-- 5 --. . &. yr fV-t. "- --.,- ,-.-- "- .,,, , - ' vf& ye ' WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1, 18S2. ..Entered at the Post-office, Columbus. Neb., as second class matter. The smallpox is reported In six teen different states.. , Gesj Skebmax will be sixty-two . yea old aex Wednesday. - ; , s Jokes, ttte first small-pox patieat -near Lioeoln, died Thursday last; It is estimated that ther are aew 'fte'eb hundred cases"of small-pox JnChicago. The Garfield enlojry will be deliv ered by Blaine, in. the house of rep resentatives en the 27th. - The bark Co'rffey, frdm Havana to ' Baltimore,-sank near Hatteras inlet last week'. Eight lives were lost. ' Ds. Miller of the Omaha Herald ' ridicules the idea of zinc and digi talis' preventing or curing small-pox. Heavy failures have occurred on the Geneva (Switzerland) bourse in . connection with the French financial crisis. The preliminaries for a national - -mining A-gpeito-.ii-InPTJJiavft ubeen arranged, for some time next Acgust.f The report that secretary Lincoln intends to retire from his office in the spring probably has no founda tion in trnth. The correspondent of the New York World reports that Ireland is gradually being pacified and order 'being restored. It is stated that the Russian au thorities are assisting Melyjlle, of the Jean net te crew, in his search for the missing men. Chicago has 736 miles of sidewalk thirty-six miles are made of stoue, eight of concrete, and six hundred and ninety of wood. The bill for the relief of Mrs. Lin coln passed. It appropriates $15,000 for immediate relief, and increased the pension to (5,000 per annum. A bill has been introduced in the senate asking that vaccine vims be supplied by the National Board of Health to all applicants at cost price. One day last week, near Weston, J. "W. Cook was thrown out of a wagon and killed. A pint bottle with some whisky in it was found on him. Melvik Lewis, of Yalpariso, Ind., was murdered and robbed the other day by two tramps, near Franklin, La. The murderers were arrested 'and lodged in jail. Mr. Ferry has introduced a bill in the Senate granting pensions, to certain Uuion Soldiers and sailors who, during the rebellion, were con .fined in Confederate prisons. Harry and Willie Cleer, living in the east suburbs of Des Moines, in the' absence of their '-parents were burned to death and the house and contents completely destroyed. Several human skeletons were found the "other day at the old Uil mere bouse in Lebanon, Ohio, a building eighty yeare old, and the discovery caused great excitement. On the 25th olt, eulogiums were pronounced in the Senate and House to the memory of Senator Carpenter, deceased. Senator Edmunds was so affected that be could scarcely finish Iris address. r It. was reported last week that there were 1,500 cases of small-pox in the city of Chicago, and .that two or three leading hotels have been closed, to remain so until the epi demic ceases. Daniel Neilsox, the first small pox victim in Omaha, died at an early hour on the meming of the 24th. Another case was, reported the same day, the victim being John Conner, a teamster. 'La'st week' veryjcold weather pre vailed at Toronto, Boston, Pongh keepsie, New York city and Nor wich. At some of the above men tioned places, the temperature was 38 degrees below zero. Knights Templar Commandery No. 19, Chicago, gave their sixteenth annual reception at the Sherman House one evening last week. Near? ly .400 ladies and gentlemen- partici pated in the ball, and banquet. , - TnE B. & M. railroad to Denver is being pushed forward to the Queen City of the plains with great rapidi ty, and it is announced npon good authority that the road will be com pleted to Denver by the 1st of next July. Hart and D. Arcey, who recently broke jail at Grand Island, were cap tured .last week in Adams county, and brought back to Grand Island, where they will likely be taken care ef ia the fature as the court is now in session and will probably try them at this term. Over 2,500 persons attended the act!