The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 13, 1881, Image 3

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Communications to Injure insertion
in tin' next issue, should he in hand on
Manila?; if lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding ihue-day." Advertisements,
of Mhatevt-r da., should bp in haud hy
s-noou. Tue!dayt.
AdverticcuicnH under thin head IS
cth. a line first hioertion, 10 cts. aline
tn'h subscuueut iusertiou.
L. D. Clark is improving.
This ie a good season for poor
laud in Nebraska.
If you want groceries at Omaha
prices call on Lamb.
Kev. J. P. Dyer of Silver Creek
was in the city yesterday.
A friend reports seeing a beau
tiful rainbow Sunday uight.
We saw no one who was satis
fied with the Fourth at Omaha.
Thomas Fly tin has just finished
burning a kiln of 100,000 brick.
Mr. aud Mrs. D. Anderson re
turned from tlu west yesterday. "
Judge Post passed through the
city Thursday, slopping a few hours.
If you want a choice article of
Michigau cider vinegar call on "Wm.
Follow the crowd to "Fitz'a"
Book and Faucy goods store, opp.,
Call at Weber & Iviiobel's, try
some' of their meat, and find out
their prices.
G. l Foster's family, who re
hide in I Hi mm-, near Chicago, are
visiting wilh him.
All orders promptly delivered
free of charge inside of city limits
by K. D. Sheehan.
F. M. Sackelt of Albion gave us
a newsy account the other day of
uflkirs in that burg.
Tropic Fruit Laxative, and Httti
yadi Yauos mineral water, at Dow
ty, Weaver & Co's.
Girl wanted. Good wageH will
be given. Enquiro at the residence
of Leauder (lerraid.
Miss Anuio . Fitzpatrick, of
Couucil Blutr, uiece of Ed. Fitz
patrick, is visiting in the city.
For your lard, hams, shoulders
aud bacon go to Weber & KnobePs
and get them at Oimiha prices.
The best liquors, wines aud beer
for medicinal, mechanical or chem
ical purposes at K. 1). Shechan'a.
John Iluber and wife started
yesterday for Rich Hill, Missouri,
where they will visit a week or two.
We have had several tremen
dous rains of late. Surely the insect
plagues should be quieted for a few
Charles 1). Tyler has been ap
pointed postmaster at Okay, a new
otliro recently established in this
The Norfolk .Journal says that
diptheria of the most malignant type
is prevalent among the children at
C. E Morse has purchased a hun-
.dred and sixty acre tract of land
adjoining his farm ou the south, of
A. Haight.
C. L Clother took a four days'
trip into southern Nebraska last
week. He thinks Hamilton county
is a good one.
The man that said the new U.
P. tank would be completed in two
days from the start has found him
self mistaken.
J. II. Galley, accompanied by
his wife, l(as gone to Crcightou,
where the branch store is located,
Tor a week's visit.
Wanted. A good girl experienc
ed in cooking and general house
work. Good wages. Enquire at
New York Store.
C. D. Tyler of Monroe, left on
the Friday morning train for New
York State. lie goes on business
and to visit friends.
Farmers, bring your poultry,
bufler and eggs to Lamb's near the
jo3l-ofiice, and get the highest mar
ket price in cash for them.
W.T. McKean has recently pur
chased C. L. Hill's residence. As
his family arrived recently, he will
now begin to enjoy life in the west
Adam Forcpaugh, with his
great show, accompanied by 20
trained Elephants, is ou the road
aud exhibited in Sioux City, July 11.
We are informed that Jo. Boro
viak, instead of beiug dangerously
hurt, is only slightly injured, his
skull not being fractured, as was at
firet reported.
We arc in receipt of a western
letter from D. Anderson, too late for
this week's issue, also a' communica
tion from our regular California
Jno. Godfrey says there are a
goodly number of farmers between
this and the Elkhorn who have not
yet had an opportunity to work their
com, even ouce.
Rev. Father Ryan will hereafter
be assisted in his ministerial duties
by Rev. Father Eugene Geary, a
graduate of the Seminary of our
Lady of Angels at Niagara.
D. C. Loveland and family have
returned from the west, after a
week's sojourn. Loveland dou't see
much fun sitting down between two
mountains, and looking at the sky.
One of the showmen went to
sleep Saturday night with his hand
grasping a rail on the A. & N. track.
The train moving before he was
awakened, and his hand was cut off.
We arc informed that Revs.
