The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 27, 1882, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27, 1882.
Entered at the Post-office, Columbus,
Neb., as second class matter.
The business failures in New York
city the last week number 208.
Some of the southern papers have
nominated Jeff. Davie for president
in 1884.
The holiday recesB of congress ex
tends from December 22d till Jan
uary 2d.
Gov. Cleveland, of New York, has
appointed S. J. Til den, jr., aid de
camp on his staff.
Oub thanks are due to Senator Van
"Wyck for a copy of the testimony
taken by the Tariff Commission.
Nicholas Rinke, a German, was
run over and instantly killed the other
day by a freight train at Grand Island.
Thbse vessels have recently been
wrecked on the coast of Scotland, re
salting in the drowning of the crews.
Mrs. Jones, of Yincennes, Ind., on
her way the other day to a son's
funeral, was thrown from a train and
Fortress Monroe is the largest
single 'fortification in the world, and
said to have already cost more than
Jersey City haB recently been vis
ited by flocks of owls, and they have
begun the work of exterminating the
English sparrows.
The cotton factory at Brownsville,
Tenn., burned on the 22d. Lobs $75,
000. One hundred hands are thrown
out of employment.
Hon. G. W. Lambertson, of Lin
coln, has been appointed by the Pres
ident U. S. district attorney for the
district of Nebraska.
The house made a very sudden
change and reconsidered its action
and adopted resolutions providing for
the usual holiday recess.
A vert large number of petitions
have been presented in the senate for
the increase of pensions to one-armed
and one-legged soldiers.
Later news from Washington states
-that the President has fvithdrawn the
nomination of G. M. jjambertson for
district attorney of Nebraska.
The majority for Begole for Gov
ernor of Michigan is 4,571. The Re
publican state ticket, except governor,
waB elected by QLQQO majority.
In one of hisijigfr rhstor1ekflightB
the editor of tfie Omaha lleraldTskjB
that the 'democratic party is like
Providence. Oh God, what a god.
A very high tide, which followed
the recent furious tempest, haB cauBed
much damage to railroads on the
shores of Conception Bay, Newfound
land. Secretary Folger haB decided that
Sandwich Islands sugar is manufac
tured according to the terms of the
treaty, and entitled to entry free of
The British bark Langrigg Hall
struck on the Turker rock off the
coast of "Wexford ; twenty-four of the
crew were drowned and only two
According to recent reports they
have a very bad man at Lincoln by
the name of Barnell, now under arrest
for an unnatural assault upon his own
, daughter.
"There has never been in Amer
Omaha Republican.
-Rj-'J. Alexander has been nomi
nated for congress by the democrats
of the Seventeenth Ohio district to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of
Hon. J. F. Updegraff.
Thos. Doyle and Katie A. Morgan,
elopers, blew out the gas in a Roches
ter, New York hotel the other night,
and were suffocated to death. Ignor
ance is not always bliss.
President Arthur has nominated
Rev. C. C Pierce, of Illinois, to be
chaplain of the Ninth regiment of
cavalry, and J. C. Bancroft Davis to
be judge of the court of claims.
Claude McSlyter, son of the aud
itor elect of Howard county, Ind., is a
fugitive, charged with the forgery of
notes to the amount of $3,000. The
money was used in speculations.
For the first time we saw laet Sat
urday a living mountain owl. His
eyes were large and attractive, and his
feathers nearly white. It wasn't the
editor of the Omaha Republican.
As the clerk at N. K. Fairbank &
Cos lard refinery, St. Louie, was
crossing the street in the evening to
pay off the workmen he was set upon
by four men and robbed of $1,300.
The Supreme Court at Washington
the other day denied habeas corpus in
the political assessment case of Curtis,
and affirmed the constitutionality of
the law under which he was convicted.
At Parksville, Kansas, J. D. Hast
ings, professor of languages in Park
college, was found dead in his room
having committed 6uicide by strang
ling with & cord fastened to the
A big fire broke out the other even
ing in Jas. D. Warren's building, in
Buffalo, N. Y., destroying the build
ing, which cost $75,000. Other valu
able buildings and furniture were
destroyed, estimated at $175,000.
Alfred Clock, aged 70, an old res
ident of New York, was taken in band
by bnnko men Thursday of last week,
and fleeced out of $8,578. This makes
a strong case in favor of the fact that
all the "old fools' are not dead.
