The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 04, 1883, Image 4

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Ittntl at it Pettofici, CslzataJ. Hrt., it itena
cUh aitttr.
GREEK. Comparatively few of the advance ahscta of
Oscar Wftde'8 still unfinished book about
America have as ret found tholr war from
London to New York. But It Is pretty well
- understood in the knowing literary circles of
England that the work will contain the follow
Ing- passionate metrical moan, and that ths
saoanja founded upon fact. It was Bhellay
who long- ago wrote of the race of bards:
They learn In suffering1 what they teach to
The quotation will be apt to occur to many
persons as, with eyes sbOused with the divine
osw of sympathy, they peruse the beautiful
lines that follow:
Ah ne aa I brood in my boudoir here.
With Its sumptuous dado hair divine,
Ib thought I return to the time fell drear
far away o'er the tame Atlantic brine.
A-weary the vision comes and jrocs
Luc a man attending high-Art lectures
And I ask, with a blush like a crimson rose:
"Ami, then. such a nat as me wunncvu
Jectures!" in.
And what is the vision that moves me so
AS I languid lunch on a lightsome Illy?
BMeatfa, 111 confide to the world my wo,
Though they call me a calfskin, soft and silly.
Far away o'er the tame Atlantic brine
Oh, the vision keeps growing clearer and
In the too high-colored autumnal time
I met him my baneful banco-steereri
He wooed mo with many a soft caress,
His smile was as bright as my lank, light
Xa a moment I loved him, nothing less
S'death that the false should be so fair!
As our souls commingled I told him true
That Niag'ra Falls were not to my taste,
And 1 saw that I thrilled him through and
As I named it a fluid, howling waste.
And then, with tho air of a guileless child
Oh, that sweet bright smile and those eyes
He said: - ir you'll let me, dear Mr. Wilde,
I'll dhow you a ravishing little game."
His smile was as bright as my lank, light faa:r.
And his eyes they were full of a tender glee,
6o I linked my arm to his own, right there.
And softly whispered: "I'll go with thee."
WhHtmore? 'Tis the story tbafs oft retold.
Of a trusting heart and its grief and shame
As it ponders the lesson so new so old
"You never should bet on another man's
We bled to his haunts in a Bowery bliss
(Oh, his tender, ethical, mobile faceii
And he made me acquaint with "some
friends of bis,"
Who hailed me with many a fond embrace.
And then Oh, the picture I'll ne'er forget.
" 'Tis a tablet whose tracings naught effaces,
I ventured my pile on the King quartette
But my friend held five consecutive Aces.
With a deep, keen sigh I fled from the room
With the flower mistrust enshrined in my
With my pocket-book robbed of its opjleat
And Imuttered: "For England It's time to
depart." .
The volupt'ous sunflower ever tries
To bring me surcease of my gnawing pain,
Mr nun-like lilies respond with their sighs.
As into their bosoms my tears I rain.
But they can not nsuage this woe of mine.
For my sad, sear heart grows searer and
As my thoughts fly over the tame, wide brine.
And light on that untamed banco-steerer.
N. r. Tribune.
Dr. Brinsley belongs to the noble
army of in-irtyrs and heroes known as
"country doctors." He was the sortof
man ou could love if you loved htm;
othenv se you would probably dislike
him, lor he was very peculiar; every,
body said so. Now there are several
ways of being pecu'iar, and the doctor's
ways were not always pleasant ways
nnles3 j'ou loved hira. H's wife had
loved him, and to her he had seemed
the most perfect of men. He suited her
and she suited him, and they had been
very happy. It must not be supposed
that her love had been of the coei:g
kind. Perhaps the doctor would not
have enjoyed that. Darling Becky re
joiced in making bright, spicy, itnpu
dentremarks to herhusband. Remarks
wh'ch made his big, brown t'yes sparkle
with d light- then he wo.ild meet her
half way. and they would light the most
interesting little duels, followed by the
most affectionate re-onciliations. But
it was now three lotu weary years since
poor. Becky ha-1 been resting in her
quiet grave, and the doctor's friends
had decided that he needed some one
to kesp houso for him.
After much persuading he had been
particularly introduced to Miss Delia
Swan. "What a namer"' thought the
doctor. But as he looked at her he saw
that she was fair, gentle, healthy an J
twenty-six. "A good, sensible age:
must be neat and orderly," was his ver
dict. In a moment of enthusiastic sel
fishness he had proposed to her. and in
a moment of enthusiastic devotion she
had accepted him.
They were married. She lived in his
house," she poured out his tea aud cof
fee, she entertained his friends and
everybody said: "Oh. how much nice
she was than i hat other woman!" She
was very popular with everybody, but
she was not at all popular with the doc
tor. To him "that other woman" was still
all the world and the brightness there
of So homeless did he feel in 'the
Eresence of this much nicer woman that
is visits to Becky's grave were the
nly h:ippy hours of his new life. Afle
awhile he became more accustomed to
Delia, and then he began to give her
free and frequent lectures on Beck'.
"She" used to say so and s-. she used
to do this and that: aud as she had been
right then, she must be right now aud
toieverand in everything.
Delia had marned "lrom a sense of
duty." and deserved to be punished;
but it se Mnetl to her that "her punish
ment was greater than she deserved.
