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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1883)
. N V THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY APRIL 11, 1883. B. & M. TIME TABLE. Leaves Columbus, 5:45 a. M. ' Bellwood :30 " " DaTld City, 7.20 " " Garrison, 7:40 " " Ulysses, 8:2o " " Staplehurst, 8 " " BeWMd, 9:30 " " Ruby, 90 " " Milford 10:15 ' " Pleasant Dale, 10:45 " " Emerald, 11:10 " Arrives at Lincoln, 11:45 M. Leaves Lincoln at 2:25 p. U. and ar rives in Columbus 8:30 p.m. Makes close connection at Lincoln for all points east. 'West and south. Dr. Fisbblatt Saturday. New carpets at Kramer's. Gasoline at Will T. Rickly's. Follow the crowd to "Fitz's." 3 New goods at Norrl9 & Taylor's. Black Ottoman silk at Kramer's. Win. Tyrrel has gone to Omaha. A girl wanted at the Nebraska House. Bay one of Kramer's health corsets. Green apples 40 eta. a peck at J. Rasmussen's. 1 Talrty yaran eremite fr ft at Kramer's. Moline wagons at M. C. Bloe dorn's, Humphrey. 2 Girl wanted. Call at the resi dence of A. M. Post Numerous prairie fires Sunday "all around the sky." Omaha steel barb wire at M. C. Bloedorn's, Humphrey. 2p H. L. Small went to Wahoo last week to visit his brother. Call on D. J. Drebert for improv ed farms, Humphrey, Neb. 50-2 Windy yesterday morning, are minder of Wiggins' blow. A beautiful line of silk end lisle glovcB, at Norris & Taylor's. 2 For the beat CigarB in town go to D. W. & Co. we mean it. Mrs. S. B. Cowles of Genoa waB iu tho city one day last week. Bokx. To Mrs. Rev. R. B. Wilson, Tuesday April 3d, a daughter. For the best buggy or carriage go to M. C. Bloedorn's, Humphrey. Go to Honahan's for boots and shoes, if you want to save money. 2 Wasted. A good girl to do house work. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Becker. Mr. Quackenbusch and family of Illinois arrived in the city last week. Guy C. Barnum lost a very valua ble mare one night last week, by death. Gasoline at Will T. Rickly's. L. Staab and his son Wm. were in town one day last week on busi ness. The "Whitney" baby carriages, best in the market, for sale by J. E. Munger. 49-2 Don't forget to read Dr. Fish blatt's large advertisement in to-day's Jouknal. Call on G.W. Clark for fire, light ning and tornado insurance at Hum phrey, Neb. 50-2 Mrs. H. L. Wintcrbotham left on the Denver train this morning for Nauvoo, 111. Clint DeMoss has gone to Chica go, and Charles Wake takes his place at H. Ragatz's. States Attorney with John Dillon at the Opera House for one night on ly, April 11th. Mat. Farrell's sale of stock last week was quite a success cows bro't sb high as $54.50. For the celebrated Adams wind mill and pump, go to M. C Bloe dorn, Humphrey. A nice assortment of Spanish, Spanish guipure and guipure laces at Norris & Taylor's. 2 Plenty of old papers in bundles of ten each, for five cents a bundle, at the Journal office. tf A few day boarders can be. accom modated at Charles Compton's, near the Methodist church. 1 Dan. Condon goes to the mount ains again, expecting to begin work about the first of May. J. B. Holmes of Plattsmouth was in town Monday buying cattle and sheep for shipment to Chicago. A. G. Siinzel and D. L. Broen will organize a farmer's alliance April 21st, at Brngger's school house. When the cold weathor of Thurs day struck us, it brought to the minds .of old-timers the April storm of 1873. Gasoline at Will T. Rickly's. Barney McTeggart has leased the building recently occupied by John Heitkemper, and will open a restau rant. All wishing to bny improved farms in the northern part of Platte Co., call on G. W. Clark of Hum phrey, Neb. 50-2 Ed. Graham brought to town Friday a very fine lot of fat cattle of bis own raising, 42 head averaging 1492 pounds. Farmers wishing insurance against fire, lightning,windstorm and tornado, call on D. J. Drebert, Hum phrey, Neb. 50-2 J. R. Kinnan, the- nurseryman of Polk county, was in town Saturday with a lot of trees, of which he sold a large number. L. Phillips of Chicago arrives here this week, and will make Colum bus his future home. He is Mrs. I. G luck's father. Remember the great comedian John Dillon and Walters States At torney Cc. at the Opera House for one night only, April lltb. Those having good seed corn for sale are advised by our Omaha ex changes to let the fact be known to the railroad land departments. Mr. John Elliott has returned to Columbus. He moved to Omaha about a year ago, and now coses back; we understand, to abide here. Summer silks at Kramer's. Honahan is closing eat his stock of boots cheap. Call and get bargains. Vincent Macken goes into bus iness for himself to-day. He is well, known to many of our readers as an excellent business man. The war is over, the post-office has bees removed, aad Wm. Lamb will be found at the old stand selling goods even cheaper than before. 