The Republican party,' divested of
its third-termers and bosses, its dead
beats and robbers, its machine politi
cians and ringsters (and it is getting
rid of them as fast as time can move)
will be found to possess vital resour
ces and to be moving in the right
direction. Cincinnati Commercial. . .
The Rochester, N. Y., City Bank
closed its doors the other morning.
There is said to be a deficiency of
$50,000. C E. Upton, president of the
bank, it is FAid has bsen using the
funds to carry on oil speculations.
Greenwald, Rosenberg and Myers,
Philadelphia jewelers, are in priBon
charged with defrauding New York
firms out of $28,000, by purchasing
goods, disposing of them, feigning
bankruptcy, and settling at 10 cents
on the dollar.
Judge Blodget sentenced SimB,
the Indianapolis pension-crook, to five
years in the penitentiary. Now if the
fraudulent pensioners are stirred up,
Uncle Sam may save some money to
increase the pension of the true and
deserving soldier.
J. A. Wilson, treasurer of De Witt
county, 111., comraifted suicide the
other day by hanging himself with a
halter. He had been speculating
largely on grain, and hia losses are
supposed to be heavy. He was re
garded as worth $50,000.
The following sentiment of Ben.
Butler is commended to the prayerful
consideration of the editors of the
Lincoln Journal and Omaha Repub
lican: "It is impossible for the press
to successfully antagonize a conscien
tious public sentiment."
The case of Mrs. Scoville, adjudged
insane recently at Chicago aud then
granted a new trial, has been stricken
from the docket by agreement. It. is
believed by counsel that this action
would end the domebtic troubles of
the Scovilles in the courts.
Last week three days continuous
rain caused great floods in Washing
ton Ty. and Oregon; mills, nouses
and biidgas were carried away. The
Pendleton river rose so rapidly that
dwellers in some districts were forced
to take refuge in the trees.
At a dance-house the other morn
ing in Leadville, two men named
Miller and Cumraings began firing at
each other, the latter and a spectator
named Rearick, whose home is at
Victoria,!!!., receiving mortal wounds,
Miller escaping without a scratch.
R. D. Whitehead, who came to
this state to look after Maggie Hen
necke, telegraphed the other day to
the father of the missing girl that
nothing could be learned in Hastings
and that Brown, who claims to have
found the three abductors, has gone
to Iowa.
While the cijjiUsswkeiH was
penjiiffgj-enBtor Van Wyck's amend
ment was agreed to, striking out the
words "as far as possible," so as to re
quire that the apportionment of offices
among the states and territories shall
be made absolutely on the basis of
Changes in the English cabinet are
completed, and the following minis
ters have taken the oath of office be
fore the queen in office : Lord Derby,
secretary of(6tate for the colonies;
Kimberly, secretary for India ; Hart
ington, for war ; Cbilders, chancellor
of the exchequer.
The chairman of the congressional
committee on public buildings does
not think any new bills will be in
troduced for the construction of pub
lic buildings. Right again. Lower
the expenses, watch the leaks, catch
the thieves, punish 'the rogues, and
save the people's money.
The Omaha Republican says "Sen
ator Saunders has introduced a bill to
authorize the conatrnction of a bridge
between Omaha and Council Bluffs.
We are in favor of a high board
fence." Some people would not take
the remark of the Republican as favor
able to a spirit of public improvement.
Boston has a ca6e believed to be
genuine leprosy, developed in the
alms house at Salem. Chas. Derby,
the victim, arrived from San Francis
co a week ago. Derby is well edu
cated, and for some years was chief
botanist at Honolulu to Queen Emma.
He has been isolated, and his cloth
ing burned.
A. A. Kendall of St. Paul declares
himself in favor of Judge Dundy of
Falls City for U. S. Senator. While
some of the Valentine post-masters
are urging the necessity of uniting
upon a north Platte candidate, this
one supports a south Platte man.
Does it all mean Mason on the
"round up ?"
West Point Is represented on Uncle
Sam's pay roils as follows: E. K.
Valentine, Uriah Bruner, N. Forbes,
H. H. Freeze, Dr. Rawlins, Laurence
Bruner and Eugene Moore. In addi
tion, Gov. James, Dr. Schwenk and
E. N. Sweet have been there inside of
the last two years, says the Progress.
Fremont Herald.
