The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 22, 1882, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY FEB. 23, 1832.
Communications, to Insure insertion
in the next issue, should be in hand on
Mondays; if lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding ii6Ue-day. Advertisements,
of whatever class, should be in hand by
aoon, Tuesdays.
-Advertisements under this head 16.
cts. a line first Insertion, 10 cts. a line
each subseauent insertion. -
Insure of Becher & Co. 2
Penelope Saturday night.
George Lehman went to Omaha
. - The Gazette has completed its
first volume.
Plenty of money to loan at
Becher ft Co': 2
Harry Magoon, of Pallerton, was
in town last week.
The editor of the Journal was
offoffice duties Tuesday.
Mrs. WJlson is fast recovering
.from her illness of last week.
Penelope is immense, and My
Neighbor's Wife is "Immenser."
Dr. McAllister returned to the
city Tuesday last from a trip east.
At Brandt's Restaurant, a warm
jmVal for one dime. Don't forget it.
Several young men of the city
will depart for the west early in the
Tommy Stewart arrived in the
city from Rochester, N. Y., Sunday
Sup't. Moucrief started for Illi
nois this morning to be gone a couple
of weeks.
A snow set in here Sunday
night, with slight wind from the
Sup't. Moucrief will hold an ex
amination in Columbus on March
11th, at his office.
Plenty of old papers in bundles
of ten each, for five cents a bundle,
at the Journal office. tf
It is reported that a new, two
story brick depot is to be erected in
the spring by the U. P. Co.
A. M. Post and Judge Higgins
were in attendance on the Supreme
Court at Lincoln last week.
Dr. Wilson has been suffering
with sore eyes for some time, but
they appear to be improving.
Mrs. Will Rickly was visiting
Mrs. Calloway in Butler county last
week and returned on Saturday.
All -persons holding tickets for
Penelope and My Neighbor's Wife,
can present them Saturday night.
J. W. Temple's stock sale on
account of the storm Monday has
been postponed to Monday, Feb. 27.
Don't you forget that Ernst.
Schwarz & Co. are selling heating
stoves at cost, to close out their
-stock. 42-2
Fred. Meyer waB down from
Albion Saturday. He says that Dr.
liewis of that place was recently
Services this afternoon at 3 : 30
o'clock at Grace chnrch (D. V.) The
first of the Lenten season, the rector
We understand that the Opera
House is soon to be enlarged and re
fitted, a very much needed Im
provement. John Newman and Louis Roter
son, accompanied by a friend, gave
the 'Journal office a pleasant viBit
Friday evening.
The snow is not even enough for
good Bleighing. Guy Barnum's cut
er, however, did climb the ridges
nicely Tuesday.
Jno. Huber, auctioneer, tells us
that the thoroughbred bulls at Cor-
bin's sale Saturday last brought an
average of $81 a head.
To-night the Hook & Ladder
boys give their eighth annual ball at
the Opera House. Turn out and
.give them a full house.
Frank Buike and Charley Clark,
better known as the "Alabama
Team," gave the Journal boys a
pleasant call Friday last.
All stock raisers are ready to
improve their stock as soon as their
means will justify them in purchas
ing thoroughbred males.
The B. &.M. R. R-, known as
the "Burlington Route," offers spec
ial advantages to travelers. See
Advertisement in this paper. 43tf
-Anybody wausUar cMIce
Tlmetby HmffM seed
call at Was. BeckerV lre. It
to am excelleat oaallty f seed.
Remember that those who sub
scribe for the Journal paying one
yaar in advance, get Kendall's
Treatise on the horse and his dis
eases. There will be an adjourned
meeting of the citizens interested in
the organization of a library, and
reading room association this (Wed
nesday) evening.
Messrs. Saunders & CrosBland
have purchased thirty-eight cows in
Missouri, all good, graded stock,
mostly three-quarter blood, which
will be here in a few days.
AaylMMly wsubsIbk; kamws
r flewm call at Wat. Becker's
where yea caus ay very cheap.
Ceaae awea, as they sure -telllasr,
Cast. M
The opera house was filled to
overflowing on the occasion of the
performance of "Uncle Tom's Cab
in," last Friday night. That build
ing certainly ought to be enlarged.
