The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 17, 1883, Image 1

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1M KH K i?KY ttl.l'NKMUY,
M. 3 v. Tl'lLXEK vSo CO.,
Proprietors atd Publisher.
XS&'UFFIVE.KlneMh St.. up 'tairs
i Journal lUtilifimj.
dTBusineu and professional cards
-of five lines or less, per annum, five
d For time advertisements, applr
at this office.
w - i : .
Per year
Ms. illOUlbs
Thiec mouths
tingle copies
WHOLE NO. 662.
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lT--.luiv- i: iliu-V Building. 11th street,
Alii-Vi'tlie Sftt bank.
xurMtY ruin l
1-th Stn-fl. -' - f HHwnionJ lliiu?,
roMwifcas. AV.. vM-y
it. Jl. l.'2Ht USX.,
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OHi.-r o.t-r ..HII.-I "' ami Xoitli-t.
All . f.-iat-i...!- til t-ela mi.l ivairmtfJ.
1I1KV.4.0 KAlCI-" SKOI'!
IIFNKY WOUH-. IMscn-'tt.
jqy-K.M thine in first -elas-. .?'''
Al-o keep ih- b -t I .-iiiar-. "" .'
a a. bei:e:ci:.
Orii.e ..n olive M.., Ncbr.isU.i.
J t f
t;. . mi-i.uui:-T. a.m., M.n.,
13-Twi. Block- south of t'onrt HOII--C.
Telephone roinmuuictlion. -
office un-tair- i M Allister's- build
1!S. lit", -t W. V. Al-AlliMor, Notary
l'ulili.-. '
I. M. MACl-AKLAM'. " R- COVVI,.K"Y.;..
Coifit-trf ; Xrtraika.
i r.o. a- mi-:kv.
PA I XT Fit.
I5r'arti.ijfi', h..i'c .md --n. paintim;,
L'liizinir. paper hii.t-ing, fcalsoiniunig. etc.
done t.. oiu.r. h..l ..ii Wta St.. r-Il;-f
Eiif-ine lloii- . i-olitnil'ii. Ni-.
llth St., nearly opp. Gluck's store,
Se'N liarnc-s, .-riddles dlnr. Whin.-..
Blniik-t. urry Combs. Brushes. t--,
at the low-i - i(l- j.i :(. H.-pair-n
inj.tly attended to.
land and insurance ag ext,
iiljii'iu:i:y. xebu.
Hi !airl- eo.npri-r s.onu fine tracts
in the Sl.eii 'r.-ek V U!r-j , and the nortli-
rn i...rti.iu oi l'i t:e loituty. faxes
j.uid A.J ni.ii-r."-ident-. sali-taetioli
t' d. -
.1 llt lee tit" tilt l'e:.f and
Notarx I'liKie.
A'.TOltM: AT LAW. C.dumhus
N.l.ia-kl. N. .Ho will i;ic
eli.-.- atleiiii.Mi :. all t.u-iiu-- etitrii?led
'o In in. -
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All hind i i.j-.uuiiu tloiie on -hrt l'.ii.-w"-. W :ir'n-, ete.. maile to
ordej, ai.d .ill v. urk S.MI..I .iiitt-.-tt.
rjj"lu.p . j.ju.-itt- Hie T.tllor-all."
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od tenin-. l.wtri.-- and f.iri laui-- lor all
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. udllet a let-il -alf s':itil.-. !!
IS fKhriKKIt, W It'll
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To remove lioii-.v- at r'asuii:iMe
rali'i-. I.i- niiil a .till.
mtDrr. H,Ti-Ariii:6w.
J D Aloncrief. Co Supt.,
Will he III hi- olll.-o -.t the Olllt lloilt-e
on the lir-t Ullldu of eaeli
month tor th- j.tirnox of evitiiiniiu'
a..!i.alil- t.u t. a.-her- -i rlilieatt . and
lor tin lr tn-:. tton !" .m tillier hn-hse.
jd-rtaininsj to clioos. ."C.7-J
ioi.rMiius. - xcil.
Tacker- and in all kinds of Ho;:
lUOiluet. oa-h paid tor Live or Head lloj:
or trio i-e
Directors. -If. 11 Henry. Tre-t.; .loun
Wiirii. .-if. and lieas.; K. Uirrard, S.
TA.1IKJ SAl.t50.
lMan and estimates Mipplied for jjither
frame or brick building- Good work
guaranteed. Shop on l"th Street, near
m. Paul Lumber Yin, Columbus Xe
hrasku. r'- Unto.
D.T. JIaktyx. V. 1. F. -euro, M. !..
Deutschcr Artz.)
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surgeons Tiiion Pacitic and
O.. X.AB. H.R. R's.
Wines, Ales. Ci'jars and Tobacco.
jScbi!z's Milwaukee Beer constant
ly on band.g
Elvventh St..
.Columbus. Neb.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Havebadan extended experienre, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kiuds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is. Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tuuitytoestimatefor von. t5?"Sbop on
18th SU, one door west of Friedbof fc
Co's. store. olumbiis. Xebr 4S3-V
Are prepared to reeehe and pay $.1.00 per
ton for :ood clean llax straw (free from
foreign -.ulistauces) delivered on their
ground-: near the Creamery, in Colum
bus Nebraska.
Columbus, Dec. 5, 1SS2. 223m
National Bank!
Authorized Capital,
Cash Cajiital,
OrFlCEK' AND iuhkctous
A. ANDERSON, Prrs't. -
SAMM. C SMITH. Vict- Prea't.
o. T. ROES, Cashier.
