.J.H.AUJtfJWiSHHl THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, AlGr.-T :'., 15M. 'unmumcalIoni, to lnun insertion in tin- next if-in., should lie in hand on Mimlt; it lenethy, on ThurHlay t.ieceUin.r; ii-ue-day. AdvertNemenU, ot whatever clas, should ho in hand ly noon. TucMlays. AiUt'ititteuiVnti- under this bead 15 ot!-. a line lirst insertion, lOctt-.aliue S?aeli bUliseuuent ini-rtion. Chas. Compton goes to Granger Colo. Alcohol for sale at IVm. Ryan's, on 11th st. ' Mr. Scruple returned from Jules burg last week. Three cars of emigrants passed west Saturday. S. L. Barrett was put under arrest Saturday. A. C Tigner has returned from his wosteru trip. Dr. W. B. Hawkes of Columbus, O., is in the city. tlup. Lockncr came down from Norfolk Monday. Mnitnoy's hotel has rereived a coat of new paint. I). A. Willard is starting a lum ber yard at Genoa. If you want groceries at Omaha prices cull on Lamb. Nemaha county is beginning to complain of dry weather. A new walk in front of the Court I louse looks substantial. The new comet will be risible to tin' citizens of Nebraska this week. Mr. .!. E. North started to Col orado, Mond'iy, fot .i mouth's visit. We hear it stated that there was a liht frost at Genoa one night laU week. If you want a choice article of Mirhigau cider vinegar call on "Win. Becker. A. M. I'rtsl and B. Millelt were in attendance on the supreme court last week. The Nebraska Fanner watitF to bear from those who have tried sail on wheal. Charles lludat went west Mon day, taking a short recreation from bis labors. Follow the crowd to "FitzV Book and Fancy goods store, opp., post-office. (leo. Spooner is now running on the A. fc N. between Columbus and Lincoln. 1L.T. Murdock has built a new houee to replace the one burned dowu last January. AVm. Ryan, who took a trip into Polk county lat week, says the crops there look good. Father Dominic is now the Father Superior at the Monastery. He was recently from 111. A gentleman by the name of Rohieun, from southwest Missouri is hero looking at the country. J. AV. Early was heard from at Pittsburg last Thursday. He was well, and enjoying his holiday. Graves & Tigner have removed theii hoarding lioiir-c to Dan. IJyau's old establishment on 11th street. Now that the Lonp bridge will soon be reconstructed, it becomes important to look after the Platte. Episcopal sociable at Mrs. C. A. 9peic.e's residence Tuesday evening, August Hth. All are cordially in vited. Hon. L. Gerrard i about to erect a business house, 22G0 feet, ou bis lot on 12th street, east of Becker's. It is astonishing the amount of products and stock that pass East and "West over the Union Pacific railroad. The first new wheat that wc have heard of, brought to this mar ket, went into the U. P. elevator Monday. Louis Berhatiph, the merchant tailor, started last week for Chicago on a htiriuess and pleasure trip of two weeks. Rev- H. Fischer will preach in the German language, at the Pres byteriau church, this city, next Sun day, at 3 p. in. Ed. Fit7patrlck sells eight hun dred aud fifty papers a week; 90 dailies each day; 2.r copies of the Chicago Times. --H. G. Brindley got hit in the left eye Monday by a base ball, while practicing. Beef-sleak and a sling for a few days. Fred. Blaser and two of his children have been troubled with diptheria lately severe attacks. They are now improving. Mr. BittPiibender, formerly of the Osceola liecord called to see us last week on his way home from the northern part of the state. The wheat crop of Boone Co., and iudeed of most of the newer counties of the State, is said to excel that of the older portions. Farmers, bring your poultry, butter and eggs to Lamb's near the po$t-onice, and get the highest mar ket price in cash for them. Commissioner "Wise, who is su perintending the construction of the Loup bridge, believes that teams can cross over by next Monday. J. B. Shillito of Stearns Prairie leaves with us the finest lot of new potatoes we have seen worthy to go with Murdock's tall corn. Our ladies will be greatly pleas ed to see Mies Georgie "Warburton at Kramer's store, and Miss Georgie will be pleased to see and wait on them. Mr. O. II. Archer, of the .Tom: xai. force is visiting friends at Staplchurst, Ne.br. We are sorry to learn that bis sore arm is worse. Wm. Tillman and Mr. Mont gomery, telegraph operator at David cijy, were in town Thursday night last, and gave the Jo'ukn'al a very pleasant call. The Lincoln Journal is preach ing tire gospel of bogs aud corn for the material salvation of Nebraska farmers, and it is