The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 24, 1881, Image 3
Wlkii K. V .1 r V - THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, AUG I ST 2 J, 1881. Communications, to Insure insertion in the next issue, should he in hand on 3!Hiidny; if lengthy, on Thursdays preceding Usuv-day. Adverti.emeuts, of whatever clas-s, should he in Laud hy noon, Tueday. AderlifemVnts under thib head 15 otn. a line first insertion, 10 cts. aline each subsequent int-ertion. Rev. J. A. Hood was in the city yesterday. Alcohol for sale at Wra. Ryan's, on 11th st. Robt. Uhlig is ou his road home from Europe. Buckboard for 6ale cheap by John Wiggins. A. N. Irigs of Albion wa& in town Monday. J. P. Recker took a trip to Chi cago last week. "Wo hope Fullertoii will gel her proposed railroad. Col. Whittnoyer is improving rapidly in strength. Ice cream sociable this evening at the M. E. church. If you want groceries at Omaha prices call ou Lamb. Kramer is receiving an im mense new fall stock. G. M. Uartlett, State Treasurer, was in the city yesterday. A light shower yesterday morn ing didn't even la the dust. Louis P.erhnupt left Friday last for his new home in Illinois. New Buckboard for sale at price of old one, by John Wiggins. Prepare for the Platte County Fair, Oct., -Jill, fitli, Cth, and 7th. Chas. Sheets is sick with dipth eria at the residence of .1. W. Early. Juo. Elliott was iu town Satur day. Ho was troubled with a lame back. Mrs. J. O. Shannon went to PlatUuiouth Fiiday to join her Iiub bniiil. II. H. Ames is on his dray again. He sticks to the transportation bus iness. If you want a choice article of 'Michigau cider vinegar call on Win. Ileoker. E. H. Thomas, editor of the St. Edwards Courier, gave us a pleasant call yesterday. A. Heitkemper has receutly united with himself iu business his brother Henry. The Misses Emma and Louise Bauer returned home from their eastern tour, on Friday last. Mrs. Johnson Craij left on Fri day for Lincoln, where she visits her neice, Mrs. W. P. Phillips. We hear that Miss Mattic Allen, who removed Imtu thin city to Iowa some time since, recently died. Charles, infant son of J. II. Graves, aged eighteen mouths, died Friday morning Iabl of diptberia. Charles Segelkeisdoinga thriv ing trade, and those who wish pure temperance drinks should patronize him. Fremont, we learn, is the only town iu the ntatc that enjoys the pleasure and luxury of street spriuk ling. If you waut to buv a house and pay for it iu small paymeuts, about what rent would be, inquire of John Wiggins. S. S. McAllister, who was in Booue county last week on legal business, reports the corn crop as immense. Wm. Lawrence put up Halladay wind-mills last week for Horace Brooks and Alex. Vorhees of St. Edwards. .John WigiiiuB has a nice res idence house to rent at a reasonable price, or will sell the same on easy payments. .T.J. Bump has been appointed route agent in the U. S. mail service. His run will be ou the Albion branch of the T. P. The Messrs. Ernst & C. A. New man havo purchased John Wiggins'e hardware establishment. A good combination. Mr6. John Darby of Charles City, la., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. B. R. Cowdery, started for Lome Friday. George Fairchild arrived in the city Saturday from Columbus, Ohio, where he has been sojourning for some time past. We are informed that Dr. Heintz was to start from Hamburg Aug. ICth, aud will probably arrive here About Sept. 7th. J. B. Delstuan goes ca6t next week to buy goods. He and his partner, Mr. Heitkemper, are doiug a good business. Fred. Robar passed through the city Sunday with his trotting horse "Mack" on his way to Fremont. He will attend the races here. Farmers, bring your poultry, butter and eggs to Lamb's near the post-oflice, and get the highest mar ket price in cash for them. Misses Mamie Phillips aud Rosa Brady went to Omaha Thursday to visit for two or three weeks, with Mamie's uncle's family, W. S. Bishop. Oehlrich's ponies spun around the square five or six times last Sun day evening, doiug no damage what ever, aud finally bringing up at their stable. Our columns are unusually crowded this week with legal and other advertisements, including the Commissioners' proceedings. Sev eral communications must go over. D. Anderson spent a day last week with the cattle men of North Platte, and purchased 100 fat cows, which he will &hip east iu a few' days. I. Gluck starts for Chicago next Saturday to lay in a stock of dty- goods, etc. Israel knows the wants of this community in his line of business. We are requested to announce that there will be a Base Ball meet ing at the "Jouknwi." office to-morrow (Thursday) evening at S orclock sharp. Carl Kramer starts wholesaling next Monday. Those who trade with him will find him high up in the busiuess, and a fair, square dealer. G. W. Clark, who travels a good deal over Platte county says that the corn crop will be enormous, except in the soctiou passed over by the hail storm. Theo. Friedhoii'goes to X. Y. City to make his semi-annual pur chases. He will be accompauied by his wife. They expect to be