Sherman and Cate of tho Congrega
tional and Presbyterian churches,
respectively, have notified their con
gregations that they must leave them
Wm. Burgess, editor of the Ga
zelle, Btarted for Washington City
on Thursday. It is understood that
he goes to have his accounts adjust
ed as late U. S. agent-of the Pawnee
There was a report Monday
morning that a severe wind and hail
storm had lodged the small grain in
the uorthwestern part of this county,
but we could not learn anything
The Republican County Central
Committee had a meeting in this
city Saturday. They believe in tak
ing time by the fore-lock. The meet
ing was much more largely attended
than usual.
Thomas Wilson of Monroe pre
cinct brought in Saturday last
a nice, plump turnip weighing 3Z
lbs. It looked as if left to grow it
would have more than doubled its
present weight.
Joe. Boroviak, the Polandcrwho
was assaulted several days ago, was
reported as dying on Monday morn
ing. The report was false. One of
the officers told us that he was im
proving. We sincerely hope that
such is the case.
G. W. Bullen of Monroe pre
cinct has a splendid prospect for a
big crop of oats. A samplo was
loft in this office by a friend last
week, which shows strong stalks,
large heads and grains, and meas
ures f feet 3 inches.
Crestou had a fine celebration
on July 4th. It is estimated that
over 1200 persons partook of a
sumptuous basket dinner. Leigh,
Wilson, Humphroy and Columbus
were well reprosecuted, both at the
table and in the exorcises in the
Mr. J. Gardener represents the
crops of all kinds in tho vicinity of
Silver Creek as good. IIo thinks
his corn, planted ou n Saturday is a
head higher and belter than Guy
Barnutn's, planted ou the next Sun
day, May 15th, as Btated in the
A tax of nine-tenths of one per
cent, has been levied by ordinance
upon property in the city, for gen
eral revenue purposes for the year
1SS1, aud a tax of ono per cent, for
sinking fund to pay outstanding
bonds and interest thereon for tho
year 1SS1.
J. Gardner of Sliver Creek, re
ports the chinch bugs quite numer
ous upon wheat ou the high lands of
Merrick county, and that if they
coutinuo their work, they will des
troy the wheat in that vicinil on
the high lands. Corn looks well yet,
even on tho high lands.
John Quigley met with a painful
accident Saturday last. He stept
upon a common barrel hoop, was
tripped, thrown upon his shoulder,
and had the joint dislocated. John
says that he has fallen off of houses
before now, but tfever was so badly
hurt as now by a little bit of an in
significant hoop.
Columbus horsemen and others
seem determined to raise funds
enough to furnish a track for racing,
as well as to fence grounds, &c. As
we go to press Tuesday evening, it
is too early to learn what action will
be taken by the meeting that has
been called. If it is proposed, how
ever, to hold a fair here this fall, it
is timo the work of preparation was
II. T. Spocrry thinks our account
of bis lato skirmish with the County
Commissioners did him injustice.
He says that when the Commission
ers found he had employed no law
yer, but would plead his own case,
they were anxious to have it stop
ped, because he would toll them
some truths that no lawyer would
tell them. lie paid the costs rather
than lose the time necessary to attend
the suit.
Those who send postal cardB
should bear in mind that "no print
ing or writing will bo permitted
upon tho address side, except that
imprinted thereon at the manufac
tory, and such as may be necessary
for the proper direction of the same."
When it is remembered that such
cards aro unmailable and must be
returned to the sender, by the post
master, our readers will see the im
portance of knowing this provision.
Loveland tells a pretty good one
on Dave Anderson. With a friend,
he was making the rounds at George
town, Col. Going into a place of
resort he saw a ver' largo, fine-looking
dog. "That's a nice dog, Mr.
Reed, a thoronghbred," said Ander
son, and began whistling to him and
snapping his fingers for him. Behold
the dog was an image. And now
all tho railroad men whistle when
Dave is around, as though they were
calling an imaginary dog, whistle,
and snip their fingers.
From the Argus we gather the
follow facts in reference to the fire
on the night of July 4th. It was
first seen at 12 o'clock. Judge Nel
son's residence had an extremely
narrow escape, and the whole north
side is blackened and charred by the
flames. There was but a slight
breeze blowing, otherwise the great
er portion of the business houses in
Albion might to-day have been in
ashes. The losses were, on Nelson's
office $250; on his library, etc., $250;
on Applegarth's building $1500.
R. B. Sutton of Monroo precinct
brought into this office Saturday a
line specimen of new corn raised on
Cherry Creek, tho stalk measuring
9' feet high, bearing the growth of
three distiuct ears. This corn is
growing on fall-plowed ground, and
has only been cultivated two times.