making a good many converts. Judge Geer was in Kearney co. last week on legal business return ing home Wednesday. He praises that country very highly, and says the crops are good. We are informed that gambling has begun again in Columbus. It would seem as though there had been experience enough in that line to answer for the next century. Gus. Krauze started for the east Monday. It has been a rule with us, (not without exception, howev er), never to announce a weddinir before it takes place, and we don't do so now. Conductor Owen, who returned last week from a trip into southern Illinois and Indiana, says that there will be about one-fourth the crop thirc as here the country is Buffer ing for rain. The Messrs. Murdock and J. II. Watts begin work to-day on the Monroe Congregational Church. E. B. Hall superintends the buildiuir, and it is expected to bo ready for use by October 1st. -The Odd Fellows of this city are contemplating an excursion over the A. & N. some time during the latter part of this mouth. Further mention will be made when the ar rangements are completed. Fred. Matthowb had a kick from "Black Knight" last week, which knocked the breath out of him for a little while, aud came near injuring him very seriously. He is all right again, and is very thankful. The rush fotlhe shj&tirnt of stock is so great th&Jthe Union Pa cific company is sending out stock cars empty along the linn in order to make time. Usually these cars are sent out from Omaha loaded. Our correspondent, who has been discussing city matters, chal lenges those who have been trying to make personal thrusts, to come out over their own signatures, and discuss the merits of the question. George Wise of Canton, III., brother to John Wise, Chairman of the Board of Co. Commissioners and brother-in-law to T. J. Ellis, spent several days last week among his friends here, leaving for Council Bluffs Monday. Every account is that the flax crop of Nebraska will be, this year, as it nearly always is, a first-rate one. Farmers find the crop a paying one, although they have no market for the straw. If we had that, it would pay richly. L. J. Cramer will attend the Institute at Schuyler a few days next week, after which he will spend a few days at the Hamilton County Institute at Aurora. Mr. Cramer loses no opportunity to keep at the front in his profession. "One hundred young women of Holyoke, Mass., are going west where they spell it with two y's. Spell what marry? Omaha lie publican. No. Holy yoke. Lincoln Journal. Y, Y ; funny we didn't tumble to it. 0. Republican. Mr. Marshall Smith will ac company his wife west to-day, for the benefit of her health. It is hoped that she will be benefited by a light er atmosphere. Her many friends will wish her a safe return home, and a speedy recovery of her health. Robt. Clark was called to Fort McPhorson last week to take charge of the telegraph office there in the absence of the regular operator. For one who has picked up the art out side of his legitimate business, Rob ert is certainly "old lightning" on a wire. The walls of Wildey Lodge, T. O. O. F., this city, are adorned with a fine, large, neatly framed picture of Phil. B. Bonesteel, pre sented to the lodge by Mrs. Kittio L. Bonesteel. Mr. Bonesteel was the Noble Grand of this lodge, at the time of bis death. Mrs. J. O. Tasker, who was bit on the hand by a rattlesnake in June, has felt no serious effects from it. The wound was bathed in carbolic acid. Bicarbonate of soda (common baking Boda) saturated with vinegar is said to be an excel! ont remedy by those who have tried it. David City, Arcade aud Bell- wood are reaping a harvest of busi ness from our south-side friends in Butler aud Polk, who have not been able to reach Columbus readily, since the flood carried away our bridges. It is to bo hoped that this state of affairs will not long continue. The committee on Platte bridge report that the situation is a great deal more favorable than the had supposed before examining. Not a pier is gone all are standing, just as they did before the flood, and there will be no trouble to make the crossing in a short time, by re building the super-structure. Mr. McVicker says that the Fall is the best time to plant box-elders and ash, aud that all trees set out should invariably he mulched, and mulched all the time. It has become a common thing in Nebraska to plant trees just as yon would corn, aud cultivate them the same, for two seasons, after which they can take care of themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Mcrritt of Nor