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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1881)
T i ( I i t if THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1&51. Communication;-, to Inurt- insert inn lu the mxt ihMii, Mioulri le in hand on Mondays; it length, on Tliurtla prvneiliu ihMic-day. Advert ioi'incnf, of whatever ola.., hnuld he in hand ly Dtton, TuPMla. AilvertlMTnents under this bead 15 etc. a. line first Iutrtion, 10 ct. :i line each Mlhseuileut iu-ertion. E. T. Graham was in the city Saturday. Tuesday 1 o'clock p. m., 101 in the shade. Alcohol for eale at Win. Ryan's, on lllh st. Abner Turner returned from the west Sunday. Frank Galhraith of Albion was in the city Monday. If you want groceries at Omaha prices call on Lamb. Mra. Jane North returned Tues day from her western trip. Dr. E. L. Siggins of Omaha, was in town the first of the week. Phil. Cain will ship a car load of potatoes to Omaha this week. The Colfax County Fair is to be held Sept. 2Sth, 29th and :$0th. Kev. J. Q A. Fleharty is sick with billious fever at Harvard. Forty cars of stock passed east on the U. 1 rail toad Saturday. Prepare for the l'latte County Fair, Oct., 1th. fh, fitb, and 7th. Maj Frauk North came down from the weal baturday morning. J. K. Co tiro th and wife returned Saturday from their weddiug trip. Mr. SheritF Spielman goes to Excelsior Spriugs, Missouri, for her health. S. C. Cushiug gave us a business call Monday. He looks iu excellent health. Saturday last Elliott & Luers received si large shipment of car riages. If vou want a choice article of Michigan oider vinegar call on Win. Becker. Ed. Kossitcr of Omaha is home on a visit, and did duty Saturday as an umpire. Chas. Clark of the Genoa Leader waj iu town Saturday on a col lecting tour. Win. Tillman, of David City came over Friday, staying till Mon day morning. Uob. HnrriM returns to his old home at Utiea, N. Y., leaving mauy friends behind. R. Millpt and Judge Iliggins werrt in attendance on the supreme court, two days of lat week. Geo. Scott has rereived from some quarter a nirp looking horse thai is supposed to be a trotter. Mrs. Johnon Craig and grand daughter returned Thursday last from their visit iu Roone county. Mr. Charles F. Kobertsand Miss Hairiett M. Cook were married yesterday by Judge J. G. Iliggins. M unlock & Sou have the con tract of building L. Gerrard's new business House, near Recker's block. Dikh. Monday morning, 10 a. in. in this city, Minnie, daughter of Mrs. Itobt. Mclntire,aged21 months. M. Reckman of Chicago passed several days in the city last week. He thinks Columbus is a growing place. "Vm. Gerhold of Shell creek has left us a very nice sample of corn, planted ou the 23th of May. It iti big. J. S. Murdock sayp he has corn the ears of which are fourteen inches long, and the kernels well filled and glazed. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Gross re turned from Milwaukee Friday last. Joe. sold his famous horse "Rostou Dave" for $2,000. Elliott & Luers have erected a wind-mill and large tank in the rear of their business house. They make au excellent sign. Cari Kramer accompanies his sister Mrs. Huchberg, this morning, as far as Council Rlutls, ou her way home at Chicago. John Graf returned home yes terday. He had a pleasant trip, but didn't see any place that ho liked better than Columbus. II. C. Ritteubender, of Osceola, we learn, has taken his printing ma terial to Dorchester, Neb., where he will establish a paper. A very gentle and nice rain Friday afternoon and evening. It cooled ofi'thc heated earth, and toned down the hot atmosphere. Farmers, bring your poultry, butter and eggs to Lamb's near the jost-oflice, and get the highest mar ket price in cash for them. Gerhard Loseke gave us a bus iness call Saturday. He is ouo of that family of successful fanners well knowu throughout the county. Win. Aspall, a lato resident of Stanton precinct, Colfax couuty, was buried here on Tuesday last. He was a native of Lancashire, England. The amount of money to be dis tributed at this point for the flax eeed that has been engaged for de livery here, is estimated at .$40,000. Monday being one of the holi days of the Catholic church, services were held in the churches on that day here, which were well at tended. Judge Kinney will open a state fair office this week at the Wilhnell bouse in Omaha, and will, remain there all the time until the secretary moves his office up from Lincoln. Those at the ball Saturday even ing, given by the Keystones of this city in honor of the R. & M. Club of Omaha, report it as a very enjoyable occasion. The Messrs. Ernst expect to move to their new place of business the second week iu Sept., the notice (Mr. Gerrard's now building.) to be finished by that time. Adam Kail, Esq., a prominent attorney of Upper Sandusky, Ohio, is sojourning in Nebraska for his health, which is improving. He is an old friend of Dr. Schug and Judge Bowmau. David