The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 10, 1883, Image 1

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.M. Iv. TURNER &- CO.,
PronrietorE and Publisher.
JSTBuslness and professional cards
of five lines or less, per annum, five
13 For time advertisements, apply
at this office.
"tSTLagal advertisements at statue
rates. J3TTot transient advertising, sea
rates on third page.
E3TA11 advertisements payable
130FFIGE, Eleventh St.. up stairs
in Journal Building. .
T kk. ms:
Per year ...
Six month
Three mouth
Single copies
. $' OO
. 1 OO
VOL. XIII.--N0. 87.
WHOLE NO. 661.
k -
t '
n f
Up-atairs in Gluck Building, 11th street,
Above the New hank.
12th Street, 2 doora i-t of lUmmond House,
Columbus, Neb. 49l-y
rR. 31. M.-IHEIKST'O:,
Oflice over corner of 11th anil North-?t.
All operation- first-class- and warranted.
11 KN'UY "WOOD, I'koi-'k.
t3TKvertliiiiK in rt-class style.
Also keep the best of cigars. b-.V
Office on oli M Columbus. Nebraska.
2 tf
(!. A. HILLI10UST,A. -M., M. IK,
tSTTwo Blocks south of Court House.
Telephone communication. -l.v
OJliee upstair- in McAllister's build
inj;. 11th M. W. A. McAllister, Notary
Attsrccy asi H:'.iry PsWe. Cslle-i-r.
Columbus, : : - Nebraska.
PAINTER.;e, house and sin painting,
i;lain;-, paper hanging, kalsoinining, etc.
done to onlei. .--hop on 13th fet., opposite
Engine House, Coluiubus, Neb. l-y
II tli St., nearly opp. Gluck's store,
Sells. Harness Saddles Collar, Whips,
Blankets, Curry Combs Brushes, do.,
at the." lowest po-oible prices. Repair
promptly attended to.
"t W. (i.AKU,
His lands comprise some line tract,
in the Shell Cieek VaIc, and the north
ern portion ot PI tte county. Taxes
paid for non-residents. Satisfaction
guaranteed. - v
Justiceof the Peace and
Notary Public.
itvit .Tiii.i.i:ra
Nebraska. N. B.-lle will gie
close attention to all business entrusted
tolnm. 248
All kinds or repairing done on short
notice. Hucvir.s Wacons, etc., made to
order, and all work guaranteed.
j3".SIioii. opposite the " Tatteisall."
)lie Street. '
Are prepared to furnish the public w th
good teams, bugaies nd carriages for all
occasions, e-peciall for 'literals. Also
conduct a feed and sale stable. 49
To remove houses :vt reasonable
rates. (iie It i III a (Mil.
vtotice to 'I'i:a'iii-:k..
J. E. Monnief. Co. Supt.,
Vill I'f in his oilice :.l the Couit Hoiife
u the first aturdny of each
uioutli for the purpose of examining
applicants for teacher's 4 ertiticates. ami
forthe transetton of .my other business
jiertaining to schools. ."t'.T-.
OI.I.MIUS lAlil '0.
CO I EM HI'S, - XEli.,
Packers and Dealers ir. -all kinds of Hoir
roduct, cash paid for Lie or Dead Hog
or irre.ise.
Directors.- R. H Henry, Pret.; John
Wiggins. See. and 'i'reas.; L. Gerrard, S.
Corj-. -,
Plans nd estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. i;.od work
guaranteed. Shop n ISth Street, near
t Paul Lumber Yird. Coliiinlin. Ne
braska. "ith.i"-
D.T. MaHT., M. D. F. -Ciui. M. D..
Deulscher Ariz.)
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surgeons Union Pacific and
O., N..t B. H. R. KV.
Wines, Ales. Cigars and Tobacco.
rrTSchilz's Milwaukee Beer constant-
V - lj- on hantl.jgj
a-kxth t., Columbus. Neb.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Havehadan extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunity tcestiniateforyou. JSTSbop on
13th St., one door west of Friedhof &
";o'. store. C olumbus. Xebr 4S3-V
Are prep:u-ed to receive and pay $.".00 per
ton for good clean ilax straw (free from
foreign substance) delivered on their
rrounds near the Creameri1, in Colum
bus Nebraska.
Q oluzstms, Dec 5, 18S2. 33-3m
National Bank!
Authorized Capital,
Cash Capital,
A. ANDEItSOX. Pres't.
SAM'L C. SMITH. Vice PresH.
O. T. ItOKN, Cashier.
.i.w. i:aki.v,
uobkkt iiilio.
Foreign and Inland Exchange, l-as-itfc
Tickcls, Beal "Estate, Loan anil Insurance.
General Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
R. R. Lauds for aale-al from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for caSh, orn five or ten years
time, in annual T?fc.ymeiits to suit pur
chasers. ' We. have also a large and
choi' lot of ottaerlands. imyraved and
unimproved, for'sale'at lovj-, price and
on reasonable YermiCrfA:-so business and
residence lots ftrthe city. IJTe keep a
complete abstract of title to tail real es
tate in Platte County. ,
;ohjiiiits, XFB.
Patent Roller Process
Because it makes a superior article of
bread, and is the cheapest Hour
in the market.
Err-ri sack toarranlcd to rim (iliJce. or
movry refunded.
Union Pacfia Land Office,
On Lnnif Time and lovx rate
of Interest.
