The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 27, 1882, Image 1

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Proprietors and Publishers.
lu; mwkm janpal
EJTBusiness and professional cards
of five lines or less, per annum, five
Z3 For time advertisements, apply
at this office.
ISTI-egal advertisements at statue
tdTFor transient advertising-, see
rates on third page.
13TA11 advertisements payable
1ST OFFICE, Eleventh St., vp stairs
in Journal Building.
Ft r year
-ix months
Thiee mouths
single copies
VOL. XIII.--N0. 35.
WHOLE NO. 659.
$2 oo
1 oo
C. H. Vax"yck, U. S. Senator, Neb
raska City.
Alvin AUXDEits,U.S. Senator, OinaLa.
E. K. Valentine, Rep.. West Feint.
T..I. Majors, Contingent Rep., Peru.
Aluinus Nance, Governor, Lincoln.
. J. Alexander, secretary of State.
John WalHehs, Auditor, Lincoln.
G. M. iUrtlett, Tr-iurer, Lincoln.
C.J. Oil worth, Attorney-General.
"V. V. XV. lone-i, Supt. Public Iiistruc.
C. J. Nobes, Warden of Feuitentiary.
y?)VU Abbey' l Frisou Inspectors.
C II. Gould, J
J.O. Carter, Prison Physician.
H.F. 31athewon, Supt. Insane Asylum.
George IJLakeJ A9SOCiate judges.
Aniasa Cobb. )
S. Maxwell, Chief Justice,
G. XV. Fot, Judge, York.
31. It Reese. District Attorney, Wahoo.
31. 1$. HoKie, Register, Grand island.
Wui.Anyan, Receier, Grand Inland.
State Senator, 31. IC. Turner.
" Representative, G. XV. Lehman.
J. O. Higgins, County Judge.
J jhuyStauller. County Clerk.
f. A. Newman, Clerk Dist. Court.
J. XV. Early, Treasmer.
1). C. Kavaiiaugh, Sheriff.
L.J. C rni er, Surveyor.
31. 3Iaher, 1
Joseph Rivet, Couut Co
II. J. Ilud.-on, )
Dr. A. lleintz. Coroner.
J. E. 3oncriff Supt. of Schools.
Myron Millctt. .-usl-lce,oftb,.Peace.
.31. 1 ornelius,)
J. R. 31ea-.'her, Mavor.
A. R. Coll roth. Clerk.
.1.11. DeNman, Tre-iwurer.
W.N. Hen-ley, Police Judge.
J. E. North, Enirineer.
1st Ward- John Ricklv.
. A. S-hroi-der.
'2d Ward- Pat. Havs.
I. Gluck.
Sd Ward I. Rasinu-en.
A. A. Smith.
'IuiuIiis Pom OHIce.
Open on Sunrtajs trf-nill a. t. to 12m.
and from I:f0 to . r. si. IIuines
hour.s except Sunday ' a. si. to a' p.m.
Eastern mails close at 11 a. si.
Western mails close at 4:l.r r.M.
Mail leaves Columbus for Lost Creek,
Genoa, St. Edward-. Albion, Platte
Center, Uumphrev, 31adison and Norton-,
eery day (except Sunday-) at
4 :'"." p. in." Arrive- at 10:. Ti.
For Shell Creek and Creston, arrives at
12 si. Lea es 1 v. si., Tuc-days, Thurs
days and Saturday-.
For Alexis. Patron and David City,
Tuesday-, Thur-d-iv- and Saturdays,
1 i'. v Ariies at 12m.
For Conkliuir Tuesdajs and Saturdays
7 a. m. Arrives 0 i. in. -ame days.
II. . Tim
Eastward Bound.
Emigrant, No. , leave- at
Pas-eng'r, " 4, " "
Freisrht, " s, "
rreicht, " 10. " "
Westward Hound.
Freight, No. .i, leaves at
Passeng'r, " :i, " "
Freight, " !, " "
L'miirfvmt.- 7. " "
a. m.
a. m.
p. in.
a. m.
p. m.
p. m.
p. m.
a. m.
Every dav except Saturday the
lines leading to Chicago connect
It tr-.itiv -it (Itu'lll-l. On Satll
tlnn will ) but one train a da
v, a
-uuwit bj the following schedule:
R. .V 31. TI31E TABLE.
Leac3 Columbus, .:1."a. M.
' tiellwnod 0:o0 "
" David City,
" Garri-on, . ..
" Uly es, ....
44 Staplehurst,
" Seward,
" Rubv
" 31ilford
" Plea-ant Dale, ..
" Emerald, . .
a .;,.n.i .it Lincoln
JXllllVI-.....".""--, .
Leaves Lincoln at J:i r. si. auu
rive-in Columbus h:3H r. M.
Make- close connection at Lincoln tor
all points east. We-t and -outh.
O.. N. .V B. II. ROAD.
Time Schedule No. 4. To take effect
June 2, '81. For the sroverninctit and
information of employees only.. The
Company re-erve- the right to vary
therefrom at pleasure. Trains daily,
Sundajs except vil.
Outward Hound.
Inward Bound.
Norfolk 7:20 A. si.
Munson 7:47 "
Columbus 4:W p.m.
