f IT ' X I - I s THE JOURNAL. VTEDNEDAY SEP7. 6, lSt-2. Communications, to In-urt insertion in the next issue, snould be in-hand on Mondays: if lengthy, on Thursdays preceding issue-dayl Advertisement, of wbatever class, should be in hand by noon. Tuesdays. jLderti2-ment under this head 13 cts. a line first insertion, 10 cts. a lin eaeh subsequent insertion. Plums are ripening. City schools commence nest Mon day. Theo.FriedhotT is back again from the east. See notice of threshing machine for sale, lo-ix Politicians are all working like beavers. Follow the opp. P. O. crowd to -Fitz's 15 2w Watermelons are plentiful, large and delicious this season. Seventy-six cars of stock past east in two davs laet week. Third Congressional District Con - vention at r remont to-morrow. Service in the Episcopal church on Sunday next, with communion. School books at L D Fitzpat trick's Book Store opp. P. O 15 4w H. J. Hudson and wife returned Fndav from their visit to Colorado. -A wondertul amount of hav has been out up in Nebraska this season. The teacher-' institute closed its session of three weeks last Saturday. Eugene Ryan, of Chicago, is vis iting Wc: Lamb's family of this city. Mrs. Hattie Smith returned last j week from her visit to her sister in Dakota. Nebraska need not take a back ( seat tor any state in me union uu corn raising Dr. M. D. Thurston has returned ' from his visit to Vermont and is again readv tor business. ( " .. . . ., Baraev McTesgart lost one ot his best horse Thursday nfcht, which ,v,a ?rh rh m'ir Plenty of old papers in bundles ; of ten each, tor five cents a bundle, st the Jovzsi. o:5ce- tf 1 Some who attended the re-union at Grand Island last week, came home looking rather "tired." Nebra-ka Avenue between 13th and l4th streets has been improved by draining and grading. Carl Kramer is again at his post of duty. He with his wife, returned last Wednesday evening. Police Judge Hensley says that malefactors must look out business in his court is awful du!l. Gen. A. J. Sampson and family, of Denver, arrived in the city Satur day morning to vi-it friends. AH that eniov good races should i atted the fair. The track is in splen- j did shipe and the horse- all fast. Since the change in the weather politicians don't have so much trouble to keep cooi. in one sense, at least. Among the new enterprises on the tapis is a national bank and a wholesale erocery store in this city. Tase yonr poultry, hides, etc.. to j Nickel! 4 Gatward. Olive street, and get the hi-faest market price. ls-1 Girl Wasted. To do housework I for a sniaii family. Call at once on Sami. Weddell's or at this office. 1 I Mrs. Kate "Sampson lost on the train coming down from Denver Sat urday morning a valuable gold watch. It is expected that the U. P. ball nine of Omaha will play the Key- - stones at the fair groands to-morrow. 1 -Spring chickens ripen very slow this season. A great scarcity of the ; fowl is complained of by oar market men- The city council met Monday evening. Auditing bills occupied the ' attention ot the body during tne ses- S10n- No business was transacted by the City Council at their regular melius Saturday evening for want , ot a quorum. J Mr. C E. Wilcox of Rising, was a.ecirint!v hot the other moraine in the right thigh. The wound thought to be fatal. is not : T. E. Saunders and family re turned from the re-union Saturday, and left this city in the afternoon for his home in Polk county. A train of empty refrigerator cars went west over the U. P. Friday, t fcome blue coats in transit occupied a coupie 01 cars in tne rear. The members of the Cornet Band I take this method of returning their thanks to J. W. Early, Esq., for his . recent handsome donation. J The Harvest Home Festival of the Ep:copal church will be on Sunday, pVte success in all its features. The the 17th ins:. Appropriate services weather is beautiful, the entries nu and music. All are invited. ' merous and a good showing of Platte Macfarland Cowdery have per- county's products, and an interesting chased for oSce use a new safe a big i time may b expected for til who one, and the burglar that could -tap" I "end. The rsces wil! undoubtedly it would be well up in ms piz. Mr. L. Lambert, of Davenport, Iowa, was in the city a few days last week, and left for home Monday. He is well pleased with Nebraska. The crossing on Olive street at the approach to the Columbus Lum ber & Grain Co's. elevator has been ; . repaired, and also the approach. We acknowledge the receipt of a j complimentary to the Fremont,Dodge ' County Fair. Gentlemen accept our i thanks and if we can will attend. It is said that three or four coats of varnish to exclude the air will pre aerre watermelons in their natural state for an indefinite length of time. Mr. and Mrs. Gaines, from XI- linois, step-father and the mother of , association, slow race and -county Will B. Dale and Mrs. Jno. Wermuth, ' trotting race. To-morrow (Thnrs re in the city visiting their relatives. . day) afternoon, fastest trotting spas Persons wishing Shiltz's or Metz's of horsas, novelty running race, pony beer by the case can have it delivered , running ras,hrM minute class trot by Wm. Schroeder as cheap as they ' & race- Friday afternoon, running can get it direct from the maaufac- 1 race, pacing race, free for all, and free turers. 