-Mormon meeting the other night in Chicago. Several persons addressed the meeting and among others was John Wentworth. Strong resolutions against the practice of polygamy were, passed, asserting that the time had come for its suppres sion by the strong hand of the law. Senators Saunders and Van Wyck unite in a telegram to Mayor Boyd of Omaha, under date of Jan. 24, saying: "We are asaared that Daubs need have no appreheasian as to removal of military headquar ter' whereupoa the Herald speaks saucily to Gen. Sherman, who had threatened to remove the headquarters. Where It is. So far a6 we can learn, the small pox is not nearer to Colombus than Omaha and Lihcolu, and of course, the authorities in tjeth "thoa)pliees are very actively aagagedin ;abn- Tbe fflttSSSZfSfcZ- lodged over the stable adjoining, the gas works. He had beea ill nearly a week and had boarded at.the Sla ven; bouse; " A rarae was ; furnished him, and a red flaghuDjfoutfrom the stable. A fourth ease of a lodger at the Slaven hoase was reported on the 26th, John 8eott, who has been vac ciaated, aad hat a mild attack' of varioloid. ' - The body of Neilsoa, the original aflMlIpox patient, was buried oa the poor farm, and the hoase oa Jackson street duly tfisiafected. There were at that date six cases of smallpox or varioloid in ihe city. The Daily Bee of the 24th report ed a aew case, the foarth since the previoas-Sunday. This one was on the corner of Jones and Sixth street, thelaaaebf the patient being Jrauk .Aiken of the Ualoa Pacific shops. The 2?e of that date remarked, "the disease is spreading rapidly, and if a pest house is not sooa provided will soon reach alarming propor tions. Our main communication is with Omaha, but of course Colombus might also be attacked on the Lin coln side, and so we make a note of the situation there also. The Journal of the 24th, says of Charles Rosier, "he was reported a little better the night previous. Dur ing Sunday he was very bad, his attending physicians thinking that his time had come. But the change for the better has taken place, and they now have hopes of pushing him through." .The, first case was about a mile from the city, the family taking no precautions whatever, and seeming ly regarding it with as mnch indiff erence as an Indiana man would the appearance .of ague. The Journal of last, Friday days : "The most wonderful example of growth ever coming under par notice is the swelling of smallpox rumor. It is religiously believed in many localities that there are from ten to twenty-five cases of smallpox cases in Lincoln, while the fact' is there is but one. Twenty-eight persons are known to have been exposed to the infection from that case, and it may not be unreasonable to expect that in some of those cases it will result in the disease ; but up to this writing there is but the one original case. The duty of the boor is vaccination, and 0& no account should it be omit ted. In the little town of Clarinda, Iowa, new cases are developing ,at the rate of twelve to fifteen per day, according to rnmor, but it is proba bly exaggerated." J - 'i"We believe it due to onr readers that they should have the most accu rate information attainable of the appearance and 'progress of this dreaded disease, especially as it seems to be the "most fatal smallpox epidemic that has appeared in Amer ica within the memory of this gen eration, the proportion of deaths, notwithstanding vaccination, being much greater than ever before." Those of our citizens who have not already done so should be vaccinated at once, as this has proved to be the successful method of fighting the disease. Itva te Ateaaau Comparatively few people are & ! aware of the tremendous farce stew -. ed .away. in. inejuquia kjtcwib as aifla-glyeeriae. Khayajrecwstry heard of a case taejt ecpiaHw lis iear- ffeete. herajteafpraeticaJn the r- " i w sfcr -1" a ireawsiivanak wu fining it to it present JimR. -i if tlfr - in urn pen died. ports a aew ease, John O'Connor, aienongh to satisfy its owner, t be teamster for a business hoase, wboT "shoots it," that is, pots dowiTlSto oawefneaM will, foFanreason.fnsesHomap the bottom a quantity of glycerine aad blows it out, tearing away the rock bottom, and cleaning out the well. To do this, is a very danger pustbjngand men-get,large.pay for risking their lives In It. To blow fib a well', or to handle glycerine as a business,- is almost equivalent to-giving one's Hfesoon or later. . "a ' Charles Berridge, a relative of T. H. Sauaders of this city, was recent ly' blbwn to atoms while handling glycerine. 