iFTWqjnW." .ix I -jmi j i rmiiEor,,AigrM'yigi!ir & JL&X. EyBuafness and ; s I professional carasA- - of. fire lines or less, per annum, five dollars. . For time advertisements, apply at tais office. ' " 23TLegal advertisements at atafaa Z3T OFFICE, Eleventh $t., vp -tairs i7t Journal Building. rates. ic 1 BTPaa-traaaVNrt sveni m, , rates on third pace. 0 t S7AUlCade?Uaanaata aajaTpi . , monthly., terms: Pervear. .. Six months. Tlirpc months . Single copies . I S VOL.XHI.N052.l U ft -"- COLUMBUS; NEB., WEDNESDAY APRIL 25. 1888. WHOLE NO. 676. THE JOUBNAL. ISSUED EVanY WEDSEbUAY, Proprietori and Publishers. '' II It i - is I j I - BUSINESS CARDS. DENTAL PARLOR- . On Thirteenth- St., and Nebraskd Ave-, over Friedhofs store. jTOffice Loui i, S to 15 a. in.; 1 to ." p. m. Oll AsnBAUGU, Dentist. OBEUUN 4c IIIJ1.LHVA3E, 4 TTOItXEYS-A T-LA W, " -' f Up-stairs in Gluck Building, 11th itreet, Ahove-thtyv bnnl.. -' TT J. IHStHO. XOTAHY PUBLIC, 1-tli Street, -door nest' or Hamaoad ow, Columbus, N'b. 491-y T"K. .11. D.THIIKrflMW, RESIDENT DENTIST. Oilier over eorner of 11th and North-st. All operation tirr-t-claxs and warranted. c M1M a; uakiier muoim HF.NKY WOODS, Pa5i'K. , ; . . . . .1 . . . 4..1 JSTKvervthiiiK hrst -elnri ntyle. Aluo keep tin- l.t-st ol cigars. .rH-J IlKK A: KKRUBK, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, . OtIW-e on Olive -t., Columbus N-l'akH. ft C. A. HUIiLIIOHM, A.M., M.D., HOMEOPATHIC I'll i'SWlAN, 13-Two Blocks south of C,ourt House. Telephone eomniunieation. . 5-1? V. A. MACKEN, UKAI.KK IN Wines, Liquors. Cigars, Porters, Ales, t-In, etc. Olive Street, next to First National lUnk. ru-v irAIJ.lNTEK ItKOH., A TTOllXEYS A T LA W, Ottiie up-stairs in McAllister' build iuK. 11th al. W. A. Mr Alli.teri Notary 1'itlilic. .T. M. .MACKAUI.AND, - " COWDERV, Att:rsi7 asi Mctory Pall'e. . f Cdlutor. LAW AMI COLLECTION OFFICE OK MACrARhAND & COWDBRx. Culmnbus, : : : Nebraska . - - KO. ..' DBKKf. I' A I XT Ell. JSTi'.irriHe. hife and -.ifiu painting, Maixs, paper nanning, kHl-uiuining, etc. done to ordei. Shop on l."th St., opposite Kiigiiu Hoti-e, i. ohuiiliui., Neh. 10-y i n.Kisiii:, llth St., opposite Lindcll Hotel. e.l II ami"".. addle. Collars, Whips, Blunkit-. uir Conih-, Brushep, trunks, valines. tnrr top-, etihions. eirriage triiuiiiiiir-. Ac. at the lowest possible prifi'b. KepAir- pr mittlj attended to. JKll.li r.TAJiKKK, "Real Testate Agent, Genoa, Nance Co., Neb. MLI LANI and improved lamiB V tor ale. t orre-pondeuee solicit ed. Office in Young's building, up--tairsi. S W.H.AKH, LAND AND INSURANCE AOENT, HI' Ml' II HEY, NEB 11. i ilia latidN oinpri.-.' xome iine tracts lu the afapll Creek Valley, and the uiith ern portion o Pl-tte" county. TaxeT paid for nou-iewldents. Sati"laction iruar-iiiteed. 20 y T OU1S SCHRK1BKK, BLACKSMITH AND WAGON JNAKER. All kinds ol repairiug. done ou -short notice. Buggies, Wagon, etc,. made to order, and nil work guaranteed. JSTShop opposite- the " Taltf-r-all," Olive Street. -'2- -oa.i!MBii. iA;Ki.ifti o., CdLIWIiUS, - XEB., Packer and Penln- in all kind of Hog product, eah p-inl for l.ie or Ifead Hoj;- or grease. Director.- K. H Henry, Trest-i John WiggiuH, hi'c. aiul Trea.; I.. Gertard, S. 'orv. N oiiri: x xfr:A:iiKR. J. E. Moncrief, Co. Supt., Will be in his office at the Court nouse on the third Saturday of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certilioate, and for the transaction of any other hii-iinea, pertaining to school". rt'.T-y J AJEKS MAl.HOi CONTRACTOR'AND BUILDER. Plans and estimates supplied for either frame or brick building-. Good work guaranteed. Shop on l.'lth Street, near t. Paul Lumber Yard, Cohrmbu-, Ne braska. ."2 Cino. J. WAG-NER, Liverv and Feed Stable, Is prepared to furnish the public w.Uh good team-, buggies and carriages for all occasions, especially for funeral. Also conducts a sale stable. 44 D.T. Maktyx, M. I). F. SciiCG, M. D., Deutschcr Art:.) Dre. X A&TYN & SCHU&, ' U. S. Examining Surgeons, Local Surgeon. Union Tacitie and O., N. & 11. H.R. IPs. , COLUMBUS. . NEBttASKA. 3i ol-xiii-v JS. MURDOCK & SON, a Carpenters and. Contractors. Havebad an cxteudl experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kinds 6f repairing done on abort notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call aud give us an oppor tunitytoestimateforyou. JTShop on 13th St., one door west of Friedhof & Co's. store, Columbus. Nebr. 4Stf-V THE- C0LUMBUS FLAX AND TOW CO., Are prepared to receive and pay 3.00 per ton for good clean flax straw free, from foreign hunstancesj delivered on their grounds' near the . reamery, in Coluni- bus erasKa. . " i COLUMBUS FLAX TOW CO., - GEO. SMITH. Aft. Colsmtms, Pec. S, 1SS2. szm COLUMBUS . STATE BANK! -. t ? S:::tu::it3 Surel A Bttl ul Tztur Htlst. COLUMBUS. NEB. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000 Tr0RECTOKS:r,i hi 4 (Jeo. W. Hulst, Vice Pres't. .Tulius A. Rekd. Edward A. Gkrhakd. ' :XnerTorner, Cashier. ,Wttl4 OeyMf t kftlscoMsfi' aad EichaiKe. ' CiMctlaHlrms)tly Made oa all PolatK. Par latere Time Depe. It. L ' 274 JOHN HEITKEMPER, Eleventh 'Street, opposite the' n ' I.iudell Hotel, COLU5IBD8, NEBRASKA, J Has on hand a fuH'assortment of GROCERIES! PROVISIONS, crockery-a-glasswaret Pipes, CigtnandvTilaoO j nighest price paid for Conntry Produce. Goods delivered in'citr. G.IfT.E ME A CALL! lur O JOIII HE1TKEMPKR. Sl-j H. LUERS te CO, BLACKSMITHS AND- AVagon Builders, Sew Brlrk Shop opposite llrtatx's Urns More. ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND WON WOHK ON WAGONS AND BUGGIES DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Eleventh Street, Columbus, Nebraska. NEBRASKA HOUSE, S. JT. MARMOY, Prop'r. Nebraska Ava, South of-Depot, 4'Ol.lI.lUliM, ni:b. A new house, newly furnished. Good cfommodatious. Board by day cr .week at raonafile. rate.. T U 4 A 3"He:tH a Flmf-ClaMH Table. Meals,.... 2.f Cts. Lodging.... 2.1 Cti. 3K-Jtf OMAHA WEEKLY BEE. Special Induoemente. Since the distribution of premiums is over and our Premium Listvlosed until next ear, we art vet anxious to Increase the circulation or the WEEKLY BEE to such a number as 1o greatly reduce the cost of the paper and to furnish it to our subscribers at a mere nominal price. In order to do so, v,e oiler the same for the balance of the vear, from now until Janu ary 1st, 184, for ONE DOLLAR. This is the lowest price ever asked for any west ern journal of the size, and all should avail themselves of this liberal offer. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO. .')0-l Onaaan; Iel. - - i " COLIINBirs Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor. EtTWhoIesale nnd Retail Dealer in For eign Wine-, Liquors and Cigars, Dub lin Stout, Seotch and English Ales. tKtntucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS in their season', by tut case can or dish. Utk StrMt. Semth f Dpot. WISE people are always on the lookout for chances to increase tlleir earnings, and in time become wealthy: those who do not improve their opportiinities remain in poverty. We offer a great chauce to make money. We want many men; women, boys and girls to work for us right in theirtwn localities Any one ran do the work properly from the lirst start. The 'usiness will pay more than ten times ordinarv wages. Ex pensive. outHt. furnished. No one who engages tails jo make money rapidly, lnu can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full infor mation and all that is needed sent free. Address Stinson & Co.. Portland, Maine. Our large OARDE.1 aiTIDEdescribing Cole's R ta All. We oflcr the Latest Nov elties in SEED POTAXOES, Corn. Ooats and Wheat, and the Beit Collection of Vesetable, Flower, Gin and Tree SGEU. Everything is te-ted. Address X1,E 4c.nO., ScedMMea, PEL. LA, IOWA. 45-eowp SALARY $20 Per week to live agents. Something new. Sells on sight. Thjb Templb:OF Life: reyreaectsng.tke ' PafL'Ptefleali and JPa.' ture. A fine lithograph in six elegant tints. Size 22x33. Sesd strap for cjtcu. lar. fiiMIM Ac - Jitt.kBMr. . - ... 77 ST' FIRST National Bank! COLXJBsIBXJS, NEB. AuthoVize. Capital, ..- - 250.008" Cash Capital, - - 50,000 OFFICERS I DlREcfoRS. A. ANDEOSON, freSt. SivM'lJ C. SMITH. VieePrWt. JOrT. ROEN. Ca.-hier. ' .1. W. EAHLV, ROBERT UHLIG. ,Jr HEU3IAXOEHLKICH. Xlw W. A. MCALLISTER, G. ANDERSON, P. ANDERSON. Foreign and Inland Exchange, Pubsage Ticketx. Real Etate, Loan aud Insurance. 5M-vol.l8-l BECKER & WELCH, .PROPRIETORS OF Ml SHELL CREEK HILLS. MANUFACTURERS AND WMOLK SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFTCti. COL XT MB US. NEB. SPEICE & NORTH, Genersi Agcntsforthe Sale of REAL ESTATE. t Union Pacific, and" Midland Pacific B. R. Lands for sale at from f 3.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or ou tive or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved aud unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable'ternis. Also business and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte County. tJJl COIMIMItirS. AKB. LANDS, FARMS, CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE, AT THE Union Pacfic Land Office, On Lonti Time and low rate of Interest. All wishing to buy Rail Road Lands or Improved Farms will nnd it to their advantage to call at the U. P. Land Office before look in elewhere as I make a specialty of buying and selling lands on commission; all persons wish ing to sell f.irma or unimproved land will find it to their advantage o leave their lands with me lor sale, as my fa cilities for affecting snips -are unsur passed. 1 am prepared to make final proof for all parties wishing to get a patent for their homesteads. 83THenry Conies, Clerk, writes and speaks (Itnuan. SAMUEL C. SMITH, Agt. U. P. Land Department, - 121-y COLUMBUS, NEB. WM. BECKER, DKILER IN'AI.L KINDS OK FAMILY GROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A E L I. E L EOT E D S TOC K . Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. GpotlM Delivered Free- to part fine City. I AM ALSO AGENT FOR THE CEL EBRATED ' COQTJ1XLARD Farm and Spring Wagons, of which 1 keep a constant supply on hand, but few their equal.'" iu stle and quality, second to none. -" CALL AND LEARN PRICES. Cor. Thirteenth, and K Streets, near A. & X. Depot. HENRY GASS, COFFINS AND METALLIC OASES AND DEALKR IN Furniture, Chairo, Bedsteads, Bu reaus, Tables. Safes. Lounges. &c. "Picture Frames and Mouldings. e XSTKepniringof all kinds of Upholstery Goods. 6-tf COLUMBUS. NEB. O. C SHANNON, MANUFACTURER OF Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! 1 Job-Work, Koofiog aid Gutter ing a Specialty . - EsrShop on Eleventh Street, opposite fieiatz's Drug Store. 