15-4 j for all trotting race. We had a pleasant call yesterday from Vincent Bierbower, Esq., of Sidney, at present Dist. Att'y, and a candidate tor Attorney General. No need to jo to the mountains to keep cool now. The cold wave ot Tuesday last reduced the temperature about 40 degree in the space or an hoar or so. The cloth peddlers are said to De "working- again in the western part of the state. A coat of tar and feath ers would be a fitting reception for this gentry. A. J. McKelvey, of St. Edwards WM in city E few bourg -?r-day on hig w home from the re-nnion. He iound tjme to n a ihake with the Jocbnai. force. Go to the Excelsior Meat Market of Nickell & Gatward, Olive street, for your meats. They keep the verv best of everything. Make a specialty of pickled meats. 13 1 If the grass and weeds in the streets and vacant places about the citv are not cut down before they are , tilled by frost, tha risk of fires will be greatly increased. All the boys are "shouting " Dan. Kavanaugh is going to buy a nickle's worth of tobacco to give away at the fair. This is one of the special at tractions, but don't give it away. The Chinese merchant of this city Charlie Sloan, says that he has visited I Omaha, Lincoln, and during the re- ! union, Grand Island, bat thinks Co lumbus as good a point as any of them for his business. Any one having paid up sub scription to the Journal for the year 1582, is entitled to a copy of Kendall's treatise on the horse, either by calling at this office or sending a stamp for postage. 14-tf j Believe Tennor predicted for the close of this month and the first ten aa?B "- sept, excessive neat ana Dig Zander storms. Wasn't quite scatter enough to that prediction-not for Nebraska; a clear miss. Tfae - crops this seaaon in Ne- braska is causing land-seekers to flock here from other states, and Platte county is getting her share of them. No better county in the state for agri cultural and stock purposes. John Fisher, a former citizen of Colnmbus, now a resident of Lincoln, gave us a very pleasant call on his return from the re-union Saturday. John is a jolly clever fellow and doubtless made a good soldier. It becomes our unpleasant duty to record the fact that Rev. J. Q. A. Fleharty h undergoing quite a se vere spell of sickness, requiring med ical aid. We hope to see him about again soon. Jfaduon Chronicle. Capt. Lovejoy, U. S. Land re ceiver at Niobrara, Knox county, re turning from the re-union at Grand Isiand was in the citv Friday, the guest of his friend Will B. Dale. He left in the evening on the Norfolk tram. ine eanercnor society nave 1 oeen renovating tneir nan ana axing ! it ap m nice style. The stage has been improved and new paper of a handsome and appropriate design I ct'tm in tlia fin!! an tkttTitiv t oearance. Morri3gey Bros', elevator is ready fQr OQ3iQe38. It is qnite compIete in its arrangements to facilitate a qnick .n(q P.sv- -.v nf hni?r?Ticr Drain in. cindin 'damn for unloading Their ' scales have been located on 13th street, in front of Hugh's lumber yard. i -Mrs. W. T. Rickly returned from her visit to Canada Friday night on , the Denver express, taking her hns- . band and friends completely by sur- pri-e as they did not expect her for , several days. Her father, Mr. , Mathews accompanied her back. A new sidewalk in froat of Mac- farland Cowdery 's office on 12th street. By the way, this firm is doing an immense business. It had become to oe generally understood tha any- ' thing entrusted in their hands ii at- tended to effectively and promptly. I j. 5. Murdock informs us that he ' hftg the contract jor g erection of a I 43x60 foo: bam on the large farm of I inhn .ns rjarHH Platan nn,th nf n- 1 lumbu. lAn-f h&rns n imin to the front in fine style in this vicinitv. B - w wVw. .w I which is a sure indication of pros- n-Mr .mrmo- nr.,- fT,aT. ! -Lindsay's Comedy Concert Com- ! nanv will rive an entertainment t " t the Upera Hoase Friday evening. FrQm noticft Qf copajlv u is m,, ct entertainment considerably above the average, and ao vulgar features. A uniformed silver cornet band is one of the at- , tractions. , The county fair opened yesterday 1 with every prospect of making a com- J be a successful ieature tu already a great many of the fast horses of the state are on hand. Mr. John Sickly was up in Stan ton county last week. He says he never saw such com fields in Ne braska, as along his route met the view. Business in the towns quiet, no zrumblinz on account of it.aa gegm w TiAUze that timts gg bound to come this falL when farmers get through with the rush of fjj work and have time to market their abundant products, The glass-ball shooting match and base ball match is the fair programme to-day for the forenoon. The after noon attractions are an address by Hon. J. E. North, president of the icy Lener frm Mrs. Ji .rt. Hot Spbisgs, Utah & Northern) Rt., Aug. 28th, 1SS2. Ed. Jocrxjll: Oar trip up here from Columbas, was much the same ts other like experience. o that a description would be rather monot onous. We arrived here the evening of the i-tui pretty wen ureu uui , ui um 1 old friend, Dr. Mitchell, at the train in Ogden. He is delighted with his