Mr. Sutton has 25 acres of this stand
of corn. By marking a stake in
June and watching the growth be
found it grew six inches each day
and night for six days.
Tho Journal feels called upon
to say a few words in regard- to the
manner provided by the new school
law for raising an institute fund. If
those interested will refer to Sec. 5,
Subdivision X, of the school law,
they will there see that all who
apply for a teachpr's certificate, or
for the renewal or indorsement of a
certificate, must pay to the County
Sup't one dollar, which he is re
quired, at the end of each mouth, to
deposit in the county treasury, as au
institute fund.
We notice everywhere excursion
rates on railroads, aud special rates
given for couveuieuce of citizens
during the colebration of the Fourth.
ThiB was undoubtedly good policy
on the part of the railroads, and is,
of course duly appreciated by the
public, but corporations should
kuow that the American people arc
not easily gulled. They may not al
ways accomplish just what thoy
waut, at the very time they see their
need, but they cannot be hood
winked by amusement. It would
he better policy for corporations
(they would, make more money) if
they would put their tariffs down to
the very lowest busiuess notch. It
is strange that they do not see this,
wheu so many instances prove it.
At a recent meeting of the
School Board tho following teachers
were employed: for tho schools in
Dist. No. 13, Prof. II. L. McGinitio,
Misses M. E. McGath, Emma E.
Bauer and Bertha Wood ; for Dist.
No. 1, Prof. L. J. Cramor, Rosa
North, Rosa Rickly and Mrs. II. E.
Ballon. Wo are informed that tho
Board, in compliauco with law,
elected a superintendent of schools,
fixing the salary at $900 a year,
which would be $90 a month during
the ten school months of the year.
Mr. Cramer's wages will bo $70 a
mouth, and' the remainder of the
toachors $37.50. Some rules were
adopted touching the conduct of
pupils, authorizing their suspension
or expulsion upon gross miscon
duct; also prohibiting corporal pun
ishment or other severe punishment
on the part of teachers. Tho duties
of Superintendent have not yet been
defined, but we suppose will be at
the next meeting of tho Board.
Humanity is ever on the look
out for an opportunity to make a
dime without much extra exertion.
Tho last circus furnished at least one
sample of this game. There were
two plares where you could buy
tickets. One of them was the ticket
wagon, without auy great display
showing it to be such ; the other was
a cheap-John stand, displacing a
banner showing that tickets were
for sale to the circus; at this stand
the tickets wero sold for ten cents
apiece above the regular price, and,
wheu taken to task about it, the
operator claimed he waB doing noth
ing wrong hewasn't compelling
any ono to buy of him people
would rather pay him ten cents
more aud avoid the rush, &c. Sev
eral hard-working men with large
families, In this way paid a dollar or
so more than they need to have done.
Of course this is a pioce of swind
ling, with which the proprietors of
the show may or may not be con
nected, but in this case it looks as
though they received a portion of
the dividend, because if they had
disapproved the scheme, they cer
tainly would have taken some little
precaution, at leasd, to beat the game.
It is with shows as with all other
business, fair dealing is the best. It
becomes attendants upon shows aud
public gatherings to remember the
tricks they have seen exploded in
the newspapers, and not bo caught
losing your valuable money.
For several days past it had been
apparent that something unusual
was about to happen on Eleventh
street, and now tho event is announ
ced in the consolidation of the mem
bership and means of those two,
staunch, tried and solid establish
ments, the Messrs. Jaeggi & Schup
bach on the one hand, and Messrs.
Unlet & Price, on the other, with a
combined capital of thirty thousand
dollars. Tho new Company will
operate their business at Columbus,
Albion aud Humphrey, but will
also furnish lumber in car-load lots
on either tho U. P., tho O. N. & B.
II., or the A. & N., and at whole
sale prices. Having tho wherewithal
to purchase in large lots thoy are
determined that the public, whom
they nerve, shall share the benefit
with them.
As to the grain business, which is
likewise included iu the combina
tion, it is intended to add several
new features when the season fairly
opens, which will be alike profitable
to Beller and buyer. It is intended
that Columbus shall be fully up with
the timesin these matters.
These gentlemeu have been in
business a number of years, and are
known everywhere as solid, sub
stantial, thorough-going, business
men, worthy of all confidence, and
we are sure they wijl continue to'
have a very liberal share of the pub
tic patronage. i
Tho meeting of the Republican
Central Committee Saturday last
was held at tho Journal office as
per call of the chairman, G. G. Bow
man. There wero present, besides
the chairman from Columbus pre
cinct, J. R. Smith of Lost Creek, J.
