitting out in
Chicago harbor. To man these crafts
4,000 seamen will be required.
There was a grain glut claimed last
week in Chicago ; the stock of grain
in store is the largest on record.
C. "W. Foster, father of Governor
Foster, of Ohio, died on the evening
of the 26th ult., at Fostoria, aged 83.
Gen. Beauregard, the famous con
federate general, who ordered the
firing of the first gun in the rebellion,
is 62 years old.
The New York Board of Aldermen
are considering the project of a statue
to Peter Cooper to be placed in front
of Cooper Union.
Wm. Russell, a conductor on the
Panhandle road, was killed near
Greenville, Ohio, by being ran into
by a freight train.
A young man recently killed him
self in New York, leaving this note
for the reporters : "Cause of suicide,
nobody's business."
Three hundred feet of the West
Shore track at Hampton Point, N. Y.,
slid into the river the other day and
disappeared from sight.
The Scott bill has become a law in
Ohio ; it taxes each liquor dealer in
the state ?200 per year, and those
selling only beer and wine, $100.
The postoffice money-order system
will on July 1st be extended to 834
additional offices, principally in the
western and northwestern states.
Recent news from London reports
that a box containing powder was
found in the rear of the Times office.
The train was laid for an explosion.
The present outlook for the wheat
crop in Ohio, based on reports from
seven hundred townships, is the most
unpromising for the laBt eight years.
Dr. A. C. Rech, of Lampasas, Tex.,
was pulled from his bed the other
night by unknown persons, who shot
him dead in the presence of his wife.
An attempt was made the other
night to blow up the tower of the
Flint mill at Fall River, Mass., but it
only resulted in killing the watchman.
Henry Erman was shot and seri
ously wounded by Louis Kreiflen,
near Nebraska City, one evening last
week. Kreiflen was arrested and
A hail storm and trost have dam
aged crops and fruit in the vicinity of
Anna, 111. Similar results are report
ed from around Elkhart, Ind.v, because
of frost.
.The Grand Island Independent is
authority for saying that there are to
be a number of changes in the U. S.
official positions in Nebraska before
July 1st.
Kelly was placed on irial again
laBt week at Dublin. An important
government witness swore Kelly was
not in Phoenix Park with the other
It is coming to be generally under
stood that where there is no possible
use for an inquest over a dead body,
that counties should not be put to the
expense of it.
The supreme court .of this state has
decided that the loans mado by the
Corbin Banking Company are usur
ous. This decision affects a great
many farm mortgages.
Admiral Seymour and Lord
Wolseley, in recognition of their
Egyptiau services have been awarded
2,000 annually each by Parliament,
to descend to their heirs.
August Bodieu of Milwaukee pur
chased a farm near Walertown, Wis.,
for cash, a short time ago, and the
other morning hanged himself on the
premises with a fish-line.
Fred Nye says, "let us buy Ire
land.'7 Fred has evidently forgotten
something. This is not U. P. doc
trine. His trainer should give him
closer attention. Blair Pilot.
The parliament buildings at Quebec
were burned last week. Soon after
the fire was discovered the flames
were seen bursting from every win
dow in the main block. The loss is
At Perry station, la., on the Mil
waukee road, Nellie Holmes, a Swed
ish girl, aged 17, was run over and
beheaded by a switching train. A
married sister of Miss HolmeB lives
near Perry.
Is Kelley's second trial at Dublin,
for participation in the Pbdenix Park
murders, the jury were again unable
to agree, though the judge summed
up severely against the prisoner.
Michael Fagin, alleged to be another
of the conspirators, was then placed
OB trial.
Four inches of snow fell at Cham
paign, 111., on the night of the 23d
ult. Frost prevailed in portions of
central and southern Illinois. Fears
are expressed for the safety of the
fruit crop.
James DeLong, of Levittsburg, O.,
a widower, shot and killed the other
day a widow named Griswold, and
then committed suicide. The woman
had refused to keep house for her
J. P. Franks, of Stewartsville, Ky.,
shot his business partner J. D. Clark
five times, resulting in his death.
Clark had accused Franks of stealing
the firm's money, from which the
quarrel arose.
THEfceen is said to be a very suc
omlilfmBaliBt. The three official
paflHfJrtjirtiilrt by her authority,
the llotialmr'Gazetle, Edinburg Ga
zette and Dublin Gazette, paid a profit
last year of 29,316.
The supreme court of Iowa declares
the prohibition amendment null and
void, Judge Beck dissenting. The
opinions are very lengthy, the major
ity covering 84 pages of legal cap,
and the minority 113.
Hon. A. S. Paddock has gone west
to Salt Lake City to be present as one
of the Utah commissioners to take a
hand in making a clean registration
for the August election, shutting out
all known polygamies.
