The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 03, 1881, Image 4

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    For till JOUKNAI..
;iiri(i:iu I'nlriof ism.
i;y tub i:kv. hkanklin riEiici:.
Ah Amcricaus we hnve never
learned to distinguish country, from
government. A government of the
people, by the people, and for the
people, is home and native land to
us, and to subserve it we deem the
highest style of patriotism. It is of
thi6 Bort of patriotism that we shall
AVe cannot think of a Democracy
as n collective whole, but, as a col
lection of parts. The character of
the parts.will determine the charac
ter of the whole, just as the grains,
of which a piece of metal is com
posed, will indicate whether the
lump is gold or iron. The moral
citizen makes the moral govern
ment; the Christian determines the
government as Christian ; the citi
zen who rules his 6pirit, is a law
unto himself, has the strength of
self-control, insures the stability and
perpetuity of republican institu
tions. Fundamental, then, to self
government, is the sell-governing
citizen. A free government com
posed of libertines and lawbreakers,
of rogues and rioters, is an impossi
bility. Even a majority of that
clans would induce anarchy : Hence,
the true aim of the patriot is (o
produce the self-governing citizen.
But how shall he accomplish this?
What docs experience teach? Edu
cation and philosophy, deism and
athelnm, Judaism and heathenism
have all failed to tit a people to
govern itself. The Hebrew com
monwealth, entering upon its career
under the fair auspices of liberty,
and the best code of laws ever
framed, gravitated steadily toward
despotism. The Roman Republic,
boasting her strength, vaunting her
freedom, flaunting her learniug, cul
ture, and eloquence, had but a fitful
existence, and was at last quenched
iu tho Empire. Frauco, wavering
between an atheism, on the one
hand, which sought freedom iu the
widest, wildest license, tho total ab
sence of restraint, and a radicalism,
on the other, which, exalting reason
above Revelation, the human above
Divine, would make man subject to
a fraction of himself, has already
crouched beneath the iron tyranny
of three Bonapartcs, and the end is
not yet.
Each of these experiments was
characterized by a common error.
Thoy confounded the individual
with tho muss, treated the nation as
a unit, inptead of an assemblage of
units, and, working from without
inward, endeavored to affect men
through man. Christianity, alone,
reversing the order, has first entered
and regenerated tho heart, recon
structed the individual, taught him
to respect his own rightR, the rights
oT others, and tho law of right, dis
ciplined him in subjection to con
science and to Goil, sent him forth a
self-poised, self-mastering power, a
radiating center of influence.
It is of citizens such as this that
Republics are made. Christianity
alone can furnish them. Therefore,
the true patriot must be a Christian
patriot, and, his work is to so bring
Christianity into tho lines of the
people, as to develop the self-governing
principle in the individual.
Through the person, wc give shape
and form to the assemblage. If
Christianity is the lever, the indi
vidual is the fulcrum by which the
masses are to be elevated. To take
men ono by one, as Jcsub Christ did
at Jacob's well, or at Bethany, or in
tho midnight converse with Xicode
inus, this is the ideal method for the
Christian patriot. "What would you
say of tho sculptor who should d ump
a whole carload of marble blocks
iuto a hopper, shake them about
until tho corners were knocked off,
and call that sculpture? No; the
true artist will single out his block,
bring his clear conception, vigorous
thought, living soul to bear upon it,
till tho dead marble glows with in
fused life. So the patriot artist will
bring his own pure ideals, glowing
enthusiasm, burniug love to bear,
even a9 Elisha stretched himself
upon tho Sliutuynite's dead son, uu
til ho has fashioned the object of
his solicitude to his conception, and
made him in turn a moldcrof others.