LostCieekfi:21 "
PI. Centre 5:42 '
HumphreyK;2.' "
Madison 7:04 "
3Iun-on 7:4: "
Norfolk.. 8:04
Madison .8:20
Humphrey!) :0r
PL Centre 0:4
Columbus 4:4.". P. St. .Albion 7:4S a.m.
Lost Creekr.::U ' st. Edwardh:J0
Genoa 0:10 " i Genoa 0:14
St.E0war17:00 , Lo-t ( "reeWw.j
Albion 7:47 " I Columbu-10:4..
.- - h. i.uers & no,
"Wagon "Bnilcleis,
en Urlc-U !hOi )j..osit' Iblntz's Dnis Store.
Eleventh Street, Columhus, Nebraska.
S. J. MARMOY, Prop'r.
Nebraska Ave., South of Depot,
coiit:hui)n. afKn.
A new house, newly furnished. Good
accommodations. Board by day or
week at reasonable rates.
jgg-XeSt FIrt-ClaN Xable.
Meals, 25 Cts. Lodgings.... 25 Cte.
Restaurant and Saloon!
E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor.
jgrWholesale and Retail Dealer in For
eign Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Dub
lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales.
23-Kentucky Vhiskies a Specialty.
OYSTERS in their season, by the case
can or dish.
lltk Street, Simtb of Depot.
Dp-stairs in Gluck Building, 11th street,
Above the New bank.
12th Street, 2 doors nrst of Hammond House,
Columbus. Neb. 491-y
1-R. M. I. THIJKliTOA,
Office over corner of 11th and Nortb-st.
All operations first-class and warranted.
JiEvervthing in first -class style.
Also keep the best of cigars. SlC-y
r KICK Ac keeueu.
Ollice on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska.
p G. A. I1ULLIIORST, A. 31., M. D.,
jg-Two lllocks south of Court House.
Telephone communication.
Office up-stairs in 3icAllistcr's build
ing. 11th St. XV. A. 3IcAllister, Notary
j. si. macfakianp, b- COWI,i':Y:
Att:rsy asi Hrtarj PsW e. CoUestsr.
Columbus, : : : Nebraska.
s i:o. n. iii:kkv,
B3"Carriage, house and sign painting,
glazing, paper hanging, kalsomining, etc.
done to order. Shop on 13th St., opposite
Engine House, Columbus, Neb. 10-y
rp s;iu:,
llth St., nearly opp. Gluck's store,
SellHarnes8, Saddles, Collar, Whips,
Blankets. Curry Combs, Brushes, etc.,
at the lowest possible prices. Repairs
promptly attended to.
His lands compri-e some line tracts
in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north
ern portion ot PI tte county. Taxes
paid for non-re-idents. Satisfaction
ruaraiitced. 20 y
Justiceof the Peace and
Notary Public.
Nebraska. N. B. He will give
close attention to all business entrusted
to him. -48.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Buggies, Wagons, etc., made to
order, and all work guaranteed.
iSrShop opposite the " Tattersall,"
OH Street. "2S
a-i:k & WESTCOIT,
AT Til K
Are prepared to furnish the public w.'th
good teams, buggies and carriages for all
occasions, especially for funerals. Also
conduct a feed and sale stable. 40
To remove houses at reasonable
rates. Give uim a call.
rici: toti:aciikks.
J. E. Moncrief, Co. Supt.,
"Will bo in his office at the Court House
on the first Saturday of each
month for the purpose of examining
applicants for teacher's certificates, and
for the transactton of any other business
pertaining to schools. fG7-y
Ol.IhllltlJS I'ACKIAC CO.,
Packers and Dealers in all kinds of Hog
pioduct, cah paid for Live or Dead Hog
or grease.
Directors. R. II Henry, Prest.; John
Wiggins, Sec. and Treas.; L. Gerrard, S.
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on loth Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
! Crao.
D.T. 3IARTYX, 31. D. F. SCHITO, 31. D.,
Deutscher Artz.)
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surgeons. Union Pacific and
)., N. & II. II. It. It's.
Wines, Ales, Cigars and Tobacco.
"QTSchilz's Milwaukee Beer contant
ly on hand.gj
Elwexth St. Colusibus. Neb.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Havenad an extonded experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunitytoestimateforyou. 'ST'Shop on
13th St., one door west of Friedhof &
Co's. store, Columbus. Nebr. 483-v
Are prepared to receive and pay ?3.00 per
ton for good clean flax straw (free from
foreign substances) delivered on their
grounds near the Creamery, in Colum
bus Nebraska.
Columbus, Dec. 5, 1&S2. 32-3m
National Bank!
Authorized Capital, -Cash
A. ANDERSON, Pres't.
SA3PL C. S31ITH, Vice Pres't.
O. T. UOEN. Cashier.
.1. XV. EARLY,
Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage
Tickets, Real Estate, Loan ana Insurance.
General Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
It. It. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on five or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved aud
unimproved, Tor sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also business and
residence lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstract of title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
Patent Roller Process
Because it makes a superior article of
bread, and is the cheapest flour
in the market.
Evert sack warranted to run alike, or
money refunded.
Union Pacfic Land Office,
On Long Time and low rate
of Interest.