gone two or three weeks. Mr. Platte Baker started Mon day for Colorado, where he takes his old positiou ou the Colorado Centra! R. R. Platte's many friends will wish him success. Chas. Davis has the contract for putting up the buildings at the Fair ground. Everything will be bus iness there this week, aud the track is expected to be ready by Sunday next. This splendid weather for hay ing, every man, horse aud boy sho'd be engaged. Let it be said of Ne braska this year that the best effort has been made to save her splendid crop 'of hay. About thirty young lolks en joyed a very pleasant hour last Wed nesday evening at the residence of James Salmon. Cake, ice-cream, music aud conversation make a good combination. Jas. C. Birney, now of Crete, Neb., son of Hugh Birney, we learn is another recruit from Ohio for Neb. There is ulentv of room for more, and our citizens will give you a hearty welcome. For the past ten days Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell have been in Colorado. Mrs. Mitchell has returned, but the Dr. meeting Dr. Mercer of Omaha on his way to Moutaua was prevailed on to accompany him. Mr. and Mrr.. Marshall Smith returned Monday from their trip to Colorado. The mountain country was being visited by frequent rains and it was cold and damp, yet Mrs. Smith returned much improved iu health. John Jenkinsou, formerly of this place, died at Chicago, Tuesday, Aug. 10th, of small-pox. The de ceased was an exemplary young man, and his many acquaintances will sincerely mourn his early de parture from life. II. P. Coolidge has laid ou our table six perfectly formed apples in a cluster, comiutr from what ap peared to be a slight raiso iu the twig or limb from which they were formed. We guess they belong to the Siberian variety. Thos. Flynn through his agent S. C. Smith, recently sold his farm of 200 acres for $4,000 to a Mr. Kingston of III. It is a nice farm and well improved. Mr. Flynn will remove to the brick yard near town, where he has forty acres. II. P. Smith desires to know the probable number of cows whose milk could be furnished, to a cream ery iu Colurr.bus, for a distance of four to five miles by wagon, or eighteen to twenty- five by rail. Correspondence solicited. Teams are now fording the Platte just cast of the bridges, and say that it is much preferable to going up to Duncan. You have to drive through sand either way, and it is better a little moist. Work is progressing nicely ou the bridge. Elliott & Luers have established a water-power for Columbus. With force supplied by water falling from an elevated tank, a turbine wheel not larger than a lady's thimble makes a sewing machine take 1CO0 The social evil is evidently growing in Columbus ; several com plaints reach ua from decent fam ilies whose residences are in the neighborhood of the houses of ill fame. There is abundance of virtue in the law for abating the nuisance. We shall have more to say of this subject again. Mr. G. R. Krause of this city and Miss Delia, younger daughter of Rev. R. Christison, were married by the father of the bride at the Presbyterian Parsonage of North Bend, Wis., Aug. 18th. The many friends of the happy couple will wish them a prosperous voyage over the sea of life. Letter AMNt. The following is a list of unclaimed letters -remaining in the post.otliee, iu Columbus, for the week euditu; Aug. 20, 1S31: ; L. W. Clark, KUen Gleason, II Win. Iliuman, Francis AI. Harper, Ed. Hooper. K Frank Kearnev, M 0.31. Mills 2. " IV Wm McNish, K Daniel Reynolds, S-H. H.Scott. Those marked " ,' postal card. ir not ealled for in SO days will be sent to the dead.letter office, Washington, D. C. "When called for please say "adver tised," as these letters are keptseparate. E.A. Gkrraku 1 31 The Sis tor's School. Will commence again Monday Sept. 5th. All parcuts arc invited to send their children. Men mid Team. Two men and a team wanted for haying. Inquire (or terras, &c, at the Journal ollicc. Wauted. The highest market price in cash or trade will be paid for all the po tatoes that may come to J. B. Dels man & Co. The new coach which has been attracting attention for several days while stauding on one of the side tracks of the U. P., and which many supposed was an officer's car, has been furnished for the Norfolk line. Conductor Overton may congratu late himseli ou the new house over which he presides. - For Sale ! My house and lot in Columbus. House iu good repair. Lot 132x132 leet. Good barn. All enclosed by good fence. Will sell it very low, and give easy terras. Apply to Becher & Price. A. W. Doland. LOCAL NOTICES. Rev. E. L. Sherman aud family were tendered the other evening a farewell sociable at the Congrega tional church this city, which was largely attended by members of the church and other friends. Mr. Sher man loft Thursday last for Harlan, Iowa, his new field of labor. The best wishes of our citizens for their welfare go with them to their new home. The Union Pacific railway, dur ing the Nebraska State Fair, will give the following rates to Omaha and return, including admission to the grounds, during the Fair. From