This is the high calling of the Chris
tian patriot; not to shoot at long
range through the newspaper press,
move the cumbrous machinery of
government to promote imaginary
reforms, nor do surface work in the
stable of politics ;but,to come augean
close down in warm,loving, patient,
potent contact with living men, in
spiring nobler thoughts, infusing
fresh hope, lifting up holier patterns
of truth and courage, animating the
whole personal with renewed
vigor, oven as the freshening spring
time revivifies the frost smitteu
landscape. This is employment fit
for those royal one whofind their
meat and drink in intrepid deeds of
heroism and self-sacrifice. "What
soul so dead that it is not thrilled
with unwonted enthusiasm for coun
try, hope for liberty, assurance for
humanity, when contemplating the
silent army of bloodless heroes,
scattered like leven in every part of
our land, who find, in unselfish la
bora for the good of men, their
pastime, and their reward I
Do any say that this is an ideal
painting? that I havo described an
unpractical and impracticable life?
a goal impossible of attainment? It
is because their hearts are ice, and
not fire; they have not yet learned
of the humble toiler of Judea, who
came from heaven to do this very
work, while on earth sounded every
lowest depth of human degradation,
bound himself to hum-inityby chains
of steel which eternity shall not cor
rode, and left behind, as a living
bequest to the uge?, the sweet suvor
of the grandest example, of tho most
sublime form of Christian Patriotism.
An Official Account.
The following is the statement of
United States District Attorney
Corkhill, of Washington, who says
the following is a just and accurate
statement of the points referred to :
"The assassin, Charles .T. Guiteau,
came to Washington Sunday even
ing, March G, 1S81, and stopped at
the Ebbit house, remaining only one
day. He then secured a room in
another part of the city and has
boarded and roomed at various
places, full details of which I have.
Wednesday, May IS, I8S1, the assas
sin determined to murder the presi
dent. He had neither money nor a
pistol at that time. About the last
of May he went to O'Meara's store
and examined some pistols, asking
for the largest calibre. He was
shown two similar in calibre and
only differeut iu price. Wednesday,
June 8, he purchased the pistol
which he used, for which he paid
$10, he having iu the meaulime bor
rowed .$15 of a gentleman iu this
city on the plea thai he wanted to
pay his board bill. On the same
cveuiug, about 7 o'clock, ho took the
pistol and went to the foot of 17th
street and practiced by firing at a
board, firing ten shots. He returned
to his boarding house and wiped the
pistol and wrapped it in his coat
and waited his opportunity. Sun
day morning, June 12th, he was
sitting in Lafayette park and saw
the president leave for the Christian
church, on Vermont avenue, aud he
at once returned to his room, ob
tained his pistol, put it in bi3 hip
pocket, and followed the president
to church. He entered the church,
but found he could not kill him there
without danger of killing some one
else. He noticed tho president got
near a window. After church ho
made an examination of the window
and found that he could reach it
without any trouble and that from
this point he could shoot the presi
dent through the head without kill
ing anyone else. The following
Wednesday he went to church,
learned the location and window,
and became satisfied that he could
accomplish his purpose, and deter
mined to make tho attempt the fol
lowing Sunday. He learned from
the papers that the president would
leave the city Saturday, the ISth of
June, with Mrs. Garfield for Long
Branch. He therefore determined
to meet him at the depot. He left
his boarding house about 5 a. m.
Saturday, Juno 18th, and went down
to the river at the foot of Seven
teenth street and fired five shots to
practico his aim and be certain hiB
pistol was in good order. He then
went to the depot and was in tho
ladies' waiting room of the dopot
with his pistol ready when the pres
ident and party entered. Ho saw
Mrs. Garfield looked so weak and
frail that he had not tho heart to
vlinol the president in her presence,
aud as ho know he would have an
other chance he left the depot. lie
had previously engaged a carriage
to tako him to jail. Wednesday
evening the president and his son,
aud I think United States Marshal
Henry, went out for a ride. The
assassin took his pistol and followed
them and watched them for some
time in the hopes that the carriage
would stop, but no opportunity was
given. On Friday evening, July
1st, he was sitting on a seat in the
park opposite the white house.when
he saw tho president come out alone.
He followed him down the avenue
to Fifteenth street,and then kept on
the opposite side of the street, up
Fifteenth, until the president enter
ed the residence of Secretary Blaine.