All wishing to buy Rail Road Lands
or Improved Farms will find it to their
advantage to call at the U. P. Land
Otticc before lookin- elsewhere as I
make a specialty of buying and selling
lands on commission; all persons wish
ing to sell farms or unimproved land
will find it to their advantage to leave
their lands with me tor sale, as my fa
cilities for affecting sales are unsur
paxscd. I am prepared to make final
proof for all parties wishing to get a
patent for their homesteads.
"tSTHenry Cordes, Clerk, writes and
speaks German.
Agt. U. P. Land Department,
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
Gootin DeliTered Free te may
part oftke City.
Farm and Spring Wagons,
of which I keep a constant supply on
hand, but few their equal. In style and
quality, second to none.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A- &N. Depot,
Iionjr ago, when refreshingly -Teen,
As at present thank Fortune! I'm noC
Ifyour sweet fascinations I'd seen.
Tfeey had touched a susceptible spot.
Such a figure, such hair if it's real
Such a race your whole physical plan
Makes a school-girl's complete beau-ldwU,
Aud her utter quintessence of man
But when older and wiser, how sad
Such complete disillusion to get.
And behind such a stately facade
To have found just apart menu to let!
And you love me don't say I'm not kind
Find some maiden more easy to please.
More indulgent to absence of mind.
And content with the graces she aeec
Though you claim I have tortured your
In defense It may surely be said
That I never could once make you smart,
Since I could not remodel your head.
So spare your affection to telL
An avowal I too well divine.
For the next girl will do just as well.
And her heart may be softer than mine.
So, In view of the danger It brings.
There's a Una where flirtation must stop;
For the nollowest, windiest things
Are the likeliest always ' to pop."
m m
That there are minds so constituted
as to be unable to understand any de
grees of relationship beyond the family
circle of father, mother, brothers and
sisters we can gather some evidence
from our own experience. Never shall
we forget the attempts made by a party
of collegians, many years ago, to ex
plain to a lady at a supper-table the old
puzzle: " If Dick's father is John's son.
what relation is Dick to John?-' She
really tried her best, but utterly failed
to grasp the problem. Much assistance
was ottered in the shape of a decanter
and a wine-glass to represent "Dick"
and "John;" and the la Iv's voice might
have been heard, amid all the din and
clatter, exclaiming seriously, and in a
tone of remonstrance: "Do you mean
to tell me that that Vine-glass is the
grandfather of that decanter?" But it
was all in vain. The attempt to con
vince the good lady had to be aban
doned. The intricate mathematical in
vestigation was beyond her powers.
There are also persons who have nev
er given their minds to problems of this
kind, and to whom anything outside of
their own narrow experience presents a
The number of people who under
stand the terms "tirst cousin," "sec
ond cousin," "first cousin once re
moved," etc., is very small. Probably
many of those who read these lines im
agine that a "first cousin once re
moved," etc., is the same as a " sec
ond cousin;" and still more carry on
the transactions of life under a mistaken
notion that if Mary" is " first cousin
once removed" to, say, "Tom," then
Tom is also 'first cousin once removed"
to Mary. Let us hasten to dispel these
Suppose we illustrate our remarks by
a fictitious little pedigree:
Mr. Juiica.
Mr. W. Jonea.
Mr. T. Junes.
Mr.A.Jono. Mr.J.Joaet, Mr. Clone. Tom Jonea,
MmryJonra. II. Job. R. Jonea.
Now here it may be necessary to ex
plain, as we fear many persons "don't
understand pedigrees." The orininal
Mr. Jones is supposed to have had two
sons. Messrs. William and Thomas
Jones. Of these two brothers William
was the father of Alfred and John, and
Thomas was the father of Charles and
Tom- Mary is the daughter of Alfred;
Henry is the son of John, and Richard
is the son of Charles. It will not need
any extraordinary acumen to discover
that Alfred, John, Charles and Tom are
all grandsons of the original Mr. Jones;
anu that Mary, Henry and Richard are
his great-grandchildren. Those who
have taken in thus much may, by a
further stretch of intellect, comprehend
that Alfred and John are first cousins to
Charles and Tom, the father of the
former pair of brothers being brother to
the father of the latter pair. But now
comes the dilliculty. What is the "re
lationship" between our old friends
"Tom' and "Mary?" Tom is first
cousin to Mary's father, Alfred. What
relation is Mary her elf-to Tom? Some
persons -ay " second cousin;" but this
is a mistake, she is the ' first cousin
once removed" a relation-hip which
may be defined as that of "the child of
a first cousin."
This relationship, existing as it does
between two persons in uinereut gen
erations . . not descended by an
equal number of steps from the' com
mon ancestor is not a mutual relation
ship, like "brother" or "first cousin,"
In other words, if Alfied is brother to
John. John is brother to Alfred; if Al
fred is first cousin to Charles, Charles
is first cousin to Alfred: because these
are in the same generation;" therefore
llniaa ralalinndhina "'liriltlii'r" and
"first cousin" are "mutual." But'
"uncle" and "nephew" are not mutual
relationships; for. if Alfred is uncle to
Henry, Henry is not " uncle" to Alfred:
and if Richard is nephew to Tom, Tom
is not "nephew" to Richard. And
"first cousin once removed" is a rela
tionship like "nephew." If Mary and
Henry are " first cousins once removed"
to Charles, it does not follow that
Charles is " first cousin once removed"
to them. He is often called so, but
quite as erroneously as an uncle would
be called his nephew's "nephew."