new home. After a night's rest we were some what refreshed, and began looking around. The accommodations are good, the house large, the proprietor a yery genial gentleman, and his wife a most estimable lady, the board good, and the beds clean. The bathing is delicious. The water comes from a spring at the foot of the mountain, where It boils up much too hot for one to bear their hand in iL It is brought in a ditch to the house, where it is run into two different pools, one for the ladies use, snd the other for gentleman. Then there is a large outside pool where the water is just comfortably warm. We usually go in there first, then in the hot bath, where we take a (rood boiling, the perspiration flows freely, and we feel very much as though this is a good place to be. The properties of the water are Iron and Salt, and it is claimed to cure almost every disease, I believe it to be very good for rheumatism, as there has been several persons here that were very much crippled up when they came and they went away j almost well, one lady from Lincoln, (her husband is proprietor of the Arlington) told me that when she came, a month ago, she-could scarcely get about, when she left, last Friday, she walked as well as any one. Another lady, from Caeyenne, who was very much afflicted with Scrofula, thinks she has received great benefit from bathing and drinking the water. There wera about thirty regular boarders when we came, bat they are j ' falling off as the weather gets cool. The first few days we were here, the weather was very warm, since then it has been comfortable, and to-day is quite cool a nice fall day. Last week oar crowd, in company with a gentleman and wife from Cheyenne, went down to Ogden on the morning train, hired a three seated carriage and drove up Ogden Canon about fifteen miles :the scenery is grand beyond description. There is a clear cold stream of water run ning over largo boalders, which in " Place8 make 8tronf raPids- Te Canon ic many places is just wide enough for the river bed, the road being cut oat of the rocks, which rise ap hundreds of feet. This is one of the places I should advise every one to see that comes ap here sight see ing. We have also been oat to the salt works, where the water of the Great Salt Lake, is ran into large Basins, and stands till it evaporates, then the salt is shoveled oat into wheel-barrows and wheeled oat where it is pat ap in great bricks (like hay,) ready for shipment ; it is dirty, not fit for family use, but is used for smelting purposes, shipped to Idaho and Mon tana. I think we shall not remain here more ten day9 loner M we m all anxious to see home. ail ;....,. . .. l- Shall visit Salt Lake City before we i return. , aftgr T haTe n(Jt to,d . . ,. Hot , ,n. tejL They tgn milg. Qorth Qf 0gd&n on Uuih Vorthera Ey Thig road rong -n froQl Qf faoteI and rhe Cemral Pacific juit bftck & fcw TQdi Tfae is fine fafire Mountains in front that rise op hun- dreda of feet, and a level plain back that runs down to Salt Lake, which I js. three or four miles awav. Thev tell me here the monn. tains are fnll of Bear and Sheep. I think it would be just the place for our friend AL Arnold, for both health and amusement. Very truly, Jxsz A. North. The following interesting figures i M D j temperature are from the Fremont 1 Serald, furnished by a gentleman of I that citv : "The thermometer reached ' 100 An '6on tbe 9me da-v last ?" !t Iso "ached it highest point for that year, 108 . Average highest heat for August, 15S1 was 96 3 5-. Average heat July, 1S32, S0 . Frosts sufficient to kill tender veg etation have occurred as follows : 1575, September 20th. 1576, September 30th. 1577, October 4th. 1573, September 26th. 1S79, September 24th. 1SSCL September 12th. 1S81, (very light) September 2a; firsi hard frost October 17.) The lecture by Chancellor Fair field Wednesday evening, subject "Winter in Italy," was attended by a small but appreciative audience. We do not think the lecture was sufficient ly advertised to secure a large audi ence under any circumstances, but there is no white-waiting the fact that this community does not take to this class of entertainment with special ' st.irr T-frf t i.a v aviwiMAii Ua riUikjj auu 11. AS uu CAUCUUUU kW LUC general rule for lectures to get a very thin audience. Tastes will differ in respect to amusement as well u upon other mattsrs. An old settler in the state says the season so far has been exactly like that of 1S56, and that if the winter follows in the same way it will be awful cold the coldest known for twenty-five years. Just so. Well, were there no seasons juat like" thi between -"56 and 'SS when a cold win ter didn't follow. Some persons neysr can see the bright side of life, bnt seem best contested when fore shadowing evil or unpleasantnass. Mepablicaa Co. CoBveatioa. Cocnty Convention met at the Court House at 2 p. m., Sept. 2, 15S2. M. K. Turner, chairman of centra! committee, calied the meeting to order and on motion L. J. Cramer was chosen temporary chairman, and Gas. G. Becner, secretary. On motion the chair appointed the I following committee on credentials : M. Whitmoyer, John Wise and A. Heinrich, who made the following report. We, your committee, respectfully report that the following members are entitled to seats in this convention : Columbus precinct. John Tanna hill, M. Whitmoyer, J. E. Moncrief, L. J Cramer, B. R. Cowdery. G. W. Galley, N. G. Bonesteel, G. G. Becner. John Hnber, M H. White. J.W.Early and M. K. Tnrner. Monroe precinct, J. J. Tudd, John J. Truemau. R. E. Wiley, H. M.Waite. Lost Creek, Robt. Pinston. G. W. Shaffer. F. H Garrard, A. Rossell. Creston. E A Fulford, F An-et. and L J Wheeler. Sherman, G Lus. hen. M Brugger and John Wise. Woodvi!!e, G R Clark. J W Apgar and W J Irwin, by D L Couard. Loop, J.Eiseman, F Meedel. Looking Glass. George Mahood, A Heinrich. Steam-, D L Bruen, G L Grimes. Batler, C Meedel. G Bombard. Granville, W H Selsor. ( On motion the report of committee was adopted. 