The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 13, 1882, Image 1

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M. Iv. TURaSTER & CO.,
Proprietors and Publishers.
GTBusiness and professional card
of five lines or less, per annum, fire
dollars. 9- rf
31 Far tima advartiaemant. annlr "W- . M
, rr, ,
at tliis offlce.
fiSTLegal advertisements at statue
ETTor transient advertising, see
rates oa'tfefrel page.
tdTAll advertisements payable
13" OFFICE Eleventh St., vp ftairs
in Journal Building.
Per year
Six months
Three months
Single copies
VOL. XIIL-N0. 33.
WHOLE NO. 657.
C. H. VasWyck, U. S. Senator, Neb-
Alvis Saosdrs,U.S. Senator, Omaha.
E. K. Valkntikk, Rep., West Paint.
T.J. Majors, Contingent Rep., Peru.
ALBIKU3 ' axce, Governor, Lincoln.
S. J. Alexander, decretory of State.
John Wallicbs, Auditor, Lincoln.
G. 31. Bartlett, Treasurer, Lincoln.
C..I. Oil worth, Attorney-General.
"W. W. "V. Joucs, Supt. Public Iustruc.
C.J. Nobo, Warden of Penitentiary.
WAl'.1).ey' ! Prison Inspectors.
O. H. Gould, J
J.O. Carter, Prison Physician.
Il.P. 3Iathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum.
George B.LakeJ Assocjate Judges.
Ama&a Cobb. t
H. Maxwell, Chief Justice,
G. W. Po&t, Judge, York.
M. 15. Reese, District Attorney, Wahoo.
31. B. Hoxie, Register, Grand Island.
Wm. Anya:i, Receiver, Grand Island.
State Senator, 31. K.Turner.
Representative, G. W. Lehman.
J. G. Kiggins, County Judge.
John Staufl'er. County Clerk.
C. A. Newinau, Clerk Dist. Court.
J. W. Earlv, Treasurer.
D. C. Kavanaugh, Sheriff.
L.J. Cnner, Surveyor.
31. 31aher,
Joseph Rivet, 5- County Commissioners.
II. J Hudson, )
Dr. A. Heintz, Coroner.
J. E. Moncrief Supt. of Schools.
Byron Millett, J Tiistlnsnrthe?eace.
W.M. Cornelius,? J"8ticesortnex-eace.
J. R. Measlier, 31 ay or.
A. B. Ootlroth, Clerk.
J. B. Ih'lMiian. Trensurcr.
W.N. Hensley, Police Judge.
J. E. North, Engineer.
1st Ward John Rickly.
G. A. S"hroeder.
2d Ward Pat. Havs.
3d IFarJ J. Rasmussen.
A. A. Smith.
Columbus Iomi OOlce.
Open on Sundays trni 11 A.M. to 12m.
and from 1:30 to v. M. Business
hours except Sunday (t a. m. to 8 P.M.
Eastern mails clo-e at 11 a. m.
Western mails close at 1:15 i.M.
Mail leaves Columbus for Lost Creek,
Genoa, St. Edwards. Albion, Platte
Center, Humphrey, 31 adi&on and Nor
folk, ecry day (except Sundays) at
4:'.to p. m. Arrives at 10:5".
For Shell Creek and Creston, arrives at
12 M. Leaves 1 p. M., Tuesdays, Thurs
daj s and .Saturdays.
For Alexis, Patron and David City,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
1 p. m "Arrives at 12 m.
For Cmiklini: Tuesdays and Saturdays
7 a. m. Arrives IS i. in. same days.
IJ. 1. Time Table
ti:25 a. mi
10:53 a. in.
2:15 p. m.
1:30 a. m.
2:00 p. m.
4:27 p. m.
0:00 p. m.
1:30 a. m.
Eastxoard Bound.
Emigrant. No.u, leaves at
Passeug'r, " 4, " "
Freiu'ht, " , "
Kreigbt, "10, " ".
Westward Bound.
Freight, No. fl. leaves at.
PasSeng'r, " 3, " "
Freight, " 9, " "
r,.,;,ri-.,nt . 7. " " .
Every dav except Saturday the three
lines leading to Chicago connect with
U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will lie but one train a day, as
hown by the folio wine schedule:
B. & 31
Leaves Columbus,
" Bell wood
" David City,
" Garrison
" Uly.sses
44 Seward,
44 Ruby,
44 Milfnrd
Pleasant Dale,
44 Emerald,
Arrives at Lincoln,
Leaves Lincoln at 2:25 P.
ries in Columbus 8:30 p. .m.
. 5:45
M. and a
31akes close connection al
Lincoln for
all points east. vet and south.
O.. N. 4 B. H . ROAD.
Time Schedule No. 4. To take effect
June 2, '81. For the irovernment and
information of employees only. T
Company reserves the right to "y
therefrom at pleasure. Trains .
Sundays eXeept'Hl.
Outward Bound.
Inward 2"nd
Nortel1 .:20 A.M.
