The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 01, 1882, Image 4

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For the Journal.)
Mkeep r iwr-A Iiml
Jim. "Well, uncle, I am going to
get me some sheep. I think there is
money in sheep."
Uncle Andrew. "Ye, if you pit
it into tlMfoJ
Jint. "How do yon an?"
U. A. "I mans jast what I My.
Yea"a jyTrid of a good deal f
two baachna,al different tinat,jMch
buaoh had ktninnabby, but wm aaid
to be all rlgbtbeii I bought the..
Not long, Jiiwerer, and' the scab
( came back on them, and L bad to
shear and dip them."
. 4 Jim. "And the woel brought you
'enough to pay for keepiag, dipping
aid shearing them, besides, good in
terest onJhe'-tnoney forested?"
U. A.!-N,iirI- Not at all."
Jim. "Well, yoa got a lot of
lambs, too, they were clear profit,"
U. A. "We castrated a lot of ram,
lambs and lost over half of them.
So much for one year. The next
winter the scab came on again aad
beside it a new trouble. . The scab
made them loose the wool, bat the
"nasty varmints' were not satisfied
.with that, they begaa to eat the little
wool left by the scab."
Jim. "That was bad, bat J saw
yon got over it with them."
U. A. "Yes, by feeding them a
lot of chalk 1 got rid of their wool
eating, bnt not of the scab. After 1
got rid of that with the old ones, the
lambs had caught it, and there was
no help but shearing them. It was
rather late in the season, and about
a dozen were lost. by death; castra
tion had caused a.number of Josses
before aad se-my losses ate ap all
the profits."
Jim. "Bat you had sheared your
lambs, aud no doabt realized a snog
little sum for wool."
U. A. "Yes, if it had not been
for the cock leburrs the wool hay
ing some of them in it, and I lost on
a little batch about $15."
Jim. "You seem to hare pretty
bad luck with your sheep."
U. A. "Not more so than other
people. I hear others complain of
all these and many other troubles
and annoyances and losses of sheep."
Jim. "And yet everybody either
has sheep or is going to get some."
" U. A. "Some few may have bet
ter lock with them than I had, and
if 'you are getting some I hope you
will be one of the lucky ones. If
you, however, follow my advice,
you will get cows for your money,
instead of sheep, and my reasons for
such-advice are briefly these: --You
can sever keep your sheep (if they
are clean) from petting scabby. Ev
ery post, every tree, every wagon or
other implement on a farm where
scabby sheep are kept is infected.
On every rod of the ranche they
pasture, the disease will be caught
by -cleaa sheep. At one time of the
year they have to be guarded against
the wild oats. Then come the cock
leburrs, -the eandburrs and other
weeds. If you don't keep them
away from your cattle and horses
they are kicked and gored (some of
mine bad big ruptures)? the hogs
will eat your lambs, wolves and
dogs will kill your sheep, and who
knows all the troubles and annoy
ances connected with sheep farming.
I advise you, Jimmy, my boy, in
stead of sheep, get as many good
cows as you can, send the milk to
the creamery, and you will make
money, and. save yourself a great
deal of botheration."
- Jim. "I believe you are right and
I will follow your good advice."
Selectiaa; See Crau
We notice an article going the
rounds of the agricultural press, oa
the .beet method of saving seed corn,
and' with very little variation the
same ideas have been rehashed for a
generation. The article in question
advises going into the field and se
lecting the first ripe ears, and espe
cially securing those where two ears
grow on one stalk. Now this is all
yery well in the northern borders,
where early ripening is a first essen
tial, and the small dwarfish corn
naturally bears several small ears,
and it is with sach corn that this
selection originated. In the great
corn belt of Ohio, Illinois, and Indi
ana, if corn matures by the last of
September it is better than if it were
earlier. All early products are
dwarfed in habit JNo one ever saw
the largest, plumpest ear of yellow
corn the first to ripen. . This early,
ripening indicates dwarfish, habit;
aad lessened yield. The longer the
corn is maturing if it escape frost,
the greater the yield, other things
DeWeqSlf- - - -iAaaarerjtly,
there is rain by two
ears oa a-sulk, bat if the two are ao
larger, tthanane ongatto be, who
would aot rather have the one?
Besides, encouraging the growth of
many ears on a stalk, brings oat
their undesirable babits. Thus, at
every joint or node,Uhere is the
capacity of starting an ear, but if all
grew there would not be vitality
enough to perfect any of them.
