- "ifflWMM 1. i I I NEBRASKA. Old Scenes Revisited The Platte Valley An Effort in the Timber Line The March of Improvement A Few "Words About the Crops, Etc., Etc. Cor. Ohio State Journal. Columbus, Neb., Sept. 1, 1881. After an absence of some twenty years, the writer rcviBits the Bceue of his former efforts as a pioneer of tho great West this flonriehiug and prosperous little city of 2,500 inhab itants named after tho Capital City of Ohio, and destined some day to rival it as a railroad center. It is situated on the north bank of Loup river, four or five miles above lis confluence with the Platte, on a high level plateau, and already makes quite an imposing appearance as you approach it from the east Al though this valley was originally a treeless plain, the town is well sha ded with cottonwood, elm, box elder and other trees. The surrounding country is also putting on tho ap pearauce of a wooded country, as nearly every farmer has planted groves of timber, some of which are now quite largo and look liko our original Ohio foreBt. I prophecy that in one hundred years, or per haps in fifty years from this time, Nebraska will bo a better wooded country than Ohio or any of the Eastern States, for the reason that bore the people are making every effort to produce timber, while in the East the effort is to destroy it, in order to .make more fieldb. This couutry was originally all field, and the prime necessity and want now is trees to serve as sheltor to both man and beast, and as a protection to fruit. This part of the great West has made wonderful progress since my first visit of twenty years ago. At that time the uumber of farms be tween Columbus and Omaha could bo counted on the fingers; now tho farms aro continuous all tho way a distance of ninety-fivo miles and extend toward the west and north indefinitely. In spito of the very unpropitious season, tho corn crop is going to bo good. Corn that was planted early, and which has been well tended, will produce consider ably more than the average Ohio crop. Somo fields will run 75 to SO bushels to tho acre 103 bushels is not an unusual crop in good sea sons. Wheat has not turned out as well as usual perhaps not more than a half crop will be garnered this year. Potatoes aro of an excel lent quality, but not very great in quantity, owing to the extremely dry season. Other crops aro fair, considering the season. What do you think of a 42-pound watermel on? Myself and somo eight or ten friouds devoured such a one, and it was all wo could do. Melons of all kinds flourish here, tho soil bciug something like that of tho Pickaway plains near Circleville. Columbus now has four railroads centering here tho Uuiou Pacific, which passes through from Omaha to Sau Praucisco ; tho B. & M., con necting Columbus with Lincoln, tho Capital of tho State; and two branches of tho Union Pacific, the one running from this place to Mad ison, north some fifty miles, and the other up tho Loup Valley to Albion. All tho stations along these roads eera to be flourishing. Tho coun try north of hero is very undulating in character, and is interspersed with numerous small streams, form ing many charming little valleys. Land can bo purchased anywhere within ten miles of a station at H to I0 per acre, either on long time or at a good reduction for cash. Cattle raising is yet tho most pro ductive business, as pasturage is abundant, and a good quality of hay for winter feeding can be made from tho wild prairie grasB. Tho meadow lands are generally situated in the valleys and depressions in the hills, although much hay is also cut on the uplands. It is all nativo grass, and very nutritious. I find all of the pioneers of twenty years ago either well fixed on large farms in tho country, or at tho head of flourishing business houses in the city. They came hero without cap ital and grow up with the country, and the result is they havo attained to position and wealth which would havo been entirely out of reach of many of them in the older States and who came here with a combined capital not oxceeding $3,C J, who to-day are worth from $10,1 3 to ?30,0- ) each. There are quite a number of Co lumbus boys hero, who are promi nent in business and in official sta tions, and all doing well. Yon meet Ohio people everywhere, and, as in the affairs of the Nation, they are generally found at the top of the heap. Platte. Gymnastics as a. Care