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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1882)
r I R - . h t i i-4 . p ; A, '-4 T ,i ; i THE JOURNAL x WEDN ESD A Y .1 UL Y 12, 1882. Communications, to lnure insertion in the next issue, should he in hand en Mondav; if lengthy, on Thursdays preceding iasue-da. Advertisements, of whatever class, should he in hand bj noon, Tuesday. Advertisements under this head K cts. a line first insertion, 10 cts. a line each sub-euuent insertion. Pure grape juice at Bucher'p. Only pure liquors sold at Bu cher'e. 4-11-3 The Bain wagon for sale at the Foundry. 11-2 Born. To Mra. Ben. Eggleeton of Creston, a eon. Fifty empty whisky barrels for sale at Buclier's. Max Uhlig was up from Omaha a portion of last week. Call at Ernst, Schwarz & Co's for a good carpet stretcher. H. J. Hudson was out again yes terday after his illness. Mr. F. Gerber, we understand, goes to work at Omaha. Better liquors at Bucher's than an' other place in town. Frank Smith and wife moved last week into their own house. J. B. Delsman disposed of his bakery lease to 11. Kretzshmar. Frank North, wife and daughter, are visitiug friends at North Platte. Jno. Hubcr and family have moved iuto their own house again. The thermometer at 2:30 p. m. last Saturday marked 92 degrees in the shade. Go to Erust, Schwarz & Co's. for your bird cages; just received a large stock. 4-S-3 Smoke Thurber's No. 5, the beet 5c cigar in the market, at Dowty, Weaver & GVb. 11-2 Those wishing buggies and spring wagons will find just what they want at the Foundry. 11-2 G. W. Kibbler was kicked by a horse about a week ago, dispacing the flesh on his arm. The well-known Empire machines are sold at the Foundry. Bring in your orders at once. 11-2 Miss Lord came down from Nanco county last week on a visit to her brother, D. A. Mr. F. George and daughter Marion, of Clarksville, are visitiug friends in the city. A neighborhood pic-nic on the Fourth was held at A. W. Clark's a very eujoyable affair. Plenty of old papers in bundles of ten each, for five cents a bundle, at the Journal office. tf For the best 5c cigar in town, and a nice solid cold drink of soda water, go to Dowty, "Weaver & Co's. 11-2 Some boy was charged with steal ing $10 from Mrs. John Martyn, and was to have had his trial Monday. Lightning struck Ed. Kuyschor's barn yesterday morning. Happening to be at hand, EJ. put out the fire. Just harvested a crop of turnip seed, and 1 have it for sale, at 50 cts. a pound. 11-2 Jno. Taxxahill. Those who want extras for the Cayuga Chief should order them at once from Ernst, Schwarz & Co. 11-2 Wm. Becker is now prepared to fill orders to harvesters for pure, sweet apple cider in any quantity. 11-4 The 6tory still growing. Two other cows taken up in the Butler county cyclone have not been heard from since. Calf at the Journal, office, pay your subscription one year in advance, and get a copy of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse. Charles fleiuke says that too many farmers plant their corn ex pecting the Almighty to keep it free froom weeds. Mr. Garlow, a brother of C. J., of West Virginia is here on a visit to his sick brother, who is now sitting up, after a severe illness Fifteen cars of freight came down over the Madison branch of the U. P. Fiiday six of stock, two of lumber and seven of general freight. The B. & M. K. R., known as tho "Burlington Route," offers spec ial advantages to travelers. See advertisement in this paper. 43tf There will be no service in the Episcopal church on Sunday next, the Rev. Mr. Goodale officiating at Lost Creek School House at 11 a. m. Mrs. n Ji. Co'-j " rm. Dene G. Bigelow have recently spoken- in this state at Seward, Sutton, Milford, Juniata, Columbus and Grafton. Rob. Clark came down from the west Saturday, to remain about ten davs. Will. Lawrence came on the same train, going on to Schuyler. Exhibitions of the broom drill by young ladies are becoming quite fashionable, as an entertainment to raise money for charitable purposes. Rev. J. B. Maxfield will conduct tho services at the quarterly meeting at the M. E. church, this city, Sunday morning and evening, July 15 and 16. The newspaper boys along the line of the recent cyclone are giving amusing incidents where the de struction was not a fit cause for sor row. -Wandel & Hollerick open their b. lard hall and saloon on 12th 6treet to-uay. Their bar-fixtures and fur niture are as fine as any similar es tablishment in the state. When Wm. Schilz moves to the old post-office on Olive St., Anderson & Roen will occupy his present place, I. Gluck theirs, Greiscn BroB. his, and Ern6t, Swarz & Co., theirs. Wm. Delsman, brother of J. B., whose arrival we mentioned several weeks ago, is engaged with J. B., and thinks first-rate of Nebraska, so far as he baa become acquainted with it. Tennesseeans at Opera House Saturday eye July 15. For all kinds of Machine Oils at bottom prices go to Dowty, Weaver & Co's. 11 2 Miss Ollie Steen, who haB been teaching in the Brugger district, closed her school recently. We un derstand she gave good satisfaction in her work. We are prepared to give you better bargains on all kinds of Oils and drugs than any other house in the west. Dowty, Weaver & Co. 112 The Messrs. North, and Abner Turner of this place, and W. F. Cody of North Platte have sold their in terest in cattle at the ranche near North Platte. S. H. Wanzer, W. Mead, Riley Leech and John Wilson of Humphrey precinct, have this season fenced some of their land for pasture, and many others are intending to soon do so also. All who have paid their sub scription to the Journal tor the year 1S82 are entitled to a copy of Kendall's treatise on the horse and his diseases, in either English or Gorman. 