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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1883)
:: ir ;- r' - I. il 'i u .i I- i THE JOTJBNAL. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1883. 1 Br the assessor's census Blair has a population of 2,233. AIbailboao eating-house is being built at West Point. The estimated reduction of the pub ' lie debt for March is 19,500,000. There is a big small-pox scare at Galena and Empire City, Kansas. G. W. Post took charge of the in 1 ternal revenue office at'Omaha on the 2d inst. The President haB appointed E. O. Graves assistant treasurer of the Unit- ed States. ': The private bank of P. H.Tomkins, '6( Elpaso, 111., closed its doors one day last week. Chbistine Nilsson dined with the ': President at the White House the - other evening. ' Eleven new cases of small-pox were reported one day last week at Nashville, Tenn. .Six deserters, recently captured -: somewhere west, were brought into '-fort Omaha on Tuesday. t . Confederate graves and monu ments were handsomely decorated at New Orleans on the 6th inst. . Max Bruch, the famous German "composer, organizer and leader of "male chorus, will arrive in New York ' . The post-office department has re Ivoked the order placing George S. .-Mayo & Co., on the list of fraudulent "persons. .. The postoffice department has de clared the Marion Trust companies of 'Chicago and Indianapolis fraudulent concerns. ' Judge Pound last week gave his : decision on the county seat .contest, declaring Alma the county seat of "Harlan -county, Neb. ,. Jx a recent interview Senator Man- deraon says that his colleague Senator .Van "Wyck is "active, aggressive and .always on tne alert." A conversation was had the other morning with New York from the .Stock Yards at Chicago by means of the molecular telephone. Kenner, James Harper and son .have been arrested for the murder of Barney Doyle and daughter at West Union, W. Va., the other night. : The steamer Britaina left Naples the other day with 1,000 emigrants for the United States. The steamer passed Gibraltar on the 6th inst. Ben Butler's investigation of the Alms House at Tewkesburg, Mass., .has developed it as being a house of cruelty, merchandise in dead bodies 'end murder. There was a severe wind, rain and hail storm in Central and Southwest ern Arkansas Thursday night of last week, doing considerable damage to buildings, fences and trees. .Thomas Waldron was recently tried at Buffalo, N. Y., and found guilty of an attempt to outrage a little girl six and a half years old, and sen tenced five years in Auburn prison. The board of aldermen of New York out of respect to the memory of Pefer Cooper requested that citi zens close their places the day of the funeral, and that shipmasters half mast their flags. Rhode Island at the recent election goes republican, electing Bourne, the Republican candidate for Governor by nearly 3,000 plurality over Sprague. The assembly shows 84 republicans out of 108 members. We are under obligations to Sena tor Yan Wyck for a compendium of the tenth U. S. censuB. There are many items of Interest in the work which is one of the public documents valuable for reference. The king of the Sandwich Islands has made application to our govern ment for permission to use one of the United States mint to coin money for his kingdom. It would be nice and neighborly to comply with his re quest. The president has appointed A. W. Sheldon, of Maryland, associate jus tice of the supreme court of the Ter ritory of Arizona, vice W. W. Hoover, suspended ; and S. E. Snyder, agent of the Indians at Ft. Peck agency, Montana. Last week Col. James L. Corley, a prominent citizen of Norfolk, Va., asd-dnring the war Gen. Lee's quar termaster general of the army of i Northern Virginia, committed suicide at the hotel in Hampton, by cutting his-tbroat. Gov. Dawes has issued his procla mation fixing Wednesday, April 18, '83, tff be observed as "Arbor Day." Doubtless our citizens, having a deep interest in timber culture will cheer- folly respond, and place in Nebraska's rich 6oiI millions of trees. The interest in the nitroglycerine discoveries continues to grow,and the excitement is intense in London. The newspapers are making the most of their opportunity, and selling fre quent editions with such headings as A Plot to Blow up London." Barney Doyle and daughter,' of West Union, Va., were murdered the other night by robbers. It was known they kept money in the house. The' second daughter was beaten with a poker and left for dead, bnt she re vived and told the story of the crime. Peter CoorER, of New York, the great philanthropist and one among the beet of American citizens, quietly and peacefully passed to his long home at 3:30 on the morning of the 4tb of April, inst, aged 93. The im mediate cause of his death was pneu monia. It is claimed by persons who are wWl'acqaainted with the subject that under the postal law, reducing letter postage and regulation of the pay of pastmasters, the receipts of one office in every four on the general 'average will b in excess of the postmasters' Miarjei, The great libel suit of the Hites against the Lovisville CouritT'Jour nal for allegations touching Mrs. Hite's relations with the