Now if ali the vital force be .thrown'
a one, it is certain that one will be
roach more perfect than two or more
could be. Againiftae tendency, be
eacoaraged for all the joists to
throw out ears, the same effects the
lower joints which throws out
"suckers," aad these drink ap the
juices of the plant, aad are more
detrimental than weeds, and to get
rid of which requires a great deal of
hard labor. This tendency to suck
er, prevents the throwing out of the
brace-roots which are of value as
mechanical support as well as essen
tial feeders.
If a fodder corn is wanted, the
many eared sucking kind is prefer
able, but wbea cora is grown from
the grain, one perfect ear Is the best.
Now. how shall that ear Deselect
ed? Let it be understood that all
parts of a plant are ia harmony, and
connected with each other. No one
eversnwahrgeshortearon a tall,
slim' stalk, aors loag earon a thick
sulk, the stalk and ear are thus re
lated. Tall stalks are not desirable,
for they are mare liable to be blown
down by the winds. The best stalk
is thick at the' butt, asd rapidly ta
pers upward, aad ought, to be less
than tea feet ia height.- It should
bear one aaf of -like propor
tion. lThis ear should be placed
low down and have from twenty to
twenty-six rows, well-filled at the
tip, and the stem small, so as to be
easily broken. The kernel should
be deepwith little or none of the
roughness of the blackberry. The
cob will, of course, be, larger than,
that of the twelve aad sixteen rowed
long eared varieties, for so great a
number of rows necessitates this, but
we cannot "understand why this is
regarded as- objectionable. We do
not knew as there is any fixed limit
to the number of rows on the ear,
which could be gained by selection
aad high culture. From actual ex
periments running through the last
seven years, I have secured what
may be regarded as a permanency
of twenty-four rows, with many
ears of twenty-six and twenty-eight,
and occasionally an ear with thirty
two and even thirty-six. There is
no plant more sensitive to selection
and culture than corn, and none
which better repays such care.
It will be seen from the foregoing
that in selecting seed,-we must look
further than simply to the ear. Its
form is a type of the stalk on which
it grew and will reproduce. Still
farther, if the best results are de
sired the tip of the ear should be
rejected for seed. ' The reason of
this will be evident when the growth
of the ear is understood. The germs
at the base are first to start, and the
process extends upward, until at
last when the tip is reached the vital
force is exhausted, and the kernels
grow smaller, vitality begin to be
exhausted, and the ear should be cut
at that point. ' '
These details may be regarded as
frivolous aad of little consequence,
but when we consider how stock
are improving by just such atten
tion to seeming trifles, we shall
ce&se to doubt. The time to select
is at husking when all the field
passes in 'review.' If a desirable
variety is planted, a few bushels of
ears can readily be t selected,, and
after 'these are dried, from r them
those which approach the type. fixed
in the miad as the right one, may be
taken and cut or shelled back to the
point where the kernels are fully
The kernels at the base of the ear
have been objected to, but their
form is the only real objection, and
it is doubtful if they would be any
gain in cutting them off. , .,
In this manner, seed may be .se
cured which will send up strong
vigorous' sprouts and the increased
yield will many times repay the care
bestowed: Hudson Tultle in the
Western BuraL
A. CareFi
Ia view of the prevalence of this
disgusting disease in many parts of
the eoantry,rwe clip the following
from HaWs Journal of Health : "I
herewith append a receipt, a Paris
physician says, which has been need
to. my knowledge in hundreds of
cases. It will prevent or cure the
smallpox though the pittings are
filling. When Jenner discovered
cowpox iu -England the world hurl
ed an avalanche of fame on his head,
but when the most scientific school
of medicine in the world that of
Paris published the recipe as a
panacea for smallpox, it passed un
heeded." It is as .unfailing as fate,
and conquers in every instance. It
is harmless when taken by a well
person. It will also cure scarlet
fever. Here is the recipe as I have
used it, and cured my children of
scarlet fever; here it is as I have
used it to core the smallpox ; when
learned physicians said the patient
must die,, it cured. Sulphate of
zinc, one grain ; foxglove (digitalis),
one grain; half a teaspoonful of
sugar; mix with two tablespoon fuls
of water. When thoroughly mixed,
add four oaaces of water. Take a
spoonful every hour. Either disease
will disappear iu twelve hours. For
a child, smaller doses, according to
age. If counties would compel their
physicians to use this there would
be no need of pest-houses. If yon
vaW advice and experience, use this
for that terrible disease.