36-tf The annual state Sunday School convention called at Columbus, June 20-22 and postponed, is called to meet at Fremont, Aug. 1st, 2d and 3d. The original program will be virtually carried out. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Becker and Mrs. Bauer went last Thursday on a visit to Denver and other places in Colorado. Starting here Thursday morning they cat breakfast the next morning at Denver. M. Weaver, who has been work ing at his trade in Omaha most of the timo since last fall, is home on a sojourn. M. O'Brien came up with him, returning last Thursday. Both are looking in good health. Gen. Thayer says that Gen. Lo gan and wife are to bo at the Re-union at Grand Island if able to travel. President Arthur will almost certainly attend, and it is highly probable that Coukling and Grant will attend. Speice & North report Bales of land to Jno. R. Thomazin, B. H. Asche. Jno. Kalberg of Sweden, 80 acres in Monroe precinct, Jno. Slyva 40 acres, Fred. Zoll 80 acres and Thos. Mangan of Freeport, 111., a tract. M. D. Thurston intends to go east about July 25th, to be gone sev eral weeks, and such of his patients and others who may desire his pro fessional services previous to hiB re turn, will please call as early as pos sible. 11-2 It should have been said last week that no inconsiderable part of the order at the Fair Ground was due to the general good humor of John Huber, and also to his deter mination when "forbearance ceased to be a virtue." Mr. C. S. Webster brought us Friday another sample of his early variety of potatoes. They have grown wonderfully in two weeks, measuring in circumference 8)4 and 10 inches. They are certainly a splen did early variety. At Shakopee, Minn., the small pox epdemic is spreading at an alarm ing rate, "the efforts of the physicians being neutralized by the indifference of the inhabitants, who, in spite of all advice and instructions, visit the stricken families." Batcheller & Doris's Inter Ocean show appeared at Chicago July 4th, and will probably reach Columbus in due season. One of the specialties is Millie Christine, known as the two headed nightingale, surpassing as a natural curiosity the famous Siamese twins. W. B. Williams took a trip to Creston last week and reports the crops in that direction looking In excellent trim. Creston is showing a good many signs of thrift, among which are new dwellings by Mr. Devore, the Taylor Bros, and Mr. Flemming. John Stauffer, Esq., of this city, laid on our table Saturday a cluster of beautiful Catalpa flowers taken from one of his trees in this city. This furnishes the evidence that the Catalpa will live and flourish in Ne braska soil and climate. One of his trees grew twelve feet last year. The Fourth at Otto Miller's a few miles north of the city, was celebrated in a very sensible and pleasant man ner, by music and dancing and feast ing, until midnight. When the clock struck .twelve all were surprised, the time had passed so pleasantly, "ruurc were about twenty couples present, and all voted it "a splendid time." A. W. Clark tells us of a brother farmer who is trying an experiment this season for wheat, sowing nine barrels of salt to twenty acres, leav ing portions of the same ground without the addition of salt. He claims that there is "not a bug," and that the salted land will yield 6 or 7 bu. more to the acre than the other, similarly treated. Patriotic people to the number of three hundred assembled at the school-house in district No. 27, and celebrated the Fourti in becoming style. Mr. Fred. Wifcin the teacher, delivered the address, and the fes tivities continued ti.'f midnight. The house was decorated with flags, and everybody was gay, even the older folks had an amusiuf race about sun down. Our exchange are all making suggestions now m to the proper thing to do when ton see a tornado coming. Dave Brumbaugh, who wades the rivei hen be comes to town instead of going round by the bridge, says he brieves that if a man can get his feet iquarely planted in the quicksand, in the Loup, he will stick, tornado cr no tornado. Sher man County 2V. Dave has stock a chord that will find an affirmative response all along the line. The David City Republican say6 reports have been numerously cur rent there "that Wm. Tillman, for merly in busincBS with Albert Wilde, had been shot and killed in Glenwood, la." The information is hearsay. Wm. Dougherty has opened a carriage and wagon shop, in connec tion with Mr. Naylor on 13th st. near Tiffany's old barn. He always did first-class work and asks his old friends and the public generally to call and see