T V v THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, l&l. Comnnmieetlons. to Injure insertion is til Best ioM. -iHMtlti be in hand en Xwmktvs; if lengthy, on Thursdays pree&lR Uuetiar. Advertisements, et whatever rle. should be in baud by noo. TtK-rda ;.. A4ertit mettle mder this head 15 cu. a Hbc first insertion, 10 cU. a line -acfa Sttt.eiUelit insertion. Ice, ice, ice at II. G. Brindley's. J. "V. Early was at Lincoln last weak. Aleehol for sale at P. Hoppen's, (Saloon. The state militia has been or gaBfaed. S. E. Phillips has had erysipelas !u his left hand. If yH vrjint groceries at Omaha price call on Lamb. I fen. Loran Clark of Albion was Ih the city Thursday. J. S. Murdeck leaves a sample mm stalk 12 ft. 7 inches high. A. M. Jennings ntarred for Den ver Monday. Success to him. "W'mi. Lamb has purchased A. ,M. .lenniHgo's dn-eHing-houe. Miss Emma and Louise Bauer are visiting Mis Loeb of Chicago. Friday evening last, a social dance on the platform at Stevens's lake. M. "Welch says $100 would put the Phucau, Platte bridge in good rejwir. If yon want a choice article of .Michigan cider vinegar call on "Win. Itecker. Pat. Murray lost a valuable mule Friday through the excessive hot weather. Miss Georgia Wabnrton has Wen added to the clerical force at Krauor. Follow the crowd to "FitzV Book and Fancy goods store, opp., post-otlke. TIm Co. Trsuror's orifice is to reoulve a new floor a needed im provosaent. Sir. and Mr.. McVickers of Peru, Ms state, are visiting friends fit the city. There ha been considerable activity in grain aud lumber here the past week. "Wanted Girl to asiat hi kitchen work tr a boar.ling house. Inquire of Mrs. Seburg. 11). Anderson left for Chicago last Sunday with wveral car loads of fat cuttle attd nogs. . D. Anderson shipped a lot of very nice steers over the Albion branch ktt week. Joseph Boroviak, the injured PwiHwdr, wi out for the first time (Hi WtdHCdsy hit. A familiar qimtation comes into imIimI wtki wArld, the next world, then the irftu work.' Twonly cut"' filled with Mor mons passed wet for Suit Lake City owe day Inst week. At one oVIoek Friday last the thermometer marked 100 in the shade and 112 iu the sun. Don't jneltall to nothing when yu ittu supply yourself with ice so cheap at II. G. Briudlcy's. Mrs. "W. "W. tticc will accept the thanks of the JorKv.vr. otliee for a beatitifHi aud frairraut boqucL L. M. Salcy is still suflering from a strain he receivod in his shoulder, which reudors him unable for duty. Capt. .lohu Hammond lost last weok one of his best horses, a fine little sorrel, his wife's driving ani umt. .las. Salmon and Louis Eslenger lMve termed a partnership and built a shop opposite Walter Phillips's stre- Columbus is losing a large anieunt of business on account of the condition of our southside bridge?. E. Paid is putting up a neat ad dition to his dwelling on the west eido, twenty-one feot, one and i half stories hirta. Miss Rilla Bristol left Sunday fw Salt Lake City where she will join her brother James, who is in business there. J. R. Smith thinks the wheat crop will prove not so bad as some Imagine. He never saw such corn weather before. Margaret A. Runkel has been appointed post-mistress of a new post-office established at Arden, Boone Co., Neb. Episcopal sociable at the res idence of Mrs. M. n. White on Tuesday evening the 2Gth. All are cordially invited. Brindley & From have just pnt up a new pool table, thrown their rooms together, and otherwise im proved their resort. "W. "W. Rice who has been quite unwell for some time past, has im proved very much and is now able to be up some of the time. Farmers, bring your poultry, butter and eggs to Lamb's near the post-office, and get the highest mar feet price in cash for them. Randall Fuller, the founder of Fnlierton, Xance Co., has purchased a number of fine cattle, and purposes starting a ranche in Nance Co. The M. E. University, which has been in operation for several years, it is understood will be re moved to Fullerton, Nance Co. ri Alcohol for sale at P. Iloppen's Saloon. Mrs. C. J. Gibson, after spend ing a few days In the city, started Saturday for her home iu Greeley county. Miss Emily S. Graut of Bon Homme, Dakota, and Miss Libbie L. Swobe of Ouiaba are visiting at Gus. G. Becher's. Pearl, daughter of Mrs. Kittie Bonesteel, gives a party to-morrow afternoon to her young friends, at .Tas. Pearsall's residence. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McFarland started Tuesday last for their old home in Charleston, "W. Va. They will enjoy their first visit. J. B. Senecal has leased a hun dred and sixty acres of grazing and hay land north of the city, and sur rounded it by a plowed strip. The route from Columbus to O'Xiell will be discontinued after Aug. 1st, except as to that part of it between Platte Center aud O'Neill. We distinctly heard last "Wed nesday evening the song of a genu ine seven-year locust, which had located itself on a shade tree iu the city. On Monday week one span of the Duncan, Platte river bridge, sank while cattle were being driven upon it. It is now impassable for teams. Thos. M. Wilson, of Bismarck Precinct, placed on our table Mon day last a turuip weighing 4 pounds. It is ahead of any sample yet pre sented. James McAllister, on the 7th of July was fishiug for trout in the mountains of Montana at Meadow Creek. The night before, they had a heavy frost. J. W. Early, Eq., County Treasurer, started for Ohio yester day morning. John is oue of the many Ohio boys that have succeed ed in the west. The new U. P. tank, just com pleted here, is said to be the finest on the line of the road. It is cer tainly a very handsome piece of workmanship. John Wiggins returned last week from a trip through the north ern part of the state. The more John sees of Nebraska the better he seems to like it. Sam. Irwin spent two days here last week. He packed his collar box for the '"sweet magnolia glades" of Florida. Sam. has been in every quarter of the Globe. Emil Pohl had a colt killed by a U. P. train on Saturday morning. It had been picketed out of danger, but some one had removed it so that it could cross the track. Peter Clinchy seems still in clined to make trouble. The other day he frightened M. O'Herne's herder boy aud two of his children running after and threatening them. The Genoa Leader has changed hands. Watts. Burgess who has been editor retires, and E. V. Clark takes hold of the helm. We can only wish our old friends great success. Attention is called to the bus iness card of Messrs. McFarland & Cowdcry. They are prompt and care ful in attending to business entrusted to their care, aud are thoroughly trustworthy. The last quarterly meeting for this conference year will be held at the M. E. Church, this city, uext Sunday. Dr. Miller, the Presiding Elder, will be present and conduct the meetiugs. W. N. Hensley, Esq., late of the Columbus Era, is prospecting for gold about a hundred miles from Gunnison City. He is in company with six other men. He thinks Col orado is a rough country. Rev. Franklin Pierce the new Baptist minister, who ministers at Silver Creek and in this city, will preach in theGerman Reform church in this city Sunday July 31st, and every alternate Sabbath thereafter. J. A. Wood returned last week from Colorado, where he had been at work on the railroad. He wouldn't like to live there, the water is not good, as a rule, but he thinks Denver is the prettiest city he ever saw. We see by our exchanges that the chinch bug is a common com plaint in the state this year. In some localities wheat has been so far destroyed by them that farmers have set lire to their wheat to save their corn. A certain surgeon of Columbus made a wager Saturday that he could "get away" with sixteen glass es of soda water within half an hoar. He succeeded, but his stomach was very stormy a short time after wards. Col. G. W. Stevens left with us last week a very nice sample of new potatoes. They were large, plump and solid, and when properly pre pared for the table, would be greatly relished by any one fond of the article. Last week we made note of the fact that diptheria was prevalent at Madison. We have heard of none in Platte county except two children of J. W. Temple, four miles north of Columbus, and theirs is not of viru lent form. Mr. Kearney, an attorney of Al bion, bad a preliminary hearing on a charge of complicity of some kind in the fire at Albion recently, and in default of bail for bis appearance before the next term of district court was sent to prison. Mr. Thudwatcr of West Vir ginia, an acquaintance of Col. Mo ran's, was in the city last week. We were informed that he was on the look-out for severaj tracts of land for a number of families, who desire to remove to Nebraska. R. S. Sutherlaud, recently of Schuyler, takes the place here of Mr. Chapin, day operator. Mr. Suther land must have some very worthy friends at Schuyler. On a return there recently they presented him with a handsome gold watch. R. II. Henry returned Sunday from a six weeks sojourn in the western part of the state. He re ports some large fields of corn in the Loup country as lookiug first-rate, better tbau on the line of the U. P. between this aud Grand Island. '4Fattv' Wood- weighs 190 pounds and strikes a ton," murmur ed a Boone county youth the first of the week, as he meandered up one of our streets. It is very "dan gerous to be safe" to be arouud "Fatty" when you are imbibing. Dr. Hoehen complains against