Carrig has had a touch of ague lately. Twenty-two years ago when he lived iu Indiana, he was vexed with it all the time. He has it now, once in a long time when he catches a bad "cold." Harry Rriggs of Albion was in the city several days last week. He is just "as fat as he used to be," but it is distributed over more space. He has grown so much that some of his old acquaintances didn't kuow him. It was a caution to see old Jim, (Gus. Recher's twenty-four year old white horse) keep his place ou the road Saturday, iu front oi some fast It is said that old Jim in his voung days used to make a mile" in 2": 40. The Democracy of Platte county are beginning to "set up the pius" for the couuty offices this fall. No use, gentlemen, the tide has come, and you might as well get into the other boat or conclude to be left high and dry on the beach. Ahner Turner and E. J. Raker have a large interest in cattle in the South Park country, under the charge of Charles Zeigler. They are all there now. Charles snys that it is a splendid country, and that the cattle will got hog fat on the grass. L. Rcrhanpt returned from Chicago "Saturday. He has had a very liberal proposition made him from the east, and will probably leave us this week. He has been a faithful, good workman, making man friends during his sojourn among us. Charles Dietrich is at work on a portrait, in oil, of E. I). Shechan. lie is making a tine likeness of Ed., one that no acquaintance of his can fail to recognize. Charles will evi dently make a good painter his improvement in the last year being something wonderful. As to their Platte river bridge, which was new when the flood strurk it, tlio North Rend Bulletin has to say : "There seems but one thing for us Renders to do regarding a permanent bridge, and that is to stand back and let tho company, commissioners and time solve the problem." Mr. W. N. M.Candlish brings us from the (arm of J. L. Brown of Humphrey precinct, a fine sample of German inillett from a two-acre field. It grew six feot in one month and twenty-six davs. Mr. Brown was cutting it with a harvester, and binding it. Some heads measure seven and a half inches long. A lady writes to us concerning the organization of a county society in furtherance of the Woman's sun", rage amendment to the constitution, to be voted upon next year. Such organizations are being completed in many counties of the Slate, nota bly in the south Platte region, and they seem to be doing good work. There will probably be no organized opposition. The Union Pacific railway, dur ing the Nebraska State Fair, will give the following rates to Omaha and return, including admission to the grounds, during the Fair. From Columbus aud Schuyler $2.75. From Duucan, Clark's, Silver Creek, Al bion, St. Edwards, Genoa, Norfolk, Munson, Madison, HumphreyyPlatte Centre and Lost Creek $:.")0. Tick ets good three days. Two fine Jersey cows passed through the city Monday morning to the farm of P. D. Smith of Roone county. This gentleman is a sou of the late Adam Smith, and evidences the possession of those qualities which made him an excellent busi ness man and a public spirited citi zen. Mr. Smith has a number of head of fine stock, as well as some novelties in that line. Dr. Hoehen says that two young men were racing their horses Satur day last along the street in front of his house, frightening a horse which his daughter Amy was driving to a buggy, so that her life and that of three little children was greatly endangered. They were all saved by the pluck aud coolness of Miss Hoehen as wo I as the timely assist ance of Mr. V. II. Dyer. Thos. Cantwell, employed with L. Kuhue, Silver Creek, met with a serious accident Thursday last. He kept on au express car while it was in motion, until he saw that he was about to be mashed against a coal shed, when he jumped, his foot be ing caught somehow in the ladder of the car, causing a comminuted tracturc of the leg. Dr. Boucsteel was called and dressed the wound. It is a very common thing in Columbus of late to 6ee a ruuaway team, and too fast driving. We have had complaint after complaint en tered here, but those who do so should remember that we are not a court of justice, empowered to take testimony and impose fines for the violation of law, neither is it the function of a newspaper to make personal accusations in such cases. The parties iujured should do that before the proper authorities. The Butler Couuty Press re ports the arrest of Michael Gray of Ulysses, ou a charge of assault with intent to kill "Wm. Dobson. There is an old feud between the men. Gray went home and got his pistol and attempted te hoot Dobaon, but was prevented. Also the death of David Owens, an old settler of But 1 c county, sixty years of age.whose death was caused by the kick of a colt. J. N. Reynolds, Esq., of Fuller ton, Nance Co., was in the city Monday on his way to Omaha, to confer with the U. P. authorities concerning the exteimion