folk passed cast through Columbus, Monday. The lady has been long ing to go to her old home in the cast, and could not get the consent of her husband, and ou Saturday last, while walking with a young lady she suddenly started for the river, throwing herself in, and float ing down. She was rescued, how ever, and now makes her trip. - Charles Segelke's team took fright one morning last week aud started on a run down 11th street. Charles jumped into the wagon from behind, caught hold of the lines aud brought his team to the "right about" before they had run a block. But Charles and every other man should make his team secure, then, if they jcare at falling boxes or anything else, they will not be so apt to get away. Albert Stenger has cut, with a self-binder, 130 acres of grain. If the men who bowed their backs reaping with the old sickle, could arise now from their slumbers, and look upon the way their grand-children harvest their grain, they would feel like acknowledging that they had lived in an inferior age, so far at least as labor-.aving ma chinery was concerned. What will our grand children have to say of us? "Wc like to 6ee an editor feel happy, and here is one, evidently the Madison Chronicle man, and the occasion of Iuh hilarity, let him tell it himself: "If you want to see the boas calf of the county call at ye editor's stable and j'ou can be grat ified. When it was twenty-four hours old it weighed V2 pounds and we were offered a ten-dollar bill for the same. It will be two weeks old to-morrow and there isn't a calf in the county, of the same age that will come up to it in size or weight." The best butter in the New York market goes from Iowa, so wo see it stated in sonie of our exchanges. We are assured that first-class Ne braska butler ranks just as high as Iowa. Their's is an older settled state, and doubtless the facilities for handling butter, the stables, the milk houses, &., are, on the average, bet ter than those of Nebraska, but our folks are learning fast, and nothing will bring them to the front quicker than to know that the gilt-edged butter made by the Nebraskana who mean business, brings twenty cents a pound the year round. This price ought certainly to beau inducement for the men of Nebraska to go to work and provide the best of milk houses and other facilities for mak ing good butter. The Omaha Republican of Sat urday contained a detailed account of a horrible accident which hap pened at North Bend last Friday evening, to Mrs. Williams. She ran up behind a train standing at the depot, and called to a gentleman in the caboose, with whom she had business, and before he had time to get to her the train moving back wards had struck her, knocking her down with her neck over a rail, and two cars pasped before the train could be stopped. Her head was completely Revered from her body, and, strange to say, she received not a bruise, or a scratch any where else, upon her head or body. She was an excitable woman, and a man by the name of Robinson had just played upon her the scoundrelly trick of selling her a piece of land that lie had already sold to another, receiving pay from both, which fact probably so occupied her mind that she was unconscious of where she was standing, intent only upon con ferring with a man who purposed aidiug her in securing the arrest ot the scoundrel who had defrauded her. - InvaMlon of the ICiglilx of an American Citizen lij- OIH- ccm ia 4acriiiaiiy. Several weeks since Mr. Arnold Ochlrich of the firm of Oohlrich Bros, of this place went to visit the home of his mother at Elmshorn, Holsteiu, Germany. He had been there about, thirty days, when one morning, before he was yet out ol bed, two policemen made their ap- pearauce, put him under arrest and took him betore a police judge, who said that ho must go to the fort for a year, work at hard labor for a year, or pay a fine of 200 marks, about $50. Mr. Oehlrich paid the 200 marks, and asked the Judge if that was all he wanted from him. On his saying that it was, Mr. O. said that now ho would sec the American Consul at Hamburg about the matter. Alter he had started for home the Judge sent his marshal to request him to call at his otlice before going to Hamburg. On returning, the Judge iuquired concerning his pass port, and was informed that Mr. O. was an American citizen. He went to Hamburg and returned in a few weeks. Tho day following his re turn, the Judge tried to get his papers from him, and was determin ed lo send him into the array, but Mr. Oehlrich told them to keep their hands oti him, and he