He awaited at the corner of Mor
ton's late residence, corner Fifteenth
and IT, for somo time, and then, as
he was afraid he would attract at
tention, he went into the alley in the
rear of Morton's house, examined
his pistol and waited. The presi
dent and Secretary Blaine came out
together and he followed them, but
could get no opportunity to use his
weapon. On the morning of Satur
day, July 2, he breakfasted at tho
Riggs about S. He then walked up
to the park and sat there for an
hour. He then took a ono -horse
avenue car and rode to Sixth, got-
out and went into tho depot aud
loitered arouud there. He had his
shoes blacked, engaged a hackman
for two dollars to take him to jail,
went into the water closet, took hiB
pistol out of his pocket and un
wrapped the paper from around it
which he had put there for the pur
pose of preventing perspiration
from the body dampening the pow
der. He examined his pistol, tried
the trigger, and then returned and
took a seat iu the ladies waiting
room, and as soon as the president
entered advanced behind him and
fired two shots. These facts, I think,
can be relied upon as accurate, and
I give them to the public to contra
dict certain false rumors in connec
tion with this most atrocious of
atrocious crimes."
A machine that will "add up a
column of figures a foot long in six
seconds," is advertised by a shrewd
rascal, ne sends a piece of chalk
with directions to use it on a bam
door or auy other surface big enough
to hold figures a foot long.
lSrntlirr Gardner's I.lmo-Killii
There was crape on the bear trap
as the janitor opened the doors to
admit the crowd. No one could
say who was missing aud every eye
was turned upon the President as
he arose and said.
'Two nights ago at midnight I saw
Brudder Kyan Jones take leave of
airth to cross de dark ribber. De
ole man had bin ailin' fur weeks ;an'
he was ready to go. When his eyes
looked under de dark cloud of death
an' cotched sight of de angels of
Heaven the gathered his friends
about him an' we sot beside him
when his life wont out. If dar am
a man iu dis hall who believes wid
Bob Ingersoll he should havo bin
dar when do soul of dat poo' ole
black mau began slipping away from
its home of clay. What brought de
smile of joy to de ole man's face?
What put de look of blessed satis
fackshun in his eye? Why did ho
welcome de comin' of dat sleep
which knows no wakin' till de blast
of de trumpet turns airth into Par
adise?' 'Way down in de rich fields of
Louisiana lies de body of his ole
wife. Dat smile of joy was bo'u at
do thought of raeetin' her at de gate
of Heaven. In a green lane iu Geor
gia lies de dust of his first bo'u chile.
Dat look cum to his eyes when he
realized dat befo' in his arms. In
de y'ars of tho long ago doy took his
darter away an' he has never heard
from her since. When he thought
of de blessed family reunion up dar'
behind tho gates of gold his face
wore sich a look dat we could al
most' h'ar do music of de harps.
Tell me of some unbeliever who haB
died that away 1 Tell me of a scoffer
who has let go of life wid a smile ou
his face I All de words of all do in
fidels on airth could'nt havo snaked
de faith of dat poo' ole man. He
could not read but he could pray.
He could not write but he could
hope. Jist befo' de bells struck
midnight we saw his smilo brighten
an' he pintcd wid his finger iuto
distance. Shall I tell you what the
old man saw. Ho saw beyond do
curtain which hangs between life an'
eternity. He saw legions upon le
gions an' hosts upon hosts marchin'
down to de dark ribber. He saw
beyond dat. He saw de sunlight on
do odder sho.' Heard music. He
saw de wife au' chill'en of odder
days an' when day held outdoir arm
to him he whispered to us : 'Dey is
callin' 'dey is calling' an' ho sunk
away widout even a sigh.
A Farmer irlio Kollctl lilw
Last spring a farmer found in his
flock a lamb which the mother
would not own. He gave it to his
boii, a boy fifteen years old, who
saved it and raised it. The boy
called it hie all summer, and the
family called it 1ub, and it was his.
But in tho fall, wheu his father sold
tho other lambs, ho let this ono go
with them, and taking tho pay for
it, he tucked it into hiB big wallet
and carried it off to pay taxes, or put
in tho bank.
Now this farmer did not intend
to do anything wrong. Least of all
did he intend to wrong his hoy.