.1. W. EARLY'.
ROBERT rilLlfi.
p. anu.:rsonv
Foreign and Inland Exchange, lMi
Tick. ts. Real E-tate, J. and liisuranee.
General Agents for the Sale oT
Union Pacific, and ilidland Pacific
R. U. Land, for j,ale it from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre tor cashbr u live or ten years
time, in annual ps.yrue.uts to suit pur-cUa-ers.
W'e have also a laige and
. hoice lot of other lauds, improved and
unimproved, roc sale at low price and
on rca-onable terms. Also business and
residence- lots in the city. "We keep a
complete abstract of title to all real es
tate in Platte County,
roi.ifiurs. yiTAn.
vwm BIST !
Patent Roller Process
lit cause it makes a supericr article ol
bread, and is the cheapest rtoiir
in the market.
Frcri; surf; warmiifril to run aHI:: ur
money nfiimlrd.
A N D -
Union Pacfic Land Office, !
On Lniii Time mul low rate
of 1 nter est.
All wlohing to buy Rail Road Land
or Improved Farms will tlnd it to their
advantage to call at the U. P. Laud
Ol.iee before lookin elsewhere u- 1
make a specialty of buying and selling
lands on commission ; all persons wish
ing to sell farms or unimproved land
will find it to their advantage .o leave
their lands with me for sale, as my fa
cilities for affecting sale are unsur
passed. I am prepared to make fina.
proof for all parties wishing to get a
patent for their homesteads.
TQTHenry Cordes, Clerk, writes and
spe.lks (lerinan.
Agt. U. P. Land Department,
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
moo1h DellTered JPree to anj
part of Ike City.
Farm and Spring Wagons,
of which I keep a constant supply on
hand, but few their equal. In style and
quality, second to none.
Cor. Thirteenth .and K Streets, near
A. &N. Depot.
Our hay ia all wived, and our wheat W U
Our corn is all garnered, our barn at all
Tlianksglvluic !. thanksgiving !
For the sun and the dew and the bouutlful
For the honey and fruit, for the nourishing
For the rose and the song let ua render
Thanksgiving! thanksgiving!
For the quick tide of trade that gives life to
our land.
For the skill and the wealth of the working
man's bund.
Thanksgiving! thanksgiving!
For the bndns that lmve toiled with some
wonderful thought,
For the dreams that the artist and poet have
For the cifd right with evil to patiently fought,
Thanksgiving! thanksgiving!
For the homes that w-th truest affection are
Where love nestles down like a bird In its
Thanksgiving! thanksgiving!
For the worth and the will that have made ua
bo free.
For our beautiful land from sea unto sea, ,
O God of our fathers we give unto Thee
Thanksgiving! thanksglvine!
Harper's Weekly.
Cariosities ot Life Among the Bedouins.
Much has been said of late concerning
the Bedouins aud their share in the
Anglo-Egyptian war, and yet no class
of people is less known to the outer
world, for the reason, perhaps, that no
other class so persistently keeps aloof
from civilization. When Asia and Afri
ca were joined by the Isthmus of Suez
the Bedouins roamed freely from Mo
rocco through Algiers, Tuni9, Tripoli,
Egypt, Arabia, and Syria, often trading
on their way, besides keeping up their
flocks. By the cutting of the land, how
ever, those who were in Syria and Ara
bia became separated from their African
friends. The tribes, which had hitherto
been united, have divided into two sep
arate bodies, one of which is now called
Anadollou, or Asiatic, and the other
Myssirlou, or African. This separation
of the Bedouins has been of advantage
to the Anadollou, as the desert in Asia
is interspersed with fertile spots, which
are at no great distance, from the mar
kets, where their horses, sheep and
camels can be sold. St has been detri
mental to tile Myssipou, wko have Keen
confined to one emfrmou&'aeserty'with
small oasis here ,and there, and have
always ifeen obliged to defend them
selves against tife attapks of Wild tribes
inhabifing thevinterigr of Afpca. Many
of these Mysairlou tribes hive 6onfined
themselves ithinjertain limits, where
they breedigh-flfass honses exclusively.
These tribes arejcalledAhal Hader,"
or inhalhtants.-of fixfil places, w,Hi!e
their roTamingbrethrn are denominated
"AharBedw" or dJFcllers of unHmited
spactL Very little din be said in avor of
thqlatter class ofjBedouins, aafthey are
known to be bjoodthirsty.ruel, and
cowardly, theichief occupation being
robbery, cattifj-lifting, ara kidnaping,
or slaTe-hunRng, in wbfth they excel.
The only yrtue they eem to possess is
their great love for their horses. The
Ahal Hader Bedouin, however, although
retaining much of his savage nature, is
noble, generous, kind, and hospitable,
and will, in many respects, serve as a
good example to civilized nations.
The Bedouin considers the desert his
personal property. He says that the sun
gave it to him as a legacy, ordering him
to keep it intact aud free from intruding
strangers. He believes if he fails to do
this that the sun will cease to shine on
it, and it will be covered with water.