1 It is reported that Will. Huscnet ter, of Butler Co., whose infant daugh ter died last week of dlptherla, is himself very sick with the ease dis ease. The school officers of Hall county, in convention recently, adopted a series of text-books recommendiig the use of the same for the next five years. Owing to the unfavorable weather the stock sale at Price & Hulst's ranch has been postponed to Tuesday, April 17tb, when the entire herd will posi tively be sold. Large shipments of cattle are be ing, made from Nebraska this spring, and the business of raising fat hogs and cattle for eastern markets will increase more and more. Don't yon fail to remember that you can get dried beef sliced ready for table use, smoked halibut, xnacea roni and vermicilli at John Heitkem per's, opposite Lindell Hotel. 1 Remember that the Columbua Drug Store is the Old Reliable, where you get just what yon want, nothing substituted. Prescription work a specialty. Dowty, Weaver, 8c Co. Thos. Keating received a letter from New York, under date of March 31, in which it was stated that they had had sleighing 140 days, and that the snow at that date was three feet deep. We are informed that Charles and Wm. Schroeder have sold their inter est in cattle, &c, at the Township farm to their brother Gus. Schroeder, who intends to stock np with thor oughbreds. Spring has come, and fruits are in order. Ask for California pitted plums, apricots, dried pears, dried peaches, pitted cherries, dried rasp berries, &c, at John Heitkemper's, opposite Lindell Hotel. 1 Mai. Moriarty, accompanied by Sheriff Kavanaugb, went to Lincoln Thursday. It will be remembered that he was found guilty of a heinous crime, and sentenced to six years im prisonment in the penitentiary. Jno.C. Tasker's card will be found in another column. He starts in bus iness at Genoa, and those who wish to purchase land in his section of Ne braska, will find him all right. John is youug, energetic, capable and faithful. J. E. North, in answer to a tele gram from his daughter Miss Rosa, who is in attendance at the Conserva tory of Music, Boston, started for that. place Sunday morning. Miss Rosa's many friends will be glad to learn that she is not seriously ill. Judge A. M. Post returued Sat urday from Fremont. He has, since bis appointment, held court in Mer rick, Platte, Colfax and Dodge coun ties, the business in each county being in good shape. Colfax seems to.have the greatest amount of work on hands. David Hedden, a cattle dealer of Seward county, on his-way to Chicago, met his death at Mt Pleasant, la. He was standing on top of a freight car when another car was bumped against it, and the shock caused him to fall between the cars, when he was run over. F. M. Cooklngham is our author ized agent at Humphrey for soliciting subscription, advertising and job work. Business entrusted to him will receive the same attention as if done direct with us. Call on him, give him yonr home work and year home news, use him well, and he will grow apace. tf M. K. Turner & Co. Matilda Fletcher of Dee Moines, Iowa, in a printed circular just re ceived, proposes the organization of a Junior Grand Army of the Republic The scheme, as set forth in this circu lar, commends itself to the good w noes oi sui rigui-uuuueu pcrauua. Her motto is, "Let ns live for the children, for our country and for the ...-- -- -t. !.. S-J-J good that we can do." Any of our subscribers who wish to stop the Journal can pay what they owe to date, and it will be dis continued. We afford you, every week, the means of knowing just how your subscription account stands. We say this because of a rather pert letter received from a short-time subscriber is Pennsylvania, who ignorantly sup posed we wished to force the Journal on him. . These) are but two ways to pay debts and live out of your profits or ont of your substance. If there are no profits, the substance must be con fiscated and ruin follows. If money commands six, eight or ten per cent, and the average rate of increased wealth is less than four, it does not require profound reasoning to tell why panics and bankruptcy overtake a man or a nation." Ex. The Omaha Herald has seen a cake of excellent maple sugar made a few days ago by Fred. Jodevine of Butler county, which is of excellent flavor, color and fineness, and will find ready sale in any market in the world at top prices. Years ago Col. G. W. Stevens of this vicinity brought to the Journal office two cakes of sugar of like description with the above, made by bis young daughter from the eap of box elder trees set oat by himself. Soger made from the box elder is of lighter color and not so rank as the maple sugar of com merce. There is no doubt but Ne braska can provide herself with all the sugar she wants, by raising sugar j beets, sorghum, maple or box elder. Hereafter the Journal head light will shine for our live little neighbor Bejlwood's two enterprising grain buying representatives, Messrs. H. S. Montgomery and Phil. Walker. Meeting a Journal representative the other, evening on the B. & M. train theywere reminded that there was something lacking in their lives, that only their home paper could fill. "Mont." is an old time typo, and in "Days Lang Syne" in the history of Seward pounded type boxes along side of the writer. "fi. G." of Woodville writes a letter to