-All who have paid their sub
scription to the Journal for the
year 1882 are entitled to a copy of
Kendall's treatise on the horse and
bif diseases, in either English or
German. 36-tf
On account of the Bevere storm
Monday night the entertainment
which was to have been given that
night was posponed until Saturday
evening, "Feb. 25th.
The Seward JReporler makes
mention of Dr. Policy and O. H.
Archer, of this city, sojourning
there, the latter nursing the rheu
matism, the former visiting his son
Rev. J. W. Little of the Presby
teriaa Church is delivering a series
of sermons on the Parable of the
good Samaritan. His evening dis
courses will be devoted to the above
Old farmers say that the snow
now falling is just what is needed
for the crops. If is well known that
snow is an excellent manure, besides
giving the proper degree of mois
ture to the land.
An application has been made
for the appointment of a guardian
for Mrs. Josephine Wyss, known as
Mrs.Wm. Gerhold ; the suit between
them was submitted to the Supreme
Court last week.
See what an excellent thing that
telephone is. Now at Omaha they
have had one put up from the city
to the pest house, and communica
tions go back and forth without any
danger of "catching' the small-pox.
Anniversary of Washington's
birthday. How many teachers of
the county have made mention of
the history of this great man ? Can
not more of our teachers send short
sketches of school work in their
district ?
It looks natural to see D. A.
Lord, the sheep king of Platte coun
ty, on deck again. The fact that he
has been back to the Empire state
to visit old friends seems to have
given to his countenance an ad
ditional smile.
Our snow storm which com
menced Sunday night, lasted only
one day and two nights, breaking
in upon the accustomed rule of
three days and nights. The weather
in Nebraska is decidedly undergo
ing material changes.
Young people who desire to
become better posted in regard to
the series of S. S. lessons called the
International, would do well to at
tend the Baptist Sunday school,
which is held in the afternoon at 3
o'clock. All are cordially invited.
O. H. Archer who has been in
the employ of the Columbus Jour
nal for sometime, became so sorely
afflicted with rheumatism that he
was obliged to lay up for repairs.
He came down to Seward and is
now at his father's in this city.--Blue
Valley Blade.
W. M. Robertson, Esq., and
Judge Searles of Madison passed
through town Monday, the latter on
his way to Alabama, the former to
Lincoln, and both on legal business.
Although going to a much warmer
climate, the Judge didn't purpose
staying more than a few days.
We furnish the American Agri
culturist (in English or German), the
best farmers' monthly in the world,
together with the Columbus Jour
nal, one year, to any address in the
United States or British Possessions,
for $3, cash in advance. The price
of the Agriculturist alone is $1.50.
The Herald says that the Fre
mont creamery turned out last week
its first cheese, and of good quality
too. The practical men generally
seem to think that the two businesses
of cheese and butter making should
be combined, to make a success, thus
giving work for all the year round.
Jno. Heitkemper, well known
to most of our readers, goes into the
grocery business about the 1st of
March, and will occupy the place
now occopied by his brother, the
jeweler, on 11th st. Jno. is one of
the cleverest of dealers, and will
have a good share of public patron
age Nearly every day the "prairie
schooners," laden with household
furnitnre and families, may be seen
piloting their way across the sea of
land in this region. These contain
some of the vast number who are
coming west to better their condi
tion. No better ships "sail the sea
Many of our subscribers are
taking the American Agriculturist
with the Journal, both for $3.00 a
year payable in advance. The Ag
riculturist is published in English
and German, is finely illustrated, and
is conducted on old-fashioned prin
ciples of honesty and common
sense. tf.
There was an adjourned meet
ing of the citizens to organize a
library and reading room associa
tion on Wedneeday evening last.
It was decided to organize perman
ently as soon as $500 is pledged.
The organization will provide means
of continuing the association in
good working order.
A public meeting of the Colum
bus Woman's Suffrage Association
at the Congregational church on
Wednesday evening, Feb. 22d, at 7
o'clock. All are cordially invited to
attend. The order of exercises will
consist of essays and impromptu
speaking. All opponents are espe
cially invited to participate.
We regret exceedingly to learn
that Fred. Barnhold of Richland lost
his bouse by fire last week. Mr.
Barnhold was about to move into
the building and provide for the
wants of travelers, in other words
keep a hotel. He was fortunate In
not having his household goods in
the building. Schuyler Herald.