Columbus aud Schuyler $2.75. From Duncan, Clark's, Silver Creek, Al biou, St. Edwards, Genoa, Norfolk, Muuson, Madison, Humphrey,Platte Centre and Lost Creek $3 50. . Tick ets good three days. Advertisements under this head live cents a line each insertion. New calicoes at Kramer's. Alchohol for sale at E. D. Shee han's. Ladies' goat lace $1.50, at Hon-ahan's. fresh lard at Weber & J. R. Smith, who has gained quite a reputation as a farmer, has left us a specimen of oats, which is excellent in size and weight. He threshed 1C00 bushels as the yield from 2-4 acres, being GG bushels to the acre. If farmers had made every crop this year a big success they would.havobeen altogether too proud to contain themselves. The lightness of the wheat crop will op erate as a check to inordinate good feeling over the big yields of oats and com. Ghordis Slull was in town Sat urday and bought himself a Chal lenge wind-mill of Elliott & Luers. Upon inquiry of our reporter as to turn-out of crops in his section, tho Judge said that only one of his neigh bors has threshed and he got -nine bushels to the acre of wheat and forty of oats. From his observation, Mr. b. thinks that, other things equal crops upon a north slope suffer ver much less from dry weather, tha others, the buii shining less directly upou them. Good Knobel's. Slippers, 20 cts. a pair, at Gal ley BroB. Come 100 miles to trade at Kra mer's. The best custom work at Hon ahau's. Eight lbs. of coffee for .$1.00 at Marshall Smith's. Grapes aud green apples by ex press daily at Hudson's. New ginghams at Kramer's. One price, and that always the lowest, at Galley Bros. Good men's heavy boots for 11.25 at J. B. Delsmau & Co's. A full lino of men's, ladies' and misses' shoes at Galley Bros. Rodi Orauges and Verdelli Lem ons. Choice fruit at Hudson's. Peruvian beer, the best drink for the blood. Try it, at Hudson's. Ladies' sewed shoes $1.00, at Honahau's. Cream Baking Powder, only 30 cts. per pound, at J. B. Delsmau & Co's. Blauk notes, bank, joint, indi vidual aud work-aud-labor, neatly bound in books of 50 aud 100, for sale at the Journal office. It pays to trade at Kramer'e. Buy your smoked meat at the Columbus meat market, of Weber & Kuobel. lln roil Oxford. Farmers are bringing their good cows for improvement. A few good ones more will be admitted. Ser vice only $5. A. Henpich. Notice. The person who borrowed ray box of drawing instruments will confer a favor by returniug them at once, as I have use for them. J. E. North. There is no one article in the line of medicines that gives, so large a return for the money as a good porous strengthening plaster, sucn as Carter's Smart Weed and Bella donna Back-ache Plasters. For sale at Heintz'8 Drug Store. Eiiind Tor Sale. 160 acres, 5 miles west of Colum bus: 7.") acres under cultivation, 40 acres hay laud. $10 an acre, ou easy terms. Inquire at Journal office. KK4PKR Tltl XI, A'V lKIEItV. i:im;i,a:i. Ilrlckr! Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur nish brick, either at his kilu north west of the city ; delivered anywhere in the city, or built iu the wall, at reasonable rates. McCormick, as Usual, Carries Off the Royal Agricultural Society's Gold Medal at the Great Derby Reaper Trial in England Over Thirty Com petitors! The Tribune learns by special cable message that the great Derby trial, un der the auspices of t e Itoyal Agricul tural Society of England, of which the Prince of Wales Is President, has re sulted in a complete walk-away or our fellow-citizen, the Hon. C. II. 31c Coiiuick. There were over thirty entries at this battle of the reaper giants, including me samuel tioltuston. waiter A. wood, etc. After the most impartial of trials, for which the English Agricultural So cieties are always famed, the award of the highest prize a gold medal wa undo to Cyrus H. McCormick, of Chi cago for the best sheaf-binding harves ter. The Johnston and Samuelsou machines were awarded silver medals. One little incident connected with the machine that won this great victory is worth mentioning: The machine wa on the ill-rated lirittanic that sank off the Irish coast, and lay under fifteen fathoms of water for a week or more. The steamer was dually towed into port, and the machine recovered, and, not withstanding its sorry plight, it Was this machine that carried oil" the prize. Chicago Tribune, Aug. 12. 