R. D. Merrick, one of the counsel
for the government in the star route
cases, had his law office set on fire the
other night for the purpose, he thinks,
of destroying important papers in the
star route casee, which were known to
be in his office. The fire was extin
guished with the loss of a few hun
dred dollars, but all important papers
The Grand Island Times seems con
siderably worried over the new paper,
the Anti-monopolist. Saint Michael
will probably realize that there is such
a thing as the union of profession and
practice, and that his masquerading
as an anti-monopolist is too ethereal
for Nebraska farmers, who are devel
oping unusual shrewdness in knowing
their real friends.
The millenium does not seem to be
very near at band. The reform of
our civil service, to be effectual, must
-divorce from politics, those functions
of the government which are purely
of a business nature, which should be
exercised in a purely business way, in
the interests of the whole people, and
not, in any een6e, for partisan purpo
ses ; .but the party which is in, at any
given moment of our history, could
Bot"see it in that light' and so the
ideal government remains far remov
ed from view.
Why the Difference:
To mankind in general, one of the
most satisfactory attributes of the
Deity is that he is no. respecter of
persons. To resemble Deity in any
of his attributes is certainly commen
dable in mankind. If men were judg
ed of by their fellows, not according
to their surroundings and trappings,
but according to their real character,
what a very different world this would
be, and how many of the race would
be hunting among the poor and lowly
for the true hero and heart-rnler?
Then, too, how many who occupy a
nominal eminence among men would
be debased ?
An ordinary man, yonr casual ac
quaintance, perhaps, is charged with
stealing a horse worth $50. A poor
man he may be, whose family (lack
ing his support), may come to want ;
his temptation may have been very
great, and his opportunity to do an
1 legal act too enticing for bis weak
will. The proof being reasonably
good, your $50 thief is generally sent
to the penitentiary, on a verdict of
his peers.
How does it happen that perhapB
the same jury, on testimony more
strong, would return a verdict of "not
guilty" in favor of a man who had
stolen his thousands of dollars, and
who reveled in bis ill-gotten money?
One goes back to his family, min
gles with mankind, is free to go and
come, wears good clothes, smokes
fine-scented cigars, and, while ho
knows he is a thief, consoles himself
with the Devil's doctrine that every
man has his price ; that all will steal if
they have a chance, and that so long
as you are not convicted and puuished
by the authorities it is all right
t The other, the $50 thief, takes sad
leave of his family; goes with the
sheriff to the State's prison ; is there
confined with other thieves, swind
lers and murderers; is kept at hard
labor, under close guard; lives on
coarse fare, and is lost to old friends,
to family and home, while within his
breast rankles the thought of injustice
as compared with the condition of the
greater thief.
If the scales of justice were more
evenly balanced humanity would be
nearer divinity, as less respecters of
Why did not Van Wyck, tbat emi
nent anti-monop. introduce a bill to
have railroads patent their lands?
He has been theeJojnuougifT' TtT
doesjoHakcnaTverv long while after
1Tfellow gets at it. Van was not
elected for that purpose by Mr. Rose
water it seems. Rosey's men don't
alwayB do what Rosey thinks they
will. St. Paul Phonograph.
It may not, as our esteemed con
temporary remarks, "take a very long
while," but it did require nearly four
years for Mr. Valentine to discover
what was needed and then only be
cause it became a distinctive issue in
the campaign. Van Wyck has intro
duced a bill which requires not only
the Union Pacific, but other land
grant roads to take out patents on
their lands. The Phonograph should
have informed itself. Schuyler Sun.
The Kearney Press of a recent date,
in referring to an article in the Omaha
Republican and the Kearney Era on
this subject says :
The publication of the articles above
given, will convince every unbiased
reader of the Press that both the edi
tors of the Republican and Era have
no regard for the truth. About 18
months ago the Press took up the
subject of the untaxed lands of the
U. P. Railroad Company and discuss
ed the question of this evasion ot
taxation, and a6ked Mr. Valentine
some pertinent questions upon the
subject. We sent him a marked copy
of the paper containing the article,
and know reasonably well tbat he re
ceived the paper and read its contents.
We sent him a paper, also, directed to
Shelton, Nebraska, a few days before
be delivered the address at our county
fair, and know tbat he received it and
that his attention was called to the
article on untaxed U. P. lands. In
said article we asked him to defiue
his position, in his address, on that
question. To make sure that he could
have no excuse in not doing so, we
requested Patrick Walsh to call his
attention to the article in the Press,
which he informed us he bad done.