For this reason the Bedouins are verj'
jealous of foreigners passing through
the desert without their permission,
and they will rob, and even murder,
travelers, who have not taken the pre-
caution to provine tuemseives wiih a
permit from some Bedouin Sheik or
Ameer. This permit is sometimes in
tne snape oi a oouy guard, which ac
companies the travelers to the next
tribe, and confides them to another
guara, wnicn in turn does the same
thing; or it is in writing, bearing the
seal of some chief : else it is a ringr, a
handkerchief, a piece of wood, or leath
er. In any case, permission obtained
from one chief is sufficient to insure
the traveler a safe passage through the
desert, unless he should be unfortunate
enough to fall into the hands of hostile
tribes, of which there are a few who are
always at war with the more peaceable
of their own kind. This right of the
Bedouin to tne desert is acknowledged,
they say, by the Sultan of Turkey and
the Khedive of Egypt, who pay them an
annual tribute for allowing the caravan
of holy camels to march over the sand
on its way to Mecca. The truth, how
ever, is that the holy caravan was so
often robbed by the Bedouins that the
Turkish and Egyptian rulers thought it
policy to pay a little black-mail rather
than send large bodies of troops to pro
tect it. The great difficulty experienced
by a stranger is in obtaining tne neces
sary permission, for this is not readily
granted, the Bedouin chiefs resorting- to
all kinds of subterfuge, and very often
to deception.
No experienced Oriental traveler con
siders himself safe until he has not only
slept in the chief's tent, but has also
smoked the narghilleh of friendship,
broken bread and divided salt with him,
formalities without whose observance no
Bedouin is to be relied upon. The
friendship, however, once obtained, can
be depended upon. Many cases are
known where Bedouins have risked and
sacrificed their lives in protecting or
avenging those to whom they have
pledged themselves. The most recent
instance is that of the Emeer Abou-Said,
who last year marched at the head of a
thousand lances, from Nubia to Tripoli,
a journey of two months, where he
fought and destroyed the whole of the
Yzamy tribe, for having robbed a cara
van of Greek gentlemen, who were col
lecting specimens of natural history, and
to whom the Emeer Abou-Said had
granted a pass. The most curious inci
dent of this expedition was that the
Emeer had to pass through three tribes
with which heVas at war at the time,
bnt they, knowing that he was bent on
defending Bedouin honor, not only al
lowed him to cross their territory un
molested, but also entertained him hos
pitably. The Bedouins always camp
near a well, and within few minutes
after their arrival at one they are com
fortably settled. All their property is
portable, and is stowed away in various
shaped saddle-bags, which are easily
packed and unpacked. Their tents
consist of pieces of cloth, or rather felt,
made of camel's hair by the women.and
thrown over bamboo poles. Some of
the tents are very pretty, especially
those of the chiefs, which are inter
woven with gold, silver, colored wools,
silk, etc. The majority of them, how
ever, have nothing to recommend them.
The men's tents are open at both sides,
but those of the women ate closed up
with rolls of cane, "not for protection
from heat or cold bat because ,s Bed
ouin s wife's face must never be seen
by anybody bnt her husband. When
ever she leaves the tent she covers fier
f,wiii4iicfcbkijkraulia. Thefurmi-
ture in the tents consists of carpets and
little or nothing else. On these they sit
and sleep. The tents are, however,
decorated with the saddles of the men
and litters of the women, the majority
of which are richly ornamented and of
great value. A Bedouin will work and
steal for years to possess a gold-mounted
saddle, bridle, and stirrups, for these
are the criterion of a man's wealth and
All Bedouins are given to polygamy,
the poorest of them having five or six
wives, and although the Koran sanctions
seven to auy Moslem, some of the Bed
ouin chiefs have twenty and even
twenty-five wives. The majority of the
wives are slaves whom their masters
marry when they are between eleven
and fourteen years of age, a woman be-
j ing considered old by a Bedouin when
sne attains tne age oi twenty, ana very
often before that time. The Emeers
however, have only one legitimate wife,
although they have a number of slaves,
in their harems. The Emeer can not
marry below his own blood. He there
fore seeks a maiden of high blood be
longing to some other tribe, and, in
order to obtain her from her father, he
very often has to measure lances with
other noble Bedouins. The Emeer Mir
Tzelleley, of Souakin, slew in combat
three young Emeers before he could
claim the daughter of the Emeer Abdel
Salih, and even then he had to give the
father sixty fine Arab horses and eighty
five dromedaries. The women never do
auy work whatever, the ouly occupation
compatible with the dignity of a Bedouin
female being the manufacture of tent
cloth, and of this they make very little.
All the domestic work is done by slaves,
of whom the poorest Bedouin possesses
two at least, while the women idle away
their time in sleeping, smoking, drink
ing coffee, chewing guininastic, and
Eamting their finger and toe nails, the
itter being quite an art. The Bedouin,
like the Persian, dyes his beard red, an
operation which is performed by the
wives in turn, and one which they con
sider a great honor to engage in. Bed
ouins, in speaking of a wife who is not
on good terms with her husband, say
"She can not dye his beard." It must
not be supposed from the above that the
women are too delicate to be of any ser
vice. On the contrary, in war, they al
ways fight by the sides of their hus
bands, and headlong charges are repeat
edly led by some courageous maiden of
high blood, who, mounted on a pure
Nejd steed, dashed among the enemy,
singing songs, insulting them for their
cowardice and encouraging her own fol
lowers. The Bedouin Amazons have
always been noted for their courage, and
are often mentioned in history. It is
generally admitted that had it not been
for the bravery of the young and beau
tiful Ayesha, Mohammed would have
lost the battle of the Camel. Her peo
ple were already retreating before the
enemy, wheu she halted them by shout
ing, "Scum of the desert sand, fleeing
like chickens from falcons, rein your
horses, if 'tis but tos?a woman defend
Islam!" and, rushing on the enemy, so
encouraged the deserters that they fol
lowed her and won the day.