late Jesse James, was concluded one evening last week, the jury finding for the defendant. The other morning a frame house in Allegheny City, owned and occu pied by Edward Graham, was de stroyed by fire. Two twin boys, aged fifteen months, children of David Faulkner, who lived in two rooms, were cremated. It is reported at Victoria, B. C, that extensive gold and silver depos its have been discovered at the north ern end of Vancouver's Island, also that an English and Scotch colony are coming out to settle on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The state supreme court has deci ded that "Repeated acts of removal of government section corner stones by a county surveyor, under a claim of right so to do for the purpose rectify ing the original government survey, amount to wilful maladministration in office." Our soldiers in Nebraska should be on their guard to receive a man d rest ed in soldier's uniform, who has about got through swindling soldiers in Iowa, by receiving fees on the pre tense of being an agent of the pension bureau, with authority to secure jfor them an increase, in their pensions. -President Arthur has appointed Judge Gresham, of Indiana, Postmas ter General and he has accepted the appointment. First assistant post master general Hatton has been des ignated by the President to act as post master general for the period of ten days, until the arrival of Gresham. Bobbin P. Dunn, of Bloomington, 111., a rather hard citizen, attempted the other day to kill his family. He first shot and wounded his wife. Then he fired and missed his son, a young man, and then attacked his daughter with a knife, but was over powered by the son before any injury could be done. Last week Ingram and Green, two of the murderers of Millett, at Hast ings, were taken from the sheriff by a vigilance committee composed of thirty-five masked men, and hurried to the bridge on the St. Joe & West ern railroad, one mile north of town, and hanged. Babcock was reserved for trial because he was the first to confess. Mary Ann Dooley of Chicago waB arrested the other day on her arrival in New York at the central depot, charged with murdering her mother by poison. Her mother was supposed to be worth $200,000, and, previous to her death, had opposed the daughter's marriage with a certain young man, and this is supposed to be the motive on the part of the daughter to take her life. Witnesses testified the other day before a Massachusetts legislative committee that the Tewksbnry almB house authorities 6old dead bodies to the Harvard medical school; that some corpses were pickled and sent to Boston in pork barrels, and that funeral services had been held over coffins filled with wood. The inves tigation was brought about by Gov. Butler, who made the charges, and he was present in the role of prosecutor. A singular fact was noticed the other night in Chicago. At a certain hour all who had occasion to UBe the telephone found it vibrating to mu sical tones. Private and public tele phones alike were affected, and even those of the police and fire alarm instruments. The music was subse quently explained by a telegraph wire from the stock yards, passing near the telephone wires, oonnected with the harmonic system, and that tunes were being played over it, and that the telephone wires took up the sounds by induction. Advices of a recent date from Col ombo, the capital city of the Island of Ceylon report vicious riots having occurred between Buddhists and Catholics, the CatholicB seriously ob jecting to the religious processions of Buddhists, in which was carried a crucifix surmounted by a monkey. This latter combination, which the Papists held to be an insult to the Catholic religion, brought about a violent contest in the streets, which was only stopped by the vigorous efforts of troops who dispersed the rioters and restored peace without bloodshed The remains of Miss Amelia Church, the young lady who disap peared from Norfolk about December the 29tb. were found about five miles from Stanton, Neb., one day last week. Three letters were found on her person one of them to her father, in which she stated that she was on her way to Ogdenaburg, N. Y., and for him to meet her. She said she was hungry and cold. It is stated she was laboring under a fit of insan ity before she left Norfolk. About $28 was found scattered near her. Her remains had been buried under a snow bank. A portion of her body was eaten by wolves. C. M. Millett, a grocer in Hast ings, while passing to his home the other night was halted by three men and commanded to hold up his hands. He at once told them to help them selves to what they could find on his person, and was informed they want ed him and not his money, and com manded him to march on, with one of the men in front and two in the rear. They marched him in the direction of bis own home and just as he passed his next neighbor's lot, he saw bis gate open, through which he sprang and started at full speed for the house. One of the party opened fire at him with a revolver, the ball striking him in the back, ranging upward and for ward through the lungs, and is sup posed to have lodged in the stomach. Mr. Millett has since died, and a short paragraph in another