All wlhi'Jg to buy Rail Road Lauds
or lmproed Farms will Hud it to their
advantage to call at the U. P. Lund
oilice before lookin elsewhere as 1
make a specialty of buying and selling
lands on commission; all persons wish
ing to sell farms or unimproved land
will tind it to their advantage to leave
their lands with me lor sale, as my fa
cilities for atl'ecting sales are unsur
passeil. I am prepared to make final
proof for all parties wishing to get a
patent for their homesteads.
JjSTHenry Cordes, Clerk, writes and
speaks Cerinai:
gt. I . P. Land Department,
Teas, Coffees,. Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
OooiIm "Wellvored Free to' any
- pnrt of the City.
Farm and Spring Wagons,
of which I keep a constant supply on
hand, but few their equal, lu style and
quality, second to none.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A. &2T. Depot,
Our Youiig Keaders.
A little sprite in bed-cown white.
Just fresh from Xodland's Isle,
Comes trailing' out with ready-made pout
And no sweet morning smile. ,
But in its place on weebrown faca
A blaek and ugly frown.
From rosy lips to tinger-tlps
I think the scowl went down
From turned-up nose to turned-out toot
Under the smdl night-xown.
O you criss-cross Biby!
- Vou criss-cross Baby:
You fretful, whining, peevish, plnin.
Criss-cross Baby!
Silent meeting mother's greeting
Of a bright "good morning;"
Ami, wors - than this, her proffered ktss
Treats with utter scorning.
She'll not be dressed, but stands confessed
As cross as cross niay be;
Then down she sits, and small brow knits.
What win the matter be
With this criss-cross Baby?
This cris-cross Ilaby!
This fretlul. whining, peevish, pining,
Criss-cross Baby I
Come, come, my dearl Your breakfast bora
Will get as cold us ice!
Here's toust si white, and butter bright,
With miik and honey nice.
V. hat's this you're crying, sobbing, sighing!
What fa amiss with your
Drops-the head emly, " I dot tip ' uriir
Well, eleitrly. that is true!
O you criss-cross Baby,
You criss-crosa Baby,
You fretful, whining, peevish, pining.
Criss-cross Baby!
Huston IVanterlpL
- m
"Lina!" "Go away." "Say, Liaa!"
" Rob, go away, I waut to read." "So
do T. Can't you lend mo 3'cttr book?"
"No, I can't. Stop your noise." "I
know you can't stop nry noise. You
told the truth that time. I'll keep still
if you'll play checkers with me." "I
want to read. 1 tell you. Do go coast
ing and let me alone." "Sled's
smashed." "Then you might go with
other boys on a bob-sled." "Suppose I
prefer to cultivate the society of my
sweet sister?" No answer. "Lina,
my dear, it isn't safe for you to be such
a book-worm, for fear you will get
stepped on. or some early bird will catch
Lina having re-read a single sentence
a dozen times, at least, gathered her
brow into an impatient frown. "O, my!"
said Rob, "your forehead's a regular
roailroad map! There's a grand trunk
lino from j'ottr bangs to tbe bridge of
your nose, and ever so many branch
roads and lightning express tracks."
"There! have it if you want to." cried
Lina, suddenly springing up and fling
ing the book angrily at Rob. "You are
the plagne of my life." " I don't want
it, ou kuow I don't; here, take it," an
swered Rob, seizing her sleeve to pre
vent her leaving the room, and trying
to make the book stay in her unwilling
But Lina, snatching herself away
from him, vas hurrying toward the
door when Rob with: "Here, you
needn't go, I'm off," vanished with
such haste that the slippers got left be
hind. Soon after, the outside door was
shut with a bang, and Rob, clearing the
fence with a whoop and a bound, raced
oft" down the street. Lina picked up her
book, and putting aside the feeling of
late repentance that came over her as
Rob disappeared, read on without inter
ruption until her mother entered and
said: "Limi, 1 wish you would go
down st reet and get half a dozen more
buttons like this one. I can finish Bes
sie's cloak to-night if I have them."
"Well, I suppose I must," answered
Liu::, reluctantly, running the remain
ing leaves of her book under her thumb
It was a long walk and Lina was gone
some time, but when she returned and
was Hurrying to the sewing-room with
the buttons, she was hailed from the
library and entering saw a little white
robed ligure with green leaves clinging
to it, arid scattered about it in great pro
fusion. "Why, Bessie' You haven't picked
these leaves off the plants have you?"
cried Lina in dismay, seeing the row of
naked geranium stalks in the window.
" I'se the babes in the woods," replied
the little one, gravely. "Iwosmos'
tovered up when you tame, now I "
" But what are 3011 here all alone for?"
interrupted Lina, for it was something
unusual for the little mischief of the
household to be left to her own sweet
will. "And what in the world are you
tied for?" added Lina, discovering a
cord connecting baby to a bracket on
the window-frame. '"'Spets auntie's
'faid I wim 'way," Bessie answered sol
emnh, after a thoughful glance at the
cord that bound her. She evidently did
not quite kuow whether to expect a re
buke or not, but after a careful surve3of
Lina's puzzled fsico she continued: " I
had to tome in here, tause I made
s'niuts noise, and, 'sides. Wob's sit."
"Rob's sick!" echoed sJLina. "Yes,
lawn time ado, units week, seems me,
men brought him home all white,1' and
Bessie's e3'es grew wide and frightened
at the remembrance.
Just then, Aunt Nan, passing, the
door on her wa3' tip-stairs, pausedrand
said in a relieved tone of voice: "I'm
glad you've come to look out for Bessie,
bhe was in the wa3' so, I had to tie her
thenMfhile we were all bus3 with Rob."
