The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 05, 1882, Image 3

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L.-LV chi
2 Pu
Communications, to Insure insertion
in the next issue, should be in hand on
Mondays; if lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding issue-dsy. Advertisements,
of whatever class, should be in hand bv
noon, Tuesdays.
Advertisements under this bead IB
cts. a line first insertion, 10 cts. a line
each subsequent insertion.
The weather hereabouts is cer
tainly seasonable.
A. J. McKelvey, of St. Edwards,
waa down to the Fair.
Miss Rose North leaves to-day
for a trip to Colorado.
Call at Ernst, Schwarz & Co's for
a good carpet stretcher.
Herbert Hood, of Schuyler was
in the city Monday on business.
Mr. Mouday, an attorney of Nance
count, was in the city Saturday.
The telegraph operator at the U.
P. depot is kept busy these days.
Mr. Lamb has made some changes
in the inside arrangements of his
The M. E. Social will be held at
the Lindell House this (Wednesday)
M. Kuulzemaun has repainted his
dwelling, and built a neat fence
around it.
.. ' Go to Ernst, Schwarz & Co's. for
your bird cages; just received a
large Btock. 4-8-3
Several districts in the county
arc thinking of erecting new 6chool
houses this fall.
Plenty of old papers in bundles
of ten each, for five cents a bundle,
at the Journal office. tf
Attention is called to the business
card of George N. Derry, elsewhere
published in to-day's Journal.
Quarterly meeting at the M. E.
church, this city, July loth and 16th.
blic services at the usual hours.
Don't forget that Ernst, Schwarz
A new case of 6tnall pox was de
velopcd at the hospital Friday la6t
a child whose name we did not learn.
J. B. Senecal is making a two
story addition to his barn, the body
being a concrete, composed of lime
and sand.
And now the owners of the har
vesters and reapers and binders are
looking them over to see bow much
is yet in them.
The auctiou boy's bell was one of
the clamorous things on our streets
last week sale being made of the
Heidelberger store.
Frank Stewart is recovering
from a combined attack of fever and
liver complaint, and looks slim. He
took sick near Fremont.
Our news foreman returns his
thanks to John Wise for a jug of nice,
fresh butter-milk, one of tho best of
driuks this hot weather.
Mr. Johnson, north-east of the
city, bad a horse struck by lightning
on Tuesday of last week, neither kill
ing or seriously hurting it.
Robt. McKenzie of Colfax coun
ty lost a valuable cow in one of the
storms last week killed by lightning.
Two others were prostrated.
The B. & M. R. R., known as
the "Burlington Route," offers spec
ial advantages to travelers. See
advertisement in this paper. 43tf
Farm hands are in brisk demand
here. The corn is coming on apace,
and should be kept clean. Men who
want employment can find it here.
Hereafter, the A. & N. train will
arrive in Columbus at S:30; the hour
for leaving is the same 5:45. The
new time schedule took effect Sunday
The street sprinkler is not 60
much of a necessity this season as we
have seen it in times past. It is well
enough to be provided against the
Hud. Murdock's team ran off
with him Saturday, injuring him
somewhat. His wife jumped from
the wagon when in motion, and es
caped injury.
Jno. Ey man, we are sorry to learn,
had a severe 'spell" of bleeding at the
luugs last week ; several years ago, it
is thought he burst a Bmall blood
vessel while lifting a log.
Mr. J. M. Pearce paid us a busi
ness visit last Thursday. The crops
in Palestine valley look good, and
farmers are in excellent spirits over
the prospect ahead of tbem.
Thos. M. Wilson thinks ho has
as clean a piece of coin as any other
farmer, and he attributes something
of its virtue to the fact that he don't
make use of the shields on his corn
- aCob Ern6t has purchased the
property occupied by Greisen Bros.,
on the corner of Eleventh and North
streets, and, we learn that be will
, erect thereon a large, brick business
All who have paid their sub
scription to the Journal for the
year 1SS2 are entitled to a copy of
Kendall's treatise on the horse and
his diseases, in either English or
s iv (jpMiAlU! a lMilL large stocknet vtooir
' twinlieeij8iiearaarftl iwire gauze.
German. db-tf
The extent of grazing land close
to the city is being contracted each
year. At the present rate of occupy-
,f ing it will be but a few years until
'' the "town herd" will have to hunt for
..pastures new.
Carl Kramer returned Thursday
from his sojourn at Chicago, where he
took charge of Max's store while he
was absent east. Carl 6ays that the
current of business runs ewift and
strong in the Garden city.
Barclay Jones, a former citizen of
this county, was in town Saturday.
He tells us that he expects his family
shortly. He don't know as yet wheth
er he will come back to stay. The
Indians at the Santee Agency have
learned bow to make their own flour,
under his direction, and can now get
aloo without him.
Dr. E. Hohen went west Tuesday
of last week to rusticate and recuper
ill It is understood here that the
county Alliance at their meeting Sat
urday last at Platte Center deter
mined to nominate a ticket of their
own for this county at the fall elec
tion. Mr. A. Walker, of Omaha, was
in the city over Sunday under treat
ment with doctor Wheeler for tape
worm. He went home Monday a
well pleased man, and the worm now
occupies a bottle in the doctor's office.