31U11'011 t'Al "
I:uison .8:2 "
PL Centre 9:48 '
LostC reek 10.09 "
Columbusl0:55 "
Columbuo 4:33 p.m.
LostCreek5:2l "
PL Centre ft: 12 "
lIuinphreC;25 44
Madison 7:04 "
3Iun-,oii 7:43 "
Norfolk 8:04
aLHION bkancu.
7:43 A.M.
Moa 6:1G 44 Genoa 9:14
&Elward7:00 44 Los, Creek9:59 "
Albion 7:47 " i Columbusl0:4..
H. UJERS & no,
"WatTon "Buildois,
w Brick Shop opposite llilnti's DruS Stow.
Eleventh Street, Columbus, Nebraska.
S. J. MARMOY, Frop'r.
Nebraska Ave., South of Depot,
A new house, newly furnished. Good
accommodations. Board by day or
week at reasonable rates.
23et a Firt-Claiw Table.
Meals, 25 Ut. Lodgings.... 25 CU.
Restaurant and Saloon!
E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor.
rgj-Wholesalc ind Retail Dealer in For
eTKn "Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Dub
lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales.
Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty.
OYSTERS in their season, by the case
can or dish.
lHk Street. Sostk f Pft
Up-stairs in Gluck Building, 11th itreet,
Above the New bank.
TT 3. HUlOi,
12th Street, 2 doors wet of Hammond IIosm,
Columbus, Neb. 491-y
Oflice over corner of 11th and North-st.
All operations first-class and warranted.
TEverythlng in first-class style.
Also keep the best of cigars. 510-y
r i:i:k a rledek, vr
Oflice on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraafca.
p G. A. HULLHORST, A. M.,l. Dl,
Ijgj-Two Blocks south of Court House.
Telephone communication. "-'7
Office up-stairs in 31cAllister's build
ing. 11th St. W. A. McAllister, Notary
Attcrsi? iniNcury TcXfe.
Columbus, : : : Nebraska.
j3"Carriage, house and sign painting,
glazing, paper hanging, kalsomining, etc.
done to order. Shop on 13th St., opposite
Engine nouse, Columbus, Neb. 10-y
llth St., nearly opp. Gluck's store,
Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, "Whips,
BUnkets, Curry Combs, Brushes, etc.,
at the lowest possible prices. Repairs
promptly attended to.
W. C1.ARK,
His lands comprise some tine tracts
in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north
ern portion ol PI. tie county. Taxes
paid for non-residents. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 20 y
Justiceof the Peace and
Notary Public.
Nebraska. N. B. He will give
close attention to all business entrusted
'o him. 248.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Buggies, Wagons, etc., made to
order, and all work guaranteed.
JSTShop opposite the " Tattersall.'
Olive Street.
Are pi spared to furih the public w'th
good teams, buggi" al carriages for all
occasions, especially for funerals. Also
conduct a fcea-nd sale stable. 49
To remove houses at reasonable
rates. Give nim a call.
J. E. Moncrief, Co. Supt.,
"Will be in his office at the Court Houee
on the first Saturday of each
month for the purpose of examining
applicants for teacher's certificates, and
for the transactton of any other business
pertaining to schools. " 067-y
Packers and Dealers in all kinds of Hog
product, cash paid for Live or Dead Hog.
or grease.
Directors. R. H Henry, Prest.; John
Wiggins, Sec. and Treas.; L. Gerrard, S.
Tames saejio,
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. 52 Cmo.
D.T. 3IARTYX, 31. D. F. SC1IUG, 31. 1).,
Deutscher Artz.)
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surceons. Union Pacific and
O., N. & B. H. R. R's.
Ifine, Ales, Cigars and Tobacco.
JTSchilz's 3Iilwaukee Beer constant
ly on hand.fP3!
Elfvkxtii St Columbds. Neb.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Have bad an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our mottois, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunity toestimatefor you. STSbop on
13th SU, one door west of Friedhof &
Co's. store. Columbus. Nebr. 483-v
Are prepared to receive and pay $3.00 per
ton for good clean flax straw (free from
foreign substances) delivered on their
grounds near the Creamery, in Colum
bus Nebraska.
Columbus, Dec. 5, 18S2. 324m
National Bank!
Authorized Capital,
Cash Capital,
- $250,000 !
oO.OOO !
A. AN DE RON, Tres't.
SA3PL C. S31ITII. Vice Pres't.
O. T. ROEN, Cashiei.
Foreiirn and Inland Exchange, Passage
Ticketa-JIeai Estate, Loan ana Insurance
r ,
Fine Soaps, Brushes,
PEBFUXE&Y, Etc., Etc.,
And all articles usually kept on hand by
Physicians Prescriptions Carefully
Eleventh street, near Foundry.
peice-& north;
Geueral Agents for tie Sale of
Union Pacific, and 31idland Pacific
It. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on tfve or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, lor sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also business and
residence lots in the city. We keep :i
complete abstractor title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
prain best!
Patent Roller Process
Because it makes a superior article of
bread, aud is the cheapest flour
in the market.