'We give a brief extract from a letter descriptive of the affair. "He went oat in the morning to shoot two wells ; he had shot one, and had put 46 quarts of glycerine (equal to about 700 pounds of powder) in the necdnd, aad was retarning with a lean with two quarts that was left, to pat latv the aaagastae. He' tied his horses, took the caa and started for the magazine. It was a bitter cold day; and either his hand was nnmb, or he slipped and stumbled and fell on' the can, and it exploded. The largest piece they could find of him was the tbnmb and three fingers of oae band, in which was clutched the keys of the magazine, but the keys were goad for nothing, as they were blown tb pieces. They ' found a piece of his foot, hip and scalp and a few bits of flesh. All they could find of him did not weigh over 20 pounds; the horses did not try to get away, but stood there trembling with fright. They were about 15 feet from him and were blown fnll of sand, gravel, and the tin of the can ; they were not dead, but bad to be killed in the morning. The re port was heard five miles off, and at Richburg (Pa.,) one mile away, it seemed as though the earth shook under their feet. There was snow on the ground, but not a drop of blood coold be found. There was a hole made in the ground (although It was frozen two and a half feet deep), of the size of a floor barrel. He. had just been paid off, and had about 300 in his pocket. Nothing conld be found, except an account book and fonr letters that were in one of his pockets." The Suite IJalrereUy. The regents of this institution clos ed a busy session at Lincoln on last Thursday. KegeatsCarson, Field. -and Persinger weiipreeeot$anef Gannett and Powers abaent? yd i-r A resolution ofsred bySerafag .1 . -tfc '.Tm.- .E 1 was adopted, reaMt Holsaesfft in the negative. & ' ' Resolved, That the best interests of the University of the state of Ne braska will be served by discontinu ing, at the end of the present acade mic year, the services as professors in the University, of Professors Geov . Charch. Harrintrton Emerson aad George E. Woodbury, and they are hereby notified that their" services will be dispensed witbat seek: time. These professors have been known as the free-thlpkers,,in the sectariaa fusillade that has been carried on for several years in the University. . Any. vacancy occurriag in the corps of professor, or instructors before the close of the academic year is to be temporarily filled by the faculty.. . ." - A circular ia'to be published in stead, of a catalogue, for the current academic year. t t , Nine hundred dollars. was appro priated for. the use "of the Model farm. 200 of it for sludeat labor, $475 for payment of notes, $125 for miscellaneous purposes and $100Tor silo. $422 80 was also, appropriated to pay indebtedness of the farm. In Chicago recently Rev. Wm. H. Bcccher preached a sermon on the easjttetn anniversary or nisxJMrtn- ... His textwas.aGod is'iloveJ' riWaVAaVa ooavaT' !? naaaAhJ ww'ww ! sarw v.aaasaajSL ihoP!?Pa)?tio ? hlK4efi is mm aaoswaitoM ware ssaaxingc .naaaMtae oeaatyrer twugat,; graceful strength of expression, and the case with which he sustained himself In so supreme an effort, evi dently surprised those who have heard Mr. Beecber speak scores of times. In his , palmiest days, he never spoke more4 eloquently or In to-exert-e greater iaflueaee for good." v. rt Vv' , Omaha is somewhat interested in the -extra sessioa eftthe legislature, wishing Mohave her pavement affairs included in the call. la consequence fof this the-Herald has had an ex pression from Hon. E. K. Valeatine as to the probable time of passage of the congressional apportloameat bill 'which- will lay the foundation for Governor Nance's call of the legisla ture in extra session. The Herald's judgment as to the time of meetiag, based upon thelaformation (received from Mr. Valentine is, that it Is likely to be In February, snd is al most eertaln td'be convened by ;the middle of March at the very latest. HWESTEA NeVOCB. TT B. LAND OKFICF, Grand Island, j neorasK. K Swan Tsaaaia Dec 23d 1881. Con ainst Andrew Jt- laiat baviaa been entered at this oalce aei Jehason fsr abaaioniB hl3 HotaettaM leA-cramtsisr, Satry Nv 494; , dated Nor. 19ta, 1879, a ne-ji; UM. w., section as, raihtpM Wisth, RaBge 4 West. In aytswo : tttfialn fa rtlea'ata- ateby anataioBed te umst at this oalce 6a the 11th day of Fsara ary, 18-e. at 10 o'clock a. m., te raaaead aaia faralsh tettlnoay roaeemlag aald alleged abaadonaeat. Depoaltloaa will be takea before 31. J. Thoapaoa, at his oalce ia St. Edwards, Neb., oa January SMh, 1882, at 10 a. a. M. B. HOXIE, R gLter. 3S-W-6 WM. ANYAN, BeeelTcr. 3 s... HllAlrPI Laad Oalce atOraad lslaad, NebJ u , Jaa-jKh 188a. t NOTICE Is 'hereby givea that the followlag-naaed settler has ftled aeliee ef hla lateaUoa .to stake1 laal proof la MUpsort of his claia, aad ae eureiaal eatry thereof before Clerk et District Court of Platte county, at Co luahus, Neb oa Thursday, March Sd, 1882, viz: , r Maeig Bosyaskl, Hoaestead Ne.eftl, for the S. , 8. 