"What's happened to Rob, auntie?"
Lina at last found "j?ee to sa: "He
got a blow on the head. A bob-sled ran
into a truck wagon," and staviugfor no
more words Aunt Nan hurfieu softl3'
up-stnirs. and Lina, mechanically "re
leasing Be-ssic, seated herself in a low
rocker with the child in her lap.
"Why don't you say somefint?"
whispered fhe little oneafter she had
nestled her head down on Lina's
shoulder and been quiet for some time.
Receiving no answer, and connecting
her sister's silence and strange ex
pression with her brother's accident,
the little creature set about admin
istering comfort in her own WTiy. She
made no more direct remarks to Lina,
but. as if talking solely for her own
benefit, said, in a slow, dreamy under
tone: "1'se been up-stairs: Wob spote
to me once, he did; he smiled wite at
me. and said: 'Halloo, puss,' same's he
always does. 1 dess he's detting better,
I do."
After pausing to observe the effect of
this soliloquy upon Lina, she added:
"Yes. I really iint he jhms' be detting
better." But the quiet of the bouse, and
the lulling motion of the rocker proved
too much for Bessie, .and her comfort
ing assurances grew fainterand less fre
quent, till at last the white lids were shut
tight and she was fast asleep.
The long night wore avray at last, but
the da3''s silent monoton was scarcely
less hard to bear. Ro"b was in high
fever and delirious, and the household
settled down to a long, hard conflict
with death. Lina thought if she could
only do something for Rob she could
bear it better, but her mother never left
hisside, AuutNau was a host in herself,
and there was Nora, the help, besides,
so Lina's onl3 duty was to fake Bessie
over to Grandmother Holland's each
morning and bringher home at night
One day when she had. been to grand
ma's with Bessie, and returning had
reached her own gate, the carrier-boy
put the weekly paper into her hand, and-
as shs went slowly into the hese her
eyes fell upon these words iu the poet'a
If I had known in tbe morning.
How wearily all the day,
Th'i words unkind
Would trouble my mind,
I said when you went awiy,
I would then have been more ctreful.
Nor given you needless pain;
But we vex " our own
With look or tone.
We might never take back again.
For thougb in tbe quiet evening
You may give me the kiss of peace,
Yet It mltrht bo
Thst ue er to me
The pain of the heart should cease.
How many go forth in tbe morning
That never come home at night;
And hearts have broken
For harsh words spoken.
That sorrow eau novcr set right.
We have careful thoughts for the Strang.
And smiles for the sometime guest;
Yet oft for " our own"
Tbe bitter tone.
Though we love " our own " the best.
Ah! lips with tbe curve impatient;
Ah! b-nw with look of scorn;
'Twere a cruel fate
Wero the night too late
To undo the work of the morn.
" A cruel fate, indeed," thought Lina,
sadly, as she carefully cut the verses
from the paper and clasped them into
her Bible." "If Rob should die now,
I never could forget that impatient
words were the last I ever spoke to
him. O, 1 wish I had been kinder to
him always."
But Rob did not die then, and one
day during his convalescence, while
quietly watching Lina dust the sitting
room, he said: "Wrhat is that new song
of 3'ours, Lina? I 0UI3' catch a word
or two about -our own.'" "Saucy,
prying 003" cried Lina, tragically;
leveling her feather duster at him, I
won't tell you." " O, you just wait till
I get well," replied Rob, insinuating'.
Years later, Rob saw and read the
verses he was curious about, but even
then he could not tell wli3' Lina had
kept them so long and hummed them
so much, but he voted her the best
sister a bo3 ever had, whether the poem
had anything to do with it or not.
Angle M. Moffilt, in Congregationulist.
Pulling a Tooth.
"That tooth must come out," said
mamma. Because, 30U see, it was loose,
and there was auewtooth pushing right
along behind it.
"It'll hu-urt!" said Callie, with a
doleful quaver.
"Not much, I guess," answered
mamma, cheerfully. "Open 3'our mouth,
dear," and she managed to tie a strong
linen thread around the tooth before
Callie shut her mouth again, tight.
"Ica-aw have it pulled!" said she.
"Very well," said mamma, vexed a
little, " 3'ou must keep the string around
it until 3ou can."
Then Callie's trials began. Papa was
going over to the village, and he said
Callie might go with him. But how
could she, with that awful string hang
ing out of her mouth?
"Ma3' be I can pull it, now," said
Callie. "Count ten, mamma."
"One-two-three-four- live-six -seven-eight-nine-t-e-n,"
counted mamma, with
long pauses.
"Oh, I can't!" cried Callie.
And she didn't; and papa went to the
village without her.
It was almost Fourth of July, and
there was to be a picnic in the grove,
and Nannie Slater said her mother was
going to make curraut-pies; Callie
liked currant-pies above everything
else, to eat.
But 3-011 can't go to the picnic with
that string." said mamma.
So, one day, Callie went out on the
door-step and sat down to think it over.
Joe was splitting wood in the 3ard. Joe
was papa's chore-boy.
" I'll tell Vou how to pull it," said he.
"How?" asked Callie.
" Hitch it to the door-knob and then
open the door," said Joe. "If you're
'fraid 'twill hurt, you needn't open it
but a little."
" Well, I will," said Callie; and she
tied one e.d of her "tooth-string" to
the door-knob. But it wasn't a mite of
use. for when jhe opened the door she
walked right in after it.
J.oe's e3Tes began to laugh.
"I guess I'll get a drink of water,"
said he. He went in, and pretty soon
he wanted to come out again.