Heavy rains of last week caused a
rapid rise in Virginia rivers, submerg
ing the low-lands. Hail of large
dimensions has also fallen in sections
of North Carolina, and crops and fruit
trees have been damaged.
Recent report from Reading, Pa.,
says itis feared the heavy frost great
ly injured the fruit crop in that sec
tion. The mercury was several de
grees below freezing. Suow in some
places was two inches deep.
The latest reports from sections of
Mississippi visited by the recent ter
rible storms shows eighty-three per
sons killed and about three hundred
wounded, many dangerously, The
Iosb of property is unprecedented.
Tests of an automatic freight car
brake were recently made with very
satisfactory results: "average rate of
speed, 25 miles, average time stopping
58 seconds, average distance little
over one and a half train lengths."
Lucy Haulsey, a negress of Nor
folk, Va., was arrested for whipping
an orphan child of seven years to
death. It was flogged with a cow
hide and burned on the stove. Her
husband was arrested as accessory.
The President of the Reichsrath
recently received at Vienna a letter
warning him of an attempt to be made
soon to destroy the Parliament build
iug. The structure, in consequence,
is now entirely surrounded by mount
ed police.
The Loudon Times says the gov
ernment is possessed of information
showing that the Fenian organization
in the United Kingdom numbers
150,000 men, besides off-shoots bear
ing the titles of Vigilants and In
vinciblcs. It is stated at Dublin that Eugene
Kingston, who was arrested at Liver
pool tho ether day on suspicion of
being connected with the Phoenix
Park murders, was for some time the
head man of the inner circle of the
Denver is making large prepara
tions for tho encampment of the G. A.
R, which is set for this fall, and will
be the grandest ever held in the Union.
The state of Colorado has given $22,
000 and Denver a like sum to bring
about a successful encampment.
Roselle, N. J., is the first small
town in the U. S. to be lit by a "vil
lage plant" of Edison electric lights,
which consist of eight miles wire, 500
lights in thirty-five houses, 150 street
lamps and clusters at the depot, all
rub by a 150 horse power engine.
It is claimed by a New York cor
respondent that fashionable people
are running to buttons. . A dress re
cently finished for a Fifth Avenue
lady carries 1,900 buttons. On each
sleeve there are 100 buttons, on the
body, basque and collar 350, and on
the skirt 1,350.
If the papers of this country would
drop the coloring of partisanship and
prejudice from statements of public
affairs, they would accomplish more
in the direction of genuine reform
than will result from the passage of a
civil service bill or the appointment
of a salaried commission. Schuyler
Bids for furnlshiug supplies to the
Indian department were opened the
other day by Indian Commissioner
Price. Over 300 bids were received.
The majority of the bidders were
from the sooth, representing large
cattle and grain interests. The
awards will not be made public for
several days.
Three gunboats are cruising off
Cork port waiting to intercept a ves
sel from America having a consign
ment of infernal machines. The force
at the harbor, forts and magazines has
been increased. A report the other
day that a torpedo b.oat was on board
the suspected craft from America
created a sensation.
TnE railroad commission recently
instituted in Kansas is given general
supervision of all railroad, express
companies, sleeping car companies
and all other persons, companies or
corporations doing business as com
mon carriers. It has absolute power
to fix freight rates. This has the ap
pearance that Kansas may solve the
railroad problem.
Gov. Butler issued an order one
day last week ousting the Trustees of
Tewksbury Alms-house, and instruct
ing the Slate Board of Health to take
control. Additional horrors were de
veloped in the investigation, -the rec
ords of the Trustees showing that the
only available instruments for use in
midwifery practice were a rat-tail file
and a screw-drlye r.
Terrible Cycloe.
A terrible cyclone visited portions
of the south Sunday week dealing out
death and destruction of property iu
its course through a number of coun
ties. Specials report the killing of
ten persons and destruction of Craw
fords, near Rockport, Mib&. At this
point many bouses were blown down.
Many persons were injured by light
ning and falling of houses. There was
great loss of property. A negro and
several horses, mules and cattle were
killed. From Aberdeen, Miss., comes
the report that the storm passed
through Monroe county, killing some
persons and wonuding many colored
citizens seriously and carying away
houses, fences, bridges and every
thing in its way. A suburb of Aber
deen was absolutely wiped from the
face of the earth. At Beauregard
some thirty persons were .killed, be
sides a very large number wounded
and injured. Two storms are report
ed from West Point, Miss., one about
12 o'clock and the other at 1 o'clock
passing over Clay county. Both were
terrific in the extreme, levelling
houses, fences and trees to the ground,
and spreading death and destruction
in their paths. At this place some
twenty-five or thirty persons are re
ported killed. The storm appears to
have had its origin in the Red river
country and passed northeast.