1. i, Sectioa 34. Towa ahlp 18 north, RaBge 2 west, aadaaaes the following as hla wltaesaes viz: Patrick H. Keller, George W. Schafler, John South u aBd Fred. H. Oerrard, all of Lot Creek. Platte Co., Neb. 40-W-5 M. O. HOXIK, Beglater. F1.WAL 1 S9 ZP ns- ' v proprietor or rax 0EUMBUS MARBLE WORKS, sfc 5Kji -- HAK UrACTUXKR OV AND DKAIJEK IX .mL incyid Ornanentul Italian, American and Fancy Marble Monuments, Headstones, or anything connectea witn, me juaroce ousmess. Call aaal exaaalae werlc, set ear arlceM, aad he caavlaceel. N. B. Beiag a workmaaof tea years experience, wo srin zuarantce voa good w.rK at a aaviBi! oi irom suioao uerccni., uy vmii'' us t ksii. tst ouuu u oilice opposite Tatter!! livecy aad feed atable fi i i 042-&m V The fJahanasr JavIcSeel. , Scpyille says that so long, as the press L will print Guiteau's screeds, he fancies be Is superior, to his coun sel, and can manege the case entirely in hiB own way, while, sa a matter of fact, be is indebted, to his own utterances for the, verdict agaiast him. A Friday's dispatch sUted that his counsel think of raising the issue of jurisdiction, claiming' thathe should have been tried in New Jersey, where Garfield died. The move would be to bring the question be fore the Supreme Court by applying for a writ of habeas corpus. Col. Corkhill says be has looked the whole ground oyer, and reiter ates the opinion thatGuiteau will doubtless be banged in July. On the 27th, counsel for the de fence claimed to have discovered new evidence which will insure a re-opening of the case. Scoville says he will file affidavits showing that one of the jurors read a paper while in durance, and will make that the basis of anew trial. a. a. k. ' -The fifth annual encampment was held at Lincoln last. week. They met in, secret session: in the 'new senate chamber, about two handred delegates being present. We are In formed that there" are eighty-four posts in the state, at present. . t.v The delegates had what, they called a rattling good time. Among the business transacted was the. appointment of the next annual re-union, a subject in which Columbus was somewhat interested. . We are informed that the -ubids' for the re-onion were about as fol lows : Graud Island $2700. besides 120 cords of wood, 50 tons of hay, freight charges, etc., on tents and pavilion ; the immediate payment of $700 indebtedness of the encamp ment; the use of 40 acres of fair grounds with the buildings, besides 1080 acres of other land, with plenty of water, shade, etc. Seward $2200 with 100 cords of wood and 50 tons of hay. Blair $2200, etc. Hastings $2000, etc. Columbus $1500. Wil bur $1000, with wood and hay. The re-union is to be at Grand Island. x The PmabARcwiicanivery fitly calls the attention of the Herald's editor to a significant remark made by 'a grandson of John C. Calhoun concerning the ability of the negro, when free, to take care of himself. Bv (he way, we don't see so much lately of Dr'.Miller's subject-race theory as 'formerly. But here' is what Mr. Calhoun has to say : "If my grandfather and associates had known as much about the negro as I knowr.and could have the. same faith in higycapacity for progress which I have attained from my own experience, there would have' been neither slavery nor war." eaatMMMBBaMMBMBB The 3 per cent, bond bill was passed infthe senate- Friday' by a vote of 38 to 26, with the amend ment made" by Mr. ' Davis' or West Virginia, of stricking out the exact date for payment and' making the bonds payable" at1 any time.v ' This bill was introduced by Mr. Sherman and his proposition to amend it by making the bonds payable at the pleasure of the government after Jan. 1, 1887, was lost by a vote of 25 to 36. Land Oalce at Grand Jalaad, Neb.,) jm. lath. latt. f NOTICE ia hereby gives that the folIowiajc-Baaea settler has fled Botice of his iateatioa - to aake Haal proof ia'aapport of hti claia. aad 'that aald proof will be aade before C. A. Newman, Clerk of the District Coart, at Columbus, Nebraska; oa February aid, 1882. viz; . Adolf MausbecbyHeaeatcad No. 751, for the K. K. S.W.X Section 14,Towa ahip IS aortavJUage S weat. He aamea the following witaessea to prove his eoatlnuoui reaideaceupon, tad cultiva tioa or said laad, viz: P. W. Submit and Wm. Schetdeasatel of Coluabna, Neb., and J. F. ,Schuae and Heary Eiaeraof Humphrey. Neb. " " J-' M. B. HOX1E, Register. saaaa aaaV i . "T" k VW r 7aaU JaatW '-'A? - ak.eaaV-vi zi.r Tar sJalisaBawi "Hs'fslkwjwJr W:WC - ff fTVal NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! ntt Pvtt JUST OPENED BY A.