A young lady who graduated from
a high school last July is teaching
school up in New Hampshire. 'A
bashful young geatlemaa visited the
school the other day, and was asked
by the teacher to say a few words to
the pupils. This was his speech:
"Scholars, I hope you will always
love your school and your teacher as
much as I do." Tableau-Giggling
boys and girls aad a Mashing achool-
The greet thinker is seldom a dis
putant. Ha answers other men's
argwmeats by stating the truth as
he tees it.
What is a Cteaslesaaa?
It is almost a definition ot a gen;
tletnau to say he is one who never
inflicts pain. This description is
both refined and, as far as it jroec,
accurate. He .is mainly occupied in
merely removing the obstacles which
hinder the. free and unembarrassed
action of those about him; and he
concurs with their movements rath
er than takes the initiative himself.
His benefits may be considered the
parallel .to what are called comforts
or convenience in arrangements of a
personal nature ; like any easy chair
or a good fire, which do their part
in dispelling cold and fatigue,though
aatureprovides means of rest aud
animal heat without them.
The true gentleman in like manner
carefully avoids whatever may cause
a jar or a jolt in the minds of those
with whom he is cast ; all clashing
of opinion, or collision of feeling, all
restraint or suspicion, or gloom, or
resentment ; his great concern being
.to make every one at their ease and
at home. He had hi6 eyes on all his
company; he is tender toward the
bashful, gentle towards the distant
and merciful towards the absurd;
he guards against unseasonable allu
sions or topics whicb,may irritate ?
be is seldom prominent in conversa
tion, and never is wearisome. He
makes light of favors while he does
them, and seems to be receiving
when he is conferring.
He never speaks of himself except
when compelled, never defends him
self by a mere retort; he has no ear
for slander or gossip, is scrupulous
in imputing motives to those who
interfere with him and . interprets
everything for the best. He is nev
er 'mean or little in his disputes,
never takes unfair advantages, never
mistakes personalities or sharp say
ings for arguments, or insinuates
evils which he dare not say ont.
From a. long sighted prudence he
observes the maxim of the ancient
sage, that we should conduct our
selves .toward our enemy as if he
were one day to be our friend. He
has too much good sense to be af
fronted at insults, and is too well
employed to remember injuries. He
is patient, forbearing and resigned,
on philosophical principles. He sub
mits to pain, because it Is irrepara
ble ; to death, because it is his desti
ny. If he engagos in controversy ot
any kind, his disciplined intellect
preserves him from the blundering
discourtesy of better,- perhaps, but
less educated minds, who, like blunt
weapons, tear and hack instead of
cutting clean, who mistake the point
in argument, waste their strength on
trifles, misconceive their adversary,
and leave the question more involv
ed than they find it. He may be
right or wrong in his opinion, but
he is as simple as he is forcible, and
as brief as he is decisive. - Nowhere
shall we find greater candor, consid
eration, indulgence. He throws him
self into the minds of his opponents,
he accounts for their mistakes, he
knows the weakness of human rea
son, as well as its provinces and its
limits. If he be an unbeliever he
will, be too profound and too large
minded to ridicule religion or to act
against it ; he is too wise to be a
dogmatist or fanatic in his infideli
ty. He respects piety and devotion ;
he even supports institutions as
venerable, beautiful or useful, to
which be does not assent; he honors
the ministers of religion, and it con
tents him to decline its mysteries
without assailing or denouncing
them. He is a friend of religious
toleration, and that, not only be
cause his philosophy has taught him
to look upon all forms of faith with
an impartial eye, but also from the
gentleness of feeling, which is the
attendant on civilization.
Make Mease Caeerial.
A lady correspondent of the De
troit Free Press says : I know boys
who have gone astray and saddened
the hearts of parents, and yet the
fault was with the parents. The
only way to keep your boys free
from crime and stain is to keep them
as close .to your hearts as possible.
The boy who is "tied to his mother's
apron string" seldom goes wrong. I
like that kind of a boy, he is honeBt,
kindly, polite and manly to a fault.
When you can make home the hap
piest spot on earth for husband and
children, we will have little cause
for heart-aches.