The Greek gentlemen referred to
above as having been robbed by the
Yzamy tribe of Bedouins, in the Tripoli
desert, were Messrs. Mavro, Sarides
and Loutrary. They had traveled
through the desert for six months, re
ceiving the greatest hospitality and as
sistance from the Bedouins, who lent
them horses and camels to carry their
increasing stock of specimens of natural
history, shared their tents and carpets
with them, replenished their powder
flasks when they were empty, and gave
them guides in difficult parts, without
accepting any compensation whatever.
On arriving at the camp of the Yzamys,
they were asked to stay the regulation
three days and accept the tribe's hospi
tality. They were very well treated, but
they noticed that although the Sheik
appeared more than friendly he never
dined with them nor did he break bread
with them, but all the time pretended
that he was ill. He took a great fancy
to a revolver belonging to Mr. Loutrary
and to the gold watch of Mr. Mavro,
which he said he wanted to buy. These
were offered to him as presents by the
travelers, but he politely refused them,
saying that he could not accept gifts
from his guests. If, however, they
would fix the value of the articles, he
would pay for them on arriving at the
next town, as he was also on his way
thither to receive payment for some
horses he bad sold. ' This proposition
the Greeks agreed to, for they were de
sirons of serving their host. At the end
of three days he ordered the travelers'
saddle-bags to be replenished with beans,
dates, dried meat and maize. He him
self held their stirrups while they
mounted, an act which is accounted a
great honor among Bedouins, and, wish
ing them a pleasant journey, reminded
them that they would soon meet to settle
the account between them, and threw
flour after them to bring them good
That evening while the three gentle
men were quietly pursuing their journey
they were overtaken by the Sheik and a
few of his men, who ordered them tc
halt and deliver up all their valuables.
They protested against this violation of
hospitality, and told him that they were
under the protection of the Emeer Abou
Said. He replied that he was not vio
lating hospitality, as he had not broken
bread, shared salt, or smoked the narg
hilleh of peace with them, and, as to the
Emeer, he was too far away to grant
them any protection. The naturalists,
seeing that they were at the Sheik's
mercy, gave him their watches, arms,
and 2,500f. in money, after which they
were allowed to depart. To their aston
ishment, on their arrival at their desti
nation on the following day, they were
met by a servant of the Sheik, who said
that he had been sent by his master to
pay them for the watch and revolver
which he had bought of them and for
which he required a receipt. The money
was paid and the receipt was given, and
although the Greek travelers assert that
thev did not think it worth while to Mnd
and inform the Emeer Abou-Said of this
adventure, as their voyage terminated
there with onlv this mishap, it must
have been communicated to him by oth-
r tniies, xur tne punisument oi tne
Yzamy tribe followed close upon the
neeis oi uus piece oi treacnery. iv. x.
A highway robber was nearly killed
by degs in Lebanon County, Pennsyl
vania, the other night. David J. Mc
Kinney was driving to his home, near
Fredericksburg, when a thief stopped
his team and milled a DistoL with the
demand: "Your money or your life!"
McKinney had three mastiffs in his
wagon and he set the dogs on the thie
and in a short time thev enmnWplu
stripped him of his clothing and bit him
severely, -uctvmney was alone, ana to
save the thief from being killed outright
ne caiiea on tne aogs ana drove away,
leaving the desperado at the roadside.
A party searched the woods subsequent
ly, bat -eouki not ind him. Chicago
Timis. ,i -
Fan aid Foibles.
The circus pictures are a big thing at
my house now. It's astonishing how
children are carried away with such'
things, and it takes grown people a long
time to get over their love of the saw
dust riding. I've known old gray
headed people who never missed one
when it came within reach. I don't be
lieve that old folks enjoy it much, but
they go because it revives the memory
of their happy childhood, aud they imag
ine they can be as happy again, but
they can't. When old age creeps upon
a man he must hunt for pleasures of a
different kind, and be reconciled. The
ginger cake of his boyhood will never
I o
more taste luxe a ginger cake to him.
I do love to see the children eujoying
their innocent youth, and drinking in
pleasure and delight every day, from a
thousand things that have long since
ceaftedto amuse us or attract our special
attention. It Likes mighty little to make
tbo-children happy. A doll, or a, ball,
or a French harp.'or a ride to the mill,
or the sight of a locomotive pulling a
train, or a wade in the branch, fills 'em
up full to the brim for the time, but a
circus is perhaps the biggest thing that
their little brains can conceive of. They
have been playing menagerie of late,
and when 1 was hunting a five-gallon
tin can that had mysteriously disap
peared I found it accidentally in the cor
ner of the spring lot fence, hid out
among the weeds, and on perusing its
contents I found it half full of water,
and in it was a big bullfrog and some
crawfish and spring lizards and a few
tad-poles and minnows, and this was
their water show, and they had a land
show of bugs and various insects, and
they played circus by trotting around in
a ring, and they charged a nickel for
admission, and as there was but oue
nickel in the crowd it was kept very
busy, for it had to be loaued from one
to another until they all got in sorter
like old Joe Plunket and his wife, who
bought a jug of whisky together and had
a dime left, and old Joe give his wife
the dime for a drink and then she gave
old Joe the dime for a drink, and they
kept on that way time about until the
whisky was all gone and they congratu
lated themselves that they had paid cash
for every drink they took. My little
chaps were excited enough before, but
last night Carl got a letter from one of
our little grandchildren at Rome, which
reads as follows, to-wit:
"Dear Carl I want to see you mighty bad. 1
was so mad you didnt cum with papa I felt
like walkin on my years, 1 am golnier look tor
you toe marrer bring all your clothes to stay
to the circus, yon can pick up a boxx full of
nails round our house where they took the
shingles off 1 am goluter send you a circus"
plctur you can go down town a heap andcun
go to skool with us easyeuuff and have a lotts
of fun tellJessle to writ to me love to all
amen llnton Rom Ga amen i circusses a
comln nex week amen."