J. Trueman of Monroe, J. B. Shilli
to of Stearns, H. Wilken of Bis
inark and D. L. Conard of Wood
ville. Against protest, M. K. Turner
was appointed committeeman at
large and secretary of the commit
tee. J. J. Trueman was selected as
temporary secretary.
The apportionment was then made
for the convention, whenever it
shall he held, on a basis of one dele
gate for every twenty votes cast for
Gov. Nance in 1880, and one vote
for every fractional part thereof, as
follows : Shell Creek, Pleasaut Val
ley, Burrows and Granville, 1 each ;
Bismark, Humphrey, Stearns, Look
iugglass, and Loup, 2 each ;
Butler, Sherman, Creston and Wood-
ville, 3 each; Monroe, Walker and
Lost Creek, 4 each, and Columbus,
The Chairman was directed to
appoint a committeeman for Loup
The chairman and secretary were
instructed to make the call for the
primaries and convention, at such
times as they may think most ad
visable. J. J. Truman,
Weather Report.
Review of tho weather at Genoa
for the month of Juno, 1881 :
Mean temperature of mo., de's.
Mean do of same mo. lat rear
. J-2
. V8
. 10
Highest do ou the 28th, deg's
Lowest do on the 2:!d ilea's
Ordinarily clear days
Very cloudy days
High wind days
Calm days
Raiu fell during portion of days
Inches of rainfall "...
do of same ino. last year ,
Thunder and lightning 5th, 7th,
9th, 10th, 19th, 20tb, 21th, 25lh, 20th,
Luuar corona on the 3d.
Prevailing winds N.E., S.E. and S.
Owiug to the frequency of cloudy
evenings the brilliant comet now
visible in the northern horizon was
not seen until the 20th inst., aud
appears to be rapidly receding from
tho sun. So thoso who have been
alarmed by tho terrible prediction
of the approach of this body may
calm their fears, for Divine Provi
dence orders all things right.
To the Teacher of 1'latte Co.
The Annual Normal Institute will
begin Monday, August 22d, 18S1,
and continue for a term"'of two
weeks. All those who expect to
teach in tho county aro requostcd to
attend. During the last two days
examinations will be held for both
county aud state certificates. Dur
ing a portiou of the term, Hon. W.
W. W. Jones, State Sup't, will bo
present and tuke part in the exer
cises. J. E. Moncrief,
Co. Sup't.
JLetter L.lMt.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-otlice, in
Columbus, for the week endiug July
i), 1881 :
Sain'l L Brass, Edwin Northrop,
Ilelnrii'h Bollter, Martha Needuam,
Chas Buchanan, Rev 11 Smith,
G W Hann, Theresia Schmidt,
G Klaus, Peter Theyls 2
Edward Norton, Pat II Keating,
J P Nordien.
Those marked " ,' postal card.
If not called for in JW) days will be sent
to the dead-letter oilice, Washingtout,D.
C. When .called for please say "adver
tised," as these letters are kept separate.
E. A. Gkrrakd P. M
On the evening
of the -1th of July,. 1881, by B. Millett,
tsq., Jir. a. Norton to .sirs, u. W
Clark, all of this city.
LEE Sunday morning at 2 o'clock, at
Silver Creek, the infant son of Mr. aud
Mrs. C. II. Lee.
JONES Thursday, July 7, 1SS1, at 11
a. in., in thifi city, James, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones, aged !
Advertisements under this head live
cents a line each insertion.
Alchohol for sale at E. D. Shee
han's. Go to Lauck's for pnre teas and
Ladies goat lace $1.50, at Hon
ahan's. Slippers, 20 cts. a pair, at Gal
ley Bros.
Men's summer coals for 40 cts.
at Kramer's.
Fresh supply of canned goods at
G. C. Lauck's.
Plenty of California 'fruit at
The best ctiBtora work at Hon
ahan's. Plenty of Buckeye machiues at
Fllirttt Xr. T.iippo
l flnfi nrii?i Atirl thnt nlmnvo tho
lowest, at Galley Bros.
If you want to buy a sewing
machine call at the singer office.
A full lino of men's, ladies' and
misses' shoes at Galley Bros.
Ladies' sewed shoes $1.00, at
Linen, lawn and gingham dress
es at cost at Kramer's.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-and-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
The Skaudia Plow at the, now
implement store of Elliott & Luers
on Olive st.
Delicious, foaming Soda Water
at Hudson's.
