The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 31, 1881, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31, lb&l.
Entered at the Poi-t-otlico, Coluinbu,
Neb., a& t-ccond clans matter.
Ex-Senator Platt has an income
of $40,000 a year.
A case of yellow fever was re
cently reported at Key "West.
The business part of Dangerfielil,
Texas, was burned on the 24th.
The cattle disease is bad in Logan,
Ford, and McLean counties, III.
The emperor of Germany is re
ported to be in very poor health.
Queen Victoria has approved
the Irish land bill, which now be
comes a law.
Cork is king in Nebraska. Oma
ha Bee. Yes.and the hog is prophet.
Maud S. sprained her ankle and
did not trot at Hartford last week,
as announced.
Raymond, a town in. Illinois, on
the 23d had all its business houses
destroyed by fire.
The Tobacco crop in Oiio and
Kentucky is suffering from long
contiuued drouth.
Richmond, Va., is suffering great
inconvenience for tho want of a
good supply of water.
Coi.. J. B. Benton, commanding
the Spriuj; field, Mass., arsenal, died
on the morning of the 23d.
Howgate's property, uow uuder
attachment by the troverument, has
been appraised at .$101,205.
On. was struck while boring for
water at Homer, N. Y., after going
through thirty feet of rock.
"Wm. Comer, of Omaha, was sud
duuly killed on the morning of the
24th, while working a pile driver.
A cakoo of cotton on the Anchor
Line steamer Tenuessee at Greenock,
Scotland, burned one night last
Gambetta was not sure of his
election on the 24th from Bellville ;
an informalit' will be scrutinized by
a committee.
The bullion withdrawn from the
Bauk of England on the 23d includ
ed 10,000 in gold bullion for the
United States.
Socialist leaders in Germany de
nounce Bismarck's scheme for pen
sioning atjed workingmen, as a mere
election dodge.
The Omaha Republican says that
hoop-Hkirts have come again, and
uow every house will have its skel
eton in the closet.
The United States torpedo ram
Alarm has been thoroughly tested
and pronounced the most formidable
vessel iu our navy.
Over $2,000,000 worth of 5 per
cent, regislored bonds have been re
ceived at the United States Treas
ury for redemption.
A convention of deaf mutes is in
pension at Ilarrisburg, Pa. The ob
ject is progress. An exchango says
it is a very quiet affair.
Wm. Gaynor, aged 70 years, sui
cided the other day by jumping
from an excursion steamer, near
Lincoln Park, Chicago.
The case of the Malleys, charged
with the murder of Jennie Cramer
at New Haven, Coun., has been
postponed for two weeks.
A REroRT comes from Brockville,
Out., says that ex-senator Conkling
has purchased Robison's island, just
below Thousand Island park.
Rev. Georoe Granville, master
of University college and chaplain
ordinary to the queen, has accepted
the deanery of Westminster Abbey.
The French troops in Tunis were
suffering last week from excessive
heat. The military hospitals were
crowded with exhausted soldiers.
The treasury department last week
ordered the transfer of $4,073,340 in
gold to the Philadelphia mint for
coinage into eagles and half eagles.
Helm & Cheeseman's warehouse
at Aberdeen, Ohio, burned on the
night of the 24th. The loss includ
ing the storages will reach $100,000.
The greenback state convention
of New York commenced its session
at Elmira on the 23d. One hundred
and fifty delegates were in attend
ance. C "V. Beller, attorney at law of
Marion Centre, Kansas, while going
to his residence, was kuocked down,
and while insensible was robbed of
A new post of the Grand Army of
the Republic, to be known as post
G9, department of Nebraska, was
mustered iu last week at North
A St. Petersburg dispatch states
that the Russian government will
ask the extradition of Leo Hart
uiann, the dyuamitiet, from the Uni
ted States.
A big fire at Chicago, on the even
ing of the 26th, originating iu the
packing establishment of John C
Hately, destroyed $750,000 worth of
An incendiary fire at Irvine, Ky.,
the other night destroyed all the
business portion of the place except
three stores. The loss is estimated
at $75,000.
Last week very heav' rains fell
in portions of Colorado, causing
great damage, the railroads being
the greatest sufferers by numerous
washouts, etc.
The rainy weather throughout
England still continued last week,
and the archbishop of Canterbury
published a form of prayer for fa
vorable weather.
Lewis Langguth, of Pittsburg,
Pa., beat his wife the other d-iy, in
j uries received resulting in her death
on the 25th. He was arrested on the
charge of murder.
The London Times says that the
lose through probable failure of the
harvests in England, on account of
the continuance of the rains will bo
reckoned by millions, and will prove
absolute ruin for many of the farmers.