1 M Whitmoyer made motion that the temporary organization be made per-1 manent. Carried. Chairman read call of committee i and inquired the pleasure of the con- vention. D L Bruen made motion that the chair appoint a cocirrmree 01" three on resolutions, d' Chair appointed L L Bruen. M K Turner and E A Fulford. After a recess of ten minutes the following reso utions were offered, read and adopted unanimously. Y'ur committee, appointed on re-ulu-tiont, bsg leave to report the Following, and ass their adoption: Whiriaa. the Republican party has. trin?:;' ation, been toremost laborinT anil oroducin? daises, and Whertoi. the voters of this state ar abont to elect an entire new list of of ficers, legislative, state and national and Whenas, it is the duty of the people at their re-Deetive party conventions, to express their view- on anv new questions , that may arise, for the purpo,e of in- J structinV their public servant, as to the 1 course thev are to pursue wnen elected. therefore Eisolvtcp. that we, the republicans of Platte county, are in favor of a careful, honest and economic expenditure of pub lic monies in county, stale and nation; Preiident Arthur in Wtotns the Kiver and Harbor appropriation bill recently , dollars of the public monies were reck lessly squandered. Tnat we condemn tne action of members of conre-s and senators who voted to pass said bili over the veto. EisOLViD. that we are heartily in favor of the bill recently introduced in con gress to compel land ?rant railroads to take out Datents on their lands so that tha same may be taxed as lands owned ' by individuals are taxed. . "RxsOLVEP, that the qcession of trans- j portation i3 one of the mot important nrnhljirii now before the DeoDle for -o- lution. and tnat the republican party of ' ebraka snould vol--e tne sentiments 01 the people thereon in no uncertain sound That all transportation routes ihoald be so controlled by the state and general governments a to prevent extortion, unjust cnarge- and discriminations in any form or manner. That the action of the different railroad companies thrurli out the United States m con-olidatm?r and Doohnr otherwise competing lines, and in issuing free passes to public oficers is contrary to a sound public policy, and should be prevented by Droper legislation. Resolved, that we pledze the ReDUb- lican partv of Platte county to an earnest . endeavor to carry out these resolutions. ana nereov instruct our ueieaies. w tue ; state, congressional, senatorial and rp- i resentative conventions to pre-ent tbee resolutions to the respective conventions, and procure their adoption. i ExsOlvxd. that we will not feel our- j selves bound to support any candidate t for any office who will not fully and cheerfiillv endorse these resolutions. David L. Bec"e, E. A. FULFOP-D, 31. E. TCP.-NE2. Wise of Sherman precinct reported ! n-r Aalrratas ahspnt fntinn veil to v AWH-.w fc.w-w - -. .. .. .. made and carried that the delegate o Sherman precinct present be permit ted to cast the entire vote of the delegation. Motion that this convention now proceed to nominate and elect candi dates for office in order named in call as published. Carried. J E Moncrief and A Gerrard were ' appointed tellers. Motion by J W Early that commis- sioners district No. 2 be requested to present candidates for consideration. Carried. Nils Oleson was duly elected by the convention as such candidate on the fourth ballot. E B Hall and John Hammond were chosen by the convention as candi dates for Representatives from Platte county. The convention then pioceeded to the selection, of delegates to State, Judicial and Congressional conven tions, as follows : State Convention at Omaha L, Ger- j rara r. Jioucnei, rr numoyer.Lrus j G Becner, Geo Barnhard and Ed Hoar. ' Delegates to 4th Judicial District! Convention at Omaha: L. Gerrard, ' D S Bruen, 5 J Wheeler, A Heinrich, j R E Wiley and W H Selsor. The following resolution was snd unanimously adopted : read Exsolvzd, Tnat the delesate to the Conzressioual Convention be and are i hereby instructed to ue all honorable j means to secure the nomination of Hon II. K. Turner for member of Congress I from tnis district. Delegates to the Float Conven- i tion at Schuyler to nominate one i representative, 31" K Turner, John Tannahill, A it Post, George Mahood, G G Bowman and John Hnber. On motion the same delegates were selected to attend the Senatorial Con vention, connty central committee was , then elected. Convention adjourned sine die. L J Ceaksb, Ch'n. G G Becher. Sec'y- For the lack of space we omit the names of Central Committee. Will be published next week- - ..j: t -rr ,. I u m U1 -"""- km 'or ie- in cut I iruui iwo 10 iour tons per acre, near Monroe postoffice. Call on or address I B. Jones, Genoa, eb. 13-2 t Real K-tJite Tranfer. Reported :.