4G-y aassscg,;,- .JaS 01 AND THE OTHER. Said Nell to Fred. Wnom she'd Just wed. All in the Bunay weather: "Oh! Life is fair! I've not a cara: My heart la like a feather." Said Nell to Fred when, ten years sped. The children loud wero crrin j "I'm la despair I've so much care! My life Is spent In sighing." BOTH TOGETHER. "For Joy and pain. Like sun and rain, Aye follow one another; And if we've one, When that Is dono We may expect the other." Another said When newly wed: "Suoh deep delight I borrow From Lite and Love. Below, above. My Joy Is almost sorrow!" Again ahe said whon ten years wed: "Though cares the children double, Yet greater far My pleasures uro In them than all my trouble." For Joy and pain,. A double strain In human hearts awaklnsr, Do sometimes How Together, so A single music making. DemoraVt Monthly. DRAFTS ON IRELAND. How They Are Made and How and Where Payable The Character of Kemlttances, and the Class of Persons Sending Them. "Drafts on Ireland, from .1 upward, payable throughout the old country without discount." This advertisement is no doubt familiar to the readers of the Herald, who see it from time to time, and no doubt often wonder jusl what is back of it what it fully means, in fsqt; for few think that the bank would con tinue an advertisement of the kind in large type at quite a considerable daily expense unless there was some profit in it unless it was to- catch a portion of what may be a large business in the way of exchange. To learn some facts regard ing this business. President Potter was waited upon on Friday last. I wish to inquire, Mr. Potter, in re gard to the business of sending drafts to Ireland. Is it much of a busi ness?" "Yes; it has been made by us a snug little item in addition to our ordinary regular business, though I may say that now it has become a part of our regular business." "When did you start the busibess?" "About two and a half years ago. You remember when Mr. Parnell w as here? Well, that was the time. Con siderable subscriptions had been raised in this city and vicinity to aid the cause of Irish iudepondence'ns advocated by Mr. Parnell, and our bank was chosen bv the committee having the funds in charge as a depository of that money. This led to the business of transmitting money for individuals to the old coun try, and this has grown to be quite a considerable and steady one, there be ing certain seasons when it assumes larger proportions than others." "How do you send the money in trusted to you to Ireland?" " We have arrangements with two of the leading; banking concerns in that country. These banks have numerous branches throughout Ireland. These branches are not mere agencies, but actual branches owned by the principals. We do not have this system in the United States, but they have it in Canada in the Bank of British North America, which, by the way, has branches In New York and Chicago. Well, these banks and their branches, by an understanding between us, cash our checks in any part of Ireland where they are located," and we keep remit ting to them constant' to meet these checks, the tide being all one way. A9 a consequence of our checks being so readily convertible into cash in any part of Ireland, they have become so well known throughout the country that any tradesman will generally readily receive them, and many of them being in 1 and 2 denominations, they are fre quently used as a kind of auxiliary cur rency by tradesmen." "What is the volume of this busi ness?" "It varies from time to time, as I told you. About the middle of Novem ber, what you might call a 'rush' com mences. People are then sending money very generally to their friemls in Ireland for Christmas presents. Aft er this rush the business of remitting goes on evenly until just before St Patrick's day, when there is another rush to send money to the old country. During these times the remittances through .our bank will aerage from 150 to 200 a day. Outside thee seasons the average may be said to be from 75 to lf a day. The day be fore yesterday we drew ninety-four bills on Ireland, aggregating 244, and the day previous eighty-eight bills, ag gregating 186. That is about how they run. though sometimes, even at this season, there is a falling off for one or, perhaps, two days in a week. Dur ing the last two we have drawn bills for 1,800." "What class of peop!e are the most frequent senders?" " About seven-eighths are females working women mostly domestics, etc." "What is the average amount of the drafts sent?" "Well, I should say that they would average about 2 10s.; but three- fourths of the small exchange is for ! sums under 2. Two pounds, how ever, is the amount those people like to send. They arc a eenerous-hearted people, and their love for home and kindred must be strong when, earning the small wages many of them do. they will yet save a moiety to send home to lighten the burden of the old folks." "I suppose you have sometimes curi ous experiences with those people?" " I do occasionally run across some odd things, that is a fact things which illustrate the Irish character in a variety of peculiar ways. I have only the time at present to tell you one anecdote. Something over a year ago two Iris.h girls domestics, and living in the coun trycame to me and asked my advice about sending 50 home to their father in Ireland. He was a tenant farmer. and had bought a small holding, where he raised his family. His daughters ' wanted to uitt him in acquiring a piece of land adjoining that occupied by him. and the 50 thev wished to send him was to enable nim to gain this end. Having posted myself somewhat upon the tenure of the Irish tenant farmer, I undertook to advise the one .who came to me against such a course. " I told her that, if she did send the money and her