-W.PHH.I.IPS large and complete aaaortment of iliijaa'! skOiltai'ilNti ui&u, etvly which aa'pROPOsas to sku. at BED-EOCK PRICES! A U those zn want of any thing in that line, will consult mm oumnnterests by giving him a call, jtemeni v . ; VuWer,7te warrants every pair. Has also a First -Class Soot and Shoe Store in Connection f Repairing Neatly Done. Den't feraet the Plaee, Thirteenth Street, one deor west of Marshall Smith's. Land Oalce at Grand Ialaad, Neb.,1 r Jan. 27, 1882. cVTOTICI jis: hereby givea that, the 11 following-Baaed settler has lied notice of his iatentioa to make final proof i&auppert of his claia, c and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the District Court for Platte county, at Columbus, Nebron Thuradar, March 16th, 1882, viz: Jacob. Lubenz, Homestead No. 6814. for the 8. . S. W. K. Section 26, Towa! ship 19 north of KaBge? 2 weat. He Barnes the following witnesses to prore his continuous residence; npon, and, cul tivation of saidland.viz: Joaeph'Kringx. Teter Bipp, Ferdinand Kipp and Ger hard Groaenthal, all of Platte. Center, Platte Co., Neb. .40-W-5 - M.B.HOXiE, Ragister. 'TH& REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing, Store Haapsi kanija splendid static of The Gael. The most remarkable trial known to our history as a government clos ed with the verdict of the jury on Wednesday of last wei'k.: Mr. Por ter finished lit s argument against the accused closing with these words : "The assassia.who shot Garfield knew that, against the law, he was It is stated that the senate judi ciary committee agreed last week on a bill designed to suppress polyga my. Its main features do away with the present requirement for proof of polygamic marriages by providing that the fact of living in polygamous relations shall be sufllcient evidence for conviction, and that ia prosecu tion for bigamy any person drawn as a juryman may be challenged on the ground that he practices or be lieves in polygamy as a religions right. Other provisioas of the bill debar polygamlsts from voting, serv ing on juries, or holding office. We doubt whether the strong provisions of this bill will reach the seat of the evil of polygamy, aad the practice will continue side by aide with the execution of the law. What will Mormon polygamists care about voting, serviag on jories aad holding office, while they are pennitted to practice i polygamy! Still, if stria-, gently enforced, sneh a law would, be the beginning of the cad' of the vile.practicev breaking with bloody hands into the house of life.' He did'not know that over his grave, if grave he is to have, wilh be written by mankind in dark letters : 'The grave of a coward, an ingrate,a swindler and assassin The uotoriety which . he has sought is to be found in that expression. He did not know what we do; that even though by a lingering death the President did yield up his life, the hand that aimed that pistol at his life gave him glorious renown. At the same time, if I may be at liberty, to borrow the illustration from At torney General Brewster on the occasion to which I referred toj the dedication of the monument of Alex ander Hamiltoa, in some respects akin to this in its. reminder, then the assassin pointed the weapon at the life of the patriot, and thongh he did not know it, he wrote the name of James A. Garfield,, in characters of living light upon the firmament, there to endure as radiant as if every letter was traced in living stars." At 3:15 Judge Cox delivered his charge to the jury, which was brief and pointed, and the jury retired' at 4:40. Two secret ballots were ta ken ; on the first ballot eleven' were for conviction as charged, and one was blank. A second ballot result ed in a unanimous verdict of "guilty as charged in the indict ment." It seems that there was at no time any real question in the minds of the jury as to the result. Guiteau had hoped there was one man who might waver on the ground of in sanity at the the time the deed was committed, but his hope was vain. It is pretty generally believed now that among the strongest elements againts the theory of Guiteau's counsel was the conduct of the pris oner himself during the trial. The verdict meets with almost universal approval, which will doubtless ripen into acclamation when it is known for a certainty that the vile and cowardly assassin has paid the penalty of his crime by the forfeit of his miserable earthly existence upon the gallows. Nebraska Weaaa NaaTraaare As ociatiea. The annual meeting of the Nebras ka Woman Suffrage Association, takes place at Lincoln, Wednesday and --Thursday, February 8th and 9th; The afternoon of the 8th, and morning of the 9th, to be devoted to business. Afternoon of 9th and evenings, addresses and discussions. Railroads will return members and visitors at one-fourth fare, on the certificate of the Secretary. Headquarters, at the Commercial Hotel. Rates, $1.50 per day. It is hoped that every- member will be present, as concerted work for the next nine months is of vital import ance, and the counsel of every true Woman Suffragist is needed.