The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 17, 1881, Image 2
THE JOURNAL. n:ixi:sn.vv, aug. it, issi. Kntereilat Jhe Pot-oHR"!-, Columbus, ScU as fccvond cla mutter. The stock yards at Omaha arc to be quadrupled in size. A $20,000 butter packing house is to be built in Lincoln. The Norfolk Journal is putting up a building for itself. West Point is to have a new school-house to coat $11,300. A new directory shows that Oma ha has a population of 3S,000. The horses at Camden, Ohio, are suffering from a terrible disease. President Garfield baB lost forty pounds during his sickness. Central and southern lown is Buffering greatly for want of rain. Ten burglaries were committed at Des Moines one night last week. Albionites regard a hook aud ladder company as a great neces sity. August Miller, a laborer , of Fremont, died from sunstroke last week. There were 08 deaths and 35 births in Omaha during the month of July. Omaha has 3,000 dogs and the Republican says 500 could do the business. Two thousand men it is said are out of work at the Susquehanna coal cprapany, Penn. Orville Grant, brother of Gen eral Grant, died on the 5th inst, at Morris Plains, X. J. The death of Hon. T. L. Schick, of Nemaha, Neb., was reported at Lincoln on the 10th. The first car of barley of this year's crop received in Chicago, was from Adams county, Neb. The West Poiut Butter and Cheese Association is building barns to accommodate 300 cows. A fire at Pawnee City last week burned twenty-fire business houses. The loss will reach $40,000. Bryan Golden, of New York, on the 11th probably fatally assaulted his wife, then killed himself. Cait. J. S. Greer, of Hastings, Mich., died one day last week, of a clear case of Asiatic cholera. There are ten saloons in Lincoln, the proprietors of which pay into the treasury $10,000 per year. In the House of Lords the other day the Irish land bill was read the third time without a division. Dillon, it is stated, was released from jail because further imprison ment would eudanger bis life. Four hundred and fifty pnsou gers at Chicago bought Grand Trunk tickets for Boston at $5 each. The United States internal rev enue collections of this state for the month of July amounted to $80,000. C. C. Kitchen, of Cincinnati, em ployed in the signal service, com mitted suicide last week by taking poison. E. A. Hark, a railroader, had his head taken oil" and right arm severed while coupling cars at Dayton, O., last week. Dr. Miller of the Omaha Herald is to deliver the address at (ho Burt county fair, to he held September 7, 8 aud 9. H. A. Allen and F. J. Wright have been appointed internal rev enue storekeepers for the fifth dis trict of Illinois. Nebraska's second annual dog show will be held at Norfolk, com mencing August 30th and contin uing four days. Judok James D. Colt, of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, com mitted suicide the other evening by shooting himself. Every house but three burned from the spark of a locomotive in the town of Trafalgar, O., the other day. Loss $50,000. In a large section of the northern part of Michigan, fires are raging and threatening immense destruc tion to standing pine. Six monster sharks have recently been caught in the North and East rivers, New York, weighing several hundred pounds each. The Irish-Americans of Lawrence, Mass., ceicbrated the other evening the liberation of John Dillon from jail by a mass meeting. The West Point paper mill is erecting an extensive addition to their buildings. The new improve ments will cost $00,000. German is to be the official lan guage of the Republic Transvaal. Natives and British residents will be placed at a great disadvantage. Charles Zei, of Des Moines, la., who had been beating his wife re cently, was arrested at her instance. He got drunk afterwards, and on the night of the 11th shot himself. The Laughtin nail works at Mar tin's Ferry, near Wheeling, W. Va., burned last week. Two hundred men will have to find other work. The Times says that all the gov ernment fountain at Lincoln needs to be complete is a bronze monkey, perched on the apex of the masonry. Edward S. Bandall, a letter car rier, was arrested the other day at Indianapolis. He has been opening letters for months. Over five hun dred complaints bad been made to the post-office authorities. The state reform school building at Kearney is comi-lctrd, and we learn that the institution ip now ready for the reception of inmates. The Atlantic Flouring Mills at St. Louis, Mo., owned by George Bain, was struck by lightning the other evening and entirely consum ed. Action is being taken