The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 27, 1882, Image 1

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ExTBuainesa and professional cards
of five lines or less, per annum, five
23TFor time advertisements, apply
at this office.
ISsTLegal advertisements at statute
TSTTox transient advertising, see
rates on third page.
X3 All advertisements payable
T" OFFICE. Eleventh St., lairs
in Journal Building.
t k K m s:
Per year ..
Six mouths
Three months
Single copies
2 06
. 1 OO
VOL. XIII.-N0. 22.
WHOLE NO. 646.
Proprietors and Publishers.
C. H. VaxWyck, U. S. Senator, Neb
raska Jit.
Alvix sAUXDER.s,U.ri.Sciiator,Omaha.
E. K. Valentine, Hep.. Went Point.
T. J. .Majoks, Contingent Hep., Peru.
Albinus Nance, Governor, Lincoln.
5. J. Alexander, Secretary of State.
John Wallich Auditor, Lincoln.
G.3I. K-irtlctt, I'reaaurer, Lincoln.
C.J. Oil worth, Attorney-General.
W.W. W.Jones, Supt. Public Instruc.
C.J. Xobe-,, harden of Penitentiary.
w)Nr A,),b,'-'' Prison Inspectors.
C. II. Gould, i
J.O. Carter, Prison Phvsician.
II. P. Mathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum.
George B. Lake.) Associate Judges.
A mat. a Cobb. 1
S. Maxwell, Chief Justice.
G. V. Post, .ludtre, Yoik.
M. P.. Reese, District Attorney, Wahoo.
M. B. Hoxic, Keglster, Grand Island.
Wm. Anyan. Receiver, Grand Island.
State Senator, M. K. Turner.
" Representative, G. V. Lehman.
.1. G. Higirins, County Juitee.
John Stauller, C'ountv Clerk.
C. A. Newman, Clerk Dist. Court.
J. W. Early, Treasurer.
D. ('. Kavauaiixli. Sheritr.
L..I. Crun-r, Survcvor.
M. Maher, 1
Joseph Rivet, Countv Commissioners.
II. J Hudson, )
Dr. A . Heintz. Coroner.
J. E. Mnnerief upt.of Schools.
Byron Millett. 1 , .- ,,., .,
v xt i' :.. t JusticesofthePeace.
J. R. Meauh-r, Manr.
A. B. Collrotb, Clerk.
J. B. DeKmnn, Treasurer.
W. N. Hen-ley, Police Judge.
J. E. North, Engineer.
1st Ward John Rickly.
. A. S-hroeder.
2d Ward Pat. Havs.
3d Ward J. Rasmusen.
A. A. Smith.
Columbus Post Oilier.
Open on Siinriavs tram 11 A.M. to 12m.
and from 1:"0 to 0 v. m. Business
hours except Sunday K a. m. to ri p.m.
Eastern mail- close at'll a.m.
Western mail-Hose at 4:iri.M.
Mail leaves Columbus for Lo-t Creek,
Genoa, St. Edward-.. Albion, Platte
Outer, Humphrey, Madison and Nor
folk, every day (except Sundays) at
4::t." p. in." Arrives at 10:.V.
For Shell Creek and Creston, arrives at
12 M. Leaves 1 i. M., Tuesdays, Thurs
day s and Saturday -.
For Alexis, Patron and David City,
Tuesdays, riiurdas and Saturdays,
1 p. m Arrives at 12 M.
For Conkliug Tuesdays and Saturdays
7 a. m. A rri es G n. in. -ame days .
I). I. Time Tabic.
Eastward Bound.
Emigrant, No. 0, leaves at
0:2" a. m.
10:5.'5 a. m.
2:15 p. m.
4:30 a. in.
Passeng'r, " 4,
Freight, " 8,
Freight, " in.
Westward Bound.
Freight, No. ."i, leaves at
Passeng'r, " :t, " "
Freight, " J, " " 7. " " .
2:00 p. m.
4:27 p. in.
fi:00 p. m.
1:30 a. m
Every day except Saturday the three
lines leading to Chicago connect with
U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will be but one train a day, as
shown by the following schedule:
Leaves Columbus,
" Bellwood
" David City
44 Garrison,
44 Ulysses,
44 Staplehurst,
44 Seward,
44 Rubv
.ri:45 a. M.
7:40 44
S:25 44
8:.V 44
!:: 4
o:ro 44
10:1.". '
10:45 '4
11:10 44
11:45 m.
M. and ar-
Pleasant Dale,
Arrives at Lincoln,
Leaves Lincoln at 2:25 P.
rivoi in Pnliimhils StJtO !- M.
Makes close connection at Lincoln for
all point- eat, vet and south.
O.. N. & B. II. ROAD.
Time Schedule No. 4. To take effect
June 2. Sl. For the government and
information of employees only. The
Company reserves the right to vary
therefrom at pleasure. Trains daily,
Sundays excepted,
Ouhrnrd Bound.
Jmcard Bound.