- Harriet S. Brooks, Pres. Ada M. Bittenbekder, Sec'yjr . The Omaha Herald is the only newspaper in the west that we are aware of, that believes Guiteau should not be hanged. It says that "a great government and people who, in the langaage of Gen. Butler, 'hung an innocent woman with a hood over her face,' on the' false charge that she was in the conspira cy with Booth who killed oae presi dent of the United States, will now enjoyr the added disgrace of hanging a lunatic for'kllliag another." The Herald doesn't believe ia capital punishment, or, as it styles it, "mur dering saaej.nen according to law Decease they murder other men iu violation of law." If more men be lieved that wilful murder wonld be invariably paaisbed by hanging, there wonld be fewer murders. Haw Taey.Feel. When the verdict of the jury in the Guiteau case was announced - to the G. A. R. boys night before 'last a committee was engaged in raising a few scads for some purpose best known to the boys. The amount raised was in excess of what was wanted by several dollars, and the' chairman of the committee asked what should be done with the sur plus, when an old veteran arose to his feet and moved that the amount should be forwarded to the U. S. marshal at Washington with in structions that it should be used in purchasing a steel rope with which to hang Guiteau. The motion was carried amidst great applause. Lincoln Journal. Ik a case of murder recently tried in New Jersey, where the plea was irresistable impulse the judge charg ed 1hejury that it was settled law in New Jersey that if the accused had sufficient mind to distinguish be tween right and wrong and could control- hie conduct under ordinary circumstances, the jury, .could not acquit on the plea of irresistable im pulse.' Whereupon the jury brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree. At a Germau wedding in Chicago about a month ago raw ham was one of the delicacies, and was partaken of by a number of guests who have since shown evidences of trichina. The most of them have been relieved of the parasite, but Henrietta Strae ly,aged 32, became worse under treatment, and died to-day in great agony. ' " An' examination of the muscle discovered forty thousand of the parasites in ope square inch. K - -- -Plaal Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,i Jan. ltttb, 1882. i OTICE Is hereby given that the fol- lowlng-named seiner nas nied notice of bis intention to make Una! oroof in BUDDort-of bis claim, and that aald 'proof will bo-made, before C.A. Newaan,' Clerk oCtha DiatricCCourt, at Columbus, Neb., on February 23d, 1882, viz: Henry Mausbach, Homestead No. 6752, for the W. M. ft. TV. X, Section 12, Town ship 19 north,-Range 2 west. He names the -following, witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion or said land, viz: P. W. Scbmitz and' Wm. Scheidemantel of Columbus, Neb.', and J.. F. Schuse and Henry Elmers of Humphrey, Neb. 38-W-5 H. B. HOXIE, Register. Ready-made Clothing, '.-.-.3 Bfyt Q-Gods, Carpets, iv3 - Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., At incus Ural i eiriwr H of More in Collins. I my ajfeads strictly for cash, and will give ay customers the aeaefitef it. ?; ?Pit.V0 tiIUOj Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts. -I. OLUCK. 508 LAND, FARMS, AND The sontb bound train on the Omaha & St. Paul line met with a double accident on the 23d, on its way in to Omaha. Near Oakland,a couple of cars loaded with coal were ditched, and about eight miles out from Omaha a piece of track was strnck which spread ont and threw several cars off the track. The bag gage and express car was turned bottom side up and the express mes senger slightly injured. -The pas senger coach did not go over, but was left in a hanging position, with several lady passengers, who were considerably shaken up but not seri ously injured. Some of the passen gers rode into Omaha on the engine. LEGAL V0TICE. "Vyalker, non-resident FI.KAI, PROOF. Land Office at Grand island. Neb.,) Jan. 20th, 1882. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler baa filed notice, of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and se cure final entry thereof, before Clerk of the District Court of Platte county, Nebr., on February 25th, 1832, viz : "Joseph Murdock, Homestead No. 10638, for the S. E. &, Section 20, Township 18 north, Range 3 west, and names the following as bit) witnesses, viz : 'William Little, of Columbus, and Alva E.Smith, Joseph Judd and Jobs Hurley, of Mon roe. Platte Co., Neb. 4 39-W-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register. E8TXAY SOW. Came to my place in Steams precinct, January 8th, 1882, ONE BLACK SOW, a with white spots. She ia about twelve months old. The owner will please prove property, pay expense, aad take tne animal away. 40p5 G BO RGB KUPBR. (MBOFEBTI FOR SALE AT THE Union Pacfic Land Office, On Long Time and loio rate -, -. of Interest. All wishing to buy Rail Road Lands ' or Improved Farms will find it to their advantage to call at the U. P. Land Office before loefc'in ' elsewhere 4 make a specialty, of buying and selling lands oh commission;' all persons wish ing to sell farms or unimproved land will find it to their advantage to leave their lands with me?r sale, as my fa cilities for a'ffectiug .iles are unsur passed I am prepared to make tinal proof for all partie wishing to get a patent for their hoiueat:iii. ISy-Henry Cordes, Clerk, writes and speaks (jermn.- t , . j ' SAMUEL C. SMITH, A;rt. U. P. Land Di-pnrtn.ent, 355-y COLUMBU6, NEB. SCHMITZ BROS., 5 "" awHsaaA 'fc' J WW-TX- X EVERYBODY Can tow afford A.CHICAG0 DAILY. de" To Charles fondant: rpAKE NOTICE that Charles P. Dew JL' ey and-Albert B. Dewey have sued you in the District Court in and for Platte county, Nebraska, and that you are required to answer the petition filed by said Charles P. Dewey and Albert B. Dewey, in said court, on or before the sixth day of March. 1882. The prayer of said petition is for the fore closure of a certain mortgage made by you, the said Charles Walker, on the second day of December, 1880, on south east quarter of section twenty-eieht, in Township eighteen north, of Range three 'west, in Platte county, Nebraska, which said mortgage was given to secure the navment of six. several, promissory notes, all bearing date at Columbus, Nebraska, on the second day of Decem ber, 1880, five of said notes beinit for the sum of forty dollars each, and the other or sixth note being for the sum of four hundred dollars, all. made and delivered by, ypu to, the 'said Charles P. Dewey and" Albert B.: Dewey, and' artv by the terms of said mortgage, now due and payable. The said petition also asks that the above described premises be ordered to be sold and the proceeds applied to the payment of said indebt edness, and.for other and further relief. . CHAULESP. DEWEY. a-i . -" i'dJ : 3 -ip- ' ALBERT B. DE7EY.Ji By CHASi A. Spmck, ; uJ :. -.AtterBerc--r aWi In-ihe We heartily commend the Qmaba papers for the course they are pur suing in regard to giving publicity to. the facts of the small-pox scourge, just as they are. If newspapers try to deceive by witholdiog the trnth, it will be taken for granted by out siders that the disease is very mnch worse than it really is, and thus greater harm would be done to bus iness interests than by furnishing accurate, trustworthy news, which the public, are entitled to. Thk President and other eminent gentlemen were entertained the other day by' Secretary aad Mrs. Lincoln at dinner in .Washington. PtOBATl I0TICE. Butter of the estate of Thomas .C.H Bu i(auui1 -rOTICEJs hereby given, that the XI creditors oi said deceased, wiir raeetr;thev Administratrix of .said eatitte, before nie. County- -Judge of I'Jntte County, Nebraska, at the county court room in said. county, on the second day of March, 1882, on the. second day .of June, 1882, and, oa the second day of Augnst,-1882, at 10 o'clock-a.m. 'each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. ,.Six months ate allowed, for creditors tb present their claims, and one year for the Administratrix to settle said estate, from the 2d day of Febru ary, 1882. Dated Jan. 31, 1882. JOHN G.