left ou the 1st of July. We sHppoee that rather than waste his time prosecuting for false im prisonment, Mr. Oehlrich will make his way to America at the earliest opportunity, but it roust be very annoying for an American citizen (as much so as any of us, although not boru here), to be treated thus, and Secretary Blaine should make it so Jively for these swindlers that they will never dare undertake their game again. FrnHoiHCjm 3 1 oh meter 3. On Sunday, the 7lh of August, the festival "Portiuncula" will solemnly be celebrated in the Church of tho Franciscan Fathers. The faithful, after worthily receiving the Sacra ments of Penance and the Holy Eu charist, can gain a plenary indul gence as often as they visit said church and say 9ome prayers ac cording to the intention of the Su preme Pontiff. Masses will be said at 0, 7, and 8 o'clock. At 10 o'clock there will be Solemn Highmass with sermons in English and German. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock Solemn Vespers and Benediction. - City EteniM. One of the members of the City Council tells us that a Journal cor respondent, in treating of city mat ters, should remember that the city debt is less than $4,000; that war rants are worth from 80 to 90 cts. on the dollar; that the publication of tho ordinances in pamphlet form, can not coat the city $200 all tho print ing for the year, including every item for publication of ordinances in newspaper, and in pamphlet form, for job-work, everything in tho printing line, cannot cost more than $150. He suggests, too, that if there were a good attendance of citizens at the meetings of the Council, and a complete publication of their pro ceedings by the newspapers, there would be less occasion for fault finding. lMutte Outer. Hon. T. C. Ryan was made happy by the addition of a little girl to his family last Friday night. P. F. Doody, who has been in Colorado for tho last three mouths, writes that he will be among us by the 1st of August. Last night our population was again increased by the arrival of a young miller, the son of Robt. Price, our Platte Center miller. Dr. Wm. Edwards purchased a farm of two hundred acres from an Italian by the name of Barboro, last week, four miles north of town. Sometime during next mouth, the mail for Oakdale aud other offices ou the same route -will bo supplied from this place instead of from Co lumbus, as heretofore. X. A ooI Thine:. J. E. Elliott has iuveuted a com bination drive well that promises to make a big revolution in the bus iness of supplying water. Any number of wells may he included in the combination, the tops being drawn toward each other iu an easy curve, and enclosed in a large in verted funnel, closed below, the streams joining and forming one curreut as the water is pulled out by suction. A trial was made Friday last with the fire engine, on a well of this kind, having five supply tubes, and it gave excellent satisfaction. Heretofore Columbus has started out on a system of large wells lined with plank, but this looks as though it would be a decidod improvement, and will probably be adopted. There is every indication that our section of country has an unlimited supply of water, when you go down into the coarse gravel.and the theory of this invention is that with these supply pipes you form the equiv alent of a well as large as (perhaps larger than) the area enclosed by them. There are several advantages to the new well, among which are its cost, compared with the other, oue hslfor less; cost of repair, merely nominal ; tho water would be al ways pure; comparatively no trouuie to attach uose. Ilride fleeting. A called meeting of the citizens of Columbus was held on Saturday last at the Town Hall. Col. John Rickly was called to the chair and David Anderson elected secretary. About all the business interests of the city were represented, and the object of the meeting as stated by tho chairman was to take some actiou and devise the necessary means, to repair tho Platte river bridge, eleven spans of which were washed away last March, by the Ice and water, and also to inquire into the reason of the great delay in constructing the Loup Fork bridge, and urge its immodiate completion. Mr. Robinson, the contractor, be ing present gave his reason for the tedious manner work on the Loup has been delayed, and promised to have his contract fulfilled in about seven or eight days, when we may again expect to have our former trade from south and west of the Loup renewed. Remarks were made by Mr. Beck er, Mr. Kramer, John Wiggins and others, concerning