or DI. ease. Boerhaave, the great Dutch phy sician, inscribed on the wall of his lecture-room, "I gaye the medicine, God cured the disease." He was far in advance of tho doctors of his era, and promulgated ideas which were then novel, but which science has since made common-place. In an age of dosing, when quanti ty was as much thought of as quali ty, he said : "When I reflect on the immunity of hardworking people from the effects of wrong and ovorfeoding, I cannot help thinking that most of our fashionablo diseases might be cured mechanically, inetead of chem ically, by climbing a bittcrwood tree, or chopping it down, if yon like, rather thau swallowing a de coction of its disgusting leaves." Each schoolboy now knows that physical vigor is the basis of bodily health, and may only be retained by exercise. But in those days few physicians cared to utter the -truth, even if they themselves kuew it. The ancient Greeks, knowing that an effeminate man is half sick, pro vided gymnastic exorcises. They used these to promote health and prevent disease. An Old Greek doctor, Asclcpiadese, is quoted as an authority by Dr. Oswald to onforco the idea that gymnastics will cure disease. The philosopher had found that health could be preserved, and if lost, restored by physical exercise alone, and not only discarded the use of internal remedies, but made public declaration that ho would forfeit all claim to the title of physi cian if he should ever fall sick or die but by violence or extreme old age. Asclepiadese kept his word, for ho lived upward of a century, and died from the effects of an accident. He used to prescribe a course of gymnastics for every form of bodily ailment. TAKING A LONG JOUKXEY. "We've a Long Journey to Go, and Grandpa's Baby Musn't Get Tired. When one of tho trains of this city came in at midnight a few nights ago, an old man was found sleeping in one of the seats; the conductor flashed his lantern in his face ; the brakeman stirred him up, and one or two passengers looked at him care lessly, but no person seemed to be long to him. He was neat and clean, but thin and wasted by old ago or privation. All sorts of troubles were mapped out on his clean, with ered face, but tho main thing just then was to get him awake and on his feet and out of the car. "I say, old man," yelled the con ductor, in a seven-league voice, "got out of this; do you hear? This is Dctro.t. If you'vo got any friends they'll bo looking for you." Ho opened his oyes so wide and sudden that the brakeman and con ductot and the curious passengers fell bs.ck on each other in a heap, but only his lips moved. "Where's Grade?" "Who?" asked the conductor, re coveriag his official voice. "Little Gracio grandpa's littlo pet! I brought her with mo. Is 6he in she hero?" "I guess he is not wido awake yet," said the curious passenger. "Supp380 you help him to his feet?" Conductors aro expert in helping people to their feet, and this one was no oxecption. Ho took tho old man by the coat collar and 6tood him up, but ho sank down again the next r.iomcut limp and motionless. Just then a depot hand came in. "Tho baggage master wants to know svhat you're goin' to do with that ititeof a deal box over there. He don't want auy of that kind left over, and there ain't no direction on it but'Gracie.'" "Thi.t's her!" said tho old man, and he stood up fcobly. "Take mo there. Wo'ro going a long, long jourucp Gracio aud me; a long, long jC'Uruey, but it don't seem as if I knev the way right clear." They took him into tho depot and laid him on ono of the benches, aud put his old carpet-bag nnder his head, but he still fretted for his "leetle Gracie pet," and at last they consob'd him by telliughim ehowas resting, she was asleep and must not be disturbed. "We've a long, long journey to go," hn kept saying tobimsolf; "aud grandma's baby musn't get tired. It's a long way, a long way.,; "The little box," with Gracie writ ten upon it in lead pencil, was safe enough with the other "freight," and the old man slept peacefully at last. Some kind soul throw a rug over him n:ar morning, and asked him what i rain he was waiting for, but all the answer be made was a feeble "Thaat'eo; call mo at Bunrise. We're going a long journey, Gracie and mj." Ho was called at sunrise by a voico that none may refuse, and when ii flood of rosy light shone in to the dreary room ho was up and away gone on his long