Another storm is reported from
Charleston, S. C, that passed through
Barnwell county which cut a path
three quarters of a mile wide through
Salt Keachi swamp, as if the timber
had been felled for a railroad. Resi
dences, cabins and out houses were
swept away from off ten large farms.
In most of the cases all the household
goods were lost.
A Sterny Year.
18S3 has come in like a lion, and it
is to be hoped it will go out like a
lamb. It has been distinguished
hitherto by the violence of the ele
ments. We have had great floods,
both in Europe and the United States.
There have been "blizzards," tempests,
violent snow-storms, and earthquakes,
and the atmospheric disturbances
haye extended throughout the globe.
It is remarkable, by the way, that
during the reign of storms the num
ber of sun-spots was unusually large.
Meteorologists are beginning to think
that there is really some relation be
tween these eruptions on the face of
the san and the atmospheric disturb
ances on this planet. Nor is this all ;
the number of distinguished dead is
unusually large. There is, however,
one consolation ; pestilences, once so
justly dreaded, are now very rare.
True, this country has seen epidemics
of cholera and yellow fever, but
plagues, the black death of the middle
ages, and the pestilences so common
in all history, are unknown to this
generation. It has been found to be
within the limits of human provi
dence to stamp out contageous dis
eases, and prevent their spread. No
doubt, when the twentieth century is
well advanced, sanitary science will
be so far perfected as not only to
ward off pestilences, but to prevent a
great many deaths which now need
lessly ocenr.
The Irish National Convention held
its session at Philadelphia on the 25th
and 26th ults. attended by a large del
egation and audiences. A large Irish
banner hung in rear of the stage, with
the motto, "Commemorative of the
Irish National Convention."
Alexander Sullivau, of Chicago,
called the convention to order and
delivered a sensible speech. A few
extracts show the character of the
whole of it. He said:
"We have met to 'solidify all ele
ments of our national .sympathy, that
hereafter there shall be an authorized
body to speak, not for party, not for
men, but for united exiled Ireland.
In the spirit in which Robert Emmet
lived we live ; in his words we are
determined on 'delivering our native
country from the yoke of foreign and
unrelenting tyranny, and to place her
independence beyond the reach of
any power on earth.'" The speech
was warmly received.
Mrs. Delia Parnell was introduced
amid tremendous applause, and liken
ed tho Irish struggle to the Revolu
tionary war of '76.
A permanent organization was com
pleted and Alexander Sullivan, of
Chicago, made chairman.
Senator C. H. Van Wyck, who has
been instrumental in bringing the
Otoe Indian lands into the market,
says they have been ordered for sale
on the 31st of May, at Beatrice, to the
highest bidder. Deferred payments,
five percent, interest. Thig..rBerv8v
tion of lands comprising about 50,000
acres lying in Kansas and Nebraska.
The lands will only be sold to persons
who shall within three months from
date of application make permanent
settlement upon the claim, and each
application must be accompanied
with an affidavit as to evidence of
good faith in this respect. The land
will, be sold to the highest responsible
bidder, at not less than the appraised
value, in eighty acre plats, and no one
person will be allowed to purchase
more than 160 acres. Terms of sale
are one-fourth cash, to be paid in three
months from date of filing application,
and the remainder in one, two and
three years with 5 per cent, interest
A severe wind storm passed up
Maple river valley, Iowa, the other
evening following cIobb along the
Chicago & Northwestern railroad,
which strikes off from Manley junc
tion. At Danberry the Catholic
church was wrecked, three houses
blown down, and other minor dam
ages inflicted. Also at Dunlap the
storm was very severe, carrying away
many farm bouses and barns, and
killing a great quantity of stock.
Trees were torn up and some loss of
life reported, but no definite particu
lars. The track of the tornado was
northward, through Marona and
Woodbury counties.
Towaship OrgaBlzatioa.
There will undoubtedly be a de
mand made in Platte county for a
submission of this question to voters
next fall, and from present iudicationB
the proposition will carry.
We do not, now, intend to discuss
the merits of the law enacted by the
last legislature ; it will bo time to do
that when the question shall be sub
mitted for decision. It is well enough
to say, however, that the basis upon
which our government rests is the
virtue and intelligence of the people,
and our "public" meu, our so-called
statesmen, are coming to see more
and more that the people can be
trusted to the uttermost with their
own affairs, and this is the intent of
the law in question to give the voters
of a township or precinct the full care
of their own local affairs.