- the Jocrnal for the week endirv ' las: Saturday, by Gas. G. Beeeher . Co. : Jeieruina Sii'.i nan to Martha Mc Kiew, w. d ?530; wW., s w1-., 33 17. 12. U P Ry f". o Gottlieb Schirmann, 1 w. d. -S400 ; H n w4, 23, 20, 1 w."st. SO acres. Bvron Mi! -en to Carrie Bvells. w. d. val. eon., ot 1 and 2, block 17, Ste vens additic . Joseph Strother to Walter S. Weils, w. d. $SO0; f 'i, s w-.., 2. 17, 3 west. Jared O. Blodgett and wife to L. Gerrard. o. c d. $S00; e5 s w1. 32. 17, 1 west, St acres. William BeVillianes and wife to LaCy Belknap, w d. $400; n w-, n w . 21, 20, List. James Co! :n to Mary Collins, o. c. d- 41500: ek, u e-4, 13. aud w. n w-4 IS, 20, 3 we-'. Stacy Ma? ck and wife to Abraham C. Osbcrn, u. d $1450; n eL4 and n w h s eL4. 1, 17 3 west. 203J0 acres. William Iil and wife to Thomas Farrall.w. d 300; e-3 lot 2. block 119 Leander Gerrard and wife to Wm. BeviMians. w. d. IS0O; eS S W.. 32. 17. 1 we-t. Emily Fre -man to Bridget Farrall. w. d. $145: turt lot S. block 53. C. B. & Q II. R. Co to A. A. Lind gren. w. d. -?220; ela s e. 33, 20. 4 west, SO acres. U. S. to J -ed O. Blodsrett. patent. e, s w t4. 32. 17, 1 we-t, SO acres. Wm. B. Doddridge and wife to Wm. Hunneiuan, w. d. $1,1.00; lots 1 and 2, block 144. Henry W. Yates and wife to H. D Role. w. d. $S0u; wk,, n wW. 3. 17, 1 west. Angustn- Kountze and other? to H. D. Roley, v 1. $2640 : eS n n eT-4, 3, 17. 1 west, 24U acres w4, and l"otaT The importance o: thi; crop de- mauds more attention to ascertain 1 what kinds have been most succe--ful in Nebraska. To awaken an interest in improved potato culture the Land Department of the Union Pacific Rail way propose to have a special pot-no ow in connection wirh their display of grain an( fruit at the coming State Fair. Statements o' he mode of cultiva- tion. vield, etc., from the growers of ; xhs most approved ind- as decided . ... -,, by a competent committee, wnl nnblished. Potatoes will aho be D? 1 hown in comparison from Colorado, . Wyoming. Ctah. Idaho and Montana. Sample- of one p-ts of ach kind ' with the name of the variety, name or grower and po-toffke address are i0licTreti from all parts of the State. delivered at anv eipre-- omce September 6th. and addressed to L. Bnrnham, Land Com.mis-ioner U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb. We are informed that W. E. Wat- i son. of this county, intends di-poing of his entire E'm Spring? herd of) thoromrbbred short-horn and grade 1 cattle early in October, which will be ' a0j(i public auction. Those wish ing to improve their sreck will do well to keep trark of tnis a,ie. and look out tor the advertisements and posters that will soon appear. De intends exhibiting samples of bis stock at the coming fiir. IS-2 Letter-lsi. The followm- 1- a li-t of unclaimed lettfT remaining in tc-e po-;-ii5c. in ( olum'i-. Neo . for tue week ending September 2. 12 B Mr. E. Boin. F . A Fulton. II 31r. Wm. Heatn. K 31 r J. L. Karthmz. yi 31r. Wm. 3IoLUn. 3lr. S. E. 3Iorran. ! 3Ir-. -hafford. f 31r- F. F. Willmas. Held i")r Po-ta'e. Lewi -ylv-ier Jt o. Lanater Pa. J. II. 1 fcanib-r- r. t. Louis 31o. If not calied for m ?s day- wi!i b -nt to tne dead-lett-r omce. Wa-iiiat.n. D. C When called for plea-f- -a -advertised, a- thes- letter ari !vfrr -r-paratf. E. A. terARi. P. M t 'jlninou-. Nt-'-r. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisement- adr uis nead cents a lint cacn in-ertiin. tlM ii. Iitkemper Is agent for the following Pianos aud Organs in Piatte and Cotiax coun- tie viz: Steinway. Chicfcerms. Hallet zc Davis. ; Emerson. Kimball, J Kimball, and Mason & Hamlin. Pianos, i j Oran- 1 j 11-tf ,ev sodi at Kramir'. 1 New comb honey at Hudson's, tf New ribbons at Kramer's. I Sparkling soda water at Hudson's. , New velvets at Kramer's. 1 Read Irs. Stump's advertisement- . carefully. 1 Monev to loan bv J. M. Mac- ! farland. ! New laces at Kramer's 1 Call Aavbodv wi.shiu2 srood meat at Rickly i: Horfman's market. Ball's Health-nreservin-corsets cc only be found at Galley Bro's. .-. psson,pnf.lpio rr;mm;n fln ornaments at Kramer's. 1 I Bny your dried beef chipped ready ! for the table, at John Heitkemper's. 11 tt fruits at tf California and Utah Hudson's. Card board and mottoes, all kinds at Mrs. Stump's. The celebrated Wilson Bros, shirts at Kramers. 1 For Scotch and Irish whiskies go to Ryan's on 11th street. 37-tf, The celebrated Selz boots and shoes at Kramer's. Every pair warranted. 1 I Needles and attachments for all inds of sewing machine-, at Ar nold's Jeweiry atore- 5 For Ladies' and Gents' underwear, ; go to Kramer's. IS-i ! Go to Wm. Ryan's on 11th ! treet for your nn Kentucky whis- ' kies. " 50wu. j v - - -tt. ' New trimming silks at tvramers. ; of Gent's fine hats in the latest atjIeT go to Kramers, For bargains in Ladies' and ilis-es : Galley Bro's, at ' Fresh Oyster? at Hudson's. 19 tf New dress goods a: Kramer's. Freh jjnods arriving everv nvmth at Charlie Sloan's. 19 4 Ladies' just -tep in and see a fine stock of fancy rniliinerv -rood? jest received at Mrs Stump's. Arnold J: Lewis have sold over one hundr't No. S W. W. machine in : .