"Go e-easy! o-oh!" screamed Callie.
But Joe didn't go a bit easy. He
banged the door open so quick that Cal
lie couldn't keep up with it. And there
hung her tooth on the door-knob.
"What made 3-011?" she demanded,
and she sat down to cry about it. But
when she found it didn't bleed the least
mite, nor hurt any, she began to laiMh
instead. JP
" Anyway, now I can go to thRcnic
and have some currant-pie,' said,
"and that's one i'-comfort JYoidis1
Remarkable Results in the Red Hirer
f- Valley.
The magnificent agricultural results
achieved in the Red River Valle3' in
Northwestern Minnesota and North
eastern DaMfa, have caused such a tide
of emignjMn to the fJtWTred region that
the Govermuent lands which are availa
ble under the Pre-emption, Homestead
and Tree-culture acts are nearly all oc
cupied. As an instance of the immense
inllux of settlers, the Grand Forks land
district, which covers 111 townshJpRu
tnc northeastern portion of DajjfPwas
established in 1880, and of yJKtal 2,
457,440 acres onty 2G6,2fijpRores re
mained untakeu on fle 1, 1882.
During the first yearjRJ, there were
l.OG-.V-'HO acres takBrp, and in 1881
there were 1, 128,940)069 entered upon.
Premising that each settler took an
much land as he in entitled to under the
Government laws, an interesting calcu
lation of lafrincrease iu population car
be madeiSI
Every settler has a right, to either a
pre-emption and a tree-culture claim,
or the latter iu connection with a home
stead, each combination amounting to
"120 acres. But on3' one tree-claim can
be taken in a section, hence theqf were
:.428 of such claims available.and taken
in the district, each representing an in
dividual. The figures, hpwever, indi
cate but one-third of the new comers,
as, after the fortunateSettler has taken
his homestead or prel-emption and tree
claim, there still remain two morequar
ter sections procurable under the other
acts. Thus on the 2,101,178 acres, or
3,423 sections, entered through the
Grand Forks office, there must have
been noJess than 10,269 individuals, and,
allowing only three persons as the aver
age number in a settler's family, it is
seen that 30,807 people have'found
.homes in this prolific district, which
covers an area of only about fortj'-two
b3' ninety miles, during the past two
seasons. Supposing that each of these
10,269 freeholders has forty acres in
wheat, a total of 8,215,200 bushels
would be produced at twenty bushels
per acre. Surety it is time the Turtle
Mountain Indians made way for civilization-
St. Paul Pionttr Press.
The Snez Canal.
When Napoleon sent his engineers to
take the levels across the Isthmus of
Suez in order to determine the practica
bility of digging a canal through tite
sand for commercial purposes, they
made out that the surface of the Gulf of
Suez was thirty feet higher than the
Mediterranean, and so the project was
for the time given up. The blunder in
Ihe survey was not discovered until
1840, when new schemes began to be
agitated for cutting a ship channel that
would shorten the voyage from Europe
to India and the East'by almost the en
tire distance around the continent of
In 1854 M. de Lesseps formed a canal
company and obtained a grant from the
Viceroy of Eg3'pt lor ninety-nine 3'ears.
The scheme was looked upon with sus
picion by British engineers and British
capitalist and the inception and prose- meal and are about leaving, tilt them
cution of the enterprise were largely jw, back in their chat anrt com.
cue to the trench. In 18oi the work
was oegun, ami ten years later tne
- m
Aicu uva tftui nit; iiicuuviiauuaii iiiui. ill
Ai. .in . ,..r. ii ...... .........rkn . ...
the Bitter Lakes.
The 1 total length ol
the canal is not far from 100 miles.
about sevent3'-five miles of the course
being formed b3 excavation and twent3 -five
miles lying through the shallow
lakes of the isthmus, which, in many
places, required deepening. The onli
nar' width of the canal is 32.1 feet at tho
surface aud seventy-two feet at the bot
tom, the depth of the water being
twenty-six feet. There are no locks
throughout its course, and its termini
are Suez, at the entrance to the Gulf of
Suez on the south, from which point
there are railroads to Cairo and Alex
andria aud a " fresh-water canal" to
the Nile, and Port Said at the margin of
the Mediterranean on the north. The
building of an artificial harbor at each
terminus, with the necessary protec
tions, was reckoned a greater under
taking than the excavation of the canal
The work was formally opened on the
17th of November, 1869, and on the
25th it was publicty announced that
Lord Beaconstield had purchased from
Ismail Pasha, who had become viceroy
of Egypt under the title of Khedive,
176,602 out of the 400,000 shares of 20
each. The Bum paid was 4.080,000,
and the commissions to the Rothschilds
and other expenses of the transaction
amounted to about 100,000 more. B3'
the terms of transfer the Government
receives interest at five per cent, on the
shares till the -ear 1894, after which it
is to receive the full dividends. There
are three members of tho Board of Di
rectors representing the interest of the
British Government, one of whom is a
resident director in Paris, where he has
hitherto acted in perfect accord with
the French majority in the director)'.
The following table, compiled b)' the
New York World, shows the enormous
tratlic that has passed through the canal
aud paid tolls since it was opened:
Year. Vcwel. To:naije. Receipts.