Pat. Murray's building, corner
of 13th st and Neb. Avenue, is be
ing veneered with brick. It will
make a right handsome appearance
when finished. Pat. ought to have
all the credit due for his enterprise
in making bis property valuable,and
thus building up the business in
terests of the street upon which it is
A tramp, name unknown,
stole a pair of over shoes from
Greison Bros, and hid them in a
water closet. He was seen by two
of our citizens, who described him
to John McMahon, who tracked
him and found the shoes. The
tramp is now awaiting examination
by the police judge. What shall be
done with this class of meu in
society ?
RL Rev. R. H. Clarkson, D.D.,
Bishop of Nebraska diocese of the
Episcopal Church will officiate in
Grace Church Suuday, March 5th,
1882, at 11 a. m., at which time the
Holy communion will be adminis
tered. The Bishop will conduct eer
ice9 at Schuyler in the evening.
This is the occasion of his annual
visitation among the churches of his
About thirty people found their
way to the Opera House Monday
night in spite of the storm, and rath
er than see them go home disap
pointed, after walking that far thro'
the "beautiful snow" the performers
kindly gave a full rehearsal of Pene
lope, which was pronounced by all
present to be one of the neatest little
musical sketches ever played in
Jno. E. Dacke says that a great
many Illinoisans are coming to Ne
braska this spring. There is room
and work and welcome for tens of
thousands of them, and the sooner
they come the better for them and
Nebraska, too. Land is steadily
advancing in price here, and from
all appearances now, is destined
to go up higher in the next five
years than in any previous ten.
Another alarm of firo has sound
ed forth and the citizens were hur
ried forth to battle with one of the
most destructive of elements. The
whole city was in danger, and only
for the prompt action of those first
on the ground was such a catas
trophe averted. We understand
that Mr. Fitzpatrick's stable was
burned, also that of Mr. Miner was
burned during the late prairie fire,
on last Thursday, Feb. 16.
G. W. Clark was in the city Sat
urday making bin reports to Gus. G.
Becher & Co. George is one of the
best of men, and for this reason has
been engaged by the "Boss" insur
ance firm to travel for them. Some
people may think that George is
altogether too modest for an insur
ance agent, but all real merit is
modest, aud if he tells you that you
ought to insure, you may be sure
that he tells you the truth. 1
The Journal seldom makes
mistakes, and when It does, aims to
keep within bounds, as for instance,
several days ago when we 6poke of
a three year old steer sold recently
by the Moran Bros, of Creston, wc
did so from memory, knowing that
it was 1730 lbs. or 1370 lbs. We
stated it at the latter figure. It
preves to have been 1730 lbs. instead,
and we are pleased to note the cor
rection iu the interest of truth and
big cattle.
A young girl giving her name a
MoUie Homor, was picked up near
Galesburg, 111., in a state of harmless
insanity. She was lodged in jail for
safe keeping. She says she lives in
Nebraska. Has been at Lincoln and
Omaha, but refuses to give any par
ticulars. The girl is about 1C years
of age, rather tall, dark compaction,
clear skinned and extremely neat
and clean in her dress and personal
habits. It is hoped that this item
will meet the attention of some
friend of this girl who will return
her to her home and friends.
An accident on the U. P. Mon
day night was interesting to three
of our citizens, Drs. Mitchell & Mar
ty n and Mr. T. H. Saunders, who
were on board. It was the express
to Denver, and about a mile out
from Omaha. There were two en
gines pulling the train, when all at
once the forward engine jumped the
main track, running off on a side
track, against another train pointing
eastward and waiting for the passage
of the Denver. The first tender was
turned upside down, and thrown off
the track, but nobody hnrt. The
train was going on an np-grade, and
at a rate of about six miles an hour.
The air-brakes being immediately
applied, the shock was not severe.
A newspaper is a sort of public
conscience, when rightly conducted,
and, being itself a part of the com
munity in which it works, its ac
ensings have not that bitter edge
that would appear from one abroad.