Harvesting machinery at Elliott
& Luers binders, harvesters, table
rases, besides mowers.
Men's Wobster ties $1.00, at
Forks, uailB, hand-rakes,
(Elliott & Lucrs'.
Hudsou has just fitted up his
Ice Cream Parlor 2 doors west qu
Hammond House.
Spring wagons and buggies for
sale cheap at Elliott & Luers.
Now is your time to buy sum
mer goods at a bargain, at Kramer's.
Boots and shoes cheap lor cash
at tho Boston Shoo Store opp. P. O.
To bo economical you must trade
at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
f If you want the very best wind
mill in the market, get it at Elliott
Leave orders with Al. Rickly,
aud you will have your meat de
livered any time from four a. in., to
nine p. m.
Try one of Ball's Health Pre
serving Corsets, the best in the
market, for sale only, by Galley
Why do you look so sour?
been to G. C. Lauck's for some of
that pure cider vinegar it's good
"yon bet."
Crockery, regardless of cost, for
the next 30 days, in order to close
out tho entire stock at J. B. Dels
man & Go's.
Ice Cream at Hud
at Honahan's.
lace shoos C5 ccuts,
A few copies left of Josiah
Allen's wife's new book, "My Way
ward Pardner," for sale by Lubker
& Kramer.
Just received, a car-load of
Challenge wind-mills, which we
will sell cheap for cash or on time.
RIMntt A"'. T.nnrs.
uowiy. weaver . to. sen tne nest
cough medicine. They have conlidcnce
in it, aud they are willing to return! the
money if it does no good. Ask for I'Nos
Cure for Consumption, l'riee, 'i"i et.i.
and f 1.00.
Y The man who stole J. C. El
liott's harness had hotter return
milium mm u:ivu iruuuiu.
mo nest bargains in boots ami
shoes in town at Boston Shoe Store.
Dyspepsia in its worst forms will
yield to the use of Carter's Little
Nerve Pills aided by Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Thoy uot only relieve
present distress but strengthen the
stomach aud digestive apparatus.
For salo at A. Heintz's drug store.
I want your butter, have got tho
goods as well as the cash.
J. IIf.mi'Lkvan.
I'eucil I'oumt.
A lady's gold pencil. Tho owner
can have tho same by paying for
this notice
llahy Carriage.
Boy's wagons, Carts, Croquet,
walking Canes, willow ware etc. at
E. D. Fitzpatrick's Book Store opp.
P. O.
liOok Here.
All kinds of attachments, and
Needles etc., at the Singer Office, in
A. J. Arnold's Jewelry Store. Ma
chines sold for cash or on time.
Ilni-on Oxford.
Farmers aro bringing their good
cows for improvement. A few good
ones more will be admitted. Ser
vice only 15. A. Hen'kicii.
ThomaB Flynu is prepared to fur
nish brick, either at his kiln north
west of the city ; delivered anywhere
in the city, or built iu the wall, al
reasonable rates.
Carter's Little- Liver Pills will
positively cure sick headache and
prevent its return. This is not talk,
but truth. One pill a dose. See ad
vertisement. For sale at A. Heintz's
drug store.
I hereby warn tho public not to
give credit on my account to Bridget
O'Brien, my wife, a I will not
hereafter bo responsible for any
debts she may contract.
David O'Buikn.
Tax Male IVotice.
I hereby notify the owner of Lot
8, Block 143, Columbus, Neb., that I
have bought tho same for taxes, and
if redemption is not made, I will
apply for tax deed.
Harry Coolidoe.
May .0th, 1881.
This splendid specimen of the im
ported Norman - Perchon stallion
may be found at Guy C. Barnum's.
$10 to insure; $8 for the scasouf
John nancy has a two-year-old colt
of Peacock's get, that now weighs
1100 pounds. Get good colts cheap.
Pain from indigestion, dyspep
sia, and too hearty eating is relieved
at ouce by taking one of Carter's
Little Liver Pills immediately after
dinner. Don't forget this. For sale
at A. Heintz's drug Btore,
A Card.
Having entered into a cb-partner-ship
with Messrs. Gerhard Schuttc
and J. P. Becker, I am prepared to
say to my old patrons and the public
in general, that I am again engaged
in tho Lumber trade, and while
thankful for past patronage, I shall
be happy to greet any who may be
iu need of building material. Our
yard is located near the B. & M.
depot with office in the Becker
J. N. Taylor.
Invitation to All.