W. T. Ransdell tells as of a rela
tion of his in Iowa who picked up in
his corn field, a package of letters and
valuables belonging to a gentleman in
Grinnttll, Iowa, carried by the recent
cyclone one hundred and fifty miles,
Land is increasing in demand
hereabouts, and prices, therefore, have
an upward tendency. The list of
weekly transfers which has appeared
in the Journal has showed the
marked activity of the real estate
market during this spring.
The spirit of improvement is
abroad in Platto county, and if crops
and prices shall prove to be as good
thiB year as last, a large portion of the
surplus will go to putting up dwel
lings, barns, better shelters, fences,
&c, and to the development of new
business interests, manufacturing, etc.
Last Thursday Alice Turner took
a pinch of concentrated lye, mistaking
it for sugar. It pained her fearfully
for a few moments, until her mother
found the cause of it, when the appli
cation of vinegar took off the severe
edge of the pain, and cream still fur
ther soothed the reddened tongue
and lips.
A runaway, Friday, of Frank
North's horse and baggy empty,
coursing up 11th street to the depot,
going back to Olive, along 12th, up
Nebraska Avenue, against Winter
botham's buggy, also Pat. Murray's
and Rasmussen's wagon, the horse
being injured so badly as to make it
advisable to shoot her.
Statements as they I
home are liable to grow. The cyclone
which visited a scope of country be
tween this city and David City re
cently killed a cow. The story now
told is, that the cow was taken up and
landed one mile distant. The story
may, however, be true; no one at
hand saw the place where she went
up or the place where she came down.
Our Little Ones and the Nursery
lies before us as bright, cheery, sensi
ble as ever. We can but commend
its handsome pages to both young and
old, for, though the language is
adapted to childhood the sentiments
will be relished by the youth of an
older growth. Send $1.50 to the Pub
lishing Co., 36 Bromfield St., Boston,
and receive the little magazine for
one year.
To Denver, Colorado Springs,
Pueblo and return, for $38. The U.
P. management have made this short
rate ticket to suit those who wish to
spend the summer "among the snow
capped peaks of the grandest of
American Mountains." The trains
pass in plain sight of the following
peaks : Long, James', Gray's, Pike's
and Spanish, and through eight of
the principal cities of Colorado. We
have not further space this week to
speak of this matter, but will give
One of Platte county's farmers
says that box elder trceB make a
splendid hedge ; that be saw in Sarpy
county such a hedge, close enough
and strong enough to turn chickens,
hogs, sheep and horses. The method
is to set the trees where, (if it was a
"worm" fence the corners would be),
and when they grow to be about five
feet high cut the tops off. This will
start the undergrowth so as to form a
close strong fence.
Thos. McPhillips has, probably,
one of the best timber claims in the
country, twenty -two acres out of
eighty being devoted to trees of va
rious varieties walnut, ash, oak, box
elder, elm, cottonwood, butternut, &c.
They have been planted five years,
were put in ten feet apart, corn being
worked in between for the first four
years. Mc. ought certainly to be
prond of the handsome appearance
that his trees give to his place, and of
the value that they add to it
A reader of the Journal assures
us that one who has never tried it,
can scarcely imagine the utility of
fenced fields for stock of all kinds ;
that there are benefits in several
ways the stock are greatly improved
in condition, above the ordinary
method of herding in the west, rest
ing when they wish, aBd grazing late
and early ; that the stock have their
freedom, and are not chased by herd
er and dogs ; the cost of herding is
dispensed with; the annoyance of
herding (it is probably the most ob
jectionable labor done upoa a farm)
is got rid of. The Journal would
add to this array of benefits that the
fencing should also include the lands
that are cropped, so that when the
harvest which the farmer takes off in
bis wagon is placed in the granary,
the second harvest may be ready for
the free use and benefit ef the kegs
and cattle. The Journal believes
that farming will not be at its fall
tide here, nntil the farms are properly
fenced. -
well. Mi thobVil v MMtbvmemi lad
bl Jeafly ?fdc UfmiefyX Iy vay
ifcltAy' jfVVV V Ytoi
m? a r it sv t it j) i i n
v Although .the distance to my
steWe jfiay -be fWconyeaientVtoisome,
yetj malAay ybu to Jcall anVexam
inenw giL as nV roods anfoquiv
alent flanJn thewarket. Akeep
cObstaff onusVnd jDuiforaia fUts,
canWd jEd dwi alsV the beApf
tea&,ojeemagak, syrow. etc.
52 tf X WmTOe(&eb.
travel from
The base ball boys' dance last
evening was a decided success.
Rain, lightning and thunder visited
this locality Thursday evening.
D. Anderson is feediug a large
amount of buttermilk to his hogs.
A cool breeze Saturday was
gratefully received by everybody
Dr. Martyn can show splendid
samples of wool from his pair of
handsome Merinos.
Ed. Dwyer, of St. Edwards, was
in town on the Fourth and gave this
office a very pleasant call.