-HIGGINS, i - 40w5 County Judge. FINAL. PBOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.',)' ' Dec. 28th, 1881. ). VT OTICE is hereby given that the fol i 'lowing--named settler has, filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of-fais claim, and that said proof will be made before C. A. Newman, Clerk of the DistrictOburt, Platte Co., at Columbus, 'Nebraska, en Thursday. February 9th, 1882. vfz: George Miaten, 'Homestead No. 6799, for.theV.Ji, N. E:li, Section 98, Town ship 'JO, Northof Bange"2 west. He names the following witaWse" to prove his"continuou"s"resiaeuce"upoii, and cul tivation. of, said land, viz: Frank Was seaburg, William KIeve,Ignatz Zach, Joseph Widhalm, all of Humphrey, Platte County, Nebraska. " ""J 36-W-5 M. B. HOXIE, Begiater.r -WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY BAT.L! THK KIOUTH ANNUAL BALL OP Pioneer H. & L ConiD'y No. 1, will na orvcx at tub OPERA HOUSE! ON f MLmbj Spiif, ;Wy 28S2. BTThe ICaeanercaor Orcheatra will famJah Mnatc, and apod Call ing la Oaaranteea. Ev erybody Invited. u TV COLUMBUS. NEBR., WlLL-SELL YOU THE BEST OF HMESTIG PHfflBBT '. . fSUCHA9 The Celebrated Wood Twine Biad- Imc Harveater, Chaia Rake aad Sweep Rake Reaper, with aew Irem Mower; The Daiey Hay Rake, Ad&ate & Freaok Harrester, Maaay Reaper aad Mower, STANDARD MOWER, ETC. REMEMBER THAT WE WARRANT EVERYTHING WE SELL, AND THE BEST OP RECORD POU LOWS EVERY MACHIXE. qtcai.il, before iroir mn . S650 AND THE 8650 Weekly Espublican ! ONE YEAR FOR THE CHICAGO HERALD1 All the News every day on four large paites of seven columns each. The Hon. Frank W. Palmer (Postmaster, of Chi cago), Editor-in-Chief. Daily ror A Repnblican Committee of Arrangements: Hbrmak Okhlrich, I Wm. McAllister. Gko. Clothbr, I Oko. Faibchild. Reception Committee: Jas. E. Northv I O. W. Clothbr. , Floor Managers: Jas. Pkarsall, Wm. McAllistrr, Oko. Fairchild. 40.3 GOLD, Great chance to make money. Those who al- eways take advantage of the'eood chances for making money that are offered, general ly become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any oae caa do the work properly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten timen'ordinary wages. Expensive out fit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full infor mation and all that is needed . seat free. Address' Stinsom it Co, Portland Maine A GOOD FARM FOR SALE ISC acres of good land, 80 acres under cultivation, a good house one and a half story high, a rood stock range, plenty of water, aad good bay land. Two miles east of. Columbus. Inquire at the Pioaeer Bakery. 473-Bi sTmurdock&son, Carpenters sua' Centraeters. Have had aa extended experieace, aad will cnaraatee satiafactiea ia work. All klads of repairiag doae ea short notice. Onr motto is, Good werk aad fair prices. Call aad give us an oppor tunity to estimate for you. aaa8hep.oa 13th St oae door west of Friedbof tt Co'a. store, Columbus. Nebr. 483-y Is $5 per Tear, Three mouths, Jl-V). One month on trial 50 cents. S1.5Q CHICAGO "WEEKLY rag.AT.iv' Acknowledged by everybody who has read it to be the best eight-page paper ever published, at the low price of, ftl PER TEAR, .. . Postage Free. Contains correct market report, all the news, and general reading interest ing to the farmer and his family. Special terms to agents and clubs. Sample Copies free. Address,' CHICAGO HERALD COMP'Y 120aadl22FiftIi-av., 40-tf CHICAGO, ILL. SEEDS! SBNDTO D.M.:FTERRYfcCo., Detroit, AUdilfiptn, For his collections of Twelve Best Varieties of ANNUAL FLOWERS AND GARDEN VEGETABLES. 40-3 Ererj Subscriber keivas a Freak, Four Leading Grand Premiums In the Second Annual Distribution DECEMRER 58, 1881, AMOXG SUBSCRIBERS FOR THK WEEKLY REPUBLICAN A 12 Page, 72 Column Paper, full of Choice Reading matter, are as follows: A Chicago Pitts Threshing Machiae, with ft ten-horse power $650 Am 80-Acre Nebraska farm . . 400 A Walter A. Wood self-binder 315 A Gem Taber organ 300 Agricultural Implements, Watches. Sewing Machines. Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Book, Etc., are the other Premium. Subscription Price, pie copy an Sent free on application list, 120,000. Address, including Pre- Send for s:ira- miura, l.M per annum d illustrated Dreminm list .n.. :u S..n - - r'ull premium 284J THE REPUBLICAN, Oauha. rVebrautka. D' . CAall. aCHOTTE, VETERINARY SURGEON. English sad SeaBdi- Speaks GerauB, BSTISB. Oalce etDowty. Weaver A Co' drug tore. Coluubcs, Nkbrahka. BEST- business now before the public. You can make money faster at work for us than at anything else Capital not needed. "We will start yon. $12 a day and upward made at home by the Industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now i. the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work. No other busi ness will.- pay you uearly as well. No one can fail to maLe enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free. 3Ioney made fast, easily and honorably. Address Tbuk A Co., Agusta, Maine. 4jany ii vl f I si I TV J1 j T L. v .