1S7J 48J 435,911 $1,031,865
ife'l 765 76M7 ,79S,74$
1873 1,033 1.4XMG9 3.281,513
1873 1.173 2,035,073 4.579.IW
187 1.281 2.423J72 3,971,877
1875 1,491 2.1M0.703 5. 777,20)
187C 1,457 3,072,107 5.095,000
1S77 1,663 . 3.418.PI9 e,:m,869
1878 1.593 8,201.535 6,219,fU6
1818 1,477 3J.9I2 5,H37,212
HM) .2.023 4,344,519 6,W.000
1881 2,7J7 5,701,000 10,251,800
In 1870 England furnished 64 per
cent of the tonnage which sought
that channel; in 1871, 65; iu 1872, 70;
in 1873, 69; In 1874 and in 1875, 71; in
1876, 73; in 1877, 78; in 1878, 79; in
1879, 77; in 1880, 79; and last year 82
per cent, or more than four-fifths of the
whole amount.
It will readily be seen that although
England does not own a controlling in
terest in the corporation, she is never
theless under superior obligation to keep
the canal open to commerce. When the
Russo-Turkish war broke out in 1877
there were fears lest Russia, taking ad
vantage of the fact that the canal' was
in the territor)' of a Turkish dependen
cy, might seize or blockade it, but En
gland lost no time in declaring that the
canal should be neutral, ami in pointing
out the fact that its unobstructed navi
gation was essential to every State in
Europe. That necessit3' still exists, and
upon Great Britain, as the power that
can least afford to have the highway to
India closed, falls tho burden of re
straining Arahi Pasha and his anii3' to
such an extent that they shall not have
the ability to interfere with the canal.
Detroit Post and Tribune.
Manners at Table.
Is there a code of proper conduct con
nected with one's knife and fork, one's
spoon and glass and plate at the table?
In 4V Alt !sl.f- - It an ra j-k Vifkl rl s.i va - I r 4 rv
Dyh wo d ifitwuliay
unless it were tightly secured ?-to play
with your bread and crumble it all over
the place, when 3ou are not eating it as
if for dear life all through the pauses
between the various dishes? to hold up
your knife and fork in mid-air. suspend
ing operations while 3'ou talk to 3'our
neighbor, dancing your food on tiie
point of the prongs till 3ou have fin
ished your remarks? Or, if 3011 do not
do this, then industriously endeavoring
to do two things at once, eating while
3'ou talk, talking while you eat, to the
imminent danger of accidents better im
agined than described? Yet man
worth' souls and well-dressed bodies
commit these abominations with light
hearts and a clear conscience. Also
man' drink with their mouths full, as
well as shovel in supplies on supplies
before they have disposed of the first or
half-masticated the second all of which
are sin against the moralit3 of the din
ner table, so far as the best law-givers
have as 3'et gone ou the sub cct.
To refrain from picking bones with
one's fingers and not to eat with one's
knife are of the ven' elements of good
breeding; and the first lesson taught in
ever3 well-conditioned household is that
these are table sins which nothing can
excuse. We have seen ladies at hotel
tables hold their chicken boue or cutlet
shank between their daint3 fingers and
thumbs while they gnaw off the meat
with their pearl3 teeth as neatly as
would Fido, the lap-dog. Then the3
will suck their lingers one after another,
and wipe the residue on their napkins,
smiling and glorious, conscious that
the3 have left no waste, and enjo3'ed to
the last fiber the good things provided
for them.
This monotonous use of the fork and
craven fear of the vulgarit3' h'ing in the
spoon seems to us simple table snob
ber). It is a well-Known axiom that the '
fork is to be used in preference to the
spoon when possible and convenient. .
But the people who use it always when !
scarcely possible and decidedh; incon- j
venient are people so desperately
afraid of not doing the right thing that
the) do the wrong out of fear of " Mrs. 1
Is it not better to use a spoon where j
slipperiness is an element! Some peo-
pie hunt their ices with a fork, and oth- '
era stick their small trident into jelly at
the risk of seeing the whole thing slip 1
cfl' like a gobl-colored soak. I
We sometimes see people put little
heaps of salt on the table-cloth by the
side of their plate, into which they dip
radishes, and sometimes the edge of a
piece of meat. This goes along with
resting the elbows on the tabid and
reaching across one's neighbor to" help
themselves to a dish that just suits
their taste, and they cannot wait to be
We see these things done at restauranl
tables more frequently than anywhere
else, and we presume it is because they
pay for what tliey get and do not con
sider it incumbent upon them to be po
lite there.
Another thing we see that is wholly
unpardonable the .use of tooth-picks
where another person is still eating.
This we think is the worst feature of
all. Many a time have we turned from
our food with dislike for it, caused by
seeing those who having finished their
selves back
in their chair ana
mence the
iirncpsa tt nlonnincr
teeth with a tooth-pick. Of course it is
. . -
soldmri that, tvnmnn r orniltir nf tliia
unpardonable act, and tLose having
the least delicacy of feeling will never
do it
There is no reason why politeness
should not l.o carried to the public ta
ble, nor Avh it should be taught onh' at
the home table. It is at the public ta
ble where good breeding tells; and per
haps in no better wa3 than the graceful
handling of knife, fork and spoon.
Itural New Yorker.
The Wolf as a Reformer.
One da3' a Wolf, who had been pon
dering deeply for a whole week, start
ed out ou a walk through tho Forest.
Meeting a Jackal, he said:
" My Friend, pause for a little time
while 1 give 3"ou a few words of ad
vice. You are a cross, snarling creat
ure, hated by men and "despiseuby all
the Creatines of the Forest- Let me"
hope that 3'ou will mend 3'our ways and
"Ho! ho! ho! but 3'ou are a pretty
specimen to give me advice!" sneered
the Jackal. "Wiry, it isn't a mouth
since you devoured an old woman and
chased a Professor of Elocution into the
The Wolf passed on until he met a
H)-ena. B3 that time he had recovered
his cheek, and he worked up a sad,
sweet smile and observed:
"My dear Mr. Hyena, )'ou would be
an ornament to society if 3-ou would
cut vour nails and clean 3'oiir teeth.