Mr. Valentine delivered bis address,
and in it referred to the matter in a
sneering way, by speaking of the
howling of "certain blatherskite news
paper editors," and dismissed the
question of untaxed lands, by attack
ing the Reagin bill for the regulatiou
of inter-state commerce. No one
knows better than Fred Nye, or the
Rhone Brothers, that their statements,
as well as Valentine's, are false ; we
revert to the matter only to prove to
the people that no reliance can be
placed on the word of either of them,
wheu politics and the interest of the
U. P. road are under discussion. Val
entine has known for years that these
lands were untaxed and desired that
they, should remain untaxed to save
money to his owners, and when he
says that be never knew until last fall,
he states an unblushing falsehood.
Senator Van Wyck reported to
the senate his bill, agreed upon by the
committee on public lands, which pro
poses to compel railroad companies
to pay taxes on the land granted them
by the government. It provides that
lands for which companies are enti
tled to patents, on the payment of
the expense of surveying, and yet
refuse to take patents, shall within
one year after the time that the com
panies became entitled to patents, be
forfeited to the United States and
made a part of the public domain.
The Union, Central and Kansas Pa
cific are said to be the companies
principally affected by this measure,
the amount of land involved approxi
mating fifteen millions of acres, locat
ed in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado,
Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and Cali
fornia. Gen. Thayer is making a tonr of
the State in his own interest, as a can
didate for U. S. Senator. Every once
in a while we 6ee a mention of him in
our exchanges, but, outside of a Grand
Island paper, no decided expression
in his favor. There is one thing be
coming in the General, and in marked
contrast with some other candidates
for that position, who see that it is
probably necessary to make profes
sion of anti-monopoly principles. We
have not noticed that the General is
masquerading as an anti-monopolist. 1
A plan is proposed to publish a list
of the parties now receiving p nsions
from Uncle Sam, with a view to show
ing up the fraudulent claims, and
seems to be quito favorably received.
The pension adepts at Washington, of
course, are opposing the scheme with
all the energy at their command, but
this fact seems to be a pretty good
argument in favor of the plan. There
has been so much hue and cry about
fraudulent pensions that it is time
something was done to prove or dis
prove the charges, and the publishing
plan is about as good a one for hunt
ing the supposed scallawaga up, as has
yet been proposed. Let their names
and the nature of their cases be pub
lished, say we, that the people may
read as they run. Norfolk Journal.
Of course such publication would be
opposed by pension frauds of all
kinds, but the true .ind worthy sol
diers who are entitled to more than
all they receive, will be doubly thank
ed for exposing the fraudulent pen
sioners. It is claimed that the state printing
contracts have been let this year at a
saving of about $10,000, which makes
it evident that the State Jonrual Com
pany didn't get much of the work to
do. The little talk and work for
"reform" during the last two years
have not been without their effect.
Now if that proposed state-capitol-half-a-million-or-less
can be cut down or scared off, and
the penitentiary and other perfuncto
ry job-work can be cut down to "the
lowest living rates" for lobbyists it
will be well for the tax-payers. Let
the good work proceed without let,
stay or hindrance. After awhile, it
may be, the public will not be a goose
to be plucked.
The House the other day passed
two appropriation bills, the agricul
tural, aud military academy. Mr.
Valentine, chairman of the agricul
tural committee reported the bill, and
at the proper time it was taken up and
discussed and passed by a vote of 218
to 1. This bill appropriates $406,820,
or $20,460 less than the bill of last
year. It is claimed that by the pro
visions of this bill much valuable in
formation and instruction will be
annually distributed to the agricul
turists of the United States. How
many farmers in Platte county have
ever received any of this distributed
information ?
Whenever Senator Van Wyck
moves to have ji rajroadjyiUipany
made amenable to law, the ogre that
runs the Omaha Republican rises and
makes some remark about "Nebras
ka's eminent demagogue in the sen
ate." The trouble with General Van
Wyck, in the eyes of the railroad
organs, is tbat he is voicing the will of
the people, understands their wants,
and has enough independence of
spirit to go in the direction they point.
This is the reason why every thought
of the General in the United States
senate gives Nye and Gere the politi
cal jim jams.
The largest cattle sale ever made in
America was concluded the other day
by the live-stock companies of Swan
Brothers, Swan & Frank and Swan &
Anthony, all of Wyoming. The
herds, including 87,000 head of cattle,
with the ranches, buildings and graz
ing privileges, were sold to a Scotch
capitalist for the sum of $2,550,000.