J. S. Freeman of the Alliance, in answer to an Invitation to be pres ent at a county meeting, in which he says: "My sympathy is with your .order. I am not a member of the Al liance for the reason that there has been no organization in this part of the county, bnl I hope to see the time when Platte and every other county in the United States may be fully or ganized into an Alliance or something that will crush out this cursed monop olising power that has so long been pressing the people of our country." A WMe-sarea Btoaatatlaa. The growth of Nebraska this year will be unprecedented, and will in crease her population many thous ands. Among the new comers will be many who have heard of Dr. Fish blatt, formerly of Dee Moines, now of Omaha. The Doctor has, in the brief period of his Nebraska residence, built up a very extensive practice, and it is safe to eay that in every county in Nebraska will be found people who can testify to the efficacy of his treatment Mrs. Susan Tale of Chariton, Iowa, says: "I began to improve immediately after I began your treatment, and in a very abort time was completely cured. I am now perfectly well, and thank you for my life." 50 Graaa Prairie AUIsuice. March 26, 1883. Meeting called to order by the Vice President Thirty-one farmers were present. Mr. Goodson made a speech and also welcomed the Grand Prairie Alliance which was followed by a speech by J. S. Freeman on the Re publican Campaign Fund, also a speech spoken in German, one hour in length, by A. G. Stenzel, on the rec ord of the two old parties. A speech by D. L. Bruen on equal taxation. A motion made by David Streetei to hold the next meeting at the Red enbangh school house was carried. The meeting then adjourned to April 23, 8 p. m. D. L. Bruin, Sec'y. State Attorney Vmwmpmmjt With the celebrated comedian, John Dillon, supported by Walters' Come dy Company, will appear in this place for one night only, April 11th. This is one of the best companies ever in Columbus, as they have' played in all the cities in the west and received very flattering notices from the press. We copy the following from the Council Bluffs Republican: "Last evening Dohany's hall was crowded to repletion by the elite of our city to witness the "State's Attorney," ren dered by the Walter's company,which is supported by the inimitable come dian, John Dillon, and Mr. Scott Marble, author of this great play, to gether with Miss Nellie Walters, Mrs. George Walters and others, all going to make up a strong company. The "State's Attorney" proves to be one of the best and most taking society dramas of the day. 1 Weather Mtepert. Review of the weather at Genoa, for the month of March, 1883 : Mean temperature of mo., deg's . . . 31.18 Mean do of same mo. last year 36jM Highest do on the 17tb, deg's 73 Lowest do on 19th deg's 7 Ordinarily cleardays 13 Very cloudy days 12 High winds days 3 Calm days 14 Bain or snow fell portions of days. . 8 Inches rain or melted snow 0.62 Do same month last year 0.00 Inches snow during month 6.20- Do same month last year 0.00 Prevailing winds 8.E. to N.E. by E. Solar halo on the 19th. Lunar halos 16th and 23d. Lunar coronas 23d and 25th. Parhelia on the 15th. First appearance of larks, the 19th. Cranes go north on the 22d. The mean temperature of the month just past is nearly two degrees below the average mean temperature of the same month for the past eight years, while at the same time it is 7.34 de grees above the mean temperature of March, 1876, which was the lowest mean dnring that period. The past month is also celebrated for contain ing the period fixed for the great storm or tidal wave which did not make its appearance, and if thiB shall be the means of putting a stop to the useless prediction of the weather for months or even years ahead its use fulness will have been assured. Saarlca frasa draavllle. The Baptist Sunday school was re organized last Sunday. P. J. Coleman is thinking of going to the State University next autumn. A great many farmers doubt very much that corn, even the best, of last year's growth, will grow. "Sparks from Granville" must bid farewell to the Journal, while "Young Reporter" will again take refuge under the old appellation, "Sparks from Crestou." Mr. Gray and family are visiting Mr. Ulry's. Mr. G. is from Illinois, and has come to this state with the intention of making bis future home with Nebraskans. He has rented one of J. H. Milslsgle's farms for this sea son, after which be intends to locate on a homestead farther west. Jos. Stuart and family, who have been visiting relatives in Iowa, have returned. Mr. S., we understand, has taken a farm near Cumminsville, Wheeler Co., where be intends to en gage in stock-raising. With Mr. Stuart came his brother-in-law, Mr. Law, who also intends to make his home on the frontier prairies of Ne braska. April 7, '83. Youno Bbfobtzb City Elect!. As the Journal goes to press on Tuesday evenings we could not give, in our last, the result of the city elec tion. We present it below, as fur uished us by the City Clerk, Mr. Coffroth, with the remark that we are