The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 21, 1881, Image 3

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rVTTT? ( TT?" A T
r KJ V lXDt X l'
CramutiicfcUoit, to ln-nr insertion
1b the next uMe. kfcfUki be m hand on I
MiHla; if length, on TLurds
preceuin it-swe-day. AnvertisttiRcnts,
of whatever clae, should be in hand by
uHHi. Tuesdays.
Advertisements under IhU head 15
etc. a line tirst 1n-rtiec, 10 ct". a line
each subsequent insertion.
-Hon. Geo. Lehman has gone
west again.
George Smith riceipts the cus
toms at ClotherV.
If you waut groceries at Omaha
prG call on Lamb.
R. L. RassUer ol Platte Center
was in the city Mondaj.
DHvid L. Bruen renews his ac
quaintance with the Journal.
Prepare lor the Platte County
Flair. Oct., 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th.
Some Omaha horses are expect
ed at the race? here during the Fair.
If you wnt a choice aiticle of
Michigan cider vinegar call on Win.
Mrs. Drake and Miss Nelia
Matthews returned from Omaha
Ed. North went to Madison
Monday. He will remain during
the winter.
Chns. Wike and Gus. Schroedcr
have provided themselves with a
sulky apiece.'
Itov Bristol and wife expect to
loltow tbeir children westwurd, at
an eaily day.
Mrs. W. T. Calloway of Butler
county was in the city over Sabbath
visiting friend.
Those who want stock will not
tail to see Thomas Flynn's notice in
another column.
S. T. Hill now occupies a por
tion of the post-office with hi? jew
elry establishment.
Mrs. Louise Sharp of Sioux
Units, Dakota, i, railing tier simer. Abnpr Tumw (Q the game firm
Mrs-GeiMgcWaudol. l:$0 yearlings and 150 feeders, get-
The east-bound passenger train J ting a handsome sum for them,
was five hours late Monday. We j jn0. McMahon shows us three
dWn't learu the cause. J pa-,r8 0j boots and a pouud of yarn
Miss Josie Callison starts to- j which were taken from Tom O'
morrow for Albiugton, 111., where Niels' wagon Monday evening. Mc
she will attend school. j tound them under a boat at the side
-Hon. G. W. Brown erf j of L. M. Cook's blacksmith shop,
through the city Monday, homeward j Kramer will sell you a suit of
hound from the State Fir. J clothes for ?5.00 aud has suits of
-Mr. John Snvdor, recently of all grades a fine as you want them.
PUtaduiphta has 'a situation with j If ?ou Jire in nee,1f of clo,hln& or
L. Kruinor at the N. Y. a C. S. ; ?ood f ftU-v. k,ml yu WI "
' mouey bv calling on Kramer. 21-tf.
SuimUv, Sept, 2olh, ha been set "-,..,.,. . ,
f ,. ,, c, , I J. R. bmith of this county be-
apart as a day of prayer lor the sub-! J
. . . ... . , ,. , ' icves that ceutral Nebraska cau
bsh school interests of the state. .
make as good a showing for crops
-Everybody who has anything year Hny Sppton of the
nice in the line of farm product, or ! . 5(ae5 -So far ftg heard
etock should come with it to the fair, j Jourxai. thinks he is
........ . . .
Money to loan at low rates and
no comtnisbionu. '"no to five years
time, nt Becher & Price's. 20-W-3.
Don't forget John Elliott' sail"
of stock, farm implements, etc., at
PHStvitlc, this couutv. Tue-day Sep.
Dr. M. D. Thurston was in ut- i
tendance ou the sessions of the State j
Dental As-ociatioH at Omaha last j
The Nebraska tairs for Octobor
are Cas, Dodge, Hamilton and
Platte, and none of them beyond
the 7th.
Mr. John Ta-ker was in the
oliy Monday snd gave us the name?
ot the Republican delegates from
The Sept. session ot District
Court for this county began yester
day morning. Judge G. "W. Poet
Farmers, bring your poultry,
butter aud eggs to Lamb's near the
pot-office, and iiet the highest mar
set price in cash for them.
Mr. Major Christum? was in
town Mouday, and gave us a busi
ness call. He relates some very in
tetesting army experiences.
James R. Smi'h of Lost Creek
is happy over the viMt ot his daugh
ter, Mrs. Hattte E. Dickson, and bcr
daughter, of Rock Island. III.
"We will furnish the Omaha
"Weekly ltemblican, with the Jour
nal for 3.20 a year. Call and sec a
specimen copy of the Jiejwbltcan.
The U. P. trains were enlarged
during the fair, but the coaches were
crowded every time, it often being
impossible eveu for ladies to get
a seat.
Those who are not in Nebraska
to enjoy our splendid weather at
this season ot the year are not sup
posed to know what paradise on
earth is.
Mr. Barnes of Nance connty
started for his old home in Illinois
last week, taking with him some
very fine specimens of Nebraska
M. Kcilnor has contracted for
25,000 bushels of corn within the
past three weeks. The average price
per bushel is thirty cents. Jfadison
The cold rain of Thursday
night and Friday was rather severe
on young stock. A little shelter,
even a little wiud-brosk is good at
snch times.