father did purchase the right of paving a high rent for land, he would still have no title to it. and if he should, through 111 health or misfortune, fail to pay his rent, he might be dispossessed of his holding, and the money would be lost to him and them forever. I advised them rather to have their" father come to America, where land could be had' in. abtmdands" win a clear title and a good prospect of enhancement in value in the coming years. She replied that ker father was getting to be an old man. was at tached to his home, and would notleavo it, and that the money had better be sent to him. I accordingly forwarded a draf for 50 to her father, and the transaction faded from mymiud. The memory of it, however, was revived a' short time ago by the same person com ing to me to again ask my advice. She said her father would not use the mon ey sent' to him, on the ground that he would not be beholden to his children for money. 4We are a curious, inde pendent people, sir,' she said, ' and do not like to be beholden to any one so fathefwill not take the money; he would go to the poor-house first, and I suppose it is lost.1 She had an idea-that when the. draft went to Ireland and was not presented for payment .'it codjd not be rccote'redaW tW fiafit Wfltkf country iwas benefited byfiboShart4dlj me neriatber njuLoenclut(ediOjCOBe.9 America, and i?MS could do anything toasslsl hlr in1 Uni i ting at least a small portion of the :'0. I told her to send to her father, get the draft, and she could hae her money back. She did.write him; he retained the draft and she recovered her money." " l)o you have many drafts of this de nomination to draw?" "Not many. Sometimos we have drafts for 10 or 12; but the average i between 2 and 3. The great bulk of the drafts are for 1." "What do you charge for sending drafts?" "Our charges are moderate. We is sue 1 drafts for five cents. As to the protits of the business, that is a thing I do not care to talk about it is a thing. of course, which does not interest the public that I can- see. The bnsines satisties us." The writer nad an opportunity on vari ous occasions of seeing those who sent money to Ireland through the Maverick Bank. All of these people they were mostly females seemed.to be workers, and had a careful, thrifty, thoughtful air about them. Some were well dressed, and all decently clad. Somo were mother and brought their babies along with them, and three youngster?, unmindful of the solemn dignity ol bank-ollicers and men with cash de posits, often made the Vtr vocal with their lusty cries the mothers being un usually "flustered" at the exhibition of their offsprings without the power of stopping it. It, was a refreshing sight, however, to see people with hearts in them, who remembered those who had given them being, and would spare something from their own small earn ings to make life more comfortable at the time comfort is most needed the decline. The gratitude of children must be the reverse. Well, it is a strange world, and it is a great pity that virtue has not more shekles to distribute in do ing good or performing dutiful acts. Boston Herald. Exploring the Everglades. There is a prospect that the Ever glades of Florida, celebrated in poetry and in history, yet withal a compara tively unknown land, are now for the first time to be thoroughly explored. The novel work is to be done at the ex pense of the New Orleans Times-Democrat, and a number of thorough"- com petent gentlemen, engineers, draughts men, writers and guides, are already engaged in the exploration. The Ever glades are supposed to have been known as early as the time of Ponce de Leon, and it is insisted by some writers that he referred to this beautiful and poetic, though decidedly mysterious, miasmatic and swampy region when fie gave to Florida its name, the "Land of Flowers." They first came prominent ly into public notice, however, when the (Government went to war with the celebrated Seminole Indians, command ed bv the wily chiefs Osceola and Billv Bowlegs. It may still be remembered that the conflict in question was a lousr. J expensive, and, for a time, a most dis asirous one. Aiie muians Knew every foot of the vast swamps and dense forests into which they adroitly led our troops, while the latter in the intri cacies of the to them bewildering jungle became more and more mys tified and discouraged as the une qual contest went on. Many years have since gone by. The Seminole war has passed into history, and the once heroic band of savages has, in the In dian Territory, settled into a common place and comparatively quiet com munity, but the Everglades still remain silent and unknown. The expedition which is now to explore them has start ed from the mouth of the Kissimee Riv er, and it is expected that it will de scend that stream into the much-talked of Lake Okeechobee, which is supposed to be ra the center of "The Dark Penin sula." Having fully explored the Jake and the character of the lands in and around it. the trip is to be continued by way of the Caloosahatchie Kiver and other smaller streams and the canal of the Disston Company to the Gulf of Mexico at Punta Rosa, the point from which the telegraph cable now loaves the mainland for the West Indies, and from which it is expected that a regular line of steamers to New Orleans will ul timately be established. As has been intimated, the primary object of the in teresting expedition is togie the world some account of