Norfolk 7:20 a. m.
Munson 7:47 4'
Madison .S:20 "
ilumphrev9:05 "
PL Centre 9:48 '
LostCreeklO.09 44
Columbusl0:55 "
Columbus 4:I p.m.
PL Centre 5:42
Madison 7:04
Munson 7:43
Norfolk 8:04
Columbus 4:45 p.m.
LostCreek5:31 4
Genoa .. 0:10 44
Albion 7:43a.M.
St.Edward8:30 "
Genoa 9:14 "
LostCreek9:59 44
ColumbuslO:45 44
Albion 7:47
"Waffon BnildeiSs
Xew Brick Shop opposite Hclntr's Prus; Store.
Eleventh Street, Columbus, Nebraska.
S.J. MARMOT, Prop'r.
Nebraska Ave., South of Depot,
A new house, newly furnished. Good
accommodations. Board by day or
week at reasonable rates.
23"TSeti a. Flr.t-C1K Xable.
Meals, 25 Cts. 1 Lodgings. ...25 Cts.
Restaurant and Saloon!
E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor.
JSTWholesale and Retail Dealer in For
eign Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Dub
lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales.
'Kentucky Wiiskies a Specialty.
OYSTERS in their season, by the case
can or dish.
Utk Street. Soutk of Dpst.
Office at Dowty. Weaver & Co's store.
BANKERS, Collection, Insurance and
Loan Agents, Foreign Exchange and Pas
sage Tickets a specialty.
Up-stairs in Gluck Building, 11th street,
Above the New bank.
13th Street, S door went or Hammond House,
Columbug, Neb. 491.y
ptK. M. 1. TBIIBSTO.I,
Office over corner of 11th and North-st.
All operations first-class and warranted.
t3TE very thing in first-class style.
Also keep the best of cifrars. 510-y
Office on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska.
G. A. IIULLHORST, A. 31., M. D.,
3J-Two Blocks south of Court House.
Telephone communication. 5-ly
Office tip-stairs in McAllister's build
injr. 11th St. W. A. McAllister, Notary
r I. EVAI, 91. .,
JST Front room, up-stairs in Gluck
building, above the bank, 11th St. Cills
answered uignt or day. 5-Gm
Attcrsiy 4 ITsury PatT e. Cdlertcr.
ColmnlM, : : : Nebraska.
BSTCarriage, house and sign painting,
glazing, paper hanging, kalsomining, etc.
done to order. Shop on 13th St., opposite
Engine House, Columbus, Neb. 10-y
llth St., nearly opp. Gluck's store,
Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, AVhips,
Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, etc.,
at the lowest possible prices. Repairs
promptly attended to.
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public.
Nebraska. N. B. He will give
close attention to all business entrusted
r.o him. 248.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Buggies, Wagons, etc., made to
order, and all work guaranteed.
JQTShop opposite the " Tattersall,"
Olive Street. -
Are prepared to furnish the public w.'th
good teams, buggies and carriages for all
occasions, especially for funerals. Also
conduct a feed and sale stable. 49
To remove houses at reasonable
rates. Give nim a call.
J. E. Moncrief, Co. Sapt.,
AVill be in his office at the Court House
on the first Saturday of each
month for the purpose of examining
applicants for teacher's certificates, and
for the transacttou of any other business
pertaining to schools. f-07-y
oi-TrrsTAiyrAisrs stoee i
Dealer in Chinese Teas, Handkerchiefs,
Fans, and French Goods.
12th and Olive Sts., Colusibus, Neb.
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
52 6mo.
Wines, Ales, Cigars and Tobacco.
iSTSchilz's Milwaukee Beer constant
ly on hand.flrffl
Eleventh St., Columbus, Neb.
Surgeons O., N. Jb B. H. B. J?.,
Asst. Surgeons U. F. B?y,
Carpenters and Contractors.
Have bad an extended experience, and
wiir guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds,. of Repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunity toestimateforyou. tSTShop on
13th SU, one door west of Fricdhof &.
Co's. store, Columbus, Nebr. 453-y
Mrs. M. S. Drake
Nebraska Avenue, two doors north of the
State Bank.
Fine Soaps, Brushes,
PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc.,
And all articles usually kept on hand by
Physicians Prescriptions Carefully
Eleventh street, near Foundry.
General Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
R. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on five or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also business and
residenco lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstract of title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
Patent Roller Process
Because it makes a superior article of
bread, and is the cheapest Hour
in the market.
Every sack warranted to run alike, or
money refunded.
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
Gooclfl Dellrered Free to
part of Ike City.
Farm and Spring Wagons,
of which I keep a constant supply on
hand, but few their equal. In style and
quality, second to none. -
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A. & N. Depot.
Catching a Shark.