credibly informed that in the vote for councilman in the first ward there were fifteen ballots cast for Bagatz and Delsman, that do not appear as having been returned at all and canvassed. mi "g TS S S K . fe t o 70 89 32 37 92 59 104156 89 78112 35 25 4e 56 49 83 77 fil 42 69 ' 90 67 67 69 49 64 66 33 33 62 46 25 49 35 58 48 29 39 58 45 CANDIDATES. o I For Mayor Charles A. Speice, d John M. Macurland, r For City Clerk A. B. Cotroth, d For City Treasurer J. B. Delsman. d Henry Hockenberger, r... For City Engineer John G. Eoutson, r Councilmen James E. North, d Samuel Cory, r B. H. Henry, a Henry Bagatz, r Gus G. Becher, r B'd Ed., long term J. N. Taylor, d Robert Uhlig.d W. A. McAllister, r G. H. Krause, r Short term George Lehmau, d Carl Kramer, r 90 349 98 20fl 9 21 67 45 12 The vote on the sale of oity prop erty, stood in the respective wards as follows: For 29,29,68; Against 23, 68, 4. Total for, 126, against 95. It is estimated that the sale of this property, so authorized, will bring into the city treasury about 12,000. Prtgraawe fer the Juie Rices TO an HELD AT Columbus, Nebraska, Jmnsj 6th aad 7th, '83, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF Tk Calnnsnns Driving Park aad Tair a Matta. -tX- Flrst Day. Pony running race at 2 o'clock, p . tn. Free for all pontes not over 14 hands high. Half mile, best three in five five to enter and three to start. Purse $50. $25 to first, $15 to second, $10 to third. Three Minute Class, Trotting. Mile heath, best three in five- five to enter and three to start. Open to all horses that have not beaten three minutes. Purse, $125. $60 to first, $35 to second, $17.50 to third, $1250 to fourth. Secaad Day. 2:60 Class, Trotting, 2 o'clock, p. to. Open to all horses that have no record oetter than 2:60. Mile heats, best three In five five to enter and three to start. Purse, $125. $60 to first, $35 to second, $17.60 to third, $12.50 to fourth. Free For All. Sunning. Mile heatB. best three in five five to enter and three to surt. Purse, $100. $50 to first, $25 to second, $15 to third. $10 to fourth. Free For All, Trotting. Mile heats, best three in five five to enter and three to start. Purse, $200. $100 to first. $50 to second, $30 to third, $20 to fourth. Ten per cent, of purse required for en trance money. Entries to close on June 5th, 1883. Applications for entries should be made to Gus. G. Becher, Secretary, Columbus, Neb. Columbus Driving Park rules to govern. J. E. North, President. Gus. G. Becher, Secretary. Meal Etitate Traasfen. Reported for the Journal for the week ending last Saturday, by Gus. G. Becher & Co : Joseph Stewart and wife to Jas. II. Milslagle. w. d. $2,200; nw X 24, 20,3 w, 160 acres. U. S. to John Hoheweg, patent ; se y. 6, 19, le, 160 acres. U. S. to Frederick W. Amdt, pat ent ; s X nw X 24, 18, 2w, 80 acres. George Diebold and wife to Henry Wagner, w. d. $40T; w X sw X 1, 19, lw, 80 acres. TJ. P. Ry Co. to John . Jones, w.d. $320 ;vne 21, 19, 3w, 80 acres. Francis Kaeting and wife to Kate O'Hcrn, q. c. d. $2,500 ; e X se X 5, 16, lw, 80 acres. Michael O'Here and wife to Arthur 8. Wolcott, w. d. $800; e aw &28, 17, lw, 80 acres. U. 8. to John Jeokineoa, patent; X nw X 34, 19, lw, 80 acres. U. P. Ry Co. to Peter Grimes, cert $240; sw X sw X 23, 19, lw, 40 acres. U. P. By Co. to Geo. Lehman, cert. $505; w X nw X 6 17, 2w, 80.81 acres. Wm. Anyan Receiver to James H. Milslagle, f. r. r. $400; sw X 24, 20, 3w, 160 acres. C. B. 8c Q. Ry Co. to Corilla M. Galdwell, f. r. $187.75; X nw X 5, 19, 3w. C. B. A Q. By Co. to Jas. C. Cald well, f. r. $187.75 ; w X n w X 5, 19, 3w. J. Howard Banck to Nancy Hnber w. d. $300; lot 2, blk 15, Oida addi tion. Charles Fredericks and wife to John Swartsten, w. d. $3,650; ee4' 30, 18, le, 160 acres. William L. Cook and wife to Wm. H. Roberts, w. d. $150; lot 3, blk 198. John Ohsssesr and wife to Emma W. Gear w. d. $800; w H se 3, 17, 2w, 80 acres. Seth Richards and wife to Freder ick Muller, w. d. $725; w lA sw X 27, 18, le, 80 acres. U. 8. to George H. Beyer, patent; e Vz se X 24, 20, lw, 80 acres. U. S. to Diedrich Eickmeyer, pat ent ; s lA ne X 4 18 2w, 80 acres. John G. Routson and wife et al to Robert Stewart, w.d. $2,500; lots 5 and 6, blk 56. Joseph Bucber and wife to William Bucher, w. d, $3,000; e lot 1, blk 116. C. B. & Q. Rv Co. to Lars Jacob son, w. d. $189.59; w se X 27, 20, 4w, 80 acres. C. B. & Q. Ry Co. to Lars Jacob son, w. d. $189.86 ; e se X 27, 20, 4w, 80 acres. U. S to Beward Hasche, patent; w M nw X 12, 19, le, 80 acres. D. C Eavanaugh, sheriff, to Rebec ca R. Jones sheriff's deed, $740 ; s y sw X 28, 17, lw. William Lamb and wife et al to Saml. C. Smith, w. d. $1,000; e X lot 5, blk 84. Joseph Critea and wife to Gerhard Schotte, w.d. $700; ne X n X 13, 17, lw. John P. Becker and wife to Mary M. Hullhorst, q. c. d. $100; lot 1, blk 183. U. S. to Peter Maag, patent ; se X 4, 20, 2w, 160 acres. U. S. to John A. Maag, patent ; w ne X nd n nw X 20. 