Mr. A. H. Swan retains an interest in
the new firm. Ten years ago A. F.
Swan and brother started in the cattle
business in Wyoming with about
$60,000 and now it is said are worth
about a million each.
Justice advocates the policy of
organizing a political party to hold
the balance of power, and throw to
one side or another just as the corpo
rations throw their influence, and thus
make all political parties live up to
their professions and serve the public
interests, just as the corporations in
the past have made both parties to a
greater or less extent serve monopoly
interests. If this lead is followed in
Nebraska, both the republicans and
democrats must select anti-monopoly
candidates if they hope to succeed.
If the railroad forces cannot secure
a well-known, outspoken, downright
agent of theirs as next U. S. Senator
from Nebraska (and it doesn't now
look as though they could), they will
in all probability select as candidates
men who have never taken a decided
public stand either way, and who can
be relied on to do their bidding,while
at the same time seeming to be with
the people. Any man occupying such
a position is devoid of good sense aud
political manhood, and will, soon or
later be discarded by the people.
Capt. A. C. Nutt, cashier of the
Pennsylvania state treasury, was shot
on the 23d inst., in his room in the
Jennings hotel atNorristowu, Pa., the
ball passing through his head and
killing him instantly, by N. L. Dukes,
a well known member of the Fayette
county bar and member elect ot the
state legislature. The trouble origi
nated by Dukes writing, as it ia
charged, some infamous letters to
Nutt. Dukes was arrested. The affair
created great excitement, but what
was in the letters is not known.
Van Wyck was so unmanageable
in the U. S. Senate (according to the
Omaha Republican) that he could not
be trusted by his fellow republicans
with the chairmanship of a committee,
and now tbat he has been so trusted,
the O. R. is not at all happy. Nye's
auguries come about as close to the
truth as bis alleged political facts;
aud his insolent attitude toward the
Senator is on a par with his wretched
attempts to dictate the policy of the
republican party in thiB state.
Mathias Simmeruan, the murderer
of Jnck Wood at Minden, was found
guilty of murder in the first degree,
and sentenced by Judge Gaslin to be
banged on the 21st day of April next.
A very large crowd was in attend
ance at the trial, but all was quiet.
The prisoner was taken from Kearney
to Lincoln, for safe keeping pntil the
day of bis execution.
The community at Jefferson, Ohio,
are excited over the defalcation of J.
Fuller and H. L. St. John, cashier and
assistant cashier of the Second Nation
al, and a suspension of the bank pend
ing investigation. Fuller has fled
He is charged with speculating and
using the bank's funds from $50,000 to
$75,000. The depositors are not likely
to loso auy money, the stockholders
being liable for $200,000, which is
more than the average deposits.
Jay Gould, in his testimony before
the committee of the New York State
Senate, investigating "corners," said
corners give the producers better
prices and make large markets. Spec
ulation benefits the home dealers,
brings money to the country, and
creates markets all over the world.
Mr. Gould said he had spent large
sums in aiding immigratiou. A panic
was caused, he said, when men lose
their balance, and rush to sell.
A reporter to the State Journal
says: The Commercial (at Lincoln)
will be a lively place during the com
ing session of our law and senator
makers. The following persons have
engaged rooms at this hotel, where
their headquarters will be found dur
ing the session : Alvin Saunders, J.
H. Millard, A. S. Paddock, C. F. Man
derson, G. W. E. Dorsey, J. M. Thay
er, A. H. Connor,W. H. Aahby, David
Butler and E. K. Valentine.
Washington society is astonished
at rumors current that within a few
nights a Justice of the Supreme Court
lost several thousand in a gaming
house, and ouly left the table when
the proprietor refused to further honor
his personal checks. Whether true or
not, it is too true that many men
standing in high stations as well as
low, are guilty of this enticing vice
which has carried so many men down
to perdition.
The severest earthquake shocks
ever felt at Concord, N. H., occurred
on the 19th. They were al60 felt in
Pittsfield, Great Falls, Manchester
and other place's. The shocks lasted
about eight seconds. The buildings
shook so badly that people iu their
fright rushed into the streets. The
concussion was so great in some
buildings as to extinguish the gas
Mr. Joyce of the house and Mr.
Logan of the senate have introduced
bills which require every telegraph
and cable company to receive and for
ward the business of any other com
pany whether it relates to business of
the company offering it, or otherwise.