The curious fact remains that, for the
converse of the relationship "first cous
in once removed," . e. for a "parent's
first cousin," there is no name of uni
versal acceptance.
It has been shown that a first cousin's
child is called a " tirst cousin once re
moved." On the same principle a first
cousin's grandchild is called a "first
cousin twice removed," and his (or
her) child would be a "first cousin
three times removed," and so on,
the number of "removes" showing
by how many generations the
two persons who are so related differ.
Un the same principle that a great
grandchild is rare i. e., a person lin
eally removed by three generations
a first cousin three times removed is,
speaking generally, somewhat rare, but
far more common, doubtless, than a
great-grandchild, because the former
means the great-grandchild of a per
son's first cousin, who may be much
older than the person himself. Indeed,
it is quite conceivable that a man should
live to see his first cousin five times re
moved for he might easily have a first
cousin fifty or sixty years older than
himself, and live to see that cousin's de
scendants of the fifth generation.
And now w.e may pass on to second
cousins. "Second cousins" are persons
whose nearest common auces!oi is
great-grandparent to each in other
words, if two persons are first-cousins,
the children of the one are second cous
ins to the chiUlreu of the other.
The children of 'Second cousins" are.
el course, ''third cousins." Likewise,
the child, en of two "third cousins" are
fourth cousins." and so on.
In fact, using-algebraical symbols, we
may say that a person's with cousin n
times removed is one who is lineally de
scended from the nearest common aa-
ceslor by n more generatiens than the
former, tha former himselt being -;-l
generations below that ancestor.
Thus, for example, your fifth cousin
twice removed is eighth in descent from
your sixth ancestor (counting your pa
rent as first ancestor, your grandparent
as second, and so on).
Tremendous consequences have re
sulted from even distant relationship,
and it has been in countless instances
all-important to preserve family records,
by means of which claims to great
wealth and high rank have been estab
lished. It is all very well to smile a
the claim to a fifth cousinship several
times removed; but if the heir presump
tive knows that no nearer cousins no
relatives of any kind, removed or not
removed stand between him and the
chieftainship of his family, who shall
blame him for having studied tho intri
cacies of relationship? It has not sel
dom happened that a very distant cousin
has thus succeeded to "the title and es
tates." There was an instance of this
in the great house of Stanley, about a
century and a half ago. When James,
the tenth Earl of Derby, died in 1736. it
was necessary to go back some two hun
dred and fifty years in order to establish
the claim of his heir. Sir Edward Stan
ley: and. in fact, this eleventh Earl was
sixth cousin to the tenth. And it is
somewhat remarkable that, although
the present Lord Derby is the fifteenth
Earl, yet he is not descended lineally
from any of the first ten Earls, except,
of course, the first, the Constable of
England, who died in 1504.
The Dukedom of Somerset was con
ferred in 1547 upon the Protector, Sir
Edward Seymour, with this peculiar
limitation that the heir3 of his second
marriage should succeed, and, failiag
them, his heirs by his first wife. For
several generations the Dukedom re
mained in the second family; and it
may have seemed to many a righteous
retribution that, in 1750, when the sev
enth Duke died, there was no heir to
succeed, except among the descendants
of the Protector's first wife The head
of that branch, therefore. Sir Edward
Seymour, sixth Baronet (for the tirst
Duke's grandson had been made a Bar
onet), became eighth Duke of Somerset,
being fifth cousin once removed to the
seventh Duke.
Sir Edward Courtenay was created
Earl'of Deroit-m 1485;.andhis great-l
aers, was created Earl of Devon in
1553 by Queen Mary, with remainder
to "heirs male general." Now this
Earl died in 1566, aged thirty-nine, and
unmarried; and as there were no Cour
tenays left who were at all nearly re
lated to him, the Earldom was supposed
to be extinct, and was not claimed.
More than two centuries and a half
afterward, however, in 1831, it was
proved to the satisfaction of the House
of Lords that William, third Viscount
Courtenay, was entitled to tiie Earldom
of Devon, as heir general of the Earl
created by Queen Mary, to whom his
relationship was that of sixth cousin
nine times removed! The nearest com
mon ancestor, Hugh de Courtenay, sec
ond Earl of Devon, of a former cre
ation, had died in 1377, nearly two hun
dred years before the first Earl of tho
present creation. Thus it was decided
that the Earldom, during the 265 years
of non-claim, luul been, not extinct,
but dormant; and seven of the Cour
tenays who lived and died in that inter
val are reckoned now as righful heirs of
Devon. London Society.
A Oil-Bubble Burst.
A very few weeks ago all the oil-re-
fion journals were giving accounts in
old head-lines of the Dig oil wells
struck in Cherry Grove, Warren Coun
ty, Pa. The great mystery, big 646,
came in with a deluge of oil. It opened
a large field, and ina county that was
productive before of naught but ro.-ks
and timber. In quick succession to 646
other large flowing wells were found,
and so great was their greasy outpour
ing that tankage could not be erected
fast enough to contain it The pipe
lines were not able, with their immense
pumps, to keep pace with the How of
the new wells. Hillsides and streams
were covered with petroleum, as it ran
to waste from the overflowing tanks.