Chas. Kavanaogb, brother to oar
Sheriff, started for home last Friday
morning, after a pleasant visit.
The minutes of the county Alli
ance were received too late for thiB
iisue, but will appear next week.
Prof. Commery, the music teach
er, takes his departure the latter part
of the week for his home in Cleve
land, Ohio.
Dr. J. J. Byrne is down from
Denver,his new home, visiting friends.
He iB much pleased with Denver and
will return some time this week.
Mr. A. J. Garlow has been con
fined to bis room for the past week
with a very severe attack of diptheria.
We learn he is slowly improving.
Major Frank North, of Columbus,
sold to Coe & Carter of Omaha, the
cattle herd of about 4,000 head and
the ranch of Cody & North. The price
paid was over $90,000.
Thos. McPhillips walked twenty
six miles Friday to town rather than
take a horse out of his corn plow a
sensible act plowing on such a day
would add a good per cent to the value
of the crop.
Henry Voss, an architect from
Omaha, iB here in connection with
the improvements to be made on the
Opera building in this city. The
building is to be made 40 feet wide
and 90 feet long, with a gallery, and
to have a seating capacity of over 500.
A rumor was circulated here
Friday that Guiteau had bad a respite
of two hours granted. Tho conject
ures as to the reason therefor were
various, some supposing it to be to
examine into his alleged insanity;
others, that he had tried to commit
suicide and the authorities were wait
ing until he should be decently ready
to be hanged, &c, &c. One of our
citizens went so far as to say he had
always thought the assassin would
escape his just deserts, and that tb.e
president would risk his own life in
pardoning him.
Farmers are beginning to be a
little anxious about their wheat crop.
We have had and are continuing to
hayo so much rain that there will be,
if it continues, a question as to what
the harvest shall be. At present, the
prospect is very fair, leaving plenty
of time between showers for harvest
ing. The numerous chinch bngs on
the ground are kept there pretty well
by the wet weather, and it may con
tinue thus long enough to enure the
crop. An excellent crop of oats and
rye can be looked for, and the corn is
growing equal to the best season in
Nebraska, which is all that can be
desired. In every direction that we
are aware of the careful, industrious
farmer has reason to congratulate
himself upon the outlook.
Thoee who are looking for work,
and then when they can get a job,
don't accept it, had better five Co
lumbus the go-by. One of our citi
zens, a landlord, was applied to the
other day by one of these chaps for a
meal. He told him he could give
him a job of work and furnish him a
meal in payment, but this didn't suit
the would-be industrious stranger,
and the probability is that be found a
soft-hearted stranger who donated a
meal to pamper his laziness and in
crease in him the spirit of restless,
aimless roving and disgraceful beg
gary. The self-respecting, industri
ous portion of the community owe it
to their own sense of what is fair and
proper not to support these able
bodied tramps, but save their pity as
well as their dollars for tho really
helpless and feeble.
Hon. G. C. Barnnm returned the
first of the week from his trip to Col
orado, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho.
Like everybody else who has been
there, he was charmed with Salt Lake
City and its surroundings. The wide
streets, the running water, the fruit
and flower gardens are all delightful
to the eye. He says the Mormons are
a very industrious and thrifty people,
and, withal, determined to maintain
their interest in polygamy, even un
der the new law which allows no
participation in public matters by
practical polygamists. They claim
friends enough among the non-polyg-amists
to still wield the political pow
er of the territory. Mr. Barnnm met
one of his youthful acquaintances
there, who has several wives and is
the happy father of 36 children.
During a drive through the pre
cincts of Columbus, Sherman and
Bismark the first of the week the
writer of this itejn observed some of
the finest crops of small grain he has
seen in a long time. The season at
first was a little backward for corn.
but during the favorable weather of
the past few week this cereal has
made rapid strides towards insuring
an abundant yield. At the farm of
ex-Commissioner Wise he saw oats
that would be hard to beat; also a
honey locust hedge which is in a
thriving condition. John is making
some valuable improvements on his
dwelling, and when completed will
make a cosy and comfortable abode.
The writer takes this method of re
turning the thanks of himself and
companion to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. New
man and the Adamy Bros, for their
hospitality iu appeasing the wants of
the inner man.
Soil cK MtiCif xUtiveT
-John Huber's "gentle racket" will
be in briBk demand again as of yore,
and what Jno. don't know of public
sales who is having them,wbat is to be
sold, what prices they ought to bring,
etc., will hardly be worth inquiring
after. A sale of a man's entire per
oonal or real effects is an important
matter, and John makes it his business
to consult the best interests of those
who employ him.
Geo. Birney believes in manuring
land ; last year he hauled on to his
fielks 500 loads, the year before 700.
No wonder that be has been very
successful in the 25 years he has been
here, raising 70 to 80 bushels of corn
to the acre, making improvements,
&c. With good farming he unites
stock raising, and furnishes for the
mirket some of the best hogs and
cattle raised in the State. He be
lieves in plenty of good water, feed
and shelter.