- months. New hrocaded ada at Kramer's. The finest line of Ladies. Misses and Gent? shoes, at the lowes prices, at Galley Bro's. Arnold & Lewis carry the largest stock of sewinir machine- to be found this side of Omaha. S-tf All kinds of children's and ladies patterns at low prices, at Mrs. Stump's. A freh assortment of pure Chinese teas at Lhabue sloan s 12th stree' The purest OU for sewinsr machines at A. J. Arnold's Jewelry tore. IS tt We have just received from New York the latest styles or Ladies col lerettes. Galley Bro's. Mrs. Stump is always pleased to have the ladies ;rull and see her Drices : ( a;I marks in plain ricares. j er lint-or flaanel .aitins for j lii wear at Kramer-. It is we!! that there is al- ways the best or everything, and on examination vou wM fiud tha-: Rickly & Hoffman na- the best meat marset in town. IS 1 You can buy the New York Singer, warranted to be rhe oest Singer in 'he raark-t. of Arnold & Lewis 5 .") pair of wool cairar? pant- at 2.:SO. worth jM1U at Kramer-. Wanted. A sood srirl in a small family, a.. J. Bricketu at Stillman's Drug store. 19 p I B.-oadheads, alpacas. Mohairs and serster cloths can be found at Galley Bro's., Sole arrents for Colnmbus. Just received a large stock of tail hat- and bonnets, all tee latest styles, at Mrs. Stump's. t All kind- of sewinsr machine re- I paired at Arnold- .lewelrv Store, and a.t worK warrantee. a Look to your intere-t before bnvlu a -ewmg machine. and save money b calang at Arnold's Jewelry Store. S A fine assortment or Sandalwood fins, jewelry buie-. and other nov elties at Charlie Sloan's Chinese Store. Carpets! Carpet-! Carpets! at tvramer's. 1-1 Wm. Schil'z makes boots and shoes (--. . , .. Ia "eoess -ivies, anu u-es omy m erv best stoc in the market. ",-r Blank notes. bank, joint, indi- vidua: and work-aud-Iabor, neatlv bound in books or 5 and ItiU. for ale at IQ? Journal ofiice. Needie- for ail kinds of Sewius machine at Arnold's Jewelry Store. waert you can ouy tne 2:;etu .no. s Wheeler i: Wilson. IS tf Krtmer ha- the most complete line or piain and i-i".cv L.uies". Mis.-e-'and children's ho-e ou ever saw. 1-1 Farmers can be supplied with es-, tras tor Backeyp maonmes. We have . a large stock on hand, but can get on short notice anything wanted. S-tf LrE&s jc Hoefelkav. For sale on long time and low n"iia fiT? f Vict .K.Iti ..alnriti nf LaQd kQowu a. tbe Ricfciinis Lind, anj forruerlv sold b J A Reed. 4-tt Sam'l. L. smitu. Mrs. Stnrap keps fb largest an.I finf-t stock of tanc millinery gojd- and heapesr ;hat was ever brought i to Columbus Si t ffll .a.TT-n..4 rw i..- m..Wri .K.-i. ' will do tbe varietie- of work without attachments that can be done on tne ' WhIPr .t Wi.son Y - mar-hinp. For -ale at Arnold's Jeweirv Store. Don-'t yon fortret that the New. Si leut No. S runs the ea-ie-t. the most 1 simple to operate. Yon cm do tbe 1 greatest varietv of work, jnd it i- the 1 teast liable to irt oct ot order. For sale it Arnold's Jewelry Store. Co- lnmbus. Nebr. 3 Wheeler WiUon Buy 'he No. -ewm machine, "i on :rei attach- meat- tr do twenty vsripits of work. J Sold At Arnold's Jeweiry st-or". 1 tf Jiob Sehrm is now i.ctred Gn . I3iL street, near A. .t N. dpJi, where he will be 2:lad to s-e his old and a?w customers. He carries a -rel!-seiet-, ed stock of dry eoods and notions and I wiM -ei! at tn very lowe-r prices the J market w:!! warrant. 9 tf I Knowing tnat boys clothing sbonld c'Qiprise both strensrth and beaofy. I have selected and have hoc on hand 1 tail new lin1. which I will seii at the one nniform low priep and wfcicL will be to yonr beneti to examine be fore buyine elsewhere. L. Knrner. New York Cheap Cash Store. IS-1 Manv of mr -nbsribers are raking the Americas A-jnculftrri with the Journal, both for :lM a year payable in advance. The An- riailturLf: is published in Ensli-h and (rerman, is duel) i lustrated. and 1- -onacctea on oiu-iasniouea principle- of honesty and common -ense. ' lr. We furnish th Amerifnn Ayri CKiturUt (in English or German',, the be-t armers" montnly in the world. tusether with the CoLCMitrs Jock naL one v&r. to anv adirps in :h Cnit-d States or Bri'tih PoVsessions" ; for -8'L ensh in adranre. The price i of the ffnruifuru aionp is $l.Hj. Cia:h-iiu! Giasharas' A tull line : rarcks and dr-s plaids at c.luc. and Li .c at Kramer's. Ioule .trencth Cider ' Vinegar at G. C Lauck's. Try it and voq wi a-e no o'her. " 15-rc Farm Iia.nd IVuntl. ! A s'ood r!iab.e man. a: Dr. Wm. ! Edward-" tarm. four nines north of j Platte Center. ; .bop lor Szlr nr to I.x. In Socks of 5J or 5f?j. A,.n ICO . Ram- tor sale. ! i5 6 D. A. Loed. 1 Piaaos and Onrati. The JaP2et sro.-k in Central Ne braska at E. D Fitzpatrick's, opposite 1 po-t-office 17-tf B"KrieI Bttjcsrie-! Wagoner j: We-'-crt nave on hands a tine lot of new t.mriries. which thev ' sell at reAsonab!e prices. 15-4 t Hair Work. 