Mrs. S. M. Merritt, wife of a
Coldwater, Mich, miuister, suicided
on the 24th. It is Allowed that she
was insane.
Senator SeoMons, who was un
der indictment in New York for
bribery, was defeated the other day
for rcnominalion by Hon.NormanM.
B. Gorbin, salesman for Sherman
Bros., Cincinnati, committed suicide
the other day at Nashville, by take
ing morphine. Domestic trouble
was the cause.
Capt. HowoATE,who wasarre6ted
last week at "Washington City charg
ed with embezzling large sums of
money from the government,has been
released on bail.
A grape sugar manufacturing
company has bceu incorporated in
New York, with a capital of $1,000,
000. The factory will be located at
Des Moines, Iowa.
Boston had a $60,000 fire on the
2Sth in the burning of the Union
Stone Company's building. Seventy
five men by the fire will be thrown
out of employment.
The state greenback convention
of Massachusetts in their platform
adopted a plank favoriug universal
suffrage, "without regard to race,
color, sex, or taxes."
At his wife's request, a man in
New York named Lanleu sold his
wife to an acquaintance named Jan
sen for $1. Mr. Lnuten and Mrs.
Jausen have both sued for divorce.
Bollinger, a policeman of Chica
go, was arrested the other day on
the charge of brutally clubbing Jo
seph Buckley who is in a critical
conditiou from concussion of the
Fred Valtz's flouring mill and
baker', on Milwaukee Av., Chicago,
burned on the moruiug of the 24th.
Three firemen were badly injured,
and eight horses were burned to
A Paris correspondent says the
body of the aeronaut who made an
ascension from Montpelier on the
KUh inst., has been found, frightful
ly mutilated, near Lispignette light
house. Among the new officers just elect
ed by the American Bar Association
for Nebraska, are James M. "Wool
worth, vice president, aud James
Laird and C. F. Mauderson local
Judge Lawrence, first comptroll
er of the treasury, has decided that
when government contracts are sold
by the contractor, the contract itself
is annulled, and both parties violate
the law.
A basket left the other day at the
Midland railway station, Ireland, by
two men who immediately decamp
ed, was found to coutain a large
quantity of gunpowder and car
tridges. The search for Stewart's body in
Cypress hill cemetery was progress
last week. Nothing has been found.
The digging stopped on the 24th.
The whole affair is considered a
big hoax.
The greenback convention of Mas
sachusetts brought together 406 del
egates, and at the conclusion of their
labors nominated Gen. Butler by
acclamation as their candidate for
In TuniB 2,000 irregular troops
have been dispatched by the Bey to
suppress the revolution. The heir
apparent is in command and a col
umn of French soldiers support the
The shops of the Galv, Harris
burg & San Antonio railroad burned
on the evening of the 24th including
tools aud machinery, three locomo
tives and one passenger car. The
loss will reach $200,000.
The basket of gunpowder and car
tridges found at Midland railway
station, Birmingham, was merely
intended for the race course shoot
ing galleries, and not, as supposed,
for murderous purposes.
Little Chief's request to be al
lowed to return to Red Cloud agen
cy with four hundred of bis people
was refused by Secretary Kirk
wood, who directed that he and his
men go to the Indian Territory.
Recent reports from various parts
of Ireland state that heavy rains
have done immense damage to crops.
Some cut crops have already begun
to sprout. Corn is much damaged
and potatoes are showing 6igns of
extensive rot.
Five cars loaded with stock on the
C, B. & Q. railroad were thrown
from the track near the stock-yards,
Chicago, on the night of the 24tb,
instantly killing Hiram Meiser, a
brakeman, aud killing aud wound
ing fifty cattle.
The fruit warehouse of "Warner &
Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., burned ou
the morning of tho 23d. Loss on
building, stock and machinery, $225,
000. Harry Baruum aud Fitzgerald
two employes of the house, were
burned to death.
Many London merchants are sign
ing a petition addressed to the house
of commons viewing with alarm the
announcement that the cabinet will
conclude a commercial treaty with
France without the consent of the
house of commons.
The greenback state convention of
New York nominated the following
ticket: Secretary of stale, Epictua
Howe; comptroller, John Hoper;
treasurer, Allan G. Woods; survey
or general, J. H. Gould; appellate
court, D. G. Maighlan.
The newspaper war between Oak
dnle aud Neligh, about the location
of the Cougregatioual Seminary at
the latter place, is getting pretty hot.