Mr. J. B. Rynerson, recently
from III., is very favorably impressed
with Nebraska, though he seems to
thiuk the lightnings of heaven are a
little nearer to us than to older states.
It used to be told as that in the early
days of Nebraska the thunder and
lightning storms traveled right along
on top of the ground, and that it was
uo uncommon thingto see the prairie
schooner staked and roped solidly to
the earth, with a lightning rod
stretched towards the threatening
clouds above.
Ono of the farmer's chief prob
lems just now is, What to do with
the potatoe bugs. If there are several
acres of the valuable tubers on the
farm, the work of destroying tho bugs
takes a considerable portion of the
farmer's time and attention, but to
have a crop, they must be destroyed.
These pernicious pests increase at
such a rapid rate that they will over
run your crop unless you destroy
tbem betimes. "Each female is ca
pable of depositing upwards of a
thousand eggs before she becomes
barren, and in from thirty to forty
days from the time they are deposited,
they will have produced perfect
beetles. These beetles are again
capable of depositing eggs in about
two weeks after issuing from the
ground, and thus, in about fifty days
after the egg is laid, the offspring
begins to propagate." A good
authority gives the following method
of applying Paris green, which seems
the most effectual manner of getting
rid of the bugs, especially in dry
weather as in rainy weather, the
poison is apt to be washed off the
vines. As it is a preparation of
arsenic, and is a deadly poison, it
should be handled by very careful
persons. ''One part of Paris green
may be mixed with about twenty of
cheap flour, and dusted over the vines
early in the morning, while the dew
is on the leaves. The simplest way
is to sift the flour from a fine muslin
bag attached to a pole, beating the
bag with a stick, or from a dredging
box." Flour is better than ashes be
cause it will stick closer to the leaves.
One application is said to be suf
ficient for one brood. Destroy the
eggs which will be found in clusters
on the nnder side of the leaves.
IMIac !!' Keacae
Was greeted by a full bouse Saturday
evening and right well did all do. The
personations, all good, were: Red
Riding Hood, Grace Geer; Mamma,
Rose North ; Grandma, Mary Turner;
Grandma's daughter, Stella North;
Woodman, Chas. Coolidge; Wolf,
Elmer Smith; Butter Cups, Minnie
Small, Minnie Meagher; Roses, Mary
Bremer, Nettie Cowdery ; Effie, Annie
George; Nettie, Eva Hudson; Rob
bie, Bert Coolidge ; Blue Bells, Nellie
Smith, Alice Cowdery, Stella Becher,
Courtney Dale, Pearl Bonesteel, Maud
Winterbotham, Ena Clother, Nellie
North. The chorus was sustained by
Annie and Stella Becher, Kittle and
Alice Cowdery, Ida and Minnio
Small, Anna and Martha Turner,
Stella and Mazie North, E. Rickly,
C, B. and W. Coolidge, Carrie Dale,
Ida and Minnie Meagher, Phoebe
Phillips, Eva Hudson, Mary Bremer,
Nellie and Elmer Smith.
Miss Lillian Smith, accompanyist,
performed her part admirably. The
soloists, without exception, showed
an excellent appreciation of their sev
eral characters, and the chorus was
exceptionally clear, distinct and har
monious. Prof. Commery's piano
solo was roandly applauded, as were
the Maennercbor.
Mrs. Page deserves much credit for
the manner in which she prepared the
young people for the occasion, and
their series of instructions will long
be remembered.
June 25, 1882.
Ed. Joubkal : Tornado with se
vere hail ruined wheat, rye, oats bar
ley and flax ; corn all cut down to the
gronnd, but probably part of it will
grow again ; fruit trees and vines in a
ragged bad fix, and many totally
killed ; the glass in nearly every win
dow all broke by the hail. How ex
tensive the storm was I do not know,
but I do know we are a badly cut
up community here, it -being too late
in the season to replant everything.
Your correspondent feels much dis
couraged ; years of labor again gone
in orchard and garden ; bouse off the
cellar and badly strained; bouse on
the farm taken two rods and tnrued
around, and with others all crops to
tally mined. We have learned of no
loss of life, my wife being the only
one injured, foot badly bruised and
small -bone broken above the ankle ;
and my son Edward a cat in the foot,
We do not feel like writing much, Mr.
Turner, bat it looks blue here; no
grain for bread ; no grain for teams
unless a little of the corn starts again ;
cherries, blackberries, &c, &c, all
down in the mud, and a long time
before we can again carry our wheat
to mill. But we must submit to the
War Not.
Keal EMtate TranHrer.
Reported for the Journal for the
week ending last Saturday, by Gus.
G. Becher & Co. :
Elkhorn Land and Town Lot Co.,
to David E. Jones, W. D. $340.45,
wM w4' 18, 20, 2 west, 76 65 acres.
U. S. to John Koop, patent, w se
J, 32, 19, 4 west, 80 acres.
Marian na Burgess, by attorney, to
John W. Early, W. D. $1000. lot 4
block 4, Steven's addition.
O. N. ft B. H. R. R. Co. to Albert
Field, W. D., $100, lots 1 and 8, block
11, Platte Center.