When I hear a wife complaining
about her husband's club and his
constant attendance upon it, I al
ways desire to see her at supper
time. J have an idea that she sits
at the evening meal in a dirty calico,
with slippers down at the heel,
clotbes-pln pinning her dress at the
collar, no signs of ribbon or bow,
and her hair as frowzy as the tout
ensemble of a political primary. I
fancy that her face wears an air so
icy that her husband catches cold
every lime he looks at her. A
sloucby, untidy, frowning wife can
not compete with a club or a bil
liard room to save her life. If she
wants her better-half (in this in
stance) to stay at home, let her wear
the old smile, neat dresses and tasty
coiffure she wore when he wsb
courting her. Let the room be clean
and the ire brightly burning. Let
her commence an honest endeavor
to make home a brighter, sunnier
spot than the club and the saloon,
and she'll sooa get over her heart
aches. If a boy is wanted to grow op a
lover of home, home must be made
worth the laving! Don't crowd
him down ; donvtf keep telling him
that boye should be scon not heard ;
don't make him nit ou a certain place
until he Is ou the verge of paralysis
and don't make himrcad "Baxter's
Saints' ReM." when Jules Verne's
and J. S. C Abbott' books are what
he wants. Don't refuse him a
cookio or an apple, eitber,jnst be
fore bed-time, telling him it is un
healthy. If the stomach does not
want fruit it will not ask for it, aad
the physician who says otherwise
should not doctor a sick pump or a
diseased ironing-board forme. And
further, don't send your boy to bed
at half-past seven o'clock. I've
known boys nJsed as above, and
nine out of ten grew up rascals, and
the tenth was an idiot. Such boys
run off the first chance they get and
try to becomo circus clowns and In
dian fighters. I do not blame them,
The soundings of a bridge across
the Missouri at Blair still continue,
under direction of Mr. McKean, who
constructed the Missouri bridge at
Bismarck. The engineer reported to
a correspondent of the Sioux City
Journal that he found rock at the
depth of forty feet below the surface,
which would be that much in favor
of a bridge. At Omaha the rock" Is
about eighty feet below the surface.
The rock at Blair, the engineer says,
is only a shell four feet thick.
Whether it is firm enough to serve
as a bare to a bridge pier he did not
say. The river at Blair has been
cutting toward the Nebraska side
the past season, and is now about
eighty rods from the Blair bluffs. If
the river can be confined to its pres
ent channel, the bother about build
ing a bridge at Blair would not be
so great. But the Iowa bank is a
wide sandbar, and the river for some
distance up and down is flat and
shifting. The engineer declined to
express any opinion as to whether
the Blair bridge site is practicable.
Of the survey of the river the Blair
correspondent of the Omaha Repub
lican writes: "A party of civil, en
gineers in the interest of the Sioux
City and Pacific railroad have been
for some time at work along the
river near the ferry, and the prevail
ing opinion is that a bridge across
the Missouri is definitely located at
this point, and that the work will be
commenced tho prespnt season."
Fremont Herald.
Tarratealae; Calltfrea.
Being once iu company with ,a
mother aud her threo children, we
observed one of them, a boy about
six years old, who was particularly
unruly and mischievous. At one
act of his rudeness his mother, being
somewhat excited, turned to him
and threatened to punish him se
veroly if he should repeat it. In a
few minutes the little fellow did
precisely the same thing, and as the
mother did not notico it, we ventur
ed to say to him : "Did you hear
your mothor say she would punish
you, if you did that again?" The
urchin, with the expression of a
bravado on his counteuance, quickly
replied: "I'm not afraid; mother
often says she'll whip me, but she
don't do it." The mother smiled, as
if her little boy had really said a
smart thing; but alas! she was
teaching him a lesson of insubordi
nation which would probably make
her heart ache. Mother, never un
necessarily threaten ; bat when you
do threaten, be careful not to falsify
your word.
A gentleman from Nemaha coun
ty was in Tecuinseh last week with
a wagon load of the finest apples we
have seen this year. He informed
us that he had raised 800 bushels the
past season, and was selling them
rapidly at (2 per bushel. Who says
it does not pay to plant fruit trees.
Johnson Co. (Neb.) Journal.
"War is a dreadful destroyer of
Human life," remarks a correspon
dent in beginuing an article on "The
Destiny of Liberty." This is, indeed,
true, but for steady work give' us a
coal-oil lamp.
'What is the moon good for?' ask
ed Prof. Miller; 'what are Its prin
cipal use6?' And the smart bad
boy looked up from the foot of the
class and said: 'To rest the gas
A Professor Gunning, up in Mich
igan, is lecturing on, "After Man,
What ?" A For Wayne editor, who
has been there, rises to remark that
it is generally the sheriff or some
The man who studies to be re
venged only manages to keep hiB
own wounds green.
It often happens that those whom
we Bpeak least of on earth are best
known in heaven.
Affliction, like the iron-smith,
shapes as it smites.
ISTCards under this heading will be
inserted for 3 a year.
O. A. R. Baker Post No. 9, Department
of Nebraska, meets every second and
fourth Tuesday evenings in each
month in Knights of Honor Hall, Co
lumbus. John Hammond, P. C.