Let me hope that )'ou will cease 'our
depredations and become an honest,
conscientious animal."
That's nice Ltlkfrom an old wretch
who lies iu ambush for children!" re
plied the Hyena. " Why, if I was half
as meau as you are I'd want some dy
ing' Jack-Rabbit to kick me to death!"
The Wolf next met a Fox, and after
the usual salutations regarding the
backward condition of the crops the
Reformer began:
"M3- Friend, I feel it my duty to ad
vise you to quit stealing spring chick
ens aud get jour living in an honest
manner. Show the world that 3'ou
want to be good and respectable and
3'ou will soon be beloved and honored."
"Taffy!" grinned Reynard "taffy
on a chip! You old villain, )'ou'd bet
ter own up to some of the dozen mur
ders 3'ou have committed'"
Th'e Wolf next met an Owl, and when
they had compared notes on the Malley
trial the Reformer said:
"M3' dear friend, why is it that
neither the Jackal, the Hyena nor the
Fox will receive my advice to reform?"
"My venerable fellow traveler,"
slowly replied the Owl. " reform should
begin at home. Wash up get rid of
3'our bad breath clean out your den
quit stealing and murdering drill
some decenc3' into 'our own family,
and then come and see us."
It is the mon in State Prison
most lament the wickedness of
siders. Detroit Free Press.
The Exploits of a Pet Hen.
One of our Marion County lady friends
had a pet hen which felt quite at home
anywhere in the house. Quarterly
meeting was close at hand ami the
preacher was coming; eggs were scarce,
and onh; a few dozen could be had.
The lail was flying aiound in a great
huny getting read) to cook up the cake
and other nice things, while the hen
was poking around in the house hunt
ing for a suitable placj to make herself
a nest; she decided that the wash-bowl,
sitting on the water-shelf, was the very
place, but before she could be suitably
r?.e bowl fell to the lie
' Jke in o a thousand p es.
lioor ana
vexed our lady friend a little, but she
kept her temper like a Christian, and
went on about her work. It wasn't
long before the hen had tumbled from
the table to the Hoor a whole set of
I plates. This would have been a sore
trial to patient old Job. but the lady
' went on with her work, humming
"Sweet-by-and-b3'," to keep up hei
spirits. Now the new spring hat sat on
the center table in one of the rooms,
where some of the lady neighbors who
I had dropped in to see it had left it, and
it was on the bandbox the lad)" had in
her huny set a pan with five dozen
eirgs (all that she had to make cakes
for the preachers) and hurried into the
store-room. The pet hen came piroute
ing around in the room, and right into
the pan of eggs she nestled, and. of
course, the bandbox, pan and eggs all
tumbled to the floor. There was a gen
eral mixture that is, the eggs and the
hat became one and the same. When
the lady, attracted by the noise, got to
the door and saw the condition of things,
she was m-id, good mad, very mad. She
could afford for the wash-bowl and new
plates to be broken, but for all the
eggs she had to go into the cak
to be broken, and the hat ever
lastingly ruined, was too much for her
Christian resignation, and, in the lan
guage of "Uncle" Steve Pearson, when
tho hog turned over his sirup, she
wanted to turn over the house. The
lady weighs considerably oer a hun
dred, and the da)' was warm, but she
ran that hen down, and mentally vowed
that the preacliers should cat her. For
safe-keeping the hen was put in a strong
coop. In an hour the hen was found in
' the wood-box, setting in the corner of
the room, and there were found two
1 This is a fact, and he who
must consult our lighting
Marion County (Ga.) Argus.
doubts it
A man while looking from the win
dow of an emigrant car near L3ons, N.
Y.. the other da3, had his hjad crushed
by some object along the road, and died
shortly afterward.
A Washington reporter has a new
synonym or tisuro of speech for a
grave. He calls it
tent whose ourtain
the low, greuu
nivr' uutwui'j
A Monster Watermelaa.
As a general thing, it Is a difficult mat
ter to send a ripple across the placid
bosom of this quiet community, but just
now there is visible a simmer of excite
ment and expectancy. Mr. John Miller,
the "boss watermelon raiser," hasa melon
which will be ripe by Saturday, and
which for size is expected to eclipse all
his fornfer productions and take the cake
from the whole State. The melon is six
weeks old, and has grown to an enormous
size, and has not yetcalled a halt. It
now weighs over sixty-five pounds, and it
is expected that by the time it ripens it
will weih over seventy, and it may goto
scventy-hve. The melon is of the "Cuban
Queen variety, and isshortand "square
shouldered." In appearance it resembles
the rattlesnake melon except that it is
not as ''long drawn out," being shorter
and longer around. The largest water
melon that Mr. Miller has ever raised
heretofore was a sixty-four pounder,
which was raised a year or two ago, and
which, when cut into sections like a
barrel-hoop and the pulp removed, left a
rind through which the body of a large
man could easily be slipped. In fact,
your correspondent saw Mr. Miller slip a
section of the rind over his head and
hotly. This feat was easily accomplished,
although Mr. Miller weighs in the neigh
borhood of 200 iounds. The next largest
that he ever raised wasasixt'-two pound
melon, which was raised in the year
preceding that iu which the sixty-four
pound melon was raised. This stead3
increase in the size of his brag melons,
from sixty-two to a probable seventy-five
pound melon, leads one to
wonder where the end will
Iw. Your correspondent asked
Mr. Miller to give him the secret
of his success. Taking the scribe by the
arm he led him into the patch, where
the vines ran in every direction, and the
bees buzzed about the yellow bloom,
while the big mellons looked lazy as
their backs, streaked with green and yel
lowish white, lay upturned to the sun.