'Including guards and switches, done i t. . T 'ae' " or5 iOQth of ?era Honse' b-r l H. Bennett. Iok Here : The celebrated White se-vins ma- chine for sale rnap for cash, or on time, at Arnold's Jeweirv Store. S - re . Brick: I Thomas Flvnn is prepared to fur- m-h hni!r aithii. hi- f-;i n-.u wt of the citv :" dWvere d anvwhere Jo the city, or built iu he wall, at re-osonable rates. I For Stale or Kelt. 1 House and l n Stevens addition, 1 corner of Eigbr i-.: h and Olive street. E qai' - c Jame- Salmon or Byron : Miitetu 19-lp SIi:trI: Jihawl: Dabie -.'n'-vl-. -ine'e shawls, blan fce -:.. - -.-: - t1s, breakfast shu.ls, -htulde. sh-wls, cashmere shawls and Paisley shawls, at prices within the reach of all, at Kramer's. 1S-1 Blacksmith Wasted. A number one b'ack-tnith can find immediate employment and a situa tion for a year or more, by inquiring of William Bloedom, Platte Center, Nebra-ka. 1S-3 IVaokia: .Itachiae Lot. A new s;eam machine, last Friday week. The nan who found it should leave it at Small i: Hazel's, who have a li-t of those who have purchased such machines. IS 3 p Matthew Fareal. ciotiiiajr: ciothtz.?: Gentlemeo who war a suit that button up or don't t .ton up. hirh ' cut or low cut. tiirb.: pants or wide ) pants, tancy or piain, dress or busi ness suits, cm be suited at L- Kra mer's New York Cheap Cash Store. For Jale I 325 head native cattle, 50 two and three year old heifers. ICO - - steers. 130 yearinjr steers, S head thoroughbred Durham?, 4 heiters Raxiaix Fuller, lf-6 Fu ierton. Nance Co., Neb. Sisters' SehooL, St. Francis Schnoi. noder the man agement of the Si-fers. will be re opened on Monday, tne 4tn of Sept. Arransements have been made tor takins also, besides day - scholar-, pupils jn board. Music, both vocal and instrumental, will al-o be taught by the Sister;. For particulars, ap ply to Sister JosEpha. Superioress of St. Francis School. 16-7p Farm for Sale. l section. 5 miles northeast of Co lumbos. 40 acres broke, house, stable, well, etc. besides 20.1)00 trees, princi pally ash ind boiedcr. Price 2CA 240 acres in Polk Co.. on dear Creek, living warer whih never treezes, lio acre- in cu.tivation, delltn2, -table. etc. A salendid stock farm. Price 83,600. Addre-- Grr C Barvcm. I-12 Coinmbns. Neb. Th 4'hicaco H-raId. Elsewhere will be roami the -id-verlisernem of the Cnirao Hernhi. one of the best, neatest, cieaue-t and nicest newspapers in th conntry, edited by Hon. Fiank W. Palmer, late of the Iiter-Lh;tan. We will furnish the CLCMBr Jocsnal and the Weekly Chtcnj., UeralJ, one vear, ror 4i 73: JorRN.vL and Sun dav Herald. : : Jot rn kl and Dailv Herald i 5 . 40-tf Ia.Bl Tor .aif. In CIiax C-.. ne:tr Platte Co. line. SO aers. 70 of which are under the plow : trame dwelling, hor-ti ami cow stables, cow saeij; and corra's. corn j ! rrih-, windmiii and 2 pnmps saser 4U v. ir-m surtace", -ome trmt and tortst i-ee-i j Also ItX acres. 120 under cnltiva- tlOU. l acrfs of InrPSt rn- s Rrtth torest tr- s. traces have first nt stock range, and J road taciiities. sitlO tor each tract. . on ea-y terms. l-"-s - R. Mackenzie. ' .Ntock ale. At :nv premises, one and a half j m.le- a rth ot P'.atte Center, on Elm ! Lreen.. iloudav. -..... j Sept. 11. 1SS2, lf I0 a' ?l" 5narP l ,l :eI! U MlIcb Ct?ws- ' t-vo-year-old -teer-. 10 lv- 1 '" brood mares. 2 earlins; 1 con-. 1 ro.i. two vars Oid. 3 sows, j with their Htrer-. 7 h-e-. 1 waron and , ; harne-s. and a lot of farm imole-, ments. 1 Terms: Ten dollars and under. cash : aoove that sum. one veir'i time i on bankable piper. - . nrf! ror cash. , JaIIE; JocX Hr3?E. Ani'tifneer. last 1 19 1 Police is hereby eivon that -enied proposals will b received a: the office or the fnnr.tr Orh- nr P.n -., . A-- hrisfca. until Tuesday, September Ii. i5.j. at iu o cock a. it., tor srradin the County Road, known as the Ernst. . Road, commencing: ar th nnrrh on.i . . 'i:il'rlUU aveaue. in tne eitj o' Cojuoibu-. rnnnine north to the bfn fi at Jirob Erns's. Description of said work, as prepared by Connty Sur-. vyor. can be eiamined at Count 1 Clerk's office. Bids to be accompio-' ied by bond in double amount ot con tract price. Conn'y Commissioners rese rve the risfat to reject any and ail By orTler of Count. Commas; oners. C'oui.'v Clerk Aizus: 1st. ISil i:t -5 t t fc"rt -tawA.. ... ?.. i SPECIAL NOTICES. . Ad'er:.-ecitts uiftl :ni- neari ai 1 cent- x line. nr-.t m-rt. n. ;arrr 1 a lineea'-! -uDseinent in-r-rtr-n nV Yobbs Covr. few more le:t unsold. Call od i'' r. Kkatino. Rvsmlur lock Ialer. AH kinds of homed stock boush: an 1 -od. al-fa ana -- n.,.. '-. r. Ar;iuHN. I-iad Tor ial. lB0s.Te. 3 miles west of Colum-bu-; aires under .-ain ati-B. a acre hav lanil. $l) an a. r-. ,n a-v term. lniJire at Jocrnal )me. Farm fbrale. Containins 160 acres of sood land. nnder utivatin. 5 -ot in timber. .. farm ia:: Uad aad i.'m- onr " hay and" rra-- land, with pltn:v of -vatr.' u uated ; m:!e- from D mt-aa and tmil-s frora dumau-. Hear th" Platte nvr rlou, orn aa.I ota-r buiidinjr- on the ormi-s. A ti: b. -ld cneap for eash r on tinif. Inquire of 3Ir. trH--n at Duncan. Il 4 K.irErEzE-. COLinQuS XA2X2TS. Uur quotation- of the nartit r- sained Tueday af5ern.niB(i are correct ' and reliabl" at a- time. ' - 00- Is. GfevLN, . vc Traeat CisTQ 0.rs rL-w Corn. Flas. IC2 f Flnr 40 3 4 15 rijxrcE. Buster, lima. Pstatees, Hams,.. . Saoehler-, Sides. ltd 15 I35l- !