him. 11 2 The Genoa Leader says of the 4th there: "Hon. John G. Biggins, of Columbus, was the orator cf the day, and favored the crowd with one of bis happiest speeches. All who heard the oration unite in pronouncing it a brilliant and most practical speech; one that the people will do well to heed, aud profit.thereby." Those who think to make a hog tight fence exclusively of wire had better take a second thought about it. The experience of some of bis neigh bors afar off may teach him. Henry Rickert has a good fence for cattle and hogs, a wire within three iuches of the ground, thre'e, six-inch fence boards, then auother wire, with posts every eight feet. Central Baptist Church. The original Tennessee Jubilee and Plantation Singers gave one of their concerts at the Central Baptist Church, April, 14, 1882, and gave entire sat isfaction to a large audience. They attempt nothing artistic, but to re produce the simple melodies of the plantation, and this they do exceed ingly well. E. O. Taylor, Pastor, Chicago. Beware of all kinds of traeeling tricksters that you don't know. Don't sign papers of any kind for them. Buy of reliable home dealers. There are too many tricksters, scamps and swindlers peddling machinery, lightning-rods, trees, &c, and it is best to have nothing at all to do with them. Platte county men, notwithstanding the warning paragraphs of her news papers, have lost thousands of dollars by these gentry. D. L. Bruen was in the city Fri day, of course on business (be is one of the business farmers of Platte county), and says that he never in all his life saw corn grow any better than it is doing just now it is fairly jump ing along. In speaking on farm matters, he gave a very decided opin ion in favor of fall plowing, for corn as well as small grain, and says he would fall-plow every acre when he had the time and the ground was moist enough. Mrs . Margaret W. Campbell will delivor a lecture upon the proposed amendment to the State Constitution, in the Opera House to-morrow (Thursday) evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. She is reported as an able advocate of impartial suffrage, and is sent out by the American Woman's Suffrage Association. The lecture is free, and everybody is invited to como out and hear a woman give reasons why women should be al lowed to vote. Ab the result of the work of the "temperance" advocates in Iowa may be interesting to Nebraska readers, in more ways than one, we give the, ameadment as voted upon and car ried. Of course this action will strengthen the confidence of the pro hibitionists in contiguous states, and another strong effort may be looked for: "No person shall manufacture for sale, or sell, or keep for sale, as a beverage, any intoxicating liquors whatever, including ale, wine and beer. The general assembly shall by law prescribe regulations for the en enforcement of the prohibition herein contained, and shall provide suitable penalties for the violation of the pro visions hereof." The enterprising business men of Schuyler are not slow to see any advantages that may accrue to their town by the establishment of far reaching ventures. Recently a com mittee visited this city with a view to ascertaining facts with reference to pork-packing, and the Sun makes these, among other, remarks on the situation: "The Columbus packing company was organized last Fall. The capital stock is $50,000. Work on the buildings was begun in Oc tober and packing began about the middle of December and continued until March. In that time between six and seven thousand hogs were packed. Arrangements are now being made to increase that number during the coming season to twenty five thousand head. The packing housc-inw i. . cregt nep to the business interests of Columbus, tub establishment could pay a price for hogs most shippers could not meet and this attracted farmers from a great distance. Colfax county con tributed liberally to the ColumbUB packing house supply last winter and unless a similar institution is started here the contributions will be on a still more liberal scale another season. But a town meeting or a ward caucus won't start a packing house. When ever a few men of capital and energy will take hold of the enterprise it will ifaove and not till then. Res olutions and salt barrel oratory won't help it. We have enough of capital and enough energy in Schuyler to set the institution right on its feet if the men possessing these requisites will but come to the front, and at this writing we have every reason to be lieve that they will." Death. We were much surprised at the announcement of the death of Martha Kennedy, wife of Martin S. Kennedy, of Cadiz, Ohio, on the 3d of July, '82. But a short time since we enjoyed her society and hospitality at her own home, when she was in the very best of health and spirits. She was sud denly and unexpectedly stricken down by spinal disease. She was an unexceptionable woman and must re ceive her reward. A number of members of the Al liauce (none but actual operative farmers can be members), will be a little surprised at the resolutions adopted at the county alliance. Al ready different constructions are be ing placed upon the resolutions, and to some ardent republicans (aud per haps democrats) an explanation will be in order. Do they mean that for mer party tics are to be abandoned, and all former political loves buried in the alliance? Do they mean that the alliance in this county and gener ally is to be a separate, distinct polit ical organization, membership in which would be exclusive of aud in consistent with membership in any other political organization? If so, we assure the gentlemen who voted for those resolutions that there are numbers of their organization, as firmly fixed in the faith of their gen eral principle as any, who will not follow such leading. Weather Keport. Review of the weather at Genoa, for the month of June, 1882 : Mean temperature of mo., deg's . . . 