Having refitted my samplo room
in the best stylo I take the liberty of
asking tho patronage of all my old
customers and as man' new ones
who may think it to their interest to
deal with mo and give me a liberal
share of their patrouage. My stock
of liquors consist of America's finest
productions, and also a fine assort
ment of imported goods, from which
I am now prepared to fill all orders
from my wholesale department
through post-office or otherwise.
Thanking you for past favors and
soliciting a continuance of the same,
I am yours truly,
E. D Siieehan.
Hay Kakew. .
Just received, u large lot of hay
. .. . ....Ml
rakes, at Elliott & Lucrs. h
V '
On tho road between Platte Cen
ter and WatNville, on the 10th of
June, excursion day, a brown water
proof cape, trimmed with silk. Tho
finder will confer a favor hy -leaving
it at tho store of T. C. Ryan, Platto
IVotice to Properly Owner in
the City ol'Coliimliux,
The City Council, at a meetiug
held Juno 11th, 1SSI, made the fol
lowing order: That the owners of
property lay sidewalks on the fol
lowing streets: on the north sido of
Walnut (16th) street, from Wyom
ing (Quincy) street to Nobr. Ave
nuu; also ou tho west sido of Olive
street, between 14th street and Syc
amore street, also on the cast side of
block Til in original town and block
5, Stevens Addition.
All sidewalks heroin ordered that
aro not laid within twenty (20) days
from publication of said notice will
be laid by thfc City Council and
assessed against tho lot or lots abut
ting thereto.
Columbus; Nob., June 28, '81.
U. J. Hudson.
City Clerk.
Advertisement under this head five
cents a line, lirjt insertion, three eents
a line each subsequent insertion.
For Sale.
A good work marc and
for eaMi, or on time with ood seetirity.
S. J. Edwards "
Twonty-fivo acres of land broke in
Xnnce enmity. Enquire of
A. II. HuuDicicColuinhus.N'el).
William IE. Knapp,
House, f'arriago and Sign Painter,
Calsominei- anil Paper Hinder. Tho
best. Tr me. Ke.Mdeinv in South Co
lumliui." KoU'ilar Stol Be:tler.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat anil -tockhojjs.
.".Tl-y 1). Axdkusox.
fl.and tor Sale.
1('0 acres miles west of Colum
bus; T" aeres under cultivation, -to acre
hav land; $10 an acre, on cany terms.
Inquire at Joukn'a. oilice.
Iin1iaiii i!iil!.
Persons who desire to improve
their stock oliould ce thi nice aiiiurii
and examine In ;ood qualities before
applying to others.
fso-i John Kkkmcr.
I.untl ir Sale.
Two hundred acre, of choice land in
I'lalte count v -price $!.oo per acre.
Description: S. Vi N. W. , See. 1, T.
17, It.:: west; S. K, X. K. , and N E.
4, X. E. H, See," ."., T. IS It. :: west,
b'or further particular- inquire of
.1. W. Eaki.y, Coliimbus, Xeb.
ICeiuoval ol Iru Store.
Old customers and friends, a? well
as new ones, are cordially invited to
our new quarter fioni the IJed Front
Drue Store, where 1 hae been -rratilied
with your kind and very irencroii support-
and patron.iiie for the past four
years, into the new brick block, only
8 doors south from the old stand. I
hope to still merit your patronage by
selling you ood goods for the least
money. Competition well looked after,
and met every time.
1'espectfully yours.
ci: u.n, ,tc.
Wheat So. 1, tcst.V) lbs
" " ' " .1;: "
II 41 (I - I ti
Corn Shelled, old
7S(jf SO
. .f :: 00(2:: 7.
1 20
.. 110I2J4
.. m'A
. -i 7.1(c: oo
.12 oowiri oo
. 4 ooa;oo
. . ooOMl Oil
1 OH
Butter,. ..
Corned Beef
ill aKi
Fat Hogs, ,
Fat Cattle,
(iood veal, per hundred, . .
Hides, green
ISI'It A: Iii03Ci:i.,
On Eleventh Stroot,
Where meats are almost Riven away
for cash.
Ileef per lb., from . . 'Atk1U cts.
IScst steak, pc. lb., 10 "
.Mutton, per lb., from C 3 10 "
Sausaire, per lb., from 8 (,y 10 "
"STSpecial prices to hotels. ."KSi-ly
Manujacturer and dealer in
Wooden and Meialic Ilnrial Caskftls
All kinds and size of ICole, also
has the sole ri;ht to manufac
ture aud sell the
Smith's Hammock Reclining Chair.