003IPLAIXT having this office by And: against Thomas O'Comii City Iropert.r for .Sale. 100 lots in Smith's addition to Co lumbus, in the uorthwest part of the city. The most desirable residence lots now in thu market. Prices low and terms easy. Spkice & North. Tax Male Notice. I hereby notify tho owner of Lot 8, Block 143, Columbus, Neb., that I have bought the same for taxes, and if redemption is uot made, I will apply for tax deed. Harry Coolidoe. May 30th, 1SS1. Strayed or Stolen. July 20th, from my corral, one half mile south of Matthis's bridge, a red aud white heifer calf three months old had a patent muzzle iu nose. A suitable reward will be given for its return. C W. Getts. ties $1.00, at stitches a minute, or go as slow as desired. Nich. Blaser has tho contract for building a barn 2Gx40 for R. Kummer, and thus, one by one, farmers are providiug themselves with the conveniences and comforts which will make their winter work with stock not only pleasurable but profitable. The Omaha Jiepublican an nounces the appointment of J. J. Bump as route agent between Co lumbus and Albion for Uncle Sam's mails. Being a gentleman of good sense, and possessed of an active and accommodating disposition, we predict success to him. Phil Cain, Sec'y of the Trotting Park Association, has received a letter from Bob. Nibbs, a noted horseman of-Iowa, asking for in formation as to the Fair. Mr. Nibbs is owner o( "Dakota Maid," who has a record of 2:24J. A number of fast horses may confidently be expected. Our regular correspondents know just how we desire articles for the Journal to be prepared, while occasional do not. From such we desire only local news, and that in brief brevity is the soul of wit. Matters which can possibly interest only one or two persons, need no mention in a newspaper. We have lived in Columbus nearly twelve years, and have, dur ing all that time, heard the business men of Columbus, as a class, com mended by their customers for their fair dealing and cleverness. One mau told us of how oue of our old time grocers (a perfect stranger to him at the time) trusted him for a sack of flour when he hadn't a cent of money and nothing for his fam ily to eat, trusted him without any hesitation, too, seeming to take his measure. It is such a knowledge of human nature, combined with the practice of correct business princi ples that have made our business men, as a class, the real friends of their customers. The City Council of Columbus, at the earnest solicitation of its mayor at the time, J. P. Becker, passed an ordinance after the pas sage of the Sloeumb liquor law, and before it went into effect, conform ing to it, as much as could be under the then existing law. This was done, too, according to the advice of Columbus attorneys, and our city authorities have had no trouble in making the transit from one to the other. At Omaha nothing was done to prepare for tho new order of things, and now it looks as though the liquor dealers of that city are to have trouble, the Council as yet, not being able to pass an ordinance, and, under the decision of the Su preme Court, the traffic is prohibited if no ordinance is passed. Men's Webster Honahau's. Forks, nails, hand-rakes, etc., at Elliott & Luers'. Boots and shoes cheap for cash at the Boston Shoe Store opp. P. O. Diuner plates (Meakiu's goods,) at 55 cts. per set at Marshall Smith's. Cool, refreshing and pleasant to drink is Peruvian beer at Hudson's. If you waut the very best wind mill in the market, get it at Elliott & Luers. For choice dried fruits call on G. C. Lauck, oue door east of Heiulz's drug-store. New flaunels at Kramer's. Try one of Ball's Health Pre serving Corsets, the best iu the market, for sale only, by Galley Bros. Children's lace shoes 65 cents, at Houahan's. Crockery and Glassware at Hempleman's, cheap for cash, or butter and eggs. Now is tho time to buy Dishes and Glassware cheap, as I am going to make a change iu my business. M. Smith. Consult your own interest. Buy now at Kramer's. And still a small lot of crockery to be sold, regardless of cost, at J. B. Delsmau & Co's. Dowty2 Weaver & Co. sell the best cough medicine. They have contldeuce iu it, and they are willing to refund the money if it doe no good. Ask for I'iso's Cure for Consumption. Price, 2T cts. and $1.00. The best bargains in boots and shoes in town at Boston Shoe Store. It must ho so, for everybody says that the best and cheapest gro ceries are at J. B. Delsmau & Co's. Economy is the road to wealth ; therefore go to G. C. Lauck's, and buy your groceries cheap for cash. 3 Always avoid harsh purgative pilld. They first make you sick and then leave you coustipted. Car ter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose, due pill. For sale at Ueiutz's Drug Store. 1'otesi IiOi. Seven notes piuned together, all dated alike, each calling tor $25.00, payable to D. D. Wadsworth, or order. The public is warned against negotiating for them. A suitable reward will be turn to tho owner. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of the markets are oh ttinedTuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. grain, ic. Wheat No. 1, l 00 Wheat No. 2, itf Corn, 40 Oats new 2. Flour, $3 003 60 l'KODUCK. Butter, .lo Eggs, H&alO Potatoes, Sj&CO MKATS. llama, 12f$16 Shoulders, 7(39 Sides, 1012 LIVK HTOCK. Fat Hogs, 4f)04 75 Fat Cattle 2 T.'kS 50 Calves . . . ." $10.00 Sheep ?.003 60 given tor their re- Hair CSootls. R. P. Upton jr., Dealer in human hair, manufacturer of Switches, Pufl'u, Curls, Frizzottes, &c. Old switches denned and repaired at reasonable rates. All combings thoroughly rooted aud dressed. Gush paid for combings and cut hair. Rooms at Grand Pacific Hotel. iTrv,ti, iieooi Laud Office at Grand Island. Neh.,1 August 12th, 1SS1. J NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler ha tiled uotiee of hi" intention to make tiual proof in support of his claim, and. that said proof will be made before Clerk of DM. Court at Columbus, Neb., on Sept. lTth.lSl, viz: George Iv. Bullock, Homestead No. 1111S, for the S. W. yA, Section 20, Town ship 10, Itangu -1, west. He names the following witnesses to prove h's con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation or said laud, viz: William Wright, .Martin Swansen, .1. B. Devine and Ed mund Doty all of St. Edward, Neb. 6iS-.