-She would not have wished that her
husband should forget the wife of his
youth, but she had expected that he
wo.dd have some regard for the woman
whom he had invited to preside over
his household, and .he had hoped to
make him comfortable: to "do her duty
bv him." as she e pres-ed it. Part of
that duty she had performed in the
most ailmi able manner; never had the
doctor's house bien so clean: never
had his shirt bosoms shone with such
luster: but the heart which beat ehind
them she had een una le to conquer.
Was it her fault? Had she not tr ed
to be kind, to be patient, to be meek?
Yes, but it was the trying that' spoiled
it all, and she lacked the sweet boldness
which love alone cangive. She was al
most afraid of ;hat ungracious man, and
she was jealous of I'ccky, lunch loved,
happy Beckj-. At the end of six months
of such a li e tho doctor noticed that
Del a looked pale and th n. "You m-cd
alitte more fresh air," he prescr bed,
and 1 shall take you out as o'ten as
can." ot without some inward ear,
but attired in her very best, Delia sat in
the buggy by the side of her lord. It
was a balmy spring afternoon, nature
loo ed so fresh, so bright so liappv.
that a little of this happiness breathed
itself -into Delia's sad heart. The doc
tor must also have been touched bv
these benign influences, for never be
fore had he been so k'nd. so attentive to
her, so talkative. She smiled several
times; she absolutely la gbed
She sat a l.ttl - nearer to hm, her cheeks
bloomed, and she was beginning to ;eel
quite comforta' lc. when, as luck would
have it, they happenod to ride past a
very small cottage, so very small that
Delia said: "Oh, look! I wonder
how many people live in such a tiny bit
fa house?" -
TW doctor' brow grew dark. "In
gaafcafeotue w tisV to Mid, ia J
unprcfiire manner, "in juot such a
house as this my wife and T lived in the
greatest happiness when we were first
Had Delia been suddenly shifted from
India's coral strand to Greenland's icy
mountains the shock could hardly have
been greater. His wife!" she thought,
"then, if she is his wife, what ami5'
Peculiar reasoning, perhaps, but Delia
knew very welL what she meant. All
that evening she sat silently sewing an'd
answering the doctor's remarks with a
primness of dignity that surprised hira.
UUfc ne as&eu uu ijueauuiif i u wuik
refuge in thoughts of the old diys when
Becky sat in that same chair, sewing.
too, but with such bright, loving looks,
such an interesting way of saying
things' And now, what" a difference!
What, in truth, was this woman to him?
Not a wife, not even a companion, only
a housekoeper. And he ga.ed at her
ref.ectively. It so happened that i;elia,
who had bean xaakin desperate efforts
to overcome her sulky mood, looked up
at that moment and caught the full
meaning of the doctor a eyes. Ha I he
slapped her face she could not have felt
it more, but she gave no s:gn. With
white fingers that trembled a little, she
folded her worlc and said: " l am tired,
1 will go to my room."
Delia did not sleep much that night.
"I must leave him." she de ided at
last. "I will hot live with him unless
I am real.y his wife. I cannot." Leave
him; but how? She could not go back
to her mother's house where questions
would be asked which she was deter
mined not to answer; and besides it was
too near. Where could she go? A few
hours afterwards that question was an
swered She received a lette.- post
marked " Denver, Colorado:" it came
from "dear Cousin Mamie," and as she
read her letter Delia's face brightened
"it is just what I wanted." she said to
One evening, when the doctor came
home, Bridget met hint at the door and
said: " Missus has gone, sir: she had to
go a kind of sudden, but she said she
would write and tell you." "All right,"
answered the doi-tor. "G'one to her
mother's," ho explained to himself. "I
suppose there is some sort o" a fandango
going on there." He made h"melf
very comfortable. It was a cool even
ing, and he smoked his cigar, and put
his feet on the stove, with "no one
nigh to hinder." But what the doctor
really liked was to be hindered; he
enjoyed watching the" mild shadow of
disapproval stealing over Delia's face: if
she had frankly and briskly expressed
her opinion, then taken it back pret
tily, he might have fallen in love with
her: bat Delia always relapsed into
meekness, and all was lost As the
days passed the doctor began to miss
his housekeeper. "Why does she not
write? Cold-blooded creature "
The cold-blooded creature wrote. Her
letter was dated from Denver. It said:
DeaiuSiiu I thought you would be happier
without me, so I came here I am v.aiting
Cousin Mamie With best wihej for yopr
happiness, I remain sincerely,
Delia BnissLEv.
'.A pretty letter and 'dear s:r' to
me! Gone to Denver! Who could have
supposed she had spirit enough for that?
Little goose! Gone to Denver, by
The doctor laughed, he blessed him
self, he was delighted. The next even
ing he was on his way to Colorado.
That same evening, in far off. lovely
Denver Delia and Cousin .Mamie were
comparing notes about their husbands.
Delia haabeen very cautious and Mamie
was enthusiastic about the doctor. "If
hie was my husband I would dirt with
htm and make him fall desperately in
love w'th me," she declared
"Flirt with him" exclaimed Delia.
