The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 19, 1882, Image 3

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i mmumcatlons, to Insure insertion
n the next issue, should be in band on
Vondajs; if lengthy, on Thursdays
receding issue-day" Advertisements,
f wnatever class, should lie in hand hv
A, viocn. Tuesdays.
Auiciuacucuig uuuer tun uciu iu
cts. a line first Insertion, 10 ctt. a line
, -.,. !, ..j !. k--.t ir.
each subseauent insertion.
Pure grape juice at Bucher'a.
Only pure liquors sold at Bu
cher's. 4-11-3
The Bain wagon for sale at the
Foundry. 11-2
It has been a summer of remark
able weather.
Fifty empty whisky barrels for
sale at Bucher's.
Nebraska State Fair, September
11 10, at Omaha.
Call at Ernst, Schwarz & Co's for
n good carpet stretcher.
Better liquors at Bucher's than
any other place in town.
Plenty of improvements this fall
if the harvest is good.
Kev. Father Smith passed through
the city Wednesday last.
A. I!. Coil'roth of the Democrat
made a trip to Omaha last Wednes
day. Mrs. Platto Baker is on a visit to
Ohio, expecting to be absent about a
For all kinds of Machine Oils at
bottom prices go to Dowty, "Weaver
& Co'f. 11 2
Hon. Lorenzo Crounso was in the
city Friday. He had been west to
Go to Ernst, Sell ware & Co's. for
your bird cages; just received a
Skjarge stock. 4-8-3
j? v Those wishing buggies and spring
wagons will find just what they want
at the Foundry. 11-2
Smoke Thtirber's No. 5, the best
Tic cigar in the market, at Dowty,
Weaver & Co's. 11-2
Considerable complaint, here aud
there, that the chinch bug6 are des
troying tho wheat.
The well-known Empire machines
are sold at the Fouudry. Bring in
your orders at once. 11-2
T Plenty of old papers in bundles
of ten each, for five cents a bundle,
at the Journal, office. tt
1. Gluck took a run up to Madi
son Thursday, coming down the next
morning. Everything prosperous.
James McDonald of Wheeler
county was in town last Thursday
looking as hale and hearty aB of yore.
Just harvested a crop of turnip
seed, and I have it for sale, at 50 cts.
a pound. 11-2 Jxo. Tanxaiiill.
Those who want extras for the
Cayuga Chief should order them at
once lrom Ernst, Schwarz & Co. 12-2
For the best 5c cigar in town, and
a nice solid cold drink of soda water,
go to Dowty, Weaver & Co's. 11-2
Wm. Becker is now prepared to
fill orders to harvesters for pure,
sweet apple cider in any quantity.
The Genoa Leader says that Bar
clay Jo:ies has purchased two town
lots there, and is to bring his family
there to reside.
James McAllister was on a visit
the most of last week with R. Mc
Pherfion, at the old home place be
tween this and Schuyler.
Chris. Meedel and Mr. Mub
grove have each a piece of oats that
they pronounce No. 1 White Rus
sian, with heads nearly a foot long.
We are prepared to give you
better bargains on all kinds of Oils
and drugs than any other house in
tho west. Dowty, Weavek & Co.
The B. & M. R. R., known as
the "Burlington Route," offers spec
ial advantages to travelers. See
advertisement in this paper. 43tf
S. F. Fleharty, Esq., private sec
retary to Gov. Nance, passed through
the city Friday, en route to Fullerton
to visit his brother of the University
Peter Ericksou is the owner of a
four year old cow that has had five
calves, two times, twins. She gives a
large quantity of milk, and Mr. E.
values her at $100.
A gentleman from Illinois says
that Nebraska is away ahead of them
this year for com. The capabilities
of our soil are becoming better
known, year by year.
All who have paid their sub
scription to the Journal, for the
vear 1SS2 arc entitled to a copy of
Kendall's treatise on the horse and
his diseases, in either English or
German. 30-tf
M. S. Lindsay of the firm of
Slaughter & Liudsay of Fullerton
was in the city Wednesday last on
business. He gives a glowing ac
count of the material prosperity of
our neighbor county.
--M. D. Thurston intends to go
east about July 25tb, to be gone sev
eral weeks, aud such of his patients
and others who may desire his pro
fessional services previous to his re
turn, will please call as early as pos
sible. H-2
Wm. Dougherty has opened a
carriage and wagon shop, in connec
tion with Mr. Naylor on 13th st. near
Tiffany's old barn. He always did
first-class work aud asks his old
friends and the public generally to
call and see him. 11 2
D. Anderson and G. B. Green of
Omaha have purchased the two bands
of fat cattle owned by Mr. Thomas, of
Colorad. - - nd fed at Genoa and Os
ceola, aL uprising 337 head ; these
cattle are supposed to average 1300
pounds each, and the purchase
amounts to over $30,000. Thirteen
car-loads were shipped from Osceola
last week and Mr. Anderson left with
eight cars more op Saturday last, that
were loaded at Genoa. All go dir
ect to the Chicago market,
Phil Cain returned from the east
A nice aud reasonable rain Mon
day morning.
Bobx. To Mrs. W. B. Rochon,
July 3, a son.
R. H. Henry returned from the
west the first of the week.
Jno. Elliott of Omaha came up
last week to visit his old home.
The Shell Creekers played Mad
ison on last Frid :y, 103 to 8 in favor
of Madison.
Platte Baker formerly of this
place recovered lately from an attack
of small-pox.
W. H. Lawreuce contributes a
second interesting letter on New
Mexican topics.
Presiding Elder Mayfield preach
ed at the M. E. Church Sunday two
excellant sermons.