to locate a $100,000 Congregational college at Yankton. It is to be erected on a bluff, either north or west of the city. Mrs. Millard Fillmore, relict of ex-President Fillmore, died at Buffalo, X. Y., on the 11th. She died from a second attack of par alysis. The thermometer reached 10S de grees at Quincy III., and 102 at Des Moines, Iowa, on the 11th, the hot test day ever known at the places named. It is said that money and freedom from taxation are offered by the Russian Government as an induce ment to men to settle in Nova Zcmbla. The artesian well at Yankton, which is down 300 feet, struck a blue shale formation the other even ing which was saturated with pe troleum. A dense fog prevailed the other day in New York, working great damage to shipping. Nine vessels went ashore on Blackwell's island ; two sank. It is stated that the Germau Gov ernment are doing their utmost to suppress Jew baiting in Pomerania. At Koslin, twenty-one persons were arrested. The Supreme Court adjourned last week to the 17th of October, at which time opinions will be filed in a large number of cases held under advisement. Butler and Burt counties have already made application for ex hibition space at tho State Fair. Both counties iutend to exhibit on a largo scale. Crow Dog, the murd.crcr of Spot ted Tail, accompanied by another Indian, came to Ft. Niobrara the other day and surrendered to Col. Montgomery. M. Michael who is wanted at Meadville, Pa., for stealing $G,000 in government bunds, was arrested near Topeka, Kansas, disguised as a farm laborer. The Sioux City & Pacific road, it was expected, would be finished to O'Neill sometime last week and that the road would be opened for busi ness this week. E. D. Northrop, a lawyer, shot John O'Donuell, a rich lumberman last week, at Elliottsville, N. Y., who afterwards died. Both were prominent men. Maud S. at Rochester, N. Y., on the 11th inst., beat her former rec ord, making a mile in 2:10, re ceiving the applause of fifteen thousand people. The report that tho Pope intended to leave Rome was circulated by the Vatican, with a view, it is stated, of enlisting the .sympathies of tho foreign Catholics. Eleven men-of-war are being built by the Spauish government, and six more in foreign dockyards to form a fast and well-armed squad ron for the colonies. The U. S. treasury department has received about $40,000,000 worth of bonds for continuation from Eng lish holders. The London agency will be closed at once. Cuba, as well as other parts of the Wet Indies, is Buffering from a vir ulent season of yellow fever. The dreaded disease has also appeared on the Gulf of Mexico. Miss Minnie Williams, daughter of Prof. Williams, editor of the Hastings ITebraskian, while on a visit to Lincoln last week, was found drowned in Salt Creek. At a camp meeting being held at Chautauqua, N. Y., last week the Rev. E. E. Hale read one of his own stories, and Prof. Liebling, of Chi cago, played a piano 6olo. "The treasury department at Wash ington arc about to put a stop to the custom of punching holes in coin. They intend to invite the public to refuse any clipped money. A severe drought is roportcd in Switzerland. There is a scarcity of water in most parts of the country. In Savoy beasts are perishing for lack of wnter and from heat. The heat throughout the United States last week was very oppress ive to man and beast, and in many localities they were compelled to stop labor and get out of tho sun. Gen. Grant has purchased a large and nice residence in the city of New York, costing $95,000. It would appear that he intends to make New York his future home. Lv the public square on which the Cathedral of the city of Mexico is built was found, while exca vating for a public garden, a column of the old Cathedral of 1526. The dronth in Kentucky is very severe, and more so than any other Bince 1S54. The corn is twisted and curled with the heat and dry weather, and will certainly be a short crop. Charles Botnton, of Bar Mills, Me., tried to kill his wife and her sister, and then succeeded in killing himself. The sister's wound may prove fatal. Cause wife refused to j lire with him. The IreIIon. For sometime past it has been doubted by those who have been reading events as well as bulletins that the president's couditiou was so rose-colored as was given forth by tho constituted authorities at the capital. There has seemed to be an effort to make it appear that the president was abundantly able to fulfill the duties of his office; and perhaps this is sufficient to account for such a course, as in case of dis ability the constitution provides that the