the A. & N. for keepiug three car loads of stone on a street crossing Sunday last, compelling teams to go several blocks around. We are in formed that this is the first time the A. & N. track has been blocked. It is understood that Norfolk, Oakdale, Albion aud Genoa will make special efibrt to secure the Congregational Academy that is to be located somewhere in the North Platte country withiu the next year. Will Columbus have anything to say ? Mr Sweariitjfen of Clear Creek has picked eight quarts of goose berries from one of his bushes this seasou, aud three and a half bushels from all his bushes. If every family in Nebraska could have that many to put up for winter use, there would be less call for pills. Mr. Anderson, of the firm of Anderson & Roeu, returned Friday from a trip to Wisconsin. He says that corn in Nebraska is far ahead of that in Iowa, llliuois or Wiscon sin, in the latter state being now about as far advanced as Nebraska corn was four weeks ago. Mrs. Johnson Craig of Cadiz, O., accompanied by her son Thomp son Craig of Burt Co., came to the city on a visit Tuesday of last week. Thompson returned to his home Monday. Mrs. C. will continue her visit to her daughters in Nebraska, Mrs. G. W. Brown and Mrs. M. K. Turner. Of course it is little use to tell the public of central Nebraska that Messrs Becher & Price are the "boss" insurance agents, and are ready at all times to write policies to suit all sorts of customers, but it may be well enough to let people know that this firm have money to loan, more than ever, and cheaper than ever. Call and see them. A light shower Monday morn ing helped to put the atmosphere in good shape for harvest, moat of which will probably bo done in this county this week. Much of the oats is lodged, and more or less damage has been done to wheat by the chinch bugs. Every -now and then you will hear a farmer say, This is my last wheat year. The members constituting the Keystone Base Ball Club of this city have become quite proficient players and would be pleased to hear from clubs of other portions of of Nebraska. Any club visiting Columbus will be guaranteed a good game and an excellent time. The boys would be pleased to hear from Omaha, Fremont or Grand Island. Mr. Dunsford expects to have anywhere between a thousand and fifteen hundred bushels of onions to harvest this fall.- We believe that when our people come to thoroughly know the capacity of Nebraska soil for potatoes and onions, that they will be the best paying crop raised here. These vegetables are always a good price, and nearly always very productive. The Fair and Driving Park Association promises to be a success. It is proposed to form a joint-stock company, purchase a suitable tract of land, fence it, erect suitable build ings, and have here a place for exhi bitions that will be a credit to the city. It is thought that with such grounds, we can in a year or so secure the state fair. The last we heard, some $1,700 in stock had been subscribed. All along, a very considerable portion of the current family ex penses on the farms of Nebraska have been provided for by the sale of butter and eggs, but we venture to predict that these two items will figure more largely in future calcu lations. The business has assumed wonderful proportions for Colum bus. Messrs. Ransdall & Shotwell give, as their shipments for the two months, ending July 10th, 2S,9G0 doz. eggs, and 99,194 pounds of butter, aud of this latter, 71,000 pounds were shipped in June. The Nellie Boyd theatrical com bination commenced an engagement of three nights at the Opera House Monday evening, opening with the thrilling drama "Forget Me Not," which was well calculated to test the ability of the troupe. The play was a success, and it was plainly appar ent to the audience that theNellie Boyd Combination are well up in their profession. To-night is their last ; we do not know the title of the play that will be put on, but the reportoire of the troupe embraces nothing but first-class plays and there need be no fears but the audi ence will be well entertained. City AfTnlrs. Ed. Jourxal : There seems to be a desire on the part of some few of our citizens, that Columbus should fund its indebtedness by voting ten thonsand dollars in bonds. Wheth er such a movement is suggested by holders of city warrants is not known, as yet. Would it not be better for our city fathers to curtail expenses, as the city authorities did last year, and bring the credit of the city up in that manner, than to impose a bonded debt upon us? Have we not bonds enough already? Do not some of your readers recollect about the 145,000 funding bonds imposed mys teriously on Platte county a few years ago, and what a bonanza it was for the