journey. Only the worn out body was there, and yesterday it was laid away with "little Gracie" in the strangers' lot at Mount Elliott, alone, unknown, yet possibly in as "sure hope of a gracious resurrection" as if marked by ninsty feet of monumental clay. Dctioit Post and Tribune. "You aro fond of the British poets, Miss C.?" "Awfully so." Have you read Lamb?" "Yes, and with such pleasure!" "Are you fond of Hogg?' "Yes, but I do so dread trichinosis!" "Where will you put me when I come t) see you in your castle in the air?"ftfkcd a gentleman of a witty girl. In a brown study," she re plied. A passenger on an ocean steamer, 6eeing i fellow voyager looking rath er crestfallen asked him what was up. ".ily dinner,"was the laconic reply. When passengers talk too much to the captain he can always find relief by sbotiug, "Man over-bored!" RELIEF FSOM CONSUMPTION. A New Remedy Suggested by a Mill nesota Physician. In a letter from Minneapolis, Minn., to the Chicago Tribune, in which he declares that no cough mixture can reach the lungs, Dr. R. D'Unger says : I need not describe the symptoms of consumption, as they are so well known and so frequently behold that even the most unintelligent can di agnose the disease from the hectic spots in the cheeks, the terrible ex hausting cough, the purulent expec toration, and wasting body; nor will I here put down the thousand and one opinions already printed as to its causation. It will be enough to say that, when it is once seated, strenuous efforts to check its pro gress must be made. Nature her self always tries to do this, aud, with slight aid, she usually suc ceeds. Be hopeful, then, yo afflict ed, ones. Let us compare life to a burning lamp. If we-supplyoil as rapidly as the flame consumes it, tho wick remains unburnt, and tho lamp throwBOUt its given light; but if we fail to supply tho oil needed to pro duce the flame, it is a foregone con clusion ; the wick becomes consum ed, tho light grows dim, flickers, and finally goes out altogether. In other words, tho light dies because there is too much oxygen and not enough carbon. So it is with a consumptive's life. The disease he suffers from is a wasting one, au internal fever which consumes the carbon in his blood more rapidly than the food he eats can supply it. If carbon was furnished as fast as the disease exhausted it, the body would not waste; if it was put into the blood in excess of what the dis ease required, there would bo an increase in tho strength aud bulk of tho body, instead of a decrease. Like tho lamp, tho supply of oil in the body must bo equivalent to the demand or in excess of it. If this be not so, the life, like tho wick,will bo consumed. Some months ago the little daugh ter (aged fourteen) of a truukmaker in this city, one Mr. Garden I am permitted to use his name was pro nounced a hopeless consumptive ; aud to have seen her at that time ono would have supposed there was good ground for tho decision, as she was a more skeleton, had a terrible cough, expectorated over half a pint a day of greenish, blood-streaked tuberculous matter, and was so ex ceedingly nervous that she could scarcely sleep at all, night or day. She had been doctored a long time with cough aud consumption speci fics, and ono or two physicians had tried their skill on her, but without avail, her lifo gradually drawing to its close. Meeting her father who was almost heart - broken at the thought of soon losing her ono day, I gave him this prescription : One half pound finely cut up beef steak (fresh). One drachm pulverized charcoal. Four ounces pulverized sugar. Four ounces rye whisky. Ono pint boiling water. Mix all together, let it stand in a cool place over night, and give from one to two teaspoonsful liquid and meat before each meal. This was tried, and in four or five weeks this little girl was so rosy and healthy, free from all cough and other symptoms of diseaso, tbat it was considered almost a miraclo in the neighborhood in which sho lived. What caused this great change? Simply the supplyiug of her system with more carbon than the disease could exhaust, thereby giving naturo the upper hand in tho conflict. I havo used this preparation very frequently, and have never found it to act otherwise than beneficially. The dose should bo small at first, until tho stomach becomos used to it, and then gradually increased. Let all consumptives try it who read