THE JOURNAL. IAYEB OF ADYEKTIMIIVC;. ISSUK1) KVEKV VKDNE6IAY, M. Iv. TURNER. & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. QSTBusiness and professional cards Hi m pl of five lines or less, per annum, five dollars. B? For time advertisements, apply at this office. E3"Legal advertisements at statute rates. BFFor transient advertising, see rates on third page. 13? All advertisements Davable K V2S0FFICEElertnth St., up ttairs in Journal Building. v I- y -V . tekms: Perycar 92 09 Six I'noiiili!- 1 OO Three inoiitliA SO Single copies OS VOL. XIII.-N0. 3. COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY, MAY 17," 1882. WHOLE NO. C27. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. d. Senator, Xeb- U. C. II. VanW yck, runka City. Alvin auxdeks. U.S. Senator, Omaha. E. K. Vai.hiixk, K-p., West Point. T.J. Majors, Contingent Rep., Peru. STATE DIRECTORY: Aliunus Naxck, (tovcruor, Lincoln. S.J. Alexander, Secretary oi Stnte. Jolin Walliein, Auditor, Lincoln. G. M. Hartlett, Freahurer, Lincoln. C.J. Dilwortu, Attorney-General. AW V. V. Jone-i, Supt. Public Inotruc. C.J. Xole, Warden of Peuitentinrv. W. W. Abbrv C. II. Gould, J.O. Carter, Prison Physician. JI.P. .M:ithewMon,Supt."ln3anc Asylum. Prison Inspectors. BUSINESS CABDS. F)- ABL SHOTTE, VETERINARY SURGEON. Otlicc at Dowty. Weaver & Co's store. A iUERMn KOEN, ItAXKEHS, Collection, Insurance mid Loan Audits, Foreign Exchange and Pas sage Tickets a specialty. ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINERY! MEIiRY! JUDICIARY: I Associate Judaea. George It. Lake, Amaa Cobb. S. .Maxwell, Chief Justice, FOURTH .lUIUCIAl.. MSTKICT. G. V. Poxt, Judire. York. M. B. Reese, District Attorney, Waboo. LAXI) OFFICERS: M. R. Hoie, ItogN tor, Grand Island. Wm. Ativan. Receiver, Grand Island. LEGISLATIVE: State SiMiitnr, M. K. Turner. " Ui-piientativc, (5. W. Lehman. COITXTY DIRECTORY: J. G. Hitrgiii, County Judge. John Stauil'er, County Clerk. J. W. Early. Treasurer. I). C. Kavauatigh, Mierifl". L.J. Crnier, Surveyor. oiintv Commissioner. OKKI.lfJN 4k SULLIVAN, A TTORNEYS-A T-LA W, Up-9tairs in Gluck Building, 11th street, Above the New bank. it j. iiijimo:, NOTARY PUBLIC, 1 2th Street, 2 doors wet of llamnoad Iloue, Columbus, Neb. 491-y Mrs. M. S. Drake UAS JUST RECEIVED STOCK OF A LARGE APUINO AM NUJinER HILLIIEHY AID FAICY HOOKS. rK. n. i. tiiuknto:, BESIDENT DENTIST. Office over corner of 11th and Xorth-st. All operations li rat-class and warranted. C IIIICAtiO HAKItUK SHOP! UEXRY WOODS, Pkop'r. ISTEvery thing in first -class style. Also keep the best of cigars. 51G-"y .M.:Uahrr, Joseph Rivet, C II. J Hudson, ) Dr. A. He J. E. .Mom ntz. rief Coroner. Supt. of Schools. Illicit. I . . ..... AV..M.CorneliuSf .'UfliccBOltuoi eaee. Si EKR & UIKDKK, A TTORNEYS A T LA W, 133 A FULL ASSORTMENT OF EV ERYTHING BELONGING TO A FIRST-CLASS MILLIN ERY STORE.jja Nebraska Avenue, two doors north of the State Bank. Office on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska. 2-tf CITY DIRECTORY: J. R. Meagher, Mayor. A. 15. Coflroth, Clerk. J. It. DeNmaii, Trc'iurer. W.N. Ileii-ley, Polifu Judge. J. E. Xoilli, Engineer. coi'sciljikx: 1st Ward lolm Rickly. G. A. S'-hroedcr. 2i H'rtrZ-Pat. Hays. I. Cluck. 'Ul WardI. Ramu-sen. A. A. Smith. Coluiiitins Pout Offlco. Open on iriu 11 a.m. to 12 m. and I roin i::ti) to C p. m. Rumucna hotiri except Sunila i; a.m. tuS i. m. Eanlerii inail.s closi nt'll a.m. Western mail- close at 1 :l.r. p.m. Mail leae- Coluiulms for Lost Creek, Genoa, St. Edwards. Albion, Platte Center. Humphrey, .Madison and Nor folk, every day (except Sundays)' at 1 : :tT ji. in. Arrives at W:.V. For Shell Creek and Creston, on Mon days and Fridays, a. m., returning at 7 r. M-same da s. Fur Alexis. Patron and Da id City, Tuesdays, Thursiitvs and Saturdays, 1 p. m Arries at 12 m. For Omkliug Tucsri.-u s and Saturdays 7 a. m. Arrives C, p. in. same das. J. 1. Time Table. Eastward Bound. Emigrant, No.iS, leaves at ;:2."i a. Passeng'r, "4, ' ".... 11:W! a. Freight, " S, " " :K p. Freight. ' 10. " "... J:,10 a. Westward Bound. Freight, No.."i, leaes at Passeng'r, :!, ' Freight, " It, Emigrant, 7. " " Everv dav exempt Saturday the lin-s leading to Chicago connect U 1. trains at Omaha. On there will be but one train W. V, .1IVERS .11. ., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Will attend to all calls night and da. Office with O. F. Merrill, east of A & N. Depot. 513mo BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. AfcALLIMTER BROS., A TTOJiNEYS AT LA W, OflitM: up-stairs in McAllister's build ing. 11th St. W. A. McAllister, Notary Public J. M. MACKAKLAMI, Attcrc7 1 Mc'.iry TAVt. U. COWDKKV, C:Ui:tcr. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE OK MACIAR1jAND& cowdbry, Columbtts, : : : Nebraska. EO. L. MclvELVEY, PKOPIUKTOU OK HIE -fCXIY lURItER lll!4-: Jc7Jr well th St., five doors west of the Hammond House. .Vj-tf m. m. in. m. T ii. Ri.sriii:, llth St., nearly opp. Gluck's store, SclK Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Currj- Combs, Brushes, etc.. at the lowest possible prices. Repairs promptly attended to. 2:00 -1:27 G:00 1 :::o m. in. m. ni. I- P-a. three with Saturdays a dav, as shown by the following schedule O.. N. B. II. ROAD. Time Schedule No. 4. To take effect June 2, '81. For tlfe government and information of employees only. The Company reserves the right to vary therefrom at pleasure. Trains dailv. Sundays excepted Outicard Bound. Imcard Bound. Columbus -l::n p.m. Xorfolk 7:2t a. m. LostCreek.r:21 " Mtinsou 7:47 " PL Centre .":12 " .Madison .8:2H " Humphrev;;2." " Humphrev:0.' ' Madison 7:04 " PI. Centre 9:48 Munson 7:4.T " LostCrceklO.Olt ' Norfolk . . 