the proper course to pursue in rebuilding the Platte river bridge, and on motion of J. E. North, it was resolved that a com mittee of three be appointed, consist ing of John Rickly, John Wiggins and G. A.Schroeder for the purpose of investigating the condition of funds available for the speedy re pairing of Loup aud Platte bridges, and to consult with the county commissioners in regard to the early completion of said bridges. Also to examine the contract made for driv ing piles, and putting on the caps for the Loup bridge and to see if work has been done according to contract. On motion of Mr. Becker, this -meeting adjourned to meet agaiu at call of committee as above designat ed. D. Andebson, Sec'y. KefuadiRg; Hondo or Not. EniTon iIoukkal: As the city council havo uot, as I am aware, complied with Subdivision 31, Sec tion 09, Chap. 23, Laws of Nebraska, 18S1, page, 1SG, which provides that "The council or trustees shall "cause to be published, semi-annual-"ly, a statement of the receipts of "the corporation aud sources there "of, and an itemized account of ex penditures, with a statement of the "financial condition of the city or "village," the exact amount of our city debt cannot be ascertained, but is supposed to be little less than five thousand dollars. The ten thou sand dollars in bonds proposed to be voted by a few parties included the debts of the city incurred the present year, as well as its out standing debt incurred during pre vious years. Now if we assume that $5000.00 in cash is necessary to liqui date such outstanding debt, the fol lowing estimate will show that the city in ten years, when the bonds fall due, would lose $3,351 37 pro vided our municipal affairs could bo managed on the same basis as they were during Mr. Becker's adminis tration, aud tho city pay at the rate of $1500.00 per year on its old debt. STATEMENT WITH KKFKltKNCK TO IiONDS. Ain't of interest bearing bonds at 7 per cent, necessary to rai.se fr00o.0) in cash if bonds sell for 'X cts. on the dollar $."2G:! 1C Post of an election Til) 00 Estimated cost of negotiating bonds r.0 (H) Ten years interest . .. . SCSI 21 Ain't paid at end of ten years JiWl AOAINST HON OS ON- UKCKKK'S PLAN first payment on indebtedness $1500 00 Principal drawing 10 per cent. nterest 3T.0O 00 First year's interest .Second " Third " :;o oo 1EK CO 10S 00 Total amount paid in three years ai me rale ot pa) mg $l.i00.00 a year .fscii:; no recapitulation. For bonds . Against bonds ..$!0J7 . . ran:! Dittereure against bonds $J5 1 Let us grant, for the sake of ar gument in favor of the funding pro cess, that the bonds can be negotia ted at par, that it will cost nothing to nogotiate them or call an electiou therefor, how stands the matter then? $5,000.00 drawing 7 percent, interest in ten years, would equal $8,500.00 principal and interest, thus leaving a difference against bonds between that sum and $5093.00, which equals $2807.00. Again, it will bo seen at the end of three years on the above hypoth esis we would have no city debt if we didn't vote bouds. On the other hand, our bonded debt then, in cluding accrued interest, woulcy" amount to $1)050 00. But it may bfe urgod that the interest will have to be paid annually. Grant it. The principal, $5000.00, cannot be paid for ten years. It has been asserted by good authority that there is more than eiiouirb taves lnvmd for fliio and previous years, which might be applied towards paying oil' tho old debt. It is very hard for the citv to he sued ou its outstanding orders, but tho judgments which have boon rendered thereon are trifling in amount, and they have all been paid up, I. believe. Who are likely to sue the city again ? When such is the case, some way may be contriv ed by which the matter can be met. It is not best to cross a bridge till we reach it. Furthermore, city warrants have not the qualities of negotiable paper, their consideration can always be enquired into. Some of our outstanding paper may have been illegally issued, but if we vote bonds to pay it oil; whon paid;ur money is virtually lost. It was stated to the writer by a member of the city council, that onf Monday, July 25th, a resolution was i introduced before our city fathers for tho purpose of ascertaining tho nature of the city's title to Frankfort Square, whether it could be divided into lots and sold by the city, but was voted down, there beiii"' a tie vote, the Mayor voting in the nega- tive. It would soem that the sub-( jeet is worthy of consideration, for if that proporty could be sold, its proceeds