For a time it looked as though every
hole that was bored would prove an oil
spouter. The effect upon the crude
market was at once manifested by a big
decline in petroleum. From the seven
ties the price dropped close to the for
ties, and: the most sanguine bull trem
bled lest the Warren field extended its
limits, as there was every reason to be
lieve it would, and conne -t the lower
and upper oil fields in one continuous
belt. If so, down the market must go
to twenty-five cents or even lower.
There was a magical change. For
some cause not yet made plain, the
largest of these Cherry Grove wells
ceased to flow, and cannot be induced
to do so again. The wells will not re
spond to a torpedo. Pulling up and J
cleaning tnem out nave been tried, but
without results. Tho probability is that
Cherry Grove as a large producing dis
trict is played out Under this change
the oil market has rebounded to sixty
cents, with a fair prospect of its going
higher. The only thing that may dis
courage an advance is the wild-cat wells
hanging over the trade. One of them
is at Balltown, Forest Countv. and the
other is the Shannon Weil on the
Cooper tract, in the same county. As
these two wells are the largest in a
county similar to the Cherry Grove dis
trict, and not many miles distant, the
oil men will suspect them until their
true character is determined.
Never in the hfetory of the petro
leum trade has there been a district
which proved so productive at its start,
or collapsed so quickly. Neither has
there been one which has resulted so
disastrously to the producers, few if any
of them getting: over the cost of putting
down their wells. From the manner m
which these wells started off it was be
lieved that all that was necessary to be
come wealth was to secure a lease in
Cherry Grove and put down a welL
The excitement uon our Oil Ex
change over tiie frolic of these wells is
intense. When the gushers were
stmck and the market began to tumble,
everything was at a white heat The
brokers pushed and pulled each other
around the bull in their eagerness
to sell out the stuff, as they termed it,
at any price. As soon as the news
came of the lessened production of the
Cherry Grove gushers excitement again
ran riot, and the eagerness to buy oil
was like unto the fever for selling a few
months ago. If there is no new field
struck in the face of the played-out
Bradford, Kiehburg and Butler dis
tricts, we ma reasonably expect an ap
preciation in prices, if so our region
will boom, Oil City Special to NT Y.
A Connecticut farmer, having an
undesirable crop of wild carrot in
twenty-five acre field turned in a flock
of forty sheep in August and Septem
ber of last year, and they cleaned otjl
the weeds nicely.
WenaBs Rule la Russia.
Who is now the leading spirit of the
Czar's Government?" I asked a high
ofliciaL "A woman, as usual." he an
swered. "Like other monarchical
?ou n tries, we have always had some
woman at the top or at the bottom of
our Government
During the thousand and twenty
years of Russia's existence there have
been eighty rulers, all told, of whom
only five were women. But if we study
Russian history, we shall find that near
ly every Russian ruler has been ruled
bv a woman. Among Russian sov-
there are seven canonized as
"Saint," several are
" Great," one is
"Apostolic," one Monomachos." one
T.nncrMrmoil " nnn HIjaH
"Soothsayer," one "Dark." one
poster," one "Brave," one "Proud."
one "Terrible," one " Not-to-be-For-gotten,"
one "Moneysack" and one
"Liberator;" but among the host of
crowned heads that have ruled Russia
for the past thousand years there was
apparently but one "Wise" head, and
that a woman's. The great Princes
Olga oft the tenth centurv, the first
Christian sovereign of Russia, is known
in history as "the Wise."
When the great Prince Vladimir, be
ing yet pagan, consulted the repre
sentatives of his people as to what
religion should be adopted, they an
swered: "The Greek religion, for
were it not the best, your Grandmother
Olga, the wisest of women, would not
have adopted it;" and the worthf
grandchild followed the example of his
grandmother. The philosophers of to
day, however, would call her rather
" the Smart or " the Cunning."
After Olga for seven centuries no
woman ascended the Russian throne.
In 1725, when Peter the Great died, his
charming and witty wife. " the Rus
sian Asphasia," was proclaimed auto
cratrix under the name of Cathe
rine. In course of time there were
three other Empresses, Ann, the niece
of Peter the Great and murderess of
the boy Czar, Peter IL ; Elizabeth, the
daughter of Peter the Great and mur
deress of the baby Czar. Ivan VI. : and
Catherine II., the wife and murderess
of Czar Peter III. The poets sang of
Catherine II. as " the Northern Semi
ramis," and by her great vices and bril
liant deeds she fully deserved that ap-
-peiiatioa. -.As for Ann and Elizabeth,
the classical nanitr-of Messalina would
be perfectly applicable to bothT
Mine. Pobedonostzcff, the leading
spirit of the Russ'an Government of to
day, is the wife of the Chief Procureur
of the Holy Synod and the most confi
dential counsellor of the Czar. She is
young, beautiful and ambitious. She
married Mr. PobedonostzetF but a few
years ago. Her husband, a very old
gentleman, is in love with her. It is
said of him that the knightly motto,
"God and my Lady," he changed into
"God and My Wife." and upholds it
as devoutly as a knight of old. He
rises early, prays to (Jod, adores his
wife, and then goes to see the Czar, or
the Ministers, or the Holy Synod, and
everywhere he tr'es his best to carry
out the commands of his charming god
dess. Meanwhile she herself is not idle.