Mebitable W. Magoon, widow, to
Albert L. Dack, W. D. $800, uw 30,
18,2 west.
Win. Ryan to J. B. Delsman, W. D,
$150,teast 1 foot, lot 4, and west 5 feet
lot 3, block 117.
Rosina Kuhn, (nee) Kummer, to
Jacob Ernst, bond for deed, $1700
eKIot 1, block 118.
Creston, like the rest of the world,
has had her share of wind, rain and
hail, but thus far with no serious re
sults. The hail on the 17th injured about
60 acres of small grain for E. T.
Graham ; nearly every house in the
settlement was left without glass on
the north and west sides, all the men
were caught in the fields, and slight
accidents are reported. Wm. Knight's
team ran away with the cultivator;
coming to the house his wife saw
them aud rushing out bare-headed
and armed, stood like a hero during
the peltiiig of tho bail, receiving many
The wind on the 19th shifted the
house of S. Flcmming on sec. 16, 16
feet'from its foundation.
The lightning on tho 27th struck
the house of John Devovo, tearing
out the"gable and shocking Mrs. De
Vovc so that she was unconscious
some time. He was thrown violently
through the door hurting his foot.
Mrs. Wm. Jackson bad a fine
daughter on the 26th, all doing
Greatly to the regret of all the
people, Rev. Wm. Kimball will de
liver bis farewell sermon on July 2.
He has been much beloved and re
spected by all denominations; the
field is to be divided, the new man
coming here. A.
The Fair
Under the management of the Columbus
Driving Park and Fair Aasociation.which
was held Monday and Tuesday, was an
enjoyable affair to those who take an in
terest In contests of speed and skill.
The attendance on the first day was
rather light, on the second a gratifying
increase, in fact a large attendance, and
the weather was all that could be asked.
The program was, in brief, about as
follows: A gams of base bail between the
Keystones of Columbus and the Albions
of Boone county, the former nine con
sisting of C. and F. Wake.Loeb, Brindley,
Evans, Scott, Baker, Hudson and Fair
child the latter, Harling, Metcalf, Lc
mant, Willott, L., W., and Lewis Clark,
Lange, and Kumnall. Scorers, Smith and
Briggs; Umpire, G. W. Phillips. Result,
13 to 4 in favor of the Keystones.
The shooting match was between three
clubs two of Columbus, and one from
Platte Center. Columbus No. 1, Jackson,
Lundy, Arnold, Hays and Schroder scor
ed 45: Platte Center, Fields, H. H. and
Frank Eyinan, Carrig and 3Iaher, scored
43; Columbus No. 2, Bissell, Thurston,
Boutson, McGlinchy and McKelvey, 3G.
In the pony race, the entries were Ha
ney's Jack of Diamonds, Griffin's Black
Bess, Ellston's Bawly the Fraud, Stew
art's Sorrel Harry ( heats, won by Jack
of Diamonds, time 60, 57, 59 and 58 Bess
and Bawly, 2d and 3d.
In the three minute trotting race, Har-
kins'a Frank Glenwood was first, Isgrig's
Magnet Chief second, Stevens's Gray Dan
third, and Fuller's Callaway Kate fourth.
In the free-for-all trotting race the en
tries were Stewart's Sleepy Jack, Har
kins's Frank Glenwood, Scott's Frank,
Stewart's Lulu, the latter afterwards
withdrawn. They won in the order
named, Sleepy Jack's time being 2: .",
2: 40Ji, 2: 41.
Free-for-all running, Benn's "Nell" was
1st, Ellston's "Bawly" 2d aud Griffin's
"Bess" 3d.
The fat man's race, reported as quite
amusing, was won by S. O. Raymond 1st,
as against J. E. North 2d and Sheriff Kav
anaugh 3d.
When viewed by an unprejudiced eye,
Is simply a grand and magnificent
State. Its broad prairies for farming
and grazing purposes are not excell
ed ; and a few more years will witness
the raising of all the best kinds of
fruit, equal to any raised in the older
states. Tho longer one remains and
witnesses the products and advanta
ges of the country, the stronger the
attachment of the settler becomes for
his new home. Old home has just
claims on the affections, and once in a
while a new settler in Nebraska makes
a mistake by being controlled by old
home ties, and thus drawn back by
bis former love.
If facts are not stated in what fol
lows any number of living witnesses
are at hand to correct them. Rev. W.