place trivea sub i sequent proceedings. The Mormon re-union.hold at Eirt land, Ohio, on the 5th inst., was some what interfered with on account of the bad weather, but religious services were held and a fair number attend ed. Rev. Joseph Smith, jr., president of the. re-organized church of Latter Day Sainta was present and spoke. He gave a brief outline of the purpose of the re-uuion, the condition of the church, the outlook for the future, &c. Rev. Gurley made an address. Speak ing of the Utah Mormons, he said they were dissenters from the original church. He said they had practised the meanest things that ever disgraced the world. He said polygamy was a curse as black as Egyptian darkness. The ElecttoBS Kearney was excited, and elected A. L. Webb as mayor. Plattsmonth elected Geo. Smith for mayor by 250 majority. Fremont elected John C. Clelland, republican, for mayor, over W. H. Munger. Lincoln elected a republican ticket by 500 majority. Cleveland, O., elected a democratic mayor 4000 majority. Cincinnati democrat! elected a mayor. Kansas City elected a democratic mayor. Denver elected ex-Gov. Routt as mayor with the whole republican ticket except perhaps attorney. Omaha elected Chase, mayor ; Buck, treasurer; Beneke, police judge, and Kaufman, Red field, Hascall, Murphy and Woodworth, councilmen. CHtjr AAair. Ed." Journal : The County Alli ance at a meeting held at Platte Cen ter the 17th of March, adopted the following resolutions : Resolved, That we, the County Alli-ance-of Platte county do respectfully ask the Honorable Board of County Commissioners to more fully explain tbrongh the county papers the purpo ses of the seventy-one thousand dol lars levied for county purposes or expenses. I am inclined to think the County Commissioners will pay no attention to this important resolution, for the reason that there is no such levy made. The Alliance Is a' little mixed up; they have got the January estimate of expenses twisted into a levy of taxes, when the levy cannot be made till June of each year, and then the com missioners will cut under the estimate all that they judiciously can. The next resolution is more to the purpose, and seems to do away with the first. It reads : Resolved, That we as a County Alli ance will take steps to ascertain where and how our county funds are ex pended. I hope, for the general edification that the second resolution will be car ried into effect, provided they publish the result of their investigation. There has been a groat amount of random talk, mixed with some fact, in refer ence to the use and expenditure of the county funds. It is a matter that should be looked into, aud the people HbUUia tie in Turin od in oil ouvU cuuuiy business affairs; thoy should be better understood by the voters and tax payers, and suggestions made for the help and benefit of the commissioners when it -can be done in a proper and unselfish spirit, in place of finding fault about business that we know so little about, simply for the want of investigation and study in such mat ters. The commissioners hold the most important office in the county, for the reason that they have the most responsibility. They have the over seeing of the county finances, the dis bursements of all fonds, the care of all property, the overseeing of all county offices, to a great extent, and are held to account for all miss-cues or diffi culties that may arise in the County machinery, and get the leaBt sympathy from the people for their labor and pains. Below I have made a table of the county expenditures by guess as it occurs to me somewhere in the neighborhood of the yearly disburse ment of county funds. Some items are, I think too high, while others are perhaps low. In the clerk's fees we include the expense of making tax list, and postage used in the office. In the treasurer's fees I include the pay of deputies, stationery and postage. Court expenses includes juries and witnesses. Sheriffs fees includes turnkey and board of prisoners, and bonds includes interest and five per cent, of principal. Twenty-five per cent, of levy not drawn. Clerk and deputies, &c, average.. f 2,000 Treasurer, deputies, Ac, average . . 3,000 Commissioners, average 1,000 Sheriff, deputies, &c 2,500 Assessors 1,500 Road Supervisors 1,200 Coroner and attendants 400 Com. Insanity and attendants 100 ClerkofCourt 400 District Court expenses 3,000 CountyPoor 1,500 Roads and Bridges 0,000 Delinquent Tax 15,000 Bonds and Interest 15,000 Election Expenses 300 County Matters at Court 200 County Attorney 250 County Superintendent 500 We would suggest to the Alliance, that they appoint one of their best men to sit once a month at the com missioners meetings, and with them at their annual settlement for the pur pose of learning where the money goes, and report his observations to the public through the county papers. He can also take in the board of equalization, and seo who pays the taxes. The records of the county are accessible, and such information would be of great benefit to all. There are a great many who would be will ing to be taxed for money to be used for the purpose of diseminating such knowledge. X. Ed. Journal: In your issue of March 28th I notice two items, which in my humble opinion is not either beneficial or proper for the lovers of pomona's rare products among your many readers. 