There is a great deal worse fun than
fishing for sharks. You might go out
and sit in the broiling sun all the fore
noon for the questionable satisfaction of
getting a few blackiish too small to cat
and not big enough to jerk the line when
they bite, But If you go shark-fishing you
have a reasonable chance of getting a
bite and almost as good a chance of
landing your fish, if you only keep as
cool as you can under a hot sun; and
when you get one fairly baited he will
make "it very lively for all on the boat
until you get an jther hook into his jaw
or two or three balls into his head.
When it was proposed that we try our
luck in that direction the other after
noon, I for one was skeptical
and was not at all inclined to
wager on our success, but "Win"
made all preparations with as much
solemnity as if his reward was sure.
The shark line which he had in readi
ness was about enough to fill a small
fruit basket. It was of cotton, about
half an inch thick, and on one end of it
was a steel hook, a trifle smaller than
the cord itself, and nine or ten inches
in length, attached to the line by a short
piece of chain, for the teeth of the fish
are quite sharp enough to cut a good
rope if he only has a fair chance. We
left the inlet at about three o'clock in
the afternoon, and within fifteen min
utes were anchored close to the bank,
about a mile up the thoroughfare, where
the water was fifteen to twenty feet
close to the shore. Win had previously
secured a dead eel, with which he pro
ceeded to ornament t'i ook, putting
it through the eel tint i t was curveu
more sharply than it ever was in life.
A stick of wood about two feet in length
was attached to the cord about fifteen
feet from the hook, and it was thrown
Captain Conover set about baitinp; the
hooks for the small lines, but the ladies '
concluded they would not fish, and
taking out their novels proceeded to
make themselves as comfortable as thev
could on the cushions. The bovs, how- '
ever, eagerly seized the lines and be
gan posing for a new statue of " Pa
tience." The Captain caught the first
fish, and Brent was rewarded with a
little dog-shark. There certainly was
not luck enough to seduco the shark
fisher away from his post, for the best
that could bo said of the catch for the
first half hour was that it. would do to
bait the shark hook with if he should
get away with the eel. The novice in
the part' had hardly got about a tenth
of the information necessary for catch
ing a fish before the Iloat was drawn
under water, anil Win sprang to the
rescue of the lin Unfortunately, it
was only a bite, but it demonstrated the
Iiresence of the fish for which we were
The line was hauled in and the eel
found to be intact. To make it a little
more enticing, however, a toni-cod was
added to the hook and the line thrown
out again. There was not so long to .
wait this time, for m less than a quar
ter of an hour his sharkship made an
other lunjre at the eel and the line was
hauled taut in a jilly. Win jumped to
his feet and George sprang to his as
sistance just in time to have a bit of
flesh nipped out of one finger as the
Hue was allowed to run rapidly out and
fjive the fish a little play, while the
oys sprang from one end of the boat
to the other, and twisted the fishing
lines into inextricable confusion. "Let
him have a little more line," called out
Win, flushed and eager with excite
ment, and George returned with a cau
tion to keep his feet off the line, for at
the rate the shark was pulling just at
that time he could have tripped one of
them into the water in a second if their
feet had caught in tiie slack. By that
time they both had a firm hold of the
Hue, ami were permitting the fish to dash
in any direction that pleased him.
But sharks were never made for hard
work and they soon weary of trying to
drag a boat, so he soon turned and
dove, only to come to the surface
quicker than before, and as his nce
was pulled up toward the bow he gave
a vicious fiirt with his tail that deluged
us all with water. This kept up about
ten minutes, when he began to show t
signs of fatigue, and was brought near
enough to the side to receive two bul
lets in his head, which seemed to have
a depressing and even discouraging ef
fect upon his further activity. As his
nose was turned up it was seen that the
hook had caught, not in the mouth, but
in the jaw, which accounted for his re
markable gaminess. It was a pretty
good tug to lift him on board, but he
was finally secured just behind the
mast and his jugular vein cut, just to
keep him quiet.
Proper regard for the tradition of
fish stories would require me to say
that this shark was a man-eater, with
double rows of teeth, about eleven feet
long, and 300 pounds in weight, but
that regard for truth which is the last
requisite of a really good fisherman
compels mo to say that this particular
shark was of the blue-nose variety, and
only six feet and nine inches in length
weight unknown. Atlantic City Cor,
Philadelphia Press.
The use of matches is now -so uni
versal that we scarcely comprehend
they were not always common; but it is
only a few years since the now well
known friction match was invented.
The writer well remembers buying for
ten cents the first he ever saw, a few ,
matches in a blue box with a piece of
sandpaper on the bottom on which to
ignite the match.