T. Price some years since purchased
land some four miles east of this city,
erected new and comfortable build
ings thereon in a beautiful location,
and in a short time bad bis farm well
under cultivation. He frequently
acted as minister to and worshiped
with the M. E. congregation of this
city, with great acceptauce to the peo
ple, aud his social relations must have
been very agreeable with our citi
zens. Suddenly he met a sad Iobb. in
the death of his wife, and in the days
and nights of bis troubles be conclu
ded there was no remedy but to sell
his farm and return to his old friends
and home in Western Virginia, which
in a short time he accomplished. He
stopped only a brief time in Virginia
and then returned to Nebraska, and
iq a few months purchased another
farm near Richland, Colfax county,
Neb., a beautiful location in a rich
farming and grazing country. This
is one instance in which the beauty
and advantages of Nebraska over old
home attachments, hills and rocks
prevailed. Here he has no rocks to
remove, no steep hills to climb and
no side hills to farm nothing but a
breaking plow and a strong team of
horses are needed to turn over the
sod, and your fields are ready for corn
the first year and thereafter for all
farming purposes. No worry or
trouble in getting in and cultivating
tame grasses, as the entire prairie
are covered with rich nutritious
grasses, which fatten stock very rap
idly, with plenty of natural hay land
to supply the demand in every neigh
borhood. Just now a large number of persons
are locating in the State, some taking
new lands and others purchasing im
proved farms. We recommend to all
seeking new homes in the State that
a personal inspection of the country
is the proper tbing to aid you in form
ing a correct opinion ; at all events do
not come without doing bo, unless
sure that you can control your
love for old home and old friends,
even if Nebraska shonld be a second
It Still CoBtlHes.
Tho Journal's information is to the
effect that gambling is still engaged
iu, within the limits of the city, but
that it is not so open and apparent as
heretofore, in fact that most of it
takes place now in day time, when
the movements of officials can be no
ticed ; in an attic, where the gamblers
canuot be seen ; with the stairway
aud entrances well guarded against
the admission of intruders, and with
concealed places of exit.
It is something to say that the
youth of our city do not now, as a
rule, engage in this fascinating crime,
but it would be something to know
that it was no longer practiced among
Tho Journal has become odious to
certain gentlemen, it seems, for its
outspoken, straightforward course in
this matter. If the truth which ouirht
to be published is odious, it is no fanlt
of ours, and we assure these gentle
men that wo wish them, one aud all,
personally, tho best of good fortune,
except that which comc3 through
success at the gaming table, and it is
because we wish them no harm that
we persist in calling loudly for the
suppression of this vice iu Columbus.
It onght not be necessary for citizens
to wait until some of their owu friends
are on the high road to ruin before
they think and feel and talk and act
concerning this thing one of the
uses of the intellect is to apprehend
the results of different courses of ac
tion, and to know that what affects
a considerable portion of a communi
ty affects all of it, and that unpunish
ed violation of the laws of the laud,
in one instance, tend to bring con
tempt upon our system of govern
There is One ever near us
When our hearts with anguish ache.
There is One willing to hear us
If we to him our trials take.
Though prone to disbelieve it
Yet we read in His word,
Grace is for all who receive it
Of this truth we are assured.
Darkness oft obscures the way.
We scarce can see for blinding tears.
'Tis then we need to pray
To Him who can dispel our fears.
If we feel by nim forsaken,
We should call upon His name
And with a faith yet unshaken
Persevere and trust the same.
Over the rugged walks of life
The Savior is a constant puiilo
Leading us through worldly strife
While we have our Lord denied.
Oh, may our lives be like Jesus'
In every word, thought and deed,
For He ever, ever sees us
Aud supplies our greatest need.
Mrs. M. E. Tigner.
Grow Meetiasr.
The beventh day Adventists will
commence meetings in a pleasant
grove near the Gardner School House,
six miles west of Silver Creek, Friday
evening, July 7, '82, and continue over
Saturday and Sunday. There will be
three or four discourses each day. A
brief synopsis of the Adventist faith
will be given. Elder A. J. Cudney
will be present. The public are cor
dially invited.
Teachers' iHMtitate.
To the teachers of Platte county:
The Annual Normal Institute will
bogin Monday, Aug. 14, 1882, and
continue for a term of three weeks.
All those who expect to teach iu the
county are requested to attend. Ex
aminations will be held the last two
daj9. Hon.W. W.W.Jones State Sup't,
has promised to be present during a
portion of the terra, and take part in
tho exercises.
J. E. Moncrief,
9-7 County Sup't.
Eietter Libit
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-office, in
Columbus, Neb., for the week endioir
July 1, 1&J2:
B Eugene . Blackaaer,Thcs. Bjarton.
C Henry qkmDtonE..M.iJL (Jobley,
c.?iiW poMl '
If not called for in 30 davs will be sent
to the dead -letter office, Washington, D.
C. When called for please sav "adver
tised," as these letters are kept' separate.
UJEKKAKD, 1 . Jl.,
Columbus. Nebr.
Advertisements under this head live
cents a line each insertion.
Fresh strawberries at Hudson's.
Genta Newport ties at Kramer's.
Sparkling soda water at Hudson's.
Delicious ice cream at
Ladies wrappers only 75cte at Kra
mer's. Money to loan by
J. M. Nac
California dried fruits at John Heit
kemper's. Sweet cider, and pure cider vinegar
at Hudson's. s.ff
Mrs.JStulm) ha
r Ladies'
wraps downVakbst.
Ribboned laceveounterSc
New Peaches, Bananas and fresh
candies at Hudson's.
The latest styles and novelties can
be found at Kramer's.
LadieacaspmejyityfTl lolors,
for $4R MrsMimp'sV
Ladies and non ts Gossimer coats
and circulars at Kramer's.