The ground was covered with straw, and
the finest melons were just visible through
the straw that was piled about them
to hide them from the burning rays of
the August . sun. Beside each of fhe
largest melons were sticks stuck in the
ground to show how fast the melon was
growing and when it had stopped grow
ing an evidence that it was ripe. As
Mr. Miller passed through the patch he
reached down and "pulled" a shabby
looking specimen about twice the size of
aonan head. The newspaper man no
ticed, also, that there were quite a num
ber of the smaller melons lying around
loose in the patch, and accordingly inquired-the
cause of such an apparently
wanton destruction of melons.
"If I get two melons to the vine I am
satisfied," replied Mr. Miller. "I try to
make my vines bring me an average of
two melons, hut I will not take even two
at the sacrifice of their size. I pulled
that melon because it is' dwarfish. It
would never be anything itself, but it
would damage the big melon you see
over there near the root of the. vine. I
believe in the survival of the fittest,
therefore the bad melons must go to the
wall. You ask me about the secret of
my success. Thero is no secret about it.
The old farmers shake their heads and
say there is some secret alxmt my way of
cultivating my crops, but I tea you if
there is any secret it is the secret of hard
work and common sense. I go into this
piece of ground to plant my melon patch,
and I dig the holes ten feet
apart and about nine inches
deep. Into each hole, which I
make about two or three feet
across, I put a shovelful of stable ma
nure. I then go around the hole with mv
shovel and throw in the top earth, which
I thoroughly mix up with the manure in
the hole. Then I plant the seed, and
when the vines come on I prune them
and take care of them iu a careful, sensi
ble sort of way. I know when a vine
needs pruning by its appearance, but I
could not describe it to you to save my
life. I simply know it, and that's the
end of it. I know this much, that if
you prune a vine when it does not need
it you injure it, and if you do not prune
it when it needs it it will be injured. This
is all I can tell you. It is a secret that
will have to be learned by actual ex
perience, and I could not teach it to you
in a dozen years, unless I could show you
the vines when they needed pruning.
Then, as I told you, I pull the sorry
melons and throw them away, so that
they will not be a useless drain on the
"Do you ship melons away?"
"I sell all my melons right here at
Stone Mountain. What is the use in
shipping melons when I can take them
down the street here and sell them at
from 50 cents to $1 apiece? Young man,
let me give you a secret that is a secret.
I can tell you how I sell my melons for
three or four times as much as other peo
ple get for theirs. People like anything
that looks nice. Therefore, when I pull
my nice melons my blooded melons,
you may say I pack them, stem down
ward, in my wagon body an long as one
will go in with just one layer. I pack
fresh-looking straw in the bottom and
around the sides and on top, and when I
drive my team into town my melons
look fine .as they lie in the wagon body
like eggs in a case. I never Jet a man or
boy touch one of them. If a man comes
up to buy a melon, I let him look at
them and.pick out the one that he wants,
and I sell it to him, guaranteeing it to be
all right, and I Have never yet bad one
brought back to .me." Atlanta, Ga.,
A. Bosniac on Bankruptcy.
While one of the Bosniac delegates
who waited upon the Emperor Franz
Josef at the Hofburg, a few weeks ago,
was staying in Vienna, the owner of the
hotel in which he lodged become a bank
rupt Hearing of his host's mishap, the
worthy Beg sought an explanation of the
term 'bankruptcv," and, having thor
oughly mastered its meaning, proceeded,
on his return to his native village, to im-
fart his information to sundry of the
'aithful, his near relatives and close
family connections. "This, O my broth
ers," he observed, "is the true and proper
way to become a bankrupt First )ou
must hire a shop. Then you write to
rich merchants in. far-distant cities, In
viting them to forward their wares to
you for sale, and pledging yourself to
pay them within a few months. As
Boon as you fehall receive sufficient mer
chandise you mustsell it for cash or hide
it carefully away. Then you must go to
the Judge and say to him, "Beloved of
Allah 1 I am a bankrupt. Here are five
pounds. They are all I have in the
world." The Judge will keep four of
the five pounds and proclaim your bank
ruptcy; the other pound will be divided'
among those who supplied you with
goods." Later on you will' remove to an
other town, and begin this good and easy
business over again. Thus may the pass
ing bitterness of. insolvency be converted
into the abidlng'sweetness of a comforta-'
ble independence. Be chesm I Upon my
head be it!" London- Daily Telef.afk.
Confederate $1,000 bills have lately
been selling in Atlanta, Ga,, for $2, and
$ 100 bills for 25 cents.
During tho past fiscal year 46,633
agricultural patents were issued from
the General Land Office at Washington.
Chicago Journal
A statistician estimates that the
people of the United States have to pay
twent)-three dollars a minute for Con
gress while in session.
The crops of cotton and corn ia
Texas will be the largest ever raised in
the State. The acreage of cotton is 23,
450 acres over last year, and of corn
40,850 acres. St. Louis Globs.
The root and herb establishment in
Carroll Count)-, Va., is said to be tho larg
est on this continent, 8,000 pounds of
roots being taken in every week.