If Platte county is to have tho ben
efit of this law, the friends of it must
see to it in time. We quote tho sec
ond paragraph :
"County commissioners, on peti
tion of fifty or more legal voters, shall
cause to be submitted to the voters of
the county the question of townBbip
organization under this act, by ballot,
to be written or printed or partly
written or partly printed, "for town
ship organization," or "against town
ship organization," the votes to be
canvassed and returned in like man
ner as votes for county officers. If it
shall appear by the returns of. said
election that a majority or ttie'icgnl
voters of said county voting at said
election are for township organization
then the county so voting for its
adoption shall be governed by aud
subject to the provisions of this act on
and after the first day of the meeting
of the county supervisors, as herein
after provided."
The executive committee of the
democratic central committee of Iowa
met at Marshailtown, Aprii 24. All
members of the committee were pres
ent except Gardner, of Polk county.
Wednesday, Juno 6tb, was fixed for
the democratic state convention at
Des Moines, to place in nomination
candidates for governor, lieutenant
governor, superintendent of public
instruction and justice of the supreme
court. The democrats this year mean
business; throughout the cointry
their action in making early nomina
tions indicates that they intend to
place hard work on the hands of their
opponents. Republicans shoull be
admonished, and make good andearly
nominations, and give the people
ample time in which to do the York.
The scaffold at Minden, Neb, bad
been erected on which to hang Ma
tbias Zimmerman, with a boarl en
closure 12x16 and the rope had been
procured. This would have been the
first legal hanging in Nebraska since
May, 1879. In the nick of tine his
counsel applied to the supremi court
of the state, under the law, ind a
writ of error was duly granted by
the court, which for the preient sus
pends the sentence of haoghg, and
will bring the case before be su
preme court for hearing on error,
July 3d. These proceedings ae all
regular and legal, and our cVizens
should not be hasty in taking the ttfc
of any one.
The Fifth Baptist church, Waiting-
ton, some time since brought suit
against tho Baltimore & Pobmac
railroad for damages on accotit of
alleged injury to property o the
church, caused by erection andnain
tenance of an engine house anl ma
chine shops on the land adjoinig the
chnrch edifice. The court held that
the railroad company is liabl for
damageB, and the fact that cogress
gave it authority to bring its racks
within the limits of the city ant con
struct such works as might be'eces
sary, constituted no defense.
Coroner Jacobs has been deng a
land office business in inquest Of
course where there are realty sus
picious circumstances connectetwith
any death in the county it is j-oper
that there should be an inquest But
there has been really no reasa for
calling several of the inquests' ately
held. Inquest fees will monntup to
a round sum in a year at the ute at
which these sombre gathering have
taken place recently. We canlfford
to retrench In this line. Whc they
are not needed inquests are expisive
luxries. Omaha Bee. (
In May, 1881, George Ellin was
arrested in Clayton county. Ioa, for
the murder of- Gustave Riotus, a
wealthy farmer, the arrest bag at
the instance of Harry Ricks, a
brother of the murdered mii, but
Ellinger was discharged. Tjj Sep
tember following Harry Richis was
arrested for the murder, and-e will
be tried next September, jjeorge
Ellinger has now brought suitjainst
narry uicmng. mr ?wLiitflm
cioub prosecution. The case has lew
parallels in legal history.
BY VIUTUE of an order or sale to rac
directed and issued out of and under
the seal of the District Court of Platte
county, Nebraska, bearing date on the
13th day of April, ISSi, and the judgment
and decree of said court upon the same,
which was issued, I have levied upon
and taken as upon execution the follow
ing described property, to wit: The
northeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter of Section number twenty-seven (27),
in Township number cignteen (18) north,
of Utilise number one (1), wi-st of the
sixth principal meridian in Platte county,
Nebraska, and on the
19th Day or itlay, 1S83.
at two o'clock in tho afternoon of said
dav, at the west front door of the court
house in the city of Columbus, in said
county and State, (that being the build
ing wherein the Iut term of the court
was held) I will ofler the same for sale at
Cubltc vendue to the highest and best
idder for cash, to satisfy said judgment
and decree in said court rendered on the
23d day of March, 188.1, in favor of Margie
S. Akin as plaintiil' and against Wm.
Kinp, Jacob Kipp, Theodore Itipp, Henry
L.'Duguid, A. B. Barnes, John J. Akin
and the Sample & Birge Manufacturing
Company as defendants, for the sum of
$148.07 and costs taxed at $28.88. together
with interest and accruing costs, when
and where due attendance will be given
by the uuderigned.
Dated at the Sheriff's office this 17th
dav of April, 1883.
.-.1-5 D.C. KAVANAUOH,
Sherifl"of Platte County, Nebraska.