A large and choice Hue of canned
goods at J. Huitkcmpcr's.
Misson and children's slippers and
walkiug shoes at Kramer's.
LadiQA under
ar c ueafer t
ca .
7 stoorp 9,
Honahau will sell boots aud shoes
at Omaha prices ; store opp. P. O. 8
amHncy jfflotls at flTrtrStumps.
For Scotch and Irish whiskies
go to Ryan's on 11th street. 37-tf,
You wllKBave lJjD 25pellt3 on the
Go to Wm. Ryan's on 11th
treet for your fiue Kentucky whis
kies. 20wtf.
The celebrated Pearl shirt at $1
each. Come and see them at
52 v Friedhoff & Co.'s
Linguedoc, Saxony, Guipure, Span
ish, French aud Valeucieunes laces at
Arnold & Lewis have sold over one
huudrod No. S W. W. muchines in
four months. 8
Arnold & Lewis carry the largest
stock of sewing machines to be tonud
this side of Omaha. S-tf
You vajl save 15&to 25c on the dol
lar buying ypxf uotipwfjUMrs.
StttarpljCkmienilee. """
Sorghum cano mills, of any size,
manuiactured and for sale cheap at
tho Foundry. 9 4t
Any ono wishing extras and repairs
for the Empire Reaper and Mower.
will please call soon, at Foundry. 9 2t
AM kinds of sewing machines re
paired at Arnold's Jewelry Store, and
all work warranted. S
Needles and attachments for all
kinds of sewing machines, at Ar
nold's Jowelry Store. S
You can buy the New York Singer,
warrauted to be the best Singer in the
market, of Arnold & Lewi?. S
YSM will find bfdies' suit, lad
ulsfe6 fbrJIMie8ntWnv
vry .iHW-pncus aiTHTS. atUHTfTS
Look to your interest before buying
a sewing inachino, and save monev by
calling at Arnold's Jewelry Store. 8
Wm. Schillz makes boots and shoes
iu the best styles, aud uses only tho
very best stock that cau he procured
in the market. 52tf
Try my Japau tea at 25 cents per lb ;
you pay 50 cents for tea that is no
- - J. B. Delsman.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-nnd-Iabor, neatly
bound in books of 50 aud 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
For sale on long time aud low
price all that choice selection of
Land known as the Richards Lands
and formerly sold by J. A. Reed. 4-tf
Sam'l. C. Smith.
Farmers can be supplied with ex
tras for Buckeye machines. We have
a large Btock on hand, but cau get on
short notice anything wanted.
$1,000 reward for any machine that
will do the varieties of work without
attachments that can be done on the
Wheeler & Wilsou No. 8 machiue.
For sale at Arnold's Jewelry Store.
Tho Polk County Nursery will de
liver Nursery stock at Columbus,
Neb., during the fall of 1882. Call
on A. J. Arnold and get prices. Jly
trees are home yroicn. 5 tf.
J. R. Kinnan, Proprietor.
Jacob Scjiram is now located on
13lh street, near A. & N. depot, where
he will be glad to see his old aud new
customers. He carries a well-selected
atock of dry goods and notions and
will sell at" the very lowest prices the
market will warrant. 9 tf
Don't you forget that the New, Si
lent No. 8 runs the easiest, the most
simple to operate. You can do the
greatest variety of work, and it is the
least liable to get out of order. For
sale at Arnold's Jewelry Store, Co
lumbus, Nebr. 8
A meeting of
the J
p. m
ncnt org
We furnish the American Agri
culturist (in English or German), the
best farmers' monthly iu the world,
together with the Columbus Jour
nal, one year, to any address in the
United States or British Possessions,
for $3, cash in advance. The price
of the Agriculturist alone is $1.50.
Many of our subscribers are
takinir the American A nrimlhiriai
with the Journal, both for $3 00 a
year payable in advance. The An
ricullurisl is published in English
and German, is finely illustrated, and
is conducted on old-fashioned prin
ciples of hone9ty and common
sense, .f.
I keep a full and well selected stock
of 6taple and faucy groceries on hand,
which I do sell as cheap as any house
in Columbus. Come and see for
yourself. AH orders left at my store
will be delivered promptly free of
charge to any part of the city.
6-tf John Heitkemper.
ParaioI ! Paramolx ! !
A full new line just received
An El ward Harvester
Practically as good as new, for sale
or trade. 10 tf L. D. Clark.
Clotilac Oaf.
I am closing out my stock of ladies,
and children's hats at greatly reduced
prices. L. Kramer.
Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur
nish brick, either at his kiln north
west of the city ; delivere d any wber
in the city, or built in the wall, at
reasonable rates.
The public are cautioned against
receiving a note executed by the un
dersigned, payable to Mr. Cahill, of
Kalamazoo, Mich., for $36 the 1st of
pec, 1882, as the same was obtained
uj iiauu auu wunoui consideration.
.lull flK 1QQO
5th, 1882.