" Certainly, it would be all right, and
so interesting! Now. John is so good
natured antl always the same, I some
times wish he would be a little bit cross,
just for a change."
. "What a sadly funny world this is."
thought belia when she was alone, "no
one is really contented and happy."
Then she became very homesick; not
only did she miss the doctor, but she
also missed herself: she had always
been so prudent, so submissive, and
now she had done such a wild, wicked
thing! Had she not promised "for bet
ter and for worse?"
One morning there came a tremen
dous ring at the door. Lelia knew that
ring, i-he heard it all over her, and
turned pale. "Bound to get in," said
Mamie, as she hurried to the door. "Is
Mrs. Brinsley in?" asked a big voice.
Mrs. Br'nsley was in. She came for
ward smiling, rosy-eheeke 1. collected,
transformed Hie held out her hand;
she was glad to see the doctor; she
presented him to Cousin Mamie. They
sat down. "Where are voii stopping?"
asked Delia. "At the Windsor." And
she became as deeply interested in tho
Windsor as if the doctor had come ex
pressly for the purpose of ending his
days there. But Dr. Brinsley was not
altogether defenseless. "I came to
ask if you would take a ride with me.
The carriage is at the door. Come .ust
as you are. t
". hi" said Delia: and she went.
The mountains were "perfectly mag
nificent" as Delia rem irked, but the
doctor made quick work of them.
"How soon will you be ready to come
home." he asked, quietly.
" I don't know, I intended to stay all
summer, I think 1 -" But she
could not tell him what she thought.
She was glad he had come; she wanted
to go back with him; she loved him,
now. But did he ove her? If he
would only be a little more gentle, more
lover-like." The doctor was not very
f tin tie; his manner was clear-cut and
ecided, but if she would only have
looked at him!
" How soon will yon come home?"
he repeated. "I want you to come
Then, slowly, she lifted up herejes
tp his. Was this the way he used to
look' at Becky? Not 'quite; no one
should ever see" that look again in the
doctor's eyes. But ! elia did not know
that, and it seemed very good to her to
be looked at in .this wa.. "I will go
whenever vou like." she answered at
Then the doctor did say something
gentle and loer like.
They were married already. Let us
hope "they were happy ever after
wards." "Turquoise" in Denver In-Ur-Oeeatu
Lensth of Hair.
It has been ascertained that the ordi
nary length of the hair, as shown by the
measurem nt in women, ranges between
twenty and thirty-si inches, and its
weight from s x to eight ounces. How
ever, if the hair is cl sely shaved it be
comes pe- istent. and also increases in
bulk and strength. The hair grows at
the rat of one line and a half per week,
or six and a half inches per year, being
twenty-scveu feet if we live to be eighty
The sliajH: ol small hairs is cylindrical,
aud more p less oval for long hairs.
The hairs of the head arc never cylin
drical, and those of he eard and eye
brows are somewhat oval. When loft
to their natural growth the end or tip is
always conical and pointed. The sur
face tjf the scalp presents about t.O su
perficial, inches, and the number of hairr
on the entire head amounts to Ji'.tMH) in
a thin head of hair, but in a thick head
of hair the amount is much greater, fop
many of the pores give .passages to two
ha;rs. At its lower end the hair-tube
terminates in a . ul de sac, and this por
tion of its cavity is tilled by an accumu
lation of re hly- ormed cells and
granules, which constitate the root of
the hair: above this point the little mast
of cells separate into two parts; a cen
tral part of a cylindrical figure, which
is the newiy-formed hair, and a periph
eral layer, which isclese: the former
aad is continuous with and is the .sheath
f the scarf-akin which Uaw the tuba.
BrooUyn JSagU.
A Fortunate Adventurer.
The recent dispatch announcing the
discovery of gold on the Yukon Kh er,
in Alaska, recalls one of the romantic
experiences of Western mining life.
The Alaska discoverer, whose name
should have been given as SchciQclin,
instead of Schutlelm as was tele
graphed is the man who located the
rich mines at Tombstone, A. T., aud
founded and named the town. The
story of the "find" is a remarkable
one. "Ed" Scheiffelin, with his
brothers and one or two companions,
was prospecting in Southern Arizona
some four or five years ago. when the
country contained comparatively few
white men and was over-run by hostile
Apaches. The parry, in Western par
lance, were "down on their luck."
They had made no strikes, and their
supplies were running low. It was a
condition of affairs which Scheiffelin
was inured to, for he had been so re
duced as to live on meal and beans
fiven him in camp as an act of charity,
inally they resolved, in desperation,
to start across into what is now known
as the Tombstone district. Other pros-
f lectors had kept away from fear of the
ndians. The country was dry and
desolate, and contained 1 ut little game.
The few intruders had never returned.
When Scheiffelin' s little party an
nounced their determination it was
generally predicted that they would
meet death by Apache bullets or by
starvation. "All you will find will be
your tombstone,' was the sarcastic
farewell of a miner as the adventurous
band started into the barren hills. They
journeyed through cacti and mesquite,
crossed arrovas and climbed hills, ex
amining ledges and croppings. and
scrutinizing every rock for signs of pay
ore that might lead to the discovery of
a vein. All the time they kept a keen
outlook for Apaches. They slept rifles
in hand while a faithful watch was kept
throughout the night. But they found
nothing. Footsore, weary and dis
couraged, thev camped oh the site of
the present town of Tombstone. Their
provisions were nearly exhausted. It
was imperative for them to find food at
once or give up their attempt and turn
backward. One of the party, taking
his ritle. went out to hunt for a deer.