The first matches made of which we
have knowledge were merely splints of
soft wood, the ends of which were
dipped in brimstone. These were ignit
ed by contact with fire, usually burning
tinder that had been ignited by sparks
etruck from steel by a Hint. For doing
this there were many contrivances By
the first process the piece of s'eel was
held in one hand and struck with tho
lllUb 111 L11C ULliOl. aJJUlt3UUlG3 LUC llf-
der was pat in the pan of a Hint-lock
gun, and ignited by the spark that fell
when the lock was snapped. Then
other inventions were made, The ap
paratus, we remember, was contrived
so that a high velocity could be given
to a steel wheel by means of a string, sim
ilar in action to the way boys some
times spin their tops. When this wheel
was revolving rapidly, the steel was
applied and sparks thrown on tinder
in a chamber below. These sparks, it
will be remembered, were bits of steel
that were raised to a red heat struck 01F
the mass by friction or percussion pro
duced by applying the steeL
An advance on this was mixing chlor
ate of potash with the brimstone in
which the ends of the matches were
dipped. These could then be ignited by
bringing them in contact with sulphuric
acid. The discovery of phosphoric in
1680 furnished a new means of. produc
ing fire, but its use did not become gen
eral until during the present century.
At first it was used by rubbing a bit be
49?t' ... ttltA,. Csvn,A4 av,rc hn 4, am '
tween folds of crown paper and then
applying a sulphur match. Later an
oxide was formed by burning phosphor
us in a vial in which the air was con
fined. This oxide would adhere to tha
sides and bottom of the vial, and when
a sulphur match was touched to it com
bustion would ensue.
The so-called lucifer matches were
invented in 18-29, by John Walker, an
English chemist. He covered the ends
of sulphur matches with a paste made
of chlorate of potash and sulphuret of
antimony mixed with starch. These
ignited upon being drawn between folds
ot sandpaper. Improvements now fol
lowed in rapid succession. First the
sulphuret of antimony gave way to
phosphorus, ami the chlorate of potash
to niter. Then stearine was used to
take the pla"e in part of sulphur, which
diminished the disagreeable smell, and
various other changes were made, until
we have the almost perfect matches ol
the present day, designated as congreve
The so-called safety matches are made
without phosphorus, but the chemicals
with which the ends are tipped cause
phosphorus to burn when they come in
contact with it; consequently the' can
not be ignited by friction of any kind
where phosphorus is not present. The
paper on the boxes in which they are
sold is coveted with a preparation of
phosphorus aud by drawing the end
of the match across it sufficient ad
heres to unite with the chenrcals and
ignite. These were inented about
18of. They are comparatively lilt'e
known in America, although their mer
its should procure for them a better ac
quaintance. These matches are sold
for a higher price than the ordinary
kind, and at a rate different from
what their mode of construction would
seem to warrant; but oven if sold at the
same rate it is doubtful if they would
come into general use, so averse are
people to taking trouble for the sake
of safety. We understand that in somo
of the European countries these safety
matches are the only ones that are aj
proved by Government, ami that loss or
damage by fires occasioned by the use
of other kinds, or where the' are pres
ent, cannot be recovered from insurance
companies. N. Y. Sun.
An Agreeable Storekeeper.
Old Jim Doolittle used to keep a store
in Cottonwood, Jfeb., but he is now out
of the business. He was a very peculiar
salesman. If a customer didn't buy
everything he looked at Doolittle re
garded him as an open enemy. He
took very little stock in the motto: "No
trouble to show the goods." In conse
quence of his peculiar method of trans
acting business Doolittle's trade dwin
dled until he was able to enjoy all of
that solitude for which his nature seemed
to yearn.
One day a lady strayed into Doolittle's
store and timidly asked the poor boon
of looking at some cheap calicos. Doo
little clung heroically to his nail keg,
and kept right on whitling.
" Ver want to look at some prints, do
yer?" he snarled.
"If you please," replied the lady.
" Well, now, ef yer air going to buy
some, I'll show 'em down; ef yer ain't
I don't propose to unlimber the goods
and muss up the counter."
The lady fled.
A man from the North Loup stumbled
on to Doolittle' store and went in to
buy a pair of boots. The stock of men's
foot wear was not very extensively sort
ed up, and every pair the Loup Fork
man tried were too small for him. The
last pair of split leather kips were
mournfully laid aside, and with a sickly
smile he said he guessed he had better
go somewhere else.
"Then you don't want no boots ter
day," snapped Doolittle.
" Yes, I've got to have sum butes,
pardner, but it seems these air are all
too small enough."
" Yer don't act like a man as wanted
any boots," said Doolittle, glaring at
him like a wounded hen -hawk.
"The3're too small, pardner."
"Don't j-ou call mo pardner, you old
lantern-jawed snoozer. Yer one of
these finnicky chaps as can't be uited
nowheres, that's what yer air. What
do yer have such cussed big feet for,
" I guess I'd better be a-going," said
the Loup Fork man, pulling on his old
pair of moccasins and starting for the
"Yer had that, yer splay-footed old
mud-dobbler. Here, hadn't you better
come back and try on the cae! Mebbe
it'll lit one of your hog-fat feet."
Something like a crowd gathered in
front of Doolittle's store immediately
after this colloquy. There seemed to
be a kind of theatrical entertainment
going on inside. Anon the Loup Fork
man would swing something over his
head a few times, aud then he would
fetch the floor a thwack with it which
made all the alabaster crockery and
nutmeg-graters rattle off the shelves.
