wmrmssmm. 1 v i IJPtI t' U- i THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, ltSJl. t'uiiniunictIon, to lu-urc iiimiUoii in the next is-ouc, tIioiild lie in hand on Mendn; if k-ncthy, on Thurcdajs inocodinr. ihue-dn. Advertisements, of whatever clas, Should be in baud by nwon, Tue-da s. Adxcrtif-eiiHiilf. under tbiB head 15 etc a line first insertion, 10 cU. aline each t-uhECQUeut im-ertion. IJeed is iu Texas, driviuc nice, quiet rain Mouday O.I Etage. A night- Mrs. J. B. Gamp is in very poor health. Alcohol for sale at P. Floppen's Saloon. The machine agony is over for this year. Mrs. V. Kutntner is expected home daily. L. M. Cook returned from the "West last week. (leo. Sweet was niout last ucok. up from Fre- Mis Merrill h visiting with Mrs. Dr. Martyn. "" G. Ueitkcuiper returned from Colorado Sunday. If you want groceries at Omaha prices call on Lamb. If you want a choice article of Michigan cider vinegar call on "Vm. Becker. .Judge (Jeer went to Kearney county the first of the week on legal business. Mies Brninard, of Iowa, is on a vicit to her mother and brother of this city. Follow the crowd to "Fitz'a" Book and Fancy goods store, opp., poM-oflicc. The Gorhold divorce case wap heard last week by Judge W. S. Gcer, referee. "Wasted Girl to assist in kitchen work for a boarding house. Inquire of Mrs. Seburg. Arnold ( chlrich was heard from under date of .luue 30th, when ho was well and safe. John II. Bacrow, who has been west for some time returned last week from Jnleslyrg. Mrs. I. Mullen was taken dan gerously ill at J. E North's, Sun day, but is now better. Saml. Josselyn came up from Lincoln Saturday. He is one of the salesmen on the A. Si N. --"West point has a match factory capable of turning out 1,-140,000 matches a day, that is 7,200 boxes. A fountain at the Union Pacific Depot Park is a thing of beauty, and a great benefit to the grass and trees. Miss TIatlic Drake of Coldwater Michigan, ramp to llipeity last week, and ia visiting with her sister Mrs. Man-bid Smith. G. Heitkemper brought homo from Denver some very nice spec imens of precious stoues, gold-bearing quartz, etc. Herman Oehlrich's team got tired the oilier day switching oil the fliuN and concluded to take a spin around the block. Mr. G. "W. Stevens loft on our table a sample of his favorite now potatoes. Four of them weigh three pounds and ten ounces. Farmers, bring your poultry, butter and eggs to LstnbV near the jost-otlice, ami get the highest mar Sot price in cash for them. Mr. McVickcrs who, with his wife have been visiting at O. C. Shannon's in this city, has been quite unwell for several days. Geo. Spooncr came up from Lincoln baturday. He has a sit uation as fireman on the A. & N., between Lincoln and Atchison. Kev. C. W. Merrill, of Omaha, Supt. of Missions for Nebraska, will preach in the Congregational church next Sabbath morning and evening. J. S. M unlock says there is con siderable good wheat iu his neigh borhood, which he thinks will yield from fifteen to twenty bushels an acre. Onr ladies will be greatly pleas ed to see Miss Georgie "Warburton at Kramer's store, and Miss Georgie will be pleased to see and wait on them. President Fleharty has purchas ed lands in the vicinity of Fullerton, which fact furnishes evidence that he intends to follow the M. E. Uni versity. Ice cream sociable at the M. E. church this evening. A cordial in vitation extended to members and citizens. Come and have a good social time. Mate Josselyn of Council BlufCs, who has been visiting at her uncles, Cap't. D. D. "Wadsworth's, has re turned home, accompanied by her cousin, Mate. Xich. Blasser brought some corn to town yesterday that would take the premium anywhere. He says that the Duncan, Platte bridge has been repaired. Dr. Miller conducted the quar terly meeting services Sunday even ing at the M. E. Church. The ser mon on the occasion was interesting and instructive. L. Kramer came down from North Platte Saturday, and started for Chicago yesterday. Louis pre serves his avoirdupois and also his cheerfulness, as of old. ftev. E. L. Sherman closed his ministerial labors with the Congre gational church in this city, on Sun day last. The next two Sabbaths he will preach at Nebraska City. Alcohol for sale at P. Hoppen's Salonu. T. A. Potts, formerly of this place, is working for the Singer Co. at Falls City, running their oflica there. T. A. is a good salesman, and is honest. Mrs. J. M. Cailiso'n returned from