D. D. Wadbworth, Adj't.
H. P. Bower, Searg. Maj.
IFi'ne, Ales, Cigars and Tobacco.
ffySchilz's Milwaukee Beer constant
ly on hand.yl
Eleventh St., Columbus, Neb.
VanWyck, U. 3. Senator, Neb
raska City.
A.LVIN Saunders, U.S. bonator, Omaha
T.J. Major, Rop Peru.
E. K. Valentine, Bji.. West Point.
A'lbinus Nance, Governor, Lincoln.
S.J. Alexander, Secretary ot State,
.int. Wm11Ic!i. Auditor. .Lincoln.
G. M. Bartlett, Tre isurer, Lincoln.
C.J. Dllwortu, .vttoruey-ueaerai.
W. W. W. Jones, Supt. Public lastruc.
U. J. Nobes, Warden of Penitentiary.
cVGoula?' 80B IP". .
J.O. Carter, Prison Physician.
H. P. Mathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum.
S. Maxwelf, Chief Justice,
imffiSbb A-oclate Judges.
FOURTH judicial district.
tf. W. Post, Judge, York.
M. B. Beese, District Attorney, Waaeo.
M.B. Hoxie, Register, Grand Island,
Wm. Aayan, Receiver, Grand Island.
I . O. Higgias, County Judge.
Jobn Staufler. County Clerk.
J. W. Early, Treasurer.
BcnJ. Spiel man, Sheriff.
R. L. Rosssiter, Surveyor.
John Wise. )
M. Maker, V ConntyCommlssloaers.
Joseph Rivet, )
Dr. A. Heintz, Coroner.
J. E. Montcreif Supt. of Schools.
BvronBMIUett. oftaePeaee.
Charles Wake, Constable.
J. R. Meagher, Mayor.
H. J. Hudson, Clerk.
John F. Wermuth. Treasurer.
Geo. O. Bowman, Police Judge.
L. J. Cramer, Engineer.
1st Ward .John Rickly.
G. A. Schroeder.
id Ward "Win. Lamb.
1. Gluck.
3d Ward J. Rasmussen.
A. A. Smith.
Celamaams Pt Oflce.
ipen on Sundays tram 11 a.m. to 12 m.
and from 4:30 to 6 p. m. Business
hours except Sunday G a.m. to tj p.m.
Eastern mails close at 11 a.m.
Western mails close at 4:15 p.m.
Mail leaves Columbus for Lost Creek,
Genoa, St. Edwards. Albion, Platte
Center, Humphrey, Madison and Nor
folk, every day (except Sundays) at
4:35 p. m. Arrives at 10:55.
For Shell Creek and Creston, on Mon
days and Fridays, 7 A.M.treturning
at 1 p.m., same da vs.
For Alexis, Patron and David City,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
1p. M Arrives at 12M.
For Conkling Tuesdays and Saturdays
7 a. m. Arrive 6 p. m. same days .
1). P. Time Tafele.
Eastward Bound.
Emigrant, No. 6, leaves at ... 6:25 a.m.
Passeng'r, u 4, " " ..-. 11:06 a.m.
Freight, "8. " ".... 2:15p.m.
Kreight, "10, " ".... 4:30a.m.
Westward Bound.
Freight, No. 5, leaves at 2:00 p.m.
Passeng'r, " 3, " ".... 4:27p.m.
Freight, "9, ' ".... 6:00p.m.
Emigrant, ' 7. " " .... 1:30a.m.
Every day except Saturday the three
lines leading to Chicago connect with
U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will be but one train a day, as
hown by the following schedule:
Leaves Columbus, 6:30 a.m.
" Bellwood 7:10 "
" David City, 7.50 "
" Garrison, 8:15
" Ulysses, 8:15 "
" Staplehurst, 9:23 "
" Seward, 9:50 "
Ruby 10:10 "
" Milford 10:30
" Pleasant Dale, 10:55 "
" Emerald, 11:18 "
Arrives at Lincoln, 11:50 M.
Leaves Lincoln at 12:50 p. M. and ar
rives In Columbus 6:35 p. M.
Makes close connection at Lincoln for
all points east, west and south.
O.. N. & B. H. ROAD.
Time Schedule Nan 4. To take effect
June 2, '81. For the government and
Information of employees only. The
Company reserves the right to vary
therefrom at pleasure. Trains dally,
Sundays excepted.
Outward Bound,
Inward Bound.
Norfolk... 7:26 a.m.