vice president shall act as president, during such disability. Although we have no knowledge of precedent in our history, it has seemed to us all along that the pres ident's disability was such that the commaud of the constitution ought to have been obeyed. Mrs. Garfield wrote a letter re cently to a friend in Ohio, in which she stated that the reports concern ing the president's great appetite were not correct, that his appetite was poor; aud latterly Mrs. Dr. Ed ison, the lady nurse, has said : "he is a great and constant sufferer, and is at present exceedingly feeble. He talks very little. His condition is serious." While we wore thinking of these things, and a possible motive for deceiving the public as to the pres ident's actual condition, a telegram is received from Washington, dated 7a. m., Aug. 10th, saying: "The President is failing rapidly, and is not expected to live." Latest, 11 a. in. Tuesday. The president is in a critical condition. The doctors don't say much because the don't know much. The baby giant of Iowa, whose homo is in Atlanic, was in Council Bluffs the other day. The parents of this wonderful child accompanied it aud left over the Northwestern for Missouri Valley, where the child wonder will bo exhibited and will then go to Minnesota in quest of cooler weather. The Iowa baby giaut is 3 years old and weighs 125 pouuds. The baby was born in Anamosa, this state, and some time since the parents removed to Atlan tic. The baby is an intelligent and handsome looking child, there being none of those disgusting features of make-up that characterizes monstros ities generally. The fat youngster knows its letters and is capable of making known all its wants by word of mouth. Th'o parents are both spare built persons, and neither weighs over 135 pouuds. Council Bluffs Xonpareil. It is a waste of time and words to talk about who will succeed Judge Maxwell in the Supreme Court. He will succeed himself and he ought to. He has labored faithfully aud brought forth good works. He has steadily riseu to a position where he commands the respect aud confi dence alike of litigants and attor neys. His re-election is duo to him and to the people of this slate whom he has diligently served for the past nine years. Vast interests public and private arc concerned in the make up of the Supreme Court, and hence as little experimenting as pos sible should be practiced in electing its members. Schuyler 2Tcws. Look out, and you may detect a counterfeit twenty dollar bill, one of which was recently received at the Omaha National Bank, and which has been executed entirely with a pen, by somo expert penman aud forger. It is executed in all the various colored inks used on bank notes, and even the paper itself is made to look like bank note paper by little strokes of the pen. It is a great curiosity. It was paid to the bank by a government official, thro' whose hands it passed without de tection. A serious accident occurred on the Grand Trunk railway on the 13th near Prescott Junction, N. Y., which resulted in the death of the engineer, the serious wounding of the fireman, baggage master and two express messengers, and various in juries to a number of passengers. The locomotive was thrown from the track, carryiug the tender, bag gage, Bmoking and two passenger cars with it. The cars were thrown upside down, and the express car smashed to kindling wood. A cow on the track did it. A storm cloud burst last week over Central City, Colorado, and immediately thereafter a volume of water from four to five feet deep rushed down the streets, Sweeping overy thing before it. Great boul ders, weighing nearly a ton, were rolled around like pebble stones. Several residences, bridges and rail road tracks were swept away. The damage at Central City and Idaho Springs is estimated at $250,000. A mass meeting in favor of pro tection for home industries was held at Exeter Hall, London, one evening last week. The proprietor of the Morning Post, Mr. Borthwick, pre sided, and made a" telling Bpeech agaiust free trade. Captain Camer on, the African explorer, said that protection was as necessary for England as it was for America. It is claimed that the British gov ernment will cease prosecutions under the coercion act, and after the passage of the land bill there is a show of law and order; tho prison ers arrested under the act will be liberated. The general government will loan the state for tho soldiers' re-union, to be held at Lincoln, commencing Sept. 5th, seven hundred hospital tents and two twelve pound'eannou with equipage complete, and other supplies. The tents, &c, will