Evert sack warranted to run alike, or
money refunded.
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
Goodi Delivered Free lo any
part or the City.
Farm and Spring Wagons,
of which I keep a constant upplv on ,
hand, but few their equal. In style and
quality, second to none.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near j
A. AN. Depot.
I dtand by tha shore, and look over the sea.
Where sailed inv lover away;
Where sailed inr lover ii year ago
A weary year and a day.
rhn tide comns in and the tide goes out.
And the waves are hl"h and low;
The sun comes up and the sun iroes down.
And the days are dreary and slow.
Oh. love, dear lovel is there never a wind,
To waft yon home to me?
Is theie never a breeze to waft my voice
To where you dail on the sea?
Oh, the sea is wide and the .-ca is deep.
And rolls 'neath the moon mid sun;
The days are lonn and the tiiiy are cold,
And a Kloom has tea Ji-jud each one.
No more for me till I see your face
Will the sunshine reach my heart;
Nor tho skies above shiue jmuI and blue
While you and I are i?)art.
So set your ails from tin distant shores
And turn you back to me.
And brluir me hack your own true heart
From over the cruel ea.
.V. I). Urine, in Our Continent.
A Story of Northern Africa.
'A bright, burning summer day on the
firw-lloT. nt ta' fjfihirfl lOiorf tho
bare cliffs of the El Kantarah Pass hang
ing like a cloud on the northern hori
zon ; a quivering film of intense heat
along the lino where the rich blue of tho
cloudless sky met the hot, lifeless, brassy
r yellow of the desert: and in the fore
ground a group of Arabs, encamped be
side a tiny stream, in the shade of the
clustering palms that overhung it.
Some were munching hamlfuls of
parched corn, others were lying fast
asleep, while one dried-up old scare
crow with one eye, and a head like a
worn-out scrubbing-brush, was droning
out some interminable Eastern legend.
The story did not appear to get on
very fast, however, which was not sur
prising, inasmuch as the whole of it,
from beginning to end (if it ever had
any), was pretty much in this style:
'Now when the Prince Selim (may
his name be honored forever!) came up
to the gate of the palace a gate higher
than the dome of the Kaabah holy
place at Mecca, and built all of marble
whiter than the whitest milk lo! there
stood before it a giant, mighty and ex
ceeding terrible. Then was "the Prince
of Gulistun sore amazed, and said,
Never since I, Selim, son of Mahmoud,
son of Sayid, son of AH, first wore a
yataghan sabre have I beheld suoh a
monster as this!"
And so ok. for another half-honr,
keeping poor Prince Selim waiting at
the gate of the palace.
But on a sudden an exclamation of
astonishment broke from one of the
group, and all eyes were turned to stare
at a spectacle quite as wonderful to
them as any of the marvels to which
they had just been listening.
Sauntering leisurely over the burning
ilain, as composedly as if hewereloung
ng along the boulevards of Paris or St.
Petersburg, instead of traversing one of
the most dangerous spots in the whole
north of Africa, was a solitary man,
coming slowly toward them. True, he
wore the white mantle and husje many
folded turbau of the East, but he was
none the less a European, as his fair
complexion, well-trimmed beard, and
the jauntily cu tpautaloous sufficiently
W.AV. V. M.W MM.. 'UW.V, .W ..w.
anuwea -
Instantly the universal listlessncss
changed to bustle and excitement. The
sleepers woke up, tho lunch party for
sook their dates and corn, the story
teller and his hearers started to their feet
together, and all alike hurried forward
to meet their strange visitor.
But to their unbounded amazement
the strange visitor look no notice of
them whatever beyond a slight bow and
the usual "Peace be with you!" spoken
in good Arabic, though with an unmis
takably French accent. Stepping into
the shade of the palms, he bent down to
the stream, took a long draught of the
cool clear water, and then seating him
self upon the bank took off his turban,
and began to fan his hot face with a
fallen palm leaf, as if wishing to show
his coolness in a double sense.
The Arabs were completely taken
aback. They had seen men look pale,
and try to run away from them; and
they had seen men look fierce, and rush
at them pistol in hand ; but a man who
Eaid no attention to them at all, and who
ardfy seemed to know whether they
were there or not, was a thing which
they had never seen before, and they did
not know what to make of it. In fact,
like most men of their class, the moment
they encountered a man whom they
could not frighten, they at once begaii
to be frightened theinelve3.
At length the chief, seeming to think
himself bound to set an example of cour
age to his followers, walked right up to
the stranger, while the rest approached
more cautiously, very much as a man
approaches a strange dog which may
spring up and bite him at any moment.
"Peace be with thee, my "brother!"
said the chief, In a voice notquite so
steady as it might have been.
"Wilh thee be peace, oh, sheik chief
of the children of the desert!" replied
the unknown.
"What seeks the Frank European
chief among the warriors of the tribe of
'I am a magician," answered the
stranger, quietly.