Dr. Edwards has gone to farming
and is putting up a fine residence on
his land near Platte Centre.
Rev. W. T. Price will preach
morning and evening at the M. E.
Church, tLis city, next Sunday, July
The keystones visited Albion
last Friday, and were defeated, 23 to
8. They speak of a very pleasant
time, aud brotherly guardianship.
The M. E. Social will be held this
(Wednesday) evening at tho resideuce
of Holm Uuber. John is expected to
be at home, and a good social time is
Pkof. L. J. Cramer has been elec
ted Supt. of the Columbus Schools
for the coming year,at a salary of
$900 a year. There were several ap
plications. The Wood River Gazette says a
gang of swindling horse jockeys
passed through there last week on
their way east, and calls the attention
of the public to the fact that they are
a hard lot.
The young ladies of the Con
gregational church and society will
give an ice cream sociable this (Wed
nesday) evening, July 19th, at the
Congregational church. The public
are cordially invited.
Miss Matilda Matson has been
appointed postmistress of the new
office (Matson) about half way be
tween Lost Creek and Genoa. The
citizens thereabouts have petitioned
for a side track and flag station, with
a strong probability of getting it.
Chas. Schroeder is lining his car
riage house with a four-inch wall of
concrete. It will be warm in winter
and cool in summer. It will not be
many years nntil concrete buildings
will be multiplied on these prairies,
near the rivers, where there is plenty
of gravel.
Rev. J. A. Hood of Schuyler was
in the city Thursday, driving a horse
as fat and sleek as a mole. He tells
us that he has driven a horse for the
last thirty years and never owned
a whip. He has always bad a Morgan
horse, and considers them gentle and
Henry Englebatz of St. Bernard,
who was bitten on the leg by a snake,
and whose leg was wonderfully swol
len and spotted with the colors of the
snake, gangrene having set in, is
under treatment by Dr. Wheeler, who
is bringing the leg back to its normal
E. J. Baker came down from the
west last Friday, sojourning with
us til! Monday, when he returned, ac
companied by Abner Turner. From
E. J's conversation one can gather
something of the spirit that animates
that western world of which Denver
forms so large a part
Quite a number of Polanders
hereabouts hold time checks against
the B. & M. R. R. Co., and say they
have been told that the pay car wa3
uot here last month and will not be
this. They seem to be in need of the
funds due them, and have a suspicion
that something is wrong somewhere.
G. W. Clark, who has been
troubled with Bore eyes, is better
again, and he will soon be able to see
all the farmers in Platto county that
have not had their fire risks written
up. G. W. has Been engaged with
Gus. G. Becher & Co., for years and
understands his business thoroughly.
In these days when a tornado or
a cyclone may come tearing along and
destroying your dwellings, houses,
crops and stock, it is well to know
that Gus. G. Becher & Co. can insure
you against such loss. Call on them.
Fire is not the only destructive
element that man should provide
against. 1
S. C. Smith reports the following
land sales made to new comers : R.
T. Herrington of 111. 120 a; W. D.
Sutliffof 111. 80 a; W. B. LeBaron of
III. 240 a; R. F. Cummings of 111.
280 a; J. P. Jenson of Chicago, III,
1G0 a ; N. Campbell of 111. 160 a ; and
the Sharp land, the sK nH and w
seK sect 10, town 17, range 1 east,
toM. Chancey of Illinois.
A note, received rather late for
news, informs us that the Welsh Sab
bath School at PostTille, held their
annual meeting at the school-house
on the Fourth, and that the enjoy
ment by all was much better than ex
pected. Several pieces were recited,
also singing, debating, and competi
tion in reading. When the meeting
was done the tables were spread, and
all participated of the dainties."
Messrs. Ransdell &feed are doing
a large business in bntter and eggs,
their transactions for June amount
ing to $15,860.30. The amount of
these articles produced must be enor
mouB, seeing that other dealers, too,
have a share of the business. Mr.
Ransdell tells ui that the ratio of
oleomargarine to butter is increasing,
and that the counterfeit will continue
so to do until the butter is monthly
made in creameries. These gentle
men have unbounded faith in Ne
braska's grasses and cows.
S Gradually, the hesitation that
t people feel in exploring un
known fields of enterprise or adven
ture or taking risks that may not
prove advantageous and which will,
in the course of events, be regretted,
is wearing away with regard to Dr.
Wheeler, and the universal opinion of
persons who havs had experience in
the matter, and of any and all who
have cared to make themselves ac
quainted with facts, not accepting as
such second-handed opinions of per
sons influenced by selfish or merce
nary motives to speak disparagingly
of the doctor' is that as a healer he
stands in the front rank. His patients
are increasing every day, untiUhis la:
bors in their behalf are enormous, and
the only wonder is that auy man
could do as much and retain his own
health and vitality. The reason for
this almost universal favorable opin
ion is obvious. He does not depend
upon auy false or spurious statements
to secure patients, but treats all who
may consult him candidly and fairly,
guaranteeing a cure if he thinks the
case possible of cure, or plainly tell
ing them so if he does not, relying
upon his knowledge and skill, based
on years of practice ahd experience,
to speak for him in the good ho does
his patients. And the univeral testi
raonials of these patients are in his
favor. The truth of this statement
cau be ascertained by calling at the
doctor's office and interviewing thobe
who have placed themselves under
his treatment. The writer of this has
talked with many old patients from
adjoiuing counties in the state where
the doctor has beeu, who, from inva
lids for years' have been made sound
aud well. The following are the
names and residences of persons who
may be referred to as having expe
rience in treatment with Dr. Wheeler.