of their branch road to Fullerton. lie says it seems natural to be in Columbus. The railroad companies are this year doing their full share for tho devel opment of the country. In this di rection lies their interest as well as that of the public. Let the good work go forward. Work begun Monday morning last on the re-construction of the Platte bridge, under the supervision of County Commissioner John Wise, who will put the work through as rapidly and as well as it can be done. With no back-set our south-side friends may reasonably expect to cross about two weeks from to-day. We may say in this connection that ColumbuB will be far aheaJ of some of her neighbors who lost their bridges during the flood. The provident farmer will re member that winter came upon us last year the middle ot October, and there was no let-up until the middle of March. Make hay fast while the sun shines and before the frosts come. We may have another season like the last. A vast amount of hay has already been put up in Nebraska, but the teams should be pushed right forward for tho next Bixty or ninety days, and every effort made to secure all there is. If not needed for home consumption, it will pay to ship. The Driving Park Association have purchased 40 acres of laud near Flynu's brick yard, paying $000. They will fence 25 acres of it, within which they will have the best half mile track iu this s'ection of country, and a floral hall that will be an honor to the enterprise of the asso ciation. Cash premiums will be paid, without doubt or discount. As the fair is to be held Oct. 1th to 7th inclusive, we shall have more to say again ; but get ready, bring some thing to exhibit aud see that your entire family have a time for enjoy ment at the fair. 'rKACUl'KS' laSTITI'TI-Ii To llic TeaelierH of IMntte. Co. The Annual Normal Institute will begin Monday, August 22d, 1881, and continue for a term of two weeks. All those who expect to teach iu the county arc requested to attend. During the last two days examinations will be held for both county aud state certificates. Dur ing a portion of the term, Hon. W. Y. W. Jones, State Sup't, will be present and take part in the exer cises. J. E. Mo.vcrif.f, Co. Sup't. It has been suggested to us that the papers of the city should pay a srood deal more attention to the markets than they have heretofore done, especially the stock and grain markets, but more especially the latter. It seems that as much as ten cents a bushel has been paid by some of our dealers, above the price as quoted by some of the papers. This ought not to be. The news papers should have enterprise enough to keep up with the times; tho markets are among the most important facts that the papers can give, and to be of value they must be a true and accurate index of prices for commodities exchanged here. Certainly, the newspaper that does not give the highest market price actually paid for wheat, corn, oats, hogs, cattle, bhtter, eggs, &c, is doing no small injury to the busi ness interests of the city, and should cease to do so. Sel f-interest, if noth ing else, would dictate this course, and wo hope to see, henceforward, all the Columbus paperB vie with each other iu furthering the mate rial interests of the city iu this, as well as in all other respects. Schuyler IVote. A Kansas doctor's manuscript con tains such words as "small paux," "8karlit fcaver" and "rumatie," aud yet he charges $2 for looking at a sick man's tongue. "We notice the steam hay engine is on deck again in this vicinity .for another season's work. There is nothing like it. Hay being a chief staple of this country, we are pleased to see the hay business boom. Another child of the late widow Kelly has fallen a victim to the diph thretic croup, having died at the house of the widow Hawe, Shell Creek Precinct, on Monday last. The victim in this instance was a boy 9 years old. We are informed that owing to au insufficiency of bauds the county bridges will not be replaced before late in the fall. The demand for hands competent to build bridges is so urgent everywhere that it is im possible to obtain the help it is not in the country. ' The three-year-old child named Dworak, injured by a reaper in Shell Creek Precinct, at the begin ning of harvest mention of which waB made in the Stm died Mon day. But the parents say it died from dysentery with which it was overtaken. Schuyler Stm. The Diamond Field. Saturday afternoon last the B. & M. Club of Omaha and the Koy stones of this city met on grounds near Judge Higgins's residence in thi eastern part of the city, aud en gaged in 3 very interesting game of base ball. Both uines were very tastily dressed in the uniform of their clubs, and are to be commend ed for their neat, trim and tidy ap pearance. Our nine are unstinted in their praise of the gentlemanly brethren who subdued them so handsomely. An examination of the score, which we give below, showa that the seveuteen runs wee all made on the 