The Arabs looked at each other wilh
undiguised trepidation. A magician
among them, and a Frank magician at
that! Who can tell what he might do
to them? For every Arab had heard
the fame of the mighty sorcerers who
could make wagons run without horse3,
ships go without sails, messages Sly along
a wire through the air swifter than an
arrow, little scraps of paper serve as
money, and other scraps of paper, no
bigger than a true believer's turban,
show the whereabouts of all the wells,
rivers, hills and caravan tracks, over an
area of thousands of miles. Evidentlj
this unknown gentleman was not a man
to be trifled with.
"I am a magician," repeated the mys
terious guest, before any one could
apeak in reply, "and I have come to see
if in the tribe of Ben-Asyr there be
another magician like myself, and to try
my power against his."
This challenge was followed by a
floomy and general silence. But sud
euly a cunning twkikle showed itself in
the chief's small, rat-like eye Perhaps
this strange man was only boasting in
order to frighten them. At any rate, it
might be worth while to see "what he
was made of, and how much he could
really do. So the chief made a very
polite bow, and said :
"We are far from the tents of our
tribe, and none of our great magicians
are with us; but let the vi?e men of the
Franks show us his power, that we may
behold it, and honor him as he de
serves." "That will I do
willingly," answered
a readiness which
tlin ctl0 nnni Wlth .. .mir1ini..i ...I.7.-.I.
rather disconcerted the worthy chief.
"Look all of you upon this coin" and
he held out a silver franc "which
m... cuuuggi, in a icauiucsa niuuu i
I have marked with a circle, as ve see.
. ,
Thinkest thou, O sheik of the Ben-Asyr,
that thou canst hold it too firmly for me
to take it away?"
"With the blessing of Heaven and of
the Prophet, I can," replied the chief,
"Let U3 try, then," said the stranger,
pressing the" coin into the Arab's ex
tended hand,-which instantly olosed
upon it as if meaning never to let it go
again. '(
"Presto! pass!" shouted the magi
cian, in a high, shrill voice; and the
chief, opening his hand, found to his
unfeigned dismay that it was emDty.
Amid the general silence and bewild
erment, the stranger pointed to a huge,
overripe datef that lay rotting on the
ground at some distance, which one of
the Arabs instantly handed to him. One
stroke of a knife laid it open, and out
tumbled the marked coin.
There was-, a visible movement of
surprise among the Arabs, and even tha
chief himself looked not a little discom
fited. " For a warrior of the desert, thou art
easily conquere'd," said the Frenchman,
'ijeerfngly; ,4tmtitisno wonder that ill
fortune should come upon the tribe of
'Ben-Asyr, wuen their chief himself, a
follower of the Prophet, carries with
him the liquor which the Prophet for
bade." " What mean you?" cried the chief,
" This," answered the other, as,
thrusting his hand into tho sheik's wal
let, he held forth to the horrified eyes of
the band a small flask of unmistakable
French wine. .
" Vor of a Frank!" roared the sheik,
losing all patience, "do you dare to try
your magical tricks upon a true believ
er? Take that!"
He snatched a pistol from bis girdle,
and aimed it lull at the conjurer's face ;
but it only dashed in the pan, and as he
dashed it furiously to the ground, his
unmoved opponent laughed disdain
fully. " Do you think, then, that Jam to be
hurt by mortal-weapons? Try it again,
if you will; or rather let me load a pis
tol for you, and you shall see whether I
am bullet-proof or no."
He drew & second pistol from the gir
dle of the slteik, who was too much as
tounded to object, and loaded it before
the eyes of the whole band, marking the
ball with his knife just before dropping
it into the barrel.
" Fire!" cried he, putting the weapon
into the sheik's hand.
The chief fired, and for a moment the
smoke hid everything. When it cleared,
the stranger, with a mocking smile on
his face, was seen to let fall the marked
bullet from his month into his hand, and
hold it up for every one to look at.
The dark faces of the Arabs turned
perfectly green with terror; but before
anybody had time to say a word a loud
shout was heard from behind, and up
dashed three mounted French officers
with a score of light horsemen.,
Instantly the Arabs took to their heels
with a howl of dismay, never waiting to
see whether the new-comers were real
men, or phantoms called up by the ter
rible magician. The spot was deserted
in a moment, and far out on the plain
might be seen a confused whirl of arms,
limbs and white mantles flying along
like dust driven by the wind.
" Really, M. Houdin, you must be
more careful," cried tho French Colonel,
excitedly. "To think of your venturing
alone among all those cut-throats! What
a fright you've given us!"
" And somebody else, too, seemingly,"
said Robert Houdin for it was, indeed,
the famous sleight-of-haud artist
glancing slyly at the flying Arabs.
"When I first came upon them I knew
it was no use running, so I decided to
face it out, and scare them a little in
stead. The next time you make a raid
through these parts, Colonel, take a few
conjurers with you; they'll be worth a
whole battalion of infantry, take mj
word for it." David Ker, in Ilarper'$
Young People.