a region which, for all practical purpose, is less known than Central Afriea. Incidentallyj however. it is expected that the exploration will result in the opening of the rich land of the everglades to the cultivation of rice and of sugar, and it may be in the establishment of extensive settlements and commerce. Boston 2'ranscript. How a Judge Checked Perjury. A Danish colonial magistrate, fqr whose exceptional character and ability we can vouch, once made a grimly comic experiment in this direction and upon this principle: He was appalled by the endless perjuries committed in cases before him, determined to s,top them, and did. He, 'of course, said nothing of his method, but an English friend seated beside him on the bench noticed that whenever a witness told a palpable lie he jumped. lie asked the reason, and the magis- secret 11 .ill;, uuci a lilUUUU, IVlUilieil 1113 "My orderly stands behind the and whenever I put my left my ear that indicates that the witness, hand to evidence is false, and he runs a pin into him." It is a well-known fact to ;he luany who will recognize this story that the "sting of conscience" in this ma terial form proved 'effectual, anil that the magistiate, who died iouored throughout Denmark, in tliree years turned an Alsatia into one of the. most orderly and law-abiding of communi ties. He could always get the truth. London Speclutor. The New York Independent gives figures showing that private individuals have jriven $70,000,000 to the cause of education in this country in the last 13 year. A Chinese Learn Affeaey. WhenaChThaman rinds himself finan; jiallv etnbarrased and needs money, he does not do as other people do, borrow it aud either give a promissory note or chattel mortgage as security for the iame, but he forms what 'in Chinese is called au "owey;" This is something which is peculiarly Chinese and requires K minute explanation in order that it may be understood. The lowest "owey" is fixed at Si for each person forming it, -and the highest $200. For instance. If a Chinaman needs -3100 he will call on a number of his friends, not to exceed ten, and tell them that he wishes that amount of money, and desires to form an 'owey." If it is de cdedthatit shall be a $20 "owe-." then five persons in addition to the originator combine. For the purpose Ceypiaataajaii.ffawea' iJasrfirWalor, 4 nenids as Yow,i en. Kow. .Chew and! hte.-ct4rrst tteW$rF6f,rfS"9H NWdrtetaaBir lwltotosBrdlhsj -other live $20 making up -the .amonnt he requires. This is a loan made to him without intere-t, wh'chhe must repay at the rato of $20 per month. At the time this sum. is advanced the other tive bid for the privilege of the "owey" for the running month. Each oue writes on a slip of paper the amount of the premium ke will give. These slips am rolled, separately and thrown into a bowl and shaken up, after which each slip is unrolled and the amount noted. The owey" is then awarded to the one having bid tneiiigneet premuuu. iun iiiiviuii um o: uruiuiuiii, i uu. si premium. Kow. Chew and Hing each pay $11', which is tfio amount less the premium. and amounting in all to $70'; and-if he adds the amount pf his own contribu tion it will make a total jif $I6, or e ual to the amount advahee'd Sam, less $4 which is reckoned as interest allow ing 1 for each of the four-who advance the aioney. At the close of the first" month Sam, the originator, is; by the" rules-which govern this byatem. of money-lending, forced to notify all who belong to the 'owey" of the next meeting. At th s 'meeting Yen, Kow, Chew and "Hing are the only ones who. are permitted to offer a premium, Sam and Yow having no voice in the matter. tAt this meeting the premium of $1 is aga'n offered, and it having beed awarded to Yen, the other three pay him $19 each, and Jrain and Yen rej.ay their first monthly in stallment of i?20 each. At the "next meeting only three, Kow, Chew and Hing, can bid. and if the same amount of premium is bid. and it is awarded to the first of the three named, the other two pay him 319 each, while the other three, Sam, Yow and Yea pay him SCO each. At the next meeting only two. Chew and Hiug. are permitted to o.I'er a premium. The one to 'whom the "owey" is awarded receives fioin the other the amount, less the premium, and from the other four $20 each. At the next and last meeting, only one re maining, he receives from the otherfive $-20 each, making tho full sum of $100. By this method the originator of the "owey" who obtains the money without interest has the use of $100" for one month, $80 for four months, $60 for thiee iiionths, $10 for two mouths and $20 for one month In return for the use of the money he is forced to act as collector from th. other member.