8:04 ColumbaslO:r." " A1.1JIOX 1UCAXCII. Columbus 4:45 p.m. Albion ..7:4."iA.M. LostCreek::SI St. EdwardS::tO " Genoa fi:ir, " Genoa 0:14 " St.Ei1ward7:00 " Lost Creck0:59 " Albion . . 7:47 " Columbusl0:45 " B. .t M. TIME TABLE. Leaves Columbus, .i:4f a. M. ' Bell wood :;w " David Citv, 7.20 " 44 Garrison, 7:lf 44 44 Clvsses, S:2T 44 44 Staplehurst, 8:.V. " Seward, H:."0 44 44 Ruby I):fi0 44 44 Milford. 10:iri ' 44 Pleasant Dale, 10:45 " 44 Emerald 11:10 44 Arrives at Lincoln 11:50 M. Leaves Lincoln at 12:50 p. m. and ar rives in Columbus 7:00p. M. Makes close connection at Lincoln for all points east, west and south. 1JVRON M1LLKTT, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. UYitox .nii.i.E'jrr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbus Nebraska. N. B. He will give close attention, to all business entrusted to him. 248. T OUIS SCHRE1BER, BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKER. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Buggies, Wagons, etc., mads to order, and all work guaranteed. JgrShop opposite the " Tattersall," Olive Street. ..25 OFFICE, CO L UMIi US, NEB. Dr. A. HEINTZ, OKALKR IN DRUGS. I1CIIK. CHEMICALS, WfXES, LIQIIOKS, Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMEEY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept ou hand by Druggists. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Eleventh street, near Foundry. COLUMBUS. : NEBRASKA. SPE1CE & NORTH, General Agents for the Sale of REAL ESTATE. YyA.ER & WESTCOIT, AT THE CIIECKEUED BARX, Are prepared to furnish the public w.'th good teams, buggies and carriages for all occasions, especially for fuuerals. Also conduct a feed and sale stable. 49 Union Pacitic, and Midland Pacific R. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00 per acre forcashvor on fiye or ten years time, in annual payment to suit pur chasers. We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved. Tor sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and rcsidenco lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte County. 021 COI..i;9IRIJ8, NED. TAMES PEARSALL IS PUKPAKKI), WITH FIRST -CLASS APPARATUS, To remove houses at reasonable rates. Give niin a call. h. iuers & CO., BLACKSMITHS IOTICK TOTCACHKRS. J. B. Moncrief, Co. Supt., Will be in his office at the Court House on the first Saturday of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the transaction of any other business pertaining to schools. " ?C7-v Tajiks, PflJMn BEST! BUY THE- Patent Roller Process MINNESOTA FLOUR! AND "Wagon 3Buildei Xrw IJrlrk Shop oiipovltr HrlnU's llm? Store. ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND IRON WORK ON WAGONS AND BUGGIES DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Eleventh Strtet, Columbus, Nebraska. 50 NEBRASKA HOUSE, S. J. MARMO Y, Prop'r. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, COl.IJ.lIIIIJS, 2RH. new house, newly furnished. Good accommodations. Board by day or week at reasonable rates. JQTSetN a FirM-ClawN Table. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimator supplied for cither frame or brick buildings. Good work guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne braska. ,V2 t;mo. WILLIAM RYAN, DEALER IN KENTUCKY WHISKIES irtiie. Ales, Cigars and Tobacco. JSTScbilz's Milwaukee Reer constant ly on hand.3i Elrvkntii St., ....Columbus. Nkb. ALWAYS GIVES SATISFACTION, Because it makes a superior article bread, aud is the cheapest "flour in the market. of Every sack warranted to run alike, money refunded. or HERMAN OEHLRICH & BRO., GROCERS. l-3m Drs. MITCHELL & MABTYN, xi.i.7ini;. MEDICAL HAL INSTITUTE. j:., Meals, 25 Cts. Lodgings.... 25 Cts. 3S-2tf COLUMBUS Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor BSTWboIesale and Retail Dealer in For eign W-jnes, Liquors and Cigars, Dub lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales. X3rKentucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS in their season, by the case can or dish. m lltk StTMt, SHtk ofDepet. Sunjeons O., N. tt B. H.B. Asst. tiurycon U. P. JTy, COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA. JS. MURDOUK & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Have had an extended experience, and will .guarantee satisfaction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give us au oppor tunitytoestimateforvou. SSTSbon n loth btone door west of Friedhof & CoTs. store, Columbus, Nebr 4S3-y WM. BECKER, DEALKR IN ALL KINDS OF FAMILY GROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL SELECTED STOCK. Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. Bcll-Xakin? and BelMHngiBg. In twelve centuries of bell-making II Is natural that some bells of moment should have been cast. Moscow pos sesses the heaviest bell in the world, the Monarch," weighing 193 tons and worth simply for bell metal $350,000. It has never rung a stroke, having been sracked in the casting, and now forms the dome of a small chapel built be- neatn ic Anotner in St. Ivan's Church, (Moscow) has a weight of fifty-seven: tons. There is a bell in Pekin, China, i weigning nrty-tnree tons. The great bell at Itouen weighs eighteen tons.' The boll of St. Paul's, London, has quite a history. It was originally past in the reign of Edward I., and hung at West minster Abbey to give the hour to the fudges. William III. gave it to St. Paul's, and on Now Year's