Outside sinners ought to have noth
ing to do with the controversy, as it
is none of their business, but they
ought to be permitted to take les
sons of instruction in the use of
language, making charges of false
dealing, dishonesty and corrupt
.motives of the saints at Neligh in
securing the location of the Seminary.
The U. S. steamer Allianco ar
rived the other day at Hammcrfest,
one of the extreme northern ports
of Norway, and after obtaining sup
plies and a pilot sailed for Spitsber
Four horse thieves, members of
an extensive gang which had been
operating along the Rio Grande for
a long time, while in the'eustody of
officers were attacked near the town
of Dolerez Teu and all killed.
Four heavily armed and masked
men entered the omnibus which was
conveying passengers from the Wa
bash railroad to Lexington, Mo., on
the 25th, and robbed the passengers,
five in number, of all their money
and valuables, and then escaped.
O'Leary and John Kopejtka, two
farmers living near La Platte, under
took to settle an old feud by engag
ing in a deadly fight the other day,
which resulted in the death of the
latter a short time after the fight, he
being Utterly bitten and pounded
to death.
A civil suit has been commenced
by the government against Henry
W. Howgate, to recover $101,257,
and all his property will be attached
in the district. It is believed that
further investigation will disclose
large sums taken by Howgate from
the government.
Howgate's plan of embezzlement
consisted iu paying himself for
goods which were never really pur
chased. The detectives found firms
in New York who were suppoged to
have supplied various lots of ma
terial, who deuied receiving either
the orders or the money.
The old graveyard near Williams
port, Iud was set ou fire the other
day by a spark from a passing lo
comotive. The tombstones, shrub
bery, plants, fences, and the sev
eral large wooden crosses were all
destroyed. It is the first graveyard
we ever heard of being destroyed
by fire.
The result of the recent French
elections shows that 483 members
have been elected. Republicans
elected 398 of their candidates, and
Monarchists and Bonapartists 85.
The Republicans gained 54 seats.
Gambetta has become representative
of a large majority in the county
Two thousaud people attended the
old settlers' re-union last week at
Barlow Granger's grove, Des Moines
Iowa. ThoBe preseut were the old
settlers' of Polk county, and their
families. Barlow Granger was pre
sented with a gold beaded cane, and
liiw wife, with a silver tea set and
knives and forks.
George Stone, now of South
Arkansas, charged with the murder
of a man named McCorke, was the
other day arrested. A number of
his friends went over after him, but
the officers spirited him away. Fifty
armed men were scouring tho coun
try looking for the murderer, with
the intention of lynching him.
G. L. Smith of Chicago, entered
the station the other day of the
Brush Electric Light Company, and
was fool enough to believe he could
stop the machine, and seized hold of
some part of it, where the current is
generated, and he dropped over the
railing dead. It was necessary to
stop the machine to release him.
James Gordon Bennett has re
cently done an act worthy of praise,
by purchasing a field overlooking
the polo grounds of Newport, and
presenting it to the town forever.
This field has always been used by
the less wealthy town people, and
has been looked upon as their own
special meeting ground for purposes
of recreation and amusement.
The State Journal says the long
est drought that ever occurrod in
America was in the summer of 1762.
No rain fell from the 1st of May till
the 1st of September, 123 days.
Many people were forced to send to
England for grain and hay. In the
summer of 1749 there were 108 days
without rain ; in 1730, 92 ; and in
1773, 70. These are the most nota
ble dry "spells" recorded.
President Garfield.
On the 28th, from a relapse tbe
President takes a turn for the better,
and from tho shades of death a
bright ray of hope springs up that
his life may yet be spared. On the
29th, the President is still better and
resting quietly. On the 30th a tele
gram received here, read: "The
President improved some yesterday
No change in his condition to-day."
Urso & Marciano:s wholesale
fruit store took fire which spread to
adjoining buildings in Evansville,
Ind., on the morning of the 24th,
destroying nine large wholesale
houses aud contents. One of the
buildings caved in with three fire
men on the building, two of whom
were buried in the ruins; one was
immediately tken out, but was
dead. The entire loss of property
will reach $200,000.
An attempt was made last week to
wreck a passenger train on the Wa
bash railroad near New Salem, 111,
the engineer as he was rounding a
curve on a heavy down grade dis
covered a man trying to fasten a
heavy tie to a rail, and applying the
air brakes stopped tbe train before
it reached the obstruction. Three
other similar attempts have been
made near the same place. Suspicion
attached to a former brakeman who
has lately been discharged.