The floor was strewn with canned
peaches, cove oysters, boneless codfish
and pants buttons. The dust was so
thick that the excited audience could' t
see exactly what was transpiring with
in, but from certain ejaculatory sen
tences overheard it was surmised that
some one was trying to sell Doolittle a
bill of goods on thirty days' time, five
per cent, off for cash. But as he shot
out into the heart of the crowd, and la'
there in a kind of soft, pulpy condition,
his face highly ornamented with dis
played, ads. and cuts, and a half pint of
teeth scattered around him, the assem
bled multitude reverently made way
for a tall stranger who issued from the
store minus a hat, with a flushed face
and a long rent down the back of his
coat. Denver Bejntblican.
Deadly Weapons.
A detective frightened a young man
nearly to death yesterday. The young
man was standing on the corner when
the detective tapped him on the shoul
der and said: "I shall have to arrest
. -i ii i ffi
ou tor carrying ueauiy weapons. iam
young man turned pale, and his lips
quivered, and he stammered out that he j
never carried a revolver or a knife in
his life. "Yes." said the detective, j
" that may be all right, but look at
your shoes." The young man looked !
at his pointed, tooth-picked-toed shoes,
and asked what was the matter with '
them. Then the detective told him the
shoes were so sharp at the toes that if I
he should get mad and kick a man ho
would split nim wide open. Then the
detective winked, and said: "You may
go this time, butdon'tletitoccuragain."
recurs Milwaukee own.
In a new decision by the Missouri
Court of Appeals, in the matter of a
property owner's petition for injunction
against a telegraph company, which hwi
put up a pole opposite his premises un
der a permit from the Board of Publia
Improvements, it was stated that tho
power of the Board to give such per
mits might be so limitedas to exclude
the erection of anything unsightly
Curious Adrertiseneats.
Tue followioir is the advertisement
of one who might be termed a " handy
man ": " dames Williams, parish cleric,
saxtone, town-crier, and bellman,
makes aud sells all sorts of haberdash
eries, groceries, etc., likewise hair and
wigs drest and cut on short notice. N.
B. I keeps an evening school, whero I
teach at reasonable rates reading, rit
ing, and 'rithmetic and singing. N. B.
I play the hooboy occasionally if
wanted. N. B. My shop is next door,
where I bleed, draw teeth, and shoo
horses with the greatest scil. N. B.
Children taut to dance if agreeable at
sixpence per week, by me, J. Williams,
who buy and sell old irin and coats
boots and shoes cleaned and mended.
N. B. A hat and pr of stockens to be
cudjelled for, the best in 5 on Shrof
Tushday. For particulars encuire with
in, or at the horse shoo and bell, near
the church, on t'other side the way.
N. B. Look over the door for sign ot
pidgeons. fti. B. 1 sells good ayle,
and sometimes cyder. Lodgings for
single men. N. B. I teach jografy,
algebry. and them outlandish kind of
things. A ball on Wednesdays and
A specimen of an indignant adver
tisement appeared in the Times in 1874:
" Should this meet the eye of the lady
who got into the 12:30 train at New
Cross Station on Friday, May 15, with
two boys, ono of whom was evidently
recovering from an illness, she may be
pleased to learn that three of the four
young ladies who were in the carriage
are very ill with the measles, and the
health of the fourth is far from what
her relatives could desire."
The following, from an indignant
husband, is culled from one of the Irish
papers: "Run away from Patrick
Al'Dallogh. Whereas my wife, Mrs.
Bridget M'Dallogh, is again walked
away with herself, and left me with
her four small children, and her poor
old blind mother, and nobody else to
look after house and home, and, I hear,
has taken up with Tom Gingan, the
lame fiddler the same was put in the
stocks last Easter for stealing Barday
Doody's game cock: This is to give no
tice, that I will not pay for bite or sup
on her or his account to man or mortal,
and that she had better never show the
mark of her ten toes near my home
again. Patrick M'Dallogh. N B.
Tom had better keep out of my sight."
Perhaps the most, curious advertise
ment for a wife that has ever appeared
in any paper was that published in
BcWs' Weekly Messenger of May 28,
1797. It ran as follows: "Matthew
Dawson, in Roth well, Cumberland, in
tends to be married at Holm Church,
on the Thursday before Whitsuntide
next, whenever that may happen, and
return to Kothwell to dine. Mr. Reid
gives a turkey to be roasted; Ed. Clem
emson gives a fat lamb to be roasted;
William Elliott gives a hen to be roast
ed; Joseph Gibson gives a fat calf to be
roasted. And in order that all this
roast meat may be well basted do you
see, Mary Pearson, Betty Hodgson,
Mary Bushley, Molly Fisher, harsh
Briscoe and Betty Porthouse give each
of them a pound of butter. The ad
vertiser will provide everything else
for so festive an occasion. And he
hereby gives notice to all young wo
men desirous of changing their condi
tion, that he is at present disengaged;
and advises them to consider that al
though there be luck in leisure, yet in
this case delays are dangerous; for, with
him, he is determined it shall be first
come lirst served.