Day, 1C99, it sounded its first peal from that venera ble pile. It has since been twice recast with additional metal. This bell tolls 'only on the death of some member of the royal family, or of the Bishop of London, the of St. Paul's, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Lord Mayor of London. Great Tom, of Oxford, is another notable boll. It was cast for the great monastery of Oseuey in the suburbs of Oxford. About the year 1860 Robert King, the last Abbott of Oseney, be stowed it on Oxford. It was hung over the gateway of Christ Church, ana gives 101 strokes daily at 9 p. nt. in honor of the 101 gentlemen who have bestowed scholarships on the institution. Of all mediaeval institutions bolls alone seem to retain their hold on modern times. In the thousand rural parishes of Eng land at the present day the bell is as necessary and as much venerated as the church itself. It marks the flight of the hours, rings in the new year, speeds the old, announces the heir to the great es tate, graces marriage, feast, and festi val, knells tho dead, tolls for fast and funeral, and becomes a part of the life of the people. When the old parish peal becomes cracked, however, there is short shrift for it; an order is at once sent up to London for a new peal. Then the wardens and vestrymen explore the old ivy-covered tower, undisturbed for a contury, perhaps, clear out the dust and rubbish, and make sure that its timbers are sound and able to bear the weight of tho new monsters. When the bells are announced as being at tho sta tion, perhaps two or three miles away, the wardens are deputed to escort them to town, and a grand reception is deter mined on. An English clergyman, writing a generation ago, thus describes the custom observed: "Two wagons, each decorated with evergreons and drawn by teams of gray horses bedecked with ribbons, set out for the bells, re turning with them in the afternoon. Shouts of the multitude greet their ar rival, and at the ancient public house on the green the procession comes ta a stand. Then commences the profane christening. In the largest bell, inverted for the purpose, mine host mixes a mot ley compound of beer, rum, and the like, which is liberally distributed amon" the good-humored company. In the treble tho bell founder's . representative has a more delicate mixture from which to offer a libation to more distinguished guests. In this way the festivalproceeds with much good" humor and merry making, and when tbe bells are empty they ascend to their lofty settlement with the hearty aid and good wishes of the people." Bell-ringing, little cultivated In America, has become one of the fine arts in England and on the Continent. Belgium and the Low Countries lead in the science. Nearly every church tower there is furnished with a carillon of from thirty to sixty bells. The carillon is played by means of keys (something Hke those of a pianoforte, bat larger) and pedals, which are attached to the bell-clappers by bands or rods. The bells carry a complete series or scales of tones or semi-tones, and in playing, both the hands and feet of the perform er are employed. The music is very sweet and sprightly, and floating down from the towers salutes the traveler at every hour of the day with a concord of sweet sounds. In England, a genera tion ago, tho peal was almost the only form of bell-nnging practiced. Eight bells form a perfect peal, although twelve are frequently employed. Each bell is so pitched, beginning with the larsrest and tenor bell, that tho tnno follow one another in diatonic succes sion. Each bell had its ringer, usually a stout lusty young man, who had not only to give his bell a firm and distinct utterance, but must ring in harmony with his fellows. Ringing the changes on eight bells was regarded as the acme of the profession. By transposing a tone, at each revolution of the pea it is evident that an infinite variety of changes can be rung on a peal of bells. Three bells, for instance, would give us six changes; four bells, four times as many, or twenty-four; five bells, one hundred and twenty; and twelve bells, 479,001,600. It has been estimated that ninety-one years would be required to ring all the changes on a peal of twelvo bells, allowing two strokes per second. The modern chime is much like the ancient peal, except that tfre bells are struck by measure of keys commencing with the clapper as in the carillon. Cor. N. Y. Evening Post. Hew Bailrwul "AecJdeate" Tented. Are Pre- Strike a Iigfctv Owing to the fact that Senator Wag ner was one of the victims of the lute disaster at Spuytcn Duyvil Creek, and was burned to death in "one of his own pars, a far more searching Investigation into the affair will be made than would, under ordinary circumstances, bo at all probable. A score of unknown emi grants, slaughtered in the hhzh old rail-. I mmj . t.:n ... u . . . iwci iiuuiuu, wuuiu nieiuj no inquiry and lead to few results. Had a Vanuer bilt been one of the victims, it is not rush to predict that no such accident would ever again occur on any of the roads in which that family were inter ested. Senator Wagner, however, was of sufficient importance to warrant thor ough inquiry and perhaps some reform. One would hardly suppose that a Wag ner car would over again be heated by coal instead of steam, or lighted with coal oil. The railroad officials aro very naturally disposed to throw the entire blame upon the brakeman who neglected to go back far enough to prevent the Tarrytown express from running