Barbarians know nothing of that art
which a recent health article unwisely
advised young men to practice as an in
vigorating exercise. We mean the art
of boxing. No doubt it developes mus
cle and health, and without the least
doubt it developes also a certain "bump
tiousness" that is decidedly objectiona
ble. However, an Englishman who
made the pilgrimages to Mecca and
Medina once saved his life by his vigor
ous muscles that had been trained to
this exercise. He was disguised as a
servant to a Mohammedan, a rich East
Indian, whose devotion led him to seek
happiness at the city and the tomb of the
One night, while the caravan was in
camp, the Englishman, finding it im
possible to sleep, set out for a stroll and
smoke. With a "God bless you!" to the
nearest sentry, he went off some thirty
yards and sat down.
He had noticed two Bedawi followed
him out of the camp ; but as they disap
peared in the darkness he gave them
no more thought. After smoking for
some time, he heard a gentle scratching
sound on the ground close beside him.
Throwing away tho cigarette's end, he i
glanced over his shoulder.
There, close beside him, on his knees,
one hand on the sand and the other
in the act of lifting a broad-bladed,
curved knife, crouched the form of an
old gray-bearded Bedawin. In another
second the knife would have been driven
into the Englishman's back.
"I have no recollection," says the
disguised traveler, "of the process, but
I at once found myself standing up fac
ing the Bedawin. He also had sprung
to his feet and was at short arms' reach
from me with knife still uplifted.
"The string of my trousers had brok
en, and I was obliged to hold them up
with my left hand. I knew if I closed
with my man I should have them down
round my feet, and should be at a dis
advantage. I doubled my right fist as hard as I
could squeeze it, then gave a .quick,
sharp blow that landed my man on his
back. The knife flew out of his hand
into the sand.
"Just as he fell I saw another Beda
win, about five yard3 behind him, get
up from the sand where he had been
lying and rush off into the darkness.
"The Bedawin lay on his back hurt
some, of course, but not seriously hurt.
Dragging him to his feet, I called out to
the nearest sentry that I had got a thief,
and in a few minutes was relating my
story to an admiring crowd, who looked
upon the blow I had struck with 'the
empty hand' as almost incredible."
Youth'. ComjHinion.
A palatable corn pudding is made
of one pint of grated green corn or one
can of preserved, one pint of milk, two
eggs beaten well, one tablesnoonful of
butter, one teaspoonful of salt, and half
i a teasnoonfnl of rjeoDer. Butter & dish
; that will hold about a quart, mix the
seasoning and eggs with the corn and
! the butter, which shonld be melted first.
and then the milk, and bake in a mod-
erate oven half an hour. Exchange.
m m
It is estimated that the toothpick
toed boots have added at least 1,000,000
corns to the corn crop of this country.
Detroit Free Bress.
pacts and figures.
The largest theater is the now opera iu Paris. It covers nearly three
acres of ground. Its cubic mass is 4,
2?7,000feet. It cost about 100,000,000
The total exports of this country
amounted last year to $883,925,947, the
proportion produced by agriculture be
ing $729,620,016. or very nearly 88 per
cent. Chicago Journal.
The loftiest active volcano is Popo
catapetl "smoking mountain" thirty-five
miles southwest of Pueblo, Mexi
co. It is 17,784 feet above the sea level,
and has a crater three miles in circum
ference and 1.000 feet deep.
Of one family in the town of Ed
wards. St. Lawrence County, N. Y.,
there are one sister and four brothers
alive, aged respectively 81. 88, 85, 87
and 89, "aggregating 4'25 years, making
the large.avQi3ycBo85j'iiacs-.
The Pilgrim, a steamer now being
built at Roach's ship-yard at Chester,
Pa., will when completed be the largest
side-wheel steamship atloat. It is being
built for the Old Colony line of steam
ships at a contract price of 1,000,000.
A salmon trout weighing nine ani
a half pounds was caught with a hook
and line from off the pier at Charlotte,
N Y., a few days ago. A number of
salmon were placed in the river a few
years ago by Seth Green, and this was
the second one caught
Newport News, the deep water
terminus of the Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway, has only recently been laid off,
but in less than two years it will be
a flourishing town, and in ten years a
paper predicts for it 15,000 or 20.000
population. The principal improvements
thus far have been made by the Chesa
peake & Ohio Railway.
There is a tree in Chester, N. H.,
the circumference of the trunk being
seventeen feet, and the distance from
the ends of the limbs on one side to
those on the other is ninety feet. The
trunk is hollow, Tho tree" was planted
in 1812, on the Fourth of July, by Dr.
West It was cut bj- him for awalking
stick, and on reaching home he sturk
it into the ground in front of the door.
The hay crop of Maine in 1830 was
worth about three times a? much as all
the other field crops of that year. It
was, according to the statistics pub
lished in the annual report of the De
partment of Agriculture, worth $16,
436,700. while the corn crop was worth
only $85:5,175; the wheat crop $780,870;
rye $:57807; oats $96u, 150; barley $ 188.
GS3; buckwheat $240,000. and the pota
to crop $2,474,011, making a total of
$5,510,654 as the value of all the field
crops excepting hay.