Thomas Flynn recently made a
trip into the Elkhorn Valley coun
try near the Yellow Bank. He says
that crops in that region are not
near so good a they are here.
Six car loads of sheep passed
tbrough the city "Wednesday last for
Boone county. They will make the
owner a wealthy man if he uses
ordinary care and good judgment.
' Mra- D- Anderson started yes-
: torday for Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
Hud expects to retuin with her
daughter, Mrs. Spielman.
The eons and daughters of Rev.
A. Henrifh peeing their father's
buggy getting.rather rickety clnbhed
together and presented him with a
new one. Good enough.
Messrs. M. H. "White, E. A. Ger-
rard snd X. G. Bonesteel shipped
cuttle to Denver yesterday, the latter
two car-loads, the others one each.
Bonesteel and "White make the trip.
Dr. F. J. Sohug has received bis
cunuuUsiou from Gov. Nance as
surgeon, with the rank of Major, of
the First Regiment Nebraska Na
tional Guards. A good appoint
ment. It is supposed that when the
Denver express train is put upon
the U. P., that there will be some
; changes made in the running of
' &?, .a rn Ihn Jirflnph mata ponfprinir
Gross Bros, understand the val
ue of priuter's ink. They occupy
nearly a page of the laBt Madison
Chronicle in telling the public what
thov have for sale, and at what
i prices.
j "Deacon" Dean, .Operator Mont
! gomery and "Woo. Tillman, three
! lively "boys" of David City, came
j up on the U. P. train Sunday from
the slate fair and stopped in the city
! mer night
Jay E. "White, well-known to
many of our older citizens, announc
es himself as a candidate for nomi
nation by the Republicans of Hall
connty for County Clerk. He would
make a good one.
Mrs. Sabra Huylar, aged C4
year, 5 months and 8 days died at
Madison, Sept. 13. She was an old
I and respected resident of that place,
! aud, a the Chronicle says, her life
I was ft lnnir Hiiri li so fill one.
W. II. Randall has sold seventy
live head of steers to Gilmore &
Ann.- n.f T3l,,,n-mh frr- 4 0.1 7
I uu ui a laiiomwuiu w -..
The Pilot's quotation of prices
at Blair on the 15th were, wheat No.
2, $1.00; corn No. 2,45c; rejected,
40c; oats, 30c; butter, 20c; eggs,
10c; potatoes, S01.00; hogs, $5.40
gCOO; cattle fl.004.50; feeding
steers, $3.003.25.
Mr. John Elliott has purchased
lnc Mahlon Clother property, now
occupied by Judge Geer, and will
move to town as soon as he cau.
Stock dealers aud farmers should
remember that his sale takes place
next Tueday, Sept. 27th.
The Schuyler Sun 6ays that the
station agent at Richland recently
bought a car load of oats ou which
he was afterwards offered a rise of
$90 for his trouble. The Sun rec
ommends farmers to read the papers
and keep posted on prices.
There is to be a sociable at the
M. E. church Thursday evening.
Exercises will consist of readings,
music and recitations. Ice cream
aud other refreshments will be fur
nished. All are invited to all the
enjoyments of the occasion.
No. 1 of the Norfolk 2fews, ed
ited by Messrs. Norton & Sprecher,
formerly of Colfax county, comes to
us as an exchange. It is a 7-column
paper, patent outside. It is brim
full of local news, and steps right to
the front as a local newspaper.
Mr. and Mrs. Heacock of "West
Liberty, Iowa, are visiting members
of the Society of Friends in Neb
raska. Mr 9. Heacock is a minister,
and will hold meeting in the Con
gregational Church this (Wednes
day) evening. All are invited.
D. Ander?on is prepared to let
out three and tour year old steers to
be corn fed and will pay seven cents
per lb. for all weight pnt on. Will
let farmers have from one car load
to ten, and will furnish hogs if de
sired to run with them. 20-w-l.
The new postal law now makes
the taking of a newspaper, and the
refusal to pay for the same, a theft,
and any person guilty of such an
action is liable to a criminal prose
cution the same as if he had stolen
goods to the amount of subscription.
S. M. Barker of Silver Creek
was in the city Monday. We don't
notice that the two silver medals
and the $107 of cash premiums he
received at the State Fair on bis
Shropshire Downs and Cottswold
sheep have Added any to his weight
or good humor.
The Journal acknowledges a
very cordial invitation to attend the
Dodge county annual fair to be held
Oct. 4, a and 6. Dodge is one of the
best couuties in the state, and the
agricultural society there are doing
tbeir best to made the fair a success,
which it will undoubtedly be, the
weather permitting.
Mrs. Beuj. Spielman, who has
for some weeks been sojourning at
Excelsior Springs, Mo., aud who
was supposed to be permanently
convalescing, is reported worse
again. Two telegrams have been
received from her physician, and one
of her friends here will go to bring
her home.