1st I refer to that new method of grafting the grape vine (by whip grafting) by which even a whole vine yard ot inferior fruit ean be easily and 1 quickly changod to better varieties, ? . , ,. ,..,., ., Now we cheerfully admit, that the grapevine can be grafted, but whether 7, . . j i. it is a process to bo commended is a question to which we demur, although .. , , as you say, so particularly recom- mended by the American Agriculture ist. There are many things that the .. . .. . f . j 7 a . practical horticulturist and florist can certainly do. Some things the expert L. A. ewman, rees cieric imum , . . ,,, , Court oo w can do, but not successfully, only i w Early, cash expended for Co. 42 To under care, and very favorable cir- LBnd cumstances. And many things that petit jurv, do 383 70 neither can positively do at all. Now d jury witnegg. ....... -- 28 so we take it for granted that what wej court, sundry cases 73 10 can certainly do in the art of Pomo-;- in dist cou 192 w logy, is at all times the best and safest Board aajourD'ed to Tuesday, May course to pursue. That which canx 1883 tl0o,cIockaro. only be done under very favorable, JoHV Stauffkb, circumstances, is of doubtful expedi- County Clerk. ency, and not to be recommended as a i practice. And that which cannot be We have made arrangements to fur done at 11 let it ilono altogether An ish to lbe subscribers of this paper, aone at ail, let u aiono auogeiuer. as , t eMe,lent n,n-iculturnl and stock for instance, flowering shrubs ate multiplied by layering the branche, and also by cuttings from the branch es; yet no florist has ever made a layer of a branch of the .sweet-scented shrub (calicanthus) grow, and uever win. ir propagaiea omerwise man from seed, it must be by cuttings of af Iotugumt pun vi " aA Mat M MtAa ..;., two thrifty young trees planted uearX) rectert and issued out of and under the n,h nthr and if anffiriontlv nlllbloJ eacn otner, ana ir sumcicnuy pii:iui can be brought together; a graft in. serted, and become one tree, the gra) growing and bearing fruit The trunfc of each tree, too, may bo bent into t circle, or other feasible shape, tiedj the tops brought together, a graft iu sorted, and become a tree, and beat fruit But is it to be recommended as aa easy and quick way of renovat ing an orchard of inferior varieties Jnst so the grapevine can be grafted but the process or modus operandi i so uncertain and so difficult of opera tion on account of the time at whicl it must be done ; that certainly if w wanted a better variety, we shoult prefer to buy and plant it, believinf our chance of eating the fruit wouh be far more certain. I might, die space permit, describe the different modes by which the grape is grafted but let this suffice, they, and alsi 'Whipgrafting are not new, but as ole as the art of the horticulturist itself. 2d. The advice on account of cheap ness to buy root-grafts in preferenct to trees, is at least injudicious from the fact that forty-nine out of ever) fifty of your readers would certainlj fail In raising them to sufficient size t plant in orchard. And we do saj moBt emphatically, with twelve yean experience in Nebraska, that if wt wanted our orchard to be a success, we would gladly pay twenty-five cents each for good, nice, thrifty, and clean four year old trees, than to plant any other age as a gift Our windy and severe climate, with its occasional severe dryness, demands it. I have quit the nursery business and have no axe to grind, but I assure your read ers they had far better pay a good price for a good article of sufficient age than to take a good deal of the trash that is bought as a gift. I have a ffreat mpat r. i j -MJ-" riculturist, but it (like other papers) is not at all times to be followed, as our Magnus Apollo. John Boans. Rising City, April 2d, '83. CmalnsloMe Proceed IagH. March 27th, 1883. Board met as per adjournment ; at roll call, all present. Minutes of pre vious meetings were read and ap proved. Report of grand jury on jail was read and filed. Communication of Patrick Mur phey in regard to damage on town ship road was referred to Commis sioner Rivet. Report of Jacob Ernst, arbitrator on P. Griffin's claim, was read and filed. The board authorized the sheriff to procure one set of underwear for prisoner Eicker, aleo four pair of blankets for use in jail. The board instructed the treasurer to apportion the tax assessed against the sw of ne sec. 29-17-1 east for the year 1877 to the several subdivis ions in said quarter. The board agreed that hereafter no parties be admitted to St. Mary's hos pital at the expense of the county, except such that are recommended by the county physician and accepted by the board. The county physician was also instructed to report to this board such parties at said hospital for which the county is responsible up to this date. Resignation of road overseer Tyler of district No. 20 was accepted and S. Alexander appointed to fill the vacancy. The board allowed lumber to road overseers Daly and Reagan as applied for. Board took a recess until 1 o'clock p. m. At 1 o'clock p. m., all present. Section line road as petitioned