Jos. Rivet aud members of his family ;
Jno. Huber; Mrs. Johnson of Schdy
ler, Colfax County; Mrs. Jeuqie
Stevenson, of Monroe, Platte County ;
Henry Lupker, in Columbus; Chris.
Jeflery, of Platte County; Joseph
Westbrook, of St. Edwards, Boone
The doctor's plan of treatment is no
cure no pay, consultation free.
ftebraxka. State Garnet tee r aad
BaMlnesM Directory for
The third edition of this valuable
work has just been issued from the
press and contains nearly six hundred
pages and a complete business direc
tory of every city, town, village and
hamlet in the State, as well as the
names and addresses of mill owners,
country merchants, professional men,
stock raisers, etc., who are not located
in viiliages ; also lists of Government
and County officers, Census Statistics,
Time of holding Courts, Names of
Postmasters, Post Offices, Express
Telegraph Offices, together with a
complete list of Incorporated Compa
nies, Justices of the Peace, Hotels,
Newspapers, and all classes of Busi
ness and Professional Men. Descrip
tive sketches of each place and coun
ty, are given, embracing various sta
tistics of interest, such as Location,
Population, distances of different
points, the most convenient shipping
stations, the products that are mark
eted, stage communications, trade
statistics, the nearest bank location,
mineral Interests, the price of Land
and the inducements offered to set
tlers. Mention is made of Churches,
Schools and Societies in each place.
A classified directory comprising
lists of all Trades, Professions and
Pursuits in the state, wherein the
name and post office address of every
person in each line of business may be
found, which is an important feature
of this publication. Gazetteer, per
copy, $4.00. J. M. Wolfe, Publisher,
120 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb.
Moral Oblleatloa aot (Joatia
GTeat apoa Coaseat.
Mr. Editor : That the ballot rep
resents Government is not denied by
Mr. Gerrafd. He wonld make it rep
resent also our moral obligation to
submit to the government. To bring
this about he calls the government a
compact. This savors of the heresy
of nullification and ge mu6t speak
with caution.
For the sake of argument, suppose
the government were a compact
merely, and the ballot represented
our consent to that compact. It
would not follow that the ballot rep
resented our moral obligation to obey
the lawB. For in that case the obli
gation wouid end with the withdraw
al of consent. In other words
a refusal to vote would nul
lify our obligation to obey the
laws. The thief wonld only have to
refuse to vote, and he could steal
with impunity. This is absurd.
The truth is that moral obligation
is not in any degree contingent upon
consent. It cannot be denied that we
are born under inalienable obligation
to God, to man, and to the govern
ment, and that the extent of this obli
gation can neither be increased or di
minished by any act of the will. It is
the same whether we consent or not ;
whether the government be demo
cratic, monarchical, patriarchal or
tribal. It rests upon the practical ne
cessity of government in some form
and upon the Divine authority which
inheres in government "The powers
that be are ordained of God." There
fore the ballot cannot represent our
moral obligation to submit to them.
In so far as a man is governed by
moral obligation, he is not governed by
human laws. These are for the gov
ernment of meu who do not recog
nise moral claims.
Mr. Gerrard admits that my logic is
invincible, but denies the truth of one
of my premises. If the ballot repre
sents anything besides physical pow
er, surely he can tell as what it is. I
submit he has failed to prove my
original third proposition untrue.
He calls man under our free gov
ernment s king and so he is. He calls
upon his fellow citizens to crown wo
man queen and pot the scepter in ber
hand. I look in my Webster and find
that the word queen has two mean
ings. 1st. "a consort of the king."
To be queen in this sense she does not
need a scepter. She is the power be
hind the throne" without it. 2nd. "a
female monarch." To be queen in
this sense she must rule over man aud
rule alone. What shall we say of
the idea of two scepters on one
throne. The absurdity of it is only
equalled by the absurdity of the claim
which is now being pressed by a few
of the female 6ex against the totality
of the better instincts of womankind,
and which fittingly characterizes the
movement as the Reform against na
Fraxklix Pierce.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Thursday, June 29th, 1882.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called, all present.
On application of John Wise to
straighten the road on section line at
S. V. corner of S. E. section 34, T. 1!),
R. 1, east. Commissioner Hudson was
appointed to examine the same and
report to this Board, and the Clerk was
instructed to notify Roadoverseer
BaKeuhus to stop proceeding in openiug
said road until final action is taken
On motion of Commissioner Rivet,
M. Whitmoyer was appointed as at
torney for this Board and the Clerk
instructed to submit to him the matter
of the claim of Patrick Murray for
damages on road in See. 11, T. 18, It.
2 west, located in 1872, also the claim
of the Sheriff for janitor's salary.
Roadsuperviser Griffin was allowed
lumber to repair a culvert on Ernst
The following bills were allowed on
General fund and the Clerk instructed
to draw warrants therefor on General
fund levy of 1SS2, to-wit:
Billlof John Rickly, wood for Co. ?9 25
do W. M. Cornelius, J. if.
fees. State vs. Brandt
4 35
3 80
O. L. Baker, Deputy Sher
iff's fees. State :r mil...
JohuW. 11- V , .v ad
vanced lor tr:iiJ7;"2i-ion of
insane to uv
O. L. Baker, guarding in
sane patient, Wlialey 3 00
John Hammond, boarding
paupers lb io
Julius Rasmussen, nidse... 5 00
J. It. Meagher, tickets for
i)nui)Grs. ....