into the other train. There seems to be little room to doubt his culpability; but when the offi cials say that the management had done its best to prevent such accideute," and cannot command perfect human machines, there remains something more Ut be said on tho subject. The slaughter occurred at one of the most dangerous points on the road. There is a rocky cut with so sharp a curve that one end cannot bo seen from the other, and neither end from the center. A flagman at one end of this cut was, it is said, withdrawn last year in order to save the expense of $0 a month. Although the brakeman sent back with tho signal was regarded as one of the most trustworthy, his defense is that he did not go back farther be cause he did not wish to be left by the train and have to trudge to the station in the snow. One passenger declares that tho brakeman was only a few yards away from the train and seemed stupe fied. This is explained by another passenger, who declares that there being many Albany politicians on the train, there was a groat deal of drink ing going on, and train employes seem ed to bo helped freely to liquor and cigars. As the train had stopped fifteen minutes before the collision, it is evi dent that there was ample time to reach the on-coming train and to stop it a safe distance off. The influential posi tion of Senator Wagner in railroad cir cles will, :is we have suggested, probably result in a more searching inquiry than the slaughter of ordinary beings. Prob ably, too, it will end in some improve ments oi beneht to the general public. If it had been a Vandcrbilt, one may be perfectly sure that remedies would be adopted which may, perhaps, now be slighted. Were there a Vanderbilt on every train run by the Vanderbilt in terests, no train would bo permitted to run into another at the end of a rocky cut, from which it is impossible to see more than a few feet of track in front of the locomotive. Brakerncn, too, would, under such circumstances, be almost absolutely certain to go back far enough to warn trains against plung ing into the rear cars. For it is one cu rious fact in tiie history of railroads that, much as presidents, directors and other officials travel upon their rail roads, disasters nover happen to their trains. All other trains have to keep out of the wavt and conductors, brake- men ami all officials are prompt to pre vent tho "accidents" which happen to common people. With a Vanderbilt on every tram, the track would be flagged and no vrain allowed to leave one sta tion until it was known that the track wjis clear to the next Detroit Free Press. The Adrenture of a Girl Somnamb list Ooodii DellTered Free part of Ike City. GOLD.! Great chance to make money. Those who al ways take advantage or the good chances for niakinp money that are offered, general ly become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Anv one can do the work properly from the first start. Tbe business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive out fit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or nlv your spare moments. Full infnr. Imation and all that is needed sent free AddressSTUjsoNACo, Portland' Maine I AM ALSO AOENT FOR EBRATED THE CEL- COQUTLULRD Farm and Spring Wagons, of which I keep & constant supply on hand, but few their equal. In style and quality, second to none. CALL AMD LEASH PRICES. Uor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near I -a. c JS . JJepot. Is the Earth Drying Up! Physicists and scientists say that the amount of water on the surface of the Slobois steadily decreasing, and that le land gains on the sea year by year. It is quite true that in some portions of the globe the sea is eating up, as it were, the land. This is true of the Atlantic coast, which gives evidence of.-, steady encroachment of the ocean upon its shores. New York will some day be a city under the sea, and its great bridge and ruins can be examined and disin terred only by means of diving bells. Geographers tell us that two-thirds of the earth's surface is composed of water, so we can afford to lose a good deal of that element without suffering. If the nebular hypothesis is correct, and the earth was once vast sea of fire, water was then non-existent, and, when it first appeared, must have come in the form of steam. Life was not possible until the fluid cooled, and it most have been myriads of years before the great salt seas formed. If the earth should grad ually lose its moisture, great changes Will ha oftaMiiA Tl.nm ll K land Mil A dpnaor tmnnlafinn fsmn ! marine animals, and more room for the races which now inhabit the land. Cer tain districts will become arid, swamps will dry up, vast waterways will be con rerted into dry laud. What a pity it is we can not go to sleep for a thousand years, so as to see what kind of a world this will be In the year 3000. There will, we apprehend, be some water left ren then. DemoresVs Monthly? Queen Victoria is fond of cold ther. A hot room causes her to feel 111 and faint. At Windsor Castle the hot sir is never turned on in her soke of I rooMtj even in the coldest weather. Seldom, however, has it fallen to tho task of the news chronicler to rolate a more frightful and harrowing instance of somnambulism than that of a young lady at Huntingburgh, on the night of the Cth inst. It wdl bo remembered that about this time the freezing weath er of the previous days haa left the pavements aud house-tone covered with a sheet of ice, making it even more dif ficult for one to