The Genoa Leader says that J.
N. Reynolds, formerly of this place,
recently purchased G40 head of fine
sheep. J. N. is evidently destined
to be a wealthy man. Grass, cattle,
sheep, hogs, money, fenced fields,
wind - mills, extensive barns, nice
dwellings, good clothes, libraries,
pleasant homes.
Chief of Police McMahon on
Saturday last detained a man named
Arthur F. Gibson who had every
description but one item, answering
to a Dr. A. Arthur, jr., who is want
ed in Indiana to answer to a very
serious crinib. He was permitted to
go, after it was ascertained that the
man wanted was marked as de
scribed. Calmar McCune, editor of the
Osceola Jtecord, and Lawyer Cald
well, of New York, tarried Tuesday
night of last week in the city and
gave the Journal a very happy
visit. They were on a few days'
jaunt in the uortheru part of the
state, where Mc. has landed inter
ests. They passed through the city
Sunday on their return.
A. L. Richardson, representing
A. Vogeler & Co. of Baltimore, Md.,
the proprietors of St. Jacobs Oil,
was in the city Monday. We notice
him to say that he is the man who
writes those reading-matter adver
tisements which have attracted, de
ceived, amused and interested the
most of you, and he is a bright one.
Of course he is an old newspaper
Hon. Chas. A. Speice of this
city, and Hon. D. II. Wheeler of
Plattsmouth are representatives of
the Nebraska order, I. O. O. F., to
the Sovereigu Grand Lodge, which
meets at Cincinnati this week. Mr.
Speice started Friday moruing, ac
companied by his daughter, Miss
Freddie. They will, before their
return, visit Mr. Speice's old home
in Pennsylvania.
J. C. McBride has sold his in
terest in the Nebraska Fanner to
his partner, O. M. Druse, who be
comes sole publisher. Mr. Druse is
an able young man, and the number
of the Farmer before us shows that
he appreciates the needs of agricul
turists iii Nebraska. The Farmer a
a semi-monthly publication and will
be furnished with the Journal, both
prepaid,. for $3.00 a year.
It is not necessary to suggest to
Columbus business men that they
exercise their usual whole-hearted-ness
in dealing with those who will
be in attendance upon the Platte Co.
Fair.. Nothing is so gratifying to
strangers on such occasious as to
feel that they are being dealt with
as brothers, fairly and honestly. A
little experience of the other kind is
enough to bring this home to a man.
Thomas Swire who has been
working ou the steel gang on the U.
P. road, was run over yesterday by
three haud cars, having the flesh of
his back considerably bruised and
lacerated. m He was sitting on the
front end of the foremost car when
the others bumped against it, throw
ing him off. It was a wonder he
was not killed. Neither of the
"oosses" so we are told, stopped to
care for him.
A very good sample of Egyp
tian or Rice corn has been left us by
W. N. McCandlish. We shall take
occasion shortly to publish an arti
cle on this product, setting forth its
merits. It is claimed that the seed
is good for animals and also for
making flour, and the stalks a good
fuel, growing aa thick as a man's
coat sleeve. The specimens we have
6een, however, are nardly so large
as our common corn.
The Omaha Telegram is author
ity for saying that Hon. W. A. Pax
ton has bought the Laing Bros,
cattle ranches near North Platte,
Barton & Dillon's beeves and other
small lots. Mr. Paxton has offered
Barton & Dillon $250,000 forall their
stock and rancbe property in Lincoln
and adjoining counties. The Jour
nal mentions these things to show
to its readers in the eaBt the extent
of some of our dealings in Nebraska.
A s we go to press we hear of the
fact that during Fair week there will
be issued a five column daily paper
called the Columbus Daily JYeirs.
Fred. A. Coan aud John Myers, two
practical printers of our city, are the
editors and publishers, and we wish
them success. Our business men
should encourage them, as best they
can for it will undoubtedly be a
great acquisition to the life of the
week. The circulation of the Daily
JTews will be 1,500 copies. wl
We are told that there are some
saloon keepers in the city who are
selling and have sold intoxicating
liquors to minors. If these men
have no respect for themselves they
ought to respect the laws of the land
in which they live. If not, some
father 'or mother may, one of these
days, have their license revoked, and
thus they will find that under a
license of $500, it won't pay to sell
contrary to law. Obey the law
while it is a law. If you don't like
it seek to have it repealed, but you
will never make friends, nor money
either, by selling liquor to minors
or habitual drunkards.
Just as most of our citizens were
sitting down to dinner yesterday the
fire-bell warned them to drop the
knife and fork and hurry to the
rescue. As the bell continued to
ring, those who were inclined to
wait for lurther advice hurried to
wards the smoke. Following the
direction whither all feet pointed, it
was soon ascertained that the Pacific
House, situated on the east side of
Olive St., on the corner of Olive and
Pacific Avenue, on the south side of
the U. P. track, was the buildiug on
The Engine and the Hook aud
Ladder companies were promptly
on the ground, and, assisted by citi
zens and quite a number of farmers
who happened to be in town, all of
whom worked vigorously, the fire
was soon under control, and by one
o'clock there was no further danger.