25 70
U. W. liulst, gran'i jury
witness at March term
do V. T. Price, grand jury
witness at March term
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
A. M. Post, grand jury
witness at March term
Loran Clark, grand jury
witness at March term
W. X. Hensley, grand jury
witness at March term
S. S. McAllister.grand jury
witness at March term
D. D. Wadsworth, grand
lurv witness at March term
do Byron Millett, grand jury
witness at March term 2 00
do S. A. Bonesteel, services
commissioner of insanity... 11 00
do Gibson, Miller & Klchard-
son, blank records 71 25
do State Journal Co., blanks.. 35 85
do C. A. Newman, 1). C, ser-
vicescommiss'er of insanity 10 75
C. A. Newman, services as
Clerk District Court 29 01
State Journal Co., tax re
ceipts 13 35
J.W. Early, uounty treas
urer, redemption of tax sale
certificate for S. J, N. W. 4-
12-18-1 west 20 UO
D. C. Kavanaugh, sher
iff 's fees 50 aO
D. C. Kavanaugh, services
&S j&llor.........."".aas.lUO oO
do Nich. blaser, examining
do Wm. Heitzman. kalsomi
uiug do Dowty, Weaver & Co.,
goods for County Judge.
8 00
5 90
3 00
do G. G Lueschen, work on
bridge 6 00
Andrew Matins, taking
insane patient to asylum... 9 60
Gibson, Millier & Kicli-
ardson, pens 2 4o
Geo.W.Galley, house rent
for sheriff. 26 25
J. E. Moncrief, services
as Countv Sup't 8G 00
do A. B. Coil'roth 142 80
do E. D. Fitzpatriek 30 55
do D. C. Kavanaugh, sher
iff's fees 155 00
do John Stauffer, salary as
Countv Clerk- 100 00
do J. W- Early, Co., Treas
urer, cash expended for Co
40 50
8 00
14 00
12 00
14 00
14 00
12 00'
14 00
do Ben Spielman, Bailiff at
Marcii term
Harry Newman
j5. Jcj j olinoii
jm Xj xsniccr"
C. A. Brindley
Thos. Vunalstine
L. J. Kramer, making
estimate for grading, in
cluding chainmcn
Mills & Company, station
27 00
4 75
C. A. Newman, Clerk D.
C, services as commission
er of Insanity 10
S. A. Bonesteel 11 00
Omaha Republican,
blank record 1G 00
J. B. Delsman, nidse 8 00
Julius Rasmussen nidse 3 00
Cincinnati paper Novelty
Co., document envelopes... G 00
H. J, Hudson, services as
Co., Commissioner 97 70
Michael Maher 81 20
Joseph Rivet 70 00
Herman Wilken, Asses
sor Bismark Precinct. .102 G8
G. K. Bullock, Assessor
Woodville Precinct- 59 54
G. G. Becher, Assessor
Columbus Precinct 337 04
Richard Olmer, Assessor
Granville Precinct. G5 58
do Geo. Seheidel, Assessor
Lost Creek Precinct 141 64
Robert Lewis, Assessor
Looking Glass Precinct 66 5G
Nels Olson, Assessor Crea
ton Precinct 60 42
John Eiseinan, Assessor
Loup Precinct 68 04
John Zumbrume, Jr., As
sessor Stearns Precinct 83 12
M. Brugger, Assessor
Sherman Precinct 70 02
John Burke, Assessor
Shell Creek Precinct 86 50
do Geo. Zimmermam, Asses
sor Humphrey Precinct 75 90
do C. H. Blether, Assessor
Walker Precinct 105 38
do Chris Meedel, Assessor
Butler Precinct 99 80
do E- B. Hull, Assessor
Monroe Precinct 109 02
do Fred Kipp. Assessor Bur
rows Precinct .. 83 04
do Pat Coleman, Assessor
Pleasant Valley Precinct... 93 42
James Salman, petit juror
at March term 1882...:...'.... 15 10
Frank Mead, petit iuror
at Marqh term 1882 12 30
Jos. Hoffman, petit juror
at March term 1882 14 80
J. C. Hurley, petit iuror -
at March term 18S2 14 00
Jas. Noonan, petit juror
at March term 1882 14 00
Chas Grip, pstit iuror at
March term 1882 15 90
D. L. Brueu, petit juror
at March term 1882 13 50
D. Warnick. petit iuror at
March term 1882 12 10
do S. G. Davis, petit juror at
March ierni 1882 12 10
do A.Eiekmeyer, petitjpror
at March term 1882., 12 60
do John Schilz, petit juror
at March term 1882 -.. 12 SO
do O. S. Moran, petit juror
at Marcii term 18S2 13 90
do J. H. Meyer, petit juror at
March term 1882 11 GO
do John Newman, petit
juror at March term 1882... 15 SO
do H. Ragatz, petit juror at
March tenrr 1882 12 10
do Wm. Mead, petit juror
at March term 1882- 12 30
do Ira Mullen, petit juror at
March term 1882 12 10
do C. D. Tyler, petit juror
at March term 1882 13 80
do Joseph Webster, petit
juror at March term 1882... 13 40
do Ed. Roberts, petit juror
m March term 1882 - 13 00
do T. M. Lean, petit juror at
March term 18S2 14 20
do Dan Booth, talesman petit
juror at March term 1882.. 2 00
do Thos. Dress, petit juror
at March term 1882 2 00
do John Rickly, Sr., petit
jurior at March term 1882 2 90
do W. H. White, grand juror
at March term 18S2 4 10
do Henry Lubker, grand
juror at March term 1S82 4 10
do Patrick Hays, grand juror
at March term 1882 - 4 10
do Hugh Hughes, grand
juror at March term 1882... 4 10
do F. Brodfuehrer, grand
juror at March term 1882... 4 10
do A. A. Smith, grand juror
at March term 1S82- 4 10
do Theo. Friedhoff. irrand
jurorat March term 18S2... 4 10
do H. L. Small, grand juror
at March term 1SS2 4 10
do Norris Bonesteel, grand
jurorat March term 1S82... 4 10
do G. C. Lauck, grand juror
at March term 1S82 4 10
do Joshua .Norton, grand
juror at March term 1SS2... 4 10
do Wm. Burgess, grand juror
at March term 18S2 4 10
do James Galley, grand juror
at March term 18S2 4 10
do J. C. Cowdery, grand
juror at March term 1882... 4 10
do J. N. Taylor, grand juror
at March tnrm 1882 4 10
do W. B. Dress, grand juror
at March term 1SS2 4 10
Richard Olmes, right of way 30 00
George Zimmerman, do 20 00
Wm. Uphott 45 00
Bernard and Uphoft 30 00
Sam Anderson, work on bridge, G 75
.Louis Schreiber, repairing sera-
)(.r9a 7 t)0
Sehroeder &. Pohl, nails, etc 23 40
P, W. Schmitz, services as road-
j Ciot-Cr 4) Ou
Nick Blasser, work on bridge 138 00
Columbus Lumber & Grain Co,,
lumOor ................. Go 9o
John Lucid, services as road-
" overseer CO 00
Peter Kipp, services as road
overseer for 1SS1 22 00
Thomas Ottis, lumber 181 21
Pat Griffin, services as roadover-
For which amount the Clerk was in
structed to draw a warrant in favor of
Co., Treasurer to apply on personal
property taxes of said Griflln.