Bo come aloiig lasoes who wish to be married;
Matt. Dawpnn is vexed that so long be has tar
ried. Chambers' Journal.
The Strangeness of Suicide.
Why should a man be more inclined
to brave the solemn realities of death by
jumping into the rapids of the deep
Niagara than into the quiet muddy
Thames? While some philosopher,
such as, say Ruskin, may be left to
solve the problem to his own satisfac
tion, at least, the strange fact may be
stated for the consideration of those
devoted to psychological phenomena.
Ollicial records show that in 1881 there
were 277 bodies fished up from the
Thames.the circumstances of drowning
not being certainly known. We have
it on the authority of an old and trust
worthy resident of Clifton that during
the summer season alone of last year
thirty bodies were discovered between
the Falls aud Queenstown, in almost
all cases the circumstances of drown
ing not being certainly known. If we
assume that the same proportion of
crises in each instance are those of sui
cide and so far as circumstantial evi
dence goes, the ntajoritv of cases
of "found drowned" are suicide
then we have a starting disparity
when we compare the population about
Niagara, which cannot be more than
40,000, including visitors, to the popu
lation around the Thames at London,
which will number 5.0U0.000. The pro
portion of such mysterious caes of
death stands against Niagara as 125 to
9. That this proportion is not far from
the truth may be judged from the fact
which nearly every well informed resi
dent of the Falls and vicinity recog
nizes, that a large number of bodies
are seen in the river, and fished out and
buried, which are not officially report
ed. The finding of a body under or
dinary circumstances is too common
a story to raise great excitement
about or cause unusual astonishment,
and people who have no special rea
son to think of foul play do not care to
put a municipality to expense or them
selves to extra trouble and loss of time
every time a body washes against the
bank or goes tossing around the whirl
pool. So a shove off into the river
again or a quiet burial in a grove about
the banks closes up the stray volume of
a human life completely until the day
when the seal of all human mysteries
shall be broken. Doubtless in some
cases the story is one of simple acci
dent, but in too many instances it is
believed that if the tale could be read
it would be that of disappointment in
love, or money, or more frequently,
perhaps, of indulgence in strong drinK
combined with want of employment.
Some stranger he may be a penniless
immigrant looking for work, or he may
be a wealthy European searching for
some new form of idleness strives
against his incubus till in madness and
impatience he rushes in where angels
fear to tread. To sink to-day under a
perplexity which to-morrow would have
seemed but a summer's cloud over the
face of the water to rush recklessly
to-day into the realities of a world the
passing thought of which yesterdaj had
blanched the cheek and checked the
throb of a confident heart withal to
leap with faculties awake and eyes
wide open into a river whose sweeping
rapids and remorseless roar seem to
embody the aspect and voice of Eter
nity itself, is a thing which baffles our
philosophy. Toronto Truth.
Olive Logan pronounces Rwrm
hardt's husband highly kissable.
A Boston clothing firm provides
free cabs from any part of the city to
their store.
Something in a political meeting at
San Antonio, Texas, seemed so funny
to Mr. Chevalier that he was seized
with an immoderate tit of laughter.
It required several men to hold him,
his contortions were so great, and he
did not become quiet until morphins
was administered. N. Y. Sun.
The remains of Lewis H. Redfield,
the veteran editor, printer and publish
er, who died recently in Syracuse, N.
Y., were interred at Oakland Cemetery,
beneath a simple slab bearing the words
chosen by himself " Lewis H. Red
field, printer. A worn and battered
form, gone to be recast more beautiful
and perfect."
Mr. Jotham Johnson, of Durham,
Me., is described as a somewhat re
markable man. He is now 96 years old,
but in good health, and as active as
most men of seventy. His wife died
three years ago at the age of ninety
two, after living with her husband seventy-two
years. Mr. Johnson followed
the sea, beginning at the age of seven.
He never uses glasses, and has good,
natural teeth, as well as a fins head ol
hair, white and curly.
A recent visit to the grave of S. S.
Prentiss, near Natchez, Miss., found it
bearing evident marks of neglect. It
was overgrown with wild briars and
weeds, and tho little marble headstone
was hardly visible, while all around
were magnificent and carefully kept
tombs of men whose names were blanks
in comparison with the name of Pren
tiss. Abraham Ingalls, a resident of St.
Paris, O., has received a letter from
the mother of the late President Gar
field bearing the news that he is a
nephew of hers and a cousin of the late
President, and extending to him an in
vitation to visit Mentor and renew ac
quaintance. The parents of Mr. In
galis died when he was very young,
anu all trace of him was lost by his
mother's relatives. He was entirely
ignorant of the relationship existing
between himself and the Garfield fami
ly until the receipt of Mrs. Garfield's
letter. N. Y. Ileratd.