She receives hosts of fair visitors of high
rank, who, while offering the;r homage,
seize the chance of commending their
husbands, brothers or cousins. Some
times this or that Minister of State does
himself the honor of paying his respects
to her. Occasionally she visits her
Majesty, the Czaritza, to cheer her soul
in her golden cage. And the Czar him
self is there always at hand. Thus it
has come about that, while the Czar
keeps away from the capital of his em
pire, Mme. Pobedonostzeff has some
how found herself to be the center of
the Russian political world. Instead of
the Czar's policy, or the Chancellor s
or the Minister s policy, we hear of the
Madame' s policy. With the modesty
of an ascending star,9he does not reveal
her projects, but it is very doubtful
whether any liberal reforms will find
favor with her. SL Petersburg Cor.
N. Y. Sun.
How Pickles Are Sorted aad Seld.
Very few persons know how many
pickles are consumed in this city and
vicinity. In the commercial world the
word ''pickle" means a small cucum
ber. They are divided into three gen
eral kinds, according to their size, and
are denominated small, medium and
large. They are sold by the thousand,
and the sizes are ranged according to
the number that can be packed in aoar
rel. Barrels are sent to this market
holding from 300 to 6,000 cucumbers.
The size most in demand by pickle
houses at present ran;e from 800 to
1,400 to the barrel. Where they run
over 2,000 to the barrel, they are called
gherkins. The pickle-makers bought
too heavily of the gherkins last year,
and hence they have a large quantity of
this size still on hand. The medium
sized cucumber is very scarce and com
mands a high pri e.
The largest harvest of cucumbers in
this part of the country is upon Long
Island. The average "yield is 120,000
cucumbers to the acre. Some of the
land under especially high cultivation
produces as high as 175,000 cucumbers
to the acre. Usually cucumbers are
sold by the large commission houses at
from $1 to $1. 10 a thousand. Recently
cucumbers have been so scarce that
they have been sold at $3 a thousand.
The average price yesterday for cucum
bers in large lots was from $1.75 to
$2.25 a thousand. The dry weather
has been the main cause of the present
short cucumber crop. It is estimated
by experts that the crop this year will
not be over two-thirds of the usual
yield. In the country about Chicago,
Cincinnati and SL Louis, also, large
quantities of cucumbers are raised.
In consequence of the enormous con
sumption of cucumbers, an advance
nearly doubling the price at which they
are sold by the' commission houses,
must have a marked effect upon the en
tire market One of the largest com
mission houses in this city stated to a
Tribune reporter the other day that few
persons had any idea of the immense
interests involved in the cucumber
trade. Over 300,000,000 cucumbers
were raised by the Long Island farm
ers. These were sorted and shipped in
barrels, either to the commission nouses
or under contract to the suiters. Over
$1,000,000 a year is invested in this in
dustry. The gherkins are chiefly sold to the
Southern market They also are em
ployed in making chow-chow and mus
tard pickle. The medium sizes, rang
ing irom 800 to 1.400 to the barrel,
were most sought for and brought the
highest prices. It was estimated that
fully half of all this enormous quantity
of cucumbers were sold by licensed
venders. Some of the farmers sort
their eonsignme nts before sending them
to this market The sorted cucumbers
sell better than the unassorted.
So important has the cucumber trade
been in this city during the past few
weeks, that some comm-ssion houses
have made it their rule to telegraph the
state of the market every mpraiag ta
their customers. The consignments
have been so heavy that they have been
obliged to make their settlements twice
a week, of once, as Bad been
usttaL The prices have been very high,
the average having been more than
double those of last year. Nevertheless
the fluctuations have been so consider
able that there had been a good deal of
speculation, both by the salters and the
farmers. This year enough cucumbers
to supply the demand cannot be ob
tained. It was stated yesterday that
many of the large salting houses had no
cucumbers in hai.d, except a few gher
kins which are not in good demand in
this market They are packed in glass
jars and bottles and sent down into
Texas and Central America. This
small variety can be shipped better
than the larger cucumbers, it is ex
pected that there w.ll be an unusual
scarcity of cucumbers until the advent
of the next crop. Ar. Y. Tribune
Spelling "Reform."
English spelling is, more than that o
any other living language, a beautiful
history, as it now stands, of the rise and
growth of the language itself. In our
apparently awkward assemblages of
now silent consonants, in mauy of our
phonetically useless double letters, we
recognize tne delicate threads bv which
we can trace hosts of words Lack to
their origin; our spelling is, in itself, a
practical and living treatise on etymolo
gy. To know the meaning of a' word
thoroughly, one must know its deriva
tion, its past history. Now, which is
the better a spelling which can easily
be mastered by the veriest blockhead.
or one which epitomizes, as it were, the
whole meaning of a word, its history,
its subtle affinities with parent tongues?
Our spelling is difficult, you say; well,
what of that? Mast good things are.
We no longer pronounce words as they
are spelled? The more shame to us!