Sfc Ha'irelirahn havor4tist.rn
xcar load'of RJhallefiir ilnl
ssJuuirts the VinTe to get Bar
n-r ..i.
crAura. 7 lf
Ac Old Settlers will
hlct at the CourV House ijatuMay,
, Yharp, Ao cornJplet axMraia-
fcnizafionj I V j A
0I1.N rilUHLY, 1TCS t.
H. J. Hu6s6n, Sec'y. 8-2
F,j iklt'sVinclfe, oprabut
JuK0tnpie grlfcrforse. TAtaiSr
wii BotifyYharleKickly wMP wi
p all charges. ifj-3
EoeU Here !
The .celebrated White sewing ma
chine for sale cheap for cash, or on
time, at Arnold's Jewelry Store. 8
All pers
to nan o
Combined Jfacklae fr Male.
A combined table rake, reaper and
mower tor sale, used three years and
in good running order, cheap for cash
or on time.
Jno. Browner.
trmni.lR onM
ric, PI
county, Jiuuezi
FarfflN ter Male.
section, 5 miles northeast of Co
lumbus, 40 acres broke, house, stable,
well, etc., besides 20,000 trees, princi
pally ash and boxelder. Price $2,000.
210acre8 iu Polk Co., on Clear Creek,
living water which never freezes, 120
acres in cultivation, dwelling, stable,
etc. A spleudid stock farm. Prico
.$3,000. Address
Guy C. Baunum.
51-12 Columbus, Neb.
The Chicago Herald.
Elsewhere will be fouud tho ad
vertisement of the Chicago Herald,
one of the best, neatest, cleanest aud
nicest newspapers iu the couutry,
edited by Hon. Frank W. Palmor,
late of the Inter-Ocean. We will
furnish the Columkus Journal and
tho Weekly Chicago Herald, one
year, for $2.75; Journal aud Sun
day Herald, $3; Journal aud Daily
Herald $0.50. 40-tf
Advertisements under thi head live
cents a line, tirt inxertioii, three cents
a line each .Hiib.-equtMit insertion.
Youbk Cow.
few more left uusohl. Call on
10-tf T. Kkati.m;.
Regular Mtock Dculer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat and stock: hogs.
3 '-y I. A N OK K3UN .
lnml Ibr Nule.
lb'0 fibres, 5 miles west of Colum
l)Us; T." acre under cultivation, 40 acres
hay land; $10 an acre, on easy terms.
Inquire at .Journal office.
For Sale Only by ROBERT UHLIG,
12th St., next to Bank.
Our (potations of the markets are ol
tained Tuesday afternoon, aud are correct
and reliable a't the time.
Wheat No 1 $100
Wheat No. 2, JHJ
Corn, fiT
Oats new, 45
Flax, SO 1)5
Flour 300Q4T5
Butter, 1215
EggB, r-14
Potatoes, t:W
Haras, 141G
Shoulders, WA
bides, HH!$U
Fat Hogs 675
Fat Cattle 4 OUi.tttOO
Calves 12 W
Sheep 5 00
Iowa : $
Hard $i::50(Gil5 (0
Kock Springs nut $7 Oil
Uoek springs lump $8 00
Kan:i- $7 00
Columbus State$ank!
Close o
)f BuY
mess Friday.XJune 3i
:CB(l revenue
County warran'
st:iioi)s a:
t V
IJial jttate and furniture
Due1 from hanks. ..
Ca-.h.. . N
i 10,000.00
1'rolit and ios
I herchy certilxtha
merit is correct.
toiiimuu. July :, 'SJ
Salt at J. B. Dels
man's for $1.90 a bar
rel, and everything
at accordingly low
r ko. .. ii:kuy,
SSTCarriagc, house and sign painting,
glazing, paper hanging, kaNomining, etc.,
done to order. Shop on 13th at., opposite
Engine House, Coluuihus, N'eb. 10-y
Great Reduction in l.'ooils of all Kinds at
at almost any price, from 20
cents upwards; a tine Basket-
fired Jap, very cheap; come and try it.
rWL?l?T?T7C2 If you haven't
V-V.L X' XjIIjO. ai
any of mv Colleen yet.
come at once and get prices; they are
bargains. Try them.
TATFit cheap, In
J-iijIV Just convi
hut facts will tell.
nee yourself, aad
nee that you can liuy more goods of me
for one dollar, than at" any other store in
ine west.
ATT?TX7' big drives in shoes,
J- XJ YV svrups, elioiee coU'ees,
best of teas always on h.iud.
A large
assortment ot
and Eastern
canned Fruit cheap.
33T-ProrMce taken in exchange, at cash
prices. Goods delivered iu the
city, free of chary. JZ 39-y
uifyase herft'bv notified not, .
oniypreinises, witmmumy w'
Steam i Prai-
irftcjCouqty, Auuezlst, ' t) m
- - , rm- - - - -. -- .
xtrM I In
blhobotifey, arid abduUet fmf
oh jr ohn aiwdR3Ki,wp
9?p Platte (Wter r. 9.
s ,4 j i i d e
v AV a
-tV iTa. JUJk
9, '82.
.... . . ,i
Hive Htatc-
r-tfte abi
JCashier. X
Rl "