retain his equilibrium on the most frequented thoroughfares. To those acquainted with Hunting burgh, the large tobacco warehouse of Rothert must be easily remembered, with its four or five stories towering above all surrounding buildings, and almost exceeding in height the tallest church spires. Upon the night in ques tion, as the faithful City Alarshal was bracing tho sleet and snow, watching the interests of the quiet little city, which was then wrapt in profound si lence and slumber, there sudde'nly flit ted before his vision a swift-moving white apparition, whose snowy robes were flapping wildly in the wintry wind. With weird quickness it disappeared in tne oasement of the above building, leaving the startled sentry no time to contemplate its ghostly form and ap parently supernatural mission. Not a sound was hoard from the specter, as it swiftly vanished, save the rustle of its ghostly garments, and the brave Mar shal was naturally terror-stricken at the unearthful sight, and fled to the near est house to rid himself of the chiding influences of tho phantom and to stop the marrow which was creeping through his bones. Ho hastily related his en counter with the strange being and the point where it had disappeared! Quickly gathering together four men, ihev returned to the haunted hom. Suddenly the same weird form was seen to issue through the skylight of the building and walk out upon the slippery roof. For the first time the fearful re ality now flashed upon their minds that it was a somnambulistic freak of some denizen of the village. There was a painful silence as the four men realized the frightful peril of the unconscious maiden, likely each moment to lose hex footing and be hurled downward for some hundred feet Again she moved forward upon the roof, while her horror stricken" audienco dared not move or speak for fear of startling her. She paced the full length of the building to the gable, and then seemed to hesitate upon one fearful leap down four floors. But luckily she turned aoin toward tlm skylight, and as the breathless men below were watching her, she slowly returned and disappeared through the aperture, closing the trap-door after her. By sin gular adroitness, and, as might be said, almost superhuman quickness, she reached the point where she had en tered, when the four men seized ho'r as he glared at them through death-cold eyes, but spoke not a word. She waa quickly identified and borne to her home, where she is suffering extreme anguish from frosted feet and hands, while her struffffle between life wwl death on the building may lead to the People who light their pipes, cigars or lamps, or kindle their fires by the in stantaneous ignition of friction matches, have, unless they are old people, very littlo conception of the labor and trib ulation attendant upon the same process fifty years ago. Every well regulated family, at that time, was pro vided with a tin box of tinder, nroduced by the combustion of rags, and a flint and steeL 'and matches which had been dipped- into' brimstone. When fire was wanted the flint and steel and tin dor were produced, and the tinder be ing ignited by sparks precipitated from the steel by means of the flint, a match was touched to the burning mass. and. being lighted, was applied to some pre- Sared kindling, and a fire thus pro uced, the whole process occupying nom uve to mteen minutes, according to the skill or luck of the operator. This was attended with so much labor, and productive of tho uso of so many naughty words on the part of the per son operating,-that fires were generally kept all. night. This was dono there were few stoves, and hard coal had not come into very general use then by overing the huge and blazing back-log in the hre-place with ashes, and in the morning there was generally found in its place a bed of live coals, which, by the application of fresh wood, and with the aid' of the then universal bellows, usually produced a blazing fire in from fifteen minutes to half an hour, Some times, however, from some cause, the back-log would be wholly consumed, leaving nothing but a bed of ashes. In this case, particularly if there was an absence of dry kindling in the house, some member of the family must take the shovel, and oftentimes through snow knee-deep, trudge to the nearest neighbor's, ' after lire." And sometimes, indeed, the nearest neighbor's fire would be out, too, in which case the walk would have to be extended till the fire was procured. Tho live coals were borne home upon the shovel, often carefully guarded with the hand to prevent blowing off, placed between two brands, tho bellows set vigorously at work, and the fire thus set. a-Diazmg. in iignung a canuie, a live coal was taken up with a pair of tongs and blown upon with tho mouth until a blaze was produced. Pipes wero lighted by placing a live coal on top of the tobacco, and cigars by holding the burning coal to the end and pulling with aff one's might. The first improvement on thi3 in New England was the substitution of a bottle of phosphorus, into which, the cork being removed, a brimstone match was thrust, aud being thus ignited the bottle was quickly closed in order to retain the strength of" the liquid. This was such an emancipation from the thralldom of the tinder-box and flint and steel, and the other inconveniences of the old method, that people rejoiced greatly, and believed the no plus ultra in this direction had been reached, and every well-regulated family was provided with its bottle of