this, weighing themselves be fore they commence, aud again after they have taken it for a week or ten days. To their astonishment they, will discover that, instead of their wasting away, they (Fill gain in strength and fleah. And then let them be kind enough to report tho result to the Chicago Tribune for the benefit of tbat timid class of lung sick pcoplo who are afraid to try any remedy unless they pay one dollar a bottle for it or double tbat sum for a prescription. Why He Comes. Mr. Wood has Bpent the beat part of his days in the swamps and ague districts of Indiana, but hereafter proposes to live in a better climate and pursue the calling of agriculture in a state where life is more endur able and the reward of tho husband man attended with greater certainty. After carefully examining the situa tion in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri aud EansaB, he finally baits in the valley of the Loup, purchases a large body of land and settles down to live and to draw around him many of his old neighbors in Hoosierdom. Mr. W. says no part of tho large section of country traversed possesses such a deep and uniform soil as he has found in Nebraska, and nowhere has he discovered such crop prospects as are here presented. Nebraska's new settler from Indiana is but a speci men of the thousands who are find ing homes in this Btate under similar circumstances, and who are at no distant day to occupy and cultivate every foot of vacant land now await ing settlement. They come here not because of a scarcity of laud else where, but because, having viewed tho country, they are convinced that, taking all advantages into con sideration, the inducements which Nebraska holds out for settlement are equalled by few states and terri tories and surpassed by none. Our market facilities, church and school advantages, excolleut climate, rich soil and growing crops once scon are convincing proof that no better country for agricultural purposes exists auywhere. Within tho next two mouths thousands of these home-seckera will visit this state, and if they but take the time aud incur tho expense of looking else where first, no fear need be enter tained of what their final decision with reference to location will bo. Omaha Republican. .- Whence Ills Wealth. One of the richost Chinamen in San Francisco is Mr. Chow Kow Yup, who came to this country a penniless Mongolian thief about sev en years ago. All his wealth had been obtained by committing to memory four simple words, "You saveo mo leper." Tho second night 'after his arrival ho broke into a dry goods store, and was j ust carrying away hi3 booty when a policeman collared him, prepared to march him down to the city hall. He made no resistance, but innocently remarked, "You savee me leper," and the offi cer fled wildly toward North Beach, giving his prisoner tho opportunity to steal seven more undershirts, of which he promptly availed himself. He was only once brought into court, being then charged with a wholesale diamond robbery, and when asked to plead guilty or not guilty, he.simply repeated tho words of his charm, in a voico at once plaintive and full of expression. The court was cleared in less than thirty seconds, two of tho jury leav ing their hats behiud, and the judge his gold spectacle?, all of which Mr. Chew Kow Yup appropriated, to gether with tho looso change in the clerk's drawer. Tho wealthy hea then is entirely freo from leprosy. He will sail for Hong Kong, with about .$90,000. There is a very pretty story told how a lovely Jowess in a Russian town saved property and lifo during tho recont attack upon tho Jews. A great hulking ruffian entered her shop and bought a loaf of bread. After swallowing a couple of mouth ful8, he threw himself on the gronnd outside tho shop door ,and begnu to howl piteously that he was poisoned the Jows had poisoned him. Of course, au infuriated crowd instant ly assembled, and it would have faired ill with our Jowess if sho had not dashed out of tho shop aud snatched tho bread out of tho im postor's hands and began to eat it in sight of them all. The crowd stopped, thunder-struck; then a broad grin dawned on every coun tenance; then one of them called out to her: "Alosha, lend me your knout, will you?" Then the impos tor started to his feet and scudded off, pursued by a mischievous but no longer sanguinary crowd. An ingenious farmer, sticking a fow nails into