And now he is plum crazy to go to
Rome and is behaving himself splendid
and brings water and wood with alac
rity, and picks cotton and flies 'round
Old Dr. Johnson says that the way to
bring up a boy is to teach him self
denial early and frequently. That is a
very good theory, but you can't do it in
practice. You can deny him,of course,
but you can't teach him to deny himself.
Children are children they are not
philosophers. They love fun and frolic
according to nature, just like grown
folks love money, and office, and fame,
and other things that bring less pleasure
and are more vexatious and deceitful.
It is mighty hard work to make a man
out of a boy. Mrs. Arp, she sets 'em
down to studying some good, pious
verses sometimes, but it's an up-hill bus
iness, but they can learn some other
verses by heart directly and not half
Mr. Shakspeare says a man has seven
ages, which is so, I reckon, and I think
a noy has about the same number before
he gets to be a man. He goes through
about five of 'em before he begins to
shave the fuzz off his chin and takes a
faucv to the looking-glas3 and wears a
highly-colored cravat, parts his hair
carefully with a wet brush and looks
down at the set of his legs as he gallops
a martingaled pony to town.
And the girls have their several ages,
too, from the time they begin to dress
their little dolls up to the time that they
laugh at everything, whether it is iunny
or not. It's mighty hard to keep chil
dren in the right track, and I'm afraid
that most parents try a little too hard,
though I know very well that some don't
try hard enough.
Like father Tike son. Children just as
naturally take after their parents as the
young of any animal take after theirs,
and tne best teaching a parent can give
his child is a good example and the con
tinual evidence of his love. Not many
children will go back on love and ex
ample both, especially if there is a little
reverential fear of the hickory mixed up
with it in a judicious manner.
Mrs. Arp has sorter opened a family
school for the children and is trying to
enlarge their views of figures, and she
makes a first-rate teacher, for she lises
figures. I put in occasionally, and the
last sum I gave was : If a cow and a
calf is worth $1.50, what are two cows
worth? She helped 'em work at it a
while, when suddenly it struck her, and
then the hair brush struck me on the
side of the head, and I departed these
coasts prematurely. Bill Arp, in Atlan
ta Constitution.
Country Life in Italy.
At the age of ten or twelve the boys
are sent to a "seminario," the girls to a
convent, to be educated; but in what
their education consists is a mystery.
An Italian lady whose education had
been completed at a most fashionable
convent asked me if it was really neces
sary to cross the sea in order to get to
England. Mv explanation that England
was an island did not enlighten her at
all, for she did not know that "island"
meant land surrounded by water. The
boys are very thankful when allowed to
exchange the priest's dress they are
obliged to wear at their school for secu
lar garments, but they are often kept in
the "seminario" to be out of mischief
until past twenty. The father finds
them on their return singularly devoid
of all useful information and all practi
cal ideas. The only occupation to which
they kindly take is "lacacoia," and they
seldom, through life, pursue any other
avocation with much zest.
One, maybe, has abilities ambition
wishes to do something in the world ;
but it is too late now to take to a pro
fession. He has wasted the best years
of his youth or, rather, they have been
wasted for him and he complains bit
terly that he is fit for nothing but a
priest. A priest he "will not be ; neither
is he content to remain at home, with'
nothing bnt his miserable, younger son's
portion to live upon. (Half the entire
fortune goes to the eldest son, and the
other half is divided in equal portions
among the remaining children,) This
son, naturally the, best endowed, too of
ten tarns out., the. black sheep of the
family. Tin? daughters,, on their return
from, thej convent are "subjected to a
discipline almosTas'siricfas that of the
nuns. They may never leave the house
except with their father, neither
mother nor brother being- consid
ered escort enough., They are not
allowed to read any books but fashion
books, and they are locked into their
rooms at night. I knew one imagina
tive girl who employed her time during
which she was locked into her room in
writing thrilling romances, which before
morning she burnt. When emancipat
ed bv marriage from paternal control.
1 she broke out, but only in the way of
literature. She cared neither for balls
nor theaters, but literally devoured
1 books, and to her credit, be it said, she
'did not confine herself to novels.
History, scienie, metaphysics nothing
j came amiss to her. What must not an
1 intelligent girl, with a taste for reading,
have suffered during twenty years of
I otili iinnaliiml iviiMcaiAn f Tlift aannna
occupation oi the Italian young lady is
embroidery for her trousseau, or
"corredo," as she would call it; and
many a bride can produce hundreds of
chemises, petticoats, etc., all elaborately
embroidered, and arranged in drawers,
each dozen tied with different colored
ribbon. She will toll you she began this
work at seven years old. In spite of the
size of the house, the numerous family
(for when the sons marrv they remain
with their wives and children under the
paternal roof) and the extensive scale
on which hospitality is exercised, the
servants are few two or three at the
utmost and those few find plenty of
time in which to gossip and amuse
themselves. But, then, Italian iaeas of
what constitute comfort and cleanliness
are not ours. The large, bare saloons
are uninhabited, except on grand occa
sions. The family sit in a dingy room
on the ground floor, stone-paved and
carpetless, furnished with a couple of
benches against the walls, a table in the
i middle and one arm-chair. The stone
floor is uever scrubbed ; the window are
' cleaned once in a generation ; the furni
I ture is dusted but rarely. There are no
fireplaces, and a bath is required
i but once or twice in the course of the
I year. The only breakfast is a tiny cup
of blact coffee, taken in ued. i here is
no separate cookerj; for children or ser.
vauts. The former feed with their
parents, and the latter eat what remains
after the family have dined. Dinner,
which takes place about raid-day, is cer
tainly an elaborate affair. It begins
with raw ham and various species of
sausage "salami," also raw ; then comes
the "minestra," chicken broth with rice
or macaroni in it; then the "lesso"
that is, the chickens of which the soup
has been made, eaten usually with rice;
i then perhaps a dish of vegetables
beans, peas,- or cabbage, according to
I the season, followed by an "arrosto."