be drawn from Jeftersouville, Ind., and the cannon from the United States arsenal at Rock Island. It will re quire five freight oars to transport the tents aud other supplies. The supreme court of this state decided last week that the Slocumb, high-license law is constitutional, and that city and county authorities may refuse to grant license, if they see proper to do so. The court also hold that a license obtained under the old law is no protection or bar to a prosecution for selling liquor without license since the first of June, the time the new law went into effect. Twe-ty-fivk Chinese students, on their way from Hartford home,went west last week. They say they have completed the studies for which they were bent. One reason they gave for being summoned home is that this government's military and na val academies are closed to them. As Germany aud England allow them to enter their institutions, it is probable they will go hither here after. Kaufman Ingkrsol, a well-to-do fanner of the German settlement in Richland precinct, Washington coun ty, Neb., committed suicide one day last week, and his remains were found near his house in a corn field, with a revolver close to his body, a ball wound through the head. He owned a valuable farm that was well stocked. He was unmarried ; no cause can be assigned for his rash act. J. W. Dawes, chairman of the Nebraska Republican Central Com mittee, has called a meeting of the members of the committee to be held at the Commercial Hotel in Lincoln, Wednesday, Aug. 31st, '81, at 2 p. m. The member from this, the Fourteenth district, is Mr. A. E. Cady, of Schuyler, who is always on tho alert for political duties. Destructive wind, rain and thun der storms visited Petersburg, Va., and Philadelphia, Fa., on the 13th. At the former place trees, fences and chimney were blown down and the damage by the storm everywhere is terrible. At the latter place the storm was equally as fierce and des tructive. The roofs of about fifty dwellings were demolished. Recently in New York there haye been large purchases, up into the millions, of old United States 5 per cent, coupon bonds not extend ed at 101... These bonds will soon bo called in and sonic folks claim that purchasers will make a nice profit. It is stated that one national bank made an operation of this kind to the extent of $20,000,000. Georgia is about to pas- a law to suppress Mormonism iu that state. It will provido that any person rnn victod of teaching such principles and endeavoring to decoy emigrants to Utah shall be fined not exceeding $100 or imprisonment for more than one year, or both at the discretion of the court. The John street church in New York was crowded with members aud frieuds of the M. E. churches of that vicinity on the 5th, to extend greeting and say farewell to nearly two hundred delogates aud their friends, who sailed on the (Jth to attend the Methodist ecumenical conference in London, Sept. 7th. The funeral of Gen. Robert Pater son took place at Philadelphia on the 11th inst. The pall bearers were Gens. Grant, Sherman, Porter and Hancock, Joseph Patcrson, John Welch, Judgo Riddle and A. II. Drayton. Many other Generals were present. G. H. Long and C. R. Howard, president and treasurer of the Alli ance Insurance-Company, were ar rested the other day in Boston on the charge of embezzling funds bo longing to the Company. The defi ciency is about $11,000. Secretary Blaine lately had malaria and a tendency to chills. Ho has been advised to go to the seashore. Let the capitol be remov ed to the elevated plains of Nebras ka, whero tho pure air will give our public men clear heads. A sfecial from Pino Ridge agen cy, Neb., Crow Dog, captain of po lice at Rosebud agency, shot and instantly killed Spotted Tail one day last week. There had been ill feel ing between them for somo time. Trouble is anticipated. Henry Williman, Mr. Dorflinger and Wensol Ratznecker,incn injured at St. Louis at the burning of the Atlantic Mills, died on the 13th. Herman Herschfield, an employee of the mill, is missing. It is believed he is burned. - Miss Lena Homan aud Miss Louia Farber wero- instantly killed one night last week on the Staten Island railroad, at the Scgiuus Lave cross ing. The carriage in which they wero riding was crushed, and the horse killed, -- Three convicts escaped one night last week from the p'enitentiary at Lincoln. Their names are L. M. Goddard and James Richardson, horse thieves, and George Davis, grand larceny. Fifty dollars reward for each. Five hundred and twenty-seven deaths in one week in Chicago. The highest number ever reached before