Munson...7:47 "
Madison ..8:26 "
Pi. Centre 9:48
Columbus. 4:35 P.M.
Los tCreek 5:21 "
PI. Centre 5:42
Madison ..7:04
Norfolk... 8:04
Columbusl0:55 "
Columbus 4:45 p.m.
Lost Creek5:31 '
Genoa.... 6:16 "
St.Edward7:00 "
Albion ....7:47 "
Albion 7:43a.M.
St.Edward8:30 "
Genoa .. 9:14 "
LostCreek9:59 "
Columbusl0:45 "
Qoluujbm &onrnxl
Is conducted as a
Devoted to the best mutual inter
ests of its readers and its publish,
ers. Published at Columbus, Platte
county, the centre of the agricul
tural portionf Nebraska, It is read
by hundreds of people east whoara
looking towards Nebraska as their
future home. Its subscribers in
Nebraska are the staunch, solid
portion of the community, as is
'evidenced by the fact that the
Journal has never contained a
"dun" against them, and by the
other fact that
In its columns always brings its
reward. . Business is business, and
those who wish to reach the solid
people of Central Nebraska will
find the columns of the Journal a
splendid medium.
Of all kinds neatly and quickly
done, at fair prices. This species
of printing is nearly always want
ed in a hurry, and, knowing this
fact, we have so provided for it
thatwe,can furnish envelopes, let.
ter heads, bill heads, circulars,
posters, etc.,etc, on very short
notice, and promptly on time as
we promise.
I copy per annua 1200
" Six months.. 100
" Three months,..! 50
Single copy sent to anv address
ia the United States for 5 cts.
x. Tinurim co.,
Columbus, Nebraska.
B.& M. R. R.
This Road together with the C. B. fr Q.
which is called
Forms the most complete line, between
Nebraska poiits aiid all points East
of Missouri River. Passengers
taking this Ilae cross the Mo.
River at Plattsmouth
over the
Plattsmoitl. Steel Bridge,
Which has lately been completed.
Thrtuili Day Coaches,
Pullman .Sleenini Oars
are run to
wliagtsm, Feeria, 3dccs
Where close connections are made ia
Union Denote for all points North, East
and Sonta. Trains by this rente start
in Nebraska and are therefore free
from the various accidents which
so frequently delay trains com
ing through from the mountains,
and passeage-e are thus sure
of making good connections
when they take the B. &
M. route east.
Lowest Rates
in force in the State, as well as full and
reliable information required, cm be
had upon applicat on to B. A M. R. R
Agents at any of the principal sta
tions, or to
General Ticket Agent,
60-y OMAHA. MB B.
No Changing Cars
) FROM (
Where-direct connections are
made with
Through Sleeping Car Lines
New York, Bestoi, Philadelphia.
Baltimore, Washiagtai,
And all Eastern Cities !
" via PEORIA for
The Best Lime Ter
Where Direct Connections are made in
the UNION DEPOT with Through
Sleeping Car Lines for all Points
The Shortest, Speediest and Most Com.
fortable Route
And all Points in
Pullman 1 6-wheel Palace Sleeping
Cars, C, B. & Q. Palace Drawing Room
Cars, with Horton's Reclining Chairs.
No Extra Charge for Sears in Reclining
Chairs. The Famous C, B. & Q. Palace
Dining Cars.9
Fast time. Steel Rail Track-and Supe
rior Equipment, combined with their
Great Through Car Arrangement, makes
this, above all others, the favorite Route
to the
TRY IT, and you will find TRAVEL
ING a LUXURY instead of a DISCOM
FORT. All information about Rates of Fire.
Sleeping Car Accommodations, and
Time Tables, will be cheerfully given
by applying to
634 Oen'l Passenger Ag't, Chicago.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Store on Olive St., near the old Post-office
Colmmbaa Nebraska. 447-ly
i week in yonr own town. 5
Outfit free. No risk. Every
thing Hew. Capital not re
quired. We will furnish you
everything. Many are making fortunes
Ladies make as much as men. aad boys
and. girls make great pay. Reader, if
you want a baslness at which yon can
make great pay all the time you work,
write for particulars to H. Hallett &,
Co., Portland; Jiaine. Jjan-y
h BkEkEkEkEkS
' SBBB0VBflk n2aBSav
a e -
SZ -c
8 "? ?
a s .
a. js 5
1! feel positive that every
II Ae Till oniv u-c nMCO
CUB) , and nerMfexn in tai
tZMriaicd f often.
Froin COL. L. T. FOSTER.