In his absence the others hopelessly be
gan examining the rocky ground near
their camp, and at last fortune proved
kind. When the hunter returned he
found that he and his comrades were
millionaires. Thev had found a rich
out-cropping of ore that hinted at the
wealth beneath their feet. The,' "lo
cated" their claims, and after a period
of waiting partially developed them.
In May, 1880. "Ed" Scheiffelin an 1
his brother sold their share in these
mines for a round million to a Philadel
phia syndicate. Now a town of some"
5,000 inhabitants stands on the ground
where the penniless adventurers camped.
When the news of the strike went out
and the prospectors rushed in, Scheiffe
lin, as the "oldest inhabitant" and
founder,-was asked to name the town.
He recalled the parting words of the
miner when he started out, and said:
Call it Tombstone." The outorop i
brat discovered was supposed to be
from a vein, but on exploration has
proved to indicate a rich deposit, in
place of which there is now an immense
yawning gulf. Several claims were
laFd out, which have since been devel
oped into mines, and some probably
worked out;" but they still bear the
tuneful names of "Owl's Last Hoot."
"Lucky Cuss," "Tough Nut," and
-Good Enough," while one is named
the "Tribune." But Scheiflel:u was
too thoroughly infected with the mining
fever to be content with his sud
denly acquired riches. Within the last
year he fitted out a small steamer at
San Francisco, gathered about him a
party of adventurers, and started to
seek the golden fleece in the frozen
wilds of Alaska. Now, if tho report be
true, it appears that Fortune has again
proved his friend. A. Y. Tribune.
How to Use : R fie.
One of the most important acquire
ments that the owner of a nra can
sess is to know how to leave it alone,
Many expert mechanics have been en
gaged in its construction; a crank can
spoil it in one operation. We have no
advice to offer regarding the choice of
a gun, except that it be procured from
home manufacturer with an established
reputation. Do not expect to get a
good weapon for little or nothing.
Propositions to this effect, emanating
from irresponsible parties, may be
found in flashy advertisements; but it is
always better to pay more for guns and
less for accident policies.
Do not cobble your gun. The men
who made it knew what they were
about, and thus have a decided advan
tage of you. The wotst foe of a pains
taking manufacturer is the half-fledged
amateur. me -hanic, who. spending half
his time tampering with his gun, and
most of the remainder in grumbling at
the result, never succeeds in making his
mark as a sharp-shooter. If any im
portant changes or repairs are neces
sary, have them made by a competent
mechanic. Inthe majority of cases
poor shooting is due to want of skill in
the alleged marksman; he cither does
not know how to shoot, or can not man
age a gun or prepare ammunition prop
erly. It is easier to prevent rust than to re
move it. it. is also more important.
After using, clean and oil your gun
carefully and repeat this operation the
succeeding day. Examine it carefully,
allow no dust to gather anywhere, and
do not neglect the working parts. A
gun should never be left against an out
side wall, nor in any other place where
it is exposed to dampness, nor in a po
sition that may have a tendency to Warp
the stock.
Safety is the most important requi
site. It is better to shoot poorly or not
at all, than to cause or be the victim of
an accident No one intends to be care
less, nor will any one plead guilty to
such a charge; yet on this point the
majority of men are in need of admoni
tion. With some there is a tendency to
shoot when the danger signal or trap is
up; markers have been injured, as a re
sult of their own carelessness; and who
hasn't made a bull on the wrong target?
Have no powder near you when seating
primers, and thus escape accident and
subsequent ridicule.
Every rifleman has his own peculiar
views regarding the preparation and
use of ammunition. Effective shooting
may be done by following any one of
several methods; the best results, how
ever, are only obtainable by the practice
of what some may deem overcautious
ness. Pay attention to the details. If.
by extreme care in some seemingly un
important particular, you can -score
one more point in a thousand shots, it
is a matter you cannot afford to neglect;
it may decide an important match. Let
your motto be: Carelessness in nothing;
uniformity in everything.
Every shell should have an even foun
dation for the primer to rest upon, in
order that it may explode the instant
it is struck. If the pocket of the shell
is uneven the gas may escape, or a
hang-fire be the result. The pocket
should also be of even depth and diam
eter. Primers, when seated, should be
entered straight and pressed carefully
to the bottom of pocket, care be
ing taken not to crush the ful
minate. Improper seating of prim
ers frequently causes either a
hang or miss-lire. It is ' well to
assort shells .and lay aside those in
which the primers seem to fit cither
too snug or loose, usinr-. them for warm
ing shots or experimental shooting, but
not n an important, maicn. Alter
primingsome assort the shells, using
those with deepest pockets at the short
est range. Owing to a slight differ
ence in thickness-of maul, shells are of
grains of powder more than others: but
this doc not seem to cause any varia
tion in the flight of the bullet. It is
customary to lill the extra space with
an additional wjd or two. . bui cr
elevation can be obtained bv the use of
shells that have been I'vd at least once,
and arc, by expansion, better litt.d to
the chamber.