a clothes lino to keep hisneighbor's cattle out of his pas ture, went about his own business, thinking no more about tho matter. A sharper came along, saw the rope, and begau to think about it. Ho evolved tho "barbed wire" fence, and tho very farmer from whom the fellow got the idea has to pay the sharp a tribute for the article which he himself originally dcsigilcd. And the income of tho monoply is estima ted at $100,000 per month. What pleases only for tho moment, whether poetry, oratory or policy, will die with tho moment. What looks beyond the moment, will live beyond tho moment. What speaks to the intelligent few will at last make a conquest of tho unintelligent many. What speaks to the unintelli gent many never reach tho intelligent few, and will soon be forgotten by the unintelligent many also.- -Dean Stanley A Now Hampshire farmer agreed to sell his farm for $2,000, but when the day came he told the expectant purchaser that his wifo was in hys terics about the trade, and he 'guess ed he'd have to back ont.' The pur chaser complained, and finally asked how much more would induce him to sell. 'Well,' replied tho' thrifty son of the Granite State, 'give me $250 more, and we'll let her cry.' A little girl, about three years old, was crying one day, when her moth er said : "Hush, my dear; you know you never got any thing by crying." Quick as a flash, tho littlo girl repli ed, "Yes, I have a whipping, many a time." A little boy was asked recently if ho know where tho wicked finally went to. Ho answered : "Thoy prac tice law hero a spell and go to the Legislature." It was a painful op eration for that boy to sit down for a fow days. Good books are the oat-meal of literaturo and tho best food for thought, yet many parents permit their children to feast on tho past ry of trashy stories, and then wonder on their mental dyspepsia. Colmulm Camp iTleetlntr Sept. '21st to 87th. Tho Seventh Day advontists of Nebraska hold their annual State camp-meeting as above. Elder Geo. 1. Butler, President of the General Conference, aud other able speakers will be present. Tho U. P. and B. & M. railroads havo granted tho usual reduction in fare, to one and one-fourth faro for tho round trip. This includes all tbo roads centering at Columbus. No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. Abraham Lincoln. Tho egotistical writer may not be much of a render,butho runs hislover several columnB every day. If you are troubled With sleep lessness, imagine you havo got to get up, and off you go. Tho bost of us are apt to be mealy mouthed three times a day. If you act with a view to pr aise on ly you deserve none. The strongest nat ures are tendor est and most pitiful. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. C. II. VanWyck, U. S. Sonator, Neb raska City. Alvin Saundkrs, U. S. Senator,Omaha T. J. Majobs, Rep., Peru. E. K. Valkntink, Rep., West Point. STATE DIRECTORY: Albinus Nancb, Governor, Lincoln. S. J. Alexauclor, Secretary of State. John Walllchs, Auditor, Lincoln. Q. M. Bartlett, Treasurer, Lincoln. C.J. Dllworth, Attorney-General. W. W. W.Jones, Supt. Public Instruc. U. J. Nobes, Warden of Penitentiary. N7-rJ7Abibiey' Prison Ihspectors. CO.. Gould, J .1.0. Carter, Prison Physician. II. P. Mathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum. JUDICIARY: S. Maxwell, Chief Justice, George R.LakeJ A880ciato judges. Amasa Cobb. ) FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ii. W. Post, Judgo, Yo'rk. M. 15. Reese, District Attorney, Wataoo. LAND OFFICERS: M. 15. Iloxie, Register, Grand Island. Wm. Anyan, Receiver, Grand Island. COUNTY DIRECTORY: . G. Higgins, County Judge. John Staull'er, County Clerk. J. W. Early, Treasurer, iienj. Spielman. Sheriff. It. L. Rosssiter, Surveyor. John "Wise. i John Wise. ) M. Maber, Joseph Rivet, J CountyCommlssioners. Dr. A. Ileintz. Coroner. J. E. Montcreif Supt. of Schools. ByrinM&f J"ticesofthoPeace. 'harles Wake, Constable. CITY DIRECTORY: J. R. Meagher, Mayor. II. J. Hudson, Clerk. John F. Wcrmuth. Treasurer. Geo. G. Bowman, Pollco Judgo. L. J. Cramer, Engineer. councilmkn: 1st Ward John Rlckly. G. A. Schrocdor. 