Probably he did not give the matter
much thought anyway; and if he
did he considered the boy's owner
ship of the lamb a sort of a pleasant
fiction, or reasoned that the boy
having all his needs supplied out of
the family purse, did not need the
pay for the lamb, aud it was bettor
to put it into the common fund.
But for all that, taking tho lamb and
selling it in that way, and pocketing
the proceeds, was stealing. No, it
was robbery ; and as between this
boy and his father, one of tho mean
est robberies that could perpetrated.
Not only this, but by robbing tho
boy of that two dollars the farmer
did more to make the boy discon
tented, and drivo him from home,
than he can undo with ten times
that amount. A boy is a little man,
aud if he has got any of the gather
and grip to him when he grows up,
ho begins at an early ago to feel that
desire to own something, and to add
to the property subject to his owner
ship, which is at once the incentive
to effect work, and the motive which
reconciles men to their condition.
No matter how well the boy's
wants are provided for from a fund
which is common to the whole fam
ily, he takes no particular interest
in adding to that fund, because he
does not feel that it is his, aud he
tires of labor and thought, the pro
ceeds of which ho must share with
several others ; but give him a piece
of property of his own, to manage
as he pleases, to keep, or sell, or ex
change, aud let him feel that his
ownership is secure, and that his
loss or gain depends upon his own
endeavors, and he will work cheer
fully and contentedly.
Our mother tongue: A French
gentleman who supposed he had
mastered the English language was
sadly puzzled one day when a friend
looked at him and said : "How do
yon do?" "Do vat?" "I mean how
do you find yourself?" "Sair I nev
er loses myself." "But how do you
feel ?" "Smooth ; you just feel me."
A family matter: An Austin,
TexaB, boy came home from school
very much excited and told his fath
er that he believed all human beings
were descended from apes, which
made the old man so mad that he
replied angrily: "That may be the
case with you, but it ain't with me;
I can tell you that, now."
It is one of the pleasant fictions of
our form ol government that the
burdens thereof arc equally distrib
uted. Tho division of privileges is
generally acquiesced iu as being
reasonably fair. Tho clamorers for
female suffrage are an exceptiou to
the rule, but that does not bear upon
the matter of burdens. The chief
weight of popular governmeut is
upon the pocket-book of the body
politic. Such active personal duties
as are imposed upon individuals are
generally so plastered with salaries
and perquisites that the opportunity
to discharge them is sought after
rather than avoided, and hence the
money-purse must be regarded alone
as the mainstay of the country.
Henco, as the general purse is com
posed of a multitude of individual
purses, aud tho support of the gov
ernmeut is taken from each separ
ately, it is highly essential that the
system employed should bo even aud
regular, bearing upon all alike. As
at present organized, each county is
an independent nationality as far as
raising revenue is concerned. That
this method has its drawbacks is
universally acknowledged, and no
system that does not compel the
ussossinent of property for state pur
poses throughout the state by the
samo rulo can bo absolutely fair and
equitable. As, for instance, land in
Douglas county is assessed at $13.G8 ;
iu the adjoining county of Washing
ton at $1.63 iu other words, an acre
of land in Douglas bears more than
eight times as much of the general
burden as an acre iu Washington.
And again : In York county the
average valuatiou of horses is $46.41 ;
in the neighboring county of Hall,
$8.95! Will any man claim that is
equitable? York county mules are
worth in the eyo of the assessor
$65.30 each, while tho animal pecu
liar to Sa'liuc is valued at $27.S9, and
the noble creature degenerates, to
$15 in Dawson. Tho wool bearing
merino is worth in Pawnee $2 03,
while he gambols about in Nemaha
with a burden of 70 cents on his
back, and in Dawson he couldn't be
swapped for a square meal, being
011I3' worth 45 cents. In Lincoln
county the hog, tho farmer's silent
partner, is estimated at $4, while in
Boono ho is just the equivalent of a
gallon of sorghum molasses, to-wit:
50 cents.. York county considers
the average value of cattle to be
$14 97, while the fatlings of Cuming
are probably worthless except for
their hide.", as they are knocked off
at a lump rate of $5.66.