Commissioner Hudson was appointed
to act in conjunction with sanitary
committee of City of Columbus.
Lumber was allowed to to Itoadover
seers Irwin, Guiles. Vombergcr, Was
serberger and Gardner.
Commissioner Hudson was appoint
ed to take measurement and view lo
cation for bridge at Bakenhus.
Commissioner Rivet was appointed
to examine locality of a road prayed for
by J. W. Dickenson and others."
The Clerk was instructed to notify
Roadoverseer Bakenhus to open
County road running north and south
on Section line between sections 11 and
12, 13 and 14, and 23 and 24, T. 19, R. 1
$700, moneys and credits assessed to
Mrs. W. E. Walton for 1879 was can
celled on taxlist, saiu Walton produc
ing receipt that same had been assessed
and taxes paid thereon in the City of
$700, moneys and credits assessed to
Henry Gildsdorf for 1881 was eon
celled on taxlist, the same having been
erroneously assessed.
J. E. Tasker's labor tax in Butler
Precinct for 1880 was cancelled, the
same having been assessed and paid in
.Lost Creek rreciuct.
Board adjourned until Friday, July
7th, 1882, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Friday July 7th, 1882.
Board met as per adjournment.
Roll called, all present.
Reading of minutes of previous
meetings was deferred.
On application of Ed. Graham, the
Clerk was instructed to furnish road
overseer Knight with the necessary
material to build a bridge on meridian
Petition to establish Phillips road by
consent was read and said road duly
On application of Roadoverseer
Lueschen to build a bridge at Fred
Wellbush's, Commissioner Hudson
was appointed to examine the place and
report to this Board.
On motion Nick Blaser was instruct
ed to make an estimate of expenses for
repairs on Jackson bridge and to report
to Commissioner Hudson who was
empowered to act in said matter.
The Commissioners having examined
the bridges built by Fox, Can field &
Co., at Apgars, Trumans and Platte
Centre, accepted the same and in
structed the Clerk to draw warrants
therefore on bridge fund to the amount
jo $1,224.25.
Sam Anderson, Roadoverseer, was
instructed to build a bridge across the
Looking Glass at E. B. Wall's, also a
bridge at Munsons across said Creek,
aud the Clerk was instructed to give
orders for the material to said Ander
son. Commissioner Hudson reported that
he was informed by Henry T. Spoerrv
that Dr. E. Hoehen, the County physi
cian, had gone to Colorado for an indefi
nite, time, he further reported that he
had anpointen Dr. Evans in place of
Dr. "Hoehen as County Physician,
which appointment was approved by
the Board.
Commissioner Hudson was appoint
ed, in connection with the Treasurer
and Clerk, to examine the Delinquent
Tax lists from 1860 to 1880 inclusive,
and to check the same from the original
Tax lists and report to this Board.
The Clerk presented Fee Book for
3 uarter ending July 1st, the Board
eferred action thereon.
Kusz road being petitioned for by
consent was dury located.
Bills were allowed and warrants
ordered drawn on General fund as
follows :
Rickly & Hoffman, meat for Mrs.
Buckly, do. $10 00
Chas. Brindley, digging paupers
graves and work on side
walk. 8 00
Dr. Hoehen, services as Co. Phy
sician 19 00
Mrs. Warner, Boardiug Chas.
Warner 13 50
Carl Heinrirh, work on jail lock
and keys ,.... 14 00
J. E. Tasker, Lumber- 227 83
Board adjourned to Tuesday, August
1st, 1882, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Johk Stauffer,
County Clerk.
Real Eittate TraiMfen,
Reported for the Journal for the
week endiug last Saturday, by Gua.
G. Beecher & Co. :
U. S. to Maria Tluckiger, Patent :
wM sw 10, 19, 1. w, 80 acres.
Wm. Anyan Receiver to Soren
Anderson, F. R. R. 400 nK se and
bK ne$ 14, 20, 13, 1G0 acri,
Teachers laNtltate.
To the teacJiers of Platte county:
The Annual Normal Institute will
begin Monday, Aug. 14, 1SS2, and
continue for a term of three weeks.