- of the "owey," who are required to pay the monthly in stallments of $20. He" aKo as-um'es a riik. and that is. if any member of the "owey" does not pay at the appointed time, ho has to be responsible for the amount due. The other members of the "owey," who, by installments ad vance money to one another, receive in terest for the amount of their advances, and each in turn has the u?e of the total amount of the "owey" in the same pro portion as the originator. This method of money-lending is in vogue among all classes, and women olten form "oweys". among themselves. When the slips of .paper, before alluded to, are drawn from the bowl, it often happens that two or more contain the same amount of premium. In sttehau event the "otvey" is given to th one whose -slip is first drawn. The "owey" mav be com posed of any number not exceed'ng ten besides the originator, "and the ureatest amount that may be raise'd by suoh means is $2,000. "Whenever an owey" is formed and the amount to be award ed to the originator is $300, or in e,.cess thereof, he is lequired to treat those who loan him-ihe money, to a dinner not to cast le than $2 a head. Often times u high premium is bid for the privilege of the "owey" fof each suc ceeding month, and this gives the lend ers considerable interest for the use of their money. San Francum Call. How Windoyr. Glass-is .Made. To tire uninitiated, sitting by the win dow, tapping the pane idly as yolt look through it. it would seem aim st an im p -s-ibility to say that the window glass was blown, and yet it is all -.imple enough when we havesetm the process. Having seen bottles, etc., blown, my steps naturally took the direction.of the largest of the window-gla s factories, and having obtained permission from the Superintendent, we were soon in what is known as the "furnai-e room." where the main work of glass-making, including the blow injr process, is done. It is a novel sight, and one I shall not forget soon. The lurid 'light of the many globing furnace., the quietly but (,uickly moving f rms of the workmen gliding around in and amonir the shad ows, made a sight that would require only a weak imagination to sem all buf demoiiiac.'vl I am hardly well enough acquainte I with the art to describe the process minutely, and should anv bos. blower" happen to see this article he will ple:.so t criticise me lightly. To continue First, I e it knpjvu tjiat the glass of commerce is composed prin e pally of white sand, thongh arsenic, lime, a soda a-h of some kind and some minor chemicals in smalLquantities are essential. The first step is to free the land from all impurities. This is done by washing it in huge vats. After be ing washed and the comppunds com pleted, consisting of the various articles already mentioned, the mivture is put into a huge crucible called "the pot." You have all seen those little burned clay crucibles iewelers use. Well, this is quite similar, only it is as large 'as a nojfsncau. aius uujnj pot is inieu oy a " niacin? the not-'.' tinder the intense heat of the furnace, so many decrees that I am afraid tn'teU .you, the fires never go out from Septem-1 oer isi to uuiy msw tne, mixture grad ually melts, looking 'like molten iron, only of a more whitish color. The men called gatherers, as their name implies, fiher a ball of this liguid -stand by ipping the pipe into the crucible and, withdrawing It, allowing what clings to device quite similar to a hook and lad-,! posted my path, the bragging 'calen der truck, except that it Jias long iron tor' .impertinently interrogating tha arms. "The wliolo device being on -stranger. never came in myway. I wheels, 'tis rolled into the fu:nace room, legated him, therefore, to the region and the pot placed :n 'one of the ten -t fit"on J found, in his stead, a,staid Inure furnaces. This operation is called i iiml usually reticent man, or a bright, the end to parilallyi cool bj slight coa- tonf with warm viiAttr. This process is continued until a b'alT is gathered as large as. a irater-paU. This is then rolled around and. around? in an 'iron bowl until it assumes a pear shape. Then tno "'blower" takes it. and now comes the hardest task- in glass-blowing. . lu starting this . solid, red-hot. half-molten mass to expand an I assume a Shape something like our common'glass. so great are his efforts that his cheeks expand to an enormous size and the swQat starts out in huge drops. But closely watching the half- transparent, glowing mass, you see aj little blubber start in .the center, ana thus it rapidly assumes a regular demi john shape, say, two feet long by one in diameter. All this time it has been rapidly revolted by the operator, par taking shape from, this iron bowl, and at vinu-.feeome sufficiently cool and hard saarf.t?6biHt!fiftfnt' fs bya nice T- J W t " - - si o uaoBM r raafr.ajr la1 JWWJsP Pa.iiWarej:Jby thA. JfJV--OfJbwiC,eMenence-it & I Kept in me intense neat unui nau raeu- E- -. n ? -. ; ' -v- .." ! , -f . LLJZTV IT e.lv It is then withdrawn and sw ng by the operator from an elevated plat- form, round and round his head, much" as'a professional swings an Indian -eltib', meanwhile forcing.' air into tand sub jecting it to the heat when mvessary, until he has a red-hot cylinder of a per fect glass, exact in proportions and of uni.orm thickness five feet ia length an I a out fifteen inchesin diameter. These are then allowed to cool, and are cut to one exact length, by stretch Ling a small cord of molten glass around the cylinder, allowing it to harden, and then touching it with a cold iron, which atises the warm crystals to contract so" quit k that it cracks right off as smooth and even as a carpenter could saw a, board. . These. cvlinde?s are "then cut" flenirthwis'e hrn:he same manner, and tire then subjected to a hented: furnace, intense enough to cause them to wilt down perfectly flat This is colled the "lattehinr process." The sheets are thdn revolved around on an endless moving platform, something like a straw-carrier.of a threshing machine, until cooled and tempered. They are carried to the butting and packing room where they are made into various sized .sheets, or more properly panes, to suit the demand, aud packed in