These glaring irregularitieB need
no comment, and, without further
debate, call for a new deal in the
manner of assessments. It is not a
question of whether ono is loo high,
or tho other too low. Uniformity is
demanded. Each county should bo
as nearly the same as circumstances
will allow, there being liberal allow
ance made especially in the matter
of lands for location, market facil
ities and cost of transportation.
Lincoln Journal.
A HrolIier'H Knoirletlgrc.
John Wilson Guiteau gives a short
family history in tho Boston Her
ald. He denies that there has been
insanity iu cither the father or moth
er's family, except a single case of
his father's brother, who died in an
asylum from remorse at having kill
ed a rival in a duel. He has but
little personal knowledge of his
brother's life. He thinks he was to
a certain extent insane. Whether
insaue to the extent of not knowing
the moral character and effect of his
own act or of losiug the power to
restrain Iub criminal intentions, if
he had any desire to do so, will un
doubtedly bo properly investigated
in the light of all the facts by the
proper tribunals. Ho stamps the
deed as a most atrocious, foul and
bloody murder and a crime against
tho nation aud the progress of chris
tian civilization throughout the
world. Ho concludes as follows:
"I respectfully and in deep humilia
tion and sorrow request tho prayers
of all who know God in spirit and
in truth that the Father may cause
my brother's darkened understand
ing to be opened ; that the evil spirit
which now possesses him may be
cast out, and that he may in true
penitence and sorrow turu, while he
yet has life, to the God of his father
and mother,and whom his ancestors
for so many generations lived and
Nebraska railroad managers never
tire in extending accommodation to
people along their respectivo lines.
This is shown in numerous instan
ces during tho deep snows of the
past winter, when strenuous efforts
were put forth to get coal and other
supplies to those who had been tem
porarily isolated by the blockade.
It has been shown in efforts made
to provide pettlers with seed, and
the liberal terms extended for those
who choose to take advantage to
their timely offers. Their generosity
has now been exhibited again in the
reduced rates to all who wished to
travel over their lines from the 2nd
to the 5th of July, enabling people
to spend tho "patriotic day" wher
ever they might choose, without
great expense. It would be well,
perhaps, for people who cry out so
lustily about tho "soulless corpora
tions" to occasionally recall to mind
these favors, and see wherein rail
road managers are not the "grinding
monopolists" that aome pusillani
mous journalists have painted.
Omaha Uejmblican.
C. II. VaxWyck. U. S. Senator, Neb
raska City.
AI.VIN Sauxdkus, U. S. Scnator,Omah:i
T.J. .Majoks, Kop., l'cru.
E. K. Valkstixk, Ken., West Point.
ALHINUS Nanck, Governor, Lincoln.
S.J. Alexander, Secretary of State.
John Wallichs, Auditor, Lincoln.
G. .M. Bartletl, Treasurer, Lincoln.
C. J. Dilworth, Attorney-General.
W. W. W. Jones, Supt. Public Instruc.
0. J. Nobes, Warden of Penitentiary.
V',W,Abibiey' I Prison Inspectors.
C. ir. Gould,
.I.O. Carter, Prison Physician.
II. P. Mathewsou, Supt. Insane Asylum.
3. Maxwell, Chief Justice,
George 15. Lake.) As80ciate Judges.
Amasa Cobb. )
G. W. Post, Judge, York.
M. B. Reese, District Attorney, Wahoo.
M. B. Hoxie, Register, Grand Island.
Win. Anyan, Receiver, Gland Island.
1. G. Higgins, County Judge.
John Stautl'er, County Clerk.
J. W. Early, Treasurer.
Benj. Spiclinaii, Sherltl'.
R. L. Rosssiter, Surveyor.
John Wise. )
M. 3Iaher, V CountyCommisslon
Joseph Rivet, J
Dr. A. iielntz. Coroner.
J. E. Montureif Supt. of Schools.
RyLn.MiSt, f JuitIce.ofthePe.ce.
Charles Wake, Constable.
J. R. Meagher, Mayor.
11. J. Hudson, Clerk.
John F. Wermuth. Treasurer.