applied towards paying ofl' our obligations, and the amount of taxable property increased, the in terests of our little commonwealth would be much bettor subserved, for aB it stands fenced iu, it is of no use only for growing weeds, and payiug the overseer of streets out of city funds for harvesting them. Uvron Mii.i.ktt. Tor the .Journal. GambliHK. According to Lexicographers a gambler is one who plays for money or other stakes, and this vice is not confined to cards, billiards, pool and such games, but takes iu horse rac ing and kindred matters which how ever innocent in themselves when kept in proper bounds, yet seem to lack the'excitemeut so much sought after, unless there is a pecuuiary value attached to their success or failure. Of the evil resulting from an indulgence in the first of these games, this community has but too recently had a sorrowful expe rience, but let those who would punish the violators of law in these respects, see to it that their hands are clean before they commence throwiug stones, for under the moral law siu is the same whether the degree be large or small. Wo may endeavor to hide the deformity of the thing nuder the name of driving parks, agricultural fairs, &c, but the cloven foot is there, and soouer or later its hideousness will show its effects. Agricultural exhibitions when properly conducted tend to the development and improvement of any neighborhood, but it tho evils referred to are to be considered as necessary adjuuets theu it would be better to remain undeveloped. A Looker Ox. TKACHEKS' INSTITUTE. To the Teacher of Platte Co. The Annual Normal Institute will begin Monday, August 22d, 1831, and continue for a term of two weeks. All those who expect to teach in the county are requested to atteud. During the last two days examinations will be held for both county aud state certificates. Dur ing a portion of the term, Hon. W. W. W. Jones, State Sup't, will bo present aud take part in the exer cises. J. E. Moxcimef, Co. Sup't. Letter I-.lnt. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the post-otliee. in Columbus, for the week enditig duly 10, 13S1 James Booz, Mary Hush, W X Hangs, Uenj Kppson, l'at Farrall, Benedick (ireibel, CaptW II McDouald II 11 .Mcrrithew, Ada Mapes, H-Paris, Jacob Kound, Almira Vinlii 2 V U Zschockett. r red itenery, Those marked " . postal card. If uot called for in 30 day will be .sent to the dead. letter olliee, Washiugtout,D. C When called for please sa" "adver tised," as these letters are kept separate. K. A. (JKKKAKD 1. M -X For Male ! My house aud lot iu Columbus. House in good repair. Lot 132x132 feet. Good barn. All enclosed by good fence. Will sell it very low, and give easy terms. Apply to Becher & Price. A. "W. Doland. Herder Wanted. No other work to do than to look after a herd of fifty cattle and ouo hundred sheep ou a large range, and milk seven cows. Pony furnished, and work must be done right. In quire of M. K. Turner. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head hve cents a line each insertion. Hammocks at Kramer's. Alchohol for sale at E. D. Shee ban's. -Ladies' goat lace $1.50, at Hon ahau's. Good Knobel's. fresh lard at "Weber & Slippers, 20 cts. a pair, at (lal ley Bros. The best custom work at Hou lihan's. Plenty of Buckeye machines at Mlou ljUcrs z Eight lbs. of coflee for $1.00 at Marshall Smith's. One price, and that always the lowest, at Galley Bros. Good men's heavy boots for B. Delsman & Co's. $L25 at J. Rodi and Verdelli Lemons. Choice fruit at Hudson's. A full lino of meu's, ladies' and misses' shoes at Galley Bros. Peruvian beer, the best drink for the blood. Try it, at Hudson's. Ladies' sewed shoes $1.00, at Honahan's. Cream Baking Powder, only 30 cts. per pound, at J. B. Delsmau & Co's. Closing sale of summer goods at reduced prices at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual aud work-and-Iabnr, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for sale at the Journal otlice. Buy your smoked meat at the Columbus meat market, of Weber & Knobcl. f Harvesting machinery at Elliott X Luers binders, harvesters, table rakes, besides mowers. ""Men's Webster lies $1.00, at Honahan's. Forks, nails, hand-rakes, etc., at Elliott & Luers'. Hudson has just fitted up his Ice Cream Parlor 2 doors west- of Ilia r Hammond House. Spring wagons and buggies for sale cheap at Elliott & Luers. 