An attempt was made the other
night to burn a corn-crib containing
50,000 bushels, at Pawnee City, Neb.,
belouging to W. C. Henry. A box
containing rags saturated with coal
oil, and a can of gasoline was placed
against tbe crib and ignited, but was
discovered in time to prevent a big
fire. Citizens of the town have no
doubt now that the recent fire there,
which nearly destroyed the town,
wag the work of an incendiary.
A private letter from Laugkok,
Siam, of tho 24th says Asiatic chol
era prevails to an alarming extent
carrying uway the uatives at tho
rate of from 100 to 300 daily. A few
foreigners havo died and others left
and every one feels as though be
were living in a graveyard.
BY VIRTUE of a license issued by the
District Court of the Fourth Judi
cial District of Nebraska, in aud for
l'latte county, the undersigned, execu
tor of the estate of John A. Norris, late
of Franklin county, in the State of Ohio,
deceased, will sell at public vendue the
following described real estate, situated
and being in the county of Platte, aud
State of Nebraska, to wit: The south
west 4 of the southwest of Section 8,
in Township IT north of Range 1 east
The east K of the southwest K of Sec
tion 8, in Township 17 north of Range 1
east. The north i of northeast K of
Section 27, in Township 17 north of
Range 1 east. The southeast J of the
northeast i of Section 27, In Township
17 north of Range 1 east. The northeast
j4 of the southeast K of. Section 27, in
Township 17 north of Range 1 east.
And the undivided half of the south i
of the southeast K of Section 23, in
Township 17 north of Range 1 east.
Also the following lots in the city of
Columbus, to wit: Lot 7 in block 38,
lot 8 in block 38, lot 3 in block 39, lot 4
in block 39, lot 1 in block 40, lot 2 in
block 40, lot 1 in block 43, lot 2 Id block
43, lot 3 in block 33, lot 4 in block 58, lot
3 in block 72, lot 0 in block 72, lot 7 in
biock 74, lot 8 in block 74, lot 3 in block
88, lot 4 in block 88, lot 3 in block 121,
lot 4 in block 121, lot 3 in block 12S, lot
3 in block 13G, lot 4 in block 13C, lot 1 in
block 138, and lot 2 in block 138. Said
sale will take place on
Thursday, the 8th day of Sep
tember, 1881,
at 10 o'clock, a. in., at the west door of
the Court in Columbus, Platte
county, Nebraska. Terms of sale: one
third cash, balance in two, equal, an
nual payments, with interest at ten per
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 17. '81.
Executor of the estate of John A. Nor-
ris, deceased. MS-4
BY VIRTUE of an orderof sale issued
out of the District Court of Platte
county, aud State of Nebraska, by the
Cleik thereof, and to me directed, on a
judgment anil decree obtained before
said Court at its October term, A. D.,
18S0, to wit: October 22d, A. D.. 1880, in
favor of Sarah B. Cantield, executrix of
the last will aud testament of Philo
Caufield, deceased, as plaiutin', and
against George W. Stewart aud Lois M.
Stewart, as defendants, for the sum of
three hundred and forty dollars aud
eighty-three cents $340.83 damages,
and interest aud costs, nine dollars aud
forty-eight cents $9.48 and accruing
osts, I have levied upou the following
described real estate, to wit: The west
half A of the southeast quarter K or
Section number thirty -two 32, in
Township number seventeen 17 north
of Range number oue 1 west of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, in PlatU
county, Nebraska, taken as the property
of George W. Stewart and Lois M.
Stewart, and will oner the same for sale
to the highest bidder, for cash iu hand,
at the west front door of the Court
House in Columbus, (that being the
place wherein the last term of the Dis
trict Court of Platte county was held),
on tho
10th day of September A. !.,
at the hour of two o'clock p. m. of said
day, when and where due attendance
will he given by the undersigned.
Dated at Columbus, Nebraska, Au
gust 8th, 1831.
587-5 Sheriff of Platte Co., Neb.
BY VIRTUE of an order ot sale issued
out of the District Court of Platte
county, and state of Nebraska, by the
Clerk thereof, and to me directed on a
judgment and decree, obtained before
said Court, at its October term, A. D.
1880, to-wit: October 21st, A. D. 1880.
In favor of the New England Mortgage
Security Company as plaintiff, aud
against Wilbert Fortune and Josephine
Fortune as defendants, for the sum of
($472.25) four hundred and seventy-two
dollars and twenty-five cents, damages,
and costs ($9.53) nine dollars and fifty -three
cent, aud interest and increased
costs. I have levied upon the following
described real estate, to-wit:
The north cast quarter (l) of Section
No. twelve (12) in Township No. nine
teen (19) north, of Range No. three (3)
west of the Gtb principal meridian, in
Platte county. Nebraska, taken as the
property of "Wilbert Fortune and Jose
phine Fortune, and will offer the same
for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash
in hand, at the west front door of the
Court House in Columbus, (that being
the place wheroin the last term of the
District Court of Platte county was
held) on the
lOth day of September, A. I..
at the hour of two o'clock in he after
noon of said day, when and where due
attendance will be given by the under
signed. Dated at Columbus, Nebraska, August
9tb, A. D. 15:81.