Here lies the real and most grievous
fault in our language. We spell right
enough for the most part, but we pro
nounce badly. The English-speaking
race has done its utmost to bedevil its
own language by slip-shod habits of
pronunciation. But because our spoken
tongue has unworthily drifted away
from its honorable beginning, shall our
written language follow it cut loose
from its fellowship with the other great
languages of antiquity and modern
4unes. and so throw away the last trace
of its pateHUlyiL The man who first
stopped pronouncing tiiejh in daughter,
and begin to sound the same coupi-ct
consonants in laughter as if they were a
single, did a most slovenly, lazy and
utterly contemptible thing.
It is wholly incomprehensible, to the
present writer, at least, how people can
point with admiration at such infantile
barbarisms as the Italian Jilosofia. fun
tusma, and the like. Such spelling is
spelling for ignoramuses and commer
cial travelers; it is written baby-talk.
So far from phonetic spelling of this
sort being a "reform," it is a down
sliding into the vulgarest and cheapest
mediocrity. A true "reform" would
be to reinstate a worthily etymological
spelling wherever time and carelessness
has obliterated it To leave the mean
ingless subtle and return to the expres
sive subtile: to put two m'sintu amount,
so that its derivation from ad and mons
shall stare readers in the face; to put
two Cs into literature, as the French do,
so that one may be absolutely sure that
the word does not come from the past
participle of linen; to besmear. It may
be paid that siwh etymological spelling
is of advantage only to cultivated peo
ple, who " know Latin and Greek." as
the phrase goes. Admitted! But, in
Heaven's name, who are to govern
language the educated or the vulgar?
Is a spelling which speaks volumes to
the educated man. which is surpassing
ly rich in the most pregnant associa
tions, to be ousted by a system which
tells him nothing whatever, and the
only advantage of which is that foreign
ers and stupid bumpkins can learn it in
one year instead of six? Is the moun
tain to go to Mohammed, or Mohammed
to come to the mountain? Boston
Why He Didn't Explain.
Some eight or ten years ago a silvery
tongued chap who claimed to be a fruit
tree agent swindled the farmers of this
county in a shameful manner, and one
resident of Nankin was so mad about it
that he tame to Detroit searched the
rascal out and gave him a pouncing on
the street After he got through his
work he told the fellow that he would
lick him twice as bad if he ever put eyes
on him again, and it was a threat to be
remembered and nursed. About three
weeks ago the Nankin man was travel
ing in Washtenaw County, and as he
journeyed along the highway he met a
traveler who so closely resembled the
fruit-tree swindler that he halted, and
called out:
" Here you are again, you bold-faced
"Yes, I'm here," was the calm re
ply. 'Well, so'm I, and I'm going to lick
you until you can't holler! I said I'd
do it and I always keep my word.
Climb down here!"
The stranger "dumb" without a pro
test shedding his coat as he struck the
ground, and a fight began. In about
two minutes he had used up the farmer
and was coolly replacing his coat
" See here," said the man from Nan
kin, as he wiped his nose with a bur
dock, "you fight better than you did
eight years ao."
" Well, I dunno. This is my first af
fair with you."
"Didn't I wallop you in front of the
Detroit Post-office eight years ago?"
No, sir! I was in Australia up to a
year ago."
" And you never saw me before?"
" Never!"
" And was never in Narikin?"
" Never!"
"Well, I'll be hanged! Come to look
at you I can sec that you are not the
man! Why on earth didn't you explain,
or ask me to? You must have thought
me mistaken."
" Oh. yes, I knew you were mistaken;
but I had just discovered that I had
driven seven miles on the wrong road
and was wishing some one woulif come
along and give me two words of sass.
1 didn't want any explanations about
it. A rotten sweet apple will cure that
black eye in three or four days, and salt
and water will tighten your front teeth
in a week or so. I feel fifty per cent
better, and I'm ever so much obliged,
So long to you!" Detroit Free Prens.
A young man in a Western Illinois
town advertised for a wife. His own
sister answered the "ad." discovered
the identity of the advertiser, and. with
out betraying her own identity, led the
enamored young man along till he pro
posed marriage. The joke was too
good to keep and now there's another
yoang man who hates women with a
cruel, bitter hatred. Chicago Herald.
It is not generally known that Sir
Garnet Wolseley, the Commander-la-Chief
of the British forces in Egypt,
served with the Confederate army dur
ing the rebellion as Assistant Quartermaster-General.
N. Y. Graphic
Mayne Reid. the English story
writer, was a soldier of our army in the
Mexican war. and his application for
$180 a year pension on that account has
been successful; $15 a month will go to
him in England, as long as ho lives.
Detroit Post.
Mrs. Ludington, of New York, seventy-eight
years of age. has a daughter,
Mrs. Cadney, aged sixty, who lias a
daughtor, Mrs. lice, aged forty, who
has a daughter, Mrs. David, aged twenty-two,
who has a daughter two years
of age, all living in Sullivan County, N
Y.Troi Time.
Charles J. Folger, Secretary of the
Treasury, and Republican candidate for
Governor of New York, is sixty-four
years of age. He resides in Geneva, and
is a widower. Cleveland Grover. the
Democratic candidato for Governor, is
forty-five years old, a bachelor, and
Mayor of Buffalo.