All those who expect to teach in the
county are requested to attend. Ex
aminations will be held the last two
days. Hon. W. W.W.Jones State Sup't,
has promised to be present during a
portion of the term, and take part in
the exercises.
J. E. Moncrief,
9-7 - County Sup't.
setter tlnt.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the posUotDoe. in
Columbus. Neb , for the week endiug
July ir, 1882:
B Kugene F. ltlackner, Henrv Bussel
man. C Aliss Kate Carmady, George D.
Crandall, A. M. Criswell.
I Henry Dasembrok.
G George Green, postal eard.
II Win. Ilerr.
JIc Donald McKay, ilcDouald M'f Co.,
Martin McDaniel, Andrew MeLauhlin.
SI William Malonek, Horace Monroe,
2. M. A. Mvers.
I Maria ll. 1'eterson.
R C. E. F. Keigner, Mary Remeuder.
S F. L. Speneer.
T L. J. Tvdcmau.
W W.U.White, Matilda L. Wilson.
Held for postage J. D. Pierson, B.
Pierson, P. O., Toulon, Illinois.
If not called for in .'JO days will be sent
to the dead -letter office, Washington, D.
C. When called for please say "adver
tised," as these tetters are kept separate.
E.A. Gkrkakd, P. M.,
Columbus. Xobr.
J. E. North & Co. aro erecting new
aud larger coal sheds, to meet the
wants of their increasing business.
K i
FARMER July flth, 1SA, to Mr. and
Mrs. farmer, a son; weight llj lbs.
LAUUK July 14th, to Mrs.G.U. Lauck,
a sou, weight 9); lbs.
G. U. Didn't forget, on this happj occa
sion, that his friends could smoke to the
welfare of the new comer, and set 'cm up
GRAF UADER-July 11th, by Rev.
Dominions, John Graf and Miss Minnie
ARTS July 14th, Walter, son of J. P.
and Elizabeth Abts, aged 20 mouths.
Advertisements under this head live
cents a line each insertion.
O. Heitkeiuper
Is agent for the following Pianos aud
Organs in Platte and Colfax coun
ties, viz:
Stein way. "J
Hallel & Davis, -Pianos.
Kimball, J
Kimball, and ' )
11-tf Mason & Hamlin, urSans
Fresh strawberries at Hudson's.
Silk aud satin suits at Mrs. Stump's.
Sparkliug soda water at Hudson's.
Delicious ice cream at Hudson's
Parlor. 5-tf
Money to loan by J. M. Mac
farlaud. Parasols, all silk, one dollar at Mrs.
First-class millinery at Mrs.
Sweet cider, and pure cider vinegar
at Hudson's. 5-tf
New Peaches, Bananas aud fresh
candies at Hudson's.
Buy your furniture, picture frames
and coflius of J. E. Munger. 11-3
Ladies, you can get hair waives, or
rewaived at Mrs. Stump's.
Ball's Health-preserving corsets can
only be found at Galley Bro's.
Buy your dried beef chipped ready
for the table, at John Heitkcmper's.
12 tf
Lay in your supply of glassware
and crockery at J. Heitkcmper's. 11-2
Houahau will sell boots and shoes
at O niaha prices ; 6torc opp. P. O. 8
For Scotch and Irish whiskies
go to Ryan's on 11th street. 37-tf,
Go to Win. Ryan's on 11th
treet for your line Kentucky whis
kies. 20wtf.
All wool banting reduced to 18c a
yard, former price 25 cts. at Kra
mer's. 12 tf
For bargains in Ladies' and Misses
trimmed bats, to close the season, at
Galler Bro's.
Arnold & Lewis have sold over one
hundred No. S W. W. machines iu
four months. 8
Sorghum cane mills, of any size,
manufactured and for sale cheap at
the Foundry. 94t
The finest line of Ladies, Misses
and Gents shoes, at the lowes prices,
at Galley Bro's.
Arnold & Lewis carry the largest
stock of sewing machines to be found
this side of Omaha. 8-tf
We have just received from New
York the latest 6tyles of Ladies col
lerettes. Gallery Bo's.
Still another invoice of choice coffee
aud tea received which is selling very
cheap at J. B. Delsman's. 1
All kinds of sewing machines re
paired at Arnold's Jewelry Store, and
all work warranted. 8
Needles and attachments for all
kinds of sewing machines, at Ar
nold's Jewelry Store. 8
You can buy the New Yrork Singer,
warranted to be the best Singer in the
market, of Arnold & Lewis. 8
Broadhcads, alpacas, Mohairs and
gerster cloths can be found at Galley
Bro's., Sole agents for Columbus.
Any one wishing extras and repairs
for the Empire Reaper and Mower,
will please call soon, at Foundry. 9 2t
Look to your interest before buying
a sewing machine, and save money by
calling at Arnold's Jewelry Store. 8
Mclutyre & Heath's Grand Com
bination at the Opera House, Sat
July 22nd. Don't fail to hear them.
Ladies can get Silk Lace, Spanish
ties, feathers and silk of any kind
cleaned as good as new, at Mrs.
Wm. Schiliz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the
very best stock that can be procured
in the market. 52tf
You can get a. package of 2 lbs. of
Japan tea, and "every package con
tains a silver-plated, knife aud fork, at
J. B. Delsman's. 1
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-nnd-labor, neatly
bound in book? of 50 aud 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
Try my Japan tea at 25 cents per lb ;
you pay 50 cents for tea that is no
2 2 J. B. Delsman.
Farmers cau be supplied with ex
tras for Buckeye machines. We have
a large stock on hand, but can get on
short notice anything wanted.
8-tf Liters & Hoefelmak.
For sale ou Ioug timo aud low
price all that choice selection of
Land known as the Richards Lands
and formerly sold by J. A. Reed. 4-tf
Sam'l. C. Smith.