It also makes it a misdemeanor for
any other person transmitting to send
and examine the same.
A man giving his name as W. F.
Watson forged a draft for $5,679.48
which was cashed the other day in
the Buffalo Trader's bank. This dar
ing forgery was perpetrated primarily
on the National Bank of Commerce
ot Cleveland, Ohio, causes a loss to
the Manhattan bank of New Orleans.
As soon as the draft was paid Wat
son fled.
All we know about corners is that
we hate to get into one. Omaha Re
publican. The Republican's answer to the
question, Who is the Republican's
candidate for United States senator?
shows you are in a terribly close
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
December 23d, 1832. f
COMPLAINT having been entered at
this office, by Sven Jobanson against
Andrew P. Johnson for abandoning hia
Homestead Entry No 9494, dated Nov.
19th, 1879, upon the N. N. W. X, Sec
tion 28, Township 19 north, Range 4 west,
in Platte County, Nebraska, with a view
to the cancellation of said entry; the
said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at this office on the 15th day or
February. 1883, at 10 o'clock a. ni., to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment. Depositions
in the above case will be taken before
H. J. Hudson at his office in Columbus,
Neb., on the 31st day of January, 1883, at
10 a. m. and contiuue until completed
34-6 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Dec. 21, 1892. f
NOTICE ii hereby given that the following-named
settler ha filed notice
of his Intention to make linal proor in
support of bis claim, and that said proof
will be made before tflork of the District
Court, for Platte county, Nebraska, at
countv seat, on January 27th, 1883, viz:
Daniel Wilson, homestead No. 0371 and
10853, for the N. E. X, Sec. 4, Township
18, Range 3 West. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of said
land, viz: Anthony Cady and James Free
of Postville, Neb., Wm. J. Thurston of
O'Kav, Neb., and Nils Anderson of West
Hill, "Neb.
3ow0 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,i
Dec. 7th, 1882. j
NOTICE is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in sun
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before C. A. Newman, Clerk of
the District Court at Columbus, Nebras
ka, on January 13th, 1883, viz:
Audrew O'Donnell, homestead No.
11273, for the N. M S. W. i. Section 20,
Township 20 north, Range 2 west. He
names the lollowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of said land, viz: A. II. Potter, P.
L. Baker and B. Churchill all of Humph
rey, P. 0., Platte Co., Neb., and AVilbert
Fortune of Postville, Platte Co., Neb.
33-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
people are always on the
lookout for chances to
increase their earnings,
nri in time become
wealthy; those who do not improve their
opportunities remain in poverty. We
offer a great chance to make money. We
want many men, women, boys and girls
to work for us right in their own localities
Any one can do the work properly" from
the first start. The 'usiness will nay
more than ten time ordinary wages. Ex
pensive outfit furnished. No one who
engages fails to make money rapidly. You
can devote your whole time to the work,
or only your spare moments. Full infor
mation and all that is needed sent free.
Address Stinsox &. Co., Portland, Maine.
3IARV 3IICEL, Pl'ff.
Jake Goldman, Def
Before Byron
Millett. J. P.,
ft.) I
Platte Co., Neb.
To said defendant;
YOU will take notice tkat on the 16tb
day of November, 1882. said Justice
of the ppace issued an order of attach
ment against you, at the suit of said
plaintiff for the sum of fifty-two dollars
and thirty cents, and that said case it set
for hearing on the 8th day of January,
A. D., 1883, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated December 9th, 1882.
By ilpALLjSTKR Bros.,
her Attorneys. 33r3t
d Wild Will-.
To All whom it may Concern.
locate a roatl, commencing at the
northeast eorner of the southeast i of
the northwest of Section 27, Township
19 north, of Range one east, 6tb P. 31., in
Platte county, running thence east and
terminating at the northeast corner of the
southeast of the northeast -i of Section
27 of the above Township and Range, aud
to intersect the "B.ock Road," has re
ported in favor of the establishment
thereof. The said Commissioner has also
reported in favor of the establishment of
a road commencing at Station No. 8 on
the Loseke Road (on the half section line
running north and south in Section 34,
Township 19 north, of Range 1 east),
running, thence south on the Section
line to intersect the road running cast
and west on the Township line, aud on
the south line of said Section 34; the said
Commissioner further reported in favor
of vacating so much of the Loseke Road
which is now located between Stations
7 and 8 of said road in said Section 34. and
all objections thereto, or claims for dam
ages must be hied in the Countv Clerk's
office at or before noon of the 1st day of
March, A. v., less, or such roads w HI be
established and vacated without refer
ence thereto.