The wind was high during the
fire, and had it got under headway a
wide path would have been made
through the very heart of the city,
endangering at least a hundred
thousand dollars worth of property.
The Pacific House will be remem
bered by the older citizens as the
American House, formerly stand
ing on 7th street. Now owned by
Geo. Lehman, he had it removed,
enlarged and most of it veneered
with brick. The roof, where it
seems the fire originated, was, all
but the shingles, composed of cot
touwood, and burned slowly.
The building was occupied by
Joshua Norton, Jr., as a hotel ; we
believe that the furniture, which was
his, was mostly saved we heard of
nothing being burned. It is diffi
cult uow to tell what loss the build
ing has sustained, but it will be not
far from S1.000.
The fire department again de
serve the hearty thanks of the city
for their prompt and very effective
The ItuptlNt Church.
Baptism. The ordinance of bap
tism, postponed a few weeks ago,
will be administered Sunday, Sept.
25th, immediately after the morning
service, in the Loup river. There
will be preaching ou that day, and
once in two weeks thereafter, in the
German Reformed house of worship,
by Franklin Pierce, pastor of the
Baptist church.
Mr. Editor: There is a Baptist
church in Columbus. As many peo
ple in town seem to be ignorant of
the fact, I wish to make it emphatic.
The church was orgauized in the
spring of 1S80, and already shows
signs of vigorous life. It is not a
Seventh Day Baptist, nor a Free
Will Baptist, nor yet an Anti-Mis
sion Baptist church, but, a
stricted communion Baptist church,
and has a great, rapidly-increasing
denomination behind it, which al
ready numbers more thnu 2,000,000
in North America. This mighty
hoet is a unit on this one point, to
wit : We hold the Bible, the whole
Bible, as the sole rule of faith and
practice. Iu interpreting the Bible,
we welcome light from every quar
ter. The highest scholarahip is
brought to bear upon its deep, spir
itual truths. Due deference is paid
to the opinions of learned divines of
all ages and denominations. We
receive aid in its study from the
best thoughts of New England Rad
icals, and German Rationalists.
Firmly holding that the Word of
God is still in advance of the most
advanced age, we hold fast by the
doctrines once delivered to the saints,
and believe them to be the only bul
warks of hope aud faith. I ask you
to print the above that all may know
that we are, what we are, and why
we are. Franklin Pierce.
Republican Co. Convention.
The Republican electors of Platte
county, Neb., are hereby called to
send delegates from the several pre
cincts to meet in county convention
at the Court House in Columbus, on
Saturday, Sept. 24th, 1881, at 2 p. m.
for the purpose of nominating a
county ticket, and selecting dele
gates to the State Convention, aud
for the transaction of any other bus
iness that may properly come before
the convention.
The several precincts are entitled
to the following number of dele
gates :
Columbus 12
J UllLl. O
Bismarck 2
Monroe 4
oueii oreeK. .. x
Walker , 4
Humphrey 2
Sherman 3
Vrcoiuu o
Pleasant Valley 1
Granville 1
Lost Creek 4
Burrows 1
Looking Glass .' 2
Woodville 3
Loup 2
The precinct primaries will be held
at the places of the last general elec
tion at 4 p. m. on Saturday, Sept.
17th, 1881.
Geo. G. Bowman, Ch'n.
M. K. Turner, Sec'y.
Sometimes (judging from the
number of questious asked), it would
seem that the whole duty of officials
at a railroad station was to answer
queries, and at times it would ap
pear (from the number unanswered
by them), that that delightful work
formed no appreciable portion of
their duties. We have often stood
by, listened and pitied, but it has
struck us very forcibly that a bulle
tin board containing a few facts,
would save the necessity of asking
or answering hundreds of questions
important for travelers to know.
From the Sun of Sept. 15th.
Our market quotations to-day are
wheat, new and old $1; corn, 47c;
oats, 35; hog, $5.75; butter, 12 to
15c ; eggs, 15c.
There are predictions that potatoes
at next planting time here will be
worth $2 a bushel. If such shall be
the case, our dealers had better store
than ship potatoes now at 50 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and Mrs.
Dr. "Williams and family left Mon
day for the east the former to visit
relatives iu Ohio, aud the latter des
tined for Washington, their present
Elder Cudney was going about on
crutches Friday and Saturday last,
occasioned by a bruised ankle which
had been jammed by a horse, one
evening of an appointment in the
The wrong mail sack was dumped
off at Schuyler on the arrival of the
express from the west Sunday.
When opened the contents seemed
all to be consigned to parties in
The man Dawson who stabbed a
Bohemian a half dozen or more
times in a 6aloon at North Bend last
week, was acquitted at the prelimi
nary hearing, on the ground of
Among the names of the victims
to the late Indian massacre in Ari
zona is that of "George Turner." As
George Turner from this locality is
understood to be in that country, it
is possible that he may be one of the
victims but we hope not.