2d Ward Wm. Lamb. l.Gluck. "d Ward J. Rasmusson. A. A. Smith. ColumbuH Pout Office. pen on Sundays trem 11 a.m. to 12m. and from 4:30 to 0 p. M. Business hours except Sunday 0 A. m. to ti p. m. Eastern mails close at 11 a. m. Western mails close at 4:15 p.m. Mail loaves Columbus for Lost Creek, Genoa, St. Edwards. Albion, Platte Center, Humphrey, Madison and Nor folk, every day (except Sundays) at 4:35 p. m. Arrives at 10:55. For Shell Creek and Creston, on Mon days and Fridays, 7 a. m., returning at 7 p.m., same days. For Alexis, Patron and David City, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 p. m Arrives at 12 M. For Conkling Tuesdays and Saturdays 7 a. m. Arrives 6 p. m. same days . V. P. Time Table. Eastward Bound. Emigrant, No. 6, leaves at 6:25 a.m. 11:06 a.m. 2:15 p.m. 4:30 a.m. rasseng'r, " 4, Freight, " 8, " Freight, 10, " ti Westward Bound. Freight, No. 5, leaves at.... 2:00 p.m. Passeng'r, " 3, " ".... 4:27p.m. Freight, "9, ' ".... 0:00p.m. Emigrant, 7. " ".... 1:30a.m. Every day except 8aturday the three lines leading to Chicago connect with U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train a day, as hown by the following schedule: B. & M. TIME TABLE. Leaves Columbus, 5:45 a.m. " Bellwood 0:30 " " David City, 7.20 " " Garrison, 7:4G " Ulysses, 8:25 " Staplehurst, 8:55 " " Seward, 0:30 ' " Ruby 9:50 " " Milford 10:15 ' " Pleasant Dale, 10:45 " " Emerald, 11:10 " Arrives at Lincoln, 11:50 M. Leaves Lincoln at 12:50 P..M. and ar rives in Columbus 7:00 p. M. Makes close connection at Lincoln for all points east, west and south. O.. N. & B. H. ROAD. Time Schedule No. 4. To take effect June 2, '81. For the government and information of employees only. The Company reserves the right to vary therefrom at pleasure. Trains dally, Sundays excented. Outward Bound. mwara usouna. Norfolk... 7:26 a. M. Munson ..7:47 " Madison.. .8:26 Humphrey9:05 Columbus 4:35 p.m. LostCreek5:2l " PI. Centre 5:42 " Humphrey6;25 " Madison.. 7:04 " PI. Centre 9:48 Munson.. 7:43 Norfolk... 8:04 LostCreeklO.09 Columbusl0:55 " ALBION BRANCH. Columbus 4:45 p.m. Lost Creek5:31 " Genoa 6:16 " St.Edward7:00 " Albion.... 7:47 " Albion 7:43 a.m. St.Edward8:30 " Genoa ....9:14 " LostCreek9:59 " ColumbusI0:45 " SOCIETY NOTICES. 37"Card8 under this heading will be inserted for $3 a year. G. A. It. Baker Post No. 9, Department of Nebraska, meets every second and fourth Tuesday evenings In each month in Knights of Honor Hall, Co lumbus. John Hammond, P. C. D. D. Wadswouth, Adj't. H. P. Bowbr, Searg. Maj. WILLIAM RYAN, DKALEK IN KENTUCKY WHISKIES Wines, Ales, Cigars and Tobacco. JSTSchilz's Milwaukee Beer constant ly on hand.ffa Eleventh St., Columbus, Neb. FARMERS, YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE Grand Opening! wT LS OF ELLIOTT & LUERS' MAMMOTH i H (Morrissey Jt Klock's old stand on Olive Street,) Whore you find one of the largest and best stocks of Farming Implements kept in Columbus. We handle nothing but the best machin ery In the market, such as the following: Buckeye Harvesters BEAPEBS AND MOWERS, Tincon Buggies and Spring Wagons, FARM WAGONS. SULKY PLOWS. STIRRING PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVTORS, CORN PLANTERS, HSfWe gnarantee all work. "We are bound not to be undersold by anyone in Central Nebraska. "We pay the highest caih price for wheat and all kinds of grain. EULIOTT fc LVER8, 664-6m Successors to J. C. Elliott. LAND, FARMS, AND OR SALE AT THE Union Pacfic Land Office, On Long Time and low rate of Interest. All wishing to buy Rail Road Lands or Improved Farms will And it to their advantage to call at the U. P. Land Office b'efore lookin elsewhere as I make a specialty of buying and selling lauds on commission; all persons wish ing to sell farms or unimproved land will find it to their advantage to leave their lands with me for sale, as my fa cilities for affecting sales aro unsur passed. I am prepared to make final proof for all parties wishing to get a patent for their homesteads. BSTHenry Cordes, Clerk, writes and speaks German. SAMUEL C. SMITH, Agt. U. P. Land Department. 555-y COLUMBUS, NEB. BACK ACHE QUICKLY CURED BY CARTERS Smart Weed -AND- Belladonna BackAche Plasters! These plasters contain Smart Weed and Bella donnaboth wonderful pain relievers in addi tion to the usual gums, balsams, Ac., used in outer porous plasters, and arc consequenUy.superior to all vthcrs for wealc or Lama Bade, Bade Ache, Rhe-nmatlmn, Neuralgia. Soreneaa r.f thafThQr.i.T.rmgq A nttmitt. Plflllrtr. Kidney Troubles. Crick In theBadcBtlff neaa of the Joint, and for all Patna and Aches, and wherever a Plaster can be used. If you bare any need (or a Porous Strengthening Plaster, we know this one will please you. It is sure to give relief , and pain caa sot exist where it is applied. v. Ask your drufgist lor Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back Ache Plasters. Price, as cents. CABTEB MEDICINE CO Now York. Thla Space! Keserred VOB GREISEN BROS., Boot and Shoes. F. SOHEOK, Manufacturer and Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KIND9 OP SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive St., near the old Post-office Columbus Nebraaka. 