1st, 3d and 4th in nings, the only run of the Keystones being on the 1st, and three for the B & M's. on the 3d and thirteen on the 4th. In seven innings the B. & M's. were whitewashed, in eight the Keystones. Tho fourth inning was a mountain with only one spur on the hither side, and a precipice be yond ; three runs were made on a lost ball. The B. & M's. seemed to have gotten the "twist" on Kavan augh's balls, and kept knocking them right along. After this inning a change was made on the part of the Keystones, among the most import ant of which were Landers as pitch er and Hudson as first-base, after which neither side scored any. It is duo to Mr. Kavanaugh to say that a matter outside of the game alto gether, occurring about this time, attracted, not only his attention, but that of the whole nine, diverting them somewhat from the game. The occasion was graced by the presence of a large number of spec tators, among them not a few ladies, and enlivened by straius of excellent music from the Columbus Cornet Band. We are informed that in either two or six weeks it is expected that the Keystones will pay the B. & M's. a visit at their grounds in Omaha. The score, given below, needs a little interprcpatiou to the uninitiat ed, as follows: It, runs made; P. O., No. of times put out ; O, No. of opposite side put out; A, assisted in putting out; E., errors tnade. n. am. n po o a E Durkee, p .'5 1 1 0 Austin, 2d h . . . '2 '.' 1 1 () Kurtman, 1st h . . 1 3 fi 0 0 Itrandt, u 1 4 G 0 i Miller, 1. 1 i.' .'! 2 0 0 Mahonev.JUl h... 2 .1 4 0 0," r. f .... 2 V, 0 0 0 Goodman, s. s ... 1 ." 0 0 0 Scott, c. f 2 :i 0 0 0 Total 10 27 ll 2 'i KKYSTONK. R TO O A K 'turret 1, ."Id h 1 1 .'! 1 1 Landers, 2d It.. .. 0 4 2 4 0 ltaker, 1st b 0 4 0 0 1 Hudson. 1. f 0 4 5 0 0 Kavanaugh, p .... 0 2 1 IS 1 Coolidu'e, r. f . . . . 0 4 0 0 0 ltrindley, e. f.... 0 .'( 1 0 1 Newman, s. 0 ." 10 3 Wake, e 0 2 0 2 1 Total 1 27 2.5 10 8 -1(1. Umpire Kd. lto.iter. Scorers G. W. Phillips, Win. m mi. Time of panic Two hours. Till- letter List. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the post-ouice, in Columbus, for the week ending Aug. 13, 1831: It John Itauer, Mrs. Francis Clark, 11. M.Clark. Schuyler Goldsmith 2, It. Gallus. t. Jno. G. Loretiz, Mary Larenc. 31 George Maxwell. S Jno. Stewart. W Michael Wogan. Those marked " V postal card. If not called for in 30 days will be sent to the dead letter office, Washington, D. C. When called for please say "adver tised," as these letters are kept separate. E. A. Gerhard P. M m For Sale ! My house and lot in Columbus. House in good repair. Lot 132x132 feet. Good barn. All enclosed by good fence. Will sell it very low, and give easy terms. Apply to Becher & Price. A. W. Doland. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head live cents a line each insertion. New fine laces at Kramer's. Alchohol for sale at E. D. Shee han8. Ladies' goat lace $1.50, at Hon ahans. Good Knobel's. fresh lard at Weber & Sond mail orders to Kramer's. Slippers, 20 cts. a pair, at Gal ley Bros. The best custom work at Uon ahau's. Good toweling only 4 cents at Kramer's. Eight lbs. of cofleo for $1.00 at Marshall Smith's. Grapes and green apples by ex press daily at Hudson's. One price, aud that always the lowest, at Galley Bros. Good men's heavy boots for $1.25 at J. B. Delsman & Co's. A full Hue of men's, ladies' and misses' shoes at Galley Bros. Cheviot shirts 25 cents at Kra mer's. Rodi Oranges and Verdelli Lem ons. Choice fruit at Hudson's. Peruvian beer, the best drink for the blood. Try it, at Hudson's. Ladies' sewed Bhocs $1.00, 'at nonahan'a. . Cream Baking Powder, only 30 cts. per pound, at J. B. Deismau & Co's. Summer Knickerbocker dress goods reduced from 10 to 6 cents per yard at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-Iabor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for sale at the Journal office. Innins It. & M Keystone 12 3 4 r o 7 8 o o o .; 13 ooon o 10 0 oooooo- It pays to trado at Kramer's. Buy your smoked meat at the Columbus meat market, of Weber fc Knobel. Men's "Webster ties $1.00, at Uonahau's. r Forks, nails, hand -rakes, etc.. at Elliott & Luers. wlt is moucy saved to trade at Kramer's. Boots and shoes cheap for cash at the Boston Shoe Store opp. P. O. Diuner plates Oleakiu's goods,) at 55 cts. per set at Marshall Smith's. Cool, refreshing and pleasant to drink is Peruvian beer at Hudson's. If you want the very best wiiAl mill in the market, get it at Elliott & Luers. For choice dried fruits call on G. C. Lauck, one door east of Heintz's drug-store. Send for samples to Kramer's. Try one of Ball's Health Pre serving Corsets, the best in the market, for sale only, by Galley Bros. Children's laco shoes 05 cents, at Honahan'a. Crockery and Glassware at Hempleman's, cheap for cash, or butter and eggs. Now is the time to buy Dishes and Glassware cheap, as I am going to make a change iu my business. M. Smith. And still a small lot of