was 452. The intense heat two weeks since is claimed to be the cause of the increased mortality. EXECUTOR'S SALE. BY VIU'lTUofa license i.sued by the INtrkt( owrt nr the Fourth Judi cial District ot Xlir.ikn, in anil for Platte count , the undersigned, exeett tor of the eitatt of John A. NorrN, late of Franklin count . in the State of Ohio, deceased, will sell at public, vendue the "follow ins: described real estate, situated and leii.j.' in tho county of Platte, ami State of Nebraska, to wit: The south west 3- or the omliwet i of Section S, in Township IT nortli of K.uiso 1 eat The eat V4 of the southwest i of Sec tion 3. in Township IT north of Ran-e I east. The north ' of northeast Vy of Section 27. in Township 17 north of Range 1 east. The southeast l of the northeast Vf of Section 27. tn Township 17 north of Range 1 eat. The northeast Vf of the southeast yA of Section 27, in Township 17 north of Range 1 east. And the undivided half of the south l of the southeist j of Section 2.1, in Township 17 north of Range 1 east. Alo the following lots in tiie city of Columbus, to wit: Lot 7 in block 3s, lot 8 in bloel; 3S, lot 3 in block 3i lot 4 in block W, lot 1 in block -10. lot 2 in block 40, lot 1 in block 4!!, lot 2 in block 13, lot in block ."S, lot 4 in block 53, lot ," in block 72, lot 0 in block 72, lot 7 in block 74, lot 3 in block 74. lot :t in block sS, lot 4 in'block bS, lot '! in block 121, lot in block 121, lot 0 in block 12S, lot 3 in block i:J, lot 1 in block ISO. lot 1 in block 1S3, and lot 2 in block 133. Said sale will take place on ThurMluv, the 8tH lny ofSep. teinler, 1881, at 10 o'clock, a. in., at the west door of the Court House in Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska. Terms of sale: one third cash, balance in two, equal, an nual payments, with interest at ten per cent. Columbus, N'eb., Alls'. 17. '31. JOHN It. MULVAXE, Kxceutor of the estate of John A. Xor- ris, deceased. .33-4 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIKTCE of an order of sale is sued out of the District Court of Platte county and State of Nebraska, by the Clerk "thereof, and to me direct ed, on a judgment and decree obtained before said Court at its adjourned March term, A. v., lsSl, to wit, .Mine 10th. A. D., 1831, in favor of Nannie O. Motlitt as plaintiff, and against Karoliue Bader, widow, and Henry Bader and Josephine' Bader, children and minor heirs of Karl Bader, deceased, as de fendants, for the sum of two hundred and ninety-seven dollars and ninety-tive cents damages, and costs thirty-eigbt dollars and eight cents (f 53.03), and ten dollars as guardian ad litem, and ac cruing costs, I have levied upon the following described real estate, to wit: The north half (J) of the northwest Uarter(VO of section number twelve (12) in township number eighteen (13) north of range one (1) west of the sixth principal meridian, in Platte county, Nebraska, taken as the property of Kitroline Bader, widow, and Henry Ba der aud Josephine Bader. children and minor heirs of Karl Bader, deceased, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at tho west front door of the Court House iu Columbus, that being the place where the last term of the District Court ot Platte county wa held, on the ISMli tlay r Au-iisi, A. !., ISWI, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day. when and where due attendance will be given bv the undersigned. Dated at ( olumbus, Nebr., Julv 18th, IW. BENJAMIN SPII'LMAX, ."s.i Sheriff or Platte Co. SHERIFF'S SALE. 1Y V1KTTE of an order of sale is. ! sued out of the District Court of Platte county, and State of Nebraska, b the Clerk thereof, and to me direct ed, on a judgment and decree obtained bflore said Court, at its adjourned March term. A. D., 1S31, to wit, June Mil, A. D., 1SS1, in favor of Charles P. Dewey and Albert B. Dewey, executors ol C. Dewey, deceased, as pl-iintiils and I'll tries Kohlrust and Ellen Kohlrust as defendants, for the sum of live hun dred and Mt-two dollars damages, and costs twenty-nine dollars and thir teen cents, and accruing costs, 1 have le ied upon the following described real estate, situate in said eoiintv and state, to wit: The south half (J4) of the outhwest ijnarter (4) of section num ber two (2) iu township number nine teen (Mil) north of range one (I; west of the sith principal meridian, taken as the property of Charles Kohlrust and Ellen Kohlriist, and w ill offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash iu hand, at the west front door of the Court House in Columbus, that being the place where the last term ot the District Court of Platte county was held, on the lOtli day r Aiir n. A. !., 1881, at the hour of three o'clock p.m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at Columbus, Nebr., Julv 13th, pssi. benjamin spii:i;man, .VM-.