If only all preachers and public
speakers would follow the example of
the late Bishop Scott! Once, a few
years ago, he was invited to preach a
Thanksgiving Day sermon at Odessa,
Del. A largo congregation attended,
and an elaborate discourse was expect
ed. But, to every one's surprise, he
closed his sermon after talking only
fifteen minutes, and to the inquirers
who flocked about him afterward he
explained that he had said all he knew
on the subject in hand, and had there
fore stopped talking. Chicago Inter
Ocean. Forty years ago, in a village near
Philadelphia, arrangements were made
for a wedding. The guests were in
vited and the bride awaited the groom,
who never came. The girl, crazed by
grief, became a harmless lunatic, and
wanders through the rooms of her
home arrayed in her bridal finery,
buoyed up with the hope that her lover
will yet return. Burglars entered her
house lately, and her quick ear detect
ing their steps, she stepped out on the
staircase and greeted the thieves with
tne words: " I have been waiting all
,these years; I am ready; come on."
The men looked at the ghostly figure in
its faded robes, standing with arms
outstretched, and fled from -the house.
N. Y. Sun.
A Philadelphia mule has killed a
mad-dog, but it is still a matter of
doubt whether a mule or a mad-dog is
the s:ifest thing to have around Lowell
You can buy a real Mexican ma
niila hammock for $1.75. And then
you can fall out of it and drive your
back-bone up clear through your chic
for nothing. New Haven tiegister.
A physician in Paris, being called
to attend a very pretty actress, after
duly feeling her pulse and looking at
her" tongue, pronounced that marriage
was the only cure. You are stugie,
are you not, my dear doctor?" she
asked. ' Yes, madam; but the doctors
only prescribe remedies, they do not
take them," was- the rejoinder. Chi
cuyo Tribune.
"Are you the judge of repro
bates?" said Mrs. Pa-tington, as she
walked into an office of a Judge of Pro
bate. " I am a Judge of Probate,"
was the reply. " Well, that's it. I ex
pect," quoth tho old lady. "You see
my father died detested, and he left
several little infidels, and 1 want to be
their executioner." Boston Post.
A ladies' journal announces that a
marked change will take place this fall
in the fashion of arranging ladies' hair.
We are given no hint as to the char
acter of the innovation, but it is sus
pected that instead of hanging the hair
over the back of the chair at night,
upon retiring, it will be suspended
from a nail in the ceiling. Norristown
"Did you bathe while you were in
Galveston?" asked Gilhooly of a Col.
Yerger. who had jnst returned from a
visit to the island city. "O, yes, I
bathed several times." "How did you
find the water?" "No trouble finding
the water. The street cars take you
right down to it. You can't miss the
water. It's all around the island. Tex
as Silings.
"Yes," said the sober-faced man,
"we tried everything for her. We had
allopaths and homiepaths and water
curers and movement curers. and they
could do nothing for her. We finally
gave up in despair, and " "And she
lingered along for a week or two until
death at last brought relief to har suf
fering," said the man who interrupts.
"No, continued the sober-faced man,
"she got well immediately." Boston
Grandma was nodding. I rather think;
Harry was sly and inick as a wink;
He climbed on the hack of her rcat arm-chair.
And nestled himself very snugly there
Grmndira's dark locks were mingled with
And quick this little fact rune to his sight;
A sharp twinge soon "lie felc at her hir.
And woke with a start to find Harry there.
"Why, what are ton itoinir. my child? she said;
He answer!, "Ts pulling a bsstinc-frradr
Col. Percy Yerger was complaining
confidentially to Hosfetter McGinnis of
the frequency with which his mother
in law paid him visits that she came
to see him four or five times a year.
"My wife's mother" responded Mc
Ginnis, "has visited me only once in
the last five or six years. The last time
she came to see me was when I was
first married, five years ago." Lucky
man! When is she going to visit vou
again?" "How can I tell? She "has
not got through with her first visit yet
but 1 can't see where the luck comes
in." Texast Silings,
A Methodist church in Attleboro,
Mass., has organized an Anti-gossip So
ciety. Friends of Yale College are endeav
oring to raise $2.",003 for the erection,
of a building in which to hold religious
Rev. George O. Barnes, the Ken
tucky evangelist, has ended his work in
Frankfort, Ky. Daring his preach
ing in the city 1,249 persons, it is said,
professed conversion.
Mr. George I. Seney, the Brooklyn
philanthropist, has given another check
for $25,000 to the Wesleyan Female
College, of Georgia, making his total
gifts to that institution $125,000.
Eleven missionaries have recently
left England to join the Livingstone
Inland Mission in Central Africa, which
has already twenty-two missionaries at
its four stations on the Congo Rivor.
" No Mohammedan is ever convert
ed," it is said again and again by tho
enemies of the Christian faith. Yet aO
Peshawttr a church of ninety members,
composed wholly of Moslems, may lo
shown, with a converted Mohammedan
as their pastor. Detroit Post.