BY VIRTUE of an order of sale to me
directed and issued out of and under
the seal or the District Court of I'latte
countv, Nebraska, bearing date on the
13th day of April, 1833, and the judgment
and decree of said court upon the same
which was issued, I have levied upon and
taken as upon execution, the following
described property, to wit: The north
half of the outhe:i4t quarter, and the
north half of the -outhwet quarter of
Section number twelve (12), in Township
number twenty (20) north of Range one
() east of the sixth principal meridian in
Platte county, Nebraska, and on the
ltli day of May, 183,
at one o'clock in the afternoon of said
day, at the west front door of th court
house in the city of Columbus, in said
county uid State, (that being the build
ing wherein the last term of the court
was held) I will ofler the same for sale at
Cublie vendue to the highest and hot
idder for cash, to satisfy said judgment
and decree in said court rendered on the
the 23d day of March, 1883, in favor of
Robert Ublig as plaintiff, and against
Alexander Wilson, Raphael ,Wilson and
Conrad Hilfinger as defendants, for the
sum of $183.:; and attorney's fee of $48.35
and taxes amounting to $37.90 and costs
taxed at $31.13, with interest and accru
ing costs, when and where due attend
ance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at the Sheriff's oflice thh 17th
day of April, 1883.
31-5 D. t KAVANAUGH,
Sheriff ol "Platte county. Neb.
virtue of an order of sale to me di
rected and issued out of and under the
seal of the District Court of Platte countv
Nebraska, bearing date on the 27th day of
March, 1SS3, and the judgment and decree
of said court upon the same which was
issued. I have levied upon and taken as
upon execution the following described
property to wit: The South Half of the
Northwest quarter (S. J.J of N.W. K)45'
tiou No. 14 in Township No. 19, Range 2
West of the sixth principal meridian, in.
Platte county. Nebraska, and on the
14th day of May, 1883,
at one o'clock in the afternoon of said
day, at the west front door of the court
house in the city of Columbus, in said
county and State,(that being the building
wherein the last term of-the court was
held) I will offer the same for sale at pub
lic vendue to the highest and best bidder
for cash to satisfy said judgment and
decree in said court rendered on the 16th
day of January, 1883, in favor of Augustus
Lockner as plaintiff, and against Paul
Klas and Christina Klas as defendants,
for the sum of $488.20 and costs, taxed at
$35.88, together with interest and accru
ing costs, when and where due atten
dance will be given by the un
dersigned. Dated at the Sheriffs oflice this 7th dav
of April, 1883.
Sheriff-nf PUtto oountj-. Nebraska.
Whitebreast Coal
Rich Hill
Canon Citv ,;
18 1
Pnmp and Wlatd Mill.
Choicest Varieties in
China, Glass and Crockery
JACOB scaujj
. jDKALFf. K
dry goods;.-
Boots & Shoes, Hats 4 lu"
U. S. Land Ortice, tf rand Island, XebJ 26th, 1S33.
NOTICE is hereby uiven that the fol
lowing named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make tinal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
Will be made before the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court of I'latte countv at Columbia,
Nebraska, on TbursxUv, June Nth, 1SM3,
lacob Labenz, additional Homestead
No. 11524, for the S. y. S. E. Section 20,
Township 10. north ot Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: Peter Itipp,
Franz Fugar, Gerhard Gronenthal, Jo
seph Krings, of Platte Center, Platte
Co., Nebr.
1.3a C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Dry Goods and Clothing Sto
WHEREAS, D. B. Bennett, on, the 23d
of September. 18S2. executed bis
certain chattel mortgage to D. Anderson
for 193.00 with ten per cent, interest pay
able six months alter date, which mort
gage was given on the following described
property: One bay pony seven years old,
one double buggy and one set of light
harness, which. said mortgage was duly
tiled in the office of the County Clerk,
Platte Co., Neb,, on September 23th, V.
past 2 p. m.
"Whereas, the amount no-, claimed to be
due on said mortgage is $100.20, and
Whereas, the said mortgage contains a
power of sale by which said mortgagee is
authorized to take immediate possession
of said property and sell the same upon
default of any of the conditions therein
contained, or whenever he deems himself
Therefore the undersigned will, on the
10th day of .May, 1SS3, at 2 p. m., in front
of the Checkered Barn in the city of Co
lumbus, Neb., sell said property to the
highest bidder. D. ANDERSON,
51-2 Mortgagee.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 5, 185.
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing.named iettler has tiled notice
of his- intention to make tinal proof in
support of bis claim, aud that said proof
will be made before C. A. Newman,
Clerk of the District Court, t Columbus,
Nebraska, on May 12th, 1883, viz:
Franz Krings, 'Homestead 7339, for the
S. y2 of S. E. a, Section 22, Township 19,
Range 2 wes-t. He names the following
wiiiicsse to prove Ms continuous resi
dence upon, and cultivation of, said laud,
viz: Peter Itipp, John tireisen. Jacob
Labens and Ferdinaud Ripp, all of Platte
Center, Neb.