Sheriff of Platte County, Nebr.
BY VIRTUE of an order of sale issued
out of the District Court of Platte
county and State of Nebraska, by the
Clerk thereof, and to me directed, on a
judgment and decree obtained before
said Court at its October term, A. D.,
1880, to wit: October 22d, 1880, In favor
of the American Mortgage Company of
Scotland as plaintiff and against James
Russell and JIary Russell as defend
ants, for the sum of six hundred and
thirty -five dollars and seventy -five
cents $635.75 damages, and costs eight
dollars and three cents $8.03 and inter
est and increased costs, 1 have levied
unon the followins described real
estate, to wit: The west half ol the
southeast quarter Jl of Section number
thirty-two 32, in Township number
taken as the property ol James Russell
and Mary Russell, and will offer the
same for sale to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, at the west front door of
the Court House in Columbus, (that
being the place wherein the last term
of the District Court ol Platte county
was held) on the
10th day of September, A. !.,
at the hour of three o'clock in the after
noon of said day, when and where due
attendance will be given by the under
signed. Dated at Columbus, Nebraska, Au
gust 8th, 1881.
587-5 Sheriff of Platte Co., Neb.
To Charles Walker, non-resident de
fendant: TAKE NOTICE that Albert B. Dewey
has sued you in the District Court
in and for Platte county, Nebraska, aud
that you are required to answer the
petition filed by said Albert B. Dowey,
on or before the 12th day of September,
1881. The prayer or said petition is Tor
the foreclosure of a mortgage made by
you to Albert B. Dewey on the lUth
day of April, 1880, on the south half of
the southeast quarter of Section 28, iu
Township 18 north of Range 3 west of
the Sixth Principal Meridian in said
Platte county. Which mortgage was
given to secure the payment of five
several promissory notes, all dated
April 19th, 18X0, four of said note being
for the sum of twenty dollars each, and
are payable in one, two, three and four
?'ears after the dates thereof respective
y, the other or fifth note being for the
urn of two hundred dollars and is pay
able in five years after tbe date thereof,
all bearing interest at ten per cent,
from maturity till paid, which said
promissory notes were made and deliv
ered by you, to the said Albert B.
By Chas. A. Spkick,
Attorney. 535-5
eighteen loj north or Kange number
one 1 east of the Sixth Principal Me
ridiau. in Platte county, Nebraska,
In the matter of the estate of Edward
C. Kayanaugh, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of an order of license
to me granted by tho District Court of
PKitto eotintv, Nebraska, bearing date
on the 10th day 6f July, A- D., 1881, to
sell the real estate of said deceased, I,
Daniel C. Kavauaugh, administrator of
the estate of said deceased, as such ad
ministrator, on the 17th day of Septem
ber, A. D., 1881, at the hour of two
o'clock iu the afternoon of said day. at
the southeast corner of lot five 5) in
block eighty-four (84) in the city of
Columbus, in said county, will offer for
sale and sell at public vendue to the
highet bidder the real estate ot said
deceased, or so much thereof as will be
sufficient to pay the debts outstanding
against tbe estate of said deceased, de
scribed as follows, to-wit; Lots one (1)
two (2) three (3) aud four (4) in block
one hundred and twenty-live (125) in
tho city of Columbm , aforesaid ; the east
twenty-two (22) feet in width north and
south, of lot live (5) in block eighty-four
(84) in said city of Columbus; the east
half of the west two-thirds of lot six'0 in
block eighty-four 84 in said city of Co
lumbus; the west two-thirds of lot
seven 7 in said block eighty-four 84
iu said city of Columbus; the northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of Sec
tion even 7 in Township eighteeu 18
north of Range one 1 east iu said Platte
county; and the southwest quarter of
Sectio'n six 0 in said Towuship and
Terms of sale, at least half cash; bal
ance in three, equal, annual payments
with interest at eight per cent., secured
by bond and mortgage on the premises
Dated this 21th day of August, 1881.
Administrator as aforesaid.
A. W. Critks, Attorney. 089-4.
Leonard F. Parker,
Augustus W. Lawrence
e, et al.)