There are all classes of men in al
most every community yon may
name, but there is a predominant
characteristic, as of men. These
remarks are suggested by a par
agraph in the Schuyler Herald of a
recent date, rnnning as follows:
"There is more truth than poetry
about the remark made by an in
telligent gentleman of this town,
when he said one great drawback to
our town is the large majority of
business men will not take hold ot
public enterprises, unless tbey can
see for every dollar invested a fair
prospect of two or five in return." 1
Tho Madison Chronicle has this
to say of Leonard Bryant: 'He
came to Madison aud got his father
to ;o on his bond, and is now at
home. Leonard is iu reality a good
boy, but was led into doing a deed,
the magnitude of which he never
considered until the facts and law
stared him in the face. If he is
wise he will profit thereby, and
when he once gets clear of his pres
ent difficulty be more careful of his
actions and with whom he associates."
Last Wednesday afternoon Dave
Postle took a ride of some eight
miles, entirely against his wishes.
He was out driving and when near
the depot the team became fright
ened and started up Howard avenue
regardless of Mr. Postle's objections
to the contrary. Though unable to
control them he could guide them
and kept them in the road until after
he had passed Capt. Force's place
when he succeeded in turning them
aud feeing the race track he con
cluded that'Was a good place to let
them have their run out. Though
using all his strength ho was unable
to stop them until they had scored
seven miles on the track. St. Paul
Free Press.
Ksiddei. Dvnlli.
Arnold Jaeggi, rcsidcucc in the
northeastern part of Valley pre
cinct, left his mother's house last
Monday about 11 o'clock and about.!
an hour afterwards, his little son
ran into the house crying and told
his grandmother that his father was
sick. Mrs. Jaeggi, who is an elderly
lady, went to tho stable and found
her son lying on his face dead. A
number of the neighbors were
quickly summoned and the body was
carried into the houc-e. It was de
cided that an inquest was not nec
essary. It was supposed that the
deceased died from either apoplexy
or heart disease. He was about
thirty-seveu years ot age, an inof
fensive man and leaves two small
children, his wife having died some
time ago. He hat two brothers liv
iug in Columbus and a sister, (Mrs.
John Horst) living at Silver Creek.
"May he rest in peace." Osceola
The American Agriculturist for
March is at hand, as bright and
cheery as ever, and is a publication
that no good tanner can well afford
not to have. The suggestions for the
season, given in each number, are
well worth the car's subscription.
Every interest conies in for a men
tion. The farm proper, the orchard,
the fruit garden, tho kitchen and
market garden, the flower garden
and lawn, greenhouse and wiudow
plants, &c. Everything of interest
or profit on the farm receives due
attention, the illustrations making
plans and methods plain to the eye.
This is a special feature ot the Agri
culturist that is very commendable.
In this number, for instance, there
are of these, a grain and stock barn,
feed boxes, corn marker, garden
marker, gates with wooden hinges,
pioueer's house costing .?250 to $500,
a barrel roller, sagging bar for a
gate, a cattle tic. a home-made desk,
&c. The expose of humbugs is an
other specialty of the Agriculturist,
Land iu this it excels all comers; in
this number, the following are ven
tilated : Ozone and Ozocerite; the
wash-rag plant ; the marriage en
dowment association ; religious lot
teries; nlectro-medirated glasses;
aud the nasty medicine men who
play upon the fears of the young,
and who only want money. Send
$1.50 to Orange Judd Co., 751 Broad
way, N. Y., or subscribe for both
this and the Journal, one year, J3
For the Journal.
That which fits any one for hap
piness and usefulness is a proper
object of instruction. Let the meth
ods be practically consistent and
timely. Beware of excluding the
true basis of thoughtful reasoning,
by the idea that theory is nothing;
but inculcate correct principles,
knowing that true sciences ever em
bodies iu tangible form the thread
of connection which exists, binding
our knowledge of the different
phases of human thought.
Above all, be so thoroughly in
earnest that the mind of the learner
will imbibe the true spirit of re
search. Put your own soul and life,
as it were, into our teachings, and
outgrowths of your work will be
students ot dilligent habits in the
complete mastery of some depart
ment of learning. Vallkv,
For the Journal.
What to Teach.
Agesilaus, king of Sparta, being
asked what things he thought most
proper for boys to learn, very ap
propriately replied, "Those things
which they should 2racticc when
they become men."
Now, I wonld ask the board of
education of the city of Columbus
what things our boys and girls at
the present day should learn? I
think the wise king of Sparta gave
a very appropriate answer.
What practical use will a partial
knowledge of algegra, geometryi
Latin, &c, (which is about all that
is ever acquired in our common
schools) be to the boys and girls,
when they go out into the busy
world to act for themselves?