Geo. G. Row-man, Polios Judge.
L. J. Cramer, Engineer.
st Ward John Rickly.
G. A. Schrocder.
2d Ward Win. Lamb.
3d Ward J. Rasmussen.
A. A. Smith.
OoIuiubuH PoNt OfHe.
)pen on Sundays trom 11 a.m. to 12m.
and from 4:30 to 0 p. m. Business
hours except Sunday 0 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Eastern mails close at 11 a. m.
Western mails close at 4 :15p.m.
Mail leaves Columbus for Madison and
Norfolk, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, 7 a. m. Arrives at 0 p. M.
Kor Monroe, Genoa, Waterville and Al
bion, daily except Sunday C a.m. Ar
rive, same, G p.m.
For Postville, Farral, Oakdale and
Newman's Grove, Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays, (I a.m. Arrives
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
at (! p. M.
For Shell Creek and Creston, on Mon
days and Fridays, 7 A. m., returning
at 7 P. M., same davs.
For Alexis, Patron and David City,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
1 p. M Arrives at 12 M.
For St. Anthonv, Prairie Hill and St.
Bernard, Fridays, ! a. M. Arrives
Saturdays, 3 P.M.
I). 1. Time Table.
Eastward Bound.
Emigrant, No. 0, leaves at ... C:2fa.m.
Passeng'r, " 4, " " ll:0tia. m.
Freight, " , " ".. 2:15p.m.
Freight, "10, " ".... 4:30 a.m.
Westward Bound.
Freight, No. 5, leaves at.... 2:00 p.m.
Passeng'r, " 3, " "... 4:27 p.m.
Freight, " !, " "... 0:00p.m.
Emigrant, "7. " " .... 1:30a.m.
Every day except Saturday the three
lines leading to Chicago connect with
U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will be but one train a day, as
ihown by the following schedule:
Leaves Columbus, 8:20 A.M.
" Bell wood 8:50 "
" David City, 9.15 "
Garrison, : :31 "
" Ulysses, . 9:55 "
" Staplehurst, 10:12 "
" Seward, 10:30 "
Ruby, 10:40 "
" Milford 11:00
Pleasant Dale, 11:18 "
" Emerald 11:37
Arrives at Lincoln, 12:00 M.
Leaves Lincoln at 12:50 p. m. and ar
rives in Columbus 1:10 p. M.
O., N. & B. H. ROAD.
Tlmn Schedule No. 4. To take ell'ect
June 2, '81. For the government and
information of employees only. The
Company reserves the right to vary
therefrom at pleasure. Trains daily,
Sundays excepted.
Outward Bound.
Inward Bound.
Norfolk . 7:2iA. M.
Munson . 7:47 "
Madison .8:20 "
Humphrey!! :05 "
PL Centre 9:48
Columbus 4:3.1 p.m.
LostCreek5:21 "
PI. Centre 5:42 "
Humphrey 0:25 "
Madison .7:04 "
Munson 7:43 "
Norfolk . 8:04 "
Columbusl0:55 "
Columbus 4:45 p.m.
Genoa .. 0:10 "
St.Elward7:00 "
Albion .7:47 "
Albion ....7:43 a.m.
St.Edward8:30 "
Genoa . 9:14 "
LostCreek9:59 "
Columbusl:45 "
lSTCards under this heading will be
inserted for $3 a year.
G. A. R. Baker Post No. 9, Department
of Nebraska, meets every second and
fourth Tuesday evenings in each
month in Knights of Honor Hall, Co
lumbus. John Hammond, P. C.
D. D. Wadswokth, Adj't.
If. P. Bower, Searg. Maj.
Grand Opening!
(Morrissey cfc Kloctfs old stand
on Olive Street,)
Where you find one of the largest and
best stocks of Farming Implements
kept in Columbus. We handle
nothing but the best machin
ery in the market, such
as the following:
Buckeye Harvesters
Tincon Buggies ui Spring Wagons,
L fr r.' 1
as. ,wg
O .
o V Pi
564-Orn Successors to J. C. Elliott.
a 1151
Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in
333333S T O VE S ,S3d:,dS
Wagon Material
Corner 11th and Olive Sts.