Within a radius of thirty miles there
are over 2,000 varieties of medicinal flo
ra, of which over 1,200 specimens have
been collected.
The Suez Canal is ono of tho most
valuable pieces of property in the
world. The net profits last year were
over $5,000,000. This was an increase
of over 23 per cent over the profits of
the previous 3ear. Each ship that
passes through the. canal pavs a little
over 20 cents a ton. N Y. Herald.
During the past six months 92 per
sons, aged 90 and upward, died in Phil
adelphia. Of these 17 were men and 75
were women. Fjve of the women were
centenarians, and one man, the oldest
of the lot, was James McTague, who
bad reached the ago of 109. Thero
were also 178 men and 311 women who
were SO or beyond it when death called
them away. These statistics prove that
women are the longest lived. Philadel
phia Br cord.
Tho coal-fiolds of Alabama cover
10.860 square miles, and the coal is all
bitumiuuous, but differs widely in qual
ity. The best coal iu the State, and iu
fact in the United States, being fully
e.uial to English cannel coal, is the
Montuvnllo coal. No industry in the
State has had so rapid a growth as tho
coal industry. In 1872 ont)-10,000 tons
were mined in the State; in 1879 the
annual output had been swelled to 290,
000 tons'; in 1880 to 310,000 tons, and
in 1881 to 400.000 tons. -Chicago Times.
The overseers of the poor in Boston
have $525,828 in trust funds, the in
come of which is annually distributed
for specific purposes, in accordance
with the desires of the donors, or dis
posed of b)- the overseers for the best
interests of those whom the3 deem en
titled to receive it. The largest of
these funds is the " David Sears char
ity," amounting to $260,645. Other
largo funds are the Boylston education
fund, amounting to 8120,181, and the
Pemberton general fund, amounting to
Shallow men believe in luck; strong
men believe in cause and effect.
You can have what 3'ou like in this
world, if you will but liko what you
Said a fond husband to his wife:
"My dear, I think I'll buy you a. little
dog." "Oh. no!" she replied, "do
not! I prefer giving )ou all my affec
tions!" Progress.
Here lies a man whose earthly race Is ruu;
He raised tho hammer of a Towllng gun.
And blew into the muzzle Just lecuuse
He wished to kuow If it was loaded and It
S-nn'rcUIt Journil.
Mr. Editor: Will you please answer
who was "David's wite's mother?" and
you will greatly- obligu a reader. Liz
zie. Certainly, with plesisure. David's
wife's mother was David's mother-in-law.
Philadelphia Nt ivs.
An accordeon factory at Long Isl
and, N. Y., was destroyed b3' fire a few
days ago. The police are looking for
the incendiary. It is supposed tho peo-
Ele want to present him with a valua
lo testimonial. -Norrittoum Herald.
Gus De Smith called at a very fash
ionable house on Austin avenue a few
days ago and acted so quecrly that
when that lady's husband came homo,
she said: "What is the matter with
young De Smith? He acted so strange
ly. 1 think there must be a screw
loose about him somewhere." "Reck
on not I saw him this morning, aud
he was tight all over." Texas SiJ lings.
A store up-town has a sign which
reads: "This is a tin-storo." An old
inebriate staggered in recently, and aft
er a good deal of fumbling in his pock
et, put five cents on the counter. "What
do you want?" asked the proprietor,
indignantl). "Wa-wa-want a-a d-d-d-drink!"
"This is not a liquor saloon!"
said the proprietor, with awful empha
sis. "Wha-wha-what! ' said the drunk
en man, astonished. "WI13, Jo-Jo-Jones
said I could get a horn here!"
N Y. Tribune.
A good adviser sa3's: " Next to the
love of her husband, nothing so crowns
a woman's life with honor as the devo
thn of a son to her. We never knew a
boy to turn out badly who began by fall
ing in love with his mother. Any man
may fall in love with a fresh-faced girl,
and the man who is gallant to the girl
may cruelly neglect the poor and weary
wife in after 3'ears. But the big boy
who is a lover of his mother at middle
age is a true knight, who will love his
wife in the sere-leaf autumn as he did
In the daisied spring. There is nothing
so beautifully chivalrous as the love of a
big boy for His mother. Boys, think of
Sympathetic and Combative.
' It is not often that one finds the
sympathetic and combative elements of
Irish character more finely blended than
they are in the following stor3':
"Teddy Kelly was emplo3'ed as a
section hand on a railroad, lu an mi'
guarded moment he undertook to occu
p) the main track instead of allowing
the priorit" to an express train that was
overdue. After tin- train passed it was
discovered that Teddy had been disfig
ured almost be3'ond" recognition. His
Emerald coadjutors gathered around
the remains, bemoaned the untimely
taking off of their comrade, and re
marked what a pity it was that the poor
fellow should have been so horribly
mangled. After their Hood of grief had
spent its force it w:ts suggested that ono
of their number be sent to break the
sad news as tenderly a- possible to Mrs.
Kelly. Mr. Patrick Dolan was unani
mously elected to perform this mourn-"
ful service He hurriedly betook hinw
self to the Kelly mansion and knocked
at the door with enough severit) to sug
gest the hurling of a young thunder
bolt In a'few moments the woman of
the house was in the presence of the
visitor, and the following conversation
"Dolan -Is the Widdv Kelly in?'
"Woman -No; the Widdy Kelly
does'nt live here, but I'm Mrs. Kelly.'
"Dolan 'You're a liar, for the corusa
is just conihi' around the corner!
'htr Continent-