the manner familiar to all and sent to all parts of the world. To conclude, it might not be out of the, way to add that the fac tor', I visited 'had twelve blowers. They all belong to "The Glass Blowers "Union," and are permittel to blow only so many cylinders a daV ninety being the number. I believe. They earn lrom $125 to $250" a month, according to the number of days they work. But it is a fatal trade. '1'he polsonou gases, etc.. that they inhale, more or less, renders long life in the glass-blowing business an impossibility. It is a rarity to meet a glass-blower'over thirty -five years old. Cor. Rochester Democrat. A Long-Fclt Want. I have had occasion to travel consid erably during the past year, and at half the houses 1 stopped the b'scttits were raw at the bottom, and either as heavy as lead or yellow as a puinpk.n with soda, while the meat was swimming in grease. Why, it is enough to give a razor-back hog. a sheep-killing dog, or a Bengal tiger dyspepsia. And then the coffee how detestable! What it is made of I have not the slightest idea; but whatcerit is, it has not the remotest kinship to genuine Rio or the delicious-ly-tlavored Java. Horace Greeley vis ited the South soon after the-war," and the only criticism his kind heart made was in "these memorab'e words: "The South needs twenty thousand cooks!" It would not have been prudent for Mr. Greeley to. have made a visit to the South before the war. but if he had. and been eutertaineTd by 20,000 farmers and planters, he would have said: "The South has 20.000 of the best cooks in the world!" Southerners always educated their daughters, "and when thee daugh ters married they made the'r home at tractive in various ways, and especially in the cooking department. They edu cated negro women m the art of cook ing, and allowed them to do nothing else, consequently the cooking-was ex cellent. But the abolition of slavery also abolished good cooking, except as to the negro women who were educated by their mistresses In the culinary art. and the mistre-.ses themselves. I heard a gentleman make a very sensible re mark recently. "Vanderbilt, Peabody and ..Sinter have given millions of dollars to the cause of educa tion in the South, and I honor Ihem as great benefactors of our section; but if I had several millions to give Away 1 wouldj-establish all over the South schools m which the art of cooking would be taught. In doing this I wouId-.be subserving the cause of mor ality and religion, as-well as of civiliza tion and humanity." Properly-cooked f food causes health, and perfect health is condueive to good temper, eheUrful nes.. kind feeling, efficient and capa- , ble work, mental and physical, while uauiy-cooKCu food produces indigestion- indigestion causes bad health in every part of the human system, fret fulness, hatefulness. discontent, poor mental and physical labor, and renders life a curse to himself and -all those around him. A man cannot be a true Christian, in all that it means, if he is fed upon badly cooked food all his days. The great need of the country is good cooks and plenty of them. Young ladies should be instructed in the art, both at school and at home. It is time the country was awakening- to this great need. A well-to-do parent spends $500 tojjive his daughter a musical ed ucation, and another $500 to ouv her a piano, and nine-chances to onesno nev er plays on it a year after her mar riage. If the $!,0P2 were spent in giv ing her a practical and theoretical knowleMgc of cook'ing, it wo4ld"be far better fbr her and infinitely better for her future husband and children." The man who made these remarks is married, and has three beautiful daugh ters. "hence these tears." Cor. Nash' vile (2'enn.) American. I nevejrjnet. our ideal Yankee. with the tall, gaunt body and lank hair." writes Rev. Edwin Paxton Hood, an English clercrvman who has recently returned home from a visit to this country; -the tobacco-chewing, expectoratinsr stick-whittler never juieiugeui, cuuurea woman, doiu Know ing how td respect themselves and usu ally commanding my respect, and.'how ofteniny affection, The largest fruit seller in New Or leanson being asked what became of all the cocoanut shells, replied that he seat aunually 1,500,000, to New York to be. ground up with black pepper. N. O. Picayune ,BELI1U0US ANfl EDUCATIONAL. Taeco"ors4 Bsptlats Aavetwealffta . -jc: ive churches in New OrlejKia JZ - , 3i ""At the close of 1877 .there was ,ia South Dakota 'only one 'Preibyteriaa churchTat-the-cIoaeof 1861 therewetrt twenty-five churcheo . c T?The. Nebraska. State Superintendent , of Public Instruction reports that there are 7.000 more boys than rirls of schoal- ' going ago in that State. .- "w. The, Episcopalians are energetically u (-working to raise a round million for their Church Extension Fund before the " next General -CoBTeBtfOB. -v N A Church of England Salvation. , Army has-been formed among"theun- dergraduates at Oxford; the members" ' pf which wear as a badge-a sBaaltsUver sword. Pupils of the public schools inNaw; f ark N. J., were requested lo bring ono ' ptaW)'eacMethen6me'etAeFUad-i oJ ? ftto-.Waa:! tiMltda m thi-eoalriilMI-f.niiot ftio-n of a small wagon-Toad. - ,-, -, . 