447-ly FARMERS! RE OF GOOD CHEER. Letnotthe low prices of your products dis courage you, but rather limit your ex penses to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the new home of your fellow farmer, where you can find good accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night and day, 25 cts. A room furnished with a cook stovo and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing can be accommo dated at the house of the undersigned at the following rates: Meals 25 cents beds 1U cents. J. B. SENEGAL, K mile east of Gerrard's Corral A GOOD FARM FOR SALE 15 acres of good land, 80 acres under cultivation, a pood house one and a half story high, a gooa stock range, plenty oi water", and good hay land. Two miles east of Columbus. Inquire at the Pioneer Bakery. 47&-6m Wan f C II GHTHOrlff SHSSjR'KldLSP S-J SiSiSEEMsflBlHi mv & isLsLsLsLsLslkwLsLsBBB3TLsLsLy BPvjS 'f or Loins, ..e ,us Weakness, acd In fact Organs whether contracted ly private urease r uiuurwisc. !. 1IC4, if you are sun'ering lrom Female eakness. Leucorrhcra. or any disease" of the Kidnevs, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CUKKLM Without swallowing nauseous medicines by simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S FKENCII KIDNEY PAD, Which cure by absorption. Ask your drugcM for PltoF. G VI L Si SITE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no other. If lie has not got It, send $iOO and you will receive the Pad by return mail. TESTIMONIALS PROM THE PEOPLE. Judge Buchanan, Lawyer, T iedo, O., says: "One of Prof. Ouilmette's French Kidney Pads cured meo lumbago in three Week' time. My case had been given up by the best Doc ,rs as incurable. During all this time I suffered untold agony and paid out large sums of money. Geokok Vkttkr, J. P., Toledo, O., says: "I suffered for three years with Sciatica aud Kidney Disease, and often had to go about on crutches. I was en tirely and permanently cured after wearing Prof.Guilmette's French Kidney Pad four Weeks. 'Squikk N. C. Scott, Sylvania, O., writes: "I have been a groat sufferer for 15 years with Uright's Disease of the Kidnej s. For weeks at a time was unable to get out of bed; took barrels of medicine, but they gave me only temporary relief. I wore two of Prof. Uuilmette's Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now know I am entirely cured." Mks. Hkllkn .Ieromk, Toledo, O.. says: "For year I have been contined, a great part of the time to my bed, with Leucorrhu-a aud female weakness. 1 wore one of GuilmotU's Kidney Pads and was cured in one month." II. 11. Ghkkn, Wholesale Grocer, Findlay,0., writes:"! suffered fur 25 years with lame back and in three weeks was permanently cured by wearing one of Prof. Ouilmette's Kidney Pads.'" B. F. Keksling, M. D., Druggist, Logansport, Ind., when sending in an order for Kidnev Pad?, writes: "1 wore one of the tirst ones we had and I received more benctit from it than anything I ever used. In fact the Pads give better general satisfaction than any Kidney remedy we ever sold." Ray & Siiokmakku, Druggists, Hannibal, 31o.: "We are working up a lively trade in your Pads, and are hearing of good results from them every day." PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCllTlVER PAD, Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Billions Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and ISIootl. Price $150 by mail. Send for Prof.Guilmette's Treatise on the Kidnevs and Liver, free by mail. Address FKKX'H 1A t'O, Toledo, Ohio. J3" For sale by A. HEINTZ, Druggist, Columbus, Neb. 040-y 1870. 