1.000 reward for any machine that
will do the varieties of work without
atiachmcuts that can bo done. on the
Wh' ler & Wilson No. 8 niachiue.
Fo- lie at Arnold's Jewelry Store.
rxl j Polk County Nursery will de
liver Nursery stock at Columbus,
Net-, during tho fall of 1882. Cail
on A J. Arnold aud get pricss. My
trees are home qroicn. 5 tf.
J. R. Kixxax, Proprietor.
Don't you forget that the New, Si
lent No. 8 runs the easiest, the most
simple to operate. You can do the
greatest variety of work, aud it is the
least liable to get out of order. For
sale at Arnold's Jewelry Store, Co
lumbus, Nebr. S
Jacob Schram is now located on
13th street, near A. ti N. depot, where
he will be glad to see his old and new
customers. He carries a well-selected
stock of dry goods and notions and
will sell at tho very lowest prices the
market will warrant. 9 tf
Many of our subscribers arc
taking the American Agriculturist
with the Journal, both 'for $3.00 a
year payable in advance. The Ag
riculturist is published in English
and German, is flnely illustrated, aud
is couducted on old-fashioned prin
ciples of honesty and common
sense. tf.
We furnish the American Agri
culturist (iu English or German), the
best farmers' monthly iu the world,
together with the Columhus Jour
nal, one year, to any address iu tho
Unitfd States or British Possessions,
for $3, cash in advance. The price
of the Agriculturist alone is .f 1.50.
If you wish te save money, you
must buy your Dry Goods, Boots aud
Shoes, Clothing and Hats and Caps
from the oldest day goods in Cclhm
bus. One price is our motto to every
one; all can be accommodated, as our
clerks speak English, German, French
and Polish.
12-4. at Galley Bro's.
IlargaiuM ! llurjeuinw ! !
My goods all marked in plain
Mrs. atump.
Elward IlarvcNter
Practically as good as new, for sale
or trade. 10 tf L. D. Clark.
Clearing Mule.
Of cummer goods at greatly reduced
prices at Kramer's. 12 tf
Farmer !!
It will pay you from 10 to 15 per
cent, when buying your harvest sup
plies to go to J. B. Delsman's. 1
Cook Here !
The celebrated White sewing ma
chine for sale cheap for cash, or on
time, at Arnold's Jewelry Store. 8
For Male or Heat.
E. J. Baker's Columbus Elevator,
on easv Terms. Inquire of
12-2. G. G. Becher & Co.
Xo Hake
room for full stock I am selling my
stock of Ladies and children's straw
hats below cost- L. Kramer. 12 tf
Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur
nish brick, cither at his kiln north
west of the city ; delivere d anywhere
in the city, or built in the wall, at
reasonable rates.
For Male at Uotloni Prices.
Furty high grade, two and three year
old heifers; 40 nice yearling steer ;
one yoke No. 1 work oxen, and a
gotui riding pony. Cash or time.
12-2 D. Anderson.
FarmH lor Sule.
h section, 5 miles northeast of Co
luml s, 40 acres broke, house, stable,
well, -tc, besides 20,000 trees, Princi
pe ly ash and boxelder. Price $2,000
210 res in Polk Co., on Clear Creek,
livin water which never freezes, 120
acres in cultivation, dwelling, stable,
etc. A splendid stock farm. Price
$3,000. Address
Guy C. Barsum.
51-12 Columbus, Neb.
The Chicago Herald.
Elsewhere will b found the ad
vertisement of the Chicago Herald,
one of the best, neatest, cleanest and
nicest newspapers in the country,
cd.ied by Hon. Frank W. Palmer,
late of the Inter-Ocean. We will
furnish the Columbus Journal and
the Weekly Chicago Herald, one
year, for $2.75; Journal and Sun
day Herald, $3 ; Journal and Daily
Herald $0.50. 40-tf
Champion Ilaj- Rake.
One man aud team can rake and
haul to the stack from 10 to 15 acres
per day, saving winrowing, shocking
&c, Entirely controlled by driver
Acknowledged to be the best rake and
gatherer in the market. Will save
over half the ordinary expenses. It
is cheaper ($35), reliable, never out of
order, always ready for use. For sale
12-3, Lubker & Krause.
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line, tirit insertion, three cent?
a line each subsequent Insertion.
1'oiibk Cowm.
A few more left unsold. Call on
10-tf T. Kkatino.
RegKlar Ntock Stealer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat and stock hojrs.
379-y D. Anderson.
.and Tor Sale.
1C0 a-'res, 5 miles west of Colum
bus: "5 acres under cultivation, -tO acres
hay land; $10 an acre, on easy terms.
Inquire at Journal oliice.
For Sale Only by ROBERT UHLIG,
0,2t,h St., next to Bank., 9-lm
Our titintatiou oftue markets are oh-,
tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct
and reliahlr -it t!' Mine.
dUAIN, iU.
Wheat No 1 $100
Wheat No. -J, DO
Corn, T5
Oats new, 30
Flax, 50 95
Rye 50
Flour '. :i00g4 75
Butter, ." 121."
Esi;s, "& I"
I'btatoes, -I0ijj."0
31 K ATS.
Hams, HlG
Shoulders, . l-H
Sides, l"tt
Fatllojis TOO
FatOUtlo -lOWgeoo
Calves & w
Sheep 00
Iova $0 .V)
Hard $13 50(gl3 0
Itock Springs nut $T 00
Kock Spriuys lump $ 00
Kausas 0U
FiiSAi.. lMtoor.