for by Dennis Reagan was established and clerk instructed to publish notice for damages. Application of road overseer Lucid for lumber was granted. The matter of the Brugger road was examined and action thereon deferred. Report of M. Reagan, arbitrator in P. Reagan claim, was filed. Board agreed to examine road work performed by road overseer Griffiu at next meeting and to take action on his claim. The clerk waB instructed to ascertain the amount already drawn by said Griffin. The board appointed C. S. Webster justice of peace for Butler precinct. The appraisers appointed to assess the damages claimed on location of Bucher road reported that no damage is sustained by any of the parties. The board confirmed the proceedings had in location of said road and de clared the game duly established, Peter Schaffroth was appointed road overseer for district No. 23. BILLS ALLOWKD ON ROAD FUND. Peter Oalliger, road work $ 6 00 John Blaier, work on bridge 8 00 Win. Knight, road overseer 34 75 Frank Owens, work on Loup bridge 10 09 t. Brigham, do .... . Spooncr, do V . ou i.G.Brindiey,do a ac. Olur, do 7 50 . Stollcls, do 1 W shank, do - .Gutzman,do i 50 d. ox, do ., J. Matbis, do l o general fund. jrelscn Bros., soods for paupers.. $ 4 50 .f.T.Riekly, mdse for paupers 10 6o f stunner, salary as Co. Clerk.. 100 00 , innrnai. Theu Velranka Fanner, for the aiMll sum of S1.00 uer year. The Farmer is published at Lincoln, Neb., O. M. Druse, Editor, nud is devoted to agriculture and stock growing in the west. Every farmer should take it- - SKnnt ir"US tto you. Rend 1.00 to this office and we will SHERIFFS SALE. -nY virtno of .n nrdw nf sale to me di el 0I ine uisiriciuourioi i-iaiiecouniy v,,,k. hnarinr dato on the 27th dav of March, 1883, and the judgment and decree of said court upon the same which was iBStied. I have levied upon and taken as upon execution the following described property to wit: The South Half of the Northwest quarter S.U of N.W. )Sec tion So. 14 in Township No. 19, Range 2 West f.f the sixth principal mo: idian, in Platte county, Nebraska, and on the 14th day of May, 18S3, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the west front door of the court house In the city of Columbus, in said county and State,(tbatbeiugthe building wherein the last term of the court was held) I will oU'er the same for sale at pub lic vendue to the .highest and best bidder for cubh to satisfy said judgment and decree in said court rendered on the ICth day of January, 1883. in favor of Augustus Lockner as plaintiff, and against Paul Klas and Christina Klas as defendants, for the sum of $488 25 and costs, taxed at $35.88, together with interest and accru ing costs, when aud where due atten dance will be given by the un dersigned. Dated at the Sheriff's office this Tth day of April, 1883. 50-5 D. C.KAVANAUGII, Sheriff of Platte county, Nebraska. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that I will offer for sale at public auction at the west front door of the Court House in Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska, (said Court House beiii the place wherein the last term of the District Court in and for said county was holden) on the 14th Day of May, 18S3, at one o'clock p. m. of taid dav, the fol lowing real estate, to wit: The north two-t birds of lot five (5), in block one hundred and nineteen (11), in the city of uoltimiius, I'latle county, JNeiirasKa, takeu as the property of M. It. O'Brine on an execution against said M. H. O'Brine Hud in favor of Biles & Bridges, issued bv the Clerk of the District Court of said Platte couuty April 9th, 1&3, and to me directed as Sheriff of said county. Given under my hand this 9th day of April 1SS3. 00.1 D.C. KAVANAUGrr, Sheriff of Platte County, Nebraska. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the District Court in and for Platte county on a judgment in favor of C. H. & L. J. McCormick and against J. .M. Eummelu and to mc direct ed I will at one o'clock p. m. on the 33 day of April, 18SS, at Wcibler's store in St. Jlernard, Pleas- - --.- ....., S... nia ,, .. J WAV... for sale at public vendue the folio wing goods and chatties, to wit: One bay stud colt two years old, one heifer calf about nine months old, taken on said execution as the property of J. M. Eummeln. Dated this Tth dav of April, 1883. 50-1 D. 0. KAVANAUGH, Sheriff of Platte count-, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE. Eugene Durr, defendant, will tako no tice that on the 10th day of April, 1883, Isadore Durr, plaintiff, filed her petition in the District Court for Platte county, Nebraska, against said Eugene Durr, defendant, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from said defendant on the ground that defendant has wilfully abandoned said plaintiff for more than three years last past. Defendant is re quired" to answer said petition on or before Mav 28th, 18S3. Dated April 10th, 1883. ISADORE DURK. By John G. Higgins, her Attorney. 50-tf Application for Liquor Licensa. Matter of application of John J. Macken for liquor license. Notice is hereby given that John J. Macken did upon the 10th day of April, A. D. 1883, file his application to the Board of County Commissioners of Platte county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, at Platte Center, in Lost Creek precinct, Platte county, Nebraska, from the 2d day of May, 1883, to the 2d day of May, 1S84. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest tiled within two weeks from April 11th, A. D. 1883, the said license will be granted. John J. Mackkn. WKJ Applicant. FI3IAE. PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., March 20, 1883. f NOTICE is hereby given that the fol-lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made uefore C. A. Newman. Clerk of District Court, at Columbus, Nebr., on April 2Slh, 1883, viz: James Butler, for the S. W. Section 32, Township 20, Range S west. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: John "Walker, Patrick Duffy, James Galliger aud John Galliger, all of Lindsav, Nebr. 48-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. PT?"rQTnTGTOAL1" Soldiers that X JjlNOJLUiXDwere disabled bv wounds, disease, accident or otherwise, widows, mothers and fathers of soldiers dying in the service or afterwards, from causes which originated while in the ser vice, are entitled to a pension. New and honorable discharges obtained for sol diers. Increase of PeaNioait ob tained at any time when the disability warrants it. All soldiers who were rated too low arc entitled to an increase of pen sion. Rejected and abandoned claims a specialty. Circulars free. Address, with stamp, 31. V.TIERNEY, Box 485, Wash ington, D. C. 45-1 2ct NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS. February 20, 1883. RESOLVED, That all delinquent per sonal taxes not paid by April 15th, 1883, be placed in the hands of a collector for collection by sale aud distress of property to satisfy same adding a fee of five per cent, and costs of sale as pro vided by law. The above resolution, adonled bv the County Commissioners, will be complied with to the letter, J. W. EARLY, Treasurer. 43-G OMAHA WEEKLY BEE. Special Inducements. Since the distribution of premiums is over and our Premium List closed until next year, we are yet anxious to increase the circulation of the WEEKLY BEE to such a number as to greatly reduce the cost of the paper and to furnish it to our subscribers at a mere nominal price. In order to do so, we offer the same for the balance of the year, from now until Janu ary 1st, 1884, for ONE DOLLAR. This is the lowest price ever asked for any west ern journal of the size, and all should avail themselves of this liberal offer. THE BEE PUBLISHING GO. DO'S Onaaa, Neb. KRAUSE,LUBKER&C0. NEW GOODS! BEST GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! AT KfiAOSE, LMER & G0.'S, )DKALKKS IX( HARDWARE! STOVES, TINWARE, CUTLERY, AND A FULL LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. Pamps aad Wiad MIUk. 34-tf FI.- AI. PKOOF. Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) April ;". 185. f NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowin..naiued Settler has tiled notice of bin intention to make tinal proof in Mipport of bis claim, and that said proof win oe lliawe ueiore o. a. jewrasu, Clerk of the District Court, at Columbus, Nebraska, on 31ay lth, 1833, viz: Franz Krins, "Homestead 7339, for the S. X of S. E. a. Section 22, Township 1!, Kange 2 west. He names the (ollowiu witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, aud cultivation of, said land, viz: Peter Hipp, John Greisen, Jacob Labens and Ferdinaud Kipp, all of Platte Center, Neb. o0w5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. FIXAL. PROOF. Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.,k April Tith, 1883. ) NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the District Court for Platte Co., Neb., at county seat, on May 19th, 1SS3, viz: AVilliam lte3ler. Homestead No. T19C, for the S. J S. Y. i Section 8. Town ship 19, Itauge 2 west. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of .-aid land, viz: A. J. Wright, Solomon K. ilorgan, Jame- Noonan and Peter Noo nau, all of Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb. 80-r. M. H. HOXIE, Register. FI!A8 PKOOF. Land Ortice at Grand Island, Neb.J March 20, 1333. f NOTICE is hereby given that the tol-lowing-named'settler ha tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that xaid proof will bemade belore C. A. ewman,OJerK of the District Court, at Columbus, Neb., ou April 27th, 1883, viz: John Hanson, for the N. E. K of S. E. V and S. E. i of N. E. K and N. i N. E. K Sec. G, Township 18, Kange 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of said land, viz: Peter Erickson, of O'Kay, Platte Co., Neb., aud Nils Mun on. Swan Nelson and Andrew Nelson, of West Hill, Neb. 4rtw5 M. B. HOXIE. Register. FIXAE. PROOF. U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.) March Uth, 1S83. f VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol- 1N lowinsr named settler has tiled notice oi ms intention to mab.e uiui prooi in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before C.A.Newman, Clerk of the District Court at Columbus, on April 17th. 1883, viz: Pasqua L. Baker, for the N. -' of S. E. i. Section 30, Township t!0, Kanire i, West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: A. II. Potter, .Tas. H. Sloan, L. Ulry and T. 31. Olin all of Humphrey, Nebr. JC3 M. 15. HOXIE, Register. FIXAL. PROOF. U. S. Land Office Grand Island, Neb.,) March 31st, 1883. f NOTICE is hereby given that the fol-lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the District Court of Platte Co., at Columbus, Neb., on Thursday, May 10th, 1S33, viz: Christian Petersen, Homestead No. 6897, for the W. H S. E. i Section 14, Township 19 north ot Range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of said land, viz : Bcnj. Hanson. Ludwig Swanson and Jens B. Koch, of Lookingglass', Platte Co., Neb., and Nels. Christcnsen, of West Hill, Platte Co., Neb. 49-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register. FIXAL. PROOF. Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.J March 31, 1SS3. j NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the District Court, for Platte county, Neb., at Columbus, Nebraska, on Thurs day, May 10th. 18S3, viz: Johan Haschke, Homestead No. TlaO for the S. i N. W. yk Sec. '28, Township 20 north of Uanjje 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Ignatz Zarh, Sr., Joseph Feik, Joseph Jahn aud M'athias Fuchs, all of Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb. 49-W-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register. FINAL. PROOF. Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.J March 31, 1S83. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final prool in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk or the District Court for Platte Co., Neb., at county seat, on May 23d, 1S33, viz: Josef Kuhnel, Homestead TG4S, for the S. i S. W. i Section 2, Township 20, Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, aud cultivation of, said land, viz: Wiihem AVestphahl, August West- pbal, David Blank and A. Bosch, all of at. .uernaru, .riaiie to., reo. 49-W-5 M . B. HOXIE, Register. Fl AaL PROOF. Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.. March 10, 1883. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before C A. Newman, Clerk of the District Court, at Columbus, Neb., on April 20th, 1883. viz: Lewis Little, for the E. y. N. W.K and N. J4 S. M . K Sec. 20, T'p 1-, Range 3 west. He names the following witness, es to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Murdock, of Columbus, Neb., and Hudson Murdock, William Murdock and John C. Hurley, of Genoa, Neb. 4.-W5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. FINAE. PROOF. Liud Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.J March 10th, 1883. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has flled notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of Dlst. Court for Platte Co., Neb., at county-seat, on May 19th, 1883, viz: ' ..naJles William Resler, Homestead 7495, for the N. M S. W. J Section 8, Township 19 north, Range 2 west. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said laud, viz: Solomon E. Morgan, Thomas M. Olin, James Noonan Si..1 ter Jf?onan- a11 f Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb. J ' J:5 M. B. HOXIE, Register. WM. BECKER, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES! PROVISIONS. rmn, mn m m , -AI-SO.- Ohoieest Varieties in China, Glass and Crockery WARE. SJ-tf the revoltttto:nt Dry Goods and jj.ck9 uu uiuiu Ready-made Clothing, l01 ...... Ai prices ii urn never o I buy my goods strictly for cash and will give my cii3ronier3 the benefit, of it. Give Me a call and covince yourself of ttie kts. i. glucel. AREYJ TOWER'S PISH BBAXD SLICKEKS JSE TIIK TTRT BE3T WATER PROOF COATS. TOWER'S FISH BBAXD SLICKERS WILLNSTSTICKorPEEL TOWER'S FISH BBAXD SLICKERS abz uv csca uY HORSEMAN & FARMER wnO ETEX CATS THXX X ttl XL. Nona ftnslns wtUiout tfcl trtd mark. A. J. TOWER, Sole Mfr. Boston, Mass. V. A. MACKEN. PKALKR IX Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Porters, Ales, e'e, etc. Olive Street, next to First National Hank. r0-v JOH C. TANKER, Hoo-1 Eo-tato A.fjont, Genoa, Nance Co.. Neb. W ILD LANDS and improved farms fnr sh1. nrrt.tinnrionf( srliiir. ed. Oilice in Young's building, up-stairs. ;o-v ILYON&HEALY State & Monroe Sts.. Chicago. WUlttttd frrpU toaay rnddmt their , Lfor 1353. 300 pvo, 210 Lugraniifi I of lestramrau. Sulu. Capi. ftelu. BPomaotu. EotuffU. Cp-L&aic. BAND CATALOGUE, i i Stxnl- Drsia Mto"i Su't aad Jllerixte,l-otvc:vdn ImtracllOD and Ef. Brtw for Asttnr unlu asI a luuna' ofCbMcaBaadMuw. WISE people are always ou the lookout for chances to increase their earnings, and in time become wealthy: those who do not improve their opportunities remain in poverty. We offer a great chance to make money. We want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The 'msincss will pay more than ten time ordinary wages. Ex pensive outfit furnished. "No one who engages fails to make money rapidlv. You cau devote your whole time to the" work, or only your spare moments. Full infor mation and all that is needed sent free. Address Stinsox & Co., Portland, Maine. FlftAE. PROOF. I". S. Land Oflice, Grand Island, Neb.) March ttb, 1SS3. f NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in Mip port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court for Platte county at Columbus, Neb., on April 13th, 1SS3, viz: William Gentleman, Homestead No. 7440, for the W. y2 S. E. , Section 20, Township 19, Range 1, East. He names the following witnesses to prove bis con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation or, said Ianu, viz: .lames McCormiok, Jacob Judd, Joseph Sheleto and David Streeter all of Platte Center. Nebr. 40-5 31. B. HOXIE. Register. FIXAI. PROOF. Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.J 31an-h ID, 1SS3. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim,and that said proof will be made before C. A. Newman. Clerk of the District Court at Colum bus, NeW., on April 20th, 1SS3. viz: William Benson, Homestead No. CiS2. for the Lot 1 and S K. N. E. , Section 14. Township IT north of Range 3 west. He name.- the following witnpa.fc t nmv his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, said land, viz: W. D. Davies and Charles K. Davie-, or Duncan, Pla e Co., INeb., and W. S. Gardner and J. Gardner of Silver Creek, Merrick Co., Neb. 47-5 M. B. HOXIE. Hpristor. FIXAE. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) March Uth, 1883. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before C. A. Newman Clerk of the District Court, at Colum bus, Neb., on April 13th, 18S3, viz: Theresa Greisen, widow of Christian Greisen, deceased, for the S. y of N. E -Section 28, Township 19, Ran'ge 2, West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation Of. sail! liinrl vii. v..i: . Rlpp and Peter Ripp of p'lattc Center, Nebraska and P. W. Schmitz and Jacob Greisen ot Columbus, Nebraska. -6-0 M. B. HOXIE, Register FINAL. PROOF. U. S. Land Oflice, Grand Island, Neb ) NftTrpi, . , March 6th, 18$:.. ' OIICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice or his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk ot the Dis trict Court of Platte county at Columbus Nebraska, on Thursday April 19th, 1883' viz: ' Ulrich Von Bersen, Homestead No. 7161 for the E. 4 S. E. v. K;nn m m ' t hiH-1?? no -th of Ran-e J We9t "e names the following witnesses to prove his oon- oV1?0-"!9. revde,nce "Pn and cultivation of, said land, via : H. T. Spoerry, John U Rickly, Jacob Maurer and Frea LucKiX: ger all of Humphrey Platte Co., Nebr. G-u X.B.HOXIE, Register. "? .. XW i t-i. i m - vf w i rv m r. x j v ki c n. 7Ur T?C " VJ - .X" -.X- ? V -JY I f m ,MMMMMMMMMMMBMM& M .. W I n 1 If 'f CJ k . Z iC fell aBM IV t fl.RKU1- ?' LJI V CVU m. m .- i VNT X-QTIW "s A Vi V 'V r OR k. X. LJf I "B Xl&i CHEAP FUEL WEI es Whitebreast Coal. Rich Hill Canon Citr " &59 3.50 '.Oij vesi aves sin' ikes i oiata TAYLOR, SCHLTT Nil JACOB SCHBii )DEALKK IV - DRY GOODS'? X lioits& Shoes, HaUi Caps, ae. Buj FDBIBBN GJ0D2 3 mgfr sta. 1U89 LOW PRICES . , ,vn 'Mil 34r Girl Clothing Ste: iroi a aicuutuaiUl'K Ul )md J wwu) we; Mt,bO, tO Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., m J ,,.... Ttas mmm of oeiore in Mir mmi TOWER'S Fish Brand Slickers I THE n.iRDE3T S" WILL KEEP T0C DEL TOWER'S FISH BUA.N'DSLICSEEs ot th nnU runt. tr. I f . .1.- .Y is uuur 'ia .ir?-rll cned Metallic liultust. u1 EVERY COAT WAHRASTED. ars For sale ever- here Wholesale by all Am: clan Jobber. ael J-Um JOHN HEITKEMPffl, t Elei cnth Street, oppo-ite ' nt Lindell Hotel. ih C01L.TJ3n$USJ, "ET5KAiaN"-l Tall Has on h. intl a full assortment an I unutni ton DO "PT?0'Ts:TOr; ool Kr CROCKERY &. GLASSWARE Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco. ta Highest price paid for Country l'r .a. Good" delivered in itV. pr CtIVE ME A C'ALLla .IOII IIEIXKEMFEK. ra LUERS & HOEFELMAS- DEALERS IN CHALLENGE WIND MILLS AND PUMPS. lei Buckeye Mower, combined Selt Binder, wire or twine. Pnmps Repaired on slioit notice o ISTOnc door xveit of lle:n Store, 11th Street. Columbu-, Neb. Dr.- irfl it For Sale ! Tor SaleV tH THOROUGHBRED " SHORT. TTAB.TT mUS!1 --w- vwi w- -jar I HAVE ON HAND tnj T. .,.. j it . n j ci,. -iff. 61 Yeiiij-iive neaa oi rure oreu j"1"' Horn Bulls All eligible to record in the V 1P" -Short-Horn Herd Book, an.i - -in age from six month t Will ell tl. . Ul i cal CHEAP FOR CASHI .. . Cd Or on time with annroveil t ' v will trade for stock. Address iy! DAVIS KIC llAKHNOV Clark-. V '" P SdSur call at farm h mile r.ort T - pal 4 i-p-jm. . St I $72 1 week made it h.-iii'' ': dol industrious. B.-f zt" . ..-... !.... . ..11 I iTl.- J HUH WCIU1 L" lUt" IULi r , lint needed. Wo " . you. Men. women, boys and :r rti- eu everywhere to work tor . the time. You can work in s 'r' ' C6 tc- a give your whole time to tat Vn nlhi.. kn.i .. :t n. rH " DJ well. No one can fail to makt au(& I bv eniracinir nt mife. ( -i,r oU J' and terms free. Money maile tajt. x" thl anil hnnnmhlv A Titl v: A lv Augusta. Maine. ' ,H lls . -c's noLvnnus packixk " Be COLUMBUS, - XB.. Packer nml n.ili.r in ill kimN 'If y product, cash paid for Lie ir P iJ H" ig or grease. , Director. H. H Henry. Prest -h v lggius, Sec Cory. and Trea.; L. Gerrrf SEEDSI tillUKUMnuiv.J J I ..j J45 """ -'"'' ; ,;jit y;.- urj d.j.v.i.1 Cjj,?.. i.i 1I"- rl rC IO -r.II. e CHCI till- '"'-- .. ?li in !? ' A 'I'll I . -1' " y: .'.m.mmw " V-". " ' ,..r'. isoaia ami mi th f" .1 ! . t TV- afVVifV .i of Vegetable, Flower. Gr.i vuaia uuu neat, ami ine -D"- i rp SEED. Everrthinsr is tested .Mr-"' COLE M wmmi -...lm.n ;Pt- V SLICKERS cyd ar .re ur larae Al5ii1 -A, IOWA. v Mmm9., :ci"-r . m !j-v nr I. ff-iU,.J ; n -T