Youngatou a. iK, ilnj 10, 1889.
Dr. R..I. Kendall & Co.. Gents:! had
a vi-ry valuable natDbfnteatiin colt
which I prized very niUir; had a
large-fiouH Spavin-on lue joint and a
smaller oi on the, other which made
him very Iain'; I had him under the
charge of two Vctrina y Surgeeas
,whicb failed to cure.blm. I was one
day reading the advert tarlaeat of Ken
dall's Spavin Cur la the Chicago Ex
press, 1 determitipd at once toc try it
'and gotoiir'Drnggista hereto scad for
It, they ordered, thrge bottles I took
them all and thought I would give it a
thorough trial, i I uied it according to
directions aad by the fourth day the
colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps
had'efttirely disappeared: I used but
one bottle and the colts limbs are as free
lrom lumps and as smooth as any horse
lathe state. He is entirely cured. The
cure was so remarkable that I let two
of my neighbors have the remaining two
bottles,, who are now using It. Verv
Respectfully, L. T. Foster. "
r Presiding Elder St. Albans District.
St. Albans, Yt., Jan. 29, 1880.
Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Gents: In
reply to your letter I will say that my
experience with "Kendall's Spavin
Cure" hat. beeu very satisfactory in
deed. Three or four years ago I pro
cured a-bottle of your agent, and with
it, cured a horse of lameness callped by
a spavin. Last season my horse became
very lame and I turned him out for a
few weeks when he became bctter,.but
when I put him on the road he grew
worse, when I discovered that a ring
bone was forming. 1 procured a bottle
of Kendall's Spavin Cure and with Irs
than a bottle cured him so that be Is not
lame, neither can the bunch be tound:
Respectfully yours, P. N. Granger,
7 VknDMsm
fSRWlW cureM
asmmmV m smm ssmmmnsmm
MM 3 -aW l M- ? -
ON HUMAN FLESH it has been ascertained by repeated trials to be
the very best liniment ever used for any deep seated pain of lunu standinq,
or of short duration. Alio for CORNS, M UNIONS. FROST RITES
or any bruise, cut or lameness. Some are afraid to use it on human fleah
simply because it is a horse medicine, but ynu should remember that what
is good for BEAST is good for 'MAN, and we know from Experience
that "KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE" can be used on a child 1 year
old with perfect safety. Its Effects are wonderful on human jlesh and it
does not blister or make a sore. Try it and be convinced.
Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in Its e fleets, mild In its action a it does not
blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any dep se.itcil pilu or to
remove any bony growth or any other enlargement if used for several days, sueh
as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameiie and .all en
largements of tbe joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and fur any lor
which a liniment is used for man or beast. It I now known to be the bet lini
ment for man ever used, acting mild anil yet certain in its effects. It is ueU full
strength with perfect safety at all .seasons of the ear.
Send address for Illustrated Cireular which we think gives positive proof of
its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified siu-ecss to our
knowledge, for beast as well as mm.
Price 1 per bMtle. or six bottles for $.. All Dkugcists have it or can get it
for yon, or it will be sent to anv address ou receipt of price by the proprietors.
KaTKntil hv nil npiiooliit. Itir If I l.rvnil I J. l't
mm, .. vj .... i U30..-...T
ing ones 'that
' .EsnsnsnsBsnnw
or Loins! Aerenu Weakness,'vd in fact all disorders.of the Bladder and Urinary
Organs whether contracted by private diseases or otherwise.
1jA1MES if you are sutTering trom Female Weakness, Leueorrhcra, or any
disease of the Kidneys, Bladder, or Uriuary Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED!
Without swallowing nauseous medicines by simply wearing
Which cures by absorption. Ask your druggist for PROF. GUILMETTE'S
FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no other. If he has not got it, send i!.0O and
you wm receive me .rau uy reiuru iuui.
TESTHCOHIAJjS from the people.
Judge Bcchaxan, Lawyer, T jedo, O., says: "One or Prof. Guilmette's
French Kidney Pads cured meo lumbago in three weeks' time. 3Iy case bad
been given up by the best Doe rs as incurable. During all this time I suffered
untold agony and paid out large sums of money.
George Vetteb, J. P., Toledo, 0., says: "I suffered for three years with
Sciatica and Kidney Disease, and' often had to go about en crutches. I was en
tirely and permanently cured after wearing Prof. Guilmette's French Kidney Pad
'SquiseN. C. Scott, Sylvania, O., writes: "I have been a great sufferer for
15 years with Brigbt's Disease ot the Kidneys. For weeks at a time was unable
to get out of bed; took barrels or medicine, but they gave me only temporary
relief. I wore two of Prof. Guilmette's Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now know
I am entirely cured."