68.78 Mean do of same mo. last year 72.47 Highest do on the 29th, deg's 92 Lowest do on 3d 47 Ordinarily clear days 17 Very cloudy days 11 High winds day s 5 Calm days 6 Inches of rain and melted snow . . . 4.10 do same month last year 3.90 Kain fell during portions of days ... 11 Slight hail fell on the 23d. Thunder storms on the 9th, 13tb, 15tb, 16th, 21st, 23d, 25th, 27tb, 29th. Prevailing winds lrom S.E. to N.W. byE. Grasshoppers fly north in numbers on the 14th and 15th. Very heavy blows occurred at 6 p. m. of the 16th, and at S a. m. of the 23d, the wind in both cases from N.W. to S.W. Explanatory. Loyalton, Cal., June 28, '82. Editor Journal : Pleaso allow me to correct a few of the mistakes that occurred in my letter as printed in the Journal of the 21st. In the first place there are no "tulip beds" here, but plenty of tulies, a kind of worthless flag or rush. But the most astounding assertion is that the red clever has a stately blue blossom and the root is U3ed as food ! What I referred to was the wild potato grow ing here, aud a portion of that clause was left out entirely. Then, again, it was to the lady of the manor that I recommended my hungry friends, not to the lord. While my humble sug gestion in regard to the old school of etiquette was directed to the new school, not to the men. The fault was doubtless due to my careless writing. Yours truly, Susie M. West. Real Estate Xi-aa triers. Reported for the Journal for the week ending last Saturday, by Gus. G. Becher & Co. : Oscar L. Baker and wife to Chas. E. and Albert E. Rickly, w. d., 740; n & ne and lots 11, 12 and 13, sec. 32, 17, 1 e, 185.90 acres. Norval Stevensbn to Samuel B. Walton and Chauncey H. Sheldon, w. d., $600; se X sec. 19, 18, 2 w, 160 acres. Paul Hoppen and wife to Louise Blaser, w. d., $100; e XA lot 3, block 146. Frederick Blaser and wife to Paul Hoppen, w. d., $11.00; lot 13, block "A" Columbia Square. D. C. Kavanaugb, sheriff, to Jacob A.Hood, sheriff's deed, $600; lots 3 and 4, block 49, Columbus. United States to Edgar D. Mead, patent ; nw sec. 4, 20, 1 w, 154.56 acres. Edgar D. Mead, single, to James Stuart, w. d., $760; nw sec. 4, 20, 1 w. Wm. Anyan, receiver, to Christian Wollen, T. R. R., $3.53 ; nw K aec. 4, 20, 3 w, 141.18 acres. Ah to the Small-Pox. The inmates of the hospital were five grown-up people, six sisters and five children, besides those taken sick. The well have been removed to a small house at the rear of the hoapital. The names of the sick so far, are Willie Boyle, Geo. McAnany, Rudolph Caboska, Francis Persal, Willie Conway, Lena Stonton, Edie Boyle and one of the sisters. The deaths have been Edie Boyle, Wed nesday, July 5tb, and Willie Conway, July Uth, 8:30. To the Journal it looks as though there had been some strange pro ceedings going on. We are credibly informed that the church authorities at the Monastery, within a few feet of the hospital pest-house, contrary to the orders or the Mayor, had in vited members to come there at 2 o'clock in the morning, and had sent word to their Polish adherents to come into church; also that during one of the public days of the church not long since, two of the inmates of the hospital, children, were put into the procession and mixed with the crowd. While it is true that these two children were not afflicted with the small-pox, it is yet true that, accord ing to all our American ideas of the contageous character of this disease, whoever allowed this thing is severely reprehensible. It strikes us that the Father Superior at the Monastery has been dealt with all too leniently in this matter, being allowed to go back and forth, in hospilal and out, t.ot altogether just as he pleased, but pretty much as he would, believing that the small-pox was not a partic ularly dangerous disease, and that there was no call for the civil au thorities beiug so strict aeainst tlm probability of its spread. We must say to all concerned that this people will neither sanction nor tolerate any such work, and the soon er it ceases the better for all concern ed. The Sisters are deserving of all praise for their falthfnl. fniiisro and kindly ministrations to the afflicted. Sapreaie Ceart. We copy from Northwestern Law Reporter of Julv 1st, which will be of more or less interest to our readers. In the cane of Gerhold v. Wyss, from Platte couuty, the court held that "a man formally married to a woman who, because of her