Let all parents and guardians pay
more" attention to the right educa
tion of the 3'outh of our community,
and by frequent visits to the school
room see that they are pursuing
such studies as will be of practical
use to them in after life.
G. AV. Stkvens.
.School Afluir.
Editor Journal : It is very sel
dom that I have any objectiou to
make against the manuer iu which
public mailers are managed, but
there is one thing about the manage
ment of our schools that seems very
singular to me, aud I wonld like to
have some of the majority of the
school hoaid, who are in favor of
our present scheme, explain how it
is. Sec. 8 of the school law, among
other provisions, says "they (the
school-board) shall also elect at their
regular meeting in July annually,
one superintendent of public in
struction, who shall be the principal
teacher of the school, with such
salary as theoard may deem just."
If common report is true, our
superintendent is not a teacher at
all this winter, aud yet, as superin
tendent, it is, by law, a part of his
duty to be the principal teacher.
The legislature cvideutly meaut that
the superintendency should not be a
mere sinecure, a figure-head, a fifth
wheel to a wagon, but one of the
teachers, and the principal one.
Prof. McGinitie holds the office by
virtue of having been elected by the
Board, but isn't it something more
than a question whether the princi
pal teacher (Prof. Cramer) is not the
actual superintendent, and entitled
to at least the teacher's portion of
the pay for the duties of that office?
I submit to the attorneys of the
Board whether they cau virtually
change the law so as to put the bur
den ot the labor of the office upon
one man, and all of the pay for the
same into the pocket of another.
Or will they venture to say that,
outside of teachiug a school, the
-uperintendent's work is worth $90
a month?
Tax Payer.
J.ilr.iry nail Reading; Kooih.
There is an urgent necessity exist
ing for an institution of this charac
ter. It is an imperative duty on
those who have received the benefits
of like institutions to throw their
support in iav-r of any measures,
just and right in themselves, that
will advance the prosperity and add
to the value of the results of a work
ot this kind. All who are indebted
to our public schools for the rudi
ments of their scholarship should
join in securiug a strong 'basis of
support tor this aid in furtherance of
the cause of education, and we be
lieve, ot morality also. The business
man will find here an open door to
usefulness, aud a greater return for
his investment than any other re
quiring so small an expenditure.
The necessity for a library and read
ing room should be so established in
the minds and hearts of all interest
ed in this kind of work, and so fully
a part of the actual necessities to
their social well-being and happi
ness, that nothing shall daunt them,
or take, in any measure, the desired
There will be means of continuing
the workings of the library without
taxing any one so that it will be felt.
The running expenses will be kept
at a minimum.
Whoever desires to see this move
ment succeed should go to work in
earnest. Do not be listless, idle, or
ow in this undertaking. It can be
done, and it will be done if there are
only a few who have a deep enough
interest in the matter to come out
and battle for it. Count the benefits
to yourself, and then consider that
your return amply compensate you
for a considerable sacrifice. You
need also the encouragement of your
neighbor. Talk the matter over
with enough interest in your own
mind to be able to arouse interest in
others. Valley.
Reserved NeatM.
Editor Journal: There is an
evil practiced upon our citizens by
traveling troupes who occupy our
Opera House, aud such au evil, if it
is continued, will lead to a scene that
will be regretted by all concerned,
therefore it will be well to attack it
with the pen, as the mightier weapon,
than the digits ot some stalwart de
fender of personal rights. The sell
ing of reserved seats has always been
construed as guaranteeing the seat so
purchased, as the right to possession,
hence the coupon attached to the
ticket so purchased ; there have been
frequent occasions of vexation and
chagrin, by ladies holding tickets,
and finding their seats occupied by
persons who did not even have a
coupon for their scat, and of gentle
men with ladies, having the mortifi
cation to be stoutly refused his seats,
by other occupants, and from failure
of support from the usher, who
should promptly eject all such in
truders, hunts a seat as best he can,
ofteu debarred the company of his
lady friend, rather than be the actor
of a scene not on the bills. La3t
Friday night capped the climax for
downright swindling, and utter dis
regard of the right? of the patrons of
the drama, or other entertainments
given by troupes occupying our
Opera House. One hundred reserv
ed scats were sold at an extra charge
of 25 cents each, and I believe not
more than 50 were secured to the
purchasers. The usher in charge
deliberately tearing up coupons en
titling the holder to reserved seats,
obliterating the proof of claim. It
is not my wish to incite ill-will to
wards any parties or indulge in
ebulitions of wrath, but I will sug
gest to the proprietors of the Opera
House, or to the agent selling tickets
for reserved seats that ushers shall
bc-furnished or a policeman station
ed on nights of entertainments, who
will require the enforcement of all
contracts so made by coupon attach
ment to tickets 60 sold for reserved
seats, or stand responsible for the
consequences that may follow a rep
etition of last Friday night's bull
dozing, be it man or woman.