---, - -;;. "sS- M&tTs. livb srrojjs;. r. asp Fat Cattle alvs -aeeo T CO t &)jlt 'A 1.1 tt) ' 0 FILIAL PKOOr. Land Ofiee at Grand Hland, Neb., Anz.il. iis2- TOTICK is hereby giTen tht tne fol .JN lowinsr-nAined settler his filed notice of his intention to make final pzoot ia support of his cUmi, and that SAid proof will be mode before the Clerk of th District Court of Plaite Co.. X"eb t Columbus, on Friday, 3ep. di, 13MJ. viz: Anders Anderson, on Homeutead ho. 65s5. for the ". V; of X E. Ji. amd X. j of X. V. v, Seioii 3X Towmoip aorti. of Eame 4 west. He names the followla witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of. aald lamd. viz. Jocn Blonqoist. Loui PeUerttaa. John Xewnan and X. D. Aadro, U.i Looking Glass. Platw Cc Xeb. I?wr3 3LB.HOXIS,Kiatr. F13IAL. F. Land Ofice at Grand Island, 2f b Acjr.9rlsttt- 1 X NOTICE is hereby srtTea that th following-named settler aas oiea. notice ot nis tntenuon to now nu proof in support of his claim, and tha said proof wUI be made beforta OUrk of the District Court of Platte County, at Columbus. Nebraska, oa SpualMr 16th, f2. viz: Nel-on J. Bump. Declaratory SUfrat No. 4T1S. for the X. W., Sc. 13. Tp IT north, ranze 3 west. He naaea th fol lowing witnesses to prove hi contiauaua residence upon and cultivatloa of id land. iz : William Matson. Peter "WUi. William Callen. Charles Thara. U f llatson. Platte C'o eb. 16-w-o M. B. HOX1E, Eiitr. rn.4L pioof. Land Ocice at Grand Island. NebJ JLU. lith. Ub2. ) yOTIc'E is hereby jriven that ta 1.1 following-named settler hai 4Id notice of her intention to mane final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will b made before the Clerk of the Di-trict Court, of Platte County, t Columbus. Nebraska, on September 21st, 1-Si viz: Manraret Sullivan, for the a. E. Vi, Sec tion T. Township i). North of Ranje 3 West. ?he names the following wit nesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: Jonn O'Brien. James Fohev, John Sulli van and Daniel HoIIeran. all or arrall potoffice. Platte i ountv. Nebraska. I6w5 11. B. H0X1E, Bsifiter. FIAAI. PIOOF. Land Oiiceat Grand Island, Neb.J An;. 12. INJ2. f N'UTICE is hereby given that th follow in-nomed settler had dld notice of his intention to mak snal proof in upport of hLs claim, and that said proof will be niidr before C.A. New man, t. lerk of the District Court, at Col umt.Us. Neb on -eptember ,id, lssi,viz: le J. solburs. of Platte Co Neb., for tu- -. W. l. of section 1". Township 20. Kane i We-t. He names the following witnesse- to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of said land. viz. John N. Nelson. Andrew B Bru Uad Jacob Bruland and Benjamin A. Solberi. all of Newman's Grove, Platte conn:-. . Net. W-w-5 iT. B. HOXIE. Bflster. LEGAL 50HCS. TT'HERE.V-. default has been made ia TT t e conditions of a C battel Mort-z-c. made Ny Samuel Maynard and Juaa Miynard. to "H. A Pitts Sons Manufac turing ompony. and no suit or proceed in has been instituted at law to recover tne dfbt secured ry s.ud morr-ro'c. or any part thereof. Now. therefore, by virtue of the power of sale in said mortie con tained, the -aid Mo'teaee will, on tha th iij.j of -,ptmo-.l5-,2. at the hour of 2 oVlo'k p. m.. at the office of Spelc North, in olum(Us. Platte county, Ne-ora-ita. offer for -ale at public auctioa, tb following d-cribed property, to-wit- Oar hicao Pitt.-" -parator. and on Ten Hor-e-power. mounted; the same b- msr tn- propertv de-cribed In said morv- ra:re' whii-h bar date ADril Tth. lsiil- I re-nriltd in rht t iinntT 4 lrk olSci, at i.i..fJ....... v-..u. .vr. .. .u .. ,. of Aon' t-hi. in B.,at -t ." of c'haxtei Morfcrazf-. at paes S. 39 xnd 400. The amount claimed to be due on said '"""- "" iu'it-a4iua ui is b- tice 1- ZUDJIftK H. .V. Prrrs Sosta, Mannfacrurin? Company. By Chis. a. peic. a.tt. l&C olumbus. Neb Ail. Wth. lari. ! . ESTHAY 50TICS. Came Into my herd, ibout 0 milas norti of .Iambus, tieir ilatthis bridi. th j. latter part of August. A HEIFER CALK, about tnre or four months old with rd neek and wnite body. The owner i ra-Ue-ted to prove property, pj enr-s, and take it away. !!- THOJU3 3caxx. 81.90 Salt at J. B. Dels man's for $1.90 a bar rel, and eveiything at accordingly low Ji-"-'::3 43-ti . HEAT "VOTTR. TTCiTTS'ES V lOZ BY M, SGYITOI k .. CIIICAGO. II-X. Em "iy - lwa improvement, ilor' praclical featurvs Vmtt le to ijep jc o-der Ue 1 r-at-t; wil! yive more a -at and a tarr ! of pare air '.nan tn 'amire ctde. -old ty tfl- Maafoctarers. 12-2a lirrai Rrdnction in Ganii of ill liidi it J. E. BUSMAN'S. TEA t" m-t 1ST nrio. from 'rpward, a. Sne Baikal- hrd Jap. very cheap : fame and trv It. rn FFTPQ If 3a haven't had vL L AiLaO. anv of mv Cotfee vet. ome at ace aaa zer. prices; taey re Trv tnem. iTA T IT ' chP-bni '- WIU tell. LJi-LilV Just eonricce yourself. ad I -e? tnat yea can out more Ood ot a i for one dollar. tttan at any other store la , tae west. A FFTl" bi? driT a heM, an i J--Li'' -Tups, choice coei, th best of tea.- always on haad. i -ti L 1 1 . tahfornia canned Fruit caxaJ". asiortraent of and ato4Ura "Produce icien t rcAcji;, oi cu. - ssinsByH ? snSsissssssnissssnT 3 c nssssBPIflnissssssI snissinissssSnlnisssssssBssssssssssB 'JisBS,nWnmv " sVnisssssssssssssssisBiinT FDMAGES lit TM WORLD ! , - 1 . 1 I prxcas. trtxij delivered ex tt ciVt. jtte ofcharije. -7 t " j