'Boots and shoes cheap for cash at the Boston Shoe Store opp. P. O. Children's gloves only 5 els. a pair at Kramer's. Dinner plates (Meakin's goods,) at 55 cts. per set at Marshall Smith's. Cool, refreshing and pleasant to drink is Peruvian beer at Hudson's. " If you want the very best wind mill in the market, get it at Elliott & Luers. Try one of Ball's Health Pre serving Corsets, the best in tho market, for sale only, by Galley Dros. Linen and (Jingham dresses at cost at Kramer's. Children's lace shoes Ci cents, at Honahan's. Crockery and Glassware at Ilemplumau's, cheap for cash, or butter and eggs. Peruvian beer is the boss, and knocks soda water as a drink, iu tho shade, kept always at Hudson's. Now is the time to buy Dishes and Glassware cheap, as I am going to make a chauge iu my business. M. Smith. Just received, a car-load of KChallentre wind-mills, which we will sell cheap for cabb or on time. kElliott & Luers. Dowty, Weaver & Co. sell the best eolith medicine. They have confidence in it, and they are williug to refund the money if it does no good. Ask for Piso's Cure for Consumption. Price, 23 cts. and 1.00. The best bargains in boots and shoes in town at Boston Shoe Store. It must be so, for everybody says that the best aud cheapest gro ceries ate at J. B. Delsmau 6s Co's. And still a small lot of crockery to bo sold, regardless of cost, at J. B. Delsman Ss Co's. 1121 If you are nervous or dpeptic try Carters Little Nerve Pills. Dys pepsia makes you nervous, and ner vousness makes von dvsnentic : either one renders you miserable and these little pill cure both. For sale at A. Ileint.'s drugstore. Hone to Keut. Inquiro at the Journal office. Mare Your ."Honey. You can do that by buyiug your goods of J. B. Delsmau fc Co. Hay Rake. ( Just recei brakes, at Ell ved, a large lot of bay Elliott & Liters. liOMt. On Monday, July 25, from my place iu this city, a white heifer calf. Four months old. A suitable reward will be given. J. E. North. AtlentloH, Thresher Wo have for sale, cheap, two new (Minnesota Chief threshing machines. Elliott & Luers, Agt's, Columbus, Neb. I tub j- Carriage. Boy's wagons, Carts, Croquet, walking Canes, willow waro etc. at E. 1). Fitzpat rick's Book Store opp. P.O. For Keut. My Hotel (the Hoppeu House), with or without furniture, including yard aud stable. Inquire of Paul Hoppeu. Huron Oxlbrd. Farmers are bringing their good cows for improvement. A low good ones moro will be admitted. Ser vice only 5. A. Hknricii. F.xtray iXotlee. Came lo my herd, July 18th, a datk-red steer, 3 years old, white stripes on belly. The owner will prove property and pay charges. Nich Blaskr. ftoilce. The person who borrowed my box of drawing instruments will confer a favor by returning them at once, as I have use for them. J. E. Nouth. Wanted. A good salesman lo sell Singer Sewing machines. Would prefer one who can speak Danish or Ger man. Inquiro at the Singer otlice, Columbus, Nebr. More eases or. sick headache, bil iousness, eoustipution, &c, can be cured in less time, with less medi cine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, (ban by any other means. For sale at A. Heint.'s drug store. llrlclf : Thomas Flynu is prepared to fur nish brick, either at his kiln north west of the city ; delivered anywhere iu the city, or built iu the wall, at reasonable rates. For Keut. The fine store room and basement in the new brick building two doors uorth of State Bank, aud opposite Clother House. Also two rooms up stairs, suitable for otlice purposes. Apply to Berber & Price. Citj' Iroertj' lor Sale. 100 lots in Smith's addition to Co lombo", in the northwest part of the city. The most desirable residence lots now in thu market. Prices low and terms easy. SPEir-F. & North. lwtray rVotice. Taken up upon my premises two miles east of Columbus, last Wed nesday, one bay pony, with a while spot iu the forehead, and one white foot. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. Makti.v Raoan. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. ThVy first make you sick and then leave j'ou roust ipatd. Carter's Little Liver I'ills regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose, one pill. For sale at A. Jfeintz's drug store. N I rayed. From my corral iu Columbus, about two weeks ago, three fat wethers. They were followed as far uorth as Shell Creek. Any in formation of their whereabouts will be thankfully received by J. C. Pktkissov. lr. rtlcAIIixter Is making the best sets of teeth made in the state, on Celluloid or Rubber for ten dollars (former price twenty-five), aud all other dental work at equally low prices; also the best photographs, one door east of O. A. Stearns. Everybody should call and see for themselves. I'ONt Pocket Hook. Saturday morning, July 30lh, be tween the Monastery and tho U. P. depot, Columbus, a medium sized pocket book, containing twelve dol lars aud some letters. The finder will please return it to the Monas tery, where he will receive .