If convenient, it is well to throw the
shells in water as fast as used This
softens the powder cr st and renders
their cleaning a comparatively easy
task. A solution of cyanide of potas
sium will cleanse them 'uickly and ef
fectively, but this is a deadly poison,
and is also likely to inj re the shells
unless applied by one who understands
its use. The safe wav is to use a brush
and water; let them be carefully
cleaned and rinse , and thoroughly
dried. A good plan is to drive nails in
a board and hang the shells thereon,
or they may be tied in bundles and
dried in a moderately warm oven, or
by being left several hours in the hot
sun. If the least moisture remains,
good shooting can not be done Before
reloading rub the outside of the shell
with a slightly oiled iag, and clean the
inside of dust with a dry brush. Ex
amine the pocket carefully, scraping
out anything which may adhere to it,
and see that the primer hole is unob
structed. Shells should be carefully
scrutinized and any that show im
perfections thrown "aside. Sometimes
a slight t!aw will be visible; the shell
can be rejected before bursting and a
poor shot avoided. When you make an
unaccountable shot examine the shell
carefully, or mark and preserve it for
future inspection; it may have been
imperfect or improperly primed.
Forest, Forge and Stream.
New Refrl-reratin-r Apparatus.
The increase in the demaud for cold
air machines has naturally stimulated
improvements in old and tho invention
of new refrigerating appliances. Among
the more recent of these is one employ
ing sulphunc acid as an absorbent of
the vapor of water in a vacuum causiug
the lowering of the temperature. The
idoa is not new, for it is the basis
of familiar experiments in school lab
oratories, yet its application on a com
mercial scale appears to be both new
and quite successful. The plant consists
essentially ' of 4t freezer, in which tho
ice is formed, an acid tank, through
which the vapor of the water is drawn,
and an air-pump for creating a. vacuum.
There is also an apparatus for condens
ing the acid when it becomes too heavi
ly loaded with water. The free ers, of
which a nurubermay be grouped together
with one acid-tank consist of cast-iron
tanks of any convenient shape or size, ac
cording to the size of the blocks of ice
that is required. There is a funnel
closed by a stop-cock for admitting
fresh water, and a hinged trap or door
at the bottom for taking out the blo.-k
of ice. The a-.-id tank is a cylindrical
vessel of iron, having a helix or stirre r
inside for agitating the 1'quid whenever
it is necessary. The tank is connected
by pipes with the free ers, and over
the top has a dome, which is con
nected with an air-pump. The opera
tion of the machine is simple. The
air-pump creates a vacuum in the
dome over tho acid, and indirect
ly, by means of the pipes, in the free '.-ers-
The water begins to eva orate,
and the va-jor pervading the pipes and
tank is absorbed by the acid, the air
partly freed f om vapor being steadily
drawn away by the ajr-pump. Th:s
evaporation and absorption of the vapor
causes a lowering of the temperature of
the remaining water, and it freezes into
solid blocks in the freezers. The pump
is then stopped, and the tanks arc
closed and again filled with water, when
the process begins anew. The only
pause in the work is the occasional re
moval of the saturated acid and the put
ting in a fresh supply. The acid is freed
from water in a condenser, and may bo
used over again in the machine indefi
nitely. While this is the main idea ot
this refrigerating plant, it has many de
tails, and requires a special kind of air
pump. Lead is used whereVer it is nec
essary to protect the apparatus from the
action of the acid, and ingenious appli
ances are added for preventing the ice
from clogging the water-pipes that fill
the freezers, and for releasing the
blocks of ice when they are finished. In
a small plant, demanding a six-horsepower
engine and the services of two
men besides the engineer, six bio ks of
ice, weighing six hundred weight each,
can be made in one hour, or fifteen tons
in twenty-four hours. The cost of pro
duction must depend on the price of
coal and labor; but, so far as can bo"
learned, it is as low as by many of the
larger and more costly appliauces now
in use. Chicago Tribune.
Snakes A Trap Wanted.
The destruction of human life in India
by venomous snakes is appalling, and
the number of cattle killed by them is a
serious drain upon the resources of the
people. In Bengal alone about 10.000
persons are fatally bitten every year,
and nearly as many more lives are lost
by the same pests throughout British
India. These are deaths officially regis
tered. Sir Joseph Fayrer, the most
competent living authority, believes
that the reporleddeaths do'not nearly
include the whole number.
The cattle reported killed by snake3
number between two and three thousand
a year; also, in all probability, an under
statement. Of late years considerable have been offered for the killing
of venomous snakes, and thousands have
been destroyed, to the material lessen
ing of the death rate of people and cat
tle still the country is overrun with the
pests, and is likely to be until better
means have been devised for taking and
destroying them.
in 18S0 the deaths reported as from
snake bite were 19,060; and 12.770
snakes were killed at a cost of over
$4,500, iu rewards. The next year
(1831) there were fatally bitten 18.G10
people; and 254.968 suakes were de
stroyed at a cost of nearly $5,000.