crockery to be sold, regardless of cost, at J. B. Deismau & Co's. Dowty, Weaver ,fc To. sell the best cough medicine. They have eoulldence in it, aud they are willing to refund the money if it does no good. Ask for I'io's Cure for Consumption. Price, A"i cts. and $1.00. The best bargains in boots and shoes in town at Boston Shoe Store. It must be so, for everybody says that the best and cheapest gro ceries are at J. B. Deismau fc Co's. Economy is the road to wealth ; therefore go to G. C. Lauck's, and buy your groceries cheap for cash. PI The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild aud natural. They gently stimulate the liver, aud regulato the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. For sale at A. Heintz's Drug Store. llouxc. to lCeut. Inquire at the Joukwai, office. For Sale. A No. 1 shophcrd dog, good for sheep or cattle. D. Andkusov. Save Your Dlouey. You can do that by buying your goods of J. B. Dulsman & Co. IjOsf. On Monday, July 25, from my place in this city, a white heifer calf. Four months old. A suitable reward will be given. J. E. NoiiTH. iVotice to Farmers. I am ready to contract, corn anil hay for fall and winter delivery. D. Andei'son. tm. KKvrmAft iu, m ui rnnui .- We have for sale, cheap, two new Minnesota Chief threshing machines. Elliott & Lukrs, Agt's, "'---. Columbus, Neb. Karon Oxford. Farmers are bringing their good cows for improvement. A few good ones more will be admitted. Ser vice onlv 5. A. IIkxi'ICii. Kxtray IVotiee. Came to my herd, July ISth, a daik-red steer, 3 years old, white stripes on belly. The owner will prove property and pay charges. Nicn Blaskr. IVotice. The person who borrowed my box of drawing instruments will confer a favor by returning them at once, as I have use for them. J. E. North. ltrie.Ic ! Thomas Flynu is prepared to fur nish brick, either at his kiln north west of the city ; delivered anywhere in the city, or built in the wall, at reasonable rates. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose, one pill. For sale at A. Heintz's Drug Store. City Froperty Vr Sale. 100 lots in Smith's addition to Co lumbus, in the northwest part of the city. The most desirable residence lots now in the market. Prices low and terms easy. Si'kice & North. K.lraj- rotI:e. Taken np upon my premises two miles east of Columbus, last Wed nesday, oue bay pony, witb a white spot in the forehead, aud one white foot. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. Martin Haoan. Tax Haiti Notice. I hereby notify the owner of Lot S, Block 143, Columbus, Neb., that T have bought tho same for taxes, and if redemption is not made, I will apply for tax deed. Harry Coompok. May 30th, 1881. If there ever was a specific for any one complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick headache, and every woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. For sale at A. Heintz's Drug Store. Ir. ITIcAllister Is making tho best sets of teeth made in the state, on Celluloid or RubbeV for ten dollars (former price tweuty-five), aud all other dental work at equally low prices ; also the best photographs, one door east of O. A. Stearns. Everybody should call and see for themselves. Esitrny IIorse. Came to my place three miles northwest of Duncan, Platte Co., Neb., last week, one dark gray horse, five or six years old, with white marks on back, made by sad dle. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. 588-5 Hector Blaser. I. I. Upton, Jr., Dealer in human hair, manufacturer of Switches, Puffs, Curls, Frizzettes, Sec. Old switches cleaned and re paired at reasonable rttos. All combings thoroughly rooted and dressed. Cash paid for combings and cut hair. Will be iu town in a few days. Strayed or Stolen. Julv 2(Hh, from my corral, one haii mile south of Matthis's bridge, a red and white heifer calf threo months old had a patent muzzle in nose. A suitable reward will be given for its return. C. W. Gktts. ftole l.oxt. Seven notes pinned together, all dated alike, each calling for $25.00, payable to D. D. Wadsworth, or order. The public is warned against negotiating for them. A suitable reward will be given for their re turn to the owner. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements under this head five cents a line, tirt insertion, three cents a line each subsequent insertiou. Loolc Here, Slieep Men. I have six Merino bucks for sale. T Kkating. The Oent IMquors "Wines aud beer for medicinal, me chanical or chemical purposes at E. D. Sheehans. Wanted. Twenty-five acres of laud broke in Nance countv. Enquire of A. H. ltUKl)lcK,ColumbuNeb. For Sale. A Minnesota Chief Threshing Ma chine for sale cheap for cash or ou time, with uood .securitv. AlbkktStknokk. William It. Knapp, House, Carriage and Sign Painter, CaUominer and Paper Hanger. The best. Try me. Residence iu South Co lumims. !Ce;iilar Stoclc Denier. All kinds of horned'stock bought and sold; also fat and stock hogs. 379-v D. ANDKKSON. Land