-I Sheriff Platte Co.. Nebr. LEGAL NOTICE. To William J. Brausen, non-resident defendant: TAKE NOTICE that rbarles P. Dewey and Albert B. Dewev have sued you in the District Court in aud for Platte county. Nebraska, and that you are required to answer the petition tiled by said Charles P. Dewey and Al bert B. Dewey, on or before the 2!tth day of August, 1331. The prayer of said petition is for tho foreclosure of a mortgage made by you to Charles P. Dewey and Albert B. Dewey, on the 24th day of April, 1830, on the north li'ilf of the northwest quarter of Section 20, in Township 1! north of Kange 2 west of the sixth principal meridian in Platte county, Nebraska, which mort gage was given to secure the payment of live several promissory notes all dated April 24th, 1830, four of said notes being for thirty dollars each, and are payable in one, two, three and four years after the date thereof respective ly! the other or ilftli note being for the sum of three hundred dollars and is payable in five years after the date thereof, all bearing interest at the rate of ten per cent, from maturity till paid, which said promissory notes were made and delivered by vou to the said Charles P. Dewev and Albert B. Dewev. CHARLES P. DEAYEY. ALBERT B. DEWEY. By ClUS. A. Sl'ElCK, their Att'y. 5S4-4 Administrator's Sale. BY VIRTUE of a license issued bv the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District or the State of Nebras ka, in and for Platte county, tho undersigned;- administrator of 'the estate of 3Iariah Arnold, late of said Platte county, deceased, will sell at public vendue the following decribcd real estate, situated and being in the county of Platte, and State of Nebraska, to wit: The west half of the southwest quar ter of section number thirteen, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section number twenty -four, all in township seventeen north of range one west of the sixth principal meridian. Said sale will take place on XIiur.da.y, tlic IStli duyofAu Rust, 1881, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the west door of the Court House, in Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska. Terms of sale: one third cash, balance in two annual, equal pavments. July 27th, 1831.- Charles B. Stillman, Administrator of the estate of 3larlah Arnold. 5S.V1 NOTICE. To Augustus W. Lawrence, non-resident defendant: VOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that X on the 21st day of Jul, 1831tla rian Lawrence filed a petition airainst you in the District Court of Platte county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from vou on the ground that you have gross lv, wantonly and cnully refused and failed to provide maintenance for said plaintiff. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 12th day of Sep tember, 1831. July 21. 1331. MARIAN LAWRENCE. By JOHX G. niooiNS, her Attorney. 535-4 LEGAL NOTICE. Leonard F. Parker. v. Augustus AY. Lawrence e,ef al.) In District Court, PlatU county, Ne bra ska. Augustus W. Lawrence. The Eagle .Manufacturing Company, Tlirron Cum mins, Henrv T. Noble and Orris B. Dodge, doing- business hi tirm name or Cummins Noble ,fc Dodge, non-resident defendants, will take notice that on the 30th dav of Julv, 1331. the above named plaintiil'liled in the otlice of the district court of said Platte county, Nebraska, his petition against .aid defendants and others, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage exe cuted by said Augustus W. Lawrence, on the 10th day of July. 1370, on the northeast quarter or 'section two (2), township seventeen (17) north, of Range one (1) east of the sixth principal me ridian, on which there is now due the sum or Five Hunded Dollars ($W) with twelve per cent, interest thereon rrom July 10th, 1ST, for which sum plaintiff prav.s judgment, together with a forecloseiire ol' said mortgage, and an order tor the sale of said premises. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the lUtli day of Sep tember. 1381. Wmr.MOYFis. Gkukaud Post, 530-" Attorneys for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. To Charles Walker, non-resident de fendant: rp.VKK NOTICE that Albert B. Dewey JL has sued vou in the District Court in and for Platte county, Nebraska, aud that vou nre required to answer the petition filed bv said Albort B. Dewey, on or before the 12th dav of September. 