The snakes which do the mischief are.
according to Fayrer, the cobraj.the Bun
garus cocruleus or krait, the edits, and
tho daboia or Russell's viper, all of
which are most conspicuous snakes, and
easily identified. There are others, such
as Btingarus fasciatus, Ophiophagus
elaps, which are dangerous, but com
paratively rare, and seldom bite men,
while the hydrophida?, being confined
to the sea or estuaries, are, though very
poisonous, not so dangerous to man,
and the trimeresuri, which are both un
common and at the same time are not
so deadly as to endanger life.
It is proposed that a corps of snake
hunters shall be organized in every dis
trict, whose duty would be, under prop
er supervision, to seek out and destroy
these pests. In several provinces gangs
of paid snake hunters are already at
work, with very encouraging results.
It appears that only kanjars of men
of similar caste can be engaged in this
work, the taking of life of any sort being
a violation of the religious laws of most
Hindoos. It is doubtful whether the
snake killers will ever pursue their task,
however well paid, with a degree of
care and thoroughness likely to destroy
the occupation. If the snakes are to be
exterminated, it will have to be by other
Would it not be possible to devise
traps in which could be taken alive (by
members of castes who could not jcill
them) to be turned over totoeproper
authorities for destruction? Or traps
might be made into which snakes could
beenticed to their own destruction,
traps which once set would go on per
forming their beneficent work endless
ly, without the intervention of a caste
ridden people, and without-putting up
on any one but the trap setter re
sponsibility for taking life. &bsq
American, '
"RELIGIOUS and educational.
Evangelist Moody wps greeted in
Dublin recently by an audienco of four
thousand persons.
Girl graduates in I'ngland wear
gowns precisely like those worn by uni
versity men, and made by the samo
The Lutheran Church in the United
States has: Ministers. :,50. gain 197;
churches, 6,171, gain :!20: communi
cants, 801.486. gain 62.073.
William H. Vanderbilt has just add
ed 100,000 to his $1,000,000 endow
ment of Vanderbirt University. The
late Mrs. Atkinson, of Memphis, left the
same institution $50,000.
i-.ev. Thomas B. Wood, Superin
tendent of South American Missions,
and Rev. Charles D. Drees. Superin
tendent of Mexican Missions, have
united in a memorial to the American
Bible Society, asking that body to take
steps to secure a new and standard ver
sion of the Scriptures in Spanish.
Harvard has students from every
State in the Union except Nebraska,
Oregon 'and Virginia. Besides there
are students 'rom the District of Colum
bia. Idaho, Montana, Utah. Armenia, in
Asia, Bahama islands, Canada, France.
Germany. Ireland, Italy, Japan, New
Brunswick. Nova Scotia and Prussia,
Aged Baptist m'nisters have reason
to th ink a wealthy Baptist, whose namo
ought to be known, for the gift of a six-teen-roomed
house and an aero and a
juar;er of ground in the twenty-third
ward. There they may find a home
when their work is ended, and the even
ing o." life has come. Ar. Y. Commercial
The Japanese Christians of San
Francisco have a Japanese Gospel So
ciety, whose aim is to extend the Gos
pel among the Japanese who are not
Christians. They have also provided a
temporary residence, at a cheap rate,
for those of their countrymen who are
out of employment, or are poor or sick.
The. fnio-wr.
The thirty-seven Methodist colleges
in this country have 2,76 students and
$400 Ov.0 income the thirty-one Baptist
colleges 4,609 students, and $491,000
income the twenty-six Congregational
colleges 2,862 students, and 52:',(J0.)
income, and the thirteen Presbyterian
colleges 1,477 students, and 212,000
At a recent Washington reunion
General Chamberlain indulged in a lit
tle glorification of Bowdoin College
over which he presides. He reports a
considerable relaxation of discipline,
and finds the students " worthy of all
the confidence which is reposed in
them." That institution has " furnished
to the Nation a President, twenty-two
Senators and Representatives in Con
gress, fourteen Judges of high courts,
nine Governor t of States, eighteen col
lege Presidents, a Longfellow a Haw
thorne and an S. S. Prentiss."
The "Brick Church," of Rochester
(Presbyterian', introduced a new
method of taking its annual collecti ns
about ten years ago. It decided to take
plato collections each morning and even
ing and to divide the total among the
several claims, acor ing to a prear
ranged proportion. This -arrangement
has increased the benevolence of the
congregation the total amount from
1873 ti 1882, inclusive, l-eiug 23,163.
besides $-2,70" for the poor fund, and
S9.755 raised from the Sunday-school
classes. Itocliesler (N. Y.) Express.
The "Chinese-American."
Speaking of the first Chinese paper
ever published in New York, the t;rst
number of which recentlv made its ap
pearance, the Sun says that .Mr. Wonw
Citing Foo is the editor-in-chief, and
the publishers, at 189 and 191 Chatham are Messrs. E. P. and L. P. Cole.
The Sun says:
"The Chinese-American is to be a
four-page weekly paper, somewhat
smaller than the Hun. It is to publish
the news, or so much of it as is likely
to interest its readers. The matter it
will contain is to be written or selected
by Mr. Wong Ching Foi. who will dic
tate it to a C ninese scribe. He in turn
will print or paint it with India ink
and a pointed stick upon sheets of
paper, from which it will be photo
lithographed, aud then printed from
the stone in the shape in which it is to
appear. The publishers say that but
for this process the publication wc-u!d
be impossible by reast n of its cost.