30W3 M. B.HOXIE, Register.
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.
At pn tliet were Beyer M of More in
i ca
Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.,l
April 3th, 1883. f
VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol
1 lowing named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of hi claim, and that said proof
will be made before Clerk of the District
Court for Platte Co., Neb., at countv seat,
on May 19th. 1833, viz:
William Resler, Homestead No. 7496.
for the S. S. " i Section 8, Town
ship 19, Range 2 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his .continuous
residence upon, aud cultivation of said
land, viz: A. J. Wright, Solomon E.
Morgan, "James Noonan and Peter Noo
nan, all of Humphrev, Platte Co., Neb.
60-5 M. B.'HOXIE, Register.
I bay my goods striotly for cash and will give my customers the :om
benefit, of it. , J&
Give Me a call and covince yourftU of the fat -
i mhaxt
U. S. Land Office Grand Island, Neb.,
March 31st, 1883. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol-lowing-namea
sectlei lias nieu notice
of his intention to make final proof in sup-
Eort of his claim, and that said proof will
e made before the Clerk of the District
Court of Platte Co., at Columbus, Neb.,
on Thursday, May 10th, 1883, viz:
Christian Petersen, Homestead No.
GS97, for the VT. S. E. X Section 14,
Township 19 north ol Range 4 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of said land, viz: Benj. Hanson,
Ludwig Sw.inson and Jens B. Koch, of
Lookingglass, Platte Co., Neb., and Nels
Christensen, of West Hill, Platte Co.,
49-3 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
April 14th, 1883. f
TVTOTICE is hereby ghen that the
i.1 fol lowing named settler has fild
notice of his intention to make final proof
In support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before C. A. Newman,
Clerk of tho District Court, at Columbus,
Nebraska, on the 19th dav of May. 1883.
viz: " '
Lewis C. Ulry, Homestead Entry No.
11482, for the X. E. X Sectiou 32, Township
20 north, Range 2 west. He names the
folio wing witnesses to prove his contin
uous re sideuce upon, and cultivation of,
aid land, viz: James H. 3Illslagle, Hale
Chapman, of St. Bernard P. O., .Platte
Co., Neb., T. M. Olln, P. L, Baker, of
fil-5 C. HOSTETTER, Register:
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
March 31, 1883. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in upport of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the Clerk
of the District Court, for Platte county,
Neb., at Columbus, Nebraska, on Thurs
day, May 10th, 1883, viz:
Johan Haschke, Homestead No. 71"0
for the S. yx N. W. Sec. 28, Township
20 north or Rane 1 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Ignatz Zach, Sr.,
Joseph Felk, Joseph Jahn and Mathias
Fuchs, all of Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb.
4D-W-5 M.B. HOXIE. Itagisfer.
AtX tut TEftr IE3T
Neae ccno!s wtlfcomt tela tr4 murk.
A. J. TO WEB, Sole Mfr.
VJT -f
. o v o .w
r r. .m . i tit i
"(. o - 2?U
iLV ' " -'"-. !
isaa riau ." co i .ii
Am -I-D- Aiti
t x .. ma m a ? m
.x j m r y v
cr uess
VNT6 .J'
Fish Brand Sliri
If T'lt iliKSKT T
ore tho oolj- "
BUde with Wlre.rngjrf
ened Metallic Ba;u
For sale everrtvLJow
At Wholesale bfall L- ,;
elasa Jobben. l .
of Be
Immense Practice in Columbus, Net
ae'll i
The Saunders County Tribune af
fects great surprise that Gov. Daves
should have appointed J. C. Kobbrts
district attorney. The Tribune bas
no business to be surprised. At a
party organ its plain duty is to htve
no opinions but religiously endorse
everything. Until the Tribune can
learn to do this, its editor can nfrer
aspire to write the member of in
gress from his district a postal rd
and hope for a reply. Schuyler din.
J. T. Aughe, of Ashland, 2fb.,
writes that in 1865, while on hiscad
to the mountains he caught apoat
coming down the Platte river. Anng
other things in the boat was a tiltpe I
picture ui b guuu looking man. nu
ten on the boat was the name C. Or
lell. He has not been able to finMi
owner, and has concluded the o
might have been murdered. 4
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
April 14tb, 1883. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make tinal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before C. A. Newman.clerk
of the District Court, at Columbus, Ne
braska, on the 19th day of Mav, 1883, viz
James II. Milslagle, Homestead Kntry
No. 7737. for the N. E. M Section 24,
i-s-iUiUt nange j west. Me
names tueulIoWUy witnesses to prove
his cniilitiu'us reside...., unn.and culti
vation of,'dd laud, viz: Hale Chapman,
of St. Bnard P. O., Platte Co., Neb.,
Lewis Cl'lry, T.M. Olin. P.L. Baker, of
Humphnj P. O., Platte Co., Neb.
fil-5 C. HOSTETTEIt, Register.
rirvAE. PKOOF.