holders of county orders that had been bought up at a discount? Suppose that amount of bonds are voted, and matters go on thus, taxes will be levied as usual, the city fathers will create debts in expect ency that the taxes will bo collected, but if it- should happen that they were not to any greater extent than they had been in the past, we would be obliged to fund our debt again in three or four years. Ex-Mayor Becker's policy iu that behalf was the best one ever adopted by any city officials, viz: reduce munincipal expense, collect the taxes as far as they can be and the people will be better off every way; the value of city warrants will rise, consequently there will be less speculation there in, all being obliged to pay their taxes, the burden will not fall on a few, aud no fuuding bonds will then be needed. Nemo. John Knobel recently went to Chicago with a car load of hogs, and after disposing of them visited friends in Wisconsin. He reports the crop prospect as good, and farm ers in excellent spirits. In the re gion he visited the dairy occupies the largest share of attention. A great deal of cheese is made which now readily brings nine to thirteen cents a pound. Mr. Knobel says that farmers owning forty to iiftv cows have told him they raake twelve hundred to fifteen hundred dollars in a season selling the milk, and he thinks that farmers could not find a more profitable thing here than to club together and operate creameries. Our butter market (ow ing to the mining country west of us) is good, and constantly growing better, and Nebraska grasses are among the best tor butter an il cheese. We heartily coincide with Mr. Knobel. Let Nebraska lands be fenced at the earliest practicable moment, to the end that cattle, hor ses, sheep and hogs may gather their living during the summer months, at will, from Nebraska's main source of wealth, the grasses; let perennial tame grasses be substituted for the wild grass, to lengthen the grazing season at both ends ; let the great body of wh.it is raised on the farm in the shape of graiu be fed on the place, and then let each farmer set before himself the problem of pro ducing the most valuable commodi ty, in the least bulk, for the lowest outlay wool, mutton, beef, pork, butter, cheese, etc. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. To the Teachers or Platte Co. The Annual Normal Institute will begin Monday, August 22d, 18S1, and continue for a term of two weeks. All those who expect to teach in the county are requested to attend. During the last two days examinations will be held for both county and state certificates. Dur ing a portion of the term, Hon. W. W. W. Jones, State Sup't, will be present and take part in the exer cises. J. E. Moncrief, Co. Sup't. Letter L.lt. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the post-otiice, in Columbus, for the week ending July 10, iSfl: Mr R BannigartuerAug Krunger John Bower G Klumler Marion Ennis A W Lendsley Frauci Ford John H oye J L Gilbert John Naden LucindaHinemeyerFrank Root Mary Hartburn " Maria Shakery John Johnson I C Towns Ed Kelley Held for postage, Mrs. E. Camfield, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Those marked " V postal card. If not called for in 30 days will be sent to the deau-letteronice, Wasbingtont,D, C. When called for please say "adver tised," as these letters are kept separate Hi th K. A. UKRRARO if. M The church at Creston was filled to its utmost capacity on the 17th to listen to a sermon from Rev. Henry SQudder of Brooklyn, N. Y., who was en routs from California to New York, and made a passing visit at this place with his brother, Dr. John Scudder. The people of Creston are used to good preaching so were bet ter able to appreciate his scholarly sermon, one that will not soon be forgotten. - For Sale ! My house and lot in Colnmbns. House in good repair. Lot 132x132 feet. Good barn. All enclosed by good fence. Will sell it very low, and give easy terms. Apply to Becher & Price. A. W. Dolaxd. AtteHtioK Ce. I. Matters of importance, in regard to uniform, and Reunion at Lincoln will be discussed next Friday even ing, July 22d. All requested to at tend. By order of the Commander. . A Card. My sincerest thanks are tendered to friends and acquaintances for kind attentions to my beloved wife dur ing her last illness. F. A. Smith. DIED. POTTER July 13, 1SSI, of consump tion, Clinton Potter, aged 27 years. Tiie funeral was largely attended from the church at Creston. SMITH Thursday, July Htb, at noon, of consumption, Susan Mae, wife of Frank A. Smith. The deceased had been ill for the past eighteen month?, bearing her affliction wth christian fortitude. The funeral services, at her request, took place at her late dwelling. Elder II. J. Hudson officiated, Rev. Cate preaching the ser mon, the remain being followed to their resting place by a large concourse of sympathizing friends. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head live cents a Hue each insertion. Alchohol for sale at E. D. Shee han's. Go to Lauck's for pure teas and spices. Ladies' goat lace $1.50, at Hon ahan's. Good fresh lard at Weber & Knobel's. Slippers, 20 cts. a pair, at Gal ley Bros. Men's summer coats for 40 cts. at Kramer's. Fresh supply of canned goods at G. C. Lauck's. Plenty of California fruit at Hudson's. The best custom work at Hon ahan's. Y- Plenty of Buckeye machines at KEUiotl & Luers. One price, and that always the lowest, at Galley Bros. If yon want to buy a sewing machine call at the singer office. A full line of men's, ladies' and misses' shoes at Galley Bros. Ladies' sewed shoes $1.00, at Honahan's. Linen, lawn and gingham dress es at cost at Kramer's. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for sale at the Journal office. Buy your smoked meat at the Columbus meat market, of Weber & Knobel. 3 r Tim bonitia Plrw it thti natr impiement store of Elliott & Luers son Olive st. Delicious, foaming Soda Water at Hudson's. Harvesting machinery at Elliott & Luers binders, harvesters, table rakes, besides mowers. Men's Webster ties fl.CO, at Honahan's. J' Forks, nails, hand-rakes, etc., at Elliott & Luers'. A Hudson has just fitted up Ice Cream Parlor 2 doors west Hammond House. his of. for Y Spring wagons ami buggies (sale cheap at Elliott & Luers. cheap ! --To be economical you must r t trade at Kramer's NewYork Cheap Cash Store. Boots and shoes cheap for cash at the Boston Sboe Store opp. P. O. II )UI mill in tli i & Luers. If you want the very best wind the market, get it at Elliott Leave orders with Al. Rickly, and you will have your meat de livered any time from four u. m., to nine p. m. Try one of Ball's Health Pre serving Corsets, the best iu the market, for sale only, by Galley Bros. Why do you look so sour? been to G. C. Lauck's for some of that pnre cider vinegar it's good "you bet." Crockery, regardless of cost, for the next 30 days, iu order to close out the entire stock at J. B. Dels man & Go's. Delicious Ice Cream at Hud son's. Children's lace shoes Co cents, at Honahan's. Now is your time to buy sum mer goods at a bargain, at Kramer's. A few copies left of Josiah Allen's wife's new book, "My Way ward Pardner," for sale by Lubker & Kramer. lr Just received, a car-load of Challenge wind-mills, which we will sell cheap for cash or on timeL ituiott & ljuers. I nntrr Wiwror .- Pn coll thu lipsf cough medicine. They have confidence in It, and they are willing to refund the money if it does no good Cure for Consumption Ask for Piso's imption. Price, 25 cts. aud $1.00. The man who stole J. C. El return Iiott's harness had better thorn anil aavo trrmhlp The best bargains in boots and shoes in town at Boston Shoe Store. Derangement of the liver, with constipation, injure the complexion, induce pimples, sallow skin, etc Remove the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. For sale at A. Heintz's drug store. K 3HaBeota. Chief. Those having this machine and needing repairs should order them immediately of ELLIOTT S LUERS. Look Here. All kinds of attachments, and Needles etc., at the Singer Office, in A. J. Arnold's Jewelry Store. Ma chines sold for cash or on time. BaroR Oxford. Farmers are bringing, their good cows for improvement. A few good ones more will be admitted. Ser vice only 15. A. He.vricii. Brick! Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur nish brick, either at his kiln north west of the city ; delivered anywhere in the city, or built in the wall, at reasonable rates. rv'otice. I hereby warn the public not to give credit on my account to Bridget O'Brien, my wife, as I will not hereafter be responsible for any debts she may contract. David O'Bbiex. Hay Itnkcs. 'Just received, a large lot of hay- fakes, at Elliott & Luers. Uaby Carriage. Boy's wagons, Carts, Croquet, walking Canes, willow ware etc. at E. D. Fitzpatrick's Book Store opp. P.O. For Rent. Mr Hotel (the Hoppen House), with or without furniture, including vard and stable. Iuquire of Paul noppen. Back-ache is almost immediate lv relieved by wearintr one of Car ter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back-aehe Plasters. Try one and be fpom pain. Price 25 cents. For sale at A. Heintz's drug store. For Rent. The fine store room and basement in the new brick building two doors north of State Bank, and opposite Clother Houe. Also two rooms up stairs, suitable for office purposes. Apply to Becher & Price. Etray Notice. Taken up upon my premises two miles east of Columbus, last Wed nesday, one bay pony, with a white spot in the forehead, and one white foot. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. Martin Raoan. I.oxt. On the road between Platte Cen ter and Wattsville, on the lGth of June, excursion day, a brown water proof cape, trimmed with silk. The finder will confer a favor by leaving it at the store of T. C. Ryan, Platte Center. Peacock. This splendid specimen of the im ported Norman - Perchon stallion may be found at Guy C. Barnum's. $10 to insure; 13 for the season. John Haiiey has a two-year-old colt of Peacock's get, that now weighs 1100 pouuds. Get good colts cheap. Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers and others whoe occupation give but little exercise, should use Car ter's Little Liver Pills for torpid Liver and biliousness. One is a. dose. For sale at A. Heintz's drug store. A Card. Having entered into a co-partnership with Messrs. Gerhard Schutte and J. P. Becker, I am prepared to say to my old patrons and the public in general, that I am' again engaged in the Lumber trade, and while thankful for past patronage, I shall be happy to greet any who may be iu need of building material. Our vard is located near the B. & M. depot with office in tho Becker Block. J. N. Taylor. SPEC I AL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head live eeuts a line, tirt insertion, three centi a line eafh sub-emient insertion. l M. A. ,7 avr?-i a. ,,., - IV ines aud beer lor medicinal, me chanical or chemical purposes at E. l. Sbeehan's. For Sale. A good work mare and colt.cheap for caah, or on time with good security. S. J. Edwards Wanted. Twenty-five acres of land broke in Nance countv. Eiiiiiire of A. II. BuKDicK.CoIumbus.Neb. William K. linsipp- House, Carriage and Sign Painter, Calsominer and Taper Hanger. The best. Try me. Residence in South Co lu in tuis. Regular Stoclt Dealer. All kiuds of horned stock bought and sold: also fat and stock hogs. 3T!)-y D. Aspkksox. LaHtl Tor Sale. 100 acres, 3 miles west of Colum bus; ?" acres under cultivation, 40 acres hay land; $10 an acre, on ea-y terms. Inquire at Journal otlicc. Durham Bull. Persons who desire to improve their stock should see this nice animal and examine his good qualities before applying to others. j'km John Kkklkr. - Land for Male. Two hundred acres of choice land in Platte county price $0.00 per acre. Description: S. j, N". W. J. Sec. 1, T. IT, R. 3 west; S. . N. E. , and N. E. H, N. E. i. Sec, 3 T. IS, R. 8 west, for further particulars inquire of J. V. Early, Columbus, Neb. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of the markets art ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. RRAIN. AC. Wheat No. 1, test 30 lbs.... , "U .... 7S4JHO 00(870 30085 3.-340 0a70 ..$3 008 75 .. 150(8255 1 20 -. U&WA 10 751U0 " " 3, " 54 " .... Corn Shelled, old Oats, Rye Flour, Graham, Meal 1'KODUCK. Uutter, Eggs, Potatoes, MKATS. Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Corned Beef Steak LIVK STOCK. Fat Hogs, Fat Cattle, Yearlings, Calves " Sheep Good veal, per hundred, .., Hides, green 9012J4 S310 ... 8(2512 4 250140 . 2 753 00 .12 UO15 00 . 4 00(2600 3 504 00 4 OS 4g TTEXKY GASS, Manujacturer and dealer in Wooden ami 3Iet:ilic Burial Caskets All kinds and sizes ofKobeo, also has the sole ri.'ht to manufac ture aud sell the Smith's Hammock Reclining Chair. Cabinet Turning and Scroll work. Pic tures, Picture Frames and Mouldings, Looking-glass Plates, Walnut Lumber, etc., etc. COLUMBUS, NEB. TTTEBKR Ac KAOBEL, AT THK riitsmiMlEfi' On Eleventh Street, Where meats are almost given away for cash. Beef per lb., from Best steak, per lb., Mutton, per lb., froiu Sausase, per lb., from JscTpecial prices to hotel: 3 10 cts. 10 " 6 3 10 " 8 10 " 562-ly HALLAMY JEkxxy Style 3?wa3.p ia -fcb, 2a?2s'fc- Warerooms and Office on Thirteenth St. Xir. :f Uiiruii An. I AVI2LL 2STOT BE UNDEESOLD. Repairing Cheaply and Promptly Executed. JLTY STYLE VICTOR SCA.T1ES, AT:iGTITrsG PROM! 1-2 OUNCE XJX TO lO TOrs'S. Having had years of experience in the Wind 31 ill and Pump Business. lam prepared to furnish 31111s and Pumps. Ho repairing oh ihort notice, and will warrant any article sold or work doue by me, to give s.itisf.tctiuii or no pay. Wl-v J. M. MACFARLANP. B. K. COWDIRY, Attasi? xsl it:U.-7 Psili:. ::Urur. LAW AND COLLECTION' OFFICE OF JOHN M. MACF&RLAND, Columbus, : r Xebraska. FIitAL. PROOF. Land Oltiee at Grand Islaud. Neb , June 11th, issi. i "VfOTICE i- hereby given that the JJ folloxviutc-nanied settler has tiled uotiee of hi-t intention to make final proof in support of "his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the Court ot Platte oountv, Nebraska, at the County Seat, on July 2Nt, list, viz: Sy ver NiNon, Homestead No. 58SO, for the N. E. , Section 3. Towuship 20 north, Ilantre 4 west. He names ,he fol lowing witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon antl cultivation of said laud, viz: Ole N. Olseii. of FarreN. Platte Co.. Neb., Guilder .1. Hamre. Christian Snyder and John Jackson, of Newman's Grove. Madison Co Neb. 50-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. ri.