Tor Sale. 100 acres, 5 miles west of Colum bus; T acres under cultivation, 4(1 acres hay land, $10 an- acre, on easy terms, luquireat .Iouknai. otlice. For Sale. A valuable family resdence situa ted in the northwest part of the city. The houe is 20x31, well finished inside and outside, enclosed by good fence. Stable, and all other out-buildings, to be sold cheap. Tor further information apply to .Iwiks Kay, at II. Hughes's Lumber Yard. ltl',llfi'IC TIE I A a, AT li:iIIV, i::;i.a:i. McCormick, as Usual, Carries Off the Royal Agricultural Society's Gold Medal at the Great Derby Reaper i riai in tngiano uver I tiirty Com petitors! The Tribune learns bv special cable message that the reat berby trial, un der the auspices of t e Koy-il Agricul tural Society of England, of which the Prince of Wales is President, has re Milted iu a complete walk-away for our fellow-citizen, the Hon. C. II. Mc Cormick. There were over thirty entries at this battle of the reaper giant, iucluding the Samuel Johnston. Walter A. Wood, etc. After the most impartial of trials, for which the English Agricultural So cieties are always famed, the award of the highest prize a gold medal was made to Cyril II. McCorinieL'l of Chi cago for the best sheaf-binding harves ter. The .Johnston and SainucNon machine were aw ndcd silver medals. Une little incident connected with the machine that won this great victory it. worth mentioning: The machine was on the ill-fated ISrittauic that sank oil' the Irish coast, and lav under fifteen fathom of water for a week or more. The steamer was finally towed into port, and the machine recovered, and, not withstanding its sorry plight, it Was this machine that carried oil" the prize. Chicago Tribune, Avg. 12. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our (iiiotations orthe markets are ob tained Tuesday afternoon. :ind are correct and reliable at the time. flKAIN', 4C. Wheat Xo. 2, ) Com, 40 Oats new, ; Floifr, $u on3.t ;,o I'KOWJCK. Butter, Sfgio Eggs, !),oio Potatoes, 2."c-0 MKAT.S. Hams, ll3 1.1 Shoulders, T6tJ Sides, !($ll LIVK STOCK. Fat Hogs, 4."0I7." Fat Cattle, 2 7.'43 M Calves $10 00 Sheep O (M)(t4.. .r fi'ai iicoor. Land Ollice at Grand Island, Xeb.,1 August 12th, lfSI. f NOTICE U hereby given that the rollowiug-hauicd settler has filed notice or his intention to make final proor in support or his claim, aud that said proof will be made before Clerk or Dist. Court at Columbus, Xeb., on Sept. 17th, 1S81, viz: George K. Bullock, Homestead Xo. 11118, Tor the S. V.i, Section 20, Town ship 1!, Range -1, west. He names the ml. owing witnesses to prove h's con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation or said land, viz: William Wright, Martin Swausen, J. B. Devine and Ed mund Doty all of St. Edward, Xeb. 5s8-"i M. B. HOXIE, Register. FIXAIj l'KOOF. Land Otlice at Grand Island, Xeb., 1 August 4, 1SSI VTOTICE is hereby given that the mi ll lowing -named settler has tiled notice or his intention to make final proor in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the District Court of Platte comity, at Columbus, Nebraska, ou Thursday, Sep temberSth. ISal. viz: Hanson S. Elliott, Homestead Xo. C.-)81, for the E. yx, S. E. ',. Section 22, Township in north, Range P. west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said laud, viz: Frank Rivet, James T. Free, Charles X. Armstrong, of Postville, Platte Co., Xeb.. and Dan iel W. Zeigler, of Monroe, l'latte Co., Xeb. r87-.- M. P.. HOXIE, Register. Finul lror. Land Otlice at Grand Island, Xeb.,) August 4th, 18JJ1. I N1 OTICE is hereby given that the fol.owiug-nameu hottler has tiled notice of her intention to make dual proor in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before C. A. Newman, Clerk nT District Court at Columbus, Nebraska, on September 10, 1881, viz: Mary Ann Searles, Homestead Xo. OTiO", Tor the X. E. M or X". E. 4 or Sec tion 2, and the r. , or X. W. i, and the X. E. yt of X. W. 4 of Section 1, in Township 20 north, Range 1 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said land, viz: George A. Wbitcher, E. M. Squire, Alice Squire, John B. Juckou, all of Newman's Grove, Madison Co.. Xeb. 537-0 M, B, HOXIE, Register. FIX A I l'KOOF. Land Ofllcc at Grand Island, Neb.,1 Ainrust th, lst. J NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proot in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before C. A. Newman, Clerk or the District Court at Columbus, Neb., on the 17th day of Sep tember, 1S8L viz: David Thomas. Homestead No. 602 for the S. E. , or N. K. , and N E. V of S. E. YK oi Section 20. Township 10 north. Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Mathcw Farrell, Robert Lewis and Lorenzo Jjoseph. all or Post ville, Platte Co., Neb.and Hugh Hughes of Colunihu. Neb. .r3-r M. It. HOXIE, Register. NOTICE IN CONTEST. Laud Otlice at Grand Island, Xeb.l August "d, 1SSI. i COMPLAINT having been entered al this otlice bv Andreas Helnmauii airaiust Thomas O'Connor for ab.mdon ing hl Homestead Entry Xo.MI!S, dated .March 17th, 1ST!, upon the eat yt, north west Vi Section 12. Township 19 north. Range : west, iu Platte county, Xebr.. with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this otlice on the 2Sth day of September. 