B.& M.R. R.
This Road together with the C. B. & Q.
Which is called
Forma the-most complete line between
Nebraska points and all points
of Missouri River. Passengers
taking this line cross the Mo.
River at Plattsmouth
over the
Plattsmoctli Steel Bridge,
Which baa lately beeu completed.
Through Day Coaohei,
Pullman Sleeping Car3
Barliagton, Peoria, Chicago and
St. Louis,
Where close connections are made in
Union Depots for all points North, Kast
and South. Trains by this route start
in Nebraska aud are therefore free
from the various accideuts which
so frequently delay trains com
ing through from the mountains,
and passengee are thus sure
of making good connections
when they take the B. &
M. route east.
Lowest Rates
in force in the State, as well as full and
reliable information required, can he
had upon application to B. it M. R. R.
Agents at any of the principal sta
tions, or to
General Ticket Agent,
This Space Iv Reserve d
Boots and Shoes.
low prices of your products dis
courage you, but rather limit your ex
penses to your resources. You can do
so by stopping at the new home of your
fellow farmer, where you can find good
accommodations cheap. For hay for
team for' one night and day, 25cts. A
room furnished with a cook stove and
bunks, in connection with the stable
free. Those wishing can be accommo
dated at the house of the undersigned
at the following rates: Heals 25 cents
beds 10 cents. J. B. BENECAL, I
i mile east of Gerrard'i Corral
Ise9sisiW( &-''-ir
lilndder Uioh
vs. BUUiier, or i
Y.Mrr" ,"u:.Tiinu.ln.' nauseous medicine
w. ,. . ian.tinn Ask' your ilruiacM for PROF. GUILMETTE'S
jHvkTD$lttfifiua tike no "her. f he has not got it, ,end U aud
you will receive the Pad by return mail.
innrv HirniAVAN Lawyer. T iedo, O., says: "One of Prof. Guilmette's
FreiclfKhlney ptdseured meo' uumb.go In three weeks' time My ease had
been given up by the best Doe ,rs a Incurable. During all this time I sutured
untold aijonv and paid out large sums of money. ,.,..,.,
Geohok VBTTKK. J. P.. Toledo, O., say-. :-"l suOereil for three years with
?ilnia mil Kiduev Disease, and often had to go about on crutches. I was en
tirely and permanently cured afterwearing Prof.Guiln.ette's French Kidney Pad
fOUSoL'iKK X. C. Scott. Svlvania, O.. write?: "I have been a great sutterer for
l'i veirs with I5ri"ht' Disca ol the Kidneys. For weeks at a time was uuaMo
to net out or bedl took barrels or medicine, but they gave me only temporary
relier. 1 wore two of Prof. Guilmette's Kidney Pails six weeks, and I now knew
1 anMiS.,Il!xLExe.lKUOMK, Toledo, O.. say.:-"For year. I have been ronGnetl, a
irreat nart or the time to my bed, with Leueorrhiea and Temale weakness. I wore
one orUuilmettH'H Kidney Pads and was cured in one month."
II B Gkkkx, Wholesale Grocer, Fmdlay,0., writes: "1 suffered for'ii yenrs
with lame back and in three weeks was permanently cured by wearing one ef
ProL Guilmette's Kidney Pads." ,. ,
R F. Kkesmnr, M. D., Druggist. Logansport, Intl., when sending in an order
for Kitlnev PaiN, writes: "I wore one or the flrst ones we had and I received
more benefit from it than anvthlng 1 ever used. In fact the P.iiN give better
general satiSract ion than any Kiduev remedv we ever sold'
R 4Y & Shokmakkk. Druggists, Hannibal, Mo.: " e are working up a lively
trade in your Pads, and are bearing of good results from them every day."-
Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Asiue, Ague Cake, Billions Fever,
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver. Moinacli and I'.lood. Prion
SI f0 bv mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on the Kidneys and Liver,
free bv'mail. Address . FKILtTII PA CO., Toledo. Obie.