Council Bluffs Thnrsday last. She has been wonderfully afflicted with rheumatism. On Monday she was considerably better. Lorau Clark was in the city Friday, to see his brother-in-law, II. J. Knisely, who has been sick at Mrs. G. "W. Stevens's residence, for the last three weeks, of congestion of the liver. The new M. E. Church at St. Edward was dedicated last week by Dr. Miller. Four hundred and fiAy- seven dollars were raised, which liquidated the present indebtedness with some margin. The family of J. "W. Temple, north of the city, is sorely afflicted, several of the children having diptheria. One of the children died on Sunday morning, and was buried in the city Monday. S. L. Barrett, late sup't of schools of this county, returned to the city Sunday last, after au ab sence since Feb. He has been in Texas, ArkauBas, etc., engaged in teaching, a good portion of the time. O. E. Stearns, formerly of this county, now of Nauce county, has started a cheese factor'. There is no good reasou why cheese of an excellent quality cannot be made in Nebraska and in any conceivable quantity. The latest thing we have come across (and it seems to bo something "now under the sun") b a dowry association, somewhat on the insur ance plan, to provide a specified sura of money for young ladies on their wedding-day. A familiar quotation comes into mind "'this world, the next world, then tho iron works." Columbus JouitSAL. You are mistakeu Bro. Turner. It is "this world, then an other, and then tho fire-works." jrmlison Chronicle. On Thursday last Miss Pearle Boncstcel entertained some forty or or filly of her little friends, at the residence of James Pearsall. A tent was erected, refreshments served, aud the little ladies and gentlemen passed a very enjoyable evening. "Win. Eimers of Humphrey fav ored the Joursai. with a business call last week. He gave several very good reasons for believing that Columbus would now be a good point for the establishment of a wholesale grocery, paying from tho start. Rumor has it that a man waR found dead, lying by his wagon aud team, somewhere between Platte Center aud Humphrey, with a bullet hole in his head. "We have not been able to trace the rumor to any relia ble source, and believe there is no truth in it. Lewis Davis was injured Sat urday by another hand-car bumping against the one he was on ; he was knocked ofl the car and run over, cutting a deep, long gash in the calf of his leg. Tho wound was sewed up, and he is doing as well as could be expected. The Columbus Association of Congregatioual churches and minis ters will meet at Norfolk, August JOth, to take action regarding the proposed Academy. All parties in terested are invited to attend. By order of the committee, J. P. Dyas, E. L. Sherman, M. L. Holt. While riding over the Rock The Schuyler News of July 20th says of R. R. Sutherland that ho has been Btatiou agent there "for several years, during the whole of which time he gave tho best satisfaction to the whole host of people who are constantly doing business at the depot. "While Btrict in business, he was always accommodating and courteous. His future success is fully assured no matter where his lot may be cast." Everybody don't know that or dinary paint or axle grease are both good for coating plows before lay ing them away. A poor plow is the poorest machinery on a farm, be cause it is killing on a team, distress ing to a man aud does miserable work, aud plows can not be kept good without being kept free from rust. Brighten them up then, put a coat of protection ou them and lay them away in a dry place. Wo note the following recent losses by fire: Dennis Duggan, on Tuesday of last week, dwelling aud contents, $400; Louis Tim, house slightly damaged by lighluing, $12; Wm. Parlow of Colfax county, granary and contents, amouut of loss unknown ; Henry Behlen, a cow struck by lightning on Thursday last. All these were insured with tho time-tried aud fire-tested insur ance firm of Berber & Price, where you want to go to be saved from fire or rather from some of its dire cfl'ects. The Secretary of the Keystone Base Ball Club of this city has been communicating with the B. & M. nine at Omaha and arrangements will probably he effected by which these two clubs will come together in a friendly game one week from Saturday at Columbus. The home team should practice often so that they may hold the Omaha's "level." "We notice that in a game played Saturday last between -the B. & M's. and "Close Cuts" of Ashland, in which eight innings were played, tho former club were successful by a score ot ( to J. Franciscan Itlonuatery. On Sunday, the 7th of August, tho festival "Portiuucula" will solemnly be celebrated in the Church of the Franciscan Fathers. The faithful, after worthily recoiviug tho Sacra ments of Penance and the Holy Eu charist, can gain a plenary indul gence as often as they visit said church and say some prayers ac cording to the intention of tho Su preme Pontiff. Masses will be said at G, 7, aud 8 o'clock. At 10 o'clock there will be Solemn Higbmass with sermons iu English and German. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock Solemn Vespers and Benediction. . For th Journal. Our City Finances. I fail to see either pith, point or logic in "Nemo's" communication. Any mysterious transaction of county officials a decade ago or a score of years hence is far-fetched as a parallel to what the city of Co lumbus may or may not do. Of this I am sure, the city of Columbus is to-day insolvent. She is sorely besieged by long-suffering and im portunate creditors. Judgments have been obtained, and more will follow, if speedy relier is not afford ed. City warrants are now at a discouut of from tweuty to forty per cent. Her ten thousand dollars of ten per cent, floating indebtedness can be readily converted into ten thou sand dollars, seven per cent., twenty-year bonds. Tho city saves throe thousand dol lars yearly interest. Her credit is "A 1." She goes iuto the market- with ready cash, and purchases her labor and material for cash, with all the discounts that cash commands. Now these are stubborn facts. If "Nemo" has any better remedy to aPP'' please let us hear from him. O.MES. Allison, Eliza aud Elizabeth Bel knap, Cora McCandlieh, Allio An dcrman, Eugeue Eggleston, Delbert Wcstcott, Sidney Potter, Louis, Ed dy and Gussio Schroder. The pupils made fine progress, considering the many disadvantages labored under. The programme for the last day consisted of select reading, decla mations, essays and singing. Space will not admit of all the speakers and the title of pieces, so will name the most prominent onlv. Solect reading by Miss I. Gordon, subject, "An Angel," Miss Laura Belknap, subject, "The drunkard's wife's so liloquy." Declamations by Sidney Potter, subject, "I mean to he a doc tor." "No one knows how sinful I am," Allie Anderman. "A lesson for mamma," Cora McCandlish. "A dream iu reality," Lizzie Allison. "Queries," Correnno Clark. "The modern bell," Eliza Belkuap. "Ma rie's "William Goat," Eugene Eggles ton. "The young toacher," Mabel Westcott. "Tho iuquiry," Miss Nel lie Jackson. "Tho housekeeper's soliloquy," Miss Sallie Marmoy of Columbus. Essay by Miss Fannie Jackson, "Never say too much." Messrs. McCandlish and Van Gilder made some very neat and appro priate remarks at the closing of the exercises. Thanking tho good people o'f Creston for their kindness to me, I remain your would-be July 21, 1881. Teacher. Children's gloves only 5 cts. a pair at Kramer's. Dinner plates (Meakin's goods,) at 55 cts. per sot at Marshall Smith's. Cool, refreshing and pleasant to drinkis Peruvian beer at Hudson's. If you want the very best wind mill in the market, get it at Elliott & Lners. "Eeave orders with Al. Ricklj , auu yuu win nave your meat ue livered any time from four a. m., to uine p. m. Try one of Ball's Health Pre serving Corsets, the best in the market, for sale only, by Galley Bros. Why do you look so sour? been to G. C. Lauck's for some of that pure cider vinegar it's good "you bet." Crockery, regardless of cost, for tho next 30 days, in order to close out tho entire stock at J. B. Dels man & Go's. HALLAMY WIND MILLS Warerooms and Office on Thirteenth St. I "YVTLIj JSTOT BE TJKTDEHS03LD. Repairing Cheaply and Promptly Executed. ACT!? 8TYXE VICTOR SCAIES. W-EIGIITNG IFROM 1-3 OUNCE TJX TO lO TONS. Having had years of experience in the Wind Mill and Tump Business, I am prepared to furnish Mills and Pumps. Do repairing on short notice, and will warrant any article sold or work done bv me, to give satisfaction or no pay. hSl-y W. H. LAWRENCE. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Linen and Giugham dresses at cost at Kramer's. Children's laco shoes 05 cents, at Honahau's. A few copies left of Josiah Allen's wife's new book, "My Way ward Pardner," for sale by Lubker & Kramer. Peruvian beer is the boss, and knocks soda water as a drink, iu the shade, kept always at Hudson's. A big load of cull lumber for $4.00 at my house. Apply to James Kay, at U. Hughes' Lumber Yard. Now is the time to buy Dishes and Glassware cheap, as I am goiug to make a change in my business. M. Smith. A Card. Having entered into a co-partnership with Messrs. Gerhard Schutte and J. P. Becker, I am prepared to say to my old patrons and the public in general, that I am again engaged in tho Lumber trade, and while thankful for past patronage, I shall be happy to greet any who may be in need of building material. Our yard is located near the B. & M. depot with office in tho Becker Block. J. N. Taylor. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of the markets are ob tained Tuesday afternoon,and are correct and reliable at the time. Charles Km tint came down from Norfolk yesterday morning. He thinks, from what he has seen of the movements of the U. P. officials, that J it will be but a few days until the Union Pacific .Co. will own the road between Sioux City and Norfolk. If that be so, we may look nut for a still greater increase of their busi ness at this point, because through trains from Columbus to Sioux City means a good deal more than tho transfer hero of passengers going north of the east-and-west-rnnning roads ; it means a shorter path to our lumber pile, it means a shorter haul, and virtually another market for our grain, iu short it means business, and load of it. Island road the other day, D. Ander sou computed the distance he travel ed by rail during the last year, and it amounted to over 1G.000 miles, besides transacting all of hi? local business at home. This is pretty good for a man. fifty years old. Michael Sullivan, one of the first settlors in Greeley county, died at his home, July 14th, aged 5S years. Tho Boone county Argits says: "He was eonscions to the last, and after calling his family to his bed-side and giving them his parting benediction, died peacefully. Considerable inquiry has been made as to the U60 of sjnrit ver menli at a coroner's inquest. It ap peared last woek among the items of expense paid for by the County. Was it not for the living? Then, again, one man wants to know why not give it the honest quakcr name of whisky? Tho U. P. Company are about to erect elevators for storing coal. The capacity will prebably be fonr hundred tons. A track will be elevated across L. street, and room sufficient allowed for three or four cars to stand thereon while being unloaded. Cars will be loaded, as with grain from a hopper. The round house at Albion was struck by lightning Tuesday morn ing last, at about 2 o'clock, and set on fire. But through the energy of Jack Wells, engineer, and Platte Baker, fireman, the building waR saved. Tho hose used on tho engine as a siphon, served the purpose of a fire engine on that occasion. Genoa Leader. J. C. McMahon, Chief of Police, picked up a Mr. Williams last Wed nesday who was charged with steal ing at Grand Island, by breaking open a trunk and taking therefrom clothing, revolver, a jewel, etc., amonntiug to a sura sufficient to constitute grand larceny. He is rep resented to be a sharp thief, having dodged, fooled and escaped capture at Grand Island. IrIvlBfr Parle AhMorlation. Completing our record of the affairs of this association wo note two meetings since our last issue. one on Thursday evening last, pre sided over by J. E. North, with Dr. T. E. Mitchell secretary. The subscription committee re ported that they had secured $2,200, with prospect of increasing the amount. A Board of incorporation was chosen, as follows: J. E North, J. Wiggins, G. W. Clother, K. H. Hen ry, Carl Kramer and Phil. Cain. At the adjourned meeting of Sat urday evening the articles of incor poration were reported aB filed, and the following officers selected : Prest., J. E. North ; Vice Prest., R.fj Stewart; Treasurer, John Wiggins; Sec'y., Phil Cain. Directors, John Hammond, G. "W. Clother, Carl Kramer, J. G. Boutson, E. D. Shee han, T. E. Mitchell. An other meeting will be held this evening, at which the locatiou of the grounds will probably be discussed, among other subjects of interest to the association. flow In 11 V Will our city council explain to the tax-payers of Columbus how, after the official terms of city officers had commenced, their salaries could be legally increased under tho con stitution and laws of Nebraska? Constitution, 'article 3, section 1C, provides that tho