Some of the Schuyler veteraus
called on M. A. Upton at the asylum
while in Lincoln attending the re
union. He recognized his old ac
quaintances, appeared contented and
cheerful, and for some time has been
enjoying good health. He is im
pressed with the notion that he is
one of the physicians of the insti
There was a Bohemian dance Sun
day at the Catholic Church near
Olean. and in the course of the fes
tivities there arose an ugly,fight, iu
which several heads received vari
ous ghastly cuts from a hatchet and
revolver in the hands of Frank
Jonas and his brother. Anton
Feiala, one of the. victims, was in
town Monday, seeking medical
dressing for his bandaged wounds
and legal redress for his damaged
The Cadiz (O.) Sentinel, which
used to give the Judge some politi
cal broadsides, has, nevertheless, this
to say of him on his visit to hia
old home:
"Hon. Allen C. Turner, for many
years a citizen of Cadiz, and for
twelve years Probate Judge for Har
rison county, but who has resided
for the past ten years at Columbus,
Nebraska, is iu Cadiz, visiting his
friends, of whom he has a host. The
added years have whitened the locks
of our venerable friend, but he is
the same genial, intelligent, kind
hearted gentleman he was when he
left us for his western home. No
man could come to Cadiz who would
receive a warmer welcome than that
accorded to Judge Turner."
The Republican of the same place,
after paying a very high compliment
to the Journal, with which the
Judge has been identified, says :
"Judge Turner appears to-day the
same straight-forward, steady-going,
plain-spoken lawyer that he was ten
years ago. He does not look a day
older. His voice, manner and ap
pearance are just the same. Let him
go into the Probate Judge's oflice,
there are many who would come iu
and imagine he had been there all
the time. He would give a decision
so exactly like he did ten years ago
that nobody could tell the differ
The Judge being 72 years of age,
this kind of talk will doubtless be
gratifying to him. His many friends
among our readers will be pleased
to learn that he is enjoying his visit.
Coluiubu Primary.
The primary was conducted here
as has been customary with the Re
publicans for a number of years
past, voting the same as at an ordi
nary election of course by recog
nized Republicans only, or such as
declare themselves such. There
were two tickets in the field Satur
day, resulting iu the selection of the
following as delegates to the county
convention next Saturday: Hugh
Hughes, M. H. White, M. K. Tur
ner, John Tannahill, W. H. Winter
botham, John Hammond, Wm. Cor
nelius, M. Whitmoyer, G. W. Hulst,
C. M. Chambers, Julius Rasmussen,
Gus. G. Becher.
While discussing the benefits iu
working corn to plow deep, a friend,
the other day gave an instance in
point: Daniel Ritz, living within
twelve miles of Lincoln, while cul
tivating, found that he was not
going deep enough to suit his idea
of corn farming, aud so he put on an
extra team of horses and pushed the
shovels down. The consequence is
that he has no nubbins in his field,
the ears are all about a foot in
length, and plenty of them, while
corn in the same vicinity, with no
apparent difference iu the conditions
of its treatment except the working,
shows a far less satisfactory result.
Republican Convention.
Outside of Columbus, whose rep
resentation is given elsewhere, we
hear from the following precincts:
Lost CreekEd. Hoare, T. C. Ryan,
P. H. Kelley, U.Eyman. Monroe
H. M. Waite, R. E. Wiley, William
Matson, J. E.Dack. Stearns D. L.
Bruen, Wra. noeffelman. Wood
ville Joseph Apgar, Wm. Irwin,
Thomas Finch. Looking Glass
Saml. Mahood, Thos. McLean.
Letter Sist.
The following i.s a list of unclaimed
lott..r. rtfn-i!iiim iti th. linf -nflilTf in
j Columbus', for tTie week ending Sept.
i 17. ISM:
j? ( Frev.
11 William Hale.
X 3Iiss Annie Taylor.
IV H. "Warvan.
Held for pn.stage John 1. Johnson,
Loo!;inrgla, Nebraska.
If not filled for in SO days will be sent
to the dead-ltttor otliee, Washington, D.
C. Wheu cHlled for please say "adver
tised." a thee letters are kept'separate.
E. A. Gkrkaru, P. 31..
Columbus. Nebr.
HA YS Thursday, Sept. 15th, to Mrs.
Patrick Hays of this city, twin daughter-.
Advertisements under thN head live
cents a line each insertion.
New goods at Morse's.
Calico 4 cents per yard at Kra
mer's. Alchohol for sale at E. D. Shee
han's. Ladies' goat lace $1.50, at Hou
ahan's. Heavy Boots for $1.50 a pair at
Good fresh lard at Weber &
Men's heavy calf boots $3.50, at
Slippers, 20 cts. a pair, at Gal
ley Bros.
The best custom work at Hou
ahan's. Good waterproof cloth lyards
wide at 50 cents a yard, at Kramer's.