Georgia has a mine of wealth far
greater in value than her gold fields in
her timber growth, if she only utilizes it
properly.. Seventeen thousand million
feet of timber at the present market
value, on shipboard at any of our ports,
would represent a capital of $350,000,
000. and certainly, if the lumber inter
est (which has advanced nearly 100 per
cent in valuo in the last few years,
while lumber has advanced only SO per
cent, during the samffme) isVorthatr
equal amount, this would make the total
value of these two great sources of
wealth $700,000,000. which sura far ex
ceeds the total valuation put upon all
the property of every kind iu the State.
Still, we venture to say, that in the list
of our taxable property the lumber in
terest is almost the smallest in valuation.
Atlanta (Ga.) Niw.t.
The best way to shorten sale is to
stop advertising.
A sensational report is called a can
ard because one canardly believe it.
It is reported that a New Jersey
i-igar maker has discovered that the leaf
Df the tobacco plant makes a very good
cigar. Norrislown Herald.
That little girl unwittingly gave ut
terance to the principles of many of her
elders when she wrote in her composi
tion: "We should make mistakes and
tell lies as seldom as it is convenient."
"I should think that 'ou would feel
badly about leaving this place," said
the housemaid to the departing cook.
" I don't; I'm glad to go. I ain't sorry
to leave any of you except the dog.
Poor old Tiger, he always washed the
plates for me!"
The Oil City Blizzard says " beads "
are the fashionable style of trimming
"on a glass of beer." A "glass oi
beer," we presume, is a new article of
feminine wear. The ladies do have
such queer names for thoir fixings.
Norristoicn Ilerald.
The United States Fish Commission
has recently olaced in the rivers of Ar
kansas and Texas 1,500.000 shad. This
statement may be believed. It's not the
number of fish they put into a river, but
the number they take out, that men lie
about. Boston Post.
A Denver Chinaman, who has gone
into the ice cream business recently,
has the following sign near the door:
" You catch 'em tleezy belly two bittee
all same Slan Flancisco." It is more
and more evident that we are
Chinese cheap labor. Boomerang.
An enterprising looking country
man with a creel full of fine brook trout
was standing in the doorway of a rail
road station. A passenger accosted him
aud admiring the fish remarked: "Go
ing to take thorn home for supper, I sup
pose?" "Not if I can help it," said
the rustic, with a grin. "There be a
part of city bloods as went fishing from
here this mornin'. They're 'spected
back soon, and I'm sorter lyin' round
waitin' to sa7e their feelin's." Brook
lyn Eagle.
They were talking beneath the old
linden tree, she lazily taking her first
swing in the hammock, while he, seat
ed on a rustic bench held the rope and
assisted the oscillation. "No, I never
could bear a strong minded woman,
never," said he, "and I'm real glad
you are not one." "And I always ad
mired a strong minded man," said she
petulently, " and I'm sorry you are
not one." And the two English spar
rows that were flitting in the branches
above seemed to pick up the fight so
unwittingly begun and finish it. New
Haven Register.
The agent of an accident insurance
company introduces in his advertise
ment the picture of a hat with the blade
of a pair of shears, that fell out of a
window, sticking upright in the hat
He says that the wearer of this hat was
insured against accidents in the com
pany for which he is an agent; but how
that prevented the shears from falling
into his hat the agent fails to show.
Moreover it was the height of the hat
that prevented the shears from hurting
the wearer of the hat after they struck.
A society to prevent women and chil
dren from chucking shears out of upper
windows, or one for the encouragement
of high hats, would seem to be the real
need of the community. Detroit Free
'Can you tell me," asked a
Sunday-school teacher of a little girl,
why the Israelites made a goldem
salt?" "Because they hada't gold
enough to make a cow,f' was the reply.
A mite of a boy in Somerville,
Mass., while looking out of the window
of his home, saw a fan-tailed pigeon
alight in front of the house. "Oh,
mother, come here,'1 he cried, "and see
a pigeon with a trail on as long as your
best silk!" Louisville Journal.
It is very comforting to a man who
is just recovering from a lingering ill
ness and has managed to crawl out to
the gate on a warm, sunshiny day to get
air, to have a neighbor come along and
shout cheerily: "Hello! Been away,
haven't you P Had a good time? -You
are looking well."
"Well," remarked a young M. D.t
just from college, "I suppose the next
thing will be to hunt a good location,
and then wait for something to do. like
Patience on a monument.' " "Yes,"
said a bystander; "and it won't bo long
after you begin before the monuments
will be on the patients."
The N. Y. Graphic prints pictures
of "the great diamonds of the world."
There are about thirty of these precious
stones, and the most surprising thing
about them is the fact that not a single
one is owned by an editor. Newspaper
men never did care much for jewelry,
anyhow. Norristoiun Herald.
First Russian Officer "Do you
think the coronation will pass off peace
fully?" Second ditto "Think? lam
sure it will. The Czar never was more
popular than he is at this moment.
Why, the people are ready to exalt him
to the skies." First officer "I know,
but they may do it with dynamite."