phosphorus, while the flint and steel and tinder-box were laid aside to be used only in cases of .emer gency. This invention was known by the name of "loco-foco matches." Directly, however, there was another invention, that left the phosphorus bottle as much in the shade as the other had the flint 3nd steel. This w:is the application of a preparation of phosphorous and brimstone to the tins f of matches, which only required to be drawn between the folded leaves of a piece of sand-paper to produce a light, so that the smoker had only to carry his matches in one vest pocket and his folded paper in the other to light his pipe at any moment These latter were known as "Lucifer matches," as par taking, it is presumed, of the character of the Scriptural "son of the morning." But the spirit of invention was not satis fied to stop here, and the result was, the present world-used friction matches, that serve all people, and the making of which, at tho present time, in all prob- auniiy consumes almost as mucn wooa as there was burned by the whole Unit ed States, for all the purposes of warm ing and cooking, a century ago. Provi dence Star. Oae ef tbe Spectators. The recent hangings In this city have been attended by many odd circum stances, none of which is stranger than the death of a young man named John L Kaiser, at St. Vincent's Asvlum. of what is known as acute delirium, .said to have been superinduced by witnessing the execution of Ellis and Eotovsky. Kaiser was a young man of twenty-two, whose parents lived in Toronto, but who had been employed for some time as clerk on one of the boats of the upper Missouri River. When the boat went into winter quarters the young man was temporarily thrown out of work, but, being well supplied with money, which ho saved from his summer earnings, he was preparing to visit his parents in Can ada. On tho 6th of January, however. imtuwij, gave mm a uckci, ami ne went to see Kotovsky and Ellis hung. When he came back to his boarding house. No. 1,106 Pine street, he talked of nothing but the execution, and while many of his expressions were very silly thwy were overlooked, or regarded, for the timo being, as an attempt at wit In the afternoon he took a long walk, go ing out to Grand avenue, as ho ex plained on his return, without recourse to the street-cars. That night at the supper-table ho becamo very gay and saug several songs, when ho had not been heard to sing before. At nine o'clock he went to bed, but did not sleep, and talked so strangely to his room-mate that he was afraid to sleen. Between twelve and one he began to bo violent, and tied a towel around his neck, to show that he could hang him self without pain. This exhibitionwiiild have amounted to suicide if his room mate had not come to his rescue. Then he wanted to break a burnino- lamn to show how he could replace the broken pieces, and make it continue to give light The lamp being placed out of rcaah, his attention was directed to oth er things. He then thought his great physical strength a matter worthy of a long harangue, but in the midst of it tie made so much noise that Mrs. and Mr. Brady came up to see what the matter was, and calling an ofheer had him taken to the Four Courts. The next dav he was sent to thn St Vinccnt Insane Asylunu His violence in creasing, he snatched a cap from the head of a sister and tore it to atoms. After this it was thought best to bind his hands and feet For several days ho was a raving maniac, but continued to waste away until he had no strength to resist and little desire to inflict injury upon tho nurses. His death occurred Friday morning at six o'clock, only a few hours before the arrival of his fath er, who had been notified that his son had lost his mind, and who had come to take him home. The body was shipped from this city to Toronto yesterday. Mrs. llrady said last night that, whether or not the hanging had pro duced the above effect, she did not know; but she did know that the young man had always shown the best of sense until he had witnessed that sight, and tho f:ict that it had made a deep im pression upon his mind was evident from such expressions as the following: " It was a shame to hang those men; it should not have been done. I'll tell you what thoy ought to have done, they ought to have turned them loose on a year s probation, and set somebody to watch them. He could have followed them aronnd everywhere, and the first time one did wrong they could have put him a dungeon with no light in it, only a little round hole to pass food through on a black plate." When he put the rope around his neck the night of his arrest, ho said: ' It would not hurt me to banc me tho way they hd those follows. "Now, just look at me. I could stand it forev er; but it was a shame to do such a cruel thing." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. monthly. PACTS AND FIGURES. Met His Match. New Arithmetic Problems. In a school-room are twelve benches and nine boys on a bench. Find who stole the teacher's gad. A laundress takes in twelve shirts and has four stolen from her line. How many are left and what are the losers going to do about it? A farmer sold eleven bushels of pota toes and the product purchased two gallons of whisky at ninety cents per gallon. How much per bushel did be get for his tubers, and where did he keep the jug? What velocity must a locomotive have to pick up a deaf man walking on tho track and fling him so high that six cars pass before he comes down? A boy earned twenty cents per day for eighteen days, and bought his mother a muskrat muff costing $2.10. How much did. he have left to go to tho circus with? A mother standing at the gate calls to her boy who is exactly sixty-eight feet distant It takes two minutes and iwenty-two seconds for the sound to reach him. Find from this the velocity with which a woman's voice travels. A woman earned forty-two cents per day by washing, and supported a hus band who consumed four dollars worth of provisions per week. How much was she in debt at the end of eaoh month up to the time he was sent to the work-house? A father agreed to give his son four and one-half acres of land for every cord of wood he chopped. The son chopped three-sevenths of a cord and broke the ax and went off hunting rabbits. How much land was he entitled to? A certain young man walks fivo sevenths of a mile for seven nights in a week to see his girl, and after putting in 112 nights he gets the bounce. How many miles did he hoof it altogether, and how many weeks did it take him to understand that he wasn't wanted? Two men agree to build a wall to gether. One does four-fifths of the Dossing and the other three-tenths of the work, and they finally conclude to pay a man $18 to finish tlie job. Find the length and height of the wall. A woman arrives at the depot three minutes ahead of train time. She has to kiss seven persons, say "good-bye" to thirteen others, send her love to twenty-two relatives and see to four parcels. She accomplishes it all and has forty-one seconds to spare to tell a dear friend how to mix seven different ingredients into a mince pie. How long did it take the train to reach Chicago? Detroit Free Press. Since the custom of shooting editors na8 been started, this office w-ishes it distinctly understand th-t it ... latterfrom its results. EvanaviUedwL I mB shattered with a volley of advertise- Jowrnak menu. Boston Star. Theonly man who ever beat a nitro glycerine explosion alter it was once started is John Mcdeary, of Pennsyl vania. He saw what was coming iiil ran. His coat-tail was cut otl" and his back was somewhat scratched. He jumped, with some assistance from be hind, about a hundred feet, and con tinued running until he dropped from fatigue. He kept ahead of tho flying fragments just as Baron Munchausen kept ahead of the rain, and there may be a lie about it somewhere also. This is something akin to the story which old Colonel Reed, of Acton, Mass., relates, and maintains that he was an eye-witness of the circumstance. One of tho powder-houses on the bank of the stream below Concord Hew up. fas thev are in the habit of doing on an average" of two or three times a year.) and sent a man flying through the air, throwing him completely over a round-top hilL He was accompanied in his terrible flight by an instrument probably something sharper than the ordinary hoe used in the manipulation of saltpeter which, just before he landed, cut him slick in twain through the waist The legs walked off for a distance of several yards, and the trunk, pointing its index finder toward the retreating saddle, exclaimed: " See thcreP' A bystander, who didn't seem to take much stock, so to speak, in the Colonel's story, related what occur red in his saw milL Two dogs were fighting. When the encounter beeami fiercest they got directly in front of tha saw, on the carriage, which was slowly but surely moving up to the killing point They seemed to be in a death struggle, when one of them was cut com pletely in two. Now, it is a well-known proposition that every dog has four legs, but no dog has his fore legs behind; and, however that may be, the two hind legs of this particular dog ran away while the two fore legs remained and whipped the other dog. Colonel Reed simply said: " If I told such a lie as that I'd have no hopes of Heaven!" Shoe and Leather Reporter. A Bog Steps a Runaway Herse. A hosse attached to a cart, becoming unmanageable on upper Church street Wednesday, started off on a run, leaving the owner sitting in the road where he had fallen when the animal started. The horse was heading down the street named and putting on more steam with every bound that he made, until the cor ner of George street was reached. Here a large .Newfoundiaud dog appeared in the road and rushed toward the horse's head. The dog made reoeated efforts to grasp the bridle in his mouth, each time falling heavily to the road and narrowly escaping injury from the horse's feet But he at last made an e.vtraordinary spring in the air, and grasping the bridle firmly in his teeth, pulled the horse's head down and pat a stop to the runa way. We could aot learn the name of the owner of the horse. The dog havine done a remarkable service disappeared in the direction of George street. Eye witnesses state that it was one of tha most intelligent acts of a dumb beast wmen iney had ever seen. New B vtcr, n. j.j jrrei Michigan produces more salt than auy other'State. The sales from a Chicago dry goodj hoiisv? hist year aggregated 5t-J7.580.00O. The net profits of the Bank of En glaud are $133,000, a week, or about 922.500 a day. In Florida, there are 19,763 white people over ten years of age who cannot write their own name. Detroit Free Press. Now England manufactures $1,600. 