Eight lbs1, of coffee for $1.00 at
Marshall Smith's.
Fresh Oysters by the dish, can,
or cask, at Hudson's. 21-tf
Grapes and green apples by ex
press daily at Hudson's.
Oue price, and that always the
lowest, at Galley Bros.
Good men's heavy boots for
$1.25 at J. B. Delsman & Co's.
All-wool red flannel, only 20
cents a yard, at Kramer's.
Boy's heavy calf hoots $2.75, at
Modi Orauge and Verdelli Lem-oiis-.
Choice fruit at Hudson's.
Peruvian beer, the best drink
for the blood. Try it, at Hudson'.-.
Meu'3 fine calf boots from $1.00
to $0.00, at Morse's.
Ladies' sewed ahocs $1.00, at
Undershirta and Drawers at 25
cents each, can be found at Kramer's.
Six pounds of Arbuckles coffoe
for one dollar at Heinpleman's.
Cream Biking Powder, only 30
cts. per pouud, at J. B. Delman &
Fifteen new Davis Sewing Ma
chines to exchange for corn at Mar
shall Smith's.
A full lino of men's, ladies' aud
misses' shoes at Galley Bros.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual aud work-and-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 aud 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
Yon can get a heavy Overcoat
for $2.50 at Kramer's.
Buy your smoked meat at the
Columbus meat market, of Weber &
Men's Weh3ter ties fl.flO, at
Forks, nails, baud-rakes, etc., at
Elliott & Luers'.
If you want to receive the value
for your money, go to Morse's.
Boots and shoes cheap for cash
at the Bostou Shoe Store opp. P. O.
Dinner plates (Meakiu's goods,)
at 55 cts. per set at Marshall Smith's.
Cool, refreshing and pleasant to
drink is-Peruvian beer at Hudson's.
Infant's lace or button shoe3 25
cents a pair at Kramer's.
For choice dried fruits call on
G. C. Lauck, oue door east of
Ileintz's drug-store.
Go to Wm. Ryan's on 11th
street for your fine Kentuckv whis
kies. 20wtf.
Try one of Ball's Health Pre
serving Corsets, the best in the
market, for sale only, by Galley
Children's lace shoes 65 cents,
at Houahan's.
Crockery and Glassware at
Ilempleman's, cheap for cash, or
butter and eggs.
Now is the time to buy Dishes
and Glassware cheap, as I am going
to make a change iu ray business.
M. Smith. e
And still a smalLlot of crockery
to be sold, regardless of cost, at. J.
B. Delsman & Co's.
Don't buy a dollar' worth of
goods until you have seen the stock
of goods they keep at Kramer's N.
Y. Cheap Cash Store.
Dowty, Weaver Co. sell the best
cough medicine. They have contidenee
in it, and they arc willing to refund the
money if it does no good. Ask for Piso' s
Cure "for Consumption. Price, '2H cts.
and $1.00.
The best bargains in boots and
shoes in town at Boston Shoe Store..
Eveu if you live at a distance it
will pay you to come to Columbus
and buy your fall and winter supply
of goods at L. Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
It must bo so, for everybody
says that the best and cheapest gro
ceries are at J. B. Delsman & Co's.
Economy is the road to wealth;
therefore go to G. C. Lauck's, and
buy your groceries cheap for cash.
Children's and Misses shoes for
75 cents a pair, at Kramer's, that
you can not get for $1.00 at auy
other store.
John Hempleraan want to sell
out his stork of crockery and glass
ware. Come right along and carry
it off; am bound to sell at some
price. 21w3
If you are tired taking the large
old-fashioned griping pills, try Car
ter's Little Liver Pills and take some
comfort. A man can't stand every
thing. One pill a dose. For sale at
A. Heiutz'd Drug Store,
The greatest assortment of nov
eltics.Luce ColIars.Silk Hdkfs, Frin
ge:, Gimps. Button and neckwear
at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
St re.
vis:.-: 11::
Forty pigs for sale by
21-W-2 I). Avdekson.
Sine Yuur .llouey.
You can do that by buying your
goods of J. B. Delsmau & Co.
For Sale Cheap.
One good Challenge Feed Mill and
horse power. Inquire at Journal
oflice. 2ltt
Becker fc Welch at the Shell Creek
Mills are now ready to do grist
Aotlee to Farmer.
I am ready to contract corn and
hay for fall and winter deliverj.
D. Andekson.
-1.1 cent, for Corn.
For 100 bushels good corn, I will
give a No. 4 Davis Sewing Machine
worth $45. Marshall Smith.
Come anl See
A new line of cloaks and dolmaus,
latest designs at low fisrures at Kra
mer's New York Cheap Cash Store.
The highest market price iu cash
or trade will be paid tor all the po
tatoes that may come to J. B. Dels
man & Co.
Mo! Farmer. Here 1- Your
I have 40 good calves and 75 year
ling steers and heifers, to sell cheap.
D. Andekson.
For Sale.