The Rev. Mr. LansdelL an English
clergyman, who started recently from
St Petersburg on a missionary tour in
Siberia, was arrested and brought back,
the police having taken the Bible he
distributed for Nihilist literature. After
some considerable difficulty, however,
the revereud gentleman freed himself.
Prof. Maria Mitchell has had charge
of Vassar Observatory for nearly twen
ty years. She is a woman about sixty
years of age. with a striking face and
beautiful white hair. She is a Quaker
ess by birth and her dress and manners
are distinguished by her Quaker-simplicity.
In conversation she is interest
ing, original and racy. -V. 1- Sun.
Mrs. Huldah Sargent Robertson,
the oldest person in Vermont, died re
cently at BetheL She was born in
Chester. N. IL. April 30, 1771), aud
was the last survivor of a family of
eleven children. The daughters of this
family were remarkable for longevity,
six of them lijng to be over ninety
years of age, ami two of thoin over one
Lund red years.
Charles If. Fossenden. of Maine,
has in his possession a number of manu
script sermons which belonged to his
grandfather, the Rev. William Fessen
uen, who was oneot the pioneer clergy
men of Maine in the utter years of the
last century-jjhe peculiarity of these
BermoHSKatthewritten in an e
ceeuingly fine hand aTu'Pn one sheet of
ordinary letter paper. l'tSmust have
been a great surprise to.the baekwooir-
man of that day to hear a .ermon near
ly an hour long preached from four
small pages. Boston Fast.
m m
A gentleman, whose vocabulary
was mixed, wished to praise a certain
lady reader. "Yes," said lie, "besides
being a very line elocutionist, she has a
great deal of ejaculation.
About the most discouraging thing
that can happen to a man is to be doing
the handsome thing in keeping ahead
of a cross bull, and find, on reaching
the fence, that it is of barbed wire.
Boston Fast.
The weary husband as lie proceeds
to take down the cl-ithes-linc. uncon
sciously trips over a croquet arch, and
from the bottom of his L-et wishes ho
wore where the wickets cease from
troubling. Ereutnyr.
Mike to Patrick: "Did yez ever see
a flying fish, Pat?" Patrick, (with a
look of wonder) : l'veseei illustrations
of 'em, but never an original." Mike
(earnestly): "Oh. I've seen wan alive,
but it was stuffed."
"Please te'l me what the time is?"
asked a little boy of an apothecary, who
was much troubled by su -h inquiries.
"Why, I told you the time but a mo
ment ago," snapped the apothecary.
"Yes, sir," said the boy, "but ibis is
for another woman." Chicago Tribune.
A colored porter in an Austin store
asked the proprietor fora day-, leave of
ab ence. "What's up n-.w.'" "Dar's
a colored man gwine ter git married
and I oughter be present ter see him
fru." " Who is this colore I man at
whose weddingyou have to be present?"
"I'se de one, boss." Trxtu Siflimjs.
"I've lost a patient," sail I a doctor,
sitting down to a boarding-ho ise dinner
table, with a frown on his face as dark
as a gunpowder poultice. 1 am sorry
to hear it Man or woman? ' asked oifo
of the boarders. "Man." "When d d
he die?" "Die, hang him. he's not
dead. He stopped uikiiigmy medicine,
got well and ran away without paying
the bill. Arkansaui 'i'mmller.
A little girl had been playing in the
street until she luul become pretty wvll
covored with dust In trying to wash
it off she didn't use water enough In
prevent the dust rolling up in little bulls
upon her arms. In her trouble she ap
plied to her brother, a little older than
herself, for the solution of the mystery.
It was explained at ouce to his satis
faction at least. "Why, sis. you' re
made of dust and if you don'i stop
you'll wash yourself all away." This
opinion, coming from her elder brother,
was decisive, and the washing was dis
continued. Detroit Fost.
"Never mind what you thought,
sir." roared the lawyer to" the diffusive
witness, "and nevermind what you be
lieve. Just tell the court what you
know." " Everything?" asked the wit
ness. " Yes. everything; it won't take
you more than five minutes, 1 guess.'
"Well, then." said the witness, cheer
fully. " I'll just begin with that little
scrape you had down in Swede Prairie
last winter, when old Elder Newkins
fired you out of his smoke-house when
you " But here the witness v:is
sternly stopped by the shrieking lawyer
and the solemn Judge, the court inform-
1 ing him that no one was allowed to be
funny or mean in court except the law
yers. Aa Affecting Iucident.
In the hand of Madame Aubert.
when her body was taken out from the
recent railroad wreck in the tunnel near
New York, was a note which she was
writing at the time of the accident, as
"My Dear Sister: Many thanks for
your kind letter received last night.
Mother seems very much weakened,
but she is a little bit better this morn
ing. When we will get to the city I
do not know, nor what is the matter.
Every few minutes wu start then back.
then we start again. It is all the more
annoying that 1 have lots of things to
attend to to-day. as we move- in next
Saturday, 30th instant. If I possibly
caa I will ran over to see you to-day,
if aot, on Monday. We have come to
a dead stop again about One Hundredth
street to reach New York to
day, with love to all my family, to
After writing the word "all" Misa
Aufeert was killed. X J". Tril-une.
t f.i