2w, $134.38. U. S. to William H. Cox, patent ;. ne X 34, 20, 4w. Margaret Cleary, widow to Michael Hagan, w. d. $1,000; w 4 nw X 34, 18, lw. H. P. Sisson and wife et al to Jonas Eng. w. d. $1,000 : w se X nd w X ne X 6, 19, 4w. 161.86 acres. U. S. to Nelson A. Bicb, patent ; w K w X nd a aw X 2, 18, 4w, 160 acres. Nelson A. Rich, single, to Milo Saunders, w. d. $1,400; w sw X and i(Bt and nw qr nw qr 11, 18, 4w, 200 acres. U. S. to Alfred Fish, patent ; n bf se qr 8, 18, 4w, 80 acres. Oscar L. Biker and wife to Haas Kohl, w. d. $128; lots 5, 6 and 7, blk 75. Philip and Frank Cain to Henry M. Winslo w, w. d. $6,400 ; w hf ne qr and nw qr 11, aud e hf ne qr 10, 17, lw, 320 acres. Bridsret Ducey to James Ducey, w. d. $400; ne qr 28, 20, 3w, 160 acres. Chas. A. Speice and wife to Ellen Cassien, w. d. $50; lots 7 and 8, blk 158. D. C. Kavanaogb, sheriff, to Geo. Boroviak, sheriff's deed, $350; s hf sw qr 20, 17, lw. U. P. Ry Co. to Casper E. Yost, w. d. $240; s hf se qr 33, 19, 4w, 80 acres. Robert H. Henry and wife to Tho?. Flynn, w. d. $500 ; s hf nw qr se qr 13, 17, lw, 20 acres. Martin McMahon and wife to Mi chael McMahon, w. d. $700; sw qr nw qr 9, 17, le. U. P. Ry Co. to D. R. Davis, cert $200; sw qr se qr 29, 17, lw, 40 acres. U. P. Ry Co. to Sarah Davis, cert. $200 ; se qr se qr 29, 17, lw, 40 acres. M. B. Hoxie, receiver, to Bridget Ducey, f. r. r. $200; ne qr 28, 20, 3w, 160 acres. Wm. Anyan, Rec. to Carl J. Carl son, f. r. r. $400; ne qr 18, 19, 4w, 160 acres. Michael McMahon to Frederick Blaser, bond for deed, $2,000; a hf nw qr 9, 17, le, 80 acres. sparer. Have you made your garden? The many fires fill the air with plenty of smoke. Mr. Ottis's new clerk has arrived from Michigan; Mr. Jacob Fisher will go on the farm. We wish him success in tilling the soil. J. E. Moncrief, county sup't, was in town Monday and Tuesday. He had an examination of teachers in the school house at this place on the 10th. M. C Bloedorn is giving his shop a new coat of paint If some enter prising painter would come and locate here he would find plenty of em ployment. Terrible racket a newly married pair bells, horns, tinware such as old pans, wuh boilers, etc., together with a keg of beer awoke the whole vil lage. What fun it is to be married ! The adjourned school meeting of Dist. 67 took place in the school house Monday evening, April 9th, a small attendance. It passed off without any trouble; there was an additional fund raised by a reconsideration of the vote cast April 2d, that instead of 3 1-5 mills they raise 11 mills to the dollar assessed to the district. A vote of thanks was tendered the school board for their diligence and careful ness in their extensive business, in cluding building of school house for the district. Supt. Moncrief was present at the meeting. At the annual school meeting of this place, Daniel Brooks was elected moderator and by the request of Wm. Ripp (the director) a committee of three were appointed to examine tho books and accounts and report at the adjourned meeting evening of April 9th; the committee appoiuted wero F. M. Cookiogham, D. Robinson and George Zimmerman, who have ex amined the books, etc., and report all right. The district unwittingly voted nine months school with an appro priation of 3 1-5 mills to the dollar assessment, which is about one-tenth of what is wanted. C. The Alllaace. Ed. Journal: Through some pub lic conveyance or means, I would like to get a correct idea of what the fundamental principles are of the new party called the County Alliance. The definition of the word Worcester says, Is a confederacy, affinity, a com bination of indiyiduals, a collection of parties, &c. Now this covers a broad field of operation, seemingly without limit, therefore dangerous, for there is no telling where it may end, after drawing to its ranks such a maze of followers as our mixed popu lation and mixed ideas will produce. It teems to me that the name covers too much space to be safe, aud that the platform and by-laws should be limited and published so that people sight know just what they are going to undertake. I believe that the ma jority of new parties mostly fail for two reasons; first the founders start a foundation so broad that they can not procure material sufficient to add anything to the superstructure, do not know where to commence to build, and the result is, to use an old saw, have taken a larger bite than they can Mchaw." The other reason is the op posite of the first ; the platform or foundation is started so narrow and so contracted, and they build with such rush and vim that they get up so high before they see the danger of their position, they become giddy headed aud fall with a great splash, but fortunately no serious harm done to the community. I am inclined to think the main principles and ideas of the County Alliance are good, and a great amount of good can be accom plished if they are careful! v and wise ly carried ont Let them carefully define their position and intentions, and publish the same so the people, know what they undertake and en dorse, and then if they grow, they grow with strength that will be res pected and feared by the opposition. For the Right. Ufa Excnse Ar laraeraace. Many people Buffering from disease go on bearing the weary burden of pain down to the grave, when they could be restored to health, and have many happy years on earth before them, if they would only seek relief and cure in the right direction. The advertisement of Dr. Fiehblatt is be fore them in another column of this paper, and if they do not consult him, it is their own fault alone. Consulta tion is free. If be can cure the case, be will take it, aud if be cannot cure the applicant, be will say so at ouce. AH who nave applied to the Doctor speak of him in the highest terms. Headquarters for baby carriages, express wagons, velocipedes, croquet, base bells, bats, ete at E. D. Filz Patrick's. ... ... . 