Columbus, Neb., Doc. 13, 18S2.
34-5 County Clerk.
Officjc of Comptroller ok the Cur.
t OK the Cuk-1
er 27th, 1882. )
rkxcy, Washington
WHEREAS, By satisfactory evidence
presented to the undersigned it has been
made to appear that "The First National
Bank of Columbus," in the city of Colum
bus, in the county of Platte, and state of
Nebraska, nas compneu witu an me pro
visions of the Revised Statutes of th
United States, required to be complied
with, before an association shall be au
thorized to commence the business of
Now Therefore, I, John Jay Knox,
Comptroller of the Currencv, do herebj
certify that "The First National Bank of
Columbus," in the city of Columbus, in
the county of Platte, ami State of Nebras
ka, is authorized to commence the busi
ness of banking as provided in section
fifty-one hundred and sixty-niue of the
Revised Statutes of the United States.
In testimony whereof wit-
seal. ness my hand and seal of office
this 27th day of October, 1882.
27-2m Comptroller of the Currency.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
Dec. 14, 1882. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of her intention to make linal
proof in support of her claim, and that
said proof Will be made before C. A. New
man, Clerk of the District Court of
Platte county, at Columbus, Nebr., on
January 20th, 1888, viz:
31argaret Sullivan, for the S. E. i. Sec.
7, T'p 20 north, Range 3 west. She names
the followiug witnesses to prove her con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Daniel Ilolleran, James
Fay, John Sullivan and Morris Griffin, all
of Farrell P. O., Platte Co., Neb.
34-W-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
November 22d, 1882.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before C. A. Newman, Clerk
of the District Court, at Columbus, Neb.,
on December 30tb, 1882, viz:
James W. Lych, Homestead Entry No.
0936, for the S. W. K of N. E. X, Section
28, Township 18 north, of Range I west.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Thomas
Glee.son, Charles Carrig, John Deuneeu
and John Burk. all of Platte Center P.O.,
Platte county, Nebraska.
31-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
Dec. 5th, 1882. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-uamed settler has tiled
notice of bis intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that saul
proof will be made before C. A. Newman
Clerk of the District Court, of Platte
County, at Columbus, Neb., on January
18th, 1883, viz:
Ellas Olson, homestead No. 0073, for the
S.E.J4 Sec. 28, Township 20, N. of Range 4
West. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said land, viz: Peter
3Iatson. Nils Olson, Louis Pettersson
and Franz Soderberg, all of Looking
Glass, Platto Co., Neb.
33-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Dec. 5th, 1882. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of her claim, and tbat
said proof will be made before C. A.
Newman, Clerk of the District Court at
Columbus, Nebraska on Thursday, Janu
ary 11th, 1883, viz:
Carl Jansen, homestead No. G900, for the
N. E. i Section 8, Township 19 north.
Range 4 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: Franz Soderberg and William A.
Sisson of St. Edward, Boone Co., Neb.,
and Peter 3Iatson and John Blomqvist of
Looking Glass, Platte Co., Neb.
33-w-o M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Dec. 7th, 1882. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of bis claim, and that said proof
will be made before C. A. Newman, Clerk
of the District Court at Columbns, Ne
braska, on January Kith, 1883, viz:
Gottfried Stenael, homestead No. 9875,
for the N. E. i Section 30. Township 19
north, Range 3 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of said
land, viz: Hans Nelson and Hans Jacob
Johnson ol Palestine Valley post-office.
Platte Co., Neb., and James T. Ferrec of
Postville, Platte Co.. act)., anu Augui
Smith of Metz, Platte Co., Neb.
33-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
not, life is sweeping by,
go and dare before you
die, something mighty
and yubliroe leave behind
to conquer time. 6G a week in your own
town. 5 outfit free. No risk. Every
thing new. Capital not required. "V e
will furnish you everything. 3Iany are
making fortunes. Ladies make as much
as men, and boys and girls make great
pay. Reader, if you want business at
which tou can make srreat par all the
time, write for particulars to H. IIallktt
A Co., Portland, Maine.
Choicest Varieties in
China, Glass and Crockery
Undertaker Furniture Dealer,
South side llth street, two doors
east of HeintzV drug More.
rrcn uivnKr.ii'irci)fi
None eeautoe without tliU traje
A. J. TOWEK, Sole Mfr.
Botoii, Itfaws.