1 --Spain. Portugal and Mexico, have between 15.000 and 20,000 Spanish and' A .PortuWese Protestant 'Christians .ao-f-i 'cording jto the,cAng4ics;u. jBishop piqo . Aleatli. That represents the changes ef less than a quarter of a conturyl - It lspropo$ed to have the Catlen' Church of Wittenaurg, upon, the rder of which tha famous1" ninety-five, theses of Luther wore nailed, in thoro'ugh re pair on the 400th anniversary oc the great "reformer's birth, Novesabec.10, 1883- " w - -u . The ladies, have distinguished them-, k selves 'once mbre in Uie Tlo'ndon Un!-" ' versity class lists. The scholarship aabT gold medal for obstetrjes are, taken,- by a lady: two ladies are placed'la the 'first class, one a student rrom'Girtbn'CoI- " lege; five sabre- have giliai seeoad classes, and several others .are hv the Ihlrd class. There are now in tho UnihVd 'Skates' 110 theolegicarseminaries. representing fifteen Protestant denominations. Of these, fifty-two are connected' with the American Inter-Seminary Missionary Alliance. Thirteea per cent, of the young men now studying for the min istry 7iao resolved to be foreign mis sionaries. A. Y. Examiner. The pastor of a Baptist "cHrirch in Camden. N. J,, is reported to have come to the conclusion that " Sunday evening baptisms" are things to be avoided. He has tried It, and deter mined hereafter to administer tho ordi nance without previous announcement. His experience is that too many irrever ent people come as to a show. A'. Y. Examiner. The movement for the highor edu cation of women in England, which led to the establishment of various excel lent colleges for them, seems to be jus tifying itself by practical results MkM Betham EdwurdVis an acknowledged authority on Egyptology; and Miss Mar garet Harknes is now delivering a course of lectures on the Ancient As syrians at the British Museum. A sensation of a very unusual kind occurred at St. George's Methbdist Epis copal Church in Smyrna. Del., a Sun day or two ago. In the middle of the sermon the preacher said "Le't us praise . Him," and a few, understanding him to say 'Let its pray." proceeded to kneel. The movement was contagious, and the whole audience was going to prayers when the preacher exclaimed: "I did iot say 4 Let us pray;' I am uot through et:vewill pra direct". So they re-iiuued their seats with" very broad faces and with emotions very foreign to pnre worship- Chuago Tunr. Fashion in Do?. Of late years the King Charles and Blenheim spaniels in spite of' their teanul and beseeching eyes, their trail ing ears, their blunt, black nose, the r silky coats, and the glor es of their b shy tails and feathered legs, have un dergone unmerited neglect. Nor has the ltal'un grey-hound, for all the grace and beauty of its slender form, its taper, almost transparent limbs, and the elastic ugilit of its movements, been pnze 1 as once it was Fashion has tinned its upproved eyes rather upon the i uffy-white Pomeranian, with i s fo-like pricked ems. and pointed black no-e the Daml u Dinmont. bro k!. Into vogue by Sir Walter Scott's "Guy Manneruvr:' the Sfco terrier, save the 4urn.sp t the longest of all do s in proportion to its height, with its i'occulent door mat coat, its i rasked eyes and obscured uos'e; the Maltese terrier, a, quodecimo ed tiou-of the Sieve, shm'et- or bacc, however, aud with a whiter and silki r jacket. The pug. too, has recovered the favor it had lost so " completely that be- . tween 1M3" and 18lt the' bt eel was alino-t extinct in England it has returned to society in the retinue of ueen Anne, as it were, one of the em blems and -cenic proprieties of her reign, it" tate, mode., anjl foibles. Happily the cruel in itilation of the oars of t lie animal which once prevailed as a Mneiui-ot urnikiinir ami pui-kennsr its forehead ami uni'..Ie ha- Leen ubau- Ldoued. The noodle has never been -o esteemed in hngianu as it is in the laud of it nativity. Oi the Dalmatian. 8Htteu or carriage dog popularly known as Ihe "plum pudding then has been .omc vanishing of late. The creatine perhaps. w:u always regarded as mre ornamental than useful, and then ith the circus horse hw becamo t.ie v ect.of suspicion. Could he not, unlike the leopard, change his spots upon o 'jision? Were they not some times due rathe to art than to nature? Stories were told of .carriage dogs that had gone out spotted and had returned home pure white. Heavy rain had fal len,and the footman had neglected to hold the carriage umbrella over the car riage dog. The great popularity enjoyed -just at present by the Scotch collie or High land sheep-dog has to be reckoned among the striking events of, "land marks" ot canine history. To the collie ha e boen sacrified almo.sU the entlro spaniel fainih. and eveu that former favorite of aquatic "romance, the New foundland dog so long famous as a sa lor of children from watery graves, and in such a wjse as a member of the Royal Humane Society, Collie worship is iude'edoue of the popular delusions of the times. There are symptom, however, of the coming close of this re"gn. He has been rather too absolute a-nioaarch. And. after all. h is-origin" is humble enough, a mere sheep-dog. Should he have lcen raised from the rank, promoted to be exclusively a do mestic pet? The stately St Bernard is securing more and more admirers and upholders. The British bull-dog finds interest in him reawakening. The slim, alert "spry" for terrier has ob tained many friends -of late. There js even talk of another restoration of King Charles. And other span:e?s are lifting up their heads, fe'minding the world that in addition to their other ssseinf they own certain snorting gifts and . qualities fo which no oollie dog can pretend- London Graphic v 5