The Chicago Herald.
Elsewhere will be found the ad
vertisement of the Chicago Herald,
one -of the best, neatest, cleanest and
nicest newspapers in the country,
edited by Hon. Frank IV. Palmer,
late of the Inter-Ocean. We will
furnish the Columbus Journal and
the Weekly Chicago Herald, one
year, for $2.75 ; Journal and Sun
day Herald, $3; Journal and Daily
Herald $0.50. 40-tf
letter -List
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-office, in
Columbus, for the week endiug Feb.
18, 1832:
II Martin Borroiack, D. Boadner.
C Wm. Connelly, Cora Corbet.
K Andrew Kornis.
Marshall Oakley.
N I. Summerdelit.
ir not called for in 30 days will be sent
to the dead -letter office. Washington, D.
C. "When called for please say "adver
tised," as these letters are kept separate.
E. A. Obrrard, P. M..
Columbus. Nebr.
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line each insertion.
Alchobol for sale at E. D. Shee
han's. Money to loan by J. M. Mac
farland. Buttons, 5 cents a dozea at Mrs.
Stump's. 1
Clearing sale of reananta at
For Scotch and Irish whiskies,
go to Ryan's' on llth street. 37-tf
Go and see that lace at Hem
plemau's, 10 cents, per bunch. 42.2
Patent fire kindlers; try them
22tf at Hudson's
House and lots for sale at a bar
gain. For particulars, call on J. B.
Delsmau. 41-3
Ernst Swartz & Co. are selling
hardware cheaper than anybody else
in Columbus. 1
All-wool jackets for 75cents at
Mrs. Stump's. 1
Schmitz Bros, keep the very
best brands of liquors, cigars,
wines, and brandies. Their stock is
full and complete. 42-tf
Don't you forget it I I challenge
competition, with my Surprise five
cent cigar at Hudson's.
Choice pickles, by the quart or
gallon, at G. C. Lauck's, one door
east of Heintz's drug-store. 31-tf
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-and-Iabor, neatly
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
Go to Win. Ryan's on llth
street for your fine Kentucky whis
kies. 20wtf.
You can get ladies suits cheaper
than yon can get the goods for, at
Mrs. Stump's. It
Ernst, Swarz & Co. are selling
barbed wire cheaper than any body
else in Columbus. 1
. Wm. Schilz is again at the old
stand ready to do all kinds of cus
tom work iu the Boot and Shoe
line. 42-3
Call and get one of Ball's health
preserving corsets, every one war
ranted to give perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. $1.25. Galley
Bros., sole agents for Columbus.
We have a splendid assortment
of boots and shoes, including some
of the very latest styles, and they
are going fast. Remember, at the
popular place on llth street.
31tf Greisen Bros.
Wm. Scheidemantel sells the
very best of steaks, roasts, and
other meats at the very lowest ratea.
Give him a call and be convinced.
Best Tomatoes in the market.
Fifteen cents a can, or seven cans for
one dollar. Also boneless Hams, at
Julias Basmtusen's. It
Call at the new millinery store.
Nice silk suits, cashmere suits, and
children's 6uits for $2.00 at Mrc.
Stump's. 1
Remember that Slattery's, one
door north of the post-office, have a
good variety of valentines on hand,
which ought to be sent out during
this month. 1
Dr. McAllister has returned
from Chicago, where he has been
visiting and buying a large stock of
material for his different branches
of business, also a nice assortment
of the celebrated mechanical orguin
ettes, and a large quantity of music
for the same. Call and see for
yourselves. 43 It
Having procured the services of
Edward Smith, a practical workman,
late of Chicago and formerly of St.
Louis, I can now wait upon my
many patrons with dispatch and
good work. So come one and all
where you can get your work done
in a workman like manner. "Fatty"
Woods, proprietor Chicago Barber
Shop, 12th street, one door east of
Uhlig'8 hardware store. 1
ticHlie RarffalM.