In the past it has been customary to en
grave the wh le of each Chinese w irk
to be published, because the 60,000
word characters of the language are represented by type.
Mr. Wong Ching Foo is a Mongolian
of rank, wh has held otlice iu China.
He imbibed republican ideas in this
couutrv, was graduated from an Ameri
can college, and upon returning to his
native land found life there less agree
able than in America. lie is best known
here as a lecturer iu English. The
scri..e who will act as his amanuensis is
one of a number in this city who gain
their livelihood in writing letters and
communications of everv sort for their
countrymen. The publishers are obliged
to pay ff.rty dollars a week for his serv
ices and say that wherever they have
turned by the pursuit of their business
they have found similar proof of the
lack f foundation for the belief that
there js such a thing as "Chinese cheap
lalKr." They could get a Caucasian
office-boy for five dollars a week, but
have to pay eight dollars for a China
" "They say that the leading men
among the Chinese in this city are
pleased with the prospect of possessing
i paper that will convey to them the
news of the week in the beloved hiero
glyphs that Americans can be brought
to think of only in connection with wash
b'lls. firecracker labels and the litera
ture of tho tea trade. But the same
Chinamen say that they cannot under
stand iu what manner the enterprise
can be made to pay. Th4 publishers,
on the other hand, point to the fact that
thece are in New York 8,000 Chinamen,
900 laundries and 30 Chinese groceries.
Although they admit that but few
Chinamen are educated up to the full
posMbilities of their alphabet, all can
read those few hundred signs that ex
press their simple ideas and wants.
They like to read, et at present
have no other opportunity to do so
than is afforded by the wall over
the doorway to Tom Lee's grocery
at Mott street and Chatham square.
This wall has served as the only news
paper for. vears. Upon it are posted
notices o the openfng and closing of all
laundries that are or hae been main
tained by members of the Long Ti So
ciety a secret organization about the
nature of which no New Yorker has
ever been able to learn more than that
it is "Alle same Flee Mason." To the
New Yorker the most intcresMng thing
about Tom Lee's wall has been that the
advertisements arc painted on bits of
paper of every hue, and make ip a dis
play as diverting to the eye as the con
tents of a dress-maker's rag-bag.
"But the publishers of the Chinese
. mcrican say that tho fact that every
Chinaman can read and wants to is a
mere item in their estimates. A stronger
desire is that on the part of those mer
chants who make soap and bluing and
laundry apparatus and all sorts of things
that th'ey would like to have the means
of presenting to the notice of China
men." A well-to-do business man died at
Athens, Ga., some time since, from the
bite of a spider. After being buried for
three weeks it was decided to remove
the body to a new cemetery. When
the coffin was taken up the body was
found lying face downwards. It was
decided to say nothing' to his young
widow about it, but .one of the party
could not keep itandrahe is- no a rav-
astwinte as snoia
Daily Express Trains are now run to
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Devoted to the beat mutual inter
est of its readers and itv publb.
ers. I'ublUhed at Columbus, Platte
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tural portion of Nebraska, it i? read
by hundreds of people east who are
looking towards Nebraska at their
fnture honit. Its subscribers in
Nebraska are the staunch, lioliu
portion of the community, as is
evidenced by the fact that the
Journal bus never contained a
"dun" against them, and by the
other fact that
In its columns always brings it?
reward. Business is business, and
those who wish to reach the solid
people of Ccutral Nebraska will
flml the columus of the Jouunal a
splendid medium.
Of all kinds neatly and quickh
done, at fair prices. This species
of printing is nearly always wanl"
ed in a hurry, and, knowini: thi
fact, we have so provided for it
that we c: furnish envelopes, let
ter heads, bill heads, circular
posters, etc., etc., on very shoit
notice, and promptly on time as
we promise.
I copy per annum Jt'20
" Six nidntbu 100
. " Three mouths i... . Ml
Single copy sent to any addresfc
in the United State for ft eta.
Columbus, Nebraska.
Can now afford -
All the New everyday on four larc
pavresof seven columus each. The Hon.
Frank W. Palmer ( Postmaster of Chi
cago), Editor-in-Chief. A I.Vpublican
Daily for
$5 per Tear,
Three mouths, $I..r). One month on
trial f() cents'.
c;iito AGO
Acknowledged by everybody who has
read it to be the best eight-page paper
ever published, at the low price of
Postage Free.
Contains correct market report, all
the news, aud general reading interest,
ing to the farmer and his family. Special
terms to agents aud clubs! Sample
Copies free. Address,
120 and 122 Fifth av.,
Special Announcement!
We offer the Journal in combination
with the American Agriculturist, the best
farmers' magazine in the world, for 93
a year, which includes postage ou both.
IX ADD1TIOX, we will sendree to ev
ery person who taken both papers, a.
Magnificent Plate Engraving of DUl'KE'S
last Great Painting, "I Till-: MEA.
fOW," now on exhibition in Xew York,
and ottered Tor sale at 3,e06.