compensation of any public officer shall not be ;i creaxed or diminished during his term of office. Section 75, session laws 1879, page 220, how iu force, is as follows on the subject under consideration : "The emoluments of no officer "where election or appointments is "required by this chapter shall be "Increased or diminished during the "term for which he shall have been "elected or appointed." Soveral hundred dollars of indebt edness has been made this year in the way of increasing salaries of officers. Also it is going to cost the city nearly two hundred dollars to have Jier ordinances revised aud printed iu pamphlet form. War rants, will have to be used for these matters, and if they are not paid, it will be argued. that the honest and very just indebtedness of our city must be met, therefore refunding bonds must be voted to redeem our paper that has bopn issued contrary to law. Would it not have been more just and business like for that body to apply the abovo amount to wards paying off the old city debt? Nemo. To the Teacher or IMatte Co. The Annual Normal Institute will begin Monday, August 22d, 1881, and continue for a term of two weeks. All those who expect to teach in the county are requested to attend. During the last two days! examinations will be hold for both county and state certificates. Dur ing a portion of tho term, Hon. W. W. "W. Jones, Stato Sup't, will be present and take part in tho exer cises. J. E. Moncrirf, Co. Sup't. fl Just received, a car-load of Challenge wind-mills, which we will sell cheap for cash or on time. Elliott & Luers. Dotvty. Weaver & Co. sell the best cough medicine. Thpy have confidence in it, and they are willing to refund the money ir it does no good. Ask for Pico's Cure lor Consumption. Price, 2." cts. aud$1.00. ' The man who siole J. C. El liott's harness had better return theni and save trouble. The best bargains in boots and shoes in town at Boston Shoo Store. Letter LiIkI. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the post-office, in Columbus, for the week eudiug July '23, 1881: Joseph Brown, Moritz Newman, D R Bullock, Uev X O Miller, John S OIII, Miss S J Xorris, SchuylerGoldsmith.MIss Cora Kiukuer, Miss V IMiimau, Kmma X Steel, K B Norton, Johu Snyder. Those marked " ,' postal c ird. Held for postage, .Mrs. W. II. Rob tM'tson, Omaha, Nebr. Registered letter, Herman Reinhard Hernia. If rtot called for in .'10 days will lie sent to the dead -letter ottice, Washingtont.I). C. When called for please say ''adver tised," as these letters are kept separate. E. A. CKKKAun P. M HI."! All cases of weak or lame back. I HIT one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Rn.-li- ache Plasters. Price 15 cents. For sule at A. Heintz's drug store. back-ache, rheumatism, &i, will line relief by wearing one of Carter' For "Sale! My house and lot in Columbus. House iu good repair. Lot 132x132 feet. Good barn. All enclosed by good fence. Will sell it very low, and give easy terms. Apply to Becher & Price. A. W. DOI.AN'D. lay lEahex. Just received, a large lot of hay rakes, at Elliott & Luers. Hahy Carriage. Boy's wagons, Carls, Croquet, walking Canes, willow ware etc. at E. I). Fitzpatrick's Book Store opp. P. O. ' GRAIN. 1C. Wheat No. 1, test 59 lbs... " " 2, " oG " ... " " 3, " SI " .. Corn Shelled, old Oats, t tr Flour, Uraham, Meal, FKODUCK. Butter, Eggs. Potatoes, MEATS. Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Corned Heef LIVE STOCK. Fat Hogs, Fat Cattle, Yearlings, Calves Sheep Good veal, per hundred, Hides, green 83(38.". 780 C0t70 3035 3.-1(40 co;o $3 00(33 75 1 &0s$-2.).r. 1 20 8 10 10 uo U27 8(10 IW.S . 81'JK . 4 2S1 40 . . 2 753 00 .12 IWWilf. 00 4 (MI05OUO . 3SO$4 00 4 00 . . 4ij; F. SOHECK, Manufacturer and Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OP SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive St., near the old Post-office Columbua Nebraska. 447-ly AT TUK I 111 MEAT 'MnililK On Elovoatk Streot, Where meats are almost given away for cash. Heef per lb., from ... 3 10 cts. Best stteak, per lb., . . 10 " Mutton, per lb., from . . . 6 10 " Sausage, per lb., from 3 (& 10 " XSrSpeeiul prices to boteU. 