3,500 yards of bleached muslin,
in pieces of from 3 to 10 yards, at 8
cents per yard, cheap at 10, at Kram
er's New York Cash Store.
Protect Year Sole.
Greisen Bros, say they are so
rushed selling boots and shoes that
they scarcely get time to write up
any advertisement. 31tf
Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur
nish brick, either at his kiln north
west of the city ; delivered anywhere
in the city, or built in the wall, at
reasonable rates.
Those who are owing me, either
by note or acc't, will much oblige by
calling and settling the same before
the first of March, and save the ex
penses of a collector. 42-2
Thos. Farrell.
City Property far Male.
100 lots in Smith's addition to Co
lumbus, in the northwest part of the
city. The most desirable residence
lots now iu the market. Prices low
and terms easy.
Speice & North.
Cleslas; Oat.
All repairings left with Charles
Heinrich the gunsmith, must be
taken away before April 1st. Par
ties wishing to buy anything in my
line will find it to their interest to
see me and get prices, for I will sell
ta cost.
41-4 . Charles Heinrich.
Weald Bather Walk
taaa Bla,
If you would buy your boots" and
shoes of Greisen Bros. We keep a
great variety to select from and all
the boyB, girls, men and women can
tell you so. Give us a call, for we
deal in nothing but genuine goods.
There will be a vocal and instru
mental concert held at the Reinke
school house, district No. 2, Saturday
March 4, 1SS2, commencing at 7
o'clock p. m. xVd mission 25 cents.
All are invited. 42-2p
Farmers -to w ta e CioMea Mil
let. You- can sow it ou weedy land it
will kill out your weeds. You can
sow it after all your spring work is
done. It will yield up to 4 tons of
best hay and over. All kinds of
stock like it. Julius Rasmussen has
the seed for sale. 42-2
To rent a farm or work.oa shares.
Would like a farm-with a team and
farming utensils and with about 50
or 75 acres broke. Address, S. S.
Hardy, Sterling, Weld couuty, Col
orado. Reference, Joha Hammond,
Columbus. ' 42-4
Aaalalstratra Male.
Will be sold Feb. 23tb, '82; com
mencing at 10 a. m., sharp, two miles
north of Duncan, Platte Co., Neb.,
at the late residence of George
Rieder, the following property : 20
head of cattle, 9 cows, 3 heifers com
ing 3 years old, 3 steers coming 3
years, 2 steers 1 year old. 2 work
horses, 1 3 year old colt, 1 2 year old
colt, a lot of poultry, 12 hogs, reaper
and mower combined, 1 stirring
plow, 1 breaking plow, 1 riding and
1 walking cultivator, 1 wagon, 1 hay
rake, 1 harrow, and lot of bay, house
hold furniture and other articles
too numerous to mention.
Terms AU sums of $10 and under
cash; above that amount, nine
months' credit, on bankable paper,
ten per cent, interest ; ten per cent,
off for cash.
Albert Rieder,
Admr of George Rieder, Dec'd.
John Huber, Auctioneer. 42-2
Our quotations of the markets are oh
tainedTuesday afternoon,and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat No 1 $105
Wheat No. 2, (K
Corn, 40
Oats new, 38
Flax, 80 95
Rye 65
Flour 300500
Butter, 1520
Eggs, 1015
Potatoes, 100
Hams, 12Kt4
Shoulders, 8
Sides, 10
Fat Hogs 5 40(gr 8
Fat Cattle 300.44 00
Calves 12 50
Sheep 3 00
Iowa SB 50
Hard $13 5015C
Rock Springs nut $7 00
Rock Springs lump j 00
fiansas .......... $t yo
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line, tint insertion, three centt
a line each subsequent insertion.
Maeep Fer Sale.
One hundred good medium sheep for
2G-tf Thos. Keating.
The Beat LlqnorM
Wines and beer for medicinal, me
chanical or chemical purposes at E. D.
Befcalar Steele Uealer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
aud sold; also fat and stock hogs.
379-y D. ANDKKbON.
Laid for Sale.
160 acres, 5 miles west of Colum
bus; 75 acres under cultivation, 40 acre
hay land, $10 an acre, on easy terms.
Inquire at JOURNAL office.