insanity, which he discovered soon afterwards, was incapable of entering into the marriage contract, and continuing thereafter voluntarily to co habit with her as his wife, is under a legal obligation to support her; and, hav ing furnished such support, he canuot, upon a decree of separation on the ground of the invalidity of the mar riage, make the same a charge against her separate estate. In Friedhoff & Co. v. Smith," a parol lease for two years, although void by the statute, yet if the tenant enter into possession may be valid as a lease for one year." Care. No matter how good the season, unless the crops are harvested and cared for the labor is wholly or par tially thrown away. Improper stack ing of grain and hay, as well as im proper shelter after threshing have been prolific causes, of loss, here as elsewhere. Everybody recognizes the necessity of care in stacking grain, but not so readily as to hay, and now that the hay crop is becoming valuable for shipment, to the amount of tens of thousands of dollars to each county in the Platto valley, it is well to rec ognizo the fact that care is money. The following suggestions from the Schuyler Sun we know to be timely in more counties than Colfax: "As tho season for putting up hay approaches, there are some sugges tions that become timely. The pro portion of hay that is spoiled each year through ignorance or neglect, is astonishing. One of the principal causes of bay spoiling is neglect in stacking. The custom of sweeping up the bay for a base prevails to a considerable extent, and when this is done the bottom of the stack can be relied upon to spoil if left standing any great length of time. Mr. Clark son, who has had occasion to investi gate this subject extensively, says that in order to keep the hay in good, saleable condition until Spring, the stack should be built on the bottom, solidly and carefully, and not less than sixteen feet high. Too much care cannot be taken in topping out the stack so that it will shed water prop erly. There are many here who ex pect to realize a good profit from the hay crop, and upon such these sug gestions should not be lost, as those buying to bale and ship cannot use hay that is in the least damaged. Last winter when hay was high, the dam aged portion of tho stack conld be disposed of to good advantage, but an ordinary season it would be a total loss." The Foarth at Wattuvllle. Quite a crowd of people assembled in Mr. Nicholson's grove at Watts ville, on the fourth. They came from all directions, far and near. Mr. J. Ferree brought the glorious old flag of the stars and stripes poised high upon his wagon, and quite a number of vehicles well loaded with people and big baskets followed him from the west, while others came from the east, north, and south. Rov. A. J. Wright from St. Ed wards had been requested to address the meeting, which he did in his usual earnest and feeling way. He was followed by Rev. Mr. Osborn from Massachusetts, a brother to our fellow-citizen Osborn. He said a good deal in praise of Nebraska, of its splendid looking crops, aB well as of the people composing the crowd, among whom he did not see nor smell any whiskey. Rev. A. Henricb being called npon responded in a few remarks. It being a Sunday School pic-nic as well as Fourth of July celebration, be main tained that the Sunday School work had a good deal to do with support ing and preserving our liberties for future generations. Somo little amusement waB produced, by the re lation of an incident of a bunch of sheep running after a big white poodle. He advised the people not to run after a poodle. Then followed the discussion of the substantial piled in great abundance on a long table, as well as spread on the grass, where a number of families dined by themselves. For the amusement of young and old a swing had been provided and some youngsters tried their best to get hold of the silver dollar stuck on top of the greased pole, and one little fellow finally succeeded and got it, under the cheers of the crowd. Altogether it was an occasion of enjoyment and pleasure, and the Wattsville people deserve credit for the arrangements made and provided. Video. CoMty AHIaace. The secretary, Mr. S. J. Wheeler, has kindly furnished, at our request, the following minutes of the conven tion held at Platte Center, July 1st. Alliance called to order by presi dent Olson, and S. J. Wheeler chosen secretary. H. T. Spoerry, H. Maynard and G- W. Kibler appointed as committee on credentials. Speeches were then beard from different members of the alliance. The committee reported favorably on all credentials; seven alliances represented. A recess was voted till 1 p. m. Delegates from three more alliances were admitted, making in all, ten represented. H. T. Spoerry moved that each alli ance report the strength of their or ganization to the county secretary prior to the next meeting. Carried. On motion of W. J. Irwin, Messrs. Spoerry, Maynard and Kibler were appointed a committee on resolutions. An address wag then delivered by A. Root from Omaha. Committee on resolutions report edMr. Spoerry and Mr. Maynard for, and Mr. Kibler against. liesolved, To bury all