A new composition for the piano is
called "The Cyclone." It must have a
very violent "air," and should be adapt
ed to the hand organ, to enable the Ital
ian patriot who manipulates the crank
to "raise the wind." It is said that
after a young lady played the stormy
piece fifteen minutes, she discovered
that it had tornado-or off the hinges.
Burlington Haiokeye.
"Why, how odd you look with your
hair parted in the middle I" exclaimed
Mrs. Brown. "I used to part mine on
the side," said Mrs. Jones. Then the
conversation became general. Each lady
had to tell how she parted her hair
all but Edith's mother. She said noth
ing. Suddenly little Edith's voice was
heard. "My mamma parts her hair ia
her lap." Indianapolis Journal.
A Parisian, having advertised for a
coachman, was called upon by a candi
date, who referred him to a celebrated
physician for information in regard to
his qualities. The gentleman called on
the physician, who simply took his pen
and wrote on a piece of paper that his
former servant was a reliable, punctual,
and polite coachman. Taking the paper
in his hand and thanking the writer for
it, the man turned to leave; but the
physician called him back: "I beg
your pardon, sir, but my terms for a
oonuirtioaar-forty francs." LcJfig
aro. ""
At Astoria, Long Island, there are
established works for the production of
illuminating gas from petroleum. It is
claimed that the product is far superior
to that made from coal, but the most in
teresting fact is that it can be delivered
to consumers at from twenty-five to fifty
cents per thousand. N. Y. Post.
Amarantus retroflexus, a weed
which has secured a foothold over wide
areas, is cultivated by Arizona Indians
for its seed, which is quite prolific, and
has been fed to poultry in this State
with, it is thought, good fattening effect.
A recent analysis by Mr. Babcock shows
its root to be "particularly rich in pot
ash.". Y. Tribune.
It is quite commonly believed that
in running a man descends at each stride
upon the ball of the foot, so that the arch
of the foot may serve as a spring to
break the shock. In his instantaneous
photographs, however, Mr. Muybridge
shows that either in walking, running
or jumping, man like all other ani
mals so far observed alights upon the
heel. St. Louis Globe.
Prof. Ponfick, of Breslau, has been
clearing up some of the popular doubts
concerning mushrooms. He says that
all the common ones are poisonous, but
cooking deprives them of much of their
poison, though the water in which they
are boiled should be carefully thrown
away, and the esculent washed in two
or three waters. Dried mushrooms are
only safe after four months' keeping.
The Staked Plains are fast losing
their reputation for being a barren des
ert. Says the Crosby County (Texas)
Sun: "We learn from a gentleman
just in from that section that the colony
of Quakers who are settled on the
Staked Plains, in Crosby County, have
the finest crops this year that were ever
in Northern Texas. They have sent
word to the stockmen in that country
that they will sell corn at ten cents a
bushel less than it can be bought on the
railroad, and they will be prepared to
furnish any reasonable amount."
A man in Oregon has invented a
way to easily remove sand out of a river.
He removed 22,000 cubic yards at a cost
of $1,000, while by dredging the cost
would have been $10,000. The process
is to load a steamer by the stern, anchot
her head up stream, and then let her
turn her propeller. This loosens the
sand, which is carried away by the our
rent. A steamer in that way deepened
the channel of the Columbia River
eighteen feet, by a width of seventv-five
feet, in twenty minutes. Chicago Inter
Ocean. Some scientific journals propose
that men of science should be called
"scientiates, and not 'scientists," and
that instead of using the phrase "sci
entific studies," we should rather em.
ploy "sciential studies." No doubt
these changes would harmonize out
expressions very closely with the Italian
scienziati and scienziali, but it is ex
ceedingly questionable whether the
adaption of these new words would add
much to precision of statement, when i
the words now in use have very definite
meanings attached to them. Philadel
phia Press.
Educatioa that Didn't Pay.
"Why don't you send yourchildrw
to school, Ike?" asked-the superintend
ent of public instruction of an old i
colored man. "Well, boss, I's tried
that school business, and it won't ,
work." "How's that?" "Well, you
see, my son's been studyin' 'rithmetlc
for some time, and the other day I axed
him what was de county seat ob Africa,
and he couldn't tell me. When a boy
studies 'rithmetic free years an1 oanl
rigger out sich a simple question, I
tmks dat it's time for him to quit. Now
he's ituyin' 'stronomy in a brick-yard.1
Arkatuaw Travel.
.The Kaiser-Wilhelm. the youngest
of German universities, has 104 profes
sors, 825 students, and a library of 525,
000 volumes.
Miss Louisa Howard, of Burlington,
Vt. has given $5,000 to the University
of Vermont, for the establishment of
five scholarships, to be known by her
name. N. Y. Post.
It is stated as one of the most re
cent proofs of the success of missionary
effort in Japan, that it is quite common
to hear the children in the streets sing
ing: "Ah Jyesu disu" Jesus loves mo.