In District Court, Platte county, Ne
Augustus AV. Lawrence, The Eagle
Manufacturing Company, Tberou Cum
mins, Henry T. Noble and OrrN B.
Dodge, doing business In firm name of
Cummins. Noble & Dodge, non-resident
defendant's, will take notice that on the
30th day of July, 1881, the above named
plaintiff tiled in the office of the district
court of said Platte county, Nebraska,
his petition against said deteudants and
others, the object and prayer of which
is to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted by said Augustus W. Lawrence,
ou the 10th day of July, 1870, ou the
northeast quarter of section two (2),
towuship seventeen (17) north, of Range
oue (1) east of the sixth principal me
ridian, ou which there is uow due the
sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($."00)
with twelve per cent, interest thereon
from July 10th, 1873, for which sum
plaintiff prays judgment, together with
a foreclosure of said mortgage, aud an
order for the sale of said premises.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 19th day of Sep
tember, 1881.
Whit.moykk, Gkkkaud & Post,
58G-5 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the County Court for Platte county,
Nebraska. In the matter of the last
will and testament of Samuel R.
Curtis, deceabed.
NOTICE is hereby given that on the
15th day of August, 1881, an in
strument iu writing purporting to be a
copy of the last will aud testamcut of
Samuel R. Curtis, late ot Lee couutv,
Iowa, deceased, together with a copy 6f
the probate thereof duly authenticated,
were filed in the County Court of said
Platte county, and an allowance of the
same praveu as the last will and testa
ment of Samuel R. Curtis, deceased.
Whereupon it is ordered that the 8th
day of September, 1881, at 10 o'clock
a. "m., at the County Judge's ofiiee in
said county, he assigued as the time and
place for hearing in said matter. And
it is further ordered that due notice of
the time aud place of such hearing be
given ky published notice thereof iu
Tuk Columbus Journal for three weeks
prior to said time of hearing.
(A true copy of the order.)
Aug. 10, 1881. 588-4 County Judge.
In District Court of Platte Co., Nebr.
Joux Beiir, Plaintiff, J
Lizzie Bkuk, Defendant.)
To Lizzie Behr, the above named de
fendant: TAKE NOTICE that the above named
plaintiff has filed his petition in
the District Court for Platte county,
Nebraska, praying that a decree of di
vorce be made dissolving tjie marriage
between the above named plaintiff and
defendant, on the grounds of adultery,
wilful abandonment and habitual drunk
enness, and you are further notified
that you are required to answer said
plaintiff's petition on or before the
12th day of September, 1881, and in
default of such answer a judgment
agaiust you will be taken as prayed
for in said petition.
By W. S. Gekr, his Att'y. 587-5
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.)
August 3d, 1881. f
COMPLAINT having been entered at
this office by Andreas Heinmann
against Thomas O'Connor for abandon
ing his Homestead Entry No. 8499, dated
March 17tb, 1879, upon the east yiy north
west i Section 12, Township 19 north,
Range 3 west, in Platte county, Nebr.,
with a view to the cancellation of said
entry; the said parties are hereby
summoned to annmr :it. thin nfllc.. ,
the 28th day of September, 1831, at 10
o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged aban
donment. Depositions will be taken
before II. J. Hudson, at his office in
Columbus, Nebr., on September 21st,
1831, 10 a. m.
31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
587-5 Wm. ANYAN, Receiver.
State of Nebraska, Platte county, ss.
To John Green, owner.
You are hereby notified that at a pri
vate sale of lands and lots for taxes, on
the 14th day of April, 1870, by the treas
urer of said county, lots 5 and G, block
101, in the city of Columbus, Nebraska,
for taxes assessed on the same for the
year 1878, iu the name of John Green,
were sold to E. L. Siggins on the 14th
day of April, 1879, and that the time for
redeeming said lots will expire Dec.
10th, 1881, aud unless redemption from
said sale be made bv said time, a deed
for said lots will be made to the pur
chaser. 589-3. E. L. Siggins.
Elizabeth Kifer and Jacob Kifer will
take notice that on the Uth day of Au
gust, 1881, G. B. Bailey, a justice of the
peace of Columbus precinct, Platte
county, Nebraska, issued an order of
attachment for the sum or $15.33 in an
action pending before him wherein the
Singer Manufacturing Company is
plaintiff, and Elizabeth Kifer and Jacob
Kifer, defendants; that property con
sisting of one white and red spotted
cow, has been attached under said or
der; said cause was continued to the
15th day of September, 1831, at oue
o'clock, p. in.
August 12, 1881. J. L. LEWIS,
588-4 Agent.