1881. THE $oIuit(bits $joimml Is conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter, ests of its readers and its publish, ers. Published at Columbus, Platte county, tho centre of the agricul tural portionofNebraska.it is read by hundreds of people cast whoaru looking towards Nebraska as their fnture home. Its subscribers in Nebraska are the staunch, solid portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the Jouknal has never contained a "dun" against them, and by the other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings itp reward. Business is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Ceutral Nebraska will lind the columns of the Journal a splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and fjuiekly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have so provided for it that we c:n furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on very short notice, .and promptly on time as we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. lcopy per annum $2 00 " Six months 100 " Three months,. 50 Single copy sent to any address in the United States for 5 cts. M. K. TUE5ER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. m MMST i NORTH-EAST OR SOUTH-EAST VIA THE B.& M. R. R. This Road together with the C. B. & Q. Which is called Forms the most complete line between Nebraska points and all points East of Missouri River. Passengers taking this line cross the Mo. River at Plattsmouth over the Plattsmouth Steel Bridge, Which has lately been completed. Through Day Coaches, AND Pullman Sleeping Cars are run to Burlington, Peoria, Caicago and St. Louis, Where close connections are made in Union Depots for all points North, East and South. Trains by this route start in Nebraska and are therefore freo from the various accidents which so frequently delay trains com ing through rrom the mountains, and passengce are thus sure of making good connections when they take the B. & 3f. route east. THROUGH TICKETS AT Lowest Hates in force in the State, as wvll as full and reliable information required, can be had upon applicaton to B. & M. R. R. Agents at any of the principal sta tions, or to PERCEVAL LOWELL, General Ticket Agent, 560-y OMAHA, NEB. Five Hundred Dollar s Reward OVER A MILLION OF FRENCH KIDNEY PADS lave alroadj been sold in this country and in France: ivry oue of which ha given perfect satisfaction, and -as performed vuri ecry time when used according o directions. "Wo now s:t to the atllicti-d and doubU ng ones that we will pay the above reward for a single CASJE OF LAME BACK That the Pad fails to cure. This Great Iteniedy ill POSITIVELY and PERMANENTLY curu Lum ago. Lame Back, Sciatica, travel. Diabetes, Itropsy.Brujht's Disease of the Kidneys, lnwnlinence and Jletentiunvj the Urine, Inflammation oj the Kidneys, Catarrh oj the Madder. Ililih Colored Lrine. J'ain itu the Back, Hide all disorders of the Bladdur and Urinary GOING EAST TAKE THE No Changing Cars )KKOM( OMAHA.COUNCIL BLUFFS.NEBFtAS KA CITY or PLATTSMOUTH TO- CHICAGO, Where direct roiiuectiiiiiA aru made with Through Sleeping Car Lines TO- ifiigifMiill Neiv York, Huston, l'liilaildnliia, H.'iltimortt, Washington, And nil Kastem Cities ! Tnn miiotst invi3 via PEORIA for Iii(Uaiianoli.s,riiiciunati, Louisville ., AND AU. 1-OINTS in tiik SOIJTPIjraST. 'J' he Host I.lne Tor ST. LOUIS, Where Direct Connections are made in the UNION IiKI'OT with Through Sleeping Car Line for all I'oints SOUTH. The Shortest. Speediest and Most Com fortable Route via HANNIBAL to Ft. SCOTT, DENISON, DALLAS UOUSTIN, AUSTIN, SAN ANTO NIO, GALVESTON, And all Point" in TEXAS. Pullman 1 0-wheel Palace Sleeping Cars, C. 15. & Q. Palace Drawing IJoom Cars, with Ilnrton's Reclining Chairs. No Extra Charge for Seats in Reclining Chairs. The Famous C, Ii. & O,. Palace Dining Cars. Fast time. Steel Rail Track and Supe rior Equipment, combined with their Great Through Car Arrangement, makes this, above all others, the favorite Routo to the JB AST, SO IITH :? SO IJTBI liV.ST. TRY IT. and vou will find TRA VEL ING a LUXURV instead of a DISCOM F.ORT. All Information about Rates of Fare, Sleeping Car Accommodations, and Time Tables, will be cheerfully given by applying to JAMES R. WOOD, f51 Gen'I Passenger Ag't, Ciiicauo. mil THE CR1LDEEH Hi??" ! Now is the time to subscribe for this BEST ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE KOU TIIK YOUNG. Its success has been continued and un exampled. Inmiiil Subscribe for it! And THE NURSERY, both post-paid one year. $.'5.10. If vou wish THE NURSERY, send $l.f0 to John L. Shorey, 3$ IlroniGeld street, Boston, Mass. It' you desire both, send by money order, $3.10 to 31. K. Turner & Co., Columbus, Neb. iSL50 THE NUBSERY 81 Y