"r ... "A
A.v. aMFDia TfcAQW
fr..O Z.1
If. ?i.Tl
i ir. i h rrr i a
ii r "v " i o i
14 .. nkl eo?
.-A " GtWI
i T A - - W Illl I
TOXf'x dLUMtna fxAG
v x k4b k.a w 'i m
offi" Ay
Km)1 XJr
All those in ivaibt of any thing in that line, will consult
tneir own interests uy owing nun a can. iiemeni
ber, he warrants every pair. Has also a
First -Glass Boot and Shoo Stove in Connection
1ST .Repairing Neat!' Done.
Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door west of Marshall Smith's.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At prices ttat were per tafl of Before in Oolite
I bay my goods strictly for cash and will give my customers the
benefit, of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
Paul Klas and Christina Kind defend
ants, will take notice tbat on tuc 2th day
of November, 1882, Augustus Loekncr
plaiutifl' filed bis petition in tlit: District
Court of Platte county, Nebraska, against
said defendants, tb object and prayer
of which is to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed by the defendants to the
plaintiff upon south half of tbe northwest
quarter of section (14) fourteen, township
(1!) nineteen, range 2 west in Platte
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment
of certain promissory notes, dated Janu
ary 20th, 181, one note for $;, due in
four years and nine for $2, each due at
periods of six months each from date.
There is now due upon said notes and
mortgages the sum of $430, for which mii
with interest from thi date iilaintill
prays for a decree tbat the defendants be
required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found' due. You are required to
answer the said petition on or before the
tirst dav or January, ItsXi.
Dated November 2-Jd, lfcsi.
Ity John M. 3IaiTarland, Attorney. o.."
Land Otliceat Grand Island. Neb.,1
Dec. l.-i, InS-2. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler ha tiled
notice of bis intention to makv linal
proof iu support of his claim, and that
saiil proof will be made before the Clerk
of the District Court, of Platte countj at
Columbus, Neb., on Thursday, January
18th, 18S3, viz:
Franz Schmid, Homestead No. tiOOJ for
the E. of the S. E. K of Sec. 18, Town
ship 20, north of Range I West. He
names the following witneses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of said land, viz: AVilliam Ties
kotter, Henry Lohaus, Julius Kruger
and Conrad Fuchs, all of Humphrey,
Platte County, Nebraska.
34-w-u 31. B. HOXIE. Register.
Land Ohlce at Grand Island, Neb.,1
Dc. 18, 182. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make iinal
proof in support of his claim, and tbat
said proof will be made before C. A.
Newman, Clerk of the District Court, at
Columbus, Nebraska, on January 20th,
1883, viz:
John Nelson, Homestead Kntrv No.
981)4, for the N. E. i Section 4, To n
ship 18 North of Kange 4 west. He
names the followiug witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said land, viz: John Koop and
J. Swygard, of St. Edward P. O., Hoone
Co., Neb., and C. Koch and X.Koch, of
West mil P.O., Platte, Countv, ebr.
34-w-a 31. B. HOXIE. Register.
Etray Notice.
Came to my premises Nov. 20, '82, a
About 7 years old aud weighing about 6.V)
pounds; brand on left bind Hank some
what resembling the letter "A."
Jamks 3IcCobmick,
32-5 Platte Center P. O.
BOSS COAX 16.50.
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps,
low trices for cash.
Columbus, Neb.
Fish Brand Slicker
are ths ealy Coats
nude with Wlre.Fat
caed Metallic Buttoaa.
For sale everywhere.
At Wbolenale by all Hrat-
cln Jobber.
A large and complete assortment of
Men's, Women's and Children's Boots and Shoes.
3?::3i3erst3 Qr:iri 1 Bui i:i Tirair k Halit.
Lkanoer (Jkki'.akd, Pres'i.
CJko. W. IIulst, Vice Pren't.
.Tiimus A. Heki.
Ab.vkr Tuknkk, Cashier.
Bank or lepoIt, Dlxcouat
and Exchange.
Collection Promptly .If ade oa
all PoiatM.
Pay Interest oh Tine Depov
it. 274
Furniture, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bu
reaus Tables, Safes. Lounges,
Ac Picture Frames and
VSTRepairing of all kinds of Upholstery
6-tf COLU31BUS, NEB.
, I