Cabinet Turning and Scroll work, Pic
tures, Picture "Frames and Mouldings,
Looking-glass Plates. Walnut Lumber,
etc, etc. COLiniMIS, NEIL
Little Nerve Pills,
Every nervous person should try Carter's Little
Nerve Pills, which are made specially for those
who suffer from Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
Nervous and Sick Headache, Weak Stomach,
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, &c. They may be used
alone or in combination with Carter's Little
Liver Pills, and in either case will give most
prompt and grateful relief. Dyspepsn makes
you Nervous, and Nervousness makes you Dys
peptic ;i either one renders you miserable, and
these httle pills cure both. - -
lPricc,"a5cents.""tSoldby Druggists or sent by
Mmm w
I 1
A,y Style 3Ettmp in. -bh. X-Carki.
Warerooms and Office on Thirteenth St.
Witt it Hit-lib An.
Repairing Cheaply and Promptly Executed.
Having had years or experience in the "Wind Mill and Pump Busine. I am
prepared to furnish Mills and Pumps. Do repairing on short notice, xnd will
warrant any article sold or work done by me, to give satisfaction or no pay.
Att:rsy iai IT-tiry PstH:.
II. K.
Columbus, . ; 'Nebraska.
I'lAii iieooi
Laud Oilice at fSrand Island. Neb ,
.June llth, 1SS1. t
NOTICE is herebv given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in Mipport of his claim, aud that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
the Court ot Platte countv, Nebraska,
at the County Seat, on July 21st, U81,
SvverNiNon, Homestead No. 30, for
the'N. K. ':T. Section , Township 20
north, Uamre I west. He names he fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Ole N Olsen, or Parrels,
Platte Co., Neb., tlunder .1. Ilamre,
Vliri-tlan Snyder ami .foliii .lackson, of
Newman's drove, MadUoii Co., Neb.
fiNi-T. M. It. HOX'IK, Uegisler.
I'IAI- 1'ltOOa.
Laud Oilice at Grand Island. Neb.,)
.lime llth. 1-vil.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler li:i" iiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Court oT Platte Co., Neb., at county e:it
on July 2lt, lsi, viz:
Milo W. l!imker, Homestead No. 0."".",
for the S. y., S. Y. Section 12, Town
ship ISnnrlli.Uanj'e .". we-d. He names
the following wliueh-i" to prove hi
continuous' residence upon uuil eultiva
tinu of said laud, viz: J. II. Watts, John
Eyinan, Thomas Creeii, Fred .oil, all of
Platte Ueuter. Platte Co., Neb.
nso-i M. II. HOXIE, Ue'-ister.
Land Oilice at ('rand Island. N'eb.,1
June l.Itli, PvS.
OTICE is herebv given that the
followiiiu-iiauied settler lias liled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof iu support of his claim, anil that
said prooTwill be made before Clerk of
Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county
seat, ou July 2::d. 1SSI, viz:
John Wagner, Homestead No. ('731, for
the S. W. Section 12, Township 1
north. K.uige 1 west. He uames.the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, viz: I'.eiijaiiiin Spicliiian.Emil
Pnhl, Charles llraudt. John Stubful, all
of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.
r.30.5 M. P.. HOXIE. Kegister.
rirvAi.. iieoof.
Land Oilice al ("rand Island, Neb.J
June l.'ith. 1S31. )
OTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settlor has hied
notice ot his intention to make linal
nrool in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before John
Stauller, Clerk or the District Court of
Platte Co., Neb., at county seat, on July
BS. 18SI,viz:
Edwaril Kogan, Homesteads Nos. 7SC
and 702for the E. J4, S. W. M, and W.
i, S. E. l. Section 10. Township 1!
ifnrtli, Kuige .. west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon mil cultivation of
said land, viz: Patrick Ducey. James
Ducey, .Martin Maher, or Lindsav P. O.,
Neb., and Joseph Kivet, or Postville,
Plat tp Co., Xeb.
.'.SO-. M . P.. HOX I E, Register.
I'lAI, l'KOOI'.
Land Oilice at Grand Island, Neb., I
June I.;, IH.M.
NOTICE is herebj
y given that the fol-
1 settler has liled
notice of his intention to make
proof iu support of his claim, aud that
s.iid proof will be mad. before lerk of
the Court of Plalle ( o., Nebraska, at
county seal, ou July 2Nt. lssi, viz
Stephen Van Do'ren, Homestead No.
Cll!, for the N. 2. N. E. ',, Section U,
Township l!i north, i'ange 1 west. He
names the following witnesses, to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said laud, viz: Wilhelm
Kleve, Frank Wassenberg, Joseph Wid
halm, Ignatz Zach, all or Humphrey,
Platte Co., Neb.
r-so--; M. V.. HOXIE, Register.