LaniOflice at Grand Island, Neb.,
April ui, ijxw.'
NOTHfi is hereby given that the fol-louflg-named
settler has tiled notice
of his mention to make final proof in
suppor,of his claim, and that said proof
will brfnade before C. A. Newman,Clerk
of theListrict Court, at Columbus, Ne
braskj on Thursday, May nth, 1883, viz
Josi Kothlautner, Additional Home
steadNo. 11397, for the N. i N. W. i
ssectm rj, Township 19 north. Range 1
wesi He names the following witnesses
to pove his continuous residence upon,
andcultivation or, said land, viz: Fred.
Helbusch. Jacob Mnnror nn.l inim it
Blitly or Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb.
anr Oliver Fenuer ot Columbus, Platti
Co, Neb.
1-5 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.J
Mareh 31, 18S3. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proot in support of bis claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk
of the District Court for Platte Co., Neb.,
at county seat, on May 23d, 1883, viz:
Josef Kuhnel, Homestead 7G48, for the
S. ; S. Section 2, Township 20,
Range 3 wear. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon, and cultivation of, said land,
viz: Wilhein Westnhahl. Ancrimt. vr-
phal, David Blank and X. Bosch, all of
St Morno-il T1t ' V.I. -
49-W-5 "' M.B. HOXIE Register.
On FRIDAY, JULY 6, i8te
A" U-
of hi
Land Office at Grand Island, Nebi
April 14th, 1883.
NOTICE is hcrejy given that the follow
ing named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make tinal proof iu sup-
Cort or his clalmyaurt thsr said proof will
made before the Clerk of the District
Court of Platte Co., at Columbus, Xebras
ka ou Batrdav,May 19th, 18S3, viz:
rR?h Cv EnQtrt;.V1:?- Homestead No. 744:,.
ft ?'- h'li fteLtion 20. Township
19 north of Range i west, rie names the
following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivatioa of
said land, viz: Henry Carrig, David
-uurpny, oom ot riattt Center, Platte
Co., Neb., and Patrick Hays, James Con
way, both of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.
l-5 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Has discovered the greatest cure in the world for weakness of the b.i. k &
involuntary .discharges, impotency, general debilitv. uervousnes. lingua
ion of ideas, palpitation f the heart, timiditv, trembling, dimnes- of sisrh
ness, diseases of the head, throat, nose or sk'iu, affections of the liver, lun.
ach or bowels those terrible disorders arising from solitary habits of y
secret practices more fatal to the victims than the sonss ot Syrens to the nu'
Ulysses, blighting their most radiant hopes or anticipations, rendering c
Those that ar6 suffering from the evil practices, which destroy their u
physical systems causing
the symptoms of which are a dull, distressed mind, which unfits them iron
mg their business and social duties, makes happy marriage impossible. J -the
action of the hertt caueiiig flushes of heat, depression of spirits, ew
insrs, cowardice, fears, dreams, restless niehta. iiz7.in4a- fnrfPtfnlnn-. jZ-
discharges, .pain in the back and hips, short breathing, melancholy, tir- - H
coiopasy ana nave, prererence to oe alone, reeling as tired in the mornn.'t. I
retiring, seminal weakness. lost manhood, white bone deuoMt in th unw.:
ness, confusion of thought, trembling, watery and weak eyes, dyspepsis.
tion, paleness, paiii and weakness in the limbs, etc., should consult inc inc
and be restored to perfect health.
Who haye become victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and de-n '
which annually sweeps to an untimelv Brave thmmqml or vonm rara ot
talent and brilliant intellect who murk otherwise entrance Hsteninir '' "Nebrl
the thunders Of their elonneiirp nrwtVa m sNtqunh. llvin.. 1,-f- mit i
full conhdenee.
Married persons or young men contemplating marriage bo autre
weakness, loss of procreative power, impotency, or auy other diqualm. -t.-ily
relieved. He who places himself under the care or Dr. Fihblatt inn "
physician1 h'S Unr Sentleraan " confidently rely upon hi-
Iu the matter ot the estate of Ann
Vi assignee of said estate will, on
22d day of May, 18S3. at ten o'clock a
or as soon tberealter aa he can be besf
appear in open court in tne district co
" iw county, neDrasKa. ior tne p
pose of making a final settlement of ;
accounts as assignee of said estate, Ajl
uiu4hk appucaiion ior a iuii ana cc
ftcta uiBcusrKs iroia iaiu irusi,
Columbus, JTeb., April 23, '83. t
. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.,)
April nia, anas, i
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
low ing named settler has filed natfee
of his intention to make tinal prof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be mado before the Clerk of ths Dis
trict Court of Platte Co.. at Columbus,
Nebraska, on Saturday, May 19tfl, 1883,
William Gentleman, Homestiad No.