1SS1, at 10 o'clock a. in., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban donment I Depositions will be taken before II. .1. Hudson, at his otlice in Columbus, Nebr., on September 21st, ISS1, 10 a. in. M. B. HOXIE, Register. ."S7-. Wm. AXVAX, Receiver. NOTICE IN ATTACHMENT. Elizabeth Kifer and Jacob Ivifer will take notice that ou the Uth dav of Au gust, 1S81, G. B. Bailey, a justice of the peace of Columbus precinct, l'latte county, Xebraska, issued au order of attachment for the -um of ?l.".:t; iu an action pcudiug before hi in wherein the Singer 31 ami fact u ring Company i plaintiff, and Elizabeth Kifer aud Jacob KiTer, defendants; that propeity con sisting of one white ami red -potted cow, lias been attached under s:iid or der; said cause was continued to the" l.'ith day of September, lStfl, at one o'clock, ii. m. August 12, 1SS1. ,1. L. LEWIS, ."sy-l Agent. LEGAL NOTICE. In the County Court for Platte countv, Xebraska. In the matter or the la'st will and testament or Samuel R. Curtis, deceased. "VTOT1CE is hereby given that on the 1 l.r)th day or August. 1S81, an in strument in writing purporting to be a copy ot" the last will and testament or Samuel It. Curtis, late oi county. Iowa, deceased, together with a copy or the probate thereof duly authenticated, were tiled iu the County Court of said l'latte county, and au allowaiicV of the same praved as the last will and testa ment of Samuel R. Curtis, deceased. Whereupon it is ordered that the Mil day of September, lSt at 10 o'clock a. "in., at the County Judge's ollice iu said county, be assigned as" the time aud placu for hearing in said matter. Anil it is further ordered that due notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by published notice thereof in Tiik CoLC.MliUS .IOLi:x.l. for three weeks prior to said time of hearing. (A true copy ol" the order.) .IOHX G.HIGGIX, Aug. 1(5, 1S8I. ir.S-S.- County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE. BV VIRTUEof an orderol sale issued out ol the District Court or Platte .county, and state or Xebraska, by the Clerk thereof, and to mo directed" on a judgment and decree, obtained before said Court, at its October term. A. D. 1880. to-wit: October 2M, A. D. 1S80. Iu favor or the Xew England Mortgage Security Company as plaintiff, aud against Wilbert Fortune and Josephine Fortune as defendants, for the sum of ($472.2.") rour hundred and seventy-two dollars and twenty-tive cents, damages, and costs ((.)J") nine dollars and tifty three cents, and interest and increased costs. I have levied upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The north east quarter (,$) or Section Xo. twelve (12) in Township Xo. nine teen (10) north, or Range Xo. three i.'S) west of the 0th prim ipal meridiaji, iu Platte couuty. Nebraska, taken as the property of Wilbert Fortune ami Jose phine Fortune, and will offer the same Tor sale, to the highest bidder, Tor cash in hand, at the west front door or the Court House in Columbus, (that being the place wherein the last term or the District Court of Platte county was held) on the lOilt lny ol" Sepn-inber, A. !., l!vl. at the hour or two o'clock in the after noon or said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at Columbus, Xebraska, August th, A. D. lsdl. s"M7.i BEXJ. SPIELMAX, Sheriff ot l'latte County, Xebr. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of Platte count' and State of Xebraska, bv the Clerk thereor, and to me directed on a judgment and decree obtained before said Court at its October term, A. D.. 18X0, to wit: October 22d, 1880, in favor of the American Mortgage Compam of Scotland as plaintiff and against J. lines Russell and Mary Russell a defend ants, for the sum of six hundred and thirty-live- dollars and seventy - five cents $tKVi.7"ij damages, and costs eight dollars and three cents l$3.()' and inter est and increased costs, I have levied upon the following described real estate, to wit: The west half I's' o the southeast quarter ',l of Section number thirty-two .12, in Township number eighteen I8 north or Range number otir 1J east or tin' ixtli Principal Me ridiau, iu Platte county, Xebraska, taken as the property ot James Russell and Mary Russell, and will offer tin same ror sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the west front door of the Court House in Columbus, (that being the place wherein the last term or the District Court ot Platte countv was held) on the lOtli Iuj- or September, A. !.. at the hour or three o'clock in the after noon of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at Columbus, Xebraska, Au gust bth, 1881. BEXJAMIX SPIELM.AX, .'t87-. Sh eri ffo T Platte Co., Xeb. SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTUE or an orderorsale issued out or the District Court or Platte county, and State of Xebraska, by the Clerk thereor, and to me directed, on a judgment and decree obtained before said Court at Us October term, A. D., 1880, to wit: October 22d, A. D., 1880, in favor of Sarah B. Cantield. executrix of the Jasl will and testament of Philo Cantield, deceased, as plaintiff, and against George AV. Stewart and Lois M. Stewart, as defendants, for the sum of three hundred and forty dollars and eighty-three cents MO.