Final l'roor.
Land Oilice at Grand Island, Neb.,)
June i::th, ISSl. J
OTICE is herebv given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support oT his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Court or riatte county, Nebraska, at
county seat, ou July 21st, 1S31, viz:
Wiliielm Kleve. Homestead No.lJiV),
for the S. yz, N. W. , Section , Town
ship 1!) north, Range I west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resilience upon and cultiva
tion or said land, viz: Mathias .M in ten,
Frank Wassenberg, Joseph Wldhalm,
Igualz Zach, all or Humphrev. Platte
Co., Neb.
iV)--, M. P.. HOXIE, Register.
Land Oilice at Grand Island, Xeb.J
June I'Hh, 1-VSI.
hereby given that the
J following-named nuttier has
notice or his intention to make tiual
proof iu support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Jobu
Stauller, ( lerk or the District Court or
Platte Co., Neb., at Columbus, ou .1 til v
23d, 1KS, i.:
Jermiah O'P.rien, Homestead Xo.til'ft,
Tor the S. E. , Section , Township 20
north, Range ' west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation or
said land, viz: Thomas Farrell, or Co
lumbus, Platte Co., Neb., Daniel Hol
leran, John Sullivan and Martin ltoheu,
or Farrell, Platte t o.. Neb.
rWUi M. B. HOX I E, Register.
Land Oilice at ("rand Island, Neb.,)
jukc i;itri. imi.
OTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has liled
notice or Ins intention to make
proor in support or his claim, aud that
said proor will be made before Clerk oT
court or riatte comity, Neb., at count
seat, on Julr 21st, UfiJI, viz:
Mathias Minten. Homestead No. C42G,
for the W. yt, S. W. J, Secliou 32, Town
ship 2U north, Range 1 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or said laud, viz: Wilhelm Kleve,
Frank WasenWrg, Joseph Widhalin,
Jgnatz. Zach, all or Humphrey, Platte
Co., Neb.
0S0-T M. li. HOXI E, Register.
Land Oilice at Grand Island. Neb.,1
luiv I Illl. issi. t
JOTICE is hereby given that the
following-uameil settler has hied
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before John
Stauller, Clerk or the District Court or
Platte Co., Neb., at Columbus, on the
i-in oi august, i-if viz
Thdmas P.Iandford, Pre-emption D.S.,
'!ls, fr r the N. E. VJ, Section 21, Town
ship 10, Ranee '.'. west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon, and cultivation or
said land, viz: George Lamb, Robert
Lewis. Wilbeit Fortune, John tiriuey,
all of Po'tville, Platte Co., Neb.
WW 31. J. HOXI E, Register.
Union Pacfic Land Office,
On Long Time and low rate
of fn teres t.
All wishing to buy Rail Road Lands
or Improved Farms will tlnd it to their
advantage to call at the U. P. Land
Oilice before lookin ' elsewhere as I
make a specialty of buying and selling
lauds on commission; all persons wish
ing to sell firms or unimproved land
will liud it to their advantage to leavft
their lauds with me for sale, as my fa
cilities for atl'ectiug sales are unsur
passed. I am prepared to make linal
proor for all parties wishiug to get a
patent for their homesteads.
KSHIenry Cordes, Clerk, writes and
speaks German.
Agt. I". P. Land Department.
The Celebrated Woods Twiae Biad-
iug Harvester, Chain Rake aad
Swoop Rake Reaper, with asv
Iron Mower: The Daisy Hay
Rake, Adams & I'reaoh
Harvester, Hrbbv
Roaper aud
DOWTY, wm & CO.,
Columbus Drug Store,
S?::3::n Is A. W, D3LAHD.
The Leading Drug House
A full and complete line of
Drugs, r.Iieniicals,
Patent Medicines, &i,
Painters' Supplies,
Window Glass,
Wall Paper,
When you need anything in our line
we will mak'e it to your inter
est to call ou u.
ffSTviTr. A. A. Smith retains his
position as Prescription Clerk.which
is a positive guarantee against mis
takes, and ic i tli our facilities every
thing in the jrescription line is
Don't ibrsret the place, 3 doer
U4ktl W
a well selected stock.
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
CIooUn Ielirerel Free to
part of ike City.
Farm and Spring Wagons,
of which I keep a constant supply on
hand, hut Tew their equal. In style
and quality, secoud to noue.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A. d-X. Depot.