Taken up an my premises, five and a
half miles northeast from Columbus,
Feb. 1, 1882,
about six months old, weight 75 to 80
lbs. The owner will please prove prop
erty and pay expenses.
41p5 A. Eikkmykr.
Taken up at the premises of A. C.Tur
ner, Feb. 3d, a
weighing about 175 lbs. Both ears crop
ped. The owner will prove property,
pay charges, &c.
41-5 John Gkokgk.
Came to my place in Stearns precinct,
January 8th, 1882,
with white spots. She is about twelve
months old. The owner will please
prove property, pay expense, and take
the animal away.
40p5 George Kupkr.
" Carpenters and Contractors.
Have bad an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunity toestimate for you. IjySbop on
13th St., one door west of Friedbof &
Co's. store, Columbus. Nebr. 483-y
1 8 Way Eraibg, U) 22d, 1882.
iSsTThe If aennerchor Orchestra will
farnlah Music, and good Call
ing is Guaranteed. Ev
erybody Invited.
Committee of Arrangements:
Herman Ohiilkicii, I Wm. McAllister,
Geo. Clotuer, Geo. Fairciuld.
Jieception Committee:
Jab. E. North, G. W. Clothek.
J7oor Managers:
Geo. FAiRCHryjj, 40,3
Union Pacfic Land Office.
On Long Time and low rate
of Interest.
All wishing to buy Rail Road Lands
or Improved Farms will And it to their
advantage to call at the U. P. Land
Office before lookin' elsewhere as I
make a specialty of buying and selling
lands on commission; all persons wish
ing to sell firms or unimproved land
will tind it to their advantage to leave
their laads with me for sale, as my fa
cilities for affecting sales are unsur
passed. I am prepared to make final
proof for all parties wishing" to get a
patent for their homesteads.
7Henry Cordes, Clerk, writes and
speaks German.
Agt. U. r. Land Department,
Can now afford
All the News every day on four large
pages of seven columns each. The Hon.
Frank W. Palmer (Postmaster of Chi
cago), Editor-in-Chief. A Republican
Daily for
$5 per Year,
Three mouths. $1.50. One month on
trial GO cents.
Acknowledged by everybody who has
read it to be the best eight-page paper
ever published, at the low price of
Postage Free.
Contains correct market report, all
the news, ami general rciding interest
ing to the farmer and hit family. Special
terms to agents and club.' Sample
Copies free. Address,
120 anil 122 Fifth-av.,
B. & M. R. R.
Examine map and time tables carefully.
It will be seen that this line connects
with C. B. A Q. It. R.; in Hut they
are under otie management,
and taken together form
what is vailed
Shortest and Quickest Line to
mm, . Loi. pejus.
JLmi Especially to all Peimts
Through coaches from destination on C.
11. & Q. R. R. No transfers; changes C. B. & Q. R. R. to connect
ing lines all made in
Union Depots.
Upon application at any station on the
road. Agents arc also prepared to check
baggage through; give all information as
to rates, routes, time connections, etc.,
and to secure sleeping car accomoda
tions. This company is engaged on an exten
tion which will open a
And all points in Colorado. This ex
tention will be completed and ready for
business in a few months, and the pub.
lie can then enjoj all the advantages of
a through line between Denver and
Chicago, all under one management.
P. Si. Esutlsw
Geu'l Tk't A'gt,
43y Omaha, Nkb.
Great Rednetiei in Goods of all Kinds at
T!? A at a'most an' prl"e from 20
LJ!j.rl. cents upwards; a tine Basket
tired Jap, very cheap; come and try it.
Pm?1?l?T?Q If y haven't had
jJSl J HjUjO. any of my Coffees yet,
come at once and get prices; they are
bargains. Try them.
T'AT IT cheap, but facts will tell.
-LiiljrY Just convince yourself, and
see that you can buy more goods of ma
for one dollar, than at any other store in
the west.
A 17Ti" Vv DiK drives in shoes, Hue
xa x-yu syrups, cnoice
coffees, the
best of teas always on hand.
"I7,'L)TTTrP A large assortment of
r XV U 1 1 . California and Eastern
canued "Fruit cheap.
lET-fruduce taken in exthawjt, at cash
prices. Goods delivered in the
citv, free of charge, ji 3U-y
HI iTaKu
L " (J wl r