- 31. 15. HOXIE, Kegister. N' r. McAlliMter Is making the best sots of teeth made iu the state, on Celluloid or Rubber for ten dollars (former price twenty-five), aud all other dental work at equally low prices; also the best photographs, oue door east of O. A. Stearns. Everybody should call aud see for themselves. Itray Horse. Came to my place three miles northwest of Duncan, Plalte Co., Neb., last week, one dark gray horse, five or six years old, with white marks on back, made by sad dle. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. 588-5 Hector Blaser. n:Ai. pkoof. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) Augii!t-I. UM1. 1 OTICEis herebv given that the fol lowing-named ettler has tiled notice of his intention to make tmal proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before Clerk of the District Court of Platte county, at Columbus, Nebraska, on Thursday, Sep teniluT 3th. 111. viz: Hanson S. Elliott, Homestead No. 05S1, for the E. 2, S. E. 4, Section 22, Township 1!) north, Uange 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said laud, viz: Frank Rivet, James T. Free, Charles N. Armstrong, of Pnstville, IMatte Co., Neb., and Dan iel W. Zeigler, or Monroe, IMatte Co., Neb. fS7-."i 31. 15. HOXIE, Kegister. Pain from indigestion, dyspep sia, and too hearty eating is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner. Don't forget this. For sale at Heintz's Drug Storo. Final 1'roof. Land Office at (J rand Island, Neh.,1 August 4th, 1861. ) NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed uotiee of her intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before C. A. Newman, Clerk of District Court at Columbus, Nebraska, ou September 10. 1881, viz: 3lary Ann Searles, Homestead No. CT.97, for the N. E. i of N. E. of Sec tion 2, and the W. J, of N. W. i, and the N. E. M of N. W. of Section 1, in Townshiu 20 north. Range '4 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said land, viz: George A. Whiteher,. E. 31. Squire, Alice Squire, John B. Jackson, all of Newman's Grove, 31adison Co.. Neb. 537-5 31. B. HOXIE, Kegister. J. C. McMahon, E. D. Sheehan, D. C. Kavanaugh, B. McTeggart, D. Kelleher, D. Ryan and P. S. Griffin attended the Land League holiday at Omaha Saturday last. It is esti mated that 'there were six thousand peoplo present at tho park, where the exercises were held. The dele gation from here, members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, car ried their standards with them, one, the national emblem, the other, the flag of old Erin. They swelled their number by the acces sion of friends, and according to the Omaha Evening Telegram, attracted general attention along the line of march, and were heartily welcomed by their brethren of Omaha. From tho way in which Columbus visitors talk they must have had a very en joyable time, besides renewing their HoHse to Kent. Inquire at the Journal office. For Hale. A No. 1 shepherd dog, good for sheep or cattle. D. Anderson. Save Your Money. You cau do that by buying your goods of J. B. Delsman & Co. IOMt. On Monday, July 25, from my place in this city, a white heifer calf. Four months old. A suitable reward will he given. J. E. North. rVotlcc to Farmers. I am ready to contract corn and hay for fall and winter delivery. D. Anderson. Attention, Threfther! We have for sale, cheap, two new Minnesota Chief threshing machines. ELLIOTT & Luers, Agt's, Columbus, Neb. Notice of Dissolution. Notice iB hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting be tween myself and A. C. Tigner, under the firm name of Tigner & Graves, was on the 15th day of August, 1881, dissolved by mo. All debts due said partnership will be received by me, and all demands on said partnership may be presented to me for payment. J. II. Graves. Columbus, Neb., Aug. 20. 1881. NOW. Now is yonr best iime to buy your supply of flannels water proofs, blankets, &c. The assortment is complete, the price the lowest. L Kramer, New York Cheap Cash Store. N( SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line, firt insertion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. Look Here, Sheep Men. I have six Merino bucks for sale. T Kkating. The Went IMqu or Wines and beer for mediciual, me chanical or chemical purposes at E. D. Sheehan's. FINAL PROOF. Land Otlice at Grand Island, Neb.,) Ausrust :UU, uwi. OTICE is herebv Riven that the following-named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proot in support of his claim, aud that saiu proof will he made before C. A. Newman, Clerk of the DistricfCourtat Columbus, Neb., on the 17th day of Sep tember, 