'finai, lKOOI
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J
August 12th, 1881. J
NOTICE is. hereby givfii that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his Intention to make final
proof in support of bis -hiui, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Dist. Court at Columbus, Neb., on Sept.
7tb,l881, viz:
George K. Bullock, Honie.stcad No.
11118, for the S.W. J, Section 20, Town
ship 19, Range 4, west. He names the
following witnesses to h.'a con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of said land, viz: William Wright,
ilartin Swansen, J. B. Dcviue and Ed
mund Doty all of St. Edward, Neb.
588-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
FIZVAI iicooi
Laud Office at Grand Island. Neb.,)
Auguit 23d, 1881. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
followiug-numcd settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tiuul
proof in support of his claim, aud that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
District Court for Platte Co., Neb., at
county seat, on October 1st, 1881, viz:
Lars Magnuson. Homestead No. 10439,
for the W. M S. AV. K Section 10, Town
ship 17 north, Range 3 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Charles Thomson,
William Matsou and Lewis Peterson, of
Keatskotoos. Platte Co., Neb., and Jonas
Anderson, of West Hill, Platte Co., Neb.
590-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J
Autju-t 4, 1881. J
NOTICE is herebv'given that the fol
lowing -named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
the District Court of Platte county, at
Columbus, Nebraska, on Thursday, Sep
temberStb, 1881, viz:
Hanson S. Elliott, Homestead No.
058 1, for the E. y2, S. E. i. Section 22,
Township 19 north, Range 3 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said land, viz: Frank Rivet,
Jame.s T. Free, Charles N. Armstrong
of Postville, Platte Co., Neb., and Dan
iel W. Zeigler, of Monroe, Platte Co..
587-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final lroof.
Land Office at Graud Island, Neb.J
August 4th, 1881. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of her intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before C. A.
Newman, Clerk of District Court at
Columbus, Nebraska, ou September 10,
1831, viz:
Mary Ann Searles, Homestead No.
G597, for the N. E. Ji or N. E. 'A of Sec
tion 2, ami the W. M, of N. W. K autl
the N. E. K of S W. M of Section 1, iu
Township 20 north, Range 4 wet. She
names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said land, viz: George A.
Whitcher, E. M. Squire, Afice Squire,
John B. Jackson, all of Newiuau's
Grove, Madison Co., Neb.
537-5 31. B. nOXlE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J
August 9th, 1381. J
"yrOTICE is hereby given that tbe
JLI following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proot in support of bis claim, and that
said proof will be made before C. A.
Newman, Clerk of the District Court at
Columbus, Neb., on the 17th day or Sep
tember, 1881, viz:
David Thomas, Homestead No. 5892
for the S. E. y, ofN. E. X, and N E. i
or S. E. H ot Section 20. Township 1
north, Range 3 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upou and cultivation of
said land, viz: Mathew Farrell, Robert
Lewis and Lorenzo Joseph, all of Post
ville, Platte Co., Neb. and Hugh Hughes
or Columbus, Neb.
538-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
August 17th, 1881. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, dnd that
said proor will be made before Clerk
of tbe District Court of Platte Co.,
Neb., at Columbus, on the 23d day or
September, 1831, viz:
3Iathias Gorden, Homestead No. 0218
for the S. N. W. X, Section 20, Town
ship 19, Range 1 east. He names the
rollowing witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon, aud cultivation or
said land, viz: Julius Hembd, Joseph
Kopetzky, Charles 3Iuth and Benjamin
Spielraan all or Columbus, Platte Co.,
539-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J
August 20tb, 1831.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
District Court of Platte couutv. Ne
braska, at the county seat, on the 24th
day or September. 1881, viz:
Theodor Matzen, Homestead No. 10325
for the N. , X. W. X Section 20, Town
ship 20 north. Range 1 east. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or said land, viz: Andrew Iverson,
3Iathias Iverson, Samuel G. Wheeler
and Henry Johnson all of Creston, Platte
Co., Neb.
589-5 M. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Firvn, PROOF.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
June 29th, 1881. f
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
jli iouowing-nameu settler has hied
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
the District Court ol Platte county,
Nebraska, at the County Seat, on Sept.
24th, 1881, viz:
Lewis White, Homestead No. 5322, for
the N. W. X, Section 22, Township 20
north, Range 2 west. He names he fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Abraham Rowe, Bvron
Churchill, William Selsor and George
AV. Clark, all of Humphreys, Platte
Co., Neb.