partisanship in the alliance. liesolved, That the alliance make the nomination for officers for next fall election independent of all panics. liesolved, To vote thanks to Mr. Root for his able address. Motion to adjourn sine die carried. S. J. Wheeler, Sec'y, Creston P. O., Platte Co., Neb. Creston, July 2d, 82. Ed. Journal: By mistake part of the minutes of the meeting of the Co. Alliance were left out. Alter the res olution in should read: Speech from Spoerry and others on resolutions. Motion to adopt resolutions when practical. Lost. Motion to lay resolutions on the table till next meeting. Carried. Motion to reconsider resolution carried, and after a lively debate the resolutions were adopted. S. J. Wheeler. Teacher' iMtltate. To the teachers of Platte county: The Annual Normal Institute will begin Monday, Aug. 14, 1882, and continue for a term of three weeks. AH thoRe who expect to teach in the county are requested to attend. Ex aminations will be held the last two days. Hon.W. W.W.Jones State Sup't, has promised to be present during a portion of the term, and take part in the exercises. J. E. Moncrief, 9-7 County Sup't. Letter EilMt The following i9 a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the post-office, in Columbus, Neb., for the week endiug Jiuy , ltKs:: B John Bowl. C "Win. A. Curry, .Miss Choan, L. D. Case. G E. S. Gatch. K Joseph Kaeur, Joseph Krings. 1 j John Ludwig, Miss T. Lim. 2I C. G. Meerue 2. P Hattie Pfoplesh. BX Julia Rohriech. Si Louis Soal. X Andy Taylor, T. Tischler. W Gustav Weinberg. If not called for in 30 days will be sent to the dead -letter office, Washington, I). C. When called for please say "adver tised," as these letters are kept separate. E.A. Gkrrard, P. M., Columbus. Nebr. MARRIED. Sp- POST SPEICE Monday evening, July 10th, at the residence of the bride's pa rents in this city, by Rev. C. N. Cate of Fairmount. Joseph C. Post of Omaha and Miss Freddie Speice of this city. A number of the resident friends of beth families were present on the occa sion, besides Judge G. W. Post of York and Mrs. Sang of Chicago, brother and oldest sister of the groom, and Mr. Butler of Omaha, his friend. The presents were very nice, numer ous and valuable. Mr. Post is to be congratulated in se curing for a life partner one of the best young ladles of Nebraska, and all their friends will unite with the Journal in wishing them long life, happiness and troops of friends. GRAFF BAADER-Jully 11th, Mr. John Graff and Miss Minnie Baader, both of this city. The groom is well known to many of our readers, and the young lady is heart worthy of any man. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this bead Ave cents a line each insertion. . Heltkeatper Is agent for the following Pianos and Organs in Platte and Colfax coun ties, viz: Steinway. ") Chickering, Hallet & Davie, Pianos. Emerson, Kimball, J Kimball, and ) n 11-tf Mason & Hamlin, g rans Fresh strawberries at Hudson's. Gents Newport ties at Kramer's. Sparkling soda water at Hudson's. Delicious ice cream at Hudson's Parlor. 5-tf Ladies wrappers only 75cIb at Kra mer's. Money to loan by J. M. Mac far land. Silk, Satin, and Lawn suits at Mrs. Stump's. California dried fruits at John Ileit kemper's. Sweet cider, and pure cider vinegar at Hudson's. 5-tf Call on Flo. Randall for first-class dress-making. 1 New Peaches, BananaB and fresh candies at Hudson's. The latest styles and novelties can be tound at Kramer's. Ladies and gents Gossimer coats and circulars at Kramer's. A large and choice line of cauned goods at J. Heitkemper's. Misses and children's slippers and walking shoes at Kramer's. Ladies underwear cheaper than you can make them, at Mrs. Stump's. Buy your furniture, picture frames and coffius of J. E. Monger. 11-3 Lay in your supply of glassware and crockery at J. Heitkemper's. 11-2 Honabau will sell boots and shoes at Omaha prices ; store opp. P. O. 8 You will fiud first-class millinery and fancy goods at Mrs. Stump's. For Scotch and Irish whiskies go to Ryan's on 11th street. 37-tf, You will save 15 to 25 cents on the dollar by buying your notions at Mrs. Stump's. Go to Wm. Ryau's on 11th treet for your fine Kentucky whis kies. 20wtf. Languedoc, Saxony, Guipure, Span ish, French and Valenciennes laces at Kramer's. Arnold & Lewis have sold over one hundred No. 8 W. W. machines iu four months. 8 Arnold & Lewis carry the largest stock of sewing machines to be found this side of Omaha. 8-tf Sorghum cane mills, of any size, manufactured and for sale cheap at the Foundry. 94t Still another invoice of choice coffee and tea received which is selling very cheap at J. B. Delimao'i. 1 i. one wishing extras and repairs foi tt e Empire Reaper and Mower, will please call Mon, at Foundry. 9 2t Ail kinds of sewing machines re paired at Arnold V Jewelry Store, and all work warranted. 8 Needles aud attachments for all kinds of sewing machines, at Ar nold's Jewelry Store. 8 You can buy the New York Singer, warranted to be the best Singer in the market, of Arnold & Lewis. 8 You will find ladie-' suits, ladies' ulsters for $1; ladies' underwear at very low prices at Mrs. Stump's. Look to your interest before buying a sewing machine, and save money by calling at Arnold's Jewelry Store. 