1&S1, viz: David Thomas, Homestead No. ,rS!2 for the S. E. X, ofN. E. X, aud N E. i of S. E. i ot Section 20. Township 111 north, Uange ." west. He names the following witneses to prove his contin uous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: -Matliew Parrel!, Robert Lewi- and Lorenzo Joseph, all of 1'ost ville, IMatte Co., Neb.and Hugh Hughes of Columbus, Neb. 5SS-T. 31. U. HOXIE. Kegister. FIXAIi 1MCOOF. Laud Otlice at Urand Island, N'eb.,1 AUgllSI. Iilll, inji. i VfOTICE I" hereby given that the 1.1 following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tiual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the District Court of IMatte Co., Neb., at Columbus, on the tiod day of September, 1881, viz: Mathiax Gorden, Homestead No. G218 for the S. N. W. X Section 20, Town :hip 10, Range 1 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous rehidenec upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Julius Hemhd, .Joseph ICopetzky, Charles Jluth and iScnjaniin Spielmau all of Columbus, IMatte Co., Neb. 580-S M. B. HOXIE, Kegister. NOTICE IN CONTEST. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.) August 3d, 1S81. J been entered at dreas Heinmann nor for abandon- lug his Homestead Entry No. MOD, dated March 17th. 1S70, upon the east , north west Section 12, Township 1 north, Kange 3 west, iu IMatte county, Nebr.. with a view to the am-rllntion of said entry: the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this otlice on the 28th day of September, 1331, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban donment! Depositions will be taken before II. .). Hudson, at his otlice in Columbus, Nebr., ou September 21st, 1331, 10 a.m. M. It. HOXIE. Register. 587-5 Wm. AN VAN, Receiver. NOTICE IN ATTACHMENT. Elizabeth Kifer and Jacob Kifer will take notice that on the 0th dav of Au gust, IS31, G. It. Itailey, a justice of the peace of Columbus precinct, IMatte county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $45.33 iu an action pending before him whereiu the Singer Manufacturing Companv ! plaintiff, and Elizabeth Kifer and Jacob Kifer, defendants; that property con sisting of one white anil red spotted cow, has been attached under said or der; saiil cause was continued to tu l.'ith day of September, 1331, at oue o'clock, p. m. August 12, 1331. .1. L. LEWIS, f6S-t Agent. NOTICE FOE DIVORCE. Iu District Court of IMatte Co., Nebr. JOHN' IteiiK, Plaintiff, i v- i LlZZlK Hkiik. Defendant.) To Lizzie Itehr, the above named de fendant: rpAKK NOTICE thatthe ahoVe named X plaintiff has tiled his petition in the District Court for IMatte county, Nebraska, praying that a decree of d'l vorce be made dissolving the marriage between the above named plaintiff aud defendant, on the grounds of adulterv, wilful abandonment and habitual drunk enness, aud you are further notified that you are required to answer said plaintiff's petition on or before the 12th day of September, 1831, and iu default of such answer a judgment against you will be taken as prayed for iu said petition. JOHN HEHR. Hy W. S. GKKK. his Att'v. .'.K7-.1 IEGAL NOTICE. In the Comity Court for Platte cotintv, Nebraska. In the matter of the la't will and testament of Samuel It. Curtis, deceased. "VfOTICE N hereby given that on the iy l.'.th day of Augut. Is31, an in strument in writing purporting to be a copy of the last will and testament of Samuel R. Curtis, late ol Lee eountv. Iowa, deceased, together with a copy of the probatu thereof dulv authenticated, were tiled iu the Count r Court of said IMatte eountv, and an allowance or the same praved a- the Iat will and testa ment of Samuel R. CurtN. deceased. Whereupon it is ordered that the Mb. day of September, 1331, at 10 o'clock a. in., at the County Judge's otlice in said county, be aligned a the time and place for bearing in said matter. And it is further ordered that due notice or the time and place of such hearing be given Uy published notice thereof iu TllKCOMJMnusJoL'K.NAl. Tor three weeks prior to said time: or hearing. (A true copy or the nrderl) JOHN G. UIGGINS, Aug. lfi, 1881. .ViS-l County Judge. SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTCEoran orderot sale issued out of the District Court or IMatte county, and state of Nebraska, by the Clerk thereof, and to me directed' on a judgment and decree, obtained before said Court, at its October term. A. D. 1S0, to-wit: October 21st, A. 1. ISSi). In favor or the New England Mortgage Security Company as plaintiff, ami against Wilbcrt fortune and Josephine Fortune as defendants, for the sum or ($472.2Ti) four hundred and seventy-two dollars and twenty-live cents, damages, and cn.tu ( nine dollars and tiftv three cents, and interest ami increased costs. I have levied upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The north east quarter (K) of Section No. twelve (12) in Townshiu No. nine. teen (10) north, of Range No. three (3) west or the lh principal meridian, in naue county. .Nebraska, taken as the properly or Wilbcrt Fortune and Jose phine Fortune, and will offer the same for sale, to the highest bidder, Tor cash in hand, at the west front door of the Court House in Columbus, (that being the place wherein the last term or the District Court of Platte couuty was held) on the lOfh day of Neptember, A. I.. 1HHI. at the hour of two o'clock In the after noon or said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at Columbus, Nebraska, August 9th, A. D. 1WJ1. T.S7-J BEX.!. SPIELMAN, Sheriff of IMatte Couuty, Nebr. FIIVAI' PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) Jul, 1331. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tiual proof in support of his claim, and that said proor will be made before Clerk of District Court of IMatte Co., Neb., at eountv seat, on August 3lst, 1331, viz: Alfred KIsh, Homestead No. G500, for the X. X. S. E. ;, Section 8, Township S north. Range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Beard, John Coop, William Wright, Jacob Swighart, all or Woodvllle, Platte Co., Neb. o3.V,- M. IJ. HOXIE, Regis ister. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In the matter or the estate of Edward C. Kavauaugh. deceased. VT OTICE is hereby given, that under IN and by virtue of an order of license to me granted bv the District Court of Platte eountv. Nebraska, bearing date ou the 10th day of July, A. D., 1381, to sell the real estate of said deceased, I, Daniel C. Kavanaugh, administrator or the estate of said deceased, as such ad ministrator, on the 17th day of Septem ber. A. D.. 1881, .at the hour of two o'clock iu the afternoon of said day. at the southeast corner or lot live ('') lu block eighty-four (.31) in tne city or Columbus, in said county, will offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder the real estate ot said deceased, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the debts outstanding against the estate of said deceased, de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lots oue (1) two f 2) three 3) and four (4) in block oue hundred and twenty-tite (125) iu the city or Coliimbur, aforesaid; the east twenty-two (22) feet in width uorthund south.'or lot five (5) in block eighty-four (84) in said city of Columbus; the east balfof the west two-thirds of lot sixlC la block eighty-four i34j iu said city oi Co lumbus: tlie west two-thirds of lot seven 7 in said block eighty-four 81 iu said city of Columbus; the northeast quarter of the northweit quarter of Sec tion seven 17 in Township eighteen 13J north of Range one 1 east in said Platte county; aud the southwest quarter of Section siv tt) iu said Township aud Range. Term or sale, at least baH cash; bal ance in three, equal, annual payments with interest at eight per cent., secured by bond and mortgage ou the premises sold. Dated this 21th day or August. 1331. DANIEL C. KAVANAUUH, Administrator as aforesaid. A. W. dunes. Attorney. &30-4. J.M. MACKAKL.tND. iturss? oai Itrtary frill: K. COW DICKY, C:Ui.jr. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE OK JOHN M. MACFARLAND, Columbus, : : : Nebraska. F.SCHECK, Manufacturer and Dealer iu CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OK SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive St., near the old 1'ost-offlce Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly LAND, FARM& -AND -AT THE - Union Pacfic Land Office, On Lomj Time ami low rale of Interest. All wishing to buy Rail Road Lands or Improved Farms will ilud it to their advantage to call at the IT. P. Laud Otlice before lookin elsewhere us I make a specialty or buying and selling lands on commission; all persons wish ing to s(. r.irms or unimproved land will liud it to their advantage to leave their lands with mr for sale, as my fa cilities for affecting sales are,Ml. 1 am prepared to make final proof for all parlies wi.shiug to jet patent fur their homesteads. JSTHenry Conies, Clerk, writes aud speak- (icrmaii. BY SHERIFP'S SALE. VIRTUE of an order or sale Issued out or the District Court or Platte r. .-) SAMUEL C. SMITH, Agt. V. P. Land Department, COLCMBIS, NEB. Etttruy IVotlve. Taken up upon my premises two miles east of Columbus, last Wed nesday, one bay pony, with a white spot iu the forehead, and one white zeal for the accomplishment of good pe properVy, Vj cheTand things for Irelaud. take her away. JIaktin Ragax. Wanted. Twenty-five acres of land broke in Nance county. Enquire or A. II. BoRnicK,Columbus,Neb. For Male. A Minnesota Chief Threshing Ma chine for sale cheap for cash or on time, with good security. Albkrt Stkngkk. William K. Knupp, II0U8O, Carriage and Sign Painter, Calsorainer and Paper Hanger. The best. Try me. Residence iu South Co lumbus. Regular Stock leIer. All kinds of horned stock bought and 9old; also fat and stock hogs. 379-y d. Anderson. For Sale. A valuable family residence situa ted in the northwest part or the citv. The house is 20x34, well finished inside and outside, enclosed bv good fence. Stable, and all other out'-buildings, to be sold cheap, for cash, or exchange for stock. For further information apply to Ja-mhs Kay, at H. Hughes's Lumber Yard. FINA1, PICOOF. Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.J August 2Utb, 1881. j NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court of Platte county, Ne braska, at the couuty seat, on the 24th dav of September. lsU. viz: Theodor Maten, Homestead No. 10o2."i for the N. , N. W. , Section 2J, Town ship 20 north, Range 1 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou aud cultiva tion ol said land, viz: Andrew Iverson, Mathias Iveron, Samuel G. Wheeler and Henry Johnson allorCreston, IMatte Co., Neb. 089.5 31. 1$. HOXIE, Register. NOTICE TO REDEEM. State 6r Nebraska, Platte county, ss. To John Green, owner. You are hereby notified that at a pri vate sale or lands and lots for taxes, on the 14th day or April, 187!), by the treas urer or said county, lots r, and (!, block 1(51, in the city or Columbus, Nebraska, for taxes assessed on the same for the year 187S, in the name of John Green, were sold to E. L. Siggins on the 14th day or April, ls7!, and that the time for redeeming said lots will expire Dee. 10th, 1SS1, aud unless redemption from said sale be made bv said time, a deed tor said lots will be made to the pur chaser. fSU-a. E.L, Siggi-$, I Clerk thereof, and to me directed," on a judgment and decree obtained before said Court at its October term, A. D., 1880. to wit: October 22d, 1880, in favor or the American Mortuatre Comuanr or Scotland as plaintiff aud against James Rusell and Mary Russell as defend ants, for the sum or six hundred and thirty-live dollars and seventy - live cents f.;:.-.7.': damages, and costs elht dollars and three cents .IKI and inter est and increased costs, 1 have levied upon the following described real estate, to wit: The west hair IJT, ol the southeast quarter XI orSectiou number thirty-two :i2, iu Township number eighteen 18 north or Range number one 1 east or the Sixth Principal Me ridian, iu Plalte county, Nebraska, taken as the property ot .fames Russell ami Mary Russell, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the west Trout door of the Court House in Columbus, (that being the place wherein the last term of the District Court ol Platte county was held) on the lOth day of September, A. IM 1841. at the hour or three o'clock in the after noon of said day, when and where "due attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at Columbus, Nebraska, Au gust 8th, 1881. UENJAMIN SPIELMAN, JS7-T Sheriff or Platte Co.. Neb. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE or an order of sale Issued out of the District Court of Platte county, and State or Nebraska, by the Cleik thereof", and tome directed, on a judgment and decree obtained before said Court at its October term, A. D., 1SSO, to wit: October 22d, A. D.. 18), in favor of Sarah R. Cantield, executrix or the last will and testament or Pliilo Caubehl, deceased, as plaintitl', and against George W. Stewart and Lois 31. Stewart, as derendants, for the sum of three hundred and forty dollars and eighty-three cents $:!40.S:: damages, and interest and cost!., nine dollars anil forty-eight cents $0.43J and accruing Hosts, I have levied upon the following described real estate, to wit: The west half J of the southeast quarter X of Section number thirty -two &!, in Township number seventeen 17 north of Range number one 1 west of the Sixth Princit1.1l 3Ieridian. in Plutt county, Nebraska, taken as the property of George W. Stewart and Lois 31. Stewart, aud will offer the same forsale to the highest bidder, for cash iu hand, at the west front door of the Court House In Columbus, (that being the place wherein the last term of the Dis. trict Court of Platte county was held), on the lOth day of Seplember, A. !.. 181, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day, when aud where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at Columbus, Nebraska, An gust 8th, 188L BENJAMIN SPIEL31AN, 53,-5 Sheriffofl'latteCoNeb. BACKACHE QUICKLY CURED BY CARTER'S Smart Weed -AND- Belladonna BacMsho Hesters! These plasters contain Smart Weed and Bella donnaboth wonderful pain reliever in addi tion to the usual gums, balsams, Ac, used in other porous plisterSjjind are consequently superior to all others for weak or Lame Baclc. Back: Acne. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Soreneaa oftho Chest or Liing3.AatriTTm Pleurisy, Kidney Troublea. Crick In the Back. StuT neea cTtho Joints, and for all Paina and Acoee. and wherever a Plaster can be used. II you have any Deed lor a Porous Strengthenine Plaster, we know this one will please you. ft is sure to give relief, and pain can not exist where it is applied. s. Ask your druggist for Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back Ache Plasters. Pnce, i$ cent. CAETER MEDICINE CO.. New York; SCHMITZ BROS., jEi 1 1 tLV fc jtL-wr COLUMBUS, NEBR., WILL SELL VOtT THE BEST OK HARVESTING MACHINERY SUCH AS The Celebrated Woods Twiae Blad ing Harvester, Chala Rake aud Sweep Rake Reaper, wltk new Iron Mower; The Daisy Hay Rake, Adams & Fronok Harvester, Manny Reaper and Mower, STANDARD MOWER, ETC. REMEMBER THAT WE WARRANT EVERYTHING WE SELL, A.VD THE BEST OF Kh'f'OKD FOL LOWS EVERY MACHINE. S3CAIX. BEFORE YOU BUY,