5S0-5 31. B. HOXIE , Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
July 28th, 1881. f
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the Clerk
or the District Court or Platte County,
at Columbus. Neb., on Thursday, Sep
tember 15th, 1881, viz:
Carl F. Steiner, Homestead No. 0053,
ror the N. AV. X, Section 14, Township 19
north, Range 4 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation or
said land, viz: Charles Stone, Hans
Christenson, John Christenson and Nils
Peterson, all or Looking Glass, Platte
uo., -eu.
580-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb .J
July 28th, 1831. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of bis Intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the
Clerk of the District Court of Platte
County, at Columbus, Neb., on Thurs
day, September lftb, 1881, viz:
Andrew Fredrick Anderson, Home
stead No.C532, for the S. W. i. Section
20, Township 20 north, Range 4 west,
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of said land, viz: Hans
Christenson, John Christenson, Charles
Stone and Nels Olson, all of Looking
Glass, l'latte Co., Neb.
53G-5 M. B. HOX1 E, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J
July 30tb, 1331. f
NOTICE Is hereby given that tbe
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proor in support of his claim, and that
said proof Will be made before tbe Clerk
of Dist.Courtof Platte Colum
bus, Neb., on Thursday, Septembers th,
1881. viz:
.Michael J.Clark, Homestead No.ClST,
for the W. K, N. W. Ji, Section 12, Town
ship 19 north, Range 3 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said laud, viz: Henry HcCaba,
Edward Rogan, Thomas ilcPhilllps and
Wilbert Kortuue,ll of Postville, Platte
Co., Neb.
5WJ-5 it. B. HOXIE, Register.
dowti, mm & co.,
Columbus Dru? Store.
Ss:::s::i t: A. W. C3iS3.
The Leading Drug House
A full aud complete line of
Drugs, Chemicals,
Patent Medicines, &c,
Painters' Supplies,
Window Glass,
Wall Paper,
When you need anything in our line
we will maKe it to your inter
est to call on us.
BJr. A. A. Smith retains his
position as Prescription G'lerk,which
is a positive yiturantee against mis
takes, and with our facilities every
thing in the jirescription line is
Doa't forget theplace, 3 doors
north orP.O. 657-y
E. J". & J. A. EEISTST,
(Successors to SCHUTTE &. FOUL),
' E g
d "S
C 2 5
I 2
7 r
9 r
Keep constantly ou hand the celebrated
WHITEWATER WAGON. We aIo handle a full line B. D. Buford A CV
goods, such as PLOW'S, HARROWS aud CULTIVATORS. Fountain City
SEEDERS and DRILLS, the best on the market. Champion and Avery
CORN PLANTERS, With or without wire check rowers. Ai-'entt ror
the 31ARSH HARVESTER, twine aud win b.mler, WIND ilILL
and SULKY PLOW. Also for tbr l. M. Osborne SELF BIND
ER, either wire or twine, aud Wheeler's No. 0 rouibiued
REAPER and MOWER. J5T Rfuieiubir, we deal iu
Buggies, Phaetons and Platform Spring Wagons,
Don't fail to call on Us and Examine Goods and Prices!
Office opp.Town Hall on
All those in want of any thing in that line, will consult
their own interests oy giving linn a call, liemem
oer, he warrants every pair. Has also a
First-Glass Eoot and Shoe Store in Connection.
S3T Repairing .Neatly Done.
Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door west of Marshall Smith'.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stook of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At prices it were wm taiti of Mom to Coliiios.
I bay my goods strictly for cash, and will give my customers tn
benefit of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
cos I. GLUCK.
Warerooms and Office on Thirteenth St.
Wiit it tfiteMii Ati.
Repairing Cheaply and Promptly Executed.
Having had years of experience in tbe Wind Mill aud Pump Buslues. I am
prepared to furnish Hills and Pumps. Do repairing on short notice, and will
warrant any articlw sold or work done by me, to give satisfaction or no pay.
3. &4axs.xrr
Fine and Ornamental Italian. American and Fancy
Marble Monuments, Headstones, or anything
connected with the Marble business. "
Call and exaaalae -worlr, get our price, aad be convinced.
N. B. Being a workman of ten years experience, we cin guarantee you good
work at a laving of from 20 to 25 per cent., by giving ut a call. iar$hop and
office oppotita Tatterisll livery and fesd ,table. 542 a
a well selected stock.
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrupj,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
Gooda Delivered Free to mmj
prt of Ike Citf.,
Farm and Spring Wagons,
of which I keep a constant supply on
hand, but few their equnl. In styl
and quality, second to none.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Stretts, nsar
A. it X. Depot.
13th St.. COLUMBUS, NEB.
A large and complete assortment of
Men's .fan's and Children's Boots and Shos.