The money given to tho Prosbyte
rian Board of Church Erection by the.
brothers Robert L. and Alexander Stu
art, of New York City, in tho hist ten,
years, has secured tho building of 276
churches, in which at least 28.500 per
sons worship every Sabbath.
Tho Rev. Dr. John Hill, the Amer
ican who died in Greece recently, wa9
very active in forwarding female educa
tion in Greece. He established a school
for girls in Athens fifty years ago. which
has been sustained by tho Protestant
Episcopal Church of the United States.
Ar. Y. Indejiejident.
The Ministerial Union of San Fran
cisco, composed of clerg men of differ
ent denominations, have formally re
quested the Board of Education of that
city to arrange for the admission of all
duly qualified Chinese children to the
public schools. There are already a
few Japanese children in the schools.
Christian Union.
A Christian Chinese preacher learn
ing that some 14,000 of his countrymen
were heathen coolies in Guiana resolved
to go to their aid. In order to securo
money for the passage ho sold himself
as a coolie for five years, undertaking
field labor to which lie had never been
accustomed. Some English people,
hearing of his self-sacrifice, bought tho '
remaining two years of his time, and he
is now pastor of a church in Guiana
with about 200 members. N. Y. Exam
iner. Lock-jaw.
The fact that there have been thir
teen deaths of boys between the ages'
of ten and sixteen years this week
from lock-jaw (tetanus), and nearly all
from wounds in the left hand from the
toy blank cartridge pistol, has attracted
general attention to the subject. The"
toy pistol most generally iu use by boys
this summer is about four inches in
length, and explodes a blank cartridge
in a metallic case, with a paste-board
or other thick paper wad. but carries
no ball or shot tn the cartridge. In or
der to insert the cartridge the breach of
tho barrel is raised by pressing on tho
finger-piece forward of the trigger, but
to do this the boy takes hold ot the bar
rel with his left hand, tho muzzle press
ing against the palm of the hand, near
the ball of the thumb frequently, and
raises the hammer with his right hand.
In loading, however, unless the utmost "
care is exercised, the hammer slips
from the finger aud explodes the car
tridge, while the barrel is held against
the palm of the left hand. The ful
minated powder, the wad, orthe metal
lic case of the cartridge, inflicts the
wound, which is often so slight that a
physician is not called in, oven if the
boy does not. Spartan-like, conceal his
wounds from his parents until he is
past relief. Many physicians say that
it is not any special pungency oracrid
ness in tho fulminating powder which
causes lock-jaw, but that a lacerated or
jagged wound in the palm of the hand
is more likely to result in lock
jaw, because of the network of
nerves and the numerous blood
vessels which concenter there and
radiate from that point One of
the largest of these nenes, near tho
thumb, connects with the muscles of
the back of the neck, and susceptibility
to lock-jaw follows an injury to tho
nerve near the ball of the thumb, esj)0
cially. as well as to the other nerves in
the palm. Somo physicians also sus-
ect that the fulminating powder used
n the manufacture of these cartridges
has a poisonous property which, infect
ing the blood, incites lock-jaw. Ono
atleast of the fatal cases from the use
of the toy pistol came from a hurt so
slight at first that the skin was hardly
grazed. One physician is of opinion
that there is an epidemic condition in
the atmosphere which causes lock-jaw
to follow so rapidly such wounds as are
produced by the toy pistol. The toy
cartridge pistol referred to sells at retail
for about twenty cents apiece. There is
a smaller make of toy pistol selling
from one to five cents, which has no
barrel, and. Instead of a cartridge. a
small, wafer-shaped chemical explosive
is laid on a round plate on which tho
hammer falls. No serious accidents
have been reported from these, though
sometimes when carelessly held too
close to tho face the fulminate has in
flicted a slight stinging. In referenco
to the more dangerous instrument, at
intelligent merchant says that a lon
as they can be bought bos will hava
them. For his part he would be glad if
the sale could be stopped everywhere,
but, perhaps, the only way to effect thai
mrpose will be to prohibit tho manu
acture of the pistol by severe penalties.
Baltimore Sun.
Change in Food Essential.
If one boy were to say to another that
the could not eat one quail, or part
ridge, a day for thirty days in succes
sion, very likely the challenged boy
would reply that he could. At first
glance such a thing would seem not only
possible but a desirable task, for tho
quail is a very toothsome bird. Never
theless, many have tried to do it, and
there is only one instance on record
wherein the eater succeeded. In Feb
ruary, 1870, two men, both of whom
lived in Washington, made a wager in
regard to the matter. The man who did '
the eating was a broad-shouldered, mus
cular person. He selected the hour be
tween nine and ten in the n:orning. and
ate a partridge, in the presence of many
people, during that hour every day, for
thirty days. On the last day he was sa
I nervous as to be almost unable to write '' .
his name, and since then he has suf
fered a great deal. Of course, such
wagers are foolish to a certain extent,
but we learn from this experiment that
change in our food is absolutely neces-" "'
. o. J
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