Mrs. Hellex .Ieromk, Toledo, 0., says: "Jor years I have been confined, a
great part of the time to my bed, with Leucorrnrca and female weakness. I wore
one of Guilmette's Kidney Pads and was cured in-one month."
H. B. Green, Wholesale Grocer, Findlay,0., writes: "I suffered for25 years
with lame back and in three weeks was permanently cured by wearing one of
Prof. Guilmette's Kidney Pads."
B. F. Keesltng, M. D., Druggist, Logansport, Ind., when sending In an order
for Kidaer Pad-, writes: "I wore. one of the first ones we had and I received
more benefit from it than anything I ever used. In fact tbe Pads give better
general satisfaction than any Kidney remedy we ever sold."
Ray & Sbokvakek, Druggists, Hannibal, Mo.: "We are working up a lively
trade in your Pads, and are bearing of good results from them every day."
Will positively cure Fever aad Ague, Dumb Apue, Ague Cake, Bullous Fever,
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of tbe Liver, Stomach and Blood. Price
SI 60 by mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on the Kidneys and Liver,
free bv mail. Address . '
For sale by A. HEINTZ, Druggist, Columbus, Neb. o40-y
Tain Sytace In ntenerresl
Boot and Shoes.
BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not tbe
low prices of your products dis
courage you, but rather limit your ex
penses to your resources. You can-do
so by stopping at tbe new home of your
fellow farmer, where you can find good
accommodations cheap. For bay for
team for one night aad day, 25 cts. A
room furnished with a cook stove aad
bunks, ia connection with the stable
free. ThoBe wishing' can be accommo1
dated atthe house of the undersigned
at the following rates: Meals 25 cents
beds 10 cents. J. B. SENECAL,
i mile east of Gerrard's Corral.
c 3
2 o
St a s
r a
can eat narfaet Mectas ia tvtry cam
lm apfljlnf iiHUALL'l &TA TUT
t(lcf suiting . Band tohw tie
Stoughton, Mass., March 16, l0.
Til J. Kendall & Co., Gents: In jus
tice to you aad myself, I think I ought
to let yon know that I have removed
two bone spavins with "Kendall's Spav
in Cure," one very large one, don't
know how long the spavin had been
there. I have owned the horse eight
months. It took me four months to take
the large one'ofT. aad two for the sui-ill
one. I have used ten bottles. The horse
Is tatirely well, not at all stiff, and no
baneh tobe seen or felt., This Is a won
derful medicine. It is a new thing
here, but if it does for all what it has
done for an its sale will be very great.
Respectfully yours,
Chas. E. Parker.
To Whom it May Concern. In tho
year 1875 I treated with "Kendall's
Spavin Cure," a bone spavin of several
months' growth, nearly half as large at
a hens egg, aad completely stopped the
lameness and removed tbe enlargement.
I have worked the horse ever since very
hard, and he never has been lame, nor
could I ever see any difference in tbe
size of the hock joints since I treated
him with ''KeudaJl's Spavin Cure."
R. A. Gaines.
Enosburgh F.ills. Yt.. Feb. 25, '7f.
Sworn and subscribed to before me
this 2-th day br Feb., A. D. 137.
.Iohn G. Jennk.
Justice of Peace.
-.. U. ... IK 1. 1. '.... IV VV.,
Enosburgh Kalis, Vermont.
Tire 'Hundred Dollars Reward
Jave already been sold in this country and in France;
:very one of which has given perfect satisfaction, and
ias performed cures every time when used according
:o directions. We now sav to the afflicted and doubt
we will pay the above reward fur a singltt
That the Pad fails to cure. This Great Remedy 111
Lame Back, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy,BriijhV s
Disease of the Kidneys, Incontinence and Retention oj
the Urine, Inflammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the
madder. Hinh Colored Urine, Pain in the Back, Side
FMKM PA CO., Toledo, Ohio.
$1.50 11 SBIERY $1:50
Now Is the time to subscribe
for this
Its success has been continued and un
exampled. taiiii it! Sobicribt - for it!'
$he (feolumbus journal
And THE NURSERY, both post-paid,
one year. 3.10 If you wish- TBE
NURSERY, send I.S0 to Jobn L.
Shorey, 3C Rromfield street. Boton,
Mass. If you desire both, send by
money order, $3.10 to M. K. Turner Jfc
Co., Columbus, Neb.
"r -cS