Toe eminent Artist, F. S. CHUKCII,
writing to a friend in the country last
October, thus alludes to this Picture:
44 I was delighted this morning to
see offered as a Premium a reproduction
or a very beautiful Picture, I.U THE
MEADOW," by Dupre. This Picture
is an Educator "
This superb engraving 17J 6j? 12 inches,
exclusive of wide border, is worth more
than the cost of both Journals. It is
mounted on heavy Plate Paper, and sent
securely packed in Tubes made expressly
for the purpose. When to be mailed, 10
cents extra is required for Packing, Post
age, etc.
Subscriptions may begin at any
time, and the Agriculturitt furnished Id
German or English
Immense Practice in Columbus ,Nebraska,
On Saturday, April 14th, 1883.
Ha. discovered the trcattt i-ur? in the world for weaknon of th back auil limbs,
iuvoliii.tary eli.-charge.., impotency, general debility, iicrvoioiu s, luiuor, confus
ion of idea", palpitation of te heart, timidity, trembling, dim lies' of "lirbt or giddi
ness, disea-es of the head, throat, nose, or "km. affection of the liver, lunsfs, ttom
ach or bowels those terrible disorders arising from solitary habit of youth, and
f-ecret practice;, moie fatal to the n-tiin than the nng. of Syren to the mariners of
l'lyaes, blighting th ir most radiatit hope-or anticipation, rendering marriage Im
possible. Those that are suffering from the evil practices, which destroy their mental and
physical systems causing
the.-wmploni' of which are a dull. ditreed mind, which tin-it them from perform
ing their business and social dnti"., make happy mar.-iaire impossible, ditrees
them'tion of the heart, causing tluhe of heat, depression ofpirits, evil forcbodlugs,
eoward.eefears, dreams, rotless r.i;ht, diz.ines. foretiulnes, unnatural dis
charges, pain in the back and hip, short breathing, melanc h.dy. tire easily of com
pany and have preference to be alone, feeling a tired in the inorniug'as when
retiring, seminal weakne.. lot manhood, white bone deposit in the urine, uervous
lie, confusion of thought, iieinl'lmtc, waiery and weak eye-, iivpepia, coutip.t
tiou, paleness, pain and weakne in the limb, etc., should consult me immediately
aud be resloieil to perfect health.
Who have become victim or o!it iry vie., tint dretdfii' and destructive habit
which ai'inially sweep loan untimely grive thouaud- of yoiin; me i of eYalted
talent and brilliant intellect who uiiht oth entrance liteniu eii.ttor with
the thunders of their clotpiciu-e or wake to ectacy the living lyre, may call with
full co'ilidcucc.
Married per.nn or voting m.-n contemplating marri igc be v ire of physic il
weaMie, lo. of pioereatixe poWe: . uupoteiicy, or any other diiUalidcatiou speed
ly relieved, ile wlu pi. ice tiiur-o.t tind.-r the cire f Dr. Ki-.hbl.ttt nt ij religiouly
contide iu hi honor as a gentleman, and coiitid-ntl rely upon his skill as a
immediately cured and full iiror restored. This atllictioii which ren
ders life a burden and marj-ia.iic impoible. is the m-ualty paid bv th victim for
improper induluenee. ouur people are apt to commit e"ee.e. troin not being
aware of the druaitful ei.ueiiieiices tliit ni.iy euiie. Now w ! that understand
this subject will deny that procreation i lo-t Moner by thoe falling into improper
habits than by prudent!' Beside hciii;; deprived of the ple.iure of healthy off
springs, the most eiioiiand destructive ymptoms of both mind and body ane.
The sytein become deraugvd the phic-il'aiid mental function weaken. Lo ot
proereative powers, nervnn irrit.mtlhy, dy.pcpi.i, palpitation of the heart, indi
gestion, constitutional debility, w astiug ot the tmmr. i-oiiti. consumption and death.
Persons ruined iu health by utilarued pret -nders wUj keep them tiitl.uir month
alter month taking potsonou aud injurious compound, .-houiit apply imuedistely.
graduate of one of the mnsi t minciit college of the I'liiicd State, hi effected o:ne
ot 'he inot astonishing cure. that we.-e rver known; uiinv tro-ibled with riiiiinr mi
the ear and head when asleep, irreat ucroiine. bein.; jl-irui-'d a; ceiti'-i - n i 1-,
with freijuent blushing, atteu lc I ..n -ti lie wiiu der.iuge-ti.Mit ot th. mind were
cured immediately.
Dr. F.addi esses all those who have injured tliemelve by improper indulgence
and solitary habits which ruin both mind aud body, unfitting them fur buiu-s.
study, society or marriage.
These are some of the sad. melancholy effect produced by the early habit of
youth, viz: Weakness of the back aud limbs, pain in the head and iliiiiues of
sij-ht, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritabil
ity, derange. oent of digestive functions, debilit, consumption, etc.
Private Oftices,over Omaha National Baiik,Omaha, Neb.
CONSULTATION' FREE. Charge moderate and witnin the reach of all who
need Scientific Medical Treatment. Those who reside at i ditancci!td cannot call,
will receive prompt attention through mail by simply sending their symptom with
postage. Address Lock Box .'M, Omahi, Nub." " -11
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