The Chinese Sunday-school of tho
Mount Vernon Church. Boston, has 110
members, and is increasing so rapidly
that it is hard to supply teachers. A
teacher is required for each pupiL Bos
ton Post.
The woman's suffrage organ in
Portland, Ore., gives much credit to tho
girls in the public schools of that city
for their success in winning all of tho
four medals offered by Mayor Thomp
son to the best readers.
President Andrews, of Marietta
College, Ohio, in his report tP the Na
tional Council of Saratoga,
strongly urged the harmonizing of the
three grades of education primary,
grammar aud collegiate. Chicago Jour
nal. A religious paper in the far West
says that since the revised version of the
New Testament has taken " hell" out
of several passages, and " fool" out of
sevoral others, many people are taking
more comfort in reading the Scripturos
than they ever did before.
The New York Times, in a sixteen
column article showing the progress of
religious denominations in that city be
tween 1845 and 1892, shows that while
the population has increased 225 per
cent, the total Protestant church mem
bership increased but 76 per cent,
while the Catholic Church membership
increased 900 per cent, or from 50,000
to 500,000.
The Board of Foreign Missions of
the Presbyterian Church have appro
priated for the year 1882, aud. to May 1
of 1883, the sum of $640,000. Since the
year 1833 the Board has received in gifts
and legacies $10,496,330, and tho en
tire sum has been used in missionary
work. Thirty new missionaries are
being sent out by the Board this year.
Christian Union.
The Methodist ministers of Provi
dence, R. I., recently discussed thesub
ject of ordaining women. The disci
pline of the church requires as qualifi
cations for ordination "gifts, grace and
usefulness," and it was urged that the
unwritten law required the candidate
should be of the masculine geuder. Dr.
Talbot, the presiding elder, said he did
not object so much to their preaching,
but there were other things involved
which they could not do; and one ol
these was to baptize by immersion.
LIfe-Slarery for Debt.
It was recently brought out in a de
bate in the House of Commons that
slavery of the worst class debt slavery
not only was allowed to exist, but was
actually protected and upheld in one of
the Malay native States which are under
the protection of England, and where
the British flag is constantly kept flying.
A correspondent, who vouches for the
accuracy of every particular, sends us
the following narrative of the way in
which a British res.deut fosters this
hateful sys cm. Mr. James limes (writes
our correspondent), son of the late
Prof. Cosmo Innes, of Edinburg, has
been for some years Collector and mag
istrate in one of the Malay native States
called Selangor. While there one of
his chief duties was to discourage slav
ery, which he did with very great suc
cess. In August. 1878, however, he was
moved to another of the three Malay
native States, called Pernk, to relievo a
brother official who had been invalided
home. In Perak Mr. Innes found to
his astonishment that part of his duty
as magistrate was to issue warrants for
the capture of runaway slaves and to
see that the warrants were carried out
He inquired of the other English officials
in the place, and found that this dis
reputable work, as he considered it, had
been done by his predecessor and also
by the Superintendents of Police, but
that they had always done it with great
reluctance, and only in obedience to the
express commands of Mr. Low, the
Resident of Perak. It appeared that it
was the custom of the country, en
couraged and approved by the
Governor of the Straits settlements.
The more Mr. Innes inquired into the
subject the more revolting it appeared.
It was proved beyond a doubt that the
unfortunate slaves never ran uway un
less their lives were made absolutely
unendurable. It also appeared that
when, by the agency of the English
magistrates or otherwise these poor
wretches were caught and returned to
their masters, they were not infrequent
ly tortured to death. This was done to
dieter others from following their exam
ple. Mr. Innes naturally nestitated at
making himselt an accessory to murder.
In Maniya, as iu other States where
debt slavery prevails, a peasant wno
borrows a sovereign from his landlord
is liable on failure to repay the loan to
be made :i slave for life, together with
his wife and family. Even children
born after their parents have become
debt slaves are the property oi the cred
itor, and their children, also. The re
sult is that almost every one in the
country who is not a ra.ah is a slave.
There "is no middle class in a Malay
country, nothing between a rajah and a
ryot The rajah feeds and clothes his
slaves, of course, in return for their la
bor, and sometimes treats them not un
kindly, calling them his children. But
he can sell them for so much a head, or
order them to be killed if they should of
fend him. Pali-Mall Gazette
Night Air.
An extraordinary fallacy is the dread
of night air. What air can we breathe
at night? The choice is between pure
night air from without and foul airirom
within. Most people prefer the latter
an unaccountable choice. What will
they say if it proves to be true that
fully one-half of all the diseases we suf
fer from are occasioned by people
sleeping with their windows shut? An
opened window, most nights in tho
year, can never hurt airy one. In great
cities night air is often the best and
purest air to be had in the twenty-four
hours. I could better understand shut
ting the windows in town during the
day than during the night, for the sako
of the sick. The absence of smoke, the
quiet, all tend to make the night the
best time far airing a patient
One of our highest medical author
ities on consumpt'on and climate has
told me that the air in London is never
to good as after ten o'clock at night.
Always air your room then, from the
outside air, if possible. Farm and