50-3 BARB WIRE For 7 3-4 cents per pound at o. IX BAELOWS, Ntxt to Columbu Statt Bank. sUettar AJsit. The following is a list or undaiaed letters regaining in the post-ofice, la Columbus, Neb., for the week ending April 7. 1888: AMrs. Pisna Anderson, Walter G. Atkinson. D-MlssMary BroWalow, Henry Black. C P. H. Coap. S3 Mr. Jacob Garber. Mrs. At G. Hlgeasoa. B. A. Long Co. X Mr. Clarence Trav. If not called for ia 30 days will be sent to the dead letter oHee, Washington, D. C. When called for please say ''adver tised," as these letters are kept separate. H. J. Hudson, P. M.. Columbus, Nebr. Ceal rveetce Cfeeaa FaeL, We now have the best quality of Iowa coal ever brougnt to this market which will be sold at $5.00 per ton. We also continue to sell the celebrat ed Rock Spring coal, which has no equal, free from dust or clinker, at $7.00 per ton. 49-2 J. E. North & Co. Caeaa Ceal ! We are now selling Kansas and Wbitebreast coal at $3.50 a ton. Taylor, Schutte & Co. MARRIED. AUSTIN EARLY Thursday, April 5th. James A. Austin and Miss Emma A. Early. DIED. BENNETT Thursday, April 5th, of dropsy, following after scarlet lever, Nellie M., oldest daughter of D. V. and M. H. Bennett, aged 13 years. LINDSLEY At the residence of David Sixbcrry, Polk Co., Neb., of inflammation of the lungs, Mr. A. VT. Lindsley, in the 68th year of his age. The deceased was born in Livingston Co., N. Y.,and leaves three children, res idents of that state. He bad been a resi dent of Nebraska for some years, was a man of integrity, and very highly re spected by his acquaintances. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line each insertion. Faa fer tae atoys. G. Heitkemper & Bro. have on hand a line of boys' velocipedes, the best there is made, at a reasonable price. Call and see them. 44-tf New grocery J. W. Davis. It pays to trade at Kramer's. Try J. B. Delsman's 50 cent tea. 2 Go to Davis's for your groceries. Hats and bonnets at cost at Mrs. Drake's. 39-tf Fine bird cages at G. Heitkemper & Bro's. 44-tf Carpet warp 20 cents per pound at Kramer's. The old reliable Bain wagon at the Foundry. Wier plows at M. C. Bloedorn's, Humphrey. An elegant line of lady's lace mitts at Galley Bros. Teas, coffees, sugars, first qualities, low cash prices at Davis's. A good cook wanted at the Nebras ka House. $20 per month. 42-tf Chamberlain plows at M. C. Bloe dorn's, Humphrey. For away down cash prices on lots of groceries call at Davis's. Rockford watches at G. Heitkem per & Bro's. 44-tf Moline and Weir Companies goods for sale at the Foundry. You will get the finest, best quality winter apples at Wm. Becker's. Ready-made suits, silk aud satin, 8pringjacketsand dolmans at Stump's. The new iron beam Weir Lister aud corn drill combined, at the Foundry. John Deere plows at M. C. Bloe dorn's, Humphrey. 49-2p Try Davis's fifty cent tea. Francis H. Baker, Justice of the Peace at Humphrey. 49-2 Call and look at those cheap lot of runnings and tuckings at Galley's. If you want to get bargains bunt up Davis's new grocory. California dried plums and apricots at G. C. Lauck's. 39-tf "French kid Bhoes at Kramer's. Mrs. Drake is now doing dress making, cutting aud fitting a spec ialty. 39-tf Fresh California goods at Davis's. Remember when you want good cider, you will at all times be sore of a good article at Wm. Becker's. Money down for any farm produce at Davis's and "don't you forget it." Grand Detour plows at M. C. Bloedorn's, Humphrey. The largest stock of carpets at Kramer'B. Hay for sale and delivered to any part of the city by Jenkiuson Bros. 38-tf Tiythe double-strength cider vine gar and you will use no other. Sold by G. C. Lauck. 39-tf You are certain to find the best assortment of men's and boy's cloth ing and the lowest prices at Kramer's. Farmers have to be careful to buy only Licensed wire. 44-tf You can always find a good stock to select from at Mrs. Drake's millin ery store. 39-tf Wanted, everybody to come to Davis's with farm produce, aud get cash for the same. Challenge and Farmer friend plant ers, Barnes aud Tait check rowers for sale at the Columbus Foundry. Ladies, before buying your spring gloves call aud look at Galley Bros, iu silk, Lisle thread, and Berlin cords, and at low prices. 50-tf Best cultivators iu the market, at M. C Bloedorn s, Humphrey. Those wanting, justice call at the harness shop, Humphrey. 