744, for the W. M S. E. y S.ction.20,
Township 19 north, Range 1 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upoJ, and cul
tivation or, Baid land, viz: PJlllip Ryan,
Joseph Shelitor, Jacob Judd and David
Streeter, of Platte Cnt Platte Co.,
01-6 C. HOSTETTER, Begltter.
Land Office at Grand ls'land, Neb.,1
April 10, 1883. f
VTOTICE is hereby given" that the
JJi following-named settler has filed
notice-of hii intention to make tinal
proof in support of bis claim, and that
said proof will- be made before C. A.
Newman, Clerk of the District Court, at
$WUviz"'' Neb0n Tnur8d, May 17tb,
John Brunken.Homestsad No. 7734, for
?n ,K S 7" ft Scc' T M north, 'of
Kange 1 west. He nma ih rniinftn.
witnesses to prove his continuous rcsi
dence upon, and cultivation of, said land,
viz: Henry Bakenhus, Ludwir Plata,
Fredrich Sicms and Fredrich Beaten of
Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.
515 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
his li
dm Hfr I Ti ,"2 M IUU V gor stored. ThL, distressing atiiunou-
Imnnrnpi-ih ? and marriaSe impossible, is the penalt?pal lfhe
awar of thiU.lgeHnrCV 0Uns peoPle are aPl t0 mt ee..,e trom n
tw? ihw Jnf i .cl3e(luence8- tbat may ensue. Now who that una
hVhltl ti. m den,r tht procreation is lost sooner bv those railing mt '-
anrin"..,"" e.,H2" oe,?.& deprived of the pleasure o' r:
C7y - . u,.u,D .&uu iiririirrivn a , n a . .- ..- ,. an... .1 inn "
nil... ! . -..... ..,. . v, 9111IU.IILU.. Ul IULU UllLll. ...
0f the Iif coi
UUipU'1!' -
lS.!mi!!!l'e.ri1("" anS destructive symptoms or both mind u
system become? deranired. th- nhr.;,.,i -h .....i . .:..., .....
procreative nowi-t- 7.rv. ;T.;7" t:,r... T -"" 'lu"'u UH" r.
gestion, con,titutionaTbHUy;va1 J?
aftermonh tnK 6Alth b? unlearned pretenders who keep them triaiB
after jnonth taking-poisonouaand injurious compounds, should apply mn. -
Graduate of one of the most eminent colle-e- o.-h i?t.., stit-s.b cif
St 3K w5 feS that Were efttr known; min;? troubled wtur.
withTrluTnt h?...8.1?661 nervousness, being alarmed at .; 125
cum immediately g attended sometimes with derangement of the --
row t-l
Eugene Durr, defendant, will take no.
ticc that on the 10th dav of April, 1883
Isadore Durr, plaintiff, tiied her petition
in the District Court for Platte countv
Nebraska, m.iH Viu-. r.-i'
defendant, the object and prayer of which
Is to obtain a divorce from said defendant
on the ground that defendant has wilfullv
abandoned said plaintiff for more thai
three years last past. Defendant is re
quired to answer said netrtion on or
before May 28th, 1883. Peimon on or
n.l.ll A n-: in.l. ...n
..u .j,,.. ium, ., nnvsmi..-nm
-. lj avJ ra am auv ,- h i
lsAnnRK ttikt .... ci .i.r. r.-" . - iuarees madonta a,.. ;,; h. re
By JOHN G. Hinnrva "."""""c -aeaical Treatment. 1rAKrn.r.7" "..":... md
Tacp n4rr,xTTT anghl
Ar, JxnnJUliAK xNUilLb. been
and oiFVLdh.rvf.Se9 h08e. wh0 bave injured themselves b improper if;oa ti
youth Viz" VL!ladVmncholv effete produced bv the eari? jf 0J
youtn, lz: Weakness ef the back and lfmi,a ,itl ll ,T. .f md die-"uu1
signt, loss or muscular nower. Tninj 7.t. "" " '"" ...,:
ity, derangement of digestive Wwct ionV: .lowii n"r"5ls.?f r "r!. "
, -.wiiti, UU3U1HH1UU) .
PriVafo OfflPAQ niraiiriM1.A ri i n..i. n,oli!i )
V;W,V . j,4 umaua liailUilUl jDaillt,lJuiwif
ub orbing i
45a 5M rassnsssF3