A phaeton, single harness, cook
stove, sewing machine and s;'me
other articles of furnitury, very
cheap. 21-1 M. V. B. Bristol.'
--Prompt relief iu sick headache,
dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain
in the side, etc., guaranteed to those
using Carter's L'ttle Liver Pills.
One pill a dose. 25 cents. For sale
at A. Ileintz's Drur Store.
Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur
nish brick, either at his kiln north
west of the city ; delivered anywhere
iu the city, or built iu the wall, at
reasonable rate-t.
Feed Your Corn.
I will furnish trom 100 to 200 head
of steers to be full corn fed this
winter and pay six (() cents per
pound for the gain. R. M.Titkvkk,
20w2 Lincoln. Neb.
Ilxtray rot!ee.
Came to my herd Sept. 3d, a two
year old red steer, one ear clipped,
it is thought to belong to a drove
of about 200 that pas-ed through
Sherman precinct.
20w5 J. Hknkv Mkyrk.
Notice is hereby given that the
road passing my house i not public
but private, and my own, and I ex
pressl forbid travel thereon except
to such as shall hereafter obtain
permissiou of me.
Herman Wilkfn.
Citj- I'roiM'rty Tor Sale.
100 lots in Smith's addition to ''o-lumbii-,
in the northwest part of the
city. The mo-t desirable residence
lots now in the market. Prices low
and terms easy.
Si'F.irr & North.
F-tray Colt.
From my premises west of Jacob
Ernst's. Sunday Sept. ISth, a dark
brown hoi-so colt, nearly tour months
old. Had on a new leather halter.
A suitablo reward will bepaid for
return. 2lw'lp 1. A. Lord.
Smart Weed and Belladonua
combined with the other ingredicut?
used in the best porous pUsters,
make Carter's S. W. & B. Buck
ache Plasters the best in the market
Price 25 cents. For sale at A. Ileintz's
Drug Store.
Frit ray ."otice.
Came to my place, twelve miles
due north of Columbus, Sept. JHh.
one heifer I1., to 2 years old, all red
with white tace. The owner is re
quested to call, prove property, pay
expenses and take her away.
20-w-o Mathias Goedev.
Aotice ol involution.
The copartnership hcretorore ex
isting under the firm name of Schrani
Bros, has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent, and Jacob Schrani
will continue in the business and
assume all liabilities and collect all
monies due said firm.
Columbus, Neb., Sept. 20, S1.
Jacob Schram,
21-W-3 Michael Schram, jr.
L'olumhiiw lriviiisr Parle aud
Fair Aoeiation Ilooth
lrlrilesre fur Sale.
The Directors of the above asso
ciation will offer for sale on
Saturday, Sept. 24, 18S1,
at the Town Hall in Columbus,Neb.
at 10 o'clock, a. m., privileges for
6ellinr refreshments, cigars, and oth
er privileges. The privileges wil!
be exclusive, and sold without re
serve to the highest bidder.
Notice ol involution.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, doinj; busi
ness under the firm name of Elliott
& Luers has been this day dissolved
by mutual consent, Mr. Luers retir
ing, disposing "of his interest to John
Elliott. The new firm of J. C. Elli
ott & Co. assume all liabilities, and
will receive all claims owing the
old firm. J. C. Elliott,
Sept. 3, '81. Henry Lcers.
I have sold my stock of hard
ware, wagon material, etc., to Ern.-t.
Newman & Co., who will continue
the business at the same place. I
extend to the pnblic my thanks for
many favors and bespeak for the
new firm a continuance of the liberal
patronage which has been extended
to me. I shall have my oflice at the
old place and continue in the pur
chase of grain and hogs, always
paying the highest market price.
Call and see me.
Columbus, Aug. 27, 1SS1.
John Wiogiks.
1.1 ve A sent Wanted.
To sell Dr. Chase's Recipes; or in
formation for Everybody, in every
county iu the United States and
Canada. Enlarged by the publisher
to 64S pages. It contains over 2,000
household receipes and is suited to
all classes aud conditions of society.
A wonderful book and a household
necessity. It sell" at sight. Great
er t inducement evr offered to hook
agtmts Sample copies sent by mail,
postpaid, for $2.00. Exclusive terri
tory given. Agents more than
double their money. Address Dr.
Chase's Steam Printiug House, Aun
Arbor, Michigan. 20-m-3
Xo Itridge ItuIIders and Olkers
Is hereby aiveu thai sealed propo
sals will be received at the otliee of
the County Clerk of Platte county,
Nebraska, until Tuesday, October
4th, 1SS1, at 11 o'clock, a. m., for a
lot of bridge iron owned by the
county. Parties wishing to buy can
examine the same in the Court
House yard. County Commission
ers reserve the right to reject any or
all bids.
By order of County Commission
ers. Columbus, Sept. 13. 'SI.
John Stauffer,
21-W-2 County Clerk.