1831. The prayer or said petition is for the foreclosure of a mortgage made by you to Albert B. Dewev on the 10th dav of April, I860, on the south half of the southeast quarter ot Section 23, in Township 13 north or Range ii west or the Sixth Principal Meridian in said Platte county. Which mortgage was given to secure the payment or five several promissorv notes, all dated April 19th, 130, rour or said note being for the sum of twenty dollars each, and are payable iu one, two, three and four vears after the dates thereof respective ly, the other or tifth note being for the Mini of two hundred dollar. and is piy able in live years alter the date thereof, all bearing interest at ten per cfnt. from maturity till paid, which said promissory notes were made and de ti ered bv vou, to the said Albert B. Dewey.' " ALBERT B. DEWEV. By Ciias. A. Spkick, Attornev. 33i-Ti FIAAL PROOF. Land Otlice at Grand Island. Neb J Julv 23th, 1831. f NOTICE is hereby given thai the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proor in support or his claim, ant that said proor will be made before the Clerk of the District Court of Platte Cunt. at Columbus. Neb., on Thursday Sep tember I.'ith, 1381, viz: Carl F. Steiner, Homestead Nr. 00".", Tor the N. W. J Section 1 1. Townihip 1!) nortli, Range I west. He names .he fol lowing witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon and citltivitioii of said aiid, vi.: Charles Stone Hans Christenson, John ChrWtensnii:fid Nils Peterson, all of Looking Class Platte Co., Neb. ."i3..") M. B. IIOXI K, Rejister. FirVAl, 1MSOOF. Land Otlice at Grand Island, Jeb.J Julv 23th, l.sSL f "TrOTICE is hereby given that the LN following-named settler las tiled notice of his intention to nuke final proof iu support or his claim, ind that said proor will be made lefore the Clerk of the District Court of Platte County, at Columbus, Neb., ni Thurs day. September l."th, 1331, viz Andrew Fredrick Andersdi, Home stead No. G.:2, tor. the S. W. , Section 2(5, Township 20 north, Ranje I west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resUeuce upon, and cultivation of said laul, viz: Hans Chrisieuson, John Christeiou, Charles Stone and Nels Olson, aL or Looking Glass, Platte Co., Neb. WW M. B. HOXIE, Register. FIIVAI, FKOOF. Land Otlice at Grand Island, Neb.,1 July :t0;h, 1831. f NOTICE is hereby jiven that the following-named M'ttler has tiled notice or his iuteutioi to make tinal proor iu support of hi claim, and that said proor vill be m idebefore the Clerk or Dist.Court or Platte Colum bus, Neb., on Thursd j, Septemler8 th. Is;t, viz: .Michael J.t lark, Honestead No. (5187, for the W. y2, X. W. '.Section 12, Town ship li nortli, Range J west. He names the following witucises to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Henry .McCabe, Edward Rogan, Thomas MePhillips and Wilbert, Fortune, all cf Postville, Platte Co., Xeb. :3.r M. B. IIOXI E, Register. FIAIj PKOOF. Land Otlice at Grand Islaud, Neb ,) Jnne29th, ls31. f "VfOTICE is hereby given that the JA following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof .in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before Clerk of the District Court ol Platte county, Nebraska, at the County Seat, on Sept. 24th 1331, viz: " Lewis White, Homestead No.. 1822, for the X. W. K, Section 22, Township 20 north, Range 2 west. He names he fol lowing witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon and cultivation or said land, viz: Abraham Rowe, Byron Churchill, William Selsor and George W. Clark, all or Humphreys, Platte Co., Xeb. o3G-.r 31. B. HOXIE, Register. FirVAI- PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J July 11th, 1831. f NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice or his intention to make tinal proor in support of his claim, and that said proor will be made before John Stauffer, Clerk of the District Court of Platte Co., Neb., at Colnmbuu, on the 13th of August, 1381, viz: Thomas Blandford, Pre-emption D.S., Itisy, for the N. E. , Section 24, Town ship 10, Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: George Lamb, Robert Lewis. Wilbcrt Fortune, John Griffey, all of Postville, Platte Co., Neb. .-83-.- 31.15. HOXIE, Register. FI3LVI.. PROOF. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.,) July 18th, 1831. S NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has tiled no tice or bis intention to make final proor in support oT his claim, and that said proor will be made before the clerk ot the district court or Platte county, Nebraska, at county seat, on August 31st, 1881, viz: Robert E. Wiley, Homestead No.n7.VJ, for the E. K. S. AV. J, Section 10, Township 18, Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion or said land, viz: William J. Thurs ton, or Columbus, Nebr., John D. Dack and E. B. Hall, oOLonroe, Nebr.,.IehieI J. Judd, or West Hill, Nebr. 58.