$5 re ward for the book and contents. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line, lirst insertion, three cents a line each siil-ciiient insertion. The Hext LiqH ors Wines and beer for medicinal, me chanical or chemical purposes at K. D. Sheehan's. Wanted. Twenty-five acres of land broke iu Nance county. Hnqiiire of A. II. Bukimck, Columbus, NVb. William K. Kuupp, Houso, Carriage aud Sign Painter, Calsomiuer and Paper Hanger. The best. Try me. Residence iu South Co lumbus. Regular Xtoelc lealer. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; also fat and stock bogs. 379-y D. Anokrsox. Land Tor Sale. 1C0 acres, 5 miles west of Colum bus; T." acres under cultivation, 40 acres hay land, $10 an acre, on pasy terms. Inquire at .Joukn'al. otlice. For Sale. A valuable family resdence situa ted in the uorthwest part of the citv. The house is 'MxtU, well tiulshed inside ami outside, enclosed by good fence. Stable, and all other out-buildings, to be sold cheap. Tor further information apply to 'James Kay, at li. Jlughes's Lumber Yard. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our iiiiit.ttiiiii' of the markets aru ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. grain. AC. Wheat No. 1, test Ml lbs " 2, " :u " Corn Shelled, old Oats, Rye KJ(tt95 7S40SO 3U&3A 35 40 C04370 Flour, ?300375 Graham, 150265 Meal 1 20 PKODUCK. Butter, S10 Eg8, 10 Potatoes, 40iSC0 MKATS. Hams, 1012K Shoulders, T sides, yaw Corned Beef BfflS Steak S12 L1VK STOCK. FatHogs, 460(8160 Fat Cattle, 300g350 Yearlings, U 0010 00 Calves .! 6 00OM00 Sheep 350S100 Good veal, per hundred,. .... W Hides, greeu , 4(gt F1. SCHEOK, Manufacturer and Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive Ht.f near the old Fost-ojfice Columbus Nebraska. 147-ly YyiJiiric Ac Kaoiia-:i,, AT TUB HEAT HAim ! i Ou Eleventh Street, Where meats are almost given away for cash. Beef per Ik, from 3 10 ct. Best steak, per lb., . 10 Mutton, per lb., from . C 10 " S.unatfe, per lb., from 8 10 " jSTSpeoia! prices to hotels. 60i-ly TT1WKY GASM, Manujaeturer and dealer in Wooden ttnil M eta lie Burial Caskets All kinds and sizes ofKobex, also has the sole ritfht to manufac ture and sell the Smith's Hammock Reclining Chair. Cabinet Turning and Scroll work. Pic tures, Pielure Frame anil .Moulding, booking-glass Plates, Walnut Lumber, ete., etc. COI.UMHUS, NEB. LAND, FARMS, AND- CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE -AT TIIK- Union Pacfic Land Office, On Lony Time and low rate of Interest. All wNhinif to buy Kail Road Lands or Improved Farms will tlnd it to their advantatfe to e.ill at the (). P. Laud Otliee Itffnre look in elsewhere as I make a xpeebilly of buying and selling land- on commission; all persous wish ing to sell farms or unimproved land will li ii 1 1 it to their advantage to leave lln-ir I.iuiN with me for sale, as my fa cilities for aileetine: sales are uusiir ia)fil. I am prepared to make tltial proof for all parties wishing to get a p.itr-nt for their homesteads. jQfrib'tirv ('nrdfs, Clerk, writes and speaks Herman. SAMUEL C. SMITH, Agt. I'. P. Land Department, COLUMBUS, NEB. ...). CKTCA IRONPILLS FORTHE BLOOD NERVES 44 COMPLEXION Cars Palpitation of tho Heart, NerroaasaM, Trembliogs,KerTOnsHeadachelLeacorrh(Ea,CoU Hands and Feet, Pain In the Back, and other forma of Female Weakness. They tnrich aad improve the quality of tho Blood, purify aad brighten the Complexion, allay Nervous Irrita tion, and secure Refreshing Bleep. Juat the rem edy needed by women whose pale colorless faces bow the absence of Iron In the Blood. Remem ber that Iron ia one of the coiwlitufnta of the Blood, and is the sreat tonic. The Iron PUla are alio valuable for men who are troubled with) Nervoua Weaknos, Night Sweats, etc Prlcn, to cents per box. gtntbytaaQ. Addreae, CARTER MEDICINE CO., 22 Park Place, Naw Yoifc. Sold by DrugjrUts ertry whent SCHMITZ BROS., COLUMBUS, NEBR. WILL SKLL YOU THE BEST OF n SUCH AS Tie Celebrated Woods Twlna Blad ing Harvester, Ckala RaJce aad Sweep Rake Reaper, wltk aew Iroa Mower; The Daisy Hay Rake, Adaais & Pre a ok Harvester, Maaay Reaper aad Mostr, STANDARD MOWER, ETC. gTjjgjjTjj - 97B3p9VvHBt Z, A '- JMTl IfMLirV w 5 1 " -9 M VV' ' Pi JjKtwTViA HMIRI REMEMBER THAT WE WARRANT EVERYTHING WE SELL. AND THE BEAT OP RECORD FOL LOWS EVERY MACHINE. SarCAJLL. UEFOREYOU BUY 9