The roast is usually either lamb or
chicken; mutton and beef are seldom
eaten, but "manzo" veal verging on
beef is occasionally to be seen ; then
will come some sweet dish or "fritto;"
then more meat in "humido" (stew),
until one begins to think the repast will
never end. On fast days the meat is
replaced by fish usually the red mullet
with which- this coast abounds and
eggs, either baked in a dish or made
into an omelet. In the spring, junkets
identical with those for which Devon
shire is famous, but made of ewe's -instead
of cow's milk, form part of the
repast. Besides the junket, or "cnagli
ata," as it is called, the ewe's milk sup
plies other sweet dishes "ricotto,"
which resembles a very rich buttermilk,
and "giuncata," which is more of the
consistence of cream-cheese, and made
in the form of rushes. Cream-cheeses
there are, too, and when they are salted
they keep and harden. Ewe's milk is
the only milk used. Cattle are kept only
for work ; it follows that butter is not a
product of the country. Olive oil sup
plies its place, when you are used to it,
very well. Dinner is" generally followed
by coffee, and the family eat and drink
no more until supper at nine or ten
o'clock. This meal is more simple than
the dinner. Soup is again de rigneur,
bnt there may not be more than one
other dish besides the salad and the
cheese which ends the repast. To sup-
er guests often drop in, "and they sit a
ongtime at table. The meal is en
livened by much conversation, and
sometimes by song, in which servants
and guests all join. Plates, knives, and
bread are kept in a cupboard let into
the wall, and the knives are not changed
with every dish. Corntill Magazine.
Salt Lake City Mosquitoes.
A Salt Lake City man named Johu
Fallon was recently invited to spend his
vacation with a friend named Moor
house, who lived just outside the city.
He accepted, and on the first night said
he would retire pretty early in order to
get up and see the sun rise. His host
told him that some nights the mosquitoes
were pretty troublesome, and being very
large and ravenous he had better keep
his blinds closed or the curtains down.
But John declared that no mosquitoes
could trouble him and he wanted all the
windows open so as to get the fresh,
cool, country air. During the night the
iumates of the house were awakened
several times by a noise as of some oue
trying to break the chairs and tables to
pieces, and such exclamations as " I'll
cure you of trying to eat me up ;" "I'll
show" you the way I treat such dirty
pests;" "I nailed you for keeps," etc.
In the morning John came "down to
breakfast with a sickly smile on his face,
and on being asked how he had slept,
said first-rate, with the exception of
having to drive out the mosquitoes once
in a while.. Moorhouse's boys were no
ticed to be terribly tickled about some
thing, and their father made up his mind
that they had been putting up a terrible
fame of some kind on poor "old man
allon." And so they had, for while he
was trying to get a few minutes' sleep
the boys went and got a lot of pigeons
out of the stable loft and threw them in
to Fallon's room. He, taking them for
mosquitoes, would wake up whenever a
pigeon came fluttering into his room,
seize a chair and go it blind, hitting first
one thing and then another. The boys
kept it up this way until daylight, when
they concluded they had had enough
fun with that chap from the city, and
sneaked off to bed as though they were
the most model country boys on eafh.
Fallon agreed that if' Moorhouse would
never say.nnything about the matter he
would buy the boys a new sijit of
clothes, a fast colt, or anything their
little hearts desired, but Moorhouse had
to tell a friend or two aboaj. It, and.
Fallon swears he believes th old man
put the boysuptot & (L? Tribmtt.
Mr. "Hiram Sibley, of Rochester,
who is said, to be the largest owner of
cultivated land m America, and
who was formerly 'President of the
Western Union Telegraph Company.
will erect-in Chicago ' the largest seed
warehouse in the world.- Ar. . Post.
A truthful man from Shasta, Cal.,
declares that his dog fell down an aban
doned abaft, and was' taken out alive af
terbeing.en'tombed for,4fifty-seven.days
without food or water.
The Bachelors' Mutual Protective
Association, of Knoxville, Tenn., insures
' against matrimony.
It is now no longer permissible to
speak of a man as (:pockmarred." "Moth
eaten complexion" fully expresses the
idea. Chicago Herald.
There has been on exhibition in New
r York an armless ueijro youth who plays
tne piano witn uis toes wun tne aciu oi
a veritable Blind Tom. jV. Y.Sun. .
During the past year the Moyamen
sing Soup Society of Philadelphia gave
'away 64,800 bowls of soup, 22,241 pounds
of bread, aud expended $1,663 in chari
ties. Philadelphia Pre-.
One of the Egyptian pashas is strug
gling through thi wilderness of sin and
sorrow with the euphonious name of Kus
sid. What a poweche wouldbe to dam
the Suez canal N. Y. Commercial Ad
vertiser. A urftus'suicHiewas that of Daniel
Brutou, "of Philadelphia. He cut his
throat with a piece of window glasts which
he purposely Broke from a pane while in
a fit of "intentional insanity" drunk
enness. Pittsburg Post.