8 Miss Edna Small drew the China Gold-banded tea set on No. 35, given with the Coin Baking Powder at J. B. Dclsman's. 1 Wm. Schiltz makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market. 52tf You can get a package of 2 lbs. of Japan tea, and every package con tains a silver-plated knife and fork, at J. B. Delsman's. 1 Try my Japan tea at 25 cents per lb ; you pay 50 cents for tea that is uo better. 2 2 J. B. Delsman. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly bouud in books of 50 and 100, for Bale at the Journal office. Gold breastpin lost last Saturday eve. It was large with a frosted grapeleaf on the face. The finder will please leavo it at this office. 1 For sale on long time aud low price all that choice selection of Land known as the Richards Lands and formerly sold by J. A. Reed. 4-tf Sam l. C. Smith. Farmers can bo supplied with ex tras for Buckeye machines. We have a large stock on hand, but can get on short notice anything wanted. 8-tf LUERS & IIOEKELMAN. $1,000 reward for any machine that will do tho varieties of work without attachments that can be done on the Wheeler & Wilson No. 8 machine. For sale at Arnold's Jewelry Store. The Polk County Nursery will de liver Nursery stock at Columbus, Neb., during the fall of 1882. Call on A. J. Arnold and get prices. My trees are home yrotcn. 5 tf. J. R. Kixnan, Proprietor. Jacob Scbram is now located on 13th street, near A. & N. depot, where he will be glad to see his old aud new customers. He carries a well-selected stock of dry goods and uotious and will sell at the very lowest prices the market will warrant. 9 tf Don't you forget that the New, Si lent No. 8 runs the easiest, the most 6iraple to operate. You can do the greatest variety of work, and it is the least liable to get out of order. For sale at Arnold's Jewelry Store, Co lumbus, Nebr. 8 We furnish tho American Agri culturist (in English or German), the best farmers' monthly iu the world, together with the Columuus Jour nal, one year, to any address in the United States or British Possessions, for $3, cash in advance. The price of the Agriculturist alone is $1.50. Many of our subscribers are taking the American Agriculturist with the Journal, both for $300 a year payable in advance. The Ag riculturist is published in English and German, is finely illustrated, and is conducted on old-fashioned prin ciples of honesty and common sense. tf. I keep a full and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries on hand, which I do sell as cheap as any house in Columbus. Come and see for yourself. All orders left at my store will be delivered promptly free of charge to any part of the city. 6-tf John Heitkemper. Parasol ! ParaMolM ! ! A full new lino just received at Kramer's. Aa Elwuru Har Tester Practically as good as new, for sale or trade. 10 tf L. D. Clark. CIosiBa; Oat. I am closing out my stock of ladies and children's hats at greatly reduced prices. L. Kramer. Faratera !! It will pay you from 10 to 15 per cent, when buying your harvest sup plies to go to J. B. Delaman's. 1 Ijoelc Here ! The celebrated White sewing ma chine for sale cheap for cash, or on time, at Arnold's Jewelry Store. 8 Brick! Thomas Flyan is prepared to fur nish brick, either at his kiln north west of the city ; delivore d anywhere in the city, or built in the wall, at reasonable rates. Conblaed 3Iacklae for Sale. A combined table rake, reaper and mower for sale, used three years and in good running order, cheap for cash or on time. 9-3-p. Jno. Browner. Fraad. The public are cautioned against receiving a note executed by the un dersigned, payable to Mr. Cahill, of Kalamazoo, Mich.; for $36 the 1st of Dec, 1882, as the same was obtained by fraud and without consideration. July 5tb, 1882. Wm. Connelly, Jr. 10-2 Jas. Ducey. Farms for Male. i section, 5 miles northeast of Co lumbus, 40 acres broke, house, stable, well, etc, besides 20,000 trees, princi pally ash and boxelder. Price $2,000. 240 acres in Polk Co., on Clear Creek, living water which never freezes, 120 acres in cultivation, dwelling, stable, etc. A splendid stock farm. Price $3,600. AddresB Guy C. Barvum. 51-12 Columbus, Neb. The Cmlcuge Herald. Elsewhere will be found the ad vertisement of the Chicago Herald, one of the best, neatest, cleanest and nicest newspapers in the country, edited by Hon. Frank W. Palmer, late of the Inter-Ocean. We will furnish the Columbus Journal aud the Weekly Chicago Herald, one year, for $2.75; Journal aud Sun day Herald, $3 ; Journal and Daily Herald $6.60. 40-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents aline, firt insertion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. A few more left unsold. Call ou 10-tf T. JDUTINC. Mecalar Nleck lealer. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; also fat and stock hogs. 379-y D. ANDMRSON. laad tor Sale. 160 ares, 5 miles west of Colum bus; 75 acreunder cultivation, 40 acres hay land; $10 an acre, on easy terms. Inquire at Journal offlce. THE ONLY HOG BARB WIRE SSr THAT WILL TURN HOGS. For Sale Only by ROBERT UHLIG, 12th St., next to Bank. 9-lm COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of the markets are ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. GRAIN, AC. Wheat No 1.. Wheat No. 2,. Corn, Oats new,.... Flax, Rve Flour $100 90 55 .45 80 i 50 3 0084 75 1215 12(314 130 14(310 12 10014 6 75 4 00&GO0 12 00 500 $0 M $150 15 :o $7 00 $3 00 $7 00 PKODOCK. Butter, kKK Potatoes, MBAT8. Hams, Shoulders,. Sides, LIVK STOCK. r at llogs ............ f at Oat tie ................ Calves Sheep Coal. Iowa Hurt Kock Springs nut Kock Springs lump Kansas LEGAL NOTICE. In the County Court Tor Platte couuty, Nebraska. NOTICE is hereby given that on the 29th dav of June, 1SS2, John Henry Rickert tiled' in the olHce of the Judge or said County Court of Platte county, Ne braska, an instrument in writing, pur porting to be the last will and testament of J. fi. Rickert, deceased, late of said countv, and demanded probate of tho same.'and thereupon it was ordered that the 2ith dav or Julv, 18S2, at one o'clock In the afteruoou of said day at the County Judge's office In said county be assigned as the time and place or hearing the proor In the matter or the probate or said instrument iu writing, when and where all persons interested may appear and be heard. (A true copy or the order.) Witues my hand this 3d day or July, 1882. JOHNG. IIIGGINS, 104 County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE. -IfORRIS STOLTZE and Maggie Stoltze, JYL defendants, will take uotice that on the rourth day or February, 1832, James E. North, plaiutiff herein, tiled his peti tion iu the District Court of Platto countv, Nebraska, against said Morris Stoltze and Maggie Stoltze and others, defendants, the object aud prayer or which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by said defendants, Frederick W. Riemer. ilattie Riemer, Morris Stoltze and Maggie Stoltze, to the plain tiff, upon the following real estate to wit: The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section six (0), iu township seventeen (17) north of range one f I) east or the sixth principal meridian In said Platte county to secure the payment or a certain promissory note dated August 2d, 187J, for the sum or three hundred dol lars, and iUerest at ten per cent. from, date till paid, and due and payable on tha first day of May, 1880. That there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum or three hundred aud eighty-eight aud thirty-three one hundredth dollars, Tor which sum with interest from this date; plaintiff prays for a decree that said mortgagor be icquirod to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 28th day of August, A. D., 1882. Dated July 11th, 1882. JA5IES E. NORTH, Plaintiff. By Chas. A. Spkice, his Att'y. 11-5 LEGAL 50TICE. To William Jtyan and Mary ldjan: TAKE NOTICE that Orville C. Dewey has sued you in the District Court, in and for Platte county, Nebraska, and that vou are required to answer the peti tion "tiled by said Orville C. Dewey, in said court on ot before the 28th day of August, 1882; the prayer or said petition is Tor the foreclosure or a mortgage made l.y vou, the said William Rvan and Mary Ryan, on the 19th day 0r .May, 1SJ79, to the sa'id Orville C Dewey, on the west half or the southeast quarter ot section thirty two, in township nineteen north, or range two west or the sixth principal meridian, in said Platte county, Nebraska; said mortgage was given to secure the pay ment ot six promissory notes made and delivered bv said William Ryan to said Orville C. Dewey, all or which said notes are past due, and two or which remain unpaid; said unpaid notes amount to the sum or $280, with interest thereon at twelve per cent, from the 19th day of November, 1881. An attorney's fee is also prayed tor in said petition. Chas. A. Si-kick, 11-5 Att'y for Orville C. Dewoy. ESTEAY NOTICE. Taken up, on my farm 16 miles north, east of Columbus in Sherman precinct, June 25, 18S2, A BAY TEAM, both horses, about 1200 lbs. each, and 8 to 10 years old. One or them has a small white spot in forehead, a white spot on left hind foot and bad sore shoulders. The other is collar marked. The owner will prove property aud pay charges ac cording to law. 11-5 John Jknni. $1.90 Salt at J. B. Dels man's for $1.90 a bar rel, and everything at accordingly low prices. 4S-ti r EO. IV. DEKKY, PAINTER. """STCarriage, house and sin painting, glazing, paper hanging, kaltomiiiing, etc., done to order. Shop ou 13th St., opposite Engine House, Columbus, Neb. 10-y Great Redaction: is Goods of all Kiads at J. B. DELSMAN'S. TIT A at almost ny price, from 20 J. cents upwards; a tine. Basket fired Jap, very cheap; come and try it. rTl?T?T?TrC If yu haven't had VAJ: J J!iI!iO. any or my Coffees yet, come at once 3ud set prices; they are bargains. Try them. f V A T C " cheap, but Tact will tell. J.ii.lji. Jurt convince yourself, aud see that you can buy more goods or me for one dollar, than at any other store in the west. AT7T?"17" big drives in shoes, fins J; Hi tV syrups, choice coffees, th best of teas always on hand. TXDTTTT' large assortment of r XI (J 11. California and Eastera canned Fruit cheap. J'Froduce taken in exchange, at cash prices. Goods delivered in the city, free of charge. pa SJJ-y c p