--r, 31. B, HOXIE, Register. FirVA. PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) July 2.ith, 1.331. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice or his intention to make final proor in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county seat, on August 31t, 1881, viz: Alfred Fish, Homestead No. GT.00, for the N. . S. E. i. Section 8, Township 8 north, Range 4 west, ne names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Beard. John Coop, William Wright, Jacob Swighart, all or Woodville, Platte Co., Xeb. 535-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register. k ii y i. n Hlhi j l'KOrKIU mils OP THE Columbus urns FAam .UglVWtf, S3::u:;j t: kt 7. 30. :;3. The Loading Drug House IX TIIF WEST. A full 4 ml complete line of Drags, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, &c. Painters' Supplies. Window (Jlass, Wall Paper, txn IMPS. BF EVERY DESCRIPTIOS. When you need anything iu our line we will lnnKe it to your inter est to call on u. 3-JV. A. A. Smith retains his pavilion as Prescription Clerk,whic1i is a positive tuarantee against mis takes, and with our facilities every thing in the prescription line is PERFECT. Won't forj-t thp place, :t door north ol'p. O. .V7-y tt umi E. J. & J. A. ERst, (uceesors to SCHUTTK .t POIIL). DEALER. IN AC-RIC"JLTi JEAL UiffiHffllTS I Keep constantly on hind the celebrated WHITEWATER WAGON. We aNo handle :i full line It. I. ISitforil A Co' floods, such an PLOWS II VRROV and Cl'Ll'I VTOKS. F.uintiiii Cltv FEEDER, and DRILLS, the best on the market. ( haiupion anil Atery ' CORN PLANTERS. With or Without wire cheek mwi-r Agent lor the MARSH II ARVESTI-R, twine tind wire hinder. WIND .MILL anil SL'LK PLOW. ANo for the I. M.O-.b.irii.- sKI.K KIND ER, either wire or twine, ami V heeler No. J combined REAPER ind MOWER. JjT K. member, we deal in Buggies, Phaetons and Platform Spring Wagons, AND OUR PRICES ARE AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Don't fail to call on Us and Examine Goods and Prices ! Otlice opp.Town Hall on $. All in ivatil of anything in lhaf line, will consult their own interests hi) giving him a. call. Remem ber, he warrant's every pair. Has also a. First -Class Boot and Rhoo Rtoro in C.'onneotion. 13T Repairing Neatly Done. Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door we9t of Marshall Smith's. THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Has on hand a splendid stock of Ready-made Clothing, Dry G-oods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., At Drices Uial i m per I bay my goods strictly for cash, and will give my customers the benefit of it. Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts. aw I. GliTJCK. HALLADAY AXI- Wareroom9 and Office on Thirteenth St. 7rt zl "iri:ii i.7t. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Repairing Cheaply and Promptly Executed. A.TVY STYLE VICTOTl 0VX.TR. AVJSIOITnVG i2 ojJTicr: up to 10 tonh. Having bad years of experhnr in the Wind 31 ill and 1'umn Business, 1 in prepared to Mill.- and Puuipe. Do rpp.ifrin on short notice, and wilt warrant any article sold or work don ly me, togv atisfa-tioii or no pity. SSl-v PHOPKIETOK COLUMBUS MARBLE WORKS, ii:lkk ix Fine and Ornamental Italian. American and Fancy Marble Monuments, Headstones, or anything connected ivith the Marble business. Call anil examine -n-orlr. gfeC our priee. ami be coh rlacetl. X. B. Being a workman of ten vears experience, we can guarantee you good work at a saving of from 'JO to UT per rent., bv Jfi ving us call. jSTShop nd office opposite Tattersall llYery and feil stubie. 5Mia WM. BECKER, DKALKK IX ALL KINDS Ol FAMILY aROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND a well selected stock. Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. GocmN IeIIvertI Tret lo aar part of the City. I A3I ALSO AGEXT FOR THE CEL EBRATED COQTJIXILARD Farm and Spring Wagons, of which I keep a constant supply on hand. but (ew their eu,nttl. In atjrlt aud quality, second to none. CALL AND LEARN PRICES. Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near A . it y. Depot. ALL KIND. OF I.'Ith ?t . COLl'M 1UTS. XEB. oUViltu SEW STORE! NEW GOODS! .1 1ST OPENED BY W. PHILIPS A large and complete assortment of Men's, ten's and Children's Boots aniSto, W IIICII UK HKOFOSES TO SICI.I. AT BKX)-PvOCK: "PRICKS! taril of bin in WIND MILLS morn W. H. LAWRENCE. OF TIIE f t -T ii rl il N 1 n :t IN