49-2 A very choice article of New Or leans Molasses, just received, at G. C. Lauck's. 1 Wm. 8chiltz makes boots and shoes In the best styles, aud uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market. 52tf F. H. Baker will make it to the in terest of farmers to call at the harness hop at Humphrey. 49-2 For the Champion John Deere, Keystone and Barlow Planter go to M. C Bloedorn's, Humphrey. Blank note, bank, ioint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for sale at the Journal onlce. Highest cash price for potatoes, butter and eggs at Davis's. 46 The best implements, such as plows, cultivators, harrows, Rockford and Evans planters and checkrows, etc., at N. South's, Humphrey. 49-2 Don't forget the good, reliable fath erland and dish-rag soaps at Was. Becker's. These took the county premium. Those wanting good Flax Seed for sowing can get it in any quantity by enquiring at the land ofllce of S. C. Smith. 47-tf Farmers, look to your interests) for good goods and low prices, go to M. C. Bloedorn's, Humphrey. The best brands of barbed wire, Glidden, Kelly, Lyman and Des Moines. Columbus prices at N. South's hardware store, Humphrey. 2 It is to yonr interest to examine the big stock of wind mills, pumps, pipe and agricultural implements at the Foundry, before you buy anywhere else. Charles Schroeder & Co., pro prietors. 50-2 All the leading styles of hats, Don nets, ribbon and lace gqods now in stock. Call and see. No trouble to show goods and give prices. Call special attention to stock of hats and bonnets trimmed in the latent styles and satisfaction guaranteed, at Mrs. Stump's. The celebrated Cassady sulky plows, Oliver chilled. Monitor, Challenge and Eclipse wind-mills, Caldwell wagons, Courtland buggies, at bottom prices. Call at South's hardware store. Humphrey. 49-2 Farmers who have to feed their teams while at Humphrey will find it to their interest to atop at the livery aud feed stables connected with the Granville House, next door above N. South's hardware and farm implement store, where meals are furnished at all hours of the day, for man and beast, at low rates, 50-tf Many of our subscribers are taking the Amei'ican Agnctrfturist with the Journal, both for $3.00 a year payable iu advance. The Ag riculturist is published in English and German, is finely illustrated, and is conducted on old-fashioned prin ciples of honesty and common sense. tf. Keatacky Blae Grain, Clever aad Tisaetay Meed At H. Oehlrich and Bros. 49-8 Fer Sale. A Dewey harvester that worked very well last season. Cheap and on time. AH enrich. Uietice. Honey Locust seed for hedgiug, can be had at J. B. Delsman's. 46-5 Good old corn for seed. Address John Wise, Columbus. OeLaffl saelasc!! Any one wishing the services of John Huber, as auctioneer, can make the propur arrangements by calling at the Journal office. 32-tf Brick! Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur nish brick, either at his kiln north west of the city ; delivere d any where iu the city, or built in tho wall, at reasonable rates. Roobm te Rest. Two front and two middle rooms, suitable for offices, in the Ernst brick building, corner of 11th and North streets. Inquire at the premises. 44-tf ,rt Peace Wire. Licensed Barb Fence Wire, double twisted, lour point barbs, fully guar anteed, will be sold for a abort time only at reduced rates, at Pohl & Wermuth's, Dealers in Hardware and Farm Im plements. 44-tf Atjerrfeea Aasras Balls. For sale or let out for the season, a lot of imported Aberdeen Angus Bulls pasture at the farm for cows sent for service. Address, Fuller & Legge, 46-c6 Schuyler, Neb. Fer Sale. One -half section of best land in Tiatte county, near St. Bernard. 90 acres under cultivation, good hou-e. barn, wind-mill, etc., etc., at $10.00 per acre. MACFARLAND & COWDERY, 46-tf Columbus, Nebraska. Herd Year Cattle. All parties wishing to have their cattle herded on good p'asture, spring Water and plenty of shelter, and town cattle taken every morning and re turned every night should put them on the range of Rickly & Hoff man. In care of Sgm. Rickly. 45-tf fjie.ea Reward Will be paid by the Columbus Mten nerchor for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who bored a hole and broke a glass in the front door of our Hall on or about March 27, 1883. D. ScuurRACH, 49-3 Secretary. Land aad Farau fer Sale. All persons wanting improved or unimproved farms in the Platte Val ley near Richland, Colfax county, Ne braska, will call on W. D. Price, one half mile south of Richland, or address him at Richland P. O. Price of land from $10 to $15 per acre. 48-3 !MCv "XyOa"aae 1500 to 2000 bushels of Yellow Dent coru, Nebraska-grown of the season of '81, that 1 guarantee as sure to grow. This coru will, under favora blo circumstances mature in 90 days. Selected, shelled, put into two bushel sacks aud delivered at Columbus or Duncan, $1.50 a bushel, and in car load lots at $1. 45-2m Guy C. Barnum. Chickens and EftTeT" fer Sale. I will sell one dozen of thorough bred Partridge Cochin cbickeus aud a half-bred mother, for two dollars; or thirteen thoroughbred eggs for one dollar. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Inquire of D. L. Bruen, of Stearns Precinct, or address Columbus, Neb. !.) Reward Wilh be given for information lead ing to the conviction of the person who drove off my horse and buck board, on the night of March 21st, between 10 aud 11, and also the re turn of the robe and blanket; the neck; of the robe bad a bole in it. 4S-3p D. A, Lord. Good seed corn for sale in bilk at 60 cents a bushel. 50 3 Patrick Muxsat. Cattle! I have, left over from my sale, 22 heifers and a few milch cows which are for sale. 50-2 Thomas Fltmk. Meary bailee, Aaetleaeav. Three miles east of St Xdwarde, in Platte coanty. All beeinees in this line, either in town or country, will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. 50-3ai Near John Early's farm, on the SStk of March, a white mare pony (bron cho), long tali, weight 700 pounds, 3 years old. A liberal reward will be given for her return to F. W. Cetnp ton, Columbus. 50-2 Ifeie. The public is warnedagainst nego tiating for a note for $380 gives , 1883, by Aspinwall tt John Staab, due one year after date, 10 per cent interest, as the same has been lost by the owner. 50-2 Jomr Staab. GREAT aSaaWAinmi I will sell fer the next tea daye nay entire stock of crockery, glass aad queenswsre, cutlery and lamp goods at cost. No humbug any ene need ing such good 9 will save from 35 to 50 per cent by calling at once and buying of Will T. Rickly. March 5, '83. 45-tf Laad fer Sale. In Colfax Co., near Platte Co. line, 80 acres, 70 of which are nnder the plow ; frame dwelling, horse and cow stables, cow sheds and corrals, corn cribs, windmill and 2 pumps (water 40 ft. from surface), some fruit and forest trees. Also 160 acres, 120 under cultiva tion, 7 acres of forest trees. Both tracts have first rate stock range, and road facilities. 12,000 for each tract, on easy terms. 15-x R. Mackenzie. Farms fer Sale. X section, 5 miles northeast of Co lumbus, 40 acres broke, house, stable, well, etc., besides 20,000 trees, princi pally ash and boxelder. Price $2,500. 240 acres in Polk Co., on Clear Creek, living water which never freezes, 120 acres in cultivation, dwelling, stable, etc. A splendid stock farm. Price $3,600. Address Guy C. Barkum. 51-12 Columbus, Neb. Steck Sale. Will be sold at public auction at my residence five miles west of Columbus, Saturday, April 21st, '83, Commencing at 10 a. m., the follow intr nroDertv : 8 work horses. 2 mnlaa. 46 hogs, many of them in pig, 1 thresh ing macnine (.Bunmo fitch), 1 Harves ter (McCormick), 4 stirring plows. Terms. Ten months time given on the horses and machinery with ap proved security on bankable paper, ten ner cent, interest. Cash dotrn on all otims for hogs sold. 4y- William Grant. COLUMBUS MABKET1. Our quotations of the markets are ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. OKAIN, AC. New wheat 76 j ui U 255 Oats new, 28 Flax, 83100 Flour 300O4B0 produce. Butter, 1018. Potatoes, 20(8U5 MEATS. A SHI 8) a XO Shoulders, 10 Sides, 14 LIVE bTOCK. Fat Uogs CSO FatCittle 325 Sheep 800 Coal. Iova HJ50 Hard $i:i50gKCO Rock Springs nut $7 00 Rock Springe lump S 00 Kansas f 7 CO H0TICK. To Thovias Grant: lake notice that on the 15tU day of June, 1W1, J. A. ilnod purchased at treasurer' tax sale of delinquent prop erty for the delinquent taxes thereon for 1878, 1879. the following described real estate, to wit: N . E. X 6, 17, lw. The said real estate was taxed for said years iu the name of Tlionias Orant, and the right of icdemption will expire, July 14. 1883. J. A. HOOD. Coluuibut, N.-b., Mar. 21, '83. 48-3 SALARY $20 Per week to live agents. Something new. Sells on Night. Tue Tk.mflk ok Live; representing the Past, Present and Fu ture. A fine lithograph in six elegant tints. Size 22x33. Send stump for circu lar. KIMEM Sc CO., Plttbarsr Pa. 45-fttc REST net, life is sweeping by. go and dare before you (lie, something mighty and ullime leave behind to conquer time. ?0 a week in your own town. $5 outfit free. No risk. Every thing new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. L.tdies make as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want business at which you can make great pay all the time, write for particulars to H. Hallbtt & Co.. Portland, Maine. 31-y $1.90 Salt at J. B. Dela man's for $1.90 a bar rel, and everything at accordingly low prices. 49-tt Great ItdnetioA ii Goods of all fiiids at J. B. DELSMAN'S. rpTjt k at almost auy price, from 20 jA. ceuts upwards; a line Basket tired Jap, very cheap; come and try it. r'AT?l?Ti117G If yu haven't had tUJ? J? LjEjO. any of my Coffees yet, come at once and get prices; they are bargains. Try them. T A T IT ' chep but fct wiu ten. lrt l.t IV Just conviuce yourself, sad see that you can buy more goods of me for one dollar, than at any other store in the west. A TT?TJ7 big drives in shoes, BBS a. J: XJ VV syrups, choice coffees, the best of teas always ou band. T7TTTTrp a large assortment of rlvUll. California and Eastern canned Fruit cubaf. 'roduce taken in exchange, at cash prices. Goods delivered in the city, free of charge, jgl Vy . . . .....V -- J