062-ly J3PECIAL NOTICES. Adverliieinentd under this head live cents a line, lirU insertion, three cent a line ea-h KUhsequeul insertion. BECKER & WELCH, PE0PEIET0ES OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. DIED. Fatal Accident. Sunday morning last, while Thos. Lyons and wife, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Manney, mother to Mrs. Lyone, were coming to church, and as thoy were passing a clump of weeds near II. P. Coolidge's resi dence, some animal, no one can tell whether a dog or a calf, nor whose it wa, jumped up in the weods and frightened the team. Mr. Lyons is a stout man and a good horseman, but in this cafe it was impossible for him to control his team, owing (it is supposed mainly) to the fact that the bit on one of the bridlos broke probably on the first pull after tho fright. The team dashed first one way, then another; Mrs. Lyons jumped out of the wagon, and was slightly injured; Mr. Lyons and Mrs. Manney were thrown out at the same time the wagon-bed was overturned. Mr. Lyons was consid erably, though not fatally injured; Mrs. Manney, however, was not so "Habitual DrHHkard" Ed. Journal: The new liquor law makes it an offense punishable by a fiue of ?50, "to sell any intox icating liquors to any Indian, in sane person or idiot, or habitual drunkard." We have just been dis puting a3 to what this latter term means, and have concluded to let you decide between us. Dad. In all kinds of actions there are degrees, ranging from very moder ate to excessive. Drunkards, or habitual drunkards are all on the excessive side. There is nothing cau justify drunkenness, even once, but, evidently, such are not included in the law. Those given to drunk enness are habitual drunkards, and a case in illustration can be named easier than the phrase can be de fined. We have an instance in mind where a man could not begin drink ing and stop short of drunkenness. In our opinion, the law contemplates that men in whom such a habit is so Mrongly fixed, need to be pro tected against the force of their own evil habit, by the force of law, against those privileged to sell in toxicatiug drinks. Webster defines habit as a disposition or condition of the mind or body, a tondeucy or aptitude for the performance of cer taiu actions, acquired by custom, or OWENS Fridav, July 22d, of dipthe- ria, Willie, son of Frank Owens, aged ten years. ARNOLD At North Vernon, Indi ana, Tuettday. July 19th, Cordelia, reliet of Hon. Edward Arnold, dee'd, aged 42 year.s. Her remains were brought to this city Thursday last, and on Friday those of her husband were brought from Grand Island, and both were buried here, side bv side. For Itnt. My Hotel (the Ilnpppn House), with or without furniture, including yard and stable. Inquire of Paul Hoppen. .TIInnoNota Chief. Those having this machine and needing repairs should order them jmim;diatclv of Elliott & Luers. Baron Oxford. Farmers are bringing their good cows for improvement. A few good ones morn will bo admitted. Ser vice only 15. A. Hr.N'iticii. 'I'lie HeHt Liquor Wines nnd beer for medicinal, mo chunieal or chemieal purposes at E. D. Hhuehan'i. For Mule. A good work mare and coll.cheap for rash, or on time with good -enrity. S. J. Edwards Wnnfeil. Twenty-five acres of land broke in Nance coiintv. Enquire of A. II. BL'RMCK.Cohliiibils.Wb. William It. linupp, House, Carriage and Sign Painter, Calsomiuer ami I'.ipi-r Hanger. The best. Try nie. Residence in outh o-lumliu.s. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisement under this head live cents a line each insertion. Hammocks at Kramer's. Alchohol for sale at E. D. Shee- han's. Go to Lauck's for pure teas and spices. Ladies' goat lace $1.50, at Hon ahan's. Good fresh lard at Weber & Knobel's. Slippers, 20 cts. a pair, at Gal ley Bros. Fresh supply of canned goods at G. C. Lauck'8. The best cuBtom work at Hon- anau s. v . act. Plainly, an habitnal drunkard is a fortunate; being a large woman, and BPerson who is in the habit of get thrown with great violence to the ground, she was so seriously injured that she died within a short time. Tho accident happened at about half past ten o'clock, near the resi dence of H. G. Carew, Eq., where the lady was very kindly cared for: Drs. Hoehen and Bonesteel were called to the unconscious sufferer, but all their skill could not avail, except to bring consciousness a half hour before her death, which took place at one o'clock. She was sixty years of age, and, as an old acquaint ance said, "an exemplary good woman," leaving a host of friends who Bincerely mourn her tragic death. Her remains were followed yesterday to the cemetery at Glea son's by a large concourse of friends. fling drunk, just as persons too 6trongIy addicted to any