Land Oiliee at Grand Island. Neb.,1
.lul ii. 1SSJ. I
NOTICE i herebv -!ven that the fol
low iii!-namedettler u:n tiled notice
of his Inteutiou to m.ike final proof in
support of his claim, and tha' said proof
will tie made before C. A. Newman, Clerk
of the District Court, at Columbus, Ne
braska, on August 17th, ISS-J, viz :
.lohn lleniiese, for the K. N. VT.
See. 12, T'p I" lfane 2 west, lie names
the following witness to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of said land, viz: E. 1. Ilims, SI. E.
Slacken, .John Maher and Edward Ma
honev. all of lM.itte Center. Neb.
12w. ll. II. HOXIE, Kegister.
In the County Court for IMatte county,
"VTOTICE is hcrebv -itn that on the
L 2!th day of .lune. 12. .I'iin Henry
Kickert tiled in the othVe f the .Indue of
said County Court of IMatte cmnty, Ne
braska, au'iiistriiiueut in writing, pur
porting to be the la-t will and testament
of .1. II. Kickert, deceased, late of said
county, and demanded probate of the
same."and thereupon it was ordered that
the 27th day of .luly. lsv, at one o'clock
in the atternoon of said day at the County
Judge's otlice in said county be assigned
as the time and place of hearing tho
proof in the matter !" the probate of said
instrument in writing, hen anil where
all persons interested ma appear and bo
(A true copy of the order.)
Witness mv hand this 3d dav of July,
10-4 Countv .ludge.
"irOitUIS STOLT.E and Ma-irieStoltze,
LVL defeiinants, will take notice that on
the fourth day of February, Isn2, James
E. North, plai'ntitf herein, tiled his peti
tion iu the District Court ot IMatte
county, Nebraska, aaint 'aid Morris
Stoltze and Maggie Molte ami others,
defendants, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by said defendants. Frederick
Y. Itiemer. Mattie Uteiner, Morris
Stoltze and Mairuic Stoltze, to the plain
till", upon the following real estate to wit:
The northeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section six (), in township
seventeen (17) north ofranire ono( l)ea-t
of the sixth principal meridian in said
IMatte county to secure the payment of a
certain promissory note dated August 2d,
187!, lor the sum of three hundred dol
lars, and it tere-t at ten per cent, from
date till paid, and due and payable on the
tirst day of May, lto. That there is now
due upon said note and mortgage the
sum of three hundred and eighty-eight
and thirty-three one hundredth dollars,
for which sum with int'T'-st from this
date plaintitf prays for a decree that
said mortgagor be "letjuired to pay tho
same or that said premises may he sold
to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 2sth duv of August,
A. D.. I5rf2.
Dated .lulv 11th, lss.
JAMES E. NOUTH, IMaintitf.
By ClIA.s. A. M'KR'K, his Att. 11-5
To William Jiyiin and Mary ISijnnz
TAKE NOTU K that Orwilc C. Dewey
has sued jtu in ihe Ditri 't t'otirt,
iu and for IMatte county. Nebraska, and
that you are rrq-iir- d to'aiiswer the peti
tion tiled by viid Orville C Dewey, in
said court on or before the -tli day of
August, 1SS2; the pra er of said petition
is for the foreclosure of i mortgage made
by you, the said William Itvaii and Mary
Ityan, on the Ituh d or .May, IHVJ, to the
said Orville '. Dewey. n the ! h ilf
of tin southeast qu tr : r of - rti.ui thirty
two, in township nineteen north. ot range
two west of tlie sixth piito-ipal meridian,
in said IMatte ctmi, Ni Wr.i-k.t; said
mortgage was gien to si-cuie the pay
ment of si prom-s-ii-j nn;i', made and
delivered b -ail William lyan to said
Orville C. Dewev, all ol" wuicfi s-ud notes
are pust due. and in ot which remain
unpaid; s. ml iinpiid no'es amount to tin
sum ot 2sil, with iut'-iest thereon at
twelve per cut. lrom the l!:li day of
November, lsl. An attortn-x's fee is
also prayed for in said pt tit ton.
flMs. A. M'KirK,
11- Att ftirOrille( .Dewey.
Taken up. on t:i 1 irm ! miles north
east ol Columbus in hhermau product,
June 2a, l-.v',
both horses, about I20 Ils. each, and S to
10 years old. One of them has a small
white spot in forehead, a white spot on
lelt hind foot and bad ore shoulders.
The other is collar m-irked. The owner
will prove property and pay charges ac
cording to law.
1 1-" John J knni.
Salt at J. B. Dels
man's for $1.90 a bar
rel, and everything
at accordingly low
f i:o. :v e-ekky
t3JTC irriage, hotwe anii sin painting,
glaziug, paper hanging, k.tiomtning, etc.
done to order. Shop on l.'Jtn t., opposite
Engine House, Coiumlni-, Neb. !0-y
b'reut Reduction in llociis of ;ili Kind at
rVT? A at almost any pric from 20
XJlliX cents upwards; a line Hasket
lired Jap, cry cheap; come aud try it.
Pm?T?l?l?Q If yu havenM; had
jJj r JLILO. any of my Coffees yet,
come at once and get prices; they are,
bargains. Trv them.
JLil.LjJY Just convince yourself, and
see that you can buy moiv goods of mo
for one dollar, than at any other store in
the west.
A"C"-?TI7 big drives in shoes, ana
JPJIiYV syrups, choice codecs, th
best of teas always ou hand.
-b li U 1 X . Califonna
canned Fruit chkav.
3ortin.-nt of
aud Eastern
JStf-Proff?tce taken in exchange, at cash
prices. Goods delivered in the
citv, free of charge. 3 SD-y