-MAI. PROOF. Land Oilice at Grand Island, Neb.,) June llth, iNil. NOTICE is herebv given that the followiu!?uaiiied settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof iu support of hit claim, and tli.it said proof will be made before Clerk of Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county eat on July il-t, istii, viz: 31ilo W. Bunker, Homestead No. 6575, for the S. J, S. W. , Section 12, Towii hip IS north. Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: J. II. Watts, John Eyman, Thomas Green, Fred Zoll, all of Platte Center. Platte Co.. Neb. 550-5 31. B. HOXIE. ItegiUer. FIAI. PROOF. Land Odice at Grand Nland, Neb.J June 13th, LvJl. f NOTICE is hereby giveu that the followiiig.named -etller has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof iu support of bit claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county seat, ouJulyi'td. 1.S1, viz: John Warner, Homestead No. 0781, for the S. W. 4. Section 12. Township 10 north, Uane 1 we-t. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon anil cultivation of said land, viz: Itenjamiii Spielmaii Emil ,- j-.i i . i ..!... ...i.r..i .. i oil!, (.iiunes uraimi, .iuiiii oiiiniui, in of Coltimbu-i. Platte Co.. Neb. 530.5 31. B. HOXIE. Register. FI.AI PROOF. Land Odicu at Grand Island, Neb., June i::tb. KS1. T-OTICE is hereby given that the J following-named settler ha tileil notice of bis intention to make liual proot in support of his claim, and tb.il said proof will be made before John StaurtVr, Clerk of the Di-trict court of Platte Co.. Neb., at county seat, on July 28. 1S.S1. viz: Edward Rogan, Homesteads No. 7 and !702 for the E. M, . W. V,. and W. ,' S. E. . Section It. Township 1! north, Ran?e 8 Wf.it. He names the following witne-es to prove his contin uous re-idence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Patrick Ducey. James Dueey, .Martin Maher. of Luns.tv P. O., Neb., and Joseph Rivet, of PotMlIe, Platte Co., Neb. ,'kSiLl 31 . P.. HOX I E, Register. F1.V1I, PROOF. Land Office at Grand Inland, Neb.,) June 18, 13SI. f NOTICE is hereby given tint the following-named settler ha hied notice of bis intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and tint said proof will be maib- before Clerk of the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at county seat, on July 21st. 131, viz- Stephen Van Doren, Homestead No. <!, for the N. ?2. N. E. ,4, Section G, Township 1! north, Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous re-ideuce upon and cul tivation of said land, viz: Wilhelui Kleve, Frank Wassenberg, Joseph Wld halm, Iguatz Zacb, all of Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb. 5.SW 31. B. HOXIE, Register. Finnl Proof. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J June 13tb, tsal. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of Court of Platte county, Nebraska, at county seat, on July 21st, 111, viz: Wilhelm Kleve. Homestead No. 0259, for the S. 14, N. W. VK, Section 0, Town ship 19 north, Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: 3Iathias 3linten, Frank A'assenber. Joseph Widbalm, Ignatz Zach, all of Humphrey. Platte Co., Neb. 5a0-5 3I.B. HOXIE, Register. FI."AI. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1 June 13th, lSrtl. J NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that r-nid proof will be made before John Stautfer, Clerk of the District Court of Platte Co., Neb., at Columbus, on July 28d, ISMl, viz: Jermiah O'Brien. Homestead No. 61515, for the S. E. , Section C, Township 20 north, Range 3 west. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Thomas Farrell, of Co lumbus, Platte Co., Neb., Daniel Hol leran, John Sullivan and3Iartin Bohen, of Farrell, Platte Co., Neb. 5S0-5 31. B. HOX1 E, Register. FIAAI. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1 June 13th, 1&S1. f -TOTICE is hereby given that the JL fe-IIowing-named settler has tiled notice of bis intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof ,vill be made before Clerk of court or 1'latte county, eb., at county seat, on July 21st, ll, viz: 3Iatbias 3iinten. Homestead No. 6420, for the W. , S. W. 4, Section 32, Town ship 20 north, Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Wilhelm Kleve, Frank Wasenbrg, Joseph Widhalm, Ignatz Zacb, all of Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb. 5S0-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. FI.AL PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.J July llth, lsSl. VTOTICE is hereby given that the UN following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before John StautTer, Clerk of the District Court of Platte Co., Neb., at Columbus, on the ISth of August, 1-581, viz: Thomas Blandford, Pre-emption D.S.. oicw, mr iue .. r.. j, section 'il, ToWll- ship 1ft, Range 8 west. He names the following witnesses to prove bis contin uous residence upon, aud cultivation of said land, viz: George Lamb, Robert Lewis. Wilbert Fortune, John Gridey, all ef Postville, Platte Co.. Neb. 3W 31. B. HOXIE, Register. WIND MILLS W. H. LAWRENCE. NOTICE IN CONTEST. Land Office at Grand Island, NebJ Juue 21st, 1331. i C03IPLAINT having been entered at this office by Kaper Jenni against 3Iordeeai Lamb for aUtndoniuic his Homestead Entry No. 7100. dated Janu ary Hth, UsT, upon the south ,', north west Vi Section 21. l'ownship ltf north, Range I east, in Platte couuty, Nebr., with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the said parties are hereby summoned ta appear at this office on the toth day of August, 1$M, at IU o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning saidalldgedftiban donment. Depositions will be taken before II. J. Hudson, at bis office in Columbus, Nebreu the 27th ef July. 1SSI, 10 a. ui. 31. B. HOXIE, Register fol-5 . Wm. ANY AN, Receiver. LEGAL NOTICE. To William J. Braiisen, non-resident defendant: ''PAKE NOTICE that rharles P. L Dewey and Albert B. Dewey hive sued you in the District Court in and for Platte county. Nebraska, and that you are required to answer the petition tiled by said Charles p. Dewey and Al bert B. Dewey, ou or before the 2th day of Align-1, iJitfl. The prayer of said petition is for the foreclosure of a mortgage made by you to Charles P. Dewey and Albert B. Dewey, ou the 24lh day of April, Isrn), on the north h ilf of the uorthwest uuarter ot Section 26, in Township 1! north of Range 2 west of the sixth principal meridian in Platte county. Nebraska, which mort gae was given to secure the payment of live several promissory notes all dated April 2Ub, !. four of slid notes being for thirty dollars each, and are payable In one, two, three aud falir years after the dates thereof respective ly, the other or tilth note being for the sum of three hundred dollars aud is payable in live years after the date thereof, all bearing interest at the rate of ten per cent, from maturity till paid, which said promissory notes were made and delivered by vou to the said Charles P. Dewey aud Albert B. Dewev. CHAR LBS P. DliWEV. ALBERT B. DEWEV By VllM. A.Si'KiCK. their Att'y. 534-4 jJlCKHEADACHt POSITIVELY CURED BY S We Mean Cured, Not Merely Mkni And Can Prove What tr Claim. "rhfrf iusno fallarsK and nodi p. tolntmrtit. If you arc trooblVu wllte WICK HlUDtClir. joatan In? taliyan J qaleUly eawd. teanlrrl iiaTg bwt already. We tmll b plfaaed to mail m bwl or tMilmoalala to any lalftsyttrd- CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Also cura all lormaof BJIlooincas, praTentCoiuU. puloo and Dyspepgia. promote DfgMtlon. reltera dlitresj troo too hearty eatlmr. correct Disorder of theStomaeb.SUmoUtethe Lirer.anil Rira!at4 the Bowels. They do all this by taking Jait oae UtUeptnatadOHC Tbeysre purely Tegetlla.ilo not gripe or parze.&ndiro as nearly perfect It U possible for a pill to be. PrloeSeanta,S forlL Sold by drazzlsts everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. LAISTD, FARMS, AND CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE -AT TIIE- Union Pacfic Land Office, On Lony Time and low ru(e of Interest. AH wishing to bnv Rail Rmd Lands or Improved F.irui- will rlHd it te their ail vantage to eall at the tr. P. Land Office before look in elsewhere as I make i specialty of buying and selling lands on commission; all persons wish intr to sdl farms or HHimproved land will tiud it to their advantage to leave their lands with me for sale, as my fa cilities for .iflectiHjf sales are unsiir passpd. I am prepared to make final proof for all parties wishing to get a patent for their homesteads. jSTHenry Conies, Clerk, writes and speaks (iermaR. SAMUEL C. SMITH, Agt. U. P. Land Department, 5-y COLUil BUS, N EB. SCHMITZ BROS., COLUMBUS, NEBR, WILL SELL YOl" THE BF.s,r OF SLCH AS Tho Celebrated Woods Twine Blad ing Harvester, Chain Rake aad Sweep Rake Reaper, with sew Iron Mower; The Daisy Hay Rake, Adams Trench Harvester, Manny Reaper and Mower, STANDARD MOWER, ETC. CARTER'S 1 IvER m m MfT I ' U ' "n ' nMhpfjejbfcaM! n saWKagaKT:yM"TaM3 9 MIYBB MACHINERY REMEjIBER THAT WK WARRANT KVEltrnil.VG WE EI.L. ASD THE BEST OF RECORD FOL LOWS EVERY MACULXE. J3"CAJLL, JBEFOKC YOU BLV.