Vanderbilt's stables, in which Maud
S- and the other great trotters are housed,
are uiade of pressed brick and brown
stone aud marble, with the walls of
polished walnut and cherry, and with
plate-glass windows N. Y. Herald.
A cat, while crawling along the pan
try shelve in the home of Thomas GotF,
at Louisville, Ky., knocked a loaded pis
tol off. When it struck the floor one of
the cartridges exploded and the ball from
it pierced the heart of Mr. GotFs five-year-old
Miss Emma Perry, of Sand Francisco,
who fell over a cliff seventy feet high,
remained unconscious nineteen days,
when she recognized her attendants,
began taking proper nourishment, and
was soon in a fair way to recover. San
Francisco Chronicle.'
A singular coincidence was the death
of Edward Clark, President of the Singer
Sewing Machine Company, and An
drew J. Clark, President of the New
Home Sewing Machine Company, both
on the same day, the former at (Joopers
town, N. Y., and the latter at Orange,
In a paper on nearsightedness lately
read before the New York County Medi
cal Society, Dr. W. F. Mittendorf told
of a fine horse in Berlin that became in
tractable and on examination proved to
be suffering from myopia. The owner
had a pair of glasses made for it and it
became as tractable as ever.
Beans raised this season near Roches'
ter, X. Y., are affected by what is known
in New England as the bean disease.
The crop was gathered, stored away in
bags, and gave evidence afterward of
having "heated." On examination, how
ever, this apparent condition was trace
able to original heat, aud the beans were
found to be alive with vermin.
Libraries have their enemies, in the
shape of worms, mites and beetles, which
destroy the bindings and bore through
the leaves of books. A case is ou record
in which a small wood-boring beetle (an
obium pcrtinax), which operated in a
neglected library, was found to have
perforated twenty-seven folio volumes in
a straight line, making a round hole
through which a string could be passed
and the whole number of volumes lifted
at once.
A boy of six years at Cranberry
Isle, Me., was the hero of quite a re
markable exploit lately, rescuing his pis
ter, aged three, who had fallen into a
cistern eighteen feet deep, and contain
ing five or six feet of water. He pushed
back the curb and went down, bringing
her up in his arms over the rocks, uniu
injured, then, with rare thoughtful ness,
undressed her and put her in bed, getting
in also himself, to get her dry and warm
before his mother returned from au
Wau Kee, a Chinese priest at Grass
Valley, Cal., has the reputation of being
a seer. A lire took place in Chinatown
the other day, of which he said he was
forewarned while he was asleep iu his
.church. He got up at three o'clock and
t.ild the Chinese to watch for fire. This
was done, and in au hour a woman acci
dentally turned over a lamp, and a fire
was started. The church was saved.
Wau Kee is alw) a weather prophet of at
least equal reliability with Venuor.
Chicago Times.
The Rev. Sunrise Dana, an Oneida
Indian, is travelling as a revivalist He
tells his congregations that his pious
mother called him to her death-beu and
asked him to go to a secluded place and
pray. He did no, and heard a loud voice
from Heaven commanding him to throw
away his tomahawk and scalping knife.
A treat ball of fire burst over his head,
ana other phenomena marked his con
version. He adds that his tribe refu.-ed
to believe his story and remained scoff
ers. N. Y. Sun.
A young lady in Dakota has lately
advertised for a husband in this exceed
ingly practical fashion: " I mean busi
ness. If there is any young man in this
county that has uo much sand in him as
a pound of plug tobacco, I want to hear
from him. I have a tree claim and
homestead, am a good cook and not afraid
of work, and willing to do my part. If
any man with a like amount of land, and
decent face and carcass, wants a good
wife, I can face the bill." Chicaqo
It it asserted that some of the bags
of dates which come to this country con
tain cannon balls weighing twelve and
fifteen pounds. How much better than
firing balls at us from the cannon'? mouth
it is to thus send them in a quiet, unob
trusive way! No blood is spilt, uo bones
broken, the sender finds it easier and
cheaper than filling his bags exclusively
with fruit, and the receiver gets full
weight, and therefore cannot complain.
This is, indeed, a fruitful cause for con
gratulation! yorristown Herald.
Although Austrian law fixed no
maximum of labor for adults, it it rigor
ous as to children. Under ten they may
not work in any species of factory, and
from ten to twelve only when armed
with a municipal permit, granted by re
quest of parent or guardian. To get this
permit it must be shown that the work
will be iu an industrial school or of a
kind compatible with schooling. The
authorities reserve the right of deciding
whether or no the work is suitable for a
child. Its duration, too, is strictly regu
lated Spokan Ike, of the Klamath Reser
vation, who killed a medicine man some
time since for alleged 'malpractice, has
been hanged. An Indian jury tried him
and Agent Nickerson acted as judge and
passed sentence. On the scaffold Ike
confessed to killing six Indians and two
whites. Wliea swung off", the knot twisted
around to the back of Ikes head, and his
hands being untied, he commenced climb
isg up the rope, when two of the Indians
present caucht him bv'the' less and held
I Jiim down.until.he waa choked -to death.
Chicago Times.
adsTLegal advertisements at statue
sTFor transient advertising, see
rates on third page.
T3"A11 advertisements payable
Kaasas boasts four womea anaoag
her County School Superintendents.
The membership of the Protestant
Christian Churches in Syria has doubled
within the last five years.