STOCK sas.k:
I will sell at my farm, live miles
northwest of Columbus and two
miles" east of Gleti-ou's bridge,
Satl-rdav, Oct. S, 1SSI,
beinniug at 10 o'clock, a. m., 20
milch cows, some of them fresh, 15
two-year-old htifers, 10 yearlirgs,
15 crtives. 1 good rrade bull, 1 bull,
4 good brood mares, throe of them
for sale with or separate from their
colts, 2 two-year old colts, 4 yearling
colts 1 large pony, 30 pigs, 1 reaper
and binder, 1 mower, 1 sulky rake, 1
horse rnke, 3 iron-beam stirring
plows, 1 break plow, 1 seeder, 1
stalk cutter, one fanning mill, 3
walking cultivators, 2 harrows, 1
light platform spring wagon.
Terms of Stile: Ten dollars and
under, cash ; above that .sum one
years time on bankable paper, at
eight per cent, interest.
T1103. Fl.YNV,
F. E. Gii.i.ett, Auctioneer. 21-3
Our miotstinnx of the tHirket-. are (! :iflriMii.:id :re correct
and rplinMe .it lb- time.
Wheat N t
Wheat N. 2,
$1 01
?l 00
0t ii w.
FlMur, ....
PuttltOSs, .
Fat Ho, .
Fat C.ittlr.
r. oo:. ""'
1.1 VK riTOCK.
l.mik Here, Shvep .71 en.
I h:ie mx .MeritH lm-k-. for !?.
1' KkTIV(..
The 3el l.lqiion
Wiie mill beer lor medicinal, me
ehanteHl r ehemicit fMrfovts jt L. l.
For Sale.
A Minnesota Chief Threshing Ma
ebiiif for -alr ebf.ip for -sh r h turn:,
with ffiMrfl vHctiritv.
William 1C. 3inii;p.
Ildiise. nir.e and Siisj Piiuter,
Cilsoitt.iie r ad ISi t H-irwcr. 1 be
hrit. Try hi. Itt-iWfcitre ih South I -
ISeiruiar Stoek Sa!er.
All kinds' of hnruetl .stock bought
und Httld; uNo f.ti tiitt stock hot(.
'm!- D Amkk"0.
I.aml Cur Sal.
1G0 acres, 5 miles wosl of Coltun
lu: 7.1 aurrs HHd-r t'iIfiv-itiH.4ti a-r!"
hay land, li ih ai-. b fa. term-,.
Iniiirt-at .Iouk.Vai. mIMcc
Slieej lor Sate.
150 Kw, 100 Lambs and 75 Me.
rin Mueko. Ewe. S. I. am'.-. 51.71,
HwK. $ 1 i ?. at mt -fet( Hear i-hunltii-.
' ' I). A.
For Sale or Trade.
Mv hou-e ai.d lot in Columbus,
lot .'Kxl-W. uotisr IKxJI. I', try. kttth
eH lixli: row stable, ilae for p-, rt ,
everything iw and in nod -h:f. ill
t-H rlieup for e:ish or trul for lun I.
For iirti"Hldr ifply ti this Mce.
1 31i:ai'i:ktki4:, vr ia:::3iv.
McCormick, as Usual, Carries Off the
Royal Agricultural Society's Gold
Medal at the Great Derby Reaper
Trial in England Over Thirty Com
petitors! The learn- by -peeial caldt
Kieee that th rt-at !--by trial, un
dor the awspitr-- of t ICor-il Agricul
tural society of England, of which the
PriiM-e f Wil-s is I're-ident, h is re
sulted in a complete walk-away for rur
fellow-eitizen, the Hon. t.'ll. Mc
Cormiek. There were ever thirty eMtries at this
' battle of the reatr giants, iHcludin
the snHiiiPl .lohatoN. alter .V. Wood,
etc. After the most Impartial f trials,
for whk-h the EHsliih Agricultural j
ietie are always famed. th award cf
the highest prize a sold medal -w.i-
made to Cyrn II. Me ormtek, of t h -eago
for the bet heaf-biiidiiur ha'vts
ter. The John-ton and SamitrUon
machine- were awarded silrer medali.
Owe little incident connected with the
machine that won thi- sreat victory i
worth mentioning: The machine wai
on the ill-fated lirittanic that sunk o3
the Iri-h coast, and ly under fifteen
fathom- of wjitcr for a'weefc or more.
The steamer was finally towed iato port,
and the machine recovered, and. not
withstanding it- -orry plizht. it Was
tni- machine that carried oh the rizr.
l,hiv"ji irumne, jLwf
Carpenters and Contractors.
Have had an extended experience, and
will guarantee atifaetion in work.
An Kinds of repairing done on short
.io'. Gr mottA h,(1(hhI work and
. nriee. Call and gne Ms an oppor
t unity toestimateforyoH. JSTShopon
13th St. one door west of Friedhof &
Go's, store, oltimhu, Sebr. -4b3-y
Wfmes, Aliv. Cigars oni Tobacco.
2r3"Sehilz's Milwaukee Beer constant
ly on hand. JF3
Elevextu St., Columbus, Neb
-- -.