habit go to excess. IA Creates School. Editor Journal: Please allow space in your columns for a report of the West Creston school which closed on the ICtb inst. The number enrolled was 31; daily average attendance 23; num ber of visits from the superintend ent, none; from directors,, none; number of visitors during tho term was 26. The following are the names of those who attended most regularly Plenty of Buckeye machines at Elliott & Luers. S Eight Ibsof coffee for $1.00 at Marshall Smith's. One price, and that always the lowest, at Galley Bros. If you want to buy a sewing machine call at tbo singer office. A full lino of men's, ladies' and misses' shoes at Galley Bros. Peruvian beer, the best drink for the blood. Try it, at Hudson's. Ladies' sewed shoes 1.00, at Honahan's. Ilxtray Notice. Came to my herd, July 18ih, a daik-red steer, 3 years old, white stripes on belly. The owner will prove property and pay charges. Xich Blaskr. Wanted. A good salesman to sell Singer Sewing machines. Would prefer one who can speak Danish or Ger man, inquire at the Singer office, Columbus, Nebr. If there ever was a specific for any one complaint, then Carter' Little Liver Pills are n specific for sick headache, and every woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. For sale at Heintz's drug store Iirlclc! Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur nish brick, either at his kiln north west of the city ; delivered anywhere in the city, or built in the wall, at reasonable rates. Closing sale of summer goods at 1 reduced prices at Kramer's New a frequent repetition of the samel York Cheap Cash Store. Blank notes. bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for ;saie at the Jonrnal othce. Buy your smoked meat at the Columbus meat market, of Weber & Knobel. The Skandia Plow at the new implement store of Elliott & Luers on Olive st. Harvesting machinery at Elliott & Luers binders, harvesters, table rakes, besides mowers. IVotice. I hereby warn the public not to give credit on my account to Bridget O'Brieu, my wife, as I will not hereafter be responsible for any debts she may contract. David O'Brien. For Kent. The fine store room aud basement in the new brick building two doors north of State Bank, and opposite Clother Home. Also two rooms up stairs, suitable for office purposed. Apply to Becher & Price. Etray ftotire. Taken up upon my premises two miles east of Columbus, last Wed nesday, one bay pony, with a white spot in the forehead, and one white foot. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. Martin Ragan. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gentlysti'iiiilate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. For sale at A. Heintz's drug store. t;ulnr Stix-U letilrr. All kinds of horned stock bought anil -.old; al-o fat and tock hoj.--,. 37i-y D. Andkiwon. Land for Sale. 1(10 acres 5 miles west of Coluin liUi: 7 acre- under eiiltivilioii. Mat-re hav laud. $H an acre, on easy term-.. Iminire al JoL'RNVl. ollice. Durham Hull. Persona who desire to improve their stock should ee this nice aniiii tl and examine hi- .good Ualitb- bcf.ire applying to others. ."su4 John Kkklkr. For Malt;. A valuable family rosdence situa ted in the northwe-t part of the city. The houc is 20x."i, well tiiiNhcd in-idc and outside, enclosed by good fence. Stable, and all other outhuiMin;s, to be sold cheap. For further inform. I'iuii apply to Jambs Kay, at II. Hughe's Lumber Yard. nVFK'F., COLUMJiUS, NEB. BACK ACHE QUICKLY CURED BY CARTER'S Smart Weed -AND- Belladonna BacUcle Plasters! N FirvAi iitoor. Land Ollice at Grain! Island, N'eli.,1 .luiv inn. I'WI. I JOTIfK is hereby given that the foIloviuguamed .settler his tiled notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of hi-, claim, aud that .said proof will be made before John Stautl'er, Clerk of the District Court of Platte Co.. Xeb., at Columbus, on the 13th of August, lst, viz: Thomas Iilandford. Pre-emption I) ?., 3$i, for the N. K. , Section '14, Town ship 1I, Kaiije 3 west. Up names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: (ieorjje Lamb, Kobcrt Lewis, wilbert fortune. John Oriffev, all of I'ostville, I'latte Co., N'eb. SS3-5 31. 11. HOX1K, KegNter. FINAI.. PROOF. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.,l .iuiy i-Jtn, 111. j "VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol li lowing named settler has tiled no tice of his intention to make dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk ot the district court of IMatte county, Xebranka, at county seat, on Aiiiriiit 31st, l.ssi, viz: Robert K. AViley, Homestead Xo.97";, for the K. . i. V. y, Section 10, Township 11, Ilange 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion or said land, viz: William J. Thurs ton, of Columbus, Xebr., John D. Da-k and E. 15. Hall, of Monroe, Xebr., Jehiel J. Jndd, of West Hill. Xebr. o&-Z J. H. HOXIE, Regis-. Men's "Webster ties 1.60, at uonahaira. f Forks, nails, hand-rakes, etc. i r.iuou s, ,L.uers . uuubuu uaa jusi uiieu up ma Ice Cream Parlor 2 doors west of Hammoud House. r Spring wagons and bnggies for I .ON. On the road between "Platte Cen ter and Wattsville. on the ICth of June, excursion day, a brown water proof cape, trimmed with silk. The tinder will confer a favor by leaving it at the store of T. C. Ryan, Platte Center. c, ad and were tardy the fewest number sale cheap at Elliott & Luera. 7 of times: Isabel Westcott, Jennie Scoots and shoes cheap for ch fcage, Amber Clark, Sie and Lizzia, at the Boston Shoe Store opp. P. O. Peacock. Thif splendid specimen of the im- porti d Norman - Perchon stallion may be found at Guy C. Barnuin's. $10 to insure: $8 for the season. John Haney has a two-year-old colt of feacock-'s get, that now weighs 1100 pouuds. Get good colts cheap. DnMcAUisler Is making the best sets or teeth made in the state, on Celluloid or Rubber for ten dollars (former price twenty-five), aud all other dental work at equally low prices ; also the beat photographs, one door east of O. A. Stearns. Everybody should call aud ecu for themselves. FI.-NAI, PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,1 July rdli. 1S.S1. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice or his intention to make final proof in supporter his claim, and that said proor will be made before Clerk or District Court of I'latte Co., Xeb., at county seat, on August .list, 1-i-Sl. viz: Alfred FIb, Homestead Xo. C.-.00. for the X. i, S. E. ri. Section 8, Township o norm, itange 4 we-i. lie names ttie following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Beard, John Coop, William Wright, Jacob Swighart, all of Woodville, Platte Co., Xeb. GST-,-, 31. 15. HOXIE. Register. TTERY GASM, Manufacturer and dealer in These piasters contain Smart Weed and Bella donna both wonderful pain reliever in addi tion to the usual cums, balsams, Ac, used in other porous plasters, and are consequently superior to all others for Weak or Lome Back. Bade Acne, Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Sorenesa of tho Cheat or Lungs, Aathmn, pTeurlay, Kidney Troubles. Crick In thoBackT8tlff neaa of tho Jolnta. and forall Palna and AchQ3. nnd wherever a Plaster can bo used. II you have any seed (or a Porous Strengthening Plaster, we know this one will please ou. It is sure to give relief, and pain can doi exist where it is applied. ,. Ask your druggist for Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back Ache Plasters. Price, $ cents. CABTEK MEDICINE CO.. New York. LANUFARMS, AND- CITY PBOPEMIl SALE AT THE Union Pacfic Land Office, On Long Time and low rate of Interest. All wlhinjr to buy Kail Head Lands or Improved Farms will tlnd it to their advantage to call at the V. P. Land Office before lookin el-ewhert as I make a specialty or buying and srlhnjj lands on cornmi'sion; all persons wish ing to sell farms or unimproved land will lind it to their advantage to leave their lancU with me for sale, as my fa eilitie Tor atfectinij sales are unsur paed. I am prepared to make final proor ror tjjiiartie wishing to get a patent forjiUft homesteads. GriIenrTrrwrdes, Clerk, writes and speaks (Serman. SAMUEL C. SMITH, Agt. U. P. Land Department, 5-"w-y COLl'M l;L'S, XEB. SCHMITZ BROS., 1 jPSSsSP " COLUMBUS, NEBR., WILL SELL YOU THE BEST OK urnm MACHLW 2Hfcfcfcyp SUCH AS The Celebrated Wood Twine Blnd- Ihb Harvester, Chain Rake and Sweep Rake Reaper, with Hew Iron Mo wen The Daisy Hay Rake, Adam &. French Harvester. Manajr Reaper aad Mower, STANDARD MOWER, ETC. Wooden aad Hetalic Bnrial Caskets All kinds and Izes of Kobe, also ' has the sole right to manufac ture and sell the Smith's Hammock Reclining Chair. Cabinet Turning and Scroll work, Pic tures, Picture Frames and Mouldings, Lookinp-"a Plit tr.innt itimi... Rvv?.,v,,M-liAT WE WARRANT ElkT,IING WE -ELL. AXD THE BEST OP RECORD FOL LOWS EVERY JfACUIXE. etc., etc. COLUMBUS, XEB. ' 1STCA1JL I1EI OKK YOU bit.