The grounds, buildings and appa
ratus of the universities and colleges of
the United Slates are valued at $39,623,
424. Chicago Herald.
In India there are no less than thirty-four
different Protestant Missionary
Societies. Of these twenty-three are
European and eleven American.
Mrs. Josephine Louise Newcomb,
of New York, has contributed $20,000
to the library building fund of Wash
ington and sLee University. Lexington.
Va. Her late husband, Warren New
comb, a few years ago igave $10,000 for
the same object. xi Y? Herald.
Concerning the ringing of church
bells, the Chnstiait at Work says: "if
some people tknt like the ringing, coUi
ton is still abundant, and a supply
can easily be had for filling the
cavity of " the auricular tragus and
lobule, so as to exclude the vicious
vibrations of the terrible ccclesiological
Rev. Dr. Burns, the Canadian
; "heretic" who sinned by writing a let
ter of sympathy to Dr. Thomas, of
Chicago, and expressing agreement in
his views, has been unanimously ac
quittted by the Wcsleyan Methodist
Church of Canada, which does not see
wherein he is guilty of heresy. Spring
field (Mass.) Republican.
In Baltimore. Md.. a handsome
new Methodist Epicopal Church has
been dedicated in memory of Robert
Straw-bridge, the first preacher of that
denomination in America. The desk is
made of wood taken from the first
church built by Mr. Strawbridge in
Carrol County, Md., in 1794. and the
other pulpit furniture from the oak tree
under which he preached before there
was any "meeting house." St. Louis
The doctrine of sinless perfection
was discussed in the General Assembly
of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, lately held at Huntsville. Ala
Some congregations of this denomina
tion have gono as far as the Free
Methodists in professions of perfect
living. A revision committee advised
that lioerty of conscience be allowed
on that subject, but by a large vote the
following was adopted: "The doc
trine of sinless perfection is not author
ized by the .Scriptures, and is a dogma
of dangerous tendency." X. Y. Sun.
There are 537 churches in Phila
delphia -a figure which entitles that
town to be called "the city of
churches" in contradistinction to
Brooklyn, and the assessed valuation of
this property, according to the official
report just published, is S17.000.00U.
The largest valuation is that of the
Roman Catholic Cathedral ($285,000),
and the next largest the Jewish Syna
gogue ou Broad street ($"220,000).
These figures, of course, represent only
a peiceutage of the actual values, but
they indicate that religion iu its vari
ous forms is not an unknown quantity
in the city of brotherly love. X. Y.
How to Walk.
It may seem & first ridiculous to pre
tend to teach grown people how to walk
as though the had not learned this in
infancy. But we are willing to venture
the assertion that not one person in
twenty knows how to waik wull. How
lew people there are who do not feel
slightly embarrassed when obliged to
walk across a large room in which are
many persons seated so as to observe
well'each movement! How many pub
lic speakers- there ure wii. appear well
upon the platform so long as they re
main standing still, or nearly so. but
who become almost ridiculous as soon
as they attempt to walk about. Good
walkers arc scarce. As we step along
the street, wc are often looking out for
good walkers, and we find them very
seldom. What is good walking? We
answer, easy, graceful, natural walking.
Nearly all the good walkers there are
will be. found among gentlemen, since
fashion insists on so trammeling a wom
an that she cannot walk well, can scarce
ly make a natural movement, iu fact.
To walk naturally, requires the harmo
nious action of nearly every muscle in
the body. A good walker walks all
over; not with a universal swing aud
swagger, as though each bone was a
pendulum with its own separate hang
ing, but easy, gracefully. Not only the
muscles of the lower limbs, but those of
the trunk, even of the neck, as well as
those of the arms, an: all called into ac
tion as natural walking. A person who
keeps his trunk and upper extremities
rigid while walking, gives one the im
pression of au automaton with pedal
extremities set on hinges. Nothing
could be more ungracefuithan the minc
ing, gait which the majority
of young ladies exhibit in their walk.
They are scarcely to be held responsi
ble, nowever, since fashion requires
them to dress themselves in such a way
as to make it impossible to walk other
wise than awkwardly and unnaturally.
We cannot attempt to describe the
numerous varieties of unnatural gaits,
and will leave the subject with a few
suggestions about correct walking.
1. Hold the head erect, with the
shoulders drawn back and the chin
drawn in. Nothing looks mure awkward
and disagreeable than a person walking
with the nead thrown back and the nose
and chin elevated.
2. Step lightly and with elasticity
not with a teetering gait setting the
foot down squarely upon the walk and
raising it sufficiently high to clear the
walk in swinging it forward. A shuf
fling gait denotes a shiftless character.
But do not go to the other extreme,
stepping along like a horse with "string
halt." A person with a firm, light,
elastic gait, will walk much farther
without weariness than one who shuf
fles aloug. A kind of measured tread
or rhythm in the walk also seems to add
to the power of endurance, although,
for persons who have long distances to
travel, an occasional change in the time
will be advantageous.
3. In walking, do not attempt to keep
any part of the body rigid, but leave all
free to adapt themselves to the varying
circumstances which a constant change
of position occasions. The arms natur
ally swing gently, but not violently
The object of this is to maintain ths
balance of the body, as also by the gen.
tie swinging motion to aid in propell
ing the body along.
Correct walking should be cultivated.
It ought to le taught along with arts
and sciences. In our military schools
It is taught, but these schools can be at
tended by but few. Invalids, especial
ly, should take great pains to learn to
walk well, as by so doing they will gain
more than doable the amouat of benefit
thev will otherwise derive from the'ex
ercise. Home Hand-Book.