3ST For sale by A. IIEINTZ, Druggist, Columbus, Neb. 510-y
ahw(iiw aurml
Is conducted as a
Devoted to the best mutual inter.
ests of its readers and its publish
ers. Published at Columbus. Platte
county, the centre or the agricul
tural portion is read
by hundreds of people east whoare
looking towards Nebraska as their
future home. Its subscribers in
Nebraska are the staunch, solid
portion of the community, as is
evidenced by the Tact that the
JuUKNAL has never contained a
"dun" against them, aud by the
other fact that
In its columns always brings its
reward. Business is business, and
those who wish to reach the solid
people oT Central Nebraska will
riiiil the columns of the Jouknai. a
splendid medium.
Of all kinds neatly and quickly
done, at rair prices. This species
of printing is nearly always want
ed in a hurry, and, knowing this
fact, we have so piovided for it
that we cm furnish envelopes, let
ter heads, bill heads, circulars,
posters, etc., etc., on very short
notice, and promptly on time as
we promifle.
1 copy per annum
" Six months
Three months,
$2 00
. 1 on
. 50
Single copy sent to any address
In the United States for & cts.
Columbus, Nebraska.
Vertical Feed
Sewing Machine i
Different from all Others
Contains but one-quarter as much
machinery, and la consequently
more durable, less liable to
get out of order, and ea
sier to use than any
other machines,
and always
Gives Perfect Satisfaction
(Central Block,)
OTCl. ColmnlxiK, IVeb.
150 acres of good land, SO
acres under cultivation, a
KSuBr trood house one and a half
story tiign, a goou siock range, pieniy oi
water, and good hay land. Two mile
east of Columbus. Inquire at the
Pioneer Bakery. 473-6m
VbI i - frtiiB
,-f alf Si&!wi'3K M-m a
Fivo Hundred Dollai's Reward
I ie Ir'adv been sold iu thieouutry and in lr..u-e:
urv one ofwuich ha jslveu perfect atis Taction ,and
.: performed cure- every time when uieil adordlnj
o direction!'. We now say ti the afflicted and doubt
Atr ones that we will pay the above reward for asimjle
That the Pad fail- to cure. Tbi Great Remedy ill
lame Back, Sciatica, Cracel, Diabetes, DropsrjJSrWit'i
Disease of the Kidneys, Incontinence and UeteiitUm uj
Colored Uriue. J'atn in the Back, Side
...".' .";-" :'7
uy m.,..j :......,
No Changing Cars
Where direct connections are
made with
Through Sleeping Car Lines
New York, Huston, I'liilailelphia,
ttaltiiiiore, Washington,
And all ISasterri Cities!
via PEORIA for
Iiicliai)ajioIis',riin'innati, Louisville
The Itettt Line Tor
Where Direct Connections are made in
the UNION DEPOT with Through
Sleeping Car Lines for all Points
The Shortest, Speediest and 3Iost Com-.
Tortable Koute
And all Points in
Pullman 1 (Awheel Palace Sleeping
Car9, V.. 15. &. Q. Palace Drawing Kooin
Car, with Morton's Cei-liuiug Cliuiri.
No Extra Charge Tor in Crrliuiug
Chairs. The Fainoim C, B. Jfc J. Palace
Dining (.'ar-.
Fast time. Steel Ball Track and Supe
rior Equipment, combined with tlieir
Great 1 trough Car Arrangement, make
this, above all others, the favorite Koute
to the
TKV IT, and vou will find TRAVEL
ING a LLW'IJBV Instead of a DISCOM
FORT. All information about Rates or Fare,
Sleeping Car Accommodation-), aud
Time Tables, will be cheerrully given
by applying to
531 Gcn'l Passenger Agt, Chicago.
im the cusn mm
Now is the time to subscribe
for this
Its success has been continned and un
exampled. Examins it! SuUs for it!
JPr ffkohmibusfotmml
And THE NURSERY, both post-paid,
one year. $3.10. If you wish THE
NURSERY, send $1.50 to John L.
Sborey, 36 RromCeld street, Boston,
Mass. ir you desire both, send by
money order, 3.10 to 21. K. Turner i
Co., Columbus, Neb.
' i