000 worth of table cutlery every year and 'yet it isn't fashionablo to eat pie with a knife. The loss to England by the last three years of bad harvests is estimated at from a hundred to a hunilred and fifty million dollars a year. There aro on thousand artesian wells in Califoraia, three hundred of which are in the Sata Clara Valley. They average from 150 to 230 feet deep. New England requires about 20, 000,000 bushels of wheat and produces only 1,2.)0.000. New York uses about 30,000.000 and grows about 12,000,000. Hero are iomo of tho dividends de clared by English cotton mills in 1831: Moorlield. 17 Percent; Albert, 12 per cent; Twist, 16 per cent; Oak, 15 per cent; Parkside, 13 per cent; Stanley Mills, 13 per cent; Sun Mill Spinning Company, 12 por cent.; Roy ton Spin ning Company, 20 per cent In tlie ninety-nine oountios of Iowa there were in 1880, according to the census, 2,501 working oxen; 853,528 milch cows; 1,754,420 other cattle; 6.044,906 swine; 791.354 horses, aud 44,899 mules and asses. There wero in the State 1.624,615 people. The greatest number of milch cows in any one county was 22,232 in Lee; the greatest number of oxen, 806 in Du buque; of other cattlo, 42,391 in Lee; of swine, 138,185 in Cedar; of horses. 15, 949 in Clinton; of mules and asses, 1,917 in Fremont counties. The number of varieties of insects is vastly greater than that of all other living creatures. The oak supports 450 species of insects and 200 are 'found In the pine. Humboldt, in 1849, calculat ed that between 150,000 and 170,000 specimens were preserved in collections, but recent estimates place the present number at about 750.000 species. Nothing and nolxwly escapes taxa tion in Turkey. Tho Government takes one-tenth of all crops, besides which there is a tut of three-fifths of one per cent on the value of the land. On every sheep and goat there is an annual tax of twelve cents, and when a horo. cow or other domestic animal is sold two-and-a-half per eent of the prico goes to the Government. Then thero Is a house tax amounting to two-fifths of one percent on the value of houses worth under $800, and four-fifths of ono per cent on houses valued above that sum. From tho official balnnce-shcet of tho Paris exhibition of 1878, it appears that the total expenditures were, in round numbers, $11,155,000. and tho total receipts $4,870,000. leaving a de ficit of $6,285,000, which is more than three times the original deficit estimate, the estimate having been $2,000,000. In almost every item the expenditures exceeded the estimates, and so also of the receipts. Admissions returned $2, 675,000, or $125,0001ess thnn was antici pated. Money paid as wages amount ed to $800,000, as against an estimate of only $340,000. Water for the cascades and aquariums cost $560,000. the med als aud diplomas $400,000, ami the awards ceremony $40,800. WIT AND WISDOM. A turn in the tied tho first quarrel after marriage. Out West tho agents take care of the Indians, and the Indians recipiocal ly take hair of the agents. " If I thought I was going to be come gray. I know I should diet" ex claimed Miss Springlo. When she turned gray, she did iyo, sure enough. Wealth does not bring happiness. It only provides tho means by which .people can make themselves happy if they have a capacity for enjoyment "Ike has an irritating skin dis easo," Mrs. Partington says; "Charlotte mtwe broke out all over him, and if he hadn't wore the Injun beads as an ome let it would doubtless have culminated fatally." There are ten shades of gloves which are fashionable for evening wear, and there is no earthly excuse for a gen tleman blundering in upon a wedding with a pair of buckskin mittens on his paws. Dttrvit Free Press. " What Is your namoP" asked the Justice. "Smith," replied tho bibulous prisoner. "John," inquired the magis trate. "Jo," responded the prisoner. "That's demijohn," said Ms honor. "Well, you look like it; take ten days." The worst cut up man of the hour, according to a Cleveland paper. Is that Western reporter who, in describing the appearing of the belle of the town at a local picnic, intended to say that she looked aufait. but, of course, the types had to get it "'all feet" " Father, did you ecr have another wife besides mother 7" "No, my boy. What possessed you to ask such a ques tion?" "Because I saw in the old fam ily Bible where you married Anno Domini, in 1835; and that isn't mother, for her name was Sally Smith." "Ma, am I all made now?" asked a little miss of thrco-and-onc-half years at the breakfast table yesterday morning. "Why. dear?" said the fond mother. "Because I have had my ears pioreed, and was vaccinated yesterday." said little Tot Hartford Sunday Journal. "So you enjoved your visit to the Museum, did you'" inquired a young man of his adored one's little sister. "Oh yes! And do you know, that we saw a camel there that screwed its mouth and eyes around awfully; and sister said it looked exactly like you when yon are reciting poetry at evening parties." They had been engaged to bo mar ried fifteen years and still he had not mustered up resolution enough to ask her to name tho happy day. One overl ing ho called in a particularly spoony frame of mind, and asked her to sing him something tender and touchinir. something that would "move" him. She sat down at the piano and sang: 'Dar ling, I Am Growing Old." He was praising her beautiful hair, and begging for one tiny curl, when her little brother said; "Oh, my! 'taln't nothin' now; you just ought to hava seen how long it hangs down when she hangs it on the side of the table to comb It" Then they laughed, and she called her brother a cute little angel; and when the young man was going away, and heard that boy yelling, he thought the 14 wm takem suddenly and dangerously r .- - tt.-s