&IJ damages, and interest and costs, nine dollars and forty-eight cents $!. MJ and accruing sosts, I have levied upon the following described real estate, to wit: The west half 4 of the southeast quarter J of Section number thirty -two :i2j, iu Township number seventeen 17 north of Range number one 1 west of the Sixth Principal, in Plattv county, Xebraska, taken as the property or George W. Stewart and Lois M. Stewart, and will offer the same forsale to the highest bidder, ror cash iu hand, at the west front door ot the Court House in Columbus, (that being the place wherein the lat term or the Dis trict Court or Platte county was held), on the . lOtli day of September, A. I., at the hour ot two o'clock p. m. or said day. when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at Columbus, Xebraka, Au gust sth, 1881. JJENJAMIX SPIELMAX, 5S7-5 Sheritt ofPUtte Co., Xeb. NOTICE FOR DIVORCE. In District Court of IMatto Co., Xebr. John Brill:, Plaintiff, v. 1 Lizzik Bkiik. Defendant. To Lizzie Behr, the above named de fendant: qAKE XOTICE that the above named JL plaintiff has tiled his petition In the District Court for Platte county, Xebraska, praying that a decree of di vorce he made" dissolving the marriage between the above named plaintiff and defendant, on the grounds of adultery, wilful abandonment and habitual drunk enness, and you are further notified that you are required to auswer said plaintiff's petition on or before the 12th day or September, 1SS1, and In default of such answer a judgment against vou will be taken as prayed for in said petition. .IOHX BEHR. By W. S. Gkkic, his Att'y. M7-S J. M. MACFAKLAND, B. K. COWDKKY, A.t:rsj Mi::u:y?5ili:. CsUinjr. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE OF JOHN M. MACFARLAND, Columbus, : : : Xebraska. F. SOHEOK, Manufacturer and Dealer In CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KIXD.H OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive S'f., near the old Post-office Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly LAKLX FARMS! -AXD- -AT THE Union Pacfic Land Office, On Lout Time and low rate of Interest. All wishing to buy Rail Road Landi or Improved Farms will tlud it to their advantage to call at the I. P. Land Ollice before lookin elsewhere as 1 make a specialty ot buying and selling lands on commission; all persons wish ing to sell farms or unimproved land will find it to their advantage to leave their lands with me for sale, as my fa cilities for affecting sales are unsur passed. 1 am prepared to make final proof for all parties wishing to get a patent for their homesteads. iSJ-Henrv Cordes, Clerk, writes and speaks German. SAMUEL C. SMITH, Agt. I'. 1. Land Department. .T.V..y COLL' 31 BUS, XEB. OOJVUWBTTS STATE BAKK, Ca::u:)rt3 39nirl i 2h1 ial Tsrur It Hilit. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, - $50,000 DIRECTORS: Lkandku (Jkruauii, Pres'l. (eo. W. Vice Pres't. Julius A Reed. Edwahd A. Gekkakd. Ak.vkr Tuu.vkk, Cashier. Ilnnk of Oepoult, UUrouHt nnd IK4liuns oll'loiiNlroiuptIy IVIutleon ii II lo!nl. Pity Interest oh Time Depe i. 274 SickHeadachf POSITIVELY CURED BY V We Mean Cured, Not Merely Relkwd And Can JProve What toe Claim. Kyrhrif arrno fallnriml nodlup. twlntmeiiu. If yon mjrr troubleU wIlS MCK IIKADACHEyoaa Ix TlTlTa qolohly fuml, a faunditd lMTe btfg already. We atutll be pleaMsJ to mail a hrrt of tsaimonlalM U any In(prrtnl. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Also cure aU form of Biliousness, prereatCcmiU patlon ana Dyspepsia, promote I)letlnn. rellera distress from too hearty eating, correct Disorders ofthaStomaeb.StlmuIatetbeLiTer.ttnilUeimiat tho Bowels. They do all this by takloic Just ooo little pill at a doe. Theyare purely not rrlpe or purze.and aro as nearly perfect us It Is possible for a pll! to be. Price 15 cents, J for IU Sold by druggists ererywhere or sect by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. SCHMITZ BROS., COLUMBUS, NEBR., WILL SELL Vol' THE BEST OF SUCH AS The Celebrated "Wood Twiae Btad- iai; Harvester, Chain Ruke and Sweep Rake Reupar, with aew Iron Mower; The Dulny Hay Rake, Adams & French Harvester, Manny Reaper aud Mower, STANDARD MOWER, ETC. CARTER'S H Iver " J PILLS. " Y?V ' sW MTssssssssr 1 HARVESTING MACHINERY REMEMRER THAT U'E WARRANT EVERYTHING WE SELL, AND THE BEST OP RECORD FOL LOWS EVERY MACHINE. S3TCAL.L. BEFORE OV IIUY. -?- "